Krieger, T., Roekens-Guibert, H. DuPont 1007 Market St. Wilmington, DE 19898 (p) (302) 774-1026, (f) (302) 774-2457, (e) [email protected]
ABSTRACT: Solar power offers a greener alternative to traditional electricity generation. To quantify the benefits of solar power, life cycle analysis of photovoltaic (PV) modules is necessary, requiring environmental impacts of all materials used in their production. Therefore, a cradle-to-gate LCA for the production of Tedlar polyvinylfluoride (PVF) film has been generated. Tedlar PVF films are preferred as the backing sheet for PV modules due to their excellent strength, weather resistance, UV resistance, and moisture barrier properties. These properties significantly improve module life, allowing module warranties up to 25 years. Requiring 317 MJ of primary energy per kg for its production, Tedlar PVF film contributes less than 1.5% of the entire PV modules embodied energy. Less than eight months of extended module life justifies using Tedlar film in lieu of other backing sheet materials. Other environmental impacts are also relatively insignificant compared to the PV module and roughly in proportion to the impacts of energy use. The global warming potential of Tedlar, 23.3 kg CO2 eq. per kg, contributes less than 2% of the total GWP for a photovoltaic module. Tedlar PVF film imparts minimal environmental impact in the production of a photovoltaic module while significantly reducing the overall burden of solar power by increasing module life. Keywords: Tedlar PVF Film, Backsheet, Life Cycle Analysis
While pollution-free electricity is a product of a photovoltaic (PV) module, the energy and environmental impacts of producing the module itself are not inconsequential. Life cycle analysis has been used in many studies to determine the energy payback time associated with the manufacture of a PV module [1,2,9], with a key feature being the life of a module. The focus of most studies has been on the manufacture of PV cells - as they represent the majority of the energy and environmental impacts of a PV module. However, this study discusses the impact of a backsheet material to a modules environmental and energy performance as seen through its cradle-to-gate impact for manufacture, but more importantly, through its ability to extend the life span of the module. Tedlar TPT backsheets play a key role in sustaining the life of a PV module. Their excellent strength, weather resistance, UV resistance, and moisture barrier properties allow for warranties up to 25 years. To date, the environmental impacts of Tedlar film used in PV modules have been approximated via comparison to similar products. A detailed analysis of the production process at DuPont and evaluation of raw material feeds was performed to quantify both the embodied energy and the environmental impacts from cradle-to-gate for the manufacture of Tedlar cast film. These impacts are put in perspective with those of an entire PV module with both virgin and recycled silicon. Energy use is typically the focus for the environmental impacts of PV module components in life cycle analysis studies since the purpose of a module is, in fact, to provide energy. However, fluorinated products typically raise concerns with global warming potential and ozone depletion potential. This study shows that Tedlar does not follow the typical trends of other fluoropolymers, as environmental impacts of Tedlar tend to mirror those associated with energy use.
2.1 LCA Basis Raw material use rates and energy requirements are quantified throughout the supply chain, incorporating efficiency, distribution, and conversion losses associated with electrical supply. Allocations for co-products along the supply chain are often required and are addressed individually upon their own merits Some are allocated by mass, some by avoidance, some by assigning no burden to the co-product, and some by their energy value. Current literature often provides multiple options for the modeling of any particular intermediate. Where applicable, actual plant data is used. When this is not available, literature sources consistent with the scope of this paper are used, such as Stanford Research Institute studies, and LCA database modules from Ecoinvent or others available in SimaPro life cycle software. The cumulative energy demand V1.1 impact assessment from Ecoinvent 2000 is used to calculate the primary energy demand [5,7]. Both non-renewable and renewable fuels are included. Modifications to account for U.S. based electricity and fuel values have been made where appropriate. Other environmental impacts are calculated via the CML 2 baseline 2000 V2.1 impact assessment available in SimaPro. Updates for the global warming potential values were made to agree with IPCC 2001 values [12].
2.1 Module Basis A typical Tedlar TPT backsheet consists of a 1.5 mil Tedlar PVF film laminated to each side of a 3 mil sheet of PET film. For this study, a 152Wp module consisting of 72 (125mm x 125mm) PV cells is used as the base module as modeled by Jungbluth, in the Ecoinvent process [7]. The area of the module is roughly 10% larger than the total PV cell area, resulting in 1.25m 2 of backsheet per module. PV cells generating higher voltage potential may require thicker backsheets. In these applications, the PET thickness is increased to as much as 10 mil. Tedlar layers are expected to decrease in thickness in the future, but are kept at 1.5mil for this study. Oceanic transport of the Tedlar is included since the lamination step and most current PV module applications are European.
3.1 Tedlar film Production Tedlar PVF film is produced at the DuPont Yerkes site in Buffalo, N.Y. (gold) with raw materials from both external sources (gray) and other DuPont plant sites (red) See Figure 1.
Hydrogen Fluoride Solvent PVF Vinyl Fluoride Difluoroethane HFC-152a Acetylene Tedlar PVF Film Tedlar OF Dispersion Titanium Dioxide Rec. Solv. Fluorspar
Figure 1: Tedlar Process Supply Chain
Vinyl fluoride monomer from DuPonts Louisville site is polymerized at high pressure in a continuous process to form polyvinylfluoride polymer. The polymer is dried and packaged in totes for use in the Tedlar PVF film process. PVF polymer is mixed in a solvent with titanium dioxide and other minor additives to form a dispersion. The dispersion is coalesced into a melt in an extruder and formed into a web through a hopper die. The melt is quenched in a water/solvent bath and then stretched in both the machine direction and the transverse direction and dried in a tenter frame drying oven. Solvent is recovered from both the quench station and the dryer and recycled via distillation. The film is adhesion treated, slit to width, and packaged for shipment to a lamination facility. Some film is flaked and recycled to the dispersion to minimize yield loss.
3.2 Tedlar PVF Film Energy & Impact Assessments Plant data from 2005 were used to determine energy and raw material use rates for the process steps from polymerization to dispersion, and on to casting, treatment and finished product. Tedlar PVF film production requires 317 MJ/kg Tedlar of primary energy; i.e. energy associated with all facets of the supply chain taken back to the ground. About half of the primary energy is associated with steam and electricity requirements at the Yerkes facility as shown in Figure 2. Steam is supplied from a local facility via a natural gas fired boiler. The combined cycle co-generation capability of the local facility is not currently used due to natural gas pricing. Other environmental impacts, for the most part, mirror those associated with energy production. Global warming potential is 23.3 kg CO 2 eq. per kg Tedlar. Actual CO 2 accounts for 75% of these emissions, while difluoroethane, HFC-152a, accounts for 22%. The remainder is mainly methane and N 2 O. Toxicity potential is expressed as 18.2-kg eq. of 1,4-dichlorobenzene eq. Roughly half is associated with energy production. Chromium VI and other less significant emissions in acetylene production account for an additional 35% of the toxicity impact for Tedlar PVF film. Hydrogen fluoride emissions in several process steps account for 11% of the toxicity impact.
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% ODP Eutroph. Air Acidification Toxicity GWP Primary Energy Acetylene HF HFC-152A VF PVF TiO2 Solvent PVF Dispersion Tedlar Film 317 MJ 23.3 kg CO2 eq. 18.2 kg 1,4 DB eq. 0.15 kg SO2 eq. 0.0082 kg PO4-- eq. 1.62e-6 kg CFC-11 eq.
Figure 2: Tedlar Film Impacts by process step
Air acidification, at 0.15 kg SO 2 eq. is dominated by SO x
emissions in the manufacture of sulfuric acid for HF production. Eutrophication and ozone depletion potential (ODP) are minimal at 0.0082 kg phosphate eq. and 1.62e-6 kg CFC-11 eq., respectively. Almost all ODP is associated with energy production or transport.
A photovoltaic module consists of many different materials ranging from silicon wafer PV cells to aluminum frames to glass, and, Tedlar TPT backsheets. Several authors have estimated the primary energy for module production including Alsema [1,2], Knapp [9], and Jungbluth [7] with various differences due mainly to cell technology, wafer thickness, and inclusion of the aluminum frame. The Jungbluth model of a pc-Si photovoltaic panel available through the Ecoinvent database is used as the basis for this study. Jungbluth uses a module for polyvinylidine chloride as a surrogate for Tedlar. This portion of the model was replaced with the DuPont Tedlar PVF film plant data.
4.1 PV Module Energy & Impact Assessment Each module requires 4656 MJ of primary energy for production, equivalent to 2980 kWh-el / kWp at 35% electricity conversion efficiency. The manufacture of the PV cells accounts for 83%, with aluminum and glass accounting for an additional 10%. At a use rate of 0.16 kg per module plus 7% yield loss due to trim losses, Tedlar imparts less than 1.5% of the total energy burden for a module. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% ODP Eutroph. Air Acidification Toxicity GWP Primary Energy PV Cell Aluminum Glass EVA Tedlar PET Film Module Energy Other 4656 MJ 221 kg CO2 eq. 154 kg 1,4 DB eq. 1.07 kg SO2 eq. 0.20 kg PO4-- eq. 3.1e-5 kg CFC-11 eq.
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% ODP Eutroph. Air Acidification Toxicity GWP Primary Energy PV Cell Aluminum Glass EVA Tedlar PET Film Module Energy Other 2088 MJ 104 kg CO2 eq. 91 kg 1,4 DB eq. 0.54 kg SO2 eq. 0.084 kg PO4-- eq. 1.3e-5 kg CFC-11 eq. Figure 4: PV Module Recycled PV Cells. Impacts by Figure 3: PV Module Impacts by Material (152Wp module with frame) Material (152Wp module with frame)
Global warming potential, like almost all impact areas for PV module manufacture, is also dominated by PV cell manufacture at 80%. The total impact of 221-kg CO 2 eq. consists of 204 kg of actual CO 2 , showing that most of the global warming potential is associated with energy consumption. In fact, less than 1 kg CO 2 eq. is due to fluorochemical (mainly HFC-152a) emissions in the Tedlar supply chain. Several assumptions must be made with regard to module performance and solar irradiation as shown in Table I. Additional environmental impacts associated with PV module operation are added, including those associated with array support and cabling as well as inverters. Array support and cabling add 125 MJ and 7.6 kg CO2 eq. per 152Wp module [2]. Inverters add 294 MJ and 19 kg CO2 eq per module [2]. Inverters are assumed to last 15 years. Impacts to other categories from arrays and inverters are added in proportion to the energy consumption in relation to that of an entire PV module. Human toxicity impacts are not represented as clearly using LCA since the global approach of LCA can mis- represent the local effects from materials and energy produced at various locations. In addition, relating the toxicity of one material to another is highly complicated due to the different modes of toxicity and acute versus chronic effects. However, using the CML 2000 V2.1 Impact Assessment, the human toxicity impact of manufacturing a PV module is measured at 154 kg 1,4- dichlorbenzene eq. The impact is spread among polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) (32%), chromium VI (25%), and dioxins (20%). Aluminum production contributes close to 30% of the impact despite the typical dominance from PV cell manufacture, while Tedlar contributes less than 2%. Virtually all of the toxicity impact with a PV module is associated with the electricity used in its manufacture.
TABLE I: Assumptions - PV Module vs. Electricity Assumption Middle Europe Average U.S Source Solar Irradiation 1000 kWh/m 2 /yr 1825 kWh/m 2 /yr [2], [9] Module Efficiency 13.7% 13.7% [2] Module Perf. Ratio 75% 75% [11] Module Life span 10 or 25 years 10 or 25 years Electricity Model Ecoinvent UCTE U.S. Average [5], [8] Electrical Efficiency 31.2% 33.6% [5], [8]
Under these assumptions, a 152Wp PV module produces 130 238 kWh of electricity per year depending on the solar irradiation, (3250 kWh middle Europe and 5950 kWh U.S. for 25-yr). Figure 5 compares the impacts of a 25-yr life PV module, a 10-yr life PV module, and the equivalent amount of electricity generated through traditional means for both middle Europe and the United States. Other environmental impacts as well as those discussed above are shown in Figure 3 as a function of material used in the manufacture of a PV cell. The impacts for each material are taken back to the ground.
0.0 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 ODP Eutroph. Air Acidification Human Toxicity GWP Energy Impact with respect to 25-yr PV module Elect - Middle Europe Elect - U.S. Ave PV Module 10-yr Life PV Module 25-yr Life 56 44
4.2 Recycled PV module A recent study by Mller, et. al. [11] has shown the impact of a PV module can be substantially reduced by recycling the silicon. Currently, recycling is only performed on a pilot level, but if growth follows the projected trends, PV module recycling will likely be required despite the current lack of infrastructure. Mller, suggest that two-thirds of the energy associated with PV cell manufacture can be avoided through recycle. This study makes that single adjustment to identify the impacts of a recycled 152Wp module, assuming all other parts of the replacement module are new See Figure 4.
Figure 5: PV module vs. Grid Electricity. 4.3 PV Module Life Span Impacts
The impacts for each are displayed as a ratio with the impact from a 25-yr module. For example, the primary energy to supply 5950 kWh electricity in the United States is 12 times greater from the U.S. grid than a 25-yr- The environmental aspects of PV modules compare favorably to traditional methods of generating electricity over the life span of the module. life module. A 25-yr-life PV module can pay back the energy required for its manufacture over 12 times assuming U.S. based electricity and irradiation. Two and a half 10-yr modules are necessary to provide the same amount of electricity as a 25-yr module (no silicon recycle). Note: Both the human toxicity and air acidification values for U.S. based electricity exceed the scale of the graph. The impact of a 10-yr-life module is about 2.3 times worse for all categories: reduced from the expected 2.5 times due to the inclusion of the inverter. The human toxicity data for the U.S. based electricity is mainly from chromium VI emissions associated with coal [8]. PV modules used in southern Europe would perform 1.7 times better than those would for middle Europe due to increased solar irradiation of 1700 kWh/m 2 /yr.
5.1 Electricity and Fuel Values The Michigan State University (MSU) report by S. Kim and B. Dale is used as the basis for U.S. electricity for the Tedlar PVF film processes [8]. The report breaks down the impacts by U.S. grid, identifying use rate and heat values for each fuel type in each region. Use rates by fuel type were accepted, but heat values for natural gas, fuel oil, and uranium were modified (See Table II). Coal heat values matched U.S. Department of Energy data by region within 1% and were, therefore, accepted. Density conversion factors account for the differences in heat values for natural gas and fuel oil. The LHV for uranium was modified to match that used in Ecoinvent 2000 data. Other than fuel values and their impact on use rates, all emissions, efficiencies and raw material use rates were taken from the Kim report.
TABLE II: U.S. Based Fuel Lower Heating Values Fuel LHV (MJ/kg) Basis Coal Varies by region [8] Natural Gas 48.0 0.61 SG [8] Fuel Oil 41.0 0.95 SG [8] Uranium 451,000 [5]
Electricity for European production is based on the electricity models from Ecoinvent [5]. For the PV module, most electricity is per the Ecoinvent data. Only the Tedlar supply chain (See Figure 1) was modified where appropriate to U.S. based electricity.
5.2 Vinyl Fluoride Vinyl fluoride (VF) production is modeled based on production at DuPonts Louisville, KY site. Difluoroethane (HFC-152a) is reacted to yield vinyl fluoride and hydrogen fluoride.
H 3 C CHF 2 H 2 C = CH 2 F + HF
The co-product HF is allocated by HF avoidance as described in section 5.4. Transport for HFC-152a is included. The process energy requirements for the VF facility are 8.5 MJ, 75% from natural gas. The total process energy from cradle-to-gate for VF production (60.7 MJ/kg) is less than that for HFC-152a production due to the HF avoidance credit.
5.3 Difluoroethane (HFC-152a) A low pressure, liquid-phase, acetylene-based process was used to model the production of HFC-152a using a BF 3 catalyst.
H-CC-H + 2 HF H 3 C CHF 2
HF yield is assumed to be 95% while acetylene yield is estimated at 92.4% as used in a 1988 DuPont economic evaluation of HFC-152a manufacturing options. Total process energy consumption at the HFC-152a facility is 4.9 MJ, mostly from electricity. The catalyst and other raw materials (lime) contribute less than 1% to energy consumption. This route requires less than half the process energy of the vinyl chloride route as reported by Krieger [10], mainly due to reduced steam requirements. The cradle- to-gate process energy for HFC-152a production via acetylene is 63.4 MJ/kg.
5.4 Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) The Ecoinvent model for HF production was modified to reflect a higher use rate of fluorspar and sulfuric acid and to include electricity and natural gas use rates. Fluorspar consumption is increased to 2.053 kg per kg HF, while sulfuric acid use is increased to 5.5 kg per kg HF. The sulfuric acid use rate is much closer to the values in an HF model by ETH-ESU [6]. U.S. average electricity was used to simulate a coal-centric electricity grid expected in China. Transportation of the fluorspar and sulfuric acid is included. A second model for HF is used as an avoidance stream during the production of vinyl fluoride. The co- product HF from the VF production at Louisville is used on-site for Freon-22 production in lieu of additional HF produced and shipped from DuPonts Laporte, TX site. Therefore, changes to electricity and transportation in the avoidance model are required. The LaPorte site uses a natural gas co-generation facility to provide its electricity. Oceanic transport for the Fluorspar is included.
5.5 Fluorspar A modified version of the Ecoinvent unit process for fluorspar is used. This model assumes fluorspar manufactured in China. Energy consumption from the original ecoinvent model was changed to U.S. based energy to reflect a higher use of coal and lower use of nuclear energy in electricity. Oceanic transport is not included since the HF is also produced in China in this supply chain.
5.6 PET Film The Bousted PET Film A model available in SimaPro is used to represent both PET used in the Tedlar TPT backsheet and for PET film used as a competitive product for PV backsheets [13]. The competitive product would likely have higher energy consumption due to vapor deposition treatments and other processing for PV applications.
5.7 Solvent Acetic acid and Dimethylamine (DMA) are reacted without the aide of a catalyst to form dimethylacetimde, DMAc. Data from the SRI report on DMAc production is used for raw material and energy use rates [4]. Although DuPont produces methylamines, the SRI report was used for transparency, particularly since the impact of DMA in the Tedlar study is minimal. Emissions were estimated by assuming the yield losses of acetic acid, DMA, and DMAc are incinerated, yielding 0.15 kg CO 2 and 0.04 kg NO x per kg DMAc produced.
5.8 Dimethylamine Data from the SRI report on methylamine production is used [3]. Although DuPont produces methylamines, the SRI report was used for transparency, as explained for DMAc. Methanol and ammonia are reacted to form monomethylyamine, dimethylamine, and trimethylamine. Raw materials were allocated on a stoichiometric basis with MMA, DMA, and TMA on a 40/50/10 product weight ratio. Energy consumption is allocated on a mass basis. Emissions were allocated via stoichiometry and estimated from yield losses identified in the SRI report. Product yields for MeOH and NH 3 are 99% and 99.5%, respectively. The methanol yield loss is represented through conversion to DMA, followed by incineration, resulting in 0.02 kg CO 2 and 0.01 kg NO x per kg DMA emissions. DMA air emissions in 2003 for DuPonts Belle facility were less than 0.1 g / kg produced.
5.8 Acetylene, Methanol, Acetic Acid, Oxygen, TiO 2
Ecoinvent data modules for acetylene, methanol, acetic acid, oxygen, and titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ) were used with modification to U.S. based electricity and fuel sources [5,8]. The supply chain assumes China sourcing for acetylene, but a coal-centric U.S. based electricity source is used in the absence of Asia-Pacific data. The methanol and acetic acid modules have limited impact through the use of the solvent, DMAc. Although DuPont supplies titanium dioxide, the Ecoinvent data is used for transparency.
The magnitude of the PV module primary energy shows the impact associated with Tedlar film is trivial at less than 1.5% of the total burden. However, the use of the Tedlar TPT backsheet avoids the need to replace PV modules as frequently. Competitors backsheets are currently made from laminates of specially treated PET film. These products typically have a warranty of 10 years as compared to the 25-year warranty for modules with TPT backsheets. As a function of life span for a PV module with a competitors backsheet, Table III shows the life-span required for a TPT backsheet module to pay for the additional energy required in its manufacture for both virgin and recycled silicon modules. The difference in warranty suggests that modules using a Tedlar TPT backsheet easily overcome these energy payback times. Since the other environmental impacts discussed in this paper are mainly due to energy consumption and Tedlar PVF film does not attract more than 2% for any, similar payback times would be expected. For instance, to payback for global warming potential as compared to a competitors 10-yr module, the life span of a PV module with a Tedlar TPT backsheet need only be 10.2 years.
Table III: Energy Payback Time (EPBT) for Modules with Tedlar TPT Backsheets Assumed Module Life with Competitor's Backsheet, yr 10 15 20 25 EPBT for Tedlar PVF Film Backsheet, yr 10.1 15.2 20.2 25.3 EPBT for Tedlar PVF Film Backsheet - Recycled PV Cells, yr 10.3 15.4 20.5 25.7 Total EP for Module with 25-yr life, Tedlar PVF Film Backsheet, MJ 6930 3050 1110 -54
No additional burdens have been included for installation of the modules. Due to the requirement for multiple modules with the competitors backsheet, installation burdens would only strengthen the case for Tedlar PVF film. Life cycle analysis from cradle-to-gate typically misses the true benefits of a highly engineered product. By including the life span of the PV-module, the relatively high energy consumption for making Tedlar PVF film is shown to be trivial compared to the energy saved by reducing the frequency of module replacement. Also, despite its fluorocarbon backbone, Tedlar PVF film was shown to have minimal global warming potential and ozone depletion potential beyond that associated with energy consumption. The properties of Tedlar PVF film used in PV module backsheets offer longer life to PV modules, which in turn, offer an energy payback up to 12 times that required to manufacture the entire module and over 2.3 times that of a 10-yr-life module.
[1] Alsema, E. A. 2000. Energy pay-back time and CO 2
emissions of PV systems. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 8(1), pp. 17-25.
[2] Alsema, E., Wild-Schoten, M., 2005. The real environmental impacts of crystalline silicon PV modules: An analysis based on up-to-date manufacturers' data. ECN Solar Energy.
[3] Arne, Michael. "Methyl amines from ammonia and methanol." Stanford Research Institute Process Economics Program Report No. 138: Alkyl amines. March 1981.
[4] Bryan, Kathryn B. "N,N-Dimethylacetamide." Stanford Research Institute Process Economics Program Report No. 206: Specialty solvents. May 1992.
[5] Ecoinvent Centre (2005): ecoinvent data v1.2, Final reports ecoinvent 2000 No. 1-15. ISBN 3-905594-38- 2. Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Empa, Dbendorf, Switzerland.
[6] Frischknecht et al., "ko-inventare von Energiesystemen" 1996, 3rd edition, (German language only)
[7] Jungbluth, N., 0 (2003) Photovoltaik. Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen. Final report No. 6 ecoinvent 2000. Editors: Dones R.. Volume: 6. Swiss Centre for LCI, PSI. Dbendorf and Villigen, CH.
[8] Kim, S., Dale, B., Life cycle inventory information of the United States electricity system, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, pp. 1-17.
[9] Knapp, K., Jester, T., Empirical investigation of the energy payback time for photovoltaic modules. Solar Energy, 2001. 71(3): p.165-172.
[10] Krieger, T., Bateman, D., Life Cycle Analysis for Production of HFC-134a and HFC-152a, 2004. 2004 Earth Tech Forum Conference proceedings.
[11] Muller, A., Wambach, K., Alsema, A. 2005. Life cycle analysis of a solar module recycling process. 20th European Photovoltaic Conference 6-10 June 2005, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 3211-3213.