Morse Code: Development and History
Morse Code: Development and History
Morse Code: Development and History
L !info#
T !info# E !info#
2omma @,A
2 !info#
; !info#
8 !info# : !info#
mark @SA
7ouble dash
F !info#
& !info#
H !info#
< !info#
'lash @GA,
Fraction bar
B !info#
" !info#
J !info#
= !info#
open @!A
mark @A
0 !info# I !info#
K !info#
+ !info#
closed @#A
7ollar sign
. !info#
@XA, Wait
1t sign @YA
There is no standard representation for the e$clamation mark !U#, although the LW digraph ! # was
proposed in the *.+-s by the 0eathkit 2ompany !a vendor of assembly kits for amateur radio equipment#.
While Morse code translation software prefers this version, on%air use is not yet universal as some amateur radio
operators in 2anada and the 8'1 continue to prefer the older M4 digraph ! # carried over from
1merican landline telegraphy code.
The X, W and the V signs are not defined inside the 3T8 recommendation on Morse code. The W sign code was
represented in the "hillips 2ode, a huge collection of abbreviations used on land line telegraphy, as 'H. The
representation of the X%sign given above is also the Morse prosign for #ait.
&n May E,, E--,Dthe *<-th anniversary of the first public Morse telegraph transmissionDthe
6adiocommunication (ureau of the 3nternational Telecommunication 8nion !3T8%6# formally added the Y
!commercial at or commat# character to the official Morse character set, using the sequence denoted by the
12 digraph ! #. This sequence was reportedly chosen to represent 1@TA 2@&MM>6231;A or a
letter a inside a swirl represented by a 2.
The new character facilitates sending electronic mail addresses
by Morse code and is notable since it is the first official addition to the Morse set of characters since World War
Main articleO "rosigns for Morse code
Character&s' Code Character&s' Code Character&s' Code
Wait ( >rror 8nderstood (
3nvitation to transmit ( ( >nd of work ( ( 'tarting 'ignal ( ( (
7efined in the 3T8 recommendation.
Alternative display of more common characters for the international
'ome methods of teaching or learning morse code use the dichotomic search table below.
See also
6ussian Morse code
2hinese telegraph code
Buglielmo Marconi
0igh 'peed Telegraphy
Morse 2ode 1bbreviations
Morse 2ode Mnemonics
41T& phonetic alphabet
Wabun 2ode
*. ) 166;WebO 166;WebO ;earn Morse 2ode !2W#U
E. ) 3168WebO The 3nternational 1mateur 6adio 8nion
:. ) 166;WebO 3taly 9oins 4o%2ode 6anks as F22 6evives Morse 7ebate in the 8'
,. ) *..+ (iennial 6egulatory 6eview D 1mendment of "art .= of the 2ommission)s 1mateur 'ervice
6ules. !"7F#. httpOGGwww.arrl.orgGannounceGregulatoryGwt.+%*,:ro.pdf. 6etrieved on 7ecember ,
C. ) The 1rt X 'kill of 6adio Telegraphy. 1pril E-, E--E. httpOGGwww.qsl.netGn.borGn-hff.htm. 6etrieved
on E--<%-,%E*.
<. ) The Telegraph &ffice. 6etrieved on E--<%-,%E*.
=. ) 1eronautical 3nformation Manual !13M#.
6etrieved on E--=%*E%*-.
+. ) International Morse Code, 3T8%6 M. *<==, E--,, httpOGGwww.godfreydykes.infoGinternational
QE-morseQE-code.pdf, retrieved on E--+%-*%-E
.. ) 3nternational Morse 2ode Bets a 4ew 3T8 0ome, 4ew 2haracter.
httpOGGwww.arrl.orgGnewsGstoriesGE--:G*EG*-GEGSncR*. 6etrieved on February E= E--=.