1.3.1 Mission Statement 1.3.2 Vision 1.3.3 Values: MKW 3440 Case Study of Mcdonalds Malaysia
1.3.1 Mission Statement 1.3.2 Vision 1.3.3 Values: MKW 3440 Case Study of Mcdonalds Malaysia
1.3.1 Mission Statement 1.3.2 Vision 1.3.3 Values: MKW 3440 Case Study of Mcdonalds Malaysia
Executive Summary.......................................................................................................... 3
1.0 Company vervie!..................................................................................................... 4
1.1 pportunity............................................................................................................ 4
1." #$reat................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Mission and %ision................................................................................................... 5
1.3.1 Mission Statement............................................................................................... 5
1.3.2 Vision.............................................................................................................. 5
1.3.3 Values.............................................................................................................. 5
".0 External Environmental &nalysis..................................................................................... 6
".1 Economic Environment............................................................................................. 6
"." 'atural Environment................................................................................................. 7
".3 (e)al and *olitical Environment.................................................................................. 8
".4 #ec$nolo)ical Environment........................................................................................ 8
3.0 +ndustry &nalysis...................................................................................................... 10
3.1 ,ivalry amon) existin) industry firms......................................................................... 11
3." #$reats from su-stitute products................................................................................. 11
3.3 #$e t$reat of ne! entrants........................................................................................ 11
3.4 .ar)ainin) po!er of suppliers................................................................................... 11
3./ .ar)ainin) po!er of -uyers...................................................................................... 12
4.0 Competitor &nalysis.................................................................................................. 13
/.0 Mar0et &nalysis........................................................................................................ 14
/.1 Mar0et #rends....................................................................................................... 14
/." Mar0et Si1e and 2ro!t$.......................................................................................... 15
3.0 .uyer analysis.......................................................................................................... 19
3.1 *syc$olo)ical factors.............................................................................................. 19
3." *ersonal factors..................................................................................................... 19
6.2.1 Age............................................................................................................... 19
6.2.2 Income, Education and Occupation.......................................................................20
3.3 Social 4actors....................................................................................................... 20
6.3.1 Family Lie !ycle............................................................................................. 20
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
6.3.2 Social !lass.................................................................................................... 20
6.3.3 Liestyle......................................................................................................... 20
5.0 +nternal analysis and core competencies..........................................................................22
5.1 Stren)t$............................................................................................................... 22
5." Wea0ness............................................................................................................. 22
6.0 Se)mentation7 #ar)etin)7 *ositionin)..............................................................................23
6.1 Mar0et Se)mentation.............................................................................................. 23
6." #ar)etin)............................................................................................................. 24
6.3 *ositionin)........................................................................................................... 24
8.0 Mar0etin) pro)ram of McDonald9s................................................................................ 26
10.0 4inancial *erformance Evaluation................................................................................ 28
11.0 &rticulation of alternatives pro-lems and issues...............................................................31
11.1 'eed of 4amily %alue Meal..................................................................................... 31
11." (imited ,eac$..................................................................................................... 31
11.3 :n$ealt$y *erception............................................................................................ 31
&ppendix..................................................................................................................... 32
,eferences................................................................................................................... 34
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
Executive Summary
#$e first section of t$is case study !ill introduce t$e -ac0)round of McDonalds in Malaysia7 t$e
mission and vision of McDonalds and also t$e opportunity and t$reats of McDonalds. &fter t$e
-rief introduction is t$e external environmental analysis of McDonalds.
#$e next section analyses t$e fast food industry t$rou)$ *orter9s five forces model as !ell as t$e
competitor analysis t$at consist of .ur)er Kin) and K4C. Su-se;uently7 mar0et analysis is
conducted to indentify t$e mar0et trend and also t$e mar0et si1e and )ro!t$.
'ext is t$e analysis of t$e -uyer analysis. #$e analysis is -ein) analy1ed -ase on t$e
psyc$olo)ical factors7 personal and social factors. #$en follo!ed on are t$e internal analysis and
core competencies. #$is analysis is to analy1ed McDonald9s stren)t$s and also its !ea0nesses
#$e next se)ment !ill discuss t$e mar0et se)mentation7 tar)etin) and positionin) of McDonalds
in Malaysia mar0et. #$e mar0etin) pro)ram of McDonalds !ill t$en -e evaluated as !ell as its
financial performance.
(astly7 t$e issues and pro-lems are -rou)$t up and recommendations are )iven to improve t$e
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
1.0 Company Overview
McDonalds !as founded -y t!o -rot$ers7 ,ic$ard and Maurice McDonald in 1835 in California.
#$is lar)est )lo-al fast food c$ained arrived in Malaysia 43 years later in Decem-er 1860.
McDonald Corp. )ave t$eir license to 2olden &rc$es Sdn .$d to open McDonald9s ,estaurant in
Malaysia. &fter t!enty six years t$ey no! $ave 16/ franc$ise outlets nation!ide. McDonalds
$ave created over 5000 <o- opportunity ever since t$ey arrive in Malaysia over t$e years. #$eir
vision is =to -e our customers> favorite place and !ay to eat?.
1.1 Opportunity
#$e fast food trend in Malaysia $as -enefited McDonalds as t$ey are a-le to capture more
mar0et s$are and customers. Malaysian !ould li0e to eat outside !it$ t$e increasin) of num-er
of !omen !or0ers. #$ey !ould li0e to loo0 at convenience place to eat as McDonalds provide it
for t$em. #$e tec$nolo)y advance $as improved McDonald9s services efficiency as t$eir
customer a-le to order t$rou)$ p$one and online. #$e )ro!in) internet users in Malaysia
supported for t$is 0ind of service. "4 $ours service !ill open a revenue !indo! for McDonalds
as customers loo0 for ;uic0 meal at late ni)$t.
+nternet World Statistics. @"006A. Malaysia +nternet :sa)e Stats and Mar0etin) ,eport. ,etrieved &pril 37 "0087 from
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
1.2 Threat
#$e increase of competitions from K4C7 Su-!ay7 .ur)er Kin)7 and ot$ers $as made t$e
competition for mar0et s$are in Malaysia ti)$ter. Customers $ave more ran)e of fast food -ein)
offered and t$ey !ould $ave no -rand loyalty !it$ one -rand. McDonalds need to fi)$t -ac0
!it$ t$eir promotion and advertisement to )ain t$e customers feelin). #$ey need to spend a lar)e
amount of money on it. #$e $ealt$ concern $as -ecome a main treat for McDonalds as most
customers concern on $ealt$y foods. 4ast food is considered un$ealt$y -ecause of too oily. #$is
!ill reduce t$e num-er of customers to purc$ase McDonalds foods.
1.3 Mission and Vision
1.3.1 Mission Statement
We aim to -e t$e leader in t$e Duic0 Service ,estaurant @DS,A industry -y maximi1in) *rofits
and t$rou)$ our *rinciples of DSC E % @Duality7 Service7 Cleanliness E %alueA consistent !it$
t$e needs of our Customer7 Employees and Community.
1.3.2 Vision
#o -e out customers9 favourite place and !ay to eat.
1.3.3 Values
McDonald9s mission is to -e our customers9 favourite place and !ay to eat F !it$ inspired
people !$o deli)$t eac$ customer !it$ unmatc$ed ;uality7 service7 cleanliness and value every
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
2.0 Externa Environmenta !naysis.
2.1 Economic Environment.
#$e economic condition in Malaysia currently slo!in) as $ouse$old incomes and -usiness
activity decelerates due to t$e effects of current !orld economic do!nGturn. Ho!ever7 Malaysia
is still not in a recession period as compared to Sin)apore or :nited States. Even !it$ t$e
depreciation of ,in))it7 real 2D* )ro!t$ is forecast an increase from /.0I "006 to /."I "008.
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
Sou"ce# Eu"o#monito" Inte"national 2$$% &ased on t'e (o"ld )an*.
Even !it$ current economic condition7 McDonalds remain optimistic. &ccordin) to .usiness
#imes @"008A =McDonalds Malaysia expects its delivery service -usiness to <ump 40 per cent
t$is year as its ne! call centre can $andle more orders?. #$ey invested over t!o million rin))it
for settin) up t$e ne! call center. +n addition7 t$e Mana)in) Director &1mir Jafaar7 said t$e
company =plans to invest 60 million rin))it t$is year to open -et!een 1/ and "0 ne!
restaurants? @"008A.
2.2 "atura Environment.
Malaysia natural environment is considered )ood. .ased on t$e report -y Department of
'ational Environment Ener)y and ,esources7 t$e &ir *ollution +ndex is in t$e status of )ood in
many areas in t$e country.
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
+n relation to t$is7 McDonalds around t$e !orld $as al!ays -een a company !$ic$ practice to
protect t$e natural and community resources t$at support and are affected -y t$eir activities.
McDonalds promotes recyclin) and ener)y conservation. =Since 18807 t$ey $ad recycled "
-illion corru)ated card-oard7 purc$ased more t$an K3 -illion in products made from recycled
materials and eliminated several million pounds of pac0a)in)?@McDonaldsA.
2.3 Legal and +olitical En,i"onment.
Malaysia is officially an +slamic nation !$ic$ ma<ority of its population is Muslim. +n
order to capture t$e mar0et7 McDonalds -elieve t$at -elieves in !or0in) !it$ local -usinesses7
)overnment7 aut$orities and suppliers t$rou)$out t$eir !orld!ide operations.
+n Malaysia7 t$ey are -ound !it$ t$e Syariat la! !$ic$ states all food served must -e
Halal. McDonald9s is one of t$e many fast food c$ain restaurant in Malaysia )ained Muslim
consumers confident. =McDonald9s in Malaysia under!ent ri)orous inspections -y Muslim
clerics to ensure ritual cleanlinessL t$e c$ain !as re!arded !it$ a $alal @=clean and accepta-le?A
certificate7 indicatin) t$e total a-sence of por0 products? @JournalA.
2.# Technoo$ica Environment
McDonalds $as -een adaptin) to t$e use of tec$nolo)y in deliverin) its fast food to t$eir
consumers. #$e use of telecommunication tec$nolo)y is a )ood strate)y to -e)in an online
service diverse from its -ric0 and mortar concept. &s explained a-ove7 McDonalds $ad expanded
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
t$eir call centre capa-ility !$ic$ =no! can $andle up to 507000 calls compared to "07000
previously? @McDonaldsA. +n addition7 McDonald>s Malaysia is also =!or0in) on allo!in)
customers to order and pay online?.
.ased on t$e c$art a-ove7 it s$o!s t$at t$ere is -een a constant )ro!t$ in t$e usa)e of
mo-ile users in Malaysia from "001 to "003. #$us7 t$e investment made -y McDonald9s
Malaysia is <ustifia-le and relevant in terms of current trend.
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
3.0 %ndustry !naysis
#o analy1e t$e industry for McDonald9s7 t$e Mic$ael *orter9s five forces are used. #$e *orter /
forces analysis is a frame!or0 for industry analysis and -usiness strate)y development
developed -y Mic$ael E. *orter in 1858. +t uses concepts developed in +ndustrial r)ani1ation
@+A economics to derive / forces t$at determine t$e competitive intensity and t$erefore
attractiveness of a mar0et. *orter referred to t$ese forces as t$e microenvironment7 to contrast it
!it$ t$e more )eneral term macro environment. #$ey consist of t$ose forces close to a company
t$at affect its a-ility to serve its customers and ma0e a profit. & c$an)e in any of t$e forces
normally re;uires a company to reGassess t$e mar0et place.
*orter / 4orces Hi)$ Moderate (o!
#$reat of 'e! Entrant
.ar)ainin) po!er of Suppliers
.ar)ainin) po!er of .uyers
#$reat of Su-stitute products
,ivalry amon) existin) industry firms
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
3.1 &ivary amon$ existin$ industry 'irms
#$e fast food industry is facin) $i)$ intense of competition. ,ivalry is stron) -ecause
competition is focusin) on providin) t$e -est service and product variety. t$er competitors suc$
as K4C and &EW create an intense rivalry amon) t$e fast food providers. ,ivalry suc$ as K4C
is constantly providin) more c$oices ran)in) from fried c$ic0ens to -ur)ers and to side snac0
suc$ as potato !ed)es and salad. Moreover7 competitors e;ual in si1e and po!er and )ro!t$ in
t$e industry.
3.2 Threats 'rom su(stitute products
4actors t$at caused t$e firm to lose its sales profit is t$e limited c$oice of product t$ey offer.
#$erefore7 many people !ill )o to su-stitute products. #$e su-stitute products for McDonald9s
!ill -e t$e ot$er fast food c$ain7 for exampleB .ur)er Kin) and road side -ur)er stalls. <$ou)$
McDonald9s $as applied "4 $ours all around7 $o!ever7 road side -ur)er stall t$at operates until
late at ni)$t and ot$er fast food restaurant is also operatin) "4 $ours service.
3.3 The threat o' new entrants
'e! entrants pose t$reats and increase competition in t$e industry. #$e lesser t$e t$reat of ne!
entrants7 t$e )reater !ill -e an industry9s attractiveness as it is in t$e retailin) industries. Due to
lo! s!itc$in) cost and lac0 of product differentiation7 ne! competitors can easily enter t$e
mar0et. 4or example7 McDonald9s face competition from Carl9s Junior and Wendy9s !$ic$ are
;uite ne! in t$e Malaysian mar0et still.
3.# )ar$ainin$ power o' suppiers
#$e -ar)ainin) po!er of suppliers is vie!ed as a t$reat -ecause t$e ;uality of t$e supplied
products is $i)$ly dependent on t$em. #$ey can eit$er raise t$e prices or lo!ered t$e ;uality if
t$e suppliers are po!erful. +n t$e fast food industry case7 t$e po!er of suppliers is relatively lo!
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
-ecause t$e inputs are standardi1ed7 lo! s!itc$in) costs and t$ere are a lot of su-stitutions of
3.* )ar$ainin$ power o' (uyers
&s t$e competition amon) rival -ecome intense in attractin) potential customer and maintainin)
loyal customer. &ccordin) to %il<oen E Dann @"000A7 -uyers play an important role in decidin)
t$e s$ape of t$e mar0et as t$ey can drive prices do!n and ma0e unreasona-le demands re)ardin)
;uality7 delivery and terms of payment. +n McDonald9s case7 -uyers assert $i)$er -ar)ainin)
po!er -ecause of lo! s!itc$in) cost to ot$er -rand @.ur)er Kin)A. 4or instances7 McDonald9s
cannot set $i)$ prices on t$eir products as consumer can easily opt for ot$er -ur)er.
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
#.0 Competitor !naysis
#$is part evaluates a-out t$e strate)y t$at McDonald used compared !it$ its main competitor of
t$e similar product. +t identifies !$et$er McDonald is a mar0et leaders7 follo!ers7 nic$ers
mar0et c$allen)ers in its o!n type of products and t$e !$ole mar0et9s position.
%ssues Mc+onad,s )ur$er -in$ -.C
Main *roducts .ur)er .ur)er 4ried C$ic0en7 .ur)er
&dditional *roducts 4ried C$ic0en7
Curly 4ries Wed)es7 Mas$ *otato
Mar0et S$ares
@&mon) all fast food
18.3I ".1I /".5I
ri)in :nited States :nited States :nited States
utlets in t$e mar0et
@End of year "005A
153 "0 40"
,an0 in Malaysia " 3 1
,an0 in World 1 3 "
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
*.0 Mar/et !naysis
*.1 Mar/et Trends
4ast food culture $as -ecome a !ay of life or trend in t$e !orld. Malaysian adults eat at
ta0eGa!ay restaurants around 86 percent. *$ilippine7 #ai!an and Malaysia $ave t$e $i)$est
percenta)e of fast food restaurant consumers in t$e !orld compare to &merica !$ic$ count 85
percent @&C'ielsen7 "00/A. #$is is due to t$e -usy life
styles and ease of access of variety of fast food
restaurant. Consumers $ave -een spendin) less of
t$eir -ud)ets on t$e )rocery store !$ile more and
more of t$eir food money is endin) up in cas$
re)isters at t$e restaurants and fast food outlets
@Kara7 et. &l.7 1888A. &round /8I of Malaysian
eatin) ta0es a!ay every !ee0. Even t$e state of
one9s $ealt$ $as -ecome primary concerns for
consumers7 -ut it does not affect t$e !ay consumers c$oose to eat. +t $as -ecome a part of t$eir
life to eat fast food7 particularly in Hon) Kon)7 Malaysia7 and :nited State.
McDonalds !ill -e a-le to increase t$eir tar)et mar0ets in Malaysia as t$is trend $as
-ecome part of t$eir consumers9 life. #$is is also inducin) t$e competition of fast food industry
as Malaysia is a prospect mar0et for fast food industry. McDonalds can perform -etter t$an its
competitors if t$ey can fulfill Malaysian customers !$o prefer convenience location as it
account for /4 percent of Malaysian prefer convenience location to eat @&C'ielsen7 "00/A.
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
*.2 Mar/et Si0e and 1rowth
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
&s fast food -ecomes a trend in Malaysia7 t$e num-er of expenditure used -y t$e
consumers $as increased -y nine percent and ran0ed t$ird in terms of expenditure. #$e fast food
mar0et si1e is increasin) from year to year and it reac$es "70/6.6 in "005. McDonalds Malaysia
company s$are also increase in t$e year "005 -y 400 plus. #$e num-er of $ouse$olds purc$ase
on fast food reac$ 3/3746"7100 -y year "005. #$e fast food sector is expected to experience t$e
fastest )ro!t$ -et!een "0 to 30 percent per annum @Malaysia Mar0et pportunities ,eport7
"000A. McDonalds already $as 164 stores in Malaysia7 and McDonalds plan to open ten to fifteen
ne! outlets eac$ year @.usiness #imes7 "008A. Even t$ou)$ it is still far a!ay compare to K4C
outlets in Malaysia !$ic$ count for more t$an 380 outlets7 t$is trends and )ro!t$ is )ood
indicators for McDonalds to increase t$eir mar0et s$are in Malaysia.
&s fast food -ecomes a trend in Malaysia7 t$e num-er of expenditure used -y t$e
consumers $as increased -y nine percent and ran0ed t$ird in terms of expenditure. #$e fast food
mar0et si1e is increasin) from year to year and it reac$es "70/6.6 in "005. McDonalds Malaysia
company s$are also increase in t$e year "005 -y 400 plus. #$e num-er of $ouse$olds purc$ase
on fast food reac$ 3/3746"7100 -y year "005. #$e fast food sector is expected to experience t$e
fastest )ro!t$ -et!een "0 to 30 percent per annum @Malaysia Mar0et pportunities ,eport7
"000A. McDonalds already $as 164 stores in Malaysia7 and McDonalds plan to open ten to fifteen
ne! outlets eac$ year @.usiness #imes7 "008A. Even t$ou)$ it is still far a!ay compare to K4C
outlets in Malaysia !$ic$ count for more t$an 380 outlets7 t$is trends and )ro!t$ is )ood
indicators for McDonalds to increase t$eir mar0et s$are in Malaysia. @refer to appendix "A
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
2.0 )uyer anaysis
2.1 3sychoo$ica 'actors
#$e demand for fast food industry $as increased over t$e past t!enty years. Consumers
try to purc$ase )oods or services to fulfill t$eir o!n needs and !ants. #$is is t$e same in t$e fast
food industry. House$old !it$ dual income family are t$e social norm in Malaysia. McDonalds
provide fast food to -e served for t$e family !$et$er t$ey are dual income or ot$er types of
family. McDonalds provide foods t$at are fast and easily o-tain -y t$e consumers !$o are
una-le to coo0 for t$emselves. #$is is more comforta-le and easier since t$ey do not !aste t$eir
time and can focus on t$eir <o-s.
&ttitudes also can drive t$e consumer consumption of fast food as attitudes are a learned
predisposition and occur !it$in a situation @Sc$iffman et. al.7 "006A. McDonalds offer "4 $ours
service !$ere some consumers !ill feel $un)ry durin) midni)$t after doin) !or0s or study. #$is
!ill induce t$e customers to dial McDonald9s call center and order foods. #$e !ord of mout$
!ill spread !$en t$e customers feel satisfied !it$ McDonalds9s fast foods. t$ey !ill spread t$e
!ord of mout$ to t$eir relative and friends.
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
2.2 3ersona 'actors
6.2.1 Age
McDonalds tar)et mar0et is t$e dual income families !$o $ave no time to prepare for t$eir foods
for t$eir c$ildren7 t$e !or0ers !$o are $avin) t$eir lunc$7 and teena)ers. #$e )lo-al tar)et
mar0et fastGfood industry account for 58 percent is at a)e 15G"/ @Sc$roder E McEac$ern7 "00/A.
6.2.2 Income, Education and Occupation
#$ese criteria used -y mar0eters to measure a-ility of consumers9 spendin). #$e salary earnin)7
is related to !$at <o- t$e consumer $olds7 !$ic$ is in turn rated -y t$e level and ;uality of $is or
$er received education. McDonald tar)et consumers are upperGmiddle and lo!er income
consumers. #$e Mac value offered -y McDonalds !ill attract lo!er class consumer as lon) as
upperGmiddle class consumers. McDonald ,M/.8/ lunc$ meal $as -oosted t$e products as it is
attractive to upperGmiddle and even lo!er class customers @.usiness #imes7 "008A.
2.3 Socia .actors
6.3.1 Family Lie !ycle
Most families pass t$rou)$ t$e pro)ression of family life cycle !$ic$ is )enerally start from
youn) sin)les7 youn) married7 parent$ood7 postGparent$ood7 and dissolution @Sc$iffman et. al.7
"006A. Different family unit see0 different types of food. McDonald offer different set of foods
!$ere eac$ family unit can c$oose accordin) to t$eir needs. #$e value meals are offered in
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
different portion of foods. 4or t$e dual income families !$o do not $ave enou)$ time to prepare
-rea0fast for t$eir family mem-ers7 t$ey can order -rea0fast meal in McDonald9s menu.
6.3.2 Social !lass
McDonalds tar)eted to various social class !$ic$ are lo!erGmiddle and upperGmiddle. #$e menu
of Mac value )ives more convenience for t$e lo!er middle class to en<oy McDonald9s fast food.
#$e .i) %alue meal !$ic$ is ;uite expensive can -e purc$ased -y upperGmiddle class family.
6.3.3 Liestyle
Malaysia fast food mar0et is )ro!in) !$ic$ is attri-uted !it$ t$e c$an)in) in life style suc$ as
leisure7 eatin) out and convenience. &round 86 percent Malaysian are fast food patron @Euro
Monitor7 "008A. #$e c$an)in) role and independence of !omen as more of t$em enter t$e la-or
mar0et and ur-ani1ation7 as ur-an families can afford and more !illin) to incur $i)$er
expenditures on food suc$ as fast food. McDonalds try to provide promotion for t$e value meal
to personali1e to t$eir lifestyle.
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
4.0 %nterna anaysis and core competencies
4.1 Stren$th
#$e stron) )lo-al present -ecomes one of t$e -i))est stren)t$ McDonald9s $as. +t ma0es
McDonald9s a-le to capture lar)e mar0et in ot$er countries suc$ as Malaysia. McDonald9s
expand t$eir mar0et $as proven successful !$ic$ is supported -y t$e -rand reco)nition. +t
)enerated more sales and )ain mar0et s$are. McDonald9s product innovation is t$e ot$er stren)t$
it $as. #$e innovation of fast food !$ic$ is different in every country it enters is a )ood strate)y
for locali1in) t$e taste and preference of customers. McDonald9s offers &yam 2oren) !$ic$ is
only availa-le in Malaysia and McCurry *an in +ndia. McDonalds also offered "4 $ours delivery
services !$ic$ ena-le consumers to en<oy foods durin) midni)$t if t$ey feel $un)ry. #$is is t$e
core competencies for McDonalds over its competitors !$ere K4C7 Su-!ay7 .ur)er Kin) and
ot$ers do not $ave "4 $ours delivery service.
4.2 5ea/ness
McDonald9s $as lo! !idt$ of product caused -y t$e saturated mar0et in food industry $as ma0e
McDonald9s difficult to add ne! outlets in t$eir menu lists. #$e last -rea0t$rou)$ for
McDonald9s is t$eir c$ic0en nu))et in 1863. t$e increase of competition suc$ as K4C7 &EW7
.ur)er Kin)7 and Su-!ay7 $as created a ti)$t price competition. McDonald9s una-le to earn
muc$ revenue from t$is price competition. Healt$ concern -ecomes one of t$e ma<or !ea0nesses
of McDonalds !$ere many people complaint !it$ t$e oily foods t$at are offered.
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
6.0 Se$mentation7 Tar$etin$7 3ositionin$
6.1 Mar/et Se$mentation
Se)ment -ase C$ildren Mout$ Wor0in) &dults
.elo! 13
*arent9s allo!ance
.elo! "000
Students7 *artGtimers
&-ove "4
&-ove "000
SelfGemployed7 4ullG
timers7 *rofessional
Capital and ,e)ional Cities
+nner City
Social Cultural
Social class
4amily life cycle
Middle7 Hi)$
Middle7 Hi)$
Sin)les7 Couples
Middle7 Hi)$
Sin)le7 Couples7 Married
(ifestyle (eisure (eisure7 4astGmovin) 4astGmovin)7 convenient
McDonald uses $y-rid se)mentation approac$ to se)ment its mar0et and t$e )eodemo)rap$ic is
used. 4e! se)mentation -ases are used to divide t$e mar0et se)ments. 4rom t$e ta-le7 fe!
se)ments are discovered to -e McDonald9s main se)ments. #$ey are c$ildren7 yout$ and !or0in)
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
6.2 Tar$etin$
4rom t$e mar0et se)ments discovered7 t$e most profita-le tar)et mar0et se)ment seems to -e t$e
!or0in) adults mar0et. #$e !or0in) community se)ment is considered t$e lar)est )roup of
consumer of McDonald compared to c$ildren and yout$. #$ere are more sensitive to trends and
lifestyles in today9s culture and in almost every!$ere. +n addition7 !or0in) adults $as t$eir o!n
income t$us a-le to ma0e t$eir o!n c$oice !it$out too muc$ constrain. Hence t$ey $ave t$e
tendency to determine t$eir eatin) $a-its. &lso7 t$e McDonald provides fast services t$us suit
t$ose !or0in) adults !$o are also al!ays on a )o and fast movin) especially t$ose in t$e capital
cities. &lso7 t$ose !$o consume McDonald are normally from t$e middle or $i)$er class ran)e.
4urt$ermore7 McDonald9s "4 $our operation is also tar)etin) on !or0in) adults !$o !or0 till
late at ni)$t or t$ose !$o are al!ays re;uired to -e early settin) off to t$eir !or0 place.
6.3 3ositionin$
+t is essential for McDonalds to ma0e perceptual map to $elp identifies t$e underlyin)
dimensions t$at differentiate consumers9 perceptions of product and t$e position product on t$e
dimensions @*an)upta7 "00/A.
+n order to position itself successfully7 McDonalds need to esta-lis$ criteria t$at may allo! it to
differentiate itself from ot$er competitors @Sc$iffman7 et.al7 "006A. +n t$e fast food industry7
McDonalds $as positioned itself as t$e mar0et leader in t$e sense of pricin) and services. +ts "4
$our services in almost all of t$e outlet nation!ide ma0es t$em a place to loo0 for food even it is
in t$e middle of a ni)$t. Ho!ever7 it is $ard for McDonalds to position itself far a!ay from t$e
competitors as ot$ers are also follo!in) t$e trend. Ho!ever7 it9s not up to many competitors9
outlet to -e runnin) on "4 $ours to -e competin) !it$ McDonald.
+ositioning +e"ception Map
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
8.0 Mar/etin$ pro$ram o' Mc+onad,s
8.1 3roduct
"4 $ours 'on "4
1. McDonalds
". .ur)er Kin)
3. K4C
1. McDonalds
". .ur)er Kin)
3. K4C
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
McDonald9s ta0es into account cultural factors in servin) t$e Malaysian consumers. #$e
food serve is $alal and servers local taste as !ell. #$ey $ave !ide ran)e c$oice of menu similar
!it$ -ur)er 0in). Seasonally t$ey serve t$e Nprosperity -ur)er9 for C$inese 'e! Mear.
McDonald9s also serves $ealt$y food -ut t$is !ill effect on t$e taste and consumers eatin)
experience. 4or instance7 saturated oil t$at no! is replaces !it$ #rans fat oils $ave c$an)e t$e
taste of t$e McDonald9s famous fries.
McDonald9s $ave more price reduction compared to K4C and .ur)er Kin). #$ey offer a
very competitive food prices. #$ey $ave t$e =%alue Mc Savers? and t$e =Mc %alue Meal?. K4C
do $ave t$eir value meal called =Jom Jimat Everyday? and .ur)er Kin) -ut in term of t$eir
price7 McDonald offers t$e -est price for fast 4ood. Ho!ever7 McDonalds7 t$ey offered only
durin) certain period of time t$ereGfor rise t$e ;uestion of its availa-ility.
8.3 3ace
+n terms of distri-ution7 McDonalds $ave 16/ restaurants nation!ide. #$ey are -uilt or
open in retail area9s li0e s$oppin) malls due to a trend of all Malaysian !$o loves to s$op in
malls. #$ey also open in some rural area9s $o!ever K4C $as more restaurants in t$e rural area.
+n some strate)ic places7 McDonalds also opens in several local )as station suc$ as *E#,'&S
Mesra. #$ey open an express cafO t$at serve some popular products. #$is can satisfy t$e $un)er
of consumers suc$ as7 !or0in) executives onGt$eG)o and motorist.
8.# 3romotion
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
+n order to ac$ieve )ood profit and $i)$ customer satisfaction7 promotion is one of t$e
main factors. &ccordin) to Kara7 Kayna0 and Kucu0emiro)lu @1885A fast food -uyers are
see0in) price deal and promotions -efore visitin) a fast food restaurant.
3romotion Methods Mc+onad,s -.C )ur$er -in$
Media Text9
"ewspaper and
Events :
1ames and Contest
3rice &eduction
;oyaty Card
McDonald9s television advertisement is place on a seasonal -asis !$ic$ t$ey only
advertise durin) festive seasons and movie. 'ormally7 t$eir ads attract c$ildren rat$er t$an adult
consumers. K4C also does #% ads similar concept to McDonalds. Ho!ever7 K4C $ave t$eir o!n
#elevision *ro)ram called t$e =C$ic0y Hour? t$at is on air every Saturday.
Events and sponsors$ip -y McDonalds is mainly to coordinate !it$ t$eir social
responsi-ility. #$ey usually or)ani1e events for t$eir ,onald McDonald C$arity House.
Ho!ever7 K4C doesn9t focus on c$arity $o!ever more related to increase t$eir position in t$e
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
mar0et. ,ecently7 =t$ey or)ani1e campai)n7 entitled N2ood t$in)s come to)et$er !it$ K4C97
aims to differentiate K4C from its rivals and $i)$li)$ts t$e fast food c$ain9s presence and role in
everyday Malaysian [email protected] ,epu-lica7"008A. .ur)er Kin) $as no 0no!n event in Malaysia.
McDonald9s in Malaysia primarily focus of it mar0etin) campai)n -y sendin) flyers to
$ouses and attac$ coupon in ne!spapers. K4C also )ives discount coupons as !ell as .ur)er
Kin). Ho!ever .ur)er Kin) coupons are purc$ased from t$e store not )iven for free li0e K4C
and McDonald9s.
McDonald9s also advertise t$eir product usin) -ill-oard. #$ey place t$eir latest advertisement on
=McDonald9s Mc %alue Meal? at ma<or roads t$at indeed attract attention. K4C and .ur)er Kin)
do not use t$is advertisement tool to promote t$eir -rand.
McDonald9s $ave more price reduction compared to K4C and .ur)er Kin). #$ey $ave
t$e =%alue Mc Savers? and t$e =Mc %alue Meal?. K4C do $ave t$eir value meal called =Jom
Jimat Everyday? and .ur)er Kin) -ut in term of t$eir price7 McDonald offers t$e -est price for
fast 4ood.
#$erefore !e can conclude t$at McDonalds spends $eavily in promotion especially t$eir
advertisement to )ain t$eir mar0et position. #$is is ali)nin) !it$ t$e )lo-al McDonald
advertisin) strate)y of retainin) customers.
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
10.0 .inancia 3er'ormance Evauation
#$is case study !ill evaluate a-out t$e financial performance of McDonald9s. McDonalds is not
t$e only fast food c$ain restaurant in Malaysia $o!ever t$ey are competin) !it$ many ot$er
competitors suc$ as K4C7 *i11a Hut7 .ur)er Kin) and ot$ers. #$erefore t$e financial ratios !ill
indicate !$et$er McDonald9s is a mar0et leader or a follo!er in Malaysia -y comparin) !it$
K4C. #$e financial statements are only availa-le for t$e year ended "005.
4) Debt Ratio
Total Liabilities
Total Equity
2006 2007
28.9% 31.8%
5) Retur o !ales
"ro#it a#ter Ta$
Total Re%eue
0.0098 0.0197 0.42
6) &ross "ro#it 'ar(i
&ross )ro#it
*et sales
26.7% 27.8% 100%
#$e current ratio of McDonald for "003 and "005 is 0."3B1 and 0."6B1 respectively. +t is assumed
t$at t$e $i)$er t$e current ratio7 t$e stron)er t$e -usiness can cover its s$ortGterm lia-ility. +t is a
-asic indicator of s$ortGterm de-t servicin) andCor cas$ flo! capacity. #$e lo! current ratio of
McDonald9s may also impose ot$er pro-lems. +t may su))est t$at McDonalds is not fully
utili1in) t$e availa-le li;uidity assets especially cas$ and not availa-le to pay t$eirs lia-ilities.
Compare to K4C in "0057 its ratio is "6B1. #$is means K4C $as a stron)er s$ort term to cover its
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
#$e cas$ flo! ratio of McDonald and K4C for "005 is 0.44/ and 1.331 respectively. #$is s$o!s
t$e a-ility of K4C to solve t$eir s$ort term solvency !$ic$ indicates t$at t$ey $ave a stron)er
and more positive cas$ flo! compare to McDonald9s.
#$e avera)e inventory turnover period for McDonald9s as indicated is 1"./ days. #$is is a )ood
indicator for a fast food restaurant. +t s$o!s t$at McDonald only ta0e on avera)e 1"./ days for
t$eir inventory to -e sold. Ho!ever due to some unavaila-le data7 t$e K4C inventory turnover
period can9t -e calculated.
De-t ratio measures proportion of total assets financed -y de-ts. #$e de-t ratio for McDonald9s
for "003 and "005 is "6.8I and 31.6I respectively. #$is is an increase of de-ts from previous
year t$at $as a considera-ly lo!er de-t ratio. &s compared !it$ K4C7 1"I t$ey $ave a lo!er
de-t ratio7 almost to $alf t$an McDonalds. #$is indicates t$at McDonald9s $as financed "6.8 I
of its assets !it$ de-t. #$e $i)$er t$is ratio7 t$e more financial levera)e McDonald $as.
#$e return on sales measures t$e profit )enerated from eac$ dollar of sales. Hi)$er return on
sales ratio indicates $i)$er profit mar)in and t$e expenses are mana)ed !ell. McDonald9s on
"003 !as 0.0086 and increase in "005 to 0.185. Ho!ever7 if compared to K4C !it$ a ratio of
0.4" almost t!ice t$e profit )enerated from eac$ dollar of sales.
2ross profit mar)in is a one of t$e -est indicator to measure t$e performance of McDonald
operations. +n "005 McDonald $as "5.6I )ross profit mar)in compared to "003 !it$ "3.5 I a
small increase. #$e proportion of revenues t$at is operatin) profit and t$us McDonald9s is
availa-le to compensate de-t7 e;uity capital. +t also reflects McDonald9s a-ility to )enerate
revenues and control costs in suc$ a !ay as to )enerate a profit. K4C $o!ever $ave a 100 I
)ross profit mar)in. +n t$e statement t$ey $ave no cost of )oods sold.
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
.ased on t$e ratios selected it s$o!s t$at K4C is performin) -etter t$an McDonalds. Ho!ever if
compared t$eir net profit for "005 McDonalds earn ,M1"7 /"4000 and K4C earns ,M
3375507000 t$ree times more t$an McDonalds
#$erefore in Malaysia7 K4C is t$e mar0et leader in t$e fast food c$ain -ased on t$e financial
P@calculation in appendix 1A
11.0 !rticuation o' aternatives pro(ems and issues
11.1 "eed o' .amiy Vaue Mea
McDonald9s must not lose si)$t of its core consumer )roup or $eavy fast food users. Even
t$ou)$ t$e tar)et mar0et is youn) adult7 !or0in) executives and c$ildren t$e menuC product is
not for !$ole family. McDonald emp$asi1e on individual menu not family menu. 4or instance7
K4C $as t$e Nvariety -uc0et com-o9 E Nmini -uc0et com-o9. McDonald s$ould come out menu
!it$ family meal or pac0a)e for family meals. 4or instance7 NMc4amily %alue Meal9 t$at comes
!it$ four medium drin0s7 t!o lar)e fries7 )arden salads and four -ur)ers !$ic$ suits for a family
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
of four. +n t$is current economic do!nturn7 Mc4amily %alue Meal !ill encoura)e families to eat
out in McDonald9s rat$er t$an eatin) at $ome.
11.2 ;imited &each
#$e allocation of McDonald9s outlets is al!ays in t$e ur-an area suc$ as cities and to!ns. ,ural
areas in t$e country are -ein) left out -y McDonalds to explore more. &s a result of t$at
McDonalds $as a lo!er mar0et s$are. Hence7 venturin) into rural areas mi)$t <us -oast up t$e
mar0et s$are and reac$in) out to ne! tar)ets in t$e rural area can increase t$e a!areness and
sales in t$e rural areas. Ho!ever t$ey plan to improve more in -uildin) and openin) ne!
restaurants t$is year.
11.3 <nheathy 3erception
4ast food $as al!ays -een perceived as an un$ealt$y food no matter !$at t$e company $as done
to improve on t$e $ealt$ issue. Even t$ou)$ McDonalds $as al!ays comin) out !it$ $ealt$y
menu for customers7 t$e fast food provided is still considered not $ealt$y. #$is issue can actually
-e $andled -y introducin) real $ealt$y food suc$ as salads or may-e even ve)etarian -ur)ers.
#$is can eventually put a mindset of $ealt$y food -ein) provided -y McDonalds and t$at
McDonalds is really ta0in) $ealt$ issue seriously.
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
&ppendix 1
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
1A Current ,atio Q Current &ssets C Current (ia-ilities
@"003A Q 4/70037000 C 15374147000 Q 0."3B1
@"005A Q /470567000 C 18"73637000 Q 0."6B1
@"005A Q 13674367000C /786/7000 Q "6.1/B1
"A Cas$ 4lo! ,atio Cas$ 4lo! from psC &vera)e Current (ia-ility
@"005A Q 6"1447 000C R@18"73637000 S 153414AC"A Q0.44/
@"005A Q 137//67000C R@/786/7000 S5/533AC"T Q 1.331
3A &vera)e +nventory #urnover Q @&vera)e +nventory CCost of 2ood SoldA x 33/ days
@"005A Q R@578637000 S 5755"7000AC 4/8746/7000T x 33/ days Q 1"./ days.
@"005A Q 'ot availa-le
4A De-t ,atio Q #otal (ia-ilities C #otal &ssets
@"003A Q 5173317000C"46705/7000 Q 0."68 Q "6.8II
@"005A Q 80716/7000C"6"76517000Q 0.316 Q31.6I
@"005A Q 3374"87000C /46765/7000 Q 01" Q 1"I
/A ,eturn on Sales Q*rofit after #ax C #otal ,evenue
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
@"003A Q /73/87000C /4574437000 Q 0.0086
@"005A Q 1"7/"47000C 33373557000 Q 0.0185
@"005A Q 3375507000C 6670007000 Q 0.4"
3A 2ross *rofit Mar)in Q 2ross *rofit C 'et Sales
@"003A Q 143708/7000C/4574437000 Q 0."35 Q "3.5 I
@"005A Q 153768"7000C 33373557000 Q 0."56Q "5.6I
@"005A Q 667000C667000Q 1Q 100I
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
+))e,i$ 2
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
MKW 3440 Case Study of McDonalds Malaysia
+))e,i$ 3
-elo. is t/e #ia0ial state1ets o# '0Doal,s 'alaysia u,er &2LDE* +R34E!
!D* -4D
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