Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School Final Examination (2004 - 2005) F.2 Integrated Science
Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School Final Examination (2004 - 2005) F.2 Integrated Science
Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School Final Examination (2004 - 2005) F.2 Integrated Science
9'2 3nte*&ated :$ien$e 9inal ;!am 2004 < 2005 4' 9
d' )hat is &e+#en$/, ((K)
e' )hat is the &an*e o &e+#en$ies a#dible to h#mans, ((K)
5' The &a/ dia*&ams belo% sho% t%o e/es %ith dee$ts'
a' )hi$h e/e is lon*-si*hted, )h/, (2K)
b' )hat 2ind o lens sho#ld be #sed in $o&&e$tin* lon*-si*ht, ((K)
$' D&a% a simple &a/ dia*&am to sho% ho% the lens $an $o&&e$t lon*-si*ht' (2K)
6' -lbe&t %as *i7en t%o *as Da&s' Ce %as told that one is illed %ith b&eathed ai& and anothe& one is
illed %ith #nb&eathed ai&' Co%e7e&8 he did not 2no% %hi$h Da& $ontains %hi$h 2ind o ai&'
-lbe&t did t%o tests and the ollo%in* table sho%s the &es#lts:
Test Ias Da& - Ias Da& 0
Time it ta2es o& a b#&nin* splint to *o
o#t ate& bein* p#t into the *as Da&
8 s 5 s
Colo#& o sol#tion C ate& bein* added
to the *as Da&
Fed Data missin*
a' )hi$h Da& $ontains b&eathed ai&, )h/, (2K)
b' i' )hi$h *as does sol#tion C test o&, ((K)
ii' )hat is the $olo#& o sol#tion C ate& bein* added to *as Da& 0, ((K)
$' )hat is the pe&$enta*e o the *as mentioned in b' i' in ai&, ((K)
B $
9'2 3nte*&ated :$ien$e 9inal ;!am 2004 < 2005 4' (0
B' T%o st#dents8 A and B8 a&e as2ed to do an e!pe&iment'
:t#dent - is as2ed to sit on a t&olle/ a$in* st#dent 0 as sho%n'
a' :t#dent - is as2ed to p#ll the &ope' )hat happens, (2K)
b' ;!plain %hat is obse&7ed in (a)' (2K)
8' 4ete& a&&an*ed an e!pe&iment to in7esti*ate the a$to&s ae$tin* the &esistan$e o %i&es' Ce #sed 5
die&ent %i&es made o 2 die&ent mate&ials in this e!pe&iment' Ce desi*ned a $i&$#it o& this
e!pe&iment' The table belo% sho%s the &es#lt'
.ire A .ire B .ire C
len*th ($m) 20 (5 20
thi$2ness (mm) 5 5 5
mate&ial mate&ial H mate&ial H mate&ial L
C#&&ent th&o#*h
the %i&e
('0- ('5- 0'B-
a' 4ete&?s tea$he& told him that the mate&ials a&e $oppe& and ni$h&ome' )hi$h mate&ial is $oppe&8
mate&ial H o& mate&ial L, ;!plain /o#& ans%e&' (5K)
b' 3n this e!pe&iment8 4ete& in7esti*ated 2 a$to&s that ae$t the &esistan$e' 1ne o them %as the
mate&ial that made the %i&e' )hat is the othe& a$to&, ((K)
;nd o pape&
To be $ontin#ed'
student A student B