Cook, David (2011) Boko Haram, A Prognosis

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DECEMBER 16, 2011

Boko Haram: A Prognosis


Boko Haram: A Prognosis
I. Introduction

Boko Haram is a Salafi-jihadi Muslim group that has operated in northeastern Nigeria since
2002. After a violent suppression in 2009, Boko Haram resurfaced in the fall of 2010 with a high
profile campaign of assassinations and attacks throughout northern Nigeria. Starting in the
summer of 2011, Boko Haram began to use suicide attacks, and have manifested the signs of
transitioning into a globalist Salafi-jihadi group that might be of some importance in Africas
most populous country, Nigeria, which is a major oil producer. The pattern of Boko Harams
attacks, and threats of attacks, focuses more and more on interests that touch U.S. economic
concerns in the region; the group has not avoided both contact with globalists (in Somalia,
presumably) and citing the United States specifically as an eventual target.

II. Radical Islam in Nigeria

Nigeria is a microcosm of Africa as a whole. It is almost evenly split between Muslims and
Christians, possessed of vast resourceswhich have been mostly unevenly distributed and lost
to corruption
and yet has a vibrant and upbeat population.
However, while a pattern of
Christian-Muslim violence, especially in the volatile Middle Belt (in the central region of the
country), is not new, the appearance of the radical Islamic group Boko Haram, which burst into
prominence in 2009, threatens to inject an element of dogmatic violence into Nigeria not hitherto
seen. Boko Harams operations, which have been mostly directed from its base in northeastern
Nigeria (Borno and Yobe states), have during the past year increasingly spread throughout the
country as a whole. That such a radical Islamic group has demonstrated the willingness, if not yet
the ability, to establish connections with the wider field of African and international radical
Islamic groups presents for the Nigerian government and the international community a
particular challenge. If radical Muslim violence on a systematic level were to take hold in
Nigeria, Africas largest country, it could eventually drive the country into a civil war, and have
repercussions throughout the region.

Islam in Nigeria has deep historical roots. By the 10th and 11th centuries, major cities such as
Kano (the largest city of northern Nigeria) were already Muslim or had a significant or dominant
Boko Haram: A Prognosis
Muslim presence. The ethnicity of the Muslim community during that early period was Hausa,
and the entire region was divided into some 14 Hausa city-states. However, Muslims who visited
the region, such as the traveler Ibn Battuta
(in 1349-53) and the great theologian al-Maghili (d.
were usually less impressed by the fact of the Hausa being Muslim and more
impressed by their syncretistic and, in some cases, non-Muslim habits.

These habits, called pejoratively bida` (innovations), were challenged by the rise of the Fulani
pastoralists in the 18th century, and most especially by the major reformer Shehu Uthman (also
spelled Usuman) Dan Fodio (d. 1817), who led a jihad against the Hausa and ultimately forced
them to adopt a normative form of Islam. It is this authors contention that the example of Dan
Fodio, whose name and example is revered throughout Islamic West Africa, and even beyond, is
crucial to the understanding of Boko Haram.

Dan Fodios career can be divided into two major sections: the teaching phase and the active
phase. During the first phase of Dan Fodios career, he was closely linked with the Hausa rulers,
especially in a preaching and hortatory capacity, calling for the suppression of innovations.
after some 20 years of this ministry, in 1804 he performed hijra (immigration) to the small town
of Gudu, where he began to call for actual jihad against the Hausa rulers. Similar to the example
of the Prophet Muhammads followers in Medina (in 622-32), Dan Fodios followers flocked to
Gudu, and he began to use it as a base to attack the Hausawho he overcame in a series of
jihads that lasted between 1804 and 1812and created the Muslim culture of northern Nigeria,
southern Niger, and to some extent, western Chad"
It is important to note that Dan Fodio almost
never attacked non-Muslims; his primary enemies were nominal or syncretistic Muslims.

Although Dan Fodios jihad eventually broke down, ironically while fighting the ancient Muslim
sultanate of Borno (today the heartland of Boko Haram), his example of fighting to promote
Islam and to suppress innovations has remained a constant one for northern Nigerian Muslims.

Muslims I have interviewed in northern Nigeria have frequently mentioned the desirability of a
new jihad to remove those innovations from the society. With the fall of the Sokoto Caliphate
(Dan Fodios seat of power) to the British in 1904, and especially with the independence of
Nigeria in 1960, the purificationist movement of Dan Fodio became just a cherished memory.
Boko Haram: A Prognosis
III. Imposition of Shari`a and Its Discontents

Even before independence from the British, northern Muslims under their charismatic leader
Ahmadu Bello (d. 1966) had aspired to return to shari`a
as the legal basis for Muslim, and even
Nigerian, society.
However, the desire to revive the shari`a did not reflect the realities of Nigeria
as they were in 1960, as the previous 60 years of British rule had seen a massive growth in the
number of Christians, especially in the South. Moreover, at independence most of the economic
and cultural nodes of Nigeria were either located in the South or were in the hands of Christians
(as their exposure to Western education was much greater than that of Muslims). While the
British agonized over the question of whether the country should be split into two partsa
Christian South and a Muslim NorthNigerian nationalists pressed for full union of what the
British had ruled as a federation. In any case, it was difficult for the British (and others since
their time) to see what would be the economic basis of a putative Northern state.

Northern Muslims were divided between the traditional Sufi elites, the Qadiriyya associated with
the conservative caliphal capital of Sokoto, the much more modernist Tijaniyya centered in
Kano, and the newer radical Muslim groups centered around Ahmadu Bello in Kaduna. Bello
recruited a firebrand preacher, Abubakar Gummi (d. 1992), whose charismatic radio preaching
and funding from wealthy Gulf Arabs won him a large following. His organization, Yan Izala,

was dedicated to the suppression of innovations just as the followers of Dan Fodio had been,
with the exception of the fact that Gummi identified all Sufis as innovators. In fact, Dan Fodio,
while a reformer and a fighter against innovations, had been a devout Sufi Qadiri,
and most of
northern Nigerian history was closely connected with Sufism.

It is important to realize that during the period of internecine Muslim dogmatic disputation (i.e.,
Gummi vs. his Sufi opponents) throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Christians had been very active
in proselytizing throughout the Middle Belt of Nigeria, and had gained numerous converts.

This religious transformation was accompanied by a number of religious riots throughout the
1980s and 1990s#
that were brought about partly by evangelistic crusades (especially those of
Reinhard Bonnke in Kano in 1991
), and partly by a series of culturally based riots, such as
those concerning Miss World in 2002
and the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in
Boko Haram: A Prognosis
2006. (The cartoon-related riots were centered in Maiduguri, where Boko Haram developed).

The factors that caused these riots are in dispute, with Nigerian authorities usually emphasizing
the economic and ethnic divides that plague the country. However, after such riots begin, they
often take on a religious aspect fairly quickly and the dead are usually numbered in terms of their
religious affiliation rather than as unidentified fatalities.

Frustrations on the part of the Muslim population were not merely channeled during this period
into Yan Izala or one of the two major Sufi orders, but fostered the appearance of a messianic
sectthat of the Yan Tatsine (better known as the Maitatsine), under its charismatic leader
Muhammad Marwa. It is interesting to compare the Maitatsine with Boko Haram, as Marwa was
originally from northern Cameroon, just a short distance from Boko Harams base of Maiduguri,
and, like Boko Haram founder Muhammad Yusuf, Marwa preached a form of messianic
revivalism focusing on the Muslim establishment as the enemy.
It seems that the Maitatsine
rose in revolt in the northern city of Kano in 1979-80 as a fulfillment of apocalyptic prophecy, as
that yearwhich also saw the foundation of the Islamic Republic of Iranwas the hijri year
Like Boko Haram, the Maitatsine were not suppressed by the death of their charismatic
leader, and continued to have an active presence into the 1980s and 1990s.

The move to impose shari`a following the death of Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha in 1998
appears to have been triggered by an almost messianic fervor and belief in the efficaciousness of
shari`a as a panacea for Nigerias problems, and most especially for the countrys growing
corruption and lawlessness. Probably the election (although disputed) of Olusegun Obasanjo, an
obvious Christian and a southerner, in 1999 and 2003, and the consequent perception that the
Muslim North was losing power to the South, were also contributing factors. Adoption of shari`a
was meant to establish an Islamic society once and for all in at least part of Nigeria.

Boko Haram: A Prognosis
Figure 1. Shari`a States in Nigeria

In his research study on the implementation of the shari`a in northern Nigeria (on behalf of the
European Union), Ruud Peters pointed out a number of structural problems. He comments:

The introduction of Shari`a Penal Codes may in some areas be in conflict with the
federal [Nigerian] constitution. They infringe on federal legislative prerogatives
finally it is a moot point whether the introduction of Shari`a codes is a
violation of section 10 of the Constitution, which prohibits the adoption by the
Federation or the states of a state religion"

Peters further and accurately notes that because the police are a federal institution, there is no
body in northern Nigeria that is capable of enforcing shari`a penalties, nor any mechanism by
which a Muslim who did not wish to be judged by shari`a could opt out of it. These problems
inevitably led to the rise of the hisba (or vigilante groups), which would operate primarily in the
cities against individuals or groups who were, or were perceived to be, violating shari`a norms.

It is self-evident that the issues for which Nigerians were being punished in such situations were
not against Nigerian law. Eventually, the police had to move against the hisba groups.

Shari`a in northern Nigeria is still, in principle, the basis for the law but in fact has ceased since
2006 to be a major factor in the North. This is due to the publicity caused by a number of cases
associated with adultery; for the women involved, the punishment was death by stoning (because
the resultant pregnancies had made their guilt transparent, according to Maliki law). The most
Boko Haram: A Prognosis
prominent of these cases was that of Amina Lawal, a cause clbre for feminists and human
rights groups during 2002 and 2003, until the case against her was overturned.
With the failure
of essentially any possibility of enforcing the adultery laws, and the very obvious failure of most
northern Nigerian states to enforce bans on alcohol and other non-shari`a activities, 10 years
after the initial implementation of shari`a it is clear that no ideal Muslim society has resulted.

Most probably the frustration felt by the Muslims as a result of that fact has led to the rise of
Boko Haram, first in Maiduguri (the capital of Borno) and then throughout the Northeast.

IV. Boko Haram: Phase 1

It is problematic to even establish the correct name of Boko Haram. Most probably its true name
is Jama`at ahl al-sunna li-da`wa wa-l-jihad, which if it could be verified, would place Boko
Haram squarely within the context of a larger number of radical Muslim jama`a groups that
include the Jama`a Islamiyya of Egypt and the Jemaa Islamiya of southeast Asia (Indonesia).
Again, on that basis it would be possible to deduce indications of the groups methodology from
the behavior of these types of jama`a groups: establishment of small groups of a diffuse nature,
which then infiltrate the parent non-Muslim or pseudo-Muslim society, with the ultimate aim of
establishing the Muslim shari`a state through a final violent stage.
However, it is clear, just as
with the other two jama`a organizations, that if Boko Haram were indeed based on these
premises, that it was revealed prematurely and went from its quiet propagating stage to its
activist violent stage rather too quickly.

As it stands, the evidence concerning Boko Harams ideology comes from interviews with its
founder, Muhammad Yusuf, who stated to the BBC that:

There are prominent Islamic preachers who have seen and understood that the
present Western-style education is mixed with issues that run contrary to our
beliefs in Islam. Like rain. We believe it is a creation of God rather than an
evaporation caused by the sun that condenses and becomes rain. Like saying the
world is a sphere. If it runs contrary to the teachings of Allah, we reject it. We
also reject the theory of Darwinism"

Boko Haram: A Prognosis
According to these statements, Yusuf should be associated with Salafism of the Wahhabi variety,
as his cosmological beliefs can be traced to Wahhabi fatwas.

The veracity of these statements is backed up by the popular name for Boko Haram, (Western
education is forbidden), indicating its opposition to secular education. The first manifestation of
Boko Haram in 2002, however, came from a report that Muhammad Yusuf sought to emulate the
experience of the Taliban in Afghanistan (in 1996-2001) and establish an Afghanistan in
northeastern Nigeria.
It is interesting that Yusuf would choose this period in which to begin his
propagation, as it was the same period the rest of Muslim northern Nigeria was embracing the
messianic wave of shari`a adoption (as discussed above). According to the reports, Yusuf and his
group after 2003 lived near Kanamma (also spelled Kanama, in the state of Yobe)which is
very isolated and close to the Niger borderand only spoke Arabic. (Although northern Nigeria
is Arabophile, and Arabic is widely spoken, it is not common for the Muslims to speak
exclusively Arabic.) It seems clear that this site was chosen because of its distance from major
centers and was probably viewed by the group as a location for hijra.

The first signs of militant activity on the part of Boko Haram came in its attack on the village of
Kanamma, which was located about a mile from its camp. Boko Haram attacked local
government installations and killed about 30 people on Dec. 29-30, 2003.
It is interesting that
they are said to have kidnapped a number of villagers to induce them to join the group, and to
force those who would not to dig a ditch around their camp (just as Muhammad did at the Battle
of the Khandaq in 627).
At the time, government forces estimated that Boko Haram consisted
of some 60 members, and that all but seven were captured, excepting those on the Hajj in Saudi
Arabia and in Afghanistan (with the Taliban).
However, the nugget about training with the
Taliban in Afghanistan seems unlikely, and is probably just an attempt to link Boko Haram with
the war on terror at that time.
Most probably, the purpose of the Boko Haram raid on
Kanamma, which happened together with a raid on a police station in nearby Geldam, was to
obtain weapons.

Boko Haram appears to have widened its activities after this initial seeming defeat, and on
January 7, 2004, were apprehended attempting to attack a police station with AK-47 assault rifles
Boko Haram: A Prognosis
in Damboa (to the southwest of Maiduguri); seven were killed and three were arrested. During
June 2004, there was an attempted prison break at Damaturu (the capital of Yobe), presumably
involving Boko Haram members captured in the Kanamma raid, which failed. On September 23,
2004, Boko Haram attacked police stations in Gwoza and Bama (in Borno state), killing four
policemen. Boko Haram took refuge in the Mandara mountains, between Nigeria and Cameroon,
where it was attacked by Nigerian gunships. Over the course of two days of fighting, 27 Boko
Haram members were killed, but many disappeared, and five were arrested by the Cameroon
authorities. Finally, in this initial period of violence, Boko Haram on October 10, 2004, attacked
a convoy of 60 policemen at Kala-Balge on Lake Chad, taking 12 of them hostage and
presumably executing them (or forcing them to join the group).

The 2004 period of violence associated with Boko Haram reveals a group with a primary
geographical focus on the region around Maiduguri (all the major operations are to the south, east,
or north of Maiduguri), and a secondary focus in the region next to the Niger border. All these
operations, if we are to take the numbers seriously, indicate a total group of around 800-1000
members. It is clear that Boko Haram was, at this stage, merely starting its armed struggle, as
most of its operations were designed to obtain weapons. As to why the group was activated at the
end of 2003, perhaps the answer lies in the paranoid atmosphere felt at that time by northern
Nigerian Muslims in the immediate wake of Obasanjos second election in 2003 (widely believed
to have been rigged), and the idea that Muslims must arm in order to protect themselves.

However, it is more intriguing to speculate on the activities of Boko Haram during the next five
years, when they seem to have acquired their name. Yusuf established a mosque and a school
inside Maiduguri, and appears to have enjoyed something of a double life.
The groups
methodology appears to have focused during this period on al-amr bi-l-ma`ruf wa-l-nahi `an al-
munkar (enjoining the good and forbidding the evil$#
and more or less preaching openly
throughout Borno and Yobe states. It would be interesting to know how this period of truce was
negotiated, in view of Boko Harams later intransigence.

On July 26, 2009, that period of truce ended, and Boko Haram began a series of operations in
Maiduguri, as well as Bauchi (the state bordering Yobe to the west). Most of the targets were
Boko Haram: A Prognosis
police. According to estimates, approximately 800 members of the group were killed by police
and security forces, who attacked the mosque associated with Boko Haram in Maiduguri. There
was a brief standoff and a siege before security forces managed to arrest Muhammad Yusuf, and
take him to the police station. At that point, he was beaten, made to beg for his life (all of which
was videotaped),
and then summarily shot.
During the course of the interrogation, Yusuf was
made to answer for his lavish lifestyle, the fact that he did not stay and suffer the Nigerian police
attacks together with his followers, and other inconsistencies in his teachings. Probably the most
interesting exchange is the following:

Q: So why do you think the law enforcement agencies are fighting you?
Muhammad Yusuf (MY): I don't know, but it may be to do with my belief in
Q: But I am also a Muslim.
MY: That is why I don't know why you are fighting me.
Q: Is it true that you believe Western education is a sin?
MY: Of course it is a sin.
Q: How can you say it is a sin, the trousers you are wearing ... [MY interrupts the
MY: These are made from cotton, which is one of Allahs materials.
Q: But Allah said we should seek knowledge, it is in the Koran, even the surah
Iqra [96] [MY interrupts]
MY: Yes, but not the sort of knowledge that goes contrary to the teachings of
Islam, any knowledge that contradicts the Islam is not allowed by Allah ....
[unintelligible]. Astronomy is a kind of knowledge, but Allah has forbidden it.
Q: But when we went to your house we found several things, including computers
and some medical equipment, are these not all fruits of education?
MY: What you saw are materials used by blacksmiths, not Western education,
which is a different thing entirely.
Q: So how come you eat good food, look at you looking very healthy, drive a
decent car, dress well, you eat well but you do not allow your followers to do the
Boko Haram: A Prognosis
same, instead you encourage them to sell all their things and survive on dates and
water, well?
MY: It is not true. Everybody lives according to their means. Even amongst all of
you, things are not the same among you. If you see someone in a nice car, he can
afford it. Others can't afford it.

Although the situation was one of coercion, this group of statements is most likely the closest
that we will come to an ideology during Phase 1 of Boko Haram. One should notice that Yusuf
during the course of the interrogation does not appear to be very intimidated by the authorities,
as he interrupts them on a number of occasions.

Probably the most important question that could be raised concerning the July 26-31, 2009,
uprising of Boko Haram is whether it was initiated by the groupand if so, for what purposeor
initiated by the Nigerian security forces. Accounts according to both exist, and both are plausible
(unfortunately). If Boko Haram initiated the July attacks, then most likely its timing was keyed to
the holiness of the month of Sha`ban (as the attacks happened during the initial 15 days of the
Muslim month Sha`ban, which are said to be holy).
Whatever the circumstances, if the Nigerian
authorities thought that this would be the end of Boko Haram, they were quite mistaken.

V. Boko Haram: Phase 2

Following the extrajudicial murder of Yusuf on July 31, 2009, Boko Haram went into
hibernation for a year. On September 7, 2010, Boko Haram members attacked the prison at
Bauchi (adjacent to their primary region of operations) and liberated 721 prisoners, including
approximately 100 members of their group.
It is worth speculating at this point on the number
of Boko Haram members. If one assumes the numbers given by the Nigerian military of some
800 sect members killed in the July 2009 uprising and aftermath, then Boko Harams core
militant group must have numbered in the low thousands at the very least by this period,
especially given the fact that its operations were hampered for only a short period. Most probably
the passive members of the group are at least several thousand more, giving a rough estimate of
around 5,000-8,000 for this period. However, the fact that Boko Haram was still feeling
Boko Haram: A Prognosis
something of a crunch as far as its numbers go is revealed by its October 14, 2010, demand to the
Nigerian government that 175 members of the group still in jail be releasedwhich would have
been an amnesty similar to the one accorded to the militants in the Niger Delta shortly
beforehand. It is interesting that Boko Haram was willing at this stage to negotiate with the
Nigerian government; negotiations since that period have been rejected.

Boko Haram did not manage to replace Yusuf with a charismatic figure. His successor was
Abubakar Shekau, apparently a local Maiduguri businessman,
whose spokesmen have been
Abu Zayd and Abul Qaqa (Abu al-Qa`qa`). While Abul Qaqa is by far the more visible of the
two, especially during the spring and summer of 2011, and statements issued by him should be
considered authentic, available material does not seem to indicate a central authoritative
leadership, but rather one that is local and made up of cells.
It is interesting that while the group
had Yusuf, the charismatic leader, it does not seem to have indulged in individual assassinations
of its political or religious opponents. Perhaps lacking Yusuf, the new leaders feel frustrated that
they are unable to answer allegations or critiques of Boko Haram, and have to use more strong-
arm methods. Or perhaps they merely feel more confident.

On August 9, 2009, about a week after Yusufs death, a temporary leader of Boko Haram, Sani
Umar, issued an ideological statement that can be seen as the basis for the groups Phase 2:


For the first time since the Killing of Mallam Mohammed Yusuf, our leader, we
hereby make the following statements.

1) First of all that Boko Haram does not in any way mean Western Education is a
sin as the infidel media continue to portray us. Boko Haram actually means
Western Civilization is forbidden. The difference is that while the first gives the
impression that we are opposed to formal education coming from the West, that is
Europe, which is not true, the second affirms our believe in the supremacy of
Boko Haram: A Prognosis
Islamic culture (not Education), for culture is broader, it includes education but
not determined by Western Education.

In this case we are talking of Western Ways of life which include: constitutional
provision as if relates to, for instance the rights and privileges of Women, the idea
of homosexualism [sic], lesbianism, sanctions in cases of terrible crimes like drug
trafficking, rape of infants, multi-party democracy in an overwhelmingly Islamic
country like Nigeria, blue films, prostitution, drinking beer and alcohol and many
others that are opposed to Islamic civilization.

2) That Boko Haram is an Islamic Revolution which impact is not limited to
Northern Nigeria, in fact, we are spread across all the 36 states in Nigeria, and
Boko Haram is just a version of the Al Qaeda which we align with and respect.
We support Osama bin Laden, we shall carry out his command in Nigeria until
the country is totally Islamized which is according to the wish of Allah.

3) That Mallam Yusuf has not died in vain and he is a martyr. His ideas will live

4) That Boko Haram lost over 1000 of our Martyr members killed by the wicked
Nigerian army and police mostly of Southern Nigeria extraction. That the
Southern states, especially the infidel Yoruba, Igbon and Ijaw infidels will be our
immediate target.

5) That the killing of our leaders in a callous, wicked and malicious manner will
not in any way deter us. They have lost their lives in the struggle for Allah.

Having made the following statement we hereby reinstate our demands:

Boko Haram: A Prognosis
1) That we have started a Jihad in Nigeria which no force on earth can stop. The
aim is to Islamize Nigeria and [to] ensure the rule of the majority Muslims in the
country. We will teach Nigeria a lesson, a very bitter one.

2) That from the Month of August, we shall carry out series of bombing in
Southern and Northern Nigerian cities, beginning with Lagos, Ibadan, Enugu and
Port Harcourt. The bombing will not stop until Shari`a and Western Civilization is
wiped off [sic] from Nigeria. We will not stop until these evil cities are turned
into ashes.

3) That we shall make the country ungovernable, kill and eliminate irresponsible
political leaders of all leanings, hunt and gun down those who oppose the rule of
Shari`a in Nigeria and ensure that the infidel does not go unpunished.

4) We promise the West and Southern Nigeria, a horrible pastime. We shall focus
on these areas which is the devil empire and has been the one encouraging and
sponsoring Western Civilization into the shores of Nigeria.

5) We call on all Northerners in the Islamic States to quit the follower ship
[fellowship?] of the wicked political parties leading the country, the corrupt,
irresponsible, criminal, murderous political leadership, and join the struggle for
Islamic Society that will be corruption free, Sodom free, where security will be
guaranteed and there will be peace under Islam.

6) That very soon, we shall stir Lagos, the evil city and Nigerias South West and
South East, in a way no one has ever done before. Al Hakubarah [Allahu Akbar]


Shekau, Yusufs successor, began Boko Haram Phase 2 with a major statement on July 14,
stating: Do not think jihad is over. Rather jihad has just begun. O America, die with
Boko Haram: A Prognosis
your fury (paraphrase of Q. 3:119$"
This statement was apparently directed toward jihadist
groups in the Middle East and Central Asia, and was posted on a jihadi website, most probably to
mark Boko Haram as the equal of these groups both in stature and in goals. In an earlier
interview on March 29, 2010, Musa Tanko, a spokesman for the group, stated:

Islam doesnt recognize international boundaries, we will carry out our operations
anywhere in the world if we can have the chance. The United States is the number
one target for its oppression and aggression against Muslim nations, particularly in
Iraq and Afghanistan and its blind support to Israel in its killings of our Palestinian
brethren We will launch fiercer attacks than Iraqi or Afghan Mujahedeen
[Islamic fighters] against our enemies throughout the world, particularly the U.S.,
if the chance avails itself within the confines of what Islam prescribes, but for now
our attention is focused on Nigeria, which is our starting point"

Operations associated with Boko Haram commenced almost immediately after the September
2010 prison break, which most probably liberated some of the groups most dynamic and
effective members. The period under study, September 2010 to November 20, 2011, has seen at
least 45 major operations carried out by Boko Haram, or ascribed to it (again, using the
responsibility claimed by either Abu Zayd or Abul Qaqa as a bellwether). Included in this
number are three suicide attacks (and a further foiled one). Of the 45 major operations, there
were at least 10 major operations directed against the police and military; 19 using amr bi-l-
ma`ruf principles against markets, educational targets, and activities that were perceived to be
against Islam (like elections); nine against Christian targets; and at least seven major targeted
assassinations. However, 45 operations is very probably an incomplete number, and does not
take into account all the various drive-by shootings and minor intimidations associated with
Boko Haram that may very well push the true number of its operations into the low hundreds.

On December 6, 2010, at least five people were killed when security forces in Maiduguri
attacked the reconstituted Boko Haram.
This clash was followed by a series of attacks claimed
by Boko Haram in Maiduguri, where a candidate for the All Nigeria Peoples Party was
assassinated; in Jos and Maiduguri, where at least 86 people were killed; and in Bauchi, where
Boko Haram: A Prognosis
30 were killed. This latter attack occurred after some congregants challenged a Muslim preacher
who spoke out against Boko Haram.
And presaging the attacks in Abuja during the summer of
2011, an attack on a police bar killed at least four.

Throughout the spring of 2011, Boko Haram operations can be largely grouped into two
themes: anti-election assassinations, and intimidation and assassinations of Islamic clerics who
oppose the group. For instance, on January 28, 2011, Boko Haram assassinated local Borno
state gubernatorial candidate Modu Fannami Gubio, as well as his brother and police officers.

Shortly thereafter, Boko Haram demanded that the Borno governor, Ali Modu Sheriff,
relinquish office and return the groups mosque in Maiduguri (seized from them in the July
2009 suppression).

One of the hallmarks of a Salafi-jihadi group is the opposition to democratic elections, which are
usually seen as a Western-style innovation as well as (in some extreme circles) a religion
imposed by the West. In the 2011 Nigerian elections there was the additional factor: Many
Muslims disliked the fact that President Goodluck Jonathan, a Southern Christian, was the
nominee and likely victor, as Northern Muslims viewed the period following Obasanjos
retirement in 2007 as being their time for power. There were at least five major bombings of
election events during this period: March 3, April 8 and 9, and two on April 16

in places as
varied as Kaduna, Abuja, Maiduguri, and others.

Boko Harams targeted assassinations are most interesting, involving, first, political figures
such as the May 30, 2011, death of Abba Anas bin `Umar, the brother of the Shehu of Borno,
and secular opposition figures such as Modu Fannami Godio (above); and second, prominent
clerics such as Bashir Kashara, a well-known Wahhabi figure killed on October 9, 2010; Ibrahim
Ahmad Abdullahi Bolori, a nonviolent preacher, killed on March 13, 2011;
and Ibrahim
Birkuti, a well-known popular preacher who challenged Boko Haram, on June 7, 2011. On
September 4, 2011, Malam Dalu, a well-known cleric in Maiduguri, was shot dead outside his
home. Even a member of the group, such as Babakura Fuguwho was a brother-in-law to
Muhammad Yusuf, the former leader of Boko Haramwas assassinated on September 17, 2011,
after attending peace talks with former president Obasanjo.
Boko Haram: A Prognosis
The diversity of the religious opponents of Boko Haram is quite interesting, because with these
targeted assassinations one can see the literal ideology of the group in play. During the July 2009
suppression, reporter Ahmed Silkidataken hostage by Boko Haram in the police station of
Maiduguri on July 28reported that he was being punished for not being willing to wage a
jihad against the state government and the [Yan] Izala group. Since Yan Izala is basically a
Wahhabi group, but one that is today identified with the Muslim religious establishment, it is
clear that Boko Haram sees any cleric who does not follow its teachings, even those from closely
related movements, to be a legitimate target.

By the middle of April 2011, it was clear that Boko Haram was basically in control of
Maiduguri. On April 25, there were three bomb blasts in a hotel and a motor park in Maiduguri,
and on May 9, Boko Haram refused the offer of amnesty made by the governor-elect of Borno,
Kashim Shettima (interestingly, more or less the same one that the group had asked for a year
On May 26, Boko Haram attacked the Damboa police station in Maiduguri, killing
at least five people. On May 29, there was a bomb blast at the market located next to the barracks
in Bauchi that killed 13,
and another bomb blast in Maiduguri on May 31. Still another blast on
June 3 was directed against a warehouse containing polio and measles vaccines, which is quite
interesting given the long history of opposition to vaccination in the North"
By the beginning of
July 2011, the situation was so critical that the Nigerian military forbade the use of motorcycles
(the primary means of locomotion for many Nigerians) in Maiduguri because they were often
used as the means of assassination.

But all that was merely the prelude to the audacious operations that Boko Haram was planning
for Abuja, the capital of the country, and the center of unity. This operation was preceded by a
statement on June 13, 2011, in which Boko Haram announced: Very soon, we will wage jihad
... We want to make it known that our jihadists have arrived in Nigeria from Somalia where they
received real training on warfare from our brethren who made that country ungovernable.
June 16, it carried out a suicide attack at the police general headquarters (Louis Edet House),
killing two people. As follow-up, Boko Haram carried out raids on police stations and beer
gardens on June 20 and 27, and then launched a series of attacks on police stations and banks on
August 25, killing at least 16 people.
Boko Haram: A Prognosis
Once again, as during the previous year, Boko Haram issued a major ideological warning to the
people of Nigeria on the anniversary of the murder of Yusuf, in which Abu Zayd stated:

The only dialogue in this crisis is as follows: Stop abiding by the constitution in
our land (Dualan Usmaniyya), and government must be sincere and stop
terrorizing Muslims in Maiduguri and parts of the North, then there should be a
time limit for ceasing fire to gauge Government commitment in keeping to its
promise, which cannot be more than ten years What is holding us back is the
innocent civilian population, but as soon as people stay clear from security agents
we will launch a full-scale attack. Unarmed Muslims were picked up from their
homes and from their hospital beds and summarily executed; the world saw it on
Al-Jazeera. Yet the same Government wants to forgive us for the wrongs they
meted on us. In actual sense, we are the ones that should give amnesty to the
Borno State Government We as a group don't kill people who are innocent.
What we are trying to tell people is that, in regaining the pride of the people in
Islam, people have to endure in losing their properties and sometimes lives are
also involved and this can fall on everyone, including us.

This is a government that is not Islamic. Therefore, all its employees, Muslims
and non-Muslims, are Infidels. This is a Government which naturally fights Islam
because Muslims were killed in Zagon Kataf [near Kaduna], in Jos and Southern
Kaduna but the perpetrators have never been prosecuted by the so-called existing
laws of the land. Mosques were destroyed and punishment for this is death.
Therefore, we have the right to kill them all. But if there are people who profess
Islam and do not take part in Government or Western Education, their blood and
wealth are sacred unless otherwise [sic]"

The culmination of all Boko Harams previous attacks, however, was the suicide attack carried
out by Muhammad Abu al-Barra (probably a pseudonym) on the United Nations (UN)
compound in Abuja on August 26, 2011, killing 23 people.
This attack was a boundary-
creating attack, designed to expel foreigners and the foreign influence epitomized by the UN in
Boko Haram: A Prognosis
Nigeria. It was also clearly designed to demonstrate to Nigeria and the world that Boko Harams
goals were no longer local in nature, but that it had the means by which to instigate violence
anywhere in Nigeria, and perhaps even beyond. It is once again interesting that the date chosen
for the bombing (August 26, or 26 Ramadan) corresponds to the Laylat al-Qadr, the holy night
on which the Quran is said to have been revealed, indicating yet again the importance felt by
Boko Haram for dates.

About two weeks after the suicide attack at the UN, a video purportedly recorded by the martyr
of the attack was released to the press. In it, the bomber stated that the bombing was meant to
be a warning to U.S. President Barack Obama and other infidels.
It is clear that this video,
taken together with the attack on the UN as the representative of world organizations in
Nigeriaespecially the World Health Organization (WHO), which for many Northern
Muslims is an organization committed to genocide through the administration of the polio
vaccinedemonstrates the marriage of local Nigerian Muslim concerns to the technology of
globalist Salafi-jihadism.

After the suicide attack in Abuja, there was no let-up in the violence, with a gun battle in Song,
Adumawa state, between Boko Haram and soldiers on September 1, 2011; a series of ambushes
in Maiduguri against the military on September 15; a series of drive-by shootings at the market
in Maiduguri on October 1, killing at least five; and another attack on the market on October 3,
killing three. More and more, however, Boko Haram has turned its attentions toward the
Christian population, especially in Borno, Yobe, Bauchi, and Niger states, and has had a hand in
fomenting violence in Plateau (especially in Jos). Following the bombings at the end of
December 2010 in Jos, there had been attempts at a large-scale bombing of a church in Bauchi
on January 31, 2011, and a number of other attacks on churches or on pastors.

Clearly, a November 4, 2011, Damaturu operationin which some 150 people, mainly
Christians, were killedwas intended to clear out the Christian population in northeast Nigeria.
In a complicated operation, which was preceded by a series of suicide attacks at various police
stations, Boko Haram went through the Christian quarter of Damaturu (the state capital of Yobe)
and massacred anybody who did not know the Islamic creed.
The use of suicide attacks as part
Boko Haram: A Prognosis
of multifaceted operations, or especially as an initial shock attack (for example, to break open a
gate or an entrance or to cause panic among the targets), appears to be based upon Afghani and
Haqqani networks, and is not indigenous to Nigeria. Therefore, the use of such tactics in
Damaturu is particularly worrying.

After reading this litany of violence, it is worth asking basic questions of whether Boko Haram
is at this time a unified group, or as some Nigerians have speculated, it is divided between the
leadership of Shekau and his supposed second-in-command, Mamman Nur.
The diffuse nature
of the operationswithout a single master plan, for examplestrongly suggests that Boko
Haram has farmed out its operations into various sections of the country, since most probably
Nigeria is simply too big for any one figure to control. Frequent operations against banks
suggest that Boko Haram cannot as yet rely upon raising support funds from the areas that it
dominates, and has to generate money through robbery.
And although Boko Haram appears to
have moved away from its original goal of opposition to Western-style education in pursuit of
establishing a shari`a state in Nigeria, it has completely paralyzed all forms of education in
Maiduguri, where on July 12, 2011, the University of Maiduguri announced that it was shutting
down indefinitely.

It is also interesting to note the sections of the country where Boko Haram has been able to
project power. Clearly the base of the group is in northeast Nigeria, and it effectively controls the
cities of Maiduguri and Damaturu already, and may have substantial control in Bauchi as well. It
has been able to project power through operations in Abuja and Jos, and appears to have a branch
in Niger state (in the far West). However, it should be emphasized that thus far it has not carried
out operations in the Central Northern Muslim region, especially in the important and volatile
cities of Kano or Zaria, let alone in the far Northwestern region dominated by Sokoto.
In other
words, the regions in which Boko Haram has gained predominance are those historically outside
of Fulani control, and where the dominance of Muslim power eliteseither descending from
Fulani emirs, Sufi clerics, or Yan Izala radicalshas been weak. And in spite of many threats
and much paranoia on the part of Nigerians, Boko Haram has yet to carry out a successful
operation in Lagos, or demonstrate any ability to operate in the Muslim sections of Yorubaland
(in the Southwest).
Boko Haram: A Prognosis
VI. Connections and Prospects

What are Boko Harams connections, and where will it now turn its attention? If the above
analysis is correct, then Boko Haram is a Salafi-jihadi organization that has been activated, but is
lacking a single direction-supplying leader. Most likely it is due to this fact that there has not
been a coherent goal behind Boko Harams operations. To the outside observer they seem to be
attacking a number of disparate targets without an obvious methodology. However, to the group
it may appear that all of its targetsthe government, military and police, the Muslim elite,
Christians, and the UNrepresent manifestations of a non-Islamic outer world. By attacking all
of them, the group demonstrates its rejection of any perceived non-Islamic values. However, it is
equally important to note that in contradistinction to other dogmatic Salafi organizations, such as
the Shabab, there are no documented cases of Boko Haram attacking Sufi shrines or mosques or
Sufism specifically as a creed. All these types of attacks would be present if Boko Haram were
indeed ideologically dependent upon Middle Eastern Salafi-jihadi groups, although perhaps the
reason for that absence is the mitigating factor of Shehu Usaman Dan Fodio (whose prestige and
whose Sufi attachments are above question).

In the short term, the most likely goal of Boko Haram is to clear out the region of Yobe and
Borno states of Christians and any government presence in order to establish an Islamic state
where Muslims from other regions of Nigeria can make hijra and use as a base. In some ways
this goal has been largely accomplished, as many Christians have fled Maiduguri and
However, this fact has hardened the opposition to Boko Haram throughout the
countrynot only among Christians and government elements, but among Northern Muslim
elites as well.

Looking beyond Nigeria, it is probable that the interval between the murder of Muhammad
Yusuf and the Bauchi prison break in September 2010 saw the establishment of connections
between Boko Haram and another African Salafi group, most probably the Shabab in Somalia
(but possibly others as well). The identity of the Salafi group cannot be ascertained at this point;
all that exists concerning this linkage are rumors. However, when one considers the change in
methodology between Phase 1 and Phase 2, above, it is apparent that suicide attacks and video
Boko Haram: A Prognosis
recordings of the martyr are now hallmarks of Boko Haram. These are pervasive among the
Shabab. Moreover, it seems unlikely that the connection to Arabic-speaking Salafi radicalism
was a direct one (i.e., through Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula or other groups),
if only
because of the prevalence of Arab racism toward the Nigerians. No Salafi materials during the
period 2000-2010 known to me, including Abu Musab al-Suris great 2004 manual, Da`wa li-
Muqawama Islamiyya `Alamiyya (A Call to Worldwide Islamic Revolution), mention Nigeria at
all. Looking through jihadi websites, there is even at the present time virtually no cognizance of
the country.

On the other hand, with the onset of suicide attacks among Boko Haram, one can be certain that
if the group was not previously on the radar of globalist Salafi-jihadi organizations, it is now.
Since Boko Haram may be on the verge of establishing the ephemeral base that globalist radical
Muslims have sought, it might become attractive to them. And given the close relations between
the Arabic-speaking Middle East and Kano (because of the Hajj pilgrimage and because of the
Nigerian students that go to Saudi Arabia and Egypt for study), it might be easy enough for them
to get there.

VII. Policy Suggestions

Is there a policy solution for the issue of Boko Haram? Although there are reports that Boko
Haram is, in fact, split into several different organizations, and that its policies are not unified,
one cannot be certain that such reports are accurate. Divisions of radical groups into moderate
and extremist camps are all too common in Western analyses of these groups, and just as
frequently represent wishful thinking or realities that are not useful to the policymaker or
intelligence analyst.

What can be stated absolutely about Boko Haram is that it represents an element of northern
Nigerian Muslim dominationism (note the number of times in their statements that Nigeria is
characterized as a Muslim nation) that has not been satisfied with the current state of the
imposition of shari`a since 2000. Its beliefs hold considerable appeal to dissatisfied elements
throughout northern Nigeria.
This fact can be seen both by Boko Harams success as well as
Boko Haram: A Prognosis
the religious response by a number of Northern governorsi.e., renewing emphasis on the
imposition of shari`a in its totality.
However, goals listed by Boko Haram, such as the complete
imposition of shari`a throughout the country of Nigeria, are fundamentally unacceptable in both
the South and the Middle Belt, as well as in parts of the North (where enthusiasm for shari`a has
diminished considerably). And it is clear that negotiationor the abject and embarrassing
process of apologizing, in which a number of Northern governors indulged during spring 2011
toward Boko Haramhas not been efficacious.

Probably for Nigeria, the only solution at present for dealing with Boko Haram is to utilize force,
although it should be recognized that extrajudicial force, exemplified by the murder of
Muhammad Yusuf, has fueled the rise of Boko Haram since 2010. Therefore, this force should
be seen as judicial in nature, and with the possibility of amnesty (which has worked to a large
extent in the Delta region since 2009). This will be a tall order in Nigeria, where no doubt the
anger toward Boko Haram in the police and military, as a result of the constant attacks against
them, is at a peak. However, on a basic level, just like the Taliban in Afghanistan and Salafis
elsewhere (Iraq and Yemen, for example), the growth of Boko Haram is fed by the instability
and chaos that the group creates. As more and more territories become ungovernable, such as
Maiduguri, then Muslims more and more will want to join Boko Haram, if only because it
represents the one group that can actually project power and hold out the illusion of eventual
security to the people. It is important, therefore, to reestablish some modicum of stability within
Borno and Yobeif only because if that does not occur, then functionally, those territories will
be lost to Nigeria.

For the United States, Boko Haram at the present does not constitute a danger, in spite of its
threats against President Obama and other American interests. However, it does constitute a very
real danger in the area of western Africa, where there is every chance that if Boko Haram
manages to establish a quasi-state in northeastern Nigeria, it will move toward other states in the
region that have a long history of Muslim grievance and instability (such as Cameroon, Niger,
and Chad). The free flow of weapons from Libya, and a stream of mercenaries toughened by
combat in that country throughout the region, is a combination that could be volatile in the near
future. Although the U.S. presence in the region is weak, there are a number of oil interests in
Boko Haram: A Prognosis
Chad and Cameroon, in addition to the obvious oil interests in southern Nigeria and the uranium
interests in northern Niger, that should be of concern. Therefore, it is clear that the United States
should lend all possible aid, military, and intelligence to the defeat of Boko Haram.

Probably the best way to deal with Boko Haram after it has been militarily defeated, or at least
checked, would be to co-opt it into the northern Nigerian Muslim structure. This is undoubtedly
the desire of Muhammad Sa`adu Abubakar, the caliph of Sokoto, whose attempts to negotiate
with Boko Haram thus far have failed.
However, as with other internecine Muslim conflicts in
the past, the path of joining the elite allows for the possibility of amnesty and reintegration. This
is a process, though, that can only take place after Boko Haram is no longer in its current state of
exaltation of victory.

Boko Haram: A Prognosis


1. Transparency International ranked Nigeria 134th in terms of corruption among the
worlds countries in 2010. Corruption Perception Index 2010 Results, Transparency
International, last modified in 2010,
2. Andrew Walker, Rich World Pessimistic, but Developing World Upbeat, BBC News,
last updated November 1, 2011, accessed October 31, 2011,
3. Ibn Battuta, Ibn Battuta in Black Africa, trans. Said Hamdun and Noel King
(Princeton: Marcus Wiener, 1994).
4. al-Maghili al-Jazairi, Misbah al-arwah fi usul al-falah (Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-
`Ilmiyya, 2001).
5. Mervyn Hiskett, The Sword of Truth: The Life and Times of the Shehu Usuman Dan
Fodio (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1994), Chapter 3.
6. Hiskett, The Sword of Truth, Chapter 6; Ismail Balogun, The Life and Works of
`Uthman Dan Fodio (Lagos: Islamic Publications Bureau, 1981).
7. But not so much for Southern Nigerian Muslims, especially those in the West who
are ethnically Yoruba, who have tended to remember that the jihad was also closely associated
with slave raiding toward the south. Julius Adekunle, Politics and Society in Nigerias Middle
Belt: Borgu and the Emergence of a Political Identity (Trenton: Africa World Press, 2004),
111, 197-99.
8. Shari`a is the moral code and religious law of Islam.
9. John Paden, Ahmadu Bello, Sarauna of Sokoto: Values and Leadership in Nigeria
(London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1986), Chapter 16.
10. In Arabic, Jama`a li-izalat al-bida` wa-iqamat al-sunna (taken almost exactly from
several of Dan Fodios books).
11. Hiskett, The Sword of Truth, 65-68, 162-3.
12. See Roman Lomeier, Islamic Reform and Political Change in Northern Nigeria
(Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1997), Chapters 4-5; and Ousmane Kane, Muslim

Boko Haram: A Prognosis

Modernity in Postcolonial Nigeria: A Study of the Society for the Removal of Innovation and the
Reinstatement of Tradition (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2003), Chapter 5.
13. Nigeria, in World Christian Encyclopedia, ed. David Barrett (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2001).
14. See Toyin Falola, Violence in Nigeria (Rochester: University of Rochester Press,
1998), Chapters 6-7.
15. Kane, Muslim Modernity in Postcolonial Nigeria, 198-201; and Ibrahim Ado-
Kurawa, Archbishop Carrey, Lady Rose and Religious Tolerance in Northern Nigeria, Kano
Online (2001),; and authors
interview with Ado-Kurawa, Kano, May 15, 2005.
16. 2002: Riots force Miss World out of Nigeria, BBC News, November 23, 2011,
accessed October 31, 2011,
17. Nigeria Cartoon Protests Kill 16, BBC News, February 19, 2006, accessed October
31, 2011,
18. See Abimbola Adesoji, Boko Haram and Islamic Revivalism in Nigeria, Afrika
Spectrum 45 (2010): 95-108; and N.D. Danjibo, Islamic Fundamentalism and Sectarian
Violence: The Maitatsine and Boko Haram Crisis in Northern Nigeria,
19. Rosalind Hackett, Exploring Theories of Religious Violence: Nigerias Maitatsine
Phenomenon, in Religion as a Human Capacity: Festschrift in Honor of E. Thomas Lawson,
ed. Timothy Light and Brian Wilson (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2003), 193-206; and Mervyn Hiskett,
The Maitatsine Riots in Kano 1980: An Assessment, in Journal of Religion in Africa 13
(1980): 214-39.
20. Toyin Falola and Matthew Heaton, A History of Nigeria (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2008), 206.
21. Ruud Peters, Islamic Criminal Law in Nigeria (Abuja: Spectrum Books, 2003), 44-45.
22. See Rasheed Olanyi, Hisba and the Sharia Law Enforcement in Metropolitan Kano,
accessed October 31, 2011,

Boko Haram: A Prognosis

23. Jeff Koinange, Women Sentenced to Stoning Freed, CNN World, September 26,
24. Karin Brulliard, In Nigeria, Sharia Fails to Deliver, Washington Post, August 12,
2009, accessed October 31, 2011,
25. See Elena Pavlova, From Counter-Society to Counter-State: Jemaah Islamiyah
According to PUPJI, in Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 30 (2007); and Institute of Defense
and Strategic Studies (working paper 117, November 2006): 777-800.
26. Joe Boyle, Nigerias Taliban Enigma, BBC News, July 31, 2009, accessed
October 31, 2011,
27. See Grand Mufti `Abdallah b. Baz, Jiryan al-shams wa-suqut al-ard (Beirut: 1983),
described in Parviz Hoodbhoy, Islam and Science (London: Zed Books, 1991), 48-9 and the
fatwa of his close collaborator Muhammad b. `Uthaymin, Fatawa al-`aqida (Beirut: Dar al-Jil,
1993), 376-8; for a refutation, see Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Contemporary Fatwas, trans. Rami
Osman (Newark, NJ: Islamic Book Service, 1999), i, 44-5.
28. Anna Borzello, Tracking Down Nigerias Taleban Sect, BBC News, January 14,
2004, accessed October 31, 2011, The fact that
the writer refers to them as Taleban reveals that the name of Boko Haram was still in flux.
29. It would seem that the manifesto for Boko Haram circulated on the Internet is
spurious. See The Nigerian Taliban Boko Haram Manifesto, Islamization Watch, July 30,
2009, accessed October 31, 2011,
taliban-boko-haram-manifesto.html. The analysis of various observers (Sahel reporters, etc.) is
accurate: It does not seem at all credible that Yusuf would cite al-Ghazali, who is detested by
both Maliki and Salafi authorities, and is not widely known or respected in northern Nigeria, let
alone in the Deobandi School or Harun Yahya. A much more plausible manifesto would mention
Dan Fodio, at least, given his importance within northern Nigeria.
30. NIGERIA: Timeline of Boko Haram activity, Nigeria Newsline, October 7, 2011,
accessed September 16, 2011,
activity/; Nigeria: Timeline of Boko Haram activity, Refworld, accessed September 16, 2011,; and Ifedayo Adebayo, Boko Haram: A

Boko Haram: A Prognosis

Timeline, Next, June 19, 2011, accessed September 16, 2011,
31. See note 27.
32. Other reports said 200 attackers, of whom 18 were killed, and 7 captured.
33. Muhammad Iysa (Lagos State University, Lagos, Nigeria), in discussion with the
author, May 5, 2005.
34. A BBC report cites Nigerian reporters saying that he lived a lavish lifestyle and drove
a late-model Mercedes-Benz.
35. See Michael Cook, Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong in Islamic Thought
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000) for a full discussion of this critical concept.
36. Muhammad Yusuf interrogation, YouTube, last modified August 4, 2009, accessed
October 31, 2011,; and The Interrogation of
Muhammad Yusuf, Next, August 5, 2009, accessed October 31, 2011,
37. Boyle, Nigerias Taliban enigma.
38. The Interrogation of Muhammad Yusuf, Next.
39. M.J. Kister, Sha`ban is My Month: A Study of an Early Tradition, in Studia
Orientalia memoriae D.H. Baneth dedicata (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1979), 15-37.
40. Sani Muhd Sani, Nigeria: Attack On Bauchi PrisonBoko Haram Frees 721
Inmates,, last modified September 8, 2010, accessed October 31, 2011,
41. Erroneously said to have been killed with Yusuf. Leader of Nigerian Taliban
Killed in Police Custody, Refworld, July 31, 2009, accessed October 31, 2011,,,RFERL,,NGA,,4a82b71cc,0.html.
42. On August 3, 2009, the security forces found a formal training camp at Biu,
approximately 140 miles to the south of Maiduguri. But apparently there have been others since
that time.
43. Mallam Sanni Umaru, Boko Haram Ressurects, Declares Total Jihad, Vanguard,
August 14, 2009, accessed October 31, 2011,
haram-ressurects-declares-total-jihad/. I have made some modifications to the English style.

Boko Haram: A Prognosis

44. Again, it is interesting that he appears to be keyed to the Muslim calendar for
45. Nigerian Sect Leader Praises al Qaeda, warns U.S., Reuters, July 14, 2010,
accessed October 31, 2011,
46. Aminu Abubakar, Nigerian Islamist Sect Threatens to Widen Attacks, Agence
France-Presse, accessed October 31, 2011,
47 Five Killed As Police Clash with Misunderstanders of Islam,,
December 6, 2010,
48. Religious Mayhem Claims 30 in Bauchi,, December 29, 2009,
49. Nigerian Capital Abuja Hit by Barracks Bomb, BBC News, January 1, 2011,
accessed October 31, 2011,
50. Six Killed in Nigerian Political Massacre, The Telegraph, January 28, 2011,
accessed October 31, 2011,
51. Nigerian Ex-governor Apologises to Islamists Over Abuse, Agence France-Presse,
July 6, 2011,
islamists-over-.html (The governor had been responsible for the attack on Boko Haram in 2009.)
52. Outspoken Muslim Cleric Killed in Northern Nigeria, Agence France-Presse,
accessed October 31, 2011,
53. Aminu Abubakar, Amnesty Offered for Nigerian Islamists Blamed for Attacks,
Agence France-Presse, May 11, 2011,
54. Said to have been carried out by members of the armed forces loyal to Boko Haram.
Nigerian Attacks Claimed by Islamist Sect Boko Haram, BBC News, June 1, 2011, accessed
October 31, 2011,

Boko Haram: A Prognosis

55. Bombs Hit Vaccine Centre, Government in Northern Nigeria, Agence France-
Presse, June 2, 2011,
.01. For the issue of polio vaccination as a contentious one in northern Nigeria, see Polio
Vaccine: How Potent? (Kaduna: New Era Institute for Islamic Thought and Heritage, 2003). It
was commonly believed that polio vaccination by WHO was a cover-up for genocide.
56. Nigerias Maiduguri Bans Motorbikes to Stop Boko Haram, BBC News, July 8,
57. Nigerian Islamists Vow 'Fiercer' Attacks, Agence France-Presse, June 15, 2011,
58. Stay Away from Christians, Boko Haram Warns Muslims in Nigeria, Modern
Ghana, July 6, 2011,
59. A large-scale suicide attack was thwarted August 16 at the police station in
Maiduguri by the attacker being shot.
60. Laylat al-Qadr in United States,,
61. Nigeria UN Bomb: Video of Boko Haram Bomber Released, BBC News,
September 18, 2011, The bomb maker, one
Abu Sumayya Babagana Ismail Kwalijima, is allegedly being held by Nigerian security forces.
62. Violence in Yobe State, Nigeria Aimed Mainly at Christians, Compass Direct
News, November 11, 2011,
article_123074.html; Stefan J. Bos, BREAKING NEWS: 150 Killed In Attack On Nigeria
Churches, Police (UPDATE), BosNewsLife, November 5, 2011,
18906-breaking-news-scores-killed-in-attack-on-nigeria-churches-police; and Muslim
Extremists in Nigeria Kill Christians in Two States, Christian Today, September 28, 2011,
63. Uduma Kalu, How Nur, Shekau run Boko Haram, Vanguard, September 3, 2011,
accessed November 15, 2011,

Boko Haram: A Prognosis

haram/. Or some say even into three groups. John Gambrell, Nigeria: Radical Muslim Sect
Grows More Dangerous, Breitbart, November 4, 2011,
64. Although there are also reports that Northern politicians support Boko Haram.
Nigerian Senator Ali Ndume Linked to Boko Haram, BBC News, November 22, 2011,
65. Njadvara Musa, 3 killed in Bomb Blast in Northeast Nigeria, Yahoo! News, July 12,
2011, accessed October 31, 2011,
130349460.html; and Anamesere Igboeroteonwu, Nigeria Islamists Could Attack Universities
Police, Reuters, September 14, 2011,
66. Bomb-makers operated in Nasarawa. Gbade Ogunwale, I was asked for bomb
material, says Boko Haram suspect, The Nation, September 14, 2011,
67. Note the punishment for apostasy: When one of Boko Haram fighters, who was
impressed by the Christians in Damaturu that he murdered, converted to Christianity, Boko Haram
kidnapped his two children and murdered them in payment for his apostasy, even though the
children were Muslims. Stefan J. Bos, NEWS ALERT: Nigeria Militants Kill Children of
Christian Convert, Missionaries Say, BosNewsLife, November 23, 2011,
This is an action that is unknown to me from Muslim radicals other than in Algeria.
68. There does not seem to be any indication that Boko Haram has connections with its
closest Salafi-jihadi neighbor, which is Al Qaeda in the Maghreb (AQIM). However, perhaps
this is not so strange considering the focus of AQIM is to its north, primarily Algeria and
Mauretania, and it is largely based in northern Mali. Given the lack of Internet communications,
the linkage between the two groups might be more difficult than one would suspect.
69. Usama bin Ladin, in his statement of Feb. 11, 2003, lists Nigeria as one of six
countries most in need of liberation in Bruce Lawrence, Messages to the World: The
Statements of Osama bin Laden, trans. James Howarth (London: Verso, 2005), 183.

Boko Haram: A Prognosis

70. Nigerias Islamic Militants Reject Peace Overtures,, October
3, 2011,
71. One should note the persistent reports that many Nigerian police and soldiers have
either aided Boko Haram or even defected to it. Frank Crimi, Nigerias Christian Prosecution,
Assyrian International News Agency, November 14, 2011, accessed November 26, 2011,; and Senator Ali Ndume Arrested Over
Alleged Sponsorship of Boko Haram, Transparency for Nigeria, November 22, 2011, accessed
November 26, 2011,
72. For example, the renewed enforcement of the ban on alcohol in Kano. Shariah
Enforcement-42,000 Bottles of Alcoholic Drinks Destroyed in Kano State, Nigeria, The African
Searchlight, October 26, 2011, accessed October 31, 2011,
73. Nairaland Forum, Boko Haram: Panel Named Sultan of Sokoto as Mediator for
Boko Haram, last modified September 27, 2011,

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