This project proposal outlines a student's plan to research performance techniques from Constantin Stanislavski and apply them to a production of the play "Constellations" by Nick Payne. The student intends to thoroughly research Stanislavski's system from sources like "An Actor Prepares" and use workshops and rehearsals to evaluate how well different techniques help actors give a polished performance. The research and production work relate to the student's drama and theater arts course of study and interest in directing.
This project proposal outlines a student's plan to research performance techniques from Constantin Stanislavski and apply them to a production of the play "Constellations" by Nick Payne. The student intends to thoroughly research Stanislavski's system from sources like "An Actor Prepares" and use workshops and rehearsals to evaluate how well different techniques help actors give a polished performance. The research and production work relate to the student's drama and theater arts course of study and interest in directing.
This project proposal outlines a student's plan to research performance techniques from Constantin Stanislavski and apply them to a production of the play "Constellations" by Nick Payne. The student intends to thoroughly research Stanislavski's system from sources like "An Actor Prepares" and use workshops and rehearsals to evaluate how well different techniques help actors give a polished performance. The research and production work relate to the student's drama and theater arts course of study and interest in directing.
This project proposal outlines a student's plan to research performance techniques from Constantin Stanislavski and apply them to a production of the play "Constellations" by Nick Payne. The student intends to thoroughly research Stanislavski's system from sources like "An Actor Prepares" and use workshops and rehearsals to evaluate how well different techniques help actors give a polished performance. The research and production work relate to the student's drama and theater arts course of study and interest in directing.
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Project proposal part A
Candidates full name Candidate number
Carli Peter George Green To be completed by the candidate Title of the Extended Project Present the topic to be researched in the form of a short statement/question/hypothesis ith clear focus! What kind of performance and directorial techniques taken from the works of Constantin Stanislavski can aid actors to produce a polished and well-structured performance? Pro"ide a brief outline# based upon page $ of this document# of the researched or acti"ity/tas% to be carried out and sources to be consulted Over the course of this project I intend to do research into the methods of Stanislavskis acting system and try to use his ideas and work to produce a finished production. The research I shall carry out will also involve taking into account the work Ill want to do with the script in terms of trying to find a message Im passionate about and can convey, as well as the actors that I find available to work with. I intend to use the script onstellations by !ick "ayne as it has a small cast, allowing me to focus on how the techni#ues are working with a small number of actors. Some of the possible sources I shall look at include$ %n %ctor "repares by onstantin Stanislavski &uilding a haracter by onstantin Stanislavski reating a 'ole by onstantin Stanislavski the courses of study or area&s' of personal interest to hich the topic relates This project relates to my (rama and Theatre %rts course listed below as well as my intended career choice. I have been in many shows outside of education but have always been interested in the role of the director and why, in my own opinion, some Ive worked with are better than others. I would like to try and find the techni#ues that work best. your proposed action (efore getting to or% on the final piece# ) ill do "arious research into the techniques and methods that can be used# e"aluate these# and try to create or%shops and rehearsals from these! ) shall dra up comprehensi"e plans for these rehearsals and carry these out# e"aluating the usefulness of each technique and seeing the effect it has on the final performance! Pro"ide details of the courses that you are currently studying Qualification Type Subject e.g. GCE AS/A, Applied GCE AS/A, Diploma L3, VRQ, ode!n App!entice"hip, #TEC e.g. athematic", Engli"h, $ealth, Spani"h, %CT %S )evel hemistry %S )evel *urther +aths %S )evel (rama and Theatre %rts %, )evel +athematics
Candidate declaration ) certify that ) ha"e read and understood A*As +egulations relating to unfair practice as set out in the notice to candidates belo! Candidate signature ,ate
Notice to candidate -ou must not ta%e part in any unfair practice in the preparation of project or% required for assessment and you must understand that to present material copied directly from boo% or any other sources ithout ac%noledginment ill be regarded as deliberate deception! )f you use or attempt to use any unfair practice you ill be reported to A*A! )f A*A is satisfied that you ha"e committed an offence you may be disqualified from all subjects!