Special Core Analysis

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Special Core Analysis - Core Flooding System CFS-840

This instrument is designed for the researcher that requires the instrument to perform various core
analysis tests within a single integrated system. The instrument is designed so components can be
easily interchanged for various core analysis measurements. The system can be used for the
measurement of permeability, relative permeability, formation damage, and enhanced oil
recovery. The system is provided with Smart Series Software
for data acquisition, control, and
report writing.
Click here for the technical documentation on this product.
Product Images
Routine Core Analysis - UltraPore-300 Porosimeter
This instrument measures core grain volume, density, pore volume, porosity, and void volume.
The sample is evacuated prior to the injection of elium gas. ! measurement of equilibrated
pressure determines the porosity. The system is computer controlled and the porosity is
automatically calculated, or manually acquired data can be loaded into a spreadsheet program for
calculation and parameter determination.
Core Slabbing Cross Cut Saw Uses:
Core Slabbing and full diameter cross cut saw is a dual-purpose saw with wet-
cutting head, ball-bearing assembly arbor, potential Sta Level cast aluminum blade
guard for diamond tooled saw blades up to 20 inches in diameter Suitable for use
with cores up to ! inches in diameter depending on model and blade si"e selected
#eatures: $he blade height is ad%ustable over a vulcani"ed rubber top wor&table,
which moves smoothly on ball bearing guide wheels riding along the length of the
coolant 'uid pan $he saw is provided with one saw blade Unless otherwise
speci(ed the blade will be )! inches in diameter with )-inch arbor $he standard
electric motor is * +,, 220 -.C, /0 +0, and single phase $hree phase /0 +0 and
both single and three phase, *0 +0 motors are available upon re1uest $he saw
assembly is *0 inches high, 22 inches wide, *2 inches long and weighs 320 lbs
4ncludes a core guide and clamp assembly for holding core for smooth slabbing
operation Li1uid coolant pump included for 'uid recirculation

University raining !"uipment
Corrosion " #otating $isc % #$!
The Corrosion " #otating $isc !cid #eaction #ate Measuring System is used to measure acid
reaction rates of carbonate and dolomite samples and the results to be used in the design of
effective acid stimulation treatments of wells.
The Corrosion " #otating $isc features a ),*** psig +,- M.a/ pressure vessel with a 0.1 in. +2-
mm/ rotating disc, magnetic drive system, temperature control system, fraction collector and data
acquisition and control software. .ressure, temperature, acid displacement and test duration are
software controlled. The software permitting a number of acid samples to be collected at pre%
selected time intervals.
!mbient #esisitivity System % !#S%,**
The !#S%,** provides a modern state of the art measuring instrument that allows the student to
go through the measurement process in a structured transparent method. The !#S%,** features a
pneumatic atmospheric core holder that allows a consistent loading to be applied to the sample
eliminating operator error from the measurements. The instrument is forgiving in it3s operation
and requires neither mercury nor elevated pressures to operate, enhancing user safety
(eatures' !M4567T #6S5ST585T9 S9ST6M% state of the art resistivity measuring system
features a programmable #C: meter, pneumatic atmospheric core holder and ,;) electrode
measuring system. The !#S%,** is specifically designed to assist universities and other teaching
institutions with the hands on instruction process.
Capillary .ressure !ppartus % C...%,**
The system is designed to assist universities and other teaching institutions with the hands on
instruction process. 5t provides an instrument that allows the student to perform the classic
porous plate saturated core sample desaturation e<periment in a structured transparent method.
This instruction%focused design allows the student to build on his basic understanding of how
capillary pressure controls the magnitude and distribution of the wetting phase in the reservoir.
The system is forgiving in its operation and does not require mercury, enhancing user safety.
.orosimeter .org%,**

The .orosimeter .org%,** provides a modern state of the art measuring instrument that allows
the student to go through the measurement process in a structured transparent method. This
instruction%focused design allows the student to build on his basic knowledge of porosity. The
instrument is based on 4oyle3s law and allows the student to make grain volume measurements
on core plugs. This information combined with bulk volume data allows for the calculation of
sample porosity.
Sample chamber, matri< cup +grain volume cell/ for one%inch diameter samples, includes five
calibrated disks for system calibration. 5ntegrated pressure transducer, reference cell and gas flow
manifold assembly $igital data read%out Thermometer !ssociated plumbing Manual and 6<cel
spread sheet calculation template
5as ,ermeameter ,erg-200

$he 5as ,ermeameter ,erg-200 provides a modern state of the art measuring
instrument that allows the student to go through the measurement process in a
structured transparent method $his instruction-focused design allows the student
to build on his basic &nowledge of permeability $he instrument is based on 6arcys
law and allows the student to ma&e permeability to gas measurements on core
4nstruction $ransparent
Li1uid ,ermeameter ,erl-200
$he Li1uid ,ermeameter ,erl-200 is speci(cally designed to assist universities and
other teaching institutions with the hands on instruction process
$he Li1uid ,ermeameter ,erl-200 provides a modern instruction focused measuring
instrument that allows the student to go through the measurement process in
structured transparent steps, allowing the student to build on his basic &nowledge
of permeability $he instrument is based on 6arcy7s law allowing the student to
ma&e permeability to li1uid measurements on core plugs $he measured li1uid
permeability will be correct sub%ect to one phase being present and no roc& 'uid
interaction $he 'uid for the purposes of 8oyle7s law is assumed to be
Routine Core Analysis - Roc# Compressi$ility RCA-84%
This instrument measures the changes in pore volume and bulk volume as a function of a<ial,
radial, and pore pressures. 6ffective stress and simulated reservoir stress can be measured. The
system uses Temco=s patented Tri%!<ial Type Core older for independent application of a<ial,
radial and pore pressure. The change in pore pressure is measured as a function of stress and then
the change in pore volume is directly measured with a high accuracy metering pump.
Measurements can be made at reservoir temperature and pressure. The system is available with an
optional computer data acquisition system and computer control loop for stepping the stress
Click here for the technical documentation on this product.
Product Images
.C;S-)00 .utomated Centrifuge

.C;S-)00 6esigned to apply increasing centrifugal force or the displacement of
li1uid from water saturated roc& core samples Centrifugal force is used to develop
pressure di>erences at the interface of two immiscible 'uids air and water or oil and
water ?a@imum speed, with rotor installed, is 20,000 <,?
$he complete system with all rotor options can perform drainage capillary pressure
tests on )A or )-)B2A diameter samples with appropriate rotors installed
&iscosity' &iscosity (easuring Site &( 30%)0
Measure viscosity of crude oils, other fluids and non%newtonian fluids
acc. to $57 12*0= ; 5S> 2,0=
!bsolute viscosity measurement from very low to very high viscosities
.ortable for %2* ?C to @01* ?C without additional cryostat
5n lab with recooler down to %)1 ?C
8ery fast heating;cooling by thermoelectrical modules
8ane sensor for measuring under pipeline conditions
Product page &iscosity (easuring Site
*e Sedimentology and Sediment +eoc*emistry ,a$s
These laboratories contain standard equipment for the routine analysis of lake cores including
drying ovens, a muffle furnaces, a freeAe drier, microscopes, centrifuges, water baths, balances,
sieves, equipment for thin%section preparation, etc. 5n addition, there are facilities for the analysis
of smear slides, thin%sections, organic matter and carbonate content, biogenic silica, etc. The
Sedimentology :aboratory has an automated magnetic susceptibility track with a 4artington
Susceptibility meter and a M6,65 sensor as well as a variety of loop sensors and a number of
computers +Macintosh and .CBs/. There is a full spectrum light bo< and digital camera for
archiving core features and for measuring gray%scale and color changes. (acilities are available
for the e<traction and isolation of sediment cellulose, diatoms and pollen. The Sedimentology
:aboratory includes a ,**sq. ft. cold room for archiving samples and a supply of $%tubes for
storing cores. There is an !MS radiocarbon preparation line in the Sediment Ceochemistry
:aboratory dedicated for work on lacustrine samples. This vacuum line can also be used to
prepare samples for d02C measurements.
Field !"uipment
The &niversity of .ittsburgh has a wide selection for coring equipment including 2 varieties of
surface corers, square%rod :ivingston Corers, and a vibra corer as well as boats and associated
equipment. ! $ataSonde ydrolab is available for limnological measurements as well as a
variety of sediment and water sampling equipment. >ther field equipment includes C.S units,
altimeters, surveying equipment for lake%level studies, a depth finders;C.S unit for mapping
bathymetry, etc. ! Triton 6lics;6dge Tech seismic system is also available for sub%bottom
profiling with a suite of processing and georeferencing software.
Sieve grainsize
$escription' CrainsiAe determinate as weight percentage by wet sieving.
.rocess' Samples are wet sieved into their desired fractions, typically mud +DE2 microns, sand
+E2%,*** microns/ and gravel +F,*** microns/. These are then dried, weighed and the fractions
e<pressed as percentage mass.
&ses' CrainsiAe distribution studies can be used to determine sediment transport patterns, sorting
and energy of deposition, infer sediment porosity, calibrate submarine sonar, detect hydrocarbon
seeps and establish surrogacy for benthic ecology. Sieved siAe fractions can undergo further
scientific analysis to determine more detailed geological, physical, chemical and biological
properties specific to each fraction.
Laser grainsize
$escription' CrainsiAe determination as volume percentage by laser diffraction.
.rocess' !ppro<imately one gram of sediment is dispersed in water and laser diffraction particle
siAe analysis is used to calculate the volume percentage of particles in the sample. This is a
highly precise method suitable for particles in the range of *.*,%,*** microns.
&ses' CrainsiAe distribution studies can be used to determine sediment transport patterns, sorting
and energy of deposition, infer sediment porosity, calibrate submarine sonar, detect hydrocarbon
seeps and establish surrogacy for benthic ecology.
:aser particle siAe analyser
G Ceoscience !ustralia
:aser grainsiAe analysis.
Schematic illustrating laser diffraction
with red and blue light diffracting off the
particulate sample
shown in dark grey in the centre of the diagram.
G Malvern 5nstruments :td
Carbonate percentage
$escription' The carbonate percentage is determined by acid digestion and subsequent pressure
measurement using the method of Muller " Castner 0=H=.
.rocess' .owdered sample is digested with acid in a sealed pressure chamber and the change in
pressure due to the evolution of carbon dio<ide is measured. ! calibration graph equates this
measured pressure to carbonate percentage. Carbonate percentage for gravel fractions are
estimated through visual inspection.
&ses' Calcium carbonate is the major biogenic component of sediments in many marine areas
and indicates relative biogenic or terrigenous sediment deposition.
Multi Sensor Core Logging (MSCL)
$escription' ! non%destructive analytical process measuring density +through gamma
attenuation/, magnetic susceptibility, and .%wave velocity properties of core samples. The unit
incorporates a high resolution imaging system.
.rocess' ! conveyor system carries each core section past the required sensors which scan the
core as it passes.The conveyor is driven by a stepper motor which can position a core to an
accuracy of better than *.1 millimetres. The computer controlling the conveyor also controls the
sensors, so that all the data are automatically correlated. The computer also measures the length
of each core section. This allows the sections to follow sequentially, producing an unbroken
stream of data. This system saves time by ensuring that the core sections continuously follow
each other. This makes core logging a continuous, automated and uninterrupted process. The
MSC: can handle core sections between 1* and 01* millimetres in diameter and 0.1 m long and
can sample at intervals of 0 millimetre or greater.
&ses' Core samples are collected on land or at sea by the hydrocarbon, mining and construction
industries and additionally by the military. 5n research institutes they are now an essential part of
climate studies. The cores come as e<posed hard rock samples or as soft sediment encased in
plastic sleeves. Correctly analysed, they can yield crucial information about the properties of
rock or sedimentary strata. The hydrocarbon industry, for e<ample, needs accurate data on the
porosity, grain siAe, type and composition of the geology they are investigating, whereas the
construction industry and the military may be interested in geotechnical properties such as p%
wave velocities, density and water content.
Multi sensor core logging
G Ceoscience !ustralia
Core splitting/ sampling
$escription' Core splitting. Ie also have sampling kits available for use.
.rocess' The Ceotek core splitter can accommodate cores up to 01* centimetres in length. The
Ceotek is equipped with two vibratory disc cutters and two hooked knife blades, a smooth
longitudinal cut can be made through polyvinyl chloride +.8C/ core liners. The core material
itself is split using the integrated cheese wire which follows the blades. These splitting
techniques combined, produce negligible amounts of liner swarf which minimises contamination
of the samples, and leaves perfectly undisturbed core surfaces.
Surface Area Analyser
$escription' Surface area and total pore volume can be analysed using gas saturation.
.rocess' The 7ova ,,**e is designed to perform analyses on two samples at a time, with the
capability to prepare eight samples for analysis whilst operating. The 7ova ,,**e is both .C and
keyboard driven and can be left unattended during operation. !fter a heating and vacuum;gas
cleaning process, the sample is brought to a constant temperature by means of an e<ternal bath.
Then, small amounts of a gas +the adsorbate/ are admitted in steps into the evacuated sample
chamber. Cas molecules that adhere to the surface of the solid +adsorbent/ are said to be
adsorbed and tend to form a thin layer that covers the entire adsorbent surface. 4ased on the well
known 4runauer, 6mmett and Teller theory, one can estimate the number of molecules required
to cover the adsorbent surface with a monolayer of adsorbed molecules, nm. Multiplying nm by
the cross%sectional area of an adsorbate molecule yields the sampleBs surface area.
Surface area analyser
G Ceoscience !ustralia

.orous .article
G ,**- Juantachrome Corporation

Cas saturation
G ,**- Juantachrome Corporation
Other services, preparations and analysis
Microscope Facility
Ie have a range of microscopes available for use, including field, compound and stereo
microscopes. .lease discuss your requirements with the laboratory manager.
The .alSed :aboratory has a number of digital cameras, services and equipment available
6igital SL< with various lenses D available for use through our loans register
6igital compact D available for use through our loans register
?icroscopy D our microscopes are available to use within the laboratory $hey
are (tted with Leica and :lympus microscope speci(c digital cameras
operated through a dedicated ,C
Ee have trained operators to perform photographic wor& D ,lease discuss
your re1uirements with the laboratory manager
3* millimetre, strip and medical high resolution slide scanners
?unsell colour charts
4mage manipulation software
4mage analysis software
,hotographic plate preparations for scienti(c publications
iogenic Silica Analysis
$escription' $issolved silica is determined using molybdate%blue spectrophotometry.
.rocess' >rganics and carbonates are chemically removed from the sample. Silica is dissolved
from the sample using sodium carbonate. Molybdate working solution is added. #educing
working solution is added. The solution turns blueK dark blue indicates high silica content and
absorbance. !bsorbance is measured with a spectrophotometer calibrated to silica content.
&ses' !long with calcium carbonate, silica is the main component of biogenic sediments. Silica
levels in marine sediments can indicate various levels of ocean productivity.
!erogen "solation
$escription' Lerogen is the insoluble organic component of rocks. 5t is often necessary to isolate
the kerogen from a rock sample prior to organic geochemical analyses.
.rocess' Ceoscience !ustraliaBs :aboratories use physical and chemical processes to isolate pure
kerogen. This involves preparation of a rock powder, solvent e<traction, acid digestion phases to
remove naturally occurring and neo%formed minerals. (ollowed by density separation and final
treatments to remove residual reagents from the sample. This process is conducted jointly by the
>rganic Ceochemistry :aboratory and the .alaeontology " Sedimentology :aboratory.
.rocessing time for this procedure is usually about two weeks.
&ses' Lerogen is subsequently analysed for Total >rganic Carbon +T>C/, kinetics and biomarker
studies to assist hydrocarbon e<ploration.
Sample crushing an# milling
$escription' Samples can be crushed, ground and milled using' micro agateK micro stainless
steelK large +-*g/ carbon steel ringK mortar and pestleK large ceramic ring, and large tungsten
carbide mills.
Sample splitting
$escription' Sample homogenisation with riffle splitters in a range of siAes.
$ensity #etermination
$escription' $ensity is determined using the !rchimedes .rinciple that states that any object
immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by a force that is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by
the object. The weight of the fluid displaced is directly proportional to the volume of displaced
fluid and therefore the volume of the object submerged.
Moisture content % total suspen#e# soli#s analysis
$escription' Samples are weighed, dried and then re%weighed again to determine moisture
content. (ully evaporating a water sample and weighing the dry residue gives total suspended
solid content.
&eothermal sample preparation ' core plugging( slicing an# polishing
$escription' Samples are cored, cut into thin slices with a precision saw and then polished prior
to measuring the geothermal properties of the sample.
.rocess' #ock cores are sliced using the 5somet 1*** precision saw which is designed to make
precise cuts of a wide variety of materials. This saw can be programmed to perform multiple cuts
automatically with a , micron tolerance. 5t has the functionality to cut from a programmable
menu and has sectioning applications from stainless steel to ceramics.
5somet 1*** .recision Saw
G Ceoscience !ustralia
Isotope and -rganic +eoc*emistry
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,a$oratory (anager' $r. Munhong Chen
elep*one' @E0 , E,)= =,*,
;1uipment, Capabilities and Services
The 5sotope and >rganic Ceochemistry :aboratory supports a range of research activities which
contribute to improved understanding of !ustralia3s petroleum resources. The research results are
recorded in various databases and published in specialist reports. Ihen applied by government
agencies and e<ploration companies the results aid risk assessment and promotes e<ploratory
investmentK particularly in !ustralia3s offshore jurisdiction. The laboratory also contributes to
research in' marine environmental geoscienceK investigating the e<tent of human impact on the
coastal AoneK carbon capture and storage and development of techniques in isotopic and organic
Euipment, !apabilities and Services"
The 5sotope and >rganic Ceochemistry :aboratory is equipped with a range of modern analytical
instruments, including'
Agilent (ass Spectrometer )./)C (S0 inter1aced to a gas c*romatograp* +C /8.0A
This new model CC;MS instrument is used to analyse the organic compounds occurring in the
crude oils and sediments and other samples. 6nhanced sensitivity and capability of
simultaneously scanning in full%scan and S5# modes enables to identify and quantify organic
compounds more efficiently, especially low concentration biomarker compounds.
!gilent Mass Spectrometer 1=H1C MS$
interfaced to a gas chromatograph CC H-=*!
G Ceoscience !ustralia
Agilent (ass Spectrometer )./3 (S0 inter1aced to a gas c*romatograp* +C 28.0
! CC;MS can be performed in either fullscan or S5# modes to identify the organic compounds
occurring in the crude oils and sediments and other samples.
!gilent Mass Spectrometer 1=H2 MS$
interfaced to a gas chromatograph CC E-=*
G Ceoscience !ustralia
Agilent gas c*romatograp* +C 28.0 3gas only4
This CC is equipped with (5$ and TC$ and designed for gas composition analysis.
!gilent CC E-=* for gas analysis
G Ceoscience !ustralia
5 6 Agilent gas c*romatograp* +C 28.07
These two CCBs are used for compositional analysis of organic liquid samples. >ne is for various
fractions, including saturates and aromatics. !nother is used for whole oil samples, which can be
without laboratory treatment.
!gilent CC E-=*7 for liquid samples analysis
G Ceoscience !ustralia
!gilent CC E-=*7 with HE=2 autosampler for whole oil analysis
G Ceoscience !ustralia
Agilent /8.0A +as C*romatograp* 1or gas analysis This is newly purchased instrument
equipped with methaniser%(lame 5oniAation $etector, which converts C>, +and C>/ to C) and
hence increase in sensitivity by 0**%fold. 5t is also equipped with Thermal Conductivity $etector
+TC$/, a universal detector for major components, and 6lectron Capture $etector +6C$/ with
0***%fold increase over current detection methods.
!gilent H-=*! Cas Chromatograph
G Ceoscience !ustralia
8e9lett Pac#ard 8P 28.0 gas c*romatograp*
Ceneral use for liquid samples analysis.
G Ceoscience !ustralia
Finnigan (A 5)5 isotope ratio mass spectrometer
This isotopic analytical system is equipped with $ual 5nlet system, Trace CC and (lash 6!
+000, Series/. This instrument is currently used for CC5#MS carbon isotopic analysis for natural
gases, and crude oils. ! lot of organic carbon and nitrogen isotopic +and content/ data have also
been produced on the crude oils +fractions/, kerogen, and marine and coastal sediments.
(innigan M!T ,1, isotope ratio mass spectrometer system
G Ceoscience !ustralia
Finnigan 0elta Plus :, isotope ratio mass spectrometer'
This isotopic analytical system is equipped Trace CC and Thermo (innigan TC;6!. This
instrument is currently used for hydrogen isotopic CC%5#MS analysis for natural gases, and
crude oils. ! lot of organic hydrogen isotopic +and content/ data have also been produced on the
crude oils +fractions/, kerogen, and marine and coastal sediments.
(innigan $elta .lus N: isotope ratio mass spectrometer system
G Ceoscience !ustralia
0ione6 AS! 500 Accelerated Solvent !6tractor'
!S6 ,** is a fast e<traction system for soluble organic matter from powered rock samples.
$ione< !S6 ,** !ccelerated Solvent 6<tractor
G Ceoscience !ustralia
Roc#-!val 2
This 8inci Technology instrument is used for the analysis of kinetics, T>C content, oil
generation and potential, maturity of source rocks.
#ock 6val E
G Ceoscience !ustralia
!pplied Ceophysics ,a$oratory
This facility has a variety of equipment for acquisition of geophysical data +seismic, gravity,
magentic, ground penetrating radar, etc./ in the field, as well as a sophisticated suite of software
for seismic data processing and analysis in the laboratory, which includes'
0,*%channel truck%mounted seismic reflection recording system
2E%channel Strataview+TM/ portable seismic recording system
.ortable seismic refraction system +0,%channel/
4ison +TM, 4ison/ 6lastic Iave Cenerator
Ceophysical Iorkstation for seismic modeling
Sun S.!#Cstation for seismic data processing
.roM!N +TM, :andmark/ interactive seismic reflection processing system
Three gravity meters +:aCoste%#omberg and Iorden/
Magnetic gradiometer system
! brand%new Cround .enetrating #adar system
#esistivity meter
Clobal .ositioning System +differential/
Sedimentology :aboratory
Room' (c!niry 54%
PI' 0r; <o*n 0iemer
3K document.write+ 33 /K document.write+ addyOte<tEH-02 /K document.write+ 3DP;aF3 /K ;;%%F
The Sedimentology :aboratory is equipped with a wide range of analytical equipment including
+0/ a 4eckman Coulter :S 02 2,* :aser .article SiAe !nalyAer capable of measuring particles in
the *.*)%0*** micron siAe range +clay to coarse sand/, and +,/ a rapid sediment analyAer
+comprising a 0.1 meter settling tube and computer%controlled digital balance/ capable of
analyAing sand siAe sediments, +2/ sieves and #o%Tap, +)/ an 6:M 2# :uminoscope
cathodoluminescence system used to analyAe siliciclastic mineralogy and cement histories in both
carbonate and siliciclastic rocks, +1/ a (rantA Magnetic 4arrier :aboratory Separator Model :4%0
used for separating minerals on the basis of their magnetic properties, +E/ a range of coring
equipment including hand augers, a backpack vibracoring system, a :ivingstone coring system
and two Iildco coring systems, and +H/ a portable catamaran coring platform suitable for
lacustrine studies. The lab also is equipped with binocular and petrographic microscopes, digital
balances, drying oven, furnace, sonic bath, Ceiger counter and an acid resistant hood. The
Sedimentology :ab has access to 5C. MS, N#$, N#(, Sedigraph and ground penetrating radar
systems for geochemical, te<tural and shallow subsurface geophysical projects.
E#ploration $eophysics %ield Euipment &aboratory
(ield equipment for geophysical e<ploration at a variety of scales is maintained by a technician.
Shotgun, hammer, and e<plosive sources can recorded on 0* or 0** A geophones and cables
and the Ceometrics E*%channel, ,)%bit seismograph. The ground%penetrating radar system has 1
sets of antennae ranging from 0,.1 to ,** MA. .otential field techniques are supported by a
:acoste micro%gravimeter, a flu<gate magnetometer, and a 8:( electromagnetic system.
Surveying needs are supplied by a kinematic differential C.S +cm accuracy/ system and several
hand%held C.S units +Q1 m accuracy/.
'ohn () !ostain $eophysics !omputing %acility
The facility supports modeling, processing and interpretation of reflection and refraction seismic
and ground penetrating radar +C.#/ data for subsurface imaging for petroleum e<ploration, deep
crustal scale geophysical and geological studies, and shallow subsurface investigations for
engineering and environmental purposes.
Software includes industry%standard packages for ,%$ and 2%$ seismic data processing,
interpretation, modeling, log processing, and interpretation running on :inu< .Cs. The computer
network and hardware are supported by full%time technicians and contain facilities such as large%
scale plotting and multiple terabytes of disk storage. Software includes'
,ro?.F -S,, 2-6, and 3-6 seismic data processing pac&ages
,aradigm7s -o@el5eo and #ocus
?ultiple licenses of Landmar&7s complete interpretation pac&age
Seismic ?icro-$echnology7s G4956:? interpretation pac&age
Seismic Uni@
5n addition to these state%of%the art packages, special purpose modules developed at 8irginia
Tech are also available. The laboratory is supported by grants, the petroleum industry, and
alumni donations.
Sedimentology and Stratigraphy &aboratory
(ully equipped sedimentation laboratory with plastic impregnation chambersK research grade
microscopes equipped for cathodoluminescence, epifluorescence and reflectivityK high speed thin
section equipment, slab saws and polishing equipmentK lab has .Cs and software for numerical
modeling and spectral analysisK 7euralog software for automatic digitiAing of well logsK hand%
held Camma #ay Scintillometer for field measurementsK .etra and 7euraSection software for the
application of well log data to sub%surface stratigraphic mapping.
$eophysics* la+eyette
The geophysics laboratory is home to an array of modern field and lab equipment for the study
of the earth.
Lacoste-<omberg 5ravimeter
$e@as 4nstruments 5ravimeters
2H Channel Seismograph
5eometrics ,roton ,recession ?agnetometers
8etsy Seisgun
Stinger <esistivity ?eter
?odelling and analytical software for geophysical data
The mineralogy and petrology lab houses equipment and materials for the study of minerals and
rocks. Ie house an e<tensive collection of minerals and rocks for study. Students utiliAe
standard mineral identification techniques, as well as polariAing microscopes for the
identification of thin sections. Thin sections are made in%house with our cutting and polishing
6quipment includes'
20 ,olari"ing microscopes
2H inch oil-based roc& saw
20 inch polishingB lapidary wheel
?ineral and <oc& collection
)2 inch water based roc& saw
+ill1uist $hin Section ?achine
?ineral and <oc& $hin Section Collection

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