Hidraulica de Tuberias J P Tellius
Hidraulica de Tuberias J P Tellius
Hidraulica de Tuberias J P Tellius
Paul Tullis
Copyright 1989 J ohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Utah State University
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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data:
Tullis, J. Pau!.
Hydraulics of pipelines: pumps, valves, cavitation, transients /
J. Paul Tullis.
p. cm.
HA Wiley-Interscience publication."
Bibliography: p.
Ineludes indexo
ISBN 0-471-83285-5
1. Pipe Iines-Hydrodynamics. 2. Pumping machinery. 3. Valves.
4. Cavitation. 5. Hydraulic transients. 1. Title.
TJ935.T85 1989
621.8'672--dc19 88-29159
Printed in the United States of America
l. Basic Concepts and Equations of Fluid Flow
1.1 Classification of Flow / 1
1.2 Fluid Properties / 3
1.3 Basic Equation / 9
1.4 Fluid Friction / 15
1.5 Minor Losses / 23
1.6 Introduction to Cavitation / 25
1.7 Introduction to Hydraulic Transients / 25
2. Design of Pipelines
2.1 Feasibility Study / 29
2.2 Economic Analysis / 31
2.3 Pipe Materials / 41
2.4 Pressure Class of Pipe / 42
2.5 Hydraulic Design / 44
3. Pumps
3.1 Pump Hydraulics / 54
3.2 Pump Selection / 63
3.3 Pump Operation / 73
3.4 Suction Piping / 75
3.5 Hydraulics of Pumping Pits / 76
3.6 Cavitation in Pumps / 78
4. Valves 81
4.1 Control Valves / 81
4.2 Hydraulic Characteristics / 87
4.3 Valve Selection and Sizing / 99
4.4 Pressure-Regulating Valves / 107
4.5 Check Val ves / 111
4.6 Air Valves / 114
5. Fundamentals of Cavitation
5.1 Types of Cavitation / 119
5.2 Effects of Cavitation / 120
5.3 Origin of Cavitation / 121
5.4 Damage Mechanism / 124
5.5 Suppressing Cavitation / 125
5.6 Cavitation Parameters / 126
5.7 Evaluating Cavitation Limits / 127
5.8 Scaling and Scale Effects / 129
6. Cavitation Data for Val ves
6.1 Cavitation Design Criteria / 133
6.2 Experimental Data / 138
6.3 Scale Effects / 144
6.4 Controlling Cavitation / 152
7. Cavitation Data for Orifices, Nozzles and Elbows
7.1 Orifice Scale Effects / 167
7.2 Zones of Cavitation Damage / 170
7.3 Nozzles and Sudden Enlargements / 172
7.4 Multihole Orifices / 173
7.5 Long-Radius Elbows / 175
7.6 Comments on Size Scale Effects / 177
8. Fundamentals of Hydraulic Transients
8.1 Definitions / 186
8.2 Basic Transient Equation / 188
8.3 Pressure-Wave Propagation Without Friction / 190
8.4 Instant and Effective Value Closure Time / 193
8.5 Wave Propagation With Friction / 196
8.6 Wave Speed / 197
8.7 Inftuence of Air on Wave Speed / 202
9. Numerical Solution of Transients
9.1 Method of Analysis / 205
9.2 Equation of Motion / 206
9.3 Equation of Continuity / 207
9.4 Method of Characteristics / 209
9.5 Finite Difference Solution / 210
9.6 Simple Boundary Conditions / 214
9.7 Basic Waterhammer Program / 216
9.8 Additional Boundary Conditions / 227
9.9 Surge Analysis / 231
9.10 Controlling Transients / 233
9.11 Complex Piping Systems / 239
10. Column Separation and Trapped Air
10.1 Column Separation / 243
10.2 Air Release During Column Separation / 247
10.3 Trapped Air / 250
Appendix A. Conversion Faclors
a Wave speed
Torque coefficient
A Area
Torque coefficient
Area of pipe at inlet to
Flow coefficient
ev control volume
AC Asbestos cement pipe
d,D diameter
B Transient coefficient
Orifice diameter
(Eq. 9.24)
DT Time step
bhp Brake horsepower
EGL Energy grade line
C Coefficient, pipe
e Pipe wall thickness
constraint (Eq. 8.12)
E Modulus of elasticity
C+, C-
Compatibility equations
em Motor efficiency
(Eq. 9.23)
ep pump efficiency
C1-CS Constants
f friction factor
Contraction coefficient/
F Force
jet area/pipe area
gpm Gallons per minute
Discharge coefficient
g acceleration of gravity
Discharge coefficient
H Head
cfs Cubic feet per second
Barometric pressure
h Friction loss
CM Eq.9.29
Hf Friction and minor
CP Eq.9.28 losses
es Control surface h Minor head loss
Maximum head loss P
Barometric prcssure
Absolute vapor pressure
Downstream pressure
PRV Pressure-relief valve
HGL Hydraulic grade line
P, Pumping suction
Total dynamic pump pressure or surge
head pressure
HP Unknown head PSE Pressure scale effects
hp Horsepower
Upstream pressure
Piezometric head of P
Vapor pressure
Absolute vapor pressure
Ht Turbine head
Gauge vapor pressure
Absolute vapor head
t1P Pressure difference
t1H Head drop
Flow rate
Interest rate
QI Initial ftow
ID Inside diameter
QP, QPD, Unknown ftow rates
k Relative roughness QPT,QD,
K Bulk modulus
minor loss coefficient
r Pipe or bubble radius
kW Kilowatts
R Hydraulic radius or
kW-hr Kilowatt hours
radius of gyration
R Friction coefficient
1 Pipe length or
(Eq. 9.25)
characteristic length
Re Reynolds number
mgd Million gallons per day
Rg Gas constant
m Mass ftow rate
RH Reservoir head
M Mass of air per unit
Surface tension
Number of years and
S Suction specific speed
and slope of EGL
Manning's friction
factor and number
sg Specific gravity
of nodes in series
SF Safety factor
connection Time
N Pump speed and pipt:
Valve cIosure time
T Temperature, tensile
NPSHa Net positive suction force and period of
head available oscillation (Eq. 9.60)
NPSHr Net positive suction u y-velocity component
head required
v x-velocity component
Specific speed
V Velocity
OD Outside diameter
Initial velocity
P Pressure
V ...
Velocity in suction line
v Volume Greek Symbols
VO Valve opening
VOL Cavity volume inside air
v Kinematic viscosity
chamber (Fig. 9.10)
p Fluid density
and in column
Dynamic viscosity and
Poisson's ratio
w z-velocity component
Specific weight
W Weber number or
A Constant in method of
weight of fluid
Wf Friction energy
Cavitation index
whp Water horsepower
T Wall shear stress
Pump energy
Fully developed wall
Rotational inertia
shear stress
Wt Turbine energy or
Pump efficiency
external load on pipe
x Linear dimension
XL Pipe length (Fig. 9.3) Incipient
XLPT Unknown lead inside er Critical
surge tank (Fig. 9.8)
id Incipient damage
y Linear dimension
eh Chocking
Exponent (Eq. 6.10)
io, eo, ido Reference or known
z, Z Elevation values
Suction lift for pump
This book is intended to serve as a reference for practicing engineers and as
a textbook for upper-division undergraduate or beginning graduate courses
in hydraulic designo The text covers the hydraulic aspects of pipeline
Chapter 1 is a review of basic concepts and equations of fluid flow related
to design and analysis of pipelines.
Chapter 2 includes the concept of feasibility studies. The discussion
addresses how decisions relating to the hydraulic design of the pipeline
impact the economic analysis. Materials on pipe material, selection of
pressure class of pipe, and the hydraulic design of the pipeline are included.
Examples demonstrate selection of pipe diameter for gravity flow and pump
Chapter 3 deals strictly with the hydraulic characteristics of centrifugal
pumps and their proper selection and operation. Almost all texts discuss the
internal workings of pumps and the homologous relationships. However,
few reference books adequately describe the relationship between the pump
and the system characteristics. Discussion and examples are given on
selection of single pumps, pumps in series, and pumps in parallel. The
discussion includes problems with starting, operating, and stopping pumps
to avoid excessive transients. Cavitation in pumps is also addressed.
The selection of control valves for a pipeline is a subject frequently
overlooked and can result in serious cavitation and other operational
problems. Chapter 4 describes various types of control valves, their hy-
draulic characteristics, and how they interact with operation of a system.
The function of values, iricluding energy dissipation, torque, cavitation, and
transients, is included.
Chapters 5 through 7 address cavitation, a subject usually treated superfi-
cially in university courses. Chapter 5 discusses the fundamentals of cavita-
tion and the influence of cavitation 00 the hydraulic system. Chapter 6 gives
details regarding the cavitation characteristics of valves. Examples of data
are included regarding how to dletermine the level of cavitation for values
and how to design systems to avoid excessive cavitation. Chapter 7 is a
similar treatment of cavitation characteristics of orifices, elbows, and other
pipeline components.
Chapters 8 and 9 introduce the concept of hydraulic transients, including
the causes of transients and means for controlling them. Basic equations are
used to derive a numerical method of predicting hydraulic transieots.
Chapter 9 develops the method of characteristics and the finite difference
solution needed for computer solution of hydraulic transients. Several
boundary conditions are discussed. Emphasis is on transients caused by
operation of valves. The steady-state pump boundary condition is included,
but there is no discussion of pump shutdown transients.
Methods of calculating transients when column separation occurs or when
air is trapped in a system are discussed in Chapter 10.
Hydraulics of Pipelines: Pumps, Valves, Cavitation, Transients. J . Paul Tullis
Copyright 1989 J ohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This chapter contains a brief review of fluid properties that are important in
c10sed conduit analysis. Next, the basic equations are reviewed and exam-
pies presented to demonstrate their application. Fluid friction, minor losses,
and hydraulic and energy grade lines are discussed and demonstrated with
examples. The chapter ends with a short explanation of cavitation and
hydraulic transients.
The two general c1assifications of flow are laminar and turbulento Laminar
flow can occur ii the liquid is highly viscous or ii the velocities are very low.
With laminar flow adjacent layers of liquid move without disturbing each
other. If dye were continuously injected at a point, it would form a thin
thread identiiying a streamline. Except for molecular diffusion, the dye
would not mix with the liquido With turbulent flow, there is mixing between
layers of fluid.
Viscosity of the liquid is the dominant factor for laminar flow. If viscous
forces are large compared with inertial forces, the flow can be laminar. The
Reynolds number, which is the ratio of inertia forces to viscous forces, is a
convenient parameter for predicting if a flow condition will be laminar or
turbulento The Reynolds number Re is defined as
Vd Vd
f..t v
For pipe flow, Vis usually the mean velocity, d diameter, p fluid density, .L
dynamic viscosity, and v kinematic viscosity. Equation 1.1 is dimensionless,
and any consistent system of units can be used.
The amount of pressure drop in a given length of pipe depends on
whether the flow is laminar, turbulent, or transitioning between the two. For
turbulent flow, the pressure drop varies with the length of pipe, the square
of the velocity, the pipe roughness, and the density and viscosity of the fluid,
and inversely with the diameter.
A friction coefficient f is often used to quantify the pipe roughness. (This
is discussed in detail in Section 1.4.) If Re <2000, the flow in a pipe will
usually be laminar. For this case, the friction coefficient f is a function only
of the Reynolds number and is calculated by
f ~
At Reynolds numbers between about 2000 and 4000 the flow is unstable
due to onset of turbulence. In this range, it is impossible to determine a
unique value of f. For Re> 4000, the flow becomes turbulent and f is a
function of both Re and pipe roughness. As Re increases, f eventualIy
becomes independent of Re and only depends on pipe roughness. This is
caBed fuBy turbulent flow. The range between laminar and fulIy turbulent
flow is a transition zone. Many practical pipe flow problems fall in this
transition region.
Fluid flow can also be c1assified as uniform or nonuniform, steady or
unsteady. Uniformity refers to spatial variations. Examples of uniform flow
would be flow in a straight pipe of constant diameter or flow in a prismatic
open channel at constant depth. Nonuniform flow occurs whenever there is
a change of flow direction or cross section of the conduit.
Steady flow means that at any point in the system the average flow
conditions do not vary with time. Unsteady flow can be subdivided accord-
ing to the rate at which the velocity or pressure is varying. If changes occur
slowly so that compressibility of the liquid is unimportant, the phenomenon
is referred to as a surge. Examples would be an oscillating U-tube or the rise
and fall of the water level in a surge tank.
If rapid changes occur in the velocity, pressure waves are generated and
transmitted through the pipe at the acoustic velocity. Such rapid velocity
changes often result in large pressure increases. This type of unsteady flow is
caBed a hydraulic transient or waterhammer.
Piping systems must be designed for both steady and unsteady flow
conditions. Chapters 1 and 2 concentrate on steady state design considera-
tions. Unsteady flow, inc1uding both surge and transient analysis, are
covered in detail in Chapters 8-10. Chapters 5-7, on cavitation, are a
combination of steady and unsteady flow. Cavitation can occur in a system
operating at steady flow, but the cavitation is unsteady because it is made up
of traveling cavities that grow and collapse rapidly.
Density (p) is defined as mass per unit volume. It is independent of
gravitational force, but does depend on temperature and pressure. For
liquids, this dependence is small and can sometimes be ignored. One
situation in which it cannot be ignored is during hydraulic transients. When
a transient is generated by a sudden decrease in velocity, the density
increases slightly, which creates an acoustic pressure wave and allows
potential energy to be stored in the fluid. This is discussed in detail in
Chapter 8.
For gases, the density is highly dependent on both pressure and tempera-
ture and this dependence must not be ignored. The absolute pressure P and
density pare related to absolute temperature by the perfect gas law
in which T is absolute temperature and R? is the gas constant independent of
temperature and pressure. Real gases below critical pressure and aboye
critical temperature generally obey the perfect gas law. Equation 1.3 shows
that absolute pressure, density, anl absolute temperature are linearly
Specific weight ( 'Y) is a measure of the weight or gravitational force acting
on a unit volume of fluid. It is related to density by
'Y = pg
in which g is the acceleration of gravity. Values for water at different
temperatures are listed in Table 1.1.
Pressure (P) is a measure of potential energy. For a static liquid open to
the atmosphere, it is directly proportional to the depth H below the liquid
surface. More specifically, it is the weight of water aboye a unit area, and
can be expressed as
P=pgH (1.5)
For a pressurized system, whether it be static or flowing, Hin Eq. 1.5 is
the height to which fluid would rise aboye the given point in an open
piezometer tube attached to the wall of the conduit. In the SI system,
p = kg/m
, g = m/s
, H = m, and P = N/m
= Pa. In the English system,
H = ft, P = slugslfe, g = ft/s
, P = Ib/ft
and 'Y = Ib/ft3.
The term H is often referred to as head. More precisely it should be
called pressure head or piezometric head. Pressure head can be measured
with a pressure gauge installed at the point of interest or with a manometer
tube. The height to which the water rises in the manometer is related to the
measured gauge pressure by Eq. 1.5. Piezometric head applies when the
reference datum for the pressure gauge or manometer is not at the point of
TABLE 1.1 Properties of water in English and SI units.
Specific Mass Dynamic Kinematic Surface Vapor of
Weight Density Viscosity Viscosity Tension Pressure Elasticity
p .L v S
CF) (lb/ft
) (slugslfe) (lb-s/fe) (ft
/s) (lb/ft) (ft.) (lb/in?)
32 62.42 1.940 3.746.10-
0.518' 10-
0.20 293.10
40 62.43 1.940 3.229 1.664 0.514 0.28 294
50 62.41 1.940 2.735 1.410 0.509 0.41 305
60 62.37 1.938 2.359 1.217 0.504 0.59 311
70 62.30 1.936 2.050 1.059 0.500 0.84 320
80 62.22 1.934 1.799 0.930 0.492 1.17 322
90 62.11 1.931 1.595 0.826 0.486 1.61 323
100 62.00 1.927 1.424 0.739 0.480 2.19 327
110 61.86 1.923 1.284 0.667 0.473 2.95 331
120 61.71 1.918 1.168 0.609 0.465 3.9 333
130 61.55 1.913 1.069 0.558 0.460 5.13 334
140 61.38 1.908 0.981 0.514 0.454 6.67 330
150 61.20 1.902 0.905 0.476 0.447 8.58 328
160 61.00 1.896 0.838 0.442 0.441 10.95 326
170 60.80 1.890 0.780 0.413 0.433 13.83 322
180 60.58 1.883 0.726 0.385 0.426 17.33 313
200 60.12 1.868 0.673 0.341 0.412 26.59 308
212 59.83 1.860 0.593 0.319 0.404 33.90 300
Source: Hydraulic models, ASeE Man. of Eng. Pract. 25, 1942.
Temp. kg/ms
(centipoise) (centistoke) N/m N/m
O 9805 999.9 1.792.10-
0.06 204.10
5 9806 1000.0 1.519 1.519 7.54 0.09 206
10 9803 999.7 1.308 1.308 7.48 0.12 211
15 9798 999.1 1.140 1.141 7.41 0.17 214
20 9789 998.2 1.005 1.007 7.36 0.25 220
25 9779 997.1 0.894 0.897 7.26 0.33 222
30 9767 995.7 0.801 0.804 7.18 0.44 223
35 9752 994.1 0.723 0.727 7.10 0.58 224
40 9737 992.2 0.656 0.661 7.01 0.76 227
45 9720 990.2 0.599 0.605 6.92 0.98 229
50 9697 988.7 0.549 0.556 6.82 1.26 230
55 9679 985.7 0.506 0.513 6.74 1.61 231
60 9658 983.2 0.469 0.477 6.68 2.03 228
65 9635 980.6 0.436 0.444 6.58 2.56 226
70 9600 977.8 0.406 0.415 6.50 3.20 225
75 9589 974.9 0.380 0.390 6.40 3.96 223
80 9557 971.8 0.357 0.367 6.30 4.86 221
85 9529 968.6 0.336 0.347 6.20 5.93 217
90 9499 965.3 0.317 0.328 6.12 7.18 216
95 9469 961.9 0.299 0.311 6.02 8.62 211
100 9438 958.4 0.284 0.296 5.94 10.33 207
measurement. These concepts will be discussed more thoroughly in sub-
sequent sections.
Gas pressure can be measured with a pressure gauge or a liquid-filled
manometer tube in the same way as for liquids. However, when applying
Eq. 1.5 to relate head (or height of the liquid column in the tube) to the
measured pressure, it is necessary to use 'Y of the liquid in the tube, not 'Y of
the gas.
Surface tension (s), or more correctly surface energy, is an interesting
phenomenon occurring only at interfaces. This can be a liquid-liquid, a
liquid-gas, or a liquid-solid interface. It is this energy that causes a water
droplet to have a somewhat spherical shape, causes liquids to rise in small
tubes, and allows insects to skate on water, etc. Surface tension forming
water droplets can be likened to the tension in a water filled balloon. The
tension of the surface film (or of the rubber) causes the pressure inside the
bubble to be greater than the external pressure. This difference in pressure
I::.P is related to the surface tensions by
I::.P = 2s/r (1.6)
in which r is the bubble radius. Equation 1.6 identifies the units of s to be
force per unit length. Surface tension is a fluid property and is only affected
by temperature. (Values for water are listed in Table 1.1.) Since it is a fluid
property it is always present. However, it does not always need to be
incIuded in analyses. The decision to incIude or ignore s in fluid problems
depends on its relative importance to the other forces, such as gravity or
viscosity. Comparison of the relative importance of the surface-tension
forces is commonly done with the Weber number W, which is the ratio of
inertial forces to surface-tension forces defined as
W= V"Lp
in which Vand L are sorne characteristic velocity and length. For example,
if one were interested in a gas bubble rising in a liquid column, the
characteristic velocity would be the rise velocity and L would be the radius
of the gas bubble.
Surface tension can often be ignored if there is no free surface or
interface. Therefore, for most pipe flow problems it is left out of the
Bulk modulus of elasticity (K) of a liquid is a measure of its compressibili-
ty. For many applications it is appropriate to consider liquids incompress-
ible. In other situations, such as hydraulic transients where large pressure
changes occur rapidly, compressibility is very important. The bulk modulus
is defined as
( 1.8)
in which V is the Iiquid volume and AP the increase in pressure which causes
a volume decrease of AV. The units of K are the same as for pressure (se e
Table 1.1). A typical value of K for water at normal temperature and
pressure is 300,000 psi, or 2068 mPa. To gain an appreciation for the
compressibility of water, consider the pressure increase required to reduce
the volume by 0.1 %.
AP = -300,000/( -0.001) = 300 psi or 2068 kPa
Even though the volume change is small for large pressure increases, it is
important in the development of transient analysis. The speed of an acoustic
pressure wave traveling through a rigid conduit is directly related to the bulk
modulus by
a ~
The speed a of the pressure wave and its magnitude are both dependent
on the bulk modulus. The larger K is, the greater the pressure rise during a
transient. If there is a small amount oi free air in the Jiquid, compressibility
is dramatically increased, K and a are correspondingly reduced, and tran-
sient pressures will be smaller.
Vapor pressure (PJ is another fluid property which is temperature
dependent. A simple definition is that vapor pressure is the value of the
absolute external pressure on the liquid surfaces at which boiling occurs for
a given temperature. Values of P
for water are given in Table 1.1. When
vaporization occurs by increasing the temperature and keeping the pressure
constant, it is called boiling. Vaporization can also occur if the temperature
is held constant and the pressure reduced. Called cavitation, this represents
one of the serious problems relative to operation oi hydraulic equipment
and machinery.
For a simple example of cavitation, consider drawing water from a well by
a vacuum pump. As the pressure in the suction pipe is reduced, atmospheric
pressure P
acting on the water forces it into the pipe. When the suction
pressure reaches vapor pressure, the water at the interface starts to vaporize
and the water column stops rising. Additional suction does not further
reduce the pressure. Consequently, if a pump is placed too high abo ve the
water level, it cannot supply any water.
The maximum suction lift of a pump is (P
- P
) /y. The actual place-
ment of a pump must be significantly less than this beca use when water is
flowing, hydraulic losses and turbulence cause the instantaneous pressure at
the pump suction to be less than is calculated from the elevation difference
between the water surface and the pump.
Analysis to determine if cavitation will occur involves the cavitation
index, which is the ratio oi forces suppressing cavitation to forces causing
cavitation. Two forms of the index are
(P - P
) (P + P
- P
(J'= AP = AP
in which P is a reference pressure, P
the gauge vapor pressure, P
absolute vapor pressure, and P
the barometric or atmospheric pressure.
The force suppressing cavitation is the difference between the reference
pressure and the liquid vapor pressure. The force causing cavitation is
directly proportional to the local kinetic energy of the fluid which is related
to AP. The cavitation index is the ratio of these two forces. Other forms of
this equation are discussed in Chapter 5.
Figure 1.1 shows graphically the relationship between P
and P
' Since
vapor pressure is a fluid property, its absolute value depends only on
temperature (see Table 1.1). The average atmospheric pressure at any
altitude can be approximated by
= 14.7 - O.0005z
in which P
is in psi and z is in feet.
Viscosity is a fluid property which only has meaning when the fluid is in
motion. It is a measure of a fluid's resistance to shear stresses. To under-
stand viscosity, consider a flat pI ate floating on the surface of a liquido The
instant the block is placed into motion only the liquid in direct contact with
the block moves. This is because the liquid molecules in contact with the
solid are held by molecular attraction and will always have the same velocity
as the solido Movement of lower layers of liquid depend on shear stresses
being transmitted from the upper fluid layers.
The liquid at the bottom of the container will always remain at rest. This
Pressure to be measured
Vapor pressur.e
Fig. 1.1 Vapor pressure definitions.
Absolute zero
creates a velocity gradient dV/ dy in the vertical y direction. The relationship
between shear stress 'j and velocity gradient can be expressed as
in which the proportionality constant p, is the dynamic viscosity.
If the solid plate in the preceding example moves at a small velocity so
that the movement of the liquid is laminar, experiments have shown that a
linear velocity gradient will be established and the shear stress will be equal
at aH elevations in the liquid for this case
Application of the preceding principIe is the basis for many instruments
used to measure viscosity. Viscosity can only be measured experimentally
and varies significantly with temperature. Values are listed in Table 1.1. In
dealing with viscosity, the term p,/p is encountered frequently enough that it
has been given a separate name: kinematic viscosity v.
The importance of viscosity in fluid flow problems is related to the
Reynolds number Re defined by Eq. 1.1. Since Re is the ratio of inertia
forces to viscous forces, smaHer values of Re identify situations where
viscosity is more important. The upper limit of Re aboye which viscous
forces are not important varies with each physical problem.
Part of any hydraulic analysis is identifying which of the fluid properties
are significant and must be considered. When generating design data in the
laboratory it is often not physicaHy possible to account for all important fluid
properties. In such cases, the experimental data will only accurately repre-
sent the phenomenon over the range of test conditions. If the data are
extrapolated to a different velocity, size, water temperature, etc., errors will
be introduced due to the experimental limitations. This is referred to as a
scale effect. Such scale effects will be considered in subsequent sections.
Solution to most fluid flow problems generaHy involves the application of
one or more of the three basic equations: continuity, momentum, and
energy. These three basic tools are developed from the law of conservation
of mass, Newton's second law of motion, and the first law of ther-
Continuity Equation
The simplest form of this equation is for one dimensional incompressible
steady flow in a closed conduit. Applying continuity between any two
sections gives
in which A is the cross sectional are a of the pipe, V the mean velocity at that
same location, and Q the flow rateo Equation 1.13 is valid for any rigid
conduit as long as there is no addition or loss of Iiquid between the sections.
If the fluid is compressible, density must be added to the equation
in which m is the mass flow rateo
For two- or three-dimensional flow, such as at a pipe junction, Eq. 1.14
can be generalized to
which when applied to pipes means that the summation (or integration) of
the mass flux through the pipes at a junction must be zero. This approach
works well for any situation where are as are easily calculated and the
velocity is uniform and normal to the area.
The continuity equation for steady incompressible fluid can be made more
general by considering a control surface es that completely encompasses the
region of interest. The surface integral of the mass flux through the control
surfaces must be zero. Since the local velocity may not be normal to its
corresponding incremental area, the vector dot product of the velocity
vector V and the element of are a dA (a vector quantity) must be used. The
continuity equation becomes
r pY.dA=O
The restriction on Eq. 1.16 is that there is no change in storage within the
control volume cv which is bounded by the control surface cs. The final step
in completely generalizing the continuity equation is to remove this limita-
tion. Instead of being equal to zero, the net mass flux through the control
surface must exactly equal the time rate of change of mass inside the control
volume or
r p y . dA = r p dv
Jcs at Jcv
in which v is volume.
The preceding five forms of the continuity equation are in an integral
form and apply to finite areas or volume. If information is desired on a very
small elemental area or a small control volume, the differential form is
necessary. This form of the equation, in Cartesian coordinates, is developed
by considering a cubical control volume whose dimensions are ~ x ~ y ~ z .
The net mass flux in each coordinate direction through the appropriate
elemental flow surfaces is calculated. The change of storage or com-
pressibility must also be considered. The result is
ap + a(pu) + a(pv) + a(pw) = O
at ax ay az
in which u, v and w are the components of velocity in the x, y and z
coordinate directions. If the flow is steady, the first term beco mes zero. If
the flow is steady and the fluid incompressible, p can be eliminated and the
equation simplified to
au/ax + av/ay + aw/az = O (1.19)
Momentum Equation
This equation, sometimes referred to as the equation of motion or the linear
momentum equation, is derived from Newton's second law. The principie
can be stated as follows: The net force acting on a control volume is equal to
the net momentum flux through the control surface plus the time rate of
change of momentum inside.
Since momentum is the product of mass and velocity, it is a vector
quantity acting in the same direction as the velocity vector. To apply it, one
must first identify a control volume. Consider steady two-dimensional flow
in a pipe elbow. The control volume is made up of the physical boundaries
of the elbow and two cross sectional areas 1 and 2 cut through the elbow
such that they are normal to the local velocity vectors V
and V
velocity pro file is assumed to be uniform at sections 1 and 2. Since the flow
is steady, the time rate of change of momentum is zero. The momentum flux
at the two stations is the vector dot product of the mass flow and the local
velocity vector. The x component of the force required to hold the elbow in
equilibrium plus the x component of the pressure force at the two cut
sections is equal to the net momentum flux in the x direction.
For incompressible flow, this equation can be reduced to
(1.21 )
These equations can easily be applied to a three dimensional flow problem
by adding equations in the y and z directions.
If the flow is unsteady or if it is not possible to select the control volume
so that the velocity vector is everywhere normal to the control surface, the
general integral form of the momentum equation should be used. The x
component is
IFx=a/at r pudv+ r puV'dA
JClJ Jes
The other two components are similar. For application to flow in rigid
conduits, it is usually not necessary to formally integrate Eq. 1.22. An
example of this is in Chapter 8, where the unsteady momentum equation is
used to develop the basic equations for analyzing hydraulic transients.
Energy equation
The tirst law of thermodynamics sta tes that the change of internal energy of
a system is equal to the sum of the energy added to the fluid and the work
done by the fluid. A general form of the energy equation for incompressible
pipe flow (assuming a uniform velocity protile) is
The units of each term are energy per unit mass. The tirst two terms on both
sides of the equation are potential energy, the third term is kinetic energy,
is pump energy added to the system, W, is turbine energy removed from
the system, and W represents friction and other minor energy losses.
Equation 1.23 is restricted to steady flow and ignores nuclear, electrical,
magnetic and surface-tension energy.
An alternate form of the energy equation is obtained by dividing Eq. 1.23
by gravity. The units are energy per unit weight of liquid: ft-lb/lb or
N-m/N, which reduces to ft or m, respectively, after simplitication. This
form of the equation is
PI vi v;
- + z + - = P !'" + z + - - H
+ H, + Hf
Y I 2g 2 1 2 2g
The tirst three terms are pressure head (Ply), elevation head (z) aboye
sorne datum, and velocity head (V
/2g). The last three terms on the right
side of the equation are the total dynamic head added by a pump (H
) or
removed by a turbine (H,) and the friction plus minor head losses (Hf)' If
there is no pump or turbine and if friction losses are negligible, the last three
terms disappear and Eq. 1.24 reduces to the Bernoulli equation.
Energy is a scalar quantity and the energy equation is a point function.
This means that when comparing the energy at any two points in a system,
any path taken to get from point 1 to 2 must produce the same energy at
point 2. This is a basic principIe used in pipe network analysis.
When applying the energy equation to pipelines, it is convenient and
instructive to show it graphicalIy. This is demonstrated with a simple system
shown in Fig. 1.2. Six locations have be en identified. At each point, the
various terms of the energy equation are shown by arrows aboye the
reference datum. At point 1, on the surface of the upstream reservoir, the
gauge pressure is zero (atmospheric) and there is no velocity. The entire
energy is z l' At point 2, also in the reservoir but at the elevation of the pipe
outlet, the total energy is Z2 + P
/Y. At point 3, just inside the pipe, the fluid
has attained a velocity and hence sorne kinetic energy. The total energy is
Z3 + P3/Y + V;l2g. Ignoring minor losses, the total energy is the same at
sections 1, 2, and 3. One point to note is how the division between the three
types of energy depends on the location.
As the water moves through the pipe, the total energy reduces due to
friction. The energy must eventualIy equal Z6' which is the total energy in
the second reservoir. If the pipe has a constant diameter, the velocity will be
the same at all sections and hence the velocity head (V
/2g) will be equal at
sections 3, 4, and 5. If the pipe roughness is uniform, then each length of
Fig. 1.2 Hydraulic and energy grade lines.
pipe will have the same friction loss. The system will self adjust until the
friction and minor losses just equal ZI - Z6'
The Une connecting points of total energy is called the energy grade line
(EGL). For the case just described, the EGL has a constant slope. The line
connecting the points of elevation plus pressure is called the hydraulic grade
/ine (HGL). For the example in Fig. 1.2, the lines are parallel beca use the
pipe has a constant diameter and roughness.
The height of the EGL aboye the datum is commonly referred to as the
total head, and the height of the HGL aboye the datum is called the
piezometric head.
A simple application of the energy equation is a tlow measuring venturi,
as shown in Fig. 1.3. A venturi is a contracted section of pipe designed to
prevent tlow separation and minimize hydraulic losses. The constriction
creates a locally high velocity and a correspondingly reduced pressure.
Properly designed, there is negligible loss between sections 1 and 2 so that
-+z +-=-+z +-
y I 2g Y 2 2g
The form of the equation is the same, regardless of the datum or the
orientation of the venturi. Expressing V and V
as a function of Q and areas
A and A
t:..H = (Ply + z) - (P
/y + Z2) = i; (l/A;
The left side of the equation is the difference in the HGL (or piezometric
heads) between points 1 and 2 in Fig. 1.3. This head change t:..H is easily
measured by a differential manometer and is independent of the orientation
____ -------------tt-t vj
l' l'
Z z2
Fig.l.3 Venturi flow meter.
of the venturi. The equation for flow through a venturi the preceeding
equation reduces to
Q= CY/1H.
Application of the energy equation requires an accurate estimate of the
energy losses caused by shear stress between the fluid and the boundary.
Eq. 1.12 identifies that the shear stress is a function of viscosity and the
velocity gradient near the boundary. The velocity gradient is controlIed by
the velocity, the boundary roughness, and thickness of the boundary layer.
Consider turbulent flow in the entry region of a rough pipe. If flow is
provided from a large chamber with a well designed nozzle, the velocity
distribution at the entrance to the pipe will be uniform except for a thin
boundary layer. N ear the boundary, the velocity gradient and consequently
the shear stress will be maximal. With increasing distance, the boundary
layer thickens due to momentum interchange caused by turbulent eddies
generated in the boundary layer. This reduces the velocity gradient and local
shear stress. This continues until the thickness of the boundary layer equals
the radius of the pipe. Beyond that point, only minor changes occur in the
velocity profile as it evolves into its fulIy developed shape.
The variation of relative walI shear stress 71T
in a pipe has shown that
near the pipe entrance the local shear 7 is about 2.5 times the fulIy
developed value 7
(78). It reduces rapidly with distance, approaching 7
about 15 pipe diameters. The velocity profile takes longer to develop. If the
pipe entran ce is not weIl rounded and flow separation occurs (as for an
abrupt or reentrant condition), the velocity profile and wall shear stress
reach their steady-state values in a shorter length. This is al so the case for
flow downstream from a valve or orifice. The high level of local turbulence
is efficient in reestablishing the velocity profile and walI shear stress.
Another case of nonuniform flow where local shear stress can be affected
is downstream from two elbows out of plane, or a valve and elbow
combination. For such cases, secondary flows are established that can
produce a significant velocity component in the circumferential direction.
This increases the velocity near the walI and increases the shear stress. This
spiral flow can persist for many pipe diameters.
Although of fundamental interest, nonuniform flow and its influence on
walI shear stress is seldom a significant problem in pipeline designo One
reason is that most systems are long enough that the length influenced by a
variable 7 is insignificant. If the system is short, it frequently contains many
bends, vaIves, transitions, etc., whose influence completely overshadows the
friction losses. The most significant problem with pipeline design is to obtain
a reliable value of the shear stress or pipe friction factor for fully developed
flow or the loss coefficients for local losses.
From an engineering point of view, it is not practical to work in terms of
wall shear stress since it requires detailed information on the velocity
gradient. The velocity gradient not only varies with distance in developing
flow, but it is al so a function o velocity and viscosity for fully developed
flow. It is easier to work in terms of the average shear stress or friction loss
over a length of pipe. The friction loss between two points in a pipe is equal
to the decrease in the total head or EGL. Dimensional analysis can be used
to provide a functional relationship between the friction loss h, the im-
portant fluid properties, and flow parameters. The resulting equation is
called the Darcy-Weisbach equation:
h = -- = ...!--=--"
2gd 1.23gd
The friction factor f has been evaluated experimentally for numerous
pipes. Such tests have shown f to be a function of pipe diameter, roughness,
and Reynolds number Re. Since roughness may vary with time due to
buildup of solid deposits or organic growths, f is also time dependent.
Manufacturing tolerances also cause variations in the pipe diameter and
surface roughness. The point that is being made is that it is really not
possible to know the friction factor of any pipe precisely. A designer is
required to use good engineering judgment in selecting a design value for f
so that proper allowance is made for these factors.
The functional relationship of fwith roughness e, diameter d, and Re has
been investigated quite thoroughly. The pioneering work was done by
Nikuradse (41) and Colebrook (12). Their work is the basis o the Moody
chart (38), Fig. 1.4, which provides a graphical means of evaluating f. The
chart ineludes: 1) the laminar region where f = 64/Re; 2) the critical region,
2000 < Re < 4000, where a unique value of f does not exist; 3) the transition
region between a smooth pipe and a fully rough pipe where f is a function of
eld and Re; and 4) the fully turbulent zone wherefis a function of eld only.
Using the Moody diagram to get f requires that Re and eld be known.
Calculating Re is easy if the tempei-ature, velocity, and pipe diameter are
known. The problem is obtaining a good value for e, the roughness height.
Typical values of e are listed in the lower left-hand comer of Fig. 1.4. For
other values, see page 6.9 of Reference 31. These values should be
considered as guides only and not be used if more exact information is
available. The value of e for commercial pipe is not directly measurable, so
it is evaluated indirectly. The procedure is to test several lengths of a given
pipe over a range of Reynolds numbers to get f versus Re. By plotting the
data on the Moody diagram, the value of eld can be determined.
The original Colebrook equation used to develop the Moody diagram was
in implicit form and therefore required an iterative solution. Wood (85)
~ 0.04
~ 0.025
le ;o, '" Complete turbulence, rough pipes -
_ " 0.05
-- _ , _ 0.04
, 0.03
- " _ , 0.02
~ 0.015 ,,1<:l
~ " -0.01 ~
~ - . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0.008 E
_ " _ 0.006 ~
" 0.004 1:
-- , - . ~
" 0.002 .,
, -
::::::- ' 0.001 &!
~ 0.0008
" 0.0006
Commercial steel
Asbestos cement
e, ft
_, 0.0004
__ _', 0.0002
__ _ '...... 0.0001
Cast iron
Galvanized iron
______ o _ 0.000,05
Reynolds number
Fig. 1.4 The Moody diagram.
developed an explicit form of the Colebrook equation which closely approxi-
mates it for Re> 10
and 10-5 < k < 0.04 (k = e/d):
a = O.094ko.
+ 0.53k, b = 88ko.
, e = 1.62ko.
Such an equation is especially helpful for computer solutions, since it
actually stores most of the Moody chart in an easily retrievable formo For
large-diameter pipes, Reference 76 provides results of numerous field tests
of f. This reference is helpful in providing more confidence in estimating f
for large pipes.
A relationship between f and T can be developed by applying the
momentum equation to steady flow in a pipe. Consider the short pipe
segment shown in Fig. 1.5 and apply the steady momentum equation with
the direction of flow as the x direction.
The weight component can be simplified by
W sin a = yAL sin a = yA(Z2 - Zl)
~ - - - - - - _____________ E ~ G ~ L ________________ - - ~
zg HGL
--i- v'
Fig. 1.5 Steady-state fiow in a pipe.
Combining this with the pressure terms, dividing by 'YA and rearranging,
( :1 + ZI) - ( ; + Z2) = 4T
The left side is the difference in piezometric head which is defined as the
friction 10ss h
, or the drop in the EGL as shown in Fig. 1.2. This loss is the
same h
calculated from the Darcy-Weisbach equation (Eq. 1.25). Substitut-
ing in Eq. 1.25 and rearranging provides the following functional rela-
Application of tbe Darcy Equation
Problems involving pipe friction generally fall into one of three categories.
The steps involved in solving these three cases are summarized. It is
assumed that in eaeh case the water temperature and, henee, the viscosity is
CASE 1. Given: L, d, e, T, and V; Find: h
. This case is simple beeause it
has a direct solution involving only two steps:
(a) Calculate Re and e/d and findffrom the Moody chart (Fig. 1.4) or
from Eq. 1.26.
(b) Using Eq. 1.25, calculate h
CASE 2. Given: L, d, e ,T and h
; Find: V. This case requires a trial and
error solution because f is a function of an unknown V. There are a number
of ways to solve it. The following is but one. The solution can be pro-
grammed into a hand-held calculator, computer, or done with a spreadsheet
using a microcomputer.
(a) Assume a reasonable velocity (5-10 fps,) and ealculate Re.
(b) Calculate e/d and find f from the Moody chart or Eq. 1.26.
(e) Using Eq. 1.25, ealculate the velocity corresponding to the available
(d) Compare the ealculated V with the assumed value. If it is signifieantly
different calculate a new Re, pick a new f and repeat the process.
CASE 3. Given: L, e, Q, T, and h
; Find: d. This case is typical of the
first step in designing a pipeline where the available head drop and flow
rates are known and the pipe diameter is needed. This solution is also tri al
and error beeause f is a function of V, which is unknown. Again, several
solution schemes can be used. One is suggested. If f is known or assumed,
then the solution is directo Remember that only commercially available pipe
diameters can be used.
(a) Using Eq. 1.25 and a trial value of f= 0.01 to 0.02, calculate a trial
diameter d and select the next largest available pipe di ame ter .
(b) Calculate e/ d, V, and Re and get an adjusted f from Fig. 1.4 or Eq.
(c) Check h using Eq. 1.25. If the calculated h is less than the available
h, the pipe is adequate. If there is a large difference in the two h
values, check the next smallest pipe diameter.
(d) Select the smallest pipe that produces a h less than or equal to the
available h. It is seldom possible to exactly match the calculated and
available h values. To make them match would require a non-
standard pipe size.
In all of the above examples, it is necessary to allow for aging and
uncertainties involved in determining the friction factor. This can be done
by increasing the f factor obtained from the Moody chart or allowing an
adequate difference between the calculated and available head losses. If it is
necessary to have the exact discharge, the difference can be made up by a
control valve so that the required flow rate is provided. As the pipe ages,
less pressure drop would be required by the valve.
Other Empirical Formulas
The Darcy-Weisbach equation (Eq. 1.25) is commonly used in academic
circ1es to ca1culate head loss because it is the most exact. This is because the
variation of f with pipe roughness and Reynolds number is properly
accounted for when the Moody diagram (Fig. 1.4) or Woods' equation
(1.26) is used. Two other equations in use are the Hazen-WilIiams and
Manning formulas.
V= 1.318C
V = 0.85ChRo.63S0.54
V = 1.486 R
V= .!R0667S0.5
In the above equations, R is the hydraulic radius = area/wetted perimeter
(R = d/4 for circular pipe flowing full), S is the slope of the energy grade
line = hl L, and C
and n are roughness factors or friction coefficients.
The friction coefficients eh and n are assumed to be independent of
Reynolds number. Even though this is not correct, the uncertainty involved
in obtaining a reliable value of the friction coefficients can introduce an
error as large as the variation with Reynolds number.
Engineers in the waterworks field generalIy use the Manning or the
Hazen-Williams equation. This choice may have been based on simplifica-
tions of their solution due to the availability of special slide rules, tables,
nomographs, and charts. The availability of modern hand calculators and
computers makes the solution of any of the equations so simple that this is
no longer a factor. Even so, it is unlikely that there will be any significant
change in the preferred equation by the various user groups. It is therefore
advisable to be familiar with alI three equations.
Manning's n values are listed in Table 1.2. Extreme values of n range
from 0.01 for new pipe in excelIent condition to 0.035 for an extremely
rough pipe. Typical values used in design range from 0.011 to 0.017. The
same caution should be exercised using these values as was suggested for the
tabulated f values in Fig. 1.4. Whenever possible, obtain information from
the manufacturer. Suggested values of Hazen-Williams eh are listed in
Table 1.3. Values of eh range from 140 for new pipe in excelIent condition
to less than 100 for old pipe in poor condition. Typical values would be
between 120 and 130.
TABLE 1.2 Values of Manning's Coefficient n
Use in
Variation Designing
Kind ofPipe From To From To
Clean uncoated cast-iron pipe 0.011 0.015 0.013 0.015
Clean coated cast-iron pipe 0.010 0.014 0.012 0.014
Dirty or tuberculated cast-iron pipe 0.015 0.035
Riveted steel pipe 0.013 0.017 0.015 0.017
Lock-bar and welded pipe 0.010 0.013 0.012 0.013
Galvanized-iron pipe 0.012 0.017 0.015 0.017
Brass and glass pipe 0.009 0.013
Wood-stave pipe 0.010 0.014
Wood-stave pipe, small diameter 0.011 0.012
Wood-stave pipe, large diameter 0.012 0.013
Concrete pipe 0.010 0.017
Concrete pipe with rough joints 0.016 0.017
Concrete pipe, "dry mix," rough forms 0.015 0.016
Concrete pipe, "wet mix," steel forms 0.012 0.014
Concrete pipe, very smooth 0.011 0.012
Virtrified sewer pipe 0.010 0.017 0.013 0.015
Common clay drainage tile 0.011 0.017 0.012 0.014
Source: R. Manning, "Flow of Water Open Channels and Pipes," Trans. Inst. Civil Engrs.
(lreland), vol. 20, 1890.
TABLE 1.3 Values of Hazen-Williams coefficient eh
Character of Pipe
Hazen-Williarns Coefficients
of Roughness eh
New or in excellent condition cast-iron
and steel pipe with cernent, or
bituminous linings centrifugally
spun, cernent-asbestos pipe, copper
tubing, brass pipe, plastic pipe, and
glass pipe
Older pipe listed aboye in good
condition, and/or pipes, cernent rnortar
lined in place with good workrnanship,
larger than 24 in. in diarneter
Cernent mortar lined pipe in place,
srnall di ame ter with good
workrnanship or large diarneter with
ordinary workrnanship: work stave;
tar-dipped cast-iron pipe new and/ or
old in inactive water
Old unlined or tar-dipped cast-iron
pipe in good condition
Old cast-iron pipe severely tuberculated
or any pipe with heavy deposits
aReference 3. (Courtesy the American Society of Civil Engineers.)
Limiting Velocities
For systems where the pipes are long and the available head is limited, the
calculations may produce a velocity that is too low. If the velocity is below
about 3 fps, problems may develop due to suspended solids settling out or
trapped air that cannot be removed. The safe lower limit to avoid se dime n-
tation depends on the amount and type of sediment. The velocity required
to remove air is generally about 2-3 fps. It varies sorne with the pipe
diameter and slope. The velocity to remove air is generally larger than the
sedimentation velocity. Usually, there is no problem with minimum velocity
at the design flow rate because normal velocities are in the range of 5-10
fps. The problem arises when the pipe is operated at low fiow rates. If long
periods of low flows are anticipated sorne provision should be made to flush
at higher velocities periodically.
It is also necessary to consider the safe upper limit of the velocity.
Problems associated with high velocities are: 1) erosion of the pipe wall or
liner (especially if coarse suspended sediment is present), 2) cavitation, 3)
increased pumping costs, 4) hydraulic transients. Criteria for cavitation and
transient analysis are discussed in later chapters.
For short high head gravity flow systems, when the pipe di ame ter is
increased to limit the maximum velocity, sorne type of energy dissipator
(valve, orifice, etc.) must be installed to make up for the decreased friction
Minor losses is a term referring to losses that occur at a pipe entrance,
elbow, orifice, valve, etc. They are more appropriately called local losses.
The term minor loss is really only appropriate if the summation of all the
local losses produce a head loss that is small compared with the friction loss.
For short systems, friction may be negligibly small compared with the
minor losses. Judgment must be used in deciding how important the minor
los ses are and, therefore, how much effort should be expended in evaluating
the various loss coefficients.
Energy dissipation, or head loss, caused by a local disturbance is due
primarily to the formation and decay of turbulent eddies. Consider fiow
through an orifice as an example. Separation of fiow at the lip of the orifice
plate causes an in tense shear layer between the jet and the separation zone.
This creates eddies having high rotational velocities. These eddies are
destroyed by viscous shear and interaction with other eddies, causing a loss
of energy. This is discussed in more detail in Chapter 5.
The head loss h caused by a minor loss is proportional to the velocity
h = 2gA
The loss coefficient K is analogous to [Lid in Eq. 1.25. In fact, sorne prefer
to express loss coefficients as an equivalent pipe length: Lid = KI[. It
simply represents the length of pipe that produces the same head loss as the
minor loss. This is a convenient means of incJuding minor los ses in the
Hazen-Williams and Manning equations. The friction slope S in Eqs. 1.28
and 1.29 is calculated by dividing the available head drop by the sum of the
actual pipe length and the equivalent length of all minor losses. Nomographs
for finding the equivalent length for several fittings are available (3 and 13).
It is important to note that there is not one unique equivalent length of pipe
for a given minor loss, since it depends on the pipe roughness. When these
losses are truly minor, this problem beco mes academic because the error
only influences losses which make up a small percentage of the total. For
cases where accurate evaluation of alllosses is important, it is recommended
that the Darcy equation and the minor loss coefficients be used.
For use with the Darcy equation, K is used rather than equivalent length.
The total head loss term in the energy equation can be written as
The summation term represents the numerical sum of all minor loss
coefficients. If the minor loss is different in diameter than the pipe, the
proper area in Eq. 1.31 must be used.
Typical values of loss coefficients for various minor losses are summarized
in Table 1.4. For tees and diffusions, there are too many variables to give a
single value. See Reference 37 for details.
TABLE 1.4 Minor Loss Coefficients
Item Value
Pipe inlets
Inward projecting pipe 0.78
Sharp corner-ftush 0.50
Slightly rounded 0.20
BeU mouth 0.04
Expansions (1 - A./ A
)2 (based on V.)
_1)2 (based on V
/A. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
0.624 0.632 0.643 0.659 0.681 0.712 0.755
Short radius, r / d = 1
Long radius, r/d = 1.5
Mitered (one miter)
Check valve
FuI! open gate
FuU open butterfty
FuI! open globe
aReference 58, p. 170.
bReference 58, p. 305.
cReference 37.
0.5 to 0.9
0.04 to 0.5
0.03 to 0.1
0.4 to 0.59
0.35 to 0.44
0.11 to 0.19
0.5 to 1.5
0.1 to 0.3
0.2 to 0.6
3 to 10
One other factor that is important if minor losses become significant is the
interaction between components placed close together (see Reference 37).
Depending on the type and spacing of the components, the total loss
coefficient may be greater or less than the simple sum of the individual
Cavitation is discussed in Chapters 5-7. Since it will come up frequentIy in
the material presented in Chapters 2-4, it is appropriate to describe it
briefly in this chapter. Cavitation is caused by rapid vaporization and
condensation of a liquido It originates from voids or tiny bubbles containing
gas and vapor which form a nucIeus for vaporization. If these bubbles are
subjected to vapor pressure, they grow rapidly. If the surrounding pressure
is aboye vapor pressure, they become unstable and colIapse violently.
The low pressures necessary for cavitation to form and the high pressures
causing colIapse are frequently associated with the formation and decay of
turbulent eddies in boundary layers or separation regions. These are the
same eddies identified as the primary cause of energy dissipation at local
disturbances (or minor losses). The low pressure at the center of these
eddies, caused by their high rotational velocity, combined with the generalIy
low pressure of the separation region, can cause cavitation. The colIapse of
the cavities causes noise, pressure fluctuations, vibrations, and possible
erosion damage. When cavitation becomes severe, the Iarge amount of
vapor can cause erosion damage or reduce the efficiency of hydraulic
equipment and machinery.
In succeeding chapters, cavitation will be included as an important design
parameter affecting selection and operation of pumps, valves, and other
control devices. It is one of the hydraulic problems that has caused costly
repairs, replacement, and in sorne cases catastrophic faHures of hydraulic
Like cavitation, hydraulic transients will be discussed in subsequent chap-
terso It is a complex topic and requires several chapters to cover it even
partially. Since it is al so mentioned frequently as a serious hydraulic
problem in Chapters 2-4, it will be briefly introduced.
Hydraulic transients, in the most general term, refer to any unsteady flow
in open channel or closed conduits. It can be subdivided, according to the
rate of change of velocity and the mathematicaI mean s of analysis, into
surges and transients (or waterhammers). During a surge, the velocity
ehanges slowly with time and the entire body of fluid can be eonsidered as
moving as a solid body. A simple example is an oseillating U-tube.
For a transient or waterhammer in a elosed eonduit, the veloeity ehanges
rapidly. An example is instant (or rapid) elosure of a valve. When a valve is
rapidly elosed, the force needed to destroy the original momentum of the
flowing liquid causes a high pressure. This pressure is transmitted through
the eonduit at the aeoustie wave speed and can rapidly subjeet the entire
pipe to an inereased pressure.
The magnitude of the pressure rise is dependent on the velocity ehange
and the aeoustie wave speed. For a typieal steel pipe, a deerease of 1 fps
(0.305 mIs) in the velocity causes the head to inerease about 100 ft (30.5 m)
or 23.1 psi (160 kPa). Sinee normal pipe velocities are in the 5-10 fps (1.5-3
mIs) range, rapidly stopping the flow can easily cause exeessive pressures.
Typical causes of transients inelude filling and flushing pipes, opening or
elosing valves, starting or stopping pumps, and air moving through pipes or
being released ineorreetly. Transients eonstitute a subjeet that is gene rally
inadequately eovered in design speeifieations and yet they are responsible
for many pipe and equipment failures.
1.1. Water at 70F is flowing in a 24-in. diameter pipe at 1.5 fps. (a)
Calculate Re. (b) Find the velocity aboye which turbulent flow exists.
Answer: Re = 2.83 '10
, V= 0.021 fps
1.2. List three examples of: (a) gradually varied pipe flow, (b) rapidly
varied pipe flow, (e) surges, and (d) transients.
1.3. A test is made with water to measure its bulk modulus K. The test
results showed that a pressure inerease of 1000 psi redueed the volume
by 0.7%. What is the value of K? What might explain its low value?
Answer: K = 143,000 psi
1.4. Calculate the aeoustic wave speed for water in a rigid pipe at
T = 100F. Calculate in English and SI units.
Answer: a = 4,943 fps = 1,508 mIs
1.5. A valve is operating in a system where P
= 75 psi and l:iP = 50 psi.
The water temperature is 40F and the elevation of the installation is
4,000 ft. Calculate (T (eq. 1.1Ob) using P
as the referenee pressure.
Answer: (T = 1.75
1.6. Using the energy and momentum equations derive equations to
ealeulate P
and P
for the nozzle sudden expansion shown below. P
is beyond the zone of flow establishment.
1.7. Draw the hydraulic and energy grade lines for the system on the
handout. Show all minor losses.
1.8. Compare [found from Fig. 1.4 with [calculated from Eq. 1.26 for a
pipe with e = 0.003 ft, D"'" 12 in., and T "" 6O"F. Check for V "" 0.3
fps, and 10 fps.
Answer: [=0.0307,0.0307, [ = 0.0273, 0.0265
1.9. Calculate the wall shear stress for problem 1.8 al V = 10 fps. Calculate
in English and SI units at 6O"F, 15SC.
Answer: T "" 0.642 Ib/sq ft = 30.7S Pa
1.10. Waler al 200C is carried by gravity flow between two reservoirs
through 1000 rn of 305-mm diarneter pipe in series with 500 rn o
203-mm diameter pipe. Assurne an average roughness value for
cornrnercial steel pipe. The minor losses inelude a square edge entr-
ance, 4-90 short radius elbows, the sudden conlraction from 305 to
203 mm, one globe valve, and the pipe exit. The difference in
elevation between the two reservoirs is 150 m. Calculate the dis-
charge. The minar losses are all in the 203 mm pipe (except the
Answer: Q "" 0.232 rnJ/s
1.11. Using the following data for a pipe, calculate [and C
at V = 2 and 20
fps. Does C
vary with Re, V"" 0.00001 ft2/ S, el D = 0.0001, D = 9 in.
Answer: al V = 2, [= 0.0173, C
=: 150
at V= 20, [= 0.013, C
= 145,
1.12. Write a program in FORTRAN or for a spreadsheet 10 iterate to
evaluate the pipe diameter given: L, e, Q and hf"
by rapid valve dosures. Field tests werc made to verify the results of the
Hydraulics of Pipelines: Pumps, Valves, Cavitation, Transients. J . Paul Tullis
Copyright 1989 J ohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Designing water conveyance systems is a complex process involving much
more than a simple determination of the required pipe size. One must
consider social, environmental, political, and legal problems as well as the
engineering designo The time is past when projects could be built with liUle
or no regard to their impact on the social well-being of the public and on the
environment. Protecting the quality of our life and environment is and will
continue to be a major factor in determining the fate of future projects. This
chapter first considers the feasibility and economics of building a pipeline.
Next, pipe materials and pressure rating are discussed, followed by exam-
pIes of selecting the correct pipe diameter. Factors such as aging of the pipe
and maintaining positive pressure are ineluded. Examples demonstrate
selection of pipe diameter for gravity flow and for pumped systems where
pipe cost must be balanced with pumping costs.
The first step in any design is to conduct a feasibility study. Such studies
have no set format or a firm list of items to inelude. In general, it consists of
making a prelminary design to identify the project scope and all major
features that would influence the cost or viability. The proposed design is
then analyzed relative to legal, poltical, social, environmental, and
economic aspects.
A number of items that should be considered in a feasibility study are
listed in Table 2.1. So many site-specific or time-dependent factors exist that
TABLE 2.1 Feasibility Checklist
A. Preliminary design
1. Identify service area and water demands
2. Availability of adequate water supply
3. Requirements for water treatment
4. Identify major pipe routes and any special geologic features or major cross-
5. Determine number, location, and size of water storage facilities
6. Estimate pumping requirements and number of control structures
7. Anticipate special problems, such as transients, cavitation, and winterizing, if
they have a significant impact on the cost of the project
B. Legal problems
1. water rights
2. right-of-ways
3. safety
4. reliability
C. Social problems
1. General public reaction to project
2. Impact on local economy, either long-term or short-term
3. Impact on quality of Iife, especiaIly if it is a major project involving a large
transient work force
4. Noise and vibration generated at pump stations or control structures
5. Location and general appearance of any structures such as water tanks,
reservoirs, pumping plants, and control structures
6. Safety-related problems
7. Impact on local water supplies
D. Environmental concerns
1. Physical damage to the terrain, including visual damage, potential erosion,
and damage to vegetation; this would include the pipeline routes, access
roads, storage areas, reservoirs, etc.
2. Impact on wildlife
3. Water or air poIlution
E. Economic analysis
such a list can only serve as a starting point. Local laws, social values, and
environmental concerns can vary significantly between geographic areas.
Engineering problems in the mountainous western are as pose totally differ-
ent design constraints than would those in the great plains area. An engineer
must be aware of the problems unique to the area.
If adequate attention is given to the social and economic impact of a
project at the earliest possible stage, it may be possible to avoid misunder-
standings and costly delays caused by public opposition. It is the re-
sponsibility of all to protect and improve the quality of our life, enviro n-
ment, and natural resources. At the same time, we must accommodate the
increasing demand for energy and water required for continued economic
growth. Improved technology and greater sensitivity to public needs and
desires are needed to accomplish these objectives.
In any pipeline design there are numerous choices available which affect the
economics of the project. Typical examples in elude alternative pipe routes,
amount of storage and its effect on reliability and controllability of flow,
pipe material and diameter, provision for future demands, etc. In making
decisions, both the engineering and economic advantages of the alternatives
must be considered. In most cases, the final design is based on selecting the
most economical solution, as long as it is technically sound. The design that
is most economical may not be the cheapest or the best hydraulically.
Reliability, safety, maintenance, operating, and replacement costs must all
be given their proper value. The final decisions should be based on input
from qualified individuals knowledgeable about these factors.
An accurate economical analysis of a complex system which ineludes all
important variables can only be done with "systems approach." This
approach involves identifying all variables and alternatives that have an
impact on the cost and developing functional relationships and solving them
simuItaneously with any of a number of computer techniques to optimize the
design and minimize cost. This is a complex process and a complete
discussion is beyond the scope of this text. Those desiring more detail
should consult texts on the subject (References 27 and 54).
The intent of this section is primarily to discuss the principIes rather than
the procedures of an economic analysis. These principIes will serve as
background data for developing the objective functions required for the
systems analysis. A few numerical examples are presented to demonstrate
the principies. Because costs and interest rates change rapidly, the examples
could be misleading if interpreted to be anything more than just a demon-
stration of a principIe. The main emphasis will be to discuss several
economic aspects of the design and how the various aIternatives interrelate
with the cost, and in sorne cases, how they influence reliability, controllabili-
ty, or safety. Additional information on pipeline economics can be obtained
from References 3 and 55.
Expected Jife
The cost of the pipe (materials and installation) is often one of the largest
single expenses of a project. Several factors must be considered in arriving
at the most economical type of pipe. The initial cost and the life expectancy
of a pipeline vary with the type of material and requirements for linings or
protective coatings.
TABLE 2.2 Present-Worth Analysis (cost/ft) Based on 80-yr Life and 10% Simple
Assumed Initial Replacement Cost
Useful Installed Present
Life Costlft 20 yr 40 yr 60 yr Worth
Pipe (yr) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($)
1 20 75 11.15 1.66 0.25 88.06
2 40 85 1.88 86.88
3 80 100 100
Comparing the cost of several pipes that have difierent expected lifes
must be based on present worth. This requires establishing the expected life
of the project, estimating future repair and replacement costs, and adjusting
those costs to present day dollar values. The present worth is the sum of the
initial cost and the adjusted replacement costs. The pipe with the smallest
present worth is presumably the best choice. The uncertainties in this
process are related to estimating the usefullife of a pipe material accurately,
forecasting present and future replacement costs, and projecting inftation
and interest rates. It is also necessary to place sorne value on safety,
reliability, and availability.
The data in Table 2.2 demonstrate an 80-year present worth comparison
of three pipes with useful lifes of 20, 40, and 80 years, respectively. The
present worth of future replacement costs is calculated by
initial cost
Present worth = (1 + ir
n = years of use fui life
i = net interest rate (interest-inftation)
The comparison, which only considers replacement cost, indicates that
pipe 2 is the economical choice based on an net interest rate of 10%.
Other factors which are difficult to inelude in such an analysis inelude
disruption of service during replacement, disturbing the right-of-way, and
repair costs.
Economic Life
Economic life refers to how long a pipeline will satisfy demands. Such an
estimate requires prediction of population growth and industrial expansiono
The problem often reduces to a decision of whether to build one large
pipeline initialIy or build a smalIer line and add a second later. Reference 3
contains an analysis of pipe diameter, capacity, and costo The comparison
was made by selecting the ftow rate so that each pipe had the same head loss
(4 ft/1000 ft, with eh = 130). Even though the costs are outdated, the
relative cost of the different pipe sizes can be used to demonstrate the
procedure. Table 2.3 summarizes the data.
Example 2.1. To demonstrate the use of the information in Table 2.3,
compare the cost of supplying 30 mgd by one pipe versus using two.
From Table 2.3, a 36-in. pipe can supply 32.6 mgd. The relative cost
per foot is 32.6 1.27 = $41.40. Note that it is necessary to use the
capacities listed in Table 2.3, not the actual ftow rates.
The 30 mgd can also be supplied by a 30-in. and a 24-in. pipe in
parallel. The relative cost per foot would be 20.2 1.73 + 11.42.64 =
$65.04. The one 36-in. pipe is much cheaper, assuming both pipes are
built at the same time.
Now consider that the projected demand is such that the 24-in. pipe
can satisfy the demand for 10 years, at which time the 30-in. pipe will
be built. Comparing on a present-worth basis using 10% net interest
gives a relative cost of $43.57.
The one 36-in. pipe is still slightly more economical, based on the
assumptions. The longer the time before the second pipe is needed,
the more economical the two pipes will be.
In contemplating such a decision, there are several hydraulic problems
that need to be considered. Solving these problems may have an effect on
the economics. If the large pipeline is built and present demands are
significantly less than design ftow, one must be concerned about cavitation,
TABLE 2.3 Variation of Pipe Cost With Diameter
Pipe Relative Pipe Pipe
diarneter cCapacity Unit diameter
(in.) (mgd
8 0.6 18.2 30
12 1.8 8.09 36
16 3.9 5.36 42
20 7.0 3.77 48
24 11.4 2.64
"Reference 3. (Courtesy the American Society of Civil Engineers.)
bmgd = million gallons per day.
Relative Pipe
Capacity Unit
(rngd) CostC
20.2 1.73
32.6 1.27
48.5 1.18
70.0 1.00
'Costs are based on the ratio of the cost/ft of head loss/mgd to the cost of a 48in. pipe.
sedimentation, air removal, and the possibility of open-ehannel fiow. Cavita-
tion may be important, sinee at low fiow rates there will be little frietion
loss, and control valves may be required to regulate the fiow or pressure.
High pressure drops increase the chance of cavitation. Preventing cavitation
may signifieantIy inerease the cost of control structures.
If the initial system demand results in velocities less than that required to
fiush air and prevent settling of suspended solids, sorne provision may be
needed for periodicalIy fiushing at higher velocities. The veloeity must, at
least part of the time, be high enough to move the air to air release valves.
If not, air poekets can beco me large enough to reduce the fiow or cause
transients if they move through the pipe as large air pockets.
At low fiow rates, it is also possible to have open-ehannel fiow on steep
grades. Such fiow will normalIy be supereritieal and terminate with a
hydraulic jump. Large quantities of air can be entrained which cause
problems by either moving through the pipe or blowing back, eausing
surges. AIso, the higher open ehannel velocities, the turbulence of the
hydraulic jump, and the large amount of air can cause erosion and corrosion
of pipes and liners. The possibility of open channel fiow can be predicted by
ealculations and avoided by plaeing additional valves in the line to maintain
positive pressures everywhere in the pipe. This problem is most likely to
oecur on the downstream side of hilIs.
For pumped lines, there are additional problems po sed by building
pipelines for future demands. The variable demand is normally allowed for
by installing additional pumps as demand inereases. As the fiow rate goes
up, the pumping head must inerease to overeome the additional frietion loss.
Centrifugal pumps, normalIy used for sueh serviee, produce less fiow as the
head inereases. There is a rather narrow range of head and fiow where the
pump operates efficientIy and free of cavitation or other problems. If the
first pump is designed to provide the proper head and fiow for initial
demands, it wiII be inadequate for future use when the head inereases
signifieantly. This may require replacing the entire unit or at least the
impeller and motor.
Another possible solution, if demand is expeeted to inerease rapidly, is to
ehoose the original pump to meet future head requirements and use a
discharge control valve, orifiee, or other means of maintaining the necessary
pressure on the pump until demand increases. The design of the pressure-
sustaining device needs to be sueh that exeess eavitation, noise, vibrations,
or torque on the valve is avoided. The pressure-redueing equipment and the
additional power eosts eaused by the wasted pumping head must be included
in the economie analysis and compared with pump replaeement eosts.
Table 2.3 demonstrates that the eost per unit volume of transporting a
liquid de creases as the pipe size inereases. The area of a pipe is proportional
to the square of the diameter, so doubling the diameter wiII inerease the
capacity by fourfold. In addition, larger pipes have a smaller relative
roughness and therefore will have less frietion and a higher velocity for a
given available head.
The weight per unit length of the pipe, which is directly related to the
cost, increases by slightly more than double as the diameter doubles.
Installation and transportation costs also increase with size, but the cost per
unit volume of water may decrease. The net effect is a decrease in cost per
unit volume of liquid with pipe size. This has a major impact on the
economic life and the decision of building one large or two smaller
pipelines, as discussed in the preceding section.
Once the economic life, and therefore the design ftow is established, the
most economical pipe diameter can be selected. For a gravity system, the
smallest size that will provide the design ftow is chosen (with proper
provision for aging). Pipes only come in certain sizes. For example, with
steel pipe, standard sizes usually come in 2-in. (S.l-cm) increments between
4 and 20 in. diameters. Above 24 in. they usually increment by 6 in. The
available pipe sizes vary with type of material. Manufacturers should be
consulted for complete information. Because of these large diameter
changes, it is seldom possible to choose a single pipe size that just uses up
the available head. One alternative is to determine the proper lengths of two
pipe diameters that produce the proper head loss. In addition to reducing
diameter, it may be possible, or necessary, to change pressure c1ass of pipe.
In selecting the pressure c1ass, allowance for future changes in demand and
transient protection should be considered.
In long gravity lines with limited head, it may be advisable to compare the
cost and practicality of using one or more booster pump stations and
reducing the pipe size. This would be mandatory if the available head would
not provide a minimum allowable velocity. Pumps are often the solution to
future demands since they can be added as needed.
Pumping Costs. When pumps are being considered as an alternative, the
economic analysis consists of finding the proper combination of pipe diam-
eter and pumps that produces the least annual cost. Example 2.2 demon-
strates the various items that must be considered in such analysis.
Example 2.2. A 1O,000-ft horizontal pumped pipeline is required to
supply 14 cfs. Demands are such that the pumps will operate 5 h/day.
Select the most economical pipe diameter based on total annual cost.
Assume the following: 1) eh = 130 for all pipes; 2) power costs are
$0.07/kW-h and the demand charge is $S/kW/month; 3) 80% efficien-
cy for the pumping plants; 4) the cost of the pumping station is
amortized over 20 years at 10%; 5) the cost of the pipeline is
amortized over 40 years at 10% net interest.
Values for installed pipe cost (item 1, Table 2.4) were taken from
Reference 3 and adjusted for inflation. Head losses are calculated with
the Hazen-Williams equation.
hp = Q
H/550e, kW = 1.341 hp (e = efficiency of pump and motor)
T ABLE 2.4 Selectioo oC Pipe Diameter and Pump Capacity for Example 2.2
D (iD.)
12 16 20 24
1. Total cost of iostalled pipe ($) 360,000 530,000 660,000 860,000
2. Required pumping head 776 191 64.4 26.5
3. Horsepower (80% efficiency) 1,540 379 128 52.6
Required electrical power (kW) 1,150 283 95.4 39.3
4. Annual power cost of pumping ($) 216,000 53,100 17,900 7,370
5. Cost of pumping station ($) 606,000 148,000 75,000 50,000
6. Annual cost of pumping station ($) 71,200 17,400 8,800 5,860
7. Totalannual pumpingcost (4 + 6) ($) 286,900 70,500 26,730 13,250
8. Annual cost of pipeline amortized over 40 years ($) 36,800 54,200 67,500 87,920
9. Total annual cost (7 + 8) ($) 323,700 124,700 94,200 101,900
Annual power cost = use charge + demand charge =
kW(365 days/yr 5 h/day)$O.07/kW-h + kW $5/kW-mo 12 mo/yr
Annual cost of pumping station or pipeline:
i(1 + ir
= Total cost (1 + ir - 1
i = net interest, n = years
The total annual cost for the 20-in. pipe is the smallest (row 9 of Table 2.4)
so it would be the best choice based on the assumptions. The relationship
between pipe cost, pumping cost, and total cost per year is demonstrated
graphically in Fig. 2.1.
When filling in the data for Table 2.4, several factors must be considered:
1) Pumping costs should be based on a best guess of actual quantity of water
pumped. If the demand increases significantly over the years, a best estimate
of the average yearly water should be used rather than the amount based on
the design flow. 2) WiII the pumps operate at their design point where they
are most efficient? To accommodate this, pumped systems should have
adequate terminal reservoirs so the pumps only replace used reservoir water
and are not required to meet varying system demands. Properly designed,
this will allow the pumps to operate near maximum efficiency. If this is not
possible (as with many booster pump stations), a lower efficiency must be
used to compute power consumption. If both seasonal and daily demands
are not handled by storage, pumping costs will increase. 3) Interest rates
and power costs are difficult to predict and e10ud any conelusion with
uncertainty. 4) Electrical power rates normally inelude a "demand charge"
which can have a significant impact on pumping costs. The demand charge is
based on the maximum power use during the month, regardless of how long
it was used. 5) When considering a smaller-diameter pipe combined with
Pipe diameter
Fig. 2.1 Selection of optimum pipe diameter.
higher pumping heads, care must be used not to exceed the pressure rating
of the pipe. If this happens, the next higher class of pipe should be used and
proper adjustment to the pipe cost should be made.
When the economic life has been reached and demands exceed the
capacity of an existing pipeline, the decision must be made to install more
storage, booster pumps, or an additional pipeline. If the increased demands
are primarily in the peak flow rates, the problem may be solved by installing
additional storage. If daily consumption exceeds total supply capability, then
the supply must be increased. The economic analysis of such a choice is
basically the same as that described in Table 2.4 and Fig. 2.1. The choice
depends primarily on the amount of increased capacity required.
If only a modest increase in capacity is required, pumps may be the
economic choice. Power consumption increases with approximately the cube
of the velocity. This increase in power cost may be excessive, especially if
there is a high demand charge. Therefore, large increases of flow by
pumping rapidly become uneconomical. The allowable flow increase by
pumping is also limited since the pressure class of the pipe cannot be
Another variable associated with designing pumping plants is the number
of pumps and pumping stations, the technical aspects of which are discussed
in Chapter 3. One advantage of multiple pump stations located at different
points in the system is that lower pressure class pipe can be used, which may
result in significant savings. Another is that lower head pumps are less
subject to wear, especially if there is sediment in the water. A third is that
aIl pump stations may not be required initiaIly, reducing the initial in-
On the negative side, one must consider the overaIl cost of multiple pump
stations, including the cost of getting power to the various sites, access
roads, and the increased complexity and cost of equipment and controls for
operating the pumps and for transient protection.
A decision must al so be made about the number of pumps installed at
each site. For flexibility and reliability, multiple units usually are installed. If
there is a fairly constant demand, a typical installation would consist of three
identical units, any two of which can supply the design ftow. If there is a
large variation in ftow that is not satisfied by storage tanks or reservoirs,
several pumps of different capacity may be installed. In doing this it is
necessary to match properly the head capability of any pumps that will
operate simultaneously.
The purposes of storage tanks or reservoirs are to: 1) supply water when
there is a temporary interruption of flow from the transmission main, 2)
provide supplemental water during peak periods, 3) sectionalize the pipe to
reduce mean pressures and transient pressures, 4) maintain pressure (ele-
vated storage), and 5) simplify control.
The reliability of a system, although tempered by economics, is more a
social or political decision. If an uninterrupted supply is desired, storage
facilities must be incIuded, regardless of costo On the other hand, if the
purpose of considering storage is to reduce the capacity of the transmission
main so it does not have to supply the peak demand, then an economic
evaluation is necessary. This is similar to the pumping cost versus pipe
diameter study. First, caIculate the cost of a pipeline that would supply the
peak demand and require no storage. Next, calculate the cost of one or two
smaller pipes or combinations of pipes and determine the amount of storage
required to supply supplemental water during high flows. This produces a
pipe cost versus diameter curve similar to that shown in Fig. 2.1. Next,
calculate the cost of the storage facilities. This will produce a line similar to
the pumping cost line in Fig. 2.1. Adding the two gives the combined cost
and will identify the least cost solution.
Storage also has a significant impact on the control structures, pumping
plants, and general operation of the pipeline. If there is adequate storage,
large fluctuations in demand can be tolerated. Any mismatch in supply and
demand is made up by increase or decrease in storage. Valves in the
transmission main require only infrequent adjustments to maintain storage.
Pumps can operate for long periods at their design point. They are normalIy
activated by level controls at the storage tank and not by fluctuations in
If there is no storage, the system must be able to provide continuous fine
adjustment of the flow within safe pressure limits. For gravity systems, this
requires pressure-regulating valves at selected points that react automatical-
Iy. For pumped systems, the variations in flow will cause the pumps to
operate both below and aboye their design point where power consumption
is high, efficiency is low, or where there is more chance of operational
For systems where there are large elevation changes, intermediate re-
servoirs can be used to limit the pressure, make controls simpler, and reduce
Consider Fig. 2.2, which is a profile of a major pipeline supplying
southern California (Reference 84). Water is conveyed from the supply
reservoir at 1500 ft (457 m) elevation to a lower reservoir, elevation 345 ft
(105 m). If a single control structure were installed at the lower reservoir,
much of the pipeline would be subject to shutoff pressures near 650 psi (4.48
MPa). This would require a valve structure with a pressure drop of 500 psi
(3.45 MPa) at shutoff. Both of these produce undesirable situations.
One solution is to use intermediate control structures, preferably with
small storage tanks. Without open water surfaces, it would be necessary to
depend on the control valves and pressure relief valves to prevent the entire
el. = 1500 ft
Valve Valve Valve Valve
Fig. 2.2 Profile for Foothill feeder pipe.
line from reaching maximum shutoff pressure. The control structures should
be designed so that the required pressure drop does not create excessive
cavitation problems and so that lower pressure pipe can be used. The
number and cost of such installations could be offset by the savings in pipe
cost and improved operational safety.
Control Structures and Equipment
During the feasibility study, only a general design has been completed, so a
detailed analysis of all hydraulic problems and their solution is not available.
Even so, it is necessary to anticipate the need for special facilities or
equipment and rnake sorne provision in the econornic analysis. Such predic-
tions will be refined as the design continues. Considerations would inelude
the need for water treatment, elirninating excessive cavitation, and control-
ling transient problerns. If water treatrnent is required, it is often a major
cost factor and may be handled as a totally separate design project. Water
treatment is not ineluded in this texto
The control or prevention of hydraulic transients can be a significant cost
factor for sorne pipelines. An experienced designer can usually identify
situations that will require special attention. Provision should be rnade for
the cost of the detailed analysis, design, and construction required to control
Sorne attention should be given to costs associated with winterizing,
highway crossings, special geologic or topographic problems, possible testing
or rnodel studies, and any other items that would have a significant inftuence
on the cost, reliability, or safety of the project.
The materials used for pressure pipe inelude cast iron, ductil e iron, steel,
reinforced concrete, plastic, and fiber glass. For low-pressure applications,
one can also select unreinforced concrete, corrugated steel, or a new
product called spiral rib (65). The choice of a material for a given applica-
tion depends on hydraulic roughness, pipe size and pressure requirements,
resistance to internal and external corrosion, ease of handling and installing,
the environment where the pipe will be installed, usefullife, and economics.
The most basic requirement for a pipe material is that the pipe must be
able to withstand the maximum internal pressure. In addition to considering
the positive pressure rating of a pipe, it is necessary to determine if the pipe
will be subjected to any negative pressures. Negative pressures can coUapse
a pipe unless the condition exists only momentarily, such as during a
transient. If a pipe is buried, the soil and groundwater pressure plus live
loads may be sufficient to cause collapse even if the pressure inside the pipe
is positive. For details, consult Reference 79.
Selection of wall thickness for larger pipes often depends more on
collapse pressure and handling loads than it does on burst pressure. A
thin-walled, large-diameter pipe may be adequate for resisting relatively
high internal pressures, but may collapse under negative internal pressure or
while being handled. This problem increases with pipe diameter and espe-
cially affects plastic and thin-walled steel pipe. Sorne pipes are made to
resist fuIl internal vacuum. For example, concrete generally has thick
enough waIls that it is very resistant to collapse.
The resistance of the different materials to impact loads and force s caused
by poor bedding conditions is important. Steel, ductile iron, and cast iron
are resistant to impact load caused by external forces or transients. Less care
is needed in handling or burying these pipes. Concrete, plastic, corrugated
metal, and spiral rib are more susceptible to damage during handling,
shipping, and installation. For these materials, it is necessary to provide
proper backfill and bedding conditions to avoid damage due to external
loads. The available specifications on the different pipe materials elaborate
on this and should be carefully studied.
One of the real advantages of concrete and various plastic materials is
their corrosion resistance. The metallic pipes usually need interior linings
and exterior coverings. Cement mortar, epoxy, and coal tar are commonly
used for such purposes. Sorne linings decrease the internal diameter or
require a thicker wall to prevent deftections that could cause damage to the
Iinings. For sorne linings, field application at connections is necessary, which
increases the costo
Ease of transporting, installing, and method of connecting the pipe
sections have a significant effect on total costo Plastic, corrugated metal, and
spiral rib have an advantage since they are Iightweight.
Methods used to couple the pipe sections depend on the pipe material. A
variety of connectors are available for metallic pipes, including welding, bell
and spigot, flange, mechanical fasteners, and ball and socket for large
deflections. Concrete pipe is usually joined with confined O-ring gaskets and
steel or concrete retainers. Plastic pipe comes with beIl and spigot joints,
glue joints, flanges, and mechanical fasteners, and in smaIl sizes, may be
threaded. Corrugated metal and spifal rib pipe use various types of band
A fundamental step in proper pipe design is selection of the pressure class of
the pipe. A thorough discussion of specific procedures for each of the
common pipe materials is beyond the scope of this texto Guidelines for each
type of material are available from the American Water Works Association
(AWWA), the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM),
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Plastic Pipe Institute (PPI),
Federal Specifications (FED), and specifications from the pipe manufactur-
ers. Such specifications are available for aIl of the common types of pipe
materials. Individuals involved in designing pipelines should obtain and
study specifications for the pipe material s they are considering. The princi-
pIes involved in selecting a pressure class for the various pipe materials are
complex, so only general guidelines wiIl be given. Those interested in details
should consult design handbooks for each pipe material.
The primary considerations in selecting a pipe pressure class are: 1)
maximum internal operating pressure; 2) surge or transient pressures; 3)
variation of pipe properties with temperature or long-term loading effects
(especially for plastic pipe; 4) damage that could result from handling,
shipping, installing, or reduction in strength due to chemical attack or other
aging factors; and 5) external loads, including both earth loads and live
loads. Each of these will be briefly discussed.
Most pipe is hydrostaticaIly pressure tested for quality control purposes.
The test varies with the type of material. These pressure tests are conducted
at the manufacturing plant on pipe that is new and in ideal condition with no
externalload applied. The pressure testing is normally carried out in a short
time with the pressure slowly and evenly increased to the set limit or until it
bursts. For the nondestructive tests, the pressure is held constant for a short
time and then relieved. For example, PVC pipe for municipal water mains
manufactured in accordance with AWWA Standard C900 is hydrostaticaIly
proof-tested at four times its rated pressure class.
There can be misunderstandings regarding these hydrostatic test
pressures. The inexperienced engineer may be tempted to conclude that as
long as the maximum operating pressure in the system never exceeds the
hydrostatic test pressure, the pipe will not rupture. This is wrong, since the
five factors listed aboye reduce the safe operating pressure of the pipe and
must be considered. Another design procedure that is sometimes used is to
select a pipe pressure elass so that the maximum system pressure is less than
the pressure rating of the pipe. However, this procedure may not always be
adequate if there are high transient pressures or large external loads. Each
type of pipe is designed differently, so the following guidelines given are
general guidelines only.
The maximum operating pressure in a gravity ftow system is simply the
reservoir shutoff head. For a pumped system, it can be the pump shutoff
head. One may use these values or elect to be less conservative and use the
actual pressures for normal ftow.
Surge or transient pressures are difficult to predict. They depend on the
specific design and operation procedures of each pipe system. Sorne stan-
dards give general guidelines that can be followed if a transient analysis is
not made. To demonstrate the potential problem, consider the following
example. Engineering calculations of anticipated waterhammer pressures in
a pipe distribution system for a particular installation predicted that the
maximum pressure, ineluding waterhammer, would be under 125 psi. After
several ruptures of the pipe occurred, field tests were conducted. The tests
showed that pressures as higb as 540 psi were generated by rapid valve
elosure. For tbis case, use of general guidelines was inadequate. The later
chapters of this book discuss how to make a transient analysis of piping
systems. lt is not unusual to experience transient pressures that exceed tbe
general guidelines.
For plastic pipe, temperature bas a significant effect on its strengtb.
Raising tbe temperature from 70 to 110F reduces the pressure capacity of
PVC pipe to about balf of its original strength. There is also a long-term
time effect tbat reduces tbe burst pressure of plastic pipe. This is accounted
for witb a safety factor.
Otber factors tbat can reduce the safe operating pressure of a pipe inelude
handling, sbipping, installing, cbemical attack, and aging. Tbese are often
impossible to predict and are allowed for witb a safety factor.
Tbe preceding design factors can be combined into a term called the
"internal hydrostatic design pressure." This is equal to
Internal design pressure = (Po + PJSF (2.1)
where Po is the maximum steady-state operating pressure, P
is the surge or
waterhammer pressure, and SF the safety factor applied to take care of the
unknowns just enumerated. The safety factor is usually recommended to be
at least two or three. There is no established guideline in the specifications
about whether to inelude unusual transients in the P
or provide for them in
the safety factor. Transient analysis is a new field and those writing the
specifications are not schooled in recent techniques. They generally just
recommend that experts in the field be consulted to perform the analysis to
provide P
The criteria discussed thus far have ignored the inftuence of externally
applied loads. In addition to pressure tests on pipe, external loads are
applied to test the pipes resistant to external forces. For plastic pipe, the
load is applied until it deforms a predetermined amount. If it do es not split,
crack, or break, it passes the test. These tests are conducted with no internal
pressure. It is therefore c\ear that if the external load in the pipe is high
enough, a pipe can break with Iittle or no internally applied pressure. This
makes it necessary to consider the inftuence of external loading during the
selection of the pipe pressure c\ass.
The magnitude of the externalload depends on the diameter of the pipe,
pipe material, the trench width, the depth of cover, the specific weight of
the soil, the degree of soil saturation, the type of backfill material, the
method used to backfill, the degree of compaction, and Iive loads. The earth
load increases with width and depth of the trench. The Iive load reduces
with depth of cover. The cumulative effect of all these sources of external
loading requires considerable study and analysis. Those interested in the
details should consult Reference 79. Because of the complexity of this
analysis, it is usual to assume that the safety factor is adequate to account
for external loads as well as the other factors already mentioned. This
cannot guarantee trouble-free operation. Problems may occur in a system
with the right combination of factors. For example, if there was sorne pipe
damage due to shipping or installing, plus sorne unusual transients, if the
Iive or dead loads are unusually high, etc., the safety factor may not be
adequate to protect the pipe. In other words, the safety factor cannot
replace good engineering judgment and calculations. In many applications,
it is adequate to select the pipe pressure c\ass so that the maximum system
pressure (the normal system pressure plus normal transient pressures) is less
than the pipe pressure rating of the pipe. This leaves the entire safety factor
for unusual transients, Iive and dead loads, and uncontrollable factors such
as damage due to transportation, installation, and aging.
The emphasis of this text is on the design, installation, and operation of
water mains, which are the major arteries of pipe systems. They can be
subdivided into transmission mains and distribution mains and may be the
most expensive and most important part of a system. Reliability is of major
concern. Interruption of service affects large areas and is undesirable.
Because these mains are usually long, the chance of damaging transients is a
problem. Control valves are often required to regulate a large ftow range.
At low ftow rates, large pressure drops are often necessary and cavitation
must be considered.
Although these same problems exist in pipe distribution networks, they
are generally less severe. For example, the short interconnected pipes of a
network effectively dissipate transients and reduce the need for detailed
analysis and transient control equipment. Cavitation is usuaIly less of a
problem, since there is usuaIly fairly high line pressure and only modest
pressure drops required at valves. There are, of course, situations in which
transients and cavitation are important. The designer should be able to
identify these situations for such systems and use the same principIes
developed for the main lines to solve the probIems.
In this section, exampIes of designing simple gravity and pumped
pipelines are discussed. The detailed procedures for anaIyzing branching
pipes and compIex networks are not presented. The reader is referred to
other sources for details.
Before proceeding with examples, a few comments will be made about
units. There are severaI groups involved in designing pipelines: mechanicaI
engineers, civil engineers, waterworks engineers, and suppliers of equip-
ment and pipe. It is somewhat unfortunate that different systems of units are
used by these groups. Another degree of compIexity is added by the
transition to the metric or international system (SI) of units. In the
waterworks fieId, pipeline capacity is usually expressed in million gallons per
day (mgd), pump capacity in gaIlons per minute (gpm), and storage volume
in millions of gaIlons. Civil engineers typically use cubic feet per second (cfs)
for flow rate and pump capacity and acre feet for storage volume. Conver-
sion factors for the various systems of units are given in Table A.l. In the
text, all three systems are used.
Gravity system
The principIes involved in selecting the correct pipe diameters were dis-
cussed in Section 1.4. Application of those principIes to a gravity system is
demonstrated by the following examples.
Example 2.3. A 1O,000-ft pipeline is required to transport 15 mgd from
a supply reservoir to a storage reservoir. The supply reservo ir water
level vares seasonaIly from elevation 2760 to 2790 ft. The storage
reservoir is at elevation 2600 ft. Find the most economical of pipe size.
The design head must be the minimum available to ensure that the
required discharge can always be supplied, so:
Hf = 2760 - 2600 = 160 ft
Since the pipe is long and no flow regulation is required, minar losses
can be ignored. Use the Hazen-Williams equation (Eq. 1.28) to
calculate friction losses with eh = 140 (obtain from pipe manufacturer).
Assume that a 150-psi pressure c1ass of pipe is selected. Inside pipe
dimensions are obtained from manufacturer's published data.
Q = 15 mgd = 15 . 1.547 = 23.2 cfs
The problem will be solved by selecting several different pipe sizes,
and calculating the friction slope S from Eq. 1.28a and the correspond-
ing h = SL.
d (Inside Dia.) (in.)
V (fps)
R = d/4 (ft)
h (ft)
The 20-in. pipe will work, since its head loss is only 140 ft compared
with the minimum available of 160 ft. This allows 20 ft for aging and
minor losses.
To optimize the design, one could use sorne 20-in. and sorne 18-in.
pipe so that the total loss just equals 160 ft. Let x be the unknown
length of 20-in. pipe:
0.0140x + 0.0234(10,000 - x) = 160, x = 7,872 ft of 20-in. pipe
To demonstrate the influence of pipeline profile on the design, consider the
problem shown in Fig. 2.3. The problem will be solved this time with the
Darcy equation. The steps in the solution were outlined in Section 1.4.
Example 2.4. It is desired to use steel pipe with a 3/16-in. coal-tar
enamellining for the system shown in Fig. 2.3. The roughness recom-
mended by the pipe manufacturer is assumed to be 0.0002 ft. For best
accuracy, use actual inside pipe diameters (ID). For steel pipe abo ve
el. = 4900 ft
h (20-in. pipe)
h (16-in. pipe)
.J-'---===- - - - el. = 4720 ft
Fig. 2.3 Pipeline for Example 2.5.
12 in, the nominal dimensions refer to outside diameter (00). Use a
waH thckness of 3/8 in. so ID = 00 - 23/8 - 2 3/16 = 00 -1.125
in. The design data are: H = 180 ft, Q = 15 cfs, L = 8000 ft total (5000
ft to top of hill), p = 1.66 X 10-
fe/s (Table 1.1 at T = 40F)
For an assumed f= 0.015, Eq. 1.25 gives d = 1.31 ft or 15.66 in. (ID).
The next larger available pipe size would be 18 in. so V= 15/1.55 =
9.66 fps, Re = 8.2 x 10
, k = 0.0002/1.41 = 0.00142, and from Eq.
1.26, a = 0.0129, b = 1.78, e = 0.494, so f= 0.0150, and from Eq. 1.25
= 122 ft. Since this is less than the available head of 180 ft, one
could either use aH 18-in. pipe or part 18- and part 16-in. pipe.
In making the pipe diameter selection, consider the pressure at the top
of the hi1l (el. = 4800 ft, L = 5000 ft). It is necessary to maintain
positive pressure at aH locations to prevent air and contaminated
groundwater from entering the pipe, to allow air-release valves to
function properly, and to prevent pipe collapse.
Calculate the head at the hill with 18-in. pipe instaHed upstream.
Applying the energy equation from the reservoir to the top of the hill
(Eq. 1.24),
4900 = 4800 + (1 + ~ ~ + P/y
P = 62.4[ 100 - 1 2 . ~ i 1 + 85.1) J/144 = -45.7 psi
Since this is below vapor pressure, the pressure at the hill will be at
vapor pressure. To prevent negative pressures, use a larger pipe. If a
20-in. pipe is usedupstream from the hill, the pressure at the top of
the hill wi1l be 23.7 psi.
Oownstream from the hill, use 16-in. pipe to increase friction losses.
With 3000 ft of 16-in. pipe the head loss is 84.8 ft. The 5000 ft of 20-in.
pipe will have a head loss of 44.0 ft.
The head drop required by a control valve to limit the flow to the
required 15 cfs would be: H = (4900 - 4720) - (84.8 + 44.0) = 51.2
The design of control structures to produce head loss without cavita-
tion or transients is discussed in later chapters.
Pumped System
In Example 2.3, the only part that economics played was in realizing that
smaller pipe costs less. When designing pumped lines it is necessary to
balance pump installation and operating costs against pipe costs. This is
demonstrated in the next example.
Example 2.5. Use the same input data as given in example 2.3, but
assume it is necessary to pump from the lower to the upper reservoir.
Determine the economical pipe diameter. The most demanding case is
pumping against maximum water level in the upper reservoir. The
design flow and head would be based on the average or most frequent-
ly expected elevation difference. Assume a design flow and head of 15
mgd at 175 ft (2775 - 2600) of head. One must also know the total
quantity of water pumped annually and accurate power cost data.
Assume the total annual pumping requirement is 5000 AF (acre feet),
or 1630 million gallons. The caIculations are summarized in the table.
Choose a pipe diameter and find the friction head loss (col. 2) for each
pipe at design flow (get from Example 2.3).The average pump head =
175 + h,.
Find the water horsepower (hp = Q'YH/550 (col. 4) required to pump
23.2 cfs (15 mgd) at the average pumping head (col. 3). (Average
elevation head plus friction loss.)
The average electrical power consumed (col. 5) is caIculated by
kW= 0.746 hp/0.85 (85% assumed efficiency of pump and motor)
Av. Pump Yearly Yearly
Head Water Power Power
(in.) (ft) (ft) (hp) kW (kW-h) Cost ($)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
18 234 409 1,076 944 2.47 x 10
20 140 315 829 727 1.90 x 10
24 57.8 233 612 537 1.40 x 10
30 19.5 194 511 448 1.17 x 10
CaIculate the total pumping time and the annual kilowatt-hours (kW-h)
of electricity used (col. 6). Pumping time = 1,630 million gallons/15
mgd = 109 days; kW-h = col. 5 109 days' 24 h/day.
Knowing the cost of power per kW-h (assumed $0.08/kW-h) and the
demand charge (assume $10.00 per kW per month), the yearly pump-
ing cost (col. 7) is caIculated by
Yearly cost = kW-h 0.08 + 10 kW' 12.
To complete the example, one would have to estimate the cost of each
of four pump installations and the pumps' annual cost based on present
worth to arrive at the total annual pumping cost, as was done in
Example 2.2.
Minor losses
For short systems containing many pipe fittings and valves, minor los ses
become very important. This is demonstrated in the next example.
Example 2.6. The problem consists of selecting a pump that will supply
0.8 m
/s from a lower reservoir (el. 1100 m) to an upper reservoir (el.
1175 m.). Assume that the piping configuration has been set by
constraints at the site that require a complex piping configuration. Loss
coefficients will be taken from Table 1.4. For more complete values
see Reference 37.
Loss Coefficients in Suction Piping (61O-mm dia.)
Flush pipe inlet
4-90 short radius elbows
3-30 mitered elbows
15 m of61O-mm pipe (f= 0.014)
Loss Coefficients in Discharge Piping (408-mm dia.)
2 butterfly valves (full open)
3 tees
6-90 long radius elbows
6.1 m of408 mm pipe (f= 0.016)
3 0.15
Lid = 0.34
3 0.6
6 0.19
Lid = 0.24
Applying the energy equation (Eq. 1.24) between the two reservoirs,
1000 + H
= 1175 + ~ + I.K) s ( ~ ; ) + ~ + I.K) d( ~ ; )
For the suction side: v,. = 2.74 mis, g = 9.81 m/s
, I.K = 1.91,fLld =
0.34, V; 12g = 0.382.
For the discharge side: Vd = 6.11 mis , I.K = 5.54, Lid = 0.24,
V;l2g = 1.90.
Solving the equation in step 3 gives H
(pump head) = 86.9 m.
If minor losses were ignored the pumping head would be H
75 + 0.382(9.34) + 1.90(0.24) = 75.6 m. This would result in a signific-
ant error in seleeting the pump.
There are situations in which minor losses beeome very important be-
cause they affeet the power generated by a turbine or consumed by a pump.
Consider the preceding example with the short discharge lineo The minor
losses increased the pumping head by 11.3 m, or 15%. The increase in
power cost for the life of the project would be significant.
Branching Systems
When the flow divides into two or more branches, the hydraulic analysis
becomes slightly more complexo A-trial-and-error solution becomes neces-
sary. Consider the example shown in Fig. 2.4. With three interconnected
reservoirs at different elevations, it is not apparent whether flow will be into
or out of reservoir 2. Assume that the pipe diameters, lengths, and
roughness are all specified. The principIes involved in the solution are: 1)
conservation of mass (continuity equation-Eq. 1.15): Ql + Q2 + Q3 = O;
and 2) the energy equation which specifies that the head in all three pipes at
the junction is the same.
Solving for the three discharges and the head at the junction requires an
assumed value of the pressure at the junction and four equations. These are
the continuity equation and the energy equation applied to each of the three
pipes. The accuracy of the assumed head is checked by substituting the three
flow rates determined from the three energy equations. into the continuity
equation. If the flow into the junction is greater than that leaving, the
assumed head at the junction must be increased. This process is continued
until the continuity equation is satisfied. It can also be solved by assuming
the discharges and checking the head loss in each pipe. The discharges are
adjusted until the head losses provide the same head at the junction.
For the simple system shown in Fig. 2.4, solution by a hand calculator is
easy. However, as additional pipes are added or if closed loops are created,
the system rapidly becomes too time-consuming to solve by this way.
Fig. 2.4 Branching pipes.
Network Analysis
The principIes involved in solving complex pipe systems are the same as
those used for the branching system. The solution becomes more time-
consuming with increased complexity of the system. AH such solutions are
now done with computers. There are two basic principIes involved in
analyzing networks: 1) the algebraic sum of the head loss of all pipes around
any closed loop must equal zero. and 2) the algebraic sum of flow at any
junction is zero. Implied in tem one is the fact that the pressure in aH pipes
at a junction is the same. This assumes that minor losses at the pipe junction
are negligible.
If network analysis is used for design, additional constraints must be
placed, such as minimum pressure at junctions or minimum flow in pipes.
This adds another dimension to the complexity of the analysis because pipe
diameters and the number of cross connections can vary.
There are three general approaches to solving networks: 1) where the
flows are the unknowns, 2) where the head at each junction are the
unknowns, and 3) where the flow correction is the unknown. The Hardy
Cross method (14) was the first systematic method used. Its main limitation
is that it solves the multiple equations one at a time rather than simulta-
neously. Two more advanced methods which use simultaneous solutions are
the linear method and Newton-Raphson method (28, 86).
2.1. Find the most economical size of pipe in Table 2.2 based on 15%
interest rate and a 10% inflation.
2.2. For Example 2.1, assume the 30-in. pipe is built immediately. Find the
number of years delay required before building the 24-in. pipe so that
the present worth of the two pipes is the same as one 36-in.
Answer: 16 yr
2.3. In Example 2.2, which pipe would be the most economical if the
power cost was $O.lO/kW/h and the demand charge $lO/kW/mo?
2.4. When a pumped pipeline is operated at Q < Qdes' what problems do
you encounter with pumping? How can they be solved?
2.5. Discuss the hydraulic and economic advantages and disadvantages of
using intermediate reservoirs or pressure reducing valves in long
pipeline s with high gravity heads.
2.6. Discuss the advantages of one large pipeline versus two smaIler
paraIlel lines.
2.7. When water demand exceeds capacity of the pipeline, what are the
2.8. In a long pumped line, what are the advantages and disadvantages of
one booster pump versus several spaced along the line?
2.9. At a pump installation, what are the advantages of multiple pumps in
parallel versus one pump?
2.10. Discuss how storage influences safety, general hydraulics, pump oper-
ation, economics, and reliability.
2.11. For Example 2.3, find the minimum pipe size if eh = 120. How much
head loss would be required by a valve to get the required flow if the
reservoir is at low water level?
Answer: 83 ft
2.12. Calculate the yearly power cost for Example 2.5 assuming the pipe is
half 20 in. and half 24 in.
Answer: $208,000
2.13. For the branching pipe system shown in Fig. 2.4, calculate the flow in
each pipe using the following data:
Pipe No. Reservoir
Answer: Q = 10.6, 6.08, 4.48 cfs
Hydraulics of Pipelines: Pumps, Valves, Cavitation, Transients. J . Paul Tullis
Copyright 1989 J ohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This chapter discusses the use of centrifugal pumps and their relationship to
the hydraulic characteristics of the piping system. Pump characteristics
covered inelude total dynamic head, efficiency, horsepower, net positive
suction head, specific speed, suction specific speed, and similarity laws.
Examples are given for selecting single pumps, parallel pumps, and series
pumps. The hydraulics of pumping pits, suction piping, cavitation, trans-
ients, and problems related to starting and stopping pumps are discussed.
There is no discussion of theory of pump design or maintenance.
Pumps can be elassified into two groups which generally describe how
energy is transmitted to the fluid: dynamic and displacement. The two
subclassifications of displacement pumps are reciprocating and rotary. Since
these are seldom used in water conveyance systems as the principal pumps,
they will not be discussed. Those interested in such pumps should consult
Reference 30.
The most common type of dynamic pump, and the type discussed in this
chapter, is the centrifugal pump. This elassification is subdivided according
to head and discharge characteristics into: axial-flow (Iow head and high
discharge), mixed-flow (moderate head and moderate discharge), and radial-
flow (high head and low discharge). These classifications are more accurate-
ly defined by the specific speed of the machine (to be defined later), which is
a function of head, discharge, and rotational speed. The axial, mixed, and
radial elassifications can be further subdivided into single- or
single- or double-suction (mixed flow only); open or elosed-impeller; self-
priming or nonpriming; fixed- or variable-pitch; and fixed- or variable-
speed. Pumps can also be classified according to their installation or physical
orientation: wet-pit, dry-pit, and horizontal or vertical.
Selecting a pump for a particular service requires matching the system
requirements and pump capabilities. Chapters 1 and 2 provided the tools for
analyzing the head-discharge requirements of a systern. The process consists
of applying the energy equation and evaluating the pumping head required
to overcome the elevation difference (static !ift) and the friction plus minor
losses. For a pump supplying water between two reservoirs, the pump head
required to produce a given discharge can be expressed as
in which the constant e = 'i,(fL/2dgA
+ Kl2gA
Figure 3.1 is a graphical representation of Eq. 3.1 showing the general
shape of a system head curve. The curve shown is for a system having a
relatively large elevation change and significant friction losses. The shape of
the system head curve depends on the relative magnitudes of the elevation
change versus friction losses.
Before a pump can be selected for a particular application, information
must be provided from which the system head curve can be generated. If the
elevation of either reservoir is a variable, then there is not a single curve but
a family of curves corresponding to the various reservoir elevations. In
addition to supplying the system head curve information, it is necessary that
the desired operating range be identified before any pump or combination of
pumps can be selected.
With the system head and discharge characteristics and the approximate
operating point determined, selection of a pump is possible. Proper selec-
tion of a pump requires that it not only provide the required head and
discharge, but that it operate near its rated conditions, which is its best
efficiency point (bep), and function free of cavitation, vibrations, and any
Static !ift
Fig. 3.1 Typical system head curve.
other undesirable characteristics. The entire piping system should al so be
analyzed from the standpoint of any hydraulic transients which may be
generated by start-up, shutdown, and any other normal or abnormal
changes in the flow.
Total Dynamic Head
Before discussing pump characteristics, several parameters used to describe
pump performance should be defined. The pump head H
discussed in
connection with Eq. 1.24 is usually referred to as the total dynamic head of
the pump. It is the change in the energy grade line at the pump. An
explanation of what it represents is obtained by considering how one would
experimentally measure the total dynamic head for a pump installed in a
pipeline. Assume that the pump is installed with a straight section of suction
pipe and a straight section of discharge pipe both of sufficient length to
develop uniform flow. Assume further that piezometer taps are installed in
the suction pipe several diameters upstream from the pump inlet and in the
discharge pipe at a sufficient distance that uniform flow exists at the
piezometers. Rewriting Eq. 1.24 (neglecting H" the turbine head) and
solving for total dynamic head H
V ~ V ~ p
= -2 - -2 + P
/y - - + Z2 - Zl + H (3.2)
g g y
This equation represents the total increase in energy created by the
pump, expressed in feet or meters of fluid between section 1 and 2. This
total dynamic head ineludes 1) any increase in dynamic head (V;l2g-
V ~ l 2 g created by having the discharge pipe smaller than the suction pipe,
2) increase in the pressure head (P
/y - Pi/Y)' 3) any elevation change
between the suction and discharge piping (Z2 - Zl)' and 4) the pipe friction
losses which occur between the piezometers in the suction and discharge
pipes (H). If H
is calculated using P
and P
from the hydraulic grade line
projected back to the suction and discharge sides of the pump, then H in
Eq. 3.2 would be zero. If the pump is supplying water between two
reservoirs and points 1 and 2 are selected at the surface of the reservoirs, the
equation reduces to H
= Z2 - Zl + H. In this case, H ineludes all friction
and minor losses for the entire system.
Equation 3.1 shows that the pump head is related to the square of the
velocity or discharge. If there is a valve in the discharge piping, it is possible
to vary the flow through the pump, which results in a corresponding change
of pump head. By measuring the total dynamic head at different discharges,
one generates what is referred to as a pump rating curve. Typical rating
curves (or characteristic curves) for constant speed centrifugal pumps are
shown in Fig. 3.2. Different characteristic curves can be generated by
Fig. 3.2 Pump rating curves for centrifugal pumps.
changing the speed of the pump or impeller diameter. At zero ftow, the total
dynamic head is referred to as the shutoff head.
Curve A in Fig. 3.2 is called a stable or normal rising pump characteristic.
As the ftow is reduced, the head continually increases. Curve B is an
example of an unstable or drooping characteristic because below sorne ftow
tlle head reduces as the ftow decreases. Such a pump is unstable because at
low discharges the ftow can oscillate between two values. Points 1 and 2 on
curve B of Fig. 3.2 represent two such ftow rates. When the pump tries to
operate at a ftow below that corresponding to point 3 on curve B, the ftow
can be unstable. This results in fiuctuations in the electricalload and creates
pressure surges in the pipeline. Such situations should be avoided either by
selecting pumps that have stable characteristics or by making provisions that
prevent an unstable pump from operating near its unstable zone. The third
type of characteristic shown in Fig. 3.2 is called a steeply rising characteristic
(pump C). This type of characteristic is useful when the system pressure
varies significantly.
A sample set of pump characteristic curves for a centrifugal pump is
shown in Fig. 3.3. Data are shown for three impeller diameters, labeled as
curves A, B, and C. The figure ineludes information on head, ftow,
efficiency, net positive suction head, and brake horsepower. Each of these
terms will be discussed in the next section. The best efficiency point (bep) or
normal operating point would be near the middle of the area of 85%
For computational purposes, especially for computer applications, it is
convenient to express the head-ftow part of the pump rating curve as an
~ \
'" 70%
r> R'
o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Capacity (gpm)
Fig. 3.3 Pump rating curve for low specific speed pump.
equation. For a centrifugal pump with a normal characteristic curve, operat-
ing near the design point, the head can be related to the discharge by
in which Ho is the shutoff head (head at Q = O), and el and e2 are
constants evaluated for each pump curve. The constants are evaluated by
substituting Ho and two sets of Q and H values scaled from the curve near
the design point into Eq. 3.3 and solving simultaneously for el and e2. This
form of the equation is used in Chapter 9 for transient analysis of pumps.
The equation can also be solved simultaneously with the system equation to
evaluate the pumps flow rate.
Mechanical and Electrical Power
The horsepower delivered by a pump to the fluid, referred to as water
horsepower, is calculated by:
whp = Q'Y 550
in which Q is the flow rate in cubic feet per second, 'Y is the specific weight
of water (Table 1.1), and H
is the total dynamie head in feet, evaluated
from Eq. 3.2.
When using Q in gpm and specifie gravity (sg), water horsepower is
ealculated by
whp = sgQ 3960
The horsepower required to drive the pump is referred to as brake
horsepower and is defined as
in which e
is the effieieney o the pump (e
= whp/bhp).
The total input horsepower to the motor is
in which e
is the effieieney o the motor.
Eleetrical power eonsumption rate is expressed in kilowatts (kW) and is
related to horsepower by kW = hp 0.746 kW/hp. Total power eonsumption,
which is the method used to compute power eharges, is expressed in
kilowatt-hours (kW-h).
A graphieal representation o the variation o brake horsepower with flow
rate for a low specifie speed eentrifugal pump is shown in Fig. 3.3. For a low
specifie speed pump, the brake horsepower typically inereases with dis-
eharge. For high speeifie speed pumps, the horsepower near the shuto
head inereases rapidly.
To determine the water horsepower and seleet the best operating point
for the pump, it is neeessary to speeify the effieieney of the pump (also
shown in Fig. 3.3). From data sueh as shown in Fig. 3.3, it is possible to
predict the input and output horsepower for any discharge, determine the
bep, and decide i the pump is stable. The point o maximum efficiency is
also called the design point and identifies H
and Qdes. When selecting a
pump, it is desirable to have it operate near its design point or bep.
When selecting a pump for a particular application, it is usually possible
to select from several impelIer diameters, such as curves A, B, and e in Fig.
3. Curve A is for the largest impelIer diameter. The option of different
impeller diameters alIows more flexibility in ehoosing a pump that meets the
system requirements and opera tes near its design point. Each impeller has a
separate bhp line, but usualIy a common NPSHr (net positive suction head
required) lineo
Net positive suction head (NPSH)
Satisfactory pump performance requires that adequate attention be given to
cavitation. Pumps can be forced to cavitate by reducing the suction pressure.
Cavitation has two general effects on pump performance. First, the cavita-
tion can cause erosion damage, which wears away the impeller and other
parts of the pump and eventually degrades the pump performance. Second,
for advanced stages of cavitation, even before erosion has had time to occur,
the pump performance can be degraded by large quantities of vapor.
The pressure necessary at the suction side of the pump to prevent
cavitation from deteriorating the pump performance is referred to as the net
positive suction head required (NPSHr). The NPSHr is determined from
pump tests. It is essential that the net positive suction head available
(NPSHa), which depends upon the system, exceeds the required NPSHr
with a reasonable margin of safety to ensure satisfactory operation. This
margin of safety is discussed in section 3.6.
For a pump connected to a suction reservoir, the NPSHa is calculated
in which Hb is the minimum expected absolute barometric pressure head, Zs
the elevation from the centerline of the pump suction to the water surface
elevation in the suction weH (negative if the water surface is below the
pump), H the friction head loss and any locallosses in the suction piping,
and H
the absolute vapor pressure of the liquid at the maximum expected
water temperature. AH units in Eq. 3.8 are expressed in feet (or m) of fluid.
In the case of pumps where there is no suction weH, and therefore no water
surface elevation for reference, the quantity z s - H is replaced by the gauge
pressure head PJy at the centerline of the pump suction plus the suction
velocity head, so
NPSHa = Hb - H
+ - + -2
l' g
The definition of NPSHa and the relationship between the two equations
(3.8 and 3.9) is illustrated in Fig. 3.4. Note that the NPSHa is the vertical
distance between the absolute vapor pressure line and the energy grade line
To demonstrate the application of NPSH, consider the following ex-
Example 3.1. Consider a pump installed so it is aboye the water level
in the supply reservoir. The problem is to find the maximum elevation
(z.) of the pump so NPSHr = NPSHa.
Vapor Pressure
DalUm=Absolute Zero Hva
Fig. 3.4 Graphic description of NPSHa.
The problem is solved by determining the four quantities on the right
side of Eq. 3.8. Assume Q = 8 cfs, maximum water temperature =
40F, site elevation = 5000 ft, suction diameter = 12-in., loss coeffici-
ents are K entrance = 0.9 and K/ elbow = 0.7, LId = 0.3, and
NPSHr = 20.5 ft.
Using Eq. 1.11 for an elevation of 5000 ft at the pump, the average
barometric pressure is 12.2 psi or 28.2 ft.
Head loss in the suction pipe calculated with Eq. 3.1 gives: H = 3.07
The absolute vapor pressure at the maximum expected water tempera-
ture of 40F is obtained from Table 1.1 and equals 0.28 ft. By setting
NPSHa = NPSHr = 20.5, the solution of Eq. 3.8 gives 20.5 = 28.2-
0.28 + Zs - 3.07 or Zs = -4.35 ft, which means that the water level can
be 4.35 ft below the pump. It would therefore be recommended that
the pump be placed several feet lower to reduce the cavitation.
Another factor not included in this example which is necessary for
determining the pump setting is water level fluctuations in the sump. The
NPSHa should be established relative to the lowest possible water level in
the sump. It should also be noted that NPSHr usually increases with flow
rate (Fig. 3.3), so the NPSHr scaled from the pump curve should be based
on the maximum expected pump discharge.
The potential of a pump to cavitate can also be expressed as a dimension-
less cavitation parameter u:
u = NPSHr / H
The method of evaluating NPSHr or u is discussed in Section 3.6. It
represents the condition at which the cavitation is severe enough to cause
the pump efficiency to decrease. This condition can only be evaluated by
testing the pump. It is important to realize that at this condition the pump
will usually suffer some cavitation erosion damage.
Specific Speed
Specific speed is a parameter which correlates pump capacity, head, and
speed as follows:
in which N, is the specific speed, N the rotational speed of the pump in
revolutions per minute (rpm), Q the flow rate in U.S. gallons per minute
(gpm), and H
is the total dynamic head in feet. Q and H
are for optimum
efficiency (bep).
Pumps are divided into three general c1asses depending on the nature of
the flow pattern inside the pump and the magnitude of the specific speed.
Radial flow or turbine pumps produce large heads and small discharges and
have small values of N, (500-2,000). Mixed-flow pumps produce modest
head increases and reasonably large flows and have intermediate values of
N, (2,000-7,000). Pumps that produce large amounts of discharge at rela-
tively low head have large values of N, (7,000-15,000) and are referred to as
axial flow or propeller pumps. For a given pump design, the specific speed
can be altered by changing the pump speed. Typical values of pump speed
are 450, 900, 1,800, and 3,600 rpm. The high speeds are associated with
smaller pumps.
When selecting the speed, two opposing factors must be considered. A
larger N produces a larger N, and for N, < 2,000 improves the efficiency.
The higher speed also results in a smaller pump and less cost. The
disadvantages to higher speed are faster wear (especially if there are
suspended solids in the water) and increased problems with cavitation and
transients. The wear is approximately proportional to the square of the shaft
speed, so doubling N may increase wear by four times, which increases
maintenance costs.
Suction Specific Speed
This is another parameter used to describe the cavitation characteristics of
an impeller. It is defined as
S = --=--:c-=
This parameter relates the cavitation potential of a pump to its speed and
discharge. N is the motor speed in rpm, Q the flow in gpm at the point of
maximum efficiency, and NPSHr the required NPSH in feet at the point of
maximum efficiency. Large values of S indicate more severe cavitation
conditions. A typical upper limit of S for centrifugal pumps with good
cavitation performance is 9,000 (30). Many commercial pumps have values
of S between 5,000 and 7,000. Boiler-feed and condensate pumps have
values between 12,000 and 18,000 (30). Upper limits of the suction specific
speed are also given by the Hydraulic Institute standards (25). It is best to
obtain values of S or NPSHr for each specific pump from the pump
manufacturer if they are available.
Rotational Inertia
The quantity WR
is a parameter describing the moment of inertia of the
rotating parts of the pump and motor about the axis of rotation. R is the
radius of gyration in feet and W is the weight of the rotating parts (including
the water inside the pump) in pounds. The WR
of the pump is calculated or
determined experimentally by the equipment manufacturers. The parameter
is used to calcula te the required starting torque of the motor and for
determining its coast-down speed when the power is turned off to the motor.
The latter is used for hydraulic transient analysis to determine the severity
of waterhammer generated when the pump is shut off.
Similarity Laws
Scaling head and discharge data from one pump to a geometrically similar
pump of a different size, or predicting performance at a different speed can
be done with the following similarity equations:
N ~ = const
-_P- =const
These equations are easily derived by dimensional analysis. They neglect
viscosity but ensure similarity of the velocity vector diagrams at the im-
To demonstrate application of these equations, assume that it is desired
to perform model tests of a large pump to evaluate its characteristics. The
prototype design conditions are represented by DI> NI' QI> and HpI. For
the model, it is necessary to set two of the variables and determine the other
two from Eqs. 3.13 and 3.14. The process may involve iteration if Q2 and
are selected as the independent variables and D
and N
from the equations. The reason is that normally only synchronous motor
speeds are used. If D
and N
are selected as the independent variables, then
Q2 and H
are calculated directly by
The equations are also useful for evaluating the infiuence of changing
speed or impeller diameter on Q, H
' and whp. For example, determine the
effect of doubling pump speed on Q, H
and whp. With D
= D, Eq. 3.15
gives Q2 = 2Q, and H
= 4H
' This causes the horsepower (Eq. 3.4) to
increase 8 times.
Next, consider the case of increasing the impeller diameter 25%. From
Eq. 3.15 with N = N
, Q2 = 1.25
Q, H
= 1.25
and the water
horsepower increases by (1.25l
Pumps are selected to match system requirements. Systems normally oper-
ate over a range of fiow conditions due to varying demand, changes in
reservoir elevations, or changes in friction or minor losses. For fiexibility
and reliability, it is common to use multiple pumps in parallel. For high-
pressure applications, series pumps are sometimes required. Additional
pumps may al so be added either in series or parallel as demand increases.
This section discusses single and multiple pump selection. Several examples
are presented to demonstrate various principies.
When selecting a pump, the designer has many choices from different
manufacturers. One selects a pump whose design point is close to the
operating point and that can operate efficiently and economically over the
required operating range. Consider the following example.
Example 3.2. Using the pump characteristic curves in Fig. 3.3, select
the best impeller diameter for the folowing system. It is desired to
supply 500 gpm in a system with a static lift (elevation change) of 80 ft.
The pipe is 6 in. in diameter, 700 ft long, with a Darcy-Weisbach
friction factor of 0.020.
The first step is to evaluate the H vs. Q equation (Eq. 3.1) for the
system and plot it on the pump curve.
~ = 80 ft. (given)
2 fL
Hp = 80 + CQ , C = (2gdA2 ) = 11.28
= 80 + 1l.28Q2 (Q in cfs)
= 80 + 5.60 X 1O-sQ2 (Q in gpm)
This equation is plotted in Fig. 3.5, which contains the same pump
characteristics as Fig. 3.3. The intersection of the system curve with
the pump curves indicates the operating points for each impeller
diameter. In terms of efficiency, either A or B impellers would work.
The A impeller will supply about 550 gpm, and the B impeller will
supply about 450 gpm. Since neither is exactlIy 500 gpm, a decision is
required. If 450 gpm is adequate, the smaller B impeller would be the
economical choice. If 500 gpm is the minimum required, then the A
impelled would be chosen.
For this example, pump B is selected. The efficiency is about 84.5%.
The NPSH and brake horsepower are scaled by projecting vertically
downward to intersect the NPSH and bhp curves, giving NPSH = 10.5
ft and bhp = 13 hp.
In most pipe systems, the elevation head varies or a valve may be
throttled to change the system losses and consequently the system
curve. If the elevation head changes, a new system curve is drawn by
translating the original system curve vertically the amount that !l.z
varies. If a valve is throttled, the value of e in Eq. 3.16 must be
recaIculated and a new system curve plotted. The pump chosen in this
example could operate at flows between about 380 and 650 gpm
efficiently (above 80%).
I Operating point. Pump B I
20 --5
o D D a B B
Capacity (gpm)
Fig. 3.5 Pump rating curve and system curve for Example 3.2.
Centrifugal pumps can only operate over a limited flow range on either
si de of the design point. If the flow gets too low, recirculation can occur at
the inlet to the resulting in rough operation as well as poor
efficiency. At large flows, the pump demands excessive power, which may
overload the motor. AIso, cavitation beco mes more likely, since the NPSHr
increases with Q, and efficiency drops. If the range of system requirements
is too great, multiple pumps in parallel or series may be necessary.
Example 3.3. Select a pump that will supply about 6 cfs from a low
reservoir (el. 1500 ft) to an upper reservoir whose water level varies
between 1615 and 1640 ft. The pipe is 6000 ft long, f = 0.016, d = 16
in. (inside pipe diameter).
The required H
to satisfy the system (from Eq. 3.1) is
= Ilz + 0. 573Q2, (Q in cfs)
where Ilz = 140 to 115 ft, depending on the reservoir.
Consider a pump having H-Q characteristics defined by the equation
= 175 - O.5Q - 0.4Q2 (Q in cfs)
Find the discharge at maximum Ilz = 140 ft. This is done by si multa-
neously solving the aboye equations,which is analogous to finding the
intersection of the pump and system head curves in Fig. 3.5.
140 + 0.573Q2 = 175 - 0.5Q - 0.4Q2
The real root is Q = 5.75 cfs.
At minimum Ilz = 115 ft. the flow rate (using the same approach)
increases to 7.49 cfs. The pump will therefore supply between 5.75 and
7.49 cfs depending on the water surface elevation in the terminal
To complete this analysis, one should check the pump curve to be sure
that the range of flows fall in the zone of aceeptable efficieney and
check the NPSHa for the system to be SUTe that the cavitation will not
be excessive.
Parallel Pump Selection
There are a number of reasons for placing multiple pumps in parallel. For
reliability, it is desirable to have more than one pump. It is eommon to use
three identical pumps in parallel, each having the capability of supplying
50% of the normal flow requirement. Another option is to have four pumps,
each capable of supplying 33% of the normal flow requirement. Each option
provides a wider range of flows than a single pump, as well as a back-up
pump for increased reliability. Another reason for parallel pumps is that
they can be added to meet future demands. A pipeline is often designed for
future demands and pumps added as the demand increases.
When pumps are operated in parallel, they work against a common
pressure and it is important to match the head characteristics of pumps
carefully. If the pumps are badly mismatched in head, one of them may not
even produce any flow. The system head los s characteristics are also
important beca use they help determine the type of pump characteristic
curve that is most suitable. It is also important that the pumps are able to
operate efficiently individually or together. These principIes will be dis-
cussed in the following examples.
Figure 3.6 demonstrates the situation of two identical pumps in parallel.
The combined pump curve is constructed by adding (doubling if the two
pumps are identical) the discharge at each head. The design head or bep of
the pump occurs at the same head for one or two pumps (if the pumps are
identical). The pump should be selected so that at the most frequent system
operating condition the pump(s) will be operating as closely as possible to
their design point for both single- and multiple-pump operation. Pump
selection is further complicated beca use the sta tic lift can vary anywhere
between the maximum and minimum, so there is usually a family of system
head curves. The pump characteristics used in Fig. 3.6 are the same as in
Fig. 3.3.
t---+-A_ 60%
120 -t ____ +-__ -t:--- __ ,7"/-t-1--..;;7 ... 0% ...... ::'80'-"%'- point for
-::;- r---. 85% c' I
J! I----+B- I -..,..... 2- pumps In paralle
o .-t-t--t........... 85%
- e "'l-....""2::..... 80% System
80 \ 7 .......... ...;-
1; .-- -------- ---
S ro r-15 ft.
r' 40 r-IO - ---- .l-f-' l." 20
- I A=iP- bhp
10 --- ---
20 -r--5
o lOO 200 300 400 500 roo 700 800 900 1000 1100
Capacity (gpm)
Fig. 3.6 Parallel pump system head curves for identical pumps.
Example 3.4. For the system curve shown in Fig. 3.6, find the ftow rate
for two type C pumps operating in parallel.
The characteristic curve for two identical pumps in paraIlel is con-
structed by doubling the discharge for a single pump at any head. The
actual discharge may be slightly less due to minor losses associated
with the more complex piping required for multiple pumps. This is
adjusted for by increasing the value of e in the system loss equation
(Eq. 3.1b).
The intersection of the two pump curve and the system curve is the
operating point. The ftow for two pumps wiII be 900 gpm at a head of
78 ft. The efficiency, NPSH, and horsepower for each pump is found
by projecting back to the single-pump curve along a line of constant
head, as shown by the broken line in Fig. 3.6. Reading data from the
single pump curve gives
Efficiency = 84%, NPSHr = 10.5 ft, and bhp = 10.5 hp for each pump
If one pump were operating in the same system, its ftow and head
would be determined at the intersection of the single pump curve for
pump C and the system curve. Figure 3.6 shows that the head and ftow
would be 59 ft, and gpm 640 and efficiency 68%.
If a single pump had to operate for long periods of time, it could
operate at a more efficient point by throttling a valve to raise the
system curve. For example, a ftow of 500 gpm, which would put the
pump at its best efficiency point (bep), could be obtained by creating a
head loss across a valve of about 25 ft.
The next example demonstrates the problems associated with using
pumps in paraIlel that have different head-discharge curves. Normally,
pumps operated in parallel should either be identical or have very similar
characteristic curves.
Example 3.4, continued. Using the same system and pump curves just
discussed, consider using one type-B pump and one type-C pump in
The combined pump curve, shown in Fig. 3.7, is again obtained by
adding the ftows at constant head. However, at heads below about 93
ft, pump C cannot supply water because the pressure is above its
shutoff head. The combined pump curve merely follows the B pump
curve until the head drops below 93 ft. Beyond that point, the
discharge from the two pumps add, as shown in Fig. 3.7.
In terms of operation at heads above 93 ft, if pump C were turned on
and there were no check valve to prevent reverse flow, water would
10.1--- ~
60 ~ 1 5
. --
......... 10
20 -5
80% 85%
-,.... /
--\- ~ --./-
Operating point for 1-B -
& I-C pump in parallel
~ .!!"tem
~ ~ ~
2 pump
---- ---..
--- --------
O 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Capacity (gpm)
Fig. 3.7 Parallel pump system head curves for mismatched pumps.
flow backward through pump C even though it would be trying to
pump forward. With a check valve in the discharge pipe, the valve
would c10se and pump C would pump against a c10sed valve. This
would rapidly overheat the pump and cause damage.
One could handle this with controls that prevent pump C from
operating at heads aboye sorne set value. The better solution is to
match the heads so this situation does not happen.
For the mismatched pumps in parallel, the flow is increased to 990
gpm. The efficiency, NPSHr, and bhp are scaled from each individual
pump curve, as shown in Fig 3.7, giving
For pump B: Q = 590 gpm, H
= 81 ft, efficiency = 85%, NPSHr
= 12, and bhp = 15 hp
For pump C: Q = 400 gpm, H
= 81 ft, efficiency = 80%, NPSHr
= 10, and bhp = 12 hp
Series Pumps
There are several situations in which pumps in series may be useful.
Consider the data shown in Fig. 3.8. It represents a system with a high,
.......... Operating point for I
200 2-B pumps in series 11+----1
" 1 System
180 -+----+----.,I----+----+----F ...
! 11 '"
V ",2Bpumps
"';';"'-1"""""" n-.... 80% ---;1+-_+---1---1
.......... 85%
B-NH .,...:.. ......... :
100 r-.L........... 85%
... ___
60 1-15
NPSH --- ----
40 20
A-::!: -::::::- "-
____ L __ .. bhp
20 r--5 10
o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Capacity (gpm)
Fig. 3.8 Pump rating curve for series pumps for Example 3.5.
constant static lift of 120 ft and high friction losses. Figure 3.8 again shows
the same three impeller sizes used in the previous examples. It is apparent
that none of the pumps will supply adequate head. An obvious solution is,
of course, to select another type of pump that will have adequate head. For
this example, two pumps in series will be used to demonstrate the principIe.
The system curve for two identicaI pumps in series is created by doubIing
the head for one pump at each flow. Figure 3.8 shows the combined pump
curve for two B pumps intersects the system curve at a flow of 580 gpm and
a head of 168 ft.
One must project back to the single-pump curve to read efficiency, brake
horsepower, and NPSH. For parallel pumps, this was done by projecting to
the left along a line of H
= constant. For series pumps, this is done by
projecting down at Q = constant. Once on the single-pump line, efficiency
), NPSHr and bhp can be determined. The pumps would be operating
near their bep at an efficiency of 85% at H
= 82 ft (each), Q = 580 gpm,
NPSHr = 12.3 ft, and bhp = 15 hp (each). For this system, it would not be
possible to operate one pump alone because the elevation lift of 120 ft
exceeds the shutoff head of the B pump.
The next example demonstrates how to use the pump characteristic
equation (Eq. 3.3) and the system equation (Eq. 3.1) to solve for parallel
and series pump fiows mathematically, as opposed to graphically as done in
the previous examples.
Example 3.5. Consider a pipeline connecting two reservoirs. Assume
that the system characteristics are expressed by H
= 60 + 1.2Q2, in
which H
is in feet, 60 is the elevation difference in feet between the
reservoirs, and the friction loss is 1.2Q2 (Q in cfs). The pump selected
for the application has a H-Q characteristic expressed as H
80 - 0.8Q - 0.6Q 2 (Q in cfs). Find the fiow rate for a) one pump, b)
two pumps in series, and c) two pumps in parallel.
For one pump, the fiow rate produced by the pump is determined by
simultaneously solving the system and pump H-Q equations
= 80 - 0.8Q - 0.6Q2 = 60 + 1. 2Q2
The real root is Q = 3.11 cfs and the corresponding head is 71.6 ft.
For two pumps in series, the head at any fiow is approximately double,
= 160 -1.6Q -1.2Q2 = 60 + 1.
The real root is Q = 6.13 cfs and the corresponding head is 105 ft.
For two pumps in parallel, the discharge is half through each pump at
the same head, so
= 80 - 0.8(Q/2) - 0.6(Q/2)2
The real root is Q = 3.70 cfs and the corresponding head is 76.4 ft.
Using this procedure, it is still necessary to refer to the pump curves to see if
the pumps are operating in an efficient range and to get efficiency, bhp, and
The shape of the system curve has an important bearing on pump
selection for single or multiple pumps in series or parallel. Figures 3.9-3.12
demonstrate several features of the infiuence of system characteristics on
pump selection. In these figures, the bep has been arbitrarily set midway
between the operating points for one- and two-pump operation.
2 Pumps in parallel
Fig. 3.9 Parallel pumps in high friction loss system.
Figure 3.9 shows the operation of two pumps in parallel in a system that
has high friction los ses and little static lift that is, a steep system curve. Point
A is the operating point for a single pump. Point B identifies the operating
point for both pumps operating. Point e is the projected point for each
pump with both pumps operating. It is located by projecting to the left at
constant head.
Note that the flow is only increased about 30% by using two pumps. It is
assumed that the bep lies half way between points A and e, as shown in the
figure. Since neither point A nor e are very close to the bep and the ftow is
only increased 30%, using parallel pumps in high friction systems is not very
Next, consider the same two pumps operating in a system with a large
gravity lift and low friction, as shown in Fig. 3.10. For this case, the flow is
almost doubled with two pumps in parallel. Also note that points A
Fig. 3.10 Parallel pumps in low friction loss system.
Fig. 3.11 Series pumps in high friction loss system.
(one-pump operation) and e (two-pump operation) are both near the bep.
This makes for more flexibility, sinee either one or two pumps can be
operated and still have good efficieney. These two examples demonstrate
that paraUel pumps are more appropriate in systems with 10w friction 10ss.
The next two figures demonstrate that series pumps are better for high
frietion 10ss systems. Figure 3.11 shows series pumps in a high frietion
system, while Fig. 3.12 shows series pumps in a 10w friction system. Point B
defines the operating point for two-pump operation. Point e identifies the
head and flow for each of the pumps operating together. Point A is for one
pump operation. For the high 10ss system (Fig. 3.11), the flow is only
A :
E ~ ~ - ~ - ; - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ ~ ~ : : : :
I le
~ - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - I
: : Onepump
t ,
Fig. 3.12 Series pumps in low frietion loss system.
increased about 50% when operating two pumps, but points A and e are
both near the bep. Therefore, either one or two pumps can be used
efficiently. This would be a good application for series pumps.
When series pumps are used in a low friction system, as in Fig. 3.12, the
ftow is almost doubled, but the pumps operate far from the bep for both
one- and two-pump operation. This would not be a good application for
series pumps. Series pumps work better in high loss systems and parallel
pumps better in low-Ioss systems.
There are mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic problems associated with
starting and stopping pumps. If a pump is started against a c10sed valve, as
soon as it is up to speed the pressure goes to the shutoff head. The piping
between the pump and valve must be designed for this pressure. If a low
specific speed pump is allowed to operate against a c10sed valve for any
period of time, the energy transferred to the water can cause it to boil and
possibly damage the pump.
The temperature rise of the water inside the pump case caused by
operating a pump at shutoff head, ignoring heat loss by radiation and
convection, can be determined from the equation (Ref. 30, pp. 13-12):
= temperature rise, F/min
= brake horsepower at shutoff
42.4 = conversion from bhp to Btu/min
= net weight of liquid in the pump, lb
= specific heat of liquid (1.0 if liquid is water)
For high head pumps, this temperature rise can endanger the pump in
High specific speed pumps should not be operated at shutoff head against
a c10sed valve for any period of time because the power and torque are
considerably higher than the rated values. Since they require excessive
power and torque, the motor will overheat rapidly. This problem can often
be solved by installing a check valve which opens as soon as the head
exceeds the static shutoff head.
For low specific speed pumps (below about 5000), the power and torque
at shutoff are equal to or less than the rated conditions. Starting a low
specific speed pump against a closed valve will not overload the motor. It is
still necessary to limit the time of operation at shutoff so the water does not
heat up.
If starting with a closed valve is necessary to control the filling rate, it is
often advisable to have a bypass line that returns part of the flow to the
suction sump or to the suction piping. The by pass would be designed to
provide enough recirculating flow to reduce the head and power to accept-
able limits. The bypass line must be connected far enough from the pump
suction that it does not disturb the flow into the impeller. Bypass valves can
be manually operated or hydraulically actuated by line pressure.
For a system with a check valve, water starts to flow as soon as the pump
head exceeds the gravity head against the downstream side of the valve. The
acceleration of the water can be calculated by the equation of motion,
IF = ma. The forees resisting motion are gravity and frietion. The force
causing motion is the pump pressure times the pipe area. The mass is the
total mass of water in the pump and pipe that must be aecelerated. It is a
simple proeedure to evaluate the time required to reach steady state. The
time depends on the specifie speed and the amount of gravity head. For
lower specifie speed pumps, the shutoff head is not mueh larger than the
design head. If there is a large gravity head, the net head available to
aeeelerate the water is small and the time to reaeh steady state large. For a
high specific speed pump, the shutoff head is several times the design head.
Sueh pumps usually pump primarily against frietion. At low flow rates, there
is little frietion and consequently little resisting force, and the accelerating
head is high. This system will reach steady state rapidly.
Because starting pumps causes electrieal surges, most power companies
require reduced voltage starters on all but small pumps. The cost of such
starters can be a significant percentage of the total cost and must not be
ignored in the economic analysis.
Hydraulie transients are always generated in pump systems at start-up and
shutdown. If special precautions are not taken, the magnitude of the
transient can be sufficient to cause damage. For example, consider a system
where the pump is started with the discharge pipe empty. If there is not a
control valve to regulate the flow through the pump at start-up, the pump
will initia11y supply more than the design discharge, since there is virtually
no head on the system. Assume that a control valve at the end of the pipe is
only partia11y open. When the pump starts, water will rapidly fi11 the pipe
and the air will be expe11ed through the valve. Air can easily pass through
the valve with Httle resistance. When the water reaches the valve, because it
is much more dense than the air, it cannot pass through the valve as easily
and therefore there is an almost instantaneous decrease in ve10city which
can ereate a high pressure rise.
Start-up transients can be controlled by starting the pump against a closed
or partially open discharge valve located near the pump and using a bypass
line around the pump. This allows the discharge in the system to be filled
slowly. For systems where the discharge piping remains full because of a
Fig. 3.13 Transient caused by power faiture to a pump.
check val ve , it is usualIy safe to start the pump without using a throttled
discharge valve.
The problem of shutting the pump down also creates hydraulic problems.
When the power to a pump is turned off, the head at the pump rapidly
decreases and flow reversal can occur. The magnitude of the transient is
related to the length and profile of the discharge line, the pump characteris-
tics, and the relationships between the elevation and friction head.
One transient problem is related to systems pumping over a hilI. Such a
system is shown in Fig. 3.13. For steady-state flow, the pressure along the
pipe is shown by the straight sloping line. When the pump is turned off, the
pressure at the discharge of the pump rapidly de creases and this sends
negative pressure waves down the pipeline. At the top of the hill, the
pressure is relatively low. When the negative pressure wave reaches the top
of the hill, the pressure in the pipe can drop to vapor pressure. This is
referred to as column separation. A vapor cavities forms near the top of the
hilI. On subsequent cycIes of the transient when the pressure increases,
cavity collapse and may occur and cause a high pressure to be generated in
the system.
Numerous mechanical devices and techniques can be used to suppress
pump shutdown transients. These incIude increasing the WR
of the pump,
use of air chambers near the pump, pressure-relief valves, vacuum-breaking
valves, surge tanks, and sophisticated interaction between control valves and
the pump. Methods of computing transients and devices for controIling them
are discussed in later chapters.
Flow conditions at the inlet to the pump can significantly affect pump
performance. Good flow conditions in suction piping require adequate
suction pressure (so that the available NPSH is high enough) and reasonably
steady and uniform flow at the impeller. Elbows, tees, and valves in the
suction piping cause significant disturbance to the flow. If close to the pump,
they cause the flow to be rotational, nonuniform, and highly turbulent.
These effects reduce pump performance and cause cavitation. Attention
must be given to providing a satisfactory velocity distribution with a low
level of turbulence at the pump suction.
The other concern with suction piping is maintaining adequate pressure.
This is done by using a larger diameter for the suction pipe to reduce losses,
placing the pump at the lowest possible elevation, or by placing a booster
pump upstream.
The Hydraulic Institute publishes standards for sizing pump intakes for
vertical pumps (25). The standard recommends general dimensions and
submergence depth. For small pumps, following these standards have
generally produced a satisfactory installation. As the size of the units
increases, so do the hydraulic problems.
The general design criteria require that the flow approaching the pump be
uniform and steady. If the pit is too small, disturbances caused by the flow
entering the pit can cause rough pump operation. If the inlet to the pit is too
close to the pump, the approach flow will be nonuniform and highly
turbulent, again causing rough pump operation. When multiple pumps are
placed in the same pit, they should be located so that the flow does not pass
by one pump to get to another. If the inflow free falls into the pit, care
should be given to prevent air from being entrained in the liquido If the
liquid contains more than about 3% free air, the pump will lose efficiency
and operate roughly. The submergence must be adequate to prevent surface
vortices. The pumps must not operate at ftows too far below or aboye the
rated flow.
Model studies of large wet-pit-type pump installations wiU normally
identify sorne or all of the following problems that result in poor pump
performance (68):
1. Aerated and nonaerated surface vortices.
2. Subsurface vortices from the floor and side walls.
3. Circulation in the pumping pit caused by a nonuniform approach ftow
that generates vortices and prerotation at the throat of the pump.
4. Flow separation from piers, entrances, or any discontinuity of the
boundaries that generates turbulent eddies.
5. Flow separation at the suction bell, lower bearing, and support struts.
6. Inadequate water depth for suppressing cavitation.
7. Too wide an operating range for the pump so that it operates part time
at flows much different than its rated ftow.
Surface vortices are one of the most widely recognized hydraulic problem
encountered in large wet-pit-type pump installations. They are easily de-
tected in both the model and prototype and have an immediate and easily
recognizable infiuence on pump performance. They can cause vibrations,
reduced efficiency of the pump, and additional problems in the discharge
piping. Depending on the geometry of the pumping pit, capacity of the
pump, and water surface elevation, these vortices can be either aerated or
nonaerated. Their stability and strength depend on numerous factors that
are difficult to predict without a physical mode!. The aerated surface vortex
would likely cause Httle cavitation, since it is aerated, but can reduce
efficiency and genera te vibrations due to the variation in the density and
velocity as the impeller cuts through the vortex.
Depending on the fiow rate and the relative distances between the suction
belI of the pump and the boundaries of the pumping pit, subsurface vortices
can be found coming from the fioor and the side walls. The strength and
location of these vortices depend primarily on the fiow rate, circulation
within the pumping pit, and the relative distances between the suction bell
and the boundaries.
The subsurface vortices coming from the si de and rear walls generally
concentrate near the suction bell intersecting the impeller blades at their
extremities, where the veIocity is maximum. As a result, they can cause
significant cavitation and vibration damage, especialIy in larger units.
The fioor vortex is common to almost all installations unless special
provisions have been made to eliminate it. If there is any measurable
circulation within the pumping pit, the floor vortex is usually strong and
stable with a constant direction of rotation. If the flow in the pumping pit is
generally uniform with little circulation, the floor vortex can be unstable,
changing direction frequentIy. It is not uncommon to find two floor vortices
somewhat equal in strength and opposite in rotation. The floor vortex is
usually concentrated near the centerline of the pump so that it intersects the
impeller blades near the hubo Cavitation erosion damage near the impeller
blades on the hubs of certain pump installations could be a result of the floor
vortex, especially if damage is observed on both sides of the blades.
Circulation has two detrimental effects on pump operation. First, it has a
significant influence on the number, size, and location of vortices generated
within the pumping pit. Second, it causes prerotation at the throat of the
pump, which changes the angle of approach of the fiow hitting the impeIler
blades. Since impeller blades are designed on the assumption that there is
one dimensional axial flow at the throat of the suction bell, prerotation may
cause separation and possible cavitation at the leading edges of the impeller
When designing large capacity pump installations, the preceding problems
should be anticipated early in the design process. The advantages of a model
study should be seriously considered (61).
If the intake is on a river or Iake, sediment, trash, and fish exclusion will
need to be considered. There are several approaches to the fish problem.
One is to design so that fish can swim near the intake and not be trapped
against the screens. This gene rally results in large intakes with high cost.
Acoustical noises have been used in an attempt to scare the fish away from
the intake. A recent approach has been to trap the fish and move them
safely away from the intake. For details on the current state of the art as of
1984, the reader is referred to Reference 2, a publication by a task
committee of the American Society of Civil Engineers on fish handling. In
cold regions, icing at the intake is also a design consideration.
One of the serious problems with pump operation continues to be cavitation
erosiono Such damage causes financial loss due to downtime and repair or
replacement costs. Most pumps operate in cavitation. The goal of pump
selection and proper installation is to limit the cavitation damage to an
acceptable amount. Assuming that the pump is properly designed, the
cavitation is usually generated due either to poor suction conditions, insuf-
ficient NPSHa, or operating the pump at conditions incompatible with its
rated design point. A major factor contributing to cavitation eros ion damage
is that it is standard in the industry to operate pumps just slightly above
their required NPSH value. Since NPSHr is the point at which efficiency of
the pump drops off due to heavy cavitation, operating the pump near that
condition can result in cavitation erosion damage.
Cavitation, whether occurring in pumps, valves, or orifice plates, gener-
ates noise, pressure ftuctuations, vibrations, and eventually reduces the
efficiency of the device. Identifying the early stages of cavitation in a pump
can be done with pressure transducers, hydrophones, accelerometers, or
visual inspection using a stroboscope. It is helpful to use a high-frequency
pickup and filter out the low frequency disturbances generated by the pump.
Reference 16 reports a study in which ftush-mounted hydrophones were
used to detect the onset of cavitation in pumps. By analyzing the output
above 8 kHz, incipient cavitation point was identified which corresponded
closely to a visual onset of cavitation. Below 8 kHz, the interference from
mechanical and ftow noise masked the cavitation noise and made evaluation
of an incipient cavitation point difficult.
To evaluate NPSHr, a test pump is set at a given discharge with a high
positive suction pressure. The head and horsepower are then measured. In
successive steps, the suction pressure is lowered while the discharge is
maintained constant and the total dynamic head measured for each con di-
tion. The head remains constant until the cavitation beco mes heavy. As the
suction pressure is decreased, cavitation is first detected either visually or by
ear. As the suction pressure is continually lowered, the noise, vibrations,
and cavitation erosion potential continue to increase. Once the cavitation is
severe enough that fairly large vapor pockets form on the impeller, the head
and efficiency begin to reduce and the noise and vibrations become lower in
frequency. Once this condition is reached, only slight changes in the suction
control valve cause the suction pressure to drop to vapor pressure and cause
the efficiency of the pump to be significantly reduced. The net positive
suction head required (NPSHr) is usually picked at the point where H
drdpped 3% from its normal value. Typically, the net positive suction head
is a minimum at lower flow rates and increases as the discharge increases.
The relationship between NPSHr, cavitation damage, and noise gener-
ated by cavitation has been investigated (16, 21). Reference 16 shows that
maximum noise and erosion rates occur before the efficiency of the pump
begins to decrease. Reference 21 suggests that on the average, NPSHa
should be about three times NPSHr to prevent any cavitation. These
findings are also substantiated in Reference 16. The data correlate with the
author's observations of tests on numerous valves and orifice plates: max-
imum cavitation erosion, noise, and vibration occur befare the device begins
to choke.
Tests (16) were conducted on nine different pumps to measure onset of
cavitation and NPSHr (called the breakdown point, or loss of efficiency
point). The data showed that ratio of NPSH at inception of cavitation to
NPSH at breakdown (NPSHr) varies from 2.2 to 18.3. Onset of cavitation
varied significantly with f10w rateo For one pump at design f1ow, the NPSH
ratio was 8.24, but at half the design f10w it increased to 18.3.
It is not recommended that pumps be operated so that NPSHa is several
times NPSHr because the level of cavitation at inception is insignificant.
What the data do suggest is that since cavitation usually begins long before
there is a loss of efficiency, there is also a good chance that significant
damage will occur at NPSH > NPSHr. The present practice of setting
NPSHa just a few feet higher than NPSHr may not be safe. Hopefully,
additional testing should be done to evaluate onset of cavitation damage for
pumps to c1arify this point.
3.1. Why is the suction side of a centrifugal pump usually larger than the
discharge side?
3.2. Explain why point 3 on Fig. 3.2, curve B, is the boundary between
stable and unstable pump operation.
3.3. Pressure gauges on the suction and discharge sides of a pump read 5
psi and 108 psi, respectively. Can you ca1culate or estimate the total
dynamic head?
3.4. An 8-in. suction by 6-in. discharge pump is being tested in the
laboratory. The head rise across the pump is measured with a
water/mercury differential manometer. At a flow rate of 3 cfs, the
manometer reads 215-cm differential. (a) Calculate the total dynamic
head (TDH). (b) What would happen to the TDH if friction losses
were included in the calculation? (c) What is the water horsepower?
3.5. When basing the available NPSH on the measured suction pressure
) Eq. 3.9 is used; prove Eq. 3.9 is valido Hint: apply the energy
equation between the suction well and the pump inlet.
3.6. A pump is to be installed in a straight horizontal pipe. The si te is at an
elevation of 3000 ft, the water temperature is 50F and the ftow rate
will be 5 cfs. The required NPSH is 15 ft. Calculate how far the pump
can be located from the suction reservoir (el. 3010 ft) so that the
available NPSH is equal to the required NPSH. The pipe diameter is
12 in. Assume f= 0.0145.
Answer: 2740 ft.
3.7. As the speed of a pump is increased, what happens to: cost, wear,
specific speed, efficiency, and transient problems?
3.8. A commercial centrifugal pump is being considered for an application
where N = 1750 rpm, Q = 9000 gpm, and NPSHa = 25 ft. What is the
possibility of cavitation?
3.9. Using the data for the 24-in pipe in Example 2.5, find the system-
head curve (Eq. 3.1b).
Answer: H
= 175 + 0.107Q2
3.10. Determine the head-discharge equation (Eq. 3.3) for a pump that
produced the following data during a test:
Q (cfs) Head
O 270
10 250
25 180
Using the system equation determined in Problem 3.9, find the
operating point for this pump.
Answer: (a) H
= 270 - 0.933Q - 0.1067Q2
(b) Q = 19 cfs, H
= 213.6 ft
3.11. A system has a required head of 135 ft at 600 gpm. The elevation lift
is 50 ft. Using the pump curve in Fig. 3.3, find the smallest pumps in
series or parallel that will supply the required flow. List Q, H
efficiency and horsepower for each pump.
3.12. A pump with a H - Q curve of H
= 125 - O.4Q - 0.3Q2 (cfs) is
installed in a system defined by H
= 50 + 0.41Q2. Find the ftow.
Hydraulics of Pipelines: Pumps, Valves, Cavitation, Transients. J . Paul Tullis
Copyright 1989 J ohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Valves are an important part of pipeline designo They are used to regulate
the ftow and pressure, protect the pipe and pumps from overpressurization,
help to prevent transients, prevent reverse ftow through pumps, remove air,
and perform various other functions. If not properly selected and operated,
however, they can also cause problems. Closing a control valve too fast,
using the wrong type of check valve, or filling a line too rapidly can result in
severe hydraulic transients. If valves are subjected to cavitation, they will
wear out rapidly, leak, and need replacing. This chapter discusses types and
functions of val ves and their hydraulic characteristics, including energy
dissipation and torque. Problems of cavitation and transients are covered in
later chapters.
There is a wide assortment of different types of valves used for a variety
of purposes. Table 4.1 lists typical uses. For the sake of discussion, valves
and their uses will be separated into four categories: 1) control valves, 2)
pressure regulating valves, 3) nonreturn ftow valves, and 4) air control
valves. These categories are not exclusive because the same valve type may
be used with different controls to perform any of the four functions. This
same overlapping between categories applies to the valve uses listed in
Table 4.1. For example, a ftow-regulating valve should be designed so it
does not produce excessive cavitation. This may require multiple valves in
series so they function as both ftow regulating and cavitation control valves.
The term control valve refers more to the function than the style of the
valve. It can refer to any valve that serves to regulate the steady-state ftow
TABLE 4.1 TypicaI Uses for Valves.
Valve Type
Control valves
Energy dissipation fiow and cavitation
Isolation and sectionalizing
Free discharge
Pressure regulating valves
Pressure-reducing or -sustaining
Nonreturn valves
Check valves
Air relief-vacuum breaking
Control fiow or dissipate excess energy while limiting cavitation to an acceptable
Isolate a pump or control valve or isolate a section of a long pipe for repairs.
For release of water from reservoirs and bypass at turbines for transient control
For recirculation at a pump start-up, filling a pipeline, an equalizing pressure across
large valves or gates prior to opening
Protects pipe from excessive pressures
Similar to a pressure-reliefvalve but activated by a signal indicating that a transient
has been generated
For maintaining a constant upstream or downstream pressure; usually hydraulically
activated by a pressure-sensing pilot system
Prevent reverse fiow
To remove or admit air to a pipe during a transient or during filling or draining
l I
e .... ond Boll
el",," ..,itl! "._Iat,," Irim
HOYo/di Bun",.
Fig. 4.1 Typical control valves.
or pressure in a system. This ineludes isolation, block, or sectionalizing
valves that are used to prevent fiow in certain sections of the pipe. Of more
interest are control valves used to control the flow without creating undesir-
able transients, excess cavitation, or head loss and able to function under all
expected flow conditions.
There are numerous valves that can be elassified as control valves. A brief
description of the common types follows. A thorough treatment of many
types of gates and valves is presented in Chapter 22 of Reference 14. Figure
4.1 contains simplified sketches of several types of valves.
Gate Valves
This type of valve has a totally enelosed body with a circular or rectangular
disk or gate that moves perpendicular to the fiow direction. Sorne gate
valves have a tapered circular disk and tapered guide slots. The matching
taper of the valve seat causes a watertight metal to metal contact as the disk
is wedged into the seating surface. The disk is normally raised by rotation of
a hand wheel. The gate valve also comes in a double-disk gate design such
that when the valve is elosed both si des of the disk are wedged against the
When a full-ported gate valve is wide open, the flow passage is only
slightly less than the are a of the pipe due to projecting seats and guides, so it
has a large discharge capacity and small pressure drop. Sorne gate val ves
have a reduced port where the valve body is formed into a venturi shape,
causing the fully open area to be reduced. Gate valves are normally
operated only wide open or elosed and not for regulating flow.
Butterfly Valves
A typical butterfly valve, shown in Fig. 4.1, consists basically of a disk which
rotates 90 from fully open to fully elosed. There are numerous alternative
disk designs. This ineludes symmetrical (as shown in Fig. 4.1), unsymmetri-
cal, eccentric, and flow-through. The shape of the disk influences the
capacity and flow torque.
The butterfly is a popular valve at the present time due to its light weight,
compact size, satisfactory performance, and low costo The valves are
suitable for throttling as well as on-off service. With certain disk designs,
the flow capacity of a butterfly valve can approach that of a gate valve in the
full open position. Flow torque and cavitation can be controlled by altera-
tions of the shape of the disk and the seat. A variety of materials can be
used for the body, disk, and seat to make it suitable for use with almost any
Cone, Ball, and Plug Valves
These three valves are similar in function, and hence only the cone valve is
shown in Fig. 4.1. The moving part of the valve is generally conical in shape
with a cylindrical hole through which the liquid flows. If it is a full-ported
valve, the flow passage is the same diameter as the pipe at the valve inlet.
When the valve is fully open, there is no blockage and therefore no head
loss. At intermediate openings, there are two throttling ports in series, one
at the inlet to the plug and one at the outlet of the plug. This gives the cone
valve better cavitation characteristics than gate or butterfty valves (if the
plug is skirted).
The valve plug can be either skirted or unskirted. A skirted valve plug
can be either sol id or hollow. For a skirted valve, all of the flow goes
through the main flow passage. With an unskirted valve, flow can go
arround the plug as well as through it. The ftow going around the plug has a
single stage of dissipation. This increases the cavitation.
There are at least four different types of ball valves. Sorne have solid
plugs with cylindrical holes. As the valve plug rotates in front of the valve
port, a larger area is continually exposed. For a full-ported ball valve fully
open, there is no restriction to the flow. Another style is the reduced port
valve where the are a of the plug is approximately 75% of the area at the
inlet ftange. Another option is a skeleton ball valve, which is composed of
two pieces of intersecting pipe, one with sealing ends and one that is open.
For this type of valve, flow can go around the plug as well as through the
main port. The fourth type has a segmented ball so there is only one throttle
port. The segments and skeleton ball values cavitate worse than those with
solid balls.
Globe Valves
This style of valve is suitable for a wide variety of applications for both
manual and automatic control. Figure 4.1 shows a hydraulically operated
globe-style valve. Normal ftow is from left to right, but the valve can be
operated in reverse. The valve position for a hydraulically operated globe-
style valve is changed by adding or removing liquid from the chamber aboye
the flexible diaphragm. This can be done manually or automatically with
pilot controls. By changing the type of control, a globe valve can be adapted
so that it maintains constant inlet pressure, constant outlet pressure, con-
stant flow rate, and constant level in a reservoir, acts as a pressure-relief or
surge-anticipating valve, and functions as a check valve. The pressurized
liquid for operating the valve is normally supplied from the pressure inside
the pipe.
Globe valves can also be mechanically actuated. This style is typical of
smaller-diameter globe valves. In larger sizes, the load on the plug causes
excessive force to be required to actuate the valve, so hydraulic control is
The globe valve has larger losses in the full open position than gate, cone
or butterfly valves because of the complicated flow path. Two limitations of
the valve style are that they have relatively large loss coefficients fully
opened and they are only built in sizes generally up to 16 in ches in diameter.
By installing additional trim inside the valve, its cavitation performance
can be substantially improved. Figure 4.1 shows a typical trim. It consists of
one or more cylinders containing many small orifice holes. The orifices
dissipate energy and suppress cavitation. With multiple concentric cylinders,
the energy can be dissipated in stages and the caviation further reduced. The
disadvantage of the trim is that the loss of the valve in the full open position
is significantly increased.
Cavitation Control Valves
There are numerous types of val ves that are classified as cavitation control
valves. There are only two principies used in valves to dissipate energy. One
is to create high velocity and therefore high friction loss or to use the orifice
principie to create a localloss. By dividing the ftow into small passages and
putting multiple orifices in series, the cavitation performance is greatly
improved and the noise of the valve much reduced. The most frequently
used is multiple losses in series. This can be created with a tortuous ftow
path or by placing multiple orifices in series. This has been accomplished by
specially designed internal trim which can often be inserted into many
standard valve bodies. A variation of this principie it to use a single-stage
but with multiple orifices. This is like the cavitation trim shown in Fig. 4.1,
which is an example of cavitation trim placed inside a standard globe-valve
A variation of this same concept is shown where the ftow passage is made
up of a stack of disks in which complicated ftow paths are machined. Each
change of direction acts similarly to an orifice and drops the pressure in
stages. Properly designed, extremely high pressure drops can be taken with
such a valve with virtually no noise or cavitation erosion damage.
Sleeve Valves
Another type of cavitation control valve is the sleeve valve. It comes in
either a straight or angled body. It has a cylindrical body with many small
orifices and a second sleeve that slides past the orifices to vary the number
exposed to the ftow. The reason this type of valve reduces damage caused by
cavitation is that the cavitation occurs around the small jets, away from the
solid boundary, where it is less likely to cause erosion damage. The val ve
can operate successfully at high heads. Another style, called the poly-jet
valve, can be used in-line and functions like a conventional control valve.
The major limitation is that it can only be used with clean liquids.
Howell-Bunger Valves
The valve shown in Fig. 4.1 is a popular free-discharge valve presently in
use. It is commonly used as a turbine bypass valve, for ftood control or
irrigation, to drain reservoirs, or for aerating water. It is suitable both for
low head and high head operation and can function cavitation free under
large head drops and high velocities. The valve consists of a fixed cone
supported by van es extending inside the valve body. Flow is controlled by
movement of the external sleeve which seats against the fixed cone. When
discharging into the atmosphere, the jet spreads out in a wide cone angle
and the jet breaks up into a fine spray which helps prevent downstream
erosiono The breakup of the jet is efficient in aerating the water.
If containment of the jet is desired, the Howell-Bunger valve can be
modified into what is called the ring jet valve; a hood instaIled around the
discharge jet confines the jet to a cylindrical shape, rather than a conical
shape. It can also be installed to operate in a submerged condition. For such
operation, it is important that the jet be properIy aerated to prevent
Hollow-Jet Valves
The hollow-jet valve is a free-discharge valve used fairly extensively for
release of water from reserviors. The forerunner of the Howell-Bunger
valve, it shares many of the same characteristics. The main difference is that
control is provided with an internal needle that moves upstream against the
flow. If properIy machined and aerated, it can operate cavitation-free. Since
it is more costly to build than the Howell-Bunger valve and has no
advantages over it, it has not had much use for a number of years.
Needle and Tube Valves
These valves were earIy developments for free discharge controls at re-
servoirs. There are still sorne of these valves in service, but they are no
longer being made. Information regarding their historical development and
use, can be found in Chapter 22 of Reference 14a.
Flow Coefficients
The pressure drop across a valve is proportional to the square of the
discharge or velocity. The only difference between a valve loss and another
minor loss is that the loss coefficient varies with valve opening. For certain
valves (mainly small valves), there is actually sorne variation of the coeffici-
ents with Reynolds number. However, only for situations in which the head
loss across a valve must be very accurately known would this be important.
The relationship between flow and pressure drop can be expressed as a
flow coefficient. There are several coefficients used by different engineering
groups, the most common ones being
= (2gIlH)05
= (2g1lH + V
( 4.4)
= V 0.5 (for free-discharge valves)
in which sg = specific gravity of the fluid, IlH and IlP are, respectively, the
total head or pressure drop (ineluding any change in velocity head) caused
by the valve at an average velocity V or flow rate Q and Hu is the pressure
head upstream from the valve. Note that for a free-discharge valve Hu =
IlH, since Hd = O. All of the equations but Eq. 4.2 are dimensionless, and
therefore, any consistent system of units can be used. In the U.S. system,
the customary units are g = 32.2 fpS2, IlH in ft, V in fps, and Q in cfs. In SI
units, g = 9.81 m/s
, IlH in meters, Vin m/s, and Q in m
/s. Equation 4.2 is
not dimensionless, and for units, Q is in gpm and IlP in psi. This equation is
used extensively in the waterworks field. It represents the flow rate in gpm
that a valve can supply at a pressure drop of 1 psi.
When comparing the flow coefficients of identical valves of different sizes,
, and C
will be the same (ignoring any Renolds number effects). C
can be scaled from a valve of diameter d
, to one of diameter dI using
To understand and use these coefficients properly, sorne discussion about
V and IlH is necessary. Since the coefficients are experimentally de-
termined, one must have sorne understanding of the method used and what
factors influence the coefficients. Factors influencing these coefficients and
how they are used inelude the type of valve (whether it is in-line or
free-discharge) and if the pipe is the same diameter upstream and down-
stream and if it is the same as the valve diameter.
First, the magnitude of any of the coefficients (Eqs. 4.1-4.4) applies only
to the valve when it is installed in the same diameter pipe as used for the
tests. The pipe diameter used for testing is usually the same as the valve
di ame ter. If a valve is used in a pipe of constant diameter upstream and
down, the IlP or IlH in Eqs. 4.1-4.4 is both the net pressure drop and net
los s of total energy. If it is installed in a larger pipe with smooth transitions,
the experimental coefficient applies if the velocity is based on the valve
diameter rather than the pipe diameter. If the valve is installed in a larger
pipe, and especially if it is installed with reducing flanges, flH will be larger
and will reduce the flow coefficients. If the upstream and downstream pipes
are of different diameters, flH = IlP/y + fl(V
/2g). AIso, if there are di s-
turban ces upstream from the valve, the coefficients are affected.
When a valve is used for free discharge, the discharge coefficient is
reduced because there is no pressure recovery downstream. Equation 4.5 is
the equation traditionally used for free-discharge valves.
For full-ported valves, like ball or cone valves, where the net head drop
for the valve fully open is almost zero, it is best to use Eq. 4.4. For this case,
and C
both go to infinity, whereas C
only varies between O and 1.0.
To use the coefficients properly, it is helpful to understand the method of
evaluating flP and flH. To explain this problem, it is necessary to discuss
energy dissipation and the general flow conditions at a minor loss.
Figure 4.2 shows the energy grade line (EGL) and hydraulic grade line
(HGL) for flow through an orifice. The principIes to be discussed apply
equally to any minor loss. At point 2 (called the vena contracta), the jet
diameter is minimum and the velocity maximum. The pressure drop be-
tween points 1 and 2 is due to acceleration of the fluid. For an orifice, if the
contraction coefficient is known, Pl - P2 can be estimated by the energy
equation, assuming no losses. Between points 2 and 3, the jet is dissipated
by viscous shear and the pressure increases. The momentum equation can
be used to ca1culate P3. At point 3, the velocity profile is reasonably
uniform and the pressure recovery complete. Beyond point 3, a normal
hydraulic grade line is established which is parallel to the HGL upstream if
the pipe has a constant diameter.
The pressure drop caused by an orifice or valve is caused by the
generation and dissipation of turbulent eddies in the high shear layer around
the submerged jet. It is measured by installing piezometers upstream and
Fig. 4.2 Flow through an orifice.
downstream. Their placement is important. The upstream piezometers can
be placed one or more pipe diameters upstream. The downstream piezome-
ter must be placed so it is beyond the zone of ftow establishment (the region
where the pressure is increasing with distance). Referring to Fig. 4.2, this
could be any position beyond point 3. If it is placed between points 2 and 3,
an artificially high !::..P will be measured. The distance to the point where the
pressure recovery is complete varies with the type of valve or minor loss.
The distance is at least 5-8 pipe diameters. Consider that points 1 and 4 are
selected. The measured P1 - P4 is shown graphically as the total drop in the
EGL. The magnitude of PI - P4 increases as point 4 is located farther
Friction losses in the pipe should not be included in determining !::..H or
!::..P for Eqs. 4.1-4.4. The accepted procedure for determining the net
pressure drop is to subtract line loss. This is demonstrated in Fig. 4.2 by
projecting the two EGL lines. The net loss is the distance between them,
labeled net pressure loss (!::..H
). This is calculated by
in which f is measured before the device is installed and L is the distance
between points 1 and 4.
The importance of this is best demonstrated by an example. Consider the
following experimental data taken on a 24-in. butterfty valve fully open (64).
The valve was installed in a straight section of 24-in, ID pipe with piezome-
ters located 1 diameter upstream and 6.5 diameters downstream. For one
test point, the measured data were: !::..P = 0.355 psi, Q = 21,000 gpm. The
friction factor for the pipe had been previously measured as 0.012. The net
pressure drop was calculated to be 0.227 psi. The ftow coefficient C
for the
two !::..P values are
= 21,000/(0.355)5 = 35,200
= 21,000/(0.227)5 = 44,100
The difference is about 20%. This particular valve had an unusually high C
because of the disk designo The problem of using the measured instead of
the net !::..P is more significant at large valve openings.
Another factor inftuencing the ftow coefficients and the performance of
valves is the upstream and downstream piping. If an elbow, tee, or other
minor loss is Iocated too closely, the approach velocity profile and turbuI-
ence can change the ftow coefficient, torque, cavitation, and stability of the
valve. A downstream disturbance can affect the pressure recovery.
Since there are severa) coefficients in use, the following conversions are
included to aid in transferring from one definition to another.
1 )0.5
= (K + 1)
( 4.9)
890d4 )0.5
= 1 --2- + 1 (d in inches)
(4.11 )
= ( 0.5 u d
) (d in inches)
sg 29.84
( 4.12)
890d4C2 ]0.5
Cv = (1 _ C ~ (d in inches)
Values of the ftow coefficients vary with type of valve and for the same
valve due to minor changes in designo It is therefore necessary to obtain
information from the valve manufacturers on the specific valve of interest.
For general information and use in example problems, representative data
for several valves are presented in Figs. 4.3 and 4.4 for in-line and free
discharge valves, respectively.
/ /
/ ,/
/ L
I Butterfly I ./'
L 9 ~
~ ~
20 40 60 80 100
Valve Opening (%)
Fig. 4.3 Discharge coefficients for in-line valves.
x Howell-Bunger
+ Butterfly
6 Cone
/ ./ //
/ /'
V ./'"
O 20 40 60 80 100
Valve Opening (%)
Fig. 4.4 Discharge coefficients for free-discharge valves.
Valve Versus System Loss
When selecting a control valve, it is necessary to analyze its performance as
a part of the piping system and not consider it an isolated device. For
example, valve manufacturers often transform the flow coefficient data into
a curve of percent maximum flow versus valve opening. Such information
can be misleading beca use the controllability of a valve depends on the
system in which it is installed. The same valve installed in different systems
will have totally different percent flow versus valve opening characteristics.
This is demonstrated in Example 4.1.
Example 4.1. Calculate discharge versus valve opening for flow be-
tween two reservoirs controlled by a butterfly valve for (a) a short pipe
where friction is small, LId = 3, and (b) a long pipe with high friction,
LId = 250).
Case A. Write the energy equation between the reservoirs assuming an
elevation difference of 30 ft. Assume minor losses are negligible.
Therefore, 30 = (3 + K)V2/2g. (K is for the valve). When the
butterfly valve is fully open, C
= 0.80 (Fig. 4.3) and K = 0.563 (Eq.
4.7). So V= 23.3 fps.
As the valve closes the velocity is reduced as shown below:
VO(%) C
% of V
90 0.64 1.44 20.9 89
52 0.32 8.77 13.2 56
30 0.14 50.0 6.04 26
15 0.06 277 2.62 11
Case B. With high friction losses ([LId = 250 and ignoring minor
losses, except for the valve), the energy equation gives IlH = (250 +
/2g. For this case, a higher IlH is used, so a more reasonable
velocity at full open is obtained. Let IlH = 200 ft. So V = 7.17 fps.
As the valve closes, the flow changes as listed below:
VO(%) C
V (fps) % of V
90 0.64 1.44 7.16 99.8
52 0.32 8.77 7.06 98.4
30 0.14 50.0 6.55 91.3
15 0.06 277 4.94 68.9
10 0.02 2500 2.16 30.0
Case A shows that the ftow decreases almost linearly as the valve is
closed. At 52% open, the ftow is less than 56% of its original value.
For Case B, the situation is different. Because line loss is high and
fLld ji> K
, closing the valve has little influence on the ftow for about
the first 70% of valve closure. As a result of the system-valve
interaction, it is misleading to think of a valve as having a linear or
nonlinear closing characteristic.
For the system described as Case B, if it were desired to have a valve
with a wider range of control, one could either use a smaller butterfly
valve or a globe valve. First, consider a smaller butterfty valve.
Assume that it is desired to limit the head loss across the full open
valve to 5% of the total head 10ss; so Kr = 0.05(250 + K
), Kr = 13.2.
Find the required size of butterfly valve using subscript 1 as conditions
in the pipe and 2 for the valve. Note that Kr = 13.2 is based on Vi/2g
(V = average pipe velocity). Also note that Kf2 = 0.563 for any size of
geometrically similar butterfly valve fully open (based on Fig. 4.3) so
IlH = 0.563Q2I2gA; = 13.2Q
12gAi which gives d
= 0.454d.
If a globe valve were used, C
= 0.41 (Fig. 4.3 for a full open valve),
= 4.95 and KIl = 13.2, so d
= 0.782 dI'
The range of opening over which the valve controls the flow is important
for sizing pressure reducng valves and determining the safe closure time for
control valves, both of which will be discussed subsequently.
Torque Coefficients
Forces required to open or close quarter-turn valves (valves that rotate 90
like butterfly and cone valves) are caused by fricton and hydrodynamic
forces. Friction forces act at the valve seat and bearing surfaces. They can
be significantly increased due to the presence of fluid forces. For example,
the pressure drop across a valve causes a significant load on the shaft, which
increases the bearing friction. Pressure can also distort rubber seats and
influence the seating torque. For smal! butterfly valves, the maximum torque
is usually the seatng or unseating torque. The magntude of these forces is
significantly altered by the design of the leaf and seat. Valves with metal or
Teflon seats and eccentric shafts will have very little seating torque. The
other extreme is the symmetrical butterfly valve that has a body and leaf
which are fully coated with rubber. This design often leads to large seating
Hydrodynamic torque (T) is caused by forces induced by the flowing
water. This torque can be related to the valve diameter (d) and velocity (V)
or pressure drop (LlP) by the following equations:
= pd
( 4.15)
These torque coefficents are dimensionless if a consistent set of units is
used. For a sign convention, a positive value of the torque coefficent
represents a torque that tries to cIose the valve.
Torque coefficents can be misleading if not completely understood. To
help explain sorne of these potential misunderstandings, consider the C
data for a cone valve shown in Fig. 4.5. The maximum torque coefficient
occurs at about 83, which, however, does not mean that the torque is
maximum at 83. Since LlP varies significantly with valve opening, rapidly
increasing as the valve is closed, the maximum hydrodynamic torque occurs
at a smaller valve opening even though the C
is smaller. When sizing an
operator, one must consider the ful! range of valve operation to determine
the maximum torque (including friction and seating torque).
To demonstrate another problem, compare the two curves in Fig. 4.5. For
the 12-in. valve installed in a 15-in. pipe using reducing flanges, the
maximum C
is reduced by about 50%. One might be tempted to conclude
that the hydrodynamic torque is likewise reduced. Such is not the case, as
shown in Fig. 4.6. Using C/U data not shown demonstrates that the valve
instal!ed in either the 12-in. or 15-in. pipes has the same torque coefficient
+ With 12" pipe
lo- .. With 15" pipe
/ r\
O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Valve opening (deg)
Fig. 4.5 Torque coefficients for a cone valve.
N 1.5
Free dlscharge
Pipe flow
' I ~
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Fig. 4.6 Torque coefficients for a cone valve.
for the same flow rate (V = velocity based on a 12-in. valve diameter for
both cases). What happened is that the I1P increased due to the sudden
changes in pipe diameter at the reducing flanges. This reduced C
though the torque was not changed.
A similar problem is observed when the valve is operated in a free
discharge condition. Free-discharge means that either there is no down-
stream piping or that thedownstream pipe is vented to the atmosphere.
Figure 4.6 shows that there is no change in C/U for free-discharge versus
normal pipe flow. If the comparison were made based on C
' there would
be a decrease in the coefficient because I1P is larger for free discharge since
there is no pressure recovery.
For butterfly valves, large differences in the torque are possible by minor
modifications to the shape of the disk, by having the shaft slightly eccentric,
or by installing the valve backward. Figure 4.7 shows torque data for a
24-in. butterfly (64). The two sets of data (refened to as valves A and B)
are for the same valve operating in different quadrants of rotation. Valve B
appears to have a superior torque characteristic. The magnitudes of C
less and there is no torque reversal. However, the C
for valve B is
r,J 0.2
Valve A
--/ /"\
Valve B
ro w w w ro
Valve opening (deg)
80 90
Fig. 4.7 Torque coefficients for a butterfly valve.
Valve A
I /
Valve B
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Valve opening (deg)
Fig. 4.8 C
for a 24-in. butterfty valve.
considerably less than valve A at each valve opening (see Fig. 4.8).
Therefore, part of the reduction in C
is due to a larger t1P and not
necessarily a smalIer torque. To make a complete evaluation, one must
consider both the torque coefficient and the flow coefficient data. This is
demonstrated in the next example.
Example 4.2. A 24-in. butterfly valve whose torque and flow coeffici-
ents are shown in Figs. 4.7 and 4.8, respectively is used to control flow
between two reservoirs. The friction and minor losses are equivalent to
Lid + IK = 10 (excIuding the valve). CaIculate the torque on the
valve at 40, 60, and 84 rotation for valves A and B. Assume that the
difference in reservoir eIevations is 120 ft.
First caIculate the flow rate and pressure drop across the valve at each
valve setting. The energ1. equation applied between the two reservoirs
gives 120 = (10 + K) V /2g
Obtain C
values from Fig. 4.8 and ca1culate K for the valve with Eqs.
4.12 and 4.7 (or Eqs. 4.11 and 4.7). For valve A at 84, C
= 40,500,
= 0.43, C
= C)(29.84 V
) = 2.36, and K = C ~ 1 = 0.180.
V = [2g(120) / 10.18]5 = 27.5 fps, Q = 27.5 fps' 3.14 ft? 448.8 gpm/
cfs = 38,860 gpm. For the valve 6.P = (Q/C
)2 = (38,860/40,500)2 =
0.921 psi = 133 psf.
The flow torque is (from Eq. 4.15) T= C
6.P=0.43 (2 ft)3 (133
psf) = 456 ft-Ib. Torques for the other conditions are summarized
Opening V
6.P T
(deg) C
K (fps) (gpm) (lb/ft
) (ft-Ib)
Va/ve A
84 40,500 0.43 0.18 27.5 38,800 133 456
60 10,500 0.11 2.68 24.7 34,800 1,580 1,390
40 3,400 0.035 25.5 14.8 20,800 5,390 1,510
Va/ve B
84 28,500 0.23 0.364 27.3 38,500 263 484
60 7,000 0.05 6.03 22.0 31,000 2,800 1,120
40 2,500 0.01 47.3 11.6 16,300 6,121 490
The results of Example 4.2 show that even though the C
for valve A at
84 is twice as large, the actual torque is less than that for valve B. By
making these ca1culations at all valve openings, the maximum hydrodynamic
torque can be evaluated. Note the large difference in torque at 40. For
valve A, the torque is about three times that for valve B. This is typical for
butterfly valves because of large differences in disk designo This emphasizes
the need to make torque ca1culations at all valve openings. Use of modern
spreadsheet applications makes the ca1culations easy. When considering the
total torque required to operate the valve, bearing friction and seating
torque must al so be included.
Another important aspect of torque is flutter. This is caused by rapid
variations in torque due to instabilities in the flow. The butterfly valve is
especially susceptible to flutter because it acts much like a flag in the wind at
large openings. This problem is worse when there is torque reversal. For
example, refer to valve A in Fig. 4.7. Up to 84, torque tries to close the
valve. Between 84 and 90, the torque coefficient changes from 0.42 to
-0.19. Above about 87, the torque tries to open the valve. When the valve
operates in this range, the leaf will flutter at high flow velocities. With time,
the flutter causes wear which further in creases the flutter and accelerates the
wear. It is best not to operate valves near points of torque reversa!.
Even if there is no torque reversal, the torque is always unstable and
causes sorne flutter for valves that operate with a rotational motion. How
severe the ftutter is depends on the ftow conditions approaching the valve,
the type of operator, the amount o play in the couplings, the strength and
fatigue characteristics o the shaft, connections and couplings, and whether
or not there is any cavitation.
The approach flow conditions have a great effect on ftutter. The author
inspected a water treatment plant in which the gear operator on a 24-in.
butterfty valve was continually vibrating loose and almost fell off the valve.
It was installed as an isolation valve one pipe di ame ter downstream from a
similar valve used for control. The high velocity jets from the control valve
caused the leaf of the isolation valve to ftutter violently. Not only is the
ftutter increased but the magnitude of the mean torque can be larger if the
approach ftow is disturbed. It is best not to place a control valve just
downstream from any major disturbance.
The type of operator and play in the couplings can increase the movement
of the disk or plug during ftutter. For example, if a pneumatic operator is
used, the compressibility of the air will allow more movement.
When selecting and sizing control valves, the following principies should be
1. Select the type and size that do not produce excessive loss when fully
2. Be sure that the valve controls the ftow over at least 50% of its stroke.
3. Avoid excessive cavitation.
4. Specify an operating procedure, including a closing time, that will not
produce undesirable transients.
5. Do not operate at a valve opening below about 10-15% open.
6. Sorne valves do not control near fulI open and should not be operated
aboye about 90% open.
Valve loss
Unless a valve is primarily used for energy dissipation, it is usually desirable
to have a low pressure drop when it is full open. For many pumping and
power-generating systems, the loss across a valve represents a great de al of
power wasted over the life of the project. Therefore, there can be a
significant cost savings by reducing the valve loss. Loss coefficients vary
significantly with valve type and designo Globe valves typicalIy have K
values, between 4 and 6 at full open. The loss coefficient for full-ported cone
and ball valves is almost zero. Butterfly valves can vary from about 0.6 to
0.1, depending on the size and leaf designo
With low-loss valves such as cone, ball, and gate, and to sorne extent the
butterfly, it is sometimes desirable to use a valve that is smaller in diameter
than the pipe to have better control. Conical transitions should be used for
reducing and expanding the flow to minimize losses. If the valve is for
energy dissipation, reducing the valve diameter increases the cavitation
problem. One must therefore balance the advantages of increased con-
trollability with increased cavitation when using a valve that is smaller than
the pipe.
Limiting Valve Opening
The maximum range of openings over which many val ves can accurately and
safely control flow is generally between about 10 and 90% open. At smaller
valve openings, it may be difficult to control flow because a small change in
opening causes a large change in K. AIso, at small openings the head drop
often becomes large, and for sorne valves, seat damage can occur by the
high velocity jets. At large openings, the valve loss is so small compared
with the friction loss of the pipe that the flow does not change significantly
with valve opening. This does not apply to all valves. The sleeve valve and
globe valves with cavitation trim can opera te at very small openings without
difficulty. These types of valves increase flow by exposing more small
passages rather than just increasing the size of one passage. At large
opening these types of valves eventually lose control if too many holes are
Flow Control
As a general guide, it is recommended that a control valve be able to control
the flow over at least 50% of its movement. This means that as a value is
closed to 50% open, the valve should be able to reduce the flow by at least
10%, or that about 15% of the total available head los s is caused by the
valve. Example 4.1 clearly demonstrated this. For Case B, a smaller valve
would be required if it were to function as a control valve. For that case,
using a valve considerably smaller than the pipe would not significantly
reduce the maximum flow but would improve controllability.
If a wide range of discharge is necessary, it is recommended that parallel
valves of different diameters be considered. Parallel valves are al so de si rabie
for reliability. Consider one example, where a 16-in. pipe operating at high
pressure was installed to service a developing area. The initial minimum
flow was 1 gpm, and the maximum future demand was 10,000 gpm. A valve
structure was built with a 3/ 4-in., 3-in., 6-in., and two 14-in. valves in
parallel (89).
One of the major causes of valve replacement is cavitation damage. Val ves
can be damaged in a few weeks if operated in heavy cavitation. As the ratio
of the pressure drop across a valve to the mean pressure increases, the
chance of cavitation increases. Cavitation produces noise, vibrations, and
erosion damage and can limit the flow capacity of a valve. It is one of the
serious problems related to valve operation.
Each valve has different cavitation characteristics, just as each has
different flow and torque characteristics. Cavitation is a somewhat complex
subject and is discussed in detail in Chapters 5-7. Cavitation information for
several common types of valves, orifices, and other pipe components are
presented in Chapters 6 and 7. Procedures and examples for design and
analysis are also inc1uded.
Transient Control
Operation of any valve can cause transient; even if it is just a gradual change
from one steady-state condition to another. The magnitud e of the pressure
generated during a transient is directly related to the rate of change of the
flow by the valve, the pipe length, and the pipe material. Such pressures can
easily exceed the safe operating pressure of a pipe or valve and cause
rupture. Two common causes of transients are improper valve operation and
pump shutdown. A thorough discussion of transients associated with valve
operation is presented in Chapters 8-10, inc1uding computational techniques
and examples predicting the magnitude of the transients. This section
discusses how transients are generated by control val ves and how they can
be controlled by proper design and operation. Simple examples are pre-
sented. Transient information for pressure-relief valves, pressure-reducing
valves, and air valves is considered in subsequent sections of this chapter.
Keeping transients caused by operating a control valve to an acceptable
limit requires specifying operating procedures, inc1uding the safe c10sing
time. The primary factors influencing the safe c10sing time are the initial
velocity, pipe diameter, wall thickness and length, pipe material, and valve
The magnitude of the transient pressure t:.H caused by rapidly reducing
the velocity by t:.V is calculated by the equation
t:.H= -at:.V/g ( 4.16)
in which t:. V = V
- VI' VI is the initial velocity, V
is the velocity after the
change of valve opening, a is the acoustic wave speed, and g is acceleration
of gravity. For a steel pipe a - 3200 fps, so t:.H -100 t:.v. For a sud den
decrease in velocity of only l fps, the transient head rise is about 100 ft.
The wave speed a is a function of the bulk modulus of the liquid, pipe
diameter, wall thickness, and the pipe material (assuming there is no
trapped air in the pipe). An equation for calculating a is derived in Chapter
The normal way to control the transient is to control a V. This is done by
slowly cJosing the valve. How slow a valve must be closed depends on the
pipe length and wave speed. One effect of pipe length on the safe cJosing
time of a valve can be demonstrated by referring to Example 4.1. For Case
A (short pipe), the flow started to reduce as soon as the valve began to
close. For the long pipe (Case B), the flow did not significantIy change until
the valve was over half closed. This means that during the first half of the
valve elosure time, essentially nothing happens to reduce the flow oc cause a
transient. AII of the change of flow occurred during the last half of the valve
movement. If the valve for Case B were initially wide open, the actual
elosure time would have to be more than double the expected cJosure time
because most of the velocity change occurs at small valve openings. Accur-
ate determination of safe valve elosing times can only be done by transient
analysis techniques discussed in subsequent chapters.
Example 4.3. Select a valve (or valves) for a control structure to
furnish flows from 500 gpm at ap = 50 psi to 5000 gpm at ap = 10 psi.
Note: this problein must inelude a thorough cavitation analysis to
prevent erosion damage and excessive noise and vibrations at the
In selecting a valve (or valves) for this service, the six criteria
presented at the beginning of Section 4.3 should be considered. This
example considers only items 1 and 5. The problem of controllability
(criteria #2) was discussed in Example 4.1. Since cavitation is not
discussed until Chapters 5-7, criteria #3 will be omitted in this
example (see Chapter 6 tor cavitation analysis foc valves). Criteria #4
tor transients is treated in Chapters 8-10.
Criteria #1: At maximum flow (5000 gpm), the allowable head drop is
10 psi across the valve. Since this allowable ap is reasonably large and
the required ap increases at smaller flows, see if a globe valve can be
used. From Fig. 4.3, C
= 0.415 for the globe valve at full open.
aH = 10 2.308 = 23.1 ft
K{= 0.415
-1 =4.81 (Eq. 4.7)
V= 2g K (Eq.4.1)
5000 gpm
Q = 448.8 = 11.1 cfs
A = = 0.633 ft
d = 0.898 ft = 10.8 in
Since only standard valve sizes can be used, the next Iargest size is 12
in., so A = 0.7854 fe, v = 14.2 fps, !:.H = 15.1 ft or 6.52 psi. Since the
actual !:.P is less than the allowable of 10 psi, the first criterion is met
with a 12-in. globe valve. If a lO-in. globe valve were chosen, the head
loss would be slightly greater than 10 psi. For cavitation control, the
12-in. valve would be preferred. For ftow control, the lO-in. valve
would be a better choice.
Criterion #4 suggests a minimum valve opening of 10 to 15%. At
Qmin = 500 gpm and !:.P = 50 psi (115.4 ft), find the required opening
of the 12-in. globe valve. V= Q/A = 1.42 fps. Using Eq. 4.4, C
0.016. From Fig. 4.3, C
at 10% is about 0.02, so the 12-in. globe valve
will be operating at about 10% at minimum ftow, which is in its control
Example 4.4. Three 16-in. centrifugal pumps are used to supply water
to a 24-in. 15900-ft long pipeline (f= 0.014 and!:.z = 50 ft). The pump
characteristics for one, two, and three pumps operating are shown in
Fig. 4.9. Find the ftow and torque on the 16-in. butterfty valves at each
10% open. One of the purposes of this example is to demonstrate how
important it is to make ca1culations for all ftow conditions when
evaluating the maximum torque to be used in selecting the valve
operator. The example shows that the maximum torque occurs when
opening a valve with only one pump operating and that this is about
triple the torque for three pump operation.
First, evaluate the system equation (Eq. 3.1): H
=!:.z + CQz. Note
that Q is the ftow in the main pipe and not the ftow from one pump
fL K]
C = (2gdA!) +
!:.z = 50 ft
K = valve Ioss coefficient
A v = area of valve
N = number of valves or pumps in use
C = 8.66-
+ 3.95-
( 4.17)
valve #4
24" pipe
~ valve#l
System parameters: L = 15900 tt. O = 24-in. t = 0.014
elevation head = 50 11.
I three pumps
~ .
~ . . . . . . . . .
~ I t w o pumps
"'1 t'-
I one pumpl'
O 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Flow (gpm)
Fig. 4_9 Pipe system for Example 4.4.
Next, evaluate the equations for the pumps (Eq. 3.3): H
= Ho -
C1Q - C2Q2 by scaling Ha and values of H
and Q at two points on
the single pump curve. The folowing points are used:
Ho = 165 ft
141 = 165 - 4000C1 - 4000
100 = 165 - 6900C1 - 6900
Solving these two equations gives
C1 = 0.00116 and C2 = 1.2 x 10-
The one-pump equation becomes
= 165 - 0.00116Q - 1.2 x 10-
For two pumps in parallel, the equation can be derived by substituting
Q/2 into Eq. 4.18. This gives C1 = 0.000586 and C2 = 3 x 10-
, so the
two-pump equation beco mes
= 165 - O. 000586 Q - 3 x 1O-7
( 4.19)
For three pumps in parallel, the equation can be derived substituting
Q/3 into Eq. 4.18. This gives C1 = 0.000387 and C2 = 1.33 x 10-
the three-pump equation becomes
= 165 - 0.000387Q -1.33 x 1O-7
The ftow is determined by solving Eq. 4.17 with each of the pump
equations (4.18-4.20). The general form of the solution is
Q = 0.5[ - B + SQRT(B
+ 4D)] ( 4.21)
where B=C1/(C+C2) and D=115/(C+C2) and the C, C1, and
C2 values are those in Eqs. 4.17-4.20.
The problem is solved with a spreadsheet program because of the large
number of calculations. Table 4.2 lists the output. The other input data
required are values for the discharge and torque coefficients. Typical
values are listed in columns 2 and 10 of Table 4.2.
T ABLE 4.2 Data for Example 4.4
Total Pump FIow
= Valve Constant, Constant, Constant, Pressure Torque
Opening, Valve, Valve, Cin Clin C
in FIow, FIow, Drop, Coef Torque
(% ) C
K Eq.3.1 Eq.3.3 Eq.3.3 gpm gpm ft
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
One pump
10 0.010 9999.0 0.0004 0.00116 1.2E-06 537 537 114 0.002 33
20 0.090 122.5 5.7E-06 0.00116 1.2E-06 3998 3998 77 0.010 114
30 0.160 38.1 2.4E-06 0.00116 1.2E-06 5516 5516 46 0.028 188
40 0.220 19.7 1.6E-06 0.00116 1.2E-06 6160 6160 29 0.042 182
50 0.340 7.65 1.2E-06 0.00116 1.2E-06 6728 6728 14 0.085 171
60 0.430 4.41 1E-06 0.00116 1.2E-06 6911 6911 8 0.140 171
70 0.520 2.70 917E-07 0.00116 1.2E-06 7013 7013 5 0.220 169
80 0.600 1.78 9.4E-07 0.00116 1.2E-06 7071 7071 4 0.300 155
Two pumps
10 0.010 9999.0 1E-04 0.00058 3E-07 1070 535 113 0.002 33
20 0.090 122.5 2.1E-06 0.00058 3E-07 6837 3419 57 0.010 83
30 0.160 38.1 l.2E-06 0.00058 3E-07 8450 4225 27 0.028 110
40 0.220 19.7 l.lE-06 0.00058 3E-07 8984 4492 16 0.042 97
50 0.340 7.65 9.4E-07 0.00058 3E-07 9394 4697 7 0.085 83
60 0.430 4.41 9.1E-07 0.00058 3E-07 9514 4757 4 0.140 81
70 0.520 2.70 8.9E-07 0.00058 3E-07 9579 4790 2 0.220 79
80 0.600 1.78 8.8E-07 0.00058 3E-07 9615 4808 2 0.300 71
Three Pumps
10 0.010 9999.0 4.5E-05 0.00039 l.33E-07 1596 532 112 0.002 33
20 0.090 122.5 1.4E-06 0.00039 l.33E-07 8526 2842 39 0.010 57
30 0.160 38.1 lE-06 0.00039 l.33E-07 9766 3255 16 0.028 65
40 0.220 19.7 9.5E-07 0.00039 l.33E-07 10117 3372 9 0.042 54
50 0.340 7.65 9E-07 0.00039 l.33E-07 10368 3456 4 0.085 45
60 0.430 4.41 8.9E-07 0.00039 l.33E-07 10438 3479 2 0.140 43
70 0.520 2.70 8.8E-07 0.00039 l.33E-07 10476 3492 1 0.220 42
80 0.600 1.78 8.7E-07 0.00039 l.33E-07 10497 3499 1 0.300 38
Each column of the spreadsheet contains the following data or
Columns 1 and 2 are given values for valve opening and C
Column 3 transforms C
to K[ with Eq. 4.7
Columns 4,5 and 6 are constants from Eqs. 4.17 - 4.20 (or Eqs. 3.1
and 3.3)
Column 7 is the solution of Eq. 4.21
Column 8 = col. 7 divided by the number of pumps operating
Column 9 is the pressure drop across the valve
Column 10 is the assumed values for the torque coefficients
Column 11 is the torque
With one pump operating and the valve opened, high f10w rates and
torques occur at small openings. The maximum torques occur at 30%
open. The results are summarized be1ow:
valve No. of Pumps
Flow (gpm)
Torque (ft-Ib)
The maximum torque for one pump is almost three times the torque
for three pumps. If the analysis were only done for three pump
operation the valve operator would be undersized.
Pressure-Relief Valves
These valves are often globe-style, activated automatically by line pressure.
Their purpose is to open rapidly if the pressure exceeds a predetermined
value and close slowly. Such valves can create more problems than they
solve if they are not designed and operated properly. The worst case is an
oversized valve that opens and closes rapidly. When an overpressure is
sensed, the valve opens. If the valve is too large, the pressure drops below
the desired value and the valve closes. If the closure is rapid, it generates a
transient pressure rise which causes the valve to again open and so on. The
author has tested val ves such as this that chattered (opened and closed at a
high frequency) and endangered the test pipeline. This problem can be
eliminated by modifying the valve so it opens fast but closes slowly and
being sure it is not oversized for the system.
The closing time depends on the pipe length and wave speed. Evaluating
the closing time follows the same procedure as for control valves. Sizing
pressure-relief valves based on steady state operation can be done easily
with hand calculations. To predict the transient as the relief valve opens or
closes can only be done accurately with a transient computer program that
analyzes the system. Such programs are discussed in later chapters. The
following examples demonstrate a method of estimating the required valve
size based on steady state operation.
Example 4.5. A pressure relief valve is required to protect a penstock
against transient pressures caused by rapid closure of the turbine
wicket gates during load rejection. The penstock is 2 m in di ame ter
and the normal velocity is 5 mis. The operating head is 80 m. Select a
relief valve that will limit the head to 160 m.
The head rise is related to the velocity change by Eq. 4.16, t1H =
-a t1Vlg. The allowable velocity change that will produce a 80-m head
rise is t1V= -80'9.81/1200= -0.65 mis.
The velocity in the penstock after the wicket gates are closed must not
be less than 5.00 - 0.65 = 4.35 mis. The relief valve must therefore
discharge 13.7 m
/s, with an upstream head of 160 m and zero pressure
downstream. This would cause asevere cavitation problem unless a
free-discharge or other special valve were used. Assume that a
Howell-Bunger valve is used which has a C
! = 0.85 fully open (Fig.
4.5). Use f = 0.014 and L = 20 m.
Minor losses will be included for this case. Assume the following:
K = 0.3 at the connection to penstock
K = 0.24 for a short radius 90 elbow
fL = 0.014' 20 = 0.28
d d
K[ = cz = 1.38 for the valve (Eq. 4.7)
The pressure at the inlet to the valve = Hu = KQ
/2gA; (K and A3
are for the valve). The energy equation applied between the main pipe
and the inlet to the relief val ve gives
Q2 ( 0.28) Q2 Q2
-2 2 + 160 = 1 + 0.3 + 0.24 + -d --2 + 1.38 --2
Z 2gA
Try a pipe diameter d
= 1 m and solve for the valve diameter D3.
Al = 3.14 m
, A
= 0.785 m
and Q is 13.7 m
/s. Solving the aboye
equation gives A3 = 0.414 m
or D3 = 0.626 m.
This example ignores the transient generated by operating the valves.
The transient generated during an actual gate or valve operation can
only be done accurately with a computer programo
Another common application of a pressure relief valve is to protect a
pipeline from overpressurization by a pump. Example 4.6 demonstrates how
to select a tentative size for this application. Such a procedure may be
adequate, but checking the operation with a transient computer program is
Example 4.6. A pump supplies water to an 8-in. pipeline. Assume that
it is desired to select a pressure-relief valve that will keep the line
pressure below 75 psi (173 ft) at the discharge side of the pump. The
flow through the pressure-relief valve required to keep the pump head
at 173 ft is found from the pump curve. Assume that it is 950 gpm.
Therefore, select a valve that will discharge at least 950 gpm at 173 ft
of head. Select a globe-style valve and use Fig. 4.3 to get its discharge
coefficient. At full open, C
= 0.41, K = l/C; -1 = 4.95 (Eq. 4.7).
Minor losses inelude:
K = 0.6 for connection to main pipe
K = 2 . 0.24 = 0.48 for 2 elbows
K = 1.0 for pipe exit
Applying the energy equation from the main pipe to the end of the
pressure-relief pipe and ignoring elevation changes gives
2 2
173 + --2 = 0+ (0.6+ 0.48 + 1 + 4.95)
2gAl 2gA
Al = 0.349 ft
and Q = 2.12 cfs. Solving the equation gives A
= 0.0531
fe and d
= 3.12 in. A 3 in. valve would be a little small to limit the
pressure to 75 psi, so a 4-in. valve would be selected.
Dne aspect of this example that must be mentioned is the problem of
choking cavitation. When cavitation becomes so severe that the mean
pressure downstream drops to vapor pressure, the valve is choked. The
valve acts as if it were free-discharging (into a vacuum) and the
discharge coefficient reduces. This means that the valve will not
discharge as much flow as calculated. This is solved by selecting a
larger valve. Details on how to predict choking cavitation and the
reduction in flow are ineluded in Chapter 6.
Since pressure-relief valves usually operate only infrequently, they need
periodic servicing. It is sometimes advisable to consider several small val ves
instead of one larger valve to improve reliability.
Pressure-Reducing Valves
This is merely a special type of control valve; the same design principIes
discussed for flow control val ves apply. Since these are normally globe
valves, one is sometimes faced with the problem of keeping the full open
head loss to an acceptable level and yet having an adequate range of
controllability. One must either make a compromise on the valve size or
consider two parallel lines of different sizes.
Consider the problems resulting from an oversized valve used to maintain
a constant downstream pressure. Since it is oversized, it will only control
over a Iimited range of travel. Thus, small movements of the valve plug will
cause fairly large changes in K and consequentIy in the downstream
pressure. When the downstream pressure drops, the valve opens to com-
pensate. If it moves too far, the pressure will rise aboye the set point and
the valve will have to c1ose. If it c10ses too far, the pressure drops too low
and the valve opens again. This is called "hunting." This unstable valve
operation is obviously undesirable. It can usually be solved by decreasing
the size of the valve (if the controllable range is too small) or by slowing
down the movement of the valve.
The latter solution can cause an additional problem. If there are rapid
changes of pressure in a system and the pressure-reducing valves are set to
operate slowly, the pressure may exceed safe Iimits before the valve can
respondo It is therefore advisable to consider placing a relief valve near the
pressure-reducing valve to protect the line.
Another interesting problem occurs when pressure reducing val ves are
placed in series. This problem was observed in a gravity flow pipeline. The
pipe dropped over 1000 ft in elevation to the point of delivery. To limit the
pipe c1ass, three pressure reducing valves were installed along the pipe. The
valves had slow operators to prevent "hunting."
Surging occurred in the system which could not be eliminated by adjust-
ing the valve c10sure speed. Analysis of the system showed that it was
unstable. The friction loss was small compared with valve losses, so there
was little damping.
To understand in part what happened, consider that the far downstream
valve c10ses a little to regulate the downstream pressure. This sends a
positive pressure wave up the pipe. When it reaches the next valve, that
valve c10ses sorne to compensa te for the higher pressure. The c10sure of the
second valve sends a positive pressure wave to the third valve and a negative
wave to the first valve. Each time a pressure wave reaches a valve, the valve
reacts, trying to keep a constant pressure in the pipe, and the surging
One way tbat tbis can be avoided is to bave enough friction and other
fixed losses to dampen out the wave partially before it reaches the next
valve. A better, but more expensive, solution would be to isolate each
section of the pipe with a small open water tank.
Surge-Anticipating VaIves
Controllers can be placed on valves so that they automatically open or close
when a transient is anticipated. For example, when a pump is shut down, a
low pressure wave is sent down the pipe. Under certain conditions, column
separation can occur, which may lead to excessive pressures. It is possible to
have a valve at the discharge end automatically start cIosing the instant the
pump is turned off. The positive pressure wave from the valve combines
with the negative wave from the pump to keep the pressure positive in the
A second example is a power operated check valve that closes at a
controlled rate when the pump is shut off. A third example is an automatic
drain valve used in conjunction with a normal check or power-operated
check valve. When the pump shuts down and the check valve closes, the
drain valve automatically opens to prevent high pressures.
These val ves are installed in suction lines of pumps to keep pumps primed
or in discharge lines to minimize flow reversal, which can damage pumps
and motors. Check valves should open easily for forward flow, firmly seat so
they are stable under foward flow conditions, have a low loss coefficient for
forward flow, and close when the flow reverses so as to not generate
undesirable transients in the pipeline.
With no flow in the system, the valve remains closed or nearly closed due
to either gravitational force, a spring-Ioaded disk, or a combination of the
two. As flow is initiated, the dynamic force of the moving water causes the
valve to open.
For most styles of check valves, orientation of the installed valve is
important, since gravity usually assists the disk in closing. The approach flow
conditions are also an important factor affecting the stability of the disk. If
an elbow or other disturbance is located a short distance upstream, the
unstable flow can cause the disk or float to oscillate, causing surges in the
There are numerous designs available, each having a different closing
characteristic. The simple swing check valve (Fig. 4.10) is designed with a
pivot point aboye the periphery of the disk. It closes by gravity when the
weight of the disk is greater than the dynamic force of the water holding it
open. The opening and closing characteristics can be altered by changing
axis of rotation, the weight of the disk, or by adding counterweights.
Tilunll disc check
un check
Flg. 4.10 Typical check valves.
The tilting disk check valve (Fig. 4.10) also depends on gravity for
c1osing, but it has a much shorter distance to trave!. lis axis al rotation is
just off the center ol the disk instead ol above the periphery ol the disk.
Lift check valves (Fig. 4.10) have ftoats that raise when the dynamic force
exceeds its weight. The rubber ftapper and double-door val ves are alterna-
tive designs ol the simple swing check (Fig. 4.11) . The ftapper does nOl
pivot trom a hinge pin, but instead ftexes. Also, the seat is on a larger angle,
permitting a shorter stroke.
The disk ol the double door check-valve design dilference is split into
equal halves, resulting in shorter strokes for each door. Additionally, each
door is forced elosed by an internal torsion spring. Olher styles are
spring-Ioaded lor more rapid elosure. Two such valves are the spring-loaded
check valve and the nozzle check (Fig. 4.11). The nozzle check valves havc
exceptionally fast elosing characleristics because they have only one moving
part with liule mass and a short stroke. The streamlined shape of the nozzle
olfen liule resistance to forward ftow.
Spring loaded check
Rubber flapper check
Double door
Nozzle check
Fig. 4.11 Alternative check-valve designs.
Nonreturn valves can al so be power operated. Any standard control valve
can serve as a nonreturn valve if it is automatically closed whenever reverse
flow occurs.
In selecting a nonreturn valve, many compro mises must be made, but the
two primary requirements are that it has an acceptable loss coefficient for
forward flow and that it does not create excessive transient pressures upon
closing. The magnitude of the transient is directly proportional to the
reverse-flow velocity when the valve closes (see Eq. 4.16). This velocity is
controlled by the dynamics of the valve and the system. For a system where
the flow rever ses slowly, most valves will close before any significant flow
reversal occurs, especially if the valve is spring-Ioaded. If flow reversal
occurs rapidly, a relative high reverse velocity may occur before c1osure. For
pumps in which air chambers are installed near the pump, rapid flow
reversals occur. Simple check valves are not recommended for this applica-
tion. A similar situation occurs when two or more pumps are working in
parallel feeding one line and one pump is turned off.
For a given valve, the maximum reverse velocity is a function of the rate
of ftow reversal in the pipe. This information can only be obtained ex-
perimentally in special test facilities. Such information is scarce and availa-
ble only on a few valves (44). To the author's knowledge, no such
information is currently available on valves manufactured in the United
The rate of flow reversal will be different for each system. It can only be
obtained by performing a transient analysis. Techniques used to complete
such an analysis are discussed in subsequent chapters. Assume such an
analysis indicates that the maximum reverse velocity would be about 0.7
m/s. If the pipe has a wave speed of 1100 m/s, the transient head rise would
be about (11000.7/9.81)=78 m.
The reverse flow velocity and the associated transient head rise vary with
valve type, size and the dynamics of the system. The same valve installed in
different systems can behave differently. Transient analyses should be
carried out for nonreturn valves to avoid transients. Unfortunately, little
experimental information describing their closing behavior is available.
There are also instability problems associated with check val ves which are
usually caused by the valve being installed at a location where there is
excessive turbulence or unstable flow. This causes the disk to flutter much
like a flag in the wind and causes rapid wear, which can result in valve
failure. This situation is aggravated if the valve disk operates in a partially
open position. If the disk is not firmly seated, it can flutter and cause rapid
For proper performance of a pipeline, a means of expelling air during filling,
draining, and operation must be provided. Trapped air causes numerous
hydraulic problems and should be avoided. When a pipeline is drained, air
must be allowed to enter the lineo The removal and admitting of air are
normally handled with automatic air valves. Manually operated valves can
be used, but they are not recommended because they can cause serious
There are three types of automatic air valves: 1) air-vacuum valves; 2)
air-release valves; and 3) combination valves. Figure 4.12 shows a simplified
sketch of the first two types. The air-vacuum valve generally has a large
orifice (1/2-36 in.) to allow large quantities of air out when filling or when
draining a lineo Air valves are mounted vertically on top of the pipe. They
contain a float, which settles by gravity when the pipe is empty or the
pressure is negative. As water enters the valve, the float rises and seals off
the orifice. Once the line is pressurized, the valve cannot reopen to remove
air that may subsequently accumulate. If the pressure becomes negative due
to a transient or draining, the float drops and admits air into the lineo
Air-release valves contain smaller (general 1/2 in. or smaller) orifices and
are intended to release small quantities of air that accumulate after initial
filling. The small orifice is controlled by a plunger activates by a float at the
end of a lever armo As air accumulates in the valve body, the float settles
00 :0
Air vacuum 'laive
Air release valve
Fil. 4.12 Typical ai r-release va[vcs.
and opens the orifice. As Ihe air is expell ed, the fIoat rises and closes off the
The combination valve consislS oC an ai r-vccuum valve in parallel with ao
air release valve. The two can be separate or inside Ihe same body. The
choice of which valve Ol combinalion oC the Ihree Iypes o( valves lo use
depends on several factors: 1) how ortcn Ihe pipe is drained and filled; 2)
how much air is entrained al the intake, in regions of low pressure or due lo
operation of vacuum valves; 3) the profile of the pipeline; and 4) the pipe's
resistance 10 oollapse due lo external pressure and inlernal vacuum. When
in doubl, the best choice is Ihe combination valve.
Selecling locations lo inslall air vaJves depends primarily on Ihe pipe
profiJe. ldeally. Ihe pipe should be luid to grade wilh valves placed al 311
high points, or al about 1/ 4-mile intervals along the pipe if it has a constant
sJopc or is level. When a pipe follows the lerrain, it is desirable bul ' not
always feasibJe 10 place a valve al each high poin!. This situation should be
avoided when possiblc.
The velocity of the liquid in the pipe is also importanl. If Ihe velocity is
adequale (above aboul 3 fps), trapped air can usually be fIushed Ihrough the
pipe lo Ihe air release valves. However, one musI be careful about all owing
large quantities of air under high pressure 10 accumulale and move Ihrough
the pipe. Transients can be generated due 10 the movemenl oC air, especially
ir il is improperly released (rom the pipe or if it passes Ihrough a control
valve. More will be said aboul transients caused by trapped air in laler
Air-vacuum and combination valves should be sized so that the air is
expelled without pressurizing the pipe. Sizing charts are provided by manu-
facturers. When sizing an air valve to remove air during filling, the filling
rate must also be considered the filling rate. A safe filling rate depends on
the specific system. A conservative value frequently used is 1 fps. To
accomplish this procedure safely, it may be advisable to provide a separate
small filling valve or small auxiliary pump. Qne should never try to control
the filling rate with the air valves.
For draining the pipe, air-vacuum valves must be installed. The number of
valves depends on the number of pronounced high points in the pipe profile,
the collapse pressure of the pipe, and the desired draining rate. The water
can leave only as fast as air is admitted. Sorne consideration should be given
to pipe rupture and subsequent rapid draining of the pipe. If the negative
pressures caused by this situation can collapse the pipe, properly sized air
valves should be installed. They should be sized so they can admit air ftow
rates equal to the maximum water ftow caused by a full pipe break at the
lowest point. If risk of pipeline collapse due to vacuum does not exist, air
and vacuum valves may be installed to prevent water column separation.
Qne of the worse ways to remove air from a pressurized pipe is to open a
large manual air valve after the pipe is pressurized. Consider a pipe with
several high points, each with trapped air at high pressure. If a large manual
air valve is opened, the air escapes rapidly because of its low density. The
compressed air trapped at adjacent high points accelerates the liquid toward
the open air valve at high velocity. When the air is all gone, the water
cannot exit as fast, and a large velocity reduction can occur which can
generate asevere transient. If air is to be released under high pressure, it
must be done slowly.
Qne way to reduce the transient caused by rapid cIosure of an air valve is
to use a hydraulically controlled air valve. The hydraulic dashpot allows the
cIosure speed of the valve to be controlled.
4.1. A 6-in. globe valve is tested in the laboratory to evaluate its ftow
coefficients. At a ftow rate of 1200 gpm, the net pressure drop is 6.3
psi. Calculate C
' C
, Cdl> and K.
4.2. Water will be supplied to a smalI hydraulic turbine through a 408-mm
pipe. It is desired to instaIl a 305-mm butterfty valve to control the
ftow. The C
of the valve fuIly open is 0.75. Calcula te the head drop
across the valve when the ftow rate is 0.23 m
Answer: 0.39 m
4.3. Water is supplied between reservoirs through a 6-in. pipe. I,(K +
[Lid) = 59 when the control valve is fully open. For a head difference
of 125 ft between the two reservoirs, caIculate the flow rate. Use data
for the butterfly valve shown in Fig. 4.3. CaIculate the valve opening
required to reduce the flow 50%.
Answer: 20%
4.4. A 12-in. butterfly valve has torque and flow coefficients similar to
valve A shown in Figs. 4.7 and 4.8. If the flow rate is 25 cfs when the
valve is half open, caIculate the hydrodynamic torque.
Answer: -400 ft-Ib
4.5. A 16-in. cone valve has an operator with a torque limit of 200 ft-lb.
Find the maximum allowable velocity at 83 open (peak value). (Use
data for 12 in. cone valve, Figs. 4.3 and 4.5.)
Answer: 18.4 fps
4.6. For example 4.1, case B, select a butterfly valve size so that at 50%
open it has a head loss at least 15% of the total head loss available.
Assume the pipe size is 12 in. in di ame ter.
Answer: 8 in.
4.7. If the 24-in. butterfly valve (style of valve A) in Example 4.2 were
instantly closed from 40 open, calculate the head rise in the pipe.
Assume a = 3100 fps.
Answer: 1425 ft
4.8. Estimate the valve opening for Example 4.2 where it can be instantly
closed and keep the maximum system head rise below 400 ft. Assume
a = 3100 fps.
Answer: - 12
(based on C
= 0.0332)
4.9. In Example 4.5, what would be the caIculated flow through the bypass
valve if: friction and minor losses were ignored, (b) d2 = 1 m., and
d3 = .626 m.
4.10. An 8-in. globe pressure-reducing valve is installed in a 12-in. line
([Lid = 150) between two reservoirs with a 175-ft difference in
elevation. The valve will control between 20 and 60% open. CaIculate
the range of flows and IlP
that the valve will produce.
Answer: 60%: 5.62 cfs, 55.5 ft, Cd = 0.26
20%: 1.44 cfs, 167 ft, Cd = 0.04
Hydraulics of Pipelines: Pumps, Valves, Cavitation, Transients. J . Paul Tullis
Copyright 1989 J ohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Cavitation consists of rapid vaporization and condensation of a liquido The
process is somewhat analogous to boiling. For boiling, vapor cavities are
formed from nuc1ei by increasing the temperature with the liquid at constant
pressure. As the temperature increases, eventually vapor cavities are formed
which rise to the free surface. As the cavities rise, they expand due to
decreasing pressure and increased vaporization. At the surface, the vapor
cavities explode, releasing the vapor to the atmosphere.
Cavitation normally occurs when liquid at constant temperature is sub-
jected to vapor pressure either by a static or a dynamic means. If the local
pressure somewhere in the fluid drops to or below vapor pressure and nuc1ei
are present, vapor cavities can be formed. As long as the local pressure stays
at vapor pressure and the cavity has reached a critical diameter, it will
continue to grow rapidly. If the surrounding pressure is above vapor
pressure, the bubble becomes unstable and collapses. The collapse can be
violent and is accompanied by noise, vibrations and possible erosion damage
to solid surfaces.
There are two types of cavitation described in the literature: gaseous
cavitation and vaporous cavitation. Gaseous cavitation occurs when there is
either considerable free air suspended in the liquid or when the cavitation
process is slow enough that the amount of air inside the vapor cavity is
increased due to degassing from the liquido The rate of growth and collapse
of the cavity is slower for gaseous cavitation beca use of the presence of the
free airo Consequently, the process is not as violent or damaging.
If there is Httle air in the liquid, so that the cavity consists almost
exc1usively of vapor, the growth and collapse rates and the pressures
generated upon cavity collapse are extremely high and can cause severe
damage. Called vaporous cavitation, this is the type of cavitation which is of
concern to the practicing engineer. Gaseous cavitation will be discussed
mainly as it relates to a means of suppressing vaporous cavitation by
aeration of the fluid.
There are a few beneficial effects of cavitation. For example, the high
degree of turbulence associated with cavitation can be used to increase
mixing, accelerate chemical reactions, and assist with homogenizing milk.
Cavitation can also be used to c1ean surfaces with ultrasonic c1eaning
devices. However, as applied to hydraulic systems, the effects of cavitation
are almost always detrimental. There are five basic problems created by
cavitation: noise, vibrations, pressure fluctuations, erosion damage, and loss
of efficiency or ftow capacity.
The type and intensity of the noise depend on the item being considered
and particularly on its size. For example, cavitation in a small valve is
usually heard as a hissing or a light crackling sound. In a large valve, the
noise can sound more like dynamite exploding. The sound varies significant-
ly with valve designo Sorne large valves divide the flow into many small
passages and produce a cavitation sound more like small valves.
The following description would be characteristic of the sound generated
by a cone or butterfly valve about 12 in. (150 mm) in diameter operating in a
gravity system where there is little background noise. In the earliest stages,
cavitation is usually heard as light intermittent crackling sounds. These are
just slightly louder than the basic turbulence noise generated by the ftowing
system. As the cavitation level increases, the intensity and frequency
increase so that it is easy to hear the cavitation aboye the operating level of
the system. When the valve is operating at a moderate level of cavitation,
the sound resembles the noise that would be generated by gravel flowing
through a pipeline. As the cavitation level approaches what would be caBed
heavy cavitation, it consists of a continualloud roar and sometimes intermit-
tent loud bursts of cavitation similar in sound to small explosions. At this
level, it is almost impossible to converse near the valve; the sound leve! can
exceed 100 db and can constitute a hearing hazard if exposure to such a level
is for a long period of time.
The shock waves generated by collapsing cavities produce pressure fluc-
tuations and cause the system to vibrate. As cavitation increases, the
magnitude of the vibrations increases by several orders. Even for large
valves tied down securely, the pipe and valve can move when operating at
heavy levels of cavitation. Such vibrations can loosen bolts, cause fatigue of
connections, loosen or break tie-downs, and lead to structural failure.
If the cavities colIapse close to a solid boundary, erosion can occur. This
is perhaps the most common cavitation problem. Many valves, pipes,
pumps, turbines, etc., have been repaired or replaced due to excessive
erosion caused by cavitation.
At advanced stages of cavitation, large vapor cavities form which can
change the hydrodynamics of the flow through the system and reduce the
efficiency of the device. Pumps produce less head, turbines generate less
power, and valves no longer pass the predicted flow if they operate at
advanced stages of cavitation. For example, the required net positive suction
head for a pump represents the flow condition at which the cavitation level
is severe enough to cause the efficiency of the pump to decrease between 1
and 3%. For a valve, onset of choking cavitation represents the condition at
which the discharge coefficient of the valve decreases beca use of heavy
There are three fundamental requirements for cavitation to occur. First,
there must be nuclei in the system, the presence of which serves as a basis
for vaporization oi the liquido Second, the pressure somewhere in the liquid
must drop, at least briefly, to or below vapor pressure. Third, the ambient
pressure around the vapor cavity must be greater than vapor pressure in
order for it to collapse.
Role of Nuclei
The term nuclei is merely another word for gas bubbles or voids in the
liquido For either boiling or cavitation to occur, there must be nucIei
present. If a Iiquid was completely deaerated and the container c1eaned so
that there were no contaminants, voids, or entrapped air either in the water
or on the boundary, the liquid could sustain tension and would not boil at
normal temperatures or cavitate when the pressure dropped to vapor
pressure. Therefore, the existence of nucIei is one of the primary require-
ments for cavitation to occnr. The primary sources of nuc1ei are from free
air bubbles and air bubbles trapped in crevasses of suspended material or
crevasses in the boundary.
The quantity and size of the nucIei depend on the history of the water.
Water normalIy contains enough nuc1ei and contamination that cavitation
will occur when the local pressure drops to vapor pressure. Only under
controlIed laboratory conditions can the nuc1ei content be reduced to the
point where cavitation is significantIy suppressed. If water is recirculated
through a water tunnel or closed loop pumping system, the nuclei spectrum
and air content are artificially changed and the condition at which onset of
cavitation occurs can be altered.
Reducing the nuclei content as a means of reducing cavitation is only
practical in the laboratory. On the other hand, it is easy to aerate the ftow,
causing an excessive amount of large nuclei as a means of suppressing
Water removed at low levels from high head reservoirs may be low in air
content and nuclei. Such water may suppress cavitation slightly. This would
make laboratory tests with air-saturated water conservative. In contrast, if
water is slightly supersaturated, either accidentally or intentionally, cavita-
tion may occur slightly sooner, but it would likely be a gaseous type of
cavitation and would be less damaging to the system.
Sources oC Low Pressure
The local pressure is the sum of the mean pressure, which is uniform over a
certain regon of the flow, and the dynamic pressure, which depends on fluid
motion and especially on the formation and dissipation of eddies or vortices
in turbulent shear zones. The mean pressure throughout a system varies due
to changes of elevation, local and friction losses, and local accelerations due
to a change of cross section of the ftow. For large diameter tunnels, there
can also be a variation of mean pressure from the top to the bottom. Such
variations may be important in analyzing cavitation potential and should be
properly accounted for in model studies.
Flow through a venturi provides a means of describing the inftuence of
reduced mean pressure on cavitation. In a well-designed venturi, there is no
ftow separation and little turbulence. Consequently, for cavitation to occur
in a venturi, the mean pressure at the throat must drop approximately to
vapor pressure. However, there is always a boundary layer which generates
turbulence. Cavitation will begin near the center of the boundary layer
inside the tiny eddies, which have pressures at their center less than the
mean pressure of the system.
When designing or analyzing a piping system, consideration should be
given to the location of valves, pumps, or turbines alld to the effect of mean
pressure on cavitation. Since the chance of cavitation reduces as the mean
pressure increases, it is desirable to place any device which might be subject
to cavitation at a location of maximum pressure. This can be done, for
example, by placing a valve at the lowest point in the pipeline, by lowering
the pump relative to its suction piping, or by lowering a turbine relative to
the downstream water surface elevation.
If an adequate pressure is not possible by adjusting the elevation of the
installation, it may be desirable or necessary to increase the pressure by
sorne other control device. For instance, if a valve is required to produce a
large pressure drop and there is concern about cavitation, it may be
desirable to consider placing an orifice or second valve downstream; this will
create a moderate pressure drop and increase the pressure at the main
control valve. For a pump, it may be desirable to increase the size of the
suction piping or change the pipe configuration to reduce intake losses.
Role of Eddies
Time-dependent pressures generated by turbulence or the formation and
decay of eddies are an important part of the cavitation process. This time
dependent pressure fluctuation is also the primary re aso n why cavitation is
so difficuIt to predict and depends almost excIusively on experimental data.
Mean pressures can be predicted by applying the energy equation and
properIy estimating any losses in the system. In contrast, the pressure inside
separation regions, eddies, or vortices can only be estimated from empirical
To demonstrate the role of eddies or turbulence in the cavitation process,
the flow characteristics of the sudden enlargement shown in Fig. 5.1 will be
described. The flow in the approach pipe is at relatively low velocity and
high pressure. As the flow approaehes the orifice, the velocity inereases and
the pressure reduces. When the jet enters the downstream enlargement, an
intense shear layer is created along the boundary between the jet and the
surrounding separation region. The high velocity gradients in this shear
layer create eddies, shown in the figure. The mean pressure in the separa-
tion region near the jet is about the same as the pressure inside the jet.
However, the pressure inside the eddies is significantIy less beca use of its
high rotational speed. If a nucIeus is entrapped in one of these eddies and
the pressure inside drops to vapor pressure, it will begin to grow. If the
pressure remains near vapor pressure long enough for the nucIeus to reach a
critical diameter, it then begins to grow rapidly by vaporization.
Pressure gradient
Fig 5.1 Flow pattern for submerged jet.
As the size of the vapor cavity increases, the strength of the eddy is
rapidly destroyed, the rotational speed reduces, and the pressure is no
longer vapor pressure. Since the ambient pressure is aboye vapor pressure,
the cavity becomes unstable and collapses inward.
The time that a nucleus is subjected to the low pressure inside the eddy is
important. If the time is so short that the bubble cannot reach its critical
diameter, it will not become a cavitation evento Since the time of exposure
increases as the system size increases, cavitation would be expected to be
more severe in larger systems.
Compare the cavitation potential of a ventur to that of a submerged jet.
Consider that both are installed in the same sized pipe and that the throat
diameter of the venturi is the same as the contracted jet diameter for the
submerged jet. If both are operating at the same upstream pressure and
discharge, the submerged jet will be much more susceptible to cavitation
beca use of the high degree of turbulence generated in the shear layer
around the jet.
In sorne systems, it may be desirable to provide streamlining to avoid
separation and cavitation. A typical example is the design of pump im-
pellers. However, if energy-dissipation is required (as with a pressure-
reducing valve), it may not be practical or possible to streamline to avoid
separation. By so doing, the energy dissipation or pressure reducing
capability of the device is reduced. Therefore, if one is required to produce
both a large pressure drop and avoid cavitation, elimination of separation
and turbulence is not the solution.
Pressure Recovery
The third phase of cavitation has already been alluded to: there must be a
local pressure in the cavitation regio n greater than vapor pressure in order
for the cavity to collapse. For systems such as a venturi, the high pressure
required for collapse occurs as the vapor cavity moves from the throat
region into the diffuser, where the pressure recovers with distance. There is
also sorne pressure recovery as the tiny vortices in the boundary layer
dissipate. For the orfice, the pressure recovery occurs primarily as a result
of the eddies being dissipated and the cavity being subjected to the local
pressure. There is also sorne pressure recovery associated with diffusion of
the jet, as shown by the pressure gradient in Fig. 5.1.
If the vapor cavities are transported to the solid boundary before they
collapse, erosion damage can occur. Prior research has indicated that
collapse must occur approximately one bubble diameter from the boundary
in order to cause erosion damage. Since the bubbles are gene rally small, this
indicates that only collapses very near or on the surface will cause erosion
There are two suggested mechanisms by which damage occurs at solid
boundaries. The first is the high-pressure shock waves generated by collapse
of the cavities. These pressures have been estimated to be over 10
which is sufficient to damage any material. The other source of potental
damage is due to what is called a microjet. When a bubble collapses near
the boundary, the pressure distribution around the bubble is unsymmetrical
due to the presence of the boundary. As the bubble collapses, the side of
the bubble away from the wall attains a higher velocity and the bubble
collapses inward, forming a jet shooting through the center of the bubble.
This jet attains high velocities and crea tes a local pit when it impacts the
Once a system reaches a point at which erosion damage occurs, damage
increases rapidly as the velocity of the system is increased. Previous research
has indicated that the rate of erosion damage varies with V
, where n varies,
depending on the experiment, between 4 and 7 (33). This extreme depen-
dence of damage rate on velocity suggests that one be conservative in
selecting conditions corresponding to onset of erosion damage, since a slight
increase in the velocity causes a large variation in the damage rateo
Another aspect of cavitation erosion damage is corrosion. Cavitation
removes oxidized material from the surface, exposing fresh metal, which
greatly accelerates corrosion. It is possible that a significant percentage of
material removed by cavitation is due to corrosion. This concept has been
used as a laboratory method of detecting cavitation damage (9).
Cavitation can also accelerate erosion damage caused by sediment in the
liquido The surface is weakened by the cavitation and is more easily eroded
by the abrasive action of the sedimento
Understanding cavitation and the damaged mechanism suggests several
means of reducing or eliminating such damage. One method of eliminating
damage is to restrict the operation of the system to a low level of cavitation
such that the cavitation events do not contain much energy and collapse
before they reach the boundary. Material in subsequent chapters will
identify the limiting operating condition of various types of devices and will
aid in designing systems that can operate cavitation free.
A second possible method for suppressing erosion damage is removing
the boundary from the cavitation zone. One of the effective methods of
dissipating energy while suppressing cavitation is the use of sud den enlarge-
ments. For example, if the diameter of the downstream pipe in Fig. 5.1 were
increased, that system could opera te free of cavitation damage at larger
pressure differentials. One of the disadvantages of this approach is that the
loss coefficient of the sudden enlargement increases as the expansion ratio
increases. If large pressure drops are desirable, this may not cause a
problem. However, if it is necessary to operate a system with low head loss,
such a solution may not be acceptable.
A third means of controlling boundary erosion is by treating the surface
with a material more resistant to cavitation erosiono It is common to line
certain parts of valves, pumps, and turbines with stainless steel or other
erosion resistant materals. Such a solution is usually expensive and may not
be cost effective. This will be discussed further in Chapter 6.
A fourth suggested means of controlling cavitation is by injecting air into
the separation regions. This supersaturates the regio n with air, greatly
reducing the bulk modulus of the liquido This cushions the collapse of the
cavities by reducing the wave speed and reduces or elimina tes the eros ion
damage. This concept is most useful if the air can be forced in by
atmospheric pressure. If the local pressure is aboye atmospheric pressure, a
source of compressed air would be required and the solution would be more
expensive and less reliable, and a larger mass of air would be injected. For
pumps, turbines, and sorne valves, this may not be practical since it is
difficult to get the air to the cavitating region. One possible solution is to
inject air upstream and allow it to diffuse through the ftow. Situations in
which it is easy to use air include orifices, certain valves, and spillways.
Placing air slots on spillways is the most reliable means of protecting the
concrete surface from damage. A crucial factor to consider when con-
templating the use of injecting air is whether or not the system can tolerate
it. Air in pipeline s can result in severe transients, affect the accuracy of flow
meters, reduce the capacity of the line by collecting at high points, and plug
sand filters at water-treatment plants, etc.
A fifth method of suppressing cavitation is to dissipate the energy in
stages. By locating multiple val ves or orifices in series the level cavitation of
each stage can be reduced.
Quantifying the flow conditions at a given level of cavitation requires a
dimensionless similarity parameter. The form vares with the type of device
being considered. It was discussed in Chapter 3 that cavitation for a pump
can be quantified with the required net positive suction head (NPSHr) or a
cavitation parameter equal to NPSHr I H
For valves and other devices that create a head loss, two commonly used
forms are
(J" = (P
+ P
- Pva)/tJ.P = (P
- Pvg)/tJ.P (5.1)
) (5.2)
In the equations, P
is the pressure measured about 10 diameters down-
stream and projected back by adding the friction loss, AP the net pressure
drop, P
the pressure just upstream, P
(Table 1.1) the absolute vapor
pressures, and P
the barometric pressure. P
= Pva-P
Fig. 1.1 shows
graphically the relationship between P
, P
and P
The choice of Eqs. 5.1 or 5.2 is arbitrary. For installations where P
known or is constant, Eq. 5.1 is more convenient. The two are related by
the Equation.
Most of the data in this book are given in terms of Eq. 5.1.
For cavitation caused by surface roughness, an isolated roughness, an
offset in the bouildary, or by any device for which it is not possible or
convenient to evaluate AP, another form of sigma is convenient:
in which p is the fluid density and V the mean velocity. This definition is
related to the other forms by
=(a-+1)K (5.5)
There are a variety of other forms possible. The reader is free to use any
form he or she is familiar with and convert data into any other formo
An analytical solution to the problem of cavitation has not been found.
Emphasis has, by necessity, be en concentrated on laboratory experiments to
explore the physics and develop empirical relationships for predicting vari-
ous levels of cavitation. The purpose of this section is to give sorne
understanding of how cavitation is detected and how the data are analyzed.
Such knowledge aids in understanding the cavitation process, which is
helpful in applying the various cavitation limits and scale effects which are
used for analysis and designo
Since cavitation causes noise, pressure fluctuations, vibrations, pitting,
and loss of efficiency, any sensing device that is sensitive to one of these can
be used to detect cavitation. Several electronic instruments, including sound
level meters, pressure transducers, accelerometers, and hydrophones, have
been used in the laboratory to measure cavitation.
The accelerometer has been the instrument most widely used in the
laboratory by the author to detect the onset of cavitation (69). It is simple to
use, rugged, portable, and has a wide frequency response. It is sensitive to
the lightest cavitation and can measure the heaviest levels possible.
The manner in which the output from the various cavitation sensing
devices is processed can vary with the type of testing. For example, to
determine onset of cavitation in a pump, it is most helpful to filter out low
frequency disturbances, since the background noise level generated by the
pump can make cavitation detection difficult. For such an application, one
could use a hydrophone, a high-frequency response pressure transducer, or
the accelerometer with proper filtering. For low fiow noise systems, it is
helpful but not necessary to filter out the low frequencies.
Other methods of detecting cavitation are visually and aurally. If a
transparent section can be installed, cavitation events can be se en either by
the naked eye or with stroboscopic lighting. Even if it is not possible to
visualize the fiow, cavitation can usually be heard by ear except in systems
where there is an extremely high background noise leve!. A trained observer
can usually be quite precise in detecting early stages of cavitation either
visuaIly or aurally. In aIl cavitation studies, it is best to record the observer's
observations to supplement the electronic measurements of cavitation. The
procedure for evaluating incipient (initial onset of cavitation) and critical
(light steady noise) for valves and orifices is discussed in Section 6.1.
Choking cavitation can sometimes be approximated by using electronic
instruments that measure the cavitation intensity. However, it is normaIly
evaluated by determining the effect of choking on the output of a pump or
the discharge characteristics of a valve. For a valve, the procedure usuaIly
used is to set the valve at the desired valve opening, establish a P
and fiow
so the valve is not cavitating, and measure fiow and pressure drop across the
valve. This process is repeated at increased fiow rates while maintaining P
until vapor pressure exists at the downstream piezometer tapo When this
occurs, the fiow is fully choked.
A condition of choking is demonstrated in Fig. 5.2 for an orifice. The
upper line (#1) represents a normal hydraulic grade line before the onset of
choking. Minimum pressure occurs at the vena contracta and normal
~ ---------------::-i
vapor p r s s u r ~ 4
Fig 5.2 Hydraulic grade line (HGL) for choking cavitation.
pressure is recovered. Line #2 represents the condition where the ftow rate
has increased so that the minimum pressure at the vena contracta has just
dropped to vapor pressure. For an orifice, this condition can be predicted
with the Bernoulli equation and the contraction coefficient. When this
occurs, the orifice is passing its maximum discharge Qch at a given P
' Up to
this point, the discharge coefficient remains constant and equal to its value
for noncavitating ftow.
If the pressure in the downstream pipe is reduced, the pressure drops
(line #3) and the vapor cavity lengthens, but the flow remains constant.
Since P
reduces and Qch remains constant, the discharge coefficient re-
duces. As the downstream pressure is further reduced, eventually the vapor
cavity extends beyond P
and P
= Pvs' This is sometimes referred to as
supercavitation. If the pipe were transparent, one would see what appears to
be a free discharge jet. The difference is that the jet is surrounded by a
vapor cavity instead of airo At sorne downstream location where the
pressure and momentum forces balance, the pipe again ftows full and a
normal pressure gradient is established.
One of the interesting aspects of supercavitation is that damage may not
occur at the valve or orifice operating in supercavitation. However, at the
downstream location where the cavity ends, severe damage will occur. Care
must be taken because the worst condition at which to operate a valve,
orifice, or pump is near the point of onset of choking, since erosion damage,
noise, and vibration are maximum just before a valve chokes.
For evaluating incipient damage, soft aluminum inserts are cut, polished,
inspected for surface imperfections, and installed flush with the inside
surface of the device being tested. The size and location of the specimen
depend on the size and configuration of the device being tested. The system
is then operated for a given time, the specimens removed, and the cavitation
pits counted. Incipient damage is defined as a pitting rate of 1 pit/in?/min.
To date, damage data have been obtained for orfice plates plus a few valves
and pumps.
Virtually all cavitation data are obtained experimentally, often with reduced
size models operated at reduced pressure and velocity. If complete
similitude is not achieved geometrically, dynamically, and in terms of the
fluid properties, the experimental data may not accurately represent the
performance of the prototype. Such discrepancy between model and pro-
totype is referred to as a scale effect. This must be distinguished from
"scaling" data. "Scaling" refers to extrapolating data from one condition to
another assuming complete similitude. For example, assume tests on a
model valve at sorne downstream pressure indicated its crtical cavitation
index U
= 2.1. Ignorng scale effects, the prototype valve would have the
same U
at any pressure. One could therefore "scale" the experimental data
and predict the !:..P across the prototype valve at critical cavitation for any P d
using the sigma in Eq. 5.1. Scaling data from a model pump to a prototype
pump simply involves assuming that the NPSHr is the same for both.
Unfortunately, cavitation is a classical example for which the techniques
of dimensional analysis have not produced a sigma that is free of scale
effects for all conditions. The difficulty is caused by the numerous variables
that affect the process. The primary variables that influence inception and
subsequent levels of cavitation and are included in the derivation of sigma
are 1) the critical pressure required to form a vapor cavity (usually assumed
to be the liquid vapor pressure), 2) absolute pressure, 3) velocity or pressure
drop, and 4) boundary geometry.
Sorne of the variables that are not included in the formulation of the
cavitation parameter are factors influencing vaporization of the liquid, such
as surface tension, air content, and water quality. There are also factors that
influence the growth and collapse of the cavities, such as turbulence scaling
and residence time of the bubble in the low-pressure zone, which are, in
turn, affected by velocity and the size of the system.
If there are significant differences in the fluid properties between the fluid
used in the laboratory and the prototype fluid, sorne errors can resulto This
is particularly a problem with cavitation tests in recirculating water tunnels.
Continual recirculation alters the air content and nuclei spectrum of the
water. Even when artificial means are used to control the nuclei, significant
effects on onset of cavitation have been observed (23,24).
Experimental data for valves (Chapter 6) show significant scale effects
due to increased velocity, pressure, and size. The data show that u
(incipient) and U
(critical) for valves and sorne other devices increase with
Reynolds number Re due to changes in velocity and size. The Reynolds
number scale effects due to velocity changes may be related to turbulence
scaling. For certain geometries, the magnitude of the fluctuating pressures
responsible for cavitation apparently do not scale proportional to V
Another cause may be the assumption of vapor pressure as the critical
The Reynolds number scale effect caused by changing the size is most
likely caused by increased residence time of the nuclei at low pressures. For
a larger system, more of the nuclei can grow to a critical diameter because
they are subjected to low pressures for a longer time due to the lower
frequencies of the pressure fluctuations in larger systems and the longer
residence time in the shear zone. As size increases, the nuclei are also
influenced more by the higher frequency fluctuations because they are
subjected to more cycles.
Cavitation data for orifices and val ves show that Re is not a parameter
that produces similitude for all cavitation conditions. By similitud e , it is
meant that if two systems were operating at the same Re, they should
produce the same level of cavitation. The data in Fig. 5.3 show the variation
Pipe diameter
Inches Centimeters
1.08 2.74
'" 3.07
06.08 15.20
012.00 30.50
.23.50 59.70
Cd = Canst
Fig 5.3 Size scale effects for orifices.
of (Fe with Re for orifices in different sizes of pipes for a constant ratio of
orifice diameter to pipe diameter. It is observed from the figure that for a
constant pipe size, (Fe does not vary over a range of Re. In this case, Re
changes by increasing the pipe velocity while varying the upstream pressure
and the flow such that the cavitation intensity is constant.
If, however, the velocity and cavitation intensity are held constant and Re
is increased by increasing the pipe diameter, the value of (Fe increases. For
certain values of Re, there are two values of (Fe' It is therefore apparent that
there is an effect on (Fe associated with changes in the size of the pipe which
are not properly accounted for with Re. Additional information on scale
effects for val ves and orifices is presented in Chapters 6 and 7.
5.1. Name the three basic requirements for cavitation to occur.
5.2. List the results o cavitation.
5.3. Describe the two mechanisms o cavitation damage.
5.4. How does free air influence the growth and collapse of cavities?
5.5. What are nuclei and where do they come from?
5.6. Under what conditions can water sustain tension? (Pressure less than
vapor pressure.)
5.7. List sorne methods of controlling cavitation erosiono
5.8. An orifice is to be used in a syslern where ils sigma (Eq. 5. 1) will be
1.12. Tests are to bc conducted in the lab to measure the cavitalion
intensity. Assume Ihe tests will be conducted at ~ "'" 200 kPa, and
PUl'" - 75 kPa. What is the required P
10 produce Ihe same U.
(Ignore line loss.)
Answer: P
'" 70.3 kPa
5.9. Assume the following information was obtained in the lab during a
cavitation test on an orifice: C
'" 0.10, P" = 620 kPa, P Ul = -84 kPa,
V< = 2.69 mIs. Calculate u (Eq. 5.1 ).
Answer: u = 0.97
5.JO. A 6-in model of a 24-in. valve was lested in Ihe laboralory and at a
valve opening oC 60 the foll owing model data were found: C
= 0.57,
P" = 59.5 psi , Ve = 27.5 fps (al critical cavitation). Calculate the
discharge at critical cavitaton for the 24-in. valve operaling al P" =
95.4 psi; ignore scale effects and assume P Ul = - 11.6 psi (for both
Answer: Q = 107 cfs
5.11. A device having a C
oC 0.34 for noncavitating fiow is operating at
P" "" 650 kPa and P
== 150 kPa at a pipe velocity oC 10 mIs. Is the
device operation al choked cavitation? (Ignore nc loss.)
Answer: yes
Hydraulics of Pipelines: Pumps, Valves, Cavitation, Transients. J . Paul Tullis
Copyright 1989 J ohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Cavitation is frequently an important consideration in the design and
operation of valve installations. It is necessary to determine if cavitation will
exist, evaluate its intensity, and estimate its effect on the system and
environment. Determining the existence and intensity of cavitation depends
on the availability and proper application of experimental data. Cavitation
varies with valve type, size, operating pressure, and details regarding the
installation. Improper use of laboratory data can result in significant errors.
Another aspect of satisfactory design is establishing an acceptable cavitation
limit for a given system. One must consider the effects that the cavitation
will have on the system or environment: noise, vibration, erosion damage,
or a decrease in performance, for example. The selected limit may vary
from requiring no cavitation to allowing fully choked flow.
This chapter discusses application of experimental data for predicting the
cavitation intensity of valves. Items covered inelude:
1. A discussion of cavitation design criteria.
2. Laboratory data for valves.
3. Scale effects associated with each cavitation limit.
4. Examples to demonstrate the application of the data.
Selecting design criteria is partially controlled by the availability of ex-
perimental cavitation data. One would not select a design limit for which
there was no available data or at least an established method for its
evaluation. Choosing a cavitation limit depends on several factors related to
the operating requirements, expected life, location of the device, details of
the design, and economics. For example, if a valve is required for infrequent
operation, such as for filling a pipeline or for pressure relief, the valve might
be designed to operate with heavy cavitation. If the valve is for continual
use, heavy cavitation would be avoided.
The location of the valve is an important factor, since noise and vibration
caused by cavitation can be objectionable. If it were in a residential area, a
light-to-moderate level of cavitation would be the maximum allowable; in a
remote area, this perhaps would not be a design criteria.
Details of the valve and piping can inftuence the design limito In the case
of an orifice or a needle valve discharging into a sudden enlargement,
advanced stages of cavitation can exist before significant erosion damage
occurs on the expansion wall. The larger the expansion ratio, the less chance
of cavitation damage. In this case, noise, vibrations, or loss of valve
efficiency may be more important than erosion damage.
These and many other factors dictate the final choice of the cavitation
limito Since the cavitation level that can be tolerated varies considerably,
several limits must be evaluated to give the designer adequate ftexibility.
Four limits will be discussed: incipient, critical, incipient damage, and
Incipient and Critical
Incipient is a conservative design limit and is suggested for use only when no
noise or other disturbances can be tolerated. Since it is so conservative, it
has been evaluated only for a few valves. The next-higher cavitation level is
critica!. The cavitation at critical would not be objectionable and would not
decrease the valve life. For most applications, the critical condition is
recommended for what might be termed "cavitation-free operation." Con-
siderable data has been obtained for critical cavitation.
The values of (J' at incipient (J' and critical (J'e can usually be evaluated by
plotting the accelerometer output versus (J' on log-log coordinates, as shown
in Fig. 6.1 for a butterfty valve. Region a-b corresponds to no cavitation.
The variation in accelerometer output with sigma in this region is due
strictly to increased ftow noise. Care must be taken in this region to ensure
that the control valves or other components in the system are not cavitating
or causing excessive turbulent noise. Region b-c covers incipient to light
cavitation and c-d from light to the maximum intensity. Incipient and
critical cavitation are determined by the intersection of straight-line portions
of the figure. This method has been used on numerous valves and orifices
and found to give repeatable results provided care is used to avoid extra-
neous disturbances during testing. A few val ves tested have significantly
different cavitation characteristics and produce different accelerometer
= constant
Cd = constant
0.4 0.6 1.0
2.0 4.0
Fig. 6.1 Evaluation of incipient and critical cavitation.
There is usually a sudden drop in the cavitation intensity as the valve
begins to choke (point d). This is because as the length of the vapor cavity
downstream from the valve increases, the collapse of the cavity occurs
farther from the valve. When the valve is fully choked (sometimes referred
to as flashing or supercavitation), the vapor pressure zone may extend for
hundreds of pipe diameters (69).
Incipient Damage
Little information is available identifying the flow conditions corresponding
to onset of erosiono This is mainly due to the experimental difficulties
involved in obtaining such a limito The limit corresponds to conditions where
pitting is first detected on a soft aluminum specimen placed at the boundary.
Soft aluminum is used as the test material to minimize testing time. The
intensity of the noise and vibrations at incipient damage varies, depending
on the test device. For an orifice with a small orifice-to-pipe diameter ratio,
and for certain valves, fairly heavy cavitation is required before pitting
occurs at the wall. Once pitting begins, only slight increases in the system
velocity, or a small drop in ambient pressure, can rapidly accelerate the
damage. Experiments have shown that the rate of weight 108s is proportional
to velocity raised to a power: damage is proportional to V
The exponent n
has been evaluated experimentally to be as large as 7 (33, 59, 60). Operating
a valve beyond incipient damage, therefore, subjects it to the possibility of
rapid erosiono Incipient damage data for butterfiy, cone, and globe valves
will be presented.
Incipient damage a
is evaluated by plotting the experimentally de-
termined pitting rate versus pipe veIocity or sigma. Figure 6.2 shows such
data for an orifice. Incipient damage is defined as 1 pitlin?/min on the soft
aluminum. For tests on sorne valves, it is sorne times not possible to count
individual pits. For such cases, it is necessary to observe when pitting first
occurs by changing the fiow conditions in small increments and observing
the damage specimens. The steepness of the lines shows how rapidly
damage increases as the velocity is increased. Figure 6.2 shows that for an
increase of about 20% in the velocity, the pitting rate increases about 1000
times. It is therefore important to be conservative in estimating a
and not
to operate at a < a
10 t-
e 66
J1 I
6 8
J.!>I L
1 I
I J "
10 12 14 16
Fig. 6.2 Evaluation of incipient damage.
Onset of Choking
Using choking cavitation as a design point is often appropriate for valves
that only operate for short periods of time, such as a pressure-relief valve.
Since this type of valve generally opera tes infrequently, erosion damage may
not be the deciding factor. When a system is designed to tolera te heavy
vibration and if noise is not a consideration, a valve can operate choked. As
the flow increases through a valve or similar device, the mean pressure just
downstream eventually drops to vapor pressure and the valve chokes. The
term signifies that for a given upstream pressure, the valve is passing its
maximum discharge. Near choking, the flow for certain valves is unstable.
Only a slight change in the downstream pressure can cause a supercavitation
condition in which vapor pressure extends for many diameters and the cavity
collapse occurs far downstream. Under these conditions, sorne valves can
operate almost damage-free. This large cavity can also disappear with only a
slight pressure change downstream, causing a transient pressure rise.
The normal method of evaluating onset of choking does not require a
measure of the cavitation intensity. The procedure is demonstrated in Fig.
6.3. In the absence o cavitation, and up to heavy cavitation, the discharge
(or velocity) is proportional to the square root o the pressure drop. This is
reflected in the equations for C
, C
' and K (Eqs. 4.1-4.4). Up to the point
o heavy cavitation, the value o the coefficients are constant, as reflected by
the straight portion of the lines in Fig. 6.3 having a slope of 1:2. As the
valve begins to choke, the slope o the line decreases and the line becomes
horizontal as supercavitation is reached. The abruptness o the change in
Levels of cavitation
N = non e
L = light
M = moderate
H = heavy
S = supercavitation H Cd = 0.83
Fig. 6.3 Evaluation of choking cavitation.
slope is dependent on the type of valve and on the location of the P
measurement. The discharge Qch and pressure drop I1P
at choking are
determined by intersecting the two straight lines, as shown in the figure. The
value of I1Pch can also be calculated using the measured Qch and the value of
' K or e
for noncavitating flow. (J'ch is caIculated from Eq. 5.1 using
The intensity of cavitation and the corresponding noise vibration and
erosion damage at the val ve are at their maximum just before the valve
chokes. However, if the valve moves into supercavitation the situation is
quite different. For valves such as butterfly and cone valves, most of the
collapse occurs remote from the valve and little damage is likely to occur at
the valve. However, farther downstream, where collapse occurs, serious
problems may be encountered. For val ves such as globe valves, sorne of the
cavitation will collapse inside the valve body even with supercavitation and
will cause erosion damage.
Sorne of the new high head loss valves that use the principie of multiple
losses in series do not fully choke. Consider a system with several orifices in
series designed so they do not cavitate under normal conditions. If the
downstream pressure is dropped to vapor pressure, the last orifice may
choke, but the others do not. This produces very little change in the valves
discharge coefficient e
and appears as if the system is not really choked.
Noise Level
The noise generated by cavitation can be objectionable. Larger valves can
easily generate over 100 db of noise when cavitating heavily. The noise is
also influenced by the piping. A gradual expansion acts like a horn and can
amplify the sound generated by the valve. Information is available on
cavitation noise to provide design information in Reference 45.
Once the limiting cavitation condition has been established, the next step is
to obtain experimental data on the valves being considered. In general,
there are three sources of data: 1) tests on the actual valve conducted with
conditions identical to those of the system; 2) tests on a model valve; or 3)
data from the literature. The first source obviously gives the best informa-
tion since it generally avoids all scale effects. The second source is reliable
provided the data are properly adjusted for scale effects. The third so urce
can provide data that will give a reasonable estimate if two valves are
geometrically similar and if proper care is used in selecting and applying the
data. This chapter provides experimental data on several common types of
valves and demonstrates how to adjust for scale effects.
One of the frustrations of using cavitation data available in the litera tu re
is the apparent discrepancy between the values different researchers obtain
for the same limito This occurs because of several problems. First, since
cavitation is a random process, defining and consistently reproducing a value
for the cavitation limit is difficult. This can result in variation in the data
even from the same research. This can be minimized by refining the method
of selecting the limit. The methods of selecting cavitation limits described in
this chapter eliminate much of the subjective judgment.
A second difficuIty is in different definitions of the same cavitation limit.
For example, one researcher (57) defined incipient cavitation as the point at
which the discharge coefficient of the valve begins to drop off due to heavy
cavitation. He uses a definition of the cavitation index
Defining kc as the point where C
drops off and calling it onset of cavitation
have caused much confusion. The point at which the efficiency of the valve
begins to decrease is near choking and actually corresponds to fiow con di-
tions near the maximum noise, vibration, and erosion potential for valves. It
is similar to the required NPSH for pumps.
A third source of apparent scatter in what would at first appear to be
similar data is due to scale effects. Much of the apparent scatter can be
eliminated by properly making adjustments for scale effects. A fourth
source of data variation is differences in valve detail for val ves of the same
general type. Certain geometry changes, such as the seat design, can
measurably affect the onset of cavitation, whereas other minor variations do
noto Other examples of significant differences are ball or cone valves, sorne
of which have a solid or skirted plug and others of which have a fabricated
or skeleton-type plug where fiow can go around the plug as well as through
it. Another example is a partial ball versus a complete ball. Ball val ves
constructed with a partial ball are made such that there is only one port
where throttling occurs. These differences can cause substantial variations in
the cavitation limits for valves bearing the same name. Care must be
exercised when comparing valves of similar types. These principies are
demonstrated with the experimental data presented subsequently.
Incipient Cavitation Data
Since the incipient cavitation point represents a very conservative design
limit it has been evaluated only for certain valves. Sample data are shown in
Fig. 6.4 for a 6-in. butterfiy valve and in Fig. 6.5 for a 6-in. cone valve. The
cavitation index (J' and the discharge coefficient C
are defined by Eqs. 5.1
= 1.2 + 16C
- + 31 C! (6.3a) 2
u" = 0.57 + 11C
-11C! + 13C! (6.3b)
= 0.40 + 5.8C
- + 7.8C! (6.3c)
u,. = 0.07 + 2.3C
- + 4.7C! (6.3d)
Fig. 6.4 Cavitation data for a 6-in. butterfty valve (Puo = 70 psi, POgo = -12 psi).
u, = 0.20 + 19Cd - + (6.4a)
u" = 0.37 + 8.2C
- 13C; + 16C3d (6.4b)
O Incipient
o Cntical
_ Incipient damage
o Choking
Valve openings 60
in degrees
40/ /-
t o
/0 - o ____
= 0.55 + 3.5C
- 5.6C! + (6.4c)
__ 0-
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
u,. = -0.21 + 3.4C
- 3.9C! + 2.8C! (6.4d) Discharge coefficient Cd
Fig.6.5 Cavitation data for a 6-in. skirted cone valve (Puo = 40 psi, P
= -12 psi).
and 4.4. This limit represents an average cavitation level of about 1 event
per second. It is primarily of academic interest because it is too restrictive
for a practical design limito
Critical Cavitation Data
The greatest amount of cavitation data available for val ves is for critical
cavitation. This limit is referred to as incipient by sorne researchers (83) but
their incipient point corresponds more closely to (Te as defined herein than it
does to (Ti' Critical cavitation data have be en obtained by the author on
numerous types and sizes of butterfly valves. Each valve varies slightly. The
data in Figs. 6.4-6.7 are representative and can be used for a first estimate.
It is suggested that cavitation be obtained from the manufacturer if it is
available. This applies to alI cavitation data presented in this chapter.
Critical cavitation data for butterfly, cone, and ball valves are shown in
Figs. 6.4-6.6. The cone valves have tapered conical plugs. When fully open,
the flow passage has the same area as the pipe. The skeleton con e valve is
fabricated such that at partial valve openings a considerable amount of
water can flow around the plug, with the rest going through the main port.
The skirted cone valve, like a solid ball valve allows water to flow only
through the main port except for a small amount of leakage around the
plug. The skeleton cone valve is similar to the skeleton ball valve in that
1;)" 4
O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
O 0.8
Fig. 6.6 Critical cavitation for ball and cone valves (Puo = 75 psi, POBO = -12 psi).
Type-B va/ve
(j, = 0.59 + 5.6C
1 6 C ~ + 90C! (6.4e)
(j;d = 0.48 - 6.lC
+ 3 C ~ - 77C! (6.4f)
0.2 0.3 0.4
Fig. 6.7 Critical and incipient damage for 6 in. globe valves (Puo = 60 psi,
= -12 psi).
water can flow around the outside of the plug. The valve in Fig. 6.5 is for a
skirted cone valve.
Critical cavitation data for two 6-in. globe valves are shown in Fig. 6.7.
Notice the large differences in U
at the same value of C
for the two valves.
This is why one should obtain data for each valve from the manufacturer.
Unfortunately, not all manufacturers have such data.
For using the cavitation data in spreadsheet applications or in other
computer programs, it is helpful to lit equations to the data shown in Figs.
6.4-6.7. Polynomial equations are listed at the left of Figs. 6.4, 6.5 and 6.7.
These equations are used in example problems.
Incipient Damage Data
Only recently (15, 40, 47, 74) have there been attempts to determine the
onset of cavitation damage for valves; thereby establishing criteria that can
be used to develop designs in which damage will not occur even though
cavitation is presento Limited data are available for butterfly, cone and globe
valves (Figs. 6.4, 6.5 and 6.7).
Figures 6.4 and 6.5 summarizes cavitation limits of incipient, critical,
incipient damage, and choking cavitation for a 6-in. (152-mm) butterfly
valve (15) and a 6-in. cone valve (40). Since pressure scale effects exist for
incipient, critical, and incipient damage, the data in the figure are only valid
for the upstream pressure listed on the figures. Scaling the data to any other
size and pressure requires scale effects adjustments. For choking cavitation,
the u values shown in Fig. 6.4 are valid for any pressure or size.
Incipient damage data for two 6-in. globe val ves are shown in Fig. 6.7.
Due to the complicated geometry inside globe valves, there is sorne uncer-
tainty as to whether the study actually located the zone where damage first
occurs. The only way to have refined the data more would have been to
cover the entire interior of the valve with the aluminum specimens, which
was not practica!. It is therefore suggested that sorne conservatism be used
in applying the data presented in this section to account for this degree of
The differences in the damage characteristics of the two globe valve styles
point out that the value of the cavitation limits is strongly dependent on
body style. Caution should therefore be exercised if these data are used to
estimate damage conditions for other valves.
Choking Cavitation Data
Data for choking cavitation for cone, globe, gate, ball, and butterfly valves
are shown in Figs. 6.4-6.8. Data for ball, globe, and butterfly valves in Fig.
6.8 are not for the same valves as in Figs. 6.4-6.7. Note that the sets of data
for the two butterfly valves are similar. In contrast, the data for the two
globe valves in Fig. 6.7 are significantly different. Again, it is stressed that
the cavitation data included in the text for the various types of val ves is for
general information only. Specific information for the actual valve being
considered for a design should be used.
The values of C
used in all the figures are for nonchoking conditions.
When the valve chokes, C
reduces significantly so it does not have a unique
value at a given valve opening. When calculating discharge at choking, C
cannot be used with the measured P
- P
(This is demonstrated in
Example 6.4.)
A parameter used by the Instrument Society of America (26) to designate
choking cavitation is defined as:
F = [flP/(P - P )]0.5 = ko.
u e
The parameter F is referred to as the pressure-recovery factor. The
significance of this is that at choking the valve opera tes as if it were
free-discharging (but into a vacuum). Consequently, there is not the normal
Fig. 6.8 Choking cavitation data for several valves.
pressure recovery downstream and the AP
is considerably larger than the
net AP for normal pipe flow at the same discharge. This causes the C
values to reduce significantly.
There are several ways to determine if a valve is choking. Any of the
following tests can be used:
1. O'system::5 O'ch
4. AP AP
2. C
(eale)::5 Cd (no eavitation)
5. Q(eale) Qch
For a review of scaling and scale effects, see Section 5.8. Cavitation scale
effects are such that a large valve operating at a high pressure will cavitate
worse than a small valve operating at low pressure. Sorne effort has been
devoted to evaluate the cavitation characteristics of valves, orifices, elbows,
etc., to establish values of O' corresponding to the various levels of cavitation
and to evaluate scale effects. One of the earliest publications on valves was
by Yanshin in 1965 (88). A review of cavitation research on valves between
1957 and 1967 by Tulls and Marschner (70) provided values of O' at different
cavitation intensities for a variety of valves. Little information on scale
effects was then available. Since 1967, considerably more information has
become available. Much of this information has been accumulated by the
author and his students (8, 10, 19,45,47,53,59,60,62,63,67, 71, 73, 74,
82), by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (83) and
others (5-7, 49-52, 80). The impact of this research has be en the evaluation
of u corresponding to different levels of cavitation for a variety of types and
sizes of devices plus the quantitative evaluation of scale effects associated
with changes in the size and variations in operating pressure. For valves,
onset of cavitation has been found to inerease with diameter and with
increased pressure (19, 62). The purpose of this section is to explain scale
effects, quantify them, and demonstrate the proper application of ex-
perimental cavitation data by identifying how to adjust for scale effects
associated with variations in size and operating pressure. Such adjustments
are necessary beeause failure to correct for these seale effects when using
relatively small models can result in serious eavitation problems in the
It is important to note that when making scale effect adjustments, it is
necessary to adjust the experimental sigma data and not the system sigma
value. Adjusting the system sigma will give incorrect results.
Pressure Scale EtTects
For critical cavitation, Fig. 6.9 contains experimental data that show the
variation of U
with pressure for a 12-in. (30S-mm) butterfty valve tested at
several openings. The straight lines of approximately constant slope on the
log-log plot suggest that pressure seale effects (PSE) ean be made with the
following equations:
PSE = d ug
[ (P - P ) r
- PUgo)
[ (P - P ) r
PSE = u ug
(Puo - PUgJ
1.01-.L....J...J....J...J.. ___ .l.-_.l.-..J.......J......J....J.....L....L.I __ --'
10 100
. (Pd-Pu) (psi)
Fig. 6.9 Pressure scale effects for a butterfiy valve.
in which (Teo is an experimentally determined critical cavitation index
evaluated at sorne reference test pressure, P
and P
' Pugo the experimen-
tal gauge vapor pressure, and the exponent X the slope evaluated from
experimental data similar to the data shown in Fig. 6.9. Pu, P
, and P
the pressures at which (Te is desired. When there are no pressure scale
effects, X = o.
Incipient cavitation conditions can be scaled with Eqs. 6.6 and 6.7 by
substituting (Ti and (Te. Equations 6.7 and 6.8 are not completely mathemati-
cally compatible. Slight1y different values of (Te are obtained by the two
equations. However, for the normal range of pressures, the differences are
small and are about the same as the uncertainty in the experimental
determination of (Teo.
Applying Eq. 6.6 requires 1) experimental data on a similar valve at a
known pressure for the required valve openings (such as the data in Figs.
6.4-6.7), and 2) values for the exponent X. Values of X for several valves
are listed in Table 6.1. The seven butterfly valves listed in Table 6.1
represent extremes in body and disk designo The average value of X for
these valves is 0.28. The maximum deviation of X from the mean value is
about 15%. This amount of deviation gene rally causes an insignificant
variation in the values predicted by Eq. 6.6 unless the prototype pressure is
TABLE 6.1 Exponents for Pressure Scale Effects Adjustments on Incipient and
Critical Cavitation for Valves
Range of Pressure for
Exponent for Eq. 6.6 Experimental Data
Valve, type X kPa
(1) (2) (3)
4 in. butterfly 0.28 120-660
6 in. butterfly 0.28 140-1310
12 in. butterfly 0.28 120-1200
12 in. butterfly 0.28 100-930
12 in. butterfly 0.24 80-930
20 in. butterfly 0.30 70-550
24 in. butterfly 0.24 150-740
Average 0.28
2 in. ball 0.30 120-1700
8 in. ball 0.28 50-1030
12 in. ball 0.24 100-620
Average 0.27
24 in. cone (skirted)" 0.22 450-1520
16 in. globeO 0.14 450-1340
8 in. Pelton needle 0.14 450-1030
'Yalves tested by Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, all other valves were
tested by the author or his research associates.
mueh larger than the experimental value. In the absence of experimental
pressure seale effects data on a specifie valve, seale effects caused by
difference in pressure between model and prototype can be approximated
with average values of X obtained from Table 6.1.
Values of X for the globe and needle valves listed in Table 6.1 are
somewhat lower than for the butterfly or ball valves. This indicates less
pressure scale effeet sinee when X = O, pressure scale effects are absent. The
reason for the deereased scale effeet is assoeiated with details of the valve
geometry near the seat. (It will be discussed in Chapter 7 that for orifices,
no pressure scale effects exists i.e. X = O.) The jet from needle and globe
valves approaches that for an orifice. In both cases, the jets discharge into a
sudden enlargement and are completely surrounded by Iiquid. This provides
optimum conditions for suppressing cavitation and minimizes pressure scale
Most of the seale effects work for incipient damage has been done with
orifice plates (59, 60) because of the ease in maintaining geometric similari-
ty. As was found for incipient and critical eavitation, the pressure seale
effects for (J" at incipient damage follow the equation
(J"id = PSE(J"ido
where PSE is eaIculated from Eq. 6.7a or b. Values of the exponent X for
orifices, butterfty, and globe valves are found in Table 6.2.
Considerable research has shown that there are no significant size or
pressure scale effects for choking cavitation. This would be expected
beca use the mean pressure at the vena contracta can be predicted with the
energy equation if the eontraction coefficient is known. It is therefore
possible to calculate (J"ch for sorne devices. The factors causing the scale
effects for the other limits do not apply at choking. Therefore, the choking
index (J"ch obtained on a model at any pressure can be used without
adjustment for predicting prototype performance.
T ABLE 6.2 Exponents ror Pressure Scale Effects Adjustments on Incipient
Damage ror Val ves and Orifices
Butterfiy valve
Exponent for
Range of Pressures for
Experimental Data
Size Scale Effects
The primary research work to evaluate size scale effects was done using
orifices (18, 82). This work was checked against size scale effects data
obtained on several types of valves. The resulting equation recommended
for making size scale effects adjustments (SSE) on O' or O'c is (Ref. 46a)
SSE= ~ r
in which D is the valve diameter and d is the reference valve diameter. The
exponent Y is evaluated by
y = 0.3K;O.25
in which K{ is defined by Eq. 4.1. The scale effect adjustment is made by
where O'co and O'o are reference cavitation data tor a valve of size d. These
equations are valid for orifices and valves.
Equations 6.9-6.11 has been checked for valves up to 36-in. diameter.
For larger valves, there is no experimental information available to assist in
making size scale effects adjustments. It is this researcher's opinion that the
size scale effects on valves larger than 3-ft (l-m) diameter would be smaller
than predicted by Eq. 6.11. This is based on the fact that for most hydraulic
modeling situations involving size or Reynolds number scale effects, there is
a size or upper limit of Reynolds number beyond which the size scale effects
are negligible. For example, recall the variation of the friction factor f with
Reynolds number. At large Re, f becomes independent of Re. This would
also seem to apply to cavitation. In the absence of any further information,
however, reasonable engineering judgment must be used in determining
how much to reduce the size scale effects for large valves.
Equations for making pressure scale effects adjustments and size scale
effects were developed independently. Their effects can be combined.
O' = PSE . SSEO'o
Experimental data on size scale effects for incipient damage are available
only for orifices. For size scale effects on incipient damage based on the
pitting rate, the data (46, 59, 60) show that orifices in three different pipe
sizes had the same value O'd' that is no size scale effect. However, the
research (59) clearly showed that the size of the pits significantly increased
with pipe diameter. Therefore, once material begins to be removed by
cavitation, the larger systems will produce more weight loss than would be
predicted from model tests.
Example Problems
Several simple examples are presented to demonstrate use of the scale
effeets equations and experimental data. These examples are limited to
analyses of given situations. More complex examples which demonstrate
how to apply the information to design systems are given in Section 6.4.
Example 6.1. Using the following laboratory data obtained on a
101-mm butterfly valve (C
= 0.083, Kf = 144, P
= 102 kPa, O'co =
1.14), prediet the critical cavitation conditions for a similar 61O-mm
butterfly valve at P
= 698 kPa. P
= P
= -77 kPa. AIso find the
pereent error if seale effects are ignored.
From Eq. 6.9, the size effects are SSE = 1.16 and from Eq. 6.7a, the
pressure scale effects are (use average X from Table 6.1):
PSE = [(698 + 77)/(102 + 77)]28 = 1.51
From Eq. 6.12,
O'c = 1.14 1.51 . 1.17 = 2.01
If scale effects were ignored, O'c would be 1.14 for the large valve (the
same as for the test valve). The percent error in O'c would be 44%.
Example 6.2. A 6-in. butterfly valve is to be installed and operated
under the following eonditions: P
= 104 psi, P
= 80.8 psi, P
= 1.16
psi, Q = 1.29 cfs, P
= 12.2 psi. Determine if the valve will cavitate.
The procedures will involve comparing the value of O'system with the
value of O'c or O' from Fig. 6.4 or Eq. 6.3b. To get O'c and 0'; requires
knowing C
and adjusting for pressure seale effects.
- P
= 104 - 80.8 = 23.2 psi or 23.22.308 = 53.5 ft
V = A = 1.29/0.196 = 6.58 fps
C = 6.58 0.5 = 0.111
d (64.4' 53.5 + 6.582
= (80.8 + 12.2 - 1.16) = 395
O'system 23.2 .
From Fig. 6.4 at C
= 0.111, or from Eq. 6.3a and b, O'c = 1.67 and 0';
= 2.73, for P
= 70 psi and P
= -12 psi.
Adjust for pressure scale effects with P
= 1.16 - 12.2 = -11 psi and
X = 0.28 (Table 6.1).
PSE = [(104 + 11)/(70 + 12)]28 = 1.10
O' = 1.102.78 = 3.06
Sinee O'system> 0';, there will be no cavitation.
Example 6.3. A 2-m butterfty valve is to be installed in a pipeline
where the gauge pressure upstream from the valve will be P
= 800
kPa. The valve will operate at C
= 0.5. Determine U
and the allow-
able velocity (Ve) through the 2-m pipe so the valve operates at critical
cavitation (P
= -89.6 kPa). AIso find the percent error in Ve if scale
effects are ignored.
The scale effects in this example will be primarily due to variations in
size. Assume the prototype valve closely resembles the 152-mm (6-in.)
butterfty valve in Fig. 6.4. Therefore, both the discharge coefficient
and cavitation data for the small valve can be used to predict perform-
ance of the large valve. The experimental data for the small butterfty
valve (from Fig. 6.4 or Eq. 6.3b and Table 6.1) are
x= 0.28 C
= 0.5
D = 2m P
= 482 kPa (70 psi)
d=0.152m P
= -82.7 kPa
= 5.1 (Fig 6.4) K = 3.0
Scale U
for size and pressure scale effects;
y = 0.3(3.0) -0.25 = 0.228
2 )0.228
SSE 0.152 = 1.80
PSE = [(800 + 89.6)/(482 + 82.7)]28 = 1.14
= PSEu
' SSE = 5.11.14/1.8 = 10.5
The allowable velocity can be calculated by determining the pressure
drop corresponding to U
= 10.5 and using C
or any of the other ftow
= (uePu + P
) 1(1 + u
) = 732 kPa
t.p = 800 - 732 = 68 kPa
Ve = (2t.Plp Kf5 = 6.73 mIs
If scale effects are ignored, U
= 5.1, P
= 654 kPa, t.p = 800 - 654 =
146 kPa and Ve = 9.86 mIs. The percent error in Ve would be
100(9.86 - 6.73)/6.73 = 46%
Example 6.4 (Choking Cavitation). A 4-in ball valve is to be used for
pressure relief. The line pressure is 72.5 psi and the valve discharges
into a tank which provides a back pressure of 7.25 psi; assume that
= 0.808. Determine if the valve is choking and compute the dis-
charge for the valve operating at 90 open (P
= -13 psi).
Assume that the valve is similar to the 2-in. ball valve shown in Fig.
6.8. To determine the degree of cavitation, use one of the five methods
listed in Section 6.2. For this example, (Tsystem will be calculated and
compared with the various cavitation limits. With such a large pressure
drop across the valve, it willlikely be choking. Since there are no size
or pressure scale effects at choking, no scale effect adjustments are
(Tsystem = (7.25 + 13)/(72.5 -7.25) = 0.31
From Fig. 6.8 foc the 2-in. valve at C
= 0.808 (90 open), (Tch = 4.1.
Since (Tch is much greater than (Tsystem' the valve will be operating
beyond choking, in the supercavitation range.
The coefficient of discharge for the valve is 0.808 at 90 open. This
corresponds to nonchoking conditions and cannot be used with the
system to calculate discharge for a valve at choking or operating in
supercavitation. The correct procedure would be as follows. From Eq.
(Tch = 4.1 = (72.5 - 6.P
+ 13)/6.Pch = 16.8 psi = 38.8 ft
For any 6.P> 16.8 psi, the valve will be choked. Note that at Qch the
equations for C d' etc., are valid and can be used to calculate V
Qch = AV
' V
= (64.4 38.8/ K),o,sK = 1/0.808
-1 = 0.532
Qch = 0.087 . 68.6 = 5.96 cfs
Velocities of this magnitude would not generally be allowed in the pipe
because of cavitation at elbows or other minor losses. If the 5.93 cfs
were needed, it would be better to use a larger pipe and reduce at the
valve. It would also be necessary to be sure that the valve could handle
the torque caused by that high velocity.
If the system 6.P of 72.5 - 7.25 = 65.2 psi were used with K to
calculate V
and Qch the result would be V
= 135 fps and Qch = 11.7
cfs. This is 97% higher than the actual ftow rate.
In the previous sections, information was provided on various type of valves
that can be used to identify the conditions under which they will operate at
various levels of cavitation. Examples were given to demonstrate how to
apply the data to determine the intensity of cavitation that a valve will be
subjected to when operating at a given set of system conditions. If such an
analysis indicates that the valve, orifice, or other device will be operating at
a cavitation level greater than can be tolerated, the design must be altered.
This section provides information on various techniques which can be used
to provide a final design which can operate at the desired level of cavitation;
the various techniques will be described and examples provided.
Type of Valve
By carefully examining the cavitation data provided in Figs. 6.4-6.7, for
various types of valves, it can be seen that there is a measurable difference
in their cavitation performance. The normal procedure in selecting a valve
for a particular installation is to choose the most economical valve that will
satisfy the system requirements. Comparing the data in Figs. 6.4-6.7
demonstrates the differences in the cavitation performance of different
valves. For example, compare the 24 in. solid and skeleton cone valves in
Fig. 6.6. The (Te for the skeleton cone valve is as much as double that of the
solid cone valve, showing that it cavitates much easier. A similar comparison
can be made between the two globe valves in Fig. 6.7. By selecting the
proper valve it may be possible to avoid cavitation in certain situations.
If using conventional valves such as butterfly, cone, ball, or globe valves,
still produces excessive cavitation, it may be advisable to look at new valve
styles developed in recent years. Some valves on the market can produce
high pressure drops under controlled cavitation conditions. These valves
operate generally on one of two principies. One class of valves uses the
principie of flow through an orifice discharging into an infinite enlargement.
The orifice discharging into a downstream enlargement has been found to be
a good arrangement for suppressing cavitation. The reason is that the
cavitation occurs in the fluid, away from solid boundaries. There are several
valves on the market which use this principIe (80). One is the sleeve valve.
Another is the submerged Howell-Bunger valve (Fig. 4.1).
The other principie that is utilized in valves for obtaining high pressure
drops under controlled cavitation conditions is to dissipate the energy by
placing a number of constrictions in series. This type of valve can be best
visualized by comparing it to a number of orifice plates in series. By
properly dividing the pressure drop between the orifice plates, one can
increase the allowable pressure drop almost without limit and still control
the cavitation.
Valve in Parallel or Larger Valves
If a single valve cannot produce the required pressure drop without cavita-
tion, one solution may be to use a larger valve or place two valves in
parallel. To explain how this helps, first consider the cavitation characteris-
tics of valves. Referring to Figs. 6.4-6.7, it is observed that for these
cavitation Iimits, the magnitude of u increases significantly as the valve
opening increases. Since the magnitude of u is inversely related to the
allowable pressure drop across the valve, a valve operating at a smaller
opening can produce a larger pressure drop at the same level of cavitation.
Consequently, if a larger valve is used, or two valves are placed in paraIlel,
the discharge through each is reduced and each valve opera tes at a smaIler
valve opening and a smaller C
to produce the same pressure drop. The
decision whether to use this technique, or others that will be described, is
primarily based on economy, ease of operation, and whether the valve is
forced to operate at too small an opening. One advantage of the two-valve
scheme is that this technique provides more reliability beca use there are two
lines in paraIlel, each of which can supply part or possibly the entire
required fiow under emergency conditions.
One of the problems with using a larger val ve or valves in paraIlel,
besides increased cost, is the limitation of not operating valves at extremely
small valve openings. It is generalIy accepted that a valve should not be used
for throttling much below 10-15% open. Difficulties arise due to high
pressure drops causing damage to the seats and the poor fiow control. These
problems become even more difficuIt if a wide range of discharge is
required. One solution to the problems is to place valves of varying size in
paraIlel. Each line can be designed to operate cavitation-free over a portion
of the required discharge range.
Example 6.5. Flow between two reservoirs is provided with a 508-mm
diameter pipe. The supply reservoir is at an elevation of 1300 m. The
receiving reservoir is at an elevation of 1270 m. The pipe is 500 m long,
f = 0.013, and a valve structure is to be built near the receiving
reservoir at an elevation of 1240 m. Water temperature varies from 7
to 20C. Flow rates are required between 0.3 and 1.0 m
/s. (Only
calculations for Qmax wiIl be inc1uded.) Design a valve instaIlation that
will operate at or below critical cavitation.
First try to select a single valve that will operate below critical
= (1270 -1240) = 30 m, V= Q/A = 4.93 m/s
= (1300 -1240) - fLV
/2Dg = 44.1 m
!:..P = 44.1- 30 = 14.1 m
= 4.93/(29.8114.1 + 4.93
)5 = 0.284
(F= (P
+ P
- Pua)/(P
- P
From Table 1.1, P
= 0.22 m of water = 2.2 kPa at 20 C. From Eq.
1.11, at elevation=1240 m (4000 ft), P
=12.7 psi=8.93 m of
water, P
= 0.22 - 8.93 = -8.71 m.
(Fsystem = (30 + 8.71)/14.1 = 2.74
Using the data in Figs. 6.4-6.7, try to find a valve that can meet these
requirements. Remember that globe val ves are not made larger than
406 mm.
(a) First try butterfty valves: use the data from Fig. 6.4. At C
= 0.284,
Eq. 6.3b gives (Fe = 3.06, compared with (F = 2.79 required by the
system. Since scale effects will increase this value, the valve will
(b) Next try to solve the problem by using the 610-mm solid cone
valve in Fig. 6.5. At C
= 0.284, Eq. 6.3b gives (Fe = 2.02, at P
= 52.7
m (75 psi). Adjusting for PSE and SSE will reduce (Fe so the solid cone
valve will be satisfactory since (Fe < (Fsystem.
As an alternative solution, consider using butterfty valves in parallel to
reduce the velocity in each Hne, and therefore, allow them to operate
at lower openings and have lower (Fe.
Since the velocities must be decreased to make the concept work, the
combined area of the valves must be greater than 0.203 m
(are a of
one 508-mm valve). Try two 508-mm butterfty valves, A = 2 x 0.203 =
0.406 m
at Qmax (with the ftow equally divided):
v= 2.46 mIs (in each 508-mm line)
= 30 m, P
= 44.1 m (ignoring losses where pipe divides)
From Eq. 6.3b at C
= 0.146, K = 45.9, (Feo = 1.98 for the 153-m
butterfty valve at P
= 49 m, and Pugo = -8.43 m. Using Eqs. 6.9-6.11
SSE = 1.15, so (Fe = 2.28
Since (Feo < (Fsystem at maximum ftow, there will be no cavitation. Qmin
and several conditions in-between would still need to be checked to be
sure there are no problems at other flow conditions.
Valves in Series
Another technique for suppressing cavitation is to place valves in series,
thus reducing the pressure drop across each valve and allowing them to
operate at a larger (T. This technique is probably more efficient than using
valves in parallel, but it significantly increases the complexity of the con-
trols. To take maximum advantage of the two valves in series, the upstream
valve should always operate at smaller valve openings since it can take a
larger pressure drop. Because the two valve positions depend on each other
and on the flow rates, the control system must be able to keep the proper
valve opening for each valve in order to control cavitation.
Proper spacing of valves placed in series is important. The spacing
between valves depends on the type of valve. Por butterfly valves, 5-8 pipe
diameters are required between valves to prevent flutter of the leaf of the
downstream valve and obtain the normal pressure drop across each valve.
Por globe, cone, and other types of valves, it is possible to bolt them flange
to flange and have satisfactory operation based on head Ioss. One must be
concerned with the effect of the upstream valve causing cavitation damage
on the downstream valve and possible instability. If the valves are designed
to operate at less than incipient damage, this does not beco me a design
criterion. However, if the valves will be operating in a cavitation region,
bolting valves flange to flange would not be advisable.
Example 6.6. To provide minimum stream flow from a reservoir, an
outlet pipe with a valve structure is required. The normal reservoir
head provides a shutoff pressure at the valve location of 71 psi (164 ft).
The discharge pipe is short and empties into the atmosphere; therefore
assume P
= O. The minor and friction losses in the upstream pipe can
be ignored. Assume the maximum flow required is 11.7 cfs. Design the
structure using globe valves in series and have them operate below
incipient damage. Assume P
= 13.0 psi, T m.x = 40
Pirst check to see if one valve might be sufficient. Prom Table 1.1,
= 0.28 ft = 0.12 psi.
= (O + 13 - 0.12) = 0181
(T.ystem (71 - O) .
Checking the data in Pig. 6.7 for globe valves shows that (T.y.lem < (Tid
for any valve opening. Therefore, it will require two or more valves in
Select a valve and pipe diameter so that when the valves are wide open
the flow will be at least 11.7 cfs. Assume 3 valves and apply the energy
equation from the reservoir to the outlet where the pressure is zero
(ignoring friction and minor losses).
164=3K -
From Fig. 6.7 (lower set of data), C
= 0.378 at full open and
K = (1 / C ~ - 1 = 6. Substituting K = 6 into the energy equation gives
V= 24.2 fps. This corresponds to a valve diameter of 9.4 in.
Since only available pipe and valve sizes can be used, either a 10- or
12-in. valve can be used; however, select 12-in. valves because a larger
valve will have better cavitation characterictics. The three 12-in. globe
valves will have to produce a pressure drop of 71 psi at a flow of 11.7
In evaluating the cavitation performance of the globe valves and
deciding how the required pressure drop will be divided between them,
it is important to realize that the upstream valves can take more
pressure drop. This is because the downstream valves create a higher
back pressure and allow the upstream val ves to produce a higher
pressure drop and therefore operate at a lower valve opening. Valves
have considerably better cavitation performance at smaller openings,
so this even further increases the allowable pressure drop. The first set
of ca1culaions will be done by hand to demonstrate the process.
Subsequent ca1culations will be done with a spreadsheet.
Start the cavitation analysis at the downstream valve by assuming a
pressure upstream of the downstream valve. For the first set of
Va/ve #1
= 25 psi (assumed)
= O (given)
PUgo = -12 psi (Fig 6.7)
P uo = 60 psi (Fig 6.7)
V= 14.9fps
= 14.9 = 0.237
(64.42.308' 25 + 14.92
= (O + 13 - 0.12) = 0.52
O"system 25
O"ido = 0.99 (Eq. 6.4f or Fig. 6.7)
P = (O"idoPuo + P
) = 238 .
do (1 + O"idJ pSI
Make the PSE adjustment using Eqs. 6.6 and 6.7. No other scale
effects adjustments are needed since there are no SSE adjustments for
x = 0.3 (from Table 6.2.)
PSE = [(O + 13 - 0.12)/(23.8 + 12)]3 = 0.74
(Tid = 0.740.99 = 0.73
Since (Tid> (Tsystem' the valve will be operating in damaging cavitation.
The assumed pressure drop was too large. The calculations need to be
repeated until (Tid < (Tsystem. A spreadsheet is ideal for this. Table 6.3
lists the output of a spreadsheet application that shows the solution to
this problem. Note that the first line of data (row 3) lists the data just
calculated. The data entered in each cell of the spreadsheet are
tabulated at the bottom. The spreadsheet can automatically iterate to
converge on the solution, but it is more instructive to show the
separate calculations.
The second guess for P
of 10 psi is too small, since (Tsystem is
considerably less than (Tid. The third guess of P
= 12 psi is satisfactory.
Calculations for the second valve start with P
= 12 psi (Pu for valve
#1). Again, three calculations are listed. For the third valve, (Tsystem is
considerably larger than (Tid. This confirms that three 12-in. globe
valves will be adequate. The final design for Q = 11.7 cfs is found in
rows 5, 9, and 11.
Note that pressure drop across the third valve is not arbitrary. The
upstream pressure must be 71 psi and P
must equal P
for valve #2.
Valve #3 will operate well out of cavitation.
1. It might be advisable to reduce the pressure drop across valves #1 and
#2 and increase it across valve #3 so they all operate farther away
from damage.
2. At the design discharge of 11.7 cfs, the three valves in series can
operate at or below incipient damage
3. To complete the analysis, the cavtation level must be checked at
several ftow rates between maximum and minimum ftow. The proce-
dure would be identical to that used at maximum ftow.
4. One of the complexities of this kind of a solution (valves in series) is
that each valve opera tes at a different opening. This requires a more
complex operating system than a single valve or val ves in parallel.
5. Since globe valves are used in this case, automatic hydraulic control
might be the most satisfactory. With simple controls, globe valves can
automatically maintain a constant upstream or downstream pressure or
maintain a certain ftow rateo
T ABLE 6.3 Spreadsheet for Example 6.6
A B e D E
2 cfs in. psi psi
3 #1, 12" globe 11.7 12.0 25.0 0.0
4 #1, 12" globe 11.7 12.0 10.0 0.0
5 #1, 12" globe 11.7 12.0 12.0 0.0
7 #2, 12" globe 11.7 12.0 25.0 12.0
8 #2, 12" globe 11.7 12.0 30.0 12.0
9 #2, 12" globe 11.7 12.0 43.0 12.0
#3, 12" globe 11.7 12.0 71.0 43.0
~ 2
~ 3
Column Source of data
14 A Input
15 B Given data
fps psi
14.9 -12.9
14.9 -12.9
14.9 -12.9
14.9 -12.9
14.9 -12.9
14.9 -12.9
14.9 -12.9
H I J K L M N o
sys. psi ido psi psi id
0.52 -12.0 0.237 0.99 60.0 23.8 1.00 0.30 0.7 0.73
1.29 -12.0 0.360 1.56 60.0 31.9 1.00 0.30 0.71 1.11
1.08 -12.0 0.333 1.48 60.0 31.0 1.00 0.30 0.73 1.08
1.92 -12.0 0.321 1.44 60.0 30.4 1.00 0.30 0.82 1.18
1.38 -12.0 0.277 1.22 60.0 27.6 1.00 0.30 0.85 1.04
0.80 -12.0 0.214 0.85 60.0 21.1 1.00 0.30 0.93 0.79
2.00 -12.0 0.225 0.91 60.0 22.4 1.00 0.30 1.05 0.96
~ 1
~ 2
Calculated during preliminary calculations
lnitially given as O, for upstream valves it equals P
of downstream valve
Calculated during preliminary calculations
Calculated system u = (P
- PVg)/(P
- P
Found from reference data (Fig. 6.7 for this example)
V2g(Pu - P
)2.308 + V
Reference cavitation data (Eq. 6.4f used for this example)
Found from reference data (Fig. 6.7 for this example)
[u(ido) P
+ P
)/(l + u(ido)]
Normally use Eq. 6.9, but since there are no SSE for incipient damage, enter 1.0
From Table 6.1 or 6.2
Calculated with Eq. 6.7a for PSE
Calculated with Eq. 6.12 for PSE and SSE
- -- ~ _.-
Cavitation Resistant Materials
Another method of suppressing cavitation damage is to cover parts of the
valve and downstream piping with cavitation resistant materials. With this
solution, one tolerates the cavitation and tries to prevent erosiono The
advantage of this method is that the simplicity of a single valve controlling
the ftow is maintained. The disadvantage is the cost. A cost analysis should
be made to determine which of the various methods is most satisfactory.
Table 6.4 (29) lists the relative resistance of numerous types of materials
to cavitation erosion damage. These data were obtained from tests using a
magnetostriction device, whereby cavitation is created by a very high-
frequency vibration of a small button of material. The weight loss in
milligrams over a 2-h period is listed for the materials. It can be seen that
there is a wide variation in the resistance of the various types of materials.
One caution that should be mentioned regarding application of the data in
Table 6.4 is that different types of cavitation may result in different erosion
rates. With the magnetostriction device, the cavitation events are very small
and occur at an extremely high rate since the device is vibrating at
approximately 20,000 cycles per second. If the same material is subjected to
cavitation occurring in a ftowing system such as valves or pumps, the
cavitation events are much larger and occur at a lower frequency, where the
T ABLE 6.4 Cavitation Erosion Resistance oC Metals
Rolled stellite b
Welded aluminium bronze
Cast aluminum bronze
Welded stainless steel (2 layers, 17 Cr-7 Ni)
Hot rolled stainless steel (26 Cr-13 Ni)
Tempered roIled stainless steel (12 Cr)
Cast stainless steel (18 Cr-8 Ni)
Cast stainless steel (12 Cr)
Cast manganese bronze
Welded mild steel
Plate steel
Cast steel
Cast iron
'Reference 29.
Weight Loss After
2h (mg)
bDespite the high resistance of this material to cavitation damage, it is not suitable for ordinary
use because of its comparatively high cost and the difficulty encountered in machining and
(Courtesy Interscience Publishers, Div. of John Wiley & Sons.)
TABLE 6.5 Incipient Cavitation Damage Data for DifTerent Metals'
u V,d
Material (psi) U
Aluminium 80 0.804 15.8
Brass 80 0.512 16.9
Carbon steel 81 0.397 17.8
304 stainless steel 80 0.404 17.6
QReference 46. (Courtesy W. J. Rahmeyer.)
different materials may behave in a substantially different manner. Limited
laboratory work and sorne field observations indicate that the relative
resistance of materials to cavitation in real situations is less than indicated by
the numbers in Table 6.4.
Limited testing has been done on the erosion resistance of different
materials and coatings to cavitation in flowing systems. Reference 46 reports
on the relative resistance of aluminum, brass, 304 stainless steel, and carbon
steel subjected to cavitation caused by an orifice. Cavitation was detected by
counting the pitting rate at different levels of cavitation. The experimental
data are listed in Table 6.5. The data show that basing incipient damage
conditions on tests with soft aluminum is conservative and also demonstrates
that there is less variation in the damage resistance of materials in a flowing
system. This conclusion is based on pitting, not weight removal, so it may
not be a d i r ~ t comparison with the data in Table 6.4.
Injecting air to suppress cavitation is a technique that has been used for
many years with varying degrees of success. If an adequate amount of air is
injected into the proper region, noise, vibrations, and erosion damage can
be significantly reduced. If the air is introduced so that it gets dispersed
throughout the region where cavitation originates, it suppresses the forma-
tion of vaporous cavitation and cushions the collapse. When cavitation
nuclei are made up of a large percentage of gas, vaporization of the fluid is
greatly reduced due to expansion of the gas. This type of cavitation is called
gaseous cavitation and usually does not cause serious damage.
In the zone where cavitation collapse occurs, a large amount of air
provides a cushioning effect, reducing noise, vibration, and the possibility of
erosion damage. This is due to the reduced wave speed of the liquido With a
lower wave speed, the magnitude of the shock wave created when the cavity
coIlapses is much less. This reduces the damage potential.
The concept of using air to suppress cavitation can be applied both to
open-channel and closed-conduit flow. There are a few fundamental differ-
ences between injecting air into a pipe to suppress cavitation at a valve,
orifice, pump, or turbine and using an air slot to suppress cavitation on a
spiIIway. One difference is that in a pipe, the cavitation is usually local,
being generated at a valve, pump, turbine, or other minor loss. As a result,
only a small portion of the system must be protected from cavitation erosion
damage. However, with an open-channel application such as a spillway,
large areas of the surface must often be protected.
For air slots on spillways or at gate slots, it is usually desirable to
maximize the amount of air drawn in by the air slot. This is desirable in
order to keep the concentration of air at the boundary high for a greater
distance. Since buoyant forces and pressure gradients cause the air to rise to
the surface, an air slot can only protect the boundary for a finite length. It
may be necessary to place air slots in series.
For pipe ftow, one must be concerned about the effect of the free air on
the accuracy of ftow meters, reduction of ftow due to blockage, transients
caused by large slugs of air moving through the pipe or through a control
valve, plugging of filters at water treatment plants, and varous other similar
problems. It is therefore necessary for cIosed conduit ftow to minimize the
amount of air required to suppress cavitation.
When using air to suppress cavitation at a valve, pump, turbine, etc., it is
difficult to identify all of the zones of cavitation and to supply air to those
areas. Often, cavitation in a cIosed-conduit system will occur when the mean
pressure in the cavitation region is above atmospheric. This necessitates the
use of compressed airo Such a solution is possible, but it is more complex
and costly and less reliable. The amount of air required to suppress
cavitation is gene rally between 2 and 6% by volume of the water ftow rateo
This figure is based on a study with orfice pi ates (11), a cone valve (40) and
a butterfty valve (15). The percentage for other valves may be different.
One of the most common mistakes when attempting to reduce cavitation
by injection air is placing the air inlet port in the wrong location so the air
does not get to the cavitation zone. The author is aware of an installation
where air was supplied to a 36-in. butterfty valve to suppress cavitation. The
valve was installed with the shaft vertical and two 3-in. air ports were
located on the sides of the pipe so they were in a plane perpendicular to the
shaft. The air ports sucked in large quantities of air but did not reduce the
cavitation. The problem was that the air was drawn in by the high-velocity
jets springing from each side of the leaf and washed downstream. It was not
able to penetrate through the jets and get into the separation zone in the
shadow of the disk. When the air ports were placed on the top and bottom
of the pipe cIose to the shaft, the cavitation was suppressed.
A similar problem was observed in the laboratory with a skeleton ball
valve. The air port was installed on the side of the pipe cIose to the
discharge ftange and on the opposite side from the outlet port. The valve
sucked in air, but the cavitation was not reduced. The problem was that
there was enough water ftowing around the ball that it washed the air
downstream and prevented it from getting to the proper region.
Fig. 6.10 Looking lIpslream al a 48-in. pivoI butterfly valve with aeradon ports.
(Pholo cOllrlesy o Freese and Nichols, Fon WOrlh, Texas.)
For sorne inslallations, it may be difficult lo place Ihe air porls in the
optimum localion. Figure 6.10 shows a 48-in. butterfly valve installation Ihal
was plagued with serious cavitation problems. TIte original design induded
11 air n1et ports spaced around the top half or the pipe and located aboul 4
t downstream. These sucked in a 101 of air bul did not reduce Ihe eavitation
because Ihe air did nOI get into the cavitation zone.
Later, three additional air ports were installed. One l-in. diameler hole
was localed on the top of the pipe jusI downstream from the deftector. TIte
other two (2-in. da.) were placed on the sides c10ser 10 the valve. The
construction o Ihe valve prevenled the air ports from being directly in line
with the valvc shaft. To be sure thal Ihe air would make its way into the
separation region, l-in. high deflectors were welded 10 the pipe, as shown in
Fig. 6. 10. The operating shaft dcflector was also modified lo improve
aeralion. With these alterations, the cavitation was almosl tOlally elimi-
Injecting air may not entirely eliminate the cavitation damage. Table 6.6
lisIs cavitation aeration data on u /ti for a skirted cone valve and a buttcrfly
valve. The percenl reduction in U/ti when ai r was introduced varied between
about 10 and 60%. The reduction is significant enough to consider injecting
Aeratiotl scale effects. Our presenl understanding 01 cavitation does nOI
fumish the tools necessary lo predict the amoun! 01 air requircd 10 suppress
cavitation withoul experimental data. Because o modeling problems, ob-
taining good experimental data on aeration and cavitation is difficult . When
T ABLE 6.6 Inftuence of injecting air on CT;d.
6" butterfty valve (ref. 14a)
6" skirted cone (ret. 39a)
30 0.090
40 0.155
50 0.26
60 0.40
70 0.61
studying cavitation problems in closed conduits, the pressure and velocities
can be controlled independently and it is therefore usually possible to obtain
the proper (T and therefore achieve similarity. There are, however, scale
effects associated with the model being smaller in size and sometimes tested
in a reduced velocity condition.
Past research has identified scale effects associated with variation in air
content and water quality and the fact that the model is smaller and usually
operated at reduced velocities and pressures. Most scale effects indicate that
the prototype will cavitate more severely than predicted by the mode!. The
size scale effects appear to be related to the length of time that the
cavitation nuclei are subjected to the mean and fluctuating low pressures in
separation regions. As the size increases, the nuclei are subjected to the low
pressures for a longer period of time. This allows more of the nuclei to grow
into cavitation events. Scale effects related to changes of velocity are likely
due to a combination of variation of the time of the nuclei in the low-
pressure region and the scaling of turbulence intensity with velocity.
When applying these same principIes to scale effects for aeration, one
would expect that the amount of air (per unit jet diameter) required to
suppress cavitation should de crease as the size oi the system increases and
increase with velocity.
A research project was conducted to evaluate the amount oi air required
to suppress cavitation for orifices and evaluate scale eifects (11). The results
are summarized in Fig. 6.11. The air required to suppress cavitation is
expressed in standard cubic feet per minute per foot oi jet circumference
(SCFM/jetcirc. ft). For data taken at three different jet velocities, the data
show that the amount oi air required (per foot oi jet circumierence)
decreases with pipe diameter. For models 12 in. or larger, the amount of air
becomes constant. For modeling, this shows that reduced size models
, I
6 -
Pressure at jet = 16.8 psia
do = 0.375 to 0.390
Jet velocity (fps)
0= 90
'u 4
f- -
1- -
5 10 15 20 25
Pipe diameter (in.)
Fig.6.11 Unit air flow versus pipe size.
(smaIler than 12-in. dia.) wilI predict more air than wilI be required by the
prototype. The data also show that the percent air by volume increases with
velocity. Note that the total amount of air increases with pipe size, but the
amount of air per foot of jet circumference decreases.
For estimates of the minimum amount of air needed, see Reference 11. If a
system can tolerate large amounts of air, it would be advisable to provide
more than the minimum. As a rough guide, for butterfly valves, the author
has used two air vents placed in line with the shaft, as elose as possible, each
having a diameter 1/12 of the pipe diameter. This criterion has worked
successfuIly for valves that have a short pipe downstream and free discharge
into the atmosphere.
6.1. During tests on a 914-mm butterfly valve, the following data were
obtained: p.
= 82.8 kPa, P
= 2.1 kPa, Q = 3.2 m
/s, f= .0133,
= 166 kPa, and P
= 140 kPa. P
and P
were measured 1 diameter
upstream and 10 diameters downstream from the valve. Calculate the
net pressure drop, C
, and CT, and estimate the level of cavtation
ignoring scale effects.
Answer: 6.P = 24.3 kPa, C
= 0.574, CT = 9.32, no cavitation
6.2. Estimate the cavitation level for Problem 1 and in elude scale effects.
Answer: light cavitation
6.3. A 305-mm globe valve wilI be instaIled where the downstream
pressure will be constant at 305 kPa, P
= -86 kPa. Find the flow
rate and allowable head drop for the valve 20% open so that it
operates at critical cavitation. Use the type-A valve in Fig. 6.7 and
include scale effects.
Answer: tlP = 566 kPa, Q = 0.062 m
/s (C
= 0.025, (Jeo = 0.60)
6.4. A 6-in. butterfiy valve is operating under the following conditions:
=69 psi, P
=-12.4 -(Ji' P
=42 psi. Is the valve cavitating?
Q = 9.36 cfs
Answer: near choking
6.5. A 12-in. type-A globe valve (Fig. 6.7) is operating at 100% open with
= 75 psi, P
= -12.4 psi, P
= 42 psi. Is the valve cavitating?
Calculate Q.
Answer: Q = 11,800 gpm
6.6. A 1.22-m diameter butterfty valve is installed and operated with
= 640 kPa, PUg = -90 kPa, valve opening 60. Find the allowable
and discharge so the valve will operate at incipient damage.
Answer: (Jid = 2.51, Q = 11.7. m
6.7. A ball valve is tested to determine its critical cavitation indexo The
results were that at P
= 145 kPa, (Jeo = 2.2. What would be the value
of (Je at P
= 250 kPa, assume Pug = PugO = -80 kPa?
Answer: (Jc = 2.44
6.8. Assume the following are laboratory data on a 76-mm butterfty valve
at incipient cavitation: P
= 620 kPa, P
= 351 kPa, Vo = 4.22 mis,
PUgo = -90 kPa. Make no line loss corrections. Find: (a) C
; (b) (Jio;
(c) (Ji at P
= 200 kPa and PU8 = -80 kPa (d) (Ji for a geometrically
similar 305-mm butterfty valve operating at P
= 1000 kPa and Pug =
-84 kPa and the percent error in (Ji if scale effects are ignored.
6.9. A 36-in. butterfty valve is expected to be operating at critical avitation
under the following conditions: C
= 0.267, P
= 12.7 psi, P
= 7.70
psi, Q = 24,000 gpm. If the valve is to be modeled with a 6-in. valve
and tested at P
= 218 psi what would be the model (Jeo at critical
cavitation? (Assume PUg = -12.2 psi.)
Answer: (1'e = 5, Q = 3.92 cfs
6.10. A 36-in. butterfty valve is installed to control ftow from a reservoir.
The valve is at an elevation of 2,000 ft and the reservoir level is at
elevation 2,400 ft. Find the critical cavitation velocity when the valve
is operating at 50% open. AIso calculate the torque. Water T = 50F.
Use a type-A valve (Fig. 4.7).
Answer: V = 20.3 fps
Hydraulics of Pipelines: Pumps, Valves, Cavitation, Transients. J . Paul Tullis
Copyright 1989 J ohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Valves are probably the most common ftow control devices subject to
cavitation because they are frequently used to create large pressure drops.
However, there are situations where orifices or sudden enlargements,
installed either for energy dissipation or fiow measurement, are also oper-
ated in cavitation. Even elbows, tees, and other pipeline devCes can be
subjected to cavitation if the velocity is high or the pressure low. This
chapter presents cavitation data for orifices, multihole orifices, nozzles,
sud den enlargements, long-radius elbows, and wye-branches. The orifice
data are most extensive because orifices were used as the primary test item
to simulate simple valves and evaluate many of the scale effects. They are
also commonly used for ftow measurement.
Orifice data were briefiy discussed in Chapter 5, since they provided much
of the information for size scale effects. Experimental data defining four
cavitation levels for orifices installed in a 3-in. (76-mm) diameter pipeline
operating at an upstream pressure of 90 psi (620 kPa) are summarized in
Table 7.1 and Figs. 7.1 and 7.2. The incipient and critical data are from
Reference 18, the damage data from References 59 and 60, and the choking
data from Reference 63. Before using the data in Table 7.1, the reader is
cautioned to review the scale effects discussed in Chapters 5 and 6 to
account properly for the variation of these levels with discharge coefficient,
pipe size, and operating pressure. This dependence vares wth the type of
control device and is different for the various cavitation levels. These scale
effects are briefty reviewed.
TABLE 7.1 Cavitation Iimits for orfices
d)D Ap/A
A)Aj C
0.389 6.60 10.5 0.100 1.10 0.96 0.45 0.27
0.444 5.06 8.00 0.133 1.30 1.00 0.67 0.32
0.500 4.00 6.22 0.179 1.62 1.20 0.83 0.39
0.667 2.25 3.31 0.385 3.38 2.16 1.73 0.74
0.80CO 1.56 2.17 0.648 6.62 3.89 3.19 1.78
aNote: D = 3-in., p
= 90 psi, p, = -12.2 psi, d. = orifice diameter, D = 3-in. pipe diameter,
Ap = pipe area, A. =orifice afea, and Aj = jet afea.
Incipient and Critical Cavitation
Extensive research has shown that there are no pressure scale effects
associated with incipient and critical cavitation for orifices or sudden en-
largements (7, 19). Therefore, the values of U' and U'c in Fig. 7.1 and Table
7.1 apply at any pressure.
Da = 3" (76 mm)
= 90 psi (620 kPa)
Puga = -12.2 psi (-84 kPa)
(J', = 0.62 + 4.4C
+ + l.3C! (7.1a)
0', = 0.78 + l.OC
+ + 3.2C! (7.1b)
O'id = -0.11 + 6.5C
+ 7.6C; + 8.6C! (7.1c)
0',. = 0.15 + l.2C
- 0.31C; + 3.3C! (7.1d)
- Fg. 7.1 Cavtation data for orfices
= 0.019 + 0.083B - 0.203B
+ 1.35B
B = 0.193 + 2.34C
- 3.94C! + 2.73C! (7.H)
do = orifice dia.
D = downstream pipe dia.
(J 0.4
O ~ O ~ . 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l . O
Fig. 7.2 Discharge coefficients tor orifices.
The same research did uncover a measurable variation of u and U
pipe size. Both increase as the pipe diameter increases. The variation of u
and U
with size can be calculated using Eqs. 6.9-6.12 and the reference
data in Table 7.1 or Fig. 7.1.
Choking Cavitation
Studies on orifices and various types of valves made over a wide range of
pressures and sizes have shown that there are no scale effects for choking
cavitation. The value of U
is not affected by either size or pressure level.
Incipient Damage
Size scale effects studies with geometrically similar orifices in 76-, 150-, and
300-mm pipes for a range of d) D values did not show any variation of
pitting rate with pipe size (59, 60). The value of Ud based on 1.0 pitlin.
min was the same for all three sizes. However, there was a significant
increase in the size of the pits as the pipe size increased, just as was found
for the tests at increasing pressures. Consequently, if incipient damage were
based on volume or weight loss, there would be a size scale effect. If a
system is operating at u < U
' there will be more damage in larger systems.
A simple relationship has not been developed to quantify this scale effect.
See Reference 59 for more information.
The same study did show a measurable pressure scale effect. Adjusting u
for pressure can be done with the same equation as used for valves:
p _ P ) ]0.19
PSE = d ug
- PUgo)
p _ P ) ]0.19
PSE = u ug
(Puo - PUgo)
If one plans to operate an orifice in damaging cavitation, it may be of
interest to know where the damage will occur. Experimental results are
available that identify the damage region (Fig. 7.3). Generally, the damage
occurs farther from the orifice as the value of d) D decreases. This is true
for the upstream and downstream limits of pitting as well as the zone of
maximum damage (Fig. 7.3). For simplification, the data points for the
upstream and maximum pitting limits were not plotted: only the average
lines were drawn. The upstream boundary of the pitting zone extended from
x/do =0.4 for d)D = 0.80 to x/do = 1.3 for d)D =0.389 (x = distance from
orifice). The downstream boundary for the same d) D ratio s extended from
about x/do = 1.6 to x/do = 8.0. The zone of maximum pitting also moved
farther downstream as the orifice size decreased, varying from x/do = 0.9 to
x/ do = 6.0 over the same d) D range.
These limits represented the resuJts of 165 tests covering a range of
cavitation intensities from incipient damage to near choking. The only
1.78 - v
0.74 - 0
0.27- o
--- upstream limit of pitting
- maximum pitting
Ci) \ - - downstream limit of pitting
o D= 3"
<'b '.
'. ti)
3 4 5 6 7 8
Distance/orifice diameter
Fig. 7.3 Zone of pitting downstream from orifice.
A = 2.()8'
v = 2.69
= l.78
do = 2.4"
150 'E
100 ~
o ~ - d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ O
O 2.0 2.5 3.0
Fig. 7.4 Pttng distribution downstream from orfice.
condition that would cause the damage zone to exceed the identified limits is
Pitting Distribution and Location
A typical pitting distribution in the damage area is shown in Fig. 7.4; the
pits are few in number at the upstream limit, increase rapidly to a maximum
and then decrease to the downstream limito When pitting density was
plotted versus distance, as shown in the figure, it was found that the
upstream limit of cavitation damage for a particular orifice remained almost
stationary for all levels of cavitation for which U> U
. The location of
maximum pitting and the downstream limit moved downstream as the
damage rate increased.
Damage Rate
Traditionally, scale effects on damage have been evaluated by plotting
damage rate versus velocity for a constant u. Typical results indicate that
damage rate is proportional to V
, in which V= the pipe velocity. Knapp
(32, 33) determined values of n to be in the range of four to six. Data for
orifices in a 76-mm pipe from the orifice study gave values in the range of
four to seven (59, 60). This indicates the strong dependence of damage on
velocity and serves as a warning that once damage begins it can be increased
significantly by a slight increase in velocity.
Iofluence oC Deaeratioo 00 Damage
During the cavitation damage tests on orifices, it was observed that when
the downstream pressure was low and when the pressure drop was high,
significant amounts of air carne out of solution. The free air inhibits the
formation of vaporous cavitation and also cushions the collapse of the
cavities. It therefore reduces the chance of cavitation damage, and a lower (T
is required to cause damage.
This deaeration action has two interestng facets. First, the suppresson of
cavitation damage by two-phase air-water flow can provide an effective
method of reducing cavitaton damage if the mean pressure in the cavitation
zone is subatmospheric (71). This is similar to injecting air to reduce
damage (15, 40-72). Secondly, the data from damage tests made with
subatmospheric pressures downstream should not be used for scaling to
higher pressures. Serious errors would result at higher pressures where
deaeration does not occur.
The performance of nozzles and sudden enlargments can be predicted from
orfice data. The incipient, moderate, and severe cavitation levels for orfices
and nozzles were compared by BaH (5). He applied contraction coefficients
for free flow to orifice data and plotted a cavitation index number for each
of the three levels versus the jet-enlargement area ratios. He reasoned that
the contraction coefficients for submerged orifice flow would not differ
significantly from those for free flow. Good agreement was found between
orfice and nozzle data.
Contraction coefficients Ce for circular, concentric sharp-edged orifices
can be found on page 57 of Reference 48. The values are for two-
dimensional jets, but experimental data have verified their accuracy for
three-dimensional flow. The data were fit to a polynomial equation valid for
0< do/D < 0.8.
Ce = 0.611 + 0.024( - 0.013( 2 + 0.196( 3 (7.5)
Momentum principIes were applied to orifice flow by Sweeney (60). He
computed effective jet size or "vena contracta" to calculate contraction
coefficients for orifices. He concluded that data could be applied to the
design of sudden-enlargement energy dissipators formed by nozzles in
conduits or smaller pipes discharging into larger pipes using whatever
cavitation level is desired. One must be careful to make the comparison
based on the jet area, not the orifice area. Scaling nozzle data would be
done the same as for orifices.
Incipient cavitation for nozzles and pipe expansions computed by the
preceding method may still deviate slightly from orifice data in view of work
by Rouse and Jezdinsky (49). They showed that cavitation will not only be
affected by the geometry of the jet, but also by the entrance conditions of
the expansiono The intensity of the eddy formations and therefore the
cavitating conditions are dependent on the velocity gradient around the jet
as it enters the expansiono This gradient is steep for orifices, but beco mes
more gradual for nozzles or pipes discharging into sud den enlargements
because a boundary layer develops. This results in a conservative prediction
of cavitation levels for nozzles from orifice data.
The concept of using a multiple-hole orifice plate device has be en im-
plemented in several applications for creating pressure reductions and
reducing noise. A three-hole orifice was used in a large outlet tunnel from a
dam in Canada (51). It is used in many of the newer-type high-pressure drop
devices (80). It has been used also as a pressure-reducing device in
circulating water systems of nuclear power plants (71). There are numerous
other situations where the multihole orifice plate or its equivalent has been
used in hydraulic systems. A good discussion of different valves that have
used this concept is contained in Reference 80.
The multihole pi ate offers several advantages and sorne disadvantages.
The most obvious disadvantage is that for it to be used in the system, the
system must be free of any sizable suspended material. Sorne of the
advantages are that it produces less noise and vibrations, it can be spaced
close together in the event that orifices in series are required, and cavitation
damage, if it occurs, is restricted to a shorter distance downstream from the
orifice plateo
v = 48 holes at 1 \10" CC, a = 0.45
o = 121 holes at 1 \4" CC, a = 0.80
O = 30 holes at 1 \1," CC, a = 0.32
.; 2
.s 5.1 5.0 4.5
~ o L ~ ~ ~ ~ : : ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ ~
J: -2
3.9 3.6
Distance from orifice (in.)
Fig. 7.5 Pressure recovery for multihole orifice in 20-in. pipe.
Figure 7.5 shows the hydraulic grade line downstream from a multihole
orifice plateo These data indicate that the recovered hydraulic grade line is
established within 3 to 4 diameters. This suggests that such orfice pi ates can
be spaced approximately 3 pipe diameters apart and still produce essentially
100% of their normal head loss.
Figure 7.6 shows C
data for multihole, orfices, single-hole orifices, and
nozzles. If the area ratio is based on the area of the jet rather than the area
of the hole, the discharge coefficient for multihole orifices, single-hole
orfices, and nozzles are the same. The fact that the multihole orifice
discharge coefficient appears not to be a function of the number, the
spacing, or diameter of the holes makes it possible to use single-hole orfice
data to design multihole orifice plates.
Only limited data are available identifying the cavitation characteristics of
multihole orifice plates. Reference 71 describes a study carried out with
multihole orifice pi ates having a negative pressure downstream. For these
tests, large amounts of air carne out of solution because of the low
downstream pressure and high turbulence generated by the jets. This air
suppressed cavitation and prevented cavitation damage. It is anticipated that
a multihole orifice plate operating at positive pressures will have cavitation
characterstics slightly worse than those of a single-hole orifice plateo The
one difference that has been observed is that when damage occurs, it only
occurs close to the orifice, rather than extending for several pipe diameters
0.5 r-----r----,.----r----,
o = 20" multihole orifice
= 10" multihole orifice
e = 10" multihale orifice
= Single-hale orifice
(area af jetlarea pipe)
= nozzle
~ __ -L ______ ____ ____
O 0.1 0.2
Fig. 7.6 C
for multihole orifice.
Reference 46 studied damage caused by a multihole orifice. The orifice
had 16 1/2-in. diameter sharp-edged holes with an equivalent orifice are a of
3.14 in.
It was mounted in a 6-in. diameter pipe and had a measured
= 0.075. Tests were conducted at P
= 90 psi and incipient damage
occurred at (Tid = 0.41. The test results were compared to a 6 x 2 in. orifice,
= 0.071 and (Tid = 0.30. It was suggested that damage occurred at a larger
(T for the multihole orifice because the outside row of holes is closer to the
pipe wall than the single jet. Damage was observed to occur closer to the
orifice for the multihole plateo
For orifices (or valves) placed in series, the combined discharge coefficient
can be calculated by the equation
1 ] 0.5
Cd = 1 1 1
C ~ l C ~ C ~ n
in which C
is the discharge coefficient for the first orifice plate, C
for the
second orifice plate, etc, and N is the total number of orifices.
Three different combinations of three plates placed in series were calib-
rated to determine if the combined C
of each set of pI ates was affected by
hydraulic interference caused by the close spacing. The orifice pI ates were
installed 2.5 pipe diameters aparto The three sets of data showed that for a
spacing of 2.5 diameters, the combined discharge coefficient was approxi-
mately 5% larger than calculated. This was because the pressure was not
completely recovered, as shown in Fig. 7.5, within the 2.5 pipe diameters. If
desired, the proper C
could be obtained by reducing the number of holes.
Elbows and other pipe components are far less likely to cavitate than valves,
pumps, or orifices. Nevertheless, they can cavitate and there are situations
in which it is important to be able to predict the cavitation intensity.
Incipient and critical cavitation data are listed in Table 7.2 for a 6-in.
commerciallong-radius elbow. The cavitation index used for the elbow was
in which PI was the total upstream pressure (gauge pressure plus velocity
head pressure). The reason for selecting (T3 was that for the model study
from which the data were obtained, it was not possible to measure a
pressure drop for the elbow. The choice of using PI was also related to the
experimental setup. This form of the equation is preferable to one using a
pressure drop because there is considerable variation in published values of
K, for elbows.
TABLE 7.2 Values of Incipient and Critical Cavitation Index for a 6-in. Long-
Radius Elbow
Test condition U
(1) (2) (3)
Constant Velocity
18.3 mIs 3.40 2.40
15.2m/s 3.60 2.70
12.2m/s 3.60 2.70
Average: 3.53 2.60
Constant Local Upstream Pressure Head
97.3kPa 3.30 2.75
172.0 kPa 3.20 2.85
276.0kPa 3.15 2.50
414.0kPa 3.40 2.50
Average: 3.26 2.65
Constant Upstream Gauge Pressure
34.5 kPa 3.35 2.75
104.0kPa 3.20 2.80
172.0 kPa 3.35 2.70
Average: 3.30 2.77
TABLE 7.3 Scale Effect Results for Long-Radius Elbows
Size P
(cm) (kPa) U
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
7.62 97.3 2.40 2.25 1.88
172.0 2.40 2.20 1.88
276.0 2.40 2.25 1.88
414.0 2.40 2.30 1.92
15.2 97.3 3.30 2.75 1.87
172.0 3.20 2.85 1.90
276.0 3.15 2.50 1.93
414.0 3.40 2.50 1.94
30.5 97.3 4.60 4.00 1.88 2.2
172.0 4.60 4.00
276.0 4.50 3.70
Q _ 2(P, - p )
- pV
The data in Tables 7.2 and 7.3 were taken at constant velocity, constant
upstream gauge pressure, and constant total upstream pressure. The reason
for the three sets of tests was to determine if the method of testing
influenced the scale effeets. The data show that there are no velocity or
pressure scale effects for the elbow. Table 7.3 shows a significant size scale
effect for 0"3i and 0"3c' but none for choking.
After several months of testing on the model elbow, it was removed and
inspected for zones of cavitation damage. The interior of the elbow had
been painted to protect against corrosion. Significant paint removal was
observed on the inner curve of the elbow approximately 90 from the inlet.
Sorne of the paint was definitely removed by cavitation, since pitting of the
exposed steel was also observed.
To determine the incipient damage condition for the elbow and investi-
gate pressure scale effects, aluminum buttons were installed in the zone
where cavitation damage was observed. Cavitation damage tests were
conducted only with the 30S-mm diameter elbow. Tests were carried out at
three values of constant total upstream pressure, 34.5,69.0, and 97.0 kPa.
The variation of damage rate as a function of 0"3 was plotted on logarithmic
paper and a linear variation in damage with increasing O" was observed. At
the defined incpient damage point of 1 pitlin.
/min on soft aluminum, the
incpient damage condition was 0"3id = 2.2 for all pressures, indicating that
there is no pressure scale effect.
As previously discussed, orifices and nozzles have shown a pressure scale
effect on O"id' The work on the orfices and nozzles was more extensive and
carried out over a wider range of conditions. It is therefore possible that if a
eontinuous strip of aluminum could have been used in the elbow so the
exact location of inception could have been determined, and if the range of
conditions had been increased, a pressure scale effeet might have been
found for the elbow.
A summary of the values of the choking cavitation index for the elbows at
different upstream total heads is in Table 7.3. No consistent variation of
0"3ch with size or pressure is observed. It is seen that there is less than 2%
variation from the mean value of 1.9, indicating no scale effect.
In applying any of the size seale effect equations to incipient or critical
eavitation for elbows, orifices, or valves, it is important to realize that the
equations are inherently conservative. This is because of the way incpient
and critical cavitation are determined. They are determined based on an
absolute number of eavitation events rather than on events per unit are a or
per unit volume of flow.
Dynamic similarity would imply that the same percentage of nuclei would
be cavitating in systems of different size. As a result, if one compared the
cavitation conditions for a 76- and a 305-mm pipe with the same percentage
of nuclei per unit volume of water growing into vapor cavities, and the
velocity of flow were the same in both pipes, the larger system would be
expected to have 16 times as many cavitation events per unit of time as the
smaIl one. Incipient or critical as defined in Chapter 5 requires both systems
to operate at approximately the same number of events per unit of time.
This forces the larger system to operate at a larger value of the cavitation
indexo This means that the incipient and critical cavtation conditions for
differently sized pipes will sound about the same intensity, but for a larger
system the poten ti al for vibration and erosion damage is less beca use there
are fewer events per unit volume of flow.
It is important to realize that this does not account for all of the size scale
effects. Larger systems operating at the same u definitely produce more
cavitation as well as a more severe cavitation.
Example 7.1. An orifice with d) D = 0.47 is to be installed in a 76-mm
pipe where P
= 680 kPa, and P
= -84 kPa. Calculate the allowable
pressure drop if the orifice is to operate at (a) critical cavtation and (b)
incipient damage.
Case a. Critical cavitation. Using Fig. 7.2, find C
= 0.153, and from
Fig. 7.1 get U
= 1.12 (remember that there are no pressure scale
effects). Calculate tlP allowable from:
( U P + P )
P = e u vg = 320 kP
d (1 + uJ a
tlP = 680 - 320 = 360 kPa at critical cavitation
Case b. Incipient Damage. Using the same procedure as in Case a:
= 620 kPa, C
= 0.153, X = 0.19 (Table 6.2)
= -84 kPa, U
= 0.75
Adjust for pressure scale effects:
= 0.75[(680 + 84)/(620 + 84)]19 = 0.76
= (UidPu + P
) /(1 + U
) = 246 kPa
tlP = 680 - 246 = 434 kPa
Example 7.2. An orifice with a hole diameter of 9.84 in. is installed in
a 16-in. pipe. It will operate at a constant upstream pressure of 75.4
psi, P
= 1.74 psi, and P
= 13.9 psi. Find u
Use the data in Figs. 7.1 and 7.2 and adjust for size scale effects:
do/D = 9.84/16 = 0.615, C
= 0.305 (Fig. 7.2), K = 9.75
= 2.55 (for D = 3-in. pipe, Fig. 7.1)
Use Equation 6.9-6.11 for size scale effects (D = 16, d = 3):
y = 0.3(9.75) -0.25 = 0.167
SSE = 5.33
= 1.32
= 1.322.55 = 3.37
Valve and Orifice in Series
If large pressure drops are required and the range of fiow is not large, it may
be possible to use one valve plus one or more orifice plates in series rather
than using valves in series, as done in Example 6.5. The obvious advantage
to the orifice plates is that they are much less expensive. The disadvantage is
that they are a fixed resistance and all control of fiow must be provided by
the valve. If a wide range of fiow control is required, it is likely that a single
valve with orifice plates will result in the valve cavitation at smalIer fiow
Example 7.3. The problem in Example 6.6 will be redesigned using
one globe valve and one or more orifice pi ates in series with aIl devices
operating near incipient damage.
Design principies:
1. To provide the maximum controIlability, the system should be de-
signed so that the valve is fuIl open at maximum discharge. Therefore,
start the design by selecting orifice pi ates that provide the proper
discharge and operate at or below incipient damage (or whatever level
is desired).
2. The design procedure is trial and error because it is necessary to first
select a trial orifice di ame ter and then compare the allowable pressure
drop, based on cavitation, with the actual pressure drop at the given
pipe velocity.
T ABLE 7.4 Spreadsheet for Example 7.3
A B e D E F G
1 DEVICE Aow ID p. P
V P,g
2 cf, in. psi psi fps psi
3 #iorilice 11.7 12.0 25.0 0.0 14.9 -12.9
4 #Iorifice 11.7 12.0 10.0 0.0 14.9 -12.9
6 #2orifice 11.7 12.0 25.0 10.0 14.9 -12.9
7 #2orifice 11.7 12.0 31.0 10.0 14.9 -12.9
9 #3orifice 11.7 12.0 62.0 31.0 14.9 -12.9
1 12-in. globe 11.7 12.0 71.0 62.0 14.9 -12.9
3 #Iorilice 5.00 12.0 1.8 0.0 6.37 -12.9
14 #2orifice 5.00 12.0 3.8 1.8 6.37 -12.9
15 #Iorifice 5.00 12.0 5.7 3.8 6.37 -12.9
16 12-in. globe 5.00 12.0 71.0 5.7 6.37 -12.9
8 Column Source of data
9 A Input
H 1
u Pl}gD
'Y'. psi
0.52 -12.2
1.29 -12.2
1.53 -12.2
1.09 -12.2
1.42 -12.2
8.32 -12.2
7.04 -12.2
7.39 -12.2
9.00 -12.2
0.28 -12.2
J K L M N o p
d Uid p.e P
lTid d.1D de A. HoldDia. # Holes
Eqn. psi psi adj. Eqn. in. in. X2 in.
0.237 1.10 90.0 41.3 1.00 0.19 0.83 0.91 0.56 6.76 36 1.5 20.3
0.360 1.63 90.0 51.1 1.00 0.19 0.75 1.22 0.65 7.83 48 1.5 27.2
0.301 1.37 90.0 46.9 1.00 0.19 0.83 1.13 0.61 7.38 43 1.5 24.2
0.258 1.18 90.0 43.2 1.00 0.19 0.85 1.01 0.58 6.97 38 1.5 21.6
0.214 1.00 90.0 38.8 1.00 0.19 0.94 0.94 0.54 6.49 33 1.5 18.7
0.377 1.59 90.0 50.5 1.00 0.30 0.94 1.50
0.360 1.62 90.0 51.0 1.00 0.19 0.69 1.12 0.65 7.83 48 1.5 27.2
0.258 1.19 90.0 43.2 1.00 0.19 0.71 0.84 0.58 6.98 38 1.5 21.6
0.214 0.99 90.0 38.8 1.00 0.19 0.72 0.72 0.54 6.48 33 1.5 18.7
0.064 0.29 90.0 10.6 1.00 0.30 0.94 0.27
~ ~
~ l
-- ----
Given data
Calculated during preliminary calculations
InitiaUy given as 0, for upstream valves it equals P 11 of downstream valve
Calcu1ated during preliminary calculations
CaIeulaled syslem u =(P
- Pvg)I(P. - P
Found from reference data (Table 7.1 for this example)
V/(2g(P. - P
)-2.308 + V X 2).5
Reference cavitation dala (Eq. 7.le used for Ibis example)
Found from reference data (TabJe 7.1, for this example)
luCido) p.
+ Pogo ) 1(1 + u(ido)]
Normally use Eq. 6.9, but since there are no SSE for ocipient damage, enter 1.0
From Table 6.1 or 6.2
CaIculated with Eq. 6.7b for PSE
CaIeulated with Eq. 6.12 for PSE and SSE
dalD D
0.7854 do x 2
l(0.7854 hole dia. x 2)
'--- -- - - --
Orfice #1 (downstream). Keeping the diameter at 12 in. and referring
to Example 6.6 and Fig. 7.1, the basic data for the first orifice are
v= 14.9 fps
PugO = -12.2 psi (Table 7.1)
= 90 psi (Table 7.1)
= 25 psi (assumed)
= 14.9/(64.42.30825 + 14.9
).5 = 0.237
X = 0.19 (Table 6.2)
O"do = 1.10 (Eq. 7.1c)
( O". P + P )
= d
uo )v
o = 41.3 psi
+ ado
aSYSIOm = (O + 12.9)/25 = 0.52
Adjust for pressure scale effects.
(O + 12.9) ]0.19
O"d = 1.10 (41.3 + 12.2) = 0.91
Since a'Y'IOm < O"d' the orifice is too small. The calculations must be
repeated again assuming P
< 25 psi. Table 7.4 is the output of a
spreadsheet to do these calculations. Note that row 3 contains the
calculations for the first estimate. The P
in column D must be reduced
until the a'Y'IOm in column H is greater than the adjusted ad in column
Q. The first orifice can only produce a pressure drop of 10 psi and
operate below incipient cavitation.
For the next orifice, P
= P
for the downstream orifice. The calcula-
tions are continued until enough orifices are selected to drop most of
the available pressure of 71 psi. Note that the 12-in. globe valve will
cause a pressure drop of 9 psi when it is wide open. This leaves 62 psi
for the orifices. For this example, it takes three orifices to prevent
damaging cavitation. Since the third orfice is operating well away from
damage, it would be advisable to reduce the pressure drop across the
other orifices so they are aH about the same distance from damage.
The final choice of the orifices for this example will be those in rows 4,
7 and 9.
The last five columns show the size of a single hole orifice (col. S) and
the number of holes of 1.5-in. di ame ter if it were desired to use a
multhole orfice. For example, orifice #1 would either be a single-hole
plate with a 7.83-in. diameter hole or a multihole pI ate with 27 holes
1.5-in. diameter.
The analysis should be repeated at smaHer ftow rates to detect when
the globe valve begins to cavitate. This is done by keeping the orifice
sizes fixed and calculating the pressure drop across them at reduced
ftow. The spreadsheet must be modified slightly. Rows 13-16 show the
calculations. The values of C
for the orifices are fixed at the values in
rows 4, 7 and 9. The P
values are calculated by
At 5.00 cfs, the three orifices only produce 5.7-psi pressure drop. The
valve drops 65.3 psi and operates at O"syslem which is just larger than O"id'
Therefore, the valve can control the flow between 5.00 and 11.7 cfs
without cavitation damage.
Hydraulics of Pipelines: Pumps, Valves, Cavitation, Transients. J . Paul Tullis
Copyright 1989 J ohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Designing a pipeline to operate under steady-state conditions involves
application of well-established and fairly easy-to-understand principIes. If
assumptions such as pipe friction, minor losses, or aging factors are not
exact, the consequence is usually that the actual flow is just slightly different
from the calculated flow. The serious engineering problems with pipelines
are usually associated with cavitation or unsteady flow conditions: either
during filling the line, while making intentional changes or changes caused
by power failure to pumps, accidental opening or closing of a valve, etc. For
sorne pipelines, especially long lines over hilly terrain, the most critical time
in the life of the pipe can be the initial filling, pressurizing, and flushing out
of the airo If adequate design provisions and operational procedures are not
provided, it may not be possible to safely place the line into service.
Transient pressure generated during filling can easily exceed the safe
operating range of the pipe.
Analyzing a system to anticipate the type and magnitudes of possible
hydraulic transients is more complicated than performing the steady-state
calculations. Since analysis of unsteady flow is a relatively new field, sorne
practicing engineers have not had adequate exposure to the topic and totally
ignore the problem. As a result, too many pipelines fail.
The purpose of Chapters 8-10 is to introduce the engineer to transients,
give guidance on recognizing potential problems, indicate various means of
controlling the problem, and offer methods of predicting the magnitude of
the pressures. The treatment concentrates on transients caused by valve
operation. Transients caused by pumps and turbines are treated elsewhere
The term transient refers to any unsteady flow condition. It can refer to a
situation where conditions are continually varying with time or to transition
flow between two steady-state conditions, the latter being most common.
Examples would be changing the setting of a val ve or turning on a pump.
The larger the incremental change and the faster that change takes place,
the greater the transient pressure. If the piping system is not designed to
withstand the high transient pressures or if controls are not included to limit
the amount of head rise, rupture of the pipe or damage to equipment and
machinery can result. The literature contains examples of pipes that have
been ruptured or collapsed, pipe anchors that have been broken, and
pumps, turbines, valves, etc., that have been damaged by hydraulic trans-
Since transients can occur in gases as well as liquids, the term fluid
transient is used to encompass all situations. This book deals only with
liquids, so the term hydraulic transient is used. When referring to water, the
most common term used to describe unsteady flow is waterhammer. This
descriptive name is apt, since the noise associated with transients in small
metal pipes often sounds like someone hitting the pipe with a hammer.
Transients involving changes that occur slowly are called surges. Exam-
pIes would be an oscillating U-tube, establishment of flow after a valve is
opened, and the rise and fall of the water level in a surge tank. The method
of surge analysis, called "rigid column theory," usually involves mathemati-
calor numerical solution of simple ordinary differential equations. The
compressibility of the fluid and the elasticity of the conduit are ignored and
the entire column of fluid is assumed to move as a rigid body.
When changes in velocity, and consequently pressure, occur rapidly, both
the compressibility of the liquid and the elasticity of the pipe must be
included in the analysis. This procedure is often caBed "elastic" or "water-
hammer" analysis and involves acoustic pressure waves traveling through
the pipe and the solution of partial differential equations. Even though the
term transient refers to all unsteady flows, it is gene rally used to identify the
"elastic" case specifically.
Causes oC Transients
Numerous events can generate a transient or surge. So me of the most
common are:
1. Change of valve opening.
2. Starting or stopping pumps.
3. Operation of check valves, air-release valves, pressure-reducing val-
ves, and pressure-relief valves.
4. Pipe rupture.
5. Improper filling, flushing, or removal of air from pipelines.
6. Trapped air in pipelines.
7. Change in power demand of hydraulic turbines.
AH pipeline s experience transients. Whether the transient creates oper-
ational problems or pipe failure depends on its magnitude and the ability of
the pipes to tolerate high pressures without damage. For example, an
unreinforced concrete pipeline may have a transient pressure aHowance of
only a few feet aboye its operating pressure before damage can occur. For
such situations, even slow elosing of control valves or minor interruptions of
flow due to any cause may create sufficient transient pressures to rupture the
pipeline. In contrast, steel pipeline s can usually take relatively high transient
pressures without failure.
It is recommended that every pipe system should have at least a cursory
transient analysis performed to identify the possibility of serious transients
and determine whether a detailed analysis is necessary.
Methods of Controlling Transients
If an analysis indicates that transients may pose a problem, the types of
solutions available to the engineer inelude:
1. Increase the elosing and opening time of control valves.
2. Design special facilities for filling, flushing, and removing air from
3. Increase the pressure elass of the pipeline.
4. Limit the pipe velocity.
5. Reduce the wave speed by changing the type of pipe or injecting air.
6. Use of pressure relief valves, surge tanks, air chambers, etc.
This treatise should not be construed to be a state-of-the-art summary of
aH current knowledge and techniques for analyzing hydraulic transients, but
is intended to: 1) provide a basic understanding of the cause of transients
and their effects on the system, 2) discuss alternative means of controlling or
preventing undesirable transients, 3) introduce hand computational tech-
niques for simplified piping systems, 4) present the method of characteristics
which is suitable for making detailed accurate ca1culations of simple or
complex systems, 5) develop various boundary conditions, and 6) discuss
problems associated with column separation and trapped air.
The rest of this chapter develops the relationship that predicts the
transient head rise caused by a sudden change in fluid velocity, derives the
equation for wave speed in an elastic conduit, discusses the sequence of
events during a simple transient, quantifies the influence o undissolved air
on the wave speed and transient pressures, and gives. examples o simple
transient calculations.
An equation predicting the head rise I1H caused by a sudden change o
velocity 11 V = V
- v;. can be derived by applying the unsteady momentum
equation to a control volume o a section o a pipe where the change o flow
is occurring. Consider the straight horizontal rictionless pipe between a
reservoir and control valve shown in Fig. 8.la. Ignoring riction, the
steady-state hydraulic grade line is horizontal and the entire reservoir head
HR is dissipated by the valve. The assumption o a horizontal pipe and no
riction simplifies understanding o the pressure waves, but does not place
limitations on the ollowing derivation.
Consider the case o a partial valve closure which instantly reduces the
velocity by an amount I1V. Reduction o the velocity can only be accom-
plished by an increase in the pressure head upstream rom the valve. This
creates a pressure wave o magnitude I1H, which travels up the pipe at the
acoustic velocity a as shown in Fig. 8.la. The increased pressure compresses
the liquid and expands the pipe.
Figure 8.lb shows the unsteady momentum equation applied to a control
volume of a section of pipe through which the pressure wave is passing. The
(a - Va) I1t
Vo-t ___ I i
-------------------------------- pArVo + A. vP
Fig. 8.1 Control volume for valve c1osure.
expansion of the pipe and the increase in fluid density are small compared
with other changes and can be ignored. The net force acting on the control
volume in the positive direction of flow is-yAHA. The net momentum flux
through the control volume is pA(Vo + AV)2 - which reduces to
AV by ignoring the AV
In a time At, the pressure wave traveling at an absolute velocity of a-Yo
moves a distan ce (a-Vo)At. The momentum within that length of pipe has
been reduced because of the reduction in velocity. The mass of fluid affected
is pA(a - Vo)At. The time rate of change of momentum within the control
volume is the product of AV and the mass of fluid whose velocity is changed
in At seconds pA(a - Vo)At AV/At or pA(a - VJAV.
Substituting these various terms into the momentum equation gives:
Since for many applications the wave speed is about 100 times the pipe
velocity, the term V)a can be dropped from Eq. 8.1. With this limitation
the transient head rise due to an incremental change in velocity is:
AH= -a AV/g, for V (8.2)
This equation is easy to use for multiple incremental changes of velocity as
long as the first wave has not been reflected back to the point of origino
Equation 8.2 can therefore be expressed as
ItJ..H= -IaAV
g ,
for V (8.3)
Example 8.1. Water is flowing at V
= 2 m/s in a steel pipe. If a valve
at the end of the pipe is partially closed so that the velocity is instantly
reduced to 1.5 m/s, what is the transient head rise? Assume that the
wave speed for water in the pipe is 900 m/s and that g = 9.81 m/s2:
AH = = 45.9 m
It is apparent from this example that even small changes in the velocity
cause large transient pressures. It is this simple principIe that is
responsible for transients playing such a vital role in the successful
operation of pipelines.
One limitation on the application of Eqs. 8.2 and 8.3 is that they are easy to
use only until a reflected pressure wave returns to the location where ~ V
was generated. To explain the propagation and reflection of the pressure
wave, the sequence of events caused by a valve c10sure at the end of a pipe
connected to a reservoir will be discussed. To simplify the problem, the pipe
is assumed to have a constant diameter, be made of one material and
pressure rating so it has a constant wave speed, and have no minor losses
that would cause los ses or reflections; friction is assumed to be negligible.
Cases involving friction can be handled, but the analysis is slightly more
complexo Figure 8.2a shows the steady-state hydraulic grade line (HGL) for
a pipeline of length having an initial velocity V
at t = O.
If the valve is c10sed instantly at t = O, the head rise ~ H is calculated using
Eq. 8.2 with ~ V = -Vo. The liquid immediately upstream from the valve
comes to rest and the pressure increase causes both the liquid density and
the pipe diameter to increase slightly. The pressure wave travels upstream at
the acoustic wave speed a. Behind the wave, the hydraulic grade line is
increased by ~ H and the liquid has zero velocity. Ahead of the wave, the
velocity and pressure are at the initial steady-state values. The mass of liquid
entering the pipe as the wave travels to the reservo ir is just equal to the
increased volume of the pipe due to expansion plus the added mass sto red
due to increased liquid density. Figure 8.2b shows conditions in the pipe at
t = 0.75L/a.
At t = L/a the wave arrives at the reservoir. The pressure inside the pipe
is HR + H the velocity is everywhere zero, and the pipe is expanded and
the fluid compressed. In the reservoir at the entrance to the pipe the
pressure is still HR. The system is in nonequilibrium and the liquid in the
pipe acts like a compressed spring, causing flow from the pipe back into the
reservoir at the initial velocity - V
. The reverse velocity is equal to the
initial velocity because friction losses are being ignored and Eq. 8.2 still
A negative pressure wave of magnitude - ~ H travels toward the valve at
speed a. This causes the pressure in the pipe behind the wave to drop to HR
and the velocity to - V
' The pipe diameter and the fluid density return to
their original values. In front of the wave, the head stays constant at
HR + H and the velocity is zero. Figure 8.2c shows conditions at t =
1.5 L/a.
When the wave arrives at the valve at t = 2L/a for an instant, the velocity
everywhere is at -Vo' the head is at HR, and the pipe diameter and density
are at their original values. The mass of fluid discharging into the reservoir
between t = L/a and 2L/a is the amount that entered the pipe during the
first L/a seconds and was stored in liquid compression and pipe expansiono
At t = 2L/a, the liquid at the valve tries to accelerate toward the reservoir
at velocity - V
' Since the valve is c1osed, and ignoring the possibility of the
... L
~ H
t = O.75L/a
HR t= 1.5L/a (e)
oVo v=o
-: ~ H
t = 2.25L/a (d)
_ ....
Fig.8.2 Pressure-wave propagation.
liquid column rupturing due to vaporization, the velocity at the c10sed valve
must be zero at aIl times. In preventing the fluid from accelerating to - V
the valve exerts a tension force that causes the head to drop by -AH, as
predicted from Eq. 8.2. This negative wave travels toward the reservoir at
the acoustic velocity. Behind the wave, the pressure is at HR - AH, the pipe
diameter reduces, and the density decreases slightly. Ahead of the wave, the
liquid continues to move at - V
into the reservoir. Figure 8.2d shows
conditions at t = 2.25L/a.
At t = 3L/a, the wave arrives at the reservoir. The pressure in the pipe is
-!!..H below the reservoir pressure and the velocity is momentarily
everywhere zero. The pressure imbalance causes flow to enter the pipe at V
and returns the hydraulic grade line to HR. As this positive pressure wave of
!!..H travels to the valve, the velocity and head behind it return to their
steady-state values. At t = 4L/a, the wave arrives at the valve with condi-
tions identical to the initial steady-state conditions, and the process repeats
itself with a period of 4L/a with no attenuation.
The cyclic nature of the phenomenon is best shown by plotting H versus t
for selected locations in the pipe. This is shown in Fig. 8.3a for a point just
upstream fram the valve and in Fig. 8.3b for the midpoint of the pipeline.
Each 4L/a seconds, the square wave repeats itself. For real cases with
friction, the square wave rapidly turns into a sinusoidal-shaped wave,
attenuating with time. The attenuation is caused by energy loss due to fluid
friction, expansion of the pipe, and compression of the liquido
Consider the case of no friction where the flow is completely stopped by
reducing the velocity in 3 equal increments, each at O.25L/a aparto Figure
J ~ ~ __
Reservoir hea
l = ~ ~
------ --------
o 2345678
Time (L/a s)
o 2345678
Time (L/as)
Fig. 8.3a Head vs. time at valve for instant closure.
Fig. 8.3b Head vs. time at midpoint for instllnt cIosure.
t.H 1.----....1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
t> .25L/a
Vo V=O
---- ~
aH .-----'
t> .5L/a
Vo V=O
Fig. 8.4 HGL at valve for incremental valve closure.
8.4 shows the hydraulic grade lines for the system at t> 0.25L1a and
t> O.5L1a. At t = O, the initial head rise is equal to 6.H = -a( -0.33V
) /g.
This wave propagates toward the reservoir. At t = 0.25, L/a and t = O.5L/a
additional waves of equal magnitude are generated. The velocity is zero
behind the third wave and the total head rise is the sum of the three
incremental values or aV)g.
In the previous section, the term instant c10sure was used to describe the
c10sure time for a valve. Instant c10sure normally refers to c10sure over an
infinitely small time increment. However, instant c10sure as it regards
c10sure of a valve at the end of the pipeline, actually refers to a finite time.
It is the longest time that a valve can be c10sed and still cause a pressure rise
equal to that of an instant c1osure.
To explain this, look again at Fig. 8.4. The pressure at the valve is a
summation of the head rise caused by the three incremental c10sures and is
equal to aV)g. Thus, the head rise at the valve is the same magnitude as if
the valve were c10sed instantly. Therefore, as long as the valve is closed in a
time less than or equal to 2L/a (which is the time required for the first
pressure wave to travel to and from the reservoir), the head rise at the valve
will be the same as if the valve were closed instantly. The 2L/a time is
therefore often the instant closure time. For systems with friction, the
headrise in 2Lla will be less than instant closure.
For a valve at the end of a long pipeline, the instant closure time can be
considerably greater than 2Lla. This is because the friction loss coefficient
fLld is much greater than the loss coefficient for the valve K at large
openings. Before the valve can significantly reduce the flow, it must close
enough that its loss coefficient is a significant percentage of fLl d. The
effective closure time for a valve is the actual time that a valve is reducing
the flow. This time can be much less than the total closure time for a long
pipeline. These principies are demonstrated in Example 8.2.
Example 8.2. Consider the pipelines analyzed in Example 4.1. Case A
was for a short pipe (fLld = 3) and case B was for a long pipe
(fLld = 250). To continue the analysis, assume d = 10 in., a = 1500
fps, LI = 200ft., fl = 0.0125, L
= 17,000 ft., and f2 = 0.0123 for the
two cases. Steady-state analysis gives initial velocities of 23.5 and 7.17
fps. The reduction of Q with valve opening for these cases is shown in
Fig. 8.5 for a valve closing at constant speed.
For Case A, Fig. 8.5 shows that the valve controls the flow over 100%
of its valve movement beca use the flow decreases as the valve first
starts to close. Therefore, the effective closure time for the val ve is
equal to the total closure time. The instant closure time is equal to
2L1a = 400/1,500 = 0.27 s. This is the maximum closure time that
gives a pressure rise equal to that of an instant closure.
20 40 60 80 100
Valve opening (%)
Fig. 8.5 Data far Example 8.2.
For Case B, Fig. 8.5 shows that the flow rate is not significantly
reduced until the valve is closed to about 50%. Therefore, the effective
closure time is about half the total closure time. For example, if the
valve were closed in 200 s, almost no flow reduction would occur
during the first 100 s. With 2L1a = 34,000/1,500 = 22.7 s, the effective
instant valve cIosure time is about 45.4 s since the valve only reduces
the flow during the last half of its movement. The longer the pipeline,
or larger thefLld, the more a valve must be closed befo re it begins to
reduce the flow.
Next, try to estimate a safe cIosure time (tJ for the valve (Case B). To
do this, it is necessary to establish a maximum allowable pressure for
the pipe. This pressure is dependent on the type and pressure class of
pipe, as discussed in Chapter 2. The initial velocity is 7.17 fps and the
shutoff pressure is 200 ft or 86.6 psi (refer to Example 4.1). Assume
that the maximum allowable pressure is 125 psi. The following simple
procedure is an approximate method of estimating valve closure time.
A more exact method is presented in Chapter 9 (Example 9.3).
The maximum transient pressure head allowable when the valve is
cIosed the last few degrees is (125 - 86.6)2.31 = 88.7 ft. The corre-
sponding velocity change V= -gHla = -32.288.7/1,500 = -1.9
fps. This means that if the velocity is reduced 1.9 fps in 2L1a or 22.7 s,
the transient head rise will be 88.7 ft. From Fig. 8.5, assuming
steady-state conditions, find the valve opening for which V = 1. 9 fps.
This represents 26.5% of the original velocity of 7.17 fps and the
corresponding valve opening is about 8%. Closing the valve this last
8% in 22.7 s will cause a head rise of 88.7 ft.
If the valve cIoses at a constant rate, the entire valve cIosure time
would be 22.7/0.08 = 284 s. For long pipelines, this procedure gives a
reasonable estimate. For short pipelines, this calculated time must be
increased to allow the transient generated during the previous in-
crementa! cIosure to dampen out.
The cIosure time could be significantly reduced for this case by rapidly
cIosing the valve to about 30% and then closing at a slower rateo
Note: This problem is solved with a computer program in Example
9.3. The actual time required to keep the maximum head in the pipe to
288 ft is about 190 s.
Since aH systems contain friction, the pressure wave generated by closure of
a valve will be attenuated. Energy losses associated with friction, expanding
the pipe, compressing the fluid, and any trapped air cause attenuation. To
understand the attenuation process, refer to Fig. 8.6. This figure shows a
pipeline in which essentiaHy aH of the reservoir head is dissipated by
friction. The process is easiest to explain by assuming that the transient head
rise is smaH compared with the reservoir head. At t = 0, the valve is instantly
closed, which generates a head rise I1H = aV)g. This pressure wave travels
toward the reservoir at the acoustic wave speed.
Relying on knowledge of the frictionless case, one would assume that the
wave will move up the pipe as shown by the solid curve (a) in Fig. 8.6a. This
produces a sloping HGL paraHel to the original HGL. Since the velocity
behind the wave front should be zero, the HGL should be horizontal, as
shown by the broken line (b) in Fig. 8.6a. For this to occur, the pressure at
the valve must increase, which can only occur by packing more water into
the pipe downstream of the wave front (refered to as fine packing). This
means that there must be sorne flow in the pipe so that the velocity is not
reduced to zero at the wave front. This makes I1H
< I1H and results in a
sloping HGL, as shown in Fig. 8.6b for t = tI'
At the valve, the head continues to rise due to recovery of the friction
loss and the line packing. As the wave continues to move toward the
reservoir, the pressure rise at the wave front continues to reduce. This
process is referred to as attenuation. The maximum head at the valve occurs
after t = L/a and is less than reservoir head I1H.
Fig. 8.6 Wave propagation with friction. (a) incorrect; (b) correcto
The transient head rise is directly proportional to the wave speed (Eq. 8.2).
Wave speed is therefore a parameter that must be accurately evaluated for
each system. Its magnitude is dependent on the density and bulk modulus of
the liquid, elasticity, diameter, and wall thickness of the pipe, and the
presence of free air or gas.
To understand the physical nature of this dependence, refer to the
discussion on propagation of pressure waves (Fig. 8.2). While the initial
wave is traveling to the reservoir, liquid still enters the pipe ahead of the
wave. The speed with which the wave can move between two arbitrary
points in the pipe depends on how much additional liquid can be stored in
that short section. The wave travels between the two points in the time it
takes for the excess liquid moving at velocity V
' to enter that section and
come to resto If the pipe is very flexible or if there are gas bubbles in the
liquid, which makes it more compressible, it will take more liquid and
consequently more time to stretch the pipe, compress the liquid or air, and
increase the pressure in the pipe. For such a case, the wave travels at a
relatively slow speed.
Consider the other extreme of a totally rigid pipe and incompressible
liquido For such a system, the entire column must immediately come to rest
when the valve is instantly closed. This hypothetical case would correspond
to an infinite wave speed. No fluid is really incompressible and no pipe is
totally rigid, so an infinite wave speed is not possible.
The wave speed equation is derived by 1) applying the continuity
equation, 2) using Eq. 8.2 to relate AVand AH, 3) relating AH to the bulk
modulus of the liquid, and 4) relating the expansion of the pipe to its
stress-strain properties.
Consider the simple pipe shown in Fig. 8.1a. At t = L/a after instant
closure of the valve, the velocity in the pipe is zero, the pipe has expanded
in diameter and possibly in length, and the fluid is compressed. The total
mass entering the pipe is pAVoLla. The mass stored due to elongation of
the pipe is small compared with other factors and will be ignored. The
amount stored due to increased pipe diameter is pLAA and the mass stored
due to increased density is LAAp.
Substituting these into the equation of mass conservation,
--= pLAA + LAAp
Dividing by pAL and replacing V
(which is equal to -AV for instant
closure) with gAHla from Eq. 8.2.
gAH = AA + Ap
A p
SoIving for a
2 gllH
a =---""---
IlA/A + IIp/p
It is desirable to express the wave speed as a function of fluid and pipe
properties which are readily obtainable. Using the definition of bulk
K= IlP
IlP = pgllH
Substituting gllH = IlP/p, multiplying the top and bottom of Eq. 8.5 by
K/Ilp and rearranging,
2 K/p
a = 1 + KIlA/AIlP
Next, it is necessary to relate IlA/(AIlP) to stress-strain properties of
the pipe. To be thorough in the derivation one must be concerned about the
pipe support conditions. Three conditions are possible:
Case 1. The pipe is anchored at the upstream end only.
Case 2. The pipe is anchored against any axial movement.
Case 3. Each pipe section anchored with expansion joints at each
Several sources are available (81, 89) where the complete derivation is
provided for each of the cases. The final result is that the pipe constraint
usually has less than a 10% influence on the magnitude of the wave speed. It
is seldom possible to predict the wave speed with any better accuracy
because of uncertainties in both the fluid and pipe properties. It is therefore
felt that a simplification of the derivation which ignores any axial strain in
the pipe is adequate. The following derivation is specifically for Case 3.
With this limitation, the change in IlA will only be a function of
circumferential strain. The tensile stress and circumferential strain are
related by Young's modulus E:
Strain = stress/ E (8.8)
The tensile stress for a thin wall pipe is related to the diameter and internal
pipe pressure. Figure 8.7 shows a unit long section of pipe of wall thickness
e subject to an increased pressure IlP. The in crease in circumferential tensile
T Fig. 8.7 Free body of pipe section.
force T, stress, and tlP are related by eonditions of sta tic equilibrium
IFx =0.
2 T - dtlP = O and T = e . stress
Stress = Te
The radial strain is (eombining Eqs. 8.8 and 8.9)
Strain = dtlPI2eE
tlA is equal to the cireumferenee of the pipe times the inerease in the
dtlP d 7Td
tlPd AtlPd
tlA = 7T D -- - = - X -- = --
2eE 2 4 eE eE
Substituting Eq. 8.10 into 8.7 and taking the square root gives
a =
If one wished to inelude the effeet of pipe eonstraint (81), the equation
a = VI + CKd/Ee
C = 1 - O.SJ- for Case 1 eonstraint
C = 1- J-2 for Case 2 constraint
C = 1 for Case 3 eonstraint
J- = Poisson's ratio
Equations 8.11 and 8.12 are for circular thin-walled conduits. For noncircu-
lar pipes, thick-walled pipes, and other special cases, see References 81 and
87. Values of K and ..t from Reference 81 are listed in Table 8.1.
Example 8.3. Calculate the wave speed for an unreinforced concrete
pipe carrying water at 20e. The properties of the pipe are d = 610
mm, e = 76 mm, E = 27.6 GPa, and ..t = 0.3 (Table 8.1). For the
water, p = 998.2 kg/m
and K = 2.2 GPa (Table 1.1). Find a for all
three pipe constraints.
If the pipe were completely rigid (E = infinity) , the wave speed would
a = - = = 1483 mis
p 998.2
For the actual case, Kdl Ee = 0.64.
Case 1. Pipe anchored at upstream end only:
C= 0.85
a = 1483 = 1193 mis
vI + 0.64 x 0.85
Case 2. Pipe anchored against any axial movement:
a = = 1179 mis
VI + 0.64 x 0.91
TABLE 8.1 Moduli of Elasticity and Poisson's Ratio for Common Pipe Materials
Steel E = 30 X 10
psi ..t = 0.30
Ductile cast iron E = 24 X 10
psi ..t = 0.28
Copper E = 16 X 10
psi ..t = 0.30
Brass E = 15 X 10
psi ..t = 0.34
Aluminum E = 10.5 X 10
psi ..t = 0.33
PVC E=4 x 10
psi ..t =0.45
Fiberglass reinforced E
= 4.0 X 10
psi lL2 = 0.27 . 0.30
plastic (FRP) El = 1.3 X 10
psi ..tI = 0.20 . 0.24
Asbestos cernent E = 3.4 X 10
psi ..t = 0.30
Concrete E = ..t = 0.30
"Reference 81. (Reproduced from Gary Z. Walton, "Analysis and Control 01 Unsteady Flow in
Pipelines," Second Ed. (Stoneham, MA: Butterworth Publishers, 1984). With permission from
the publishers.)
bt; = 28-day strength in psi.
Case 3. Expansion joints:
C= 1.0
a = vI + 0.64 = 1158 mis
The example shows how little the type of constraint influences the
wave speed.
Example 8.4. Compare the head rise caused by instant closure of a
valve if the initial velocity is 5.24 fps for: (a) a steel pipeline E =
29 X 10
psi, e = 0.5 in., d = 12 in.; and (b) a plastic pipeline E =
4 X 10
psi, e = 0.5 in., d = 12 in. Use K = 3.2 X 10
psi and p = 1.94
(a) steel pipe: Kdl Ee = 0.264, from
a = V144 x 3.2 x 10
/1.94 = 4335 f
b.H = 4335 x 5.74/32.2 = 773 tt
(b) plastic pipe: KdlEe = 19.2, from
a = 4874 = 1084 f s
vI + 19.2 P
b.H = = 193 ft
The steel pipe has almost four times the head rise because of the
higher wave speed. The influence of wave speed on head rise decreases
as the valve closure time increases. This is demonstrated in Example
Example 8.4 demonstrates one of the methods of controlling transients for
cases in which the valve closure is almost instantaneous, reducing the wave
speed by using a more flexible pipe. Another method of reducing the wave
speed is to reduce the effective bulk modulus of the water so it is more
compressible. This is done by introducing a smaIl amount of air into the
system or by installing an air chamber. Equation 8.6 can be changed to
K = -b.Plb.v Iv. If there is a small amount of undissolved air in a volume of
water v, a pressure increase of b.P will cause a larger b.v because the air
easily compresses. The result is a large decrease in K and consequently a
decrease in the wave speed.
An equation for predicting the wave speed of an air-water mixture was
developed by Streeter (75). He applied continuity and momentum to a small
control volume. After eliminating the smallest term, the resulting equation
a = 1 + KdlEe + MRgKTIP2
in which M = mass of air per unit volume of mixture; P = absolute pressure;
T = absolute temperature; Rg = gas constant K = bulk modulus.
Example 8.5. A 12-in. diameter O.25-in. wall steel pipe is filled with
aerated water (M = 10-
slugs/fe). Calculate the wave speed at an
atmospheric pressure of P
= 14 psia. T = 60F.
K = 3.11 x 105psi (Table 1.1)
p= 1.94 slugs/ft
(Table 1.1)
Rg = 1715 ft-Ib/slugORankine
P = 14 144 = 2016 lb/fe (absolute)
E = 30 x 106psi (Table 8.1)
Kdl Ee = 0.498
MRgT Klp
From Eq. 8.13
a = 480 fps
To demonstrate the dependence of a on the mass o air and the
absolute pressure, Eq. 8.13 has been plotted in Fig. 8.8. The reduction
in a due to increased air is observed by looking at the intersections o
the curves for different amounts of air with a vertical line o constant
head. For example, rom Fig. 8.8 at H
= 8 m, the wave speed drops
rom about 1260 mis with essentially no air to about 80 mis with 1%
air (calculated at standard conditions).
The influence o pressure is observed by following a line of constant air
mass. For 0.1 % air, a varies from about 30 mis to over 1200 mis as
the absolute pressure head is increased rom 1 to 128 m. It turns out
that the presence o the air not only reduces the wave speed, but
causes significant energy dissipation. The principie of reduced wave
speed is simple, but applying it to the numerical solution o real
transient problems is complexo There is also a practical problem
associated with applying this principie, since knowing and controlling
o E::::t:::::::L.-J_...L_L-l---1 Fig. 8.8 Wave speed for air-water mix-
1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 tures (air at standard tempcrature and
Cm) pressure; KDI Ee = 0.263).
the amount of air is difficult. Problems related to air in pipelines and
computational schemes currently being used to calculate transients
with free air will be discussed in Chapter 10.
8.1. Why does closing a valve slower reduce the transient pressure rise?
8.2. Referring to Fig. 8.2, draw the HGL at t = 3.5L1a.
8.3. Referring to Fig. 8.3, draw H versus t at x == O.25L.
8.4. Discuss the significance of the times 2L1a and 4L1a.
8.5. Define instant valve closure and effective valve closure.
8.6. For a long pipe with friction (such as Fig. 8.6), plot the HGL for
t = 1.5L/a and 2.5L/a (assume instant closure).
8.7. Draw the H versus t curve at the valve for a pipe with high friction for
time up to 2L/a (as sume instant closure).
8.8. Find the wave speed for an 8-in. PVC pipe, e = O.5-in. (the water is at
80F and the pipe has expansion joints).
8.9. Outline the steps in the derivation of the wave speed equation.
8.10. Define attenuation and line packing.
8.11. For instant valve closure at the end of a long pipeline with friction
(Fig. 8.6), will the maximum head in the pipe be HR + tJ..H!? (HR =
reservoir head). If tJ..H
= the head rise of the wave front at t == L/a,
how will the maximum head at the valve compare to HR + tJ..H
Hydraulics of Pipelines: Pumps, Valves, Cavitation, Transients. J . Paul Tullis
Copyright 1989 J ohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Computational techniques were introduced in the previous chapter for
estimating pressures for simple transients. Most practical situations involve
piping systems and changing flow conditions that are too complex to be
handled with simple hand caIculations. In this chapter, the equations that
govern unsteady flow in pipelines are developed. The resulting partial
differential equations are solved by the method of characteristics, which
transforms them into total differential equations. After integration, the
equations are solved numericaHy by finite differences. This analysis provides
equations that can be used to predict the flow and head at any interior pipe
section at any time. To complete the analysis, equations describing aH
boundary conditions are required. Typical boundary conditions are connec-
tion of a pipe to a reservoir, a valve, changes in pipe diameter or material,
pipe junctions, etc. Friction loss is incIuded in the development of the basic
equations and minor losses are handled as boundary conditions.
The analysis is developed using elastic theory where compressibility of the
fluid and elasticity of the pipe are incIuded. It properly models the propaga-
tion and reflections of the pressure wave. It can also be used for surge
calculations although, computing times would be longer due to the small
time step inherent with transient caIculations. With numerical surge caIcula-
tions, the time interval can have an order of magnitude larger than is
required for transients.
For sorne problems, transient analysis is used for part of the system and
surge analysis for other parts. Dne example is a hydropower installation
where there is a power tunnel, surge tank, and penstock. When rapid
changes in ftow are initiated at the turbine (as is the case of load rejection),
a transient is generated in the penstock. The surge tank acts as a reservoir
and prevents most of the transient pressures from entering the power
tunne!. The flow in the power tunnel is handled by rigid column or surge
analysis and the penstock with elastic or transient analysis.
Unsteady ftow is governed by the equation of motion, which is that the
summation of al! forces acting on a mass of fluid in a given direction is equal
to the product ot the mass and the acceleration in the direction of the force.
Figure 9.1 is a free-body diagram showing torces acting on a cylindrical
segment of fluid. The torces inelude pressure forces acting on the two ends,
triction or shear torces on the outer surtace, and gravity. The equation of
motion applied in the direction o the fluid motion x is
ap ) . DV
PA - P + ax A - + S10 () =
Simplifying and dividing by gives:
ap . DV
-- A - TTrD + pgA S10 (J = pA-
ax Dt
The wal! shear stress tor unsteady ftow is normally assumed to be equal to
the steady-state value at the same velocity. It is customary to work with a
friction loss expressed as a \oss of head over a reach of pipe rather than
dealing with a distributed wall shear stress. This relationship can be de-
veloped by applying the equation o motion to Fig. 9.1 for steady-state flow
for the simplified case of (J = O.
PA + AxA(dPldx)
Fig. 9.1 Free-body diagram of fluid section.
From the Darcy-Weisbach equation:
H-H2 = 2gD
ft1x VIVI
in which f is the friction factor. The absolute value sign on V is to ensure
that the friction force is always opposite to the direction of flow. Substituting
Eq. 9.3 into 9.2 and rearranging the shear stress term in Eq. 9.1,
pfV IV I A
TTrD = 2D
Dividing Eq. 9.1 by pA, substituting in Eq. 9.4 and expanding the total
derivative of V,
ap fVlVl . av dx av
- + --- g Slll e + - - + - = o (9.5)
pax 2D ax dI al
This can be further simplifed by using the piezometric head H = P/y + z
(see Fig. 9.1). Differentiating gives
aH ap dz
ax yax dx
From Fig. 9.1 it is seen that dz/dx = -sin e. Consequently, Eq. 9.5 can be
reduced to
The use of the piezometric head in Eq. 9.7 restricts its application to liquids.
It is important to remember that all further computations must be made
using the piezometric head, not the pressure head. For a more general
derivation, see Section 2.1 of Reference 87.
The law of conservation of mass applied to a control volume states that the
net mass flux through the control surface must equal the time rate of change
of mass inside the control volume. When applying this to the present
situation, it is noted that the control volume (in this case a short section of
pipe) can increase in cross-sectional area and length due to increased
pressure. For the development that follows, it is assumed that the lengthen-
ing of the pipe is negligible. The continuity equation becomes
pAV - [PAV + a(pAV) dX] = a(pAdx)
ax al
_ a(pAV) dx = a(pAdx)
ax al
Expanding both sides o Eq. 9.8,
av aA a
) aA ap
- pA-dx+pV-dx+AV-dx =pdx-+Adx-
ax ax. ax al al
Rearranging and dividing by pAdx,
! (aA + v aA) + ! (a
+ v a
) + av = o
A al ax p al ax ax
The first two terms in parentheses are the total deriva ti ves o A and p with
respect to time, so the equation reduces to
Next, replace dA/dI with structural properties o the pipe as was done or
the development o the wave speed equation in Section 8.6. Expressing Eq.
8.10 in differential orm and rearranging,
dA = AD dP = pgADdH
cE cE
The first term o Eq. 9.9 then becomes
pgD dH
cE dI
The second term in Eq. 9.9 can be expressed in terms o the bulk modulus
and dH using the definition
dP dp dH
K = -- or - = pg -
dp/p p K
The second term in Eq. 9.9 beco mes
pg dH
K dI
Substituting into Eq. 9.9 and rearranging,
dH (1 + KDleE) +! av =0
dt Klp g ax
Using Eq. 8.10 for wave speed, Eq. 9.10 reduces to
dH + a
av =0
dt g ax
This is the final form of the continuity equation which wilI be solved
together with the equation of motion (Eq. 9.7) since they provide two
equations in two unknowns H and V. The technique to be used to transform
the partial differential equations into total differentials is the method of
The momentum and continuity equations just developed are (expanding
dH/dt in Eq. 9.11)
aH jVlVl vav av o
v aH + aH + a
av = O
ax at g ax
These can be simplified by comparing the relative magnitudes of the various
terms and eliminating those of lesser importance. Looking at the equations
in finite difference form and recognizing that
the equations simplify to
.lV .lH .lV
.lt .lx .lx
.lH 2.lV .lH
-anda ~
M .lx .lx
By muItiplying Eq. 9.14 by an unknown constant , adding it to Eq. 9.13,
and rearranging,
A ~ aH + aH) + (Aa
av + ay) + fVlVl = o
A ax at g ax at 2D
Since Eq. 9.15 is a linear combination of two independent equations, any
two real values of A will produce two equally independent equations. The
values are chosen to make the equations total derivatives. From the
definition of a total derivative,
dH = aH dx + aH and dV = av dx + av
dt ax dt at dt ax dt at
Comparison of Eq. 9.16 with 9.15 reveals the values of A.
dx g Aa
- = - = - or A = -
dt A g a
dt = a
With these two A values, Eq. 9.15 becomes two independent total differen-
ti al equations:
~ dH + dV + [V IV I = O
a dt dt 2D
or dt = +a
~ dH _ dV _[VIVI =0
a dt dt 2D
. dx
'or - =-a
. dt
C- equation
(9.21 )
Equations 9.18 and 9.20 are called the C+ and c- compatibility equations
Solution of Eqs. 9.18 and 9.20 is done using finite differences. Figure 9.2a
shows a simple reservoir valve system. Divide the pipe into N equal sections
of length ~ x . For this example N = 4, so there are N + 1 = 5 nodes where
calculations will be made.
Befare any transient is generated, the head H and flow Q at the five
nodes can be found by applying the energy equation to the system. For the
frictionless case where all the reservo ir head is dissipated by the downstream
2DT ------------------------------------
~ W ~
i= Knowns
o ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
1 2 3 4 5
2DT ------------------------------------
Boundary equation needed Boundary equation needed
~ DT Solution 01 unknown QPs and HPs
o ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - ~ ~
1 2 3
4 5
Fig. 9.2 Graphical solution of the C+ and C- equations.
valve, Q = Ql and H = HR at all five nodes, where Ql is the initial ftow
and HR is the piezometric head at the reservoir.
A transient is generated at time t by instant closure of the valve at node 5.
This creates a wave of magnitude H = aVo/g (Eq. 8.1) which travels toward
the reservoir at the speed of sound a. It arrives at node 4 at time
t +!lt = llt = llx/a, llx = L/a (the distance between nodes). The C- equa-
tion (9.20) transmits information about changes in H and Q to upstream
nodes since it is valid for dx/dt = -a (Eq. 9.21). Similarly, the C+ equation
(9.18) transmits information in the +a direction.
Solution of the transient equations consists of finding values of head and
ftow at each node as the transient progresses. CaIculations will be made at
each llt time interval. The nodes are equally spaced at a distance llx and the
wave speed is constant. This means that the time At tor the pressure wave to
travel between any two nodes is the same.
The unknown heads and discharge at the nodes at time t + At are labeled
HP and QP. The known head and discharge at the previous time step are
H and Q. Consider the transient shown in Fig. 9.2a where the wave has
just arrived at node 4. Figure 9.2b is a graphical representation ot the
solution of Eqs. 9.18-9.21 for node N (1 = 4). The unknown head HP and
ftow QP at node 1 at time t + At can be calculated by integrating Eqs. 9.18
and 9.20.
Before integrating, multiply both equations by adt/g, change from V to
Q, and replace dt by dx (dx = adt). For the C+ equation, integrating from
node (i - 1) to no de (i) gives
HP; QP/ IIox
dH+ a
J d Q ~ J QIQldx=O
g 2gDA
Q/-1 o
To integrate the third term, the variation of Q with x must be specified. For
many problems, using a first-order assumption (Q = Q-I) is adequate.
With this assumption, integration of Eq. 9.22, and a similar treatment of the
C + equation.
in which
B = ~
Since H -1' HI+ l' Q -1 and Q I+ 1 are known and B and R are constants, the
equations can be further simplified to
C+: HP = CP - B QP
C-: HP = CM + B QP
CP = H-l + B Q-l - R Q-lIQ-ll
CM = HI+l - B Q+l + R QI+IIQI+ll
Adding Eqs. 9.26 and 9.27 gives
HP = (CP+ CM)
QP can be found by substituting HP back into Eq. 9.26 or 9.27. Refer
again to Fig. 9.2b. The C+ equation (9.26) provides information from node
[- 1, or node 3 in this case, to node 4 along the C+ lineo Similarly, Eq. 9.27
provides information along the C- lineo Solving Eq. 9.30 at time t + !l.t
provides HP
Since HP and QP are desired at each node the process is repeated at each
node. Figure 9.2c shows this graphically. All interior nodes (l = 2, N)
transmit both C+ and C- information to adjacent nodes. With additional
boundary conditions for nodes 1 and N + 1, HP and QP at each node can be
found at t + I1t. The next step is to set Q = QP and H = HP, recalculate CP
and CM, and solve HP and QP again at each succeeding time step.
To aid in understanding the method of solution, consider that an observer
is placed at each node. At each time interval I1t they are to transmit
information to adjacent nodes (or observers) about the head and ftow
conditions at their node.
Refer again to Fig. 9.2a. At time t, the valve is c10sed and the observer at
no de 5 notes that the ftow went to zero, Qs = O, and the head increased by
I1H = aV)g, so H
= HR + I1H. At all other nodes, the observers see no
change. This information is sent to each adjacent observer. Observer 4 can
expect to see the pressure wave generated at node 5 arrive at his location at
t +!l.t. Since observer 3 reported no change, the net result at node 4 at
t + I1t will be QP
= O and HP
= HR + I1H. This is demonstrated in the
following example.
Example 9.1. For the transient shown in Fig. 9.2a, calculate HP
at t + I1t. This is done by solving Eqs. 9.26-9.30 for 1 = 4.
First evaluate CP and CM at the instant the valve is c10sed realizing
that Q3 = QI (initial ftow), H3 = HR
Qs = O, H
= HR + I1H, I1H =
B Q[ and ignoring friction (R = O):
Substitute these values into Eqs. 9.26 and 9.27:
= HR + B QI - B QP
= HR + B QI + B QP4
Solving (or using Eq. 9.30 directly) gives
= HR +B QI=HR + HP
= HR +/lH
Substituting HP
into either Eq. 9.26 or 9.27 gives QP
= O. This is
precisely what would be expected from the description of pressure-
wave propagation discussed in Section 8.3.
Eq'uations (9.26-9.29) must also hold for steady state flow where Q_ =
Q+ = QI. Equations 9.26 and 9.27 for this case (ncluding friction) reduce
HP/ = H/_ - R QIIQII
HP/ = H/+ + R QIIQII
Since R QII QII is the friction loss in a reach /lx , steady state is satisfied.
Thus far, equations (9.26-9.29) have been developed that can calculate
the head and flow at any time step for all interior points (nodes 2 to N). At
nodes 1 and N + 1, there are still two unknowns but only one equation from
the adjacent no de available, so additional information at the boundaries is
For the system shown in Fig. 9.2a, the boundary condition at node 1 is a
reservoir. If it is large so the level does not change during the transient, the
head will be constant so HP = HR = piezometric head at reservo ir. The
flow QP is found from the C- characteristic (Eq. 9.27) with CM calculated
at node 2.
Valve at End of Pipe
For a valve at the end of the pipe (node = NS = N + 1), the boundary
condition is the equation for head loss across the valve. To make the
solution general, assume there is a reservoir of known elevation down-
stream. Let HR
be the piezometric head in the reservoir downstream from
the valve. Neglect pipe exit loss and, using Eqs. 1.29 or 4.1 for loss across
the valve,
with C3 = Av = 0.7854 d
, d = valve diameter. (Use + C3 for
forward flow and - C3 for reverse flow.) The eq. reduces to
This can be solved with the C+ equation (9.26) to give
+ C3 Q ~ s = CP - QP
Q ~ s + CC3 QP
+ CC4 = O
in which CC3 = B/C3, CC4 = (HR
- CP)/C3
Solution of the quadratic gives a real root of
= O.5(-CC3 V CC3
- 4 CC4) (9.33)
For forward flow, the choice of + V as the real solution is based on the
fact that B / C3 is always positive, so to get a positive QP NS requires using
the positive sign in the equation. For reverse flow, change the sign of C3
and use the negative sign in eq. 9.33. With QP
known from Eq. 9.33,
is caIculated with the C+ equation (9.26).
Solving the valve boundary requires that K be known at each time
intervaJ. This requires specifying the variation of valve opening with time
(usually a linear function) and consequently the variation of K with time.
Since valve data are often given in terms of C
(Eq. 4.4) or C
(Eq. 4.2),
one must first convert to K with Eqs. 4.6 or 4.11 and 4.6.
For a free-discharge valve, HR
= ZNS and K must be adjusted to
compensate for the lack of pressure recovery downstream. Actually, use C
Typical C
data for valves are shown in Fig. 4.3, in which it can be seen
that the shape of the C
curves for different valves varies significantly.
Consequently, they cannot be accurately represented by a simple functional
relationship. The method recommended is to select C
or C
values (and
calculate K at each 10% of valve movement (11 values total) and linearIy
interpolate between them as the valve cIoses. The valve can be set to start at
any valve opening by selecting the first C
at that point.
To simulate opening a valve, the caIculation of the initial conditions will
need to be changed if the valve starts fully cIosed, since aH flows are zero
and aH heads are equal to the reservoir head. The other modification is to
enter the K data in the reverse order (starting from fully cIosed).
With the reservoir 'and valve boundary conditions solved, and using them
with the C+ and C- equations, HP and QP at all no des can be calculated
at t + M. The next step is to re-index so that these new values become the
known conditions to get the CP and CM values of Eqs. 9.28 and 9.29. Then
repeat the process to find HP and QP at aH subsequent time steps.
A basic FORTRAN program for a single pipeline with a reservoir and valve
(Fig. 9.2a) is listed in Fig. 9.3. The program consists of six parts: 1)
dimensioning the variables, identifying the input data file (tran.dat), reading
in the data, and calculating the constants (lines 1-16); 2) calculating initial
conditions by equating the difference in reservoir levels to the friction and
valve loss (lines 17-19); 3) solving the interior points (lines 25-29); 4)
solving the upstream boundary (lines 30-32); 5) solving the valve boundary
condition by first interpolating to get the discharge coefficient and then
solving Eqs. 9.33 and 9.26 (lines 33-47); and 6) reinitializing the data (Iines
48-50). Note that sorne versions of FORTRAN cannot accept the ! com-
mento The program is very simple to demonstrate the basic features of the
procedure. The valve must fulIy close.
Example 9.2. Use the program listed in Fig. 9.3 to solve the transient
caused by valve closure in the simple pipeline shown in Fig. 9.2a for
(a) instant closure and no friction (f = O); (b) instant closure with
friction (f = 0.03); and (c) closure in te = 2L1a s with friction. Use a
horizontal pipe with the datum through the pipe centerline XL = 2000
ft, N = 4, D = 1 ft, f= O, HR = 50, HR
= O, a = 1500 fps, g = 32.2
fpS2, te = O, t
= 5 S. The 11 C
values would be selected from data
such as Fig. 4.3 for the proper valve and for the desired range of valve
openings. Have it initially open 50%, so C
= 0.24 (initial value). The
other 10 values are read at equaHy spaced value openings between
50% and O.
The values of C
selected, together with all input data, are stored in data
file tran.dat and are printed out at the top of Tables 9.1-9.3. TabIe 9.1lists
the input data and results of running the program in Fig. 9.3 for instant
valve closure for a frictionless pipe (Case a). The first two lines of Q and H
of output data at t = O are for steady state. Once the valve is closed at
t = 0.333 s, the head at no de NS increases by aY) g = 653 ft. This pressure
wave travels to the reservoir, as shown by the diagonalline. Once it hits the
reservoir, the wave is reftected back to the valve along the second diagonal
lineo It is helpful to correlate this output with the description of the wave
reftections shown in Figs. 8.2 and 8.3 and with Example 9.1. Once the
reftected wave arrives back at the valve (t = 3 s) the head drops to 50 - 653
ft = -603.52 ft. Since vapor pressure is the lowest possible pressure, the
program is invalid for t > 3 S.
When running a program for the first time, sorne of the foHowing items
may help in debugging. First, run the program for steady state by setting te
very large or having aH C
values the same. The output should show no
change with time. Next, run a frictionless case for instant closure, as in
TabIe 9.1. Check that the head rise is atlV/g and that the wave travels as it
should through the pipe.
I 01MENSION CO( 11) ,Z( S) ,HP(S) ,H(5) ,QP(S) ,Q(S)
3 REAO(S, ' ,ENO = 83 )CO,Z,XL,N,O, f ,RHI ,RH2 ,a, g, TC, TMAX
4 NS = N + I ! number of nodes
5 HRI=RHI+Z(I) !piezometrichead
6 HR2=RH2+Z(NS) !piezometric head
7 t=O !initialize time
8 OL=XL/N !1ength of pipe reach
9 Ot = OL/ a ! time step
10 AR=0.78S4'O"2 !pipe area
11 B=a/g/AR !transient coef.
12 CC=CO(J) !initia1 !ow coef
13 ZK=(I/CC"2)-1 !va1ve 10ss coef.
14 CI =f'XL/(2'g'O'AR"2) !friction coef.
IS C2=ZK/(AR"2'2'g) !va1ve 1055 coef.
16 R=CI/N !friction coefficient
17 Q1=SQRTHRI-HR2)/(Cl+C2 !initial dow
17a 0073I=I,NS
18 H( i) = HRI-(f' (I -1) 'OL/O) 'QI" 2/ (2' g' AR" 2)
1973 Q(i)=QI
20 62 WR1TE(9,65)t, (Q(I) ,1 = 1,5), (R(I) ,1= 1,5)
21 WRITE(6,6S)t,(Q(I),1= I,S),(H(I),I= 1,5)
226S FORMAT(T2, 't=' ,F6.2,2X, 'Q=' ,SFIO.2/Tl2, 'H=' ,SFIO.2)
23 t=t+Ot
24 1F(t.GT.TMAX)GOT083
25 00 10 1 = 2, n ! interior piont5
26 CP =H( 1 -1) + B'Q( I-1 )-R 'Q(I -1)' ABS(Q(I -1
27 CM=H( 1+ I )-B'Q(I + 1) + R'Q( 1+ 1)' ABS(Q( 1+ 1
28 HP(I) = .S'(CP+CM)
29 lO QP(I) = (CP-HP(i/B
30 HP(I)=HRI !upstream reservoir
31 CM=H(2)-B'Q(2) +R'Q(2)'ABS(Q(2
32 QP( 1) = (RP( I )-CM) /B
33 CP=R(N)+B'Q(N)-R'Q(N)'ABS(Q(N !valve at end of pipe
35 OTV=TC/IO. !interpolate to get CC
36 1 = 1F1X( t/OTV) + 1
37 TH = (t-{I-l) 'OTV) /DTV
38 CC = CO( 1) + TH' (CD(I + J)-CD( 1))
39 C3= 1/CC"2)-I)/(2'g'AR"2)
40 CC3 = B!C3
41 CC4=(HR2-CP)!C3
42 QP(NS) = S' (-CC3+ SQRT( CC3" 2-4. 'CC4
43 RP(NS) =CP-B'QP(NS)
46 HP(NS) =CP
47 ENO 1F
48 DO II 1 = I,NS ! reinitialize values
49 Q(1)=QP(I)
5011 H(1) =HP(I)
51 GOT062
52 83 STOP
53 END
Fig. 9.3 Waterhammer programo
TABLE 9.1 Data for Example 9.2, Case a
Input Data
* PIPE LENGTH = 2,000 ft
* PIPE DIA. = 1.00 ft
* VALVE DIA. = 1.00 ft
* WAVE SPEED = 3000 ft
* PROG. RUN TIME = 3.0 s
USo RES. HEAD = 50 ft
DS. RES. HEAD = O ft
Node #= 1
t= O Q= 11.0
=0.24 H=
t = 0.33 Q= 11.0
3 4 5
11.0 11.0 11.0
50.0 50.0 50.0
11.0 11.0 0.0
50.0 703.5 Cd=O 50.0 50.0 50.0
11.0 0.0/ 0.0
t= 0.67 Q= 11.0 11.0
Cd=O H= 50.0 50.0
50.0/703.5 703.5
t = 1.00 Q= 11.0 11.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Cd=O H= 50.0
50.0/703.5 703.5 703.5
t = 1.33 Q= 11.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
=0 H= 50.0
/703.5 703.5
703.5 703.5
t = 1.67 Q= -11.0./ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
=0 H= 50.0 "'-. 703.5 703.5 703.5 703.5
t = 2.00 Q=
-11.0 -....,.-11.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
=0 H= 50.0
5 0 0 ~ 703.5
703.5 703.5
t = 2.33 Q= -11.0 -11.0 -11.0 0.0 0.0
=0 H= 50.0 50.0
5 0 0 ~ 703.5
t = 2.67 Q= -11.0 -11.0 -11.0 -11.0 0.0
=0 H= 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 703.5
-11.0 0.0 t = 3.00 Q= -11.0 -11.0 -11.0
=0 H= 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 -603.5
Table 9.2 lists data for instant valve c10sure in the same pipe with friction
(Case b). The difference in these data, compared with those in table 9.1, is
that the head at the valve continues to rise after the valve is c1osed. This is
caused by line packing, discussed in Section 8.5. Attenuation can also be
observed. At t = 1.333 s, the wave is at node 2 and the head rise is
328 - 40 = 287 ft, which is less than the initial head rise of 313 ft at node 5 at
TABLE 9.2 Data for Example 9.2, Case b
Input Data
PIPE LENGTH = 2,000 ft
PIPE DIA. = 1.00 ft
VALVE DIA. = 1.00 ft
WAVE SPEED = 1500 fps
* PROG. RUN TIME = 3.0 s
* USo RES. HEAD = 50 ft
* DS. RES. HEAD = O ft
Node #= 2 3 4 5
t= O Q= 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1
=0.24 H=
50.0 40.2 30.4 20.5 10.7
t = 0.33 Q= 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 0.0
Cd=O H= 50.0 40.2 30.4 20.5 313.2
t = 0.67 Q= 5.1 5.1 5.1 0.1 0.0
=0 H=
50.0 40.2 30.4 318.1 313.2
t = 1.00 Q= 5.1 5.1 0.2 0.1 0.0
=0 H=
50.0 40.2 323.0 318.1 323.0
t = 1.33 Q= 5.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0
Cd=O H=
50.0 328.0 323.0 327.9 323.0
t = 1.67 Q= -4.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0
=0 H=
50.0 328.0 332.8 327.9 332.8
t= 2.00 Q= -4.4 -4.5 0.2 0.1 0.0
50.0 58.6 332.8 337.7 332.8
t= 2.33 Q= -4.5 -4.5 -4.5 0.1 0.0
50.0 58.6 67.3 337.7 342.6
t= 2.67 Q= -4.5 -4.5 -4.5 -4.5 0.0
Cd=O H=
50.0 58.7 67.3 76.0 342.6
t = 3.00 Q= -4.5 -4.5 -4.5 -4.5 0.0
=0 H=
50.0 58.7 67.3 76.0 -183.1
t = 0.333. Also notice that there is still sorne flow at node 2 (0.2 cfs). The
maximum head (343 ft), which occurs at t = 2.33 s, is less than aV)g +
HR 1 = 353 ft because of attenuation caused by friction losses. Note in Table
9.2 that the head at the valve stays constant for two time steps. This is
because of the first-order friction assumption where the friction loss is based
on the flow at the adjacent node at the previous time step. For example, for
Data ror Exampte 9.2, Case C
Input Data
PIPE LENGTH =. 2,000 fl
PIPE OlA. =. 1.00 ft
VALVE OlA. = 1.00 ft
FruCfION FACfOR = 0.3
WAVE SPEEO = 1500 fps
PROG. RUN TIME = 5.00 s
USo RES. HEAO = 50 ft
OS. RES. HEAO =. O ft
Node#- = 2 3 4 5
Q,= 5. 1 5.1 5. 1 5.1 5.1
C, = 0.240 H,= 50.0 40.2 JO.4 20.5 10.7
(= 0.33 Q,= 5.1 5.1 5.1 5. 1 5.0
C,=O.l90 H, =. SD.O 40.2 30.4 20.5 16.8
( = 0.67 Q= 5. 1 5. 1 5. 1 5.0 4. S
= 0.145 H, = 50.0 40.2 JO.4 26.4 27.2
t = 1.00 Q = 5.1 5. 1 5.0 4.S 4.6
C, = 0.115 H, = 50.0 40.2 36.0 36.5 40.0
t =. 1.33 Q= 5.1 5.0 4.S 4.6 4. 2
C, =0.085 H, = 50.0 45.7 45.9 48.9 62.4
t = 1.67 Q,= 4.9 4.S 4.6 4.3 3.S
C" = 0.065
H ~
, 50.0 55.2 57.8 70.7 87.5
1=2.00 Q, = 4.6 4.6 4.3 3.9 2.7
C" = 0.035
H ~
, 50.0 61.7 79.0 95.2 154.3
1 =2.33 Q ~ 4.2 4.1 3.S 2.S 1.2
C" = 0.013
H ~
, 50.0 73.3 97.9 160.6 246.0
t =. 2.67 Q = 3.6 3.5 2.6 1.2 0.0
C,,= O H,= SD.O 85.6 153. 2 246.3 323.8
t::: 3.00 Q,= 2.S 2.2 1.0 -0. 1 0.0
= 0
H ~
, 50.0 128.8 231.9 315.1 318.7
t = 3.33 Q, = O. S 0.4 - 0.6 - 0.2 0.0
C" = 0
H ~
, 50.0 195.0 289.S 304.2 306.5
t = 3.67 Q,= - 2.1 - 1.9 - 0.9 -0.4 0.0
C,,=O H= 50.0 210.8 267.2 281.3 289.7
t = 4.00 Q,= - 4.6 - 3.3 - 1.7 - 0.6 0.0
C,,= O H,= 50.0 122.9 202.9 252.9 256.1
t = 4.33 Q,= 4.5 - 4.4 -3.0 -1.3 0.0
C,,= O H,= 50.0 45.5 110. 5 178.3 216.2
t =. 4.67 Q = -4.2 - 4.2 -3.9 - 2.4
C" = 0
= 50.0 39.6 24.2 75.6 101.2
t = 5.00 Q= -3.9 - 3.7 - 3.5 -2.5 0.0
C, = 0 H, = 50.0 29. 1 6.9 - 50.1 - 62.9
node 5 (valve) at t = 0.333, friction is based on Q4 = 5.10 at t = O. At the
same node at t = 0.667, friction is based on Q4 = 5.10 at t = 0.333. Since the
flow did not change, no change occurs in the friction, so H
stays constant
for two time steps. At t = 1.00, Q4 = 0, so friction goes to zero and HP
increases. The process repeats each two time steps. This is Iess of a probIem
for sIow vaIve closure and for a larger number of pipe sections.
Table 9.3 shows results for the same system but for a closure in 2Lla
(Case c). Each time the valve is elosed an increment, a pressure wave is
generated and transmitted toward the reservoir. Compare this with Fig. 8.4.
The maximum head is less than in Table 9.2. This is due to attenuation and
the first-order friction approximation. Also, note how the negative waves
reflected from the reservo ir reduce the head at the valve after 2Lla.
Example 9.2 demonstrated how the computer program properly simulates
the movement of the pressure waves through the pipe and how it properly
produces attenuation and line packing. The next several examples demon-
strate how the program can be used to determine the safe elosing time for a
valve (Example 9.3) and to help select the size (Example 9.3) and type
(Example 9.4) of valve best suited for transient control, and the influence of
the wave speed (Example 9.6) transients caused by opening a valve (Exam-
pIe 9.7).
Example 9.3. Re-work Example 8.2 (Case b) to determine the safe
elosiog time tor the valve to Iimit the maximum pressure head to 288 tt
(125 psi) in the pipe.
The system data for the example (see Example 4.1 and 8.2) are
D = 0.833 ft, fU D = 250, XL = 17,000 ft, so f= 0.0123, RH = 200,
= O and a = 1,500 fps. Keep N = 4. Assume the pipe is horizontal
with the datum through the pipe centerline so z = O (at all nodes). Use
a butterfly valve going from full open to full elosed with C
selected from Fig. 4.3.
Run the program for a range of te values and list Hm at the valve
versus te' To reduce the amount of output and provide the Hm
values, a few modifications to the program would be helpful (but not
necessary). Make the output of Q and H optionaI by use of a printing
index, keep track of the maximum head Hm at the valve with a
simple if statement, and print out H
The results for this example are shown below. The te required to keep
at 288 ft (125 psi) is about 190 s.
= 0.80, 0.64, 0.53, 0.47, 0.39, 0.30, 0.21,
0.14, 0.07, 0.02, O.
The data also demonstrate the effect of pipe length on the instant
closure time as discussed in Section 9.4. For this problem, 2L1a = 22.7
s. For te = O, H
= 480 ft. At te = 45.4 s, H
= 423 ft. Thus the
maximum head is only reduced 12% by increasing te from O to 45 s.
The head rise for te = 2L/a is less than for te = O due to attenuation.
Example 9.4. Evaluate the infiuence on the transient head rise of using
a valve that is smaller than the pipe di ame ter . In Chapter 4 and
Example 4.1, it was pointed out that for long pipelines it may be
advisable to use a smaller valve to improve control and reduce the
required valve closing time.
To use the basic waterhammer program for this example requires
entering the valve diameter to calculate the valve area and using it for
the calculations of the initial conditions and for the valve boundary.
Use the pipeline in Ex 9.3 and try 10-, 6-, and 4-in. butterfiy valves.
The results for H max are
Valve Q/ t
=45.3s te = 90.6 s te = 181 S te = 282 S
Diameter (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)
10 3.90 420 395 320 263
6 3.87 405 318 259 240
4 3.74 370 276 230 223
Because the friction loss is large compared with the full open valve
loss, reducing the valve diameter to 4 in. only reduces the initial ftow
4%. However, the maximum transient head rise is significantly re-
duced. This is because the effective closure time for the small valve is
longer than for the large valve for the same total closure time. The
lO-in. valve does not reduce the ftow by 10% until it has closed about
70%. The 4-in. valve reduces the flow 10% after it has closed only
Improved control and a reduced transient head rise can al so be achieved
by proper valve se1ection. For a long pipeline where the velocities are low,
Example 9.4 demonstrates how increasing the full open vaIve loss really has
little influence on the initial flow rateo The effect of valve type is demon-
strated in the next example.
Example 9.5. Evaluate the influence of valve type on transients by
solving Example 4.1 for both Case A and Case B using a Howell-
Bunger, cone, and globe valve (all 8 in.). Use the program listed in
Fig. 9.3.
Use the following C
values at each 10% for the three valves:
Valve Type C
Howell-Bunger 0.86, 0.83, 0.80, 0.76, 0.68, 0.59, 0.49,
0.38, 0.26, 0.13, O
Cone 0.97, 0.88, 0.63, 0.45, 0.33, 0.24, 0.17,
0.105, 0.055, 0.03, O
Globe 0.41, 0.39, 0.35, 0.31, 0.26, 0.20, 0.14,
0.090, 0.040, 0.01, O
The C
values were taken from Figs. 4.3 and 4.4.
System data: z = O (aH nodes), N = 4, f= 0.0123, D = 0.833 ft, HR
O, a = 1,500 fps
XL(ft) HR(ft)
Case A 200 30 2
Case B 17,000 200 100
Case A Case B
Valve type QI
(cfs) (ft) (cfs) (ft)
Howell-Bunger 13.2 704 3.90 429
Cone 13.8 209 3.90 367
Globe 8.5 177 3.87 370
For the short pipe (Case A), the type of valve used significan tI y
influences the initial flow QI. For the long pipe, the valve type makes
little difference.
The most dramatic effect of valve type on the transient head H
for Case A between the Howell-Bunger and cone valves. Since the
Howell-Bunger valve has larger values of C
at small angles, a much
larger change of ftow occurs during the last part of the valve move-
ment, and this causes a larger head rise.
Example 9.6. Evaluate the inftuence of wave speed on the transient
head rise. Use the pipe in Example 9.3 to find H
for a = 1500 and
3000 fps. The results for a = 1500 fps from Example 9.3 are listed
below with the new data for a = 3000 fps.
(1500 fps) H
(3000 fps)
O 480 815
11.3 474 772
22.7 449 740
45.3 420 690
90.7 395 470
181 320 309
282 263 264
725 220 218
= 0.80, 0.64, 0.53, 0.47, 0.39, 0.30, 0.21, 0.14, 0.05, 0.02, O
At te = O, the head is not quite doubled by doubling the wave speed.
Again, this is due to friction. AIso note that the inftuence of wave
speed disappears as te increases. This is beca use the slower reftections
from the reservoir for the smaller wave speed offset the smaller
incremental transient head rise.
Example 9.7. Calculate the transient generated by instantly opening a
valve in the system shown in Fig. 9.4. Use the program listed in Fig.
9.3 with the necessary modifications.
The first program modification is to calculate the initial conditions so
Q = O, H = HR at all nodes. The second modification is to enter C
from closed to open for t > te' For t> te' set CC = C d!I which will be
the final valve opening. AIso change the calculation of HP NS and QP NS
from that in lines 45-46 of Fig. 9.3. Note that a C
value of 1.0 causes
C3 (line 39 in Fig. 9.3) to become zero. To avoid this do not allow C
to equal 1.0.
The input data are printed at the top of Table 9.4. The results are
listed in Table 9.4 and in Fig. 9.4. At t = O, the data in Table 9.4 shows
that Q = O and H = HR = 210 ft at all five nodes. At t = 1.667 s, the
valve is full open and the head at the valve drops to HR
~ ~
Valve H-
Fig. 9.4 Transient for valve opening.
= 0.9 at full open there is negligible valve loss). The ftow jumps to
1.69 cfs. This can be checked by solving Eq. 8.2 in the form I1H =
-aI1Q/gA = - BI1Q or I1Q = -I1H/B. B = 118.6 and I1H = -200, so
I1Q = 200/118.6 = 1.69 cfs.
The negative pressure wave travels toward the upstream reservoir, as
shown by the first diagonalline in Table 9.4. Note how the Q at each
upstream node is less and the head is higher than at the valve. This is
caused by attenuation due to friction.
TABLE 9.4 Valve Opening Transient
Input Data
* PIPE LENGTH = 20,000 ft
* PIPE DIA. = 1.00 ft
* VALVE DIA. = 1.00 ft
* WAVE SPEED = 3000 fps
USo RES. HEAD = 210 ft
DS. RES. HEAD = 10 ft
1 = 1.67
1= 3.33
1 = 10.00
t = 11.67
1 = 13.33
1 = 15.00
1 = 16.67
1 = 18.33
1 =20.00
1 = 21.67
1 = 23.33
1 = 25.00
1 = 26.67
1 = 28.33
1= 30.00
Node #=
2 3 4 5
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
210.0 210.0 210.0 210.0 210.0
~ O ~ O ~ O ~ O ~
210.0 210.0 210.0 210.0 /10.1
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 .,// 1.7
210.0 210.0 210.0 /13.6 10.1
0.0 0.0 1.6/ 1.7 1.6
210.0 210.0 17.1 13.6 10.1
0.0 1.6/ 1.6 1.6 1.6
210.0 20.4 17.1 13.6 10.1
3.1/ 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6
210.0 ~ 20.4 16.9 13.6 10.2
3.1 ~ 3.0 1.6 1.5 1.6
210.0 197.2 16.9 13.5 10.2
3.0 3.0 ~ 2.9 1.5 1.5
210.00 197.2 185.2 ~ 13.5 10.1
3.0 2.9 2.9 ~ 2.9 1.5
210.0 197.9 185.2 173.8 ~ 10.1
2.8 2.9 2.8 2.9 ~ 4.1
210.0 197.9 186.5 173.8 10.1
Figure 9.4a shows the hydraulic grade line at t = 6.667 s. The data are
al so listed in Table 9.4 for t - 6.667 s. To the right of the wave front
there is flow, so the HGL slopes in the direction of flow. This makes
<.H and by Eq. 8.1, Q2 < Q. This is se en in Table 9.4.
When the wave hits the reservoir, the flow increases by a double
increment, one increment by the negative wave and the other by the
subsequent positive wave reflected from the reservoir. Table 9.4 shows
that Q = 3.14 cfs at t = 8.33 s.
The positive wave moves down the pipe along the second diagonalline
in Table 9.4. Figure 9.4b shows the HGL at t -10.0 s. Since .H
, the f10w increases by a Iittle less than double Q 2' so Q 3 =
Qz +.H
The wave continues to the downstream reservoir and is reflected.
Figure 9.4c shows the HGL at t - 20 s. The HGL is steeper since the
flow has increased, .H
< .H
and Q4> Q3' The process continues
until the wave dampens out by friction and Q reaches steady state.
Note that the maximum transient does not exceed the initial reservoir
head, so the transient caused by opening a valve too quickly does not
cause any problem for a horizontal pipeline. Friction rapidly dampens
the transient and the f10w accelerates gradualIy. This problem is also
solved with surge analysis in Section 9.9.
Figure 9.4d shows a pipe with a high point where the pressure during a
valve opening transient can cause negative pressure in the pipe. This could
result in pipe collapse, drawing in of contaminated groundwater (if there are
leaks), opening of air-vacuum valves, or column separation, alI of which are
undesirable and should be avoided. Therefore, the opening time of valves
can be important.
Orifice at End oC Pipe
This boundary condition is similar to the valve at the end of a pipe. It
produces the same quadratic (Eq. 9.33). The only difference is that K is a
Dead End Downstream
This is an important boundary condition for a branching pipe system where
one line may be cIosed off. At the cIosed end, QP NS = O. The head is found
from the proper compatibility equation (9.26 or 9.27).
Outlet Valve at Interior Point
Consider an outlet valve located at an interior node NV discharging into a
small downstream reservoir, as shown in Fig. 9.5. In analyzing this boundary
condition, it is assumed that 1) the distance from the main pipe to the
discharge tank is negligible, 2) there is no pressure drop at the connection so
there is a common head in all pipes, 3) the piezometric head HR
in the
discharge tank is constant, and 4) the exit loss into the tan k is not inc1uded.
The unknowns are QP
' QPD, QPV, and HP
' Therefore, four
equations will be required. These will be the C+ and C- compatibility
equations, the continuity equation, and the equation for head drop across
the valve.
Continuity QP
Valve: HP NV = HR
+ C3 QPV
C3 =
Solve Eqs. 9.34 and 9.35 for QP and QPD then substitute them into Eq.
9.36 and rearrange:
Next substitute this into Eq. 9.37. After simplifying,
in which
+ C4HP
+ C5 =0
Fig. 9.5 Outlet valve at interior point.
C4 = - CP - CM - B
C5 = O.25(CP + CM)2 + B
= O.5(-C4 V C4
- 4C5) (9.38)
In determining the sign of the square root for positive flow, consider
frictionless steady state conditions where H_t = H+t. Remember that the
analysis must be valid for steady as well as unsteady flow. For this case,
-CP - CM = -2H (see Eqs. 9.28 and 9.29). B
/4C3 is always positive, so
C4 must be negative. This makes - C4 a positive quantity and larger than
' The only way to have the right side of Eq. 9.38 satisfy the required
conditions for steady state and equal HP NV is to use the negative signo The
solution is completed by solving Eqs. 9.34-9.36 for the other three un-
knowns. For reverse flow from the tank, use - C3 and the positive sign in
Eq 9.38.
When incorporating this into a program, the procedure for handling the
K values of the valve as it opens or cIoses is the same as used in the
program in Fig. 9.3.
Minor loss
Most minor (or local) losses can be ignored unless they cause a significant
head loss. The pressure wave passes through elbows, large orifices, full open
valves, etc., with liUle attenuation or reflection. Pipe entrances and exits
generally have negligible losses. For cases where the loss may be significant,
the foIlowing solution for a minor 10ss in a pipe of constant diameter may be
With a fixed los s at an interior node NL as shown in Fig. 9.6, there are
three unknowns: QPNL> HP
(upstream pressure), and HPD (head down-
stream). Three equations are needed:
... ..... " HPD
,/ c+ c ........
..... ""<2P(NL) , ......
Fig. 9.6 Minor loss at interior node.
C+: HP
= CP - B QP
C-: HPD = CM + B QP
- HPD = C3
C3 =
Substituting Eqs. 9.39 and 9.40 into 9.41 and solving gives
= 0.5(-C4 V C4
- 4C5)
in which C4 = 2B/C3 and C5 = (CM - CP)/C3. Use the positive sign for
forward flow and the negative sign for reverse flow. The two heads are
found from eqs 9.39 and 9.40.
In-line Valve
The solution for a valve installed at an interior point is solved with the
equations developed for a minor loss. The only difference is that K changes
as the valve closes. The procedure outlined in the basic program contained
in Fig. 9.3 can be used to obtain the K values.
Centrifugal Pump
The steady-state head-discharge characteristics of centrifugal pumps is
shown in Fig. 3.3. When, operating near their design point, the curve can be
expressed with Eq. 3.3. Figure 9.7 shows the steady-state pump boundary
condition. The problem is simplified by ignoring the velocity head. This
makes the total pump head H
equal to the pressure increase at the pump or
= HGL - HR
, and H
= Ho - C1 QP - C2 QP2. Putting Eq. 3.3 in
terms of the piezometric head HP
and QP
= Ho - C1 QP- C2 QP2 + HRl (9.43)
Fig. 9.7 Pump at upstream node.
If the pump is at the upstream boundary, HP and QP are found by solving
Eq. 9.43 with the C- compatibility equation (Eq. 9.27). The solution is
QP = O.5( - C4 + V C4
- 4C5) (9.44)
in which C4=(Cl+B)/C2 and C5=(CM-H
-HR)/C2. The head is
found using Eq. 9.43. Since C4 is positive, the positive sign is used to get
positive flow. These equations are only good for normal pump operation,
not for pump failures. See Reference 87 for further information regarding
pump failures.
As discussed in Section 9.1, there are unsteady ftows where the analysis can
be done assuming rigid column motion. Examples are starting a pump,
opening a valve, an oscillating U-tube, and oscillation of a surge tank. The
solution involves applying the equation of motion F = m dV/dt to the mass
of water. For frictionless systems, an anal y tic al solution is possible. With
friction, a numerical solution is needed.
Example 9.8. Apply surge analysis to the system shown in Fig. 9.4a to
caIculate the time required to establish steady-state flow. The forces
acting on the water io the pipe are pressure, gravity, aod frictioo. If
the piezometric head is used in the followiog derivation the solution is
valid for either a horizontal or inclined pipe. The valve is assumed to
have no loss fully open.
The equation of motion, applied to Fig. 9.4a, is
HR - HR )A _ yAfLQIQI = yL dQ
Y 2 2gDA
g dt
Using a first-order friction assumption (Q = Q1), dividing by yA, and
putting the equation in finite difference form gives
HR - HR - fLQllQll = (Q2- Ql)
2 2gDA
Cl = HR - HR _ fLQllQll
2 2gDA2
and C2 = L/(gAllt), so Cl = C2(Q2 - Ql) or Q2 = Ql + Cl/C2
An important limitation in solving Eq. 9.46 is to use a small enough
time step that the change in Q is small so that the first-order friction
assumption is valido Table 9.5 lists the output of a simple spreadsheet
application for the problem in Example 9.7. Compare this output with
that of the transient program in Table 9.4. The major difference is in
the first 20 s, where the transient program accurately shows that there
is a significant variation in the discharge along the pipe. After two
cycles of the wave (t > 4L/a), the friction has almost dampened out
the transient, and both programs provide similar results.
Applying the energy equation to the system gives a steady-state ftow of
4.46 cfs. At 52 s, the ftow is exactly this value. This same type of
analysis can be used for oscillations in a surge tank.
TABLE 9.5 Spreadsheet Application for Example 9.7
Input Data Assumed Data ealculated Data
f= 0.02 Q1 DT T el e2 Q2
D=l o 0.2 o 200.0 3105.6 0.06
L=20,OOO 0.0644 0.4 0.4 200.0 1552.8 0.19
g= 32.2 0.1932 0.6 1 199.6 1035.2 0.39
HR1 =210 0.386 1 2 198.5 621.1 0.71
HR2= 10 0.7056 1 3 195.0 621.1 1.02
A = 0.7854 1.0195 1 4 189.5 621.1 1.32
1.3247 1 5 182.3 621.1 1.62
1.6182 1 6 173.6 621.1 1.90
1.8978 1 7 163.7 621.1 2.16
2.1614 1 8 153.0 621.1 2.41
2.4077 1 9 141.6 621.1 2.64
2.6357 1 10 130.1 621.1 2.85
2.8451 1 11 118.5 621.1 3.04
3.0358 1 12 107.2 621.1 3.21
3.2084 1 13 96.3 621.1 3.36
3.3636 1 14 86.1 621.1 3.50
3.5021 2 16 76.5 310.6 3.75
3.7485 2 18 58.5 310.6 3.94
3.9369 2 20 43.9 310.6 4.08
4.0784 2 22 32.5 310.6 4.18
4.1831 2 24 23.8 310.6 4.26
4.2598 2 26 17.3 310.6 4.32
4.3154 2 28 12.5 310.6 4.36
4.3556 3 31 9.0 207.0 4.40
4.399 3 34 5.2 207.0 4.42
4.4239 3 37 2.9 207.0 4.44
4.4381 4 41 1.7 155.3 4.45
4.4488 5 46 0.7 124.2 4.45
4.4546 6 52 0.2 103.5 4.46
Pressure-Relief Valves
There are situations where transients can be effectively controlled with
pressure-relief valves (PRVs). One example is the rapid closure of turbine
wicket gates caused by load rejection. The pressure rise in the penstock can
be controlled by simultaneously opening a PRV as the wicket gates close.
A PRV can also be placed at the discharge si de of pumps to control
transients caused by pump failure. A common application is as a "surge-
anticipator valve," where the PRV is set to open in the event of a power
failure during pumping. Power failure to a pump causes the discharge head
to drop rapidly, the flow to stop and reverse, closing a check valve at the
pump, and potentially a high pressure rise. Opening of the surge-anticipator
valve control s the pressure in the pipe.
Another application of the PRV is to protect the pipeline from over-
pressurization caused by starting a pump. It is placed in the pump discharge
line between the pump and discharge control valve and functions as a bypass
valve during pump start-up. When a pump is started and the pipeline is
empty or only partIy full, it is often necessary to operate the pump with the
discharge valve part closed to fill the line slowly. To prevent a pump from
operating near shutoff head for extended periods of time, the PRV can be
set to open at a desired pressure and bypass flow back to the sump or into
the suction side of the pump.
If the PRV is placed at an interior point, the boundary condition is similar
to that of the outIet valve at an interior point. The functional difference is
the manner in which the valve is opened. Relief valves usually only activate
if the line pressure exceeds sorne set pressure.
There are two other factors affecting the solution of the PRV boundary
condition. First is choking cavitation. PRVs normally opera te with high
upstream pressures and discharge through a short pipe into the atmosphere.
This makes them susceptible to choking. Sin ce choking increases the valve
loss coefficient K, the input data for the valve must be corrected (see
Chapter 6 for details).
With high velocity flow through the PRV, minor losses in the PRV line
can be significant. These can be included easily by merely adding them to
the K values of the valve. With choking and minor losses properly handled,
the boundary condition can be solved with Eqs. 9.38 and 9.34-9.36 if the
PRV is at an interior point.
There are still sorne practical problems associated with the PRV boundary
condition. The val ve should not be oversized. For the PRV to operate
satisfactorily, it should open quickly to relieve the pressure and close slowly
so as not to generate its own transient. Obtaining complete information
from valve suppliers on the dynamic behavior of their valves is difficult.
If a system is subjected to high positive transients, it is likely that it will
also be subjected to low pressures, possible even vapor pressure. If the
pressure in the pipe at a discharging PRV suddenly becomes subatmos-
pheric, the valve may draw air into the pipe before it can close. From that
time on, the program will no longer accurately simulate the boundary
condition without modifications.
Simple Surge Tanks
A simple surge tank (Fig. 9.8) is a vertical tank connected to the pipeline so
as to minimize entrance losses. It has an open water surface, so it normally
extends aboye the maximum hydraulic grade lineo Its diameter is consider-
ably larger than that of the pipe to avoid spilling. If spilling can be tolerated,
the surge tank diameter can be close to the pipe diameter. Smaller diameter
tanks may result in higher pressures in the pipe and therefore provide less
protection. Small surge tanks will be referred to as standpipes and are
discussed separately.
Simple surge tanks prevent transients generated in one section of pipe
from being transmitted into another section. A typical installation would be
to place the surge tank between the power tunnel and penstock of a power
plant. It keeps most of the transient generated in the penstock from entering
the power tunnel. During start-up of the turbine, the surge tan k al so
supplies water while the water in the power tunnel is accelerating.
Figure 9.8 shows a simple surge tank located at an interior no de NT. The
derivation of the boundary condition is based on the following assumptions:
1) there is no loss at the inlet to the tank, 2) in a computing time interval,
there is only a small change in the water level in the tank, 3) the tank
diameter is large compared with that of the pipe, so that the pressure inside
is hydrostatic and inertia forces can be ignored.
There are five unknowns identified in Fig. 9.8: QP
and XLPT. The same quantities caJculated for steady state, or known from
Z(N'I) Datum
Fig. 9.8 Simple surge tank.
the previous time step, are QNT' QT, QD, H
, and XLT. The five
equations are the C+ and C- equations, continuity, hydrostatic pressure,
and change of level in the tank.
= CP - B QP
= CM + B QPD
Equation 9.51 is a first order approximation. As a result, solution of the
five equations is direct starting with XLPT. The second order approximation
of the change in tank level is
XLPT= XLT + A t ( Q ~ ~ ~ QT)
which requires a simultaneous solution. First, substitute Eq. 9.52, 9.47, and
9.49 into Eq. 9.50. Next, solve 9.47 and 9.48 for QPD and substitute into
the modified Eq. 9.50. The result is
in which
= (Cl + C3)/(2 + C2)
C1 =2At(CP - Z(NT) - XLT]/At - QT
C2 =2AtB/At
C3 = (CP - CM)/B
is found with Eq. 9.47, QPD from Eq. 9.48, QPT from Eq. 9.49,
and XLPT from Eq. 9.50 or 9.52.
The accuracy of the solution is improved by using a smaller At. The
accuracy can be checked by varying the number of sections N (to change At)
and compare results. The second order solution is recommended.
Throttled Surge Tank
To reduce the size of a surge tank, a restriction can be placed at the nlet.
The penalty for doing this is that the pressure is higher in the pipe and more
of the transient continues past the tank into the upstream pipe. The amount
of restriction is based on an economic and hydraulic analysis of how much
the transient must be reduced. As the size and therefore the cost of the
surge tank, are reduced, the pressure cIass (and cost) of the pipe may
Figure 9.9 identifies the five unknowns. The figure depicts flow into the
tank where the HGL is aboye the water level in the tank. It is assumed that
the pressure in the tank is hydrostatic so the inertia force s required to
accelerate the water in the tank are negligible. Using a first-order approxi-
mation for XLPT, the five equations are Eqs. 9.47-9.49 and 9.51 plus
in which C3 = KI(2gA
), K being the loss coefficient for the surge tank
entrance based on A = area of pipe (the tan k area could also be used if the
appropriate K is selected). The + C3 is used for flow into the tank and - C3
for flow out.
First solve Eq. 9.51 for XLPT. Then substitute Eqs. 9.47 and 9.48 into
Eq. 9.49 and solve for QPT. Substituting this into Eq. 9.54 gives
=O.5(-C4 V C4
- 4 C5) (9.55)
in which
For inward flow use, the negative sign in Eqs. 9.55 and 9.56 and the
positive sign in Eq. 9.57. For outward flow, use the opposite signs. One
must also be concerned if the loss coefficient K is different for inward and
outward flow.
- -
Fig. 9.9 Throttled surge tank.
Sorne reduction in cost may result by using a small diameter surge tank if
spillage can be aIlowed. In such a case, the tank acts much like a pressure-
relief valve. The tank diameter can be less than the pipe diameter and the
height reduced. It may be desirable to have it high enough to prevent
spillage during a normal shutdown.
For the smaIl-diameter tank, inertia forces may be required to accelerate
the fluid in the tank. This makes the pressure at the bottom of the tank
greater than hydrostatic pressure. The diameter of a standpipe will normally
be close to the pipe diameter. If there is no restriction at the tank entrance,
the loss will be small compared with the inertia force and may be ignored.
AIso, friction in the surge tank can be ignored. Based on these assumptions,
the equations required to solve a standpipe located at an interior node NT
are C+, C-, continuity at the junction (Eqs. 9.47-9.49), a second-order
estimate for the change of water level (Eq. 9.52), and the equation of
motion (I F = ma). Applied to Fig. 9.9, the equation of motion is
[HP(NT) - ZNT - XLPT]yAt = XLPTA,pilQ/(At ilt)
Divide by yAt and let ilQ = QPT - QT:
- ZNT - XLPT= XLPT(QPT- QT) /(g ilt At)
Solving Eq. 9.58 with Eqs. 9.47-9.49 and 9.52 gives
= O.5(-C7 V C7
- 4 C8)
in which
Cl =XLT+ ~ J C P ~ CM) + QT]
C2 = (BA,)
C4= (CP+ CM) _ QT
C5= Cl
C6= C2
- B( C4C6 + 2 ~ + C2 + 1)
C7 = (2 C6)
B(C4C5 + ZNT + Cl)
C8= (2C6)
QP(NT) is found from Eq. 9.47, QPD from Eq. 9.48, QPT from Eq. 9.49,
and XLPT from Eq. 9.52. One additional constraint is required for this
case: the tank height. Once the water level exceeds the tank height, spillage
will occur. The program should keep track of the amount of spillage.
If higher pressures can be tolerated in the penstock, it may be possible to
increase the entrance loss by having the connection to the penstock smaller
than the diameter of the standpipe. This requires adding the entrance loss to
the list of equations (Eq. 9.54). It also reduces the spillage.
The period of oscillation for the surge tank or penstock (ignoring friction)
is (87):
T= 21T"V LA,IgA (9.60)
in which L is the length of the water column (pipe and tank length), At the
area of the tank, and A the pipe area.
Air Chambers
One of the limitations of the surge tank is that it can only be used if the
head is relatively small. For high head systems, the closed surge tank, or air
chamber, can provide similar transient protection. The air chamber is a
closed vessel filled with water and compressed air. One drawback is that a
source of compressed air and various controls are required which make it
more subject to mechanical failure.
The following is a brief description of the operation of an air chamber
located near the discharge of a pump. When the pump is turned off and the
pressure drops in the pipe, the compressed air supplies water from the tank.
A check valve closes to prevent reverse flow through the pump. As the
water leaves the tank, the air expands, the pressure drops, and the rate of
flow decreases. Eventually, the water in the pipe comes to rest and reverses.
Water flows back into the tank, compressing the airo The system oscillates
and ultimately comes to resto The period of the oscillation and the as-
sociated head fluctuation depends on the size of both the air chamber and
the system. It is important that the tank be large enough that it never
empties and allows the air to flow into the pipe.
Figure 9.10 shows an air chamber with the variables identified. The
unknowns are: QP
, HP
, QPT, QPD, and VOL. The known flows and
head from the previous time step are QNT> QT, QD, and H
. It is assumed
that the drop of water level in the tank is small compared with the heads and
it is ignored; the entrance and exit losses are included.
The equations needed are Eqs. 9.47-9.49, and 9.55, conservation of mass
in the chamber
VOL = VOL - O.5(QPT + QT) tlt
(9.61 )
and the reversible polytropic relation
~ Q P N T ) ~
Fig. 9.10 Air chamber.
+ Hb - ZNT][VOL - 0.5 t1t(QPT + QTW = e (9.62)
in which Hb is the barometric pressure head, VOL the air volume, and n the
polytropic exponent. The exponent n varies from 1 for isothermal to 1.4 for
reversible adiabatic. Often, the average value of 1.2 is used. The constant e
is evaluated from initial conditions.
Equation 9.62 do es not account for heat transfer, but studies by Graze
(20) and Martin (36) have shown that it predicts the heads accurately
enough for engineering designo Fot a more exact approach, see Reference
Series Connection
The discussion thus far has been limited to a single pipe with constant
properties and dimensions. A change in pipe properties or wave speed, pipe
roughness or diameter, requires a boundary condition because B and R in
Eqs. 9.24 and 9.25 depend on them. The solution requires keeping track of
the different pipes and variables with proper subscripting. Figure 9.11 shows
a pipe junction. The head and discharge at the junction for calculations in
pipe J will be designated HPJ,NJ and QPJ,NJ' For pipe J + 1, the head and
discharge of the same point will be labeled HPJ+l,l and QPJ+l,l' The first
subscript refers to the pipe and second to the node. If the los s at the
connection is ignored,
HPJ,NJ = HPJ+l,1
and from continuity
QPJ,NJ = QP(J+l,l) (9.64)
Pipe J+l
Node (J+l,l)
Fig. 9.11 Nomenclature for series pipe connection.
The subscripting for constants that apply to each pipe only require one
subscript: that is, N}, B}, R}, A}, a}, etc. The subscript refers to the pipe
The C+ and C- compatibility equations for pipe nodes (J, NS) and
(J + 1, 1) are
HP},N} = CP - B}QP},NJ
HP(J+1,1) = CM + B(J+1)QP(J+1,1)
Solving eqs. 9.63-9.66 gives
QPJ,NS = B + B
J J-1
Pipe junctions containing more than two pipes are handled similarly to a
series connection. The continuity equation is used and the head in each pipe
at the node is the same (assuming no losses). There are more equations, but
the method of solving is the same.
A change of pipe material which causes a wave speed change is also
handled the same as a series connection. Since the solution must be carried
out at the same time in aH pipes, At must be the same, so
It will not usually be possible to satisfy Eq. 9.68 without sorne adjustment in
either the lengths or wave speeds. Since the wave speed cannot be de-
termined precisely, aHowing 10-15% adjustment in it is permissible. For
long valve closure times, the wave speed has Httle inftuence on the transient
head rise, as demonstrated in Example 9.6. It is therefore desirable to select
a set of N}s so that Eq. 9.68 is satisfied without varying any a by more than
about 15%. This is illustrated in Table 9.6, where the number of nodes for
three pipes is evaluated with a spreadsheet. The wave speeds and pipe
lengths are listed at the top of the tableo Conditions are set for the first pipe.
The first trial n
= 1 is used, which gives a At of 1.129 S. This must be the
TABLE 9.6 Spreadsheet for Series Pipe
Pipe #1 Pipe #2 Pipe #3
a=3HlO L =3500 a = 1600 L =4600 a =2600 L=8600
a, n, L, Dt n
n, L, a,
Given Assumed Given Eq.9.68 Assumed Given Eq.9.68 Conclusion Assumed Given Eq.9.68 Conclusion
3100 3500 1.129 1 4600 4074 nogood 2 8600 3809 nogood
3100 1 3500 1.129 2 4600 2037 nogood 3 8600 2539 ok
3100 1 3500 1.129 3 4600 1358 nogood 3 8600 2539 ok
3100 2 3500 0.565 5 4600 1630 ok 6 8600 2539 ok
3100 4 3500 0.282 10 4600 1630 ok 12 8600 2539 ok
3100 8 3500 0.141 20 4600 1630 ok 24 8600 2539 ok
same for all pipes. For pipes 2 and 3 the n values tried are 1 and 2. This
produces a values of 4074 and 3809, which are too large. Subsequent trial
values of n = 1, 2, and 3 and 1, 3, and 3 also produces a values that are not
acceptable. The fourth set of nI of 2, 5, and 6 produce values that are
acceptable. These values or any multiple of them will work.
Tee Connection
An important principie of transients in pipe systems is that at each pipe
junction the transient head is reduced as it is divided into multiple pipes. To
demonstrate this, consider a transient head rise of tl.H generated by closing
the outlet valve shown in Fig. 9.5. Assume that initially all of the flow is
going out the valve so that there is no flow in the pipe past the junction.
When the wave arrives at the junction (node NV), the head rise in the main
pipe will be half of the original transient. This is explained as follows.
Initially, the head tries to increase by the full value tl.H and stop the flow
in the upstream pipe. With a head rise, the water in the downstream pipe
will accelerate as predicted by tl.Q = tl.H/B. By continuity, the flow in both
sections of pipe must be the same so the tl.H in both pipes must be the same
and equal to 0.5 tl.H.
The tl.H is equally divided as long as the pipe on both sides of the
junction is identical. If the downstream pipe is smaller, the head rise will be
larger. The limit is when the downstream pipe diameter is zero and the head
rise is tl.H.
For complex pipe networks, a transient generated at one point does not
subject the entire pipe system to high pressures. It only causes high
pressures in adjacent pipes because of the division of the wave at junctions.
Hydraulics of Pipelines: Pumps, Valves, Cavitation, Transients. J . Paul Tullis
Copyright 1989 J ohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
If the pressure during a transient drops to vapor pressure, a new boundary
condition must be introduced. Consider the case of instant closure of a valve
located at the end of a pipe connected to a reservoir. Table 9.1lists data for
such a case (Example 9.2). The diagonallines in Table 9.1 show how, in the
first L/a second, the high pressure wave travels to the reservoir and stops
the flow. In the next L/a second, the wave is reflected back to the valve at
reservoir pressure and the flow reverses. When this wave hits the valve, the
pressure drops, first to reservoir pressure; then it tries to drop by another B
AQ = 653.5 ft to -603.5 ft.
Since water cannot sustain pressures below vapor pressure, the water will
rupture or vaporize. This is called column separation. The flow rate at the
valve will not be zero, as shown in Table 9.1, but will continue flowing into
the reservoir with only a small decrease. The change in the flow rate will be
AH/B where AH = H
- ZNS + Hb - Hva; H
is the piezometric head at
the valve just before the downsurge (in this case it is the reservoir head of 50
ft), Hb is the barometric pressure head, and H
is the absolute vapor
pressure head (Table 1.1).
From Example 9.2 and Table 9.1 and assuming Hb = 30 ft, Z = O, and
= 0.2 ft, B = algA = 1500/(32.2' 0.7854) = 59.3, AH = 50 - O + 30-
0.2 = 79.8 ft, and AQ = 79.8/59.3 = 1.34 cfs, so the flow away from the
valve after column separation occurs will be 9.67 cfs. This flow away from
the valve causes the vapor cavity to grow as predicted by conservation of
The water in the pipe moves toward the reservoir almost as a rigid body.
Friction and the pressure difference between the reservoir and the vapor
cavity eventualIy stop and reverse the motion. The time required to stop the
flow is much longer than L/a.
While the cavity exists, the pressure waves traveling through the pipe
rapidly attenuate and the motion becomes rigid-body motion. During the
time that the cavity is open, the behavior of the water column can be
simulated with surge calculations (see Section 9.9) if desired.
Once the fiow reverses, the size of the vapor cavity reduces and the vapor
cavity eventualIy disappears. At the instant the cavity volume goes to zero, a
head rise of a V/ g = RQ occurs, where Vis the liquid velocity just before the
cavity disappears. For the next 2Lla, this high pressure wave travels to the
reservoir and back. Depending on its magnitude, it may cause column
separation several more times. While the cavity exists, the piezometric head
at the valve is vapor pressure.
With the cavity located at the valve, the flow is found from the C+ equation
from node N:
The size of the vapor cavity (VOL) changes in accordance with conservation
of mass. The volume change during a time step can be approximated by the
average fiow at the no de times dt. The volume at the end of each time step
when VOL
becomes zero, the boundary condition returns to the normal
condition at a closed valve QP NS = O and HP NS = CP.
Figure 10.1 demonstrates the sequen ce of events for column separation
caused by instant valve closure. The figure also shows computed results that
will be discussed in a subsequent section. The 2L/a time for this experimen-
tal pipeline was about 0.05 s. Figure 10.1 shows that for valve closure at
t = O, the head at the valve jumps to about 180 m. It increases slightly due to
line packing for 2L/a s. It then drops to vapor pressure and stays there until
about 0.35 s. Upon collapse of the cavity, another pressure wave is
generated at the valve. This pressure rise (and each subsequent rise) is
smaller and the 2L/ a time that it takes to travel to and from the upstream
reservoir gets longer. This is because sorne air is released during column
separation and free air reduces the wave speed. The reduced wave speed
and attenuation caused by friction reduces the peak pressure. Also note that
the time the cavity stays open reduces each cycle. As friction and dissipation
--- Weyler Experiment
- Bubble Model
o ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
O 0.1 0.2 0.3 10.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
Time (Seconds)
Fig. 10.1 Column-separation transient.
caused by vaporization and air release slow down the liquid, column
separation will eventually stop and the pressure trace will become a damped
sinusoidal shaped wave.
Column separation can also occur at an interior point, especially if the
pipe is elevated. Refer again to Table 9.1. If the output were listed for
t> 3s, the head at each interior node is less than vapor head. The magnitude
of the head at these nodes is not accurate because the program is invalid
once column separation occurs at the valve. However, the data would show
that column separation may occur at the interior points.
Figure 10.2 identifies the variables associated with this boundary condi-
tion. Since adjacent nodes may also be experiencing column separation,
Vapor pressure
Hva Abso(ute zero pressure
Fig. 10.2 Column separation at interior node.
these variables will be used at aH nodes. The unknown variables are: HP,
QP, QPD, and VOL. The same quantities known trom the previous time
step are H, Q, QD, and VOL. The equations are
HP = Z_H
+ H
(during column separation) (lOA)
(CP+ CM) .
HP = 2 (wlthout column separation)
_ (CP- HP)
p- B
QPD = (HP - CM)
VOL = VOL + O.5dt[(QPD + QD - QP - Q)]
The program must check each node to determine when column sepa ratio n
first occurs and select the proper equation for HP. It must also check each
time step to determine if the cavity is already open and determine when the
cavity closes. The logic is shown in the foHowing FORTRAN program steps
tor interior points.
CP = H(I -1) + B*QD(I -1) - R*QD(I -1) ABS(QD(I -1
CM = H(I + 1) - B Q(I + 1) + R Q(I + l)ABS(Q(1 + 1
HP(I) = (CP + CM)/2.
HP(I) = Z(I) - HB + HVA
QP(I) = (CP - HP(I/B
QPD(I) = (HP(I) - CM)/B
VOL(I) =VOL(I) + .5 DT*(QPD(I) + QD(I) - QP(I) - Q(I
VOL(I) = O
HP(I) = (CP + CM)/2.
QP(I) = (CP - HP(I/B
QPD(I) = QP(I)
QP(I) = (CP - HP(I/B
QPD(I) = QP(I)
The program steps for column separation at the valve are similar and the
logic is the same.
The preceding discussion assumes that no air is released during the vaporiza-
tion process. In almost all cases, sorne air comes out of solution and will
remain as free air when the cavity disappears.
Most liquids contain dissolved air or gas. The saturation pressure is that
pressure at which the liquid cannot dissolve any more air. This pressure is
often at or slightly below atmospheric pressure. When the pressure drops
below saturation, and especially if it drops to vapor pressure and there is
sorne agitation, significant amounts of air can be released. The amount of air
released can be estimated if adequate information on the system and the
history of the water is available. In most cases, the amount of released air is
Numerically modeling a system containing free air is difficult. If the air
(like the vapor cavity) is assumed to be collected at the computing section, it
can be treated as an air-chamber boundary condition. If it is dispersed
throughout the pipe, the wave speed will be affected and the numerical
techniques discussed in Chapter 9 cannot be used. The dependence of the
wave speed on free air was discussed in Section 8.7.
There are at least three methods of handling a variable wave speed. One
is the characteristics grid method suggested by Streeter (Section 8.3 of
Reference 87). This method appears only to be usable for single straight
pipes. Adapting the method to more complex pipe systems appears doubt-
fuI. The second and most common method is using interpolations (Section
8.4 of Reference 87). This method has inherent difficulties associated with
numerical dampening and a requirement to use a predictor-corrector type
of solution. However, it is a viable way of handling the variable wave speed.
The third method assumes that all the air is collected at computing nodes
and handles it like an air-chamber boundary condition. Since the develop-
ment of Eq. 8.13 was independent of how the air was distributed, the overall
wave speed is the same regardless of whether the air is uniformly distributed
or collected at a few points.
Each method has limitations and none is universalIy accepted. The
biggest problem is that non e of the present methods adequately model the
dissipation caused by the air. It will be sorne time before this problem is
The third method will be used to demonstrate what influence air has on
transients by use of an example. The example is selected from a project
involving field test and numerical simulation of a 24-in. diameter 17,OOO-ft
long concrete pipeline. This pipeline experienced frequent breaks over many
months of operation. A computer simulation of the system identified that
the transient pressures responsible for the pipe breakage were being caused
by rapid valve closures. Field tests were made to verify the results of the
Sorne of the field tests consisted of establishing a small flow through one
of the valves and generating a transient by instantly closing the valve.
Results of one such test is shown in Fig. 10.3. Instead of producing a square
wave, typical of transients caused by instant valve closures, a damped
sinusoidal-shaped wave was generated. The wave speed for the pipe, as
calculated from Eq. 8.11, was 3640 fps. The wave speed calculated from the
field data shown in Fig. 10.3 was 1170 fps. This large reduction in wave
speed from its theoretical value suggested trapped air in the pipeline. The
air was likely trapped in the pipe bell and spigot connections and at two high
points where there were no air release valves. This mass of air was estimated
and then used with Eq. 8.13 to calculate the wave speed. The results agreed
very closely with the field tests.
This amount of air was then incorporated into a computer program that
concentrated the air at computing points. The air was handled like a normal
air-chamber boundary condition. The air was allowed to expand and
contract with varying pressure, but was not allowed to move through the
pipe. Details of the development of the computer program are included in
Reference 66. The computer simulation of one field test is shown in Fig.
10.3. Comparison of the measured and computed lines show gratifying
similarities. The magnitudes, shapes, and timing of the two transients are
quite similar.
The only two items required in producing the computed transient shown
in Fig. 10.3 are the volume of trapped air, which was estimated from
analyzing the pipeline, and the amount of resistance of the flow in and out
of the air chamber.
The first computer program used to simulate the effect of entrapped air
allowed the air pockets to expand and contract with no resistance. This
produced oscillations in the solution caused by reflections from air pockets.
Dampening was introduced by assuming a small resistance of the flow in and
out of the air chamber. This has a similar effect to that created by the
Fig. 10.3 Field test and computer results of air in a pipe.
interpolations used by other methods. It is felt that the energy dissipation
caused by this small resistance represents a physical phenomena and is not
just an arbitrary mathematical dampening technique. For example, much of
the air wiIl be entrapped in the pipeline as either individual tiny bubbles or
as small pockets trapped in crevices of the boundary or couplings. Surface
tension crea tes a pressure differential between the air inside the bubble and
the water outside. This pressure differential is on the order of a fraction of a
psi. This is the same order of magnitud e of pressure differential required
between the water and the air chamber in order to produce a required
numerical dampening. Additional research is required to relate the amount
of dampening physicaIly needed to simulate the physics of the system.
It is instructive to compare the results of the model that includes the
trapped air with resuIts of the simple waterhammer program (Fig. 9.3). The
field test and computer simulation shown in Fig. 10.3 was foe instant closure
of a valve at the end of a pipe. The initial velocity was low, so friction was
negligible. The program listed in Fig. 9.3 would produce a square wave with
little attenuation for such a case.
Figure 10.4 is the computer simulation of the same test shown in Fig. 10.3
for instant valve closure with the calculated wave speed of 3640 fps and the
field measured wave speed of 1170 fps. In both cases, a square wave is
produced. The difference is in the period and magnitude of the waves. In
comparing the results of Figs. 10.3 and 10.4, two obvious differences are
noticeable. First, the shape of the waves is totally different, and second,
there is virtually no attenuation for the computer results shown in Fig. 10.4.
This points out the profound effect that air has on the transient. It not only
reduces the wave speed and the pressure rise, but causes a major change in
the shape and the attenuation of the transient. Using the basic waterhammer
program with the computed wave speed (3600 fps) predicts a pressure rise
Instant valve closure.
a = 3630 fps a = 1170 fps
- -
r-- r--
\ J \ I
'-- '--
80 100 120
Time (Seconds)
Fig. 10.4 Transient for instant valve c1osure.
that is three times higher than was measured in the field for instant c1osure.
Using a 1170-fps wave speed produced the proper initial head rise and the
correct period, but the shape and attenuation were totally incorrecto
Air trapped as large pockets in pipelines can lead to significantly higher
transients than if there was no air. Air trapped at high pressure stores large
quantities of energy. If the air is forced to move from one location to
another, it can cause local accelerations resulting in high velocities and
subsequently high transient pressures. Analytical work (36, 87) has shown
that these pressures can be many times the system pressure.
One example of such a transient is when large air pockets are allowed to
go through a valve, orfice, or other type of control device. Consider a
system where water containing trapped air is ftowing through a valve. When
a large air pocket passes through the valve, the air ftows through much more
easily than water, since it is less dense. The pressure drop across the valve
suddenly reduces, causing the pressure just upstream from the valve to
drop, and the upstream water column is allowed to accelerate. Once all the
air passes through the valve, the water is caused to suddenly decelerated
back to its steady-state velocity. This sudden reduction in velocity causes a
transient pressure rise.
This problem is made worse when there are multiple large air pockets in
the pipe. The pockets divide the system into smaller masses of water that
can be accelerated to higher velocities. The air stores energy, which
maintains a high acceleration force. The best solution to this problem is to
prevent large air pockets from forming. Since this is not always possible, air
release valves should be placed to remove the air slowly before it reaches a
control valve or orifice.
Another source of transients caused by large quantities of trapped air
occurs if compressed air is released through a large air valve. Since the air
has a low density, it ftows at high rates through the valve (usually at sonie
velocity). This reduces the pressure inside the pipe and allows the water
column to accelerate. Once the air is expelled, the air valve closes and a
transient is generated.
There are methods of controlling this type of transient. First and most
important is to fill slowly. Second, installlarge enough air valves that the air
is released without pressurizing. Third, lay the pipeline to grade and install
air valves at high points. If the pipe is horizontal or on a ftat grade, install
air valves at regular intervals. Fourth, ftush the system at moderate vel-
ocities (2-4 fps) and low pressure to move the air to the air valves. Fifth, be
sure that there are air valves upstream from control valves so the air is
removed from the pipe (87) and does not pass through the control valve.
Sixth, install both air-vacuum valves to take care of initial filling or draining
and air-release valves that can continually release air accumulating in the
pipe. There is additional discussion of air valves in Section 4.6.
Another so urce of air-related transients is filling a pipeline containing
large pockets of air. Similar problems occur at pump start-up or at opening
of upstream control valves when the line is presumably ful! but actually
contains trapped airo Figure 10.5, from Reference 87, shows the magnitude
of the transient created by opening an upstream valve when there is trapped
air at the downstream end of the pipe. When the valve shown in Fig. 10.5 is
opened, the water accelerates rapidly. It attains a velocity of almost 25 fps
before the air pocket decelerates and eventual!y reverses the ftow. For this
example, the maximum head in the pipe is almost eight times the reservoir
Martn presented parametric curves for predicting the head rise caused by
rapidly filling pipes containing trapped air (36). The system is the same as
that shown in Fig. 10.5. Martin's analysis showed that the maximum
absolute head ~ a x depends only on three parameters: H: / H
, fu) d
n, in which H: is the absolute reservoir head, Hb is the barometric pressure
head, f the friction factor, u o the initial air volume, d the pipe di ame ter , and
n the polytropic exponent. Figure 10.6 shows this relationship for n = 1.2.
The data assume instant valve opening.
Example 10.1. Use Fig. 10.6 to check the predictions for the example
shown in Fig. 10.5.
The system data are u o = 0.7854.3.5
40 = 385 fe, Ho = 100 ft and
assume Hb = 32 ft, f= 0.02, and d = 3.5 ft.
= 0.18, H: /H
= 132/32 = 4.12
"""1 40.
D = 3.5 ft. f= 0.02
Valve open5 in 0.95 5
9.. 600
"C 400
Time (5)
Fig. 10.5 Transient caused by filling pipe (87). (Courtesy McGraw-Hill Book Co.)
H ~ a x
14 Ho* = Ho + Hb
H ~ a = Hma. + Hb
Fig. 10.6 Transient caused by trapped air (36). (Courtesy British Hydromechanics
Research Association and C. S. Martin.)
From Fig. 10.6, H!.xl H: = 6.1, and from Fig 10.5, H!.x = 780 ft. So,
H!.xl H: = 7801132 = 5.91
The value of Hb for the problem in Fig. 10.5 was not given, but using
Hb = 32 ft is a reasonable value. With this value of H
, the two
methods give comparable answers.
For the confined system with instant opening of the valve and no air
release from the pipe, the location of the air pocket has no inftuence on the
maximum pressure. When there is air release, the pressures are higher when
the air pocket is close to the upstream reservoir. For a confined system, the
head rise would also be independent of whether the air is in one large
pocket or distributed in a number of smaller pockets.
Example 10.2. Consider an 18-in., 1200-ft long asbestos cement
pipeline used for transporting water from a storage tank at elevation
4100 ft to a second storage tank at elevation 3900 ft. Assume the line
was shut down for minor repairs and when refilled, sorne air was
trapped at a high point at elevation 3950 ft. The initial air volume v is
100 fe at atmospheric pressure. The line is to be pressurized by
opening a valve at the upstream storage tank. Calculate the potential
surge caused by compressing the air.
For the system: f= 0.014, Hb = 29.2 ft (Eq. 1.11), d = 1.5 ft, V
= 100
fe, H: = 4100 - 3950 + 29.2 = 179 ft. (The air is assumed to be at
atmospheric pressure.)
!vo ~ 179 14
7 = 0.41, Hb = 29.2 = 6.
From Fig 10.6, H! .1 ~ = 10.2, so H!.x = 10.2 (179) = 1827 ft (abs)
The maximum gauge pressure will be (1827 - 29.2)/2.31 = 778 psi.
This is far aboye the design pressure and even aboye the hydrostatic
test pressure of the pipe (see Chapter 2). This could easily rupture the
This calculated peak pressure is only accurate if the filling valve is
opened in less time than it takes to acce1erate the water in the pipe.
For this problem, the time for the water to reach its maximum velocity
is on the order of 30 s.
When valves are installed in long pipelines, they only control the fiow
at very small openings (see Examples 4.1 and 8.2). For this pipeline,
once the valve is open about 25%, it offers little resistance to the fiow.
As a result, a total opening time of about 2 min will effectively be the
same as a 30-s opening.
The analysis shows that if the filling valve at the upstream reservoir is
opened in about 2 min or less, the pressure in the pipe can be as high
as 778 psi.
Hydraulics of Pipelines: Pumps, Valves, Cavitation, Transients. J . Paul Tullis
Copyright 1989 J ohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
in. = 2.54 cm
ft = 0.3048 m
mi. = 5,280 ft
u.s. gal = 3.785 L
Acre-Ft(A-F) = 43,560 cu-ft
Million gal/day (mgd) = 3.0689 A-F
A-F = 1,233 cu-m
1 cu-ft = 7.48 U.S. gal
cfs = 448.8 gpm (U.S. gal/min)
cfs = 0.0283 m
cfs = 1.984 A-F in 24 h.
mgd = 1.547 cfs
Pressure (water at 50F)
psi = 2.308 ft
psi = 6.895 kPa
in. HG = 1. 133-ft water
kW = 1.341 horsepower
Hydraulics of Pipelines: Pumps, Valves, Cavitation, Transients. J . Paul Tullis
Copyright 1989 J ohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Hydraulics of Pipelines: Pumps, Valves, Cavitation, Transients. J . Paul Tullis
Copyright 1989 J ohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Aeration, 84, 120, 161, 163, 177
chambers, 187,238
influence on wave speed, 196, 197, 202,
injection, 125, 126, 187
numerical modeling, 247
release, 247
trapped, 121, 187
vacuum valves, 115
valves, 81, 82, 101, 114
Atmospheric pressure, 7, 8
Barometric pressure, 8, 59, 60, 127
Bernoulli equation, 8
Boundary conditions:
air chamber, 238
air release, 247
column separation, 243
dead end, 227
inJine valve, 230
minor loss, 229
orifice, 227
outlet valve, 228
pipe junction, 158
reservoir, 214
series pipe, 239
standpipe, 237
surge tank, 234
tee, 242
throttled surge tank, 235
valve, 214, 228, 230
Branching pipe systems, 45, 50
Bulk modulus, 4, 6, 197, 198,202,208
Cavitation, 7, 8, 22, 25
aeration, 120, 161, 163, 177
aeration scale effects, 163
choking, 121, 128, 131, 137, 138, 143, 151,
169, 176
controlJing, 125, 152
critica!, 128-130, 134,141,145,146,149,
150, 153,169, 175, 177
damage mechanism, 124
design criteria, 133
eddie, role of, 123
effects of, 120
elbows, 175-177
evaluating limits, 127, 134-138
incipient, 128-130, 134, 139, 140, 146, 169,
178, 182
incipient damage, 129, 134-136, 140, 142,
147, 148, 155, 161, 169, 170, 175
limits, 127, 134-138
micro jet, 125
noise, 138
nozzle, 172
nuclei, 119, 121
origin of, 121
orifice, 167-175
parameter, 8, 126, 127, 138, 139, 143
pressure recovery, 89
pressure scale effect, 143, 145-150, 157,
resistant mtls, 160
Reynolds number scale effect, 130
scale effects, 129, 144, 167
scaling, 129
sigma, 8, 126, 127, 138
size scale effects, 131, 148, 167, 169, 176
submerged jet, 123
sudden enlargement, 172
suppressing, 125, 152
type of, 119
valves, 101
Check valves, 111
Column separation, 187, 227, 243
Continuity equation, 10, 197, 202
Contraction coefficient, 24, 172
Control structures, 34, 39, 40
Control valves, 81-87, 91-97
Density, 3
Darcy-Weisbach equation, 16, 19
Discharge coefficient:
orifice, 168, 169
valve, 88, 91, 93
Dynabic viscosity, 1, 9
Economic analysis, 31
Economc Jife, 32
Efficiency, see Pumps
Elbow, 125-127
Energy grade Jine (EGL), 13
Expected Jife, 31
Feasibility checklist, 30
Feasibility study, 29
Finite difference, 210
Flow coefficients, 87, 88, 91-93, 97
Free discharge valve, 82, 86-88, 92, 96,
Friction, 12, 15
Friction coefficients, 16
Hazen-Williams coefficient, 20, 22
Hazen-Williams equation, 20
elevaton, 13, 54, 55, 59, 75
piezometric, 13
pressure, 13
total, 13
velocity, 13
Heat rise (pump), 73
Hydraulic grade line (HGL), 14,75, 89
Instant valve closure, 195, 216, 218
Kinematic viscosity, 2
Limiting velocities, 22
Loss coefficient, see Minor losses
Manning's equation, 20
Manning's n, 21
Mass density, 3
Method of characteristics, 205, 209
Minor losses, 23, 45, 49, 229
Modulus of elasticity, 198,200
Momentum equation, 11, 188,202,209
Mult-hole orfice, 173
Network analysis, 51
Non-return valve, see Check valves
Nozzle, 172
available, 59, 60, 79
required, 59, 60, 79
Nuclei, 119, 121
Orifice, 167-175
boundary condition, 227
cavtation data, 168-173
contraction coefficient, 24, 172
discharge coefficient, 168, 174
location of damage, 170
mult-hole, 173
scale effects, 167
series, 179
Period of surge tank, 238
Piezometric head, 13
branching systems, 50
external loads, 42
internal design pressure, 43
limiting velocity, 22
materials, 41
modulum of elasticity, 200
operating pressure, 43
optimum diameter, 37
pressure class, 42
safety factor, 43, 44
Power, see Pumps
Pressure, 3
head, 13
recovery, 124, 173
best efficiency point, 54, 56,66, 69, 70
boundary condition, 230
broke horsepower, 56, 58, 73
cavitation, 78
classification, 53
efficiency, 58
heat rise, 73
H-Q equation, 54, 57, 70
NPSH, 59, 60, 64, 67, 79
operation, 73
parallel, 65
power, 57
rating curve, 56, 57, 64, 66-72
rotational inertia, 62
selection, 63
series, 68
shutdown, 75
similarity laws, 62
specific speed, 61
suction piping, 75
suction specific speed, 61
system head curves, see Pumps, rating
temperature rise, 73
torque, 62, 73
total dynamic head, 51, 55, 56, 61
transients, 55, 61, 74, 75
unstable operation, 56
Reynolds number, 1
Reynolds number scale effects, 130
Rigid column motion, 186
Rotational inertia, 62
Safety factor, 43
Scale effects, 129, 144
pressure, see Cavitation
Reynolds number, 130
size, see Cavitation
Separation, 122-124
Shear stress, 9
Sigma, 8, 126, 127, 138
Similarity laws (pumps), 62
Size scale effects, 129
Specific speed, 61
Specific weight, 3
Spiral rib pipe, 41
Standpipe, 237
Sta tic Iift, 54
Storage, 31, 37, 38, 45
Submerged jet, 123
Suction specific speed, 61
Suction piping, 75
Surge, 186
analysis, 186
anticipating valve, 76
period of surge tank, 238
tank, simple, 187, 234
tank, throttled, 235
Surface tension, 6
System head curves, 54, 64-66
Torque coefficients, 94
Torque (pump), 62, 73
Torque (valves), 90, 94-99
Total dynamic head, 55, 56, 58, 61
Transients, 25, 185
air release, 247
basic equation, 188
boundary conditions, see Boundary
causes, 186
C+, C- equations, 212
column separation, 187,227,243
controlling, 187
complex piping, 239
definition, 185
effective valve closure, 222
elastic analysis, 186
finite difference solution, 210
instant valve closure, 195
method of characteristics, 205, 209
program, 217
pump, 61, 62, 74, 75
surge analysis, 186
trapped air, 121, 187,250
valve closing, 188-197
valve opening, 224
valves, 81, 84, 99,101,102,111,114,
wave propagation, 190, 196
wave speed, 197-203
air, 114, 227
boundary condition, 214, 218-228
cavitation, see Cavitation
check valve, 111
control, 81-87, 91-97
effective closure time, 193, 222
flow coefficients, 87, 88, 91, 92, 93, 97
instant valve closure, 193, 195
limiting velocity, 22
opening, 224
parallel, 153
pressure recovery, 89
pressure reducing, 82, 94, 101, 110
pressure regulating, 107
pressure relief, 107
selection, 99
series, 155-159
surge anticipating, 111
Valves (Continued)
VS. system loss, 92
torque, 90, 94-99
transients, 81, 84, 99, 101, 102, 111, 114,
115, 185, 188-197
types, 82
uses for, 82
Vapor pressure, 7, 119, 121, 123, 124, 127,
128, 130, 135, 137, 216, 234
Viscosity, 2, 8
Waterhammer, see Transients
Water horsepower, 58
Wave reflections:
with friction, 196
without friction, 190
Wave speed, 197-203
equation, 199-202
influence of air, 202
Weber number, 6
Woods equation, 18