This document discusses tools for managing mega-projects. It describes mega-projects as complex to implement due to their large scale, long duration, technical demands, involvement of multiple organizations, and need to form virtual project teams. Two types of tools are identified for managing mega-projects: hardware tools like cost estimating and scheduling techniques; and software tools like cognitive maps used by project managers to understand the unique environment of mega-projects. Cognitive maps that are widely shared can serve as success factors for projects. The document examines best practices documented in project manuals and cognitive maps used by experienced project managers.
This document discusses tools for managing mega-projects. It describes mega-projects as complex to implement due to their large scale, long duration, technical demands, involvement of multiple organizations, and need to form virtual project teams. Two types of tools are identified for managing mega-projects: hardware tools like cost estimating and scheduling techniques; and software tools like cognitive maps used by project managers to understand the unique environment of mega-projects. Cognitive maps that are widely shared can serve as success factors for projects. The document examines best practices documented in project manuals and cognitive maps used by experienced project managers.
This document discusses tools for managing mega-projects. It describes mega-projects as complex to implement due to their large scale, long duration, technical demands, involvement of multiple organizations, and need to form virtual project teams. Two types of tools are identified for managing mega-projects: hardware tools like cost estimating and scheduling techniques; and software tools like cognitive maps used by project managers to understand the unique environment of mega-projects. Cognitive maps that are widely shared can serve as success factors for projects. The document examines best practices documented in project manuals and cognitive maps used by experienced project managers.
This document discusses tools for managing mega-projects. It describes mega-projects as complex to implement due to their large scale, long duration, technical demands, involvement of multiple organizations, and need to form virtual project teams. Two types of tools are identified for managing mega-projects: hardware tools like cost estimating and scheduling techniques; and software tools like cognitive maps used by project managers to understand the unique environment of mega-projects. Cognitive maps that are widely shared can serve as success factors for projects. The document examines best practices documented in project manuals and cognitive maps used by experienced project managers.
ABSTRACT Mega-projects are the wild beasts of construction: they are hard to tame. This raises the question of how the job can be done. To stay a bit further in the picture, to catch the beast (setting the project up) is just one part, the taming (implementation) proves to be the more complex end. Get- ting the job done focuses attention on the implementation phase. A bundle of tools are available that have been developed in the construction sector over time. Some of these can be considered as hardware, among this group are estimating and cost control as well as scheduling techniques. They belong to the core curricula in an engineering education. For mega-projects these tools have been refined and detailed. They are codified in project manuals. Another set of tools are mental models of the world of mega-projects and they form the software of the management process. These can be described as cognitive maps pertaining to the special environment pro- vided by mega-projects. The better adapted the cognitive maps are and the more widely they are shared by the project management, the more they serve as success factors. Cognitive maps are implicit knowledge. While they are designed by practitioners in response to the demands of their tasks, academicians can help to make them explicit by description and to compare them with pre- scriptive management models. A synthesis between descriptive and prescriptive elements allows to improve the functionality of the cognitive maps. KEYWORDS: Mega-project, complexity, success factors, cognitive maps.
INTRODUCTION Mega-projects have always captured the minds of human beings, let alone engineers. The pyramids of Egypt stand for a whole culture (godliness of the pharaoh). The same holds true for the Acropolis in Athens (unity between Athena as goddess and Athens as a community), the Co- liseum in Rome (bread and games), or the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco (freedom of the west). Not all mega-projects become symbols in such a way, but all are marvels of engineering and management ingenuity. Hassan et al. (1999) describe large-scale engineering projects (another term for mega-projects) by five characteristics: 1. High capital cost 2. Long project duration with urgency of execution 3. Technologically and logistically demanding 4. Multidisciplinary input from many organizations 5. Creation of a virtual enterprise for the execution Miller / Lessard (2000) have researched 60 mega-projects and the contracts in their sam- ple were on average worth 985 million US dollars while it took six and a half years to implement the projects (two and half years for planning and four years for construction). This is meant by high capital cost and long project duration. While these characteristics describe mega-
1 Professor, University of Applied Sciences Bremen, Bremen, Germany, [email protected] Proceedings - LEAD 2009 Conference projects in a way, they do not give a good idea or feeling about what a challenge mega-projects present. In the following chapter the construct of project complexity will be introduced to im- prove understanding. The five characteristics illustrate project implementation: The capital cost and urgency are incurred during execution, technology, logistics and the virtual enterprise play a role only in this phase and the multidisciplinary input develops its full potential. Getting the job done is programmatic for the focus of the paper. It evidently puts the emphasis on the implementation stage. While quite a lot of attention has been directed towards the strategic front end of projects (Flyvbjerg et al. 2003, Grn 2004), there is little to be found on the operative end. As long as we think of projects in a way where the important decisions are made during the conception stage, we will not be able to grasp the overwhelming complexity of the execution. The next chapter will briefly explain the research methodology used. The subsequent chapter (basic concepts for understanding mega-projects) will not only introduce the construct of complexity; it will also discuss the differentiation between strategic and operative project stages. At its end, tools for getting the job done are introduced, i.e. best practices and commonly shared cognitive maps. The following chapter (best practices) will elaborate some of the best practices used in mega-project execution. These can be found in the management manuals of implemented projects. The last chapter of the main body (success factors) discusses some of the cognitive maps used by project managers. Having the best possible understanding of mega-projects can be encoded and shared as cognitive maps and help coordinate the efforts of a multitude of manag- ers, thus acting as success factors.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Once the contract is signed for a mega-project, managers plan, organize, staff, direct and control them during the build up, main and dismantling phases. Then they move on to the next mega-project. It seems plausible that managers going through these repetitive cycles, perceive, interpret and evaluate their physical, social and institutional world by forming common cognitive maps through interaction. Knowledge thus is produced by this group and becomes intersubjec- tive. This is a constructivist view of epistemology (Luckmann and Berger 1966) This constructivist view matches well with the understanding that the set of mega-pro- jects forms a specific culture. Weber (1949), based on Kant, strongly advocates that social and cultural research cannot follow the approach of the natural sciences, where laws suffice to de- scribe a static environment following a directly observable causality. A better approach is to dis- cover phenomena as interpreted within the framework by the members of the focal cultural group. Given this background and considering the additional fact that no research has previously been carried out on the implementation phase of mega-projects, we used ethnographic interviews (Spradley 1979) to gather data and grounded theory (Strauss and Corbin 1998) to evaluate and to extract theory from the data (Eisenhardt 1989). We conducted 35 interviews in Thailand and Taiwan. An open questionnaire was used to receive comparable answers to some questions while still keeping the opportunities for the interviewees to develop their own ideas. All the intervie- wees had experience as managers in at least one, and in the majority of cases, in several mega- projects. They came from nine different national cultures and represented ten different parent companies. The interviews lasted on average a little more than one hour and they focused on cognitive maps. Proceedings - LEAD 2009 Conference A newly developed variant of ethnographic interviews as described by Spradley (1979) was used, so-called peer interviews. The core understanding of ethnographic interviews is the start with a blank sheet so that the researcher will not influence the interviewees with the con- cepts of his academic background. The researcher then builds theory only with the data gathered all the while learning about the field of research exclusively from the interviewees. This assumes that the academic background of the researcher is different from the field of research. What hap- pens when the researcher is from the same field? Interviewer and interviewee speak the same language, they use the same concepts. Accordingly, the research can start at a higher level. Cog- nitive maps are created and explained through communication among peers. If the researcher is a peer he becomes part in this process. The interviews have been transcribed and are available at the Collaboratory for Research on Global Projects ( The data were evaluated with the help of different coding techniques (open, axial, selective, and process coding; Strauss and Corbin 1998). The software program ATLAS.ti, version 5.0 was used for the handling of the data. It was stated previously that very little research has been done on the implementation of mega-projects. Thus it is not possible to draw on other works. However, a validation can be achieved by comparing scientific findings on different singular aspects. There exists for example a host of literature to cross-check findings on sense-making (Weick 1995) or communication (Dainty et al. 2006). Extensive use was made in the research by comparing the descriptive find- ings from the interviews with the prescriptive management literature. BASIC CONCEPTS FOR UNDERSTANDING MEGA-PROJECTS Introducing the construct of complexity allows to strengthen and to simplify the under- standing of mega-projects. Paradoxically, while being more abstract than the enumeration of cha- racteristics above it also helps to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Mega-projects are mostly implemented by international construction joint ventures (ICJ Vs) because the resources of one company are not sufficient (Badger and Mulligan 1995). While this is the norm, it is not a necessity. Accordingly and sticking with this general case, ICJ Vs will be the background that must be considered when discussing mega-projects. The en- suing problems of an alliance such as an ICJ V will gain their full importance during the opera- tive phase, increasing complexity. As a consequence, complexity is higher during this stage compared with the preceding stage of strategic planning. There is also a shift of focus between the two stages: While the product (i.e. the structure) is basically determined during the strategic phase before contract signature, the process is fully developed during the operative one. Tools for getting the job done form typically a part of the college curricula (project plan- ning, estimating, etc). However, the tools required for mega-projects are making use of cutting- edge technology. Cognitive maps are also developed during the education of engineers, yet their by far largest part is added in the professional world of project management.
Project Complexity Project complexity can be defined as a set of problems that consists of many parts with a multitude of possible interrelations and most of them being of high consequence in the decision making process that brings about the final result (fig.1). Often project complexity is interpreted as task complexity. High complexity is as such a high density of units, causal links, and consequences within a temporal and spatial frame. How- Proceedings - LEAD 2009 Conference ever, limiting attention to task complexity would be a disastrous oversimplification in the case of mega-projects. Here, we need also consider the social and cultural complexity of the virtual enterprise. Social complexity describes the number of members and the differen- tiation of their tasks, while cultural com- plexity encompasses the number of differ- ent historical experiences and sense- making processes that confront each other in a project.
Figure 1: Project complexity The Bang Na Expressway in Thailand can serve as an example to describe project com- plexity. This is the longest bridge in the world with 55 km (38 mi.). A considerable number of innovations on the global, sector, or company level characterize the task complexity. Three dif- ferent Thai ministries were involved as clients all following their own political agendas while three companies formed the ICJ V trying to enforce their own project goals, this being a part of the social complexity. 22 nationalities worked together on the project each comprising scores of individuals with different views of life, work and the project. Altogether, five hundred em- ployees and five thousand workers needed to coordinate their efforts (Brockmann and Rogenho- fer 2000). The construct of complexity is described with different words in megaprojects (chaos, disorder, headaches, problems) but there exists a rather clear understanding of what these terms entail (fig. 2). Especially decision making, coordination, communication, and learning are means to reduce complexity. Figure 2: Theoretical and practical levels of project complexity Perceived as: - Chaos - Disorder - Headache - Problems P e r c e p t i o n R e d u c t i o n Reduced by: - Decisions - Coordination - Communication - Learning Complexity: - Manifold, - interrelated, - consequential, decision field work Result: - Completed structure work time Task complextity of construction projects is reduced to zero M e a n i n g Practical level Theoretical level manifold interrelated consequential Decision field Proceedings - LEAD 2009 Conference Strategic and operative project stages We can discern three major project stages: conception, contract negotiation, and imple- mentation. The conception of a project is the job of the client. Evidently, this phase can include very different tasks. The political approval process in western countries is highly complicated and often takes more time than the following two stages. Ten to twenty years are the norm. In other parts of the world, this stage can be very short; a government decision is all that is needed, taking no more time than a year. As the duration of the political process varies, so does the tech- nical project preparation. In the design/bid/build case, the product design is completely specified (detailed design). For a design/build project, a conceptual design is sufficient. The task com- plexity of this stage varies with the circumstances and the chosen approach, it can range from very high to medium. This stage has attracted intense scrutiny (Miller and Lessard 2000). How- ever, social and cultural complexity are of little importance at this time, so overall complexity is medium. The contract negotiation phase is characterized by limited social, medium task, and high cultural complexity. There are but a few groups and people involved in the process. However, in general they come from vastly different cultural backgrounds. Task complexity stems from a concentration on contractual and design aspects. The latter ones are of limited scope in the typi- cal case of design/build. One important result of this stage is the agreement on a contract price. Overall complexity can be seen again as medium. The implementation stage has to deal in the case of design/build with a high design and a very high process complexity with the full impact of task, social, and cultural complexity. Strategic and operative planning are not synonymous with high or low complexity. They describe by definition the importance of decision making on the outcome. The client makes the strategic decisions in the conception stage of the project and so do the contractors during the ne- gotiation stage. As described, they are not overly concerned with process planning. A contractor needs of course an idea of the construction technology available to come up with a price, but the final and detailed decision is only made after contract signature. This means that strategic deci- sions about processes are made during the implementation stage. The general perception is that strategy sets close limits to operations. In reality, strategy and operation are often two worlds apart with a language barrier in between (Morgan et al. 2007). This is especially true for mega- projects. This discussion shows that the terms of strategic and operative planning are not very de- scriptive. A billion dollar project often catapults it among the ten biggest companies in most countries based on annual turnover. This implies that strategic decisions must be taken within the project, although it is from the point of view of the mother company (or companies) an operative unit. To summarize the above, a distinction between strategy and operation is not a helpful concept for mega-projects, one being based on comparative complexity implies on the other hand many consequences. Complexity for mega-projects is highest for project implementation.
Project management tools There are two types of tools for the implementation of mega-projects: engineering rules and programs as hardware and mental programs reflecting constructs as software. Engineering rules and programs for mega-projects are codified in project manuals and cover in general eight topics: organizational planning, work estimates, make-or-buy decisions, Proceedings - LEAD 2009 Conference site installation, resource planning, construction technology, scheduling and cost control, as well as logistics. Two examples scheduling of approval process and organization of external com- munications will be explained subsequently. Mental programs help us structure and understand our world. They provide the basic layer in a mega-project for coordination, decision making, communication, and learning. We can describe them as cognitive maps. The American Psychological Association (van den Bos 2007, p. 190) defines cognitive maps as a mental understanding of an environment, formed through trial and error as well as observation. The concept is based on the assumption that an individual seeks and collects contextual clues, such as environmental relationships, rather than acting as a passive receptor of information needed to achieve a goal. Human beings and other animals have well developed cognitive maps that contain spatial information enabling them to orient them- selves and find their way in the real world; symbolism and meaning are also contained in such maps. Cognitive maps contain information for decision making in dynamic environments and gain as such highest importance for mega-project management. Two examples for cognitive maps communication and sense-making will be used as illustration of the concept. A model of the tasks to be fulfilled for a mega-project represents already a cognitive map (fig. 3). There are complex tasks to be solved, management functions, basic functions, meta- functions to be performed, and cultural dimensions to be observed. The important point is to bal- ance attention between all these demands. Theoretical backgrounds for this model come from four disciplines: civil engineering, construction engineering management, business management, and sociology. The answer to the complexity of the task is a complex task model.
Figure 3: Management model for a mega-project Learning Coordination Communication Decision making Planning Organizing Staffing Directing Controlling O r g a n i z a t i o n a l
p l a n n i n g D e s i g n W o r k
p r e p a r a t i o n S i t e
i n s t a l l a t i o n C o n s t r u c t i o n Complex Tasks (Civil Engineering / CEM) M a n a g e m e n t
f u n c t i o n s
( M a n a g e m e n t ) M e t a - f u n c t io n s ( M a n a g e m e n t ) B a s i c
f u n c t i o n s
( S o c i o l o g y ) ICJVs in a complex environment Power distance Uncertainty avoidance Individualisms Long-term orientation Masculinity Cultural dimensions (Sociology) C o m m i t m e n t S e n s e m a k i n g T r u s t P r o j e c t
k n o w l e d g e Proceedings - LEAD 2009 Conference BEST PRACTICES Best practices have been developed through trial and error and by observation, just as it holds true for cognitive maps. They are open knowledge and codified in project manuals. They comprise structuralizations, rules, and programs. A type of best practice in form of a structurali- zation is depicted in fig. 4. An organization chart is not sufficient to determine the duties and rights of external communication since it only deals with internal communications in the most basic way. The organization of the external communications depends clearly on the specific mega-project in question. The complexity of mega- projects implies, that not all external communication can be dealt with by one person. Delegation of rights and du- ties becomes indispensable. In the example of an ICJ V, project management takes care of the contact with the partners, banks, and the client. Other departments have their own tasks.
Figure 4: Organization of com- munication
As always when delegating work, coordination of information, decisions, and actions be- comes the greatest problem. The arrows between the departments and project management ac- knowledge the problem. It must be dealt with by establishing another tool. An example of a program is a schedule for the approval process in a design/build con- tract. This schedule serves as a link between the construction and the design schedule. As design schedules are not common (not even for mega-projects) fig. 5 contains a best practice. There are three parties involved in the process: a consultant preparing a conceptual, preliminary and de- tailed design, an ICJ V checking for design economics and constructability, and a checking engi- neer approving the structural analysis. The important point is to fix approval times in the contract and to predetermine the average number of cycles in the approval process as not all drawings will be approved in the first time. The goal of the scheduling is clear: All construction drawings must be on site with enough time for work preparation. Project management manuals contain hundreds of tools similar to those explained. Quite a number of them could be standardized, others can be developed from standardized forms to adapt them to specific circumstances. Academic work could help to compare the different solu- tions used and to establish a set of standard procedures as best practices. Companies cannot do this because they are always confined to their own world. Learning takes place from project to project and not throughout the sector. Cross company learning can only be achieved with help from the outside.
Execution Administration Design E &M- Construction Project Management Finances Banks Contract Client Other authorities Joint Venture-System Partner J V-Board Consultants Experts E&M Consultants E&M Subcontractors Subcontractors Suppliers Equipment suppliers Accounting Administration Personnel Insurances Purchasing Subcontractors Proceedings - LEAD 2009 Conference
Figure 5: Approval schedule
SUCCESS FACTORS Success factors in management are often identified through an ANOVA-analysis, thus as- suming a direct interdependence between a multitude of variables and outcomes. This presup- poses that the world of management is based on laws just as the physical world. Since an article of March / Sutton (1997) on the subject, this view is no longer tenable. We propose here something different as success factors, i.e. the salient cognitive maps pertaining to mega-projects. These are not based on simple causal links, they are not fixed, and they do not represent perceived natural laws. Instead they are representations of how managers see their world. In a similar way as geographical maps, they serve a number of purposes (a ques- tion of scale and representation), they resemble the world trying to simplify as much as possible (a map with the scale of 1:1 is useless because it would be a replica of the real world), and they are changed by actions of man and the environment (as we build roads or dams or as nature Consultant: Prepare Conceptual Design ICJV: Approval Conceptual Design (7 d) Okay? yes no Consultant: Prepare Preliminary Design ICJV: Approval Preliminary Design (7 d) Okay? yes no Checking Engineer: Approval Preliminary Design (28 d) Okay? yes no Checking Engineer: Approval Preliminary Design (28 d) Okay? yes Consultant: Prepare Detailed Design ICJV: Approval Detailed Design (7 d) Okay? yes no Checking Engineer: Approval Detailed Design (28 d) Okay? yes no Consultant: Prepare construction drawings Proceedings - LEAD 2009 Conference forms a river delta). All maps need updating. Instead of the generality of natural laws, cognitive maps are constricted by time and space. Success through cognitive maps comes about by aligning these through trial and error as well as observation. A team with shared cognitive maps can sharply reduce coordination efforts, the major task of complex projects. As academics, we can identify cognitive maps used in mega- projects and we can exemplify and discuss them, thus helping to proliferate them. Cognitive maps are used to make sense of our world and to make it manageable. There- fore, the first example of a cognitive map chosen represents the sense-making process in mega- projects (fig. 6). An un- mistakable sign of an ongoing and virulent sense-making process in mega-projects is the cre- ation and the spreading of rumors. These are nothing else than trial and error hypotheses. As most fail, some will be confirmed and thus create an understanding where previously no in- formation for sense- making was available.
Figure 6: Cognitive map of sense-making in mega-pro- jects
The sense-making process in mega-projects takes accepted goals as a reference point, most often the pursuit of a profit. A number of factors act as noise when trying to understand the environment and all of these are very important at the start of a mega-project: missing structures, insecurity about direction, and ambiguity of information. The process of sense-making can be supported by management when using a score of communicative platforms. Among them are personal communication, formal or informal meetings, events, festive celebrations, and an intra- net. However, management must exploit the opportunities to the fullest extend possible. The effect of a positive sense-making process is a reduction of complexity by the devel- opment of additional common goals (beyond those taken as starting point) and the building up of a more binding identity. These two outcomes help shape a better performing team. The process can be seen as an equivalent to the one that shapes a company culture for long-term entities. As organizations implementing mega-projects have a comparatively short life, a project culture can never be achieved. Yet, learning processes from project to project take place, and experienced and reflective managers start at more elevated points of departure with every new project. The basic building blocks for cognitive maps as used by managers are often rather simple compared with the discussion in the academic world. Assuming that managers are intellectually Sense-making No structure (noise) Insecurity (noise) Personal communication Reduced complexity Development of common goals Identity building Team building Formal meetings Celebrations Informal meetings Events Ambiguity (noise) Accepted goals Intranet Proceedings - LEAD 2009 Conference capable, we must conclude that too sophisticated constructs do not help to solve problems in the world of professionals. The simple building block used for communication is the well known sender/receiver model (fig. 7; Schermerhorn et al. 2000). However, culture as a form of noise takes on special importance for megaprojects. Any communication can only be as good as it deals with the different noises and the use of feedback. With a lot of noise and no feedback, there will often be a gap between intended and understood meaning, also with a severe impact on sense-making. Starting point is the perceived complexity of mega-projects. This requires simultaneous in- put from different people (delegation) without enough time for full inte- gration of the different outcomes. In such a set- ting, communication con- tributes to the coordina- tion process. It is the most important means to over- come cultural barriers. In addition, it builds trusts and motivates people in a team. Of course, it also provides necessary infor- mation. Directly or indi- rectly it helps to coordi- nate and thus to increase efficiency.
Figure 7: Cognitive map of communication in mega- projects
CONCLUSION The implementation of mega-projects can be characterized by their very high task, social, and cultural complexity. Managers need advanced tools and a clear understanding of the prob- lems faced to succeed during execution. Tools such as scheduling or management information systems are readily available. However, they are useless or even detrimental without contextual understanding. This is stored in the minds of managers as cognitive maps and the correctness of these maps assures success more than anything else. Grasping this point, an answer is possible to the question of a company executive who wanted to know why projects with a management in- Communication (preferred verbally) Sender Intended meaning Encoding of message Receiver Understood meaning Decoding of message Channel Feedback Noise 1 (very important): culture Noise 2 (characteristics, semantics, status, no feedback) Complex tasks Delegation of responsibility Removal of cultural barriers Trust Motivation Coordination Efficiency Proceedings - LEAD 2009 Conference formation system performed poorer on average than those without one. When relying exclusively on such a system, all the described effects other than information sharing will be lacking. Employees will not comprehend the project, they will not be motivated, teams will not be build, cultural barriers will remain, identities will not be sharpened, trust will be limited, and coordina- tion will be missing. The cognitive maps as represented through the figures in the text are formed against the backdrop of megaprojects. Culture, understood as everyday practice, is always an answer to a specific environment. As such, the cognitive maps form the nucleus of a megaproject culture. They are the most appropriate answer to the problems at hand (as the outcome of a trial and error process and they supersede behavior based on national culture, however, only in the specific con- text of work: the presented cognitive maps are shared among managers from different national backgrounds. A more comprehensive description of the best practices and success factors of mega- projects can be found in Brockmann (2007).
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