CRP List For MM29 - 09

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CRP No Module BPML-ID Description

MM-CRP_01 MM MM02-03 Process for purchase up to Rs 5000/-

MM-CRP_02 MM MM02-04 Process for purchase above 5,000 and less than Rs 1,00,000
MM-CRP_03 MM MM02-05 Process for purchase above Rs 1,00,000
MM-CRP_04 MM MM02-07 Tendering Process Single Tender
MM-CRP_05 MM MM02-08 Tendering Process Limited Tender
MM-CRP_06 MM MM02-09 Tendering Process Open Tender
MM-CRP_07 MM MM02-13 Procurement by branch for the warehouse
MM-CRP_08 MM MM02-14 Procurement of capital items
MM-CRP_09 MM MM03-01 Create and Maintain Purchase Requisition
MM-CRP_10 MM MM04-01 Spares and Consumables Purchase
MM-CRP_11 MM MM04-02 Stationary Purchase
MM-CRP_12 MM MM04-03 Furniture, fixtures, office equipment purchase
MM-CRP_13 MM MM05-03 Decoiling Contract Within the Warehouse
MM-CRP_14 MM MM05-04 Process for decoiling outside the warehouse
MM-CRP_15 MM MM05-05 Decoiling Contract contiguous to the Warehouse
MM-CRP_16 MM MM05-07 AMCs
MM-CRP_17 MM SD12: S01 Stock receipt from manufacturing plant through rail \ road
MM-CRP_18 MM SD12: S05 Diversion from Public Siding
MM-CRP_19 MM SD12: S09 Receipt of export surplus material at warehouse (from port)
MM-CRP_20 MM SD12: S10 Receipt of material from manufacturing plant at departmental warehouse for land exports
MM-CRP_21 MM SD12:B: S02Tendering process of transport contractor
MM-CRP_22 MM T&S01_01 Contract to Receipt of Materials at Berth
MM-CRP_23 MM T&S01_02 Stock Transfer from Berth to Stacking Area
MM-CRP_24 MM T&S01_03 Dispatch of the Material to Manufacturing Plant
MM-CRP_25 MM T&S01_04 Coastal Movement
MM-CRP_26 MM T&S01_06 Blending of Different Grade of Coals at Port
MM-CRP_27 MM T&S01_09 Manage Stock Accuracy
MM-CRP_28 MM T&S02_01 Contract to Receipt of Materials at port/airport/CFS
MM-CRP_29 MM T&S02_02 Dispatch of the Material to Manufacturing Plant
Created By Created On
Changed By Changed On
Step No. Description of the Step SAP T-Code Input Data
1 Creation of Contract ME31K Vendor : ser004
Agreement type :MK ( Quantity
Agreement Date: enter the start date of
contract. Purch Org :
central org. (0005) Purchasing
group : 003 Item catagory :
Standard Accnt assignment :
K Plant : H001
Storage Loc. 0001 Mat
Group : Rep & Mnt Buliding (
Press Enter
Validity End : Enter the last date of the
contract PRESS
ENTER Material:
spare007 Target
Quantity : Enter the quantity of products
to be delivered in the time period of
contract. Oun: Unit of
measurement. Net price : price
per unit PER: 1( per 1 unit)
Mat. grp : ZSER01 (Rep & Mnt
Plnt Loc : H001
Stor Loc : 001
Cost Centre : H001030
Press Enter
Save Document.
Scenario No.
Scenario Name Process for purchase above 5,000 and less than Rs 1,00,000
Brief Description of the Scenario This segment will cover the activity of contract creation, purchase order creation, goods receipt, and invoice verification.
The materials purchased under this section will be above Rs.5000 and below Rs 1,00,000. The process for
purchase can be divided into 3 categories value wise:
For process up to Rs 1, 00,000 the vendor is finalized through Limited Tender process. If the requirement is of proprietary
item or OEM purchase then the tendering process may not be required. The process for tendering is to be tested in a
different section.
Kaustav Pal / Shauvik Das
2 Purchase Order Creation ME21N Press Document overview on.
Click on selection variant: choose
Purchasing Document : enter the
contract no. ( 4600000004)
Press F8 (Execute)
Select the Contract. It
appears under hierarchy. Drag
and drop it in the BIN beside NB
Standard PO. Enter
the required Quantity.
Document Type: Standard PO
Vendor selection:SER004 stationery
supplies Material:
SPARE007(interior fittings)
Account Assignment Category: K
Quantity : Input quantity required
Oun: Order unit should tally as
mentioned while creating material
Pricing Conditions: Enter the price per
unit quantity. Plant :
Select plant for which the material is
Storage Location : Choose the location
where the goods are to be
Press Enter
Cost centre : enter reqd. Cost centre
for proper G/L accnt
Purchase org :select appropriate
purchase org for which the material is
Purchase group : select group under
which the material is listed.(003)
Company Code : SAIL CMO (9000)
3 Goods Receipt MIGO Header : Select Goods Reciept and
Purchase Order from the drop downat
the lfet most of the screen below the
HOLD tab
Enter the PO number in the adjacent
field.(4500000033) Press Enter.
The items are listed in the table. Check
OK for all the items. Check
Item OK at the bottom of the page.
Press Check if no messages delivered
then POST the document. The
Accounting document generated will be
posted with the above Cost center as
the Account Assignment. The Profit
Center will be picked up from the Cost
Center. The Segment will be picked up
from the Profit Center.

4 Invoice Verification MIR7 &
Invoice Date: Should be prior to Posting
enter PO no. (4500000032)
Under the Tab-BASIC DATA: Enter the
amount billed BLANACE at the right
hand corner.
Check Calculate Tax if the same is
taxable.The Taxes are required to be
maintained in the Vendor Master Data.
Input tax Codein the table and Tab-
BASIC DATA. Please give V0
Tab-TAX : Check calculate tax to
calcualte tax.
SIMULATE : Check for any error
messages. If not then POST.
There is no TDS as purchases of goods
does not attract TDS.
The T-code MIR7 will be used to Verify
the invoice and Park the same.This will
be done by Warehouse Department
which will represent passing of invoice
at Warehouse.
The T-code MIRO will be used to Post
the same after checking aty Finance
Department. This document posted will
be Blocked for Payment.
The T-code MRBR will be used to free
the document for payment by Finance.
This addresses the scenario FI05-02 :
Creditors Management
Output/Actual Result Remarks
Process for purchase above 5,000 and less than Rs 1,00,000
This segment will cover the activity of contract creation, purchase order creation, goods receipt, and invoice verification.
The materials purchased under this section will be above Rs.5000 and below Rs 1,00,000. The process for
purchase can be divided into 3 categories value wise:
For process up to Rs 1, 00,000 the vendor is finalized through Limited Tender process. If the requirement is of proprietary
item or OEM purchase then the tendering process may not be required. The process for tendering is to be tested in a
different section.
Created By Created On
Changed By Changed On
Step No. Description of the Step SAP T-Code Input Data
1 Creation of Contract ME31K Vendor :SER002
Agreement type :MK ( Quantity Contract)
Agreement Date: enter the start date of
contract. Purch Org :
central org. (0005) Purchasing group
: 003 Item catagory :
Standard Accnt assignment : K
Plant : H001
Storage Loc. 0001 Mat
Group : Rep & Mnt Buliding ( ZSER01)
Press Enter
Validity End : Enter the last date of the
contract PRESS
ENTER Material:
SPARE003 Target
Quantity : Enter the quantity of products to
be delivered in the time period of contract.
Oun: Unit of measurement. Net
price : price per unit PER: 1(
per 1 unit) Mat. grp :
ZSER01 (Rep & Mnt Buliding)
Plnt Loc : H001
Stor Loc : 001
Cost Centre : H001030
Press Enter
Save Document.
Scenario No.
Scenario Name Process for purchase above Rs 1,00,000
Brief Description of the Scenario This segment will cover the activity of contract creation, purchase order creation, goods receipt, and invoice verification. The
materials purchased under this section will be above Rs.5000 and below Rs 1,00,000. The process for purchase
can be divided into 3 categories value wise:
For the process above Rs. 1, 00,000 Open Tender methodology may be obtained depending upon the availability of the
vendors. Tendering process is not required in case of proprietary item purchase, spot purchase, small
administrative purchase, or repeat orders. The process for tendering is to be tested in a different section.
Kaustav Pal / Shauvik Das
Page 9
2 Purchase Order Creation ME21N Press Document overview on. Click
on selection variant: choose contracts.
Purchasing Document : enter the contract
no. ( 4600000005) Press F8
(Execute) Select the
Contract. It appears under
hierarchy. Drag and drop it in the
BIN beside NB Standard PO.
Enter the required Quantity. Header:
Document Type: Standard PO
Vendor selection: Select Vendor
(SER002 Service vendor for AMC)
Material: SPARE003
Account Assignment Category: K
Quantity : Input quantity required
Oun: Order unit should tally as mentioned
while creating material
Pricing Conditions: Enter the price per
unit quantity. Plant :
Select plant for which the material is
required.(H001) Storage
Location : Choose the location where the
goods are to be stored. (H001)
Press Enter

Cost centre : enter reqd. Cost centre for
proper G/L accnt assignment. (H001030)
Purchase org :select appropriate
purchase org for which the material is
purchased. (0005)
Purchase group : select group under
which the material is listed. (003)
Company Code : SAIL CMO
Page 10
3 Goods Receipt MIGO Header : Select Goods Reciept and
Purchase Order from the drop downat the
lfet most of the screen below the HOLD
tab Enter the
PO number in the adjacent
field.(4500000033) Press Enter.
The items are listed in the table. Check
OK for all the items. Check
Item OK at the bottom of the page.
Press Check if no messages delivered
then POST the document. The
Accounting document generated will be
posted with the above Cost center as the
Account Assignment. The Profit Center
will be picked up from the Cost Center.
The Segment will be picked up from the
Profit Center.
4 Invoice Verification MIR7 &
Invoice Date: Should be prior to Posting
enter PO no. (4500000033)
Under the Tab-BASIC DATA: Enter the
amount billed BLANACE at the right hand
Check Calculate Tax if the same is
taxable.The Taxes are required to be
maintained in the Vendor Master Data.
Input tax Codein the table and Tab-
BASIC DATA. Please give V0
Tab-TAX : Check calculate tax to
calcualte tax.
SIMULATE : Check for any error
messages. If not then POST.
There is no TDS as purchases of goods
does not attract TDS.
The T-code MIR7 will be used to Verify
the invoice and Park the same.This will be
done by Warehouse Department which will
represent passing of invoice at
The T-code MIRO will be used to Post
the same after checking aty Finance
Department. This document posted will be
Blocked for Payment.
The T-code MRBR will be used to free
the document for payment by Finance.
This addresses the scenario FI05-02 :
Creditors Management
Page 11
Output/Actual Result Remarks
Process for purchase above Rs 1,00,000
This segment will cover the activity of contract creation, purchase order creation, goods receipt, and invoice verification. The
materials purchased under this section will be above Rs.5000 and below Rs 1,00,000. The process for purchase
can be divided into 3 categories value wise:
For the process above Rs. 1, 00,000 Open Tender methodology may be obtained depending upon the availability of the
vendors. Tendering process is not required in case of proprietary item purchase, spot purchase, small
administrative purchase, or repeat orders. The process for tendering is to be tested in a different section.
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Created By Created On
Changed By Changed On
Step No. Description of the Step SAP T-Code Input Data
1 Creation of Contract ME31K Vendor : SER003
Agreement type :MK ( Quantity Contract)
Agreement Date: enter the start date of
contract. Purch Org :
central org. (0005) Purchasing
group : 003 Item catagory :
Standard Accnt assignment : K
Plant : H001
Storage Loc. 0001 Mat
Group : Rep & Mnt Buliding ( ZSER01)
Press Enter
Validity End : Enter the last date of the
contract PRESS
ENTER Material:
Target Quantity : Enter the quantity of
products to be delivered in the time
period of contract. Oun: Unit
of measurement. Net price :
price per unit PER: 1( per 1
unit) Mat. grp : ZSER01
(Rep & Mnt Buliding)
Plnt Loc : H001
Stor Loc : 001
Cost Centre : H001030
Press Enter
Save Document.
Scenario No.
Scenario Name Spares and Consumables Purchase
Brief Description of the Scenario This segment will cover the activity of contract creation, purchase order creation, goods receipt, and invoice verification. The
materials purchased will be of type Spares and Consummables Purchase.This process includes the purchasing activity for
spares & consumables. The scenareo would be same as per the prcess for purchase up to 1 Lack and process for purchase
above 1 Lack.
Kaustav Pal / Shauvik Das
Page 15
2 Purchase Order Creation ME21N Press Document overview on.
Click on selection variant: choose
Purchasing Document : enter the
contract no. ( 4600000006)
Press F8 (Execute)
Select the Contract. It
appears under hierarchy. Drag
and drop it in the BIN beside NB
Standard PO. Enter
the required Quantity. Header:
Document Type: Standard PO
Vendor selection: Select
Vendor(SER003 Consumables provider)
Material : spare005,spare008.
Account Assignment Category: K
Quantity : Input quantity required
Oun: Order unit should tally as
mentioned while creating material
Pricing Conditions: Enter the price per
unit quantity. Plant :
Select plant for which the material is
required. (H001)
Storage Location : Choose the location
where the goods are to be stored. (H001)
Press Enter
Cost centre : enter reqd. Cost centre for
proper G/L accnt assignment.(H001030)
Purchase org :select appropriate
purchase org for which the material is
purchased. (0005)
Purchase group : select group under
which the material is listed. (003)
Company Code : SAIL CMO(9000)
Page 16
3 Goods Receipt MIGO Header : Select Goods Reciept and
Purchase Order from the drop downat
the lfet most of the screen below the
HOLD tab
Enter the PO number in the adjacent
field.(4500000034) Press Enter.
The items are listed in the table. Check
OK for all the items. Check
Item OK at the bottom of the page.
Press Check if no messages delivered
then POST the document. The
Accounting document generated will be
posted with the above Cost center as the
Account Assignment. The Profit Center
will be picked up from the Cost Center.
The Segment will be picked up from the
Profit Center.
4 Invoice Verification MIR7 &
Invoice Date: Should be prior to Posting
enter PO no.(4500000034)
Under the Tab-BASIC DATA: Enter the
amount billed BLANACE at the right
hand corner.
Check Calculate Tax if the same is
taxable.The Taxes are required to be
maintained in the Vendor Master Data.
Input tax Codein the table and Tab-
BASIC DATA. Please give V0
Tab-TAX : Check calculate tax to
calcualte tax.
SIMULATE : Check for any error
messages. If not then POST.
There is no TDS as purchases of goods
does not attract TDS.
The T-code MIR7 will be used to Verify
the invoice and Park the same.This will
be done by Warehouse Department
which will represent passing of invoice at
The T-code MIRO will be used to Post
the same after checking aty Finance
Department. This document posted will
be Blocked for Payment.
The T-code MRBR will be used to free
the document for payment by Finance.
This addresses the scenario FI05-02 :
Creditors Management
Page 17
Output/Actual Result Remarks
Spares and Consumables Purchase
This segment will cover the activity of contract creation, purchase order creation, goods receipt, and invoice verification. The
materials purchased will be of type Spares and Consummables Purchase.This process includes the purchasing activity for
spares & consumables. The scenareo would be same as per the prcess for purchase up to 1 Lack and process for purchase
above 1 Lack.
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Created By Created On
Changed By Changed On
Step No. Description of the Step SAP T-Code Input Data
1 Creation of Contract ME31K Vendor : ser004
Agreement type :MK ( Quantity Contract)
Agreement Date: enter the start date of
contract. Purch Org :
central org. (0005) Purchasing
group : 003 Item catagory :
Standard Accnt assignment :
K Plant : H001
Storage Loc. 0001 Mat
Group : Rep & Mnt Buliding (
Press Enter
Validity End : Enter the last date of the
contract PRESS
ENTER Material:
SPARE010 Target
Quantity : Enter the quantity of products
to be delivered in the time period of
contract. Oun: Unit of
measurement. Net price : price
per unit PER: 1( per 1 unit)
Mat. grp : ZSER01 (Rep & Mnt
Plnt Loc : H001
Stor Loc : 001
Cost Centre : H001030
Press Enter
Save Document.
Scenario No.
Scenario Name Stationary Purchase
Brief Description of the Scenario This segment will cover the activity of contract creation, purchase order creation, goods receipt, and invoice verification. The
materials purchased will be of type Spares and Consummables Purchase.This process includes the purchasing activity for
stationary items. The scenareo would be same as per the prcess for purchase up to 1 Lack and process for purchase above
1 Lack.
Kaustav Pal / Shauvik Das
Page 21
2 Purchase Order Creation ME21N Press Document overview on.
Click on selection variant: choose
Purchasing Document : enter the
contract no. ( 4600000007)
Press F8 (Execute)
Select the Contract. It
appears under hierarchy. Drag
and drop it in the BIN beside NB
Standard PO. Enter
the required Quantity. Header:
Document Type: Standard PO
Vendor selection: Select Vendor
(SER004 stationery supplies)
Materials : SPARE010
Account Assignment Category: K
Quantity : Input quantity required
Oun: Order unit should tally as
mentioned while creating material
Pricing Conditions: Enter the price per
unit quantity. Plant :
Select plant for which the material is
required. (H001)
Storage Location : Choose the location
where the goods are to be stored.
Press Enter

Cost centre : enter reqd. Cost centre
for proper G/L accnt assignment.
(H001030) Purchase org :select
appropriate purchase org for which the
material is purchased. (0005)
Purchase group : select group under
which the material is listed.(003)
Company Code : SAIL CMO (9000)
Page 22
3 Goods Receipt MIGO Header : Select Goods Reciept and
Purchase Order from the drop downat
the lfet most of the screen below the
HOLD tab
Enter the PO number in the adjacent
field.(4500000035) Press Enter.
The items are listed in the table. Check
OK for all the items. Check
Item OK at the bottom of the page.
Press Check if no messages delivered
then POST the document. The
Accounting document generated will be
posted with the above Cost center as the
Account Assignment. The Profit Center
will be picked up from the Cost Center.
The Segment will be picked up from the
Profit Center.
4 Invoice Verification MIR7 &
Invoice Date: Should be prior to Posting
enter PO no. (4500000035)
Under the Tab-BASIC DATA: Enter the
amount billed BALANCE at the right
hand corner.
Check Calculate Tax if the same is
taxable.The Taxes are required to be
maintained in the Vendor Master Data.
Input tax Codein the table and Tab-
BASIC DATA. Please give V0
Tab-TAX : Check calculate tax to
calcualte tax.
SIMULATE : Check for any error
messages. If not then POST.
There is no TDS as purchases of goods
does not attract TDS.
The T-code MIR7 will be used to Verify
the invoice and Park the same.This will
be done by Warehouse Department
which will represent passing of invoice at
The T-code MIRO will be used to Post
the same after checking aty Finance
Department. This document posted will
be Blocked for Payment.
The T-code MRBR will be used to free
the document for payment by Finance.
This addresses the scenario FI05-02 :
Creditors Management
Page 23
Output/Actual Result Remarks
Stationary Purchase
This segment will cover the activity of contract creation, purchase order creation, goods receipt, and invoice verification. The
materials purchased will be of type Spares and Consummables Purchase.This process includes the purchasing activity for
stationary items. The scenareo would be same as per the prcess for purchase up to 1 Lack and process for purchase above
1 Lack.
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Created By Created On
Changed By Changed On
Step No. Description of the Step SAP T-Code Input Data
1 Creation of Contract ME31K Vendor : SER001
Agreement type :MK ( Quantity Contract)
Agreement Date: enter the start date of
contract. Purch Org :
central org. (0005) Purchasing group :
013 Item catagory : Standard
Accnt assignment : K Plant :
Mat Group : Rep & Mnt Buliding (
Press Enter
Validity End : Enter the last date of the
contract PRESS
ENTER Servive code
: 3000000 Target
Quantity : Enter the quantity of products to
be delivered in the time period of contract.
Oun: Unit of measurement. Net
price : price per unit PER: 1(
per 1 unit) Mat. grp :
ZSER01 (Rep & Mnt Buliding)
Plnt Loc : H001
Cost Centre : H001030
Press Enter Save
Scenario No.
Scenario Name AMCs
Brief Description of the Scenario AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) is done in most of the cases with OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) or the
listed/reputed service provider for any particular product/service.
Normally these types of contract are done for a year and can be extended to another year. In some AMCs the advance
payment is required to be given.
Kaustav Pal / Shauvik Das
2 Purchase Order Creation ME21N Press Document overview on. Click
on selection variant: choose contracts.
Purchasing Document : enter the contract
no. Press F8 (Execute)
Select the Contract. It
appears under hierarchy. Drag
and drop it in the BIN beside NB Standard
PO. Enter the required
Quantity. Header:
Document Type: Standard PO
Account Assignment Category: K
Quantity : Input quantity required
Oun: Order unit should tally as mentioned
while creating material
Pricing Conditions: Enter the price per
unit quantity. Plant :
Select plant for which the material is
required. (H001)
Cost centre : enter reqd. Cost centre for
proper G/L accnt assignment. (H001030)
Purchase org :select appropriate
purchase org for which the material is
purchased. (0005) Tax Code
: S1
Company Code : SAIL CMO (9000)
3 Service Entry Sheet ML81N Click on "other purchase order" and put
the purchase order number.
Click on "create entry sheet" or press
"Shift + F1". Click on
"Service Selection". On the
next page select the line item for services
and click "adopt services or F9"
Click "Accept" or "ctrl + F1"
Save the entrty sheet The
Accounting document generated will be
posted with the above Cost center as the
Account Assignment. The Profit Center will
be picked up from the Cost Center. The
Segment will be picked up from the Profit
4 Invoice Verification MIR7 &
Invoice Date: Should be prior to Posting
Reference: Bill number of the vendor
enter PO no. or service entry sheet
number Under
the Tab-BASIC DATA: Enter the amount
billed BALANCE at the right hand corner.
Check Calculate Tax if the same is
taxable.The Taxes are required to be
maintained in the Vendor Master Data.
Input tax Codein the table and Tab-
BASIC DATA. Please give V0
Tab-TAX : Check calculate tax to
calcualte tax.
SIMULATE : Check for any error
messages. If not then POST. TDS
would be deductd as per the tax code
maintained at the vendor master
The T-code MIR7 will be used to Verify
the invoice and Park the same.This will be
done by Warehouse Department which will
represent passing of invoice at
The T-code MIRO will be used to Post
the same after checking aty Finance
Department. This document posted will be
Blocked for Payment.
The T-code MRBR will be used to free
the document for payment by Finance.
This addresses the scenario FI05-02 :
Creditors Management
Output/Actual Result Remarks
AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) is done in most of the cases with OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) or the
listed/reputed service provider for any particular product/service.
Normally these types of contract are done for a year and can be extended to another year. In some AMCs the advance
payment is required to be given.
Created By Created On
Changed By Changed On
Step No. Description of the Step SAP T-Code Input Data
1 Creation of Contract ME31K Vendor :SER006
Agreement type :MK ( Quantity
Agreement Date: enter the start date
of contract. Purch
Org : central org. (0005)
Purchasing group : 005
Item catagory : Standard
Accnt assignment : K
Plant : B003
Storage Loc. 0001
Mat Group : Rep & Mnt Buliding (
Press Enter
Validity End : Enter the last date of
the contract
Material: MAT02
Target Quantity : Enter the quantity
of products to be delivered in the time
period of contract. Oun:
Unit of measurement. Net
price : price per unit
PER: 1( per 1 unit)
Mat. grp : ZSER01 (Rep & Mnt
Plnt Loc :B003
Stor Loc :0001
Cost Centre :The cost center for
warehouse needs to be provided here
Press Enter
Save Document.
Scenario No.
Scenario Name Procurement by branch for the warehouse
Brief Description of the Scenario In some cases the procurement of material for the warehouse is executed by the branch and the stock
is received at branch. After some period of time some of the materials are transferred to warehouse
according to the requirement.
Kaustav Pal / Shauvik Das
2 Purchase Order Creation ME21N Press Document overview on.
Click on selection variant: choose
Purchasing Document : enter the
contract no. (4600000012)
Press F8 (Execute)
Select the Contract.
It appears under hierarchy.
Drag and drop it in the BIN beside
NB Standard PO.
Enter the required Quantity. Header:
Document Type: Standard PO
Vendor selection: Select Vendor
Material :MAT02
Account Assignment Category: K
Quantity : Input quantity required
Oun: Order unit should tally as
mentioned while creating material
Pricing Conditions: Enter the price
per unit quantity.
Plant : Select plant for which the
material is required. (B003)
Storage Location : Choose the
location where the goods are to be
stored. (0001)
Press Enter
Cost centre : enter reqd. Cost
centre for proper G/L accnt
Purchase org :select appropriate
purchase org for which the material is
purchased. (0005)
Purchase group : select group under
which the material is listed. (005)
Company Code : SAIL CMO
3 Goods Receipt MIGO Header : Select Goods Reciept and
Purchase Order from the drop
downat the lfet most of the screen
below the HOLD tab
Enter the PO number in the adjacent
field.(4500000069) Press Enter.
The items are listed in the table.
Check OK for all the items.
Check Item OK at the bottom of the
Press Check if no messages
delivered then POST the document.
The Accounting document generated
will be posted with the above Cost
center as the Account Assignment.
The Profit Center will be picked up
from the Cost Center. The Segment
will be picked up from the Profit
4 Invoice Verification MIRO Invoice Date: Should be prior to
Posting Date
Enter PO no. (4500000069)
Under the Tab-BASIC DATA: Enter
the amount billed BALANCE at the
right hand corner.
Check Calculate Tax if the same is
taxable.The Taxes are required to be
maintained in the Vendor Master
Input tax Code in the table and Tab-
BASIC DATA. Please give V0
Tab-TAX : Check calculate tax to
calcualte tax.
SIMULATE : Check for any error
messages. If not then POST.
There is no TDS as purchases of
goods does not attract TDS.
Output/Actual Result Remarks
Procurement by branch for the warehouse
In some cases the procurement of material for the warehouse is executed by the branch and the stock
is received at branch. After some period of time some of the materials are transferred to warehouse
according to the requirement.
Created By Created On
Changed By Changed On
Step No. Description of the Step SAP T-Code Input Data
1 Enter incoming invoice FB60 Vendor :SER002
Document Date : The date at vendor
Posting date: The date at which the
posting needs to be done.
Business place / Section :
G/L account : 71402000
Debit/ Credit Indicator : Debit
Amount : The amount at invoice
Cost Center : B003030
Baseline date: The date for due date
Simulate and post
2 Cash Journal FBCJ Choose "Cash Payments" .
Business Transaction: VENDOR.
Amount : The amount to be posted.
Profit Center : 9001
Business Area : B003
Select the line item; Choose "Save
selection" and Post. This
addresses scenario CO05-09 : Cash
Expanse Payment.
Scenario No.
Scenario Name Process for purchase up to Rs 5000/-
Brief Description of the Scenario The process for purchase up to Rs 5000/- is known as imprest purchase. Here no purchase order will
be created. The first entry in this process will be finance invoice.
Kaustav Pal / Shauvik Das
Output/Actual Result Remarks
Process for purchase up to Rs 5000/-
The process for purchase up to Rs 5000/- is known as imprest purchase. Here no purchase order will
be created. The first entry in this process will be finance invoice.
Created By
Changed By
Step No. Description of the Step SAP T-Code
1 Creation of Purchase
Scenario No.
Scenario Name Create and Maintain Purchase Requisition
Brief Description of the Scenario The purchase requisitions will be created at pre tendering stage as written in the section MM02-01:
Process for Pre tendering.
A purchase requisition is a request or instruction to Purchasing to procure a certain quantity of a
material or a service so that it is available at a certain point in time.
Kaustav Pal / Shauvik Das
Created On
Changed On
Input Data Output/Actual Result Remarks

Material : Spare010
Quantity : Mention the quantity of
goods to be procured.
Oun : Order unit of measurement (
Delivery Date : Date of delivery.
Press Enter.
Cost Centre :Enter Cost Centre
SAVE Document.
Under the Tab- Valutaion,Valuation
Price: Per unit Price.
Create and Maintain Purchase Requisition
The purchase requisitions will be created at pre tendering stage as written in the section MM02-01:
Process for Pre tendering.
A purchase requisition is a request or instruction to Purchasing to procure a certain quantity of a
material or a service so that it is available at a certain point in time.
Created By Created On
Changed By Changed On
Step No. Description of the
SAP T-Code Input Data
1 Creation of LOI
(Quotation in SAP)
VA21 Header
Quotation Type: ZELI
Sales Org: 9100 (Flat)
Distribution Channel: 09
Division: F0 (Flat Cross Division)
Sales Office : B017 (Kanpur)
Sold to party : 1005
Ship to party : 1005
PO Number : T00002 D22
PO Date : 22/09/2010
Delivering Plant : W016
Incoterm and Location : FCA Nepal
Payment Terms : 0001
Quotation Valid from and Valid to Dates
Material Code: 101070002700005278 (PLATE PM
SAILMA 550 32)
Quantity : 100 To
Storage Location : XP10
Base Price : 1000 USD
2 Creation of Letter of
Credit in the system
VX11N This step is not need to be executed here as this is
already included in the export scenarion number
T&S04-01. This document is more delibarated on
the receipt part.
3 Creation of Sales
VA01 Document Type: ZEXP
Use Quotation Number as reference : Number
generated in step 1
Valuation price : INR 1
4 Creation of Work
Order on plant
ME21N Creation of PO in reference to the Purchase
Vendor : 1000
Purchase Org : 0005
Tick the free goods check box Put
confirmation control as inbound delivery
Shauvik Das
Scenario No. SD12: S10
Scenario Name Receipt of material from manufacturing plant at departmental warehouse for land exports
Brief Description of the Scenario This scenario includes the steps for receipt of material from manufacturing plant to warehouse for land export purpose
5 Creation of inbound
VL31N Put the purchase order number for which the IBD
needs to be created
Vendor : 1000
Enter the quantity for IBD
Save the document
This step would be faciliated through development.
So the transaction would run at background.
6 Goods Receipt MIGO Put the Inbound delivery number for which the
material needs to be received
Quantity : Quantity to be received
Batch number : The CA number to be inserted
Vendor Batch : The ARE number to be inserted
Save the document
This step would be faciliated through development.
So the transaction would run at background.This
would be done to receive the materials.
7 Create Transfer
LT06 GRN number for which the TO needs to be
Warehouse Number : Z01
Bin Number : A-01.
Save the document
This step would be faciliated through development.
So the transaction would run at background.
8 Create Transfer
LT12 TO number created at step 7
Click "confirm internally".
Save the document
This step would be faciliated through development.
So the transaction would run at background.
Output/Actual Result Remarks
Export LOI is saved and a
number is generated
1) Sales order is saved and a
number is generated
2) Purchase Requsition is
raised and a number is
Purchase Order saved and
number generated
SD12: S10
Receipt of material from manufacturing plant at departmental warehouse for land exports
This scenario includes the steps for receipt of material from manufacturing plant to warehouse for land export purpose
Created By Created On
Changed By Changed On
Step No. Description of the
SAP T-Code Input Data
1 Transfer Posting to
release the contract
specific stock
MB1B Movement Type: 411
Special Stock : E
Plant : P001
Storage Location : WARF
Sales Order & Item: Sales order no and item no
Recvng Location : WARF
Recvng Material : 101070002700005275
Material : 101070002700005275
Quantity : 10
Batch : Select The Batch Number
2 Create Stock
transfer Order
ME21N PO Type: UB
Supplying Plant : P001
Purch Org : 0005
Purch Grp : 004
Company Code : 9000
Material : 101070002700005275
Quantity : Qtty in Tonnes
Batch : Batch No. to be transferred
Plant : W054 (Dankuni)
Storage Location : XP10 (Export Mat - Bhillai)
Issuing Storage Location : Yard
3 Outbound Delivery Vl10B Purchase Order NO : Stock Transfer Order No
generated in Step 3
Select the item and quantity to be delivered and
click on the background button
Use the back arrow and come out of the
5 Post Goods Issue Vl02N Using the delivery numbers generated in the
previous step, perform the GI after providing the
picking Quantity
6 GR at Receiving
MIGO Purchase order no : Stock Transfer order no
generated in step 3
Movement Type: 101
Select the Item and check the checkbox "Item OK"
Post and Save
Shauvik Das
Scenario No. SD12: S09
Scenario Name Receipt of export surplus material at warehouse (from port)
Brief Description of the Scenario This scenario will cover the process of transferring export surplus material from port to a stockyard.
7 Create Transfer
LT06 GRN number for which the TO needs to be
Warehouse Number : Z01
Bin Number : A-01.
Save the document
This step would be faciliated through development.
So the transaction would run at background.
8 Create Transfer
LT12 TO number created at step 7
Click "confirm internally".
Save the document
This step would be faciliated through development.
So the transaction would run at background.
9 Excise Entry J1IG Excise Group E1
Material Document No : Generated in step 6
Select Item and Provide following excise details:
Excise inv no : TR6 Number
Challan Qtty : GI Qtty
Excise Base : Base in TR6
BED % : 10%
Cess % : 2 %
Tax 1 % : 1% (Used for Higher Education Cess)
Output/Actual Result Remarks
SD12: S09
Receipt of export surplus material at warehouse (from port)
This scenario will cover the process of transferring export surplus material from port to a stockyard.

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