The document lists over 40 bioinformatics companies and provides a brief description of each company along with their website. The companies offer a wide range of bioinformatics services and tools including microarray and gene expression data analysis software, protein structure prediction, pathway analysis, oligonucleotide design, mass spectrometry data analysis, and more. Many of the companies also provide consulting services to help accelerate drug discovery for pharmaceutical and biotechnology clients.
The document lists over 40 bioinformatics companies and provides a brief description of each company along with their website. The companies offer a wide range of bioinformatics services and tools including microarray and gene expression data analysis software, protein structure prediction, pathway analysis, oligonucleotide design, mass spectrometry data analysis, and more. Many of the companies also provide consulting services to help accelerate drug discovery for pharmaceutical and biotechnology clients.
The document lists over 40 bioinformatics companies and provides a brief description of each company along with their website. The companies offer a wide range of bioinformatics services and tools including microarray and gene expression data analysis software, protein structure prediction, pathway analysis, oligonucleotide design, mass spectrometry data analysis, and more. Many of the companies also provide consulting services to help accelerate drug discovery for pharmaceutical and biotechnology clients.
The document lists over 40 bioinformatics companies and provides a brief description of each company along with their website. The companies offer a wide range of bioinformatics services and tools including microarray and gene expression data analysis software, protein structure prediction, pathway analysis, oligonucleotide design, mass spectrometry data analysis, and more. Many of the companies also provide consulting services to help accelerate drug discovery for pharmaceutical and biotechnology clients.
Develops software for the analysis and management of microarray data. Tripos, Inc. --- ( ) Provider of discovery research software & services to pharmacetical, !iotechnology, & other life sciences companies worldwide. "pplied #iosystems --- ( ) $ffers instrment-!ased software for the discovery, development, and manfactring of drgs. "%C"&" #io'ciences --- ( ) (icroflidics arrays ()la!-on-a-chip)) for high-throghpt pharmacetical drg screening, mltiple*ed gene e*pression analysis, and mltiple*ed '+P genotyping. #ioDiscovery, Inc. --- ( ) $ffers microarray !ioinformatics software and services. 'trctral #ioinformatics, Inc. --- ( ) ,*pediting lead discovery !y providing strctral data and analysis for drg targets. -en$dyssee '" --- ( ) Provides to the pharmacetical, diagnostic and !iotech indstry fll range of post-genomic services . /T '+P discovery and genotyping, and fnctional proteomics. "lgo+omics --- ( ) Provides online, as well as on-site, tools for protein se0ence analysis and strctre prediction. 1ocsed on the relationship !etween the amino acid se0ence of proteins and their fnction. 2i34la!s --- ( ) Develops software systems for the ac0isition, management and analysis of moleclar !iology data and information. &osetta Inpharmatics --- ( ) Informational genomics - the integration of !ioinformatics with genomics tools to accelerate and improve the drg discovery process. Providing an economical, relia!le, and fle*i!le technology for pharmacetical, !iotechnology and agricltral companies. C'I&$ #ioinformatics --- ( ) Provides statistical conslting and specialised software development services to the !iotechnology indstry. '#I 'cience %%C --- ( ) Conslting in gene prodct analysis, inclding strctre-!ased se0ence alignment, homology modeling, and *-ray crystallography. #iodata!ases --- ( ) (oleclar data!ase technologies. To-$racle data!ase conversions. Data-mining and eCommerce development for genomics and proteomics. -enoly3e --- ( ) Provides microarray and gene e*pression data analysis. (etalife "D --- ( ) 'oftware company providing integrated moleclar data!ase technologies for life science research. +#. control to see site in ,nglish is at lower right ,voltionary #ioInformatics --- ( ) #ioinformatics5genomics consltancy with e*pertise in comparative genomics and model organisms for target development and !iological nderstanding. Cam!ridge "nti!ody Technology --- ( ) Company developing hman monoclonal anti!odies as novel therapetics. "lso applying its technology platform to fnctional genomics to assist the discovery of new drg targets. "(IT" Data!ases --- ( ) 1ront-line and !ac6-end !io-data!ase development services for !ioinformatics pro7ects. design and maintenance of p!lic se0ence repositories, commercial data mining applications of moleclar !iology data!ases, atomated data mirroring, data!ase conversion. Time%ogic Corporation --- ( ) 8ith or DeCypher #ioinformatics "ccelerator, Time%ogic speeds genomic discovery for !iotechnology and pharmacetical companies. DeCypher dramatically accelerates comptationally intensive algorithms, inclding #%"'T, 'mith-8aterman and /(( analysis. ePitope Informatics --- ( ) 'peciali3es in epitope prediction and protein analysis for proteomics, diagnostics, therapetics, life science research, and anti!ody prodction. 9nited #ioinformatica Inc. (9#I) --- ( ) Provides !ioinformatics software in Canada for la!oratory information management systems (lims), se0ence analysis, microarray e*pression analysis, and proteomics (:d and ;d gel image analysis). Io!ion Informatics %%C --- ( ) 'peciali3ing in software for the analysis of microarray data (-eneTraffic). (ediCel %td. --- ( ) 'oftware and services for reverse engineering and modeling of !iochemical pathways for drg target discovery and validation pro7ects related to inflammatory diseases. -enomatica, Inc. - /ome of the -enetic Circits 'imlation 'ystem --- ( ) " leading innovator of in silico systems !iology, !ilding proprietary celllar-level models to accelerate the identification & prodction of more effective drgs, chemical & agricltral prodcts, & ena!ling in-silico !iological discovery. "riadne -enomics Inc. --- ( ) 'oftware for !iological pathways visali3ation and analysis, fnctional interpretation of genetic information. Caesar 'oftware, %%C --- ( ) $ffers i$ligo software which designs oligoncleotides for PC& or se0encing reactions, and orders them directly from synthesis companies. <rd (illennim, Inc. --- ( ) $r !ioinformatics conslting, systems development, and integration services help ensre yor !ioinformatics systems are flly geared toward yor sccess and ni0e strategies. 8e focs on deploying the !est technologies for today while wor6ing on the !est technologies for tomorrow. Cetical'oft --- ( ) provides cstom ,*cel programming services for drg discovery applications. =antiom --- ( ) Prodcts and services for !ioanalytical data analysis. (atri* 'cience --- ( ) (ascot, the on-line search engine for protein identification sing mass spectrometry data Discovery Partners International --- ( ) Discovery Partners International is the premier provider of technology, prodcts and services that agment the drg discovery efforts of the pharmacetical indstry. TI# ($%#I$% --- ( ) D+" primer and pro!e synthesis and diagnostic PC& assay design. (D% Information 'ystems --- ( ) Discovery informatics company for life sciences and chemistry. (a6ers of "ssay ,*plorer software to trac6 and datamine imaging !ased e*periments. (ath'oft Inc. --- ( ) (now Insightfl) is developer of '-P%9', e*cellent statistical data mining software. Insightfl provides many other data analysis tools. %a! --- ( ) Do fast trac6 e*periments online for gene analysis, homology analysis for fingerprinting, agarose gel image comparison applications Cra-en Corp. --- ( ) -ene'cape Portal promoting CraTools, an integrated site of !ioinformatics tools for easy analyses on collections of se0ences. Informagen --- ( ) Prodces D+" secondary strctre prediction software inclding alignments and Chos- 1asman analysis. -eospi3a, Inc. --- ( ) -eospi3a>s !ioinformatics software helps service, research, and clinical la!oratories manage and analy3e data from genomics, D+" se0encing, genotyping and proteomics. D,C$D$+ - software tools for fnctional genomics --- ( ) ma6ers of Delta;D, software for difference analysis of ;D electrophoresis gels. "ccelrys --- ( ) 'pplier of !ioinformatics software for gene and protein se0ence analysis, high-throghpt screening systems and data!ases for managing !ioassay information. 1ormerly $*ford (oleclar, -enetics Compter -rop (-C-), (oleclar 'imlations Inc. (('I), and 'ynopsys 'cientific 'ystems. #io*tal, proteomic services --- ( ) Provides crystallography services and recom!inant protein prodction !y means of 'emli6i 1orest 2irs. 'ilicon -enetics --- ( ) #ioinformatics tools for visali3ation and analysis of gene e*pression data, allowing scientists to e*tract 6nowledge for drg discovery and gene fnction identification. #io'oft'oltions --- ( ) Develops software analysis tools for mass spectrometry-!ased proteomics and microarray- !ased image processing. #ioTools Incorporated --- ( ) Provides software tools to accelerate the research process. -eneTool for D+" se0ence analysis, PepTool for protein se0ence analysis, and ChromaTool for D+" se0ence assem!ly. Predictive Patterns 'oftware --- ( ) Provides software for visali3ation, analysis and classification of gene e*pression and proteomics data. (yriad #iotechnology Tool. Pro+et --- ( ) (yriad>s Pro+et program is designed to rapidly identify large nm!ers of novel protein- protein interactions. genetic4change --- ( ) genetic4change provides the only open system Data Integration Platform to help accelerate the drg discovery process for !iotech and pharmacetical companies. Pro6aria --- ( ) " !iotechnology company that is com!ining ecology and !ioinformatics to directly discover novel genes in natre. Crrently focssing on thermophiles. $*ford -lyco'ciences ($-') --- ( ) Provides proteomics-!ased drg discovery and development and identification of proteins directly associated with diseases. #ioinformatics 'oltions Inc. --- ( ) Professional algorithmic and software soltions for the !ioinformatics indstry. P&$'P,CT for protein strctre prediction, Pattern/nter for identifying all appro*imate repeats in a complete genome, and C$PI" for discovering motifs in a family of protein se0ences. $mni2i3 Inc. --- ( ) 'pplier of Clstering and Data 2isali3ation software to the %ife and Chemical 'ciences indstries. I+C$-,+, Inc. --- ( ) The Institte for Comptational -enomics (I+C$-,+) focses on comptational and data management soltions to the comple* challenges faced !y researchers in plant and animal genomics. 'trand -enomics.%ife science informatics company - "lgorithms for life --- ( ) Develops softwares (avadis, acris ) for analysis of gene e*pression, and proteomics data for drg discovery and development. &osetta Inpharmatics, Inc --- ( ) Provides software soltions designed to accelerate life science research sing advanced genomic data analysis technology. (eta/eli* %ife 'ciences --- ( ) (etaheli* %ife 'ciences is a company that speciali3es in scientific conslting, contract research, application software and prodct development in the emerging areas of life science informatics and genomics. --- ( ) $ffers microarray prodcts to frther dermatology research. 8e!page has information on techni0es sed to analy3e proteins. -enaissance Pharmaceticals, Inc. --- ( ) "pplies genomics and informatics technologies to improve drg development, pharmacetical mar6eting and prescription medication. #ioInformatics, Inc. --- ( ) Provides mar6et research to clients in the !iotechnology, medical, and pharmacetical indstry. Inpharmatica --- ( ) Developers of the #iopendim, a resorce of protein strctre and fnction information that ena!les identification of distantly related proteins and ths e*ploration of the hman proteome. %ife'pan #io'ciences --- ( ) Provides gene e*pression and protein locali3ation data!ase aimed at drg-discovery programs. "lso offers target validation !y selection and prioriti3ation. "tomated /andling 'ystems, Inc. --- ( ) ?ava software development and conslting for the !ioinformatics indstry. -enamics --- ( ) 'pplier of D+" and protein se0ence analysis software. #iosift, Inc. --- ( ) Designs tools for comparative genomic data analysis, data integration, and visali3ation for genomic and protein data. &elevant 'oftware Inc. --- ( ) Pro7ect development services for life science software pro7ects. Proteomics'9&1 --- ( ) " Pointer to Proteomics &esearch &esorces@ Proteomics'9&1, a meta directory, is dedicated to provide we! information on proteomics methods & protocols for !oth novice and advanced sers !y pointing appropriate >directories> that list relevant and sefl resorces. +onlinear Dynamics --- ( ) Develops scientific software for proteomics, genomics, drg discovery and !ioinformatics. Prodcts inclde Phoreti*, Progenesis and Progenera. "rray -enetics, Inc. --- ( ) Provider of software soltions to meet the needs of researchers see6ing to e*tract information from genome se0encing pro7ects and D+" microarray screening. 1ree access to 'e0It, an on-line protein data!ase mining program. C,%%,CTI' . &ational -enome ,ngineering --- ( ) " company developing targeted gene replacement and modification technology. (irai#io Inc --- ( ) /itachi -enetic 'ystems, !y (irai#io Inc, offers 0ality instrments, software, consma!les and spporting applications for the genetics5moleclar !iology la!oratory. %I$+ #ioscience "- --- ( ) #iological information technology company providing integrated soltions for genomics and !ioinformatics to the life science indstry. "%(" #ioinformatics --- ( ) Develops tools for microarray data analysis and te*t-mining from scientific te*ts. -ene-IT - /igh Performance #ioinformatics 'oftware for 'e0ence Data (ining --- ( ) -ene-IT is a !ioinformatics company that provides life-science research organi3ations with scala!le high performance software and scientific e*pertise for !iological se0ence data mining. /ippron Physiomics Inc. --- ( ) Develops we!-!ased software for the visali3ation and analysis of !iological signaling pathways for drg discovery and development. -enomining --- ( ) 'peciali3es in the data-mining, discovery, interpretation and management of !iological data. 'e0ence #ioinformatics --- ( ) Canadian company providing !informatics and 6nowledge management soltions for life science researchers. (athematical ,cology --- ( ) Conslting !y mathematical models for !iological and ecological pro!lems. #io#ase --- ( ) #iological data!ases, !ioinformatics tools, and conslting in gene reglatory processes sch as transcriptional control and signal transdction. -eneData --- ( ) Provides cstomi3a!le software soltions and related scientific services for the analysis of genomics and proteomics data. ,ssential Informatics --- ( ) Provides software conslting services to early-stage !iotechnology ventres. (etalife "- --- ( ) Developing !ioinformatics software for se0ence analysis, se0ence !ased predictions, and !iological pathway analysis and visali3ation. #ioCarta --- ( ) 8e!-!ased resorce of information on gene fnction, proteomic pathways, and reagent e*change. 1orm for information e*change and colla!oration !etween researchers. 'yngene --- ( ) Provides !io imaging systems, gel docmentation systems and gel analysis software for 92, white light, chemilminescence, florescence applications. Proteomes --- ( ) /man animal proteome research, conslting and data!ase. 'earching for the proteome of !irth, growth, aging and disease sing proteomics tools, ;D and mass spectrometry. #ilingal !t some ,nglish pages inclde Aorean te*t. %a!2antage 'oltions --- ( ) %a!2antage 'oltions is a glo!al provider of wor6flow driven atomation tools, 6nowledge management software, implementation services, and conslting to leading discovery- oriented, high throghpt screening, genomics, proteomics, pharmaceticals, and com!inatorial chemistry companies. (eta!olic ,*plorer --- ( ) ,*plores and designs meta!olic pathways. $cimm #iosoltions --- ( ) Contract &&D services in !ioinformatics, %I(', genomics, and proteomics for the !iotech and pharma indstries. Tahoe Informatics --- ( ) Conslting grop speciali3ing in training, mar6eting, and testing. Informatics --- (!nformatics/ ) Providing integrated information management soltions for the life sciences. Indstry 'pport Programme --- ( ) /elping indstry adapt 0ic6ly to, and ma*imise !enefits from, developments in the fast- growing fields of !ioinformatics, comptational !iology, and information technology in general - from the ,ropean #ioinformatics Inst. (oleclar (ining Corporation --- ( ) -enomics, proteomics, com!inatorial chemistry, comptational science and machine learning for drg discovery. #iosentients #ioinformatics 'oftware --- ( ) The Intelligent (oleclar $!7ect (I($) Platform adds speed and efficiency to glo!al data access and integrated analysis. "lso. applications integration, atomated new applications assem!ly, I'$BCCC51D"5CD,&5C1I& validation, distri!ted compting. #ioma* Informatics "- --- ( ) $ffers annotated genome data!ase, and D+" and protein se0ence analysis tools. Compgen --- ( ) Develops and mar6ets platforms, tools and prodcts that accelerate post-genomic research, the advanced stdy of proteins and protein pathways, and drg target discovery. #ioinformatics 'oltions Inc. --- ( ) Tools for distant homology search, protein folding, phylogeny, motif finding, alignment, proteomics data!ase and mining -enomica Corporation --- ( ) #ioPharmacetical software for fnctional genomics, gene discovery, and positional cloningD sing genetic analysis, physical mapping, and se0ence analysis. %a!#oo6 --- ( ) Provides 4(%-powered Internet soltions and !ioinformatics applications for the life science researcher to access, data mine, integrate, store, and visali3e !iomedical information. %ife 'cience Informatics 'oltions --- ( ) Infor(a*>s soltions com!ine moleclar !iology techni0es, information technology and Internet commnications to atomate the research process, facilitating high-speed analysis and dramatically increasing prodctivity. -ene #iotechnologies --- ( ) $ffering hman, mose and drosophila genome data!ases, a 2iew&'earch program and advanced prodcts in development. 'ervices inclde converting cstom data!ases and adding special featres. -lycominds --- ( ) Company focsing on )more efficient and accrate !ioinformatic analysis of comple* car!ohydrates and their interactions). Ingenovis --- ( ) Develops !ioinformatics software for moleclar visali3ation, se0ence analysis, information and data integration, and organi3ation and management systems. #iosiris --- ( ) #ioinformatics company specialising in moleclar modeling. InnaPhase Corporation 8e! 'ite --- ( ) InnaPhase provides innovative des6top and enterprise technology soltions for early drg development teams. Invenio #iosoltions --- ( ) $ffers cstom software development for gene and protein se0ence analysis, and drg discovery. Corim!ia, Inc. --- ( ) Provides software prodcts and conslting services for the processing and analysis of gene e*pression data. D+" 'oftware, Inc. --- ( ) Provides conslting on ncleic acid thermodynamics and $(P, the $ligoncleotide (odeling Platform, a software framewor6 for !ilding applications to design mltiple* PC& primers, pro!es and D+" microarrays. #le-nome --- ( ) "pplication of advanced statistical methods to the information !ottlenec6s in drg discovery. Insilicos --- ( ) Provides proteomics, meta!olomics, and systems !iology software for mass spectrometry data. Insilico #ioinformatics Company --- ( ) Insilico provides data centered !ioinformatic tools for life science and pharma. ProCeryon #iosciences -m!/ --- ( ) Provides protein se0ence and strctre !ased !ioinformatics tools for the pharmacetical and !iotech indstries. 'eascape %earning --- ( ) Distri!tes strctral !ioinformatics software and edcational material. -enomati* 'oftware --- ( ) $ffers prodcts and services in fnctional genomics of gene reglation. Companies in the Bioinformatics Software and Software-Related Services Sector
Technology Area Company Name Headquarters Company wesite !NA"#rotein Sequence Analysis Allometra Davis, Calif.
%irus "io Corporation + developer of innovative non+viral gene deliver( technologies and gene therap( strategies and a manufacturer of state of the art research reagents. Celera 'enomics + seDuences genomes to generate and commerciali-e genomic information in order to accelerate the understanding of biological processes. Clonaid + human cloning compan( founded b( /aEl, leader of the /aelian %ovement. 0ncyte %enomics 0nc1 (2) Aff(metri + develops and commerciali-es 'eneChip D)A probe technolog( for automated gene seDuencing and management of comple genetic information. $yriad %enetics) 0nc1 (4) %enaissance #harmaceuticals (1) %enencor 0nternational (1) D)A Sciences, &nc. + attempting accelerate discover( of the lin.s between genetics and disease. 0eading up the 'ene !rust ,ro@ect to involve ordinar( people in the genetic research effort. Advanced Cell !echnolog( + involved in the research and development of nuclear transfer technologies for human therapeutics and animal cloning 2a-aron "io!echnologies + cellular cr( and related services for the genetic preservation and cloning of pets, livestoc., service animals, and endangered species. %enome Therapeutics Corporation (1) *amil( !ree D)A + provides 1+D)A and mtD)A testing services to aid genealogists and researchers in reconstructing famil( relationships. '!C "iotherapeutics + biotechnolog( compan( that produces recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibodies for pharmaceutical use in the mil. of transgenic animals. 'enetic Savings F Clone + mar.ets advanced genetic services directl( to the general public for the purposes of cloning livestoc. AD5E/!&SE%E)! or pets. Compugen (2)
"enitec + proprietar( technolog( based on /)A interference,
providing precise process for silencing an( gene in an( cell of an( multicellular organism. 'ene*ormatics &ncorporated + offers structural proteomics that integrates proprietar( technologies to rapidl( deliver novel protein function and structure information. 'enomics Collaborative 3'C&4 + develops proprietar( intellectual propert( and maintains the 'lobal /epositor( for human D)A, serum, and tissue samples. deC$DE 'enetics + population+based genomics compan( that see.s to swiftl( discover disease related genes and in that wa( develop new insights into diseases. %ene 2ogic) 0nc1 (1) 'enomic Solutions + provides researchers with advanced microarra( and proteomic s(stems, as well as services to enhance productivit( and improve the gene and protein anal(sis processes. ,rime'en "iotech Corporation + genetic engineering compan( utili-ing stem cell technolog( in developing Cellular /eplacement !herap( for re@uvenating tissues b( replacing aged cells throughout the bod( for life etension. ,,2 !herapeutics + applies transgenic technolog( to the production of human proteins for therapeutic and nutritional use. "iocarta + science information for proteomics, D)A structure, metabolic pathwa(s, chemo.ines, biotechnolog(, bioinformatics, and the human cell. SeDuenom + identif(ing genes and genetic variations that impact human health. ,roducts include gene seDuencing s(stems and silicon wafers to anal(-e biomolecules. /osetta &npharmatics, &nc. + provides bioinformatics solutions to aid in drug discover( and the development of agricultural products. &ntegrated D)A !echnologies, &nc + free technical support, lin.s to thousands of other sites, online ordering of the custom s(nthesi-ed D)A, and technical bulletins. 2e'icon %enetics 0ncorporated (3) 'eneData A' + bioinformatics service compan( in "asel, Swit-erland. 'ene%achines + provides state+of+the+art solutions for the automation and instrumentation needs of the genomics communit(. 5alentis + combines proprietar( deliver( technologies with biologics to create novel therapeutic products. 0ntrogen Therapeutics) 0nc1 (5) 2arge Scale Biology Corporation (1) &llumina + utili-es fibre optics, microfabrication, and advanced information processing to create high+densit( assa( arra(s. 2(n !herapeutics + provides genomics, genetics, and proteomics technologies to assist the development efforts of customers in the pharmaceutical and agricultural biotechnolog( industries. 'ene !herap( S(stems 3'!S4 + offers p'ene'rip vectors, a series of transcriptionall( active fluorescent plasmids. !ime 2ogic !ahoe /esearch Center + genetic database similarit( searches using the DeC(pher && Smith+#aterman accelerator. 5isible 'enetics + develops automated seDuencing s(stems for the anal(sis of genes lin.ed to disease. 2ab$n#eb + life science research engine. !ransgene + integrated gene therap( compan( dedicated to the discover( and development of gene deliver( technologies and products for treatment of acDuired diseases. A5& "io,harma + development and manufacture of seDuence+ specific nucleic acid binding molecules for pharmaceutical and diagnostic products. 'enset + biotechnolog( compan( that develops drug candidates for the treatment of central nervous s(stem and metabolic diseases. 0(bridon , &nc. + development of novel genetic medicines based primaril( on antisense technolog(. amaa bios(stems + develops and produces technologies for non+viral gene transfer directl( into the nucleus of primar( cells and adopts these technologies for clinical applications. 'enetic &dentification Services + custom genetic mar.ers for agriculture, aDuaculture, and wildlife management applications. Epigenomics + evaluating the generation and neural+ computation of D)A+meth(lation signals for correlation with disease phenot(pes and pharmacologic behaviour. %olecular %edicine, 22C + a development and manufacturing compan( dedicated to the production of high+Dualit(, clinical grade, gene and cell based therapeutics and reagents.
'E)EA/! + integrated supplier of gene s(nthesis,
recombinant gene libraries, epression optimisation, and genetic immuni-ation. 'eneart + specialises in automated gene s(nthesis and vaccine design. Deltagen + provider of essential data on the in vivo mammalian functional role of newl( discovered genes. Agencourt "ioscience + provides genomic services and nucleic acid purification products that help biotech and pharmaceutical companies improve the effectiveness and efficienc( of their drug development pipelines. Sangamo BioSciences (2) %acrogen + provides D)A seDuencing and customised transgenic mouse developing services to scientists in the field of biomedical research. 7enogen + eclusive licensee of a patent relating to technolog( called in vivo biophotonic imaging. #aradigm %enetics (1) Seattle 'enetics + discovers and develops monoclonal antibod(+based drugs to treat cancer and related diseases. Davis SeDuencing + automated D)A seDuencing of single or double stranded D)A samples from purified plasmids and ,C/ products. #&!A ,roteomics A' + provides proteomics solutions to partners interested in understanding the identit( and potential role of proteins from a specific cellular source under particular conditions. Elitra ,harmaceuticals &nc + specialising in antimicrobial drugs that target pathogenic organisms using functional genomics, high throughput screening, and rapid gene+to+lead technolog(. Centageneti + privatel(+held compan( founded to discover the genetics of longevit( and appl( these findings to the development of innovative treatments for age+related illnesses. 'enfit + functional genomics and drug discover( compan(, focusing on discovering new drug candidates for cardiovascular, metabolic, and inflammator( diseases. C.".S. Scientific + specialises in electrophoresis eDuipment/products for molecular separations/D)A wor.. 'emini 'enomics + clinical genomics compan(. SeDuitur + develops and mar.ets innovative modified s(nthetic 3antisense4 D)A and /)A products for research, diagnostic, and therapeutic applications. Aptagen, &nc. + specialises in the development of novel D)A engineering tools. 'ene !echnologies, &nc. + eplores, develops, and manufactures new wa(s to use genes in the molecular biolog( and medical fields. SeD#right D)A SeDuencing + D)A seDuencing of small templates to whole genomes. 2ibrar( construction and custom ,C/ services available. %endel "iotechnolog( + eploring the Arabidopsis genome using plant functional genomics to translate important gene discoveries into traditional and non+traditional agricultural products. A!' 2aboratories &nc. + provides molecular cloning and epression services in insect cell epression s(stems, protein characteri-ation, and purification. DS + provides pharmacogenomic services to the healthcare industr(, including research, clinical, and diagnostic genot(ping. )uvelo + engages in discover( and development of therapeutics. Designer 'enes &nc. + develops novel nucleotide analogs and provides genetic testing services for cancer, infectious diseases, forensics, and paternit(. *ocuses on disease diagnostics and targeted therapeutics. Eliir ,harmaceuticals + genomics+based drug discover( compan( developing a new categor( of pharmaceuticals that treat and/or prevent diseases that accompan( ageing. &ntronn + specialising in gene therap( research and product development. ,rolume 2td. + with genes from deep water marine bioluminescent organisms for biomedical research, drug discover(, and entertainment applications. 'enetics Compan(, !he + specialising in developmental biolog( and morphogenetic modulation. %eneScreen) 0nc1 (1) Chem'enes Corporation + biotechnolog( compan( with a comprehensive line of products for D)A//)A s(nthesis, modification, and purification. 'enesearch + specialising in applications of bacteria to waste treatment, silage and other industrial applications. Also retails molecular biolog( products in Australia. 'enopti, &nc. + developing and acDuiring proprietar( technolog( for cell separation and anal(sis utili-ing biophotonics and bio+optics. "iognosti. + offers custom+designed .its for gene function anal(sis and drug target validation. 'reat American 'ene Compan(, !he + custom s(nthesis of ,C/ and D)A seDuencing primers. !orre( %esa /esearch &nstitute + creates and applies genomics tools to match genes with traits, enabling plant+based solutions to problems in human and animal health. Agrogene + plant biotechnolog(. 'ene Alliance + provides large scale D)A, genome, and ES! seDuencing, bioinformatics, and related services. Alpha D)A + custom D)A s(nthesis. Embi !ec + manufacturers of D)A electrophoresis s(stems. $-gene + produces geneticall( modified .noc.out,, and lentiviral !' mice and rats and provides complete vector design and construction services. #eb'enetics + computer anal(sis of D)A and protein seDuences submitted over the web. 'ene 2in., &nc. 'eneSeas Asia, &nc. + bioinformatics and bioprospecting compan( building databases of biologicall( active natural products, with potential pharmaceutical applications from tropical marine organisms. "iowell !echnolog( &nc. + specialising in the research and development of D)A anti+counterfeit technolog(. %&D& 2abs, &nc. + complete <9S r/)A gene seDuencing and microbial identification using <9S r/)A gene seDuence data. in'enious !argeting 2aboratories + specialises in providing mouse gene .noc.out and D)A seDuencing services to academic and commercial researchers. C(bergenetics + provider of automated microsatellite genot(ping anal(sis. Sooner Scientific, &nc. + D.).A. seDuencing, electrophoresis, and molecular separation eDuipment, plus SeaGuate seDuencing gels. ,rofessional 'enetics 2aborator( A" + a central service laborator( specialising in advanced molecular medicine. ,'2 services the medical care sector and the international pharmaceutical industr(. 'enomic !echnologies, &nc. + Software and hardware design consulting. 2arge scale and high throughput oligonucleotide s(nthesis. %idwest Anal(tical, &nc. + protein seDuencing and )+terminal anal(sis of proteins blotted to ,5D* or in solution. ,eoples 'enetics + provides scanning and anal(sis of selected populations on a custom contract service basis as well as broader research collaborations. ,eta'en, &nc. + offers tissue microarra(s for genetic tests. 'laoSmithKline 'enetics *unctional 'enetics, &nc. + engaged in the discover( and validation of genes and the development of gene+based pharmaceuticals for human diseases. Canadian %olecular /esearch Services + provides D)A seDuencing and molecular biolog( services. ,an'ene + involved in genetics engineering, human cell target validation, gene .noc.outs, and genome therap( for drug discover( and bio+engineering technologies. %idland Certified /eagent Compan( + specialises in modified custom D)A and /)A s(nthesis, ,C/, seDuencing primers, molecular beacons, dual labeled probes, phosphorothioate, and antisense oligos. $.D.;9H, &nc. + research consulting and contracting. Specialists in adenovirus cloning .its and custom cloning services. Supplier of the "ench ,int agarose safet( bottle. "ioclone + provides epression read( clones, recombinant proteins, and magnetic purification beads and .its for molecular biolog( research. A%E "ioscience + provides pre+owned scientific instruments for D)A and protein anal(sis.