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Elec1111 11b Digital Function Implementation

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Electrical Engineering &

Ted Spooner
Lecture -
Digital Function Implementation
Elec1111 Elec1111
Rm124A EE email: [email protected]
Simplest expression; how?
From truth table to minimal form...
for simplicity and use of hardware
Davids purchase:
Assigning logic variables
Assign logic variable to precise statement
Example: Davids purchase
He buys if he wants an item and has cash or if
he needs it and has cash or card
David needs item (N=1)
David wants item (W=1)
David has sufficient cash for purchase (C=1)
David has brought his EFTPOS card (E=1)
David buys the item (B=1)
David s
truth table
N: needs
W: wants
C: cash
E: eftpos
B: buys
Sum of products
product (and) of all
(possibly inverted) N
inputs; 2
(0 < i < 2
Canonical (sum)
Y expressed as sum
(or) of minterms:
Product of sums
Maxterm: sum (or) of all
(possibly inverted) N
inputs; 2
maxterms, M
Canonical (product) form:
Y expressed as product
(and) of maxterms:
Maxterms and minterms
Minterm m
is 1 only in row i of the truth
Maxterm M
is 0 only in row i of the truth

Maxterms and minterms II Minimisation

Using boolean algebra
hard; requires inspiration
Using Karnaugh maps
systematic; hand reductions of limited size (6)
Using the QuineMcCluskey
systematic; machine implementations
Karnaugh Maps
Karnaugh map: a diagram of 2
corresponding to each minterm in a
function of N variables.
Filling in the Karnaugh map
Circled cells in map:
A takes only value 1
B takes values 0
and 1
corresponds to
absorption rule
Karnaugh map for 3 variables
Only one variable
must change between
adjacent cells
Border cells are
adjacent to opposite
border cells
Simplification procedure
Group cells that contain 1s in sub-cubes of 1, 2,
4, 8, 16,... cells such that all 1s are grouped
Each sub-cube is expressed as a product term
where only variables that have a constant value
in the group are included
The larger the sub-cubes, the fewer the number
of variables in the product
Function is the sum of the sub-cube products
K-map example; 3 variables K-map example; 3 variables II
K-map example; 3 variables III
Minimum sum of products
Karnaugh map of 4 variables
Useful 5 and 6
variable maps can
also be
implemented (will
be 3-dimensional)
Product of sums in K-map
POS subcube:
expressed as a
sum where only
variables that have
a constant value in
the group are
included (inverted);
corresponding to
Don t cares
When, for some input combination, the
function value is irrelevant, it is assigned
as a Dont-care value (denoted X)
When the function is implemented, each
Dont-care is assigned the most
convenient value (0 or 1)
Don t-care example Don t-care example 2
Simplest function:
One Dont-care
chosen as 1
Two Dont-cares
chosen as 0
Implicant: a single 1cell or a group of
adjacent 1cells (1subcubes)
Prime implicants: an implicant that can
not be further combined with another 1
Distinguished 1cell: a 1cell covered by
only one prime implicant
Essential prime implicant: the prime
implicant covering a distinguished 1cell
Implicants example K-map minimisation procedure
Minimum SOP expression
find all prime implicants
find all essential prime implicants; these
will form part of the SOP expression
if any 1s remain uncovered, find minimum
number of prime implicants to cover them
and include these prime implicants in the
final minimal SOP expression
C B A D C C B A D B F . . . . . . + + + =
You have to design a voting machine for a panel of
experts judging a sporting event. The panel has
3 members and if 2 or more members vote yes,
a light is turned ON and the contestant goes
through to the next round of the event. Each
panel member has a button which is pushed for
yes. Draw up a truth table for the logic for the
light control, convert the truth table to a
Karnaugh map and design the logic circuit using
a SOP solution.
0 1 1
1 1 1
1 0 1
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 1 0
1 0 0
0 0 0
Light C B A

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