Merritt Morning Market - Nov30/09#1951
Merritt Morning Market - Nov30/09#1951
Merritt Morning Market - Nov30/09#1951
T(250)378-5717 F(250)378-4700 [email protected]
in warmth &
YEAR Spirit Square official opening Community
‘ROUND! Merritt Old Time Fiddlers
Christmas Dinner & Dance
There’s a heel-kicking Christmas (Formerly Brookmere Vintage Gallery)
event set for Dec. 5 at the Seniors’
mukluks Centre. Tickets are $20, available by con- Find us at 2840 Voght St.,
tacting Diane 378-4186. next to Century 21
QUILCHENA STORE Elks Hall bake & craft sale
There will be a craft sale on 100-2840 Voght St. • (250)378-5900
Hwy 5A, 20km N. of Merritt •
(250)378-2753 • beside the quilchena hotel
December 5th, 20am-3pm at the Elks [email protected]
Hall. To book a table, call 378-9788.
The Merritt Live Theatre Society presents WI Extra Foods slips
The NV Women’s Institute is again
at the Legion collecting Extra Foods cash register slips
Hall, 7pm which help them put together a
Christmas Hamper for their adopted
Thurs., Dec. 10 family. You can drop off your slips at the We are pleased to announce that Merritt
Sat., Dec. 12
insurance office across from the Post Secondary School will be hosting a
Thompson Rivers University
Sun., Dec. 13
Office, during regular office hours.
Mon., Dec. 14 High-profile out-of-town guests participated
Tickets @
in the official opening of Merritt’s new Spirit NVTS Christmas lights tour
The NV Transportation Society will
Level C Welding program
Square, on Saturday afternoon. Whether you from February 15th to August 27th 2010.
Country Bug
agree with the public expenditure or not, it’s hold a Christmas Light Up tour Dec. 14-18,
Info @
7-8:30pm. Seating for the tours is limited, This full time program is open to adults and
250-378-1614 a beautiful public gathering space for our Grade 11/12 students.
town, and a new heart for downtown Merritt. pick up an advance ticket @ the Chamber
office, cost is a new toy or non-perishable The program will take place in the
Thompson Interior Mobile Training trailers,
food item for the Food Bank. For more two 53 foot trailers fully outfitted as dedicated
Immunization update info, call 378-4080. Deadline to decorate & welding shops and classroom.
Now that everyone over the age of 6 register your home for the light-up contest
months is eligible for the H1N1 vaccine, The approximate tuition and associated fees for
is today. Forms are at City Hall, Chamber, this course are $3000. This program is tuition free
the number of people getting vaccinated Merritt News or by calling 378-4080. for high school students.
is rising quickly — more than 200,000
Interior Health residents to date.
St. Michael’s Service of Lessons, Carols Seating is limited and registration for this
• “Faces of Merritt” 2010 calendars: $5 A Service of Lessons and Carols will program closes December 15th. Interested adults
IH officials are hoping that people be held Sun., Dec, 6, 7pm. The program or students are encouraged to register immediately.
• Historic pictures Christmas cards: $1.50 who still haven’t been vaccinated will go
ea. or 10 or more cards for $1.00 each for this service was developed in the For more information checkout:
get their shot. The current wave of H1N1 early 1900's to provide The Story and
Admission by donation activity seems to have reached a peak, The Songs in preparation for the To apply for a seat for this program contact
Hrs: Mon & Fri 10am-3pm; Tue, Wed, Thurs: 10am-7pm but they say it’s still important for Christmas Season. 7 Bible stories/les- Darren Coates: ph 250 315 1117
1675 Tutill Court • Tel: (250)378-4145 everyone to be immunized, and that the sons are read and 7 Christmas carols are email:[email protected]
best way to minimize a 3rd wave of sung. Cecilia Dyck's piano students will
H1N1 flu virus, or prevent it altogether, be playing the church piano that
as gi Elvis Fan Club
is for as many people as possible to be
at Ch evening. There will be a coffee and
vaccinated. This Wed., there’s a clinic at
ke gr
s ma cookie time after the 50-minute service,
the Civic Center, 11am-6pm.
in the church hall. They are also collect-
ing hats, mittens, gloves & scarves for St.
Rare cattle disease Michael’s Mitten Tree. Collected items
will be passed out during the Soup Bowl
•classified deadlines:
in the valley days of Tuesday and Friday to those in
10am Sun. Tues. thurs.
A Ministry of Environment wildlife vet- need. For more info, please call 378-3772.
•garage sale deadline: Thurs. 12pm
erinarian is proposing to shoot 20-50 deer
•to get on the current garage sale
from Nicola Valley ranches to test for
Wood Stove Exchange program email list: email us
Residents who have non-EPA wood Let us know what your think of our new website!
anaplasmosis, a disease thought to have heating appliances (stoves over 15 years
been eradicated in Canada that affects cattle. old) are eligible. For info & to apply, call Tel 378-5717 • Fax 378-4700 • Email [email protected]
The Nicola Valley is 1 of 3 places in Tim at 378-8216, [email protected]
the country where cattle have tested
positive for the disease, initially detected in a random survey at Douglas Lake
Ranch. Further investigation found 13 of 5,700 animals tested at other ranches in the
valley had the disease. Until now, anaplasmosis, which is transmitted primarily by
ticks, was thought to be restricted to cattle in warmer climates, including the US. It
can also be transmitted by tainted needles and tools used by ranchers, but is not SPACE FOR YOUR AD
otherwise contagious. Rancher Judy Guichon said she is in favour of the testing
because she believes anaplasmosis is resident in ticks and deer in Nicola Valley. Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700
[email protected]
Where? Torrential rainstorms were knocking down power lines all over town. That
meant, as a customer service rep for the electric company, I was dispatching
repairmen right and left. When one lineman called a customer to get her exact
address, he was told, "I'm at Post Office Box 99." The weary lineman replied,
Cass Dolen
phone calls. Get in touch with
those you are close to.
to negotiate a fair price for
your talents and services, so
likely to cross your path in the
coming 2 weeks.
and allow your extra aware-
ness to guide your moves.
artists — a
to work with other like-minded to should be accepted as you future. Grandchildren's affairs women and their concerns is
Leonard A. George Jr. people as you get optimistic could find yourself in congen- are highlighted for some. likely.
Robert &
DEC. 3, 4 & 5
Available at
about a goal. ial surroundings.
Surinder Panghali
Wed 7pm
Savage West
Council •Baillie House Info Booth Les Hampton
Nov 22 - Dec 22 - Jan 20 - Feb 19 - drop-ins welcome
•Karaoke Tuesdays
Bobbi Parkes
Dec 21 Feb 18 Mar 20
•Country Bug Books •Courthouse Art Gallery Gwayne Point
Jan 19
You are immersee in current •We do STEAK
You have a greater awareness Your are aware of loved ones & Awareness of what home and
Nancy Saddleman
fads & trends as you get up to of workplace and marketplace. their emotional needs, as well family mean to you is height-
This project & speed on the public mood. as your own. New ventures go ened. Developments on the the office
Jana Sasaki
Follow up on perceptions of
NV Arts Council Partners are unpredictable in what clients want or need, you better than you had hoped they home front make you feel more • OFFICE 378-2821 • PUB 378-5711
supported by Barbara Rode interesting & fortunate ways, go are right on the button. might. secure with your position •RESTAURANT 378-4543 • BEER/WINE 378-8859
along with their eccentricities. arrangements.
Original, 300g
$ 99
Box 313, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Tel: (250)378-5717 Fax 378-4700 Email [email protected]
sale 93 CHRSLR Intrepid, 280k, wntr tires, for sale - furniture
grt stereo $1200obo 378-6650 aft 6pm
INDOOR Xmas toy & snow suit sale, 04 CHRYSLER Seberg, lw km, gd BRWN hide-a-bd, exc cnd $200 378-5857
2301 Langley St., 6-8pm Tues. Dec 1. tires, 4-dr, v6 315-0210 LOVESEAT 4 yrs old, multi blk/grey, pd
Info Elly 315-8676 THREE 5-blt 15” GM stl whls $5ea. 2 $400, sell $100 315-1428
personal P235/75R15 all-wntr radials on GM 39" SNGL bd & bx sprng w/ hdbrd. $25.
39" sngl bd & bx sprng$20. 378-6765
Black’s Pharmacy
whls $30/pr 378-4877
LOST: cat, 1-1/2 yrs old, grey tabby 97 GMC 250, 3/4-tn 4WD stndrd, lng LOVESEAT $30. Gls/brs shlvng unit
fem., ng-hair, vry timid 1900 blck bx, 128,400km, htch & trlr brk, nw $20. Plnt stnd $5. 378-6765
2037 Quilchena Ave. 378-2155
Coutlee 378-8262 wntr tires, well-maint'd, $6000 378-9899 MOVING: 4x8 wd pool tbl, gd shape w/
LOST: Ipod, Thurs. Nov. 19 between 05 GRND Caravan, 68k, frnt/rear air, 4 capt some access. $165obo. Solid oak
MSS & Collettville bridge, blk w/ name chairs, 4 wntr, exc cnd $12,500 315-0111 Prestonia dsk 5'6"wx3'l, 6 drwrs w/ solid
Chad in menu 378-9642 gls top, exc cond $485obo 378-9192
WRK wtd: Rec. compl'd 3rd yr Carpentry @ 87 F150, 180k inline 6, gd farm vehicle
$500. 315-3411 TBL, 4 chairs, colonial-style $100 378-
TRU, but looking for any type of wrk! Exper. 0988, 315-2788
incl. all kinds of labour, concrete, framing, 97 SUNFIRE GT, mtr gone, body grt
shape, nw wntr tires, 5-spd trans grt OCC. chair, qu-sz bd w/ match. drssr, sofa &
Baillie House
roofing, siding, drywall install., insul. install., loveseat, gls-top tbl w/ mrbl base, 11x18 Brit-
OPEN 7am-9pm DAILY
cabinet install., flrng, inter. fin., dr & wndw shape 315-6747, 378-4295
225/60R17 Yokohama Ice Guard wntrs, india wool rug, 8 solid wd diningrm chairs w/
install. 378-1836, [email protected] upholst. seats, 4 occ. diningrm chairs, bar tbl
FND: brief case, comprtmnts empty 378-2966 nw $203ea 378-4513
w/ oak bar, 4 barstools, grndfthr clck, display
Full breakfast ND hlp? Mat. bonded lady will rn errnds,
cln hse, Xmas bkng, shppng, etc. 378-8383
MISSING: blond tabby, swolen lft eye
90 DODGE Caravan, rns gd $800obo.
Ed 378-0068
99 DODGE Caravan nds trans. $300obo
cab. w/ gls shlvs 315-0209
COMP. station, vry sturdy, mtl $75 315-9491
Heritage Site
menu available Collettville area 378-4497 315-1321 BDRM suite, incl. bx sprng, matt., drssr,
bureau w/ mirr., hdbrd & 2 nt tbls $ 125.
Chinese, Thai,
hoe & plmbng exper. for p-t wrk. Pls reply 07 NISSAN Versa sedan, lw km, w/ $100 280-8888
wntr tires on rims, exc cond. 378-1878
Malaysian Buffet
w/ resume & refs to fax (604)985-2508 POLISHED pencil edge gls: 114"x34-
refinished rooms!
services livestock/pets & access. 1/8", 3/4" thick $600obo. Lrg blk ptd, oak
tv cabinet $100 Tyler, Jamara 315-0266
SNW removal, dmp trlr & skid steer DOG crate for dogs up to 80lbs, gd cnd 3 LAZYBOY chairs, 1 swvl rckr w/
services 378-3496 $15 315-0179 ottoman $75ea. Therapedic bd, twin w/
Tues.-Sat., 10am-4pm
TINKER Extraordinaire. Handyman, sml PUREBRED Lab puppies, ready Dec 9, SWVL rckr $40. Hrdwd dsk $40. Bookshlf
home repairs, pck-up/deliv., dmp hauls, p-t jan- $100. Qu bd $40. Drssrw/ mirr. $40 378-2577
Merritt’s Auto Glass
& muscle cars, etc.378-6454, (250)808-2568 PR cockatiesl, 1 grey, 1 wht, 2 cages, all car stereo $100. Brnd nw/in bx Toshiba
DRYWALL, textured ceiling, painting. food/acess. $60 378-0064
6-cd disc playr for home stereo w/ rem.
Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066 KITTENS to give away 378-8101, 378-9635 $100 315-5690
RENT A HUSBAND Fences, lawn care, SHIH-tzu puppies, brn Oct 27/ready for SEARS elect. port. typewritr w/ b-i cor-
rubbish removal, hsehold moving, rototilling, Xmas. Our mom says we have to go to rection, 115 AC & 60Hz, case, man. •classified deadlines:
ICBC Claims
wndw & gutter cleaning, chimney sweeping,
int/ext. painting. Lance (250)378-4614
gd homes. $250. 280-1377 $30obo 378-5627 10am Sun. Tues. thurs.
FREE: console tv, wrks grt/lk nw 378-1897
•garage sale deadline: Thurs. 12pm
•Commercial •Residential
BOXER pups 10 wks old $800, 2 males
ODD JOBBER. Sincere, honest gent Gen. lft: 1 rev. brindle, 1 lt brindle, grt fam. 20" TV, 6 mos old, vcr, and 25 vhs
•to get on the current garage sale
•Automotive •Industrial
cntrctr, mchncl, crpntry, maint./repair, lnd- pets, ready to go 378-9199 movies $150. Tyler, Jamara 315-0266
scp, vry versatile, gd refs., reas. rates to fit 5 KITTENS to give away. Melissa, XBOX 360 game, Far Cry 2 $30 no email list: email us
Let us know what your think of our new website!
Mike 315-1036, 315-9276
WTD: sml dog/puppy, sml-med. sz gd SML tv, dvd, vcr, stereo w/ spkrs, stnd, vhs
SONY PSP syst., 10 games w/ carry case
GENERAL CONTRACTOR providing kindercare & afterschl care, Shitzu/yorkie x $400 ea. firm 378-0938 & charge cbls $200 Jordan 378-6715
11:30am-6pm M-F. Jody 378-2973
for sale - recreational
BOARD for 1 horse 315-4453
Honest, sincere gent. Home, yard, HIDEE-HO Daycare, LN, acceptng
Admission by donation
AVAILABLE hat, sz 14 $200. Nw high leather boots, 07 POLARIS Ranger 700 grey, roof,
SML frzr $100. Water cooler $50 378-6758 sz 10 $60. 378-3775 wndshld, chainsaw hldr & gun scabard
A keepsake
drives it away 280-0046 UPRT piano, reas. cnd $300obo 315-0179 DEC 1 reno’d 3-bdrm hse, 5 apl., n/s,
Ellen Norgaard
Call 1-800-361-8111, pgr 378-3082
4 USED 1 seas., P195/75R14 wntr tires PR Ugg boots, sz 7 ladies, pd $174, sell 500-GAL. fuel tnk w/ raised stnd. Fuel NICOLA APTS. Bach, 1, 2 bdrms, n/p, nr dwntwn, refs $900 378-5198
Evelyn Armstrong
on Chrysl. rims $200 378-9694 $80 378-5741 hose & nozzle, nw, indust. sz 315-9711 nwly reno’d, nr bus stop, move-in TO SHARE: 3-bdrm hse, 20 min. to
wanted/wanted to buy
Bev Veale
90 MAZDA pck-up, gd cond., 4 wntr HALF sides of beef, young steers, bonus (250)378-9880 twn, incl $375 internet/util. incl., n/s,
tires installed & c/w 2 summers, well- grain-fed, no grwth hormones. $2.70/lb, 3-4 bdrm hse, 2 bths, 3 blcks from n/p, shared kitch./bth 378-2906
Georgina Beatty incl, cut/wrap 378-2504. PEANUT butter jars, all szs. 378-6001
27 local
maint'd, 3 ownrs, 226k, bckt seats, blck Railyrd Mall $1000 378-5831 2-BDRM ste dwntwn, w/d/f/s/dw beaut.
John Taylor
heatr, cnpy, cass. deck, add'l 2 seats in 27+ new driCore interlocking subflr pan- FLD-out cot w/ matt., gd cond. 378-9841 space, gar., n/s, Dec 1 $950 378-6824
ROOMS @ Coldwtr Hotel, starting
artists — a
club cab. Just had full tune-up/oil chnge. els, 2x2, pd $200, sell $100 315-4493 85 YAMAHA Virago 1000 for prts, not
Leonard A. George Jr.
from $400/mo 378-2821 2-BDRM apt, f/s, hrdwd flrs, dwn-
$1500obo Kim 315-0167, 315-0188 11-PC Pearl drums $700obo. Stihl chain- necess. running. 378-9626 twn, immed., 378-9263, 378-7746
RETAIL space: Dec. 1, 2063 Quilche-
Cindy Trent
ZELDA for Game Cube Tanner 378-4785
Available at
SET 5 Mud Kng tires on 15” flex Chv saw, heated hndl, anti-cmpress butt., pd na Ave, 969sf $700+city util 378-5745 2-BDRM bsmt ste, quiet, nr dwn-
Surinder Panghali
rims. Set 16” 14-spk Univ. Racing rims $1300, sell $700. Plstc outdr toys: playhse, WILL pck up old comp., prts, mntrs, twn, n/s, n/p, n/drnkng $650 incl
ANT. Singer sew. mach $150. Bar, pd $650 util incl., immed 378-4136 2-BDRM hse dwntwn, n/p, n/s,