Horizontal linkages
Sector Code Coefficient
Media 049 0.0467677
Other services 050 0.0467677
Financial Activities 041 0.0304784
Commercial services 046 0.0259091
State mgt & defense 045 0.0145206
Education 043 0.0112846
Health and Social Work 044 0.0111500
Textile 022 0.0039318
Chemical products 027 0.0035282
Real Estate 42 0.0023763
Construction 036 0.0019953
Beverage 020 0.0014465
Other food manufactures 019 0.0011835
Other manufactured goods 035 0.0008228
Science and Technology 048 0.0007132
Transport Services 038 0.0005897
Appliances/ Electrical 033 0.0005701
Hotel and tourism 047 0.0002803
Garments and Footwear 023 0.0001589
Tanneries & leather 026 0.0001203
Vertical linkages
Sector Code Coefficient
Other food manufactures 019 0.2490141
Meat 016 0.0970578
Beverage 020 0.0577412
Fishery 012 0.0341520
Commercial services 046 0.0214274
Dairy, milk and butter 017 0.0190287
Fuel, electricity and water 037 0.0175273
Trade 040 0.0163083
Vegetables 005 0.0159001
Chemical products 027 0.0125822
Fruits 006 0.0117062
Coconut 003 0.0100588
Financial Activities 041 0.0093897
Coconut and vegetable oil 018 0.0093353
Poultry 011 0.0089469
Textile 022 0.0083981
Paper, wood 024 0.0068468
Metal 031 0.0066559
Appliances/ Electrical 033 0.0045994
Petroleum and asphalt 029 0.0044120
Hotel and similar Accommodation -includes hotels, motels, and other lodging
places, excludes catering services of hotels
Air transport
Travel agents, tour Travel agency, tour -include tour and travel agencies services
operator, tourism operator and tourist
guide guide services
Transport equipment Transport equipment -includes operation of tourist bus and cars, and
rental rental rent-a-car services
Hotel and similar Accommodation -includes hotels, motels, and other lodging
places, excludes catering services of hotels
Air transport
Travel agents, tour Travel agency, tour -include tour and travel agencies services
operator, tourism operator and tourist
guide guide services
Transport equipment Transport equipment -includes operation of tourist bus and cars, and
rental rental rent-a-car services
Retail trade Retail trade services -include on the production side all retail trade
services; on the consumption side, it accounts
for shopping and miscellaneous, items.