Figure 4-1 Serial Adder With Accumulator: 3 2 1 0 SI SH

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The document discusses digital circuits like adders and multipliers along with their implementation using VHDL. It provides state diagrams, block diagrams and behavioral models.

Page 1 describes a serial adder and its control circuit. Page 2 further explains the control state graph and table for the serial adder.

Page 3 states the two constraints on input labels for every state in a sequential circuit state diagram.

Figure 4-1 Serial Adder with Accumulator

SI xi
x 3 x2 x 1 x 0
N (Start Signal) Sh sum i
SI yi Adder
Control Sh Sh y 3 y2 y 1 y 0
Circuit ci ci+1
Addend Register

Clock Serial Adder Q D



X Y ci sumi ci+1
t0 0101 0111 0 0 1
t1 0010 1011 1 0 1
t2 0001 1101 1 1 1
t3 1000 1110 1 1 0
t4 1100 0111 0 (1) (0)
Figure 4-2 Control State Graph and Table for Serial Adder

N/Sh Present Next State Present Output (Sh)
S0 State N=0 N=1 N=0 N=1
–/1 1/1 S0 S0 S1 0 1
S1 S2 S2 1 1
S3 S1 S2 S3 S3 1 1
–/1 S3 S0 S0 1 1
Constraints on Input Labels for Every State Sk (From Page 123-124)

1. If Ii and Ij are any pair of input labels on arcs exiting state Sk, then IiIj
= 0 if i ≠ j.
2. If n arcs exit state Sk and the n arcs have input labels I1, I2, ..., In,
respectively, then I1 + I2 + ... + In = 1.


(X1)(X1'X2') = 0
Sk (X1)(X1'X2) = 0
X1'X2' X1'X2
(X1'X2')(X1'X2) = 0
X1 + X1'X2' + X1'X2 =1
Sp Sq

X1'X2' Inputs are X1 X2 X3

(X1 = X2 = 1 not allowed)
X1 X2 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
Sk Sk Sk Sq Sq Sp Sp – –
Sp Sq
Multiplication of 1310 by 1110 In Binary – From Page 124
Multiplicand 1101 (13)
Multiplier 1011 (11)
Partial 100111
Products 0000
10001111 (143)

initial contents of product register 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 M (11)

(add multiplicand since M=1) 1 1 0 1 (13)
after addition 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
after shift 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 M
(add multiplicand since M=1) 1 1 0 1
after addition 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1
after shift 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 M
(skip addition since M=0)
after shift 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 M
(add multiplicand since M=1) 1 1 0 1
after addition 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
after shift (final answer) 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 (143)

dividing line between product and multiplier

Figure 4-3 Block Diagram for Binary Multiplier

Load 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
C Sh
N Clk
R multiplier
L St

M multiplicand
Figure 4-4 State graph for Binary Multiplier Control


– /Done
S9 S0
– /Sh St/Load

S8 S1
M'/Sh M/Ad
S7 S2

– /Sh M'/Sh – /Sh

S6 M'/Sh S3

M/Ad M/Ad
S5 S4
– /Sh
Figure 4-5(a) Behavioral Model for 4 x 4 Binary Multiplier
-- This is a behavioral model of a multiplier for unsigned binary numbers. It multiplies a
-- 4-bit multiplicand by a 4-bit multiplier to give an 8-bit product.
-- The maximum number of clock cycles needed for a multiply is 10.
library BITLIB;
use BITLIB.bit_pack.all;
entity mult4X4 is
port (Clk, St: in bit;
Mplier,Mcand : in bit_vector(3 downto 0);
Done: out bit);
end mult4X4;
architecture behave1 of mult4X4 is
signal State: integer range 0 to 9;
signal ACC: bit_vector(8 downto 0); -- accumulator
alias M: bit is ACC(0); -- M is bit 0 of ACC
wait until Clk = '1'; -- executes on rising edge of clock
case State is
when 0=> -- initial State
if St='1' then
ACC(8 downto 4) <= "00000"; -- Begin cycle
ACC(3 downto 0) <= Mplier; -- load the multiplier
State <= 1;
end if;
Figure 4-5(b) Behavioral Model for 4 x 4 Binary Multiplier
when 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 => -- "add/shift" State
if M = '1' then -- Add multiplicand
ACC(8 downto 4) <=add4(ACC(7 downto 4),Mcand,'0');
State <= State + 1;
ACC <= '0' & ACC(8 downto 1); --Shift accumulator right
State <= State + 2;
end if;
when 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 => -- "shift" State
ACC <= '0' & ACC(8 downto 1); -- Right shift
State <= State + 1;
when 9 => -- End of cycle
State <= 0;
end case;
end process;
Done <= '1' when State = 9 else '0';
end behave1;
Figure 4-6 Multiplier Control with Counter
Done M'/Sh
St St/Load
Add-shift Load S0 S1
control Ad
K -/Sh M/Ad


(a) Multipler control (b) State graph for add-shift control


St/Load K'M'/Sh
S0 S1

-/Done K'/Sh M/Ad

S3 S2

(c) Final state graph for add-shift control

Table 4-2 Operation of Multiplier Using a Counter

Time State Counter Product St M K Load Ad Sh Done

t0 S0 00 000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
t1 S0 00 000000000 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
t2 S1 00 000001011 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
t3 S2 00 011011011 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
t4 S1 01 001101101 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
t5 S2 01 100111101 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
t6 S1 10 010011110 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
t7 S1 11 001001111 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
t8 S2 11 100011111 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
t9 S3 00 010001111 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Table 4-3 4-bit Multiplier Partial Products

X3 X2 X1 X0 Multiplicand
Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 Multiplier
X3Y0 X2Y0 X1Y0 X0Y0 partial product 0
X3Y1 X2Y1 X1Y1 X0Y1 partial product 1
C12 C11 C10 1st row carries
C13 S13 S12 S11 S10 1st row sums
X3Y2 X2Y2 X1Y2 X0Y2 partial product 2
C22 C21 C20 2nd row carries
C23 S23 S22 S21 S20 2nd row sums
X3Y3 X2Y3 X1Y3 X0Y3 partial product 3
C32 C31 C30 3rd row carries
C33 S33 S32 S31 S30 3rd row sums
P7 P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 P0 final product
Figure 4-7 Block Diagram of 4 x 4 Array Multiplier

X3Y0 X2Y0 X1Y0 X0Y0

X3Y1 X2Y1 X1Y1 X0Y1

C12 C11 C10


X3Y2 C13 X2Y2 S13 X1Y2 S12 X0Y2 S11 S10

C22 C21 C20
X3Y3 C23 X2Y3 S23 X1Y3 S22 X0Y3 S21 S20

C32 C31 C30

C33 S33 S32 S31 S30

P7 P6 P5 P4 P3
From Page 133

0. 1 1 1 (+7/8) ← Multiplicand
X 0. 1 0 1 (+5/8) ← Multiplier
( 0. 0 0) 0 1 1 1 (+7/64) ←  Note: The proper representation of the fractional partial
( 0.)0 1 1 1 (+7/16) ←  products requires extension of the sign bit past the binary
0. 1 0 0 0 1 1 (+35/64) point, as indicated in parentheses. (Such extension is not
necessary in the hardware.)

1. 1 0 1 (–3/8)
X 0. 1 0 1 (+5/8)
( 1. 1 1) 1 1 0 1 (–3/64) ← Note: The extension of the sign bit provides
( 1.)1 1 0 1 (–3/16) ← proper representation of the negative products.
1. 1 1 0 0 0 1 (–15/64)
From Pages 133 – 134

0. 1 0 1 (+5/8)
X 1. 1 0 1 (–3/8)
( 0. 0 0) 0 1 0 1 (+5/64)
( 0.)0 1 0 1 (+5/16)
( 0.)0 1 1 0 0 1
1. 0 1 1 (–5/8) ← Note: The two's complement of the multiplicand
1. 1 1 0 0 0 1 (–15/64) is added at this point.

1. 1 0 1 (–3/8)
X 1. 1 0 1 (–3/8)
( 1. 1 1) 1 1 0 1 (–3/64)
( 1.)1 1 0 1 (–3/16)
( 1.)1 1 0 0 0 1
0. 0 1 1 (+3/8) ←  Add the two's complement of the multiplicand
0. 0 0 1 0 0 1 (+9/64)
Figure 4-8 Block Diagram for 2's Complement Multiplier


Load 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
C Ad
N Clk
T multiplier
R Cin Cm

Figure 4-9 State Graph for 2's Complement Multiplier

- /Done St'/0
S8 St/Load
M/Cm Ad
M'/0 S1
– /Sh

S6 M'/Sh – /Sh

M'/Sh S3
S5 M/Ad
– /Sh
Figure 4-10 Block Diagram for Faster Multiplier


A (accumulator) B
3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0
C AdSh

Done multiplier
O St

Figure 4-11 State Graph for Faster Multiplier

–/Done St/Load

S5 S1

M/Cm AdSh M/AdSh

M'/Sh M'/Sh

S4 S2

M/AdSh M/AdSh
M'/Sh S3 M'/Sh
Figure 4-12(a) Behavioral Model for 2’s Complement Multiplier
library BITLIB;
use BITLIB.bit_pack.all;
entity mult2C is
port (CLK, St: in bit;
Mplier,Mcand : in bit_vector(3 downto 0);
Product: out bit_vector (6 downto 0);
Done: out bit);
end mult2C;
architecture behave1 of mult2C is
signal State : integer range 0 to 5;
signal A, B: bit_vector(3 downto 0);
alias M: bit is B(0);
variable addout: bit_vector(4 downto 0);
wait until CLK = '1';
case State is
when 0=> -- initial State
if St='1' then
A <= "0000"; -- Begin cycle
B <= Mplier; -- load the multiplier
State <= 1;
end if;
Figure 4-12(b) Behavioral Model for 2’s Complement Multiplier
when 1 | 2 | 3 => -- "add/shift" State
if M = '1' then
addout := add4(A,Mcand,'0'); -- Add multiplicand to A and shift
A <= Mcand(3) & addout(3 downto 1);
B <= addout(0) & B(3 downto 1);
A <= A(3) & A(3 downto 1); -- Arithmetic right shift
B <= A(0) & B(3 downto 1);
end if;
State <= State + 1;
when 4 => -- add complement if sign bit
if M = '1' then -- of multiplier is 1
addout := add4(A, not Mcand,'1');
A <= not Mcand(3) & addout(3 downto 1);
B <= addout(0) & B(3 downto 1);
A <= A(3) & A(3 downto 1); -- Arithmetic right shift
B <= A(0) & B(3 downto 1);
end if;
State <= 5; wait for 0 ns;
Done <= '1'; Product <= A(2 downto 0) & B;
when 5 => -- output product
State <= 0;
Done <= '0';
end case;
end process;
end behave1;
Figure 4-13 Command File and Simulation Results for (+5/8 by -3/8)
-- command file to test signed multiplier
list CLK St State A B Done Product
force st 1 2, 0 22
force clk 1 0, 0 10 - repeat 20
-- (5/8 * -3/8)
force Mcand 0101
force Mplier 1101
run 120

ns delta CLK St State A B Done Product

0 +1 1 0 0 0000 0000 0 0000000
2 +0 1 1 0 0000 0000 0 0000000
10 +0 0 1 0 0000 0000 0 0000000
20 +1 1 1 1 0000 1101 0 0000000
22 +0 1 0 1 0000 1101 0 0000000
30 +0 0 0 1 0000 1101 0 0000000
40 +1 1 0 2 0010 1110 0 0000000
50 +0 0 0 2 0010 1110 0 0000000
60 +1 1 0 3 0001 0111 0 0000000
70 +0 0 0 3 0001 0111 0 0000000
80 +1 1 0 4 0011 0011 0 0000000
90 +0 0 0 4 0011 0011 0 0000000
100 +2 1 0 5 1111 0001 1 1110001
110 +0 0 0 5 1111 0001 1 1110001
120 +1 1 0 0 1111 0001 0 1110001
Figure 4-14 Test Bench for Signed Multiplier
library BITLIB;
use BITLIB.bit_pack.all;
entity testmult is end testmult;
architecture test1 of testmult is
component mult2C
port(CLK, St: in bit;
Mplier,Mcand : in bit_vector(3 downto 0);
Product: out bit_vector (6 downto 0);
Done: out bit);
end component;
constant N: integer := 11; type arr is array(1 to N) of bit_vector(3 downto 0);
constant Mcandarr: arr := ("0111", "1101", "0101", "1101", "0111", "1000", "0111",
"1000", "0000", "1111", "1011");
constant Mplierarr: arr := ("0101", "0101", "1101", "1101", "0111", "0111", "1000",
"1000", "1101", "1111", "0000");
signal CLK, St, Done: bit; signal Mplier, Mcand: bit_vector(3 downto 0);
signal Product: bit_vector(6 downto 0);
CLK <= not CLK after 10 ns;
for i in 1 to N loop
Mcand <= Mcandarr(i); Mplier <= Mplierarr(i); St <= '1';
wait until rising_edge(CLK); St <= '0'; wait until falling_edge(Done);
end loop;
end process;
mult1: mult2c port map(Clk, St, Mplier, Mcand, Product, Done);
end test1;
Figure 4-15 Command File and Simulation of Signed Multiplier
-- Command file to test results of signed multiplier
list -NOtrigger Mplier Mcand product -Trigger done
run 1320

ns delta mplier mcand product done

0 +1 0101 0111 0000000 0
90 +2 0101 0111 0100011 1 5/8 * 7/8 = 35/64
110 +2 0101 1101 0100011 0
210 +2 0101 1101 1110001 1 5/8 * -3/8 = -15/64
230 +2 1101 0101 1110001 0
330 +2 1101 0101 1110001 1 -3/8 * 5/8 = -15/64
350 +2 1101 1101 1110001 0
450 +2 1101 1101 0001001 1 -3/8 * -3/8 = 9/64
470 +2 0111 0111 0001001 0
570 +2 0111 0111 0110001 1 7/8 * 7/8 = 49/64
590 +2 0111 1000 0110001 0
690 +2 0111 1000 1001000 1 7/8 * -1 = -7/8
710 +2 1000 0111 1001000 0
810 +2 1000 0111 1001000 1 -1 * 7/8 = -7/8
830 +2 1000 1000 1001000 0
930 +2 1000 1000 1000000 1 -1 * -1 = -1 (error)
950 +2 1101 0000 1000000 0
1050 +2 1101 0000 0000000 1 -3/8 * 0 = 0
1070 +2 1111 1111 0000000 0
1170 +2 1111 1111 0000001 1 -1/8 * -1/8 = 1/64
1190 +2 0000 1011 0000001 0
1290 +2 0000 1011 0000000 1 0 * -3/8 = 0
1310 +2 0101 0111 0000000 0
Figure 4-16(a) [revised] Model for 2’s Complement Multiplier with Control Signals

library BITLIB;
use BITLIB.bit_pack.all;
entity mult2Cs is
port (CLK, St: in bit;
Mplier,Mcand : in bit_vector(3 downto 0);
Product: out bit_vector (6 downto 0); Done: out bit);
end mult2Cs;
architecture behave2 of mult2Cs is
signal State, Nextstate: integer range 0 to 5; signal A, B: bit_vector(3 downto 0);
signal AdSh, Sh, Load, Cm: bit; signal addout: bit_vector(4 downto 0);
alias M: bit is B(0);
process (state, st, M)
Load <= '0'; AdSh <= '0'; Sh <= '0'; Cm <= '0'; Done <= '0';
case State is
when 0=> -- initial State
if St='1' then Load <= '1'; Nextstate <= 1; end if;
when 1 | 2 | 3 => -- "add/shift" State
if M = '1' then AdSh <= '1'; else Sh <= '1'; end if;
Nextstate <= State + 1;
when 4 => -- add complement if sign
if M = '1' then Cm <= '1'; AdSh <= '1'; -- bit of multiplier is 1
else Sh <= '1'; end if;
nextstate <= 5;
Figure 4-16(b) [revised] Model for 2’s Complement Multiplier with Control Signals

when 5 => -- Output product

done <= '1';
nextstate <= 0;
end case;
end process;
addout <= add4(A, Mcand, '0') when Cm = '0' else add4(A, not Mcand, '1');
wait until CLK = '1'; -- executes on rising edge
if Load = '1' then -- Load the multiplier
A <= "0000";
B <= Mplier;
end if;
if AdSh = '1' then -- Add multiplicand to A and Shift
A <= (Mcand(3) xor Cm) & addout(3 downto 1);
B <= addout(0) & B(3 downto 1);
end if;
if Sh = '1' then
A <= A(3) & A(3 downto 1); B <= A(0) & B(3 downto 1);
end if;
State <= Nextstate;
end process;
Product <= A(2 downto 0) & B;
end behave2;
Figure 4-17 Realization of Multiplier Control Network

Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0
P1 1
Ld1 74163 CLK
D3 D2 D1 D0
Sh 0 1 0 0
St AdSh
M Co
Figure 4-18(a) Model for 2’s Complement Multiplier Using Control Equations
-- This model of a 4-bit multiplier for 2's complement numbers
-- implements the controller using a counter and logic equations.
library BITLIB;
use BITLIB.bit_pack.all;

entity mult2CEQ is
port(CLK, St: in bit;
Mplier,Mcand: in bit_vector(3 downto 0);
Product: out bit_vector(6 downto 0));
end mult2CEQ;

architecture m2ceq of mult2CEQ is

signal A, B, Q, Comp: bit_vector(3 downto 0);
signal addout: bit_vector(4 downto 0);
signal AdSh, Sh, Load, Cm, Done, Ld1, CLR1, P1: bit;
Signal One: bit:='1';
Signal Din: bit_vector(3 downto 0) := "0100";
alias M: bit is B(0);
Count1: C74163 port map (Ld1, CLR1, P1, One, CLK, Din, open, Q);
P1 <= Q(2); CLR1 <= not Q(3); Done <= Q(3); Sh <= not M and Q(2);
AdSh <= M and Q(2); Cm <= Q(1) and Q(0) and M;
Load <= not Q(3) and not Q(2) and St; Ld1 <= not Load;
Comp <= Mcand xor (Cm & Cm & Cm & Cm); -- complement Mcand if Cm='1'
addout <= add4(A,Comp,Cm); -- add complementer output to A
Figure 4-18(b) Model for 2’s Complement Multiplier Using Control Equations
wait until CLK = '1'; -- executes on rising edge
if Load = '1' then -- load the multiplier
A <= "0000";
B <= Mplier;
end if;
if AdSh = '1' then -- Add multiplicand to A and shift
A <= (Mcand(3) xor Cm) & addout(3 downto 1);
B <= addout(0) & B(3 downto 1);
end if;
if Sh = '1' then -- Right shift with sign extend
A <= A(3) & A(3 downto 1);
B <= A(0) & B(3 downto 1);
end if;
if Done = '1' then
Product <= A(2 downto 0) & B;
end if;
end process;
end m2ceq;
Parallel Divider for Positive Binary Numbers – From Page 144

1010 quotient
divisor 1101 10000111 dividend
(135 ÷ 13 = 10 with 0111
a remainder of 5) 0000
0101 remainder

Dividing line between

dividend and quotient
load: 010000111
(can't subtract) 1101 Note that after the shift, the
shift L: 100001110 rightmost position in the dividend
register is "empty."
subtract: 000111111 First quotient digit
shift L: 001111110
(can't subtract) 1101
shift L: 011111100
subtract: 000101101 Third quotient digit
shift L: 001011010
(can't subtract)
done remainder quotient
Figure 4-19 Block Diagram for Parallel Binary Divider

Dividend Register
X8 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0 Ld St (Start Signal)

Subtractor C
and V
Control (overflow

Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 Clock
Figure 4-20 State Diagram for Divider Control Circuit
St'/0 C'/Sh C/Su
S0 S1 S2
C/Su C'/Sh
C'/Sh C'/Sh C/Su
S5 S4 S3


State 00 01 11 10 00 01 11 10
S0 S0 S0 S1 S1 0 0 Load Load
S1 S2 S0 – – Sh V – –
S2 S3 S2 – – Sh Su – –
S3 S4 S3 – – Sh Su – –
S4 S5 S4 – – Sh Su – –
S5 S0 S0 – – 0 Su – –
Control Signals for Signed Divider
LdU Load upper half of dividend from bus

LdL Load lower half of dividend from bus

Lds Load sign of dividend into sign flip-flop

S Sign of dividend

Cm1 Complement dividend register (2's complement)

Ldd Load divisor from bus

Su Enable adder output onto bus (Ena) and load upper half of dividend from bus

Cm2 Enable complementer (Cm2 equals the complement of the sign bit of the divisor,
so that a positive divisor is complemented and a negative divisor is not)

Sh Shift the dividend register left one place and increment the counter

C Carry output from adder (If C = 1, the divisor can be subtracted from the upper

St Start

V Overflow

Qneg Quotient will be negative (Qneg = 1 when sign of dividend and divisor are
Figure 4-21 Block Diagram for Signed Divider
Data in

16 16
Acc (Remainder) Q (Quotient) Ldu
16 Ldl
16 Sh
Ena St
16-bit Full Adder
Cout Cin Cm2 Main
Compout 16 K V
Cm2 4 -bit
16-bit Complementer Counter
Ldd S Lds

Divisor Sign

Figure 4-22 State Graph for Signed Divider Control Network

St'/0 S0 St/ Ldu Lds –/Ldl S/Co1 Ldd

S1 S2 S3
Rdy S'/Ldd
C/V –/Sh

C' Qneg'/0
C' Qneg/Co1 K' C'/Sh S4

S6 S5 C'/Sh

C/Su C/Su
Figure 4-23(a) VHDL Model of 32-bit Signed Divider
library BITLIB;
use BITLIB.bit_pack.all;
entity sdiv is
port(Clk,St: in bit;
Dbus: in bit_vector(15 downto 0); Quotient: out bit_vector(15 downto 0);
V, Rdy: out bit);
end sdiv;
architecture Signdiv of Sdiv is
constant zero_vector: bit_vector(31 downto 0):=(others=>'0');
signal State: integer range 0 to 6; signal Count : integer range 0 to 15;
signal Sign,C,NC: bit; signal Divisor,Sum,Compout: bit_vector(15 downto 0);
signal Dividend: bit_vector(31 downto 0);
alias Q: bit_vector(15 downto 0) is Dividend(15 downto 0);
alias Acc: bit_vector(15 downto 0) is Dividend(31 downto 16);
begin -- concurrent statements
compout <= divisor when divisor(15) = '1' -- 1's complementer
else not divisor;
Addvec(Acc,compout,not divisor(15),Sum,C,16); -- 16-bit adder
Quotient <= Q; Rdy <= '1' when State=0 else '0';
Figure 4-23(b) VHDL Model of 32-bit Signed Divider
wait until Clk = '1'; -- wait for rising edge of clock
case State is
when 0=>
if St = '1' then
Acc <= Dbus; -- load upper dividend
Sign <= Dbus(15); State <= 1;
V <= '0'; Count <= 0; -- initialize overflow// initialize counter
end if;
when 1=>
Q <= Dbus; State <= 2; -- load lower dividend
when 2=>
Divisor <= Dbus;
if Sign ='1'then -- two's complement Dividend if necessary
addvec(not Dividend,zero_vector,'1',Dividend,NC,32);
end if; State <= 3;
when 3=>
Dividend <= Dividend(30 downto 0) & '0'; -- left shift
Count <= Count+1; State <= 4;
when 4 =>
if C ='1' then -- C
v <= '1'; State <= 0;
else -- C'
Dividend <= Dividend(30 downto 0) & '0'; -- left shift
Count <= Count+1; State <= 5;
end if;
Figure 4-23(c) VHDL Model of 32-bit Signed Divider
when 5 =>
if C = '1' then -- C
ACC <= Sum; -- subtract
Q(0)<= '1';
Dividend <= Dividend(30 downto 0) & '0'; -- left shift
if Count = 15 then -- KC'
count<= 0; State <= 6;
else Count <= Count+1;
end if;
end if;
when 6=>
if C = '1' then -- C
Acc <= Sum; -- subtract
Q(0) <= '1';
else if (Sign xor Divisor(15))='1' then -- C'Qneg
addvec(not Dividend,zero_vector,'1',Dividend,NC,32);
end if; -- 2's complement Dividend
state <= 0;
end if;
end case;
end process;
end signdiv;
Figure 4-24(a) Test Bench for Signed Divider
library BITLIB;
use BITLIB.bit_pack.all;
entity testsdiv is
end testsdiv;
architecture test1 of testsdiv is
component sdiv
port(Clk,St: in bit;
Dbus: in bit_vector(15 downto 0); Quotient: out bit_vector(15 downto 0);
V, Rdy: out bit);
end component;
constant N: integer := 12; -- test sdiv1 N times
type arr1 is array(1 to N) of bit_vector(31 downto 0);
type arr2 is array(1 to N) of bit_vector(15 downto 0);
constant dividendarr: arr1 := (X"0000006F",X"07FF00BB",X"FFFFFE08",
constant divisorarr: arr2 := (X"0007", X"E005", X"001E", X"EFFA", X"7FFF", X"7FFF", X"7FFF",
X"8000", X"7FFF", X"0001", X"7FFF", X"0000");
signal CLK, St, V, Rdy: bit; signal Dbus, Quotient, divisor: bit_vector(15 downto 0);
signal Dividend: bit_vector(31 downto 0); signal count: integer range 0 to N;
Figure 4-24(b) Test Bench for Signed Divider
CLK <= not CLK after 10 ns;
for i in 1 to N loop
St <= '1';
Dbus <= dividendarr(i) (31 downto 16);
wait until rising_edge(CLK);
Dbus <= dividendarr(i) (15 downto 0);
wait until rising_edge(CLK);
Dbus <= divisorarr(i);
St <= '0';
dividend <= dividendarr(i); -- save dividend for listing
divisor <= divisorarr(i); -- save divisor for listing
wait until (Rdy = '1');
count <= i; -- save index for triggering
end loop;
end process;
sdiv1: sdiv port map(Clk, St, Dbus, Quotient, V, Rdy);
end test1;
Figure 4-25 Simulation Test Results for Signed Divider
-- Command file to test results of signed divider
list -hex -Notrigger dividend divisor Quotient V -Trigger count
run 5300

ns delta dividend divisor quotient v count

0 +0 00000000 0000 0000 0 0
470 +3 0000006F 0007 000F 0 1
910 +3 07FF00BB E005 BFFE 0 2
1330 +3 FFFFFE08 001E FFF0 0 3
1910 +3 FF80030A EFFA 07FC 0 4
2010 +3 3FFF8000 7FFF 0000 1 5
2710 +3 3FFF7FFF 7FFF 7FFF 0 6
2810 +3 C0008000 7FFF 0000 1 7
3510 +3 C0008000 8000 7FFF 0 8
4210 +3 C0008001 7FFF 8001 0 9
4610 +3 00000000 0001 0000 0 A
5010 +3 FFFFFFFF 7FFF 0000 0 B
5110 +3 FFFFFFFF 0000 0002 1 C

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