Quine-The Roots of Reference (1990) Cs
Quine-The Roots of Reference (1990) Cs
Quine-The Roots of Reference (1990) Cs
w. v qu1ne
Edgar Piere Professor of Philosophy
Harvard University
open court
la salle, illinois
I ntroduction
I . Reception and perception I
2. Cause
3. Disposition 8
4. Some questions and answers on dispositions 12
5. Si milarity 1 6
6. I nterfrence from within 20
7. Traces and salience 24
8. Pleasure
9. Mentalism and language 33
I 0. Observation sentences 37
11. Ostensive learning 41
VIII Contents
1 2. Assent 45
1 3. Values 49
1 4. Masses and bodies 52
1 5. Individuation of bodies 55
1 6. Observational compounds 59
1 7. Predication and the categorical 63
1 8. Serendipity 67
1 9. Color and shape 70
20. Truth functions 75
2 1 . Analyticity 78
22. Narrowing the subject 8 1
23. General and singular 84
24. Relative clauses 89
25. Substitution and ' such that' 92
26. Quantifiers and variables 97
27. Quantifying over abstract objects 1 0 1
28. Set theory 1 05
29. Sour grapes 1 1 1
30. Identity and number 1 1 5
3 1 . Higher types 1 20
32. Psychogenesis summed up 1 23
33. Past and future 1 27
34. Ontological sophistication 1 3 1
35. Ontological economy 1 34
36. Relative empiricism 1 37
I NDEX 1 47
Relatively l ittle mystery enshrouds the ways in which we learn
to utter observation sentences, and to assent to them or dissent
from them when asked. Speaking of objects, however-abstract
objects, physical objects, or even sensory objects-is neither so
quickly achieved nor so readily accounted for. To speak of ob
jects beyond peradventure the child must master a considerable
apparatus of linguistic particles-' same' , ' another' , ' that' , ' it' ,
and the plural '-s' , and more-that are inaccessible at the level of
observation sentences. In Word and Object (p. 93) I wrote that
the contextual learning of these various particles goes on
simultaneously, we may suppose, so that they are gradually ad
justed to one another and a coherent pattern of usage is evolved
matching that of society. The child scrambles up an intellectual
chimney, supporting himself against each side by pressure against
the others.
Understandably unsatisfied by so brief and metaphorical an ac-
count of the matter, I have pondered it further; and the result is
the present essay.
I began it early in 1 970, on being invited to give the Paul Carus
Lectures at the end of the next year. By the summer of 1 97 1 my
ideas had taken the form of a hundred-odd pages of rough draft,
and these I expounded in the course of the Summer I nstitute of
Philosophy at Irvine. The lively critical response, especially on
the part of Gil bert Harman, Donald Davidson, Oswaldo
Chateaubriand, David Kaplan, Richmond Thomason, Edwin A.
Marti n, Jr. , and Stephen Stich, was of great value to me and
sparked substantial revisions. Some of my indebtedness is
speci fied at appropiate points in the book. From the revised
manuscript I abstracted the three Carus Lectures for oral presen
tation at a meeting of the American Phil osophical Association in
New York, December, 1 97 1 . Si nce then I have revised and ex
tended the little book.
I presented portions of an interim draft at Valencia last April
in a lecture entitled "Refexiones sobre el aprendizaj e del
languaj e. " Thi s appeared soon after i n Teorema. The
Hagerstrom Lectures, which I am to give at U ppsala next
month, will be based on the fi ni shed book.
I have been helped by comments on various stages of the
manuscri pt from Dagfinn Fllesdal, Richard Herrnstein, Robert
Harris, and especially Burton Dreben. The work was supported
by the National Science Foundation under Grant GS26 l 5.
W. V. Quine
Boston, December 1 972
By Professor Nelson Goodman
to First Carus Lecture by Professor Quine
The title of Profssor Quine's best-known philosophy book is
Word and Object. From the title of these lectures, I gather he is
going to di scuss an i mportant relation of words to objects-or
better-of words to other objects, some of which are not
words-or even better, of objects some of which are words to
objects some of which are not words.
I am sure that in every case the exact degree of opacity of
refrence wi ll be made entirely transparent, even though the
roots of refrence must be an even di rtier subject than refrence
itself, which as we all know is di rty enough.
In Profssor Quine's many encounters with refrence he has
always insisted on such sterling pri nci ples as: "Don't refr to
what isn' t"; "Don't suppose that merely by talking you are say
ing anything about anythi ng"; but on the other hand, "I f you do
Xll Introduction
say something about somethi ng, don't think you can escape the
consequences by saying you were only talki ng. "
I have no idea what the roots of refrence are, but I suppose
that whatever has powers, as refrence does, also has roots. But
here I am probably guilty, i n the language of Method of Logic, of
making, i n the full sweep of a fll swoop, what amounts to a full
swap or even a foul swipe.
Your attention need not be called to Quine's remarkable
productivity. In this era of control, it is positively indecent. He
gives birth to an i mportant new book more often than the Old
Farmer puts out a new Almanac. His articles are by now in
denumerable. And it is high time for a meta-anthology drawn
fom the anthologies of his own works al ready published.
But my pleasure in yielding the platform to Profssor Quine
arises not because he is a very distinguished philosopher but
because he is a very distinguishing one.
Nelson Goodman
art I
and learnin
1. Reception and perception
Gi ven only the evidence of our senses, how do we arrive at our
theory of the world? Bodies are not given in our sensations, but
are only infrred from them. Should we follow Berkeley and
Hume in repudiating them?
What are given in sensation are smells, noises, fels, fashes,
patches of color, and the like: such were the conditions of the
problem for Berkeley and Hume. But in the present century the
Gestalt psychologists reacted against these conditions. Experi
ment suggests, and introspection as well , that what are sensed are
not primarily those sensory elements, but significantly structured
wholes. Confronted with seven spots equally spaced around a
center, the subject responds rather to the composite circular form
than to any component. Confronted with a solid, he di rectly
senses a body in depth. He goes through none of Berkeley' s in
frential construction of the depth di mension, for he i s unaware
2 The Roots of Reference
of the two-dimensional data of that construction. A painter has
to train hi mself to abstract those two-dimensional patches from
the living scene.
Are we to conclude then that the old epistemologists' problem
bridging a gap between sense data and bodies was a
pseudoproblem? No; the problem was real but wrongly viewed.
The old epistemologists may have thought that their atomistic at
titude toward sense data was grounded in introspection, but it
was not . It was grounded in their knowledge of the physical
world. Berkeley was bent on deri vi ng depth from two
dimensional data for no other reason than the physical fct that
the surfce of the eye is two-di mensional . But he and the other
old epistemologists would have resi sted this statement of the
matter, because they saw their problem as one of challenging or
substantiating our knowledge of the external world. Appeal to
physical sense organs in the statement of the problem would have
seemed circular. The building blocks had to be irreducibly men
tal, and present to consciousness. Given these ground rules, the
Gestaltists win hands down.
This far of circularity is a case of needless logical timidity,
even granted the project of substantiating our knowledge of
the external world. The crucial logical point i s that the
epistemol ogist is confronting a challenge to natural science that
arises from within natural science. The challenge runs as follows.
Science itself teaches that there i s no clairvoyance; that the only
i nformation that can reach our sensory surfces from external
objects must be li mited to two-dimensioal optical projections
and various impacts of air waves on the eardrums and some gas
eous reactions in the nasal passages and a fw kindred odds and
ends. How, the challenge proceeds, could one hope to fi nd out
about that external world from such meager traces? In short, if
our science were true, how could we know it? Clearly, i n confron
ting this challenge, the epistemologist may make free use of all
scientific theory. Hi s problem is that of fnding ways, in keeping
with natural science, whereby the human animal can have pro
jected this same science from the sensory i nformation that could
reach him according to this science.
Ancient skepticism, in its more primitive way, l ikewise
challenged science from withi n. The skeptics cited familiar i i-
Perceiving and Learning 3
lusions to show the fllibility of the senses; but this concept of il
lusion itself rested on natural science, since the qual ity of illusion
consisted simply i n deviation from external scientific reality.
It was science itself, then as in later times, that demonstrated
the li mitedness of the evidence for science. And it would have
befitted the epistemologist, then as now, to make free use of
science in his effort to determine how man could make the most
of those li mited sources.
Once he recognizes this privilege, the epistemologist can scorn
the Gestalt psychologist' s strictures against sensory atomi sm. He
can appeal to physical receptors of sensory sti mulation and say
that for him what is disti nctive about sense data is mere proximi
ty to these receptors, without regard to awareness. Better still, he
can drop the talk of sense data and talk rather of sensory
stimulation. Our li berated epistemologist ends up as an empirical
psychologist, scientifically investigating man's acquisition of
A far cry, this, from old epistemology. Yet it is no gratuitous
change of subject matter, but an enlightened persistence rather in
the original epistemological problem. It is enlightened in
recognizing that the skeptical challenge spri ngs from science
itself, and that in coping with it we are free to use scientific
knowledge. The old epistemologi st filed to recognize the
strength of his position.
The epistemologist thus emerges as a defnder or protector.
He no longer dreams of a fi rst philosophy, frmer than science,
on which science can be based; he is out to defnd science from
withi n, against its self-doubts. His project becomes one of major
scientific and philosophical interest, moreover, even apart from
protective motives-even apart from any thought of a skeptical
challenge. For we can fully grant the truth of natural science and
still raise the questi on, within natural science, how it is that man
works up his command of that sci ence from the limited im
pi ngements that are available to his sensory surf aces. This is a
question of empi rical psy9hology, but it may be pursued at one or
more removes from the laboratory, one or another level of
speculativity. Its philosophical interest is evident. If we were to
get to the bottom of it, we ought to be able to see just to what ex
tent science is man' s free creation; to what extent, in Eddington's
4 The Roots of Reference
phrase, it is a put-up job. And we ought to be able to see whatever
there is to see about the evidence relati on, the relation borne to
theory by the observations that support it.
We have undercut the Gestalt psychologist' s criticism of sen
sory atomi sm by dropping the awareness requirement and talk
i ng di rectly of physical input at the sense receptors. This,
however, is only half the story. Awareness and Gestalt still claim
an i mportant place. Sensory receptors operate at the level of
reception, and Gestalt operates at the level of percepti on. The old
antagonism was due to the epistemologist' s straining toward
reception while still requiring awareness, which belongs to
Reception i s fagrantly physical. But perception also, for all its
mentalistic overtones, is accessi ble to behavioral criteria. It
shows itself in the conditioning of responses. Thus suppose we
provide an ani mal with a screen to look at and a lever to press.
He fi nds that the pressed lever brings a pellet of food when the
screen shows a circular stripe, and that it brings a shock when the
screen shows merely four spots spaced in a semicircular arc. Now
we present hi m with those same four spots, arranged as before,
but supplemented with three more to suggest the complementary
semicircle. I f the animal presses the lever, he may be said to have
perceived the circular Gestalt rather than the component spots.
When conceived thus in behavi oral terms, the notion of
perception belongs to the psychol ogy of learning: to the theory of
conditioning, or of habit formation. Habits, inculcated by con
ditioning, are di spositi ons. The subject, having learned his lesson,
is thereafter di sposed to make the response in question whenever
activated by the stimulus in question. We shall do well, then,
before venturing further, to come to terms with the notion of a
di spositi on.
2. Caue
There is an evident affnity between the idioms of cause and
disposition. Solubility in water, for instance, i s the di sposition to
di ssolve i n water; and being in water causes the soluble body to
erceiving and Learning 5
olve. I n their combination of utility and disreputability,
oreover, the two idioms are much alike. The trouble with
causation is, as Hume poi nted out, that there is no evident way of
distinguishing it fom mere invariable sucession. And why is this
troublesome? Because then, if we take any two classes of events
that each event i n the one class is foll owed by an event in the
other, we have to say that the events in the one class cause those
in the other . Thereupon any arbitrary event a can be said to have
caused any succeeding event b; for, we can just take the two
classes as the unit classes of a and b. We are caught in the fllacy
of post hoc ergo propter hoc.
There is the same quandary over dispositions. If there is no
distinguishing between a thing's disposition to act i n a certain
way i n certain ci rcumstances and the mere fct of its so acting in
those ci rcumstances, then whatever the thing may do can be laid
to a di spositi on, by defining the circumstances narrowly enough.
Stephen Stich has made this point stri kingly with refrence to
i nnate dispositi ons. Why not attribute a man's every act to an in
nate di sposition? True, i f the circumstances in which he now acts
in a certai n way are circumstances in which he once filed so to
act, we seem to have grounds for denying an innate disposition;
but the trouble is that any circumstances whatever can be said to
be of an unprecedented ki nd by defining the ki nd narrowly.
Of these two wayward idioms, the causal and the dispositional,
the causal is the si mpler and the more fundamental . It may have
had its prehi storic beginnings in man's sense of effort, as in
pushing. The i mparting of energy still seems to be the central
idea. The transfr of momentum from one billiard ball to another
i s persistently cited as a paradigm case of causality. Thus we
might seek a si mpleminded or root notion of causality in terms of
the fow of energy. Cause and effect are events such that all the
energy in the effect fl owed from the cause. Thi s ther
modynamical image requi res us to picture energy, like matter, as
traceable from point to point through time. Thus let us picture an
event si mply as any fragment of space-time, or the material and
energetic content thereof. Given an event e, then, imagine all its
energy traced backward through time. Any earlier event that in
ercepts all of these energetic world li nes quali fes as a cause of e.
6 The Roots of Reference
According to this account each event e has countless causes,
distri buted over past time. The remoter the cause, usually, the
more di ffuse it will be in space, since it must intercept every
energetic world l i ne that is desti ned to get into e.
Let us now sort out the good and the bad fatures of thi s no
tion of cause. A possible objection is that it is too special, apply
ing only to physics. My answer is material istic. Causality is a
relation of events, and all events, mental and social ones includ
ed, are a matter ultimately of the action of physical forces upon
particles. My concern here is di fferent from Hume's; his was with
the epistemological basis for a causal relation, while mine is with
the ontological nature of the causal relation as an object of scien
tific theory. All will agree, materialists and others, that causal ef
fcacy within the material world, at any rate, is compounded of
microphysical forces, despite our incapacity to single out all
those components in every particular case.
Another possible objection is that my appeal to energy and
world l i nes is too sophisticated to be appropriate in explicating so
primordial a notion of common sense as the notion of cause. My
answer is that we may reasonably allow concepts, however
primordial, to evolve and sharpen with the progress of science.
After all, even the scope or subject matter of a science may not be
definable until the science has made great strides; so it was with
chemistry. Let the explication of causality not be hampered by
restraints on the use of sophisticated scientifc notions.
A third and opposite objection, and one that I can share, is
that my appeal to energetic world li nes is not sophisticated
enough. On what basis can an earlier and a later bit of work be
associated as two manifstations of one and the same continuing
bit of energy? The very di stinction between matter and energy
wavers in modern physics, and even the notion of the identity of
an elementary particle from moment to moment has fllen on
evil days, what with quantum jumps. Now I take this considera
tion to suggest simply that a notion of cause is out of place in
modern physics. Nor can this come as a surprise. Clearly the
term plays no technical role at austere levels of the subject. And
anyway, modern physicists are notorious for scouting primordial
concepts. They have taken away our absol ute time dimension,
our absolute si multaneity. They have taken away even our
Perceiving and Learning 7
relative velocity, or further relativized it. They have put l i mits on
divisibility, on velocity, on antiquity, and even on theoretical ex
actness of position and velocity. Taking away our causal ity is the
least of it.
For moderate velocities and respectable magnitudes, however,
the Newtonian mechanics retains its utility despite relativity and
quantum mechanics . For terrestrial concerns even the geocentric
fame of refrence retains its util ity despite Copernicus. Si milar
ly a notion of cause based on the not very sophisticated notion of
the fow of energy, or thermodynamics, could retai n utility.
Precisely this util ity, however, is called into question by a
fourth objection. The proposed explication covers only total
cause. It does assign multi ple causes, as we saw, but each of them
is total in this sense: each of them i ntercepts all the energetic l ines
that lead into the effect. These total causes di ffer from one
another only in date or duration or in the capricious inclusion of
superfuities. Yet contributory cause, rather than total cause, is
what we usually care about i n practice. The catalyst introduces
little energy into the chemical reaction that it sets off. The killer
introduces li ttle energy of his own when he triggers the ftal ex
plosion in his gun. The speaker i mparts little energy to the
hearer's eardrum, yet his words may spur the hearer to a frenzy
of energetic output .
We can accommodate contributory causes by defining them as
intercepting merely some of the energetic li nes that lead into the
effect . But one's interest in contri butory causes is conspicuously
i ndependent of the proport i on of energy cont ri buted .
Overwhelmi ng sources such as solar radiation will commonly be
passed over because taken for granted. When in practice we ask
the cause of something, or cite the cause, we are concerned only
with some contributory cause that is of especial interest to the
context. All the rest of a total cause may be uni nteresting because
already known; this one contri butory part is all that was needed
to complete our understanding of the case. Or the rest of the total
cause may be uninteresting because it would be i mmaterial to
some practical end, such as allocation of responsibility.
In practice, indeed, the words 'cause' and ' because' often con
note no contribution of energy at all. They are stretched to apply
to logical premi sses, to purposes, to dispositions. Something' s
8 The Roots of Reference
merely being paper, or salt, is seen as a contri butory cause of its
taki ng fi re, or di ssolving in water. But all this strikes me as ex
tended usage, contribution of energy being the kernel idea. Of the
extended usage, a large part is best viewed under the head rather
of dispositions.
3. Disposition
The proposed thermodynamical conception of cause does
some justice to the notion of cause on its theoretical or
philosophical side, and i t makes sense to the extent that a notion
of energy fow makes sense. This is better than we can evidently
hope to achieve i n a theoretical account of the notion of di sposi
tion. For, even supposing the notion of cause to be in acceptable
theoretical shape, how would we define di sposition in terms of it?
The disposition is a property, in the object, by virtue of which the
circumstances c cause the object to do a. The ' by virtue' here is
what defies explication. An extensional conditional, a universally
quantified material conditional, does not bridge the gap. Thus
consider a gold piece that is destined never to be in water. The
fmiliar point i s that though we may vacuously and truly say in
an extensional sense that the gold piece di ssolves whenever in
water, we are not therefore to count it soluble. Now the further
point to note i s that even an appeal to cause does not mend
matters. For we can equally well say of the gold piece, vacuously
and truly, that whenever it is in water its being in water causes it
to dissolve. The perenni al fl sity of the antecedent of this univer
sally quantified material conditional has its triviali
zing effect
regardless of whether we talk of cause in the consequent. Cause i s
not the mi ssing li nk.
Where the strong connection i s wanted i s between the di sposi
tion (solubility i n water) and its realization (dissolving when in
water). The body di ssolves when in water by virtue of having the
dispositi on. The "virtual" connection is itself analogous to a
causal one; ' by vi rtue of ' is almost ' because of ' . But whereas we
were afforded some hint of an expl ication of cause in the fow of
Perceiving and Learning
energy from cause to effect, we can in general look to no such
fow fom the di sposition to its real izati on.
At an uncritical level the usual paraphrase of the di sposition
idi om is an intensional conditional. To say that a body i s soluble
in water is to say that it would di ssolve if it were i n water. This
strengthened conditional does its work at a curious remove.
Where the problematic link ' by virtue of ' was needed was for
linking ' solubility in water' with 'dissolves when in water'. But
the intensional conditional, the ' would i f were' , visibly li nks the
di ssolving rather with the being in water. This is not where a
strengthened li nk was needed; cause, we noted, was not the mi ss
ing li nk. Yet there is no denying that in its bumbling way this in
tensional conditional somehow conveys the force of the dis
positional idiom.
There are those who uncritically accept the di spositional idiom
as a clear matter of ordinary language. Say what a thing i s dis
posed to do i n what ci rcumstances, and the disposition holds no
further mystery for them. Solubility i n water i s the di sposition to
dissolve when i n water, and there is no plainer English than that.
Such is Ryle' s position in The Concept of Mind, where he under
takes to cl arify other more obscure and troublesome notions i n
dispositional terms and is content to leave them thus . Again there
are those who acquiesce in the general defi nition of the dis
positional idiom i n terms of the i ntensi onal conditional . This
group is not to be distinguished from the 'other, since the dis
positional idiom and the corresponding conditional are in
terchangeable i n ordinary language as a matter of course.
One who fi nds discomfort in intensional conditionals is at a
loss for a satisfctory defnition of the di spositional idiom. It was
on this account that Carnap, in his extensionalist period, 1
resorted to a theory of so-called "reduction forms, " as a means
of i ntroducing terms into a theory by partial explications short of
definiti on. These explications were partial in that they were i n
sufficient to render the terms eli mi nable, as true defi nitions
would do. They were "meaning postulates," i n Carnap's later
termi nology. Hi s reduction form or meaning postulate for
l. Testability and meaning."
1 0 The Roots of Reference
solubility in water stipulated that if a body is in water, then it is
soluble in water i f and only i f it is dissolving. The reduction form
for the di sposition to do a in circumstances c stipulated that if
something is in circumstances c then it has the disposition i f and
only if i t is doing a.
Thus Carnap, like Ryle, acquiesced i n an undefined notion of
disposition, but unlike Ryle he acquiesced grudgingly. The no
tion of disposition was short on meaning, in Carnap's eyes, to the
degree that the "reduction form" or "meaning postulate"
stopped short of definition.
I am with Carnap in not settling for defi nition of dispositions
by the intensional conditional. Unlike Carnap, however, I am not
concerned to establish the di sposition idiom as a technical idiom
of scientific theory at all, either by hook or by crook: either by
defini tion or by "meaning postulate. "
Each di sposition, in my view, is a physical state or mechanism.
A name for a specific disposition, e.g. solubility in water,
deserves its place in the vocabulary of scientific theory as a name
of a particular state or mechanism. In some cases, as i n the case
nowadays of solubil ity i n water, we understand the physical
details and are able to set them forth explicitly in terms of the
arrangement and interaction of small bodies. Such a formula
tion, once achieved, can thenceforward even take the place of the
old disposition term, or stand as its new definition.
Where the general di spositional idiom has its use is as follows.
By means of it we can refr to a hypothetical state or mechanism
that we do not yet understand, or to any of various such states or
mechanisms, while merely specifying one of its characteristic
effects, such as di ssolution upon immersion in water . There are
dispositions, such as i ntell igence, whose physical wo, rkings we
can scarcely conjecture; the dispositional characterization is all
we have to go on. Intelligence is the di sposition to learn quickly,
if I may oversimplify. By intelligence I still mean some attribute
of the body, despite our ignorance concerning it; some durable
physical state, perhaps a highly disjunctive one. A term for this
attri bute is entitled to a place in our theoretical vocabulary, even
if all we know about the attribute is that an animal that has it is
quickly conditioned. After all, we do not restrict our theoretical
Perceiving and Learning 1 1
vocabulary to things we understand completely. Ignorance i s
everywhere, and i s a matter of degree. .
I remarked that the fow of energy characteristic of cause i s
not characteristic of di sposition. Still it is not excluded. The dis
positions are hypothetical physical states or mechanisms, and the
mechanisms will pass energy.
Terms for specific di spositions have a legitimate place, then, in
the theoretical vocabulary. As theory progresses, some of these
terms can be paraphrased, li ke 'water soluble' , into terms of the
mechanics of small bodies . Others, like ' i ntelligent' , may stay on
as unel i minable components of a fw theoretical statements. The
general dispositional idiom, however, may best be viewed as ex
ternal to these growing theories in which the particular cases of
the dispositional idiom turn up. By 'the general dispositional
idiom' I mean the general technique of applying the suffix ' -ile'
or '-ble' to verb stems and of using the word ' disposition' and, for
that matter, the corresponding intensional conditional. This
general idiom is programmatic; it plays a regulative rather than a
constitutive role. It forms fmilies of terms on the basis not of
structural or causal affi nities among the physical states or
mechanisms that the terms refr to, but on the basis only of a
sameness of style on our own part in earmarking those states or
mechani sms. The suffix ' -ile' or '-ble' in ' soluble' , ' portable' ,
'visible' , 'ductile' , ' fragile' , 'combustible' , and 'comestible' con
note a sameness in the style of the cues or tests that we are off er
ing for recognizing or identifying these seven physical attributes.
"Put the thing into water and see if it di ssolves, " "heft it and see
if you can carry it," "fce it and see if you can see it," and so on.
The seven physical attributes that are more or less recognized
through these cues can be conveyed in furth\r detail in terms of
size, shape, density, and mi nute physicochemical structure, and
there is no significant physical principle that sets the seven apart
from others. The dispositional idiom is indifferent to the physical
subject matter and serves only to signal how we are getting at it.
So, if I were trying to devise an ideal language for a fini shed
theory of reality, or of any part of it, I would make no place in it
for the general di spositional idi om. In developing a theory, on
the other hand, the idiom is indispensable. Just as in writing an
1 2 The Roots of Reference
essay one commonly sketches various ulterior paragraphs before
completing the font ones, so in developing a theory one sketches
in a fw key traits of what is meant ultimately to emerge as a
satisfctorily explanatory mechanism. Such is the role of the
general dispositional idi om. And si nce scientific theory is always
developing, the idiom is here to stay.
. Some questions and answers on dispositions
An i nfirmity of the dispositional idiom, or the intensional con
ditional, is its dependence on a vague proviso of caeteris paribus.
The usual disposition is not surefire. Will anything that is soluble
i n water unfili ngly di ssolve when in water, or must we make
allowance for low temperatures and high ionization and other
possible interfrences as yet unforeseen? One expedient that has
been suggested for accommodating this difficulty is a retreat to
probability: 1 anythi ng that i s soluble in water will probably dis
solve when in water. Now one is bound to agree to the truth of
this probability statement, but it raises questions when proposed
as a means of explication. What sort of probability is intended? I f
it i s subjective probability i n some sense, then this explication of
solubil ity seems wide of the mark; solubility should be a physical
property of the soluble body, even when only dimly understood.
Or i f objective probabi lity is intended, hence relative frequency,
then what is the refrence class? Evidently the class of all soluble
bodies; but that was what we wanted explained. Perhaps the fir
answer is that this probability statement is meant only as a par
tial explicati on of a strictly undefned di sposition term, on a par
with Carnap's reducti on form.
Carnap's own response to the caeteris paribus problem was
di fferent: not a resort to probabil ity, but a recognition that his
reduction form could be seen as at best an i nstructive idealiza
tion, because of its unqualified demand that anything soluble in
water dissolve when in water. I f the progress of science were to
l. E.g. see the quotation from Chomsky a page or two hence.
Perceiving and Learning 1 3
reveal the need of excepti ons for low temperatures or other ci r
cumstances, the reduction form might be fitted out with added
complexities to accommodate them. Now in thi s matter Car
nap' s view resembles the one I am urging: the view of a disposi
tion as a partially discerned physical property that will be more
fully identified, we hope, as science progresses . But a con
spicuous di fference in our views is that for him all such patching
and adjusting of reduction forms was something like redefinition,
giving rise to newly analytic sentences, sentences true by the
meanings of the words. I, on the other hand, am invoking no dis
tinction between analytic sentences and others .
A quandary of Stich's over innate dispositions was noted early
in 2. What can be said of i nnate dispositions now? When I posit
an innate di sposition I am assuming some specific though un
specified arrangement of cells or perhaps some combination of
such arrangements. It could be a nerve tract or a gl and. It could
consist of several structures, variously situated in the organism.
It could be one structure in one individual and some di fferent
structure to the same speci fed effect in another individual . Its in
nateness consists i n its being complete at birth.
Innate refexes, Holt has well argued, are no di fferent in ki nd
from postnatally conditioned refexes. To acquire a refex is to
acquire a neural path of lowered resistance; according to my
philosophy of dispositions, i ndeed, that path is the refex. Some
such paths are establ i shed by rei nforcement of random
movements of the infant, and others, according to Holt, by rein
forcement of random movements of the foetus. The i nnate dis
positions, then, are a mi xed bag: innate refexes are learned in
utero, while innate dispositions of deeper sorts are handed down
from generati on to generation through genetic coding i n the
chromosome. They are a mi xed lot of structures, speci fed
primarily by what they make the ani mal do in what ci r
cumstances, and grouped together by the accident of being com
plete at bi rth.
The attribution of a behavioral disposition, learned or un
learned, is a physi ological hypothesis, however fragmentary. It is
the assumption of some physi ological arrangement such that, if
1 4 The Roots of Reference
we were ever to succeed in identifying and analyzing it, we should
arrive at a satisfactory understanding of the mechanism of the
animal behavior i n question.
I have descri bed the primary role, as I see it, of the dis
positional i diom. The idiom i s handy also, though not indispen
sable, in historical contexts . Thus take again the example of
solubil ity in water. Some scientist's discoveries have enabled us
to specify this physical attri bute i n microphysical terms, thus
bypassing the verb stem and dispositional suffx. But how is the
historian to give this scientist his due, once solubility itself is
redefned as nothing other than this microphysical equivalent?
He gi ves him his due, of course, by cleavi ng to the naively dis
positional sense of the disposition term. This, however, is a mi nor
practical poi nt, since the historian would fnd no di fficulty i n
describing the scientist's contribution without resorting to the
dispositional idiom. He has only to say that the scientist showed
that any substance endowed with the microphysical structure i n
question will dissolve when in water, and any substance not so en
dowed will fail to di ssolve when in water.
I once expressed my view of dispositions by saying that a
disposition term is a promissory note for an eventual descri pti on
in mechanical terms. Goodman noted (p. 45n) that these
mechanistic terms will in the last analysis probably be i mplicitly
dispositional i n turn, thus affording no escape from the circle.
This objecti on neatly bri ngs out a di fference between my attitude
toward the problem and the attitude of both Carnap and Good
man. They were seeing the problem as that of defning or
somehow explicating the dispositional idiom in a more strictly
empi rical idiom. The circularity apprehended by Goodman
would matter there. I, on the other hand, am content t9 rest with
a theoretical vocabul ary some of whose primitive physical
predicates were frst learned with help of the dispositional idi om.
Nor am I bent on fi nding a respectable pl ace for the general dis
positional idiom in a regimented theoretical language. I describe
the heuristic role of that idiom in the working up of a scientific
theory, and then I use it .
There are two curious criticisms that I would briefy take up
before closing this general discussion of dispositions, lest the mi s-
Perceiving and Learning 15
conceptions that underlie them be shared by any present readers .
Ziff observes, rightly enough, that every sentence that a man is
capable of using or understanding must correspond to a di sti nct
disposition on hi s part and therefore, on my view, to some dis
tinct mechanism or enduring condition in his body. Ziff fi nds it
i mplausible that there should be so many di sti nct mechanisms or
concurrent physical conditions in the body. Now the reason it is
not i mplausible is that we are not to imagine countless discrete
mechanisms side by side, nor physical states of discrete parts o
the body, one for every sentence. The several mechanisms cer
tainly share their parts, much as the sentences themselves shar
their vocabulary and share their grammatical constructions. One
wonders, indeed, what alternative Ziff has i n mi nd. If two men
now were physically exactly alike down to the smallest particle,
might there be a sentence that the one man is now capable of un
derstanding and the other man not? Maybe the trouble was a
confusion between disti nctness of mechanisms and di screteness
of mechanisms.
The other point was Chomsky' s, i n reference to my "definition
of ' language' as a 'complex of di spositions to verbal behavi or. ' "
Presumably, a complex of dispositions is a structure that can be
represented as a set of probabilities for utterances in certain
definable "circumstances" or "situations." But it must be
recognized that the notion "probability of a sentence" is an entire
ly useless one .... On empirical grounds, the probability of my\
producing some given sentence of English ... is indistinguishable
from the probability of my producing a given sentence of
Japanese. (P. 57.)
Let us not forget that dispositions have their conditi ons. The
probabil ity that a given lump of salt will dissolve at time t is as
may be, but the probability that it will dissolve i f i mmersed in
water is high. Chomsky's worry may have been a more specifc
di fficulty: that of setting conditions for the triggering of verbal1
dispositions. This is an important problem, and happily it has an
easy solution-a soluti on, i ndeed, that was promi nent in the
book that Chomsky was commenting on. It is the procedure of
query and assent, which I shall take up in 1 2.
1 6 The Roots of Reference
5. Similarity
Having refected on the general notion of disposition, let us
return now to the notion of perception; for that was what brought
dispositions up. The animal had been trai ned to press the lever
when confronted with the circular stripe and to refrain from
pressing i t when confronted with the fur spots. Then, when he
was confronted with the seven spots, his pressing of the lever was
the criterion of his perceiving the circular Gestalt.
But we gain fexibility i f, instead of speaking thus fatly of
what is or is not perceived, we allow for di fferences of degree.
This can be done by speaki ng of perceptual similarity; thus the
configuration of seven spots proves to be perceptually more
si milar to the ci rcular stripe, for this ani mal, than to the con
fguration of four spots. Better still, we may take perceptual
similarity as relating moments or brief episodes of the subject's
This shift from perceptions to perceptual simil arity bri ngs not
only fexibility but also a certain gain i n ontological clarity, by
dismissing the percepts or percepti ons. Ontologically the
episodes that are related by perceptual similarity may be un
derstood si mply as brief stages or temporal segments of the
perceiving subject's body. They are ti mes i n his lif. Thus they
are global episodes, including all i rrelevancies. But the percep
tual si milarity that relates them is no overall point-by-point
si milarity. It can be as partial as you please, focussing on where
the action i s.
Readers familiar with Carnap's A ufau wi l l be remi nded here
of his Elementarer/ebnisse and A ehnlichkeitserinnerung. The
parallel is no accident .
A theory of perceptual similarity, then, is the place for Gestalt
principles . Perceptual si milarity contrasts with receptual
si mil arity; this is mere physical si milarity of impact on the sen
sory surfces, regardless of behavior. Both of these si milarity
rel ations may be viewed to begin with as triadic: episode a is
more si milar to b than to c. Episodes are receptually si milar to
the degree that the total set of sensory receptors that are
triggered on the one occasion approxi mates the set triggered on
the other occasi on. Perceptual similarity, on the other hand, is a
Perceiving and Learning 1 7
bundle of second-order dispositions to behavior. Rather than try
to defne the notion at this stage, let us take it provisionally as a
theoretical notion about which some substantial things can be
said. Refecting on the example of the circular stripe and the
spots, we see how perceptual si milarity is mani fsted in behavior.
To explain how, we are apt to say that an episode a is proved to
be perceptually more si mi lar to b than to c when the subject has
been conditioned to respond in some fashion to b and not to so
respond to c, and then is found to respond in that fashion to a.
But let us remember that a, b, and c are individual dated concrete
occasions in the subject's life, whereas conditi oning is di rected
rather to repeatable types of occasions.
This discrepancy can be corrected by enlisting the aid of recep
tual si mil arity, so as to appeal not just to unique episodes a, b,
and c, but more generally to episodes that are receptually si milar
to these. Now receptual si milarity is, we know, a matter of
degree. Full receptual identity would never be realized, or, if
realized, recognized; for it would be a triggering of all and only
the same sensory receptors on the subject' s surface on both oc
casions, no surface barred. However, the mathematical idea of a
neighborhood can be put to use here.
The term ' neighborhood' is one that makes sense oniy in
special contexts, and the key word of those contexts is ' all' . When
we attribute some property to all points in the neighborhood of a
point p, we mean, in the vernacular, that every point "sufficiently
near top" has the property; or, to be quite explicit, we mean that
there i s a point q that is disti nct from p and is such that every
point that is nearer top, than q i s, has the property. Applying this
idea to receptual si mi larity, let us attribute a property to all
episodes in the receptual neighborhood of an episode a when
what we mean is that there i s an episode d that is not receptually
identical with a and is such that every episode that is receptually
more si milar to a, than d is, has the property in questi on.
Now we can correct our formulation of the behavioral condi
tion for perceptual si milarity, to read thus: a is shown to be
perceptually more similar to b than to c when the subject has
been conditioned to respond i n some fashion to all episodes i n the
receptual neighborhood of b, and to withhold that response from
1 8 The Roots of Reference
all those in the receptual neighborhood of c, and is then found to
so respond to those in the neighborhood of a.
Perceptual similarity is a question of the subject's disposition
to submit to conditi oni ng in one way and another; hence of his
disposition to acquire or change his habits of response. These
habits are themselves dispositions to behavior, and thus it is that
perceptual similarity is a bundle of second-order dispositions to
Perceptual si milarity is no doubt a very disconnected relati on.
That is, there would be many episodes for which i t would make
no evident or useful sense to say that this one was perceptually
more or less si mi lar to that one than to the other. For that
matter, we cannot consider ourselves to have defned perceptual
si milarity even for the best of cases. For such cases I have
propounded a behavioral condition that is a sufficient condition
but not a necessary one. We can console ourselves for this want
of definition by recalling our general refections on dispositi ons.
This behavioral condition for perceptual si milarity serves merely
to earmark a hypothetical mechanism in terms of one of its key
My characterization of perceptual similarity as tri adic-a is
more si mil ar to b than to c-can be depended upon to have
triggered in the reader's mi nd the more general tetradic idea: a i s
more si milar to b than c i s to d. Pursuing thi s idea, the reader will
have noticed that our way of experi mentally testing for percep
tual similarity comparisons of the triadic ki nd admits of no ob
vious extension to the tetradic. Nor do I see a need for this
tetradic relation, i n a theory o( learni ng.
There i s reason, however, for a polyadic extension of another
form: a is more similar to b,, ... ,bm than to c,, . . . , en.
Thus, to anticipate an example that will receive closer attention
i n 8, let us i magine a certain response rei nforced i n the presence
of a red ball and penalized in the presence of a yellow rose. A red
rose, then, will perhaps not elicit the response, given its favorable
color but unfvorable shape. But if the response was reinforced
also in the presence of a red shawl, the red rose will elicit it. So
we do not want to say that the episode of the red rose was prcep
tually more similar to that of the red ball than to that of the
yellow rose, but we do want to say that it was perceptually more
Perceiving and Learning 1 9
si milar jointly to the episodes of the red ball and the red shawl
than to that of the yellow rose.
One i s incli ned to distinguish respects of perceptual si milarity;
thus shape versus color. This complication is convenient i n prac
tice, but I think it is dispensable in theory, by spreading the
similarity polyadically as i n the above example.
Let us now turn away from the logical technicalities and con
template the i mportance of the relation of perceptual similarity.
If an individual learns at all, differences in degree of similarity
must be i mplicit in his learning pattern. Otherwise any response,
if rei nforced, would be conditioned equally and indiscri mi nately
to any and every future episode, all these being equally si milar.
Some implicit standard, however provisional, for ordering our
episodes as more or less si mi lar must therefore antedate all learn
ing, and be innate.
Perceptual similarity is always confined within an individua
the episodes that it relates are episodes in his li f, and they are
more and less si milar for hi m. One cannot easily give meaning,
indeed, to a general objective similarity relation among things in
the worl d. Might we say that a thing is more si milar to one than
another if it shares more properties with the one than with the
other? But what counts as a property? Classes, certainly, show no
fvorites; a thing shares no more class-membership with any one
' Every a is a /1 This is not a predicati on. It
couples two general terms.
Thus take the sentence ' Everything that we salvaged fom the
wreck i s i n the shed' . If this example is to make sense as a univer
sal categorical, Every a is {' , we need a general term to play the
94 The Roots of Reference
role of a; and the term fr the purpose is precisely the relative
clause 'thing that we salvaged from the wreck' . Regimented in
our ' such-that' idiom, it i s 'thing x such that we salvaged x from
the wreck' . The whole sentence now runs: ' Everything x such that
we salvaged x from the wreck is i n the shed' . Clearly the utility of
the universal categorical construction depends heavi ly on this use
of relative clauses.
How, then, may the child have learned the relative clause?
The obvious way is by an equivalence transformation. The
mechanism of learning an equivalence transformation seems
simple: the learner i s merely brought to see, by abundant ex
amples, the i nterchangeabi lity of certain constructi ons. What he
is brought to see for our present purposes is that w can in
terchange 'I see the moon' with 'The moon is a thing that I see',
or, i n our regimentation, 'The moon is a thing x such that I see x' .
We can i nterchange ' Fa' with 'a is a thing x such that Fx' . It is a
substitution transformation: substitution of ' a' fr 'x' in ' Fx'. The
child learns this transfrmation by fnding inductively that peo
ple wi ll, if asked, assent to ' Fa' in all and only the situations
where they will assent to ' a is a thing x such that Fx'. He learns i n
context, in this way, the relative clause 'thing that I see' and in
deed the general construction 'thing x such that Fx' . He learns it
i n just the predication context, this being the context i n which the
relative clause is explained away by the substitution transforma
The acquisition would have little value i f the child left i t at
that. Why say 'The moon i s a thing that I see' when you can say
'I see the moon'? The substitution transformation explai ns the
relative clause i n just the one positi on, the predi cative, where it i s
useless. This i s no coi ncidence; the clause is useless there because
the equivalence transfrmation can elimi nate it there. What gives
the relative clause its utility is something else: the child' s pursuit
of analogy. General terms and relative clauses take predicate
position; so relative clauses are analogous to. general terms; so
the child lets the relative clause into other positions, notably in
the categorical construction, where he is accustomed to using
general terms. More exactly, what he does i s to emulate his
elders i n this maneuver without excessive bewilderment, thanks
Referring to Objects
to the analogy and despite there being no equivalence transfor
mation to explai n the relative clauses away from these contexts.
The substitution transformation that starts the relative clause
on its way could be used more li berally if one did not care about
producing something analogous to a general trm. The transfr
mation carried ' Fa' into 'a is a thing x such that Fx' . The words
'a i s a thing x such that' (or 'a i s a thing that' ) serve, we see, as a
substitution operator; here is the essence of the relative clause.
Apply the operator to ' Fx' and you get ' Fa' . To stress this sub
stitutional aspect, let us temporarily condense the words 'a is a
thing x such that' to read simply 'a vice x' . This is the Latin vice,
which I pronounce [ vai : si] more ang/ico. The result of applying
this substitution operator 'a vice x' to an expression does not
designate the result of substitution; it i n effect is the result of the
substituti on. 'Fa' i s equated to 'a vice x Fx', or 'a is a thing x such
that Fx' . 'I see the moon' is equated to 'The moon vice x I see x' .
Now that the words 'thing' and 'such that' are suppressed from
view, we can easily di ssociate our ' a' and 'x' from the category of
singular terms; for this substitution operator makes sense for any
grammatical category. You could transform ' How do you do'
and say ' Do vice x how x you x' .
The relative clause was learned in predicate position but
became useful by wandering from predicate position, i n emula
tion of general terms; by wanderi ng into the categorical . In so
doing it lost its eliminability. There is no lure, similar to the
general term, to unsettle this more general substitution operator
'a vice x'. Even so, it can get itself into i nextricable positions.
Consider this combi nati on: ' (x x vice x) vice x x vice x' . Bewil
deri ng? Well, we have our instructions; let us carry out the indi
cated substitution and see what the result says. If you try it on
paper you come out with just what you started with: '(x x vice x)
vice x x vice x' . '
Thus fr, little harm. Failure of eliminability had to be fced
anyway when the relative clause wandered into the categorical.
But there i s worse ahead, as you wi ll guess: Russell's paradox.
I . The parentheses can be mechanized by writing this as '(x x vice x) vice (x x
vice x)', and
a vice x Fx' in general as
a vice (x Fx)'.
96 The Roots of Reference
Just repeat my earlier example with two negation signs i nserted:
' (x not (x vice x) ) vice x not (x vice x)' . It prescribes a substitu
tion which, when carried out, produces the negation of the whole
frmula itself.
Our child could learn this general substitution operator,
a vice
x' , as easily as he learned the relative clause. For the words
a is a
thing x such that' are just a speci al case of ' a vice x'; they are the
case for singular terms. The equivalence transformation by
which the general case would be learned is just the same, and i n
fct the general case
a vice x' is easier than the speci al case in not
being foll owed up by analogical extension to other than sub
stitutional contexts.
There, then, but for the grace of God, goes our child, blithely
down the garden path and into the very jaws of Russell's
paradox. Or maybe he would be stopped short by a saving quality
of realistic level-headedness or want of i magination. Up to a
point he would take the ' vice' construction in his stride because
he can elimi nate i t by carrying out the substituti on, but maybe
his tolerance of it would lapse when the case was so frftched
that he could not see for the l i f of him how to eli mi nate it even
fom full substituti on- contexts. 2 Maybe this would happen
already in the affrmative case, which was i rresoluble and queer
even though not yet self-contradictory. 'x x vice x indeed! ' he
lisps i ndignantly, and it warms one's heart to hear him. Or i f,
headlong and unheeding, he extrapolates too fr, he is presently
confounded by the paradox and thus receives his overdue lesson
in critical thi nking.
The paradox is not quite the same as Russell' s, si nce this idiom
is one of sheer substituti on. There i s no appeal to classes, no clear
case of objective refrence at all, nor any intrusion of semantic
concepts. It is i nteresting that the paradox can be got at this
In any event the paradox goes ungrammatical when we confne
the substitution operator to the ' such that' case, the case where
the variable takes the position of si ngular terms. Transcri bed for
this case, the previously paradoxical line would run thus:
2. This criterion of meaninglessness is reminiscent of Church on lambda con
version. See his page 1 7.
Referring to Objects 97
(thing x such that x is not a thing x such that) is a thing
x such that x is not a thing x such that.
One is prepared to find this ungrammatical.
The runaway substitution operator 'a vice x' has 'a i s a thing x
such that' as its special case where ' a' represents a singular term
and 'x' takes the positions of singular terms. This is the case that
accounts fr relative clauses, and it is innocent of paradox. It is
so innocent that it can be translated i nto elementary logic as
' (3x) (a x and' , or, equivalently, as '(x) (if a x then' ; fr
Fa = ( 3x) (a x and Fx) = (x) (if a x then Fx) .
But this translation does not depict the learning process. Quan
ti fcation i s a later acquisiti on.
26. Quantiers and variables
I n 1 7 we speculated on how the child might master the uni
versal affrmative categorical constructi on, r Every a is a /1
Now an application of the ' such that' construction, or relative
clause, may be seen in the derivation of the other categorical
forms. Where the general term f i n ' Every a i s a /1 i s the relative
clause thing x such that x i s not a i 1
the whole becomes
' Every a i s a thing x such that x is not a i
which may be abbrevi ated as ' No a is a i ' -the universal
negative categorical. The two particular categoricals, then,
' Some a is a i 1 and ' Some a is not a {' , are got by negating the
sentences ' No a i s a i
and ' Every a i s a /1
Quantification i s forthcomi ng too. This was already evident in
24 from the example ' Everything that we salvaged from the
wreck is i n the shed' . for it amounts to a universally quantifed
conditional. In general the universally quantified conditional '(x)
(if Fx then Gx)' i s forthcomi ng as a universal categorical ' Every
a is a /1 with relative clauses for a and {, thus:
Every thing x such that Fx i s a thing x such that Gx.
From the particular categorical ' Some a is a '1 we have m
98 The Roots of Reference
similar fshion the existentially quanti fed conjunction '( 3x) (Fx
and Gx)' , thus:
Some thing x such that Fx i s a thing x such that Gx.
Also we i mmediately get straight quantifcatwn, universal and
existenti al, since ' (x)Fx' and ' (3x)Fx, can be explai ned as:
(x) (i f not Fx then Fx), (3x) (Fx and Fx).
These derivations are artificial, but thei r existence suffces to
dull one's interest in what the actual learning process may have
There are two attitudes toward quanti fcation, and toward
variables, that must be carefully distingui shed; fr thei r
differences are subtle but fr-reaching. Viewed in one way, the
variable i s strictly a placeholder for the constants that can be
substituted for it. Such variables do not purport to refer to ob
jects as values. The constants that may be substituted fr them
not be names at all; they may belong to any grammatical
category. We saw in 25 that that category had to be fxed
somehow, on pain of paradox; but it does not have to be fxed as
the category of names, or of singular terms. When its variable i s
conceived thus substitutionally, a universal quantificati on counts
as true i f and only if the open sentence following the quantifer
comes out true under every substitution fr the variable; and an
exi stential quanti fcation counts as true i f and only i f the open
sentence comes out true under some substituti on.
Objectually construed, on the other hand, the variable refrs to
objects of some sort as its values; and these need not even be ob
jects each of which is separately speci fable by name or descrip
tion. This is how variables are understood when we give the quan
ti fers ' (x)' and ' (3x)' the classical readings 'everything x i s such
that' and ' something x i s such that' .
Substitutional quanti fcation di ffers from objectual not only i n
being available. to other grammatical categories besides that of
singular terms. It differs still in i ts truth conditions when applied
to singular terms. A universal quanti fcation in the objectual
sense can be flsified by some individually unspeci fable value of
Referring to Objects 99
its variable, while the same universal quantifcation in the sub
stitutional sense remains true; and an existential quanti fcation i n
the objectual sense can hold true by virtue of some unspeci fed
value, while the same exi stential quantification in the sub
stitutional sense fils for lack of a speci fable example. But these
divergences tend to be unobtrusive, hinging as they do on un
speci fable examples.
Ruth Marcus construes quanti fcation substitutionally, and so,
less explicitly, did Lesniewski : she for reasons havi ng to do with
modal logic, he for reasons of nominalism. Some writers,
careless of the distinction between use and mention of ex
pressions, are hard to sort out. Eclectic readers have read
Whi tehead and Russell's quantifcation as substitutional on the
strength of some frthright passages, but dogged reading of
Whitehead and Russell supports the objectual i nterpretati on.
The variable of the ' such that' construction, which i s i n effect
the relative pronoun, is a substitutional variable at its i ncepti on.
The words ' i s a thing x such that' are learned by an equivalence
transformation that i s explicitly substitutional in character. And
this variable, surely, is the variable at its most primitive. It is a
regimentation of the relative pronoun. Variables begin as sub
stitutional .
Once the relative clause or ' such that' construction has done its
i mportant work of siring quanti fcation, a vital change takes
place in the character of its pronoun or variable: it goes objec
tual. Si nce the categorical construction An a is a /1 is learned
through such examples as ' An apple is a fruit' , ' A rabbit is an
animal' , it would be inappropriate to read '(x) (i f Fx then Gx)' i n
the substitutional way as meaning merely that every substituted
name that verifies ' Fx' verifies ' Gx' . It is unnatural if not absurd
to imagine names, or singular descriptions either, for all apples
and rabbits.
I see thi s switch from substitutional 'x' to objectual 'x' as an
i rreducible leap in language learning. We already noticed this
leap in part when we pictured relative clauses as wandering i nto
categoricals where they could not be eli mi nated by the sub
stitutional equivalence transfrmation. The further point to
1 00 The Roots of Reference
notice now about this leap is that along with forsaki ng
eli minabi lity it frsakes the substitutional status of the variables
Once the substitutional variable gos objectual, it goes objec
tual with a vengeance. It becomes the distilled essence of on
tological discourse. When we talked in si mple categoricals, we
tal ked i n li mited ranges: all dogs are animals, all rabbits are
animals, some apples are red, without prejudice to what objects
there may or may not be apart from animals and apples. But the
x and y of quanti fcation are anything.
Quantification i s a welcome encapsulation of the refrential
apparatus. Once a theory is frmulated in quanti fcational style,
its objects of refrence can be said simply to be the values of its
quanti fed variables. This of course i s explicit in the intended
readings of the universal and existential quanti fers: 'everything x
is such that' , ' something x is such that' . And the convenience of
thi s encapsulation becomes evident when you try to say in some
other way what the objects of a theory are. If you say they are the
objects named by the singular terms, you omit objects that you
might want to include even though individually unspeci fiable:
various electrons and transcendental numbers, perhaps, if not
also some remote grains of sand and star dust. Also you run
against the question what terms to count as singular terms and
which of these to count as naming.
Taking other li nes, you may say that the objects of a theory are
what the general terms are true of; or, agai n, what the pronouns
can refer to. These versions do amount pretty much to saying
that the objects are the values of the quanti fed variables; but
quanti fcation i s conveniently graphic and explici t.
Quanti fcation, i n the frm in which we have come to know
and love it, i s less than a hundred years old. Still it i s in principle
a combi nation and exci sion of preexisting idiom. It can be
paraphrased i nto old and ordinary English. By considering what
steps could lead the small child or primitive man to quantifica
tion, rather than to the less tidy referenti al apparatus of actual
English, we arrive at a psychogenetic reconstruction i n skeletal
outline. We approximate to the essentials of the real psy
chogenesis of reference while avoiding inessential complications.
Referring to Objects 1 01
Seei ng the refrential apparatus as epitomized i n quanti fca
tion, we see it as consisti ng essentially of two sorts of device:
there are the quantitative particles ' every' and ' some' , as applied
to general terms in the categorical constructions, and there are
the variables or pronouns as used in abstracting new general
terms in the frm of relative clauses. The relative clause and the
categorical thus stand frth as the roots of refrence. The objec
tual variable is an outgrowth of these two roots, not of one alone;
for the variable of the relative clause begins as substitutional.
27 . Quantiying over abstract objects
I have been hoping to deepen our understanding of refrence,
and of object, by an i maginative reconstruction of how people
and peoples might achieve refrence to objects . I have been try
i ng to devise a series of plausibly easy stages, plausibly short
leaps, that might bring the emulous individual or the evolving
society to the point of handling something tantamount to quan
tificati on and thus refrring i n the fullest sense to objects of some
Such a study commands added interest where i t touches
abstract objects, since we tend to be mysti fed regarding thei r
nature and doubtful regardi ng their credentials. The frst
abstract objects to gain recognition are perhaps properties, or at
tributes. One already has general terms, concrete general terms,
to start one down the garden path. One has then only to treat
such a term as a singular term; the attri bute is what this singular
term names . And we already noticed some general terms that slip
over i nto the role of singular term remarkably easily: we say
' Hoboken i s square' and we say ' Square i s a shape' . Such terms
beat a path for the others.
Anything we can say about an object is treated as assigning an
attribute to i t. This highly creative doctrine of attributes is the
i nevitable outcome of two fctors. One fctor i s the shi ft from
concrete general to abstract singular; i t i s thus that we project at
tri butes from all our general terms. The other fctor is the
relative clause; fr it assures a general term encapsulating
1 02 The Roots of Reference
anything we can say about an object. We thus end up with at
tri butes correspondi ng to everythi ng we can say about anythi ng.
I should like now to develop my hypothetical series of stages of
language learning more explicitly, to the point where these
abstract objects enter the ontological scene unequivocally as
values of quanti fed variables. In order to set aside some ex
traneous issues, however, I shall treat not of attri butes but of
classes. The only di fference i s that classes are taken always to be
identical i f they have the same members, whereas attributes are
not always taken to be identical when they hold of exactly the
same objects. A trouble with attri butes is that we are never told,
or anyway not in clear enough terms, what the further conditions
of their identity might be. Talk of attributes does ft ordinary
language more closely than talk of classes, and I think I know
why. I suspect, as usual, a li ngering tendency to confuse use and
menti on. One fels the attributes to be di ferent when one fels
dissimilar attitudes toward the corresponding relative clauses.
Still classes do accompli sh all the scientific work that the at
tri butes would accomplish, si nce the one trait that sets attributes
apart from classes i s imprecision. And fnally, what matters for
present purposes, a class has all the abstractness of an attribute.
By coping with classes we shall be coping with the full problem of
abstract objects. So let us speculate on the possible linguistic
origins of set theory.
A curiously myopic view of this matter has been mani fsti ng
itself of late. ' There is a hindsightful reaction, after two
generations, to the paradoxes of set theory. The new view is that
even before the paradoxes it was not usual to suppose there was a
set, or class, fr every membership condition. The view is
defnded by citing Cantor as having already entertai ned
certain restraints on the existence of classes before Burali- Forti
publi shed the frst of the paradoxes. Fraenkel has undercut this
argument by clai mi ng that Cantor had already sensed paradox. 2
What i s myopi c about the view, in any event, i s that it looks back
only to the first systematic use in mathematics of the word ' set'
I . E.g. in D. A. Martin's review. See also my reply.
2. See a biography by Fraenkel in Cantor, p. 470.
Referring to Objects 1 03
or ' Menge' , as i f this were uncaused. For surely it i s traditional to
talk as i f everything we say about an object assigned an attri bute.
It i s evident nowadays, further, that this attitude toward at
tri butes is i nvolved in paradoxes just like those of set theory. And
it should be evident that classes, or sets, are wanted simply as the
extensional distillates of attributes. It is i mplausi ble that Cantor
or anyone else would narrow this universe of classes for other
than sophisticated reasons, either nominalistic scruples or far of
In trying to i magine a psychologically fasible genesis of set
theory I shall start with general terms, includi ng the relative
clauses, and use substitutional quanti fcati on. The genesis will
not be a matter of el i mi native definiti ons. It will proceed by
i rreducible leaps, but plausibly short ones.
The namelessness of apples and rabbits was what showed us
that our vari ables had gone objectual. But we might continue to
use substituti onal variables for other purposes. I n fct it is
precisely in the use of substitutional variables for general terms
that I can i magine an origin of an ontology of attributes, or
classes. I shall now develop this idea.
Quanti fcation over bodies owes its origin in part, I suggested,
to the previ ous learni ng of the categorical construction r Every a
is a {1 This line was forced on me by the objectual character of
the quanti fcation. I f a variable can be held to substitutional
status, on the other hand, our pupil can easily learn to quantify it
without ever thi nki ng of the categorical construction. He
observes that universal quanti fcation, of the substitutional ki nd,
command assent if and only i f each substitution i nstance com
mands assent. He observes further that the quanti fcati on com
mands di ssent if a substitution i nstance does. Once he has per
suaded hi mself of these regularities i n the behavior of the
speakers of the language, he has gai ned a pretty good command
of universal substitutional quanti fcation. There remains just one
limited blind quarter that he must master later in theory-laden
ways: i f none of the instances of the quantification command dis
sent, but some command abstention, then he will not know in
general whether the quantifcation will command dissent or
abstenti on. The situation is like that of conjunction (20).
1 04 The Roots of Reference
Existential substitutional quantification is parallel . It com
mands di ssent if and only i f each substitution i nstance commands
di ssent, and it commands assent i f some substitution instance
commands assent. It has its blind quarter where none of the in
stances command assent but some command abstention; here the
quanti fcation may command either assent or abstention. The
situation i s like that of alternation.
So we see, well enough, how substitutional quanti fcation can
be learned. Different styles of substitutional quanti fcati on can
be learned i n this way, corresponding to different syntactical
categories of instantial expressions-di fferent categories of ex
pressions substitutable for the quanti fed variables. The syntac
tical category that i nterests me here is that of general terms, for
it is by substitutional quanti fcation with respect to general terms
that we can simulate set theory. In so fr as we thi nk of this sub
stituti onal quanti fcation as simulating objectual quantifcation,
we are thinking of the general terms as simulating abstract
singular terms: si mulating names of attributes, or of classes.
Summarizing then, I shall sketch our pupil' s past and present
progress down this garden path. He learns his frst variables, we
saw (24), by learning relative clauses; for, in my caricature, the
relative clause has the form 'thing x such that Fx' . These fi rst
variables are substitutional, fr he learns the relative clause i n
predicative position as a substitution idiom. Independently of
this he learns also the categorical copula, wi thout variables, as
joi ning general terms: r Every a is a
Next, we saw, he com
bines these two idioms, on the strength of an analogy between
relative clauses and general terms. The relative clause is
analogous to a general term in that it is learned i n predi cative
position; this is the very position that gave the relative clause its
intelligibility as a substitution idiom in the frst place. So, pur
suing this analogy, our pupil slips relative clauses i nto the
categorical s. Thenceforward the relative pronoun, or ' such that'
variable, fgures as an objectual variable rather than a sub
stituti onal one; for the animals and other bodies are mostly
nameless. Our pupil is engaging in quantifcation now, fr
categoricals with relative clauses give quantifcation; and it is
objectual quantifcation over bodies. All this happened by the
end of 26.
Referring to Objects 1 05
Next he learns another sort of quantification, whose variables
take the positions of general terms. Formally, structurally, it
resembles the objectual quanti fcation that he already learned.
But he learns it di ferently. Objectual quanti fcation came of a
fusi on of two idioms, the categorical copula and the sub
stitutional ' such that' ; and the fusion turned the substitutional
variable objectual. On the other hand the new quantification can
be learned whole, without any such fusion, because it is sub
stitutional and is to stay substitutional until further notice. It i s
learned, we saw, by learning how the conditions of assent and dis
sent relate these quanti fcations to thei r substitution instances.
Of course thi s learni ng is faci l itated by the outward
resemblance of this quanti fcation to the objectual quantification
that was already learned. This resemblance has also a more
profound effect: it induces a resemblance between general terms
and singular terms, since general terms are the substituends fr
these substitutional variables and si ngular terms are substituends
for the objectual variables. The resemblance makes the general
terms feel like names of something or other, and our pupil is not
going to put too fne a poi nt on it. Such is the unconscious
hypostasis of attributes, or classes. Our pupil has progressed well
down the pri mrose or garden path.
28. Set theory
I n recounting this supposititious psychogenesis in terms of
quanti fcation, I am adhering to my caricature. My conjecture is
that our actual learning of the ordi nary idiomatic apparatus runs
parallel to this caricature. But I gain visibility by bypassing the
sinuosities of ordinary language.
The substituends fr the substitutional variables are the
general terms. Among these are the relative clauses, or ' such
that' clauses. As substitutional quantification si mulates objectual
quantification, then, so the ' such that' clause simulates a class
name. The clause 'thing x such that Fx' , strictly a concrete
general term, takes on the guise of the abstract singular term '{ x:
Fxl ' , 'the class of all things x such that Fx' . The ' such that' con
struction takes on the jUise of class abstracti on.
1 06
The Roots of Reference
Let us promote the si mulation by writing the ' such that'
clauses as class abstracts, ' { x: Fx } ' . The old substitution transfor
mation that explai ned the ' such that' construction now reappears
as the set-theoretic law of concretion. As a substitution transfor
mation it equated ' Fy' with 'y is a thing x such that Fx'. As law of
concretion it equates ' Fy' with 'y
E { x: Fx } '. The old copula of
predication, ' i s a', has become 'is a member of ' , or epsilon.
Classically, quanti fcation over classes i s objectual, class
abstracts are singular terms, and epsilon i s a two-place predicate
or relative general term. I am now suggesting an avenue to this
classical estate from humbler beginnings. The 'such that' con
structi on is a humble enough accomplishment, and o is sub
stitutional quantification governing general terms.
The set-theoretic law of comprehension:
( 1 ) ( 3Z) (x) (x E Z = Fx)
is frthcoming. It assures a class for every membership
conditi on. For we have, to begin with, the tautology ' (x) (Fx =
Fx)' . Transforming its left side by the substitution transforma
tion, we get:
(x) (x is a thing y such that Fy = Fx),
or, i n our new notati on,
(2) (x)
E { y: Fy } = Fx) .
But this i s a substituti on i nstance of the substitutional existential
quanti fcati on ( 1 ). So ( 1 ) fllows.
( 1 ) combines substitutional and objectual quantifcation. The
combination is not new. It has been made by Wilfid Sellars and
more recently by Charles Parsons and in my Philosophy of Logic
(pp. 93f.
I n the above proof of ( 1 ) I assumed that ( 1 ) i s closed, or devoid
of free variables. I assumed that there are no free object variables
hidden along with 'x' i n the clause of ( 1) that is represented as
' Fx' . For suppose there were a frther free variable
. Let us
rewrite ' Fx' accordingly as ' Gwx' . The desi red law ( 1 ) then runs
Referring to Objects
1 07
(3 Z) (x) (x E Z = Gwx)
and its basis (2) thus:
(4) (x) (x E { y: Gwy} = Gwx).
But open sentences, sentences with free variables, are not true or
flse; rather they are satisfed, or not, by values of thei r free
variables. I f a substitutional quanti fcation is open, as (3) is, then
what it calls for is not a truth condition but a satisfction condi
tion. The satisfction condition for an open substitutional ex
i stential quanti fcation, such as (3), is just this: a value of the fre'
variable (
w' here) satisfes the quantifcation i f and only if it
satisfes some i nstance thereof, obtained by putting some class
abstract fr the 'Z'. (Parsons, p. 235. ) Now every value of '
does indeed satisfy (3), because every value of ' w' stisfes the in
stance (4) of (3).
What are true are thus not (3) and (4) themselves, but thei r
universal closures:
(5) (w) (3 Z) (x) (x E Z = Gwx)"
(6) ( w) (x) (x E { y: Gwy J = Gwx) .
In this way the law
( 1 ) of comprehension i s still forthcomi ng in
its full generality, with and without hidden fee variables. The
truth condition for substitutional quantifcation is what yields ( 1 )
when there are no hidden variables, and the satisfction condi
tion for substitutional quantifcation i s what yields
( 1 ) when there
are hidden variables.
The unrestricted law of comprehension is a fmous source of
paradox. But there i s no such worry here, because of the two
styles of variables; the class vari able 'Z' cannot supplant the in
dividual variable 'x'. We have two types, in Russell' s sense.
Let us clearly understand where our pupil now stands. He
seems to be talking of classes. He even says he is, though we may
question the meaning of his saying so. At any rate his law of
comprehension i s unrestricted, so fr as classes of frst type are
concerned-classes of individuals. Yet all that i s really afot is
substitutional quanti fcation with concrete general terms as sub-
1 08 The Roots of Reference
stituends. Can he get the beneft of all these classes without the
onus of really assuming them?
He cannot. ' There are elementary truths of set theory that fil
under the substitutional i nterpretation. The si mplest example I
know i s what we may call the law of unit subclasses: Any class
that has members has some unit subclasses. This i s unacceptable
when substitutionally interpreted. For, thus i nterpreted, what it
says is that whenever we can write a class abstract or relative
clause that is true of a lot of i ndividuals, we can write another
that i s true of exactly one of those individuals.
It is unacceptable for the same reason that substitutional
quanti fcation over physical objects was unacceptable (26). It
says that whenever we can somehow demarcate a multiplicity of
physical objects we can also speci fy a unique sample; and this
assumption is about as unwelcome as assuming a distinctive
designation fr every physical object. If we were prepared to
make such assumptions, we could as well accept substituti onal
quanti fcation across the board.
It is interesting to observe where an apparent proof of the law
of unit subclasses from (5) bogs down. From (5) we make fur
successive steps of deducti on, as follows:
(7) (w) ( 3 Z) (x) (x E Z = w x),
( w) ( w E Y
(3 Z) ( w E Y
(x) (x E Z =
x) ) ),
( Y
( ( 3 w) (w E
Y ( 3 w) (3 Z) (w E Y
(x) (x E Z =
x) ) ),
1 0)
( Y
( ( 3 w) ( w E
( 3Z) ( 3 w) (w E Y . (x) (x E Z = w
x) ) ).
This last line is a precise formulation of the law of unit sub
classes. Where then have we gone wrong?
The fllacy occurred in the last step, where I switched ' (3 w)
( 3Z)' to '( 3 Z) (3 w)' . 2 Commutation of consecutive existential
quanti fers (and of universal ones) is emi nently allowable in or
dinary logic, but not when one quantifer is objectual and the
other substitutional.
I . Discussion with Gilbert Harman and Oswaldo Chateaubriand started me
on this track.
2. I am indebted here to William Talbott.
Referring to Objects
1 09
For, pi cture ' Y' as some class abstract or relative clause that is
true of various individuals but true of none that can be uniquely
singled out. Each such i ndi vidual
will satisfy:
w E Y (x) (x E { y: w y} = w x)
and hence will satisfy:
( 3Z) (w E Y
(x) (x E Z = w x) ).
(3 w) (3 Z) ( w E Y . (x) (x E Z = w
x) ).
Yet not
(3 Z) (3 w)
(w E Y . (x) (x E Z =
x) ),
since this would require there to be a closed class abstract, devoid
of free variables, that singles out some such individual w unique
Commutation of consecutive universal quanti fers fils along
with that of existential ones. For, since '(3 w) (3
Z)' amounts to
-( w) (Z)
' and '(3 Z) (3 w)' amounts to
(Z (w) -
' , com
mutativity of the universal quanti fers would imply commutativ
ity of the existential ones.
There i s a still worse anomaly. Each member u of Y satisfes
the open sentence:
{ y: u y} is a unit subclass of Y . u u.
Hence, by our satisfction condition fr substituti onal quan
tification, each such u satisfes also the open sentence:
( 3Z) (Z
is a unit subclass of Y . u u).
Yet '
(3 Z) (Z is a unit subclass of Y )' without the 'u u' i s
simply ( 11 ), and thus fl se. It i s intolerable that such deletion of a
vacuous clause 'u u' should reduce a satisfable sentence to a
flse one.
In classical set theory, which is wholly objectual, the law of
unit subclasses of course goes without saying; nor is there any
trouble about switching consecutive existential quantifers, or
1 1 0
The Roots of Reference
universal ones. But the combination of objectual quanti fcation
fr i ndividuals and substitutional quanti fcation fr classes i s like
oil and water. Substitutional quanti fcation i s inadequate fr
classes unless we are prepared to make an assumption tan
tamount to substitutional quanti fcation over individuals as wel l .
And surely for indi viduals, physical objects, the case fr objec
tual quantification was conclusive. Quanti fcation over physical
objects was objectual because of its categorical root, i n sentences
like ' Rabbits are animals' that treat of individually nameless ob
jects. Of course each rabbit and even each grain of sand can in
principle be systematically specifed and accorded a descriptive
name, e. g. with help of spatiotemporal coordi nates. But such an
artifice is wildly i rrelevant to genetic considerations, and has its
pl ace only at the level of a conscious reworking of explicit scien
tifc theory.
I do not see this clash, or crash, as refting my genetic
speculations. I see it as confict in the actual genetic frces. We
saw another such debacle already in 25, when we found that
something l i ke Russel l' s paradox could be generated simply by
overdoing the substitutional idiom that gives us relative clauses.
It is a historical accident that that paradox was not noticed
befre the rise of set theory, and it is a historical accident that the
present clash was not noticed more explicitly than it seems to
have been.
Once it is noticed, steps need to be taken in the way of revision:
revision not of the psychogenetic theory, but of the set theory or
other science to which those psychogenetic processes have led.
Any scientifc theory has its psychogenesis, and occasionally a
theory does prove to demand revision. The present case i s
remarkable only i n lying so deep.
The revi sion that I would expect is a revi sion of status of the
quantifcation over classes: a shi ft fom substitutional to objec
tual. Already, indeed, we have seen such a shift from the original
ly substituti onal variable of relative clauses to the objectual
variable of quantification over physical objects. When we
reconstrue class quanti fcation as objectual, the hypostasis of
classes is complete. Class abstracts attain the full stature of
abstract singular terms.
Referring to Objects 1 1 1
Schematism has carried us fr from the human situation. Let
us restore something of the connecti on. Mostly people do not ex
plicitly quantify over classes at all . Occasionally they speak of
properties or attributes i n ways that answer nearly enough, for
our schematic purposes, to quanti fcation over classes. Also they
will say things that involve no explicit mention of classes or at
tri butes but that come nevertheless to call fr quantificati on over
classes when we paraphrase them into economically schematic
language. The Geach-Kaplan example, ' Some critics admi re
only one another' , is a good case of this. 3 It is only the
mathematicians and ki ndred spirits that go beyond these
sporadic i mplicit uses and press the class apparatus on principle.
It will be to such spi rits, almost excl usively, that the holdi ng or
filing of the law of unit subclasses or the law of commutation of
quantifers or related laws will make any detectable di fference
even i mplicitly. Even these mathematicians, moreover, will most
ly be heedless of an option between substitutional and objectual
set theory, and heedless of a swi tch from one to the other. We,
however, can tell that they have switched, however uncon
sci ously. For we may be sure that nominalism is right psy
chogenetically: classes or attributes are first concei ved through
substitutional variables for general terms. And then, when we
catch the mathematician conforming to the law of unit subclasses
and the like, we know that he has gone objectual .
So the di stinction is absurdly remote fom the typical language
learner. But it concerns us because we are interested in the theory
of language learning for the l ight that it may throw on the nature
of scientific theory.
29. Sour grapes
Our loss, in gi vi ng up the substitutional view of class
quantifi cati on, is less acute than might at fi rst be supposed. We
must recognize that even substitutional quantification, for all its
reassuring air of easy access, is not altogether a fee ride. It owes
3. See my Methods of Logic, third edition, p. 238 of later printings. It was
stated incorrectly in early printings of the third edition.
1 1 2 The Roots of Reference
its easy i ntelligibi lity to its transparent truth conditions: a univer
sal quantification is true if and only i f each substitution i nstance
is true, and an exi stential quantification is true i f and only i f
some substitution i nstance is true. But those truth conditions, for
all their transparency, are not elimi native definitions. Adoption
of substitutional quantification over classes was thus already an
i rreducible assumption of some sort, and who i s to say that it is
not an indi rect assumption of some sort of new objects such as
classes? There is a problem here of foreign exchange: what bor
rowings in terms of substitutional quantificati on are equivalent
to what explicit borrowings of objects of objectual quan
By way of frther consolation it should be noted that those
truth conditions of substitutional quantification were not really
so transparent anyway, if the class abstracts that are used as sub
stituends happen to contain class quantifiers in turn. For, thi nk
what might happen. A substitutional quantification over classes
has its truth condi tions, we tend to think, in the truth conditions
of those simpler sentences that are substitution i nstances of that
quantificati on. But the fct i s that those substitution i nstances
need not be any si mpler. The class abstract that we substitute for
the quantified variable, in getting one of the substitution in
stances, can itself contain a quantification more formidable than
the one we are i nstantiating.
The i mportant distinction emerges between predicative and
impredicative class abstracts. The impredicative ones contain
bound class variables. (There is more to the distinction when
classes of classes are at hand; but this will do for now. ) As long as
we adhere to predicative class abstracts, the circularity that we
just now observed does not occur. Classical set theory, however,
demands the i mpredicative line. Adopting it, we would have had
to recogni ze that those substituti onal truth conditions afford only
a partial semantical account of the quanti fiers. For a full truth
defi ni tion we would have to revert to Tarski ' s style, as if the class
quantifiers were objectual . This refection may help further to
reconcile us to our objectual attitude toward class quantificati on.
But it is still not to deny that class quantification was sub
stituti onal i n origin. I am persuaded that abstract objects owe
Referring to Objects
1 1 3
their acceptance to what is essentially substituti onal quantifica
tion, cast in natural language.
Substitutional quantification has already been widely regarded
as i nadequate for classical set theory, but for a wrong reason.
People have reasoned fom indenumerability, as follows.
Substituti onal quantification allows no nameless classes as
values of the variables. Since the available expressions are
denumerable, then, substitutional quantification allows only
denumerably many classes. Any of the classical versions of set
theory, on the other hand, assumes i ndenumerably many classes.
The class N of the natural numbers itself has indnumerably
many subclasses.
Because of our genetic approach, we have been picturing
classes only of physical objects. Still, numbers must somehow
make their entry in due course. For the moment let us antici pate
them, so as to meet the above argument on its own terms.
Actually there i s no clear contradiction between substituti onal
quantification and indenumerabi lity . 1 No function f enumerates
all classes of natural numbers; this Cantor shows by citing the
class { n: not (n E f (n) ) } as one that is mi ssed by the enumeration
f Does substitutional quantification require the contrary-that
some fnction f enumerate all classes of natural numbers? At
fi rst it seems so: it seems we could produce /by lexicographically
numbering all class abstracts. However, the function that
numbers the abstracts is not quite the required /; it is a di fferent
functi on, g. I ts values are abstracts, whereas the f that would
contradict Cantor's theorem would have classes as values. After
all, the substitutional character of our quantifiers and variables
does not mean that the classes are the abstracts; the substitutes
fr the variables are not names of abstracts but the abstracts
themselves, the purported or si mulated names of classes. The
fnction / that would confict with Cantor's theorem is rather the
function such that f (n) i s the class named by the nth abstract
g(n). But there is no prospect of speci fying such a function in the
notation of the system; for the naming rel ation is notoriously un
specifiable, on pain of the fmiliar semantic paradox of Grelling
I . I am indebted here to a remark of Saul Kripke' s.
1 1 4 The Roots of Reference
or Richard. The apprehended contradi ction over Cantor's theo
rem is just that same semantic paradox.
The reasoning that I have just rebutted was needlessly devious.
With a little permuting and shortcutting it comes down to the
observation that there is a class that is named by no abstract;
namely the class
( l ) { x: x i s an abstract and not a member of the class it
names } .
This way of putting the matter cuts through the talk of numbers
and i ndenumerability and treats di rectly of the expressions and
classes of them. The paradoxical character becomes explicit,
( l ) itself is visibly an abstract. And the paradox is hum
drum, hingi ng visibly on the naming relati on.
I agree that a satisfctory substitutional foundation for
classical set theory is not forthcoming. But I have been at pains
just now to separate good fom bad reasons.
There i s also a bad argument to the opposite effect, purporting
to show that substitutional quantification is adequate to classical
set theory and indeed to any theory. This argument appeals to
the Skolem-Lowenheim theorem. Accordi ng to that theorem,
any consi stent theory has a model in the natural numbers. And
obvi ously the natural numbers are amenable to substitutional
quantification, there being a numeral for each.
To see the Skolem-Lowenheim theorem in its proper perspec
tive, let us bypass the talk of models and turn to fundamentals.
Consider a set of truths regardi ng an indenumerable domai n.
The theorem tells us that we can reinterpret those truths as a set
of truths regarding a denumerable domai n. Reinterpret? I f we
are all owed to reinterpret every sign capriciously, we can make
any strings of signs say anything we like. No; the idea of the
theorem is that we are to disturb only the terms and the range of
the variables, while preserving the meanings of the truth-function
signs and quantifiers. In short, we keep elementary logic and
change the rest. But then what the Skolem-Lowenheim theorem
tells us is merely that quantificati onal and truth-functional struc
tures are by themsel ves i nsensitive to the di stinction between
Referring to Objects
1 1 5
denumerable and indenumerable. The theorem tells us merely
that the di stinction is not that elementary, and that it can be ex
pressed only with help of one or another term-epsilon, for in
stance, or, for that matter, 'denumerable' . Quantificational and
truth-fnctional structures are by themselves i nsensitive, of
course, to most di stinctions; they are sensitive to the di sti nction
between fi nite and i nfi nite, as i t happens, and i nsensitive to di s
tinctions between infinites.
When phrased in the ol d way i n terms of models, the theorem
engendered a fel ing that indenumerability is somehow a matter
of point of view or of perverse interpretation. Thi s feli ng tends
to subside when we recognize that what is involved is only the
degree of elementariness of the concept. Why should the theorem
suggest that only natural numbers are needed as values of our
variabl es?
I should l i ke also to ask what the notion of substitutional
quantification amounts to even as appl ied to the natural
numbers. I do so a fw pages hence.
30. Identity and number
We i magi ned i n 1 5 a primitive inception of identity as a mere
temporizing l ocuti on, helping to sustain a prolonged ostension.
This accounted for the identity sign only as restricted by some
general term, such as 'apple', and fanked by demonstratives:
'This i s the same apple as this' .
Now that we are picturing the child as learning various
linguistic constructions by language-dependent simi larities, we
readily picture hi m as learning unrestricted identity al ong the
following l i nes. He comes by degrees to appreciate that whoever
assents to sentences a 1 and a is a i
on the heels
of a i s a i