1. This document contains excerpts from the Khaton Prayer Book, which outlines various Buddhist prayers and practices of the Wish-Fulfilling Gem tradition, including mantras, meditations, and dedications of merit.
2. It includes the Seven Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche, the Nature of Phenomena Prayer, verses paying homage to the Eight Auspicious Ones, and the Aspiration of Samantabhadra.
3. It also contains passages from the Prajnaparamita sutras on the Heart of Wisdom, which were taught by the Buddha to explain the profound yet empty nature of reality and how to engage in the practice of transcendent wisdom.
1. This document contains excerpts from the Khaton Prayer Book, which outlines various Buddhist prayers and practices of the Wish-Fulfilling Gem tradition, including mantras, meditations, and dedications of merit.
2. It includes the Seven Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche, the Nature of Phenomena Prayer, verses paying homage to the Eight Auspicious Ones, and the Aspiration of Samantabhadra.
3. It also contains passages from the Prajnaparamita sutras on the Heart of Wisdom, which were taught by the Buddha to explain the profound yet empty nature of reality and how to engage in the practice of transcendent wisdom.
1. This document contains excerpts from the Khaton Prayer Book, which outlines various Buddhist prayers and practices of the Wish-Fulfilling Gem tradition, including mantras, meditations, and dedications of merit.
2. It includes the Seven Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche, the Nature of Phenomena Prayer, verses paying homage to the Eight Auspicious Ones, and the Aspiration of Samantabhadra.
3. It also contains passages from the Prajnaparamita sutras on the Heart of Wisdom, which were taught by the Buddha to explain the profound yet empty nature of reality and how to engage in the practice of transcendent wisdom.
1. This document contains excerpts from the Khaton Prayer Book, which outlines various Buddhist prayers and practices of the Wish-Fulfilling Gem tradition, including mantras, meditations, and dedications of merit.
2. It includes the Seven Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche, the Nature of Phenomena Prayer, verses paying homage to the Eight Auspicious Ones, and the Aspiration of Samantabhadra.
3. It also contains passages from the Prajnaparamita sutras on the Heart of Wisdom, which were taught by the Buddha to explain the profound yet empty nature of reality and how to engage in the practice of transcendent wisdom.
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Khaton Prayer Book
Practices of the Wish-Fulflling
Gem 2 Contents 1 Blessing Mantra and Refuge Bodhicitta 2 The Seven Line Prayer 3 Seven Limb Prayer 4 ature of Phenomena Prayer ! The "erses of the #ight oble $us%icious &nes ' The $s%iration of Samantabhadra( 1)12 * Pra+na%aramita Reading Transmission , The -reat .loud of Prayers and Blessings that Subdue the #ntire $nimate and /nanimate 0orlds1 2 -reat Praises of Man+ushri 13 Mandala &4ering to the Three 5ayas 11 Re6uest for Teachings 12 Rig%a -uru 7oga Practice 3 13 The $s%iration of Samantabhadra( 13)'3 14 Long Life Prayer to the Lama 1! 0ish for Bodhicitta 1' Prayer for the 8lourishing and S%read of the 9:ogchen Teachings 4 1 Blessing Mantra and Refuge Bodhicitta OM SMB!R SMB!R B"M# SR M! $M B!B !%#G P!& SO!' ;3<= Sangye chosdang stokkyi chognram la! "n the su(reme Buddha) *harma) and assem+l,) Shungchub vardu dagni kyabsu chi! " ta-e refuge until attaining enlightenment. Dakgi jinsog gyipai sonam kyis! &hrough the merit of (racticing generosit, and so on) Drola phanchyir sanggys drubpar shok! Ma, " attain Buddhahood in order to +eneft +eings. ;3<= / &he Se0en 1ine Pra,er /n the north>est of the land of &rgyen? /n the heart of a lotus @o>er? #ndo>ed >ith the most marvelous attainments? 7ou are reno>ned as the lotus)born? Surrounded by many hosts of daAinis? 8ollo>ing in your footste%s? / %ray to you( .ome and bless me >ith your grace1 G%R% P*M S"**!" !%#G 5 2 Se0en 1im+ Pra,er 0hatever merit / have gathered through %rostrations? o4erings? confession? re+oicing? re6uesting? and %rayingBfor the saAe of the enlightenment of all sentient beings B all this / dedicateC 3 #ature of Phenomena Pra,er *o this to4ards all ,ou see5 &utside? inside? environment and beings? all things) 0hile seeing them? remain >ithout gras%ingC This freedom from the tra% of duality? sub+ect) ob+ect clinging? /s the very form of the deityBluminous and em%tyC To this lama? the very self)liberation of desire and attachment? >e %ray1 To the Lotus)born -uru of &rgyen? >e %ray1 *o this to4ards all that ,ou hear5 $ll sounds? gras%ed as s>eet or harsh? 0hile hearing them? remain em%ty? >ithout after) thoughtC This em%ty sound? >ith no beginning and no end? /s the s%eech of the victorious onesC To this em%ty sound? the s%eech of all the Buddhas? >e %ray1 To the Lotus)born -uru of &rgyen? >e %ray1 6 *o this to4ards all that stirs in the mind5 0hatever thoughts and emotions of the Dve %oisons ariseC 9onEt invite themF donEt chase after themF 9onEt let mind fabricate or contriveC Sim%ly allo>ing them to settle in the face of their o>n arising /s liberation into the 9harmaAayaC To this lama? rig%aEs self)liberation? >e %ray1 To the Lotus)born -uru of &rgyen? >e %ray1 Thus? out>ardly %urify a%%earances of their allureF /n>ardly? free mind from gras%ingF $nd? by the self)recognition of luminosity? May the com%assion of all the Sugatas of %ast? %resent and future /ns%ire and bless beings liAe us >ith self liberation1 7 6 &he 7erses of the 8ight #o+le us(icious Ones It is very important to recite this through once before starting on any activity; whatever the project, it will work out exactly as you wish &M1 Gomage to the Buddha? 9harma and oble Sangha? $ll that d>ell in the aus%icious realms of the ten directions? 0here all a%%earance and eHistence is com%letely %ure? its nature s%ontaneously %erfect? May all be aus%icious for us1 9ronmei -yal%o? Tsalten 9ondrub -hong? Sham%i -yan%al? -edrags Pal 9am%a? 5unla -hong%a -yachenr 9rag%a .han? Lhun%o Tar%hag Tsal 9rag Pal? Semchen Thamchad la -hong 9raA%i Pal? 7idtsim 9:ad%a Tsal Rab 9raA PalC Gomage to the #ight Sagatas? merely hearing your names increases aus%iciousness and success1 The youthful Man+ushri? the glorious "a+ra%ani? $valoAiteshvara? the %rotector Maitreya? 5shitigarbha? ivaranavisAambin? $Aashagarbha? and the most noble SamantabhadraC Gomage to the #ight Bodhisattvas? su%reme in granting aus%iciousness and success? gracefully holding your emblems( 8 It%ala @o>er? va+ra? >hite lotus? naga)tree? +e>el? moon? s>ord and sun1 Golding the #ight Most %recious #mblemsBthe most %recious Imbrella? the $us%icious -olden 8ishes? the 0ish)fulDlling "ase of -oodness? the #H6uisite 5amala 8lo>er? the .onch of 8ame and -lory? the -lorious 5not of Pros%erity? the #ternal Banner of "ictory and $ll)%o>erful 0heel J $re the creators of delight? maAing o4erings to the Buddhas of all directions and times? Gomage to the #ight $us%icious -oddessesC Merely thinAing of your essential 6ualities maAes success gro> more and more1 Mahabrahma? Shambhu? arayana? Sahasra+na? the 5ings 9hritirashtra? "irudhaAa? "iru%aAsha the Lord of agas? and "aishravana J #ach one holding your divine emblem( >heel? trident? lance? va+ra? vina? s>ord? stu%a and banner of victory J Gomage to the #ight -uardians of the 0orld? >ho maAe aus%iciousness and %ositivity gro> in the three realms1 0ith all obstacles and harmful in@uences %aciDed? May the >orA >e are no> about to begin Meet >ith ever)gro>ing fulDllment and success? and Bring good fortune? %ros%erity? ha%%iness and %eace1 9 Buddha himself declared that reciting this %rayer >ould bring %eace? ha%%iness? %ros%erity and the fulDllment of all aimsC !omposed by "ipham #inpoche $%&'()%*%+, !hosnam thamchad gyulea chung! All phenomena arise from causes; Degyu de-hin shakpi sung! Those causes have been taught by the Tathagata, .yula gokpa gangyin pa! .ejong chenpo dhiked sung! And their cessation too has been proclaimed by the Great Shramana. Dhig pa chi yang mi sha -hing! Commit not a single unwholesome action, .ewa phun sum stok par shed! Cultivate a wealth of virtue, #ang gi sem ni yong su dul! To tame this mind of ours completely Dhi ni sang gye tan pa yin! This is the teaching of the uddhas. 10 9 &he s(iration of Samanta+hadra5 1-1/ :&he cti0ities of the Bodhisatt0a Samanta+hadra;
G&M$-# to the ever)youthful eHalted Man+ushri1 % / 0isnyed sudag chogchu jigtan na! 0ith %urity of body? s%eech? and mind? / bo> to all the heroic Buddhas of the %ast? %resent? and future >ithout eHce%tion in every >orld in all the ten directionsC + / 1angpo shodpi msonlam tobdag gis! By the %o>er of this $s%iration of Samantabhadra? / bo> >ith as many bodies as there are atoms in the Pure Lands to all those victorious Buddhas manifest in my mind? and / %ay homage to all of themC 2 / Dulchig tingna dulnyed Sanggeas nam! / conceive the entire realm of truth to be com%letely Dlled >ith #nlightened &nesC &n each atom / imagine there to be as many Buddhas as atoms in the Pure Lands? each Buddha surrounded by many BodhisattvasC ' / Dedag ngagspa mi -ad gy tso nam! 11 / honor all these blissful lords? %raising their %erfections >ith all the sounds of an ocean of varied melodies? an ocean of endless %raiseC 3 / "etog dampa trengwa dampa dang! / o4er to those heroic Buddhas the Dnest @o>ers? garlands? music? and ointments? eHcellent cano%ies? choice lam%s? and the best incenseC ( / 4a-ha dampa nramdang dichok dang! / o4er as >ell to those "ictorious &nes the Dnest array of all eHcellent things? the Dnest robes and fragrances? and hea%s of s>eet smelling %o>ders as high as Mount MeruC 5 / !hodpa gangnram lhamed gryche wa! By the %o>er of my faith in the deeds of Samantabhadra? / %rostrate and %resent vast and une6ualed o4erings to each of the victorious BuddhasC & / Dodchag shedang timug wanggis ni! / confess every ty%e of >rong that / have done in thought? >ord? or deed? under the in@uence of desire? anger? or ignoranceC * / !hogchu grylwa kundang sanggryeas tea! 12 / re+oice in the meritorious deeds of all the Buddhas of the ten directions? the Bodhisattvas? PratyeAa Buddhas? $rhats? %ractitioners? and all sentient beingsC %6 / .angnram chogchi jigten donma nam! / re6uest the enlightened %rotectors >ho have attained the detachment of Buddhahood and illumine the >orlds of the ten directions to turn the %eerless 0heel of 9harmaC %% / 4myngan dhaton gangshig dedag la! 0ith folded hands? / beseech those >ho intend to manifest the Dnal irvana to remain for as many eons as there are atoms in all the Pure Lands? for the beneDt and ha%%iness of all living beingsC %+ / !hyagtsal wadang chodching shagpa dang! May >hatever small amount of virtue / may have gained from %rostrating? o4ering? confessing? re+oicing? re6uesting? and beseeching be dedicated to attaining %erfect enlightenmentC 13 < Pra=na(aramita Reading &ransmission &he !eart of Wisdom Sanskrit78hagavati 9rajya 9aramita :ridaya ;ibetan7!homdan Deama Sherabkyi 9haroltu !hinpi 4yingpo <nglish74oble =ady> ;ranscendent !on?ueror $:eart of ;ranscendent @isdom, Gomage to the oble Lady( Transcendent .on6uerorBGeart of Transcendent 0isdomC Thus / have heardKC &nce the transcendent con6ueror >as d>elling in Ra+ghir on "ulture PeaA? together >ith a great sangha of BhiAshus and a great sangha of BodhisattvasC $t that time from among the di4erent 9harmas? the transcendent con6ueror entered the samadhi called L%rofound illuminationCM $t the same time the noble and %o>erful $valoAiteshvaraF the bodhisattva Mahasattva? looAed clearly at the %rofound %ractice of transcendent >isdom and sa> clearly that the Dve aggregates are em%ty by natureC Then by the Buddhas %o>er? the venerable Shari%utra asAed the noble and %o>erful $valoAiteshvara? the bodhisattva)Mahasattva? MGo> should noble men and >omen? >ho >ish to engage in the %rofound %ractice of transcendent >isdom? trainNM Thus he s%oAeC The noble and %o>erful $valoAiteshvara? the bodhisattva) 14 Mahasattva? ans>ered the venerable Shari%utra >ith these >ords? LShari%utra? noble men and >omen >ho >ish to engage in the %rofound %ractice of transcendent >isdom should see this clearly( They should see clearly that the Dve aggregates are em%ty by natureC 8orm is em%ty? em%tiness is formF em%tiness is not other than formF form is not other than em%tiness? in the same >ay feeling? discrimination? formation? and consciousness are em%tyC Thus Shari%utra? all %henomena are em%tinessF they have no characteristicsF no cessationF no stainsF no freedom from stainsF no decrease and no increaseC Thus? Shari%utra? in em%tiness there are no forms? no feelings? no discrimination? formations? no consciousness? no eyes? no ears? no nose? no tongue? no body? no mind? no sights? no sounds? no smells? no tastes? no tactile sensations? no %henomena? no eye faculty %otential? no mental faculty %otential? no mental consciousness %otential? and nothing in bet>een? no ignorance nor any ending of ignorance? no aging and death nor any ending of aging and death? and nothing in bet>eenC /n the same >ay there is no su4ering? no origin of su4ering? no %ath? no >isdom? no attainment and no non)attainment eitherC Thus Shari%utra? since for the Bodhisattvas there is no attainment? they rely on and abide >ithin transcendent >isdomC There are no obscurations 15 in their minds? and they have no fearC They have gone far beyond error and have reached the ultimate transcendence of su4eringC $ll the Buddhas of the three times also rely on transcendent >isdom? and by doing so they fully and manifestly a>aAen into the unsur%assable? com%lete and %erfectC Thus? the mantra of transcendent >isdom is %roclaimed? the mantra that %erfectly dissolves all su4ering should be Ano>n as true because it is not falseC The mantra of transcendent >isdom is %roclaimed( &&>&! G&8 G&8 PRG&8 PRSMG&8 BO*!" SO! Shari%utra? this is ho> Bodhisattva)Mahasattva should train in the %rofound transcendentCM Then the transcendent con6ueror arose from that samadhi and %raised the noble and %o>erful $valoAiteshvara? the Bodhisattva)Mahasattva? saying L#Hcellent? eHcellent K noble sonF it is soF it is +ust so %rofoundC Transcendent >isdom should be %racticed +ust as you have taughtC $ll the tathagatas re+oiceCM 0hen the transcendent con6ueror said this? the venerable Shari%utra? the noble and %o>erful $valoAiteshvara? the Bodhisattva)Mahasattva? the >hole retinue and the >orld >ith its gods? %eo%le? demigods? and gandharvas? re+oiced and %raised these >ords of 16 the transcendent con6uerorC Thus ends the Mahayana Sutra called oble LadyF the Transcendent .on6ueror? the Geart of Transcendent 0isdomC 0hatever is interde%endent? arising from connection? is >ithout cessation and >ithout birth? >ithout end and >ithout %ermanence? >ithout coming and >ithout going? >ithout division and >ithout unity of meaningF all conditions fully released? teaching releasedC / bo> to the sacred >ords of the %erfect BuddhaC May there be good fortune1 Pacifying the eighty)thousand ty%es of obstructers? removing harmful? unfavorable circumstances? accom%lishing and %erfecting those that are favorable( By such aus%iciousness? may ha%%iness and eHcellence be here right no>1 17 ? &he Great Cloud of Pra,ers and Blessings that Su+due the 8ntire nimate and "nanimate Worlds' By Mi%ham Rin%oche &m $h Gung Grih1 0ithin the %alace of the Lord abla:e the great bliss ;+anaAaya= The >isdom body reali:ing bliss and em%tiness individually /s the nature of a lotus endo>ed >ith unattached blissC 8rom this? the glory of the great shining "a+ra)Sun ;manifests as= The ;9harmaAaya= $mitabha)"a+radharmaF The ;SambhogaAaya= $valoAiteshvara? Lord of the 0orldBAindness that taAes form through the force of com%assionF The ;irmanaAaya= Padma -yl%o? >ho com%letely subdues samsara and nirvanaF The -reat Lord GeruAa? >ho overcomes the animate and inanimate >orldF "a+ravarahiBsecret %rimordial >isdomF The Treasure of -reat Bliss ;Gyagriva=Bthe Aing >ho desires the su%reme bliss The -oddess 5uruAulleB#nchantress of all beings >ithout eHce%tionF The lord of su%reme and mundane mudras? >ho dances in bliss and em%tinessF 18 The %o>erful "a+ra 9aAa and the assemblies of daAinis 0ithin the great s%here in >hich a%%earances and em%tiness are e6ualC The dances of the "a+raAaya cause the three >orlds to trembleF The +oyous laughter of unobstructed ;enlightened= s%eech ca%tivate the three realmsF Red light rays com%letely %ermeate samsara and nirvanaF The brilliant essence of eHistence and %eace emanates out>ards and is recollectedF The ;enlightened= mind of the -reat "a+ra $ttachment Besto>s >hatever accom%lishments of the t>o ty%es that one may desireF and The great lasso of the "a+ra /ron GooA Binds the entire animate and inanimate >orlds? #ndo>ed >ith the music and dancing of inDnite magical netsC Seated liAe %iles of sesame seeds being o%ened u% are The assemblies of %o>erful yidams and vast numbers of Three RootsC / res%ectfully beseech all of these assembled deitiesB%lease grant your blessingsF %lease besto> the siddhi of unobstructed control 0ith res%ect to all the glories that one may desire Bthe su%reme and mundane siddhis1 19 ;his prayer was propagated by the one named D:aI $Aunkyen "ipham #inpoche, on the % st day of the + nd month of the <arth)#abbit Bear If one prays in this way, a person will deCnitely attain the activity of control and whatsoever they may desire :aving written this prayer on silken Dags, raise them high, or to make a wind Cre circle $wheel, is also acceptable Eirtue Eirtue Eirtue Sarvamangalam 20 @ Great Praises of Man=ushri !hom dan di gon po jam pal yang la chag stal lo! .anggi lodro F / %rostrate to the Bhagavan atha Man+ushriC 7our mind is com%letely %ure and luminous? liAe the sun free from the clouds of the t>o obscurationsC 7ou hold a teHt at your heart? since you see all the variety of ob+ects +ust as they areC 7ou love liAe your only child all the multitude of beings >ho are tra%%ed by the darAness of ignorance in the %rison of Samsara and aOicted by su4eringC 7our s%eech? %ossessing the siHty Ainds of melody? roars mightily liAe a dragonC Thus you a>aAen from the slee% of the Aleshas? liberate from the chains of Aarma? and dis%el the darAness of ignoranceC 7ou hold aloft a s>ord? since you cut all the s%routs of su4eringC 7ou are %rimordially %ure and have com%leted the ten bhumisC 7ou have %erfected all the 6ualitiesC The Aaya of the elder son of the "ictorious &ne is adorned >ith the 122 ornamentsC 7ou dis%el the darAness of my mindC / %ay homage to Man+ushriC $#epeat 2G, 21 Om h-Ra Pa-&sa-#a *hi ;13,<= Ste den khyed kyi khyen rab ow -er kyea B, the ra,s of ,our -ind) su(reme -no4ledge) Dak los ti muk mun pa rabsal nea *is(el the dar- ignorance of mind. Aa dang tan chos -shung luk tok pa yi &hat " might understand the teachings and the commentaries as in the canon) =o dro pob pi nang wa kyed du sol " +eseech ,ou to grant the luminosit, of confdent 4isdom. 22 1A Mandala OBering to the &hree Ca,as &M $G GI- /n the 9harmaAaya %ure realm? dharmadhatu e6uality? The realms of the Dve SambhogaAaya families self)a%%ear unobstructedly? $long >ith the array of irmanaAaya %ure realms that Dll all of s%aceC $ll this / o4er as SamantabhadraEs clouds of great blissC OM R&# M#*1 P%*$ M8G! SM%*R SPDR# SM>8 ! !%#G 11 ReEuest for &eachings Sem chan nam kyi sam pa dang Please turn the 4heel of the *harma =o yi she drak ji ta wur of the t4o 0ehicles and their com+ination !he chung thun mong thek pa yi ccording to the dis(ositions and !hos kyi khor lo kor du sol 1i-e4ise) the mental ca(acities of sentient +eings. 23 1/ Rig(a Guru >oga Practice :&he main (ractice; H: #H4. #I. 9HD "H .BH= 9I =HJ $h? Rig%a -uru Padma -yal%o? #H4. 4.I S:< 9I ABH8 SK !:IJ / taAe refuge in the self)recogni:ing nature of my mindC ;#K= @H# !:H" 9I D#I DI DH.J Because of their ignorance sentient beings are >andering in samsara? #H4. D#I= !:<4 9I S<" AB<D ;IJ May all sentient beings reach the great liberationC D:ID 4<H AH DH. AK4 1H4. =HJ By recogni:ing their nature as the %rimordial a>areness of Samantabhadra? ;#K= ;I. .:<. ;SIA "I4. BH4. "<DJ $ll demons and malicious forces? even their conce%ts and names fall a%artC !:IS 4BID !:<4 9I# 0H" =<H 9I J The nature of all %henomena is dharmadhatu and #H4. !:K4. B< S:I SI SI# SK4., 0BH 4H #HA !:H :K4.J 24 The unchanging self)arising >isdom is your only %rotectionC F># RCC! !%#G .:H. "<D S;IA D#K. 4H4. EI !:ISJ Phenomena %erceived through the siH Ainds of consciousness ;the Dve senses and the mind consciousness= 1I4 "<D !:IS 4BID #I. 9I ;SH=J >ithout attachment are recogni:ed as the rays of rig%a? 4H4. ;#ID DH. 9H #H8 0H" S:<#J $ll surroundings a%%ear as BuddhaDelds and sentient beings as Buddhas? B< S:I 4BH. !:I. S:I4 !:<4 9:I8, 0BH 4H H: @< S:H BH 9:<"J #verything is the blessing of >isdom? F># !W8 S!> PD8MG H: D:ID 4<H #H4. S:K4. DI4 .BI 9HD"H 0K4.J Primordial self)arising ultimate Padmasambhava S1H= S:H. 1I4 9H =<H D<H EK" AI =I4.J 25 $%%ears as my rig%a s%ace J there is no face? no limbs? no image? B< 4<H !:H8 DH= #I. ;SH= AK SK" D1I.J Primordial rays of rig%a fully encom%ass the three Aayas .I" S:H .I" S:<D =I S:I D#I "H D#H=J 0ithout the im%urity coming from discursive mediationC B< BI4 DI4 .BI #H4. #I. =H"H =HJ Primordial nature of my rig%a is my guru? D:ID 4<H DK D#H= "<D 9H# S:H4 D#<4 S:<.J There is no coming and going J in every moment / >elcome his %resence? !:IS 4BID !:H8 DH= =I4. DK ;H4 9H# S:K.J #verything Drmly abides in dharmadhatuC "H #I. #H4. 4.I# SH4. 9I !:H. .BI @IJ / %rostrate to the understanding of the real nature that eliminates ignorance? S;IA D#K. .H4. S:H# #H4. D#I= !:ID 9H 8K=J / o4er recognition of the Buddha nature in ob+ects of the siH Ainds of consciousness? .I SK" DI# 0< SK" .BI 4.I @I# ;IDJ 26 / %raise the nature of the va+ra three Aayas of the body? s%eech and mindC D#H= ;:I8 "<D 9I !:IS 4BID !:<4 9I =H J /n the great unchanging dharmadhatu 9H4. =H4. "<D 9H# BI4. D#I= =H "I ;:KAJ $ll moral ethics is encom%assed in the %ure guru mindC D#H D#H. #H4. S:I4 ;I4. 9H 4BK. "I SK4.J / recogni:e the dee%est em%ty nature of all sounds and s%eech? .H4. 4H4. !:IS 4BID #I= EI 4.H4. 4<H D:HJ /n all my activity / recogni:e its dharmadhatu nature and recite the mantra( OM ! !%#G 7FR G%R% P*M S"**!" !%#GG Eajra guru siddi chi nus dha, thar ge ngo ni #ecite the mantra of .uru #inpoche as many times as you can and dedicate as follows> H: 1H. !:<H 1H. "<D .< ;SH !:I !::<H 9HJ 0ith all the good virtue / have accumulated in samsara and nirvana? "H# .BK# D#I# 4.I ;#K= ;I. .BK4 !:HD D<J 27 / %ray that discursive thought of all sentient beings >ould be eliminated? 1SI4 4K EK" AKI ;H4 S#ID S:I4 .BK# 4<HJ That they >ould achieve the ultimate liberation and 0H =KS 9:I !:<4 =H "I AK D#K8 S:IAJ &btain the rainbo> body +ust liAe Rig%a -uru PadmasambhavaEsC Sa ma ya! .ya gya gya -se =ama #ig-in Dho 4gag .ya Stos nan gyi kul ngorJ 4ea chen "a .yal 9om #ai nub go gos ku chen mo nea nub van pea gang dran chalJ !hol dun ea pa te yi ge pa ni 9adma Sam 1in .yi gyea pa gelega phel, manghlamJ In a strong re?uest of =ama #ig-in Dho 4gag .ya Stos, this mind terma was received by 4upchen Sangye Beshe in the great place of "a .yal 9om #ai mountain in the west and written down by 9adma Sam 1in for the beneCt of all sentient beings 28 12 &he s(iration of Samanta+hadra5 12-92 :&he cti0ities of the Bodhisatt0a Samanta+hadra; %2 ) Deapi sanggeas nram dang chog chi yi, May / >orshi% the Buddhas of the %ast and those no> %resent in the >orlds of the ten directionsF may those to come 6uicAly fulDll their as%iration and reach Buddhahood by traversing the stages of enlightenmentC %' ) !hogchu gali shingnram jinyed pa! May all the >orlds of the ten directions become %ure and Dlled >ith Bodhisattvas and victorious Buddhas >ho %roceed to the royal tree of enlightenmentC %3 ) !hogchu semchan gangnram jinyed pa! May all living beings in the ten directions al>ays be ha%%y and free of sicAnessC May the contents of 9harma be in harmony >ith the needs of all living beings and fulDll their ho%esC %( ) Shungchub Shodpa dagni dagshod ching! May / %erform all the deeds of enlightenment and remember my lives in all states of eHistenceC $nd in all my lives? after death? migration? and rebirth? may / al>ays embrace religious lifeC 29 %5 ) .ylwa Aungyi 0eassu lobgryur te! May / follo> all the victorious Buddhas and %erfect all the deeds of SamantabhadraC Pure in the immaculate deeds of morality? may my conduct al>ays be @a>less and >ithout faultC %& ) =hayi kaddang kludang nodchin kasd! May / teach the 9harma in every tongue? in >hatever sounds are understood by living beings? in the language of the gods? nagas? demons? s%irits? and human beingsC %* ) Deasshing pharol chinpa rabtson te May / al>ays diligently and %atiently %erform the %erfectionC May / never disregard my intention to attain enlightenment and com%letely remove >hatever faults may obscure itC +6 ) =easdang nyonmong dudkyi leas nramleas! 8reed from Aarma? deDlements? and actions of demons? as a lotus is unsoiled by the mire? so in every rebirth in the >orld may / %roceed unhindered? liAe the sun and moon in a clear sAyC +% ) Shinggi chyondang chognram jinyed pa! Throughout all the lands in all the directions? may the su4erings of the lo>er realms be com%letely relievedC #stablishing beings in 30 ha%%iness? may / >orA for the beneDt of all living beingsC ++ ) Shngchub shodpa yongsu d-ogshed ching! 8ully accom%lishing the activities of enlightenment? may / >orA in harmony >ith the activities of all beingsC May / %ractice and demonstrate the deeds of Samantabhadra? through all future eonsC +2 ) Daggi shoddng tsungpar gangshod pa! May / al>ays associate >ith those >hose activities are similar to mineC 0e act aliAe in thought? >ord? and deed? and may our as%irations be as oneC +' ) Dagla phnpar donpi dogpo dg! May those friends >ho >ish to hel% me and also demonstrate the deeds of Samantabhadra? al>ays meet me againF and may / never cause them %ainC +3 ) Snggys teakyis korwi gonpo nram! May / al>ays %ersonally behold the victorious Buddhas? those -uardians surrounded by BodhisattvasC $nd >ithout tiring? in all future eons may / al>ays %resent them magniDcent o4eringsC +( ) .ylwa namkyi dampi chos-in ching! 31 May / al>ays u%hold the BuddhasE holy 9harma and illuminate the deeds of enlightenmentC May / train in the %ractice of Samantabhadra in all future eonsC +5 ) ;idpa thmchd du yng khorwa na! Through rebirth in all the states of eHistence? may / gather endless stores of merit and >isdomC May / become an ineHhaustible treasure of all virtues of method? >isdom? concentration? and liberationC +& ) Dhulchig tengna dhulnsyed snggys nam! May / al>ays behold as many Pure Lands as there are atoms %resent in each Pure Land? >ith inconceivable Buddhas sitting in the midst of their Bodhisattvas and %erforming the activities of #nlightenmentC +* ) Detar malus thmchd chogssu yang! /n this >ay may / be able to see every>here? even on every mote of dust? countless Buddhas of the %ast? %resent? and future? limitless Pure Lands? and endless eonsC 26 ) Sungchig ynlag gytsoi dakad kyis! May / al>ays heed the %ure s%eech of the victorious Buddhas? >hich holds >ithin each >ord the totality of the %erfect 9harma? and an 32 ocean of >ords and languages %recisely suited to the needs of all beingsC 2% ) Dussum shegpi gylwa thamchd dang! May / %ossess %erfect intelligence so as to heed the endless melody of s%eech >hen the victorious Buddhas of the %ast? %resent? and future turn the 0heels of 9harmaC 2+ ) "awong kalwa thmchd jugpar Bang! May / accom%lish the Bodhisattva %ractice of entering the %ast? %resent? and future in a fraction of a secondC May / enter all the future eons in a single instantC 22 ) Dussum shagpa miyi sengge gang! May / behold all the heroic Buddhas of the %ast? %resent? and future in a single instantC May / al>ays %erform their activities through the %o>er of liberation from illusionC 2' ) .ngyang dussum daggi shingkod pa! May / %erceive u%on a single atom the %erfect design of the %ure realms of the %ast? %resent? and futureC Thus? may / enter into the realms of the victorious Buddhas in all directionsC 23 ) .ngyng mashon jigtan donma narm! May the illuminators of the >orlds of the future reali:e the stages of Buddhahood? of turning the 0heel? and of the %rofound %eace of irvanaF and may / al>ays be in their %resenceC 33 2( ) Auntu nyurvi -ruthul tobnam dng! May / ac6uire the %erfectly accom%lished %o>ers of enlightenment( the %o>er of miraculous s>iftness? the %o>er of %erfection of every s%iritual %ath? the %o>er of all virtuous 6ualities? 25 ) Aunneas gevi sonam tobnram dng! the %o>er of all)%ervasive love? the %o>er of the merit of every virtue? the %o>er of all) transcendent >isdom? and the %o>ers of %erfect Ano>ledge? method? and meditationC 2& ) =easkyi tobnram yongsu dagshyed ching, 4yonmong tobnram kuntu jomspar shyed, Dudkyi tobnram tobmed rabshyed ching, 1angpo shodpi tobni d-ogpar gyi! May the %o>er of action be utterly %uriDed? the %o>er of %assions utterly subdued? the %o>er of demons utterly destroyed? and the %o>er of the deeds of Samantabhadra %erfectedC 2* ) Shingnram gytso nrampar dagshed ching! May the ocean of lands be %uriDed? the ocean of beings liberated? the ocean of 9harma reali:ed? and the ocean of >isdom fully attainedC '6 )Shodpa gytso nrampar dagshed ching! May the ocean of %ractice be %uriDed and the ocean of as%irations accom%lishedC May oceans 34 of Buddhas be ceaselessly >orshi%%ed and the deeds of enlightenment tirelessly %erformedC '% ) .ngyng dussum shegpi gylva yi! May / com%letely fulDll all %erfect as%irations to enlightened activities in order to attain the stage of the victorious Buddhas of the %ast? %resent? and future according to the deeds of SamantabhadraC '+ ) .ylwa kungyi teaskyi thuvo pa! The eldest son of the victorious Buddhas is called SamantabhadraC / dedicate all these virtuous actions that my deeds may be liAe hisC '2 ) =usdng ngagdng yidchang nramdag ching! May my body? s%eech? mind? activities? and environment al>ays be %ure? and may / become e6ual to this eHcellent $s%iration of SamantabhadraC '' ) Aunneas gewa -angpo shedpi shir! May / tirelessly accom%lish the virtuous deeds of Samantabhadra and the as%irations of the Bodhisattva Man+ushri? throughout all future eonsC '3 ) Shodpa dagni tsadyod magyur chig! May there be no limit to my activitiesC May there be no limit to my virtuesC Through limitless 35 %erseverance may / accom%lish all miraculous deedsC '( ) 4amkhi tharthug gyurpa jetsam pa! The limit of living beings is liAe the limit of o%en s%aceC May the limit of my as%irations be e6ual to the limit of their activities and %assionsC '5 ) .ngyng chogchi shingnram thayeas pa! 0hoever o4ers to victorious Buddhas all %erfect +oys of gods and men? and the inDnite realms of the ten directions adorned >ith +e>els? for as many eons as there are atoms in those realms? shall gain meritC '& ) .nggis ngovi gylpo dithos neas! But >hoever hears this greatest dedication %rayer and is ins%ired by faith to intensely desire su%reme enlightenment shall gain even higher and holier meritC '* ) .nggi -angshod monlam ditab peas! 0hoever recites this $s%iration of Samantabhadra >ill never again endure hellish rebirth? >ill abandon all evil friends? and >ill soon behold the Buddha of Boundless LightC 36 ) Dedag nyedpa rabnyed dewa tso! 36 They >ill gain all beneDts? live in ha%%iness? attain %recious human rebirth? and soon become liAe Samantabhadra himselfC 3% ) Stammed lngawo daggi digpa nram! #ven those >ho in ignorance committed the Dve unredeemable sins? >ill soon be com%letely %uriDed by reciting this as%iration of SamantabhadraC 3+ ) Beshi dngni -ugsdng stannram dng! They >ill achieve %erfect >isdom? a radiant countenance? ethereal form? aus%icious %hysical marAs? and a noble birthC Profane and devilish beings >ill not trouble them? and they >ill be honored in the three realmsC 32 ) Shyungchub shingwanng drungdu denyur dro! They >ell 6uicAly reach the royal tree of enlightenment? residing there to beneDt all beingsC $s enlightened Buddhas? they >ill turn the >heel of the 9harma? taming the demonic hostsC 3' ) .ngyang -angpo shodpi monlam di! 0hoever Ano>s? teaches? or recites this $s%iration of Samantabhadra? shall ultimately 37 attain %erfect BuddhahoodC May none des%air of com%lete enlightenmentC 33 ) 0ampal pawos jitar chenpa dang! /n >hatever >ay valiant Man+ushri and Samantabhadra Ano> ho> to transfer merit? so do / dedicate all of my one virtues? that / might train to be liAe themC 3( ) Dussum shegpi gylwa thamchad kyes! Through this dedication? %raised as su%reme by the victorious Buddhas of the %ast? %resent? and future? / dedicate all of these roots of virtue to accom%lishing the deeds of SamantabhadraC 35 ) Dagni chiwi dusshed gyurpa na! $t the moment of my death? may all obscurations be removed that / may behold the Budda of Boundless Light and go to the Pure Land of Perfect BlissC 3& ) Dersong neasni smonlam didak chang! /n that blissful land? may / com%letely fulDll all of these as%irations? and beneDt all beings as long as the universe remainsC 3* ) .rylvi kyilkhor -ngshing ghava der! Poyful there? in that blessed assembly of the Buddhas? may / be reborn liAe the Goly &nes from an eH6uisite lotus? and may the Buddha 38 $mitabha himself foretell my o>n enlightenmentC (6 ) Derni daggi lungtan rabthob neas! May / thereafter accom%lish countless beneDts for living beings in all the ten directions? by the %o>er of %erfect >isdom in its myriad incarnationsC (% ) 1angpo shodpi smonlam ngospa yi! Through >hatever small virtue / have gathered by reciting this as%iration of Samantabhadra? may all the virtuous as%irations of living beings be accom%lished in a single instantC (+ ) 1angpo shodpi smonlam sngospa yis! Through the boundless merit gained by so dedicating this $s%iration of Samantabhadra? may the countless beings dro>ning in the torrent of su4ering reach the stage of $mitabhaC (2 ) Smonlam gyalpo didag chokgi tso! ;hayeas drova kunla phanshed ching, Auntu -angpos gynpi shung drub te, 4gansong gnsnram malus tongEr shog ! May this greatest of dedication %rayers beneDt countless living beingsC May reciting this ornament of Samantabhadra release all beings from the su4ering of the lo>er realms1
39 40 13 1ong 1ife Pra,ers !.!.*alai 1ama .ang ri raw ea kor wi -hing kham su! For this realm encircled +, sno4-co0ered mountains 9han dang de wa ma lus jung wi -hi! >ou are the source of e0er, +eneft and +liss 4ithout eHce(tion. !han rea -ig wang tan -in gya tso yi! &enIin G,altso) ,ou 4ho are one 4ith 0alo-itesh0ara) 1ab pad trid thi war du ten gyur chik! Ma, ,ou remain steadfast until SamsaraDs end' Chenchen 1ama /n the 9harmadhatu a%%earing as $mitabha? /n the SambhogaAaya form as >isdom Buddha Man+ushri? PadmasambhavaEs heart son Sangye 7eshe? /ncarnated as Padma 9agnag Ling%a in %revious life $nd Pal+ea %a 9or+ee in this lifetime? May your life be longer than the duration of samsara 41 So that all your virtuous intentions can be accom%lishedC Please give me your heart blessings so that My mind is united >ith yours in the Buddha natureC So? / %ray1 16 Wish for Bodhicitta OM ! !%#G S!R" ##& 7FR SR7 S"**!" P!1 !%#G !' 9al dan sta wi la ma rinpoche ! Glorious) (recious root lama) Dak gi chi wor pad mi dan s-hug la! Sit on the lotus seat on the cro4n of m, head. Aa drin chen pos go nea jes -ung te! With ,our great -indness (lease acce(t me. Au sung thuk kyi ngos drub tsal du sol! Please +esto4 the realiIations of +od,) s(eech) and mind. 9al dan la main am par thar pa la! "n all the acti0ities of the glorious lama) Aed chig stam yang lok ta mi kye -hing! Ma, no 4rong 0ie4 arise e0en for a moment. !hi -had lek par thong wi mos gus kyes! 42 B, the de0otion of seeing 4hate0er he does as (erfect =a mi shin lab sem la juk par shok! Ma, the +lessing of the lama enter m, mind. Aye wa kun tu yang dak la ma dang! &hroughout the succession of m, li0es) from the (erfect lamas Dral med chos kyi pal la long shod nea! Ma, " ne0er +e se(arated and) en=o,ing the glor, of the *harma) Sa dang lam gyi yon tan rab d-ok te! Perfect all the Eualities of the stages and the (aths Dor je chang gi go phang nyur thob shok! nd s4iftl, attain the stage of 7a=radhara. ;an pi pal gyur la mi -hab pad ten! &he lamas 4ho ha0e +ecome the glor, of the *harma) ma, their li0es +e sta+leJ ;en -in kyes wu sat eng yong la khyab! Ma, the land +e entirel, flled 4ith *octrine- holdersJ ;en pi jin dak nga thang jor wa gye! Ma, the 4ealth and (o4er of the (atrons of the *octrine increase) ;en pa yun ring nea pi ;a shi shok! 43 nd ma, the aus(iciousness of the *octrine remain fore0er. 44 19 - Pra,er for the Flourishing and S(read of the *Iogchen &eachings .yal wa kun gyi nye lam chig pi ru! s the one and onl, short (ath of all the 0ictorious Buddhas) .yal wi yong ngak thek chog d-og pa che! &he 0ictorious ones ha0e acclaimed the su(reme ,ana) *Iog(a Chen(o) .yal wang pad mi rang luk nying ma wa! &he ncient &ranslation tradition of the 0ictorious 1ord) Padmasam+ha0aJ .yal ten chok thar gye pi ;a shi shok! Ma, all +e aus(icious for these 0ictorious teachings to s(read) and (er0ade the uni0erse' Shung chub sem chog #inpoche! Bodhichitta) the eHcellent and (recious mind. "a kyes pa nam kye gyur chik! Where it is un+orn) ma, it arise. Ayes pa nyam pa med pa dang! Where it is +orn) ma, it not decline) .ong nea gong du phel war shok! But e0er increase) higher and higher. 7 Shantideva 45 If you have any ?uestions about the practice please e)mail Ahenchen 9rachhimba Dorjee #inpoche> khenchenlamaLyahoocom 46 &S!" *818C OM ! !%#G !R" *R%M' 47