Tla7Kup Logic Analyzer Field Upgrade Kit Instructions: Warning
Tla7Kup Logic Analyzer Field Upgrade Kit Instructions: Warning
Tla7Kup Logic Analyzer Field Upgrade Kit Instructions: Warning
These servicing instructions are for use by qualified personnel
only. To avoid personal injury, do not perform any servicing
unless you are qualified to do so. Refer to all safety summaries
prior to performing service.
Copyright © Tektronix. All rights reserved. Licensed software products are owned by Tektronix or its subsidiaries
or suppliers, and are protected by national copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication
supersedes that in all previously published material. Specifications and price change privileges reserved.
TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
Contacting Tektronix
Tektronix, Inc.
14200 SW Karl Braun Drive
P.O. Box 500
Beaverton, OR 97077
TLA7KUP Option 39: USB Security Block for TLA7012 Series Logic Analyzers ....................... 47
Instruments .................................................................................................... 47
Minimum Tool and Equipment List ........................................................................ 47
Parts List ....................................................................................................... 47
Installation Prerequisite ...................................................................................... 47
Installation Instructions ...................................................................................... 47
TLA7KUP Option 46: TLA Application Software Upgrade ................................................. 57
Instruments .................................................................................................... 57
Installation Prerequisite ...................................................................................... 57
Parts List ....................................................................................................... 57
Minimum Tool and Equipment List ........................................................................ 57
Upgrade Instruction Overview .............................................................................. 57
Update the Software .......................................................................................... 58
Upgrade the Instrument Firmware .......................................................................... 59
Update TLA Module Firmware ............................................................................. 60
Upgrading Firmware on the Interface Module and the TL708EX TekLink 8-Port Hub .............. 63
Calibrate the Instrument...................................................................................... 64
Installing the TLA Application Software on a PC ........................................................ 64
Attach the Upgrade Kit Label to the Instrument .......................................................... 66
TLA7KUP Option 4C: iCapture Cables ........................................................................ 69
Instruments .................................................................................................... 69
Parts List ....................................................................................................... 69
Minimum Tool and Equipment List ........................................................................ 69
TLA7KUP Option IF: Upgrade Installation Service .......................................................... 71
Instruments .................................................................................................... 71
TLA7KUP Option IN: On-Site Installation Service ........................................................... 73
Instruments .................................................................................................... 73
List of Tables
Table i: TLA7000 Series logic analyzers eligible for upgrades .............................................. vi
Table ii: TLA7KUP Logic Analyzer Field Upgrade Matrix ................................................. vii
Table 1: TLA7KUP Option 15 parts list ......................................................................... 1
Table 2: TLA7KUP Option 18 parts list ......................................................................... 3
Table 3: TLA7KUP Option 19 parts list ......................................................................... 9
Table 4: Preset IP addresses ...................................................................................... 27
Table 5: TLA7KUP Option 21 parts list ........................................................................ 31
Table 6: TLA7KUP Option 29 parts list ........................................................................ 45
Table 7: TLA7KUP Option 39 parts list ........................................................................ 47
Table 8: TLA7KUP Option 46 parts list ........................................................................ 57
Table 9: TLA firmware files...................................................................................... 61
Table 10: TLA7KUP Option 4C parts list ...................................................................... 69
Disconnect Power. To avoid electric shock, switch off the instrument power, then
disconnect the power cord from the mains power.
Use Care When Servicing With Power On. Dangerous voltages or currents may
exist in this product. Disconnect power, remove battery (if applicable), and
disconnect test leads before removing protective panels, soldering, or replacing
To avoid electric shock, do not touch exposed connections.
This manual contains specific information about the TLA7KUP logic analyzer
field upgrades. The logic analyzer field upgrades consist of software and hardware
options for the TLA7000 Series Logic Analyzers.
The TLA7KUP upgrade kits are designed for "One TLA7KUP upgrade kit
per TLA7012 or TLA7016 with TLA7PC1." If you want to upgrade multiple
mainframes, you must order one TLA7KUP upgrade kit with the appropriate
options for each mainframe.
The latest TLA Application Software has been tested and can be installed and will
be supported by Tektronix only on the Tektronix-supplied version of Windows XP.
Service Offerings
Tektronix provides service to cover repair under warranty as well as other services
that are designed to meet your specific service needs.
Whether providing warranty repair service or any of the other services listed
below, Tektronix service technicians are equipped to service your logic analyzer.
Services are provided at Tektronix Services Centers.
Warranty Repair Service The warranty for this product is located behind the title page in this manual.
Tektronix technicians provide warranty service at most Tektronix service locations
worldwide. The Tektronix product catalog lists all service locations worldwide, or
you can visit us on our Customer Services World Center Web site at:
Calibration and Repair In addition to warranty repair, Tektronix Service offers calibration and other
Service services which provide solutions to your service needs and quality standards
compliance requirements.
The following services can be tailored to fit your requirements for calibration
and/or repair of your logic analyzer.
Service Options. Tektronix service options can be selected at the time you
purchase your instrument. You select these options to provide the services that
best meet your service needs.
Service Agreements. If service options are not added to the instrument purchase,
then service agreements are available on an annual basis to provide calibration
services or post-warranty repair coverage. Service agreements may be customized
to meet special turn-around time and/or on-site requirements.
For More Information. Contact your local Tektronix service center or sales
engineer for more information on any of the Calibration and Repair Services
just described.
Instruments Serial number range
TLA7000 Series Logic Analyzers All serial numbers
Parts List
Table 1: TLA7KUP Option 15 parts list
Quantity Part number Description
1 ea 012-1614-xx iView external oscilloscope cable kit
1 ea N/A TLA7KUP kit label
Installation Prerequisite
Although iView will operate on TLA Instruments with Windows 2000, Tektronix
recommends the latest TLA Application Software with Windows XP, and
512 MB minimum mainframe memory. Also requires the latest version of the
NI-488.2 software available on the TLA Application software CD; refer to the
release notes on the CD for software version history.
Installation Instructions
Online installation instructions are provided within the TLA application through a
wizard. After powering on the instrument, select Add iView External Scope from
the System menu and follow the online instructions.
NOTE. If there already is an upgrade kit label installed, install the new label
just above the old one.
Instruments Serial number range
TLA7012 Series Logic Analyzers All serial numbers
Parts List
Table 2: TLA7KUP Option 18 parts list
Quantity Part number Description
1 ea 650-4676-00 Front Panel Display Assembly with Touchscreen panel
1 ea 119-6107-00 Touchscreen stylus, package of 3
1 ea N/A TLA7KUP kit label
Installation Prerequisite
Requires TLA Application Software V5.6, Windows XP, and 512 MB minimum
mainframe memory.
Installation Instructions
Refer to the illustrations as you perform the following procedures.
8. Remove the 12 T-15 screws from the front-panel trim. (See Figure 3.)
Installation Install the new touchscreen display assembly by following steps 1 through 13 in
reverse. The following hints will help you complete a successful installation:
When connecting the display cable, carefully line up the centers of the plug
and socket before pressing them together. This may require some patience.
To avoid damaging the USB and DVD cables, dress the cables properly just
before you attach the new display assembly to the chassis. (See Figure 6.)
Calibrate the Touchscreen Verify the touchscreen operation by doing the following steps.
1. Power on the instrument.
2. In the Windows Quick Launch Taskbar, double-click on the Pointing Device
icon (small mouse graphic). The Touch Screen Properties appears.
3. Click Calibrate and follow the on-screen instructions to perform the alignment
routine. Use one of the styluses provided with this kit to ensure the best
You can also customize some of the functions of your touchscreen in the Touch
Screen Properties window. Right-click on the selection text to view a description
of the function.
Attach the Upgrade Kit After completing the previous steps, you need to install the upgrade kit label on
Label to the Instrument the instrument to indicate that the kit is installed. Locate the big label on the
bottom of the instrument, and then attach the TLA7KUP kit label. (See Figure 7.)
NOTE. If there already is an upgrade kit label installed, install the new label just
above or below the old one.
Instruments Serial number range
TLA72X Series Logic Analyzers All serial numbers
TLA7XM Series Logic Analyzers All serial numbers
Parts List
Table 3: TLA7KUP Option 19 parts list
Quantity Part number Description
1 ea 650-4868-00 TLA7016 Front Panel w/ 2.5-inch Electroluminescent
1 ea 650-4733-00 TLA7016 Single-Slot Interface Module
1 ea 174-5225-00 LAN cable, straight through, RJ-45, shielded, 15 ft
1 ea 174-5019-00 TekLink cable, 2 m
2 ea 131-4356-xx Jumper with pull-tab
1 ea 407-5127-00 Left side Benchtop System Mounting Bracket w/
preinstalled mounting hardware
1 ea 407-5132-00 Right side Benchtop System Mounting Bracket w/
preinstalled mounting hardware
1 sheet 355-1542-00 Software revision labels
1 ea N/A TLA7KUP kit label
Installation Prerequisite
The controller PC that is connected to the benchtop mainframe must be one of the
following devices (referred to as the controller PC throughout this document.)
User-supplied PC
Tektronix TLA7PC1 Benchtop Controller
Tektronix TLA7012 Portable Mainframe
Tektronix TLA520X Logic Analyzer
Also, the controller PC that you use requires:
TLA Application Software V5.6
Windows XP
512 MB minimum memory
See the Preface in this manual for information on options to upgrade your TLA
application software.
Installation Overview
These procedures must be performed in the following order:
1. Replace the existing front panel with the new display front panel.
2. Replace the existing TLA72X Benchtop Controller with the new TLA7016
Interface Module.
3. Make the proper jumper settings on the Enhanced Monitor Card.
4. Configure the IP properties of the controller PC (loaded with correct software).
5. Connect the LAN cable from the controller PC to the mainframe and upgrade
the firmware.
6. Verify the installation and apply the upgrade label to the mainframe.
7. Connect to your test system, using the TekLink cable if necessary.
The following figure shows the connections and describes the network settings for
the firmware upgrade.
Installation Instructions
Refer to the illustrations as you perform the following procedures.
Front Panel Removal Remove the front panel by performing the following steps:
1. Disconnect all cords, probes, and modules from the instrument.
2. Set the instrument on the bottom feet.
3. Remove the eight T-7 screws on the top of the instrument. (See Figure 9.)
Front Panel Installation Install the new front panel by performing the following steps:
1. Orient the power switch to the new front panel so that the four terminals are
on top, and the green LED is toward the front-left side. (See Figure 11.)
2. Snap the power switch into the new front panel.
3. Connect the wires to the power switch as shown. (See Figure 11.)
Figure 13: Adding the mainframe serial number to the Interface Module label
5. Plug the new TLA7016 Interface Module into the first slot (slot 0) of the
mainframe and tighten the two P1 mounting screws.
Set the Jumpers on the The next steps are done at the back of the instrument.
Enhanced Monitor Card 1. On the Enhanced Monitor Card, loosen the middle captive screw and remove
the cable cover near the middle of the card.
CAUTION. Do not pull on the fan cable to disconnect the fan cable connector.
Pulling on the fan cable can damage the connector or the wires. To remove the
fan cable connector, disengage the locking connector on the fan cable connector
before removing the fan cable.
2. Disconnect the cable from the Enhanced Monitor Card. There may be a
3-inch adapter cable on the end of the fan cable. (See Figure 15.) The cable
configuration will be used to determine the proper jumper settings in step 5.
Figure 15: Check for an adapter cable and disconnect the cable
3. Loosen the top and bottom captive P1 screws.
Figure 16: Set the fan jumpers on the Enhanced Monitor Card
6. At the back of the Enhanced Monitor Card, connect a jumper on the bottom
two flash programming pins. (See Figure 17.)
7. If there are three pins above the flash programming pins, verify that there is
another jumper on the upper two pins.
Set the Controller PC IP Continue the installation by configuring the IP address of the controller PC:
Address Properties 1. Power on the controller PC.
NOTE. This upgrade kit requires TLA Application Software V5.6 running on the
controller PC. If you need to update your software, do so before continuing with
these procedures.
NOTE. If you are using a PC for the controller PC, it may have several LAN cards
installed. If so, more than one Local Area Connection will appear in the Network
Connections dialog box. You must choose which card you will use to communicate
with the mainframe, and then use the LAN connector on that card to connect to
the mainframe later in this procedure.
The Local Area Connection Properties dialog box appears. (See Figure 18.)
Update Firmware on the Continue the installation by installing three firmware files. In this procedure,
Enhanced Monitor Card you first load the display firmware and check the mainframe display for proper
operation, and then load the remaining two files.
1. Connect the LAN cable (included with the kit) from the controller PC to the
LAN connector on the TLA7016 Interface Module in the mainframe.
2. Power on the TLA7016 mainframe. Note that no information appears in the
new display. This is normal operation while the flash jumper is installed on
the Enhanced Monitor Card.
3. Click Start → All Programs → Tektronix Logic Analyzer → TLA Firmware
Loader. The Firmware Loader Connection dialog box appears.
4. Click the binoculars icon. The TLA Network Search dialog box appears.
(See Figure 20.)
7. The Firmware Loader dialog box includes two Load buttons. Click the bottom
Load button (Instrument Module Firmware).
The firmware search progresses without indicating activity, and may take
about a minute to complete.
When the self-test passes, the following message appears in the display:
Mainframe OK
then make sure the rear fan air intake is clear of lint or other obstructions, and
then press both Prev and Next buttons simultaneously to clear the message.
After about a minute, the following message appears in the display:
NOTE. You must load the firmware files in the order listed below.
Attach the Upgrade Kit After completing the previous steps, you need to install the upgrade kit label on
Label to the Instrument the instrument to indicate that the kit is installed.
1. Select the correct instrument upgrade label from the sheet of labels, and affix
it to the lower front panel of the instrument. (See Figure 43.)
Connect the Instrument TekLink is a mainframe real-time communication system that coordinates trigger
Through TekLink signals, input/output signals, and time references between mainframes.
TekLink uses a 2-meter cable (included with this kit) to connect between two
TLA7000 Series logic analyzers. If you want to connect more than three benchtop
mainframes together, you need a TekLink TL708EX Hub and more TekLink
For more information on connecting TekLink components, refer to the TLA7000
Series Logic Analyzer Installation Manual.
Preset IP Addresses You may need to change the IP address of the benchtop mainframe, depending
on the requirements of the network that it will be connected to. A preset list of
recommended IP addresses is programmed into the TLA7016 Interface Module.
For information about entering other IP addresses, refer to the TLA7000 Series
Logic Analyzer Installation Manual.
To cycle through the list of preset IP addresses, do the following:
1. Press and hold the recessed RESET button on the TLA7016 Interface Module.
(See Figure 26.) The front-panel display cycles every 2-3 seconds to the
next preset IP address (See Table 4.).
1. Place the components you want to mount on top of the logic analyzer, putting
the heaviest units lowest in the stack.
2. Align one of the brackets to the frame of the logic analyzer so that the bracket
reaches all of the components, but does not extend above the top unit.
3. Fasten the bracket to the logic analyzer with one of the 8-32, P2 Pozidriv
screws preinstalled on the bracket.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the bracket on the other side of the logic analyzer.
5. If necessary, relocate the instrument brackets on the components you are
mounting. For example, the brackets on the TL708EX Hub come mounted to
the back of the unit, with installation instructions on the bottom of the unit.
6. Using the 10-32, P2 Pozidriv screws preinstalled on the brackets, fasten the
components to the brackets.
Figure 27: Bracket kit for the TLA7016 benchtop mainframe installed
Troubleshooting Tips If you cannot establish a communication link between the controller and the
mainframe, do the following:
1. Bring up the DOS window on the controller and enter ipconfig.
The address that returns should be 169.254.x.x with a subnet mask of (the default IP address of the controller).
2. If the above address is not returned, enter ipconfig release and then ipconfig
3. Enter ping (the factory-set IP address of the mainframe). See
the following figure for an example of the expected reply from the mainframe.
Attach the Upgrade Kit After completing all of the previous steps, you need to install the upgrade kit label
Label to the Instrument on the instrument to indicate that the kit is installed. Locate the big label on the
side of the TLA7016 Interface Module and attach the TLA7KUP kit label as
shown. (See Figure 45.)
NOTE. If there already is an upgrade kit label installed, install the new label just
above or below the old one.
Instruments Serial number range
TLA7016 Logic Analyzers Serial numbers B019999 and below
TLA7016 Logic Analyzers Upgraded from TLA700 series (with
TLA7KUP Option 19)
Parts List
Table 5: TLA7KUP Option 21 parts list
Quantity Part number Description
1 ea 650-5105-00 Power supply assembly with label
1 ea N/A TLA7KUP kit label
2 ea 131-4356-xx Jumper with pull-tab
2 ea 131-3199-xx Low profile jumpers
1 ea 335-1863-xx TLA7016 Upgraded with TLA7KUP Option 21 front
panel label
1 ea 334-9921-xx TLA7016 rear-panel label
Installation Prerequisite
Requires TLA Application Software V5.6, Windows XP, and 512 MB minimum
mainframe memory.
NOTE. If you have a TLA720, TLA721, or TLA7XM mainframe, you must upgrade
it to a TLA7016 Benchtop Mainframe with TLA7KUP Option 19 before continuing
with this procedure. Contact your local Tektronix representative for upgrade
Installation Instructions
Refer to the illustrations as you perform the following procedures.
Remove the Blower Begin by removing the blower assembly. (See Figure 30.) To remove the blower
Assembly assembly, perform the following steps:
1. Disconnect all cords, probes, and modules from the instrument.
2. From the back of the chassis, loosen the captive screw attaching the blower
cable cover, and then remove the cover.
Remove the Old Power After you have removed the blower assembly, remove the old power supply from
Supply the mainframe by completing the following steps:
1. Using the handle on the power supply, firmly pull out the power supply from
the rear of the mainframe.
Install the New Power Complete the following steps to reinstall the power supply in the mainframe:
Supply 1. Reinstall the power supply handle.
2. Slide the power supply into the mainframe.
3. Push the power supply handle in firmly to ensure that the connectors are
completely seated into the back plane connectors.
4. Reinstall the blower assembly, making sure that the slot at the bottom of the
blower assembly fits to the lip on the mainframe, and the fan cable protrudes
through the fan cable opening in the blower assembly shroud.
CAUTION. Do not pull on the fan cable to disconnect the fan cable connector.
Pulling on the fan cable can damage the connector or the wires. To remove the
fan cable connector, disengage the locking connector on the fan cable connector
before removing the fan cable.
1. Note whether there is a 3-inch adapter cable on the end of the fan cable. (See
Figure 34.) The cable configuration will be used to determine the proper
jumper settings in step 4.
4. Note the pair of jumpers at the top of the Enhanced Monitor Card. (See
Figure 36.) Also note the circuit board number label near the bottom of the
Enhanced Monitor Card.
If your fan has an adapter cable, insert both jumpers a and b.
If your fan does not have an adapter cable and the circuit board number
starts with 679-3982, remove both jumpers a and b.
If the circuit board number is 679-6146, there should not be an adaptor
cable. Insert both jumpers a and b.
Update the Enhanced Complete the following steps to update the monitor firmware and to check the
Monitor Card Firmware mainframe for proper operation.
1. If you have not already done so, connect the LAN cable from the controller PC
to the LAN connector on the TLA7016 Interface Module in the mainframe.
2. Power on the TLA7016 mainframe. Note that no information appears in the
display. This is normal operation while the flash jumper is installed on the
Enhanced Monitor Card.
3. Click Start → All Programs → Tektronix Logic Analyzer → TLA Firmware
Loader. The Firmware Loader Connection dialog box appears.
4. Click the binoculars icon. The TLA Network Search dialog box appears.
(See Figure 38.)
When the self-test passes, the following message appears in the display:
Mainframe OK
then make sure the rear fan air intake is clear of lint or other obstructions, and
then press both Prev and Next buttons simultaneously to clear the message.
After about a minute, the following message appears in the display:
Attach the Upgrade Kit After completing the previous steps, you need to install the upgrade kit labels on
Labels to the Instrument the instrument to indicate that the kit is installed.
1. Locate the new power label and attach it to the rear of the instrument over the
old label. (See Figure 42.)
NOTE. If there already is an upgrade kit label installed, install the new label just
above or below the old one.
Instruments Serial number range
TLA7012 Series Logic Analyzers All serial numbers
TLA7PC1 Benchtop Controllers All serial numbers
Parts List
Table 6: TLA7KUP Option 29 parts list
Quantity Part number Description
1 ea 119-6960-xx 3.5 in floppy disk drive, USB
1 ea N/A TLA7KUP kit label
Installation Prerequisite
Requires TLA Application Software V5.0 or higher, Windows XP, and 512 MB
minimum mainframe memory.
Installation Instructions
Follow the instructions that come with the floppy disk drive. Connect the floppy
disk drive to one of the unused USB ports on the logic analyzer or external
Attach the Upgrade Kit After completing the previous steps, you need to install the upgrade kit label on
Label to the Instrument the instrument to indicate that the kit is installed.
Locate the big label on the bottom of the portable mainframe or on the side of
the TLA7016 Interface Module and attach the TLA7KUP kit label as shown.
(See Figure 45.)
NOTE. If there already is an upgrade kit label installed, install the new label just
above or below the old one.
Instruments Serial number range
TLA7012 Series Logic Analyzers All serial numbers
Parts List
Table 7: TLA7KUP Option 39 parts list
Quantity Part number Description
1 ea 407-5154-00 USB Security block, bracket, lock housing, main
1 ea 407-5155-00 USB Security block, bracket, lock housing, cover
2 ea 211-0721-00 Bracket screw (one spare included)
1 ea 335-1469-00 Set of USB Security block labels
1 ea N/A TLA7KUP Kit labels
Installation Prerequisite
Installation Instructions
This procedure contains three parts:
Disconnect the USB cables from inside the front of the instrument (you must
remove the front panel display assembly to gain access).
Mount the lock assembly over the USB connectors on the rear of the
Apply labels.
Disable the Front-Panel Start the installation by doing the following steps. (See Figure 46.)
USB Connections 1. Disconnect all cords, probes, and modules from the instrument.
2. Set the instrument on the bottom feet.
3. Remove the six T-15 screws from the right cover and remove the cover.
8. Remove the 12 T-15 screws from the front panel trim. (See Figure 47.)
Figure 48: Tilt the front panel forward for cable access
11. Disconnect the three USB cables from the front panel assembly. (See
Figure 49.)
Figure 49: Disconnect the USB cables from the front panel
12. Reinstall the front panel assembly by following steps 1 through 11 in reverse.
To avoid damaging the USB and DVD cables, dress the cables properly just
before you attach the front panel to the chassis. (See Figure 50.)
Attach Rear-Panel USB Continue the installation with the following procedure:
Security Block 1. Set the instrument on the bottom feet with the rear panel facing you.
2. Insert the tab of the main lock housing into the slot on the instrument under
the USB connectors. Fasten the lock housing to the instrument with the T-15
screw. (See Figure 51.)
Attach the Upgrade Kit After completing the previous steps, you need to install the upgrade kit labels on
Labels to the Instrument the instrument to indicate that the kit is installed.
1. Locate the big label on the bottom of the instrument, and then attach the
TLA7KUP kit label. (See Figure 55.)
NOTE. If there already is an upgrade kit label installed, install the new label just
above or below the old one.
Figure 56: Attach the notification label to the rear of the instrument
3. Attach another USB PORTS ARE DISABLED notification label on the front
of the instrument, over the USB connectors. (See Figure 57.)
Figure 57: Attach the notification label over the front-panel USB connectors
Instruments Serial number range
TLA7000 Series Logic Analyzers All serial numbers
Installation Prerequisite
Requires TLA Application Software V5.0 (or higher), Windows XP.
Parts List
Table 8: TLA7KUP Option 46 parts list
Quantity Part number Description
1 ea N/A Tektronix Logic Analyzer Family Application Software
1 ea N/A Nero software CD
1 sheet N/A Software revision labels
5 ea 131-4356-xx Jumper with pull-tab
1 ea N/A TLA7KUP kit label
While performing the upgrade procedures, keep the following items in mind:
Throughout this procedure you will see the term "log on as Administrator."
The instrument is set up to automatically log on as Administrator (with no
password) so you may not see the log on prompt. If the network setups have
been changed on your instrument, make sure that you log on as Administrator
or as a user who has administrator privileges. Failure to do so can prevent the
software upgrade from completing successfully.
After logging on as administrator, quit any applications.
If your instrument does not display the file extensions, you need to change
your folder options to display the file extensions. (From the Control Panel,
double-click Folder Options, select the View tab, and then deselect the "Hide
file extensions for known file types" selection.)
Use the Microsoft Windows Add or Remove Programs Control Panel utility
to remove existing software.
You may be asked to restart the instrument after you install each software
package. If you do not restart the instrument when prompted, your software
may not install properly and can cause unpredictable behavior.
If the instrument does not restart normally, press and hold the On/Standby
button for five or six seconds to force a shutdown.
The TLA Application software uses a wizard to remove older software and install
the new software for your instrument.
1. Log on as Administrator.
2. Insert the first CD of the TLA Application software in the instrument.
3. Start Windows Explorer and browse to and execute D:\TLA Application
4. Click Yes to start the installation.
5. Follow any on-screen instructions. If you are asked for permission to
overwrite any read-only files, select Yes to All.
6. After the software has been successfully installed, restart the instrument.
CAUTION. You MUST perform these steps to ensure that your Mainframe firmware
has been upgraded. Failure to do so can result in the instrument not functioning
properly and the instrument might need to be repaired at the factory.
1. Log on as Administrator.
2. Exit the logic analyzer application.
3. Click Start → All Programs → Tektronix Logic Analyzer → TLA Firmware
4. Select your instrument from the Firmware Loader - Connection dialog box
and click Connect.
5. Click Load in the upper portion of the Load Firmware dialog box to identify
or to load mainframe firmware.
6. Compare the version numbers in the two columns. If the Running version
does not match the Required version, you MUST upgrade the firmware.
7. In the Frame column, click the Mainframe name that corresponds to the
firmware that requires upgrading and then click Update Firmware.
8. The next dialog box will have the correct .upd file selected in the file name
box. Click Open.
9. When the next window appears, click Start Flash Operation. The operation
may take several minutes.
10. Follow the remaining on-screen instructions.
11. Repeat the above steps for each mainframe firmware that is out of date.
NOTE. If you accidently closed the startup messages indicating which modules
need firmware upgrades, restart the TLA application.
1. Log on as Administrator.
2. Note the modules that require new firmware.
a. For TLA7Bxx/TLA7Axx/TLA7NAx series logic analyzer modules skip
steps 3 through 9 and go directly to step 10.
b. For all other module types continue with step 3.
3. Turn off the instrument and disconnect the power cord.
4. Remove the module requiring the upgrade from the instrument.
5. Locate the flash programming pins on the rear of the module. (See Figure 58.)
6. Install a jumper on the flash programming pins (use one of the spare jumpers
that came with your logic analyzer).
7. Reinstall the module(s) in the instrument.
8. Reconnect the power cord and then power on the logic analyzer.
NOTE. Any modules with the flash programming jumper installed will not display
in the TLA or Pattern Generator System window.
9. Log on as Administrator and then wait for the TLA application to start.
10. Exit the logic analyzer application.
11. Click Start → All Programs → Tektronix Logic Analyzer → TLA Firmware
12. Select your instrument from the Firmware Loader - Connection dialog box
and click Connect.
13. Click Load in the lower portion of the Firmware Loader dialog box.
14. Select the modules that you want to update from the list of modules displayed
in the Supported list box near the top of the menu. If you are updating more
than one module at a time, note the slot location of the module in the selection
NOTE. Be sure to select the proper .lod file for each module. Note the slot number
in the title bar so that you select the correct module for the .lod file.
17. Click Open. When prompted to confirm your action; click Yes.
NOTE. The program will not allow you to load firmware to an incompatible
module. For example, the program will not load DSO firmware to a logic analyzer
The program will load the firmware for each module one at a time. The
process may take several minutes per module.
18. When the upgrade is complete, exit the firmware loader program.
19. Turn off the instrument and disconnect the power cord.
20. Remove the module from the instrument.
21. For all modules except the TLA7Bxx, TLA7Axx or TLA7NAx modules,
remove the jumper from the Flash programming pins on the rear of the
module. Keep the jumper for future updates.
22. Reinstall the module in the instrument, tighten the hold-down screws, and
then reconnect the probes.
23. Reconnect the power cord and power on the instrument.
24. Verify that the power-on diagnostics pass.
Upgrading Firmware on the Interface Module and the TL708EX TekLink 8-Port Hub
Use the following procedure to upgrade the firmware on the benchtop mainframe
interface module and the hub.
1. Start the Firmware Loader.
2. A list of installed mainframes displays. Select the mainframe you want to
upgrade and click Connect.
3. The Firmware Loader dialog box appears. You have the choice to load
Mainframe or Instrument Module firmware. Click the Load button
corresponding to Mainframe and TekLink firmware.
4. A list of all the currently installed Mainframe and TekLink firmware displays.
The list shows the version currently running and the version available for
installation. Select the items you wish to load.
5. Click the Update Firmware button. A file dialog box displays a list of
firmware images available.
6. Select the appropriate file. Click Open to open the selected firmware image.
You must do this for each firmware image selected.
7. The Firmware Load Progress dialog displays. Click the Start Flash Operation
button to start the flash operation for the selected flash images. Once the flash
operation is started it cannot be canceled.
8. As the flash operation runs, it identifies what steps are being performed. When
complete, it will inform you to reboot the system you just flashed.
9. Turn off and restart the TLA system after the flash operation is complete.
The Status column indicates Running while the instrument is being calibrated.
5. Verify that the Status column changes to Calibrated.
6. Close the dialog box.
Install Third-Party Software To use all of the features of the TLA application software on your PC, you must
install additional third-party software. The following third-party software is
available on the TLA Application Software CD:
The NI-GPIB software allows you to use the iView software with your PC.
The SnagIt software is useful for copying screen shots of logic analyzer data
for use with other applications.
NOTE. Several third-party software applications are included to use with your
logic analyzer. These applications may include software license agreements. Be
sure to abide by those license agreements.
Install the NI-GPIB Software. Complete the following steps to install the third-party
software on your PC:
1. Insert the TLA Application Software CD in the CD drive.
2. Browse to the NI-GPIB-USB folder on the CD and run the Setup.exe program.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions and note the items below:
a. When prompted, select the Typical installation option.
b. When the Add GPIB wizard appears, click Cancel.
c. After restarting the instrument, the NI-488.2 Getting Started wizard
displays. This is not needed; select Do not show at Windows startup
and then click X to exit..
d. When you first connect the iView cable, the instrument will detect the new
hardware. Select Install the software automatically (Recommended).
Install the SnagIt Software. Complete the following steps to install the SnagIt
software on your PC:
1. Browse to the SnagIt folder on the CD and run the Setup.exe program.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Install the TLA Application Browse to the TLA Application software folder on the CD and run the Setup.exe
Software program. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the TLA application
If you have an older version of the software on the hard disk, the installation
program will detect it and ask if you want to remove it. Follow the on-screen
instructions to remove the software, answering "Yes" to any prompts. Restart the
instrument when prompted and run the Setup.exe program again.
Start the TLA Application If you have installed the TLA application software on a PC for remote operation,
start the software by double-clicking on the TLA Application icon. The TLA
Connection dialog box displays.
1. Select an instrument in the TLA Connection dialog box and then click
Connect. If your instrument is connected to a network, you can connect to
any unused instrument on your local network.
2. Click Offline to start an offline version of the TLA application software.
The TLA Offline software allows you to run the TLA application without
connecting to an instrument. You can analyze previously acquired data from a
logic analyzer, create or modify reference memories, or perform system tests
without being connected to an instrument.
NOTE. If there already is an upgrade kit label installed, install the new label
just above or below the old one. However, ensure that you install the software
revision label over the old revision label to indicate the current version of
software on your instrument.
NOTE. If there already is an upgrade kit label installed, install the new label
just above or below the old one. However, ensure that you install the software
revision label over the old revision label to indicate the current version of
software on your instrument.
Instruments Serial number range
TLA7012 Series Logic Analyzers with All serial numbers
TLA7Axx or TLA7Bxx logic analyzer modules
TLA7016 Series Logic Analyzers with All serial numbers
TLA7Axx or TLA7Bxx logic analyzer modules
Parts List
Table 10: TLA7KUP Option 4C parts list
Quantity Part number Description
4 ea N/A iCapture Analog OUtput, BNC-to-BNC, low-loss, 10x
cable, 36-in.
1 ea N/A TLA7KUP kit label
Instruments Serial number range
TLA7012 Series Logic Analyzers All serial numbers
TLA7016 Series Logic Analyzers All serial numbers
Instruments Serial number range
TLA7012 Series Logic Analyzers All serial numbers
TLA7016 Series Logic Analyzers All serial numbers
TLA7PC1 All serial numbers