Acs Surgery Perioperative Considerations For Anesthesia
Acs Surgery Perioperative Considerations For Anesthesia
Acs Surgery Perioperative Considerations For Anesthesia
and Thomas Schricker, M.D., Ph.D.
Ongoing advancements in modern surgical care are being comple-
mented by alterations in anesthetic management aimed at providing
maximum patient benet. Since the early 1990s, anesthesia practice
has changed enormouslythrough the proliferation of airway de-
vices, the routine employment of patient-controlled analgesia
(PCA), the wider popularity of thoracic epidural anesthesia, the de-
velopment of computer-controlled devices for infusing short-acting
drugs, the growing use of quickly reversible inhalational drugs and
muscle relaxants, the availability of online monitoring of CNS func-
tion, and the increased application of transesophageal echocardiog-
raphy, to name but a few examples. Our aim in this chapter is to offer
surgeons a current perspective on perioperative considerations for
anesthesia so as to facilitate dialogue between the surgeon and the
anesthesiologist and thereby help minimize patient risk.The primary
focus is on the adult patient: the special issues involved in pediatric
anesthesia are beyond the scope of our review. In addition, the ensu-
ing discussion is necessarily selective; more comprehensive discus-
sions may be found elsewhere.
Perioperative Patient Management
Preoperative medical evaluation is an essential component of
preoperative assessment for anesthesia. Of particular importance to
the anesthesiologist is any history of personal or family problems
with anesthesia. Information should be sought concerning dif-
culty with airway management or intubation, drug allergy,
delayed awakening, signicant postoperative nausea or vomiting
(PONV), unexpected hospital or ICU admission, and postdural
puncture headache (PDPH). Previous anesthetic records may be
The airway must be carefully examined to identify patients at
risk for difcult ventilation or intubation [see Special Scenarios,
Difcult Airway, below], with particular attention paid to teeth,
caps, crowns, dentures, and bridges. Patients must be informed
about the risk of trauma associated with intubation and airway
management. Anesthetic options [see Choice of Anesthesia, below]
should be discussed, including the likelihood of postoperative ven-
tilation and admission to the hospital or the intensive care unit.
When relevant, the possibility of blood product administration
should be raised, and the patients acceptance or refusal of transfu-
sion should be carefully documented. Postoperative pain man-
agement [see 1:5 Postoperative Pain] should be addressed, par-
ticularly when a major procedure is planned. The risks associat-
ed with general or regional anesthesia should be discussed in an
informative and reassuring manner; a well-conducted preopera-
tive anesthesia interview plays an important role in alleviating
The medications the patient is taking can have a substantial
impact on anesthetic management. Generally, patients should
continue to take their regular medication up to the time of the
operation. It is especially important not to abruptly discontinue
medications that may result in withdrawal or rebound phenome-
na (e.g., beta blockers, alpha agonists, barbiturates, and opioids).
With some medications (e.g., oral hypoglycemics, insulin, and cor-
ticosteroids), perioperative dosage adjustments may be necessary
[see 7:11 Endocrine Problems]. Angiotensin-converting enzyme
(ACE) inhibitors have been associated with intraoperative
hypotension and may be withheld at the discretion of the anesthe-
Drugs that should be discontinued preoperatively in-
clude monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) and oral anticoag-
ulants [see Table 1].
Many surgical patients are taking antiplatelet drugs. Careful
consideration should be given to the withdrawal of these agents in
the perioperative period [see Table 1] because of the possibility that
discontinuance may lead to an acute coronary syndrome. If in-
creased bleeding is a signicant risk, longer-acting agents (e.g.,
aspirin, clopidogrel, and ticlopidine) can be replaced with non-
steroidal anti-inammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that have shorter
half-lives. Typically, these shorter-acting drugs are given for 10
days, stopped on the day of surgery, and then restarted 6 hours
after operation. Platelet transfusion should be considered only in
the presence of signicant medical bleeding.
The increasing use of herbal and alternative medicines has led
to signicant morbidity and mortality as a consequence of unex-
pected interactions with traditional drugs. Because many patients
fail to mention such agents as part of their medication regimen
during the preoperative assessment, it is advisable to question all
patients directly about their use. Particular attention should be
given to Chinese herbal teas, which include organic compounds
and toxic contaminants that may produce renal brosis or failure,
cholestasis, hepatitis, and thrombocytopenia. Specic recommen-
dations for discontinuance for many of these agents have been
developed [see Table 1].
Inpatient versus Outpatient Surgery
An ever-increasing number of operations are performed on an
ambulatory basis. Operations considered appropriate for an
ambulatory setting are associated with minimal physiologic tres-
pass, low anesthetic complexity, and uncomplicated recovery.
The design of the ambulatory facility may impose limitations on
the types of operations or patients that can be considered for
ambulatory surgery. Such limitations may be secondary to avail-
ability of equipment, recovery room nursing expertise and access
to consultants, and availability of ICU beds or hospital beds.
Patients who are in class I or class II of the American Society of
Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status scale are ideally suited for
ambulatory surgery; however, a subset of ASA class III patients
may be at increased risk for prolonged recovery and hospital
admission [see Table 2].
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1 Basic Surg Perioperative Considerations
ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice
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1 Basic Surg Perioperative Considerations
ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice
Premedication to produce anxiolysis, sedation, analgesia,
amnesia, and reduction of PONV and aspiration may be con-
sidered for patients undergoing outpatient procedures, as it may
for those undergoing inpatient procedures. Such premedication
should not delay discharge. Fasting guidelines [see Table 3] and
intraoperative monitoring standards for ambulatory surgery are
identical to those for inpatient procedures [see Patient
Monitoring, below].
A number of currently used anesthetics (e.g., propofol and des-
urane), narcotics (e.g., alfentanil, fentanyl, sufentanil, and
remifentanil), and muscle relaxants (e.g., atracurium, mivacuri-
um, and rocuronium) demonstrate rapid recovery proles. Ni-
trous oxide also has desirable pharmacokinetic properties, but it
may be associated with increased PONV. Titration of anesthetics
to indices of CNS activity (e.g., the bispectral index) may result in
decreased drug dosages, faster recovery from anesthesia, and
fewer complications.
Use of a laryngeal mask airway (LMA)
rather than an endotracheal tube is ideal in the outpatient setting
because lower doses of induction agent are required to blunt the
hypertension and tachycardia associated with its insertion; in
addition, it is associated with a decreased incidence of sore throat
and does not require muscle paralysis for insertion. On the other
hand, an LMA may not protect as well against aspiration.
The benets of regional anesthesia [see Regional Anesthesia
Techniques, below] may include decreases in the incidence of aspi-
ration, nausea, dizziness, and disorientation. Spinal and epi-
dural anesthesia may be associated with PDPH and backache.
Compared with spinal anesthesia, epidural anesthesia takes more
time to perform, has a slower onset of action, and may not pro-
duce as profound a block; however, the duration of an epidural
block can readily be extended intraoperatively or postoperatively
if necessary. Care should be exercised in choosing a local anes-
thetic for neuraxial blockade: spinal lidocaine may be associated
with a transient radicular irritation; bupivacaine may be associat-
ed with prolonged motor block; and narcotics may produce pru-
ritus, urinary retention, nausea and vomiting, and respiratory
depression. Various dosing regimens have been proposed to min-
imize these side effects.
Monitored anesthesia care [see Choice of Anesthesia, below]
achieves minimal CNS depression, so that the airway and sponta-
Aspirin and NSAIDs
Pharmacologic Effects
Irreversible inhibition of mono-
amine oxidase with the resultant
increase in serotonin, norepineph-
rine, epinephrine, dopamine, and
octamine neurotransmitters
Inhibition of vitamin Kdependent
clotting factors II, VII, IX, X
Inhibition of thromboxane A
80% of platelets must be
inhibited for therapeutic effect
Susceptibility to aspirin varies
between patients
Inhibition of platelet aggregation
Inhibition of platelet ADPinduced
Competitive inhibition of GPIIb/IIIa
receptors to prevent platelet
Rapid onset of action
Short half-lives
Often combined with aspirin and/
or heparin
Table 1 Recommendations for Preoperative Discontinuance of Drugs and Medicines
Type of Drug
Oral anticoagulants
Antiplatelet agents
Discontinuance Recommendations
Elective surgery: discontinue at least 2 wk in
advance; consider potential for suicidal
tendencymental health specialist should
be involved
Emergency surgery: avoid meperidine;
consider regional anesthesia
Elective surgery: discontinue 57 days in
advance; replace with heparin if necessary
Primary hemostasis normalizes in 48 hr in
healthy persons; platelet activity fully
recovered in 810 days
Patients on long-term aspirin therapy for
coronary or cerebrovascular pathology
should not discontinue drug in periopera-
tive period unless hemorrhagic complica-
tions of procedure outweigh risk of acute
thrombotic event
Discontinue ticlopidine 2 wk in advance;
discontinue clopidogrel 710 days in
Patients with coronary artery stents must
receive aspirin plus ticlopidine for 24 wk
after angioplasty; stopping therapy con-
siderably increases risk of coronary throm-
bosis; elective surgery should be delayed
for 13 mo
Discontinue at least 12 hr in advance
Transfuse platelets only if needed to correct
clinically significant bleeding
Adverse Effects
Potentiation of sympathomimetic
amines, possible hypertensive crisis
May prolong and intensify effects of
other CNS depressants
Severe idiopathic hyperpyrexic reaction
with meperidine and possibly other
Potential catastrophic interaction with
tricyclic antidepressants, characterized
by high fever and excessive cerebral
excitation and hypertension
May increase intraoperative and post-
operative bleeding, but not transfusion
Perioperative hemorrhagic complications
increase with increasing half-life of
Synergistic antithrombotic effect with
Literature (mainly from cardiac surgery)
shows increased hemorrhagic risk if
surgery undertaken < 12 hr after
discontinuance of abciximab
Individual variability in recovery time of
platelet function
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1 Basic Surg Perioperative Considerations
ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice
neous ventilation are maintained and the patient is able to respond
to verbal commands. Meticulous attention to monitoring is required
to guard against airway obstruction, arterial desaturation, and pul-
monary aspiration.
In the recovery room, the anesthetic plan is continued until dis-
charge. Shorter-acting narcotics and NSAIDs are administered for
pain relief, and any of several agents may be given for control of
nausea and vomiting. Criteria for discharge from the recovery
room have been established [see Table 4]. Recovery of normal mus-
cle strength and sensation (including proprioception of the lower
extremity, autonomic function, and ability to void) should be
demonstrated after spinal or epidural anesthesia. Delays in dis-
charge are usually the result of pain, PONV, hypotension, dizzi-
ness, unsteady gait, or lack of an escort.
Elective versus Emergency Surgery
Surgical procedures performed on an emergency basis may
range from relatively low priority (e.g., a previously cancelled case
that was originally elective) to highly urgent (e.g., a case of
impending airway obstruction). For trauma, specic evaluation
and resuscitation sequences have been established to facilitate
patient management [see 6:1 Trauma Resuscitation]. The urgen-
cy of the situation dictates how much time can be allotted to pre-
operative patient assessment and optimization. When it is not
possible to communicate with the patient, information obtained
from family members and paramedics may be crucial. Informa-
tion should be sought concerning allergies, current medications,
signicant past medical illnesses, nihil per os (NPO) status, per-
sonal or family problems with anesthesia, and recent ingestion
Garlic (Allium
Ginkgo (Ginkgo
Ginger (Zingiber
Ginseng (Panax
Ephedra/ma huang
(Ephedra sinica)
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza
Kava (Piper
Valerian (Valeriana
St. Johns wort
Pharmacologic Effects
Irreversible dose-dependent
inhibition of platelet aggregation
Inhibition of platelet-activating
Modulation of neurotransmitter
receptor activity
Potent inhibitor of thromboxane
Inhibition of platelet aggregation,
possibly irreversibly
Antioxidant action
Antihyperglycemic action
Steroid hormonelike activity
Noncatecholamine sympatho-
mimetic agent with
, and
activity; both direct and
indirect release of endogenous
Immunostimulatory effect
Dose-dependent potentiation of
GABA-inhibitory neurotransmitter
with sedative, anxiolytic, and
antiepileptic effects
Dose-dependent modulation of
GABA neurotransmitter and
receptor function
Inhibits reuptake of serotonin,
norepinephrine, and dopamine
by neurons
Increases metabolism of some P-
450 isoforms
Table 1 (continued)
Type of Drug
Herbal medicines
Discontinuance Recommendations
Discontinue at least 7 days in advance
Discontinue at least 36 hr in advance
Discontinue at least 36 hr in advance
Discontinue at least 7 days in advance
Discontinue at least 24 hr in advance
Discontinue as far in advance as possible in
any patient with hepatic dysfunction or
surgery with possible hepatic blood flow
Discontinue at least 24 hr in advance
Discontinue on day of surgery; abrupt with-
drawal in physically dependent patients
may produce benzodiazepine-like with-
drawal syndrome
Adverse Effects
Increased bleeding
May potentiate other platelet inhibitors
Increased bleeding
May potentiate other platelet inhibitors
Increased bleeding
May potentiate effects of other
Prolonged PT and PTT
Reduced anticoagulation effect of
Possible additive effect with other
stimulants, with resultant hypertension
and tachycardia
Dose-dependent increase in HR and BP,
with potential for serious cardiac and
CNS complications
Possible adverse drug reactions: MAOIs
(life-threatening hypertension, hyper-
pyrexia, coma), oxytocin (hypertension),
digoxin and volatile anesthetics
(dysrhythmias), guanethedine
(hypertension, tachycardia)
Allergic potential
Contraindicated in chronic liver and renal
Potentiation of sedative anesthetics,
including barbiturates and benzodi-
Possible potentiation of ethanol effects
Possible potentiation of sedative
anesthetics, including barbiturates and
Possible interaction with MAOIs
Evidence for reduced activity of
cyclosporine, warfarin, calcium chan-
nel blockers, lidocaine, midazolam,
alfentanil, and NSAIDs
ADPadenosine diphosphate ETOHethyl alcohol GPglycoprotein GABA-aminobutyric acid MAOIsmonoamine oxidase inhibitors NSAIDsnonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
PTprothrombin time PTTpartial thromboplastin time
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1 Basic Surg Perioperative Considerations
ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice
of alcohol or drugs. Any factor that may complicate airway
management should be noted (e.g., trauma to the face or the
neck, a beard, a short and thick neck, obesity, or a full stomach).
When appropriate, blood samples should be obtained as soon as
possible for typing and crossmatching, as well as routine blood
chemistries and a complete blood count. Arrangements for post-
operative ICU monitoring, if appropriate, should be instituted
Clear communication must be established between the surgical
team and anesthesia personnel so that an appropriate anesthetic
management plan can be formulated and any specialized equip-
ment required can be mobilized in the OR. The induction of
anesthesia may coincide with resuscitation. Accordingly, the
surgical team must be immediately available to help with dif-
cult I.V. access, emergency tracheostomy, and cardiopulmonary
resuscitation. Patients in shock may not tolerate standard
anesthetics, which characteristically blunt sympathetic outow.The
anesthetic dose must be judiciously titrated, and denitive surgi-
cal treatment must not be unduly delayed by attempts to get a
Choice of Anesthesia
Anesthesia may be classied into three broad categories: (1)
general anesthesia, (2) regional anesthesia, and (3) monitored
anesthesia care. General anesthesia can be dened as a state of
insensibility characterized by loss of consciousness, amnesia, anal-
gesia, and muscle relaxation. This state may be achieved either
with a single anesthetic or, in a more balanced fashion, with a
combination of several drugs that specically induce hypnosis,
analgesia, amnesia, and paralysis.
There is, at present, no consensus as to which general anesthet-
ic regimen best preserves organ function. General anesthesia is
employed when contraindications to regional anesthesia are pres-
ent or when regional anesthesia or monitored anesthesia care fails
to provide adequate intraoperative analgesia. In addition, there are
a few situations that specically mandate general anesthesia and
controlled ventilation: the need for abdominal muscle paralysis,
lung isolation, and hyperventilation; the presence of serious car-
diorespiratory instability; and the lack of sufcient time to perform
regional anesthesia. Alternatives to general surgery should be con-
sidered for patients who are susceptible to malignant hyper-
thermia, for those in whom intubation is likely to prove difcult or
the risk of aspiration is high, and for those with pulmonary com-
promise that may worsen after intubation and positive pressure
Regional anesthesia is achieved by interfering with afferent or
efferent neural signaling at the level either of the spinal cord (neur-
axial blockade) or of the peripheral nerves. Neuraxial anesthesia
(i.e., epidural or spinal administration of local anesthetics) is com-
monly employed as the sole anesthetic technique for procedures
involving the lower abdomen and the lower extremities; it also pro-
vides effective pain relief after intraperitoneal and intrathoracic
procedures. Combining regional and general anesthesia has
become increasingly popular.
Currently, some physicians are
using neuraxial blockade as the sole anesthetic technique for pro-
cedures such as thoracotomy and coronary artery bypass grafting,
which are traditionally thought to require general anesthesia and
endotracheal intubation.
Neuraxial blockade has several advantages over general anes-
thesia, including better dynamic pain control, shorter duration of
paralytic ileus, reduced risk of pulmonary complications, and
decreased transfusion requirements; it is also associated with a
decreased incidence of renal failure and myocardial infarction [see
1:5 Postoperative Pain].
Contrary to conventional thinking,
however, the type of anesthesia used (general or neuraxial) is not
an independent risk factor for long-term cognitive dysfunction.
Neuraxial blockade is an essential component of multimodal reha-
bilitation programs aimed at optimization of perioperative care
and acceleration of recovery.
For short, supercial procedures, a wide variety of peripheral
nerve blocks may be considered.
For procedures on the upper or
lower extremity, an I.V. regional (Bier) block with diluted lidocaine
is often useful. Anesthesia of the upper extremity and shoulder
may be achieved with brachial plexus blocks. Anesthesia of the
lower extremity may be achieved by blocking the femoral, obtura-
tor, and lateral femoral cutaneous nerves (for knee surgery) or the
ankle and popliteal sciatic nerves (for foot surgery). Anesthesia of
the thorax may be achieved with intercostal or intrapleural nerve
blocks. Anesthesia of the abdomen may be achieved with celiac
plexus and paravertebral blocks. Anesthesia of the head and neck
may be achieved by blocking the trigeminal, supraorbital, supra-
trochlear, infraorbitral, and mental nerves and the cervical plexus.
Local inltration of the operative site may provide intraoperative
as well as postoperative analgesia.
Unlike the data on neuraxial blockade, the data on peripheral
nerve blockade neither support nor discourage its use as a substitute
for general anesthesia. Generally, however, we favor regional tech-
niques when appropriate: such approaches maintain consciousness
Table 2Association between Preexisting
Medical Conditions and Adverse Outcomes
Medical Condition
Congestive heart failure
Associated Adverse Outcome
12% prolongation of postoperative stay
Twofold increase in risk of intraoperative
cardiovascular events
Fivefold increase in risk of postoperative
respiratory events
Fourfold increase in risk of postoperative
respiratory events
Fourfold increase in risk of intraoperative
and postoperative respiratory events
Eightfold increase in risk of intubation-
related adverse events
Table 3Fasting Recommendations* to
Reduce Risk of Pulmonary Aspiration
Ingested Material
Clear liquids
Breast milk
Infant formula
Nonhuman milk
Light meal
*These recommendations apply to healthy patients undergoing elective procedures; they
are not intended for women in labor. Following the guidelines does not guarantee complete
gastric emptying.
Examples of clear liquids include water, fruit juices without pulp, carbonated beverages,
clear tea, and black coffee.
Because nonhuman milk is similar to solids in gastric emptying time, amount ingested
must be considered in determining appropriate fasting period.
A light meal typically consists of toast and clear liquids. Meals that include fried or fatty
foods or meat may prolong gastric emptying time. Both amount and type of foods ingested
must be considered in determining appropriate fasting period.
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1 Basic Surg Perioperative Considerations
ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice
and spontaneous breathing while causing only minimal depression
of the CNS and the cardiorespiratory system, and they yield im-
proved pain control in the immediate postoperative period.
Monitored anesthesia care involves the use of I.V. drugs to reduce
anxiety, provide analgesia, and alleviate the discomfort of immobi-
lization.This approach may be combined with local inltration anal-
gesia provided by the surgeon. Monitored anesthesia care requires
monitoring of vital signs and the presence of an anesthesiologist who
is prepared to convert to general anesthesia if necessary. Its benets
are substantially similar to those of regional anesthesia.These bene-
ts are lost when attempts are made to overcome surgical pain with
excessive doses of sedatives and analgesics.
Patient Monitoring
Patient monitoring is central to the practice of anesthesia. A
trained, experienced physician is the only truly indispensable
monitor; mechanical and electronic monitors, though useful, are,
at most, aids to vigilance.Wherever anesthesia is administered, the
proper equipment for pulse oximetry, blood pressure measure-
ment, electrocardiography, and capnography should be available.
At each anesthesia workstation, equipment for measuring temper-
ature, a peripheral nerve stimulator, a stethoscope, and appropri-
ate lighting must be immediately available. A spirometer must be
available without undue delay.
Additional monitoring may be indicated, depending on the
patients health, the type of procedure to be performed, and the
characteristics of the practice setting. Cardiopulmonary monitor-
ing, including measurement of systemic arterial, central venous,
pulmonary arterial, and wedge pressures, is covered in detail else-
where [see 7:4 Cardiopulmonary Monitoring]. Additional informa-
tion about the cardiovascular system may be obtained by means of
transesophageal echocardiography.
Practice guidelines for this
modality have been developed.
It may be particularly useful in
patients who are undergoing valvular repair or who have persistent
severe hypotension of unknown etiology.
The effects of anesthesia and surgery on the CNS may be mon-
itored by recording processed EEG activity, as in the bispectral
index or the Patient State Index. These indices are used as mea-
sures of hypnosis to guide the administration of anesthetics.
General Anesthesia Techniques
An ever-expanding armamentarium of drugs is available for
premedication and for induction and maintenance of anesthesia.
Selection of one agent over another is inuenced by the patients
baseline condition, the procedure, and the predicted duration of
Preoperative medications are given primarily to decrease anxi-
ety, to reduce the incidence of nausea and vomiting, and to
prevent aspiration. Other benets include sedation, amnesia,
analgesia, drying of oral secretions, and blunting of undesirable
autonomic reexes.
Sedatives and Analgesics
Benzodiazepines produce anxiolysis, sedation, hypnosis, amne-
sia, and muscle relaxation; they do not produce analgesia. They
may be classied as short-acting (midazolam), intermediate-acting
(lorazepam), or long-acting (diazepam). Adverse effects [see Table
5] may be marked in debilitated patients.Their central effects may
be antagonized with umazenil.
Muscarinic antagonists (e.g., scopolamine and atropine) were
commonly administered at one time; this practice is not as popu-
lar today. They produce, to varying degrees, sedation, amnesia,
lowered anesthetic requirements, diminished nausea and vomit-
ing, reduced oral secretions, and decreased gastric hydrogen ion
secretion. They blunt the cardiac parasympathetic reex respons-
es that may occur during certain procedures (e.g., ocular surgery,
traction on the mesentery, and manipulation of the carotid body).
Adverse effects include tachycardia, heat intolerance, inhibition of
GI motility and micturition, and mydriasis.
Opioids are used when analgesia, in addition to sedation and
anxiolysis, is required.With morphine and meperidine, the time of
onset of action and the peak effect are unpredictable. Fentanyl has
a rapid onset and a predictable time course, which make it more
suitable for premedication immediately before operation. Adverse
effects [see Table 6] can be reversed with full (naloxone) or partial
(e.g., nalbuphine) antagonists.
-adrenergic agonists clonidine and dexmedetomidine are
sympatholytic drugs that also exert sedative, anxiolytic, and anal-
gesic effects. They reduce intraoperative anesthetic requirements,
thus allowing faster recovery, and attenuate sympathetic activation
Table 5 Benzodiazepines: Doses
and Duration of Action
Respiratory depression,
excessive sedation, hy-
potension, bradycardia,
Anticonvulsant activity
See midazolam
Venous thrombosis
See midazolam and
Dose (for
0.51.0 mg,
0.25 mg,
2.0 mg,
1.72.6 hr
1122 hr
2050 hr
Table 4Postanesthetic Discharge
Scoring System (PADSS)
Within 20% of preoperative value
Within 20% to 40% of preoperative value
Within 40% of preoperative value
Oriented and steady gait
Oriented or steady gait
Oral fluid intake and voiding
Oral fluid intake or voiding
*Total possible score is 10; patients scoring 9 are considered fit for discharge home.
Vital signs
Activity, mental
Pain, nausea,
Surgical bleeding
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1 Basic Surg Perioperative Considerations
ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice
secondary to intubation and surgery, thus improving intraopera-
tive hemodynamic stability. Major drawbacks are hypotension and
bradycardia; rebound hypertensive crises may be precipitated by
their discontinuance.
Prevention of Aspiration
Aspiration of gastric contents is an extremely serious complica-
tion that is associated with signicant morbidity and mortality.
Fasting helps reduce the risk of this complication [see Table 3].
When the likelihood of aspiration is high, pharmacologic treat-
ment may be helpful [see Table 7]. H
receptor antagonists (e.g.,
cimetidine, ranitidine, and famotidine) and proton pump inhibitors
(e.g., omeprazole) reduce gastric acid secretion, thereby raising
gastric pH without affecting gastric volume or emptying time.
Nonparticulate antacids (e.g., sodium citrate) neutralize the acid-
ity of gastric contents. Metoclopramide promotes gastric empty-
ing (by stimulating propulsive GI motility) and decreases reux
(by increasing the tone of the esophagogastric sphincter); it may
also possess antiemetic properties.
In all patients at risk for aspiration who require general anesthesia,
a rapid sequence induction is essential.This is achieved through ade-
quate preoxygenation, administration of drugs to produce rapid loss
of consciousness and paralysis, and exertion of pressure on the
cricoid cartilage (the Sellick maneuver) as loss of consciousness oc-
curs to occlude the esophagus and so limit reux of gastric contents
into the pharynx. An alternative is the so-called modied rapid se-
quence induction, which permits gentle mask ventilation during the
application of cricoid pressure (thereby potentially reducing or abol-
ishing insufation of gas into the stomach). The advantages of the
modied approach are that there is less risk of hypoxia and that there
is more time to treat cardiovascular responses to induction agents
before intubation. Regardless of which technique is used, considera-
tion should be given to emptying the stomach via an orogastric or
nasogastric tube before induction.
For perioperative
analgesia: 0.1 mg/kg
I.V., I.M.
For perioperative
analgesia: 0.5
1.5 mg/kg I.V.,
I.M., s.c.
0.250.4 g/kg/min
1.258.0 g/kg/min
0.250.5 g/kg/min
0.050.1 g/kg/min
Table 6 Opioids: Doses and Duration of Action
Respiratory depression, nausea, vomiting, pruritus,
constipation, urinary retention, biliary spasm,
neuroexcitation seizure, tolerance
Cough suppression, relief of dyspnea-induced anxiety
(common to all opioids)
Histamine release, orthostatic hypotension, prolonged emergence
See morphine
Orthostatic hypotension, myocardial depression, dry mouth,
mild tachycardia, mydriasis, histamine release
Attenuates shivering; to be avoided with MAOIs
Local anestheticlike effect
See morphine
Awareness, bradycardia, muscle rigidity
Ideal for infusion; fast recovery, no postoperative analgesia
See morphine
Awareness, bradycardia, muscle rigidity
See morphine and alfentanil
See morphine and alfentanil
Ideal for prolonged infusion
Time to Peak
520 min
2 hr (oral); 1 hr
(s.c., I.M.)
35 min
12 min
515 min
35 min
Duration of
27 hr
24 hr
510 min
1015 min
3060 min
2045 min
1 mg/kg
1 g/kg
50300 g/kg
530 g/kg
220 g/kg
Table 7 Pharmacologic Prevention of Aspiration
Sodium citrate
Hypotension, bradycardia, heart block, increased airway resistance,
CNS dysfunction, reduced hepatic metabolism of certain drugs
Rare CNS dysfunction
Increased gastric fluid volume
Possible alteration of GI drug absorption, hepatic metabolism
Extrapyramidal reactions, agitation, restlessness (large doses); to
be avoided with MAOIs, pheochromocytoma, bowel obstruction
300 mg, p.o.
50 mg I.V.
20 mg I.V.
30 ml p.o.
40 mg I.V.
10 mg I.V.
Timing of
before Operation
13 hr
2030 min
40 min
1530 min
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1 Basic Surg Perioperative Considerations
ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice
Induction of general anesthesia is produced by administering
drugs to render the patient unconscious and secure the airway. It
is one of the most crucial and potentially dangerous moments for
the patient during general anesthesia. Various agents can be used
for this purpose; the choice depends on the patients baseline med-
ical condition and fasting status, the state of the airway, the surgi-
cal procedure, and the expected length of the hospital stay. The
agents most commonly employed for induction are propofol, sodi-
um thiopental, ketamine, and etomidate [see Table 8]. The opioids
alfentanil, fentanyl, sufentanil, and remifentanil are also used for
this purpose; they are associated with a very stable hemodynamic
prole during induction and operation [see Table 6].
Volatile agents [see Table 9] may be employed for induction of
general anesthesia when maintenance of spontaneous ventilation
is of paramount importance (e.g., with a difcult airway) or when
bronchodilation is required (e.g., with severe hyperreactive airway
disease). Inhalation induction is also popular for ambulatory
surgery when paralysis is not required. Sevourane is well suited
for this application because it is not irritating on inhalation, as
most other volatile agents are, and it produces rapid loss of con-
sciousness. Sevourane has mostly replaced halothane as the agent
of choice for inhalation induction because it is less likely to cause
dysrhythmias and is not hepatotoxic.
Balanced general anesthesia is produced with a variety of drugs
to maintain unconsciousness, prevent recall, and provide analgesia.
Various combinations of volatile and I.V. agents may be employed
to achieve these goals. The volatile agents isourane, desurane,
and sevourane are commonly used for maintenance [see Table 9].
Nitrous oxide is a strong analgesic and a weak anesthetic agent that
possesses favorable pharmacokinetic properties. It cannot be used
as the sole anesthetic agent unless it is administered in a hyperbar-
ic chamber; it is usually administered with at least 30% oxygen to
prevent hypoxia. Nitrous oxide is commonly used in combination
with other volatile agents. All of the volatile agents can trigger
malignant hyperthermia in susceptible patients.
The I.V. drugs currently used to maintain general anesthesia,
whether partially or entirely, feature a short context-sensitive elim-
ination half-life; thus, pharmacologically signicant drug accumu-
lation during prolonged infusion is avoided. Such agents (includ-
ing propofol, midazolam, sufentanil, and remifentanil) are typical-
ly administered via computer-controlled infusion pumps that use
population-based pharmacokinetic data to establish stable plasma
(and CNS effector site) concentrations. Because of the extremely
rapid hydrolysis of remifentanil, its administration may be labor
intensive, necessitating frequent administration of boluses and
constant vigilance. Its short half-life also limits its usefulness as an
Time to Peak
Effect (sec)
Duration of
Action (min)
Table 8 Induction Agents: Doses and Duration of Action
Hypotension, apnea, antiemetic (low dose), sexual fantasies and hallucinations, convulsions
seizures (rare), pain on injection, thrombophlebitis
Hypotension, apnea, emergence delirium, prolonged somnolence, anaphylactoid reaction,
injection pain, hyperalgesia
Anticonvulsant effect
Contraindicated with porphyria
Analgesia; increased BP, HR, CO; lacrimation and salivation; bronchial dilatation; elevated ICP
Dreaming, illusions, excitement
Preservation of respiration (apnea possible with high doses)
Minor effects on BP, HR, CO
Adrenocortical suppression, injection pain and thrombophlebitis, myoclonus, nausea and vomiting
Induction Dose
1.02.5 mg/kg
2.54.5 mg/kg
0.52 mg/kg
0.20.6 mg/kg
COcardiac output
Table 9Volatile Drugs
Rank Order
*Lipid solubility correlates closely with anesthetic potency (Meyer-Overton rule).
Relative affinity of an anesthetic for blood compared to gas at equilibrium. The larger the coefficient, the greater the
affinity of the drug for blood and hence the greater the quantity of drug contained in the blood.
Rise in alveolar anesthetic concentration towards the inspired concentration is most rapid with the least soluble drugs
and slowest with the most soluble.
alveolar concentration of gas/inspired concentration MACminimum alveolar concentration to abolish pur-
poseful movement in response to noxious stimulation in 50% of patients
Nitrous oxide
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1 Basic Surg Perioperative Considerations
ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice
analgesic in the postoperative period.To circumvent this problem,
various dosing regimens have been proposed in which the patient
is switched from remifentanil to a longer-acting narcotic.
The reversible paralysis produced by neuromuscular blockade
improves conditions for endotracheal intubation and facilitates
surgery. Neuromuscular blocking agents are classied as either
depolarizing (succinylcholine) or nondepolarizing (pancuronium,
rocuronium, vecuronium, atracurium, cisatracurium, and miva-
curium) and may be further differentiated on the basis of chemi-
cal structure and duration of action [see Table 10]. The blocking
effect of nondepolarizing muscle relaxants is enhanced by volatile
drugs, hypothermia, acidosis, certain antibiotics, magnesium sul-
fate, and local anesthetics and is reduced by phenytoin and carba-
mazepine. Patients with weakness secondary to neuromuscular
disorders (e.g., myasthenia gravis and Eaton-Lambert syndrome)
may be particularly sensitive to nondepolarizing muscle relaxants.
General anesthesia is terminated by cessation of drug adminis-
tration, reversal of paralysis, and extubation. During this period,
close scrutiny of the patient is essential, and all OR personnel must
coordinate their efforts to help ensure a smooth and safe emer-
gence. In this phase, patients may demonstrate hemodynamic
instability, retching and vomiting, respiratory compromise, and,
occasionally, uncooperative or aggressive behavior.
Reversal of neuromuscular blockade is achieved by administer-
ing anticholinesterases such as neostigmine and edrophonium.
These drugs should be given in conjunction with a muscarinic
antagonist (atropine or glycopyrrolate) to block their unwanted
parasympathomimetic side effects. Neostigmine is more potent
than edrophonium in reversing profound neuromuscular block-
ade. It is imperative that paralysis be sufciently reversed before
extubation to ensure that spontaneous respiration is adequate and
that the airway can be protected. Reversal can be clinically veried
by conrming the patients ability to lift the head for 5 seconds.
Reversal can also be assessed by measuring muscle contraction in
response to electrical nerve stimulation.
Causes of failure to emerge from anesthesia include residual
neuromuscular blockade, a benzodiazepine or opioid overdose, the
central anticholinergic syndrome, an intraoperative cerebrovascular
accident, preexisting pathophysiologic conditions (e.g., CNS disor-
ders, hepatic insufciency, and drug or alcohol ingestion), elec-
trolyte abnormalities, acidosis, hypercarbia, hypoxia, hypothermia,
and hypothyroidism. As noted, the effects of narcotics and benzo-
diazepines can be reversed with naloxone and umazenil, respec-
tively. Physostigmine may be given to reverse the reduction in con-
sciousness level produced by general anesthetics. Electrolyte, glu-
cose, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine levels should be mea-
sured; liver and thyroid function tests should be performed; and
arterial blood gas values should be obtained. Patients should be
normothermic. Unexplained failure to emerge from general anes-
thesia warrants immediate consultation with a neurologist.
Regional Anesthesia Techniques
Neuraxial (central) anesthesia techniques involve continuous or
intermittent injection of drugs into the epidural or intrathecal space
to produce sensory analgesia, motor blockade, and inhibition of
sympathetic outow. Peripheral nerve blockade involves inhibition
of conduction in bers of a single peripheral nerve or plexus (cer-
vical, brachial, or lumbar) in the periphery. Intravenous regional
anesthesia involves I.V. administration of a local anesthetic into a
tourniquet-occluded extremity. Perioperative pain control may be
facilitated by administering local anesthetics, either inltrated into
the wound or sprayed into the wound cavity.
Procedures per-
formed solely under inltration may be associated with patient dis-
satisfaction caused by intraoperative anxiety and pain.
Strong contraindications to regional (particularly neuraxial)
anesthesia include patient refusal or inability to cooperate during
the procedure, elevated intracranial pressure, anticoagulation, vas-
cular malformation or infection at the needle insertion site, severe
hemodynamic instability, and sepsis. Preexisting neurologic dis-
ease is a relative contraindication.
Although hemorrhagic complications can occur after any
regional technique, bleeding associated with neuraxial blockade is
the most serious because of its devastating consequences. Spinal
hematoma may occur as a result of vascular trauma from place-
ment of a needle or catheter into the subarachnoid or epidural
Duration of
Plasma cholinesterase
Hepatic 10%20%
Hepatic 30%40%
Hoffman elimination,
nonspecific ester
Hoffman elimination
Plasma cholinesterase
Table 10 Neuromuscular Blocking Agents: Doses and Duration of Action
Fasciculations, elevation of serum potassium, increased
ICP, bradycardia, MH trigger; prolonged effect in
presence of atypical pseudocholinesterase
Muscarinic antagonist (vagolytic), prolonged paralysis
(long-term use)
Minimal histamine release
Prolonged paralysis (long-term use)
Histamine release; laudanosine metabolite (a CNS
Negligible histamine release; laudanosine metabolite
Histamine release; prolonged effect in presence of
atypical pseudocholinesterase
Renal < 2%, hepatic 0%
Renal 85%, hepatic 15%
Renal < 10%, hepatic > 70%
Renal 40%, hepatic 60%
Renal 10%40%, hepatic 0%
Renal 16%, hepatic 0%
Renal < 5%, hepatic 0%
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1 Basic Surg Perioperative Considerations
ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice
space. Spinal hematoma may also occur spontaneously, even in
the absence of antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy. The actual
incidence of spinal cord injury resulting from hemorrhagic com-
plications is unknown; the reported incidence is estimated to be
less than 1/150,000 for epidural anesthesia and 1/220,000 for
spinal anesthesia.
With such low incidences, it is difcult to
determine whether any increased risk can be attributed to antico-
agulant use [see Table 11] without data from millions of patients,
which are not currently available. Much of our clinical practice is
based on small surveys and expert opinion.
Antiplatelet Agents
There is no universally accepted test that can guide antiplatelet
therapy. Antiplatelet agents can be divided into four major class-
es: (1) aspirin and related cyclooxygenase inhibitors (nonsteroidal
anti-inammatory drugs, or NSAIDs); (2) ticlopidine and selec-
tive adenosine diphosphate antagonists; (3) direct thrombin
inhibitors (e.g., hirudin); and (4) glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors.
Only with aspirin is there sufcient experience to suggest that at
clinical doses it does not increase the risk of spinal hematoma.
Caution should, however, be exercised when aspirin is used in
conjunction with other anticoagulants.
Oral Anticoagulants
Therapeutic anticoagulation with warfarin is a contraindication
to regional anesthesia.
If regional anesthesia is planned, oral war-
farin can be replaced with I.V. heparin (see below).
There does not seem to be an increased risk of spinal bleeding
in patients receiving subcutaneous low-dose (5,000 U) unfrac-
tionated heparin [see 5:5 Venous Thromboembolism] if the interval
between administration of the drug and initiation of the procedure
is greater than 4 hours.
Higher doses, however, are associated
with increased risk. If neuraxial anesthesia or epidural catheter
removal is planned, heparin infusion must be discontinued for at
least 6 hours, and the partial thromboplastin time (PTT) should
be measured. Recommendations for standard heparin cannot be
extrapolated to low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), because
the biologic actions of LMWH are different and the effects can-
not be monitored by conventional coagulation measurements.
After the release of LMWH for general use in the United States
in 1993, more than 40 spinal hematomas were reported during a
5-year period. LMWH should be stopped at least 12 hours before
regional blockade, and the rst postoperative dose should be given
no sooner than 4 hours afterward.
Drug Toxicity
Systemic toxic reactions to local anesthetics primarily involve
the CNS and the cardiovascular system [see Table 12]. The initial
symptoms are light-headedness and dizziness, followed by visual
and auditory disturbances. Convulsions and respiratory arrest
may ensue and necessitate treatment and resuscitation.
Table 11 Pharmacology of Anticoagulant Agents
Time to Normal
Hemostasis after
46 hr
46 hr
12 hr
46 days
58 days
12 days
clinically significant increase possibly clinically significant increase clinically insignificant increase or no effect
LMWHlow-molecular-weight heparin t-PAtissue plasminogen activator
Thrombolytic agents (t-PA, streptokinase)
Time to Peak
1 hr
24 hr
26 days
Coagulation Tests
Table 12 Local Anesthetics for Infiltration Anesthesia:
Maximum Doses* and Duration of Action
Duration of Action
*Recommended maximum dose can be given to healthy, middle-aged, normal-sized adults without toxicity.
Subsequent doses should not be given for at least 4 hr. Doses should be reduced during pregnancy.
Maximum Dose
Duration of Action
Maximum Dose
Without Epinephrine With Epinephrine (1:200,000)
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1 Basic Surg Perioperative Considerations
ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice
The use of neuraxial analgesic adjuncts (e.g., opioids, cloni-
dine, epinephrine, and neostigmine) decreases the dose of local
anesthetic required, speeds recovery, and improves the quality of
analgesia.The side effects of such adjuncts include respiratory depres-
sion (with morphine), tachycardia (with epinephrine), hypoten-
sion (with clonidine), and nausea and vomiting (with neostigmine
and morphine).
Neurologic Complications
The incidence of neurologic complications ranges from
2/10,000 to 12/10,000 with epidural anesthesia and from
0.3/10,000 to 70/10,000 with spinal anesthesia.
The most com-
mon serious complication is neuropathy, followed by cranial nerve
palsy, epidural abscess, epidural hematoma, anterior spinal artery
syndrome, and cranial subdural hematoma. Vigilance and routine
neurologic testing of sensory and motor function are of para-
mount importance for early detection and treatment of these
potentially disastrous complications.
Transient neurologic symptoms The term transient neu-
rologic symptoms (TNS) refers to backache with pain radiating
into the buttocks or the lower extremities after spinal anesthesia. It
occurs in 4% to 33% of patients, typically 12 to 36 hours after the
resolution of spinal anesthesia, and lasts for 2 to 3 days.
TNS has
been described after intrathecal use of all local anesthetics but is
most commonly noted after administration of lidocaine, in the
ambulatory surgical setting, and with the patient in the lithotomy
position during operation. Discomfort from TNS is self-limited
and can be effectively treated with NSAIDs.
Postdural Puncture Headache
Use of small-gauge pencil-point needles for spinal anesthesia is
associated with a 1% incidence of PDPH.The incidence of PDPH
after epidural analgesia varies substantially because the risk of
inadvertent dural puncture with a Tuohy needle is directly depen-
dent on the anesthesiologists training. PDPH is characteristically
aggravated by upright posture and may be associated with photo-
phobia, neck stiffness, nausea, diplopia, and tinnitus. Meningitis
should be considered in the differential diagnosis. Although
PDPH is not life-threatening, it carries substantial morbidity in
the form of restricted activity. Medical treatment with bed rest, I.V.
uids, NSAIDs, and caffeine is only moderately effective. An
epidural blood patch is the treatment of choice: the success rate is
approximately 70%.
Admission to the postanesthetic care unit (PACU) is appropri-
ate for patients whose vital signs are stable and whose pain is ade-
quately controlled after emergence from anesthesia. Patients
requiring hemodynamic or respiratory support may be admitted
to the PACU if rapid improvement is expected and appropriate
monitoring and personnel are available. Hemodynamic instability,
the need for prolonged respiratory support, and poor baseline
condition mandate admission to the ICU. Common complica-
tions encountered in the PACU include postoperative pulmonary
insufciency, cardiovascular instability, acute pain, and nausea and
vomiting [see Table 13]. These complications are discussed in
greater detail elsewhere [see 7:5 Pulmonary Insufciency, 7:2 Acute
Cardiac Dysrhythmia, and 1:5 Postoperative Pain].
Special Scenarios
Airway management is a pivotal component of patient care
because failure to maintain airway patency can lead to permanent
disability, brain injury, or death.The difcult airway should be man-
aged in accordance with contemporary airway guidelines, such as
the protocols established by the ASA, to reduce the risk of adverse
outcomes during attempts at ventilation and intubation. (The ASA
protocols may be accessed on the organizations Web site: http://
The emphasis on preserving spontaneous ventilation and the focus
on awake intubation options are central themes whose importance
cannot be overemphasized.
It is crucial that all patients who are undergoing difcult or pro-
longed airway instrumentation be appropriately treated with topi-
cal anesthesia, sedation, and monitoring so as to ensure adequate
ventilation and to attenuate, detect, and treat harmful neuroen-
docrine responses that can cause myocardial ischemia, bron-
chospasm, and intracranial hypertension. Extubation is stressful as
well and may be associated with intense mucosal stimulation and
exaggerated glottic closure reexes resulting in laryngospasm and,
possibly, pulmonary edema secondary to vigorous inspiratory
efforts against an obstructed airway. Laryngeal incompetence and
aspiration can also occur after extubation. Removal of an endotra-
cheal tube from a known or suspected difcult airway should ide-
ally be performed over a tube exchanger so as to facilitate emer-
gency reintubation.
Table 13Pharmacologic Treatment of PONV
[See Table 8]
Highly effective, costly; headache, constipation, transiently
increased LFTs
Adrenocortical suppression, delayed wound healing, fluid
retention, electrolyte disturbances, psychosis, osteoporosis
Sedation, restlessness, dysphoria, ?dysrhythmia
Avoid in bowel obstruction, extrapyramidal reactions
Muscarinic side effects, somnolence
Drowsiness, dizziness
LFTsliver function tests
10 mg I.V., repeated dose
4.08.0 mg I.V.
4.08.0 mg I.V.
0.51.0 mg I.V.
1020 mg I.V.
0.10.6 mg s.c., I.M., I.V.
2550 mg I.V.
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1 Basic Surg Perioperative Considerations
ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice
Alternatives to standard oral airways, masks, introducers,
exchangers, laryngoscopes, and endotracheal tubes now exist that
offer more options, greater safety, and better outcomes. It would
be naive to believe that any single practitioner could master every
new airway protocol and device. To keep up with technical and
procedural advances, university hospital program directors should
consider incorporating technical skill laboratories and simulator
training sessions into their curricula.
Morbid obesity represents the extreme end of the overweight
spectrum and is usually dened as a body-mass index higher than
40 kg/m
[see 4:3 Morbid Obesity].
It poses a formidable chal-
lenge to health care providers in the OR, the postoperative recov-
ery ward, and the ICU.The major concerns in the surgical setting
are the possibility of a difcult airway, the increased risk of known
or occult cardiorespiratory compromise, and various serious tech-
nical problems related to positioning, monitoring, vascular access,
and transport. Additional concerns are the potential for underly-
ing hepatic and endocrine disease and the effects of altered drug
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. For the morbidly
obese patient, there is no such thing as minor surgery.
Initial management should be based on the assumptions that
(1) a difcult airway is likely, (2) the patient will be predisposed to
hiatal hernia, reux, and aspiration, and (3) rapid arterial desatu-
ration will occur with induction of anesthesia as a consequence of
decreased functional residual capacity and high basal oxygen con-
sumption. Often, the safest option is an awake beroptic intuba-
tion with appropriate topical anesthesia and light sedation.
expert hands, this technique is extremely well tolerated and can
usually be performed in less than 10 minutes. Morbidly obese
patients often are hypoxemic at rest and have an abnormal alveo-
lar-arterial oxygen gradient caused by ventilation-perfusion mis-
matching. The combination of general anesthesia and the supine
position exacerbates alveolar collapse and airway closure.
Mechanical ventilation, weaning, and extubation may be difcult
and dangerous, especially in the presence of signicant obstructive
sleep apnea. Postoperative pulmonary complications (e.g., pneu-
monia, aspiration, atelectasis, and emboli) are common.
Morbid obesity imposes unusual loading conditions on both
sides of the heart and the circulation, leading to the progressive
development of insulin resistance, atherogenic dyslipidemias, sys-
temic and pulmonary hypertension, ventricular hypertrophy, and
a high risk of premature coronary artery disease and biventricular
heart failure. Perioperative cardiac morbidity and mortality are
therefore signicant problems. Untoward events can happen sud-
denly, and resuscitation is extremely difcult. Cardiorespiratory
compromise may be attenuated by effective postoperative pain
control that permits early ambulation and effective ventilation.
Surgical site infection and dehiscence may result in difcult reop-
eration and prolonged hospitalization.
Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a rare but potentially fatal
genetic condition characterized by life-threatening hypermetabol-
ic reactions in susceptible individuals after the administration of
volatile anesthetics or depolarizing muscle relaxants.
function of the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release channel in
skeletal muscle has been identied as a possible underlying cause.
In making the diagnosis of MH, it is important to consider
other possible causes of postoperative temperature elevation. Such
causes include inadequate anesthesia, equipment problems (e.g.,
misuse or malfunction of heating devices, ventilators, or breathing
circuits), local or systemic inammatory responses (either related
or unrelated to infection), transfusion reaction, hypermetabolic
endocrinopathy (e.g., thyroid storm or pheochromocytoma), neu-
rologic catastrophe (e.g., intracranial hemorrhage), and reaction
to or abuse of a drug.
Immediate recognition and treatment of a fulminant MH
episode are essential for preventing morbidity and mortality.
Therapy consists of discontinuing all triggers, instituting aggressive
cooling measures, giving dantrolene in an initial dose of 2.5 mg/kg,
and administering 100% oxygen to compensate for the tremen-
dous increase in oxygen utilization and carbon dioxide production.
An indwelling arterial line, central venous access, and bladder
catheterization are indispensable for monitoring and resuscitation.
Acidosis, hyperkalemia, and malignant dysrhythmias must be
rapidly treated, with the caveat that calcium channel blockers are
contraindicated in this setting. Maintenance of adequate urine out-
put is of paramount importance and may be facilitated by the clin-
ically signicant amounts of mannitol contained in commercial
dantrolene preparations. When the patient is stable and the surgi-
cal procedure is complete, monitoring and support are continued
in the ICU, where repeat doses of dantrolene may be needed to
prevent or treat recrudescence of the disease.
Massive blood transfusion, dened as the replacement of a pa-
tients entire circulating blood volume in less than 24 hours, is asso-
ciated with signicant morbidity and mortality. Management of
massive transfusion requires an organized multidisciplinary team ap-
proach and a thorough understanding of associated hematologic
and biochemical abnormalities and subsequent treatment options.
Patients suffering from shock as a result of massive blood loss of-
ten require transfusions of packed red blood cells, platelets, fresh
frozen plasma, and cryoprecipitate to optimize oxygen-carrying ca-
pacity and address dilutional and consumptive loss of platelets and
clotting factors [see 7:3 Shock and 1:4 Bleeding and Transfusion].
Transfusion of large amounts of blood products into a critically ill
patient can lead to coagulopathies, hyperkalemia, acidosis, citrate in-
toxication, uid overload, and hypothermia.
Therapy should be
guided by vital signs, urine output, pulse oximetry, electrocardiogra-
phy, capnography, invasive hemodynamic monitoring, serial arterial
blood gases, biochemical proles, and bedside coagulation screens.
Fluids should be administered through large-bore cannulas con-
nected to modern countercurrent warming devices. Shed blood
should be salvaged and returned to the patient whenever possible. In
refractory cases, transcatheter angiographic embolization techniques
should be considered for control of bleeding.
Newer hemostatic agents, such as aprotinin and recombinant
factor VIIa, should also be considered. Aprotinin is a serine pro-
tease inhibitor with unique antibrinolytic and hemostatic prop-
erties. It is used during surgery to decrease blood loss and trans-
fusion requirements as well as to attenuate potentially harmful
inammatory responses and minimize reperfusion injury.
Recombinant factor VIIa was originally approved for hemophili-
acs who developed antibodies against either factor VIII or factor
IX; it may prove useful for managing uncontrolled hemorrhage
deriving from trauma or surgery.
Signicant decreases in core temperature are common during
anesthesia and surgery as a consequence of exposure to a cold OR
environment and of disturbances in normal protective thermoreg-
ulatory responses. Patients lose heat through conduction, convec-
tion, radiation, and evaporation, especially from large wounds and
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1 Basic Surg Perioperative Considerations
ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice
during major intracavitary procedures. Moreover, effective vaso-
constrictive reexes and both shivering and nonshivering thermo-
genesis are severely blunted by anesthetics.
Neonates and the
elderly are particularly vulnerable.
Hypothermia may confer some degree of organ preservation
during ischemia and reperfusion. For example, in cardiac surgery,
hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass is a common strategy for
protecting the myocardium and the CNS. Intentional hypother-
mia has also been shown to improve neurologic outcome and sur-
vival in comatose victims of cardiac arrest. Perioperative hypother-
mia can have signicant deleterious effects as well, however,
including myocardial ischemia, surgical site infection, increased
blood loss and transfusion requirements, and prolonged anesthet-
ic recovery and hospital stay.
The sensation of cold is highly uncomfortable for the patient,
and shivering impedes monitoring, raises plasma catecholamine
levels, and exacerbates imbalances between oxygen supply and
demand by consuming valuable energy for involuntary muscular
activity. It is therefore extremely important to measure the
patients temperature and maintain thermoneutrality. Increasing
the ambient temperature of the OR and applying modern forced-
air warming systems are the most effective techniques available. In
addition, all I.V. and irrigation uids should be heated. After the
patient has been transferred from the OR, aggressive treatment of
hypothermia with these techniques should be continued as neces-
sary. Shivering may also be reduced by means of drugs such as
meperidine, nefopam, tramadol, physostigmine, ketamine,
methylphenidate, and doxapram.
One of the goals of anesthesia is to produce a state of uncon-
sciousness during which the patient neither perceives nor recalls nox-
ious surgical stimuli.When this objective is not met, awareness oc-
curs, and the patient will have explicit or implicit memory of
intraoperative events. In some instances, intraoperative awareness
develops because human error, machine malfunction, or technical
problems result in an inappropriately light level of anesthesia. In oth-
ers (e.g., when the patient is severely hemodynamically unstable or
efforts are being made to avoid fetal depression during cesarean sec-
tion), the light level of anesthesia may have been intentionally cho-
sen. Regardless of the cause, intraoperative awareness is a terrifying
experience for the patient and has been associated with serious long-
term psychological sequelae.
Prevention of awareness depends on
regular equipment maintenance, meticulous anesthetic technique,
and close observation of the patients movements and hemodynam-
ic responses during operation. CNS monitoring may reduce the risk
of intraoperative awareness.
Allergic reactions range in severity from mild pruritus and
urticaria to anaphylactic shock and death. Inciting agents include
antibiotics, contrast agents, blood products, volume expanders,
protamine, aprotinin, narcotics, induction agents, muscle relax-
ants, latex,
and, rarely, local anesthetic solutions. Many drug
additives and preservatives have also been implicated.
True anaphylaxis presents shortly after exposure to an allergen
and is mediated by chemicals released from degranulated mast cells
and basophils. Manifestations usually include dramatic hypoten-
sion, tachycardia, bronchospasm, arterial oxygen desaturation, and
cutaneous changes. Laryngeal edema can occur within minutes, in
which case the airway should be secured immediately. Anaphylaxis
can mimic heart failure, asthma, pulmonary embolism, and ten-
sion pneumothorax. Treatment involves withdrawing the offend-
ing substance and administering oxygen, uids, and epinephrine,
followed by I.V. steroids, bronchodilators, and histamine antago-
nists. Prolonged intubation and ICU monitoring may be required
until symptoms resolve. Appropriate skin and blood testing should
be done to identify the causative agent.
In 2000, current scientic developments in the treatment of
stroke and coronary artery disease were merged with the evolving
discipline of evidence-based medicine to produce the most com-
prehensive set of resuscitation standards ever created: a 12-part
document from the American Heart Association entitled
Guidelines 2000 for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and
Emergency Cardiovascular Care. This document addresses a
wide array of key issues in both in-hospital and out-of-hospital
resuscitation, including a recommendation for conrmation of
tube position after endotracheal intubation and a warning about
the danger associated with unintentional massive auto-PEEP.
As regards the impact the new guidelines have on management
of dysrhythmias, the dominant role of amiodarone is undeniably
the most visible and important development.
Amiodarone is a
complex, powerful, and broad-spectrum agent that inhibits almost
all of the drug receptors and ion channels conceivably responsible
for the initiation and propagation of cardiac ectopy, irrespective of
underlying ejection fraction, accessory pathway conduction, or
anatomic substrate. It does, however, have potential drawbacks,
such as its relatively long half-life, its toxicity to multiple organs,
and its complicated administration scheme. Furthermore, amio-
darone is a potent noncompetitive alpha and beta blocker, which
has important implications for anesthetized, mechanically venti-
lated patients who may be debilitated and experiencing volume
depletion, abnormal vasodilation, myocardial depression, and
uid, electrolyte, and acid-base abnormalities. That said, no other
drug in its class has ever demonstrated a signicant benet in ran-
domized trials addressing cardiac arrest in humans.
Amiodarone is effective in both children and adults, and it can
be used for prophylaxis as well as treatment. The recommended
cardiac arrest dose is a 300 mg I.V. bolus. In less acute situations,
the initial 300 mg dose should be administered slowly over 15 to
20 minutes, and one or two additional boluses may be given sim-
ilarly. A loading regimen is then initiated, rst at 1 mg/min for 6
hours and then at 0.5 mg/min for 18 hours.
The inclusion of vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone) as an alter-
native to epinephrine in the revised ventricular tachycardia/ven-
tricular brillation protocol represents another major change in
drug therapy for advanced cardiac life support. Vasopressin is an
integral component of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
and the neuroendocrine stress response. The recommended dose
for an adult in brillatory arrest is 40 units in a single bolus. For
vasodilatory shock states associated with sepsis, hepatic failure, or
vasomotor paralysis after cardiopulmonary bypass, infusion at a
rate of 0.01 to 0.05 units/min may be particularly useful.
Vasopressin is neither recommended nor forbidden in cases of
pulseless electrical activity or asystolic arrest.
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1 Basic Surg Perioperative Considerations
ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice
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