Sen. Krueger's 2014 Housing Newsletter

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Dear Neighbor,
With the growing shortage of afordable housingfor both
renters and homeownersthere has never been a more important
time to understand your rights and how housing laws apply to you.
Tere is not enough space to address all the pertinent facts, so this
newsletter covers the issues which come up most frequently in my
District Of ce. Please be aware that there are exceptions to many of
the guidelines outlined here and that my of ce cannot provide legal
As someone who has spent decades fghting for afordable
housing, I am deeply disappointed by the Senate leaderships
refusal to permit any votes on bills to expand tenants rights or
meaningfully increase investment in afordable housing. New Yorks
rent regulation laws, which govern the rights of almost two million
residents, expire in June 2015. Although tenants are understandably
anxious whenever the laws come up for renewal, next year will be
an important opportunity for everyone concerned about housing
afordability to work together to make sure the laws are strengthened.
Residents interested in getting involved can contact any of the tenant
organizations listed on page 4, or join me for a forum I will be hosting
on September 18th: Everything You Want to Know About Rental
Housing in NYC. Tis forum will take place at Lighthouse Guild
International, 111 East 59th Street, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Tere was one bright spot this year in Albany for housing.
Afer years of fghting to increase the income eligibility limits for
the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) and Disabled
Rent Increase Exemption (DRIE) programs, I am pleased that the
state fnally granted New York City the authority to raise the income
caps to $50,000. Tese increases will help thousands of senior and
disabled tenants remain in their homes. Additional details about both
programs are on page 3.
While the problems faced by condominium owners and co-
op shareholders are ofen diferent from those faced by renters, my
of ce receives many inquiries from residents who are confused about
their rights and responsibilities. Page 3 provides an overview of the
rights of shareholders and owners, as well as property tax exemptions
for which they may be eligible.
If you need more information, additional copies of this
newsletter or help with individual or building-wide problems, please
contact my of ce.
Liz Krueger
State Senator
What services are tenants entitled to?
Numerous city and state laws guarantee tenants certain
essential services and protections. Tenants have the right to a safe,
well-maintained, livable apartment, to organize tenants associations
and to make complaints about lack of services without reprisals.
Owners must: register with the NYC Department of
Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) the name of both the
owner and managing agent authorized to make emergency repairs
and list a phone number in the building where the owner/agent can
be reached at all times; provide regular extermination services if
needed; provide daily garbage disposal; keep public areas clean and
free of vermin; provide janitorial services; and keep the building in
good repair.
What are my responsibilities as a tenant?
Tenants have responsibilities to both the building owner
and their neighbors. Tenants must pay their rent on time, discipline
their pets, comply with their leases, keep noise levels down and, if
required in the lease, cover foors with rugs or carpeting.
What if I dont receive proper services or repairs?
If you have a problem with services or need repairs, frst
speak to the owner or agent. If they fail to respond, put it in writing
and mail it by certifed mail, return receipt requested. Keep copies
of all correspondence and records of conversations. Many of the
organizations listed on page 4 provide sample letters and details
about obtaining repairs on their websites. If the owner does not act in
a reasonable period of time consider these options:
Request a Code Enforcement Inspection. File a complaint
with HPD by calling 311. HPD will send inspectors who can issue
orders to correct violations.
Go to Housing Court. If your problem is serious, you may
want to initiate a case in Housing Courtknown as an HP action. If
the problem is building-wide, it may be a good idea to take legal action
with other tenants. To bring an owner to court, three forms must be
completed and served on the owner (the forms are obtainable from
the Housing Court at 111 Centre Street). Judges can levy fnes, issue
orders to correct violations, and appoint special administrators to run
problem buildings. Tere is a $45 fling fee, but it may be recovered if
you win your case. If you cannot aford the fee, you may apply to have
it waived.
For more information on Housing Court, contact Housing
Court Answers or visit the Housing Court website (see page 4 for
Seek a rent reduction. Rent-regulated tenants can fle
an application with the State Division of Housing and Community
Renewal (DHCR) for a rent reduction based on decreased service(s).
DHCR has the authority to order a rent reduction until services are
restored. Separate complaint forms are available for individual and
building-wide issues. You can obtain the forms from DHCR by calling
718-739-6400 or download them from the agencys website (http://
Is my apartment rent-controlled or rent-stabilized?
While there are exceptions to these general rules, your
apartment is probably rent-controlled if your building was built
before 1947, contains three or more apartments, and you or a family
member moved in before July 1, 1971. Generally, controlled tenants
have one original lease or no lease.
Your apartment is likely rent-stabilized if your building has
at least six apartments, and either 1) was built between 1947 and 1973;
or 2) was built before 1947 and you moved in afer June 30, 1971.
Apartments in buildings constructed afer 1973 are not subject to
regulation unless the owners receive government tax benefts such as
J-51 or 421-a abatements. All apartments in a building, regardless of
the rent level, are rent-stabilized if a building is receiving J-51 or 421a
tax benefts.
Some apartments that meet the general criteria for rent
stabilization are exempt due to the rent level, the timing of past
vacancies, or the rent and income of a tenant in occupancy. Special
rules also apply to buildings owned by non-proft institutions.
What about market-rate apartments?
Rental apartments not subject to the rent stabilization
or control laws are known as market-rate apartments. Rents for
market-rate apartments are negotiated, and the lease the parties sign
dictates the terms of the tenancy. Owners of market-rate apartments
are not required to ofer tenants renewal leases and there are no
limits on rent increases. Despite the exemption from rent regulation,
there are a number of laws which apply to all apartments, such as
the Warranty of Habitability, the Housing and Maintenance Code, the
Multiple Dwelling Law, and the Roommate Law.
Is my building required to have a superintendent?
Owners of buildings with nine or more apartments must
either provide janitorial services themselves if they live on-site or hire
a super who lives in the building or within 200 feet. Te name and 24-
hour phone number of the person responsible for janitorial services
must be posted in the lobby. If these services are not provided, you
can fle a complaint with HPD by calling 311.
What about heat and hot water?
During the heating season (October 1 through May 31),
owners must provide heat as follows: from 6am to 10pm, if the
outdoor temperature is below 55 degrees, apartments must be heated
to at least 68 degrees. Between 10pm to 6am, if the temperature is
below 40 degrees, apartments must be at least 55 degrees. Hot water
must be supplied all year at a minimum temperature of 120 degrees.
If you do not have adequate heat or hot water, keep a daily
record and notify your landlord. If the situation does not improve, fle
a complaint by calling 311.
Am I entitled to have my apartment painted?
City law requires apartments in buildings with three units
or more to be painted every three years. If your apartment has not
been painted, put your request in writing. If you do not receive a
satisfactory response, you can fle a complaint by calling 311.
May I install my own appliances?
Tenants must return their apartments in the same condition
in which they were rented. Tenants may not remove any appliances
installed by the owner without frst receiving written permission. In
many cases, making permanent physical changes without permission
can be grounds for eviction.
What about security deposits?
Owners are entitled to collect a security deposit limited to
one months rent from regulated tenants. Security deposits for market-
rate apartments are not limited. Owners of buildings with six or more
apartments must place security deposits in separate interest-bearing
accounts and inform tenants of the name of the bank. Tenants may
request to have the interest paid annually (minus a 1% administration
fee), applied towards the rent or paid in a lump sum when they move.
Tenants are entitled to receive the security deposit back once
they leave at the end of the lease if the owner determines no damage
(beyond normal wear) has been done. Complaints regarding security
deposit issues can be fled with the State Attorney Generals Of ce or
in Small Claims Court.
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Can an apartment be rented for less than 30 days?
In NYC, it is illegal to rent an entire apartment located in a
building with three or more apartments for less than 30 days. Such
rentals are commonly known as illegal hotels. Rentals of less than
30 days also violate the terms of almost all leases, as well as co-op and
condominium bylaws. While the law does not prohibit permanent
residents from renting individual rooms within their apartments if
they remain in occupancy the entire time, such short-term rentals
may nonetheless violate the apartment lease or building bylaws.
If you suspect apartments are being rented in your building
for less than 30 days, you can report this activity to 311 and/or my ofce.
Can the owner enter my apartment?
Owners must have access to your apartment in an
emergency such as a fre, broken water pipe or gas leak. Owners are
also permitted to enter apartments with reasonable notice to inspect
and make needed repairs. Tenants may install an additional lock but
must provide the landlord a duplicate key if one is requested. Failure
to grant reasonable access can be grounds for eviction.
May I have pets in my apartment?
If your lease specifcally permits pets or is silent on the
issue, then you may have pets. Lease clauses banning pets are
binding. However, no-pet clauses are void if owners dont act to
enforce them within three months of the time the tenant began
openly keeping a pet. Additionally, owners must make exemptions
to no-pet clauses for disabled tenants who need service animals.
Is my landlord allowed to charge me late fees?
If you are a rent-regulated tenant and your frst lease
authorized late fees, your landlord can charge them. Late fees must
be reasonable which is generally defned as less than 5% of your
monthly rent. Clauses authorizing late fees cannot be added renewal
leases if they were not in the initial lease.
If you are a market-rate tenant, late fees may only be
collected if your lease permits them.
Is my landlord allowed to charge me legal fees?
Landlords cannot impose legal fees on tenants unless the
tenants lease permits the landlord to seek legal fees, the tenant is brought
to court by the landlord, and either a judge orders the tenant to pay legal
fees or the tenant agrees to them in a court-approved stipulation.
Can I be evicted?
Te laws governing eviction are complex and vary based
on the type of housing. However, anyone has lived in a home for 30
days or longer in NYC can only be legally evicted if the owner has
fled an eviction case in Housing Court and obtained a judgment of
possession. Attempting to evict a tenant without obtaining a judicial
order is a criminal ofense and should be immediately reported to
the police. Anyone facing possible eviction is strongly advised to
seek legal assistance.
While there are some exceptions, if you are a rent-regulated
tenant you can only be evicted if you fail to pay your rent, do not
use the apartment as your primary residence, or violate a substantial
obligation of your tenancy. If you are a market-rate tenant, you
cannot be evicted until your lease expires unless you fail to pay your
rent or violate a substantial obligation of your lease.
How are rent increases determined for rent-stabilized and rent-
controlled apartments?
Increases for stabilized apartments are established
annually by the NYC Rent Guidelines Board. For renewal leases
starting between October 1, 2013 and September 30, 2014, the
guidelines are: 4% for a one-year lease and 7.75% for a two-year
lease. Te increases for leases commencing between October 1, 2014
and September 30, 2015 are 1% for a one-year lease and 2.75% for a
two-year lease.
Increases for controlled apartments are derived from
two fgures: the Maximum Base Rent (MBR), a maximum ceiling
for rents, and the Maximum Collectible Rent (MCR), the amount
an owner can actually collect. New MBRs are determined every two
years by DHCR. Te annual MCR cannot exceed 7.5%, and there are
conditions owners must meet to qualify for the increase.
What additional increases can afect regulated apartments?
New Appliances: If an appliance provided by the owner
breaks, the tenant is entitled to have it repaired or replaced with a
used appliance in good working order. If a tenant opts for a new
appliance, an owner is entitled to a permanent monthly rent increase
equal to 1/40th of the items cost if the building contains 35 or fewer
apartments, and 1/60th of the cost if the building has 36 or more
apartments. Owners must obtain written consent from tenants in
occupancy before installing new appliances. Owners are also entitled
to 1/40th or 1/60th increases for new equipment or improvements in
vacant apartments.
Major Capital Improvements (MCIs): Eligible MCIs
must contribute to the operation, maintenance and preservation of a
building, and directly or indirectly beneft all the tenants. Te most
common improvements are new roofs, elevators, boilers, or windows
in every apartment. Completion of the improvements may entitle
the owner to increase your rent, subject to approval by DHCR. MCIs
are permanent rent increases which are 1/84th of the total cost of the
improvement, divided by the total number of rooms in your building,
and then multiplied by the total number of rooms in your apartment.
MCI increases are capped at 15% annually for controlled tenants and
6% for stabilized tenants.
When DHCR begins processing an MCI application, tenants
receive a notice outlining the work and increase sought. Tenants have
30 days to challenge an application. DHCR may reject or delay MCI
applications if owners have not maintained required services or there
are current immediately hazardous violations in a building. Do not
pay any MCI increase until you have received a copy of the DHCR
order authorizing the increase. Additional information about MCIs is
available from many of the organizations listed on page 4.
How can I check my legal rent?
Te legal rent is the highest rent an owner is allowed to
charge for a rent-regulated apartment, and is established by the
apartments history of vacancies, lease renewals and renovations.
Landlords are required to include the legal rent on all leases and to
register it with DHCR every year. If you think you are being charged
more than the legal rent, you can obtain a copy of your apartments
rent registration history from DHCR by calling 718-739-6400, and
then fle a complaint with the agency.
Changes made to DHCRs regulations in 2014 grant new
rent-stabilized tenants the right to obtain information about any
individual apartment increases (IAIs) made before they moved
in(see below for more information). New tenants must request this
information from their landlord via certifed mail within 60 days of
signing their frst lease. Te owner is required to provide information
within 30 days. Tenants who do not receive the documents requested
may fle a complaint with DHCR.
What is a preferential rent?
Some rent-stabilized tenants pay a rent lower than the legal
rent for their apartment this rent is called a preferential rent. In
most cases, this rent was negotiated when the tenant frst moved in
because of building or market conditions. While the law generally
allows a landlord to raise the rent from the preferential rent to the
legal rent on any lease renewal, certain legal conditions must be met.
Tenants who are informed their preferential rents are being terminated
should consult a tenant organization or attorney for guidance.
Do I have the right to a lease renewal?
Unfortunately, market-rate tenants are not entitled to lease
renewals. Owners of market-rate units have discretion over whether
to renew a lease and the terms of any renewal.
Rent-stabilized tenants have the right to renew their
leases for either a one- or two-year period under the same terms
and conditions as their original leases. Owners must ofer renewal
leases between 150 and 90 days prior to the expiration of the tenants
lease, or state the reason why they are not renewing the lease. If you
dont receive a timely renewal ofer, send the owner a certifed letter,
return receipt requested. If no renewal is forthcoming, you can fle a
complaint with DHCR. Until you receive a proper renewal lease, your
current lease remains in efect. Please keep in mind that a tenants
failure to respond within 60 days to a lease renewal ofer may lead to
eviction proceedings.
Tere are very limited circumstances in which an owner can
deny a stabilized tenant a renewal lease. Tenants should seek advice
from a tenant group or attorney if they receive any notices stating that
they are not being ofered renewal leases.
Can my spouse be added to my existing lease?
If you are a stabilized tenant, you have the right to add your
spouse to your lease at any time. Simply write a letter to the owner
asking that your spouse be added and send the letter by certifed
mail, return receipt requested; you can include a copy of the marriage
certifcate if you are asked to provide proof. You can fle a complaint
with the DHCR if the owner does not comply. Unfortunately, tenants
are not entitled to add other family members to an existing lease.
Can my family member remain in my apartment if I move away
or die?
Certain family members have the right to claim succession
rights to a rent-stabilized or controlled apartment, and become
the tenant of record, if they meet particular requirements. Te law
grants succession rights to two categories of people: traditional
family members and non-traditional family members. Te person
claiming succession rights must have lived with the former tenant of
record as a primary resident for at least two years, or at least one year
if the individual is disabled or age 62 or over.
Traditional family members include only spouses,
children, parents, stepchildren, stepparents, siblings, grandparents,
grandchildren, parents-in-law and children-in-law. Non-traditional
family members are occupants who can demonstrate that they
shared a long-term close, emotional and fnancial relationship with
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the previous tenant that resembles an immediate family relationship.
Succession rights can only be claimed when the previous
tenant vacates the apartment. However, tenants who know that they
will need to assert succession rights in the future may fnd it helpful
to consult a tenant organization to ensure that they are fully prepared.
Tenants whose succession rights are challenged are advised to contact
a tenant organization or attorney.
What is luxury decontrol?
Apartments with legal regulated rents of at least $2,500 can
be deregulated if the occupants have an adjusted gross income of
$200,000 or greater for both of the two previous years. In order to apply
to DHCR for deregulation order, the owner must send the tenant an
Income Certifcation Form by May 1 of each year. If the tenant fails
to return the form, or if the owner disputes the information submitted,
the owner can fle a Petition for Deregulation. DHCR will then attempt
to obtain the income information from the tenant. If the tenant either
shows an income of over $200,000, or fails to return the form within 30
days, DHCR can issue a decontrol/destabilization order.
What does primary residence mean?
To be entitled to the protections of rent regulation, tenants
must maintain their apartment as their primary residence. While
the law does not provide a single defnition of primary residence,
the following factors are frequently considered: 1) the use of another
residence for more than half the year; 2) the use of another address
on a tax return, motor vehicle registration, voter registration or
other government form; 3) subletting of the apartment. Tere are
exceptions to these guidelines for residents who are absent from their
apartments for employment or educational purposes, to care for a
relative or to obtain medical treatment. Te failure of a rent-regulated
tenant to use an apartment as a primary residence is grounds to deny
a renewal lease. A tenant whose primary residence is challenged
should contact a tenant organization or attorney .
May I have a roommate?
Provided a tenant occupies the apartment as his or her
primary residence, each tenant named on a lease has the right to have
one unrelated roommate and that roommates dependent children
reside with them. Immediate family members of the named tenant
do not count as roommates. Tenants who take in a roommate are
required to notify the owner within 30 days but do not need to
receive permission. Tenants should not charge roommates more
than a proportionate share of the rent---doing so can be grounds for
eviction and/or overcharge proceedings. If the tenant named in the
lease leaves, the remaining occupant has no right to the apartment
without the owners consent.
What are my rights to sublet my apartment?
Unless greater rights are detailed in their leases, rent-
stabilized tenants have the right to sublet for two out of every four
years subject to the owners consent, which cannot be unreasonably
withheld. If the apartment is furnished, the rent charged to a
subtenant cannot exceed the legal rent plus a 10% surcharge, payable
to the tenant. Te owner is also entitled to collect an additional 10%
surcharge from the tenant. Rent-controlled tenants do not have the
right to sublet.
Are building owners required to make accommodations for
disabled tenants?
NYCs Human Rights Law protects the rights of people
with disabilities by requiring landlords, co-ops and condominiums
to make reasonable accommodations for disabled tenants,
shareholders and owners. A reasonable accommodation can be
either structural (such as installing a building entrance ramp or grab
bars) or involve a policy change (such as waiving a no-pets policy).
For an accommodation to be considered reasonable, it must be
related to the residents disability, be fnancially and architecturally
feasible, and not harm other residents. Te law requires building
owners to pay for accommodations that meet these criteria.
Residents with disabilities should notify their landlords of
any needed accommodations. Residents may be asked to provide
documentation from a health care provider that describes the nature
of the disability and the functional limitations it imposes. If the
building owner ignores or rejects a request, a complaint can be fled
with the NYC Human Rights Commission by calling 212-306-7450.
Who is eligible for the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption
(SCRIE) program?
Te SCRIE program freezes rents for tenants and provides
a tax abatement for owners. To be eligible for SCRIE, you must be
62 years of age or older, live in a rent-regulated apartment, have a
household income (afer taxes) of $50,000 or less, and pay more than
one-third of your income in rent. Te NYC Department of Finance
(DOF) processes applications and requires tenants to recertify every
two years. Tenants who experience a permanent decrease in income
of more than 20% can apply to have their benefts recalculated.
Figures show that only a fraction of eligible residents have
applied for SCRIE. To obtain an application, call 311, download
one from the DOF website or contact my of ce. Te DOF operates
a SCRIE/DRIE service center at 66 John Street (3rd Floor) that is
open weekdays from 8:30am to 4:30pm.
Many senior centers and other community organizations
organize SCRIE clinics to help seniors determine if they are eligible
and fll out applications. In my district, Lenox Hill Neighborhood
House ofers monthly SCRIE clinics; call 212-218-0509 to schedule
an appointment.
Who is eligible for the Disabled Rent Increase Exemption
Program (DRIE)?
Te DRIE program freezes the rents of disabled people
living in rent-regulated apartments and provides a tax abatement
for the owners. To be eligible for DRIE, residents must pay more
than one-third of their incomes in rent, meet the income eligibility
requirements, and receive either Social Security Disability,
Supplemental Security Income, a Veterans Afairs disability
pensions or disability-related Medicaid. As of this writing, the
income eligibility limits for DRIE are lower than for SCRIE but
are likely to be increased to $50,000 in the very near future. Both
houses of the state legislature recently passed a bill in granting NYC
permission to raise the DRIE limit to $50,000. Tis increase will
go into efect once the bill increasing the eligibility threshold is
signed by the governor, and similar legislation is passed by the City
Council. To obtain an application, you can call 311, download one
from the DOF website or contact my of ce.
What should I do with all that stuf?
What we do in the privacy of our own home may impact
the quality of life of those living near us. Unfortunately, hoarding
and excessive clutter can cause you to lose your apartment. I have
published a resource guide to assist you, What to do With All Tat
Stuf. Call my of ce or go to my website for a copy of the guide.

Te rights of co-op shareholders and condominium owners are derived from a complex set of laws, regulations, and individual
building by-laws and corporate documents. Oferings of condominiums and co-ops are regulated by the Attorney General under the
General Business Law, a statute designed to protect potential buyers from fraud through detailed disclosure requirements. Once co-op
and condominium plans are declared efective, condominiums fall under the states Condominium Act and co-ops fall under the Business
Corporation Law the same statute that regulates the states major corporations.
Although both of these statutes grant owners and shareholders some rights, their primary purpose is to require co-ops and
condominiums simply to address certain issues in their operating documents. Among the rights of shareholders and condominium owners
under various state and city laws are:
the right to quiet enjoyment and peaceful use of the apartment and all public areas and facilities within the co-op or condominium;
the right to expect that common areas will be maintained in proper condition, as required under the states Warranty of Habitability;
the right to receive all services and use all common facilities available to all other owners in a non-discriminatory manner;
the right to be charged only the approximate proportionate share of the expenses of the co-op or condominium;
the right to a list of all shareholders in the co-op corporation;
the right to participate in an annual meeting of all shareholders or unit owners and to receive timely notice of the annual meeting or
any special meetings;
the right to inspect the minutes of all shareholders or condominium association meetings;
the right to receive an annual fnancial statement;
the right to vote to amend the Proprietary Lease, Certifcation of Incorporation, Declaration of Condominium or Bylaws;
the right to be counted in elections proportionate to units or shares owned.

Despite these rights, shareholders and condominium owners who believe they have been treated unfairly sometimes feel that the
deck is stacked against them when they seek changes, particularly when the board is still controlled by the sponsor. You can fnd additional
information about how to deal with issues involving condominium and co-op boards on the State Attorney Generals website.
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S E N A T E D I S T R I C T K R U E G E R . N Y S E N A T E . G O V
New York State Senate, Albany, NY 12247
You may fle complaints regarding a wide range of building problems (such as
heat, hot water, elevators, noise, garbage, building safety, asbestos and illegal
construction) by calling 311. An inspector from the appropriate agency will
then further investigate the situation. Be sure to make a note of your complaint
number so you can monitor the status of the complaint.
NYS DHCR.......................
NYS Attorney General...................
NYC Human Rights
NYC Rent Guidelines Board.....................................
NYC Housing Court...........
Law Help...............................................
Council on NY Cooperatives & Condominiums.........
Metropolitan Council on Housing..........
Tenants and Neighbors.........................
Housing Court Answers...........................
Tenant advocacy groups:
Metropolitan Council on Housing.........................................(212) 979-0611
Tenants and Neighbors.......................................(212) 608-4320
Housing Court Answers.........................................(212) 962-4795
Report To New Yorkers On Housing
State Senator Liz Kruegers
New York State homeowners qualify for the Basic School Tax Relief (STAR) program regardless of age if their annual adjusted gross
income is $500,000 or less and the property is their primary residence (meaning they live in the home for more than six months each year).
STAR provides savings of approximately $280 a year. Residents 65 and older who qualify for Basic STAR and have an annual household income
less than $81,900 are eligible for Enhanced STAR which provides average yearly savings of $560.
Te Senior Citizen Homeowners Exemption (SCHE) is a partial property tax exemption available for property owners, aged 65
years or older, who have an annual adjusted gross income below $37,400. Note: Applicants who qualify for SCHE automatically are eligible for
the Enhanced STAR exemption. Individuals who fle for SCHE do not have to fle a separate application for STAR.
Te Disabled Homeowners Exemption (DHE) provides a partial property tax exemption for property owners who have a medically
certifable disability and an annual income below $37,400.
Te Veterans Tax Exemption is a partial property tax exemption for property owners who served in the U.S. armed forces in World
War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam or the Gulf War. Te spouses, registered domestic partners, parents of those service members killed in
action in any of the wars listed above, and the unmarried surviving spouses of eligible veterans may also receive the exemption. Legislation is
currently pending to expand this beneft to veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
All of these tax exemption programs are administered by the NYC Department of Finance, and are applied for using a single
application. For more information, or to receive an application, you may contact my of ce, call 311, or download one from the Department of
Finance website.
Eligible property owners must submit their applications by March 15th in order to qualify to have the benefts refected in their next
annual tax bill.
Everything You Want to Know About
Rental Housing in NYC
Tursday, September 18, 2014
6:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m.
Lighthouse Guild International
111 East 59th Street
Sources of legal assistance for eligible,
low-income renters:
MFY Legal Services......................... (212) 417-3812
MFY Seniors Project................(212) 417-3880
Lenox Hill Neighborhood House............(212) 218-0503
Manhattan Legal Services........................(646) 442-3100
Legal Aid Society........ (212) 577-3300
NYC Bar Association Legal Hotline.......(212) 626-7383
Important Housing Phone Numbers and Websites
District Ofce:
1850 Second Ave.
Ground Floor
New York, NY 10128
(212) 490-9535
E-Mail: [email protected]
Everything You Want to Know About
Rental Housing in NYC
Tursday, September 18, 2014
6:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m.
Lighthouse Guild International
111 East 59th Street

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