Piltel Vs Tecson

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Republic of the Philippines

G. R. No. 156966 May 7, 2004
DELFINO TECSON, respondent.
D ! I S I O N
The facts, b" and lar#e, are undisputed.
On various dates in $%%&, Del'no !. Tecson applied for si( )&* cellular phone
subscriptions +ith petitioner Pilipino Telephone !orporation )PI,T,*, a co-pan"
en#a#ed in the teleco--unications business, +hich applications +ere each
approved and covered, respectivel", b" si( -obiline service a#ree-ents.
On ./ 0pril 1..$, respondent 'led +ith the Re#ional Trial !ourt of Ili#an !it", ,anao
Del Norte, a co-plaint a#ainst petitioner for a 2Su- of Mone" and Da-a#es.2
Petitioner -oved for the dis-issal of the co-plaint on the #round of i-proper
venue, citin# a co--on provision in the -obiline service a#ree-ents to the e3ect
that 4
2Venue of all suits arisin# fro- this 0#ree-ent or an" other suit directl" or
indirectl" arisin# fro- the relationship bet+een PI,T, and subscriber shall
be in the proper courts of Ma5ati, Metro Manila. Subscriber hereb"
e(pressl" +aives an" other venues.2
In an order, dated $/ 0u#ust 1..$, the Re#ional Trial !ourt of Ili#an !it", ,anao del
Norte, denied petitioner6s -otion to dis-iss and re7uired it to 'le an ans+er +ithin
$/ da"s fro- receipt thereof.
Petitioner PI,T, 'led a -otion for the reconsideration, throu#h re#istered -ail, of
the order of the trial court. In its subse7uent order, dated .8 October 1..$, the trial
court denied the -otion for reconsideration.
Petitioner 'led a petition for certiorari under Rule &/ of the Revised Rules of !ivil
Procedure before the !ourt of 0ppeals.
The !ourt of 0ppeals, in its decision of 9. 0pril 1..1, sa+ no -erit in the petition
and a:r-ed the assailed orders of the trial court. Petitioner -oved for a
reconsideration, but the appellate court, in its order of 1$ ;anuar" 1..9, denied the
There is -erit in the instant petition.
Section <, Rule <, of the Revised Rules of !ivil Procedure
allo+s the parties to a#ree
and stipulate in +ritin#, before the 'lin# of an action, on the e(clusive venue of an"
liti#ation bet+een the-. Such an a#ree-ent +ould be valid and bindin# provided
that the stipulation on the chosen venue is e(clusive in nature or in intent, that it is
e(pressed in +ritin# b" the parties thereto, and that it is entered into before the
'lin# of the suit. The provision contained in para#raph 11 of the 2Mobile Service
0#ree-ent,2 a standard contract -ade out b" petitioner PI,T, to its subscribers,
apparentl" accepted and si#ned b" respondent, states that the venue of all suits
arisin# fro- the a#ree-ent, or an" other suit directl" or indirectl" arisin# fro- the
relationship bet+een PI,T, and subscriber, 2shall be in the proper courts of Ma5ati,
Metro Manila.2 The added stipulation that the subscriber 2e(pressl" +aives an" other
should indicate, clearl" enou#h, the intent of the parties to consider the
venue stipulation as bein# preclusive in character.
The appellate court, ho+ever, +ould appear to anchor its decision on the thesis that
the subscription a#ree-ent, bein# a -ere contract of adhesion, does not bind
respondent on the venue stipulation.
Indeed, the contract herein involved is a contract of adhesion. =ut such an
a#ree-ent is not per se ine:cacious. The rule instead is that, should there be
a-bi#uities in a contract of adhesion, such a-bi#uities are to be construed a#ainst
the part" that prepared it. If, ho+ever, the stipulations are not obscure, but are clear
and leave no doubt on the intention of the parties, the literal -eanin# of its
stipulations -ust be held controllin#.
0 contract of adhesion is >ust as bindin# as ordinar" contracts. It is true that this
!ourt has, on occasion, struc5 do+n such contracts as bein# assailable +hen the
+ea5er part" is left +ith no choice b" the do-inant bar#ainin# part" and is thus
co-pletel" deprived of an opportunit" to bar#ain e3ectivel". Nevertheless, contracts
of adhesion are not prohibited even as the courts re-ain careful in scrutini?in# the
factual circu-stances underl"in# each case to deter-ine the respective clai-s of
contendin# parties on their e:cac".
In the case at bar, respondent secured si( )&* subscription contracts for cellular
phones on various dates. It +ould be di:cult to assu-e that, durin# each of those
ti-es, respondent had no su:cient opportunit" to read and #o over the ter-s and
conditions e-bodied in the a#ree-ents. Respondent continued, in fact, to ac7uire in
the pursuit of his business subse7uent subscriptions and re-ained a subscriber of
petitioner for 7uite so-eti-e.
In Development Bank of the Philippines vs. National Merchandising Corporation,
contractin# parties, bein# of a#e and business-en of e(perience, +ere presu-ed to
have acted +ith due care and to have si#ned the assailed docu-ents +ith full
5no+led#e of their i-port. The situation +ould be no less true than that +hich
obtains in the instant suit. The circu-stances in Sweet Lines, Inc. vs. eves,
this !ourt invalidated the venue stipulation contained in the passa#e tic5et, +ould
appear to be rather peculiar to that case. There, the !ourt too5 note of an acute
shorta#e in inter4island vessels that left passen#ers literall" scra-blin# to secure
acco--odations and tic5ets fro- cro+ded and con#ested counters. Hardl",
therefore, +ere the passen#ers accorded a real opportunit" to e(a-ine the 'ne
prints contained in the tic5ets, let alone re>ect the-.
0 contract dul" e(ecuted is the la+ bet+een the parties, and the" are obli#ed to
co-pl" full" and not selectivel" +ith its ter-s. 0 contract of adhesion is no
AHRBOR, the instant petition is CR0NTD, and the 7uestioned decision and
resolution of the !ourt of 0ppeals in !04C.R. SP No. &8$.< are RVRSD and ST
0SID. !ivil !ase No. //@1 pendin# before the Re#ional Trial !ourt of Ili#an !it",
=ranch <, is DISMISSD +ithout pre>udice to the 'lin# of an appropriate co-plaint b"
respondent a#ainst petitioner +ith the court of proper venue. No costs.

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