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IBP Charter

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RULE 139-A


(Effective January 16 1!"#$
SECTION 1. Organization. There is hereby organize an o!!i"ia# nationa# boy to be $no%n as the& Integrate 'ar o!
the (hi#i))ines& "o*)ose o! a## )ersons %hose na*es no% a))ear or *ay herea!ter be in"#+e in the Ro## o!
Attorneys o! the S+)re*e Co+rt.
SEC. ,. (+r)oses. The !+na*enta# )+r)oses o! the Integrate 'ar sha## be to e#e-ate the stanars o! the #ega#
)ro!ession& i*)ro-e the a*inistration o! .+sti"e& an enab#e the 'ar to is"harge its )+b#i" res)onsibi#ity *ore
SEC. 3. Regions. The (hi#i))ines is hereby i-ie into nine Regions o! the Integrate 'ar& to %it/
0a1 Northern L+zon& "onsisting o! the )ro-in"es o! Abra& 'atanes& 'eng+et& Cagayan& I!+gao& I#o"os Norte& I#o"os S+r&
Isabe#a& 2a#inga-A)ayao& La Union& 3o+ntain (ro-in"e& N+e-a 4iz"aya& an 5+irino6
0b1 Centra# L+zon& "onsisting o! the )ro-in"es o! 'ataan& '+#a"an& N+e-a E"i.a& (a*)anga& (angasinan& Tar#a"& an
0"1 8reater 3ani#a& "onsisting o! the City o! 3ani#a& an 5+ezon City6
01 So+thern L+zon& "onsisting o! the )ro-in"es o! 'atangas& Ca-ite& Lag+na& 3arin+9+e& O""ienta# 3inoro&
Orienta# 3inoro& 5+ezon an Riza#.
0e1 'i"o#ania& "onsisting o! the )ro-in"es o! A#bay& Ca*arines Norte& Ca*arines S+r& Catan+anes& 3asbate& an
0!1 Eastern 4isayas& "onsisting o! the )ro-in"es o! 'oho#& Ceb+& Eastern Sa*ar& Leyte& Northern Sa*ar& Sa*ar& an
So+thern Leyte6
0g1 :estern 4isayas& "onsisting o! the )ro-in"es o! A$#an& Anti9+e& Ca)iz& I#oi#o& Negros O""ienta#& Negros Orienta#&
(a#a%an& Ro*b#on& an Si9+i.or6
0h1 Eastern 3inanao& "onsisting o! the )ro-in"es o! Ag+san e# Norte& Ag+san e# S+r& '+$inon& Ca*ig+in& ;a-ao
e# Norte& ;a-ao e# S+r& ;a-ao Orienta#& 3inoro& 3isa*is Orienta#& S+rigao e# Norte& an S+rigao e# S+r6 an
0i1 :estern 3inanao& "onsisting o! the "ities o! 'asi#an an 7a*boanga& an the )ro-in"es o! Cotabato& Lanao e#
Norte& Lanao e# S+r& 3isa*is O""ienta#& So+th Cotabato& S+#+& 7a*boanga e# Norte& an 7a*boanga e# S+r.
In the e-ent o! the "reation o! any ne% )ro-in"e& the 'oar o! 8o-ernors sha##& %ith the a))ro-a# o! the S+)re*e
Co+rt& eter*ine the Region to %hi"h the sai )ro-in"e sha## be#ong.
SEC. <. Cha)ters. A Cha)ter o! the Integrate 'ar sha## be organize in e-ery )ro-in"e. E="e)t as hereinbe#o%
)ro-ie& e-ery "ity sha## be "onsiere )art o! the )ro-in"e %ithin %hi"h it is geogra)hi"a##y sit+ate.
A se)arate Cha)ter sha## be organize in ea"h o! the !o##o%ing )o#iti"a# s+bi-isions or areas6
0a1 The s+b-)ro-in"e o! A+rora6
0b1 Ea"h "ongressiona# istri"t o! the City o! 3ani#a6
0"1 5+ezon City6
01 Ca#oo"an City& 3a#abon an Na-otas6
0e1 (asay City& 3a$ati& 3ana#+yong an San >+an e# 3onte6
0!1 Ceb+ City6 an
0g1 7a*boanga City an 'asi#an City
Un#ess he other%ise registers his )re!eren"e !or a )arti"+#ar Cha)ter& a #a%yer sha## be "onsiere a *e*ber o! the
Cha)ter o! the )ro-in"e& "ity& )o#iti"a# s+bi-ision or area %here his o!!i"e or& in the absen"e thereo!& his resien"e is
#o"ate. In no "ase sha## any #a%yer be a *e*ber o! *ore than one Cha)ter.
Ea"h Cha)ter sha## ha-e its o%n #o"a# go-ern*ent as )ro-ie !or by +ni!or* r+#es to be )res"ribe by the 'oar o!
8o-ernors an a))ro-e by the S+)re*e Co+rt& the )ro-isions o! Se"tion 19 o! this r+#e not%ithstaning.
Cha)ters be#onging to the sa*e Region *ay ho# regiona# "on-entions on *atters an )rob#e*s o! "o**on
SEC. ?. @o+se o! ;e#egates. The Integrate 'ar sha## ha-e a @o+se o! ;e#egates o! not *ore than one h+nre
t%enty *e*bers %ho sha## be a))ortione a*ong a## the Cha)ters as near#y as *ay be a""oring to the n+*ber o!
their res)e"ti-e *e*bers& b+t ea"h Cha)ter sha## ha-e at #east one ;e#egate. On or be!ore ;e"e*ber 31& 19A<& an
e-ery !o+r years therea!ter& the 'oar o! 8o-ernors sha## *a$e an a))ortion*ent o! ;e#egates.
The ter* o! the o!!i"e o! ;e#egates sha## begin on the ate o! the o)ening o! the ann+a# "on-ention o! the @o+se an
sha## en on the ay i**eiate#y )re"eing the ate o! the o)ening o! the ne=t s+""eeing ann+a# "on-ention. No
)erson *ay be a ;e#egate !or *ore than t%o ter*s.
The @o+se sha## ho# an ann+a# "on-ention at the "a## o! the 'oar o! 8o-ernors at any ti*e +ring the *onth o! A)ri#
o! ea"h year !or the e#e"tion o! 8o-ernors& the reaing an is"+ssion o! re)orts in"#+ing the ann+a# re)ort o! the
'oar o! 8o-ernors& the transa"tion o! s+"h other b+siness as *ay be re!erre to it by the 'oar an the
"onsieration o! s+"h aitiona# *atters as *ay be re9+este in %riting by at #east t%enty ;e#egates. S)e"ia#
"on-entions o! the @o+se *ay be "a##e by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors to "onsier on#y s+"h *atters as the 'oar sha##
ini"ate. A *a.ority o! the ;e#egates %ho ha-e registere !or a "on-ention& %hether ann+a# or s)e"ia#& sha## "onstit+te
a 9+or+* to o b+siness.
SEC. B. 'oar o! 8o-ernors. The Integrate 'ar sha## be go-erne by a 'oar o! 8o-ernors. Nine 8o-ernors sha##
be e#e"te by the @o+se o! ;e#egates !ro* the nine Regions on the re)resentation basis o! one 8o-ernor !ro* ea"h
Region. Ea"h 8o-ernor sha## be "hosen !ro* a #ist o! no*inees s+b*itte by the ;e#egates !ro* the Region&
)ro-ie that not *ore than one no*inee sha## "o*e !ro* any Cha)ter. The (resient an the E=e"+ti-e 4i"e
(resient& "hosen by the 8o-ernors !ro* o+tsie o! the*se#-es as )ro-ie in Se"tion A o! this R+#e& sha## i)so !a"to
be"o*e *e*bers o! the 'oar.
The *e*bers o! the 'oar sha## ho# o!!i"e !or a ter* o! one year !ro* the ate o! their e#e"tion an +nti# their
s+""essors sha## ha-e been +#y e#e"te an 9+a#i!ie. No )erson *ay be a 8o-ernor !or *ore than t%o ter*s. The
'oar sha## *eet reg+#ar#y on"e e-ery three *onths& on s+"h ate at s+"h ti*e an )#a"e as it sha## esignate. A
*a.ority o! a## the *e*bers o! the 'oar sha## "onstit+te a 9+or+* to o b+siness. S)e"ia# *eetings *ay be "a##e by
the (resient or by !i-e *e*bers o! the 'oar.
S+b.e"t to the a))ro-a# o! the S+)re*e Co+rt& the 'oar sha## ao)t 'y-La%s an )ro*+#gate Canons o!
(ro!essiona# Res)onsibi#ity !or a## the *e*bers o! the Integrate 'ar. The 'y-La%s an the Canons *ay be a*ene
by the S+)re*e Co+rt *ot+ )ro)rio or +)on the re"o**enation o! the 'oar o! 8o-ernors. The 'oar sha##
)res"ribe s+"h other r+#es an reg+#ations as *ay be ne"essary an )ro)er to "arry o+t the )+r)oses o! the
Integrate 'ar as %e## as the )ro-isions o! this R+#e.
SEC. A. O!!i"ers. The Integrate 'ar sha## ha-e a (resient an an E=e"+ti-e 4i"e (resient %ho sha## be "hosen
by the 8o-ernors i**eiate#y a!ter the #atterCs e#e"tion& either !ro* a*ong the*se#-es or !ro* other *e*bers o! the
Integrate 'ar& by the -ote o! at #east !i-e 8o-ernors. Ea"h o! the regiona# *e*bers o! the 'oar sha## be e= o!!i"io
4i"e (resient !or the Region %hi"h he re)resents. The (resient an the E=e"+ti-e 4i"e (resient sha## ho# o!!i"e
!or a ter* o! one year !ro* the ate o! their e#e"tion an +nti# their s+""essors sha## ha-e +#y 9+a#i!ie. The
E=e"+ti-e 4i"e (resient sha## a+to*ati"a##y be"o*e the (resient !or the ne=t s+""eeing !+## ter*. The (resien"y
sha## rotate !ro* year to year a*ong a## the nine Regions in s+"h orer o! rotation as the 'oar o! 8o-ernors sha##
)res"ribe. No )erson sha## be (resient or E=e"+ti-e 4i"e (resient o! the Integrate 'ar !or *ore than one ter*.
The Integrate 'ar sha## ha-e a Se"retary& a Treas+rer& an s+"h other o!!i"ers an e*)#oyees as *ay be re9+ire
by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors& to be a))ointe by the (resient %ith the "onsent o! the 'oar& an to ho# o!!i"e at the
)#eas+re o! the 'oar or !or s+"h ter* as it *ay !i=. Sai o!!i"ers an e*)#oyees nee not be *e*bers o! the
Integrate 'ar.
SEC. D. 4a"an"ies. In the e-ent the (resient is absent or +nab#e to a"t& his +ties sha## be )er!or*e by the
E=e"+ti-e 4i"e (resient6 an in the e-ent o! the eath& resignation& or re*o-a# o! the (resient& the E=e"+ti-e 4i"e
(resient sha## ser-e as A"ting (resient +ring the re*ainer o! the ter* o! the o!!i"e th+s -a"ate. In the e-ent o!
the eath& resignation& re*o-a# or isabi#ity o! both the (resient an the E=e"+ti-e 4i"e (resient& the 'oar o!
8o-ernors sha## e#e"t an A"ting (resient to ho# o!!i"e +nti# the ne=t s+""eeing e#e"tion or +ring the )erio o!
The !i##ing o! -a"an"ies in the @o+se o! ;e#egates& 'oar o! 8o-ernors& an a## other )ositions o! O!!i"ers o! the
Integrate 'ar sha## be as )ro-ie in the 'y-La%s. :hene-er the ter* o! an o!!i"e or )osition is !or a !i=e )erio&
the )erson "hosen to !i## a -a"an"y therein sha## ser-e on#y !or the +ne=)ire ter*.
SEC. 9. 3e*bershi) +es. E-ery *e*ber o! the Integrate 'ar sha## )ay s+"h ann+a# +es as the 'oar o!
8o-ernors sha## eter*ine %ith the a))ro-a# o! the S+)re*e Co+rt. A !i=e s+* e9+i-a#ent to ten )er"ent 01EF1 o!
the "o##e"tion !ro* ea"h Cha)ter sha## be set asie as a :e#!are G+n !or isab#e *e*bers o! the Cha)ter an the
"o*)+#sory heirs o! e"ease *e*bers thereo!.
SEC. 1E. E!!e"t o! non-)ay*ent o! +es. S+b.e"t to the )ro-isions o! Se"tion 1, o! this R+#e& e!a+#t in the )ay*ent
o! ann+a# +es !or si= *onths sha## %arrant s+s)ension o! *e*bershi) in the Integrate 'ar& an e!a+#t in s+"h
)ay*ent !or one year sha## be a gro+n !or the re*o-a# o! the na*e o! the e#in9+ent *e*ber !ro* the Ro## o!
SEC. 11. 4o#+ntary ter*ination o! *e*bershi)6 reinstate*ent. A *e*ber *ay ter*inate his *e*bershi) by !i#ing a
%ritten noti"e to that e!!e"t %ith the Se"retary o! the Integrate 'ar& %ho sha## i**eiate#y bring the *atter to the
attention o! the S+)re*e Co+rt. Gorth%ith he sha## "ease to be a *e*ber an his na*e sha## be stri"$en by the Co+rt
!ro* the Ro## o! Attorneys. Reinstate*ent *ay be *ae by the Co+rt in a""oran"e %ith r+#es an reg+#ations
)res"ribe by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors an a))ro-e by the Co+rt.
SEC. 1,. 8rie-an"e )ro"e+res. The 'oar o! 8o-ernors sha## )ro-ie in the 'y-La%s !or grie-an"e )ro"e+res !or
the en!or"e*ent an *aintenan"e o! is"i)#ine a*ong a## the *e*bers o! the Integrate 'ar& b+t no a"tion in-o#-ing
the s+s)ension or isbar*ent o! a *e*ber or the re*o-a# o! his na*e !ro* the Ro## o! Attorneys sha## be e!!e"ti-e
%itho+t the !ina# a))ro-a# o! the S+)re*e Co+rt.
SEC. 13. Non-(o#iti"a# 'ar. The Integrate 'ar sha## be stri"t#y non-)o#iti"a#& an e-ery a"ti-ity tening to i*)air this
basi" !eat+re is stri"t#y )rohibite an sha## be )ena#ize a""oring#y. No #a%yer ho#ing an e#e"ti-e& .+i"ia#& 9+asi-
.+i"ia#& or )rose"+tor o!!i"e in the 8o-ern*ent or any )o#iti"a# s+bi-ision or instr+*enta#ity thereo! sha## be e#igib#e
!or e#e"tion or a))oint*ent to any )osition in the Integrate 'ar or any Cha)ter thereo!. A ;e#egate& 8o-ernor& O!!i"er
or e*)#oyee o! the Integrate 'ar& or an o!!i"er or e*)#oyee o! any Cha)ter thereo! sha## be "onsiere i)so !a"to
resigne !ro* his )osition as o! the *o*ent he !i#es his "erti!i"ate o! "ania"y !or any e#e"ti-e )+b#i" o!!i"e or
a""e)ts a))oint*ent to any .+i"ia#& 9+asi-.+i"ia#& or )rose"+tory o!!i"e in the 8o-ern*ent or any )o#iti"a# s+bi-ision
or instr+*enta#ity thereo!.
SEC. 1<. (ositions honorary. E="e)t as *ay be s)e"i!i"a##y a+thorize or a##o%e by the S+)re*e Co+rt& no
;e#egate or 8o-ernor an no nationa# or #o"a# O!!i"er or "o**ittee *e*ber sha## re"ei-e any "o*)ensation&
a##o%an"e or e*o#+*ent !ro* the !+ns o! the Integrate 'ar !or any ser-i"e renere therein or be entit#e to
rei*b+rse*ent !or any e=)ense in"+rre in the is"harge o! his !+n"tions.
SEC. 1?. Gis"a# *atters. The 'oar o! 8o-ernors sha## a*inister the !+ns o! the Integrate 'ar an sha## ha-e
the )o%er to *a$e a))ro)riations an isb+rse*ents there !ro*. It sha## "a+se )ro)er 'oo$s o! A""o+nts to be $e)t
an Ginan"ia# State*ents to be renere an sha## see to it that the )ro)er a+it is *ae o! a## a""o+nts o! the
Integrate 'ar an a## the Cha)ters thereo!.
SEC. 1B. >o+rna#. The 'oar o! 8o-ernors sha## "a+se to be )+b#ishe a 9+arter#y >o+rna# o! the Integrate 'ar&
!ree "o)ies o! %hi"h sha## be istrib+te to e-ery *e*ber o! the Integrate 'ar.
SEC. 1A. 4o#+ntary bar asso"iations. A## -o#+ntary 'ar asso"iations no% e=isting or %hi"h *ay herea!ter be !or*e
*ay "o-e=ist %ith the Integrate 'ar b+t sha## not o)erate at "ross-)+r)oses there%ith.
SEC. 1D. A*en*ents. This R+#e *ay be a*ene by the S+)re*e Co+rt *ot+ )ro)rio or +)on the
re"o**enation o! the 'oar o! 8o-ernors or any Cha)ter o! the Integrate 'ar.
SEC. 19. Organizationa# )erio. The Co**ission on 'ar Integration sha## organize the #o"a# Cha)ters an to%ar
this en sha## se"+re the assistan"e o! the ;e)art*ent o! >+sti"e an o! a## >+ges thro+gho+t the (hi#i))ines. A##
Cha)ter organizationa# *eetings sha## be he# on Sat+ray& Gebr+ary 1A& 19A3. In e-ery "ase& the Co**ission sha##
"a+se )ro)er noti"e o! the ate& ti*e an )#a"e o! the *eeting to be ser-e +)on a## the #a%yers "on"erne at their
aresses a))earing in the re"ors o! the Co**ission. The #a%yers )resent at the *eeting "a##e to organize a
Cha)ter sha## "onstit+te a 9+or+* !or the )+r)ose& in"#+ing the e#e"tion o! a (resient& a 4i"e (resient& a
Se"retary& a Treas+rer& an !i-e ;ire"tors.
The Co**ission sha## initia##y !i= the n+*ber o! ;e#egates an a))ortion the sa*e a*ong a## the Cha)ters as near#y
as *ay be in )ro)ortion to the n+*ber o! their res)e"ti-e *e*bers& b+t ea"h Cha)ter sha## ha-e at #east one
;e#egate. The (resient o! ea"h Cha)ter sha## "on"+rrent#y be its ;e#egate to the @o+se o! ;e#egates. The 4i"e
(resient sha## be his a#ternate& e="e)t %here the Cha)ter is entit#e to ha-e *ore than one ;e#egate. The 'oar o!
;ire"tors o! the Cha)ter sha## in )ro)er "ases e#e"t aitiona# as %e## as a#ternate ;e#egates.
The @o+se o! ;e#egates sha## "on-ene in the City o! 3ani#a on Sat+ray& 3ar"h 1A& 19A3 !or the )+r)ose o! e#e"ting
a 'oar o! 8o-ernors. The 8o-ernors sha## i**eiate#y ass+*e o!!i"e an !orth%ith *eet to e#e"t the O!!i"ers o! the
Integrate 'ar. The O!!i"ers so "hosen sha## i**eiate#y ass+*e their res)e"ti-e )ositions.
SEC. ,E. E!!e"ti-ity. This R+#e sha## ta$e e!!e"t on >an+ary 1B& 19A3.
R+#e 139-A %hi"h oraine the integration o! the (hi#i))ine 'ar an the 'y-La%s o! the Integrate 'ar o! the
(hi#i))ines i not %ithra% !ro* the "o+rts the a+thority to in-estigate an e"ie "o*)#aints against erring
*e*bers o! the 'ar.
SECTION 1. Na*e. The nationa# organization o! #a%yers "reate on >an+ary 1B& 19A3 +ner R+#e o! Co+rt 139-A
0hereina!ter esignate as the Integration R+#e1 an "onstit+te on 3ay <& 19A3 into a boy "or)orate by (resientia#
;e"ree No. 1D1 sha## be $no%n as the Integrate 'ar o! the (hi#i))ines.
SEC.,. Ob.e"ti-es an (+r)oses. The !o##o%ing are the genera# ob.e"ti-es o! the Integrate 'ar/ to e#e-ate the
stanars o! the #ega# )ro!ession& i*)ro-e the a*inistration o! .+sti"e& an enab#e the 'ar to is"harge its )+b#i"
res)onsibi#ity *ore e!!e"ti-e#y. The )+r)oses o! the Integrate 'ar in"#+e& %itho+t being #i*ite to& those s)e"i!ie in
the )er "+ria* Reso#+tion o! the S+)re*e Co+rt ate >an+ary 9& 19A3 oraining the integration o! the (hi#i))ine
'ar& to %it/
011 Assist in the a*inistration o! .+sti"e6
0,1 Goster an *aintain on the )art o! its *e*bers high iea#s o! integrity& #earning& )ro!essiona# "o*)eten"e& )+b#i"
ser-i"e an "on+"t6
031 Sa!eg+ar the )ro!essiona# interest o! its *e*bers6
0<1 C+#ti-ate a*ong its *e*bers a s)irit o! "oria#ity an brotherhoo6
0?1 (ro-ie a !or+* !or the is"+ssion o! #a%& .+ris)r+en"e& #a% re!or*& )#eaing& )ra"ti"e an )ro"e+re& an the
re#ations o! the 'ar to the 'en"h an to the )+b#i"& an )+b#ish in!or*ation re#ating thereto6
0B1 En"o+rage an !oster #ega# e+"ation6 an
0A1 (ro*ote a "ontin+ing )rogra* o! #ega# resear"h in s+bstanti-e an a.e"ti-e #a%& an *a$e re)orts an
re"o**enations thereon.
SEC.3. (o%ers& )rerogati-es& !+n"tions& +ties& an res)onsibi#ities. The )o%ers& )rerogati-es& !+n"tions& +ties
an res)onsibi#ities o! the Integrate 'ar& its Cha)ters an other agen"ies& its o!!i"ers an "o**ittees& nationa# an
#o"a#& its "o**issions& an its *e*bers& are as )ro-ie by #a%& the Integration R+#e& (resientia# ;e"ree No. 1D1&
these 'y-La%s& an )ertinent r+#es an reg+#ations.
Inter a#ia& the Integrate 'ar sha## ha-e )er)et+a# s+""ession an sha## ha-e a## #ega# )o%ers a))ertaining to a
.+rii"a# )erson& )arti"+#ar#y the )o%er to s+e an be s+e6 to "ontra"t an to be "ontra"te %ith6 to ho# rea# an
)ersona# )ro)erty as *ay be ne"essary !or "or)orate )+r)oses6 to *ortgage& #ease& se##& trans!er& "on-ey an
other%ise is)ose o! the sa*e6 to so#i"it an re"ei-e )+b#i" an )ri-ate onations an "ontrib+tions6 to a""e)t an
re"ei-e rea# an )ersona# )ro)erty by gi!t& e-ise or be9+est6 to #e-y an "o##e"t *e*bershi) +es an s)e"ia#
assess*ents !ro* its *e*bers6 to ao)t a sea# an to a#ter the sa*e at )#eas+re6 to ha-e o!!i"es an "on+"t its
a!!airs in the 8reater 3ani#a Area an e#se%here6 to *a$e an ao)t by-#a%s& r+#es an reg+#ations not in"onsistent
%ith the #a%s o! the (hi#i))ines or the R+#es o! Co+rt& )arti"+#ar#y the Integration R+#e6 an genera##y to o a## s+"h
a"ts an things as *ay be ne"essary or )ro)er to "arry into e!!e"t an )ro*ote the ob.e"ti-es an )+r)oses !or %hi"h
it %as organize.
A## onations or "ontrib+tions %hi"h *ay be *ae by )ri-ate entities or )ersons to the Integrate 'ar sha## be e=e*)t
!ro* in"o*e an gi!ts ta=es& an the sa*e sha## !+rther be e+"tib#e in !+## an sha## not be in"#+e !or )+r)oses o!
"o*)+ting the *a=i*+* a*o+nt e+"tib#e +ner Se"tion 3E& )aragra)h 0h1& o! the Nationa# Interna# Re-en+e Coe&
as a*ene.
A## ta=es& "harges an !ees that *ay be )ai by the Integrate 'ar or any o! its Cha)ters to the 8o-ern*ent or any
)o#iti"a# s+bi-ision or instr+*enta#ity thereo! sha## be re!+nab#e ann+a##y to the !or*er !or the )erio e=tening +) to
;e"e*ber 31& 19AD.
SEC. <. Non-)o#iti"a# 'ar. The Integrate 'ar is stri"t#y non-)o#iti"a#& an e-ery a"ti-ity tening to i*)air this basi"
!eat+re is stri"t#y )rohibite an sha## be )ena#ize a""oring#y. No #a%yer ho#ing an e#e"ti-e& .+i"ia#& 9+asi-.+i"ia#&
or )rose"+tory o!!i"e in the 8o-ern*ent or any )o#iti"a# s+bi-ision or instr+*enta#ity thereo! sha## be e#igib#e !or
e#e"tion or a))oint*ent to any )osition in the Integrate 'ar or any Cha)ter thereo!. A ;e#egate& 8o-ernor& o!!i"er or
e*)#oyee o! the Integrate 'ar& or an o!!i"er or e*)#oyee o! any Cha)ter thereo! sha## be "onsiere i)so !a"to
resigne !ro* his )osition as o! the *o*ent he !i#es his "erti!i"ate o! "ania"y !or any e#e"ti-e )+b#i" o!!i"e or
a""e)ts a))oint*ent to any .+i"ia#& 9+asi-.+i"ia#& or )rose"+tory o!!i"e in the 8o-ern*ent or any )o#iti"a# s+bi-ision
or instr+*enta#ity thereo!.
SEC. ?. (ositions honorary. E="e)t as *ay be s)e"i!i"a##y a+thorize or a##o%e by the S+)re*e Co+rt& no nationa#
or #o"a# o!!i"er& or "o**ittee or "o**ission *e*ber sha## re"ei-e any "o*)ensation& a##o%an"e or e*o#+*ent !ro*
the !+ns o! the Integrate 'ar !or any ser-i"e renere therein& or be entit#e to rei*b+rse*ent !or any e=)ense
in"+rre in the is"harge o! his !+n"tions.
SEC. B. Nationa# o!!i"e. The nationa# o!!i"e o! the Integrate 'ar sha## be in the 8reater 3ani#a Area.
SEC. A. Sea# an e*b#e*. The sea# an the e*b#e* o! the Integrate 'ar& as ao)te by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors&
sha## be $e)t at its nationa# o!!i"e.
SEC. D. Noti"es an )ro"esses. Ser-i"e o! a## noti"es an )ro"esses intene !or the Integrate o! the (hi#i))ines
sha## be *ae +)on its Se"retary or other a+thorize re)resentati-e at its nationa# o!!i"e.
E="e)t as other%ise )ro-ie in these 'y-La%s& any noti"e to be ser-e +)on a *e*ber o! the Integrate 'ar sha##
be ee*e gi-en %hen e)osite in the *ai#& )ostage !+##y )re)ai& an aresse to s+"h *e*ber at his #ast $no%n
o!!i"e or resient aress a))earing in the re"ors or *e*bershi) ro## o! the nationa# o!!i"e or the Cha)ter "on"erne.
Noti"e to the genera# *e*bershi) *ay be gi-en by *ai#& by )+b#i"ation in the >o+rna# o! the Integrate 'ar or as
other%ise ire"te by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors.
SEC. 9. O!!i"er e!ine. The ter* Ho!!i"erI as +se in these 'y-La%s sha## in"#+e& b+t not ne"essari#y be #i*ite to&
the !o##o%ing/ (resient& E=e"+ti-e 4i"e (resient& 8o-ernors& Se"retary& Treas+rer an other nationa# o!!i"ers o! the
Integrate 'ar& o!!i"ers an *e*bers o! the @o+se o! ;e#egates& Cha)ter o!!i"ers an ire"tors& "o**issioners& an
*e*bers o! a## nationa# an #o"a# "o**ittees.
On#y *e*bers in goo staning *ay be"o*e o!!i"ers& an +n#ess other%ise )ro-ie in these 'y-La%s& no )erson
%ho is not a *e*ber o! the Integrate 'ar *ay be"o*e an o!!i"er.
SEC. 1E. Ter* o! o!!i"e. The ter* o! o!!i"e o! a## e#e"ti-e o!!i"ers& nationa# an #o"a#& sha## be t%o years. In no "ase
*ay any *e*ber be e#e"te to the sa*e o!!i"e !or t%o "onse"+ti-e ter*s.
The )rohibition against re-e#e"tion sha## not a))#y to the )osition o! Treas+rer o! the Cha)ter. 0As a*ene )+rs+ant
to 'ar 3atter No. BBD1
SEC. 11. 4a"an"ies. E="e)t as other%ise )ro-ie in these 'y-La%s& %hene-er the ter* o! an o!!i"e or )osition&
%hether e#e"ti-e or a))ointi-e& is !or a !i=e )erio& the )erson "hosen to !i## the -a"an"y therein sha## ser-e on#y !or
the +ne=)ire )ortion o! the ter*.
SEC. 1,. Non-ans%erabi#ity o! the Integrate 'ar. In the absen"e o! a sho%ing o! *a#i"e& !ra+& ba !aith or
neg#igen"e& the Integrate 'ar& its nationa# o!!i"ers an 8o-ernors& the o!!i"ers an *e*bers o! the @o+se o!
;e#egates& a## o! the Cha)ters an the o!!i"ers thereo!& "o**issioners& an a## "o**ittees nationa# an #o"a#& an the
*e*bers thereo!& sha## not be ans%erab#e !or any a*age in"ient to any "o*)#aint& "harge& in-estigation&
)rose"+tion& )ro"eeing& tria#& e"ision& reso#+tion& re"o**enation& or a"tion ha& *ae& one or ta$en +ner the
a+thority o! these 'y-La%s.
SEC. 13. 3a#!easan"e& *is!easan"e& non!easan"e. Not%ithstaning the )ro-isions o! the ne=t )re"eing se"tion&
the 'oar o! 8o-ernors *ay *ot+ )ro)rio or +)on the re#ation o! any )erson& in9+ire into any *a#!easan"e&
*is!easan"e or non!easan"e "o**itte by any *e*ber o! the Integrate 'ar or o! any o! its Cha)ters& an& a!ter +e
hearing& ta$e %hate-er a"tion it *ay ee* %arrante. S+"h a"tion *ay in"#+e his s+s)ension or re*o-a# !ro* any
o!!i"e o! the Integrate 'ar or o! its Cha)ters he# by s+"h erring *e*ber& as %e## as re"o**enation to the
S+)re*e Co+rt !or his s+s)ension !ro* the )ra"ti"e o! #a% or isbar*ent.
The I'( Cha)ter sha## re*it to the Nationa# O!!i"e the *e*bershi) +es& net o! "ha)ter share& an the a))#i"ab#e
b+i#ing !+n assess*ent "o##e"te by it %ithin !orty-!i-e 0<?1 ays !ro* re"ei)t thereo!& other%ise& the (resient an
the Treas+rer sha## be s+b.e"t to a*inistrati-e san"tion as *ay be eter*ine by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors. 0As
a*ene )+rs+ant to 'ar 3atter No. BBD1
SEC. 1<. (rohibite a"ts an )ra"ti"es re#ati-e to e#e"tions. The !o##o%ing a"ts an )ra"ti"es re#ati-e to the
e#e"tions are )rohibite& %hether "o**itte by a "aniate !or any e#e"ti-e o!!i"e in the Integrate 'ar or by any
other *e*ber& ire"t#y or inire"t#y& in any !or* or *anner& by hi*se#! or thro+gh another )erson/
0a1 ;istrib+tion& e="e)t on e#e"tion ay& o! e#e"tion "a*)aign *ateria#6
0b1 ;istrib+tion& on e#e"tion ay& o! e#e"tion *ateria# other than a state*ent o! the bioata o! a "aniate on not *ore
than one )age o! a #ega# size sheet o! )a)er6 or "a+sing istrib+tion o! s+"h state*ent to be one by )ersons other
than those a+thorize by the o!!i"er )resiing at the e#e"tions6
0"1 Ca*)aigning !or or against any "aniate& %hi#e ho#ing an e#e"ti-e& .+i"ia#& 9+asi-.+i"ia#& or )rose"+tory o!!i"e in
the 8o-ern*ent or any )o#iti"a# s+bi-ision& agen"y or instr+*enta#ity thereo!6
01 Gor*ation o! ti"$ets& sing#e s#ates& or "o*binations o! "aniates& as %e## as the a-ertise*ent thereo!6
0e1 Gor the )+r)ose o! in+"ing or in!#+en"ing a *e*ber to %ithho# his -ote& or to -ote !or or against a "aniate& 011
)ay*ent o! the +es or other inebteness o! any *e*ber6 0,1 gi-ing o! !oo& rin$& entertain*ent& trans)ortation or
any arti"#e o! -a#+e& or any si*i#ar "onsieration to any to any )erson6 or 031 *a$ing a )ro*ise or "a+sing an
e=)enit+re to be *ae& o!!ere or )ro*ise to any )erson.
SEC.1?. S+)re*e Co+rt obser-er. The S+)re*e Co+rt *ay esignate an o!!i"ia# obser-er at any e#e"tion o! the
Integrate 'ar %hether nationa# or #o"a#.
SEC. 1B. 4o#+ntary 'ar asso"iations. A## -o#+ntary 'ar asso"iations no% e=isting or %hi"h *ay herea!ter be !or*e
*ay "o-e=ist %ith the Integrate 'ar b+t sha## not o)erate at "ross-)+r)oses there%ith nor against any )o#i"y& a"t&
reso#+tion or e"ision thereo!.
SEC. 1A. R+#es o! Co+rt s+))#etory. :hene-er a))#i"ab#e& the R+#es o! Co+rt sha## be s+))#etory to these 'y-La%s.
ARTI(LE II (Secti)n* 1, t) --$ .E.BERSHIP
SEC. 1D. 3e*bershi). The !o##o%ing )ersons are& a+to*ati"a##y an %itho+t e="e)tion& *e*bers o! the Integrate
'ar o! the (hi#i))ines/
0a1 A## #a%yers %hose na*es %ere in the Ro## o! Attorneys o! the S+)re*e Co+rt on >an+ary 1B& 19A36 an
0b1 A## #a%yers %hose na*es %ere in"#+e or are entere therein a!ter the sai ate.
SEC.19. Registration. Un#ess he has a#reay )re-io+s#y registere& e-ery *e*ber hereto!ore a*itte to the
)ra"ti"e o! #a% sha##& not #ater than ;e"e*ber 31& 19A<& register in the Integrate 'ar as here+ner re9+ire& at the
nationa# o!!i"e or at the o!!i"e o! his Cha)ter.
E-ery )erson a*itte to the )ra"ti"e o! #a% a!ter these 'y-La%s be"o*e e!!e"ti-e sha## register in #i$e *anner not
#ater than si=ty ays a!ter s+"h a*ission.
Registration sha## be a""o*)#ishe by signing an !i#ing in +)#i"ate the )res"ribe registration !or* "ontaining s+"h
in!or*ation as *ay be re9+ire by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors& in"#+ing the !o##o%ing/
0a1 G+## na*e& se= an "i-i# stat+s6
0b1 3onth& ate& year an )#a"e o! birth6
0"1 O!!i"e aress0es16
01 Resien"e aress0es16
0e1 O""+)ation0s1 or e*)#oy*ent6
0!1 Na*e o! #a% s"hoo# an year o! gra+ation6
0g1 Jear o! a*ission to the 'ar6 an
0h1 Gie#0s1 o! s)e"ia#ization in #a%& i! any.
It sha## be the +ty o! the Se"retary o! e-ery Cha)ter to )ro*)t#y !or%ar a "o)y o! ea"h a""o*)#ishe registration
!or* to the nationa# o!!i"e.
E-ery "hange a!ter registration in res)e"t to any o! the *atters abo-e s)e"i!ie sha## be re)orte %ithin si=ty 0BE1
ays to the "ha)ter Se"retary& %ho sha## in t+rn )ro*)t#y re)ort the "hange to the nationa# o!!i"e.
Un#ess he other%ise registers his )re!eren"e !or a )arti"+#ar Cha)ter& a #a%yer sha## be "onsiere a *e*ber o! the
Cha)ter o! the )ro-in"e& "ity& )o#iti"a# s+bi-ision or area %here his o!!i"e or& in the absen"e thereo!& his resien"e is
#o"ate. In no "ase sha## any #a%yer be a *e*ber o! *ore than one Cha)ter.
SEC.,E. 3e*bers in goo staning. E-ery *e*ber %ho has )ai a## *e*bershi) +es an a## a+thorize s)e"ia#
assess*ents& )#+s s+r"harges o%ing thereon& an %ho is not +ner s+s)ension !ro* the )ra"ti"e o! #a% or !ro*
*e*bershi) )ri-i#eges& is a *e*ber in goo staning.
SEC.,1. 4o#+ntary ter*ination o! *e*bershi)6 reinstate*ent. A *e*ber *ay ter*inate his *e*bershi) by !i#ing a
-eri!ie noti"e to that e!!e"t %ith the Se"retary o! the Integrate 'ar& %ho sha## i**eiate#y bring the *atter to the
attention o! the S+)re*e Co+rt. Gorth%ith& he sha## "ease to be a *e*ber an his na*e sha## be stri"$en !ro* the
Ro## o! Attorneys.
Reinstate*ent *ay be *ae in a""oran"e %ith r+#es an reg+#ations )res"ribe by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors an
a))ro-e by the Co+rt& )ro-ie any %ritten a))#i"ation !or reinstate*ent *+st be !i#e %ith the 'oar& %hi"h sha##&
%ithin !i!teen 01?1 ays !ro* re"ei)t& !or%ar the sa*e to the Co+rt %ith its a))ro)riate re"o**enation.
SEC.,,. Retire*ent& reinstate*ent. Any *e*ber in goo staning %ho sha## ha-e attaine the age o! se-enty-!i-e
years& or sha## ha-e been !orty years a #a%yer& or %ho sha##& by reason o! )hysi"a# isabi#ity or .+i"ia##y a.+ge
*enta# in"a)a"ity& be +nab#e to engage in the )ra"ti"e o! #a%& *ay be retire !ro* the Integrate 'ar +)on -eri!ie
)etition to the 'oar o! 8o-ernors. Retire *e*bers sha## not )ra"ti"e #a% or be re9+ire to )ay +es.
A retire *e*ber *ay be reinstate to a"ti-e *e*bershi) +)on %ritten a))#i"ation to an a))ro-a# by the 'oar.
The 'oar sha## *a$e )erioi" re)orts o! retire*ent an reinstate*ent o! *e*bers to the S+)re*e Co+rt.
ARTI(LE III (Secti)n* -# t) -/$ D0ES
SEC.,3. 3e*bershi) +es. On or be!ore the 31st ay o! ;e"e*ber& e-ery *e*ber o! the Integrate 'ar sha## )ay
ann+a# +es !or the ens+ing !is"a# year in the a*o+nt o! GI4E @UN;RE; (ESOS at the Nationa# O!!i"e or at the
o!!i"e o! his Cha)ter& to ta$e e!!e"t on >an+ary 1& 199?. 0As a*ene )+rs+ant to 'ar 3atter No. BBD1
3e*bershi) +es sha## be a))ortione as !o##o%s/ Cha)ter share& (h),EE.EE6 8enera# G+n& (h)1?E.EE6 :e#!are
G+n (h)<E.EE6 Lega# Ai (h),E.EE6 'ar ;is"i)#ine& (h),E.EE6 an I'( >o+rna# (h)AE.EE. 0As a*ene )+rs+ant to
'ar 3atter No. BBD1
S+b.e"t to a))ro-a# by the S+)re*e Co+rt& the 'oar o! 8o-ernors *ay in"rease the ann+a# *e*bershi) +es& or
*oi!y the a))ortion*ent thereo!. 0As a*ene on >an+ary 3E& 199,1
(+rs+ant to 'ar 3atter No. B1B& the S+)re*e Co+rt a))ro-e the )ro)osa# to in"rease the *e*bershi) +es !ro*
(h)?EE.EE to (h)1&EEE.EE starting the year ,EEE o! %hi"h BE )er "ent sha## be a##ote !or the Nationa# O!!i"e %hi#e <E
)er "ent sha## go to the "ha)ters. 0S+)re*e Co+rt Reso#+tion ate Gebr+ary 1& ,EEE1
0(+rs+ant to S+)re*e Co+rt Reso#+tion ate A+g+st ,E& 199B& the #i!e *e*bershi) !ee %as in"rease to
(h)D&?EE.EE e!!e"ti-e >an+ary 1& 199A.1
A *e*ber o! the I'( *ay a))#y !or #i!e *e*bershi) therein by !i#ing an a))#i"ation there !or ire"t#y %ith the nationa#
o!!i"e or thro+gh the a))ro)riate "ha)ter +ner the !o##o%ing ter*s/
011 That the *e*ber sha## be in goo staning as )ro-ie !or +ner Se"tion ,E& Arti"#e II o! these 'y-La%s at the
ti*e he !i#es his a))#i"ation !or #i!e *e*bershi)6
0,1 That he )ays to the nationa# o!!i"e his #i!e *e*bershi) !ee in the s+* o! GI4E T@OUSAN; (ESOS 0(h)?&EEE.EE1
031 That he abies by the r+#es an reg+#ations )ro*+#gate by the Integrate 'ar o! the (hi#i))ines i*)#e*enting the
#i!e *e*bershi) )#an.
U)on )ay*ent o! the #i!e *e*bershi) !ee o! GI4E T@OUSAN; (ESOS 0(h)?&EEE.EE1& the *e*ber sha## be enro##e
in the Ro## o! Li!e 3e*bers to be )re)are by an $e)t in the O!!i"e o! the Treas+rer o! the Integrate 'ar o! the
(hi#i))ines. @e sha## be iss+e a "erti!i"ate o! #i!e *e*bershi) to be signe by the nationa# )resient an atteste by
the Nationa# Se"retary.
The #i!e *e*bershi) !ee o! GI4E T@OUSAN; (ESOS 0(h)?&EEE.EE1 sha## be e)osite in a re)+tab#e ban$ing
instit+tion "hosen by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors& Integrate 'ar o! the (hi#i))ines& as a )er)et+a# tr+st !+n %hi"h sha##
earn interest at the best )ossib#e rate )er ann+*.
On#y the ann+a# in"o*e o! the #i!e *e*bershi) tr+st !+n sha## be a-ai#ab#e !or e=)enit+re o! the I'( an sha## be
a))#ie as !o##o%s/
011 To the )ay*ent o! the #i!e *e*berCs ann+a# +es as )ro-ie in Se"tion ,3& Arti"#e III o! these 'y-La%s6
0,1 Gi!ty )er"ent o! the ba#an"e o! the in"o*e& i! any& sha## be a+to*ati"a##y a))ro)riate !or the o)erationa# e=)enses
o! the Co**ittee on 'ar ;is"i)#ine& in"#+ing the sa#aries o! the nationa# in-estigators or "o**issioners an the sta!!
o! the Co**ittee6
031 The other !i!ty )er"ent o! the ba#an"e& i! any& sha## be e)osite as )art o! the #i!e *e*bershi) tr+st !+n.
Any #i!e *e*ber& %hose *e*bershi) in the I'( ter*inates by retire*ent or !or any other "a+se& sha## "ease to be a
#i!e *e*ber o! the Integrate 'ar o! the (hi#i))ines. 0As a*ene )+rs+ant to S+)re*e Co+rt Reso#+tion ate
O"tober ,A& 199,1
A## #a%yers sha## ini"ate in a## )#eaings& *otions an )a)ers signe an !i#e by the* in any "o+rt in the (hi#i))ines
an in the "ase o! go-ern*ent #a%yers& in a## o!!i"ia# o"+*ents iss+e by the* the n+*ber an ate o! their
o!!i"ia# re"ei)t ini"ating )ay*ent o! their ann+a# *e*bershi) +es to the Integrate 'ar o! the (hi#i))ines !or the
"+rrent year& or in the "ase o! #i!e *e*bers& their #i!e *e*bershi) ro## n+*ber. 0As a*ene )+rs+ant to 'ar 3atter
No. BBD1
SEC.,<. E!!e"t o! non-)ay*ent o! +es. E="e)t !or the !is"a# year 19A<-19A?& any *e*ber %ho has not )ai his
*e*bershi) +es !or any gi-en !is"a# year on or be!ore the #ast ay 0>+ne 3E1 o! the i**eiate#y )re"eing !is"a#
year sha## be "onsiere a +es e#in9+ent *e*ber. Gor the !is"a# year 19A<-19A? any *e*ber %ho has not )ai
the ann+a# +es on or be!ore No-e*ber 3E& 19A< sha## be "onsiere +es e#in9+ent. I! the e#in9+en"y "ontin+es
+nti# the !o##o%ing ;e"e*ber 31& the 'oar o! 8o-ernors sha## by Reso#+tion !orth%ith s+s)en a## his *e*bershi)
)ri-i#eges other than the )ra"ti"e o! #a%. A "o)y o! s+"h reso#+tion sha## be sent by registere *ai# to the *e*ber an
to the se"retary o! the "ha)ter "on"erne. The 'oar sha## )ro*)t#y in9+ire into the "a+se or "a+ses o! the
e#in9+en"y an ta$e %hate-er a"tion it sha## ee* a))ro)riate& in"#+ing a re"o**enation to the S+)re*e Co+rt
!or the s+s)ension o! the e#in9+ent *e*ber !ro* the )ra"ti"e o! #a%.
Sho+# the e#in9+en"y !+rther "ontin+e +nti# the !o##o%ing >+ne ,9& the 'oar sha## )ro*)t#y in9+ire into the "a+se or
"a+ses o! the "ontin+e e#in9+en"y an ta$e %hate-er a"tion it sha## ee* a))ro)riate& in"#+ing a re"o**enation
to the S+)re*e Co+rt !or the re*o-a# o! the e#in9+ent *e*berCs na*e !ro* the Ro## o! Attorneys. Noti"e o! the
a"tion ta$en sha## be sent by registere *ai# to the *e*ber an to the Se"retary o! the Cha)ter "on"erne.
:hene-er a e#in9+ent *e*ber *a$es !+## )ay*ent o! the *e*bershi) +es o%ing& )#+s a s+* e9+i-a#ent to 1E
)er"ent thereo!& s+"h !a"t sha## %itho+t e#ay be re)orte to the 'oar& %hi"h sha## ta$e s+"h a"tion as *ay be
A *e*ber %hose na*e is re*o-e !ro* the Ro## o! Attorneys )+rs+ant to the )ro-ision o! this Se"tion *ay a))#y !or
reinstate*ent +ner the )ro-isions o! the se"on )aragra)h o! Se"tion ,1 04o#+ntary ter*ination o! *e*bershi)6
SEC.,?. Re*ission or #i!ting o! san"tions. The 'oar o! 8o-ernors *ay& !or .+sti!iab#e reasons& re*it or #i!t
san"tions a#reay i*)ose& an a+thorize the retroa"ti-e reinstate*ent o! the *e*ber "on"erne. @o%e-er&
san"tions i*)ose or a))ro-e by the S+)re*e Co+rt *ay be re*itte or #i!te on#y by the Co+rt.
ARTI(LE I+ (Secti)n* -6 t) -!$ (HAPTERS
SEC.,B. Cha)ters. A Cha)ter o! the Integrate 'ar sha## be organize in e-ery )ro-in"e e=isting on the ate o! the
e!!e"ti-ity o! the Integration R+#e. E="e)t as hereinbe#o% )ro-ie& e-ery "ity sha## be "onsiere )art o! the )ro-in"e
%ithin %hi"h it %as geogra)hi"a##y sit+ate )rior to its "reation as a "ity.
A se)arate "ha)ter sha## be organize in ea"h o! the !o##o%ing )o#iti"a# s+bi-isions or areas/
0a1 The s+b-)ro-in"e o! A+rora6
0b1 Ea"h "ongressiona# istri"t o! the City o! 3ani#a e=isting on the ate o! the e!!e"ti-ity o! the Integration R+#e6
0"1 5+ezon City6
01 Ca#oo"an City& 3a#abon an Na-otas6
0e1 (asay City& 3a$ati& 3ana#+yong an San >+an e# 3onte6
0!1 Ceb+ City6 an
0g1 7a*boanga City& 'asi#an City& an 'asi#an (ro-in"e.
The 'oar o! 8o-ernors sha## reorganize the -ario+s Cha)ters o! "ities an )ro-in"es& by i-ision or *erger& to the
en that& as !ar as )ra"ti"ab#e& no "ha)ter sha## ha-e *ore than one tho+san nor #ess than !i-e h+nre *e*bers&
beginning %ith the !is"a# year 19AA-19AD.
The 'oar sha## st+y the !easibi#ity o! organizing Cha)ters in ne% )ro-in"es.
SEC.,A. Coorination o! Cha)ter a"ti-ities. The 'oar sha## "oorinate an s+)er-ise the a"ti-ities o! a## the
Cha)ters !or )+r)oses o! )ro*oting *a=i*+* #a%yer )arti"i)ation in Integrate 'ar a!!airs& an e!!e"ti-e
a*inistration an o)eration o! the organization.
SEC.,D. Cha)ter #o"a# go-ern*ent. Ea"h Cha)ter sha## ha-e its o%n go-ern*ent.
SEC.,9. Uni!or* by-#a%s. E-ery Cha)ter sha## stri"t#y obser-e the !o##o%ing by-#a%s& b+t the 'oar o! O!!i"ers o!
any Cha)ter *ay s+b*it !or "onsieration an a"tion by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors s+"h aitiona# )ro-isions as *ay
be e*ane by #o"a# "onitions.

SECTION 1. Ob.e"ti-es an (+r)oses. The !+na*enta# ob.e"ti-e o! the Cha)ter sha## be to a*inister the a!!airs
o! the Integrate 'ar %ithin its territoria# .+risi"tion& +ner the genera# ire"tion an s+)er-ision o! the 'oar o!
8o-ernors& %ith the en in -ie% o! e#e-ating the stanars o! the #ega# )ro!ession& i*)ro-ing the a*inistration o!
.+sti"e& enab#ing the 'ar to is"harge its )+b#i" res)onsibi#ity *ore e!!e"ti-e#y& an "arrying o+t the )+r)oses s)e"i!ie
in the )er "+ria* Reso#+tion o! the S+)re*e Co+rt ate >an+ary 9& 19A3 oraining the integration in Se"tion ,
0ob.e"ti-es an )+r)oses1 o! the 'y-La%s o! the Integrate 'ar.
SEC. ,. 3e*bershi). The Cha)ter "o*)rises a## *e*bers registere in its *e*bershi) ro##. Ea"h *e*ber sha##
*aintain his *e*bershi) +nti# the sa*e is ter*inate on any o! the gro+ns set !orth in the 'y-La%s o! the Integrate
'ar& or he trans!ers his *e*bershi) to another "ha)ter as "erti!ie by the Se"retary o! the #atter& )ro-ie that the
trans!er is *ae not #ess than three *onths i**eiate#y )re"eing any Cha)ter e#e"tion.
SEC. 3. 3e*bershi) +es an s)e"ia# assess*ents. E-ery *e*ber o! the Integrate 'ar registere in the "ha)ter
sha## )ay ann+a# *e*bershi) +es as )res"ribe by the 'y-La%s o! the Integrate 'ar or by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors&
s+b.e"t to the san"tions that *aybe i*)ose in "ase o! e#in9+en"y. S)e"ia# assess*ents !or s)e"i!i" )+r)oses as
*ay be re9+ire *ay be i*)ose& an non-)ay*ent thereo! sha## be s+b.e"t to the sa*e san"tions )ro-ie !or non-
)ay*ent o! +es6 (ro-ie& that the tota# a*o+nt !or s)e"ia# assess*ents in any gi-en !is"a# year sha## not e="ee
the a*o+nt o! the ann+a# +es. I! a s)e"ia# assess*ent oes not e="ee (h),?.EE& the sa*e *ay be *ae e!!e"ti-e
i**eiate#y. I! in e="ess o! (h),?.EE& a s)e"ia# assess*ent sha## not be"o*e e!!e"ti-e +nti# a))ro-e by the %ritten
-ote o! the *a.ority o! a## the *e*bers. S)e"ia# assess*ents sha## re*ain e!!e"ti-e +n#ess re-o$e or a*ene by
the *a.ority o! a## the *e*bers at a s)e"ia# *eeting "a##e !or the )+r)ose in a""oran"e %ith Se"tion < 0Cha)ter
*eetings1 hereo!.
SEC. <. Cha)ter *eetings. The Cha)ter ann+a# *eeting sha## be he# on the #ast Sat+ray o! Gebr+ary at s+"h ti*e
an )#a"e as the 'oar o! O!!i"ers sha## esignate. S)e"ia# *eetings *ay be "a##e by the (resient& an sha## be
"a##e +)on the %ritten re9+est o! !i-e *e*bers o! the 'oar o! O!!i"ers or o! at #east thirty )er"ent o! the entire
*e*bershi). :ritten noti"e o! any *eeting sha## be *ai#e by the Se"retary to ea"h *e*ber& at his #ast $no%n
aress& at #east 3E ays )rior to the *eeting. The 'oar o! O!!i"ers sha## ta$e s+"h *eas+res as *ay be ne"essary
to ens+re the attenan"e o! a## *e*bers at a## *eetings.
At any ann+a# or s)e"ia# *eeting& the *e*bers )resent sha## "onstit+te a 9+or+* !or the transa"tion o! b+siness.
SEC. ?. 'oar o! O!!i"ers. The go-ern*ent o! the Cha)ter is -este in a 'oar o! O!!i"ers "o*)ose o! a
(resient& a 4i"e (resient& a Se"retary& a Treas+rer& an A+itor& a (+b#i" Re#ations O!!i"er an !i-e ;ire"tors& %ho
sha## be e#e"te at the biennia# *eeting an sha## ho# o!!i"e !or a ter* o! t%o years !ro* the !irst ay o! A)ri# ne=t
!o##o%ing their e#e"tion an +nti# their s+""essors sha## ha-e been +#y "hosen an 9+a#i!ie. 0As a*ene )+rs+ant
to 'ar 3atter No. BBD1
In aition to the e#e"te o!!i"ers& the i**eiate (ast-(resient sha## i)so !a"to be"o*e an e=-o!!i"io 0non--oting1
*e*ber o! the 'oar o! ;ire"tors. As a*ene )+rs+ant to 'ar 3atter No. 1E<91 The (resient an 4i"e (resient
sha## be "hair*an an -i"e "hair*an& res)e"ti-e#y.
In "ase o! any )er*anent -a"an"y in the 'oar o! O!!i"ers& e="e)t that o! (resient %hi"h sha## be !i##e by the 4i"e
(resient& the 'oar sha## e#e"t a s+""essor to ser-e !or the +ne=)ire )ortion o! the ter*. In "ase o! a te*)orary
-a"an"y that a!!e"ts the 9+or+* o! the 'oar& the re*aining *e*bers o! the 'oar sha## e#e"t a te*)orary
re)#a"e*ent. Any *e*ber o! the 'oar *ay be re*o-e !or "a+se& in"#+ing three "onse"+ti-e absen"es !ro*
'oar *eetings %itho+t .+sti!iab#e e="+se& +)on reso#+tion ao)te by the *a.ority o! the re*aining *e*bers o! the
'oar at a reg+#ar *eeting. :ithin ten ays !ro* re"ei)t o! the reso#+tion& the aggrie-e )arty *ay a))ea# to the
'oar o! 8o-ernors& %hose e"ision sha## be !ina#.
SEC. B. 3eeting o! the 'oar o! O!!i"ers. Reg+#ar *onth#y *eetings sha## be he# by the 'oar o! O!!i"ers on s+"h
ate an at s+"h ti*e an )#a"e as it sha## esignate. S)e"ia# *eetings *ay be "a##e by the (resient& an sha## be
"a##e +)on the %ritten re9+est o! !i-e *e*bers o! the 'oar. Gi-e *e*bers o! the 'oar sha## "onstit+te a 9+or+*.
SEC. A. ;+ties o! o!!i"ers.
0a1 (resient. The (resient sha## be the "hie! e=e"+ti-e o! the Cha)ter. @e sha## )resie at a## Cha)ter *eetings
an at a## *eetings o! the 'oar o! O!!i"ers.
0b1 4i"e (resient. The 4i"e (resient sha## )er!or* the +ties o! the (resient +ring the absen"e or inabi#ity o!
the #atter to a"t& an s+"h other +ties as *ay be assigne to hi* by the (resient an the 'oar.
0"1 Se"retary. The Se"retary sha## atten a## *eetings o! the 'oar o! O!!i"ers an $ee) a re"or o! a## the
)ro"eeings thereo!6 )re)are an *aintain a *e*bershi) ro## o! the Cha)ter an $ee) a## the re"ors thereo!6
)re)are o!!i"ia# ba##ots !or a## e#e"tion6 an )er!or* s+"h other +ties as *ay be assigne to hi* by the (resient an
the 'oar.
01 Treas+rer. The Treas+rer sha## re"ei-e& "o##e"t an sa!e#y $ee)& +ner the ire"tion o! the 'oar o! 8o-ernors
an the 'oar o! O!!i"ers& a## !+ns o! the Cha)ter6 )ro*)t#y re*it to the nationa# o!!i"e the #atterCs share o! the +es
an assess*ents +ner Se"tion ,3 03e*bershi) ;+es1 o! the 'y-La%s o! the Integrate 'ar6 $ee) )ro)er boo$s o!
a""o+nts an rener re)orts o! re"ei)ts an isb+rse*ents as *ay be re9+ire6 an )er!or* s+"h other +ties as
*ay be assigne to hi* by the (resient an the 'oar. @e sha## !+rnish a bon at the e=)ense o! the Cha)ter& in
s+"h a*o+nt as *ay be re9+ire by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors.
A## isb+rse*ents sha## be *ae o-er the signat+re o! the Treas+rer& "o+ntersigne by the (resient or& in his
absen"e& by the 4i"e (resient.
SEC. D. ;e#egates. The (resient sha## "on"+rrent#y be the ;e#egate o! the Cha)ter to the @o+se o! ;e#egates. The
4i"e (resient sha## be his a#ternate& +n#ess the "ha)ter is entit#e to ha-e *ore than one ;e#egate& in %hi"h "ase the
4i"e (resient sha## a#so be a ;e#egate. Aitiona# ;e#egates an a#ternates sha## in )ro)er "ases be e#e"te by the
SEC. 9. Ann+a# b+get. The 'oar sha## ao)t an ann+a# b+get. No isb+rse*ent sha## be *ae e="e)t in
a""oran"e there%ith.
SEC. 1E. A+it. A+it o! a## Cha)ter !+ns& a""o+nts& re"ei)ts an isb+rse*ents sha## be in a""oran"e %ith r+#es
an reg+#ations )res"ribe by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors.
SEC. 11. Co**ittees. The (resient sha##& %ith the "on"+rren"e o! the *a.ority o! the 'oar o! O!!i"ers& a))oint the
!o##o%ing staning "o**ittees/ a "o**ittee on #ega# ai an "o**ittee on #egis#ation. The 'oar *ay "reate s+"h
other "o**ittees as *ay be ne"essary.
The *e*bers o! a## "o**ittees sha## ser-e !or a ter* o! one year& an +nti# their res)e"ti-e s+""essors sha## ha-e
been +#y a))ointe an 9+a#i!ie. It sha## be the +ty o! the "o**ittee on #ega# ai to estab#ish #ega# ai b+rea+s !or
eser-ing )oor #itigants an set +) #a%yer re!erra# ser-i"es. It sha## be the +ty o! the "o**ittee on #egis#ation to
"onsier an )ro)ose any #egis#ation re#ating to s+bstanti-e an re*eia# #a%.
SEC. 1,. R+#es go-erning e#e"tions. The !o##o%ing r+#es sha## go-ern e#e"tions/
0a1 ;ate an )#a"e o! e#e"tions. E#e"tions o! O!!i"ers an ;ire"tors sha## be he# on the #ast Sat+ray o! Gebr+ary
e-ery other year at s+"h ti*e an )#a"e as the 'oar sha## esignate& %hi"h sha## be state in the noti"e to be sent to
e-ery *e*ber by )ersona# e#i-ery or by *ai# not #ess than thirty ays )rior to the e#e"tions.
0b1 Res)onsibi#ity !or the e#e"tions. The )re)aration o! a## e#e"tion )ara)herna#ia& the setting +) o! registration an
"an-assing "o**ittees& an a## other *atters re#ating to the e#e"tions& sha## be the res)onsibi#ity an sha## be +ner
the s+)er-ision an "ontro# o! the (resient.
0"1 4otersC #ist. Not ear#ier that t%enty-!i-e ays nor #ater that !i!teen ays )rior to the e#e"tions& the Se"retary sha##
s+b*it to the 'oar o! O!!i"ers a #ist o! the na*es o! a## the *e*bers entit#e to -ote. The -otersC #ist sha## then
re*ain "#ose an sha## not be a#tere e="e)t +)on ire"tion o! the 'oar. @o%e-er& it sha## be o)en to ins)e"tion by
a## *e*bers& an& +)on re9+est& "o)ies thereo! sha## be !+rnishe to any *e*ber +)on )ay*ent o! a"t+a# "ost.
Any *e*ber %ho is e#in9+ent in the )ay*ent o! +es or any assess*ent& in"#+ing s+r"harges o%ing& t%enty-!i-e
ays )rior to the ay o! the e#e"tions& sha## be e="#+e !ro* the -otersC #ist.
01 4io#ation. - Any -io#ation o! the r+#es go-erning e#e"tions or "o**ission o! any o! the )rohibite a"ts an )ra"ti"es
e!ine in Se"tion 1< 0(rohibite a"ts an )ra"ti"es re#ati-e to e#e"tions1 o! the 'y-La%s o! the Integrate 'ar sha## be
a gro+n !or the is9+a#i!i"ation o! a "aniate or his re*o-a# !ro* o!!i"e i! e#e"te& %itho+t )re.+i"e to the i*)osition
o! san"tions +)on any erring *e*ber )+rs+ant to the 'y-La%s o! the Integrate 'ar.
0e1 E#e"tion "a*)aign *ateria#. No e#e"tion "a*)aign *ateria# other than a state*ent o! the bioata o! the
"aniate or as)irant on not *ore than one )age o! a #ega# size sheet o! )a)er sha## be a##o%e& an istrib+tion
thereo! sha## be *ae on#y on the ay o! e#e"tions an on#y by )ersons a+thorize by the o!!i"er )resiing at the
0!1 E#igibi#ity. No *e*ber *ay be e#e"te to any o!!i"e %hose na*e is not +#y in"#+e in the -otersC #ist& or %ho is
is9+a#i!ie by the Integration R+#e& by the 'y-La%s o! the Integrate 'ar& or by these by-#a%s.
0g1 No*ination o! "aniates. - Any e#igib#e *e*ber *ay& +)on his %ritten "onsent& be no*inate to any o!!i"e/
(ro-ie& that no *e*ber *ay be a "aniate !or *ore than one o!!i"e. E-ery no*ination sha## be *ae ora##y by a
*e*ber other than the no*inee an sha## be #i*ite to a state*ent o! the !+## na*e o! the no*inee. No *e*ber %ho
is not )ersona##y )resent at the e#e"tion *eeting *ay be no*inate. No no*ination other than on the !#oor sha## be
a##o%e. In no "ase sha## any no*ination or "a*)aign s)ee"h be )er*itte.
0h1 ;is9+a#i!i"ation )ro"eeings. Any 9+estion re#ating to the e#igibi#ity o! a "aniate *+st be raise )rior to the
"asting o! ba##ots& an sha## be i**eiate#y e"ie by the )resiing o!!i"er. An a))ea# !ro* s+"h e"ision *aybe
ta$en to the *e*bers in attenan"e %ho sha## !orth%ith reso#-e the a))ea# by )#+ra#ity -ote. 4oting sha## be by raising
o! hans. The e"ision o! the *e*bers sha## be !ina#& an the e#e"tions sha## therea!ter )ro"ee. Re"o+rse to the
'oar o! 8o-ernors *ay be ha in a""oran"e %ith Se"tion 13 0E#e"tion "ontest1 hereo!.
0i1 4oting. - 4oting !or O!!i"ers an ;ire"tors sha## be by se"ret ba##ot. O!!i"ia# ba##ots sha## be )ro-ie !or the
)+r)ose. 4oting by )ro=y sha## not be a##o%e.
0.1 Can-assing o! ba##ots. The )resiing o!!i"er sha## organize as *any "o**ittees as are they ne"essary "o*)ose
o! three non-"aniates ea"h& %hi"h sha## "an-ass a## -otes "ast in the e#e"tions i**eiate#y a!ter the #ast ba##ot sha##
ha-e been "ast. Can-assing& %hen starte& sha## be "ontin+o+s +nti# !inishe an sha## be %ithin the -ie% an
obser-ation o! as *any *e*bers as )ossib#e. In the reaing o! the ba##ots& the r+#es e*boie in the genera# e#e"tion
#a% sha## be !o##o%e. The "hair*an an *e*bers o! ea"h "o**ittee sha## "erti!y to the "orre"tness o! the ta##y *ae
by the*.
0$1 Certi!i"ation o! e#e"tion res+#ts. E#e"tions sha## be eter*ine by )#+ra#ity -ote. Any tie -ote sha## be bro$en by
ra%ing o! #ots. The )resiing o!!i"er& i**eiate#y a!ter a## the -otes ha-e been "an-asse an ta##ie an the res+#ts
anno+n"e by hi*& sha## trans*it the res+#ts o! the e#e"tions to the (resient o! the Integrate 'ar by the !astest
*eans o! "o**+ni"ation& to be !o##o%e by a "on!ir*atory "erti!i"ate o! the sai res+#ts bearing the na*es o! a##
e#e"te o!!i"ers& their res)e"ti-e aresses an the res)e"ti-e o!!i"es to %hi"h they %ere e#e"te& together %ith a## the
ba##ots an ta##y sheets in a se)arate sea#e en-e#o)e or en-e#o)es.
SEC. 13. E#e"tion "ontests. Any *e*ber esiring to "ontest an e#e"tion sha##& %ithin three ays a!ter e#e"tion ay&
!i#e %ith the 'oar o! 8o-ernors a %ritten )rotest setting !orth the gro+ns there!or. The e"ision o! the 'oar thereon
sha## be !ina#.
SEC. 1<. R+#es an reg+#ations. The Cha)ter *ay ao)t s+"h r+#es an reg+#ations as it sha## see !it& in"#+ing a
*ini*+* attorneyCs !ees s"he+#e& not in"onsistent %ith these by-#a%s& the 'y-La%s o! the Integrate 'ar& an the
Integration R+#e.
A## r+#es an reg+#ations sha## be bining +)on a## *e*bers o! the Integrate 'ar %ho rener #ega# ser-i"es o! any
$in %ithin the territoria# bo+naries o! the Cha)ter.
SEC. 1?. 3ini*+* attorneyCs !ees s"he+#e. Any *ini*+* attorneyCs !ees s"he+#e ao)te sha## not be "onstr+e
as !i=ing the *a=i*+* !ee or the reasonab#e !ee to be "harge in any gi-en "ase or sit+ation. Any !ees s"he+#e an
a## a*en*ents thereto sha## be"o*e e!!e"ti-e i**eiate#y& b+t *aybe *oi!ie or isa))ro-e by the 'oar o!
8o-ernors& an sha## be !i#e %ith the Se"retary o! the Integrate 'ar. The Se"retary o! the Cha)ter sha## sen "o)ies
o! !ees s"he+#es an a## a*en*ents thereto to the Se"retaries o! a## other Cha)ters an the 'oar o! 8o-ernors.
SEC. 1B C#ai*s. E=)enses in"+rre %ith the a))ro-a# o! the 'oar o! O!!i"ers by "o**ittees in the )er!or*an"e o!
o!!i"ia# +ties sha## be )ro)er "#ai*s !or rei*b+rse*ent& s+b.e"t to a))ro-a# by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors an to the
)ro-ision o! Se"tion 1< o! the Integration R+#e an Se"tion ? 0(ositions honorary1 o! the 'y-La%s o! the Integrate
'ar& an to the a-ai#abi#ity o! !+ns. A## "#ai*s a""o*)anie by the re"ei)ts a""o*)#ishe in a""oran"e %ith
re9+ire*ents )res"ribe by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors sha## be s+b*itte to the 'oar o! O!!i"ers !or )ro)er a"tion.
Se" 1A. A*en*ents. These by-#a%s *ay be a*ene by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors %ith the a))ro-a# o! the
S+)re*e Co+rt. The r+#es an reg+#ations %hi"h *ay be ao)te by the Cha)ter +ner the a+thority o! Se"tion ,9
0Uni!or* by-#a%s1 o! the 'y-La%s o! the Integrate 'ar *ay be a*ene by the -ote o! t%o-thirs o! the *e*bers
)resent at a *eeting "a##e !or the )+r)ose& s+b.e"t to the a))ro-a# o! the 'oar o! 8o-ernors.
ARTI(LE + (Secti)n* #1 t) #6$ HO0SE OF DELEGATES
SEC. 3E. Co*)osition o! the @o+se. The Integrate 'ar sha## ha-e a @o+se o! ;e#egates "o*)ose o! not *ore
than one h+nre an t%enty *e*bers a))ortione a*ong a## the Cha)ters. On or be!ore ;e"e*ber 31& 19A<& an
e-ery t%o years therea!ter& the 'oar o! 8o-ernors sha## *a$e a rea))ortion*ent o! ;e#egates a*ong a## the
Cha)ters as near#y as *ay be a""oring to the n+*ber o! their res)e"ti-e *e*bers& b+t ea"h Cha)ter sha## ha-e at
#east one ;e#egate.
SEC. 31. 3e*bershi). The *e*bershi) o! the @o+se o! sha## "onsist o! a## the Cha)ter (resients o! the Cha)ters
entit#e to *ore than one ;e#egate ea"h& the 4i"e (resients o! the Cha)ters an s+"h aitiona# ;e#egates as the
Cha)ters are entit#e to. Un#ess the 4i"e (resient is a#reay a ;e#egate& he sha## be an a#ternate ;e#egate.
Aitiona# ;e#egates an a#ternates sha## in )ro)er "ases be e#e"te by the 'oar o! O!!i"ers o! the Cha)ter.
3e*bers o! the 'oar o! 8o-ernors %ho are not ;e#egates sha## be *e*bers e= o!!i"io o! the @o+se& %itho+t the
right to -ote.
SEC. 3,. Ter* o! o!!i"e. The ter* o! o!!i"e o! aitiona# an a#ternate ;e#egates sha## be "oter*ino+s %ith that o!
Cha)ter ;e#egates.
SEC. 33. Ann+a# Con-ention. 0a1 Un#ess !or s)e"ia# reasons another ate is set by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors& the
@o+se sha## ho# an ann+a# "on-ention +ring the *oth o! A)ri# o! ea"h year& at the "a## o! the 'oar& at s+"h ti*e
an )#a"e as the 'oar sha## eter*ine. Ea"h Region sha## be entit#e to host one ann+a# or s)e"ia# "on-ention e-ery
nine years.
The "on-ention )rogra* sha## be )re)are by the 'oar. No "on-ention o! the @o+se o! ;e#egates nor o! the genera#
*e*bershi) sha## be he# )rior to any e#e"tion in an e#e"tion year. 0As a*ene )+rs+ant to 'ar 3atter <911
0b1 The (resient an E=e"+ti-e 4i"e (resient o! the I'( sha## be the Chair*an an 4i"e-Chair*an& res)e"ti-e#y& o!
the @o+se o! ;e#egates.The Se"retary& Treas+rer& an Sergeant-at-Ar*s sha## be a))ointe by the (resient %ith the
"onsent o! the @o+se o! ;e#egates. 0As a*ene )+rs+ant to 'ar 3atter <911
0"1 At or )rior to the ann+a# "on-ention& there sha## be )+b#ishe an aress by the (resient on the state o! the
Integrate 'ar& a re)ort o! the )ro"eeings& re)orts o! o!!i"ers an "o**ittees& an re"o**enations s+b*itte in
"onne"tion %ith these re)orts.
01 Any *atter not in"#+e in the )+b#ishe "on-ention )rogra* *ay "onsiere& ebate or a"te +)on by the
@o+se& +)on %ritten )etition signe by at #east t%enty ;e#egates.
0e1 ;+ring the e#iberations& no )ersons sha## s)ea$ !or *ore than !i-e *in+tes or *ore than t%i"e on the sa*e
*atter& +n#ess other%ise a+thorize by the Chair*an.
0!1 The @o+se sha## be a e#iberati-e boy o! the Integrate 'ar& an its reso#+tions sha## bin the Integrate 'ar %hen
"on"+rre in by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors.
0g1 At a## e#iberations o! the @o+se& %hether in ann+a# or s)e"ia# "on-ention& the RobertCs R+#es o! Orer sha##
SEC. 3<. S)e"ia# "on-ention. S)e"ia# "on-entions o! the @o+se *ay be "a##e by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors *ot+
)ro)rio& or +)on %ritten )etition there!or !i#e %ith the Se"retary o! the Integrate 'ar signe by not #ess than thirty
;e#egates. The 'oar sha## set the ate& ti*e an )#a"e !or ea"h s)e"ia# "on-ention. Noti"e sha## be gi-en to a##
;e#egates at #east thirty ays be!ore the "on-ention& stating the )+r)ose an the +rgen"y thereo! as %e## as the
b+siness to be transa"te thereat.
SEC. 3?. 5+or+*. The ;e#egates )resent at any session o! a "on-ention sha## "onstit+te a 9+or+* to o b+siness.
SEC. 3B. ;+ties o! ;e#egates. The ;e#egates sha## atten e-ery "on-ention o! the @o+se& )ro*ote the %or$ o! the
"on-ention& an *a$e re)orts o! the )ro"eeings thereo! to their res)e"ti-e Cha)ters.

ARTI(LE +I (Secti)n* #" t) 26$ BOARD OF GO+ERNORS
SEC. 3A. Co*)osition o! the 'oar. The Integrate 'ar o! the (hi#i))ines sha## be go-erne by a 'oar o!
8o-ernors "onsisting o! nine 091 8o-ernors !ro* the 091 regions as e#ineate in Se"tion 3 o! the Integration R+#e& on
the re)resentation basis o! one 011 8o-ernor !or ea"h region to be e#e"te by the *e*bers o! the @o+se o! ;e#egates
!ro* the region on#y. The )osition o! 8o-ernor sho+# be rotate a*ong the i!!erent Cha)ters in the Region. 0As
a*ene )+rs+ant to 'ar 3atter <911
SEC. 3D. Ter* o! o!!i"e. The 8o-ernors sha## ho# o!!i"e !or a ter* o! t%o years !ro* >+#y 1 i**eiate#y !o##o%ing
their e#e"tion to >+ne 3E o! their se"on year in o!!i"e an +nti# their s+""essors sha## ha-e been +#y "hosen an
SEC. 39. No*ination an e#e"tion o! the 8o-ernors. At #east one 011 *onth be!ore the nationa# "on-ention the
e#egates !ro* ea"h region sha## e#e"t the go-ernor !or their region& the "hoi"e o! %hi"h sha## as *+"h as )ossib#e be
rotate a*ong the "ha)ters in the region. 0As a*ene )+rs+ant to 'ar 3atter <911
SEC. <E. E#e"tion "ontests. Any no*inee esiring to "ontest an e#e"tion sha##& %ithin t%o ays a!ter the
anno+n"e*ent o! the res+#ts o! the e#e"tions& !i#e %ith the (resient o! the Integrate 'ar a %ritten )rotest setting !orth
the gro+ns there!or. U)on re"ei)t o! s+"h )etition& the (resient sha## !orth%ith "a## a s)e"ia# *eeting o! the o+tgoing
'oar o! 8o-ernors to "onsier an hear the )rotest& %ith +e noti"e to the "ontening )arties. The e"ision o! the
'oar sha## be anno+n"e not #ater than the !o##o%ing 3ay 31& an sha## be !ina# an "on"#+si-e.
SEC. <1. G+n"tions o! the 'oar. The 'oar o! 8o-ernors sha## ha-e genera# "harge o! the a!!airs an a"ti-ities o!
the Integrate 'ar. It sha## ha-e a+thority& inter a#ia& to/
0a1 Gi= the ate& ti*e an )#a"e o! e-ery "on-ention o! the @o+se o! ;e#egates& s+b.e"t to the )ro-isions o! Se"tion 33
0Ann+a# "on-ention1 an 3< 0S)e"ia# "on-entions16
0b1 3a$e a))ro)riations an a+thorize isb+rse*ents !ro* the !+ns o! the Integrate 'ar& s+b.e"t to the )ro-isions
o! Se"tions 1< o! the Integration R+#e an Se"tion ? 0(ositions honorary1 o! these 'y-La%s6
0"1 Engage the ser-i"es o! e*)#oyees& e!ine their +ties an !i= their "o*)ensation6
01 Re"ei-e& "onsier an a"t on re)orts an re"o**enations s+b*itte by the @o+se o! ;e#egates or its
0e1 (ro-ie !or the )+b#i"ation o! the >o+rna# o! the Integrate bar6
0!1 A*inister the :e#!are G+n in a""oran"e %ith s+"h r+#es an reg+#ations as it *ay )ro*+#gate6
0g1 Gi## -a"an"ies& ho%e-er arising& in the )ositions o! o!!i"ers o! the Integrate 'ar& s+b.e"t to the )ro-isions o! Se". D
o! the Integration R+#e& an Se"tion 11 04a"an"ies1& Se"tion << 0Re*o-a# o! *e*bers1& Se"tion <A 0Nationa#
o!!i"ers1& Se"tion <D 0Other o!!i"ers1& an Se"tion <9 0Ter*s o! O!!i"e1 o! these 'y-La%s6
0h1 S+b.e"t to the a))ro-a# o! the S+)re*e Co+rt& )ro*+#gate Canons o! (ro!essiona# Res)onsibi#ity !or a## *e*bers
o! the Integrate 'ar6
0i1 (ro*+#gate r+#es an reg+#ations !or the estab#ish*ent an *aintenan"e o! #a%yer re!erra# ser-i"es thro+gho+t the
0.1 S+b.e"t to the a))ro-a# o! the S+)re*e Co+rt& i*)ose s)e"ia# assess*ents !or s)e"i!i" nationa# )+r)oses& an
i*)ose& or re"o**en in )ro)er "ases to the Co+rt the i*)osition o!& san"tions !or non-)ay*ent or e#in9+en"y in
the )ay*ent thereo!6
0$1 (res"ribe s+"h r+#es an reg+#ations as *ay be ne"essary an )ro)er to "arry o+t the ob.e"ti-es an )+r)oses o!
the Integrate 'ar as %e## as the )ro-isions o! the Integration R+#e an (resientia# ;e"ree No. 1D16 an
0i1 (er!or* s+"h other !+n"tions as *ay be ne"essary or e=)eient in the interest o! the Integrate 'ar.
SEC. <,. 3eetings. - The 'oar sha## *eet reg+#ar#y on"e a *onth& on s+"h ate an s+"h ti*e an )#a"e as it sha##
esignate. S)e"ia# *eetings *ay be "a##e by the (resient& an sha## be "a##e by hi* +)on the %ritten re9+est o!
!i-e *e*bers o! the 'oar.
SEC. <3. 5+oro*. - Gi-e *e*bers o! the 'oar sha## "onstit+te a 9+or+* to transa"t b+siness. @o%e-er& the 'oar
*ay ta$e a"tion& %itho+t a *eeting& by reso#+tion signe by at #east !i-e go-ernors& )ro-ie that e-ery *e*ber o!
the 'oar sha## ha-e been )re-io+s#y a))rise o! the "ontents o! the reso#+tion.
SEC. <<. Re*o-a# o! *e*bers. - I! the 'oar o! 8o-ernors sho+# eter*ine a!ter )ro)er in9+iry that any o! its
*e*bers& e#e"ti-e or other%ise& has !or any reason be"o*e +nab#e to )er!or* his +ties& the 'oar& by reso#+tion o!
the 3a.ority o! the re*aining *e*bers& *ay e"#are his )osition -a"ant& s+b.e"t to the a))ro-a# o! the S+)re*e
Any *e*ber o! the 'oar& e#e"ti-e or other%ise& *ay be re*o-e !or "a+se& in"#+ing three "onse"+ti-e absen"es
!ro* 'oar *eetings %itho+t .+sti!iab#e e="+se& by reso#+tion ao)te by t%o-thirs o! the re*aining *e*bers o! the
'oar& s+b.e"t to the a))ro-a# o! the S+)re*e Co+rt. In "ase o! any -a"an"y in the o!!i"e o! 8o-ernor !or %hate-er
"a+se& the e#egates !ro* the region sha## by *a.ority -ote& e#e"t a s+""essor !ro* a*ong the *e*bers o! the
Cha)ter to %hi"h the resigne go-ernor is a *e*ber to ser-e as go-ernor !or the +ne=)ire )ortion o! the ter*. 0As
a*ene )+rs+ant to S+)re*e Co+rt Reso#+tion ate 3ar"h ,& 19931
SEC. <?. E=e"+ti-e Co**ittee. - There sha## be an E=e"+ti-e Co**ittee o! not #ess than three 8o-ernors& the
)o%ers& !+n"tions& +ties an res)onsibi#ities o! %hi"h sha## be as )res"ribe by the 'oar. The (resient sha## be the
"hair*an thereo!.
SEC. <B. Urgent *atters. - Sho+# the E=e"+ti-e Co**ittee "onsier it esirab#e an i*)erati-e that any *atter be
e"ie +rgent#y by the 'oar& an it is not )ra"ti"ab#e or e=)eient !or the 'oar to "on-ene& the E=e"+ti-e
Co**ittee *ay& !or the )+r)ose& ire"t a )o## o! a## the *e*bers o! the 'oar on that *atter& to be ta$en by
"orres)onen"e& te#egra*& raiogra*& "ab#egra*& or any other e=)eitio+s *eans& an the e!!e"t o! s+"h a )o## sha##
be the sa*e as i! the -otes therein %ere "ast at a reg+#ar *eeting o! the 'oar.

ARTI(LE +II (Secti)n* 2" t) /1$ NATIONAL OFFI(ERS
SEC. <A. Nationa# O!!i"ers. - The Integrate 'ar o! the (hi#i))ines sha## ha-e a (resient an E=e"+ti-e 4i"e
(resient to be "hosen by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors !ro* a*ong nine 091 regiona# go-ernors& as *+"h as )ra"ti"ab#e&
on a rotation basis. The go-ernors sha## be e= o!!i"io 4i"e (resient !or their res)e"ti-e regions. There sha## a#so be a
Se"retary an Treas+rer o! the 'oar o! 8o-ernors to be a))ointe by the (resient %ith the "onsent o! the 'oar.
0As a*ene )+rs+ant to 'ar 3atter <911
The E=e"+ti-e 4i"e (resient sha## a+to*ati"a##y be"o*e (resient !or the ne=t s+""eeing ter*. The (resien"y
sha## rotate a*ong the nine Regions.
SEC. <D. Other o!!i"ers. - Other o!!i"ers an e*)#oyees as the 'oar *ay re9+ire sha## be a))ointe by the (resient
%ith the "onsent o! the 'oar. S+"h o!!i"ers an e*)#oyees nee not be *e*bers o! the Integrate 'ar.
SEC. <9. Ter*s o! o!!i"e. - The (resient an the E=e"+ti-e 4i"e (resient sha## ho# o!!i"e !or a ter* o! t%o years
!ro* >+#y 1 !o##o%ing their e#e"tion +nti# >+ne 3E o! their se"on year in o!!i"e an +nti# their s+""essors sha## ha-e
been +#y "hosen an 9+a#i!ie.
In the e-ent the (resient is absent or +nab#e to a"t& his !+n"tions an +ties sha## be )er!or*e by the E=e"+ti-e
4i"e (resient& an in the e-ent o! the eath& resignation& or re*o-a# o! the (resient& the E=e"+ti-e 4i"e (resient
sha## ser-e as A"ting (resient !or the +ne=)ire )ortion o! the ter*. In the e-ent o! the eath& resignation& re*o-a# or
isabi#ity o! both the (resient an the E=e"+ti-e 4i"e (resient& the 'oar o! 8o-ernors sha## e#e"t an A"ting
(resient to ho# o!!i"e !or the +ne=)ire )ortion o! the ter* or +ring the )erio o! isabi#ity. Un#ess other%ise
)ro-ie in these 'y-La%s& a## other o!!i"ers an e*)#oyees a))ointe by the (resient %ith the "onsent o! the 'oar
sha## ho# o!!i"e at the )#eas+re o! the 'oar or !or s+"h ter* as the 'oar *ay !i=.
SEC. ?E. ;+ties o! o!!i"ers. - 0a1 (resient/ The (resient sha## be the "hie! e=e"+ti-e o! the Integrate 'ar& an sha##
)resie at a## *eetings o! the 'oar o! 8o-ernors.
Gro* ass+*)tion o! o!!i"e an !or the +ration o! his ter*& the (resient sha## isso"iate hi*se#! !ro* any an a##
a"ti-ities that *ay& in one %ay or another& restri"t or ha*)er the e!!e"ti-e e=er"ise o! his )o%ers an )er!or*an"e o!
his !+n"tions an +ties.
0b1 E=e"+ti-e 4i"e (resient/ The E=e"+ti-e 4i"e (resient sha## e=er"ise the )o%ers an )er!or* the !+n"tions an
+ties o! the (resient +ring the absen"e or inabi#i#ity o! the #atter to a"t& an sha## )er!or* s+"h other !+n"tions an
+ties as are assigne to hi* by the (resient an the 'oar o! 8o-ernors.
0"1 8o-ernors/ In aition to his +ties as a *e*ber o! the 'oar o! 8o-ernors& ea"h e#e"ti-e 8o-ernor sha## a"t as
re)resentati-e o! his Region in the 'oar. @e sha## )ro*ote& "oorinate an "orre#ate a"ti-ities o! the Cha)ters %ithin
his Region.
01 Se"retary/ The Se"retary sha## atten a## *eetings o! the 'oar o! 8o-ernors& an $ee) a re"or o! a## the
)ro"eeings thereo!6 )re)are an *aintain a register o! a## *e*bers o! the Integrate 'ar6 noti!y nationa# o!!i"ers as
%e## as *e*bers o! nationa# "o**ittees o! their e#e"tion or a))oint*ent6 "a+se to be )re)are the ne"essary o!!i"ia#
ba##ots !or the e#e"tion o! 8o-ernors6 an )er!or* s+"h other +ties as are assigne to hi* by these 'y-La%s& by the
(resient an by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors.
0e1 Treas+rer/ The Treas+rer sha## "o##e"t& re"ei-e& re"or& an isb+rse a## !+ns o! the Integrate 'ar6 ho%e-er& no
isb+rse*ent sha## be *ae e="e)t o-er his signat+re& "o+ntersigne by the (resient& or in the absen"e or inabi#ity
o! the (resient by the E=e"+ti-e 4i"e (resient& or in the absen"e or inabi#ity o! both& by a *e*ber o! the E=e"+ti-e
Co**ittee esignate by the (resient. @e sha## rener re)orts o! re"ei)ts an isb+rse*ents as re9+ire by the
'oar o! 8o-ernors6 )ro*)t#y re*it to the Cha)ters "on"erne their )ro)ortionate shares in the +es an
assess*ents )ai by *e*bers ire"t#y to the nationa# o!!i"e +ner Se"tion ,3 03e*bershi) +es16 assist in the
)re)aration o! the ann+a# b+get6 an )er!or* s+"h other +ties as are assigne to hi* by these 'y-La%s& by the
(resient an by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors. @e sha## !+rnish a s+rety bon at the e=)ense o! the Integrate 'ar& in s+"h
a*o+nt as *ay be re9+ire by the 'oar.
SEC. ?1. ;e#egation o! +ties. - The !+n"tions an +ties o! the Se"retary an the Treas+rer *ay& in their absen"e or
inabi#ity& be )er!or*e by assistants or e*)#oyees o! the Integrate 'ar esignate by the (resient.

ARTI(LE +III (Secti)n* /- t) 6"$ NATIONAL (O..ITTEES
SEC. ?,. Nationa# Co**ittees. - The 'oar o! 8o-ernors sha## estab#ish an *aintain staning nationa# "o**ittees.
Unti# other%ise "hange& *oi!ie or ree!ine by the 'oar& the res)e"ti-e na*es& )o%ers& )rerogati-es& !+n"tions&
+ties an res)onsibi#ities o! the staning "o**ittees sha## be as set !orth in this Arti"#e. The 'oar sha## ha-e
a+thority to "reate aitiona# staning "o**ittees an s)e"ia# "o**ittees& an to e!ine their res)e"ti-e )o%ers&
)rerogati-es& !+n"tions& +ties an res)onsibi#ities.
E-ery "o**ittee sha## s+b*it an ann+a# re)ort to the (resient& b+t the 'oar *ay at any ti*e re9+ire any "o**ittee
to s+b*it a s)e"ia# re)ort.
SEC. ?3. 3e*bershi) o! "o**ittees. - Ea"h nationa# "o**ittee sha## "onsist o! s+"h n+*ber o! *e*bers as *ay be
!i=e by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors. They sha## be a))ointe by the (resient %ith the "onsent o! the 'oar& an sha##
ser-e !or a ter* o! t%o years& an +nti# their res)e"ti-e s+""essors sha## ha-e been +#y a))ointe an 9+a#i!ie. The
"hair*an o! ea"h "o**ittee sha## be esignate by the (resient.
Three "onse"+ti-e absen"es o! any *e*ber !ro* "o**ittee *eetings %itho+t .+sti!iab#e e="+se sha## be a gro+n !or
the (resient to a))oint his re)#a"e*ent.
SEC. ?<. Co**ittee on Cha)ter A!!airs. - This "o**ittee sha## *a$e st+ies o!& an s+b*it re)orts an
re"o**enations on& the estab#ish*ent& organization an o)eration o! a## Cha)ters& the a))ortion*ent an
rea))ortion*ent o! the seats in the @o+se o! ;e#egates& an the *eans an *ethos o! en"o+raging an
"oorinating Cha)ter a"ti-ities an o! )ro*oting *a=i*+* in-o#-e*ent an )arti"i)ation o! the *e*bers o! the
Integrate 'ar in the a"ti-ities thereo! an o! their res)e"ti-e Cha)ters.
SEC. ??. Co**ittee on Lega# Ai. - This "o**ittee sha## )ro*ote the estab#ish*ent an e!!i"ient *aintenan"e o!
Cha)ter #ega# ai organizations s+ite to )ro-ie !ree #ega# ser-i"e6 ire"t an s+)er-ise a## Cha)ter #ega# ai
organizations6 *aintain *a=i*+* #e-e#s o! "oorination an "oo)eration %ith other organizations ha-ing si*i#ar
ob.e"ti-es6 re"ei-e an so#i"it ai an assistan"e !ro* any a-ai#ab#e an s+itab#e so+r"e or so+r"es& )ro-ie that the
ine)enent "hara"ter o! the #ega# ai is not i*)aire6 an& in genera#& o or "a+se to be one a## things ne"essary
an )ro)er !or the )ro*otion o! #ega# ai a"ti-ities& )ro.e"ts an ob.e"ti-es.
SEC. ?B. Co**ittee on A*inistration o! >+sti"e. - This "o**ittee sha## st+y the organization an o)eration o! the
.+i"ia# syste* an re"o**en a))ro)riate "hanges in )ra"ti"e an )ro"e+re to i*)ro-e the e!!i"ien"y thereo!& an&
in that "onne"tion& sha## e=a*ine a## )ro)ose "hanges in the syste*.
It sha## "o##ate in!or*ation an s+b*it a))ro)riate re"o**enations on .+i"ia# a))oint*ents& .+i"ia# ten+re an
"o*)ensation& an retire*ent )ensions.
SEC. ?A. Co**ittee on Lega# E+"ation an 'ar A*issions. - This "o**ittee sha## *a$e "ontin+ing st+ies o!& an
s+b*it re"o**enations on& the "+rri"+#+* an tea"hing *ethos in #a% s"hoo#s& as %e## as stanars an *ethos
in #a% s"hoo#s& as %e## as stanars an *ethos in eter*ining the 9+a#i!i"ations o! a))#i"ants !or a*ission to the
'ar& an %hene-er re9+este sha## assist in the in-estigation o! the 9+a#i!i"ations o! )ersons see$ing a*ission to the
It sha## !or*+#ate& an )ro*ote or "o-s)onsor %ith other gro+)s o! instit+tions& )rogra*s esigne to a!!or *e*bers
o! the Integrate 'ar s+itab#e o))ort+nities !or a"9+iring& here an abroa& aitiona# )ro!essiona# $no%#ege& training
an s$i##.
SEC. ?D. Co**ittee on (ro!essiona# Res)onsibi#ity& ;is"i)#ine an ;isbar*ent. - This "o**ittee sha## !or*+#ate the
Canons o! (ro!essiona# Res)onsibi#ity !or ao)tion by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors an a))ro-a# by the S+)re*e Co+rt&
an s+b*it re"o**enations on *ethos !or the e!!e"ti-e en!or"e*ent thereo! as %e## as on a))ro)riate
a*en*ents thereto.
It sha## ha-e a+thority to e=)ress a-isory o)inions& +)on %ritten re9+est o! any *e*ber& on any *atter a!!e"ting his
o%n )ro!essiona# "on+"t. In no "ase sha## the o)inion o! the "o**ittee is"#ose the na*e o! any )arty.
The "o**ittee *ay "a## +)on any Cha)ter o!!i"er or Cha)ter "o**ittee *e*ber to e="hange in!or*ation as to
)rob#e*s arising +ner the Canons o! (ro!essiona# Res)onsibi#ity an to e=a*ine grie-an"e )ro"e+res. It sha##
*a$e re"o**enations to the 'oar o! 8o-ernors !or re!or* an i*)ro-e*ents in the sai )ro"e+res.
SEC. ?9. Co**ittee on Resear"h Ser-i"es. This "o**ittee sha## )#an the resear"h ser-i"es o! the Integrate 'ar in
s+bstanti-e an a.e"ti-e #a%& an& together %ith other instit+tions& )ro*ote #ega# resear"h an #a% re!or* an
e-e#o)*ent. It sha## se#e"t areas o! the #a% in nee o! genera# st+y& re-ision or "oi!i"ation6 !or*+#ate )#ans an
)re)are b+gets !or s)e"i!i" resear"h )ro.e"ts6 assess the a-ai#abi#ity o! 9+a#i!ie )ersonne# to )er!or* resear"h %or$6
an s+b*it re"o**enations thereon. It sha## )erioi"a##y rener )rogress re)orts on a+thorize )ro.e"ts& an
)ro-ie ne"essary s+)er-ision !or the s+""ess!+# "o*)#etion o! ea"h )ro.e"t.
SEC. BE. Co**ittee on Legis#ation. This "o**ittee sha## st+y a## )ro)ose "hanges in the Constit+tion an in
stat+tes an #a%s o! genera# interests or genera# a))#i"ation an s+b*it re)orts thereon& an& %ith the a))ro-a# o! the
'oar o! 8o-ernors& sha## re)resent the Integrate 'ar in s+))orting or o))osing s+"h )ro)osa#s.
SEC. B1. Co**ittee on (+b#i" Ser-i"e. This "o**ittee sha## )re)are an s+b*it )#ans !or a-an"ing )+b#i"
a""e)tan"e o! the ob.e"ti-es an )+r)oses o! the Integrate 'ar& an sha## e=e"+te s+"h )#ans as are a))ro-e by
the 'oar o! 8o-ernors. These )#ans sha## in"#+e arrange*ents !or isse*inating in!or*ation o! interest to the
)+b#i" in re#ation to the !+n"tions o! the e)art*ents o! go-ern*ent& the .+i"ia# syste* an the 'ar6 an to that en
the "o**ittee *ay o)erate an in!or*ation b+rea+ an +ti#ize the !a"i#ities o! the *eia o! )+b#i" "o**+ni"ation.
SEC. B,. Co**ittee on Inter-(ro!essiona# an '+siness Re#ations. This "o**ittee sha## *aintain #iaison bet%een
the #ega# )ro!ession an other )ro!essions as %e## as b+siness gro+)s in orer to a"9+aint the #atter on the nat+re an
)ro)er s"o)e o! the )ra"ti"e o! #a%.
SEC. B3. Co**ittee on 'oo$s an (+b#i"ations. This "o**ittee sha## *a$e st+ies o!& an s+b*it
re"o**enations on& *atters an *ateria#s !or )+b#i"ation& an %ays an *eans o! assisting in the e!!i"ient
)+b#i"ations o! #ega# #iterat+re at reasonab#e "osts& an o! is"o+raging +nne"essary )+b#i"ations or +)#i"ation
SEC. B<. Co**ittee on Una+thorize (ra"ti"e o! La%. This "o**ittee sha## $ee) the Integrate 'ar in!or*e %ith
res)e"t to the )ra"ti"e o! #a% by +na+thorize )ersons an entities& as %e## as the )arti"i)ation therein o! *e*bers o!
the 'ar& an re"o**en %ays an *eans !or the e#i*ination an )re-ention o! +na+thorize )ra"ti"e o! #a%.
SEC. B?. Co**ittee on La% Re)orting. This "o**ittee sha## e=a*ine an a))raise *ethos o! re)orting an
isse*inating #egis#ation& )resientia# e"rees& "o+rt e"isions& the R+#es o! Co+rt& an e"isions o! a*inistrati-e
trib+na#s an agen"ies& %ith )arti"+#ar e*)hasis on the "orre"tion o! e!i"ien"ies6 "on+"t a "ontin+ing st+y an
e-a#+ation o! "orres)oning trens an re!or*s in other .+risi"tions6 an s+b*it a))ro)riate re"o**enations
SEC. BB. (+b#i" State*ents. No "o**ittee or *e*ber thereo! sha## )+b#i"#y e=)ress any o)inion or "on"#+sion
res)e"ting the assigne !+n"tions or %or$ o! the "o**ittee %itho+t )re-io+s a+thorization !ro* the 'oar o!
8o-ernors or the E=e"+ti-e Co**ittee.
SEC. BA. Ginan"es o! "o**ittees. E-ery "o**ittee sha## !i#e %ith the Se"retary o! the Integrate 'ar a etai#e
state*ent setting !orth ne"essary ata on the !+ns re9+ire in "onne"tion %ith its %or$ !or "onsieration an a"tion
by the 'oar o! 8o-ernors. No "o**ittee sha## in"+r any ob#igation )ayab#e by the Integrate 'ar %itho+t the 'oarCs
)rior a))ro-a#.

ARTI(LE I3 (Secti)n* 6, t) "/$ FIS(AL (ONTROL
SEC. BD. Gis"a# Jear. The Integrate 'ar sha## o)erate on !is"a# year beginning on >an+ary 1 an ening on
;e"e*ber 31 o! ea"h year. 0As a*ene )+rs+ant to 'ar 3atter No. BBD1
SEC. B9. '+get Co**ittee. The (resient& %ith the a))ro-a# o! the 'oar o! 8o-ernors& sha## a))oint a b+get
"o**ittee "onsisting o! not #ess than three or *ore than !i-e 8o-ernors& %ith the E=e"+ti-e 4i"e (resient as
Chair*an& %hose res)onsibi#ity sha## be the )re)aration o! the ann+a# b+get.
SEC. AE. (re)aration an a))ro-a# o! the b+get. The )re)aration& "onsieration& a))ro-a# an )+b#i"ation o! the
b+get sha## be in a""oran"e %ith r+#es an reg+#ations )res"ribe by the 'oar.
SEC. A1. A+to*ati" re-ena"t*ent. I! by the en o! any !is"a# year the 'oar sha## ha-e !ai#e to )ass the b+get !or
the ens+ing !is"a# year& the b+get !or the )re"eing !is"a# year sha## be ee*e re-ena"te an sha## re*ain in !or"e
an e!!e"t +nti# a ne% b+get is ao)te by the 'oar.
SEC. A,. A*en*ents to the '+get. The 'oar *ay !ro* ti*e to ti*e a*en the b+get in orer to )ro-ie !+ns
!or ne"essary e=)enit+res/ (ro-ie& ho%e-er& that the tota# o! the in"reases *ae in the ite*s o! the b+get&
in"#+ing ne% ite*s "reate by s+"h a*en*ents& sha## not e="ee ten )er "ent o! the tota# esti*ate in"o*e o! the
Integrate 'ar !or the "+rrent !is"a# year. I! the )ro)ose a*en*ents sha## "a+se the tota# o! the in"reases an the
ne% ite*s to e="ee s+"h #i*itation& the sa*e )ro"e+re re9+ire !or the ao)tion o! the origina# b+get sha## be
SEC. A3. ;isb+rse*ents. No isb+rse*ents sha## be *ae e="e)t in a""oran"e %ith the b+get.
SEC. A<. Une=)ene ba#an"es. A## +ne=)ene ba#an"es o! a))ro)riations sha## re-ert at the en o! e-ery !is"a#
year to the !+ns !ro* %hi"h they %ere a))ro)riate.
SEC. A?. A""o+nting an a+it. The 'oar sha## "a+se boo$s o! a""o+nts to be $e)t an *aintaine in a""oran"e
%ith so+n a""o+nting )ra"ti"es. An ann+a# e=terna# a+it o! a## !+ns& a""o+nts& re"ei)ts an isb+rse*ent o! the
Integrate 'ar sha## be *ae %itho+t e#ay a!ter the en o! e-ery !is"a# year. A s+**ary o! s+"h a+it sha## be
)+b#ishe in the !o##o%ing Se)te*ber iss+e o! the >o+rna# o! the Integrate 'ar.

(Secti)n "6$ JO0RNAL
SEC. AB. >o+rna# o! the Integrate 'ar. The 'oar o! 8o-ernors sha## "a+se to be )+b#ishe a 9+arter#y >o+rna#&
an to this en sha## be assiste by a boar o! eitoria# "ons+#tants& an *e*bers o! %hi"h sha## be a))ointe by the
(resient& %ith the "onsent o! the 'oar. The eitoria# "ons+#tants sha## ho# o!!i"e at the )#eas+re o! the 'oar.
E-ery *e*ber o! the Integrate 'ar is entit#e to re"ei-e a !ree "o)y o! e-ery iss+e o! the >o+rna#.

(Secti)n ""$ A.END.ENTS
SEC. AA. A*en*ents. These 'y-La%s *ay be a*ene& *oi!ie or re)ea#e by the S+)re*e Co+rt *ot+
)ro)rio or +)on the re"o**enation o! the 'oar o! 8o-ernors.
(Secti)n ",$ EFFE(TI+IT%
SEC. AD. E!!e"ti-ity. These 'y-La%s sha## ta$e e!!e"t on No-e*ber 1& 19A<.

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