Issue 9 - 4th July 2014

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Christchurch Garden

Gospel Value:
4 t h J u l y

Birthday Wishes
July Laura Price
8 Years
July Tyrese Gage
6 Years
July Mrs Shea
We dn!t disclse sta""!s
July Laney
Stanistreet 13 Years
Prayers of the Week
A Prayer for the end of Term
At the end of this school term, we give thanks to God:
For all the teaching and learning that have taken
place in our school,
both in and out of the classroom.
We give thanks for the talents and gifts that have
been shared and the challenges that have been
For the burdens that have been lifted and the hurts
that have been healed,
For the respect and care that have been given.
We give thanks for the friendships that have just
begun and for those that have grown.
For the faith that has been lived in our daily struggles,
For the hope that has lifted our hearts on the dark
And for the love that has kept us going.
We give thanks for the community that we are and we
ask you ord !
"less our students as this term ends: may your #pirit
inspire them with con$dence and calmness. "less our
families as we take our holidays.
%our out your love on us that we may return renewed
and refreshed
to continue our journey together .
We make this prayer through &hrist our ord.
Students enjoyed coming to
school in their onesie/PJs to
raise funds for the Caritas
Thank you to Steve Maconald
!ho came along to our assem"ly
as a uffy #ole Model s$onsored
"y the %overnment.
The Junior #oom enjoying
&ctive in S$ort !ith #ae!yn
'illiams. (t al!ays fun to see
!hat she !ill dress u$ as
'ia (ra %arents and
We have had so much to
celebrate this term,
culminating in a
wonderful fundraiser
today for &aritas. )t was
awesome to see so many
of your children in their
(nesies*pyjama+s. ,hank
you to all who supported
this ama-ing
.oom / have been
looking at parables this
term. ,he 0uestion is
why 1esus would let most
people wonder about the
meaning of 2is parables.
)t has been said that a
parable is an earthly
story with a heavenly
meaning. 1esus fre0uently
used parables as a means
of illustrating profound,
divine truths. #tories such
as these are easily
remembered, the
characters bold, and the
symbolism rich in
meaning. %arables were a
common form of teaching
in 1udaism. "efore a
certain point in 2is
ministry, 1esus had
employed many graphic
analogies using common
things that would be
familiar to everyone 3salt,
bread, sheep, etc.4 and
School News
Subway Tuesday 29
July. Forms are available
from the school office or
in the classroom.
Board of Trustees
Meeting the next
meeting will be held on
Miniball The senior
team has showed great
improvement over the
season and the last
couple of games have
proved this. ith big
losses to teams in the
first round they have
become much more
competitive. They are
currently in the top four
and loo!ing at ma!ing
the semi finals. The
"uniors have also
improved especially the
#ear $%s. This could be a
great team in the
ma!ing. They currently
stand 2
of the bottom
their meaning was fairly
clear in the conte5t of 2is
teaching. %arables
re0uired more
e5planation, and at one
point in 2is ministry,
1esus began to teach
using parables
,he $rst instance of this
is in 2is telling the
parable of the seed and
the soils. "efore 2e
interpreted this parable,
2e drew 2is disciples
away from the crowd.
,hey said to 2im, 6Why
do 7ou speak to them in
parables86 1esus
answered them, 6,o you it
has been granted to know
the mysteries of the
kingdom of heaven, but
to them it has not been
granted. For whoever
has, to him more shall be
given, and he will have
an abundance9 but
whoever does not have,
even what he has shall be
taken away from him.
,herefore ) speak to them
in parables9 because
while seeing they do not
see, and while hearing
they do not hear, nor do
they understand. )n their
case the prophecy of
)saiah is being ful$lled,
which says,
:2earing you will hear
and shall not understand,
And seeing you will see
and not perceive9 For the
hearts of this people have
grown dull. ,heir ears are
hard of hearing, And their
eyes they have closed,
est they should see with
their eyes and hear with
their ears, est they
should understand with
their hearts and turn, #o
that ) should heal them.+
"ut blessed are your
eyes, because they see9
and your ears, because
they hear. For truly ) say
to you that many
prophets and righteous
men desired to see what
you see, and did not see
it, and to hear what you
hear, and did not hear it6
3;atthew /<:/=!/>4.
(ur ne5t full school mass
in ,erm < will be held at
the end of week < 3/=
As we are a ;ary
;ac'illop school, we will
be spending ;ary
;ac'illop ?ay 3@
August4 at #t. 1oseph+s
#chool in Fairlie. (ur
school mass on /=
August will therefore
have a ;ary ;ac'illop
theme. Again, this is a
reminder that our
celebration mass is a
compulsory mass, which
means ALL children are
e5pected to attend and
do so in full school
uniform. ) had such
wonderful feedback from
parishioners and the
community after our last
school mass, and
hopefully we can leave
the same mark in August.
ittle %at+s classroom is
almost up and running
and this will commence in
week < ne5t term. ) was
hoping to open this
classroom in week A, but
unfortunately ) will be on
a course in &hristchurch
on AB
1uly, so ittle %ats
will begin in week <. We
look forward to
welcoming %aige #mart
and ,ane ;ac?onald to
ittle %ats C )+m sure this
will assist with their
transition into .oom < at
the end of ,erm <D )
would like to thank both
#ue &hamberlain and ,oni
(udermans for their kind
oEer to help out in .oom
F. We will have funD
2ot lunches will start in
week A of ,erm <. A
reminder notice will come
out in week /, with a
menu, so that your child+s
order can be placed. We
ask that money for these
hot lunches be sent in
with your child+s order
each ;onday morning.
(rders will be done on a
weekly basis, with no
oEer for hot lunches
every second ,uesday as
this will remain a #ubway
Thank You
Little Pats Than! you
to the Friends at &t 'ats
for their !ind donation of
()** to go towards the
set up of our new
transition room +ittle
'ats. The donation was
greatly appreciated by
the staff and ,%m sure
our future &t 'atric!%s
students will get plenty
of use out of the
purchased learning
Library e now have
the library bac! up and
running. This has been a
long and tedious process
but it would not have
been possible without
the help from the
parishioners who were
here continuously to
help us out. Than! you
to -oreen .reenlaw/
0risteen 1c+achlan and
Trudy Foster. 2lso a big
than!s to those parents
that came in to help as
well. Than! you also to
2nne 'ratt for the
donation of the tents
and tunnels for the !ids
to have fun while
S"hool U!for% Pol"y
#ummer and winter weight grey shorts.
#ummer and winter weight grey shirts.
Grey skivvies may be worn under grey shirt in winter.
Grey socks C G length C winter
Grey socks C ankle length C summer.
.oyal "lue H necked jersey.
"lack shoes or .oman sandals C no socks C summer
,rack pants worn to and from school, but not during school.
A ready!made &atholic tartan pinafore C pleated.
7ear @ girls C &atholic tartan skirt C optional.
White blouse C long sleeves C winter.
White blouse C short sleeved C summer.
White skivvies may be worn under white blouse in winter.
.oyal "lue H necked jersey.
#ocks C long or short navy socks or navy tights C winter.
#ocks C short white socks C summer.
"lack or navy , bars or lace!up 3minimal heel for safety reasons4 C
"lack or navy , bars or lace!up(minimal heel for safety reasons) OR
brown .oman sandals C no socks summer.
,rack pants worn to and from school, but not during school.
Iavy blue shorts.
#t. %atrick+s %J shirt 3on order4
#houlder length hair must be tied back and away from face.
.ed, white or navy hair ties, bands, ribbons or clips.
Io dyed hair.
Io jewellery e5cept watch.
/ plain ear stud per ear C gold or silver.
Io nail polish.
&amp notices are due
back by Wednesday A<
1uly. (nce all notices have
been returned and we
have a better idea of
numbers, we will be able
to give you a more precise
indication of costs for
camp at the parent
meeting. ,his will be held
in .oom K on ,hursday
1uly at >.== p.m. We
look forward to welcoming
you all to this meeting and
hopefully answering as
many of your 0uestions
as possible C the children
are e5tremely e5cited
about going to 'aikoura.
) wish you all a happy and
rela5ed holiday with your
families. ;y God bless
you and keep you safe.
Iga ;ihi,
Anne %ratt
#t %atricks, Waimate
Marvellous Muffins
The Friends at &t 'ats
have come across heaps
of old 1arvellous 1uffin
3ecipe boo!s from a
previous fundraiser. They
will be selling these for (2
each at the school office.
Just for a wee teaser and
something to do over the
holidays with the !ids try
this recipe from the boo!.
Fudge-filled Peanut
Butter Muffins
4 cup choc chips
5 Tbsp ba!ing powder
4 cup brown sugar
4 cup peanut butter
5 egg/ beaten
4 cup chopped peanuts
5 Tbsp butter
5 26$ cups flour
7 cup mil!
56$ cup oil
5 4 tsp vanilla essence
,n a small saucepan melt
choc chip and butter/ put
aside. 1ix together flour/
ba!ing powder and
sugar. ,n a bowl mix
mil!/ peanut butter/ oil/
egg and vanilla essence.
2dd to dry ingredients/
combine. &poon half the
mix into prepared muffin
tins/ and then put a
spoonful of the choc mix
on top. 8over with
remaining mix. &prin!le
over chopped peanuts
and ba!e at 2**c for 59:
2* minutes.
St Patr"k# S"hool woul& lke to tha!k the follow!'

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