Research Challenges in Wireless Overlay

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A wireless overlay network (WON is a virt!al network o" no#es an#

lo$i%al links t&at is '!ilt on to( o" an e)istin$ network wit& t&e (!r(ose to
i*(le*ent a network servi%e t&at is not availa'le in t&e e)istin$ network+
A((li%ation o" overlay network is ro!tin$, se%!rity, a##ressin$, *!lti%ast
an# *o'ility+ T&e i*(ortant 'ene-t o" overlay network is not ne%essary to
i*(le*ent on all no#es o" t&e network an# it $!arantees .os "or 'est
e/ort tra0%+ 1n%ontrolla'le #evelo(*ent o" wireless an# *o'ile
%o**!ni%ation te%&nolo$y ai*s to (rovi#e t&e sea*less %ontin!o!s
%onne%tion to a%%ess vario!s wireless te%&nolo$ies an# to &ave
%onne%tion wit& t&e 'est network w&i%& (rovi#es t&e 'est 2!ality o"
Co**!ni%ations networks are now a %o*'ination o" #i/erent
Hetero$eneo!s wireless an# wire# networks t&at are 'ase# on an enri%&e#
set o" te%&nolo$ies+ T&e *a3or (ro'le* "or sea*less *o'ility is a &an#o/,
w&ere &an#o/ (or &an#over is t&e (ro%ess o" *aintainin$ a *o'ile !ser in
a%tive %onne%tion w&en it %&an$es its (oint to anot&er (oint o"
atta%&*ent+ T&ere are two ty(es o" &an#o/ a%%or#in$ to 4T te%&nolo$ies
!se#5 Verti%al Han#o/ (VHO an# Hori6ontal Han#o/ (HHO+ Han#o/s t&at
o%%!r 'etween #i/erent a%%ess7(oints or 'ase stations 'elon$in$ to
#i/erent networks are re"erre# to as verti%al &an#o/s or inter7syste*
&an#o/s, w&ile t&e %lassi%al &an#o/s o%%!rre# in any sa*e wireless
networks are %alle# &ori6ontal &an#o/s+ So t&e HHO is a sy**etry
(ro%ess, w&ile VHO is an asy**etri% (ro%ess in w&i%& t&e 4T *oves
'etween two #i/erent networks wit& #i/erent %&ara%teristi%s+ T&e "ast an#
sea*less verti%al &an#o/ (VHO is t&e one o" t&e *a3or re2!ire*ents "or
*ovin$ *o'ile ter*inal (4T a*on$ &etero$eneo!s networks+
T&e verti%al &an#o/s are i*(le*ente# a%ross &etero$eneo!s %ells
o" a%%ess syste*s, w&i%& #i/er in several as(e%ts s!%& as 'an#wi#t&, #ata
rate, "re2!en%y o" o(eration, an# 'etter .oS+ T&e 4o'ile Ter*inal (4T
*!st &ave *!lti(le network inter"a%es to a%%ess #i/erent ty(es o"
wireless network+ 4T is a'le to swit%& 'etween #i/erent wireless
networks+ T&e over&ea# in verti%al &an#o/ will 'e 'i$$er t&an t&e
over&ea# in &ori6ontal &an#o/+ 8i/erent wireless networks (osses
#i/erent syste* ar%&ite%t!re 9an#wi#t&, Laten%y an# Ca(a%ity+ T&e
(er"or*an%e o" t&e wireless network #e$ra#e# #!e to (a%ket loss, (in$7
(on$ e/e%t an# i*(ro(er &an#7o/+ In t&is (ro(ose# resear%& work vario!s
te%&ni2!es are to 'e a((lie# to i*(rove t&e (er"or*an%e o" wireless
networks+ :or e+$+ ;a%ket *!lti%astin$ a((roa%& is !se# to avoi# (a%ket
loss in t&e &an#o/ (ro%ess, 8well ti*er a((roa%& is !se# to avoi# (in$7
(on$ e/e%t an# Wait !ntil t&e 4T 'e%o*e sta'le a((roa%& to -n# o!t t&e
ri$&t ti*e to &an#o/+ .oS o" #i/erent wireless networks &ave #i/erent
'an#wi#t&, %a(a%ity an# laten%y a((li%ation s&o!l# 'e a'le to %&an$e its
inter"a%e an# .oS level a%%or#in$ to t&e %!rrent network<s environ*ent
are to 'e %onsi#ere# "or t&is investi$ation+ Wireless overlay networks is
t&e tren# o" ne)t $eneration wireless network+ Wireless overlay networks
will (er*it 4T to !se a((ro(riate network at a((ro(riate *o*ent to
(rovi#e *a)i*!* !ser satis"a%tion+
Signature of scholar
Signature of Supervisor
Signature of scholar
Signature of Supervisor

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