Case For Momentum Investing by AQR (Summer 09)
Case For Momentum Investing by AQR (Summer 09)
Case For Momentum Investing by AQR (Summer 09)
Ronen Israel
AQR Capital Management, LLC
Implications. Virtually all investors can expect higher risk-adjusted returns by adding
momentum to their portfolios. Growth investors will see that momentum delivers much
better performance. Value investors will find momentum to be an effective complement.
Value-growth investors will want to consider momentum as an alternative to their growth
This paper introduces a family of investable momentum indices, and in so doing, opens
this powerful strategy to a broad range of investors.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We would like to thank our AQR colleagues whose extensive contributions, insights and research made this
paper possible: Michele Aghassi, Gregor Andrade, Cliff Asness, Brian Crowell, Andrea Frazzini, Jacques Friedman, Marco Hanig,
Sarah Jiang, David Kabiller, Lars Nielsen, Lasse Pedersen, Prasad Ramanan, Sharon Song, London Thomson-Thurm, and Dana Wolf.
Momentum is the tendency of investments, in every EXHIBIT 1 shows the performance of individual U.S.
market and asset class, to exhibit persistence in their stocks broken into quintiles. Over the next year, the
relative performance for some period of time. stocks with the best momentum (P5) outperform the
ones with the worst momentum (P1), both in absolute
When applied to stock picking, momentum (like value terms and relative to the equity market as a whole.
or growth) is about relative performance among stocks,
and not about overall trends in the market. It works The original momentum studies focused on the period
whether a market is in an upswing or downswing. from 1963-1990 in U.S. equities. Subsequent studies have
Momentum can be used to identify securities likely to found momentum in earlier periods 2 (as far back as the
outperform, making it a powerful investment tool. It is Victorian age!) and in the out-of-sample period after the
also negatively correlated to value investing, making it original research was published. 3 Evidence supports
an effective diversification component. Regardless of momentum in markets outside the U.S. 4 and for assets
investment philosophy, virtually all investors can expect other than individual stocks, such as industries, bonds,
improved risk-adjusted returns by including momentum. commodities, currencies, and global stock market indices. 5
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
20% of stocks with 20% of stocks with
Worst Momentum Best Momentum
Source: AQR Capital Management. Data is based on monthly returns from overlapping portfolios. Momentum is calculated as the past 12-month return excluding the
most recent month. *Return in excess of the beta-adjusted CRSP Value Weighted Index.
Source: Asness, Moskowitz, and Pedersen (2009). The above uses a long-short portfolio to isolate the returns to momentum strategies from their respective directional
market returns. Hypothetical long-short back-test where each momentum portfolio is scaled to an estimated 15% annualized volatility based on either AQR or BARRA risk
models; gross of transaction and financing costs. (Based on our research, adding transaction and financing costs would not have a significant effect on the results shown.)
6 The past performance of different investments is not a secret. If markets are efficient, this information should be fully incorporated into market prices, and no one should be able to profit
by investing in stocks or other investments that have done well recently. The existence of momentum implies that stocks do not (as widely believed) move in a "random walk."
7 Many of these explanations are based on the Nobel-prize winning work of Daniel Kahneman and the late Amos Tversky. See, for example, Kahneman and Tversky (1979).
Research in behavioral finance shows a strong tendency for retail investors and even mutual fund managers to exhibit the disposition effect. See Odean (1998) and Grinblatt and Han
(2005) for retail investors and Frazzini (2006) for managers.
9 Although these corrections can lead to short-term losses for momentum, our research suggests that equity momentum strategies do not have larger or more frequent drawdowns than
For an idea with so much support from academic research AQR Momentum Indices: Methodology
and historical evidence, momentum has made surprisingly
modest inroads into investors' portfolios. Contrast this AQR has developed an index methodology that captures
with value and size (large cap vs. small cap). There are momentum in an intuitive and transparent way, making it
hundreds of investment funds focused on each of these accessible to all investors. For the U.S. market, we have
styles, but hardly any based purely on momentum. created two momentum indices: 13
One contributing factor is the lack of a momentum index. • The AQR Momentum Index
Academic research on value and size spawned a number ( Large Cap and Mid Cap U.S. Equities )
of value and market capitalization indices, such as the
S&P and Frank Russell indices. But there are no • The AQR Small Cap Momentum Index
comparable equity momentum indices. At the time of ( Small Cap U.S. Equities )
Fama and French’s original work on value and size,
momentum research was in its infancy. 11 Today, over a Determining the Universes. The AQR indices are built
decade later, momentum is part of virtually every academic from two distinct universes. For the large and mid cap
model and empirical study related to asset pricing. 12 U.S. index, we examine the 1,000 largest stocks by
market capitalization. For the small cap U.S. index, we
We feel momentum is at a point in its history not unlike look at the next 2,000 largest stocks. The universes are
value and growth two decades ago: backed by overwhelming screened using certain liquidity and other criteria.
evidence, but with no real benchmark or index to follow.
Now is the time to provide such an index, to give
widespread access to this important investment style.
Stocks that have performed relatively well over a 5-year period tend to have poor value and therefore perform relative poorly going forward, as shown by DeBondt and Thaler (1985) and
Fama and French (1996).
11 In their subsequent study on value and size, Fama and French acknowledged that the “main embarrassment of the three-factor model [is] its failure to capture the continuation of short-
term returns of Jegadeesh and Titman (1993) and Asness (1994) [later to be known as the momentum effect]” (Fama and French, 1996).
12 This includes the recent study of Fama and French (2008), who start by noting that "the anomalous returns associated with... momentum are pervasive."
13 There is also an AQR International Momentum Index (Non-U.S. Equities). This paper focuses on the U.S. indices for ease of exposition, but the international evidence is similar.
Identifying Momentum. We determine momentum by AQR Momentum Indices: Performance
looking at the total return of every stock in each universe
over the past year. 14 As previously discussed, momentum EXHIBITS 3 and 4 show the performance of the AQR
is based on relative rather than absolute performance. In Momentum Index and the AQR Small Cap Momentum
a sharply falling market, virtually all stocks may have lost Index relative to a variety of other indices for comparison
money in the last year; in this instance, the stocks with purposes. A few key results stand out:
the strongest momentum will be those that fell the least.
Performance. The AQR Momentum Indices each out-
Setting the Constituents. Once we have ranked the stocks, perform a comparable core index over the period studied.
we construct the index from the one-third with the They also outperform other investment styles such as
strongest momentum. Within each index, we weight the value and growth.
stocks according to their market capitalization.
Volatility. The AQR Momentum Indices are somewhat
Rebalancing. Because momentum is based on recent per- more volatile than the comparable core and value indices,
formance, we need to adjust our indices fairly frequently but are similar to growth indices.
(compared to a value index, for example). Rebalancing on
a quarterly basis maintains the momentum characteristic Sharpe Ratio. The Sharpe ratios of the AQR Momentum
but does not erode returns through excessive trading. Indices are higher than their comparable core and
growth indices, and similar to those of value indices. Relative
to a comparable core equity index, the information ratios
Source: AQR Capital Management. Given that the core research on momentum was published in the early 1990s, a large portion of the results shown here are out-of-sample.
AQR Momentum Indices are historical indices and not the returns to actual portfolios.
14 Note, in calculating the return, we exclude the most recent month to avoid situations in which a stock that has moved sharply in the very short term may be due for a correction. There is
evidence across a range of asset classes that sharp, short-term changes in price may be caused by liquidity effects and tend to reverse themselves. Jegadeesh (1990), Lo and MacKinlay
(1990), and Lehmann (1990) find strong short-term (one-day to one-month) reversals among stocks. Most academic studies of momentum also exclude the most recent month (see Asness
(1994) and Fama and French (1996) for early examples). Excluding the most recent month also lowers the turnover of the index. 5
of the AQR Momentum Indices are higher than those of important, and we have included an estimate of these
growth and value indices. costs for the AQR Momentum Indices. The costs are not
insignificant (0.7% annually for large cap and 1.5% for
Correlation. The excess returns of the AQR Momentum small cap), but they are not high enough to materially
Indices (over a core equity index) are positively correlated change the attractiveness of momentum, both in absolute
to the excess returns of a comparable growth index, and terms and relative to value and growth.
negatively correlated to the excess returns of a comparable
value index (see EXHIBIT 4). As we will show in the next Backtests do have inherent limitations. However, based
section, these correlations make momentum a better alter- on the historical evidence from academia, the wealth of
native to growth and an attractive complement to value. out-of-sample evidence from other time periods and asset
classes, along with AQR's experience with momentum-
Transaction Costs. In EXHIBIT 3, neither the AQR based strategies for over a decade, we are confident that
Momentum Indices nor the comparison indices reflect our indices capture the characteristics of momentum
any transaction costs. However, transaction costs are investing.
Annual Excess Returns of AQR Momentum Index and Russell 1000 Growth Index
Correlation: 0.4
AQR Momentum Index
Russell 1000 Growth Index
Annual Excess Returns of AQR Momentum Index and Russell 1000 Value Index
Correlation: -0.5
Source: AQR Capital Management. January 1980 to December 2008. Returns are excess to Russell 1000 Index. AQR Momentum Index is a historical index and does not
represent the returns to actual portfolios.
PART III – INVESTING IN MOMENTUM fact is that growth equity has underperformed core equity
investing. 15 This is not to say that some active growth
Many investors already think about style exposures as managers may not be able to outperform the overall market
part of the asset allocation process (i.e., large cap vs. benchmark, but the historical performance of growth
small cap, value vs. growth). Momentum is a powerful indices suggests that they do start with a handicap.
style that can improve any asset allocation strategy. It
offers better returns than growth and is a better complement The evidence shows that growth style investors would do
to value. For a typical investor, shifting assets from better to shift some or all of their exposure to momentum
growth equity to momentum equity results in a more strategies. Since 1980, the AQR Momentum Index has
efficient portfolio with a higher expected return. outperformed the Russell 1000 Growth Index by an average
of 3% per year. Over this period growth and momentum are
Momentum vs. Growth also strongly positively correlated (shown in EXHIBITS 3
and 4), implying that momentum may be an appealing sub-
Growth equity is a large part of many portfolios. Growth stitute for growth. EXHIBIT 5 shows the impact of moving
investors typically seek to reap gains from owning shares from a growth-focused portfolio to one built around
of successful companies that are expanding their momentum. The momentum portfolio has better performance,
businesses and profits. However, at the index level, the both in absolute terms and relative to a core index.
5% 10%
Russell 1000 Growth
Russell 2000 Growth
45% 45%
AQR Momentum
90% 90%
AQR Small Cap Momentum
Source: AQR Capital Management. January 1980 to April 2009. We assume a 90/10 split between large cap and small cap. The returns shown are gross of transaction
costs. Based on our research, adding transaction costs for the various strategies would not have a significant effect on the improvements shown.
15 The historical underperformance of growth investing is documented extensively by Fama and French (1992) and Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny (1994). In our analysis, we use the
Frank Russell U.S. style indices to illustrate the performance of growth (and value). 7
Momentum vs. Value Like value, momentum has historically outperformed core
equity benchmarks. Moreover, value and momentum are
While value stocks have historically outperformed growth negatively correlated 17 (shown in EXHIBITS 3 and 4),
stocks, focusing exclusively on value also has its drawbacks. which offers a big advantage. Investors in value may see
A value-focused strategy has substantial tracking error losing streaks, as may investors in momentum. But
relative to core equity benchmarks. Value periodically investors who combine value and momentum are better
falls out of favor and the returns suffer dramatic reversals, 16 protected, since the strategies rarely move together. This
costing investors in the short term and often leading them is the true power of diversification.
to give up on value strategies at exactly the wrong time.
Value investors who make poor timing decisions may end EXHIBIT 6 compares the historical performance of a
up faring worse than investors who hold core index value-focused portfolio to two different value-plus-
portfolios. momentum portfolios. Adding momentum to a value
portfolio leads to higher returns with less tracking error
relative to a core equity portfolio.
Russell 1000 Value 22.5%
Russell 2000 Value
45% 45%
AQR Momentum 7.5%
AQR Small Cap Momentum 90%
Source: AQR Capital Management. January 1980 to April 2009. We assume a 90/10 split between large cap and small cap. The returns shown are gross of transaction
costs. Based on our research, adding transaction costs for the various strategies would not have a significant effect on the improvements shown.
16 For example, for the two years ending in March 2000, the Russell 1000 Value Index underperformed the core Russell 1000 by 30%.
17 The negative correlation between value and momentum has an intuitive explanation. Stocks with good momentum tend to have risen in price and offer less value, while stocks with good
8 value have often fallen in price and have poor momentum.
Exhibit 7: Adding Momentum to a Value & Growth Portfolio
Source: AQR Capital Management. January 1980 to April 2009. We assume a 90/10 split between large cap and small cap. The returns shown are gross of transaction
costs. Based on our research, adding transaction costs for the various strategies would not have a significant effect on the improvements shown.
Portfolios rarely consist exclusively of value stocks or Momentum is a powerful investment style, nearly
growth stocks. Most investors allocate to both styles, and unmatched in its predictive strength and robustness.
often include active management. Value is a natural Today, momentum is at a point similar to that of value
allocation because of its attractive return characteristics. two decades ago: fully adopted by the academic community,
Growth, on the other hand, has historically underper- long used by leading institutional investors, but without
formed a core equity index. We believe that value-growth an investable index and therefore largely unavailable to
index investors should consider substituting momentum the broader investment community.
for some – arguably all – of their growth index exposure.
An assessment of this substitution is shown in EXHIBIT 7. The introduction of the AQR Momentum Indices represents
The improvement in both the Sharpe ratio and information a pivotal development in momentum’s emergence as a
ratio is substantial when substituting momentum for widely accepted investment strategy. Momentum will
growth in the portfolio. enable all investors to enhance their portfolio diversification
and increase their expected risk-adjusted returns.
Other investors focus on core equity, often employing a
passive approach through the S&P 500, Russell 1000, or
MSCI World indices. Because combining a value index
and a growth index by definition results in a core index For more information on the AQR Momentum Indices,
portfolio, EXHIBIT 7 also illustrates the advantage of shifting please visit
from a core index portfolio to a value-plus-momentum
indexed portfolio. The debate about the virtues of indexing AQR Index (Ticker Symbol)
versus active management goes beyond the scope of this AQR Momentum Index (AQRMOMLC)
paper, but readers should note that momentum indices can AQR Small Cap Momentum Index (AQRMOMSC)
be viewed as a low-cost “active” strategy relative to a AQR International Momentum Index (AQRMOMIL)
growth index.
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Copyright © AQR Capital Management, LLC 2009. This material is proprietary and may not be reproduced, transferred or distributed in any form
without prior written permission from AQR Capital Management, LLC (“AQR”).
You cannot invest directly in the AQR Momentum Indices. Index performance does not represent actual fund or portfolio performance. A fund or
portfolio may differ significantly from the securities included in the Indices. Index performance assumes reinvestment of dividends, but does not
reflect any management fees, transaction costs or other expenses that would be incurred by a portfolio or fund, or brokerage commissions on
transactions in fund shares. Such fees, expenses and commissions would reduce returns.
Past performance does not guarantee future results. No representation is being made that any investment will achieve performance similar to those
shown. All information is provided strictly for educational and illustrative purposes only. The information provided is not intended for trading
purposes, and should not be considered investment advice.
Performance information presented herein for the AQR Momentum Indices (“Indices”) are based on hypothetical back tested data for the specified
time period(s) shown and were not calculated in real time by an independent calculation agent. The hypothetical back tests for the AQR Momentum
Indices utilize certain historical data provided by third parties, which are used by permission, and which are not warranted or represented to be
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AQR, its affiliates and their independent providers are not liable for any informational errors, incompleteness, or delays, or for any actions taken in
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AQR assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the above data and disclaims all express or implied warranties in connection
AQR Momentum Index, AQR Small Cap Momentum Index, and AQR International Momentum Index (the “Indices”) are the exclusive property of
AQR Capital Management, LLC (“AQR”), which has contracted with Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (“S&P”) to maintain and calculate the
Indices. Standard & Poor’s® and S&P® are registered trademarks of S&P. “Calculated by S&P Custom Indices” and its related stylized mark(s) are
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the Index.
Performance information for the AQR Indices prior to June 30, 2009 is based on hypothetical back tested monthly data and was not calculated by an
independent calculation agent. The hypothetical back tests for the AQR Momentum Indices utilize certain historical data provided by third parties,
which are used by permission, and which are not warranted or represented to be complete or accurate. A back test is an indication of how an index
would have performed in the past if it had existed. Hypothetical back tested performance has inherent limitations. Starting July 1, 2009, the AQR
Indices are calculated daily by S&P as calculation agent.
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