Biju CK has over 7 years of experience as a Senior Test Engineer. He has expertise in manual testing, test planning, test case design, test execution and defect logging using tools like Mercury Quality Center, FileZilla and SoapUI. Biju has led teams and worked on projects in the financial domain for Fidelity Business Services India Pvt Ltd. He is proficient with technologies like Java, SQL, Oracle and Sybase databases. Biju aims to take on challenging roles to further develop his skills in a creative environment.
Biju CK has over 7 years of experience as a Senior Test Engineer. He has expertise in manual testing, test planning, test case design, test execution and defect logging using tools like Mercury Quality Center, FileZilla and SoapUI. Biju has led teams and worked on projects in the financial domain for Fidelity Business Services India Pvt Ltd. He is proficient with technologies like Java, SQL, Oracle and Sybase databases. Biju aims to take on challenging roles to further develop his skills in a creative environment.
Biju CK has over 7 years of experience as a Senior Test Engineer. He has expertise in manual testing, test planning, test case design, test execution and defect logging using tools like Mercury Quality Center, FileZilla and SoapUI. Biju has led teams and worked on projects in the financial domain for Fidelity Business Services India Pvt Ltd. He is proficient with technologies like Java, SQL, Oracle and Sybase databases. Biju aims to take on challenging roles to further develop his skills in a creative environment.
Biju CK has over 7 years of experience as a Senior Test Engineer. He has expertise in manual testing, test planning, test case design, test execution and defect logging using tools like Mercury Quality Center, FileZilla and SoapUI. Biju has led teams and worked on projects in the financial domain for Fidelity Business Services India Pvt Ltd. He is proficient with technologies like Java, SQL, Oracle and Sybase databases. Biju aims to take on challenging roles to further develop his skills in a creative environment.
I am an MCA Graduate having 7.7 years of experience in varied roles within the software industry. I intend to build a career with leading corporate of hi-tech environment with committed dedicated people! which will help me to explore myself fully and reali"e my potential. I am willing to wor# as a #ey player in a $ead %ole in a challenging creative environment.
Professional Experience &idelity 'usiness (ervices India )vt $td! 'angalore (enior *A +est ,ngineer -une ./0 1 +ill 2ate 2hithi Infoserve )vt $td! 'angalore (oftware ,ngineer 3ov ./4 1 -une 5/0 6' 2esign Automation (oftware )vt $td! 'angalore Associate Content 2eveloper May ./7 1 3ov 5/4 Professional Summary $ast 4.6 Years is focused in the financial domain at &I2,$I+8 '9(I3,(( (,%6IC,( I32IA )6+ $+2 includes: Manual testing in 2evelopment! Maintenance and ,nhancements pro;ects related to data bases! ;ava and .3,+ technologies. <or#ed extensively in 'lac# 'ox +esting from 2' front related to the 5&ixed Income. domain demonstrating excellent business #nowledge of Investment 'an#ing (ervices ,xtensive experience in 2eveloping +est )lans! +est (trategies! +est 2esign! <or# ,stimation! +est %eviews! +est ,xecution 2efect logging and stages of (2$C with strong +echnical and analytical s#ills ,xpertness in Database Testing in verifying and validating huge 2ata from ,xternal 6endors with a +echnical (#ill (et of SQL, UNIX, MS-Excel. Also wor#ed on <indows =) )latform ,xperience in >andling the +eam and $eading the team towards successful )ro;ect 2eliveries. ,xperience in eb Ser!ices Testing using (oap (onar +ool ?n call support to *A environment Good #nowledge of (oftware *uality )rocesses adhering to "MMI Le!el # 'asic understanding of Mercury *uic# +est )rofessional $QT%& ,xperience in )ro;ect %eports and )M? %eports to the Management. @Y'u(!e Earne) ITA award for excellence in )ro;ect 2elivery with good 'usiness Bnowledge @Y'u(!e Earne) ITA appreciation for solely handling a pro;ect *"I+ ,-ar). for a (trategic 2elivery "'/0uter1 IT S2ills Ma3'r "'/0uter Languages1 Tec4n'l'gies 2n'-n )$C(*$! 93I=! and ,xcel Macro T''ls Use)5 Mercury *uality Center 1 +o #eep trac# of +est Cases being created! executed and defects being logged &ileDilla 1 +o &+) &iles from one server to another Informatica 1 9sed to manage wor#flows %apid (*$ and +oad- Interface to interact with data bases )utty- 93I=C$I39= interface (oap (onar - 9sed to test the <eb (ervices in (ervice ?riented Architecture E(?AF 6ersioning +ool - ,2M( and Autosys- 9sed to monitor ;obs Database1Database s'6t-are 2n'-n5 ?racle and (ybase +0erating S7ste/s 2n'-n <indows 3+! G///! =)! 93I= Project Descriptions 8i)elit7 9usiness Ser!ices In)ia %!t Lt) $Seni'r Test Engineer& :une (;6 < Till Date ='les an) =es0'nsibilities %esponsible for %eHuirement Analysis and +est )lan creation. %esponsible for +est ,stimation %esponsible for +est Case development.! +est ,xecution and %eporting Involved in +est %eviews %esponsible for (tatus reporting and +riage meetings %esponsible for different pro;ect reports and the organi"ation reports $ead the team of I. &ostered customer relationship and built trust with the business. Collaborate with teams across multiple locations for planning and operational activities. Involved in )rocess changeCimprovement. (et priorities and act as a mentor in professional software +esting and the Huality processes. Motivate and develop team members to ta#e over end-to-end responsibility for pro;ect modules. Innovative in development and analysis approach. Assisted in training! nurturing +eam Members and helped them in their developmentCimprovement ?n Call (upport for the *A ,nvironment %r'3ect5 Intrepid Intrepid is a new (ystem developing for IM+! which eventually replaces the ,xisting A(4// application which #nown as G%2. +he pro;ect is the huge data repository for the entire fidelity. All data Eincludes +radingF is flowing through this system. 2ata comes from various sources and after diligent wor# it flows to the G%2CIntrepid database. +he existing system uses (ybase as database where new system stores in ?racle. +his is one of the biggest pro;ects which is initiated this year from fidelity and expects to run till G/JJ. 9sers are given with data editing functionality through client application called as AC 2es#top which runs in windows platform. )ro;ects run in Agile Methodology. At the same time 4 +rac#s are being executed parallel. =es0'nsibilities: <or#ing as a *A +rac# $ead for Multiple +rac#s %esponsible for <or# assignment and (tatus reporting to Management and ?nsite +eam Act as a (ingle point of Contact 'etween development! 'A! +esting and Management +eams %esponsible for +est )lan and +est ,stimation creation +est Case and +est 2ata Creation %esponsible for +est Case %eviews Carryout (mo#e +esting! &unctional +esting! %egression +esting Carryout 2ata 'ase +esting on (ybase and ?racle 'ug %eporting and +riaging. (tatus %eporting %r'3ect5 (MA E(eparately Managed AccountF (MA is a new product that &idelity is giving to its customer! developing by (AI. It is a &irst step towards the 9MA E9nified Managed AccountsF. <ith this product (AI is going out of offerings only in Mutual &unds but can also to invest in (toc#s. +his product will help the customer in managing his multiple accounts by the company which intern effectively manages persons +ax liability. =es0'nsibilities: %esponsible for +est )lan and +est ,stimation creation +est Case and +est 2ata Creation %esponsible for +est Case %eviews Carryout (mo#e +esting! &unctional +esting! %egression +esting Carryout 2ata 'ase +esting on (ybase and ?racle 'ug %eporting and +riaging. (tatus %eporting %r'3ect5 Carat 1 ), Integration Carat 1 ), is one of the most important (ystem of (AI! is considered as a )re +rading (ystem of (AI. (AI directly do not do any trading! but using Carat 1 ), IM submits trades which finally executes by &'(I E+rading +eam of &idelityF. Carat is the &ront ,nd which is developed in 6' and ), is the ,ngine which is running as the middle tier. (AI gets account and a &und detail from various sources which runs through different process and ), engine evaluate each account and comes bac# with suggestion as which fund to buy and which to sell for each account. IMs verify this in Carat application and ta#e necessary actions. IM.s had the discretionary to accept or discard the suggestions and can go with hisCher best choices for trading. At this moment also ), tells the score of the (election of IM and helps in the submission of trades. =es0'nsibilities: <or#ed as a *A $ead and the (M, for the )ro;ect %esponsible for <or# assignment and (tatus reporting to Management and ?nsite +eam Act as a (ingle point of Contact 'etween development! 'A! +esting and Management +eams %esponsible for +est )lan and +est ,stimation creation +est Case and +est 2ata Creation %esponsible for +est Case %eviews Carryout (mo#e +esting! &unctional +esting! %egression +esting Carryout 2ata 'ase +esting on (ybase and ?racle 'ug %eporting and +riaging. (tatus %eporting D4it4i In6'ser!e %!t Lt) $S'6t-are Engineer& N'! (;4 < :une (;6 ='les an) =es0'nsibilities $eading a +eam of +wo %eHuirement gathering and analysisK ,stimationK +est Case 2esign! %eview! +est execution and reporting. Also actively participated in )ro;ect Implementation 9ser +raining ?n Call (upport for )ro;ect %r'3ect: M%2% EMaster %eference 2ata %epositoryF Client: >$$ - 9nilever +he Master %eference 2ata %epository EM%2%F designed and developed for >$$ supports the reference data reHuirements of all transaction processing systems and Management Information systems. +he system generates codes based on attributes and replicates this into the other information systems and maintains code history. )eriodic audit also is facilitated. Item Creation is used for centrali"ation of codes. 3ew Codes for >$$Ls products are created using M%2% Item Creation menu and hierarchy mapping is created for the code. %r'3ect: )C) E)rice Circular )ac#ageF Client: >$$ - 9nilever )rice circular pac#age E)C)F is designed and developed for >$$ to supports the pricing of its different application. +he pac#age gives the ability to price differently for the same item in different states. +his also generates monthly details of sailing and pricing reports. Personal Information &ull 3ame : 'i;u Chirayil Bappadan 2?' : /G nd May JM7M )assport : >0/IJGNG E>ave 6alid 'J 6isaF