ETU02 Mux
ETU02 Mux
ETU02 Mux
1 F A M ILY Standalone
Fractional E1, 2 or 4 Port Multiplexer
In t e r f a c e s t y p e s -RS-530 L E D status display 17 status LEDs (Power,
-X.21 Main E1, Sub E1,DTEs
-V.35 And Diagnostics)
-RS-449 R S -232, D B 9 F Craft port: 9600,8,N,1
-64k codirectional
- Ethernet Bridge
In t e r f a c e C o n n e c t o r s
Diagnostic Tests
V.35 interface 34 pin, Female Loopback Line loopback
X .2 1 i n t e r f a c e 15 pin, D-Type Female Payload loopback
R S -530 interface 25 pin, D-Type Female Local loopback
R S -449 interface DB25P to DB37 cable (optional) DTE loopback
6 4 k c o d irection a l 15 pin, D-Type Female
E thernet interface RJ-45
L in e c o d e NRZ Test pattern 511, 2047, 2e15-1, 2e20-1,
D a ta rate N x 56kbps or Nx64kbps QRSS, 2e23-1, All 1,
Where N equal 1 to 31 in CCS All 0, Alt, 0011, 3 in 24,
And N equal 1 to 30 in CAS 1 in 16, 1 in 8, 1 in 4
C ontrol signals CTS constantly ON
DSR constantly ON,
except during test loops Temp 0°C to 50°C/ 32°-122°F
DCD constantly ON, H u m id i t y 0 to 90% non-condensing
except during signal loss
T im e slot allocation User defined