NOC Hardware Management SO.P. Derricks Formatted
NOC Hardware Management SO.P. Derricks Formatted
NOC Hardware Management SO.P. Derricks Formatted
N.O.C. Hardware Management S.O.P. TBD
Section I – GENERAL
A. Purpose:
Data Center and NOC hardware management will be achieved by utilizing our
database located in Altiris to inventory, and track ownership, and location of
equipment. This effort will be a solitary way of verifying equipment, notifying
owners, and determining equipment destinations.
B. Implementation:
• A grid numbered 1 - 50 and A – U will be placed on the wall at ceiling level to
create a grid for locating exact positions/locations of equipment in the Data
Center. This grid along with the inventory diagram will enable quick and efficient
locating of all equipment.
• These grid markings will be implanted by preprinted tags that will be hanging
from the ceiling tile frame.
• Each device should be rack mounted (please refer to the Rack and Stack SOP)
and the associated Grid location will also note the Rack location.
• Each device in the data center will be labeled with the Device Name and IP
address in a conspicuous place that can be easily seen when accessed. These
labels are also placed in an area on the equipment that will not restrict air flow in
any way
C. Equipment Storage
• Equipment that is not ready to be installed that has arrived onsite will be stored
in a secure location in a secure cage in the basement of Head Quarters.
• A meeting and agreement between the equipment owner and NOC personnel
will preside to determine any special needs for equipment and location of said
equipment to racked and staked.
N.O.C. Hardware Management S.O.P. TBD
N.O.C. Hardware Management S.O.P. TBD
• Equipment that has reach EOL be upgraded, removed from production, and in
some cases depending on criticality of the application that it is running, it may
remain installed and running.
• Equipment that is at EOL will be upgraded while following the change c ontrol
process. (See Change Control Section)