Gasification Process Modeling
Gasification Process Modeling
Gasification Process Modeling
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Gasification Process Modeling
An Industry White Paper
David Tremblay, Senior Product Manager, Aspen Technology, Inc.
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Gasification Process Modeling
High energy prices, the desire for greater energy independence, and environmental concerns are all creating the perfect
storm for next-generation gasification technologies. Hundreds of companies and government organizations around the
world are investing in the development of a wide variety of processes, utilizing various feedstock materials and gasifier
designs in an attempt to capture part of this critical market. However, given the technical challenges, fluctuating economic
cycles and strong competition, it is likely that only a handful of these processes will prove to be viable. Since gasification
plants represent investments of hundreds of millions of dollars, it is essential to leverage advanced technology to identify
optimal process configurations, design equipment that will run reliably and safely, and develop very accurate cost
estimates to ensure that the right decisions are made early in the design lifecycle.
Technology Advances in Gasification Process Modeling
Fortunately, recent advances in engineering software and the relentless progress of Moores law have made it possible to
simulate large scale processes such as Integrated Gasification Combined-Cycle (IGCC) plants at increasingly higher levels
of fidelity.
Consider the challenges of simulating IGCC and other large-scale integrated processes. Todays simulators, such as
Aspen Plus
, allow users to break the process down into hierarchical sections. Each hierarchy captures an area in the plant,
such as an air separation unit or the power island. The hierarchical sections are connected by the boundary streams,
representing the material, heat, electricity, or shaft work flowing from one section of the plant to another section.
Hierarchical models can also be used as containers for complex equipment models. For example, gasifier models may be
assembled from combinations of ideal reactor blocks, furnace models, mixers, and splitters. Building these reactor models
in a hierarchy container allows the model developer to package the entire structure as a reusable template. The resulting
templates can be inserted into a process model just like any of the built-in unit operation models. Hierarchies improve the
usability of these complex simulations by organizing the models into a sensible structure. In addition, hierarchies make the
models easier to maintain since an entire section of a process can be updated by importing a single object into an existing
simulation case.
Improvements in computer hardware and software have allowed process engineers to significantly increase the scope of
the process included inside a single simulation case. Specifically, equation-oriented and hybrid (mixed EO-SM) simulation
allows users to carry out wide-scale process optimizations of entire plants. Simulating and optimizing the whole process
using an integrated plant model allows process engineers to avoid time-consuming manual work reconciling designs
spread across multiple case files. More importantly, optimizing a process using an integrated model ensures that the
resulting designs capture the true global optimum instead of a local optimum.
The gasifier is the core of IGCC plant. It is essential to design the gasifier properly to ensure high energy efficiency and
good process economics. Engineers can apply computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools to optimize equipment design to
identify and eliminate dead zones, hot spots, and other potential operability problems. These types of CFD models can
also be used to characterize equipment performance over a range of operating conditions to improve predictions of
efficiency and performance under various scenarios.
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Gasification Process Modeling
Although CFD models are very powerful, they have high computational requirements. As a result, the CFD models have
been used primarily in isolation to design key equipment. Recent work led by the Department of Energy National
Engineering Technology Labs (DOE/NETL) shows great promise for improving this situation. A number of organizations
working together under the NETL-sponsored Advanced Power and Energy Co-Simulation (APECS) project are developing
methods of converting rigorous models (including CFD models) to reduced order models (ROMs), which in turn can be
used in the context of an integrated plant process simulation model. Advanced mathematical modeling techniques, such
as neural networks and principle component analysis (PCA) are used to perform data regression against simulation results
from the high-order models. The models are fitted to complex equations which capture the essence of the equipment
behavior. The ROMs are much less computationally intensive than the original high-order models, so they can work inside
simulators to help predict the global optimum operating conditions.
Detailed first-principle gasifier models have also been developed using equation-oriented modeling tools such as Aspen
Custom Modeler
. These models, which capture rate-limited reactions, mass- and heat-transfer, can be used to optimize
the steady-state operating conditions and the equipment designs. Such models can also be used to study process
dynamics, to test control schemes, and to identify the best startup and shutdown procedures for these plants. These
custom models can be plugged directly into the steady-state simulation environments (such as Aspen Plus) to examine the
process as a whole.
In many regions, CO
credits will make carbon capture economically viable. Absorber-stripper loops, using amines or
other types of solvents, are commonly used to extract CO
from syngas and fuel gas generated in the process. Simulating
these types of absorber-stripper loops is technically challenging for several reasons. The process involves rate-limited and
equilibrium electrolytic reactions. The absorber and scrubber are mass-transfer rate limited; apparent tray efficiencies can
be less than 20%. Further, the flow rate of solvent flowing in a loop between the absorber and stripper is much higher than
the gas flux through the process.
Several recent advances in process simulation technology have made it easier to accurately predict the performance of the
scrubbing systems. Second-generation rate-based distillation models, such as Aspen Rate-Based Distillation, reliably
predict the mass-transfer limits inside the columns using new discretization methods to account for concentration profiles
across the vapor-liquid interface. With the 2006 release of Aspen Plus, these rate-based column models can work in
equation-oriented mode. This allows process engineers to apply equation-oriented solution methods which can handle the
high recycle flow rates typical in these types of processes. The resulting models can be used to find operating conditions
or identify the best solvents to minimize the recycle loop flow rate, which can reduce operating and capital costs
associated with the process by reducing the required size of the process heat exchangers and the required column
AspenTech, in conjunction with the University of Texas at Austin, is actively researching these processes to establish next-
generation thermophysical and transport property models to further enhance the reliability of these models. New types of
semi-predictive activity coefficient models are being designed. We expect these models to do a better job of
characterizing new types of industrial solvents and solvent mixtures using a minimal amount of measured data.
Process simulation models can be used to predict the mass and energy balances and key equipment sizes for IGCC plants.
These results can be used together with rigorous cost modeling software, such as Aspen Icarus Process Evaluator, to carry
out detailed economic evaluations of various process configurations and scenarios. Rigorous cost modeling provides the
accuracy needed to make the right investment decisions and to reduce the risks of cost overruns. Further, these tools allow
estimators to carry out detailed economic analysis of various scenarios such as future escalation in raw material and
energy costs.
2012 Aspen Technology, Inc. AspenTech
, aspenONE
, the Aspen leaf logo, OPTIMIZE, and the 7 Best Practices of Engineering Excellence are trademarks of Aspen Technology, Inc.
All rights reserved. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. 11-1080-0212
Gasification Process Modeling
There are a number of excellent technologies available today to help guide decision-making with respect to process
selection, feedstock selection, process configuration, and detailed equipment design. Companies who leverage these
technologies most effectively to develop the most economical and reliable IGCC plants will emerge as the winners in this
competitive race.
Advanced Gasification-Combustion Technology for Production of Hydrogen, Power and Sequestration-Ready CO2,
George Rizeq, Janice West, Arnaldo Frydman, Raul Subia, Vladimir Zamansky GE Global Research (GEGR) Fuel Conversion
18 Mason, Irvine, California 92618 and Kamalendu Das U.S. DOE NETL 3610 Collins Ferry Road MS C05, Morgantown,
WV 26507 Gasification Technologies 2003, San Francisco, CA October 12-15, 2003.
Fast Co-simulation of Advanced Power Plants Using Neural Network Component Models. Maxwell Osawe, ANSYS Inc., David
Sloan, ALSTOM Power Inc., Woody Fiveland ALSTOM Power Inc., Jens Madsen, ANSYS Inc., Topical D: 3rd Annual US
CAPE-OPEN Conference, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA. November 12 17, 2006.
Impact of Coal Quality and Gasifier Technology on IGCC Performance, Ola Maurstad, Howard Herzog, Olav Bolland, Jnos
Ber, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), N-7491 Trondheim, Norway, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology (MIT), 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
KRW Gasifier IGCC Base Cases, US DOE / NETL Report PED-IGCC-98-005, September 1998, Latest Revision June 2000.
RateSep A New and Innovative Rate-Based Distillation Model for Amine Acid Gas Treating Processes, by S. Oba, T. Suzuki, S.
Anavi, H. Chen, J.-J. Peng, H.-L. Li and C.-C. Chen, paper presented at the 4th International Symposium on Molecular
Thermodynamics and Molecular Simulation, Chiba, Japan, May 23-25, 2006.
Texaco Gasifier IGCC Base Cases, US DOE / NETL Report PED-IGCC-98-001
July 1998, Latest Revision June 2000.
Transport Gasifier IGCC Base Cases, US DOE / NETL Report PED-IGCC-98-006, September 1998,
Latest Revision June 2000.
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