Developer/2000™ Getting Started: Enabling The Information Age™ Through Network Computing
Developer/2000™ Getting Started: Enabling The Information Age™ Through Network Computing
Developer/2000™ Getting Started: Enabling The Information Age™ Through Network Computing
Getting Started
Release 2.1
Release 2.1
Contributing Authors: Marcie Caccamo, Ken Chu, Karen Denchfield-Masterson, Frank Rovitto, Ingrid
Snedecor, Collin Wong
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Alternate III (June 1987). Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.
Designer/2000, Developer/2000, Discoverer/2000, Oracle Browser, Oracle Forms, Oracle Forms Genera-
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Preface............................................................................................................................................................ ix
1 Installing Developer/2000
1.1 System Requirements ............................................................................................................. 11
1.2 Installing Developer/2000 ..................................................................................................... 12
1.2.1 Step 1: Starting the Oracle Installer ............................................................................... 13
1.2.2 Step 2: Installing Developer/2000 ................................................................................. 13
1.2.3 Step 3: Building the database tables .............................................................................. 16
1.3 Using the Oracle Client Configuration Manager................................................................ 16
1.3.1 Granting permissions ...................................................................................................... 16
1.3.2 Configuring clients........................................................................................................... 17 Step 1: Defining configurations............................................................................... 20 Step 2: Selecting products for the configuration .................................................. 20 Step 3: Assigning clients to configurations ........................................................... 21 Step 4: Defining installation options ...................................................................... 21 Step 5: Resolving installation conflicts................................................................... 22
1.4 Upgrading from a Previous Release..................................................................................... 22
1.4.1 Upgrading to Developer/2000 Release 2.0 on Windows 95 or Windows NT ........ 23
1.4.2 Upgrading your applications ......................................................................................... 23
1.5 Removing Oracle Products .................................................................................................... 24
2 Building and Maintaining the Database Tables
2.1 Building the Developer/2000 Database Tables................................................................... 25
2.1.1 Step 1: Installing the SQL scripts with the Oracle Installer........................................ 26
2.1.2 Step 2: Building the Developer/2000 database tables................................................. 26
2.2 Using the Database Tables ..................................................................................................... 27
2.3 Granting and Revoking User Access .................................................................................... 27
2.3.1 Granting access to the Developer/2000 database tables ............................................ 27
2.3.2 Revoking access to the Developer/2000 database tables ........................................... 27
2.4 Deleting the Developer/2000 Database Tables................................................................... 28
2.5 Upgrading the Developer/2000 Database Tables............................................................... 28
2.5.1 Step 1: Backing up the database ..................................................................................... 28
2.5.2 Step 2: Upgrading the tables........................................................................................... 29 Common tables.......................................................................................................... 29 Form Builder .............................................................................................................. 29 Report Builder ........................................................................................................... 30 Graphics Builder........................................................................................................ 30 Procedure Builder ..................................................................................................... 30 Query Builder ............................................................................................................ 30 Schema Builder.......................................................................................................... 30 Translation Builder ................................................................................................... 30
3 Using Developer/2000
3.1 About Developer/2000: Features and Benefits ................................................................... 33
3.1.1 Productivity....................................................................................................................... 34
3.1.2 Web Deployment.............................................................................................................. 34
3.1.3 Scalability........................................................................................................................... 34
3.1.4 Openness ........................................................................................................................... 35
3.2 About Project Builder.............................................................................................................. 35
3.2.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 35
3.2.2 Major Concepts ................................................................................................................. 35
3.2.3 Process................................................................................................................................ 36
3.3 About Form Builder ................................................................................................................ 36
3.3.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 36
3.3.2 Major Concepts ................................................................................................................. 37
3.3.3 Process................................................................................................................................ 37
3.4 About Graphics Builder.......................................................................................................... 38
3.4.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 38
3.4.2 Major Concepts................................................................................................................. 38
3.4.3 Process ............................................................................................................................... 39
3.5 About Report Builder ............................................................................................................. 39
3.5.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 39
3.5.2 Major Concepts................................................................................................................. 39
3.5.3 Process ............................................................................................................................... 40
3.6 About Procedure Builder ....................................................................................................... 40
3.6.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 40
3.6.2 Major Concepts................................................................................................................. 40
3.6.3 Process ............................................................................................................................... 41
3.7 About Query Builder .............................................................................................................. 42
3.7.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 42
3.7.2 Major Concepts................................................................................................................. 42
3.7.3 Process ............................................................................................................................... 42
3.8 About Schema Builder............................................................................................................ 43
3.8.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 43
3.8.2 Major Concepts................................................................................................................. 43
3.8.3 Process ............................................................................................................................... 43
3.9 About Translation Builder ..................................................................................................... 44
3.9.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 44
3.9.2 Major Concepts................................................................................................................. 44
3.9.3 Process ............................................................................................................................... 45
3.10 About Developer/2000 Documentation .............................................................................. 45
Index ............................................................................................................................................................... 47
Send Us Your Comments
Oracle Developer/2000: Getting Started
Part No. A57751-01
Oracle Corporation welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this
publication. Your input is an important part of the information used for revision.
■ Did you find any errors?
■ Is the information clearly presented?
■ Do you need more information? If so, where?
■ Are the examples correct? Do you need more examples?
■ What features did you like most about this manual?
If you find any errors or have any other suggestions for improvement, you can send comments by
electronic mail to [email protected]. Please indicate the part number, section, and page
number (if available).
Welcome to Developer/2000! This document will help you get started with Devel-
oper/2000 Release 2.0 for Windows NT or Windows 95.
Chapter Contents
Chapter 1 Installing Developer/2000 and using the Oracle Client Software
Chapter 2 For System Administrators: Steps for setting up and maintain-
ing database tables.
Chapter 3 Overview of the Developer/2000 components:
■ Project Builder
■ Form Builder
■ Graphics Builder
■ Report Builder
■ Procedure Builder
■ Query Builder
■ Schema Builder
■ Translation Builder
You should be familiar with your computer and its operating system. For example,
you should know the commands for deleting and copying files and understand the
concepts of search paths, subdirectories, and path names. Refer to your Microsoft
Windows 95 or NT and DOS product documentation for more information.
You should also understand the fundamentals of Microsoft Windows, such as the
elements of an application window.
■ On Windows 95 or NT 4.0: You should be familiar with such programs as the
Explorer, Taskbar or Task Manager, and Registry.
■ On Windows NT 3.51: You should be familiar with such programs as the Pro-
gram Manager, File Manager, and Registry.
Notational Conventions
The following typographical conventions are used in this guide:
Convention Meaning
fixed-width font Text in a fixed-width font indicates commands that you enter
exactly as shown. Text typed on a PC is not case-sensitive unless
otherwise noted.
In commands, punctuation other than brackets and vertical bars
must be entered exactly as shown.
lowercase Lowercase characters in a command statement represent a vari-
able. Substitute an appropriate value.
UPPERCASE Uppercase characters within the text represent command
names, SQL reserved words, and keywords.
boldface Boldface is used to indicate user interface items such as menu
choices and buttons.
C> C> represents the DOS prompt. Your prompt may differ.
Related Publications
You may also wish to consult the following Oracle documentation:
Installing Developer/2000
This chapter explains how to install Developer/2000 for Windows NT and Win-
dows 95 and provides the following information to help you get started:
■ System Requirements
■ Installing Developer/2000
■ Using the Oracle Client Configuration Manager
■ Upgrading from a Previous Release
■ Removing Oracle Products
Option Description
Development Installation This option automatically installs a particular subset of the
Developer/2000 components. To list the components that are
installed with these installation options, click the Help button
in the Developer/2000 Installation Options dialog box
Deployment Installation This option automatically installs a particular subset of the
Developer/2000 components. To list the components that are
installed with these installation options, click the Help button
in the Developer/2000 Installation Options dialog box
Custom Installation or If you select this option, the Software Asset Manager dialog
Removal box is displayed, which offers the following information:
■ The products that are available for installation are listed
under Products available. The plus sign (+) to the left of a
product’s name indicates that this is the name of a soft-
ware package, which consists of a main application and
its supporting software. You can select the entire package
by clicking the line with the plus icon, or you can double-
click that line to display the pieces of the package, which
can be selected individually.
■ The products that are already installed on your machine
are listed under Products installed. Some of these may also
be software packages, and they behave as described in the
previous paragraph.
■ The disk space required for your selection and the disk
space currently available on your machine are displayed
in the Space Required area below the product lists.
The Software Asset Manager dialog box also contains the following buttons:
Button Use
Exit Closes the Software Asset Manager and exits the Oracle
Button Use
Options . . . Allows you to do the following:
■ Request confirmations before removing or installing prod-
■ Receive detailed messages and prompts during various
phases of the Oracle Installer's function.
■ Record the actions being performed by the Oracle
Installer in a log file.
View Log . . . Displays the Event Log. The Event Log displays installation
and configuration events in the Description Level you choose:
Summary, Brief, and Detail. You can store and retrieve logs
and save them to files.
By default, log files are stored in
from a previous logging exists, it is renamed to
If you want to keep more than two log files (.LOG and .OLG),
rename the .OLG file so that it is not overwritten.
Restore Icons Restores Oracle product icons that have been accidently
Help Displays the online Help system.
To install a product:
1. Click the desired product in the Products Available list.
As with other Windows-based applications, you can Shift+click to select a
series of products from the list, or you can Ctrl+click to select multiple, discon-
tinuous products.
For a single-client installation:
Select the Developer/2000 products you wish to install.
For a multiple-client installation:
Select Oracle Client Configuration Manager and Oracle Client Software Agent.
2. When you have selected all the products you wish to install, click the Install
Button Use
OK Save all changes and close the window.
Reset This Clear changes in the currently displayed page, for the cur-
rently displayed configuration only. All other changes are kept.
Reset All Clear changes on all pages, for all configurations. Effectively
returns the tool to the state it was in when it was opened.
Cancel Close the window without saving any changes.
Button Use
Help Display the online Help system.
stored as files on the client machine. You may wish to consider the following infor-
mation when deciding where to store your modules.
Before users can save modules to the server, you must build tables to accommodate
the modules and grant access privileges to users who will work with them.
2.1.1 Step 1: Installing the SQL scripts with the Oracle Installer
If you have not already done so, use the Oracle Installer to install the SQL scripts
needed to build and administer the Developer/2000 database tables.
To install the SQL scripts:
1. Start the Oracle Installer and select Custom Installation or Removal from the
Developer/2000 Installation Options dialog box. (Refer to Chapter 1 for more
information on the Oracle Installer.)
2. Select Developer/2000 Database Tables from the Available Products list.
3. Click Install.
Installing these scripts creates a Start menu item called Developer 2000 R2.0
Admin and the associated submenu items Developer 2000 Build, Developer 2000
Drop, Developer 2000 Grant, and Developer 2000 Revoke. These menu items,
when selected, run a script or a series of scripts to perform database administration
To back up a module:
1. Open the module in the appropriate Builder.
2. Save the module as an operating system file using the File→Save As command.
Once you have completed upgrading the database tables, you can restore the mod-
ules to the database.
To restore a module:
1. Open the module in the appropriate Builder.
2. Save the module as a database module using the File→Save As command.
The source files for your applications consist of the following:
■ Form Builder: .FMB, .MMB, and .PLL files
■ Report Builder: .RDF and .SQL files
■ Graphics Builder: .OGD files
■ Procedure Builder: .PLL files
■ Query Builder: .BRW and .SQL files
Note: All SQL scripts should be run under the SYSTEM account.
1. Back up the existing database tables and modules. (See Section 2.5.1 for details.)
2. Upgrade the existing tables by running the following script:
■ Productivity enhancements
■ Web deployment of applications
■ Scalability
■ Openness
3.1.1 Productivity
Developer/2000 employs rapid application design (RAD) techniques, object orien-
tation, built-in computer-based training, and a unified client-server architecture to
enhance productivity. Creating applications is simplified via re-entrant wizards and
through inheritance of reusable components. Developer/2000 applications can also
be created directly from models created using Oracle Designer/2000 (CASE).
Developer/2000 offers an environment for development teams of all sizes. The
new, integrated Project Builder manages all application components and external
components (such as multimedia content), and enables the components to be
opened with the appropriate tool. Project Builder increases productivity by facilitat-
ing deployment of completed applications. You can use Project Builder to package
applications into a .tar or .zip file and create your own installation scripts for use
with the Oracle Installer. Configuration management, including check-in, check-
out, version labeling, auto-recompilation, and difference reporting are all provided
through interfaces to popular source- and version-control packages.
3.1.3 Scalability
Scalability is inherent in the multi-tiered architecture of the product. It is explicit in
the support for server functionality, such as array DML, database cursors, bind vari-
ables, savepoints, and result sets, and it is definitive in the drag-and-drop client/
server object partitioning which dramatically reduces network traffic between cli-
ent and server. Developer/2000’s flexible multi-tier architecture supports Oracle7
application servers or third-party application servers such as TP monitors, ensuring
scalability from the desktop to the enterprise.
3.1.4 Openness
Standards-based interaction between Developer/2000 and other applications and
tools is enabled through OCX/ActiveX controls, OLE (Object Linking and Embed-
ding), and DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange). Support for a variety of multimedia for-
mats is complemented by an open architecture, giving developers the flexibility to
extend Developer/2000 applications and integrate other components into them.
Developer/2000 offers integration with Oracle databases as well as transparent
access to all major databases including Rdb, SQL Server, Informix, Sybase, and DB/
2. Database access is provided through ODBC database drivers as well as through
the Oracle Gateways.
A number of interfaces to third-party products are available from members of the
Open Tools Initiative. These interfaces include configuration management tools,
CASE and modeling tools, workflow engines, transaction processing (TP) monitors,
and many others.
create a subproject containing the charts, menus, libraries, and documents that com-
prise a large form.
The Project Wizard is a quick and easy way to create a project. You can use the
Project Wizard to create a project registry file, which provides a means for you to
associate the files that make up an application, thus enabling you to manage the
application-building process more efficiently. The Wizard leads you through the
steps necessary to define a project. You can define a new standalone project or a
subproject, name your project, select the directory in which it will reside, and spec-
ify a default connection. When you complete the Project Wizard, you’ll be ready to
start adding files.
The Global Registry stores information common to an entire Developer/2000 instal-
lation. This information is restricted to type definitions and their associated actions,
and built-in or user-defined properties. The use of the Global Registry is optional;
its functions can be performed by individual user registries.
User registries store configuration information on a per-user basis. Each user regis-
try inherits type information from the Global Registry and may contain new types
defined by the individual user. The user registry may also override aspects of type
definitions it inherits from the Global Registry. A user registry also stores environ-
ment and preference information, such as preferred connect strings, UI settings,
and certain general project information.
3.2.3 Process
To build a project using Project Builder, you perform the following steps:
1. Create a new project using the Project Wizard.
2. Add items (types, actions, macros, and files) to your project.
3. Build project and deliver application.
3.3.3 Process
To build a Form Builder application, you perform the following steps:
1. Create modules using the Object Navigator.
2. Create blocks and items manually or by using the Data Block Wizard.
3. Apply user interface standards to your objects using the Object Library.
4. Fine-tune the layout using the Layout Wizard or the Layout Editor.
5. Set properties using the Property Palette.
6. Add code using the PL/SQL Editor.
7. Test your application using the Forms Runtime component and the integrated
source-level debugger.
the properties of that object. When you need to compare the properties of two dif-
ferent objects, you can invoke additional Property Palettes as needed.
The integrated PL/SQL Editor enables you to write PL/SQL code from within
Graphics Builder. It provides a graphical interface for editing and debugging both
client- and server-side functions and procedures.
3.4.3 Process
To create a chart object using one of the predefined chart styles in Graphics Builder,
you perform the following steps:
1. Use the Chart Wizard to create a chart object, select a data source, and create a
query to specify the data to be plotted in the chart.
2. Select a chart type from the Chart Properties sheet.
3. Modify the chart and chart element properties as necessary.
4. Add code using the PL/SQL Editor.
5. Test your application using the Report Builder or Form Builder Runtime com-
ponent and the integrated source-level debugger.
6. Integrate the display with a form module.
When you complete the Report Wizard, your report is displayed in the Report Edi-
tor’s Live Previewer. The Live Previewer is a WYSIWYG editing environment for
making basic changes to your report layout. For more complex report editing, you
can use the Report Editor’s Data Model, Layout Model, and Parameter Form
views. (All of the Report Editor’s views are accessible from the View menu.) To gen-
erate HTML or PDF output from your report, use the Web Wizard.
To run reports on remote servers, you use the Reports Multi-tier Server (hereafter
referred to as the Reports Server). The Reports Server accepts job requests from cli-
ent machines and maintains a request queue. You can view and administer the
queue with the Reports Queue Manager (r30rqm32.exe). For information on how
to set up and use the Reports Server, refer to r30mtsus.htm in %ORACLE_HOME%/
To dynamically run reports from a Web client, you use the Reports Server in combi-
nation with the Reports Web Cartridge or Web CGI. The Reports Web Cartridge or
Web CGI enables your Web server to send report requests to the Reports Server for
execution and receive the report output back in the Web browser. For information
on how to set up and use the Reports Web Cartridge or Web CGI, refer to
r30ows.htm or r30cgi.htm in %ORACLE_HOME%/TOOLS/DOC20.
3.5.3 Process
To build a report using Report Builder, you perform the following steps:
1. Use the Report Wizard to create a report.
2. Edit the Report in the Live Previewer, Data Model, Layout Model, and Parame-
ter Form views of the Report Editor.
3. Run the report to the desired format and destination, such as PostScript printer,
HTML file, or PDF file.
3.6.3 Process
To create a program unit with Procedure Builder, you perform the following steps:
1. Use the GUI editor to create and compile PL/SQL program units.
2. Test the program unit in runtime simulation.
3. Perform debugging actions by controlling the flow of execution and examining
program state.
4. Iterate through the development cycle incrementally. Test program units imme-
diately after incorporating changes.
3.7.3 Process
To create a query using Query Builder, you perform the following steps:
1. In the Datasource panel, specify which tables to include in your query and the
columns to query from those tables.
2. Specify comparisons and other query properties such as sort order or summary
calculations, as necessary.
3. Execute the query.
4. Use the Data Editor to insert, update, and delete database rows.
3.8.3 Process
To create a schema using Schema Builder, you perform the following steps:
1. Create a new schema.
2. Select data tables for your schema.
3.9.3 Process
To translate a resource using Translation Builder, you perform the following steps:
1. Extract translatable strings from Oracle or non-Oracle resources and import
them into the Translation Repository.
2. Add a translation by indicating the language(s) to which a given module will
be translated.
3. Use the Translation Editor to execute the translation.
4. Preview the translation by performing appearance checking and tuning to pre-
serve an acceptable look and feel.
5. Extract the translated strings from the repository and merge them back into the
original resource or into copy of the original by using the export utility.
Index 47
defining options (OCCM), 21 process, 43
Developer/2000, 11 upgrading database tables, 30
Oracle Installer, 13 send us your comments, vii
resolving conflicts (OCCM), 22 Software Asset Manager, 14
system requirements, 11
notational conventions, x
Translation Builder, 44
major concepts, 44
O process, 45
Oracle Client Configuration Manager, 16 upgrading database tables, 30
permissions upgrading, 22
granting, 16 applications, 23
prerequisites, x database tables, 28
Procedure Builder, 40 Form Builder database tables, 29
major concepts, 40 Graphics Builder database tables, 30
process, 41 PL/SQL conversion utility, 24
upgrading database tables, 30 Procedure Builder database tables, 30
Project Builder, 35 Query Builder database tables, 30
major concepts, 35 Report Builder database tables, 30
process, 36 Schema Builder database tables, 30
to Windows 95 or Windows NT, 23
Q Translation Builder database tables, 30
Query Builder, 42
major concepts, 42 W
process, 42 web deployment, 34
upgrading database tables, 30
related publications, x
removing, 24
Report Builder
upgrading database tables, 30
system, 11
Schema Builder, 43
major concepts, 43
48 Index