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Application Notes

for the
LCD Graphics Controller Chip
October, 95
1. Introduction

The T6963C graphics controller chip is designed to control small to medium size graphic Liquid
Crystal Display modules (LCD). It may be interfaced with a number of different 8-bit micro-
processor units (MPU) such as the Z-80. It provides the necessary interface between the MPU and
the video RAM (VRAM). It also generates the necessary timing and data signals for the liquid crystal
driver circuits. It has a 128 character Character-Generator ROM (CG-ROM) and has the capability to
control upto 64K bytes of external display RAM (VRAM). This VRAM may be allocated for text,
graphics and external character-generator RAM (i.e. a user definable character generator). The
T6963C can support a wide variety of LCD formats and has the ability to combine text and graphics
data on to the LCD. A number of character attribute functions are also available.

This application note is not written with any specific display in mind but is intended to give a
thorough understanding of how to use the T6963C and implement the software/hardware interface.
Some LCD modules will have the T6963C controller built into the module and many of the T6963C
hardware selectable features will be hardwired by the PCB traces and not user-selectable.

2. Main Functions and Features of T6963C

• Simple 8-bit parallel interface

• Hardware Selectable Display Formats: Columns: 32, 40, 64, 80

Lines: 2, 4, 6, . . . . . 28, 32

• Hardware Selectable Fonts(W) x (H): 5x8, 6x8, 7x8, or 8x8

• Programmable Duty Cycles: 1/16 to 1/128

• Internal 128 character CG-ROM

• Software allocation of Text, Graphic and Character Generator RAM (CG-RAM)

• Ability to mix and merge text with graphics

• Low power CMOS design

• Operates up to 5 MHz

Note: Not all these features are implemented on Densitron LCD modules with on-board T6963C
controller. Check individual data sheets for details.

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3. Electrical Specifications for T6963C

3.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings

(VSS=0V,Ta=25 °C)
Item Symbol Value Units
Power supply voltage VDD -0.3 to +7.0 V
Input voltage Vin -0.3 to VDD+0.3 V
Operating Temperature Top -10 to +70 °C
Storage Temperature Tstg -55 to +125 °C
Note: Specification is for T6963C only. LCD module specifications may differ.

3.2 Electrical Characteristics

(VDD=+5V±5%, GND=0V, Ta=+25°C)

Item Symbol Condition Min Max Unit Notes
Operating Volatge VDD 4.5 5.5 V
Input voltage "H" VIH VDD-2.2 VDD V 1, 3
"L" VIL 0 0.8 V 1, 2, 3
Output voltage "H" VOH VDD-0.3 VDD V 3
"L" VOL 0 0.3 V 3
Output Resistance "H" ROH VOUT=VDD-0.5 - 400 Ω 3
"L" ROL VOUT=0.5 - 400 Ω 3
Current Oper. IDD(1) VDD=5.0V - 6 mA
fosc=3.0 MHz
Consumption Halt IDD(2) - 3 µA
Input leakage current IIL Vin=0~VDD -5 5 µA 3
Output leakage current IOL Vout=0~VDD -10 10 µA 3
Internal Oscillation fosc 0.4 5.5 MHz
External clock frequency fcp - 2750 KHz
Ext. clock rise/fall time trcp,tfcp - 30 ns
1. , , , 2.
3. DB0 to DB7

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4. Interface Pin Connections

4.1 MPU Interface Pin Functions

Pin-outs differ for individual LCD modules with on-board controllers. Please refer to individual
module data sheets for pin assignment information.

Pin Name I/O Pin Function

VSS - Ground (0V)
VDD - Logic Supply (+5V)
I Register Select: "1" = Command Register, “0” = Data Register
I Read Select (Active Low) - MPU ⇐ T6963C
I Write Select (Active Low) - MPU ⇒ T6963C
I Chip Enable (Active Low)
DB0 I/O Bi-directional Data Bus Line 0
DB1 I/O Bi-directional Data Bus Line 1
DB2 I/O Bi-directional Data Bus Line 2
DB3 I/O Bi-directional Data Bus Line 3
DB4 I/O Bi-directional Data Bus Line 4
DB5 I/O Bi-directional Data Bus Line 5
DB6 I/O Bi-directional Data Bus Line 6
DB7 I/O Bi-directional Data Bus Line 7
I Reset (Active Low)
FS1 I Font Select 6x8 font: FS1=“H” 8x8 font FS1=“L”
MD2 I Mode Select 40 columns MD2=“H” 32 columns MD2=“H”
1. After power on, it is necessary to keep low for upto 6 clock cycles of the T6963C.
2. It is necessary to guard all signals from external noise as the signal lines are directly connected
to CMOS inputs and are not pulled-up or pulled-down internally, the is internally pulled
3. Font size set be FS1 line times # of columns set by MD2 line should equal the # of horizontal
pixel. (i.e. if you have a 64x240 display, using a 6x8 font, then MD2 should be high to represent
40 columns. Due to the fact that 6x40 =240)

4.2 LCD Interface Pin Functions

For LCD modules with on-board controllers, these signals are not generally accessible; they are
accessable on the SGI-01 serial interface card with the on-board T6963C option installed; refer to
individual LCD module data sheets for pin assignments.

Pin Name I/O Pin Function

D1 O Serial Data Line 1
FLM (CDATA) O First Line Marker (Start of Frame)
M (FR) O Control Signal for AC drive of LC
CL1 (LP) O Latch clock
CL2 (SCP) O Shift clock for serial data
D2 O Serial Data Line 2
VDD - Power supply for logic circuits
VSS - Ground
VEE - Power supply for LC drivers

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VO - Operating voltage for LC drivers (Contrast)

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5. Timing Characteristics

MPU Interface Timing (MPU ⇔ T6963C)

Item Symbol Min Typ Max Unit

Set Up Time tCDS 100 - - ns
Hold Time tCDH 10 - - ns
, , Pulse Width tCE, tRD, tWR 80 - - ns
Data Set Up Time tDS 80 - - ns
Data Hold Time tDH 40 - - ns
Access time tACC - - 150 ns
Output Hold Time tOH 10 - 50 ns

2.2V 2.2V
C/D 0.8V 0.8V
CE 0.8V 0.8V

t CE, t RD, t WR 2.2V

RD, WR 0.8V 0.8V
t DS
2.2V 2.2V
(WRITE) 0.8V 0.8V
t DH
2.2V 2.2V
(READ) 0.8V 0.8V
t ACC t OH

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6. System Block Diagram

All liquid crystal displays require two power sources, VDD for logic circuits and VEE for Liquid
Crystal (LC) drive. Some graphics LCD modules will run directly of a single VDD supply by
generating the VEE voltage on-board; others will require an external DC-DC converter to generate the
negative VEE voltage. Refer to individual specifications for details.

D0 D0
to 8 bits to
D7 D7


CE 4 bits CE



x-drivers x-drivers x-drivers

80 80 80

GND y-drivers 64
Vdd Power Supply
Vee Circuit 128x240 LCD Panel

y-drivers 64

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7. Power Supply Considerations and /RES Terminal

7.1 Power Supply Sequencing

To prevent latch-up of the CMOS LSI (T6963C and LCD driver LSI) ensure your system power
supply follows the following sequence. It is very important to follow this sequence in order to prevent
the CMOS LSI from latching up and to prevent DC signals from being applied to the LC material. If
the VEE voltage is applied before timing signals M, CL1, CL2, and FLM then a DC voltage signal
will be applied to the LC material. Over time this will degrade the LC fluid performance due to an
electro-chemical effect. If this power-up sequence is not adherred to, permanent damage to the LCD
module may result.

After power on it is necessary to keep /RES terminal low for six oscillator clock cycles to ensure
proper reset of the T6963C. If T6963C is reset during normal operation ensure that the VEE voltage to
the LCD is disabled until the T6963C registers are re-initialized.

VDD (+5V)

VEE (-V)

Tinit 0 min.

Where Tinit is the time taken to initialize the T6963C

Figure 7.1: Power Supply Sequence

7.2 The /RES (RESET) Terminal

The T6963C may be reset by an external active low TTL signal from a MPU or other logic device or
it may be reset using the following circuit.






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Figure 7.2: RESET Circuit

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8. T6963C Instruction Set

Table 8.0: T6963C Instruction Set

Commands Description Execute

D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Time
Pointer Set 0 0 1 0 0 N2 N1 N0 Status
0 0 1 Cursor Pointer Set check
0 1 0 Offset Register Set
1 0 0 Address Pointer Set
Control Word 0 1 0 0 0 0 N1 N0 32 x
Set Commands 0 0 Text Home Address Set
0 1 Text Area Set
1 0 Graphic Home Address Set
1 1 Graphic Area Set
Mode Set 1 0 0 0 CG N2 N1 N0 32 x
0 CG ROM Mode
1 CG RAM Mode
0 0 0 "OR" Mode
0 0 1 "EXOR" Mode
0 1 1 "AND" Mode
1 0 0 Text only (attribute capability)
Display Modes 1 0 0 1 N3 N2 N1 N0 32 x
0 Graphics Off
1 Graphics On
0 Text Off
1 Text On
0 Cursor Off
1 Cursor On
0 Cursor blink Off
1 Cursor blink On
Cursor Pattern 1 0 1 0 0 N2 N1 N0 N2~N0: No. of lines for cursor +1 32 x
Select 0 0 0 Bottom Line cursor
0 0 1 2 line cursor
| | |
1 1 1 8 line cursor (block cursor)
Data Auto 1 1 0 0 0 0 N1 N0 32 x
Read/Write 0 0 Data Auto Write Set
0 1 Data Auto Read Set
1 0 Auto reset (Address pointer auto-
incremented) for continuous rd/wr
Data Read/Write 1 1 0 0 0 N2 N1 N0
0 Address Pointer up/down
1 Address Pointer unchanged
0 Address Pointer up
1 Address Pointer down
0 Data Write
1 Data Read
Screen Peeking 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Read Displayed Data Status
Screen Copy 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 Copies 1 line of displayed data whose Status
(Note 3) address is indicated by the Address check
Pointer to Graphic RAM area
Bit Set/Reset 1 1 1 1 N3 N2 N1 N0 N2~N0 indicates the bit in the pointed Status
address check
0 Bit Reset
1 Bit Set
0 0 0 Bit 0 (LSB)
0 0 1 Bit 1
| | |
1 1 1 Bit 7 (MSB)

1. * = DONT CARE

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2. Read the status of the STA0 and STA1 Flags before each new command or data byte is sent to the T6963C. If these two flags are set
(i.e.=1) then the T6963C is not busy processing the previous instruction and it is safe to write a new command or data byte to the
T6963C. If a new instruction is sent to the T6963C while these two flags are not set (i.e.=0), then that command shall be ignored by the
3. In the case of a dual screen LCD the screen copy command should not be used.

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8.1 Description of Pointer Set Commands (Two data bytes plus Command byte)

8.1.1 Cursor Pointer Set

Description (Range) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
First argument (0-7FH) * Cursor Column Position (Character)
Second argument (0-1FH) * * * Cursor Row Position (Character)
Cursor Pointer Set (21H) 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

The cursor Pointer Set command has two data bytes associated with it to specify the character
position for the cursor. This is the only command which will shift or move the cursor. The cursor is
not shifted by Data write commands. Cursor position should be set to be within actual display area.

8.1.2 Offset Register Set

Description (Range) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
First argument (0-1FH) * * * CG-RAM Address
Second argument (00H) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Offset Register Set (22H) 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

The lower five bits of the first data byte should be set to the upper 5 bits of the start address for the
character generator RAM (CG-RAM) area. The second data byte should be set to zero. Refer to
section 11.0 for details regarding the use of the CG-RAM area.

8.1.3 Address Pointer Set

Description (Range) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
First argument (0-FFH) Address Pointer (lower)
Second argument (0-FFH) Address Pointer (upper)
Address Pointer Set (24H) 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0

The Address Pointer Set command is used to specify the start address for writing data to the video
RAM (VRAM) or for reading data from the VRAM. The address should be set to a location in the
actual display RAM area specified by the memory map for a given module. Refer to individual
module specifications for details.

8.2 Description of Control Word Set Commands (Two data bytes plus Command byte)

8.2.1 Text Home Address Set (TH)

Description (Range) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
First argument (0-FFH) Text Home Address (TH lower)
Second argument (0-FFH) Text Home Address (TH upper)
Text Home Address Set (40H) 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

This command defines the starting address of VRAM for text display data. The data stored in the
Text Home (TH) Address will be displayed at the top left hand character position (the home

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8.2.2 Text Area Set (TA)

Description (Range) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
First argument (0-FFH) Number of columns of characters (TA)
Second argument (00H) 00H
Text Area Set (41H) 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

This command defines the number of columns of text for the Text area of VRAM. The Text Area
(TA) may be set independantly of the number of characters per line set by hardware settings on the
T6963C controller chip. It is usual to set the TA to the same number of characters per line as the
LCD module will display. For example 64x240 LCD with 6x8 font size selected, set TA=28H, if 8x8
font size selected, set TA=1EH (Refer to section 10 for details).

8.2.3 Graphic Home Address Set (GH)

Description (Range) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
First argument (0-FFH) Graphic Home Address (GH lower)
Second argument (0-FFH) Graphic Home Address (GH upper)
Text Home Address Set (42H) 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0

This command defines the starting address of VRAM for graphic display area of VRAM. The data
stored in the Graphic Home (GH) address will be displayed as the first 6 or 8 bits on the top row, left
hand side of the LCD screen, depending on the font size selected. When using the Attribute function
the GH address indicates the starting address for the Attribute RAM area.

8.2.4 Graphic Area Set (GA)

Description (Range) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
First argument (0-FFH) Number of columns (GA)
Second argument (00H) 00H
Text Arae Set (43H) 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

This command defines the number of columns of graphic data for the Graphic Area of VRAM. The
Graphic Area (GA) may be set independantly of the number of characters per line set by hardware
settings on T6963C controller chip. It is usual to set the GA to the same number of characters per line
as the LCD module will display.

8.3 Description of Mode Set Commands (Command byte only)

Description D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
CG ROM Mode: code 00H-7FH; CG-ROM 1 0 0 0 0 N2 N1 N0
code 80H-FFH; CG-
CG-RAM Mode: code 00H-FFH; CG-RAM 1 0 0 0 1 N2 N1 N0

To use both the 128 character T6963C on chip character generator ROM (CG-ROM) and the 128
character external CG-RAM function set D3 to zero. To use only the 256 character CG-RAM user-
defined character generator set D3 to one. Refer to section 11.0 for more information regarding the
setting of D3. D2-D0 sets the mode by which the Text Area is merged with the Graphics Area. Note
that text attributes can only be used in the Text only mode as the attribute data is stored in the
graphics area.

Description (Range) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Logically "OR" of Text with Graphics 1 0 0 0 * 0 0 0
Logically "EXOR" of Text with Graphics 1 0 0 0 * 0 0 1
Logically "AND" of Text with Graphics 1 0 0 0 * 0 1 1

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Text only (with Attribute data in Graphic 1 0 0 0 * 1 0 0


8.4 Description of Display Mode Set Commands (Command byte only)

Description (Range) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Display Off (90H) 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Cursor On, Blink Off 1 0 0 1 * * 1 0
Cursor On, Blink On 1 0 0 1 * * 1 1
Text On, Graphic Off 1 0 0 1 0 1 * *
Text Off, Graphic On 1 0 0 1 1 0 * *
Text On, Graphic On 1 0 0 1 1 1 * *

Cursor Blink : Enabled - Set D0 (N0=1) Cursor Enable: Enabled - Set D1 (N1=1)
Disabled - Reset D0 (N0=0) Disabled -Reset D1 (N1=0)

Text Enable : Enabled - Set D2 (N2=1) Graphic Enable: Enabled - Set D3 (N1=3)
Disabled - Reset D2 (N2=0) Disabled -Reset D3 (N1=3)

After Reset N3-N0 are reset to zero.

8.5 Description of Cursor Pattern Select Command (Command byte only)

Description (Range) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
1 line cursor (A0H) 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
2 line cursor (A1H) 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
" " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " "
7 line cursor (A6H) 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0
8 line cursor (A7H) 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1

This single byte command selects the type of cursor displayed when the cursor is enabled. For a
single underline type cursor send command “A0H”. If a block style cursor is required sent command

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8.6 Description of Data Auto Read/Write Commands (Command byte only)

Description (Range) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Data Auto Write Set (B0H) 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
Data Auto Read Set (B1H) 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
Auto Mode Reset (B2H or B3H) 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 *

These single byte commands are useful ↓
when transferring blocks of data to or STA0=1 & STA1=1
from the VRAM. After sending a Data D1 (Addrs Data)
Auto Write (B0H)or Data Auto Read ↓
STA0=1 & STA1=1?
(B1H) command it is not necessary to ↓Y
D2 (Addrs Data)
send Data Write or Data Read ↓
instructions (section 8.7) for each data STA0=1 & STA1=1?
byte being written to or read from the Address Pointer Set (24H)

VRAM. Data Auto Write and Data Auto STA0=1 & STA1=1?
Read commands should follow the ↓Y
Data Auto Write (B0H)
Address Pointer Set command (section ↓
8.1.3). The Address Pointer will STA0=1 & STA1=1?
automatically increment by 1 for each STA3=1?
data written or data read. After sending Display Data
(or receiving) all data the Auto Mode ↓
Reset command (B2H or B3H) should be :
sent to return to normal operation. Note ↓Y
that no commands can be accepted when Display Data

in Data Auto Write or Data Auto Read STA3=1?
modes, as all bytes written or read are ↓
Auto Reset (B2H)
assumed to be display data bytes.

8.7 Description of Data Read/Data Write Commands (Command byte only)

Description (Range) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Data Write - Address Pointer Auto Incremented (C0H) 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Data Read - Address Pointer Auto Incremented (C1H) 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Data Write - Address Pointer Auto Decremented (C2H) 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
Data Read - Address Pointer Auto Decremented (C3H) 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
Data Write - Address Pointer Auto Unchanged (C4H) 1 1 0 0 0 1 * 0
Data Read - Address Pointer Auto Unchanged (C5H) 1 1 0 0 0 1 * 1

These commands are used to write data to or read data from the VRAM. Data Read or Data Write
commands should be sent after setting an address by the Pointer Set command (section 8.1.3). The
Address Pointr may be automatically incremented , decremented or left unchanged depending on
which Data Read/Write command is being sent. A Data Write or Data Read command is required for
each data byte written to or read from the VRAM.

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8.8 Description of Screen Peeking Command (Command byte only)

Description (Range) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Screen Peeking (E0H) 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

This single byte command is used to STA0=1 & STA1=1?
transfer 1 byte of displayed data to the ↓Y
D1 (Addrs Data)
data stack and may be read by the MPU ↓
using a Data Read command (section STA0=1 & STA1=1?
8.7). This command is useful to read the D2 (Addrs Data)

logical combination of text and graphic STA0=1 & STA1=1?
data on the LCD screen. The Status flag ↓Y
Address Pointer Set (24H)
STA6 should be checked after each ↓
STA0=1 & STA1=1?
Screen Peeking (E0H)command. If the ↓Y
Address Pointer (section 8.1.3) is not set Screen Peeking (E0H)

to the Graphic RAM area, then the STA6=0?
Screen Peeking command is ignored and ↓Y
STA0=1 & STA1=1?
STA6 is set to “1”. ↓Y
Data Read command


8.9 Description of Screen Copy Command (Command byte only)

Description (Range) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Screen Copy (E8H) 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

This single byte command is used to copy

1 row of data displayed on the LCD ↓
screen to the Graphic RAM area specified STA0=1 & STA1=1?
by the Address Pointer Set command D1 (Addrs Data)
(section 8.1.3). This Screen Copy ↓
STA0=1 & STA1=1?
command (E8H) cannot be used if the ↓Y
D2 (Addrs Data)
row of displayed data contains Text ↓
Attribute data as set by the Mode Set STA0=1 & STA1=1?
command (section 8.3). The Status flag Address Pointer Set (24H)

STA6 should be checked after each STA0=1 & STA1=1?
Screen Copy command. If the Address ↓Y
Screen Copy (E8H)
Pointer (section 8.1.3) is not set to the ↓
Graphic RAM area, then the Screen Copy STA6=0?
command is ignored and STA6 is set to STA0=1 & STA1=1?
“1”. :

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8.10 Description of Bit Set/Bit Reset Command (Command byte only)

Description (Range) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Bit Reset (F0H-F7H) 1 1 1 1 0 N2 N1 N0
Bit Set (F8H-FFH) 1 1 1 1 1 N2 N1 N0

This single byte command is used to set/reset individual bits in the RAM. This command allows one
bit in the byte pointed to by the Address Pointer Set command (section 8.1.3) to be set or reset.
Multiple bits in a byte cannot be set/reset at the same time. N0~N2 specifies the location of the bit to
set/reset. 000 selects the least significant bit (LSB) and 111 the most significant bit (MSB).

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9. Communication between MPU and T6963C

The T6963C communicates asynchronously with the MPU clock. The following procedures are
required for data transmission between the T6963C and the MPU.

9.1 Data Transmission Methods

9.1.1 Commands with 2 data bytes

Status Read


Data Write D1 (LSB)

Status Read


Data Write D2 (MSB)

Status Read


Command Write

9.1.2 Commands with 1data byte

Status Read


Data Write D1 (LSB)

Status Read


Command Write

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9.1.3 Commands with no data
Status Read


Command Write

9.1.4 Data Auto Write & Data Auto Read Commands

With either the Data Auto Read or Data Auto Write commands ensure that STA2 and STA3 of
the Status Read register are checked between all data and command Read/Writes to verify that
the T6963C for Data Read(STA2) or Data Write (STA3). (Refer to section 8.6)

9.1.5 Screen Peeking and Screen Copy Commands

With either the Screen Peeking and Screen Copy commands ensure that STA6 of the Status Read
register is checked, to verify that the Address Pointer is set to within the Graphic RAM area.
(Refer to section 8.8 and 8.9)

9.2 Status Read

The Status of the T6963C should be checked before all command and data bytes are sent to/from
the T6963C. The Status register may be read from the 8-bit data lines (DB0~DB7), by setting
C/D = “H”, /WR=“H”, /CE=“L” and /RD=“L”.

Description STA7 STA6 STA5 STA4 STA3 STA2 STA1 STA0


1. It is necessary to read STA0 and STA1 at the same time before an instruction is executed.
2. STA2 and STA3 are only valid during Data Auto Read/Write modes. In the Data Auto
Read/Write modes STA0 and STA1 are invalid
3. If data is tranferred while either STA0 or STA1 = “0” then that data is ignored by T6963C.

Status Bit Description Function

STA0 Busy flag to indicate whether T6963C is ready to accept “0” =NOT READY
(BUSY1) instruction “1” =READY
STA1 Busy flag to indicate whether T693C is ready to accept “0” =NOT READY
(BUSY2) data read or write “1” =READY
STA2 Data Auto Read Ready flag “0” =NOT READY
(DARRDY) (Only valid in Data Auto Read/Write modes (section “1” =READY
STA3 Data Auto Read Ready flag “0” =NOT READY
(DAWRDY) (Only valid in Data Auto Read/Write modes (section “1” =READY
STA4 - - -
STA5 Clear flag indicating operation of the T6963C “0” =NOT CLEARED
(CLR) “1” =CLEARED & Operating
STA6 Error flag for Screen Peeking and Screen Copy “0” =Address Pointer Valid
(ERROR) commands “1” =Address Pointer out of Graphic
(section 8.8 & 8.9) Area
STA7 Blink flag to indicate status of Blink condition “0” =Display OFF
(BLINK) “1” =Normal (Display ON)

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10. Memory Addressing and Display Position

This section describes the relationship between the T6963C display memory (VRAM) and the
display position on the LCD screen. Text Home address (TH); Text Area number (TA); Graphic
Home address (GH) and Graphic Area number (GA) are also described in this section. TH, TA,
GH and GA are set by the Control Word Set command described in sections 8.2.1 - 8.2.4. TH
defines the starting address for Text data in the VRAM, GH defines the starting address for
Graphic data in the VRAM for graphics modes and the starting address for Text Attribute data in
Attribute mode ( Refer to section 11.3). TA defines the number of columns of text on a LCD
screen and GA sets the number of display bytes per line on a LCD screen.

10.1 The case of single screen drive LCD's

The relationship between display memory addresses and display position on a single drive LCD
screen is shown below for both Text and Graphic Areas.

10.1.1 Text Display Area for single screen LCD’s

TH TH+1 -------- TH+CL-1 TH+CL ↑
: : : : : m lines
: : : : : of text
TH+(m-2)TA TH+(m-2)TA+1 -------- TH+(m-1)TA+CL-1 TH+(m-1)TA+CL 
TH+(m-1)TA TH+(m-1)TA+1 -------- TH+mTA+CL-1 TH+mTA+CL ↓
←X characters per line→

10.1.2 Graphic Display Area for single screen LCD’s

GH GH+1 -------- GH+CL-1 GH+CL ↑
: : : : : n rows
: : : : : of dots
GH+(n-2)GA GH+(n-2)GA+1 -------- GH+(n-1)GA+CL-1 GH+(n-1)GA+CL 
GH+(n-1)GA GH+(n-1)GA+1 -------- GH+nGA+CL-1 GH+nGA+CL ↓
←Y dots per line →

Display Font Text Display Graphics Display CL+1
Format Size X m TA Y n GA typ.
64x120 6x8 20 8 14H 120 64 14H 14H
1/64 duty 8x8 15 8 0FH 120 64 0FH 0FH
128x128 6x8 21 16 16H 128 128 16H 16H
1/128 duty 8x8 16 16 10H 128 128 10H 10H
64x240 6x8 40 8 28H 240 64 28H 28H
1/64 duty 8x8 30 8 1EH 240 64 1EH 1EH
128x240 6x8 40 16 28H 240 128 28H 28H
1/128 duty 8x8 30 16 1EH 240 128 1EH 1EH
Note: In the case of the Graphics Area with 6x8 font size selected, the most significant bits
D6 and D7 of graphics data are ignored, and not displayed on the LCD screen.

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10.1.3 Example RAM Map for single screen drive LCD

Graphic Ram Area (0000H-13FFH: 5120 bytes)
Attribute RAM Area
Text RAM Area (1700H-1BFF: 1280 bytes)
CG-RAM Area (1C00H-1FFFH: 1024 bytes)
Note: This example shows RAM map for “CG-ROM” mode (section 8.3
& 11). If “CG-RAM” mode is required allocat 2048 bytes for CG-
RAM area

The Display RAM (VRAM) is usually built onto the LCD module along with T6963C and LCD
driver LSI chips. The T6963C automatically reads data from the VRAM, processes it and sendsit
out to the LCD LSI driver chips. The Control Word Set commands (section 8.2) are used to set
the Text Home, Graphic Home and Text/Graphics Areas. The VRAM map made be changed to
suit the users preference. The above RAM map is just an example. If more than one screen can
be stored in the RAM, vertical scrolling and paging can be performed, by resetting the Text
Home and Graphic Home addresses. Usually LCD modules with on-board T6963C controllers
have 4K or 8K byes of RAM, check individual LCD module specifications for RAM size

10.2 The case of dual screen drive LCD's

The relationship between display memory addresses and display position on a dual drive LCD
screen is shown below for both Text and Graphic Areas.

10.2.1 Text Display Area for dual screen LCD’s

TH TH+1 ----- TH+CL-1 TH+CL ↑
: : : : : m lines
: : : : : of text
TH+(m-1)TA TH+(m-1)TA+1 ----- TH+mTA+CL-1 TH+mTA+CL ↓
TH+8000H TH+8000H+1 ----- TH+8000H+TA+CL-1 TH+8000H+TA+CL ↑
: : : : : 
: : : : : m lines
TH+8000H+(m-2)TA TH+8000H+(m-2)TA+1 ----- TH+8000H+(m-1)TA+CL-1 TH+8000H+(m-1)TA+CL of text
TH+8000H+(m-1)TA TH+8000H+(m-1)TA+1 ----- TH+8000H+mTA+CL-1 TH+8000H+mTA+CL ↓
←X characters per line

10.2.2 Graphic Display Area for dual screen LCD’s

GH GH+1 ---- GH+CL-1 GH+CL ↑
: : : : : n rows
: : : : : of dots
GH+(m-1)GA GH+(m-1)GA+1 ---- GH+mGA+CL-1 GH+mGA+CL ↓
GH+8000H GH+8000H+1 ---- GH+8000H+GA+CL-1 GH+8000H+GA+CL ↑
: : : : : 
: : : : : n rows
GH+8000H+(m-2)GA GH+8000H+(m-2)GA+1 ---- GH+8000H+(m-1)GA+CL-1 GH+8000H+(m-1)GA+CL of dots
GH+8000H+(m-1)GA GH+8000H+(m-1)GA+1 ---- GH+8000H+mGA+CL-1 GH+8000H+mGA+CL ↓

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←Y dots per line

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Display Font Text Display Graphics Display CL+1
Format Size X m TA Y n GA typ.
64x120 6x8 20 4 14H 120 32 14H 14H
1/32 duty 8x8 15 4 0FH 120 32 0FH 0FH
128x160 6x8 21 8 16H 128 64 16H 16H
1/64 duty 8x8 16 8 10H 128 64 10H 10H
64x240 6x8 40 4 28H 240 32 28H 28H
1/32 duty 8x8 30 4 1EH 240 32 1EH 1EH
128x256 6x8 40 8 2BH 256 64 2BH 2BH
1/64 duty 8x8 30 8 20H 256 64 20H 20H
Note: In the case of the Graphics Area with 6x8 font size selected, the most significant bits
D6 and D7 of graphics data are ignored, and not displayed on the LCD screen.

10.2.3 Example RAM Map for dual screen drive LCD

0000H Upper half scrren
Graphic Ram Area (0000H-07FFH: 2048 bytes)
Attribute RAM Area (0800H-09FFH: 512 bytes
Text RAM Area (0A00H-0BFF: 512 bytes)
CG-RAM Area (0C00HH-0FFFH: 1024 bytes)

8000H Lower half screen

Graphic Ram Area (8000H-87FFH: 2048 bytes)
Attribute RAM Area (8800H-89FFH: 512 bytes
Text RAM Area (8A00H-8BFF: 512 bytes)
CG-RAM Area (8C00H-8FFFH: 1024 bytes)
Note: This example shows RAM map for “CG-ROM” mode (section 8.3
& 11). If “CG-RAM” mode is required allocat 2048 bytes for CG-
RAM area

The above is just an example of a suitable RAM map for a dual drive LCD screen. The Control
Word Set commands (section 8.2) are used to set the Text Home, Graphic Home and
Text/Graphics Areas. The VRAM map made be changed to suit the users preferences.

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11. T6963C Character Generator and Character Attribute Functions

There are two character generator functions built into the T6963C, namely internal CG-ROM and
external CG-RAM (Using Display data RAM). When the CG bit of the Mode Set command
(section 8.3) is “0” the CG-ROM and CG-RAM have 128 character capability. If the CG bit is
“1” then there is no internal CG-ROM function available but 256 character capability for the
external CG-RAM.

11.1 Internal Character Generator ROM (CG-ROM)

Refer to section 14 for the charater font table stored in the CG-ROM area. Note that the CG bit of
the Mode Set command needs to be set to “0” to make use of the sCG-ROM feature.

11.2 User Defined Character Generator RAM (CG-RAM)

The internal CG-RAM is an area of memory where the user can program custom characters and
retrieve them later by using the appropriate Character codes.

To use the external CG-RAM it is first necessary to set the Offset register (section 8.1.2) which
specifies the location of RAM to be used. The user must program the CG-RAM with the desired
custom character patterns. Once programmed, the external CG-RAM can then be used in place
of, or inconjunction with, the internal CG-ROM.

The CG bit of the Mode Set command (section 8.3) controls the configuration of the internal CG-
ROM and external CG-RAM.

When CG bit = “0”: Both CG-ROM codes in the range 00H-7FH and CG-RAM codes in the
range 80H-FFH are valid. Each character in the CG-RAM area will require
8-bytes of data resulting in a memory requirement of 0400H. So if we
choose to locate the CG-RAM at 1C00H we should set the Offset register to
03H as this defines the upper 5-bits of the CG-RAM address.
When CG bit = “1” Only CG-RAM codes 00H-FFH are valid. Access to CG-ROM area is not
possible. Each character in the CG-RAM area will require 8-bytes of data
resulting in a memory requirement of 0800H. So if we choose to locate the
CG-RAM at 1800H we should set the Offset register to 03H as this defines
the upper 5-bits of the CG-RAM address

1 C 0 0
_________|________ _________|________ _________|_________ _________|________
_ _ _

0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X X

Offset Register Character Code (00~FF) Cell scan line

(lower 5-bits only) set by T6963C

For example to load up the character pattern for the pound sign “#” to character code 0FH in the
CG-RAM area starting at 1C00H. The Address Pointer should be set to 1C78H by the Address
Pointer Set command (section 8.1.3) and then the following eight bytes
[06,06,1F,06,06,1F,06,00]should be written to the CG-RAM area using eight succesive Data
Write (C0H) commands.

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11.3 Character Attribute Function

The attribute function is used for setting “inverse video” (negative image) and/or “blinking”

To use the Attribute function , it is first necessary to reassign the Graphic Home address to the
first address of the Attribute RAM area by using the internal RAM write command. Please note
that Graphic data cannot be displayed while using the Attribute function. Second, it is necessary
to to enter the desired Attribute data using the Data Write command (section 8.7). The
following table defines the function of Attribute data.

Description D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Normal Display (Text only) * * * * 0 0 0 0
Reverse Display (Text only) * * * * 0 1 0 1
Inhibit display * * * * 0 0 1 1
Blink of normal display * * * * 1 0 0 0
Blink of reverse display * * * * 1 1 0 1
inhibit display * * * * 1 0 1 1

The Attribute Data for the first character in Text RAM area should be written into the first byte
of the Attribute RAM area, and the Attribute data of the nth character should be written to the
nth byte in the Attribute RAM area. Therefore if the Text RAM area set by the Text Home
address Set command (section 8.2.1) is 1700H and the Attribute RAM is set to 1400H by the
Graphic Home address Set command (section 8.2.3) then to set the Reverse Blink attribute of the
16th character of the first line of dislayed text, the value 0DH sould be written to location 140FH
by the Data Write command (section 8.7). The address 140FH may need to be set up by the
Address Pointer Set command (section 8.1.3).

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12. Recommended Initialization

The Mode Set and Control Word Set commands must be initialized after power is turned ON.
These command define what size display the T6963C is to control and which mode to run in.

Commands C/D D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Hex Description

Power On. Power On
Hard Reset (/RES) /RES=“L” (1 msec min. After VDD>4.75V)
Mode Set 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80H “OR” , “CG-ROM” Mode
Control Word Set 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00H Graphic Home address data
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00H GH=0000H
Graphic Home Address Set 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 42H Graphic Home Address Set command
Control Word Set 0 * * * * * * * * * See section 10.1.2 for value of GA data
0 * * * * * * * * *
Graphic Home Address Set 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 43H Graphic Area Set command
Control Word Set 0 * * * * * * * * * See section 10.1.2 for value of TH data
0 * * * * * * * * * TH=****H
Text Home Address Set 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 40H Text Home Address Set command
Control Word Set 0 * * * * * * * * * See section 10.1.2 for value of TA data
0 * * * * * * * * * TA=****H
Text Home Address Set 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 41H Text Area Set command

Initialisation Ends--------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------

- ------ ------

Address Pointer Set 0 * * * * * * * * * Text Home address data (section 10.1.2)

0 * * * * * * * * * TH=****H
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 24H Address Pointer Set command
Data Write (Text) D 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 24H Character code 24H=“D”
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 C0H Data Write Autoincrement
Data Write (Text) E 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 25H Character code 25H=“E”
| 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 C0H Data Write Autoincrement
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Write (Text) N 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 2EH Character code 2EH=“N”
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 C0H Data Write Autoincrement
Display Mode Set
(Text/Graphics ON) 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 9CH Display Mode Set command

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13. Trouble shooting Guide

Symptoms Possible Solutions

Display appears blank 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14
Displayed data enters unreliably or at random 2, 3, 4
Missing column segments or pixels 13
Excessive heat generated by LSI chips or excessive IDD current 1, 14
Unable to read VRAM or Busy flag 1, 3, 7, 9, 10
EL Backlight will not function or is too dim 15
LED backlight will not function or is too bright or runs too hot 11

Possible Solutions:

1. Check voltage level and polarity of VDD and VSS at display connector. The VDD logic supply
voltage should be in the range 4.75VDC < VDD < 5.25VDC with respect to VSS(GND). Also
check that VDD and VSS noise, is within limits.

2. Check the pulse width of /RES is within specified limits or the T6963C will not be reset
properly and internal registers will not be initialized. Also check when testing numerous
displays on the same test set-up that the VDD voltage is turned off before connecting or
disconnecting LCD modules. Note that on power-up the contents of the VRAM are not
cleared and will contain random data. It is best to set every location of VRAM to a known
state as part of any initialization procedure.

3. Check that that all Hold and Set-up timing requirements are met as shown in section 5.1.

4. Ensure that data is not being transmitted too fast to the T6963C. Always pole the BUSY
flags STA0 and STA1 before sending instructions (section 9.2). If MPU is not set up to read
the BUSY flag before writing instructions allow an adequate delay between instructions
(section 8). .

5. Check the voltage level at the Vo pin is at the correct voltage for the ambient temperature
conditions as specified by individual LCD module data sheets.

6. Check the continuity of the cable between the host MPU and the LCD module. Check for
broken connections, loose crimps or dry joints on soldered connections. Minimize the length
of this cable to reduce cross-talk and noise pick-up.

7. Check that the data bus of the T6963C (DB0-DB7) is not excessively loaded during read

8. Check the voltage levels of input signals is as specified by the LCD module data sheet.

9. Check that no more than one external bus device is selected during read operations so as to
cause bus contention and erroneous data transfer.

10. Check for damage to PCB traces and plated through Via holes.

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11. Check that the correct series current limiting resistor for the LED backlight is in place
between the power supply and the LED lamp. Check individual LCD module data sheets for
maximum forward current, If, for LED backlight. The LED's may burn-out if the maximum
forward current, If, is exceeded. Some, but not all, LED backlight modules will already have
the current limiting resistor on-board.

12. Check that Display ON/OFF flag is set otherwise display will appear blank.

13. Check that LCD module has not been mishandled by applying excessive shock of mechanical
stress which will cause the LC glass to misalign with the Elastomer/Zebra strips that connect
the LC glass to the PCB.

14. Check that LCD module has not been mishandled by applying excessive electrical stress in
the form of electro-static discharge (ESD) or by applying reverse voltage to VDD and VSS.
Always use electro-static handling precautions, grounded wrist straps and bench mats when
handling LCD modules as they use CMOS LSI chips. Always use a grounded soldering iron
when mounting connectors to the LCD module.

15. Check connections between EL backlight DC-AC inverter and the EL lamp mounted on the
LCD module. Check input voltage to DC-AC inverter. Never operate the DC-AC inverter
without an EL Lamp load, as this may damage the inverter. EL backlights dim with age and
need to be replaced when their brightness level is no longer adequate.

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14.0 Internal Character Generator Font Pattern and Character Codes

The internal character generator ROM (CG-ROM) has 128 characters stored in it. The Mode Set
command (section 8.3) should be set for CG-ROM mode before using this builtin CG-ROM. The
character pattern for each character code is shown in the following chart. They are 5x7 characters
in an 8x8 character cell.

à 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
0 blank
! “ # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , - . /
1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
2 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
3 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
4 \ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
5 blank
p q r s t u v w x y z { : } ~
6 Ç ü é â ä à å ç ê ë è ï î ì Ä Å
7 É ô ö ò û ù ÿ ö ü ¢ £ ¥ ƒ

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