This document provides a system for concisely summarizing blocking notation used in theater. Standard symbols are used to indicate directions of movement like up, down, left, right, and center as well as actions like cross and pause. Destinations on stage can be described in relation to objects, other characters, or standard stage locations to precisely communicate an actor's movements and positioning.
This document provides a system for concisely summarizing blocking notation used in theater. Standard symbols are used to indicate directions of movement like up, down, left, right, and center as well as actions like cross and pause. Destinations on stage can be described in relation to objects, other characters, or standard stage locations to precisely communicate an actor's movements and positioning.
This document provides a system for concisely summarizing blocking notation used in theater. Standard symbols are used to indicate directions of movement like up, down, left, right, and center as well as actions like cross and pause. Destinations on stage can be described in relation to objects, other characters, or standard stage locations to precisely communicate an actor's movements and positioning.
This document provides a system for concisely summarizing blocking notation used in theater. Standard symbols are used to indicate directions of movement like up, down, left, right, and center as well as actions like cross and pause. Destinations on stage can be described in relation to objects, other characters, or standard stage locations to precisely communicate an actor's movements and positioning.
Sam cross left, above the chair, to downstage center. = Sa XL ch to DSC.
[Sa] [X] [L] [ ch] to [DSC]. Sam cross left, above the chair, to below the bookcase. = SaXL ch to b.c. Sa X L ch to [ bookcase]. [DL of Su] [L of UC door] [b/t Je & Fr] Standard symbols U Up D down L left R right C center S stage X cross Other symbols b/t between -ing suffix above, (upstage of) cw clockwise below (downstage of) ccw counter-clockwise c. counter, or turn / 3 / pause 3 seconds table X2 cross 2 steps chair ent enter phone ex exit character Destination (stage location) navigation relative to obstacles in pathway cross general direction of actors pathway Destinations may also be relative to objects or other characters on the stage.