PPP in Prison

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Aidan R. Vining, Anthony E. Boardman and Finn Poschmann

ABSTRACT. Governments in many industrialized nations have made concerted
efforts to reduce their direct expenditures. Public-private partnerships (P3s) are
one emerging method of doing so. Despite their increased use, little
independent research has been conducted on the effectiveness of P3s. This
article reviews recent P3 experience in the U.S. and Canada. It briefly reviews
the rationale for P3s and identifies a number of major P3s in the U.S. and
Canada. Evidence from six project case studies and an analysis of U.S. prison
P3s suggests that the private sector often attempts to gain as much as it can at
the expense of the public sector. Contractual costs have been high, especially in
the presence of complexity/uncertainty, asset specificity, and lack of contract
management skills. There has sometimes been a political imperative to prevent
projects from terminating. In such circumstances, there have been instances
where private or public partners have behaved opportunistically. Unless public
sector managers recognize that they must design contracts that both compensate
private sector partners for risk and then ensure that they actually bear it, P3s
will not improve allocative efficiency (make society better off). This articles
purpose is to draw attention to the importance of appropriate institutional design.
Governments in many industrialized nations, and at all levels, have
made a concerted effort to reduce their direct expenditures (Grout &
Stevens, 2003:220). Public-private partnerships (P3s) are one method of
* Aidan R. Vining, Ph.D., is the CNABS Professor of Government and Business
Relations in the Faculty of Business Administration, Simon Fraser University,
Vancouver. His public sector research interests include privatization,
contracting out and policy analysis methods. Anthony E. Boardman, Ph.D., is
the Van Dusen Professor of Business Administration, Strategy and Business
Economics Division, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia.
His public sector research interests include privatization, contracting out and
cost-benefit analysis. Finn Poschmann is Associate Director of Research, C.D.
Howe Institute. His research interests include finance and intergovernmental
fiscal relations.

reducing these expenditures (at least in the short-run) that is attracting
growing interest. Consequently, they are becoming an important form of
procurement for all levels of government in many countries. How
effective are P3s as a public policy instrument? This article reviews the
emerging experience regarding P3s in the U.S. and Canada, focussing on
examples of major infrastructure projects. While projects with
partnership characteristics began to emerge in the 1980s, it was not until
the mid-1990s that P3s really began to take hold. Since then, P3 projects
have taken root in many jurisdictions.
A wide range of relationships between the public sector and for-
profit private firms could potentially be labelled as P3s.
Perhaps the
critical distinguishing feature of a P3 compared to contracting-out or
standard government procurement is that it involves an ongoing
contractual relationship between a public sector entity and a private
sector entity with some degree of joint decision-making and financial
risk-sharing. Infrastructure P3s, therefore, require an explicit contract
between a government entity and one or more private sector firms
where the private sector entity agrees to finance, build and operate some
facility for a specific period of time after which ownership is transferred
to the public sector.
These projects are frequently referred to as Build-
Operate-Transfer projects or BOTs. The governmental entity is
sometimes the (intermediate) customer for the projects output and is
sometimes responsible for the payment of the user fees. In other cases,
toll roads, for example, the public partner negotiates the contract and
sometimes specifies unit prices, but road users pay the private contractor
After briefly reviewing the rationales for P3s, and providing an
overview of major P3s in the United States and Canada, this article will
present six case studies of individual projectsthree in the U.S. and
three in Canada, and provide an additional form of case study evidence
a type of meta-analysis of prison P3s in the U.S. Finally, some of the
lessons will be drawn from all the case study evidence.
The overall lessons from the case studies suggest that the prognosis
for future P3s is somewhat pessimistic. Governments have generally
found it difficult to effectively reduce their financial and budgetary
exposure. Furthermore, in some cases, governments have faced
significant increased political risk rather than reduced risk as they had
hoped. At the same time, their for-profit private sector partners have had

difficulty making adequate rates of return, although this is a tentative
conclusion as they have usually had incentives to publicly emphasize
losses. Although based on a limited number of case studies in the U.S.
and Canada, the fragmentary evidence from other P3s appears to be
similar (e.g., Bartelme, 2004). These findings are also quite similar to
those on P3s in the United Kingdom (Broadbent & Laughlin, 2004;
Grout & Stevens, 2003:230). This evidence, in total, suggests that our
findings are generalizable.
In some respects, the somewhat negative findings are not surprising.
The public and private partners in P3s inevitably have conflicting
interests (Teisman & Klijn, 2002; Trailer et al., 2004). Studies have
shown that in other contexts with similar conflicting interests, such as
mixed enterprises that are jointly owned by private shareholders and
government, the result can be the worst of both worlds, achieving
neither high profitability nor worthwhile social goals (Eckel & Vining,
1985; Boardman & Vining, 1989). In sum, while the allocation of
decision-making and risk-sharing in P3s can vary widely, if decision-
making authority and financial risk-bearing are not appropriately and
clearly matched, incentives will be misaligned and effective outcomes
are unlikely. This raises the question of whether governments can learn,
individually or collectively, to adequately specify contract conditions and
institutional conflict resolution mechanisms ex ante so that the past is not
a prologue for the future.
Why do governments utilize P3s rather than more direct means of
public provision? While we can find few cases where governments have
explicitly laid out their motivations, governments generally appear to
want to reduce both their financial risk, especially their downside
exposure, and the accompanying political risk that goes with large cost
overruns and increasing expenditures.
Five specific reasons related to this general rationale appear to
motivate them. First, governments usually argue that the main reason is
to provide the service at a lower cost, resulting primarily from superior
private-sector scale efficiencies and technical efficiency, also called X-
efficiency. A second reason is financial risk reduction. This pertains to
both the cost of the project and the future revenue stream. Large
government infrastructure projects in a wide variety of jurisdictions have

often cost far more than anticipated or budgeted (Boardman, Mallery &
Vining, 1994; Flyvberg, Holm & Buhl, 2002; GAO, 2003; NAO, 2003).
Furthermore, future revenue streams from these projects are often highly
uncertain. A third reason is governments desire to avoid up-front capital
costsit is easier to raise private capital than additional tax revenues or
government loans. In the U.S., bond issues are often subject to voter
referendum. But, voters may simultaneously demand more services and
vote against bond proposals (Pozen, 2003). A fourth reason is to keep
public sector budgets, and especially budget deficits, down. Most U.S.
states have constitutional or legislative requirements to balance budgets,
and while Canadian provincial governments can run deficits, there are
political benefits to keeping large capital projects off the balance sheet or
off-budget. Fifth, governments may believe (or at least want to
believe) that private-sector provision of financing means that it is easier
to impose user fees at lower political cost. The reasoning is that while
voters sometimes accept that the private sector needs to raise revenue to
make a profit and repay its debt, they are less willing to accept the
argument that the public sector needs to do so.
Are these rationales well-founded? There are certainly a number of
theoretical reasons to expect that delivery via P3s could lower costs.
There are three dimensions to this cost superiority argument. First,
private sector firms may be able to utilize superior scale, scope or
learning economies. Private sector firms often enjoy project-specific
economies of scale and scope advantages compared to most
governments, especially to sub-national governments. Larger firms may
engage in many similar projects and be global in scope. In contrast,
many governments at the sub-state level cannot achieve minimum
efficient scale (Globerman & Vining, 1996). Large firms not only
benefit from these scale effects directly, but they also allow them to
utilize learning economiesspecialized knowledge accumulated through
learning and experience (Lapre & Van Wassenhove, 2003). These cost
advantages are likely to be most important during the construction phase
of projects, but they can also be important in reducing the cost of raising
equity and debt capital (in other words, before construction).
Second, the private sector normally has superior incentives to
minimize costs, holding constant any scale, scope or learning effects.
Put another way, the private sector has lower agency costs, as is clearly
illustrated in the recent privatization literature (Megginson & Netter,
2001). Nonetheless, as we discuss below, specific incentive structures

can negate or reverse these normal incentives. Because of the cost-
reduction profit incentives, they may have more cost-efficient operations,
including procurement policies, and better project management skills.
They may also have lower wage costs, possibly due to hiring non-union
labor (Hundley, 1991; Gregory & Borland, 1999). These technical
efficiency cost advantages are likely to be relatively most important
during the operational and management phases of projects. Third, firms
have superior incentives to engage in cost-reducing innovation (dynamic
technical efficiency).
Although these rationales for using P3s clearly have some prima
facie merit, there have been critics of P3s (Rosenau, 1999; Teisman &
Klijn, 2002). First, and most importantly, the ability of a P3 to provide a
project at lower cost to government or the rest of society depends on the
private sector partner having the appropriate incentives to minimize costs
and to pass some of these cost savings on to the public sector partner.
Firms are interested in profit maximization, rather than cost
minimization. If they are paid on a cost-plus basis, whether deliberately
or because of a lack of foresight, then they will have an incentive to raise
costs (McAfee & McMillan, 1988). Even if they can achieve lower
costs, they have no intrinsic desire to pass on lower costs as low prices.
Sophisticated private sector equity investors are especially wary of
engaging in contracts with prices that will not fully compensate them for
all risks they assume. They have incentives to minimize the risk they do
take by forming stand-alone project corporations that are isolated from
their other corporate activities (thereby reducing the costs of bankruptcy
if it becomes necessary), by limiting their equity participation and by
utilizing a considerable degree of third-party debt financing (Roll &
Verbeke, 1998). All of these behaviors are consistent with agency theory
(Jensen & Meckling, 1976; Trailer et al., 2004).
Second, critics argue that the cost of financing may be lower for the
public sector. U.S. tax policy generally favours the public sector because
state and local governments may issue bonds that are exempt from state
and federal taxes. Canadian tax policy does not provide such tax
benefits, but provincial bonds generally carry a lower interest rate than
corporate bonds. After a comprehensive review of the issues, de
Bettignies and Ross (2004) conclude that it is not at all clear that
governments are able to borrow at a lower cost than the private sector.

Additionally, there is a trend for some governments to provide equivalent
tax-exempt status to P3 projects, further leveling the playing field.

Third, concerning the third rationale for P3skeeping the project off
the public balance sheetthe government will normally account for the
project in accordance with public sector accounting principles or
practice. However, it is important to recognize that the accounting may
not reflect the underlying economic reality. For example, a government
or health care provider that constructs a new hospital using a P3 will
have to pay for it at some point in time either via a rent charge or a user
charge. The present value of this payment is likely to be at least
equivalent to the cost of constructing the hospital or even higher. Thus,
while there may be a political benefit in keeping the debt off the books,
this is not a fundamental economic rationale for P3s.
The critical issue in evaluating the success of a P3 is whether the
total cost of the P3 is lower than the total cost of the counter-factual of
government provision. Total cost equals production cost plus transaction
costs (Williamson, 1975). Transaction costs include the cost of
negotiating, monitoring and, if necessary, re-negotiating contracts.

Many transaction costs are not captured in traditional budgeting of
projects, although they may be reflected in other government budgets,
such as legal departments. Proponents of P3s have tended to focus on
the ability of P3s to deliver projects more promptly and at lower
construction costs than can government. There is some evidence to
support this argument (NAO, 2003). While these two measures do
represent some degree of success, and are dimensions where traditional
public sector projects are weakest, they are narrow and can be to some
degree self-serving. They are certainly not comprehensive measures of
success as they do include transaction costs and do not consider what
costs might have been under alternative provision. In sum, they are not
equivalent to a social benefit-cost analysis. Independent studies of P3
performance that use comprehensive measures of performance are rare
and admittedly difficult.
There has been a long history of private sector provision of various
kinds of public goods and services in North America. For example, the
first private turnpike in the U.S. was chartered by Pennsylvania in 1792.
Franchise contracts were introduced in New York City in the 1820s for
gas and in the 1830s for street railway transportation. Over the years,
cities extended such contracts to many municipal services including gas,
electricity, water, sewer, street railways, telephone, subways, railroad

terminals, ferries, private bridges, tunnels and toll roads. While these
franchises might not meet a contemporary definition of a P3, they did
have some partnership-like elements. As Priest (1993:294) notes the
interaction between the regulator and the regulated firm or industry is
difficult to distinguish from long-term contracting, dominated by
predictable problems of unilateral or mutual adjustment over time in
response to changing conditions.
P3s have re-emerged in the U.S. and Canada in the mid-1990s.
North American governments, like those in Europe and Australia, have
been attracted to P3s in the areas of transportation, water and wastewater,
and for other technologically complex projects. Norment (2002:27)
notes that The most dominant area, both in number of projects and total
dollar volume of business, is in water and wastewater facilities.
Table 1 summarizes the major P3s in the U.S. and Canada.
Unfortunately, this is not a comprehensive list, but it attempts to include
all of the largest and most well-known P3s. Some of these projects are
very large, for example, the Toronto Pearson International Airport in
Ontario which cost CA$4.4 billion and the new International Air
Terminal at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York which cost $1.4
billion. It is notable that less than half of these projects include
significant private-partner financing roles. Nonetheless, many do
involve some private financing.
We review the following six case studies of specific projects because
of the availability of information, the size and profile of the projects and
the lessons they offer for P3 contract theory, design and implementation.
Three are in the U.S.: the Dulles Greenway in Virginia, Route 91 in
Orange County and the Tampa Bay Seawater Desalination Plant in
Florida, and three in Canada: the Alberta Special Waste Management
System, Highway 407 in the Greater Toronto Area and the Confederation
Bridge linking Price Edward Island with the Canadian mainland.
Dulles Greenway
U.S. federal law essentially banned toll roads until 1991 (CBO,
1997). In that year the passage of the Intermodal Surface Transportation
Efficiency Act explicitly authorized their use. In spite of this, the United

States General Accounting Office (GAO) recently concluded that:
Active private sector sponsorship and investment has been used to a
limited extent in the United States to fund construct, and operate major
highway and transit projects; as a consequence, the nations experience
with active private sector sponsorship and investment has been limited
(GAO, 2004). The GAO identified only two major recent P3 highway
projects that have been completed and that include for-profit private
partners (GAO, 2004). These are the Dulles Greenway toll road in
Virginia and Orange County State Route 91 Express Lanes in southern
The Dulles Greenway (formerly the Dulles Toll Road extension) is a
fourteen and a half mile toll road that runs from Dulles International
Airport to Leesburg in Virginia. Apart from $3.5 million in state funds,
its owner, the Toll Road Investors Partnership II (a partnership of local
interests, the Italian toll road operator Autostrade S.P.A. and Kellogg,
Brown and Root), raised $360 million in private capital to finance the
startup. However, the project only involved approximately $40 million
in equity financing (GAO, 2004). At the time, this financing did not
qualify as a tax-exempt bond issue (Taliaferro, 1997).
Construction was originally scheduled to start in 1989 and to be
completed by 1992. However, financing and environmental concerns
postponed construction until September 1993. The highway opened in
September 1995, six months ahead of schedule. However, early
ridership was lower than projected, and the project went into default in
July, 1996within a year of its opening.
Demand forecasts were based on an independent consultants report
conducted in the late 1980s, prior to the economic downturn in the early
1990s. This report assumed demand would be approximately 20,000
vehicles per day at a toll of $1.50 for the first year, rising to 34,000 per
day at the same toll rate by 1995 (Wooldridge et al., 2002). The delay in
opening the road was ignored and ridership was forecast at 34,000 per
day (Pae, 1995).
Tolls were lowered from an initial $1.75 to $1.00. While trips
increased, this had a marginal impact on revenues due to the lower tolls.
In 1998/99, debt was restructured and did qualify for tax-favorable
treatment, thus lowering carrying costs.
Usage has increased over a six
year period from about 10,000 per weekday to about 60,000 (Brumback,
2003). Nevertheless, the partnerships losses have been about $30

million per year, and profitability will depend on future revenue growth
covering capital and operating costs.
The Dulles Greenway case study illustrates a vicious cycle that
seems to afflict quite a few P3 highway projects: tolls are set high in an
attempt to cover financing and operating costs, demand is overestimated
at the prospective toll (it is assumed that demand will be not much lower
than it would be at zero price), the tolls discourage usage and thus total
revenues are not high enough to cover financing and operating costs.
Tolls are lowered, as a result demand increases, but total revenues do not
increase substantially and still do not cover financing and operating
costs; the builder/operator requests some form of bailout by government
and if it does not get it, the firm slides into technical default.
The potential for this cycle is not as common in more incremental
reforms to highway procurement contracting that introduce some greater
degree of incentive-compatibility between government and highway
construction firms. Various forms of performance-based contracting do
seem to improve highway procurement (Batelle Corporation, 2003).
SR 91, Orange County
State Route (SR) 91 was authorized by the California legislature in
A 10-mile stretch of the California freeway opened in 1995 with
the median lanes of the highway dedicated as the SR 91 Express Lanes.
These lanes were operated as a P3. Access to these lanes was restricted
and operated as an electronic toll road. Toll rates were not regulated, but
the operator could not earn a return in excess of 17%. The agreement
included a non-compete clause which restricted improvements to the
freeway or nearby roads in the corridor except for safety reasons (Poole,
The developer and operator of the project was the California Private
Transportation Company (CPTC). CPTC was a limited partnership that
included Peter Kiewit Sons (a large construction firm), Cofiroute (a
French toll road company) and Granite Construction (a local Californian
firm). The public sector partners were the California Department of
Transportation (Caltrans) and the Orange County Transportation
Authority. Upon completion in 1995, the state owned the lanes, but
CPTC was to operate, maintain and police the road for 35 years. After
the 35-year period the roadway management would revert to the


government. Initial private financing raised approximately $125 million,
although only 20 million was CPTCs equity (GAO, 2004).
Volume on SR 91 increased steadily from 7.3 million trips in 1999 to
9.5 million trips per annum in 2002, while over the same period revenue
grew from $19.5 million to $29 million (GAO, 2004:43). In 1999, there
was an attempt to sell CPTC to a newly created non-profit entity for
$260 million. There was a public outcry over the perception that this
was a non-arms-length sweetheart deal and the sale was cancelled.
Over this period, the Orange County government came under increasing
political pressure because of the contract conditions. The manifest focus
of conflict was the non-compete clause, but CPTCs profitability also
seems to have been a latent issue. Caltrans essentially decided to ignore
the non-compete clause and tried to expand capacity in 1999, claiming
that safety was an issue. However, CPTC sued and Caltrans was forced
to settle after the discovery process revealed Caltrans internal documents
admitting there was no significant safety issue (Poole, 2000). There
were other lawsuits filed by Riverside County as well as two
unsuccessful legislative attempts to void the non-compete clause and
acquire the tolls lanes via condemnation. In 2002, the Orange County
Transportation Authority finally reached an agreement with CPTC to
purchase SR 91 for $207.5 million. The road continued to be managed
by a successor corporation to CPTC named Cofiroute Mobility.
It could be argued that SR 91 was successfulthe lanes were built
quickly and at projected cost. Riders use the lanes every day. The
ultimate sale back to government was certainly portrayed as a win-win
situation by both sides. Looked at from a broader public policy
perspective, however, it is hardly an exemplary example of partnership
between the public and private sectors. Both parties exhibited
opportunistic behavior. Over a number of years, the transaction costs,
including legal costs and negotiation costs, were enormous.
Tampa Bay Seawater Desalination Project
The Tampa Bay region decided in the mid-1990s to solve a looming
water shortage by constructing a major water desalination plant. The
plant was projected to process 25 million gallons a day, or approximately
10% of the volume that West Coast Regional Water Supply (now Tampa
Bay Water), the regions water supplier, provided to the cities of Tampa
Bay, St. Petersburg and New Port Richey, as well as surrounding
counties. At the time, this desalination process was still an emerging

technology and was expected to be considerably more expensive than
incremental conventional groundwater sources (Johnson, 2003).
However, the Southwest Florida Water Management District was putting
pressure on jurisdictions to reduce groundwater pumping and was
prepared to provide subsidies for desalination. No other utility in the
United States provided water by desalination on a regular basis.
The water utility wished to proceed with a P3 that protected it from
financial risk. The project was divided into two separate components: an
engineering-procurement-construction project and a 30-year operations
and maintenance contract. Initial bids offered to provide water at $2 to
$3 per 1,000 gallons. These price quotes were considerably below the
price the water utility expected to pay because firms appear to have
hoped to gain an early lead in the desalination market. Covanta Tampa
Construction was selected for both the construction contract and a 30-
year operations-maintenance contract.
The relationship between the utility and the firm appears to have
been fraught with mistrust, partly brought about by constant delays in
completing the plant. Eventually, Covanta filed for bankruptcy in
October, 2003 with the operations and management contract (worth
approximately $350 million) as its only asset. One reason for the
bankruptcy filing was to prevent Tampa Bay Water from terminating
Covantas contract and replacing it with another firm.
The plant was completed in 2003. Although the plant has begun
producing water, Tampa Bay Water refused to approve the plant during a
14-day acceptance test, claiming major deficiencies (Wright, 2003). The
main problem appeared to be that the costly purification membranes
clogged easily and needed replacement much more frequently than
forecast. Without this approval, Covanta was blocked from beginning
the operations and management contract. In 2003, a U.S. Court ordered
the parties into mediation, but by 2004 the relationship had terminated
with Tampa Water paying Covanta $4.4 million of the $7.9 million it had
retained from the construction contract.
At the time of writing, the plant was producing 22.4 million gallons a
day, not far off its projected volume of 25 million gallons, albeit at
higher than projected costs. Tampa Bay Water is negotiating with a
number of firms concerning repairs to the filters and other problems.
These repairs are forecast to cost somewhere between $8 million and $20
million (Pittman, 2004). The St. Petersburg Times (2003: p. 14A)

concludes: The dumbfounding part of the troubled odyssey in opening
this important desalination plant is that the contract arrangement was
designed to limit the publics financial liability.
The Alberta Special Waste Management System
The Alberta Special Waste Management System (ASWMS) was
created in 1987. It was jointly owned by a provincial corporation (40
percent), and BOVAR Inc., a private firm (60 percent). ASWMS built
an integrated hazardous waste-treatment facility at Swan Hills, Alberta.
BOVAR was to collect 60 percent of the profits and all of the net
earnings of the operator (Chem-Security). Under the agreement,
BOVAR also received a guaranteed minimum return on capital linked to
the current prime rate regardless of the profitability of the venture
(Mintz, 1995). Furthermore, the provincial government provided debt
guarantees for BOVAR, as well as indemnity against any future
remediation or insurance liabilities in excess of $1 million. This
arrangement followed from the Alberta governments belief that a
private sector entity could build and operate the plant more efficiently
than the public sector, although it recognized that the plant would not be
commercially viable without subsidies.
The parties later modified the agreement to permit a large capacity
expansion. Partly as result of this expansion, the subsidy turned out to be
considerably larger than expectedapproximately $445 million in total
between 1986 and 1995 (Mintz, 1995). Importantly, the additional
capacity turned out to be excessive.
The plant has operated at about 50
percent of its capacity through most of its life. In 1995, The Alberta
government bought out BOVARs ownership interest for $150 million.
In 2000, in exchange for $1, BOVAR returned the facility to the province
of Alberta, as permitted under the agreement. Subsequently, a
partnership agreement was negotiated with another private operator
which assumed plant operation in April 2001.
The contracts return-on-capital provisions provided a clear incentive
for overcapitalization (Averch & Johnson, 1962). BOVARs profits did
not depend on revenue exceeding costs: earnings were a function of
capital investment, rather than efficiency or profitability.
BOVAR also
had no incentive to encourage cost reductions by the plant operator. As a
result, BOVAR received a high, guaranteed rate of return, although it
was exposed to little risk.

Because there was no useful sharing of risk and reward, it is hard to
classify Swan Hills as a successful P3. The result was a waste-treatment
facility with capacity that exceeded Albertas needs, having been built
and operated under terms very costly to provincial taxpayers.
The Highway 407 Express Toll Route

Highway 407 is a controlled-access 108 kilometre highway that
crosses the north side of metropolitan Toronto. The request for proposals
(RFP) was announced in the fall of 1993, when the Province of Ontario
was emerging from a recession which had left it in a weak financial
position. The recession and the provinces high debt provided the
economic backdrop that made a toll road politically viable. The 407
project was launched through a special-purpose entity that the Ontario
government created to manage the procurement process.
The original RFP indicated that the province would be responsible
for land assembly and related costs. The selected private partner would
provide financing, guarantee a maximum construction price and operate
the highway. It would be paid from toll revenues, but neither traffic
levels nor toll revenues were guaranteed. Given this, the private partner
would be financially exposed to operational risk. The RFP specified few
characteristics of the highway, facilitating private-sector innovation and
providing the opportunity to profit from relevant technical skills and
management ability.
In responding to the RFP, credible private partners were reluctant to
assume financing risks on top of construction and operating risks.
Indeed, both of the two qualified consortia sought extensive provincial
backing for the project debt. Without a toll-revenue guarantee to help a
private firm achieve an investment-grade rating for its debt, a private
firm would have had to pay at least 75 basis points more for debt
financing than would the province (Hambros, 1999). This argument was
used as a rationale by the province for taking over financing of the
Subsequently, one consortium was allocated the contract for
construction and highway maintenance, while the other would manage
the toll system. However, this removal of financial risk fundamentally
transformed the project. Once the bulk of the capital cost and financial
risk shifted to the province, the project necessarily lost much of its P3
quality. The private partner was now tendering a fixed-price contract.


Although the private firm shared the design and quality assurance risks,
the province assumed ownership and significant operational risk.
Financial risks to the province, however, were reduced when the
province sold the highways operating concession to a Canadian-
Spanish-Australian consortium for $3.1 billion after it had been operating
for eighteen months (Mendoza et al., 1999). The term of the concession
is for 99 years, after which ownership of the asset reverts to the
government. The operating consortium was given the unilateral right to
set tolls. The sale was essentially a privatization, although the highway
eventually returns to the province. In 2004, the consortium attempted to
raise tolls, claiming it was losing money (Mackie, 2004). In the
meantime, the province had gone through a change of government and
the new government was fighting the toll increase, although it had no
contractual right to do so. At the time of writing, there is potential for a
trade dispute with Spain over the provinces attempt to reinterpret the
contract (Mackie, 2004).
It is difficult to make an assessment of the success of this project.
The 407 project has been successful to the extent that the highway was
built quickly and without major cost overruns. The highway generates
300,000 daily vehicle trips, and it shifts nearly 200 million kilometres in
travel per month from un-tolled public highways.
Given that each
vehicle kilometre is billed to users and that no part of the highway
exercises an effective monopoly, these figures suggest there is significant
demand for the road.
The 407 design process appears to have saved substantial provincial
money in the initial construction phase, perhaps in the order of $300
million (Hambros, 1999). Some of these savings were not realized,
however, because design changes were needed before the highway
opened. These changes were charged to the province because the parties
agreed they were not part of the initial price-guaranteed contract. The
full extent of savings is therefore unclear. And while innovative design
features such as short entrances and narrow radius ramps certainly
reduced land assembly and construction costs, any negative safety
impacts will only be revealed over the highways life.
Overall, though, the 407 does not stand out as an exemplary P3
model, owing to the failure of the government to effectively share
financing risks.

The Confederation Bridge to Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island (Canadas smallest province) joined the
Canadian federation under a constitutional agreement that guaranteed
ship service to the island in perpetuity.
Beginning in the 1880s, there
was ongoing debate over whether to substitute a fixed link for a weather-
dependent ferry. In early 1988, a plebiscite approved such a link. Later
in that year, the federal government selected three bids out of seven
proposals for further development. Strait Crossing Development Inc.
(SCDI), a consortium of Canadian, Dutch, French and American interests
submitted the winning bid.
The selected bid was essentially a BOT agreement. The contract
specified a $41.9 million (1992 Canadian dollars) annual payment from
the federal government to the operator, notionally representing the
avoided cost of ferry operation. SCDI was entitled to all toll revenues
for 35 years, after which bridge operation and ownership of its revenue
(and cost) stream would revert to the federal government. The
government provided an annual $13.9 million revenue guarantee. SCDI
initially took on most of the construction and operational risk, as well as
toll revenue risk beyond the $13.9 million level. The federal government
agreed to bear a number of the residual risks from enemy attack, nuclear
catastrophe, earthquake and environmental injunctions and regulatory
risk. The federal payment to SCDI was to begin whether or not the
bridge was in service in 1997, but if the bridge was not substantially
completed, SCDI was required to pay the ferry subsidy. SCDI was
required to post performance bonds and guarantees for specific
Principal financing was secured in 1993 through the sale of $640
million real return bonds by Strait Crossing Finance Inc (SCFI). SCFI
was established as a special purpose Crown Corporation of the province
of New Brunswick. Its bonds were guaranteed by the federal
government and received high credit ratings, providing a financial
structure sufficiently durable to survive the 1996 pullout of the American
private partner, Morrison Knudsen. Fabrication began in late 1993 and
the bridge opened in 1997. Initial tolls were set at the ferry price for
comparable vehicles and passengers. Annual increases were, and are,
permitted at 75 percent of the rate of consumer price inflation. The
Canadian government estimated its incremental costs for project
management to be $46 million.

This P3 is clearly a success to the extent that it delivered a
functioning bridge on schedule. While there have been weather closures
and some unexpected repairs, the bridge itself is functioning as expected,
entirely supplanting the prior ferry service. The Canadian government
claims that the Confederation Bridge entailed no incremental cost to
government and required no direct funding from government. The basis
for the claim is the argument that the guaranteed payments to the SDCI
are the same as the avoided cost of ferry provision, which the
government was constitutionally required to pay anyway. The accuracy
of this particular argument depends on the cost of (hypothetical) future
ferry service provision.
Because SCFIs bonds are guaranteed by the Canadian government,
financial risk has remained largely with government. The bonds were
sold at a 4.5 percent interest rate, at a time when similar federal issues
were priced at 4.1 percent. Moreover, SCFI paid a sales commission of
1.75 percent, compared to a typical rate of 0.6 percent for federal real
return bonds. SCFIs higher rate and fees would not be an issue if the
Canadian government had eliminated equivalent risk (in other words, if
the federal government had acquired a put-option against the risk of
project default) or if the consortiums capital requirement had imposed
on the private partners an incentive to minimize project capital.
However, because the money was raised by a special purpose
government agency and was guaranteed by government, there was no net
reduction in risk exposure. It is difficult to escape the conclusion that the
structure was primarily chosen in an effort to achieve off-balance sheet

The project was completed and put in service very quickly. Again,
however, it is not clear that the Canadian government laid-off risks that
matched its financial exposure.
This section reviews the evidence concerning P3s in the U.S. prison
system based on a number of sources. Admittedly, it is at a highly
aggregated level. Some of the earliest private prison arrangements
concerned only the delivery of imprisonment services in facilities that
were built and owned by government, in other words, standard
contracting out. In the 1980s, however, U.S. governments undertook a
large prison building program with private sector participation. This

expansion was largely a result of a need to reduce overcrowding: in mid-
1991, 40 states were operating prisons in violation of the Constitutions
prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment (McDonald, 1994; Pozen,
2003). A number of private corporations financed, constructed and
operated these prisons. In some cases, there were also lease-buyback
arrangements. As a result of this building expansion, the number of
prisoners in private facilities grew from 0.5% of all prisoners 8.5% of all
prisoners between 1985 and 1997 (Schneider, 1999:196). By the end of
2002, 6.5% of all prisoners (approximately 94,000 in total) were being
held in private facilities12.4% of federal prisoners and 5.8% of state
prisoners (Harrison & Beck, 2002:8).
Pozen (2003, p. 72) concludes that private prisons have a decent if
patchy record in the United States. Rates of escape are similar at public
and private prisons. Although attempts at cost-comparison have been
fraught with methodological problems, most of the empirical studies
conclude that the cost of private prisons has been lower than, or similar
to, the cost of public prisons: these studies show a slight advantage to
the private prisons and illustrate (in Texas, at least) that a state may
realize a reduction in per inmate cost, over time (Schneider, 1999, p.
201) Many states, including Florida, require private firms to provide
services at a cost savings of some specific amount (usually 5-10%).

The data on quality as measured on a number of dimensions
(administrative compliance, escapes, assaults on staff, vocational
programs, etc.) suggest that private prisons are better than, or equal to,
publicly operated prisons. Interestingly, Lanza-Kaduce, Parker &
Thomas (1999) find lower recidivism rates in private prisons which they
attribute to higher completion of rehabilitation programs. McDonald et
al.s (1998, p. 56) survey suggests that prison contract administrators
thought that they were generally getting what they ask for in privately
operated prisons. Finally, the presence of private prisons has been
credited with helping to improve the cost and quality of public prisons.
Individual Case Study Lessons
There is one note of caution concerning P3 lessons from these six
case studies. Our analysis is based on the availability of public
information, whether in journals, newspapers or on the web. Conflict
and problems are inherently more newsworthy than cooperation and

everyday delivery of services. Therefore, we would not claim that this is
an unbiased sample of P3s. However, these six individual case studies
clearly do illustrate many of the difficulties of implementing effective or
successful P3s that deliver services at lower risk-adjusted total costs
than direct government provision or traditional contracting out. As
described in the introduction, a major expected benefit of P3s is the
private sectors ability to have lower production costs due to economies
of scale, more experience, better incentives and better ability to innovate.
However, as we also pointed out, the critical test from a social
perspective is whether P3s have lower total costs, including production
costs and all the transaction costs associated with managing external
suppliers of services.
The case studies illustrate that contracting difficulties make it
difficult for the public sector to actually realize lower total costs, that is,
including all transaction costs. This is not really surprising. P3s are
usually complex contracting situations with inherently high transaction
costs. Indeed, one way of thinking of P3s is simply government
contracting out under relatively unfavorable conditions.
Williamson (1975), Globerman & Vining (1996) and Boardman &
Hewitt (2004), theory suggests that contracting costs are likely to be high
when there is asset specificity, complexity/uncertainty, low ex ante
competitiveness, and poor contract management skills. In these
circumstances, after the contract has been signed, contestability will be
low, the risk of hold-up will be high and thus the aggregate contracting
costs are likely to be high. Many P3s, especially fixed asset
infrastructure projects, are likely to have these characteristics.
It is useful to consider the factors that are likely to have raised costs
in these case studies. First, we consider the issue of
complexity/uncertainty. (Complexity and uncertainty are conceptually
different, although in practice they are often treated as a single variable.)
Many highway projects are relatively predictable from a construction
cost perspective, but are highly uncertain from a usage perspective. For
example, there was relatively little problem in constructing the Dulles
highway on schedule. However, use levels on the toll road were
significantly lower than anticipated (10,000 per day during the initial
month versus 34,000 per day projected). This P3 essentially involved
bundling a relatively standard highway construction project with a much
more uncertain (and complex) operating project that involved demand
estimation and pricing expertise. Bundling the two projects resulted in

a relatively complex project. The same argument can be made in regards
to SR 91. Neither party had experience with variable price electronic
tolling in the United States. In contrast, construction of the Tampa Bay
water project was complex, while usage demand (and price) was
guaranteed. Construction was complex because large-scale desalination
is an emerging technology. High complexity of construction resulted in
costs that were far higher than expected.
It is generally argued that it is preferable to specify contracts in terms
of outcomes or outputs rather than inputs. P3s have special merit in
infrastructure provision because imperfect information and the reality of
incomplete contracts make it difficult to specify ex ante the best design,
construction techniques, or even the optimal investment in physical plant
as opposed to later operational and servicing costs. In these
circumstances, leaving design and investment choices to private agents
can be optimal (in providing incentives for innovation and efficient
allocation of capital)provided the public partner can adequately
specify the desired service level. However, the Highway 407 case study
illustrates how complexity can be increased by specifying performance
in terms of outcomes rather than inputs. The lack of specification on the
how in the RFP was presumably intended to draw our private sector
innovation, but it increased complexity substantially. In turn, it had the
effect of reducing ex ante competitiveness, as indicated by the fact that
there were only two qualified bidders.
Second, we consider asset specificity. Many infrastructure P3s are
likely to have high asset specificity as such facilities have a high degree
of sunknesstheir value in another use is low or zero. A related
critical issue is whether the specific government that has initiated the
contract is effectively the sole potential purchaser. In the Tampa Bay
desalination plant, the plant was characterized by locational asset
specificity and the government was the only possible buyer. The city
would not approve the plant and the contractor could not sell the water to
any other customer due to its location, thus the contractor was subject to
government holdup. Highways also involve locational asset specificity
as they cannot be used for anything other than a highway in that location.
One would predict that this would lead to a potential problem and,
indeed, it has often turned out to be a problem during the construction
phase. Here, either side can face the risk of hold-up. The government
partner can be held up because it is generally a lot cheaper for the initial
contractor to finish the job than to bring in a new contractor. The

existing contractor has a great deal of specific knowledge about the
particular project, i.e., there is considerable human capital asset
specificity. However, once the infrastructure has been constructed (and
approved), the potential problem of asset specificity is reduced because
there are many users. In effect, there is a fundamental transformation;
the situation switches from one of bilateral monopoly to one that is not.
Third, we consider contract management skills. A lack of contract
management effectiveness may relate either to the lack of general
contracting expertise or to more specific subject-matter expertise. A lack
of contracting expertise is a common problem for governments with
limited P3 experience. Many public agencies cannot achieve relevant
economies of scale and are, therefore, learning-by-doing on a steeper
part of the learning curve; the result is higher unit cost. This lack of
experience tends to encourage opportunism by private sector firms. In
the Alberta Special Waste Management System project, BOVAR, the
private partner, received a very high guaranteed return on capital.
Taxpayers essentially paid twice for the project. Furthermore, the project
capacity was too large, having operated at about 50 percent of capacity
most of the time. Here, lack of government contract skills led to a
contract where the private partner had inappropriate cost incentives.
Opportunism can impact contract management effectiveness in many
other ways. If governments are under a political and media microscope,
they will be unlikely to pull the plug on projects, even if they are
failing. Indeed, there may be an escalation of commitment (that is, a
tendency to throw good money after bad). It is very hard politically for
governments to stop P3 infrastructure projects in the middlethe bigger
the project, the harder it is to stop (Ross & Staw, 1993). Of course, this
is also true for pure public sector projects (Boardman, Vining & Waters,
1993). If the private sector firm knows the public sector is committed to
continuing the project regardless of escalating cost, it has an opportunity
to behave opportunistically. But the SR 91 case suggests that
governments can also be tempted to behave opportunistically when the
private partner is too successful. Government is vulnerable to political
charges of having sold-out to, or being duped by, the private partners.
This tempts them to renege on contracts, no matter what the financial
In summary, the risk of hold-up is high when uncertainty/complexity
and asset specificity are high and contract management effectiveness is

low. This appears to be more likely to happen during the construction
phase of P3s, than during the operating phase. While there may be
uncertainty during the operating phase, this factor alone may not be too
bad. Contestability is often reasonably high and the risk of holdup quite
low. If one private sector operator fails, government can bring in
Prison P3 Lessons
The evidence suggests that P3 prisons are as cost-effective, or more
so, than public prisons. The main reasons appear to be that economies of
scale and better cost-containment incentives allow the private sector to
operate with lower costs. These advantages do not appear to be offset by
the transaction costs that have bedeviled other forms of P3. Contracting
costs are reasonably low. There are a number of reasons: the core tasks
are not very complex (both in terms of construction and operations),
uncertainty is low, asset specificity is low and competition, or at least
contestability, is quite high. Complexity is low because the tasks can be
specified clearly. Uncertainty is reasonably low because demand is
reasonably easy to forecast accurately (there is certainly no shortage of
prisoners that require housing!). This also reduces asset specificity and
increases competition. In fact, competition is quite high as evidenced by
the number of private prison firms that are traded on the stock exchange
(Schneider, 1999:196). As a result of these factors, P3s in prisons
generally work reasonably well. Of course, there have been some
problems in private prisons, including several riots, but these problems
also occur in some public prisons.
In North America almost any project involving the public and private
sectors might casually be referred to as a P3. However, it makes more
sense to reserve the term P3 for build, operate and transfer projects. In
this article we catalogue the largest and most well-known infrastructure
P3s in the U.S. and Canada. Since the mid-1990s they have occurred
most frequently in the areas of transportation (roads, airports and
bridges), water and wastewater, power and energy, and for hospital and
other facilities. The main reasons why governments are drawn to P3s
lower cost provision, lower financial risk, avoidance of up-front capital
costs, keeping the budget deficit down, and the ability to impose user

chargesmay be valid. But, even if valid, it is important to realize that
from a social perspective the key issue is whether the total cost of the P3
is lower than the total cost of the government provision, including
production costs and all transaction costs. To investigate this issue we
examined six case studies of North American infrastructure P3s.
There has been a tendency by P3 proponents to suggest that they are
the Holy Grail that can reduce public sector costs and transfer various
categories of risk to private sector actors. But the reality that there are
no free lunches applies to P3s as much as it does to anything else. The
case study evidence is perhaps not surprising: it suggests that profit-
making private sector entities, whether they are construction firms,
operating entities or whatever, are adept at ensuring that they are fully
compensated for risk-taking. In practice, there has been considerable
variation in the degree to which financial risk has been shifted to the
private sector. In some cases, in spite of the initial intentions of the
public partner, projects have ended up largely or completely financed by
the public sector. This fact alone should not necessarily stop the public
sector from engaging in P3s, but it is does suggest that caution and
realism are the appropriate attitudes.
Private sector participants will frequently go to considerable length
to avoid risk, especially those associated with usage, even when that was
the primary motivation for the public sector to utilize the P3 form. At
the extreme, this means that the private sector will tend to establish
stand-alone operating firms when carrying out P3 contracts that entail
large risks from technological or demand uncertainty. These stand-alone
private sector entities can avoid large losses when things go badly wrong
by declaring bankruptcy or by threatening to go bankrupt. The case
studies suggest that the public sector has difficulty in recognizing and
anticipating this form of strategic behavior (perhaps because it is
something the public sector with its taxing powerrarely has to deal
Unless public sector managers recognize that they must design
contracts that both compensate private sector partners for risk and then
ensure that they actually bear it, P3s will not improve allocative
efficiency (make society better off). This articles purpose is to focus
attention on the need for appropriate institutional design.


We would like to thank Caroline Burns and Amber Lannon for
research assistance.

This article builds on, and extends, Boardman, Poschmann & Vining
For example, the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) includes
conventional contracting out of government services and even
privatizationthe complete withdrawal of government provision and
financingas P3s (GAO, 1997). Additionally, the GAO has treated
non-profit entities as being private sector entities in P3s (GAO,
Specifically, we think it does not make sense to include the
following relationships as P3s: (1) service contracts or other forms
of contracting-out by the public sector; (2) privatization in the form
of the sale of public assets; (3) regulation (including franchise
contracting) by public sector entities of privately owned natural
monopoly facilities; or (4) the construction of facilities by the private
sector and the leasing or sale of those facilities to the public sector
based upon fixed, certain terms (including lease/purchase or turn-key
The last point implies that governments cannot borrow infinite
amounts without affecting their credit rating. Raising funds for a P3
project may raise the cost borrowing for subsequent projects. Such
costs should be included in the full cost of the P3.
Vining and Weimer (2004) distinguish between ex ante transaction
costs, which can be called governance costs, and ex post transaction
costs, which can be called opportunism costs or hold-up costs.
Hall (1998) quotes the Chief Financial Officer of the private firm
that operated the road as saying: We havent made any debt
payments in so long Ive forgotten how much we owe now.
Assembly Bill 680. This section primarily draws on CBO (1997)
and GAO (2004).


Chem-Security said the reasons for this included generators pursuit
of lower-cost options for waste disposal (NRCB, 1994: 6-8).
If Chem-Security and BOVAR could have earned profits higher than
the guaranteed rate of return, they would have had an incentive to
control costs. However, Mintz (1995: 33 and Appendix) shows that
even with some positive probability of profit, the companies would
have an incentive to over-invest.
Mintz (1995) estimates a weighted return on equity of 15.9 percent
for the period 1989 to 1994, far above the risk-free return.
This section draws on Poschmann (2003).

Note that the logic is flawed. The provinces taking on of the
financing necessarily brought risks and costs not featured in the
governments analysis (de Bettignies & Ross, 2004).
Per www.407etr.com, accessed August 28, 2004.
This discussion follows Loxley (1999).
This was the Auditor General of Canadas conclusion, and the
government did not ultimately succeed in keeping the financing off-
book (Receiver General for Canada, 1995).
Nonetheless, the GAO (1996) concluded that the evidence on cost
savings was inconclusive.
As pointed out in the introduction, a (similar) way to think of these
projects is as mixed enterprises entities with both government
and private shareholders.
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