Sample FDCPA Debt Verification Letter

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Sample FDCPA Debt Verification Letter

Collection Agency Name Address CITY/Town, STATE ZIPCODE

Re: Acct Ref. # XXXXX and XXXXX To Whom It May Concern:
This letter is being sent to you in response to a !"#$g% notice I recei&ed from your
company. 'e ad&ised that this is not a refusal to pay( but a notice sent pursuant to the )air
*ebt Collection +ractices Act( !, -.C !#"$g .ec. /0" 1b2 that your claim is disputed and
&alidation is re3uested.
This is 45T a re3uest for &erification or proof of my mailing address( but a re3uest for
6A7I*ATI54 made pursuant to the abo&e named Title and .ection. I respectfully re3uest
that your offices pro&ide me 8ith competent e&idence of the follo8ing:
9 What the money you say I o8e is for
9 :;plain and sho8 me ho8 you calculated 8hat you say I o8e
9 +ro&ide me 8ith copies of any papers that sho8 I agreed to pay 8hat you say I o8e
9 +ro&ide a &erification or copy of any <udgment if applicable
9 Identify the original creditor
9 +ro&e the .tatute of 7imitations has not e;pired on this account
9 .ho8 me that you are licensed to collect in my state
9 +ro&ide me 8ith your license numbers and Registered Agent
9 +roof that the collection company o8ns the debt=or has been assigned the debt. 1>ou are
legally entitled to collect this particular debt from me.2 This is basic contract la8.
9 Complete payment history( starting 8ith the original creditor. 1I need to ha&e proof of
my payment history 8ith original Creditor( 8hat the amount of the debt 8as 8hen the
creditor assigned the debt to your company( and 8hat fees=interest has been tac?ed on
to this debt and ho8 you=they determined these fees.2
9 Copy of the original signed loan agreement or credit card application. 1My contract 8ith
the original creditor establishing the debt bet8een us.2
At this time I 8ill also inform you that if your offices ha&e reported in&alidated information
to any of the @ ma<or Credit 'ureau 1:3uifa;( :;perian or Trans-nion2 this action might
constitute fraud under both )ederal and .tate 7a8s. *ue to this fact( if any negati&e mar? is
found on any of my credit reports by your company or the company that you represent
If your offices are able to pro&ide the proper documentation as re3uested in the follo8ing
*eclaration( I 8ill re3uire at least @0 days in&estigating this information and during such time
all collection acti&ity must cease and desist.
Also during this &alidation period( if any action is ta?en 8hich could be considered
detrimental to any of my credit reports( I 8ill consult 8ith my legal counsel for suit. This
includes any listing any information to a credit reporting repository that could be inaccurate
or in&alidated or &erifying an account as accurate 8hen in fact there is no pro&ided proof that
it is. If your offices fail to respond to this &alidation re3uest 8ithin @0 days from the date of
your receipt( all references to this account must be deleted and completely remo&ed from my
credit file and a copy of such deletion re3uest shall be sent to me immediately.
I 8ould also li?e to re3uest( in 8riting( that no telephone contact be made by your offices to
my home or to my place of employment. If your offices attempt telephone communication
8ith me( including but not limited to computer generated calls and calls or correspondence
sent to or 8ith any third parties( it 8ill be considered harassment and I 8ill ha&e no choice
but to file suit. All future communications 8ith me M-.T be done in 8riting and sent to the
address noted in this letter by -.+..
It 8ould be ad&isable that you assure that your records are in order before I am forced to ta?e
legal action. This is an attempt to correct your recordsA any information obtained shall be
used for that purpose.
'est Regards( >our 4ame Bere.

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