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Awadhesh Yadav: Awadhesh - Yd@yahoo - Co.in

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Awadhesh Yadav

Mobile: +91 9833150653; E-Mail: [email protected]

Aiin! "o# senio# le$el %osi&ions in '%e#a&ions( )#ocess Mana!een&( and *#ansi&ionin! + Mana!een& wi&h a
#e%,&ed o#!anisa&ion
A dynaic )#o"essional( wi&h o$e# 9 yea#s #ich e-%e#ience in )#ocess Mana!een&. A,&oa&ion( )#o/ec&
Mana!een&( 0n&e#nal 1on&#ol + *ea Mana!een&. Presently serving Accenture as Service Delivery Os
Secialist !"anager#$ E-%e#&ise in enhancin! %#ocesses and sys&es( "acili&a&in! &he i%leen&a&ion o"
enhanceen&. #een!inee#in! ini&ia&i$es. 2een c,s&oe# cen&#ic a%%#oach wi&h s3ills in add#essin! clien&
conce#ns and #esol$in! escala&ions wi&hin %#esc#ibed *A*( &he#eby a&&ainin! c,s&oe# deli!h& and hi!h 1,s&oe#
4a&is"ac&ion 4co#es. 5eso,#ce",l in )#o/ec& Mana!een& enco%assin! %lannin!( desi!n( analysis( sco%e + #is3
ana!een&( con&in!ency %lannin!( #eso,#ce handlin! and ens,#in! on-&ie deli$e#y.
&eneral "anage'ent
Ens,#e )#ocess !#ow&h.
1once%&,alisin! and e-ec,&in! s&#a&e!ies &o ens,#e achie$een& o" %#e-se& ob/ec&i$es in assi!ned a#eas;
ee& *A*6s %#oised + ens,#e 7,ali&a&i$e #es%onse &ies.
4&ee#in! &he i%leen&a&ion o" sys&es in coo#dina&ion wi&h in&e#nal. e-&e#nal clien&s; ens,#in! %olicy
co%liance and add#ess con&#ol iss,es.
8ene#a&in! #e!,la# 5e%o#&s + M04 &o "acili&a&e s&#a&e!ic decision a3in! by Mana!een&.
Pr()ect "anage'ent
Assessin! #e7,i#een&s o" $a#io,s Enhanceen&. 5econcilia&ion )#o/ec&s wi&h "oc,s on enhancin! in&e#nal
con&#ols( #ed,cin! an,al &as3s and a,!en&in! %#od,c&i$i&y.
1once%&,alisin! %#o/ec& e-ec,&ion %lans( e$al,a&in! "easibili&y o" $a#io,s %#o/ec&s.
)#o$idin! #e!,la# ,%da&es &o clien&s &h#o,!h s&a&,s #e%o#&s( con"e#ence calls( ee&in!s and &ele-con"e#ences
and hi!hli!h& #is3s + o%%o#&,ni&ies.
1ond,c&in! )ilo& . 9se# *#ainin!s; di#ec& #ollo,& + #a&ionalisa&ion o" de$elo%ed A%%lica&ions. )#ocesses.
Pr(cess "anage'ent
:oc,sin! on e$ol,&ion( a%%in! and &#ansi&ionin! %#ocesses; &hei# a,&oa&ion( i%#o$een&s( e&c.
Ma%%in! b,siness #e7,i#een&s; coo#dina&e in de$elo%in! %#ocess "lows( i%leen&in! %#ocesses in line wi&h
in&e#nal !,idelines.
;eadin! &eas and ens,#e sealess ac&i$i&ies &h#o,!h %#o%e# &#ainin! o" #eso,#ces and #esol,&ion o" iss,es
on a &iely basis as well as #e!,la# %os& #e$iews.
)layin! a 3ey #ole as a 4in!le )oin& o" 1on&ac&; oni&o#in! &he o$e#all ",nc&ionin! o" )#ocesses in co%liance
wi&h %#o$isions; iden&i"yin! i%#o$een& a#eas; i%leen&in! ade7,a&e eas,#es &o a-iise sa&is"ac&ion
*#ansla&in! co%any s&#a&e!ies in&o o#!ani<a&ional ini&ia&i$es.ac&i$i&ies.
*uality "anage'ent
Ens,#in! a hi!h-7,ali&y c,s&oe# e-%e#ience; "oc,s on ele$a&in! c,s&oe# sa&is"ac&ion( while adhe#in! &o
4;As and =o#3 )#ocesses and &h,s ana!in! cos&-e""ec&i$e o%e#a&ions.
5e$isi&in! 4;A s&anda#ds a& "#e7,en& in&e#$als &o i%#o$e &he o$e#all c,s&oe# e-%e#ience.
>#i$in! )#o/ec&s &ill co%le&ion; en&o#in! &eas &owa#ds iden&i"yin! "ac&o#s c#i&ical &o 7,ali&y( #ed,cin!
%#ocess $a#ia&ion( i%#o$in! ca%abili&ies + inc#easin! s&abili&y &o s,%%o#& 7,ali&y !oals.
Enco,#a!in! ?al,e 1#ea&ion &h#o,!h )#ocess 0%#o$een&s( @,ali&y )#o/ec&s( 5e-En!inee#in!( 1o%liance(
Tea' "anage'ent
'$e#seein! &he 5ec#,i&en&( )e#"o#ance Mana!een&( *#ainin!( and )#od,c&i$i&y o" &eas.
A,ildin! &ea e""ec&i$eness by %#oo&in! a s%i#i& o" coo%e#a&ion be&ween &ea ebe#s and hel%in!
,nde#s&and lin3a!es &o M,l&i%le >e%&6s and 4e#$ice *eas. >e"inin! clea# #oles and #es%onsibili&ies "o# all
&ea ebe#s.
>e&e#inin! &#ainin! needs o" e%loyees; cond,c&in! s,i&able &#ainin! %#o!#as &o enhance &hei#
o%e#a&ional e""iciency leadin! &o inc#eased %#od,c&i$i&y.
)a!e 1 o" 3

CA%EE% +I&+,I&+TS
Accenture as Service Delivery Ops Specialist
--VA Sun-elt. Aril /012 t( Present
Ens,#e &ha& &he 4;As and '%e#a&ions e&#ics a#e e&.
8,idin!( s,%%o#&in! and wo#3in! wi&h o&he# *ea ;eade#s ac#oss &he %#o/ec& in ee&in! 4;As and
'%e#a&ional Me&#ics.
=o#3 closely wi&h &he clien& and de$elo% a s&#on! #ela&ionshi% wi&h &he clien& co,n&e#%a#&.
)a#&ici%a&e in de$elo%in! ana!een& #e%o#&s "o# &he 1lien& and Mana!een&.
)#oac&i$ely iden&i"y chan!es #e7,i#ed &o be ini&ia&ed in all as%ec&s o" &he %#ocesses
)#o$ide "eedbac3 and )e#"o#ance a%%#aisal
>e$elo% a bac3,% %lan "o# all %#ocesses in sco%e
4hi"& handlin! - shi"& %oin& o" con&ac& "o# clien& #ela&ionshi%
Mana!e %e#"o#ance #e$iews and clien& co,nica&ions
Mana!e s&a""in!( "o#ecas&in!( hi#in!( &e#ina&ions( %e#"o#ance e&c.
5e$iew and a%%#o$e billable ho,#s "o# all #eso,#ces
Reliance Media Works as MANAGER
%est(rati(n. "arch /010 till "arch /012$
Bandlin! a &ea o" 90 ebe#s C3 Asst "anagersD "o# #es&o#a&ion based o,& o" M,bai.
Ma- *ea si<e Bandled: 1E0+ E%loyees
Ae in$ol$ed wi&h %#o/ec& %lans de&ailin! &he e-%ec&ed le$el o" e""o#& and &ie #e7,i#ed and consis&en&ly
ee& &he #e7,i#ed @,ali&y s&anda#d.
Ma3e s,#e soo&h ",nc&ion o" &eas wi&h )#o/ec&s.
*#ac3in! e$e#y %#o/ec& wi&h 4;A.
1ond,c& &#ainin! on chan!e in )#ocess.
=o#3 wi&h %#ocess( &echnical leads and )#od,ce#s CA,siness >e$elo%e#sD &o de&e#ine bes& a%%#oach &o
deli$e# %#o/ec&s.
>e"ine and doc,en& clien& #e7,i#een&s o" b,siness.
*#ansla&e b,siness #e7,i#een&s in&o de&ailed hi!hli!h&.
>oc,en& no o" :*E and &echnical #e7,i#een&s( )#ocess dia!#as( and o&he# deli$e#ables.
1oo#dina&e wi&h clien&s.4ales &eas o# )#od,ce#s "o# se&&in! ,% @,ali&y s&anda#d.
Ens,#e 7,ali&y ass,#ance ,nde#s&and &he s%ecs and a%%#o%#ia&e chec3%oin&s a#e es&ablished "o# 7,ali&y
2ee%in! close eye on Machine and A!en& ,&ili<a&ion by %#od,c&ion #e%o#&.
*a3e &he ini&ia&i$e &o s,!!es& new s&anda#ds( i%leen& new s&#a&e!ies and &a3e on s%ecial %#o/ec&s.
Bandlin! clien& escala&ion and a3in! s&#a&e!y on #ewo#3sFaddi&ional odi"ica&ion deand by clien&s.
=o#3ed and 0%leen&ed %#ocess "low C)#od,c&i$i&y &#ac3e#D so"&wa#e %%"S C5eliance 5es&o#a&ion
Mana!een& 4ys&eD( which is end &o end %#ocess "low o" de%a#&en&.

TCS e-Serve Liited as TEAM LEADER !Operations"
Pr(cess. -an4rutcy !Citi'(rtgage5US#. 6une /007 8e9 /010$
1e#&i"ied as Aan3#,%&cy s%ecialis& "o# cha%&e# G.
*a3in! &#ainin! on new %#ocess chan!es.
1#ea&in! ;o!in( ;o!o,& #e%o#&( 4ched,le adhe#ence( A&&endance #e%o#&( %#od,c&ion M04( 1a%aci&y %lannin!.
=o#3in! and ain&ainin! 1')1 #e%o#&s.
Bandlin! clien& escala&ions and #e%ly in s%eci"ied *A*.
*o oni&o# o#&!a!e "o# &hei# %ayen& and &ieliness.
1oo#dina&e wi&h a&&o#ney in 9.4. "o# le!al %#oceedin! li3e Mo&ion "o# #elie"( )#oo" o" clai.
)a!e H o" 3
Ma3in! call &o >eb&o#6s a&&o#ney and con"i#in! de&ail as well as a3e &he awa#e o" %#obable le!al ac&ion
10*0M'5*8A8E 0I1. is !oin! &o &a3e.
*o ca&ch ab,si$e "ile# as well as "ind o,& "#a,d.
Citi +('e E:uity !-r(4er and %etail Channel# "ay /00; < "ay /007
5e$iewin! c#edi& #e%o#&s( loan a%%lica&ions( incoe doc,en&a&ion( e%loyen& #eco#ds( and co,#&
doc,en&s and $e#i"y as needed &o de&e#ine bo##owe#Js abili&y &o ee& #e7,i#een& o" loan.
5e$iewin! %#o%e#&y a%%#aisals &o de&e#ine $al,e o" colla&e#al( 4&#on! 3nowled!e in #e$iewin! ",ll a%%#aisals
C100E( H055( 10G3( e&cKD and o&he# ?al,a&ions.
5e$iewin! Mo#&!a!e Io&e( B9>( ?'M e&cKK...
?alida&in! incoe "o# all &y%e o" bo##owe#s.
=o#3ed on H 8#een bel& %#o/ec& as &ea ebe#.
)layed a si!ni"ican& #ole in 1')1 ce#&i"ica&ion.
S(=tware Used
A%%lica&ion 4o"&wa#e: - =indows 98( 00( L)( 03( 0G( ?isio( Mini&ab ? 1E.H and 15. ;in,-
4o"&wa#e ins&alled : - A1A)4 : A,&oa&ed( c#edi& a%%lica&ion %#ocessin! sys&e( >;4( 1i&ilin3
A& clien& loca&ion : - 1i&#i-( 1i&i"ind( >50( :ilene&( ?endo#sco%e( o#&!a!e se#$e
Achieve'ents and C(ntri9uti(n
Awa#ded 1ha%ion o" &he Mon&h 5 &ies.
Awa#ded 1e#&i"ica&e in M*ea Aondin! and 1ohesi$enessN.
>esi!ned >ashboa#d ,sin! M4 Access in o#de# &o inco#%o#a&e all %#ocess #ela&ed ac&i$i&ies. *he en&i#e
&ea ,ses &he sae ac#oss bo&h si&es "o# day-&o-day ",nc&ionin!.
>e$elo%ed se$e#al ac#os C,sin! ?AD on e-cel in o#de# &o ens,#e s&#ic& adhe#ence &o clien& deli$e#ables
in &ies o" a/o# %#ocess chan!es.
Bel%ed @A in %#e%a#in! on&hly 7,ali&y #e%o#&s inco#%o#a&in! analysis on di""e#en& bencha#3s ,sin!
Ma3in! daily assi!nen& and %#od,c&ion as well as @,e,e M04.
)#e%a#ed and ain&ained his&o#ical a!en& wise acc,#acy da&a so &ha& &he sae can be ,sed "o#
de&e#inin! an a!en&6s %e#"o#ance.
)layed a si!ni"ican& #ole in !e&&in! &he &ea 1')1 ce#&i"ied.
)#e%a#ed di""e#en& #e%o#&s on absen&eeis( %#ocessin! &ie and sched,le adhe#ence( &he#eby hel%in!
&he s,%e#$iso# in doin! %#ocess con&#ol analysis.
>one @,a#&e#ly ?ol,e Analysis so as &o "o#ecas& :*E #e7,i#ed "o# &he %#ocess.
-$Sc$ !Che'istry# "#o M,bai 9ni$e#si&y May H005.
>a&e o" Ai#&h : 1
May 198E
Add#ess : 9( 4hi$ 4han3a# 8alli( 8andhi Ia!a#(;al/i )ada( 2andi$ali C=es&D( M,bai - E0006G.
)a!e 3 o" 3

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