Custom Component Editing
Custom Component Editing
Custom Component Editing
Copyright 2005 Tekla Corporation
Custom Component Editing............................................................................................1
Contents ..........................................................................................................................2
1 Lifting Bracket Detail ..............................................................................................1
1.1 Import Custom Component to Your Model .............................................................................1
1.2 Define Custom Detail ............................................................................................................2
1.3 Open the Custom Component Editor .....................................................................................4
1.4 Fix the Position of the Plates.................................................................................................5
Edit the variables..................................................................................................................7
Test the variables.................................................................................................................7
1.5 Control the Properties of the Plates and the Bolts..................................................................8
1.6 Close the Editor and Test the Custom Component...............................................................10
1.7 Add thumbnail for the detail.................................................................................................11
2 End Plate Connection ...........................................................................................14
2.1 Define Custom Connection..................................................................................................14
2.2 Create magnetic planes to control Top Notch.......................................................................16
2.3 Adjust the planes for different notch sizes............................................................................18
2.4 Plate Length.......................................................................................................................21
2.5 Plate Width and Thickness..................................................................................................23
2.6 Plate Material......................................................................................................................24
2.7 Adjust the Component to a New Beam Size.........................................................................24
2.8 Add Intelligence to the Bolts................................................................................................26
2.9 Close the Editor and Test the Custom Component...............................................................28
3 Stiffeners Detail.....................................................................................................30
3.1 Define Custom Component .................................................................................................30
3.2 Create Magnetic Construction lines.....................................................................................31
3.3 Bind construction Lines to the Beam....................................................................................32
3.4 Use Equations to Make the Plate Thickness Intelligent.........................................................35
3.5 Test the Custom Component...............................................................................................37
4 Ladders Custom Part ............................................................................................38
4.1 Create Stringers and Rungs................................................................................................38
Create two stringers and one rung.......................................................................................38
Create array of rungs..........................................................................................................41
4.2 Define the Custom Part.......................................................................................................43
4.3 Edit the Custom Part...........................................................................................................45
Stringer top offset ...............................................................................................................45
Number and spacing of rungs..............................................................................................46
Bottom rung offset ..............................................................................................................47
Ladder width.......................................................................................................................47
Stringer and rung profiles....................................................................................................50
Rung connections...............................................................................................................51
4.4 Test the Custom Part ..........................................................................................................52
5 Add a User Interface to Ladders Custom Part......................................................54
5.1 Create and Save the Picture...............................................................................................54
5.2 Add the Bitmap to the Dialog Box........................................................................................56
5.3 Position the Picture and the Parameters..............................................................................58
5.4 Add and Rename Tab Pages..............................................................................................60
5.5 Test the Custom Part ..........................................................................................................61
5.6 Backup the INP File............................................................................................................63
6 Create a Sandwich Panel ......................................................................................64
6.1 Parameterize the Component..............................................................................................65
6.2 Test the Bindings by Creating a New Sandwich Panel .........................................................66
6.3 Parameterize the Panel Thicknesses...................................................................................67
7 Create a Reinforcement Seam..............................................................................71
7.1 Insert the Members.............................................................................................................71
Concrete members.............................................................................................................71
7.2 Define the Seam Custom Component..................................................................................76
7.3 Parameterize the Seam.......................................................................................................77
Appendix C: FAQ..................................................................................................81
Lifting Bracket Detail
1 Lifting Bracket Detail
1.1 Import Custom Component to Your Model
1. Open the model Lifting bracket. This model includes the custom component named lb1.
2. Press Ctrl-F or double click the Find component icon to open the Component catalog.
3. Select Custom from the drop down menu to show all the custom components available.
Lifting Bracket Detail
4. Select lb1 from the list, right-click and select export.
5. Type lb1 in the Selection field and click OK.
The file lb1.uel is now created in the model folder.
6. Exit the Lifting bracket model and create a new model.
7. Import lb.uel file from the Lifting bracket folder to your new model.
You can export custom components to *.uel files, and then import the files into
another model. Custom components are stored into a xslib.db1 file which you
can copy from one model folder to another. The xslib.db1 file can not be
placed for use of all projects.
1.2 Define Custom Detail
1. Create a horizontal beam using the default properties.
2. Create the imported Lifting bracket custom component to the middle of the top flange of
the beam.
Lifting Bracket Detail
3. Explode the Lifting Bracket.
4. Define your own custom component from the exploded detail by using the custom
component wizard: Detailing > Define custom component.
Lifting Bracket Detail
1.3 Open the Custom Component Editor
Use the custom component editor to modify custom components and to create intelligent,
parametric custom components.
Select the component, right-click and select Edit custom component to open the custom
component editor.
The custom component editor opens showing the custom component editor toolbar, the
model browser and four views of the custom component.
Edit custom
Lifting Bracket Detail
1.4 Fix the Position of the Plates
We will first tie the gusset plate to the end plate by binding each of its chamfers to the top of
the end plate. We then tie the end plate to the beam top flange by binding the plate handles
one by one.
By binding all the chamfers of the gusset plate we ensure the shape of the plate
is kept when the end plate thickness or the main profile is modified.
1. Select the chamfer, right-click and select bind to plane.
2. Move the cursor to highlight the base plate top face and select it.
Tie gusset plate
chamfers to end
plate top and end
Lifting Bracket Detail
3. Following the procedure above, tie the opposite chamfer and then the other chamfers
(shown below) to the top face of the end plate as well.
1. Select the end plate.
2. Select one of its handles and bind it to the beam top face.
3. Bind the other handle the same way.
Tie end plate
handles to beam
Lifting Bracket Detail
Edit the variables
1. Click the Display variables icon to show the variables dialog box.
We can now see all the distance variables we have created so far
2. Change the Label in dialog box of first two variables to Show (This will make them
visible in the custom component dialog box)
3. Edit the variable labels of these variables to Dim 1 and Dim 2.
4. Change the Label in dialog box of other variables to Hide
When you select a variable in the list Tekla Structures highlights it in the
Test the variables
1. Change the value from 55 to 100 in the Formula field of Dim 1.
2. Press Enter.
The appropriate edge of the gusset plate is modified.
3. Reset the value to 55.
Make preferred
visible in the
dialogue box
Change Dim 1
Lifting Bracket Detail
1.5 Control the Properties of the Plates and the Bolts
We will now add parameter variables to control the profile and the material of the plates and
the bolt size and bolt standard.
The prefix D (distance) in a variable shows that the variable is created by the
system and the prefix P (parameter) that it is a user-defined variable.
We will now add user-defined variables to the variables dialog in order to control the gusset
plate profile from the custom component dialog box.
1. Click Add in the Variables dialog box to create a new variable.
2. Change the Value type of the variable to profile.
3. Edit the Label in dialog box to Gusset plate profile.
4. Select the gusset plate in the model.
Selecting an object in the custom component editor highlights this object in the
model browser.
5. Browse to profile in the model browser, right-click and select Copy value.
6. Paste the profile value to the Formula field of the new variable.
7. Add the equation =P1 to the profile in the model browser to tie the new variable to the
gusset plate Profile
Define variables
for plate profiles
and materials
Lifting Bracket Detail
8. Add the same way a new variable for the gusset plate material and tie it to the material
in the model browser.
9. Create and tie variables for end plate profile and material the same way.
1. Add two new variables.
2. Change the value type of the first variable to bolt size and the second to bolt standard.
3. Copy values from the Model browser to the Formula fields of the variables.
4. Edit the variable names to be the same.
Bolt size & bolt standard MUST have the same name (P5 in the
example below).
Define variables
for bolt size and
Lifting Bracket Detail
5. Tie variables for bolt size and grade back to the model browser.
1.6 Close the Editor and Test the Custom
At this stage we will check the custom component.
1. Click the Close icon.
2. Click Yes to the question of saving the Custom component.
Close the editor
Lifting Bracket Detail
3. Close the editor and save.
1.7 Add thumbnail for the detail
Finally we will add a thumbnail for our new custom component to the Component catalog
1. Rotate and zoom the detail view as desired and hide all unnecessary objects from the
Test the custom
Create a bmp
Lifting Bracket Detail
2. Select Window > Snapshot > Snapshot to open Snapshot dialog box
3. Click Pick view button and then pick the detail view
4. Select Print to file and browse to C:\TeklaStructures\11.2\nt\bitmaps\ and edit name to
Selection field as nostokorvake.bmp
5. Click Options button, select white background in the snapshot options dialog box and
click OK
6. Click Capture
Right click on the Nostokorvake thumbnail in the Component catalog and select Change
Change thumbnail
Lifting Bracket Detail
7. Browse to C:\TeklaStructures\11.2\nt\bitmaps\nostokorvake and click OK
End Plate Connection
2 End Plate Connection
2.1 Define Custom Connection
8. Create two IPE300 beams as shown and an end plate (144) to connect them.
End Plate Connection
9. Explode the connection.
10. Define a custom component connection by following the instructions in the wizard.
Parameters to be used
In this example we will input the following parameters:
Once all parameters have been defined the finished result should look something like in
Additional information:
Plate length
7 = Plate width
6 = Plate thickness
Plate material
Bolt size
Bolt grade
1 = Clearance from flange face
2 = Notch depth
3 = Distance to 1
4 = Bolt pitch
5 = Bolt C/Ctrs
End Plate Connection
The connection should also have the intelligence to adjust a change in the profile of either
the main or the secondary beam.
2.2 Create magnetic planes to control Top Notch
We are going to define the notch first. The values we would like to input are:
As for the clearance from the flange and the depth from the secondary beam top, we are
going to use magnetic user planes to control these variables.
Select the connection symbol, right-click and select: Edit custom component.
1. From the Custom component editor toolbar double click Create construction plane.
Open the custom
component editor
Create User
defined planes
End Plate Connection
2. Add a tick to the magnetic box and OK.
3. Hide the main beam to make it easier to pick the plane.
4. Pick three corner points of the cut as shown to define the location of the plane and click
the middle mouse button.
5. Repeat creating a vertical plane by picking the corner points as shown
End Plate Connection
6. Copy the planes to the opposite faces of the cut
2.3 Adjust the planes for different notch sizes
In case we want to enlarge the existing notch it results easily the notch chamfers to be
outside the magnetic planes. In order to cover also larger notches we need to adjust the
magnetic planes
Only the objects directly on the magnetic plane move with the plane.
Note that the objects must be inside the plane frames to move with the plane
We will now move the handles in the plane corners to enlarge the planes to cover all the
polygon cut sizes possible needed (the fig below)
Select both the horizontal planes and then their handles on the secondary beam side
Move the handles 100 mm to the direction shown
End Plate Connection
Repeat to move vertical planes lower handles 100 mm downwords
We can now bind the planes to define the input dimensions.
7. Select the horizontal user planes one by one and bind them to the top of the main beam.
8. Bind the vertical plane highlighted in the fig. below to the flange edge of the main beam.
Bind the planes
End Plate Connection
9. Bind the other vertical plane to the web face of the main beam.
10. To see these values select the Display variables option from the Custom component
editor toolbar.
We have 4 variables created by binding the planes.
1. Edit the label of variable D2 to Notch depth.
2. Edit the label of variable D3 to Clearance.
3. Set the values (Formulas) to D2 and D3.
4. Set the visibility of variables D2 and D3 to Show and the others to Hide.
Edit variables for
clearance and
notch depth
End Plate Connection
2.4 Plate Length
1. Double-click on the plate and set the start and end offset to zero, Modify.
Before binding the plate to any planes, we must first take away any values
already set in the plate properties. Otherwise these values will always be added
to the user input values.
2. Move top handle of the plate -30 mm in z direction to the lower magnetic plane.
Adjust the plate
length to suit user
End Plate Connection
3. Tie the bottom handle of the plate to the lower cut plane of the notch. Parameter D5
4. Edit the label to Plate length and edit the value to 200.
End Plate Connection
2.5 Plate Width and Thickness
5. Add two new variables and name them to Plate width and Plate thickness.
6. Set the values for variables according to the existing end plate.
7. Add a new variable and name it to Plate profile.
8. Edit the formula of variable P3 to be ="PL"+P2+"*"+P3 and select the Value type
9. Set the visibility of this variable to Hide.
10. Tie the variable P3 back to the model browser.
Define plate
profile with width
and thickness
End Plate Connection
2.6 Plate Material
1. Add a new variable and name it to Plate material, also change the Value Type to
2. Set the values for variable.
3. Tie the variable P4 back to the model browser.
2.7 Adjust the Component to a New Beam Size
We will next tie the end of the secondary beam to the back of the end plate by binding the
fitting to the plate.
1. Select the fitting.
2. Bind the fitting to the back of the end plate.
3. Set the visibility of this variable to Hide.
Tie the end of the
secondary beam
to the plate
End Plate Connection
We will next tie the plate to the main beam taking possible changes of plate thickness into
1. Tie the plate top and bottom handles to the face of the main beam.
2. Make these variables to follow the plate thickness by adding the plate thickness as an
equation to the variables.
3. Set the visibility of variables to Hide.
Tie the plate to
the main beam
End Plate Connection
2.8 Add Intelligence to the Bolts
1. Double-click on the bolt group and set the start and end offsets to zero, Modify.
2. Bind the upper handle of the bolt group to the top of the secondary flange. A new
variable D9 will appear.
Distance from top
flange to 1st bolt
End Plate Connection
3. Add a new variable, name it as Top flange to 1st bolt and edit the value to 70.
4. Edit the formula of variable D9 to be = -P6
1. Add two new variables.
2. Change the value type of the first variable to Bolt size and the second to Bolt standard.
3. Edit the variable names (P6) to be the same.
4. Copy values from the Model browser to the Formula fields of the variables.
5. Tie variables for bolt size and grade back to the model browser.
1. Add two new variables and change their value type to Distance list.
2. Edit the labels to Bolt dist X and Bolt dist Y.
Bolt size and
Bolt Pitch, Bolt
End Plate Connection
3. Edit manually the values to the formula fields of the variables as 2*60 for the Bolt dist x
and 80 for Bolt dist y.
4. Tie the Bolt Pitch variable to Bolt group distance x and Bolt C/C to Bolt group distance
y in the model browser.
You cannot copy the values of distance lists from the model browser. Edit
them manually to the variables dialog box Formula field.
2.9 Close the Editor and Test the Custom
1. Click the Close icon.
2. Click Yes to the question of saving the Custom component.
3. Close the editor and save.
Close the editor
End Plate Connection
Test the custom
Stiffeners Detail
3 Stiffeners Detail
3.1 Define Custom Component
1. Create a beam.
2. Create stiffeners (1003) detail in the middle of the beam.
3. Explode the detail.
4. Define a new custom component "jykkrit" of stiffeners.
Stiffeners Detail
3.2 Create Magnetic Construction lines
1. Open the custom component editor.
2. Double-click on the Create construction line icon.
3. Select the Magnetic check box, change the Extension to 100 and click OK.
4. Create six construction lines to the middle edges of the plates as shown to control the
size of stiffeners (Pick two points to define the location of the line)
You can also use user defined planes (Magnetic or not) to bind distances to
make it easier to pick the stiffeners corners hide the main part.
Stiffeners Detail
5. Create one magnetic plane in the middle of the plates to control the plate's position in
INFO: This magnetic plane will control also the position of the construction lines (handles)
The objects must be inside the magnetic plane frames to move with the plane.
To make this detail work for significantly larger profiles we should enlarge the
3.3 Bind construction Lines to the Beam
1. Tie the magnetic planes to the appropriate faces of the beam.
12 new parameters appear in the Variables dialog box.
Tie magnetic
planes to beam
Stiffeners Detail
2. Set the visibility of the variables to Hide.
The distance variable visibility in the variables list is by default Hide if the
distance equals to zero. Otherwise it is Show.
3. Tie the magnetic plane in the middle of the stiffener to the connection plane shown.
Stiffeners Detail
4. Name the variable as Position at depth and set it to show.
5. Close the editor and save the custom component.
1. Change the beam profile from HEA300 to HEA200.
The height and width of the stiffeners are now adjusted to the new beam profile whereas
the thickness of the stiffeners is always the same.
2. Change the beam profile back to HEA300.
Test the custom
Stiffeners Detail
3.4 Use Equations to Make the Plate Thickness
We will now adjust the stiffeners' thickness to suit the web thickness of the beam so that it
will be 1.5*beam web thickness rounded up to the next available plate thickness. The
available plate thicknesses are 10, 12 and 16 mm.
We will first add a new variable that returns the beam web thickness multiplied by 1.5.
1. Open the custom component editor.
2. Add a new parameter and change its Value type to length.
3. Add the equation =1.5* to the variable.
4. Select the beam in the model.
5. Select Primary part > Profile properties > Web thickness in the model browser, right-
click and select Copy reference.
6. Paste the reference to the Formula after 1.5*
A reference function refers to the property of an object, such as the web
thickness of a part. If the object property changes, so does the reference
function value.
1.5 * Web
Stiffeners Detail
We will now use an if-then-else statement to test whether the variable P1 is bigger than the
condition and set the value according to the result.
1. Add a new variable and change its value type to Number.
2. Edit the Formula of the variable P2 to be
=if (P1 < 12 && P1 > 10) then 12 else if (P1 > 12) then 16 else 10 endif endif
Define the
condition for the
plate thickness
Stiffeners Detail
Tie the parameter P2 to plate Profiles in the model browser.
3.5 Test the Custom Component
1. Close the editor and save the custom component.
2. Test the custom component.
Tie the plate
thickness to the
Test the custom
Ladders Custom Part
4 Ladders Custom Part
4.1 Create Stringers and Rungs
We will create the stringers by using the column command and the bottom rung by using the
beam command. We will then use this bottom rung as the input for creating the rungs with
the Array of objects macro.
Create two stringers and one rung
1. Start the Create column command.
2. Enter the information in the dialog box according to the figure below.
Create the
Ladders Custom Part
3. Pick positions according any grid intersection in the XY plane as shown.
Ladders Custom Part
1. Start the Create beam command.
2. Enter the information in the dialog box according to the figure below.
3. Create the bottom rung picking the positions shown below.
Create the bottom
Ladders Custom Part
Use the macro fitting (13) for fitting the rungs.
Create array of rungs
1. Use the shortcut Ctrl + F to open the Component catalog.
2. Search Array of objects macro by using the word array.
3. Double-click on the Array of objects to display the dialog box.
Fit and weld the
Create array of
Ladders Custom Part
4. Enter the information in the dialog box according the figure below.
5. Select the rung, and the components (including the objects in the components), and click
the middle mouse button.
6. Select the first position (the grid intersection).
7. Select the second position 4000 mm upwards (0,0,4000).
We can see that 12 new rungs were created so there is now 13 rungs altogether
Ladders Custom Part
4.2 Define the Custom Part
We will next define the ladders just created as a custom part. We will define the first point of
user selection to be at the bottom of the ladder (contrary to ladders system components) and
the second point to show the direction of the custom part.
1. Start the custom component wizard from Detailing > Define custom component.
2. Select Type as Part and name the custom component as Ladder simple, click Next.
3. Select all the objects of the ladders (including the Array macro symbol), click Next.
Define the custom
Ladders Custom Part
4. Select the grid intersection as the first position and second position 4000 mm above
5. Click Finish.
Ladders Custom Part
4.3 Edit the Custom Part
1. Select the Ladder simple custom part.
2. Right-click and select Edit custom component.
The custom component editor opens.
Stringer top offset
We will handle stringer top offset by tying the stringer top handles to the component plane.
1. Add a new variable (P1) to the variables list, change its value to 200 and name it as
Stringer top offset.
2. Select top handles of the stringers (one at a time) and bind them to the upper component
plane => Variables D1 and D2 appear.
3. Tie variables D1 and D2 to variable P1 as shown.
4. Change the visibility of variables D1 and D2 to Hide.
A custom part which has not been edited appears in its predefined size despite
the points picked for creating it.
To adjust the custom part length to the points picked you can bind the part end
(by using handles or magnetic plane) to the corresponding component plane (as
we just did).
Start custom
component editor
Stringer top offset
Ladders Custom Part
Number and spacing of rungs
We created the bottom rung manually and multiplied it by using the array of objects macro.
To parameterize the number and spacing of rungs we first define parameters for them and
then tie these parameters to the array component in the model browser.
1. Add a new variable (P2) to the variables dialog box and name it as Number of rungs and
edit the Formula to be 13 (this will be the number of all the rungs).
2. Add another variable (P3) and tie it to variable P2 with the formula shown.
The variable P3 returns now the number of rungs created by the array macro.
3. Add another variable (P4) and name it to Spacing of rungs, and type 300 as the formula.
4. Select the Array macro symbol (the component is highlighted in the Model browser) Tie
the variables P3 and P4 to the model browser as shown
Number and
spacing of rungs
Ladders Custom Part
Bottom rung offset
1. Add a new variable (P5) and name it as Bottom rung offset.
2. Edit the Formula of P5 to be 285.
3. Select handles of the lowest rung and tie them one by one to the bottom component
plane = > Two new variables (D3, D4) will be added.
4. Edit the visibility of variablesD3 and D4 to hide
5. Edit the formulas of the variables D3 and D4 to be equal with P5.
Ladder width
We will now create two magnetic planes in the middle of the stringers to control the ladder
width. We will adjust the magnetic planes to cover also longer stringers by binding the
magnetic planes top handles to upper component plane (This way the magnetic plane is
automatically resized according the picked positions for the custom part).
Since the handles of the rungs are positioned in the middle of the stringers they will move
with the planes as well and adjust with the ladder width.
1. Create a magnetic plane by picking 3 points in the middle of the stringer as shown and
click the middle mouse button.
Bottom rung
Create magnetic
Ladders Custom Part
2. Copy the magnetic plane to the other stringer.
1. Bind one upper handle of both magnetic planes to the upper component plane.
Variables D5 and D6 appears.
Adjust the
magnetic planes
for longer
Ladders Custom Part
2. Edit the formula of variables D5 and D6 to be =P1+20 and turn the visibility of variables
to Hide.
This ensures the magnetic plane tops are always 20 mm higher than the stringers.
1. Add a new variable (P6) named Ladder width and edit its Formula to be 460.
2. Tie the magnetic planes created one by one to the component plane in the middle
(variables D7 and D8 appear).
3. Edit the formula of variables D7 and D8 to be =P6/2 and turn their visibility to Hide.
Adjust the ladder
Ladders Custom Part
Stringer and rung profiles
We will now add two variables in order to control the stringer and rung profiles from the
custom component dialog box
1. Add two new variables (P7 and P8), change their value type to profile and name them as
Stringer profile and Rung profile.
2. Copy the rung and stringer profile values from the model browser and paste them to the
formula fields of variables P7 and P8.
Ladders Custom Part
3. Bind the variables back to the model browser (P7 to both stringers and P8 to the bottom
Rung connections
We will now add a new variable in order to control the connections between stringer and
rung profiles.
1. Add a new variable (P9), change its value type to Component name and name it as
2. Copy the component name value from model browser and paste it to formula field of
variable P9.
Ladders Custom Part
3. Bind the variable P9 back to the model browser to the bottom rung)
4.4 Test the Custom Part
1. Close the custom component editor.
2. Double-click on the custom part to open the dialog box.
3. Save the default values as standard.
Test the custom
Ladders Custom Part
4. Test that the fields work properly.
Add a User Interface to Ladders CustomPart
5 Add a User Interface to
Ladders Custom Part
We can make our Custom components easier to use by customizing their dialog boxes. By
modifying the input file of the custom component we can:
add pictures
change the order and location of fields
add / rename tab pages.
We will next add a picture to the ladder simple custom part. We will then position the
parameters and group them to two different tab pages: Picture and Parts.
5.1 Create and Save the Picture
We will first create the image and save it as a bitmap file. We will then add the image to the
custom component dialog box by editing the custom component's input file.
Add a User Interfaceto Ladders Custom Part
1. Take a snapshot of the shown region of Ladder macro (S35) dialog box.
2. Edit the picture to be as shown below using any picture editing program.
(The size of the example picture is 62*250 pixels.)
To create the picture you can open an existing bmp from the
teklastructures\version\nt\bitmaps directory or take a snapshot from an
existing component dialog box and edit it by using any picture editing
program. You can also create the bmp from the scratch.
Remember to use the standard Tekla colors in the bitmaps.
Create the bmp
Add a User Interfaceto Ladders Custom Part
The first pixel in the top left corner of a bitmap must be the same color (grey)
as the background of the dialog box.
Save the completed picture to the teklastructures\version\nt\bitmaps with the name
5.2 Add the Bitmap to the Dialog Box
Tekla Structures uses input files to control dialog boxes.
A custom component dialog box is controlled by an INP file automatically generated in the
model directory. We will now edit the Ladder simple.inp file to customize the dialog box of
our custom part.
1. Open the Ladder simple.inp file in the model folder using a normal text editor (Notepad,
2. Add the text:
picture ("ladder", 62, 250, 100, 50) to the inp file as shown below.
Place the bmp file
in the system
Edit the inp file
Add a User Interfaceto Ladders Custom Part
3. Save the inp file (In txt format).
4. Close and restart the model to see the modified dialog box.
5. Study the dialog box to understand the positioning of the picture.
Add a User Interfaceto Ladders Custom Part
5.3 Position the Picture and the Parameters
We can now plan the picture page and position the parameters P1-P6 according to the ladder
picture as shown. We will position parameters P7 and P8 at this stage at the bottom of the
dialog box.
1. Remove the parameter names from parameters P1-P6.
2. Add the X, Y coordinates and the length of the field for parameters P1-P6.
The number of fields and the coordinates added will effect the size of the
dialog box. Each tab page can contain 25 fields. If there are more than 25
visible fields, Tekla Structures creates another tab page.
Position the
picture and the
Add a User Interfaceto Ladders Custom Part
3. Change the order number of parameters P7 to 15 and P8 to 16.
4. Save the inp file.
Reopen the model to check the dialog box.
Reopen the model
Add a User Interfaceto Ladders Custom Part
5.4 Add and Rename Tab Pages
We will now rename the parameters 1 tab page to Picture and then add a new tab page Parts
to the dialog box. Then we move the profile parameters to this new tab.
Replace the text Parameters 1 with Picture.
1. To add a second tab Parts, edit the input file as shown below.
2. Save the file.
Rename a tab
Add a tab page
Add a User Interfaceto Ladders Custom Part
3. Reopen the model to check the dialog box.
5.5 Test the Custom Part
1. Save the default values as standard.
2. Test that the fields work properly.
Test the custom
Add a User Interfaceto Ladders Custom Part
Add a User Interfaceto Ladders Custom Part
5.6 Backup the INP File
Export the custom component.
Save the inp file with a specific name.
Create a SandwichPanel
6 Create a Sandwich Panel
1. First create the objects for the sandwich panel: inner panel, insulation and outer panel.
Then make a cast unit of all the parts by right-clicking, Cast unit > Create cast unit.
2. To define the custom component Part
a. Select Detailing > Define custom component
b. Select type to be "Part", write the name and descriptions.
c. Select objects, which form the custom part.
d. Pick the definition points.
Create a SandwichPanel
e. Press the Finish button the component is created and added to component
6.1 Parameterize the Component.
1. Select the sandwich panel.
2. Right-click, Edit custom component. The component editor opens.
Bind the panel objects' definition points to the component planes then they follow the
component definition points in creation.
1. Select Component planes in the Custom component toolbar.
Create a SandwichPanel
2. Select the start point of the inner panel.
3. Right-click, Bind to plane.
4. Pick the XZ-plane at the same end of the panel, where the definition point is located.
5. Interrupt the command.
6. Select the start point of the insulation and bind it to the same plane.
7. Repeat for outer panel's start point.
8. Repeat for the end points of all three panels.
The distances appear in the Variables dialog.
9. Close the editor and save the component.
6.2 Test the Bindings by Creating a New Sandwich
1. Select the Sandwich_Panel in the component catalog.
2. Pick start point.
3. Pick end point.
Create a SandwichPanel
All panels of the Sandwich should start and end at the component's definition points.
6.3 Parameterize the Panel Thicknesses
Panel locations must follow the thickness changes. Therefore we must set controls for the
definition points. First bind the inner panels' definition points to the component plane.
1. Set the plane to Component planes in the Custom component editor toolbar.
2. Select the start point of the inner panel.
3. Bind it to the component plane which is parallel to the panel's long side.
4. Repeat for the end point.
Next bind the insulation panel's definition points to the inner panel's outer side.
1. Select Boundary planes in the Custom component toolbar.
Create a SandwichPanel
2. Modify the inner panel's height so, that it can be picked from the outer side.
3. Select the start point of the insulation panel.
4. Right-click > Bind to plane.
5. Pick the outer plane of the inner panel.
6. Interrupt the command.
7. Repeat for insulation panel's end point.
Now the insulation panel follows if the inner panel's thickness changes. Next bind the outer
panel's definition points to the outer side of the insulation panel.
1. Modify the outer panel's height so, that the insulation panel can be picked from outer
2. Select the start point of the outer panel and bind it to the outer plane of the insulation
3. Repeat for the end points of outer panel.
The outer panel now follows the insulation panel. The distances appear in the Variables
dialog. Hide all parameters by setting the visibility to Hide.
Define next the panel thicknesses to the Variables dialog.
1. In the Variables dialog press the Add button.
2. Change the Value type to Profile.
3. Give a label Outer panel.
4. In the Custom component browser open the outer panel's Part > General properties and
right-click > Copy value over the Profile field.
Create a SandwichPanel
5. Paste the profile value into the corresponding Formula field in the Variable dialog
6. Repeat for the insulation and inner panel.
We have now defined parameters for all profiles. Next we will map these parameters into the
custom component parts.
1. In the Custom component browser open the outer panel's Part > General properties
and right-click > Add equation over the Profile field.
2. Type the parameter's name into the field.
3. Repeat for insulation and the inner panel.
Next separate the thickness and height into two individual parameters for each panel.
1. In the Variables dialog press the Add button 6 times.
2. Write the labels as shown below:
3. Copy the corresponding values from the profile parameters into the "Formula" field
4. In the profile parameters write new formulas using the parameters:
5. Hide the profile parameters and leave the individual dimensions visible.
6. Set =P5 into the D9 and D10 formula fields to make the dimension react to thickness.
7. Set =P6 into the D7 and D8 formula fields to make the dimension react to thickness.
8. Close the editor and save the component.
Create a SandwichPanel
In the model, double-click the sandwich panel and modify the thickness and height values.
Create a Reinforcement Seam
7 Create a Reinforcement
We will next create hooped reinforcement bars and seam bars at the end of the hollow core
slabs using the seam type custom component.
7.1 Insert the Members
For the seam type custom component we need concrete members a beam and hollow-core
slabs and reinforcements.
Concrete members
1. Create a beam with the profile 780*380 at Middle on plane and Behind at depth
2. Add 10 hollow core slabs P27(265X1200) at Right on plane and Front +10.00 at depth
Create a Reinforcement Seam
1. Create dowel reinforcement bars to the beam using the values below. Create Part basic
views of the beam to help modeling.
2. After applying the dialog values, pick the beam.
3. Pick a reference point at the middle of the beam top in the Part end view using Ctrl +
4. Point the up direction with the cursor (do not pick) and enter 200 numerically and click
Create a Reinforcement Seam
5. Point the down direction with the cursor (do not pick), enter 800 numerically and click
6. Press the middle mouse button.
7. Point the beam start point.
8. Point the beam end point a reinforcement bar group is created.
Next create the reinforcements at the hollow core slab seams.
1. Enter the values as described below to the Reinforcing bar properties dialog (the
values in the Group tab page is same as in previous one) and close the dialog with OK.
Create a Reinforcement Seam
2. Pick the beam.
3. Pick a reference point at the middle of the beam top in the Part end view using Ctrl +
4. Point to the beam inner top corner (do not pick) and enter numerically 1400.
5. Point to the same point again (do not pick) and enter numerically 1500.
6. Enter numerically 0,0,250.
7. Press the middle mouse button.
8. Point the beam start point.
9. Point the beam end point a reinforcement bar group is created.
Create a Reinforcement Seam
10. Select the reinforcement and right-click > Detach from part. Now the group does not
belong to any cast unit.
Finally create the hooped reinforcement bars.
1. Enter the values as described below to the Reinforcing bar properties dialog and close
the dialog with OK.
2. Pick the beam.
3. Point the beam start point.
4. Point the beam end point.
Create a Reinforcement Seam
5. Press the middle mouse button.
6. Point the start of the group at the middle top of the beam (1).
7. Point the end of the group at the hollow core slab top corner (2). A reinforcement group
is created. Select the reinforcement and right-click > Detach from part.
7.2 Define the Seam Custom Component
When the members have been modeled we can create the custom component.
1. Open the Custom component wizard with Detailing > Define custom component.
2. Select Seam as the component type.
3. Enter the name "Hooped_rebars".
4. Write description: "1) Pick the beam, 2) Pick the first hollow core slab, 3) Press middle
button, 4) Pick start point for seam, 5) Pick end point for seam"
5. Click Next>
6. Select the three reinforcement groups.
7. Click Next>
8. Pick the beam as the main part.
9. Click Next>
10. Pick the first hollow core slab as the secondary part.
11. Click Next>
11. Point the beam start point.
Create a Reinforcement Seam
12. Point the beam end point.
13. Press the Finish button a custom component is created.
7.3 Parameterize the Seam
The rebar group definition points must be bound to the component start and end points so,
that they define the length of the seam. We also add controls for the reinforcement
parameters on the dialog.
1. Select the component symbol and right-click > Edit custom component.
2. Bind, first, the dowel group's definition points to the component planes. Make sure that
you have Component planes selected in the Custom component editor toolbar. Select
the group start point.
3. Right-click > Bind to plane.
4. Pick the end plane at the same end of the beam where the selected point is.
5. End the command and select the end point of the same group.
6. Right-click > Bind to plane.
7. Pick the end plane at the same end of the beam where the selected point is. Repeat for
the third direction.
8. End the command and repeat the steps for the seam and hooped reinforcement groups.
For the hooped group, select the form definition points.
Next, we will add controls for the reinforcements to be shown on the dialog. First, we will
change the plane from Component planes to Boundary planes in the Custom component
editor toolbar.
1. Select the dowel group's up-most form definition point.
2. Right-click > Bind to plane.
3. Pick the beam's top plane. A distance is created.
Create a Reinforcement Seam
4. Select the lower form definition point and bind it to the same plane.
5. Select the seam reinforcement group's up-most form definition point and bind it to the
same plane.
6. Bind the form definition points of the same rebar group to the end plane of the hollow
core slab.
The distances appear in the Variables dialog. Change the Labels for visible parameters as
shown below:
1. Close the editor and save the changes. The reinforcements can now be edited from the
Create a Reinforcement Seam
Create a Reinforcement Seam
Create a Reinforcement Seam
Appendix C: FAQ
Q1. Are there any reserved parameter names?
A1.Yes for bolt size the parameter name needs to be
diameter, & for bolt standard the name needs to be
Bolt size & bolt standard MUST have the same name.
The names are automatically given when changing the Value Type
so the bolt standard variable name will have to be changed to suit the
bolt size variable name
If they do not have the same name the result will be as follows:
No value show in the bolt size dialog
Q2. Is there any way to know what is bound to what?
A2. Use inquire
This will show all binding dimensions
Q3. How to bind to a user defined plane?
Create a Reinforcement Seam
A3. You can bind to user planes by simply selecting them.
Note! They will not be highlighted.
Q4. Are there any best methods to creating custom
A4. Not really, although multiplication is faster than division.
E.g. P1*0.5 is faster than P1/2.
Also using magnetic planes is faster than binding all
Q5. How to add pictures to inp file?
A5. See the online help for detailed instructions
Q6. If a picture is added to the inp file then changes are
made in the editor is the inp file overwritten
A6. Yes, you need to make a copy of the modified inp file
Q7. When editing the Inp file I cant use Tab 4
A7. This tab is reserved for the General Tab
Q8. I want to input 2 separate values for the plate width and
thickness how can I use these values to make a profile
name e.g. PLT200*10?
And how to stop the values being input with decimal places
A8. If as in the example below you use P2 for the plate
width & P3 for the thickness use the formula
=PLT+int(P2)+*+int(P3). All text must be in inverted
commas , int() will stop the values being input with extra
decimal places.
Q9. Is it possible to change an existing binding?
A9. No, you must delete it and re bind
Create a Reinforcement Seam
Q10. Is it possible to rationalize a value to the nearest (for
example) 10?
A10. Yes, Use function round(), in this case round(P1, 10).
Some other examples: round(17.5, 20) will round 17.5 to 20
and round(17.1, 5) will round 17.1 to 15.
Q11. Can you use formulas in a distance list?
A11. Yes, this is possible. Below is an example of using
formula in distance list.
Distance list is treated as text in Tekla Structures, so formula should be
written as e.g. P1 + " " + P2 or "2*"+P2.
Q12. Is there any way of changing the variable name for
parameters created by binding to a plane? (AB)
A12. No, these are system defined names and will cause
problems if the user is allowed to change the name (TIP: If
you try to change the name it will allow you to change it but
when you reopen the variable table is will have changed
Q13. Is there a limit to the length of the variable label?
A13. Yes 30 characters, but you can add more in the inp file
Q14. What does the create distance command do on the
custom component editor toolbar?
Create a Reinforcement Seam
A14. With this command you select the plane first then the
handle/chamfer to bind. Its the opposite of right click /bind
to plane
Q15. What does create distance for picked components
handle points command do on the custom component
editor toolbar?
A15. This is a command to automatically bind selected parts
to their handles contact planes. (User planes 1
, then part
planes of main & secondary member)
Q16. Why isnt the browser tree updated when I add or
delete parts in the custom component editor
A16. You need to refresh the tree by right clicking on the
connection part of the browser
Q17. Can we change the standard properties of the custom
component editor views?
A17. You can change the properties but you cannot save
Q18. Can we bind to the centre of profiles?
Create a Reinforcement Seam
A18. Yes using boundary Planes, It may be necessary to
rotate the view until you can select the center plane.
Boundary planes
Q19. Is there any difference between outline and boundary
A19. Yes outline planes follow the outline of the member
and boundary planes form the outer shape of the member.
TIP: Where possible it is better to use the boundary planes
rather than outline planes as these are common between
different shapes.
Q20. Can we filter out the magnetic/user planes?
A20. No not using filter or display but you can hide them
using the new hide option, (user planes use the point
section filter)