Exhaust Muffler Design Principles
Exhaust Muffler Design Principles
Exhaust Muffler Design Principles
Internal combustion engines are typically equipped with an exhaust muffler to suppress
the acoustic pulse generated by the combustion process. A high intensity pressure wave
generated by combustion in the engine cylinder propagates along the exhaust pipe and
radiates from the exhaust pipe termination. The pulse repeats at the firing frequency of
the engine which is defined by f=(engine rpm x number of cylinders)/120 for a four
stroke engine. The frequency content of exhaust noise is dominated by a pulse at the
firing frequency, but it also has a broadband component to its spectrum which extends to
higher frequencies. Measurements of the exhaust pipe pressure pulse on a Continental O-
200 engine [4] show that the majority of the pulse energy lies in the frequency range of 0-
600 Hz. Exhaust mufflers are designed to reduce sound levels at these frequencies.
In general, sound waves propagating along a pipe can be attenuated using either a
dissipative or a reactive muffler. A dissipative muffler uses sound absorbing material to
take energy out of the acoustic motion in the wave, as it propagates through the muffler.
Reactive silencers, which are commonly used in automotive applications, reflect the
sound waves back towards the source and prevent sound from being transmitted along the
pipe. Reactive silencer design is based either on the principle of a Helmholtz resonator or
an expansion chamber, and requires the use of acoustic transmission line theory.
Expansion chamber mufflers reflect waves by introducing a sudden change in cross
sectional area in the pipe. They do not have the high attenuation of the Hemholtz
resonator, but have a broadband frequency characteristic, with pass bands when half the
acoustic wavelength equals the cavity length. Their performance also deteriorates at
higher frequencies when the cross axis dimension of the muffler is 82% of the acoustic
wavelength (Davis, Stokes, Moore and Stevens [5]). Some expansion chamber muffler
systems are also packed with sound absorbing material which helps to improve the high
frequency attenuation.
In all muffler designs the tailpipe length can have an important effect. The tailpipe itself
acts as a resonant cavity that couples with the muffler cavity. The attenuation
characteristics of a muffler are modified if the design tailpipe is not used. Also, the effect
of exhaust gas flow speed has a detrimental effect on the muffler performance.
Beranek[6] gives examples in which the muffler attenuation is reduced from 35 dB to 6-
10dB when the flow speed is increased from zero to 230 ft/sec. In typical industrial or
diesel truck engine applications the exhaust flow speed can be 164 ft/sec to 390 ft/sec [6].
The effect of flow is related to the interaction of sound with turbulence and will be
dependent on the internal design of the muffler.
Design procedures for resonator mufflers are given in Beranek [6] and Bies and Hansen
[7], but the process is complex. The procedure is to specify the resonant frequency of the
muffler and the desired attenuation. A cavity volume is calculated and then the area of
the openings (or connectors) between the exhaust pipe and the cavity must be calculated.
Finally a wire or cloth screen to cover the openings must be chosen with the correct flow
resistance to provide the correct damping (this reduces the maximum attenuation, but
helps to reduce the effect of the pass bands where no insertion loss is achieved).
Introducing tailpipes can significantly improve the muffler performance and more
detailed consideration of acoustic transmission line theory [5,7] is required to properly
design the tailpipe.
3.3 Typical Muffler Designs
Two typical reactive muffler designs are shown in Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.2. The first
design, shown in Figure 3.1, is frequently chosen because of its low cost and because it
causes a lower back pressure. The second design, shown in Figure 3.2, provides more
attenuation and is typical of the design recommended by muffler manufacturers [6].
However there is no direction connection between the inlet and the outlet so back
pressure is generated that can effect engine performance. This is sometimes referred to as
a baffled muffler design.
Figure 3.1 Sketch of a reactive muffler with two cavities and no flow restriction [6]
Figure 3.2 Sketch of a typical automotive reactive muffler in which there is no direct
passage between the inlet and the exit [6]
From an acoustic stand point the muffler shown in Figure 3.1 has multiple cavities that
are connected to the exhaust pipe by the holes illustrated on the central tube. When there
is flow through the exhaust pipe a vortical flow can be created in each hole connecting
the pipe to the cavity and this can have a significant effect on the connectivity between
the two, reducing the insertion loss of the muffler. In Figure 3.2 the design differs in as
much that there is no direct path for the exhaust gases to flow through the muffler, the
flow speed is reduced and this reduces the vortex shedding that can cause problems in the
design shown in Figure 3.1.
The maximum back pressure allowed for a Continental O-150 or a Lycoming 540 engine
is 1 psi. Typical mufflers of the type shown in Figure 3.1 generate minimal back pressure,
while those of the type shown in Figure 3.2 were measured during this study as having
1.4±0.2 psi of back pressure (see section 7 for details).
An interesting study was carried out by Heng et al [4] in which they designed a series of
mufflers to reduce the noise from a general aviation aircraft. A Cessna 150 was used with
a Continental O-200 engine operating with an engine speed of 2050 rpm at cruise and
2500 rpm on take off. At the outset of the study their initial calculations indicated that for
smaller aircraft (<200hp) the engine noise dominated, but for larger aircraft (>300hp) the
noise would be dominated by propeller noise. For the Cessna 150 (~100hp) their
calculations showed that the engine noise would dominate by 10 dB on take off. They
carried out exhaust muffler tests with an identical engine on a loaded test cell without the
propeller and were able to claim a 13dB noise reduction due to an exhaust muffler by
using their best design. However when the optimized muffler was fitted to the aircraft
and flown it was found that the muffler made no measurable difference to the noise levels
under the flight path during take off, leading to the conclusion that the propeller noise
dominated the sound radiation in flight.
3.5 Mufflers Used during this Study
During this study 25 different muffler configurations were tested. Many of these were
provided by boat owners or muffler manufacturers, and are listed in Table A3. In the
second phase of the study, described in Section 7, three mufflers were used on different
boats and with different mounting arrangements. Following the tests these three mufflers
were cut in half and photographs of their internal design are shown below.
Figure 3.3 (a) and (b) shows the Type 16 muffler (Walker Quietflow 22393) which was
tested on Boats 15 and 16. This is a typical resonator muffler designed for automotive
applications and was expected to have a low frequency attenuation characteristic that
targets the noise generated at the engine firing frequency. Note how there are two
separate cavities in this design and the inlet and outlet pipes extend into the cavity. Due
to its complexity of design it is not possible to estimate the performance of this muffler
from its dimensions alone unless a numerical finite element analysis is carried out and
accurate estimates can be made of the flow resistance in the perforations connecting the
The Type 20 muffler (Vibrant 14”, 6” diameter) was a cylindrical expansion chamber
which was filled with sound absorbing material as shown in Figure 3.4 (a) and (b). This
design will have a maximum low frequency attenuation at 240 Hz and pass band at
around 480 Hz. The sound absorbing material will reduce the impact of the pass band and
improve the attenuation at high frequencies, since it will act as a dissipative muffler. The
area ratio of this muffler is 5.76 suggesting a peak attenuation of 10dB at 240 Hz.
Figure 3.4 (b) The Type 20 muffler, cut away view.
In Figure 3.5 a diagram of the Type 7 muffler is shown. This again is an expansion
chamber with sound absorbing material in the cavity. The length of the muffler is 14
inches and so the peak attenuation will be at 240 Hz and it will have a pass band at 480
Hz. The area ratio is 7 suggesting a peak attenuation of 11 dB.
Figure 3.5 Cut out drawing of a Type 7 muffler.