Gospel of Matthew

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Who was Matthew, also known as Levi? We read in the Gospel that he was a tax col-
lector and that Jesus made him one of his apostles (Mt 9:9) and (Mk 2:13). The earliest wit-
nesses (Papias around 130; Irenaeus around 180; Origen around 200) attribute to him a
Gospel written in Hebrew that was still known at the time of Saint Jerome (fourth century).
We only know the Greek version of this Gospel that must have been written during the same
years by Matthew or by one of his collaborators.
In all probability, this Gospel was written in a Christian community where there were
Christians of Jewish and Greek origin, perhaps in Antioch (see Acts 12:1; 19:1; 13:1). This
was the time when the high priest, Ananias, had James, the Bishop of Jerusalem, stoned to
death. At that time, Christians were excluded from the synagogues and they were no longer
protected by Roman laws that had allowed the Jews not to offer sacrifices to Roman gods.
Within a short time, they would be persecuted by Nero (64–65).
This Gospel attempts to show that Christians should not be concerned if their own peo-
ple are rejecting them now. The official community that refused to believe was left outside
of the Kingdom to which those who acknowledged the Messiah had access. This minority
received the “goods things of the Covenant” that had been promised by the prophets. From
then on, they will have to share them with all believers who will seek to join the Church
whatever their origin may be.
From this perspective, the whole history of Jesus is presented as a conflict that ends up
in a separation.
Matthew has singled out the figure of Jesus as a preacher and as a teacher of Scripture.
Matthew is especially interested in the words of Jesus and in his Gospel; Jesus’ words are
more numerous than in the other Gospels. On the other hand, his gestures and miracles are
presented in the most schematic way possible.
Therefore, we should not be surprised that Matthew built up his Gospel around five
“discourses” in which he gathered the words that Jesus had said on different occasions. These
discourses are: The Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5–7. This “Magna Carta” of the children
of God is completed by ten signs of power that announce our liberation from sin: chapters 8
and 9.
– Instructions to the Missionaries: Matthew 10. These instructions are completed by the
controversies that oppose Jesus and his adversaries (chaps. 11–12).
– Parables of the Kingdom: Matthew 13. Then comes the blinding of the Pharisees,
while the faith of the Twelve and of Peter enables Jesus to establish his Church.
– Warnings to the Christian community: Matthew 18. The fundamental law of fraternal
forgiveness is completed by various instructions. The guides of the Jewish people are closed,
showing by contrast what the guides of the Christian people will have to be.
– How to live while waiting for the end of the world: Matthew 24 and 25.
Matthew put the first two chapters on the infancy of Jesus to serve as an introduction.
First, he recalls how Joseph adopted the child born of the Virgin Mary as the son of David.
Then we have accounts of a special type, in which Matthew shows little concern for the his-
toricity of the facts, since his intention is to present a theological teaching by way of im-
ages. These two chapters form a whole (1:1–4:16) with the activity of John the Baptist who
introduces the Son of God in his public life.
1321 MATTHEW 1

The roots of Jesus Uzziah, 9 Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah,

Lk 3: • 1 This is the account of the ge- 10
Manasseh, Amon, Josiah.
23-38 1 nealogy of Jesus Christ, son of
Josiah was the father of Jecho- 2K 24:12;
David, son of Abraham. niah and his brothers at the time of 36:20
Abraham was the father of Isa- the deportation to Babylon.
ac, Isaac the father of Jacob, Jacob
After the deportation to Baby-
the father of Judah and his brothers. lon, Jechoniah was the father of Sa-
lathiel and Salathiel of Zerubbabel.
Judah was the father of Perez
Zerubbabel was the father of
Gen and Zerah (their mother was Tamar),
Abiud, Abiud of Eliakim, and Elia-
38:29; Perez was the father of Hezron, and
Ru 4:13 kim of Azor. 14 Azor was the father of
Hezron of Aram. 4 Aram was the fa-
Zadok, Zadok the father of Akim,
ther of Aminadab, Aminadab of Nah-
and Akim the father of Eliud. 15 Eliud
shon, Nahshon of Salmon.
was the father of Eleazar, Eleazar of
Ru 4:13
Salmon was the father of Boaz. Matthan, and Matthan of Jacob.
His mother was Rahab. Boaz was the 16
Jacob was the father of Joseph,
father of Obed. His mother was Ruth. the husband of Mary, and from her
Obed was the father of Jesse. came Jesus who is called the Christ
2S 12:24
Jesse was the father of David, —the Messiah.
the king. David was the father of So- 17
There were then fourteen gener-
lomon. His mother had been Uriah’s ations in all from Abraham to David,
wife. and fourteen generations from David
Solomon was the father of Re- to the deportation to Babylon, and
hoboam. Then came the kings: Abi- fourteen generations from the depor-
jah, Asaph, 8 Jehoshaphat, Joram, tation to Babylon to the birth of Christ.

• 1.1 Many books in the Bible are careful The list extends to Joseph, the adoptive fa-
to show that the events and persons they ther of Jesus (v. 16). Among the Jews, this
speak about are rooted in earlier history, for adoption was sufficient for Jesus to be consid-
the whole Bible draws its strength from a con- ered, like Joseph, son of David.
tinuity of history and from the fidelity of God to Four names included in the list belong to
his promises. That is the meaning of this list women, all described in the Bible: Tamar, who
of ancestors. Matthew prefers to call it, as do gave everything so as not to lose the divine
the other books of the Bible: the document of blessings; Rahab, a foreign prostitute whom
the origins. the Bible praises (Jos 2); Ruth, another for-
Luke 3:23 has another genealogy of Jesus eigner of exemplary conduct; and the widow
that aims to emphasize his solidarity with the of Uriah, the beautiful Bathsheba, who shared
whole human race. David’s sin.
All of this background discreetly announces
There are 42 names on the list, arranged in
him who came down to save sinners and to
three series of 14 names each, a symbolic
open the Kingdom of Israel to the multitudes
number for the Jews. It is obvious that it is not
coming from the pagan world.
a complete list.
The Savior is the flower and fruit of our
Jesus is the son of Abraham. Abraham is earth and of the chosen race at the same time
the father of the believers. God promised to (Is 45:8). God led the Jewish people to a de-
unite all nations around his race. Jesus is also gree of human and religious maturity where
the son of David: all Israel knew that the Sav- the coming and teaching of Jesus would take
ior would be a descendant of David. on its full meaning.
The first series of names appears in Ruth We must understand that we are in solidar-
4:18. The second is made up of kings, de- ity with Christ first of all through human ties.
scendants of David, mentioned in the Book of The history of the present time, as well as the
Kings. The Bible does not say anything about history of our families, prepares the second
the descendants of Zerubbabel (Ezra 2:3). coming of Christ to humankind.
MATTHEW 1 1322

Jesus born of a virgin mother ceive and bear a son, and he will be
(Lk 1:27) called Emmanuel, which means:
Lk 1:27; • 18 This is how Jesus Christ was God-with-us. 24 When Joseph woke
Mt 2:5;
2:11 born: Mary his mother had been up, he did what the angel of the Lord
given to Joseph in marriage, but be- had told him to do, and he took his
fore they lived together, she was wife to his home. 25 So she gave birth Is 7:14
Lk 1:31;
found to be pregnant through the to a son and he had not had marital 2:21
Holy Spirit. relations with her. Joseph gave him
Then Joseph, her husband, the name Jesus.
made plans to divorce her in all se- Wise men from the east
crecy. He was an upright man, and in • 1 When Jesus was born in Beth-
no way did he want to discredit her. 2 lehem, in Judea, during the
While he was pondering over days of king Herod, wise men from
this, an angel of the Lord appeared the East arrived in Jerusalem. 2 They Num
to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, asked, “Where is the newborn king 24:17

descendant of David, do not be of the Jews? We saw the rising of his

afraid to take Mary as your wife. She star in the East and have come to
has conceived by the Holy Spirit, honor him.”
and now she will bear a son. You 3
When Herod heard this he was
Lk 1:31;
Acts shall call him ‘Jesus’ for he will save greatly disturbed, and with him all
his people from their sins.” Jerusalem. 4 He immediately called a
All this happened in order to ful- meeting of all high-ranking priests
fill what the Lord had said through and scribes, and asked them where
the prophet: 23 The virgin will con- the Messiah was to be born.

• 18. The wording of verse 16 should be to fecundity. It was not so unusual that Joseph
noted. Jesus is not the son of Joseph. The be- would accept such a situation. At this time cer-
ginning of the paragraph intends to remind us tain Jews belonging to the party of the Essenes
that Jesus is both a legitimate son of David lived celibacy, as did the monks.
through Joseph and the Son of God conceived Joseph made plans to divorce her in all
through the Holy Spirit by a virgin–mother. secrecy. The Gospel is not precise as to his
These short and almost bashful sentences reasons for so doing. In any case it is unthink-
do not dare to unveil the mystery of Mary, the able that people might have doubted Mary’s fi-
virgin through whom life on earth touches God delity.
and offers itself as an oblation. A messenger The intervention of the angel in the Gospel
breaks through the night and speaks with silent is not to reassure Joseph but to inform him of
words: the world is open to the active presence his role in the plan of God: “You shall call
of God. him ‘Jesus’, and you will receive him as your
Mary was engaged. Engagements gave to son.” Joseph was a “descendant of David” and
the Jewish people practically every right of Jesus adopted by Joseph would be a legitimate
marriage, especially conjugal rights. The only descendant of David. Most probably Mary did
difference was that women continued to live not even belong to the tribe of Judah, which
under the parents’ tutelage and in their paren- was that of David, but like her cousin Elizabeth,
tal home. The Jews were markedly a “macho” she belonged to a family of priests of the tribe
society. A woman necessarily belonged to a of Levi.
man, either to her father, her husband, or her
son. Mary was already the wife of Joseph, but • 2.1 From the first Christian generations
she could not be under his authority until he there have been popular narratives trying to
brought her to his home (vv. 20 and 24). relate all that was not known about Jesus and
With reference to the virginity of Mary, see not part of the Gospel. These closely resem-
Luke 1:26. bled the Jewish stories of the childhood of
The virginity of Mary was not in keeping Abraham and Moses. The wise men, the star
with the Jewish mentality that gave first place and the massacre of the children of Bethlehem
1323 MATTHEW 2

Jn 7:42
“In the town of Bethlehem in overjoyed on seeing the star again.
Judea,” they told him, “for this is 11
They went into the house, and Lk 2:16;
Ps 72:10;
Mic 5:1; what the prophet wrote: 6 And you, when they saw the child with Mary Is 60:1-6
2S 5:2
Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, you his mother, they knelt and worshiped
are by no means the least among the him. They opened their bags and of-
clans of Judah, for from you will fered him their gifts of gold, incense
come a leader, the one who is to and myrrh.
shepherd my people Israel.” 12
In a dream they were warned 2:22
Then Herod secretly called the not to go back to Herod, so they re-
wise men and asked them the pre- turned to their home country by an-
cise time the star appeared. 8 Then other way.
he sent them to Bethlehem with the
instruction, “Go and get accurate in- Escape to Egypt
formation about the child. As soon • 13 After the wise men had left, an 1:20;
as you have found him, report to me, angel of the Lord appeared in a
so that I too may go and honor him.” dream to Joseph and said, “Get up,
After the meeting with the king, take the child and his mother and
they set out. The star that they had flee to Egypt, and stay there until I
seen in the East went ahead of them tell you, for Herod will soon be look-
and stopped over the place where ing for the child in order to kill him.”
the child was. 10 The wise men were 14
Joseph got up, took the child

have sprung directly from those stories and it how to communicate with us by means of
is useless today to study astronomical maps to events and through our own ideals, which
find a comet that was visible at that time. guide us as stars. Whatever be the way, it will
In this chapter then, Matthew uses these sto- lead us to the one who is the light of God.
ries without the slightest problem about their
authenticity. He uses them to show how Jesus • 13. In relating the story about the slaugh-
lived in his own way what his people had un- ter of innocent children and the flight into
dergone. That accounts for the quotations Egypt, Matthew quotes two verses from the
from the Old Testament with each one re- prophets Hosea and Jeremiah about the trials
peating the phrase: “in this way… was ful- and sufferings of God’s people in past times.
filled….” It is a way of saying that the texts Jesus must live in exile and anguish, as did his
should be reread. They spoke of the people, ancestors. Persecution begins with his birth
and at the same time they announced the com- and will follow him till his death. Mary (and
ing of Jesus. In a way, he would live what had Joseph to a lesser degree) was associated with
already been lived—journeying, searching, re- Jesus’ sufferings and saving mission.
joicing, and grieving—but with him all would Christian tradition has always held that the
have a new meaning. “Innocents” associated with the Passion of
The Wise Men could have been respected Christ without having wished it also shared in
priests and seers of Zoroastrian religion. Here his glory without having merited it. This invites
they stand for all the non-biblical religions. us to be mindful of the fact that the mysterious
While the Jewish priests, chiefs of the people love of God envelops millions of massacred
of God, do not receive notice of the birth of children and other hundreds of millions killed
Jesus, God communicates the news to some before seeing the light of day. What should we
of his friends in the pagan world. This lesson is think of so many stifled possibilities? Individu-
good for all times: Jesus is the Savior of all als and society responsible for this disaster suf-
people, and not only of those who belong to fer the consequences; but God has all destinies
the Church. in hand, he knows them in advance, and no
The star reminds us that God calls each one one by destroying life is able to limit God’s
according to him or her own personality. Jesus generosity. No matter how much innocent
calls the fishermen of Galilee after a miracu- blood the enemies of the Gospel spill, they will
lous catch of fish; the pagans who look at the not be able to extinguish the Church or to
stars, God calls by means of a star. God knows block God’s plans.
MATTHEW 2 1324

and his mother, and left that night for Joseph and Mary return to Nazareth
Hos 11:1 Egypt, 15 where he stayed until the • 19 After Herod’s death, an angel
death of Herod. In this way, what the of the Lord appeared in a dream to
Lord had said through the prophet Joseph and said, 20 “Get up, take the 4:19
was fulfilled: I called my son out of child and his mother and go back to
Egypt. the land of Israel, because those who
When Herod found out that he tried to kill the child are dead.” 21 So
had been tricked by the wise men, he Joseph got up, took the child and his
was furious. He gave orders to kill all mother and went to the land of Is-
the boys in Bethlehem and its neigh- rael.
borhood who were two years old or 22
But when Joseph heard that Ar-
under. This was done in line with
chilaus had succeeded his father He-
what he had learned from the wise
rod as king of Judea, he was afraid
men about the time when the star
to go there. Joseph was given further
instructions in a dream, and went to
In this way, what the prophet
the region of Galilee.
Jer Jeremiah had said was fulfilled: 18 A
cry is heard in Ramah, wailing and • 23 There he settled in a town Is 11:1;
loud lamentation: Rachel weeps for called Nazareth. In this way, what was Jdg 13:5;
her children. She refuses to be com- said by the prophets was fulfilled: He Lk 2:39;
Acts 2:22
forted, for they are no more. shall be called a Nazorean.

• 19. The return to Nazareth. Here we the most important deeds and words of Jesus
have the end of these stories that are intended by which he gives us his message. It does not
to introduce us to the Gospel. They announce tell us what Jesus looked like, whether he was
the mission of Christ: savior misjudged by his tall or stout, blond or dark, and many other
own, hounded by authority, he will turn to- things that did not interest the first Christians.
wards the pagan nations. For Galilee was con- The Gospels of Mark and John open with
sidered by the Jews of Judea as half-foreign Jesus’ baptism by John, after which Jesus
and pagan (4:15). Jesus was to remain thirty began teaching. Later on, Matthew and Luke
years in this small village where he grew up wrote a little about Jesus’ childhood to help us
and worked as a “carpenter” (Mk 6:3) while understand the secret of his person.
the world waited for salvation. Secondly, let us read Matthew 13:54-56.
The people of Nazareth, astounded by his
• 23. He shall be called a Nazorean. deeds, do not say: surely Jesus has learned
Matthew plays with this word that brings to this in foreign countries because he was
mind nezer, or shoot (Is 11:1) and nazorite abroad so much. They wonder: what has hap-
(Num 6). In those days there were religious pened to the carpenter’s son? We have known
groups who preached and baptized, as did him for a long time… what has happened to
John, and they were considered nazorites. him?
Jesus was both nezer and nazorite. Thirdly, we can say that to speak the word
Many people wonder what Jesus did be- of God is at the same time to speak a word of
tween the ages of twelve, when he was seen in human experience. The prophets speak words
the Temple (Lk 2:41), and thirty, the approxi- of God, not as a tape recorder, but as people
mate age of Jesus when he began his ministry. who feel something and have something to cry
False pretenders take advantage of this out. Jesus could not speak the word of God if
Gospel’s silence to speculate that Jesus went he had not acquired, as a man, an exceptional
to India to learn magic and how to work mira- wisdom of what is inside man (Jn 2:25). The
cles from the Hindu wonder workers, or even years Jesus spent in Nazareth were not really
that he visited some outer-space goblins. It lost. He absorbed the culture of his people and
does not take much to imagine things! observed events affecting his nation experi-
Let us remember, first of all, that the Gospel encing manual labor, human relations, feelings,
is not a biography of Jesus, a narration of his suffering and oppression. Jesus had to experi-
life from birth to death. It seeks only to tell us ence all these things to be our savior, so that
1325 MATTHEW 4

John the Baptist prepares the way coming after me is more powerful 13:24;
(Mk 1:1; Lk 3:1Jn 1:19) than me; indeed I am not worthy to Mt 11:3;
Jn 1:15;
Mk 1:1-8; • 1 In the course of time John the carry his sandals. He will baptize you 1:33
Lk 3:1-18;
Jn 1:19
3 Baptist appeared in the desert of in Holy Spirit and fire. 12 He has the Is 41:16

Judea and began to proclaim his winnowing fan in his hand and he will
Mk 1:15 message, 2 “Change your ways, the clear out his threshing floor. He will
kingdom of heaven is now at hand!” gather his wheat into the barn, but the
Is 40:3
It was about him that the prophet chaff he will burn in everlasting fire.”
Isaiah had spoken when he said: A
Jesus baptized by John
voice is shouting in the desert, ‘Pre- (Mk 1:9; Lk 3:2; Jn 1:29)
pare a way for the Lord, make his
paths straight!’ • 13 At that time Jesus arrived Mk 1:
John had a leather garment from Galilee and came to John at the Lk 3:
around his waist and wore a cloak of Jordan to be baptized by him. 14 But 21-22;
Jn 1:29
camel’s hair; his food was locusts John tried to prevent him, and said,
and wild honey. 5 People came to him “How is it you come to me? I should
from Jerusalem, from all Judea and be baptized by you!”
from the whole Jordan valley, 6 and 15
But Jesus answered him, “Let it
they were baptized by him in the Jor- be like that for now, so that we may
dan as they confessed their sins. fulfill the right order.” John agreed.
When he saw several Pharisees 16
As soon as he was baptized,
Lk 21:23; and Sadducees coming to where he Jesus came up from the water. At
Rom 1:18;
baptized, he said to them, “Brood of once, the heavens opened and he
5:9; vipers! Who told you that you could saw the Spirit of God come down like
Eph 5:6;
Col 3:6; escape the punishment that is to a dove and rest upon him. 17 At the Is 42:1;
Rev 6:16 Mt 12:18;
come? 8 Let it be seen that you are same time a voice from heaven was 17:5
Jn 8:33; serious in your conversion, 9 and do heard, “This is my Son, the Beloved;
Rom 4:12;
7:8 not think: We have Abraham for our he is my Chosen One.”
father. I tell you that God can raise
children for Abraham from these Jesus tempted in the wilderness
(Lk 4:1; Mk 1:12)
7:19; stones! 10 The axe is already laid to Mk 1:
Lk 13:7;
the roots of the trees; any tree that • 1 Then the Spirit led Jesus into 12-13;
Jn 15:6
does not produce good fruit will be 4 the desert that he might be put Lk 4:1-13

cut down and thrown in the fire. to the test by the devil. 2 After spend- Heb 2:18;
Mk 6:17;
I baptize you in water for a ing forty days and nights without
Jn 1:26;
Acts 1:5; change of heart, but the one who is food, Jesus was hungry.

his words would be true, weighty and valuable deep religious experience recalling that of the
for all times. great prophets. What the voice says gives
Jesus his mission. He will be Son and Servant
• 3.1 We have just said that the real be- of the Father (Ps 2 and Is 42:1).
ginning of the Gospel is the preaching of John
the Baptist. Here Matthew compares Jesus • 4.1 The commentary of this event is
with John, John’s baptism with that of Jesus. partly found in Luke’s Gospel (4:1-13).
See commentaries on Mark 1:1 and Luke 3. Jesus is then Son of God in the sense this
word had in his time: he is sent as king,
• 13. In this baptism Jesus identifies him- prophet and savior and he knows it. How will
self with his people, more precisely with this he live this and how will God act towards his
world of “untitled” people who went to hear a Son? He will be put to the test in the desert. In
call to conversion. For him it is an occasion of reality Jesus would undergo this test through-
MATTHEW 4 1326

Then the devil came to him and answered, “Be off, Satan! Scripture Dt 6:13
said, “If you are the Son of God, says: Worship the Lord your God
order these stones to turn into and serve him alone!”
Dt 8:3 bread.” 4 But Jesus answered, “Scrip- 11
Then the devil left him, and an-
ture says: One does not live on bread gels came to serve him.
alone, but on every word that comes
from the mouth of God.” (Mk 1:14; Lk 4:14)
Is 52:1
Then the devil took Jesus to the
holy city, set him on the highest wall
When Jesus heard that John Mk 1:
of the temple, and said to him, 6 “If had been arrested, he withdrew into Lk 4:14
you are the Son of God, throw your- Galilee. 13 He left Nazareth and went
Mt 27:40
self down, for scripture says: God to live in Capernaum, a town by the
has given orders to his angels about lake of Galilee, at the border of Ze-
you. Their hands will hold you up bulun and Naphtali.
lest you hurt your foot against a
In this way the word of the
Dt 6:16; stone.” 7 Jesus answered, “But scrip- prophet Isaiah was fulfilled: 15 Land Is 8:23—
1Cor 10:9
ture also says: You shall not put to of Zebulun and land of Naphtali,
the test the Lord your God.” crossed by the Road of the Sea, and
Then the devil took Jesus to a you who live beyond the Jordan,
very high mountain, and showed him Galilee, land of pagans:
all the nations of the world in all their 16
The people who lived in dark- Lk 1:79

Dn 3:5;
greatness and splendor. And he said, ness have seen a great light; on those
Mt 2:11;
“All this I will give you, if you kneel who live in the land of the shadow of
1Cor down and worship me.” 10 Then Jesus death, a light has shone.
Rev 4:10;

out his ministry: his opponents would ask for we are without a spirit of obedience to God.
signs and miracles, and his own disciples would The three temptations recall to mind those of
want him to center more on himself. It is this the Hebrews in the desert (Ex 16:2; Ex 17:1;
permanent test that is here presented in a fig- Ex 32). At the waters of Massah they grum-
urative way. The Gospel intentionally places bled against God for leading them where the
this temptation in the desert at the beginning, going was difficult; later they put God to the
and affirms that Jesus defeated the evil spirit test: “Could not he do something for them?”
before he had begun his mission. Finally they exchanged God and his Glory for
After spending forty days and nights with- another god of their own making: a golden
out food, Jesus was hungry. This duration of calf. Jesus replies by quoting three texts from
forty days (which symbolically represents the Deuteronomy, a book that speaks at length of
forty weeks a child remains in its mother’s the rebellion of the people of God in the
womb in preparation for a new birth) was al- desert. The perfect obedience of the Son con-
ready present in the life of Moses and Elijah: trasts with the infidelity of the Father’s chosen
Exodus 24:18; 1 Kings 19:8. This fast is for people.
Jesus what the command to sacrifice his son Jesus is victor in this trial, but after him the
had been for Abraham, and for Moses the re- Church will have to confront these same temp-
bellion of a thirsty people or the incident of the tations. She could be tempted to satisfy human
golden calf. In a moment of full lucidity, when desires instead of offering true salvation. Jesus
Jesus felt physically exhausted and spiritually teaches us to be strong against the tricks of the
strengthened by his fast, the devil tried to con- devil in using, as he did, the word of God.
vince him that it was impossible to carry out The angels came to serve him. After re-
his mission with the means God had proposed. jecting the temptations, Jesus finds total
Strange as it is, the Gospel presents this en- peace. His purity of heart opens up for him a
counter of Jesus with the tempter (devil) as a spiritual world hidden from human eyes, a
discussion on biblical texts between masters of world as real as the material things and beings
the Law. The purpose, no doubt, is to show surrounding him. In this spiritual world, as Son
us that even biblical texts may lead us astray if of God he is king among the spirits who are
1327 MATTHEW 5

• 17 From that time on, Jesus began and all those who suffered: the pos-
to proclaim his message, “Change sessed, the deranged, the paralyzed,
your ways: the kingdom of heaven is and he healed them all. 25 Large Mk 3:7
near.” crowds followed him from Galilee
Mk 1:
As Jesus walked by the lake of and the Ten Cities, from Jerusalem,
Lk 5:1-11; Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon Judea, and from across the Jordan.
Jn 1:40 called Peter, and Andrew his brother,
casting a net into the lake, for they The Beatitudes
(Lk 6:17)
were fishermen. 19 He said to them,
“Come, follow me, and I will make • 1 When Jesus saw the crowds, Lk 6:
you fish for people.” 5 he went up the mountain. He sat 17-23;
Mk 3:13;
At once they left their nets and down and his disciples gathered Lk 9:1

followed him. around him. 2 Then he spoke and be-

He went on from there and saw gan to teach them:
two other brothers, James, the son of 3
Fortunate are those who are
Zebedee, and his brother John in a poor in spirit, for theirs is the king-
boat with their father Zebedee, mend- dom of heaven.
ing their nets. Jesus called them. 4
Fortunate are those who mourn,
At once they left the boat and they shall be comforted.
their father and followed him. 5
Fortunate are the gentle, they Ps 37:11
Mk 1:39;
Jesus went around all Galilee, shall possess the land.
Lk 4:14-
15, 44; teaching in their synagogues, pro- 6
Fortunate are those who hunger Is 51:1;
Sir 24:21
Mt 9:35;
claiming the good news of the king- and thirst for justice, for they shall be
12:15; dom, and curing all kinds of sickness satisfied.
Mk 3:7-8; and disease among the people. 7
Fortunate are the merciful, for 18:33;
Jas 2:13
6:54 24
The news about him spread they shall find mercy.
Mk 6:55 through the whole of Syria, and the 8
Fortunate are those with a pure Ps 24:4;
people brought all their sick to him, heart, for they shall see God.

servants of his Father (see commentary on Dn istry begins, not at the heart of Israel, but
12:6). where is felt the presence of that majority of
humankind who have not yet received the
• 17. Change your ways. The Greek word word of God.
is oftentimes translated as “convert”, or “re-
pent”. In 3:11 we put “change of heart”, • 5.1 Jesus went up the mountain. Mat-
which is the closest to the Greek word. This thew places this discourse somewhere in the
term can be understood in many ways. In the hill country bordering the lake of Tiberias. The
mouth of John the Baptist, “Be converted” reason for mentioning a mountain is to re-
means “turn away from your sins.” With Jesus, mind us of Mount Sinai where Moses received
“conversion” means a renewal of life from in- the Law (Ex 19). In this first “discourse of
side out. The Gospel will tell us that this re- Jesus” (see Introduction) Matthew presents
newal follows the discovery of God’s mercy him as a Master giving to Israel and to all hu-
and is the work of his Spirit within us (see com- mankind the new and definitive Law. The for-
mentary on Mk 1:14). mula: but I say to you is repeated six times in
The kingdom of heaven is near. The Jews order to highlight the contrast between the
at that time said “kingdom of Heaven” instead Law of Moses and the New Law.
of “kingdom of God” (see commentary on Mt Fortunate! This first paragraph introduces
5:1). Jesus proclaims that God comes to reign the new people of God; to them the Law is
among us meaning that we receive definitive given. Let us not forget that for the Bible, the
salvation. Law is not only a matter of commandments; it
The Ten Cities (v. 25). This is the territory includes also God’s interventions and declara-
also called Decapolis, where Jews and non- tions which have made Israel a special people,
Jews were mixed. Let us note that Jesus’ min- called to a world mission. The Law had been
MATTHEW 5 1328
Fortunate are those who work for insult you and persecute you and
peace, they shall be called children speak all kinds of evil against you
of God. because you are my followers. 12 Be 10:22;
1P 4:14;
Heb 12:4;
Fortunate are those who are glad and joyful, for a great reward is Heb
Jas 3:18;
1P 3:14 persecuted for the cause of justice, kept for you in God. This is how this 11:32;
Jas 5:10
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. people persecuted the prophets who
Jas 1:2
Fortunate are you, when people lived before you.

given to the “children of Abraham and Israel” Those said to be “fortunate” are not so be-
who were guided out of Egypt by Moses. Ex- cause of what they suffer: the expression
clamations like these abound: How fortunate would not ring true. They are fortunate be-
you are, Israel! Meaning: What luck to have cause they are admitted to the Kingdom.
been chosen! And How privileged you are to The kingdom of heaven is theirs (v. 3) and
be God’s people among all other nations! You following immediately: they possess the land.
are indeed fortunate for it is to you that God There is no real contradiction, it is only ap-
has spoken (Dt 33:29; Ps 144:15; Bar 4:4). parent.
Right away the Gospel speaks of a con- First of all we must understand the term
verted people of God. No longer the people of Heaven as used in Jesus’ time. Being exceed-
the twelve tribes, with their land, their lan- ingly respectful of God, the Jews would not
guage, their frontiers, their national ambitions, pronounce his name, referring to him with
but rather those God will seek among all na- other words like Heaven, The Glory, The
tions. Who are these chosen ones who surely Power… The kingdom of Heaven means lit-
must consider themselves overjoyed to be so erally the kingdom of God, like the Father of
called? They are the poor, those who weep, Heaven means simply: God the Father. On
those who have often been tempted to curse reading the word Heaven, remember that
their misfortune, their sins, and their personal Jesus usually meant by this word, not the re-
conflicts. ward we will obtain after death “in heaven,”
Here Matthew gives us eight beatitudes, but the kingdom of God that comes to us on
while Luke 6:20-26 has only four. It is not im- this earth together with Jesus.
portant, however, for they form but one Likewise we translated as a great reward is
theme. The main difference between Matthew kept for you in God (v. 12) the sentence that
and Luke arises from the fact that their beati- says “is kept for you in heaven.”
tudes are addressed to two different groups. The real meaning of the land must also be
Luke presents the Beatitudes in the way understood. This land, for the Bible, was Pales-
they were proclaimed by Jesus. In Luke, Jesus tine, because it was there that God would
addresses the whole assembly of common peo- come to save his people. The Gospel, in turn,
ple, speaking as one of them. Like the proph- does not oppose what is material with what is
ets he speaks boldly and clearly: you, the poor, spiritual: actually, the term “spiritual” is not
are the first beneficiaries of the promises of used at all throughout the Gospel. When God
God. spoke through the prophets, he promised his
Matthew instead adapts Jesus’ words to his people a world where all their needs would be
audience of Christian believers. The Church satisfied: banquets with wine aplenty (Is 25:6),
had already spread and Christian communities long life, a land well-watered, freedom from
brought together all kind of people: slaves, or- oppression, a kingdom of justice. Over and
dinary people and wealthy ones. Matthew tells above all that, God would live among his peo-
them that the Gospel is significant for each of ple and to them he would communicate his
them. It is not only by being poor that they will Spirit: They will be my people and I will be
please God, but also by their inner attitude and their God (Ezk 37:27).
way of life. He says: Fortunate are those who In the Beatitudes, the kingdom of God is at
are spiritually poor, adding the pure of heart, the same time the land of Palestine promised
those who work for peace… to the children of Abraham and the land where
Luke points out those to whom the Gospel peace reigns for God is present there. Those
gives priority: the masses who are poor, the who hunger for justice will be given both
workers, the peasants and the marginalized. bread and the holiness of God, because in the
Matthew for his part teaches those already Bible justice also signifies: being as God wishes
within the Church how they should behave to us to be. Because of this Jesus tells us that we
be worthy of the God who chose them. shall be satisfied or consoled. Our consolation
1329 MATTHEW 5

Salt and light More perfect law

(Mk 4:21; Lk 14:34; 8:16; 11:33) • 17 Do not think that I have come Rom
Mk 9:50; • 13 You are the salt of the earth. to annul the Law and the Prophets. I 3:31;
Lk 14:
34-35; But if salt has lost its saltiness, how have not come to annul them but to
Lev 2:13;
can it be made salty again? It has fulfill them. 18 I tell you this: as long Lk 16:17;
18:19 become useless. It can only be as heaven and earth last, not the Mt 24:35;
thrown away and people will tram- smallest letter or dot in the Law will Jas 2:10

ple on it. change until all is fulfilled.

Is 49:6;
Jn 8:12; • 14 You are the light of the world. 19
So then, whoever breaks the
A city built on a mountain cannot least important of these command-
Phil 2:15
Lk 8:16; be hidden. 15 No one lights a lamp ments, and teaches others to do the
and covers it; instead it is put on a same, will be the least in the king-
Mk 4:21
lampstand, where it gives light to dom of heaven. On the other hand,
Jn 3:21; everyone in the house. 16 In the same whoever obeys them, and teaches
way your light must shine before others to do the same, will be great
10:31 others, so that they may see the in the kingdom of heaven.
good you do and praise your Father 20
I tell you then, if you are not Rom
in heaven. righteous in a much broader way Phil 3:9

on earth is to know and see that God loves us sire and struggle for true justice and perfection,
and cares for us and in spite of all, can over- and not allow human societies to become sat-
turn the situation of the oppressed. It is also to isfied with mediocrity.
know that even when it seems he does not You are the light: Jesus does not mean
hear our prayer, our cross has meaning and “You are the best in the world,” but “God has
purpose. Finally we must not forget that in our chosen you to be a minority and through you
future life God will give us more than we could he will make himself known.” You will experi-
ever hope for or merit. It is certain, however, ence, (both you and the Church) much that
that Matthew more than Luke, has reorien- you would perhaps prefer to avoid, but which
tated the language of Jesus, inviting us to look will be for the world, a sign from God.
higher than what is immediate.
Waiting lasted until the coming of Jesus. • 14. Children of light: Ephesians 5:8;
Jesus tells us that a new age has begun: God is 1 Peter 2:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:4.
with us and his Kingdom is already here for
those with a clean heart, meaning that their • 17. Here begins the presentation of the
desires have been purified: they will see God. new Law. It is far from what is often sought in
Fortunate—the persecuted. Matthew, like a religion: practices to observe, fasts, prayers,
Luke, develops this last beatitude, for, no mat- good works with which one wins salvation.
ter wherever we are, we cannot live the Gospel Jesus says little about this because the Bible
without suffering persecution. has dealt at length with this subject, and the
study of the Bible itself shows that these laws
• 13. Jesus has just designated those who and practices are always linked to a certain cul-
are called to the Kingdom. First of all he will ture, and have to be adapted to the times.
clarify their mission: to be the light of the Law (v. 18): At times this word indicates
world and not merely a light in the world. This all the religion of Israel. The Law and the
does not mean that all people are to enter the Prophets: was a way of indicating the whole
Church, but that the Church has to be salt and Bible.
light to the world. The Bible mentions salt as Not the smallest letter or dot in the Law
the element that preserves food. The covenant will change until all is fulfilled (v. 18). Jesus
of salt was the covenant of God with those does not refer to the commandments. Rather
who were to serve him forever (Num 18:19). he affirms that the religion founded on the Old
So the disciples of Jesus are called salt of the Testament’s Scripture was a temporary, yet
earth because through them the world benefits necessary, step in the history of salvation. The
from the lasting Covenant with God. They prophecies had to be fulfilled; the rites and sac-
must continually enkindle in the world the de- rifices of that religion expressed in a veiled
MATTHEW 5 1330

than the teachers of the Law and the thrown into the fire of hell. 23 So, if Mk 11:25;
Rom 13:9
Pharisees, you cannot enter the king- you are about to offer your gift at the
dom of heaven. altar, and you remember that your
• 21 You have heard that it was said brother has something against you,
Dt 5:17;
leave your gift there in front of the
Lk 12:57 to our people in the past: Do not
altar, go at once and make peace
commit murder; anyone who does
with him, and then come back and
Eph 4:26; kill will have to face trial. 22 But now
Jas 1: offer your gift to God.
19-20 I tell you: whoever gets angry with a
brother or sister will have to face 25
Don’t forget this: be reconciled Lk 12:
trial. Whoever insults a brother or with your opponent quickly when
sister deserves to be brought before you are together on the way to court.
the council. Whoever calls a brother Otherwise he will turn you over to
or a sister “Fool!” deserves to be the judge, who will hand you over to

manner the mystery of sin and mercy that gogue or visitors passing through gave a com-
would be fulfilled in the person and the work of mentary. Jesus was known for speaking often
Jesus. With him comes the perfect and de- in the assemblies and it is highly probable that
finitive fellowship of God with humankind. he would have often said: You have heard (vv.
For us as well, observing the laws of the 21, 27, 38) and I tell you, for he spoke with
Bible is not an end in itself. They are an ex- authority (Mt 7:29).
pression of real love and are its guidelines. In Jesus does not question the demands of the
obeying them we become receptive to the Bible, nor is he satisfied with a mere com-
Spirit who will lead us. In this way we discover mentary; the law of Christ is a call for purifi-
a “righteousness” or perfection far superior to cation of heart, that is, of our intentions and
the canonists of the time: the teachers of the our desires. It is a fresh enlightenment born of
Law and the Pharisees. a new experience of God. When we turn to-
In verse 19 Jesus is referring to the com- wards the Father (and that is the great innova-
mandments. tion: the imitation of God the Father: 5:48),
In verse 20, If you are not righteous in a we discover how imperfect are the human cri-
much broader way, Jesus refers to the spirit of teria of morality. Therefore, let us not call sin
the Law. only that which is seen or condemned as such
Just when he is about to teach a new way of by people. Indeed my sins are all the bad
understanding the Law of God, Jesus warns us thoughts that I keep inside and that produce
against the temptation of the easy way. Many evil fruits when the opportunity comes. See
could misinterpret the words of Jesus and say: also Matthew 12:34.
It would be better if religion were less de- Until you have paid the last penny (v. 26).
manding and easier to practice! Because of Repairing the damage means more than just
this, Jesus points out that anyone who does returning the money I have illegally taken. I
not intend to fulfill the entire Law will not enter must also question why I am so weak that I am
the Kingdom; nor will those who have ready carried away by any desire.
excuses for their laziness: these command- Often we recognize how lukewarm our love
ments are not so important! To those who obey for God is and how short-lived our persever-
the Law, Jesus shows the spirit of the Law. For ance in doing good. This is the result of many
such as these the Gospel is not a comfortable years of wrongdoing. We are able to forget
road, but the call to a more perfect life. about the wrong we have done, but we fail to
repair the damage caused to our whole per-
• 21. Here we have the beginning of the son. Although we may feel happy and uncon-
opposites: You have heard… but now I tell cerned, we carry a load within ourselves from
you. This formula will be repeated six times. the unsettled debts and accounts.
Jesus alludes to the reading of the Bible If we are not purified during this life, we will
which takes place each Sabbath in the syna- be during or after our death. The Church calls
gogues; just as in the Church today each week this painful purification “purgatory.” The trans-
has its assigned readings. It was the Hebrew formation that should take place in us (1 Cor
text or its Aramaic translation (the spoken lan- 15:51) is impossible unless the Spirit has com-
guage) that was used. The leaders of the syna- pletely burned out (Mt 3:11) our roots of evil.
1331 MATTHEW 5

the police, who will put you in jail. I tell you is this: if a man divorces his 19:9;
Mk 10:
There you will stay, until you have wife, except in the case of unlawful 11-12;
paid the last penny. union, he causes her to commit adul- Lk 16:18;
1Cor 7:
• 27 You have heard that it was tery. And the man who marries a di- 10-11
vorced woman commits adultery.
said: Do not commit adultery. 28 But I
tell you this: anyone who looks at a Oaths
woman too lustfully has in fact al- • 33 You have also heard that peo- 20:7;
ready committed adultery with her in Lev 19:12;
ple were told in the past: Do not Dt 23:22;
his heart.
break your oath; an oath sworn to Mt 23:16
So, if your right eye causes you
Lk 17:1 the Lord must be kept. 34 But I tell you Is 66:1;
to sin, pull it out and throw it away! It Mt 23:22;
this: do not take oaths. Do not swear Jas 5:12
is much better for you to lose a part
by the heavens, for they are God’s
of your body than to have your whole
throne, 35 nor by the earth, because it Ps 48:3
Mk 9:43 body thrown into hell. 30 If your right
is his footstool, nor by Jerusalem,
hand causes you to sin, cut it off and
because it is the city of the great
throw it away! It is better for you to
king. 36 Do not even swear by your
lose a part of your body than to have
head, because you cannot make a
your whole body thrown into hell.
single hair white or black. 37 Say yes 2Cor 1:
Dt 24:1; • 31 It was also said: Anyone who when you mean yes, and say no 17-19
Mal 2:
14-16; divorces his wife, must give her a when you mean no. Anything else
Mk 10:4 written notice of divorce. 32 But what you say comes from the devil.

• 27. Do not commit adultery. For many, • 31. Anyone who divorces his wife… See
conjugal fidelity is a burdensome and old-fash- commentaries on Mark 10:1; Matthew 19:3.
ioned law, which they merely admire in oth- Here this saying of Jesus is given as an ex-
ers. Jesus replaces fidelity among the laws of ample of the courageous decisions that a
the interior world, where God, the Faithful Christian may be called upon to make. God
One is to reign. sometimes asks for heroic sacrifices. The one
If your right eye… Here we must underline who does not choose the difficult way neces-
the opposition between: your hand, your eye, sarily loses something of the Gospel.
and: you. In another place Jesus will say that Except in the case of unlawful union.
we must be able to give up everything, but These words are not found in the other quota-
here he dares to add: even your physical in- tions of this saying of Jesus. Why did Matthew
tegrity. put them? In fact there are two possible inter-
All of us are looking for happiness, promo- pretations.
tion and security, but what are those criteria First, it can be understood that one spouse
worth? All strive to live fully their life and enjoy has an extra licentious relationship, and then
without limits their own health and body, but the other is allowed to separate.
here Jesus tells us that true life is elsewhere Second, it can be understood that the one
and that true self creates itself while accepting entering the Church through baptism is living
mutilations of the present life. with an unlawful union, and then this marriage
Is it only a matter of sacrificing what could or concubinage does not tie him.
drag us to “major fault and sin”? The word of
Jesus goes far beyond. As much as we com- • 33. Do not take oaths. This sentence
plain about the misery and meaninglessness of must not be understood: “You shall never take
our life, we conserve it at any cost with the an oath”, but: “In a general way, don’t take
hope of still enjoying this world. What if real oaths.”
sin were to avoid any risk and self-sacrifice Many invoke the name of God on any oc-
when God is calling? casion. Is it because they truly know him and
Jesus speaks of a hell of fire, because there have him in mind? If we use his name casually,
is nothing worse than this final result: a lost life it is because we do not experience the weight
that has not been fruitful, and the abortion of of his presence. What a lack of respect to call
our eternal self. on God to testify to our sincerity when we do
MATTHEW 5 1332

Love of enemies do good to your enemy. 44 But this I Lk 6:

(Lk 6:29) 27-36;
tell you: love your enemies, and pray Job 31:29;
Lev 24:20; • 38 You have heard that it was for those who persecute you, 45 so Acts 7:60;
Dt 19:21 that you may be children of your Fa- 12:20;
said: An eye for an eye and a tooth Pro 25:21;
ther in Heaven. For he makes his sun 23:4
Lk 6:29; for a tooth. 39 But I tell you this: do not
Jn 18:22; rise on both the wicked and the
1Cor 6:7 oppose evil with evil; if someone
good, and he gives rain to both the
slaps you on your right cheek, turn
just and the unjust.
and offer the other. 40 If someone sues 46
If you love those who love you,
you in court for your shirt, give him
what is special about that? Do not
your coat as well. 41 If someone
even tax collectors do as much?
forces you to go one mile, go two 47
And if you are friendly only to your
Lk 6:31 miles with him. 42 Give when asked,
friends, what is so exceptional about
and do not turn your back on anyone
that? Do not even the pagans do as
who wants to borrow from you.
much? 48 As for you, be righteous Lev 19:2;
Lev 19:18 • 43 You have heard that it was and perfect in the way your heavenly Dt 18:13;
1P 1:16;
said: Love your neighbor and do not Father is righteous and perfect. Jas 1:4

not even recognize all that is false and unclean • 43. Love your neighbor. Here we come
within us! to the last of the opposites between the Old
All the rest comes from the devil, and even Law and the New. The Old Testament spoke
the preoccupation of defending and justifying of loving a neighbor and this was a matter of
oneself in the eyes of others. See also Matthew solidarity among the members of the people of
23:16; James 5:12. God. With the Gospel the word “love” is not
only given a wider dimension: it introduces us
• 38. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a into a world totally different. Solidarity within
tooth. We read this in the Bible because in the the group is supported by an instinct inscribed
world of that time it was a wholesome maxim in nature. This love however does not cross the
(Dt 19:18-21). It claimed to put a limit to the frontiers that separate social groups: these only
thirst for vengeance and reminded judges and exist and find their identity in opposing others.
the community itself of the duty to defend its Do not do good to your enemy: The text is
members against those who abuse the weak. not found in the Bible as it stands but its equiv-
Do not oppose evil with evil. Jesus asks us alent is in several places (Dt 7:2). Referring to
to approach an adversary in the same way as enemies of the nation rather than to personal
this adversary may be approaching us: who is enemies, we are asked to be wary of them, not
the wicked one? to help them and even to exterminate them,
Offer the other cheek: be the first to be free rather than share their errors. If in many coun-
of the web of violence. As in judo, surprise the tries today it is understood that there is no
other by making the very move he was not ex- frontier for love, it must be recognized that this
pecting: he may then see that he was mis- ideal is a fruit of the Gospel: Jesus has en-
taken. Jesus has no doubt that this renun- lightened our minds by asking us to model the
ciation of violence and of our own interests love of our neighbor on the universal love of
obliges the Father to intervene and come to God the Father. We have only to open a news-
our aid. Do not forget that Jesus wants us to paper to see that this love of neighbor, what-
“see God” at work in our lives. ever it be, and even if it comes from a social,
If someone forces you to go one mile. national or religious group, in enmity with
Jesus speaks to farmers who are humiliated ours, remains incomprehensible to the major-
and oppressed by foreign armies. Many times ity, even in Christian countries. When we real-
they are obliged to carry the burden of the sol- ize that there is a place for everyone in the
diers. Their usual reaction is resigned submis- present world and that God directs everything
sion concealing hatred and desire for revenge. for the benefit of all, we see things as God does
Would they be capable of responding to such and are perfect as the Father is perfect.
a counsel? It is certain that had they practiced Love your enemies: Mk 12:31; Lk 10:27;
it, they might have saved their nation from de- Rom 13:9; Gal 5:14; Rom 12:20; Lk 23:34;
struction. Acts 7:60; Rom 12:14; Eph 5:1.
1333 MATTHEW 6

Doing good for God alone When you pray, do not be like

23:5; • 1 Be careful not to make a those who want to be seen. They

Lk 16:
6 show of your righteousness be- love to stand and pray in the syna-
Jn 5:44 fore people. If you do so, you do not gogues or on street corners to be
gain anything from your Father in seen by everyone. I assure you, they
Am 4:5 heaven. 2 When you give something have already been paid in full.
to the poor, do not have it trumpeted
When you pray, go into your room, 2K 4:33;
Dn 6:11
before you, as do those who want to close the door, and pray to your Fa-
be seen in the synagogues and in the ther who is with you in secret; and
streets, in order to be praised by the your Father who sees what is kept
people. I assure you, they have been secret will reward you.
already paid in full.
If you give something to the • Our Father…
(Lk 11:1; Mk 11:25)
poor, do not let your left hand know
Ps 139: what your right hand is doing, 4 so When you pray, do not use a lot

that your gift remains really secret. of words, as the pagans do, for they
Your Father, who sees what is kept believe that the more they say, the
secret, will reward you. more chance they have of being

• 6.1 After the six opposites (“but I say to texts of the Our Father; Luke’s text is shorter
you”), Matthew gives us three examples of an- (11:1). Many hold that Matthew gives a slightly
other secret without which we shall not see enlarged formula and better composed which
God: work for him alone without wanting any- was generally used in the first Christian gener-
one to know, and in such a way that we our- ation, but this is not at all certain. In Matthew’s
selves will have immediately forgotten what we text there are twelve verses expressing seven
have done. petitions: two perfect numbers. Three (God’s
Those who make a show. The expression number) that refers to God, four (earth’s num-
appears three times with reference to good ber) that refers to our needs. In the language
deeds, prayer and fasting. Jesus uses a word spoken by Jesus, the key word is come: Your
often translated as “being hypocrites,” which kingdom come.
refers in a general way to those who make a The contemporaries of Jesus used the word
show, or who are shallow, and make fun of the Heaven to signify God, because they would
things of God. not pronounce his name. Jesus says likewise:
It is perhaps difficult not to want to be seen by Father in Heaven, meaning: God the Father.
others, but it is far more difficult to do good For us the limitless sky by day and by night
without looking at oneself and being satisfied be- is the image of a wonderful world where God
cause: “I am good.” It is, nevertheless, the way is everything. In calling on our Father in
of enabling us to enter into the secrets of God. Heaven, we do not mean that he is far or near,
above or below or inside. We only intend to
• 7. The value of prayer does not lie in the raise our spirits to Him. We recognize that our
quantity of words and the mere repetition of words are not worthy, that our concerns are
formulas, as if accomplishing a task. The value selfish and limited, when we compare them
of prayer lies chiefly in our inner attitude of with the breadth of His thoughts and the gen-
faith and love of God. We should try to lift our erosity of His love. That we can address him
mind and heart to God as a Father and a and call him Father is not something natural,
friend, a God who loves us and is always wait- but a very special privilege. “My Father,” says
ing for us to share a silent moment with him. Jesus; also: “Your Father.” For he is the only
To pray is not to talk much, but to surrender one, and we are adopted children, by the
our lives into God’s loving hands. mercy of God who allowed us to be born
Jesus gives the Our Father to his disciples again (Jn 3:1).
as the perfect prayer coming from the heart of The Bible speaks of God, and also of the
God’s children, expressing as it does, what Name of God. All of creation is but a mani-
they should ask and the order in which the re- festation of God, and he fills this universe. He
quests should be made. Actually we have two is not contained in it, nor is he in a determined
MATTHEW 6 1334

6:32; heard. 8 Do not be like them. Your 12

Forgive us our debts, 18:21;
Lk 12:30 18:35;
Father knows what you need, even just as we have forgiven those 26:41;
before you ask him. who are in debt to us. Jn 17:15

Lk 11:
This, then, is how you should pray: 13
Do not bring us to the test,
Ezk Our Father in heaven, but deliver us from the evil one.
Jn 17:6 holy be your name, 14
If you forgive others their wrong-
your kingdom come, doings, your Father in heaven will
your will be done also forgive yours. 15 If you do not for- Mk 11:25;
Eph 4:32;
on earth as in heaven. give others, then your Father will not Col 3:13;
Pro 30:8
Give us today our daily bread. forgive you either. Sir 28:

place. Because of this, we speak of his Name consider themselves to have faith because they
as a way of designating his active presence, ra- always wait for God to solve their problems.
diance, and splendor which covers everything. The children of God instead lift up their spirit
It is rather like acknowledging that there is a to him so that God’s will may be, at last, their
distance between what we know of him and own will.
what he is. On earth as in heaven. This applies to the
Holy be your name! May your Name be previous three petitions. It reminds us that
known and proclaimed Holy! May your splen- everything in this world that is created and sub-
dor and generosity be seen in those who be- ject to time depends on another, uncreated
come your children. May your perfection be world, where time does not exist and which is
recognized through their good works (5:16). nothing less than the mystery of God. There
May your presence and your riches be wel- the Father, source of the divine being, enjoys
comed by those who keep your word, accord- his infinite perfection in the mutual gift of the
ing to John 14:23. The Father only wants to divine persons. In him there is neither sadness
pour out his holiness and happiness on the nor resentment and before him are the elect:
children he has chosen and loved. He wants to he sees them, as they will be after the resur-
seal us with his Name so that, day and night, rection. He sees the universe unified in Christ
we will be united with him, like the Father and and his will fulfilled and glorified by all. We,
the Son are united by the Holy Spirit. who live in time, are in anguish because of an
Your kingdom come. With the coming of imperfect situation, in a world in labor where
Jesus, that kingdom has come near to us. God evil appears to triumph. We pray that every-
reigns in every place where people have thing may come about according to the initial
known him through the teaching of Jesus. plan of God, as it truly will.
There he can act without danger of being mis- We ask the Father for the bread he has
interpreted for he is now known for what he is. promised to those who listen to his word. Mod-
The believers now perceive him, not as a God ern people believe that their material welfare
who imposes obligations, or as a Savior more depends only on their own effort. The Bible,
powerful than the evil ones, but they recognize however, says that it depends on both God and
him in the gift of his Son, in the humiliation of us. Alone we can bring some economic mira-
the Son and in their mutual love. From this dis- cles about for a while, but we may waste the
covery, love and mercy pour forth and, in accumulated riches. Only by listening to the
time, we will see on earth some fruits of this word of God (Dt 8:3) will people have bread
kingdom. The reconciled children of God are a and be able to distribute it. A person who ex-
leavening element in society, and the whole of pects from God, not his or her bread but our
humanity with its projects, labor, economic bread, will strive to find work, to work in use-
and political plans moves towards a common ful ways, and to promote justice where he is
goal: everyone and everything must return to working.
the Father. What should we say? The bread “we need”
Whether we are good, bad or indifferent, or our “daily” bread or sustenance? The origi-
the kingdom of God will come, with or without nal text uses a difficult word that has different
our help, because it is actually already here. meanings. Many have understood that the chil-
Your will be done. These are the words of dren of God feel the need of much more than
Jesus in Gethsemane (Mt 26:39). This prayer what is asked for the body and that the eu-
condemns many of our prayers through which charist was already meant as it is in the mira-
we want to force God to act. Some people cle of the multiplication of the loaves.
1335 MATTHEW 6

Is 58:5 • 16 When you fast, do not put on a sees what is kept secret, will reward
miserable face as do the hypocrites. you.
They put on a gloomy face, so that
people can see they are fasting. I tell (Lk 11:34; 12:13)
you this: they have been paid in full • 19 Do not store up treasures for Lk 12:
23:5 already. 17 When you fast, wash your yourself here on earth, where moth Jas 5:2-3;
face and make yourself look cheer- and rust destroy it, and where Sir 29:11

ful, 18 because you are not fasting for thieves can steal it. 20 Store up treas- 19:21;
Col 3:1
appearances or for people, but for ures for yourself with God, where no
your Father who sees beyond ap- moth or rust can destroy it, nor thief
pearances. And your Father, who come and steal it.

The Our Father speaks of debts that we also teaches self-control and integrates our en-
must forgive (v. 12). In verse 14, we read ergies in preparation for divine communication
wrongs. Jesus considers debts and wrongs as (Ex 34:28).
the same thing. When we forgive someone Scripture puts limited emphasis on fasting.
who asks for forgiveness, we are not doing The prophets asserted that fasting without jus-
that person a favor, nor do we deserve any tice towards the neighbor is of no use: Isaiah
credit for doing it; we actually free ourselves 58; Zechariah 7:4.
from some rancor or hatred that is poisoning From the time of Gandhi, persons and
us. Inasmuch as we stick to our rights, we hold groups have also used fasting as a means of
fast to this world. God wants to forgive us and social pressure, as a political weapon to call at-
bring us closer to him, but how can he if we re- tention to some demands. This is all right, al-
main anchored to the things of this world? though it is different from the religious fast of
Jesus speaks to the poor who are accus- which Jesus speaks. The difference is that a re-
tomed to being burdened with debts, which ligious fast is addressed to God, not to public
many times they cannot settle. They are opinion (Mt 6:18), and it entails an inner dis-
obliged to live together with neighbors they position of conversion and sorrow for personal
have not chosen. All this increases the occa- sin on the part of the fasting person.
sions for offending one another. Many people
today live very independent lives and hold as • 19. Do not store up treasures. The Gos-
an ideal not to owe anything to anyone. This pel says: “Do not treasure treasures,” treasures
independence can make it harder for us to un- meaning those savings held in reserve rather
derstand God’s mercy towards us, poor as we than something that is loved. For centuries the
really are before God. majority of human beings rarely had personal
Do not bring us to the test. Thus speak reserves: the family or the clan took charge of
those who know their weaknesses and little the reserve in times of adversity. Today each
faith. one is in charge of his own resources; it is per-
We will be more prudent if we know that the haps better, but how do we escape the obses-
enemy is not simply evil, but the evil one. sion of a secure future? Once more Jesus in-
Somebody stronger than ourselves is watching vites us to believe in the Providence of the
to deceive us, to make us lose faith and fall, as Father: if we have his interests at heart, he will
soon as we feel sure of ourselves and abandon look after ours.
the means given by Jesus for perseverance in Store up with God. The Gospel says “in
the faith and in the Church. Heaven”, and we know that Heaven is one of
See another shorter text in Luke 11:1. the names of God.
There also your heart will be. (In the Jew-
• 16. Here Jesus neither justifies nor con- ish culture the heart is where judgments and
demns fasting. He himself fasted: 4:2; 9:15; decisions are made). I do not possess things
17:21. Fasting is unworthy when done to ob- but they possess me and by degrees impose on
tain human approval rather than God’s. me a certain life-style.
All religions know fasting. It is a way of call- There also your heart will be. It is this cer-
ing upon God, especially when great misfor- titude that motivates any effort made towards
tunes come upon us (Jl 2:12); it befits people “evangelical poverty.” It is a question of being
who feel guilty, and want to move to compas- as free as possible for action and for love.
sion the One who forgives them (Jon 3:5). It Jesus calls us to disinterested action and at the
MATTHEW 6 1336

For where your treasure is, there

ther feeds them. Are you less worthy
also your heart will be. than they are?
Pro 20:27; • 22 The lamp of the body is the 27
Can any of you add a day to
Lk 11:
eye; if your eyes are sound, your your life by worrying about it? 28 Why
Mt 5:15 whole body will be in the light. 23 If are you so worried about your
your eyes are diseased, your whole clothes? Look at how the flowers in
body will be in darkness. Then, if the fields grow. They do not toil or
your light has become darkness, spin. 29 But I tell you that not even 1K 10

how dark will be the darkest part of Solomon in all his wealth was
you! clothed like one of these. 30 If God so
clothes the grass in the field, which
Set your heart on the kingdom blooms today and is to be burned to-
(Lk 12:23; 16:13) morrow in an oven, how much more
Lk • 24 No one can serve two masters; will he clothe you? What little faith
Ps 62:11 for he will either hate one and love you have!
the other, or he will be loyal to the 31
Do not worry and say: What are
first and look down on the second. we going to eat? What are we going
You cannot at the same time serve to drink? or: What shall we wear?
God and money. 32
The pagans busy themselves with 6:7;
Lk 12:30
Lk 12:
This is why I tell you not to be such things; but your heavenly Fa-
worried about food and drink for ther knows that you need them all.
yourself, or about clothes for your 33
Set your heart first on the king- Is 51:1;
Wis 1:1
body. Is not life more important than dom and justice of God, and all
food, and is not the body more im- these things will also be given to
10:31 portant than clothes? 26 Look at the you. 34 Do not worry about tomor- 16:4
birds of the air; they do not sow, they row, for tomorrow will worry about
do not harvest and do not store food itself. Each day has enough trouble
in barns, and yet your heavenly Fa- of its own.

same time warns us against inordinate attach- evil and lie. We ignore our neighbor and grovel
ment to persons, to ideas and possessions: we before the powerful.
are to be ready for anything but must never get Why are you so worried? After worrying
attached to the fruits of action. much because we do not have money, or be-
cause we are having a hard time, or because
• 22. Here eye is the conscience. To be our work is being delayed, we are ashamed at
bright-eyed signifies generosity, to be dark-eyed meeting simple persons who share the little
signifies meanness. Jesus emphasizes what he they possess with others poorer than they,
has just said: a misinformed conscience leads without feeling sad or thinking they have done
us astray and turns us in on ourselves. something great. Liberation is the work of God
throughout history, and we, shall we have
• 24. No one can serve two masters. This enough faith to free ourselves from so many
opening line helps us understand what follows, worries?
that Jesus wants us to be free, not of concerns The comparison with the flowers and the
but of all worries, in order to serve God. birds does not mean that we can fold our arms
Scripture had already taught that we must and be idle, because when God gave us arms
choose between God and false gods. Jesus af- and brains, it was for us to use them. Rather
firms that money is a false god, because it of- Jesus teaches that, if God takes care of and
fers happiness and security for the future, but beautifies the smallest of creatures, how much
robs us of our only riches, that is, the present more will he care for us that our lives may be
time. Caught up in making money, we are un- beautiful and perfect.
able to live truly and freely; we neglect our per- Set your heart first on the kingdom. It is
sonal growth and family life, keep silent before a matter of concrete realities: the kingdom
1337 MATTHEW 7

Don’t be a judge • 7 Ask and you will receive; seek Lk 11:9;

(Lk 6:37; 11:9; 6:31; 13:23) Mt 18:19
and you will find; knock and the door
Lk 6:
37-42; • 1 Do not judge, and you will not will be opened. 8 For everyone who Mk 11:24;
1Cor 4:5 7 be judged. 2 In the same way you asks, receives; whoever seeks, finds; Jn 14:14

Mk 4:24; judge others, you will be judged, and and the door will be opened to him
Jn 8:7
the measure you use for others will who knocks. 9 Would any of you give
Rom 2:1; be used for you. 3 Why do you look a stone to your son, when he asks for
at the speck in your brother’s eye, bread? 10 Or give him a snake, when
and not see the plank in your own he asks for a fish? 11 As bad as you 15:7;
1Cor 5:12; eye? 4 How can you say to your are, you know how to give good Jas 1:5;
Jas 4:11
brother, ‘Come, let me take the things to your children. How much 1Jn 3:22;
speck from your eye,’ as long as that more, then, will your Father in heav-
plank is in your own? 5 Hypocrite, en give good things to those who ask
take first the plank out of your own him!
eye, then you will see clearly enough 12
So, do to others whatever you Lk 6:31;
Jas 1:17;
to take the speck out of your would that others do to you: there Rom 13:8
brother’s eye. you have the Law and the Prophets.
• 6 Do not give what is holy to the • 13 Enter through the narrow gate: Lk 13:24
dogs, or throw your pearls to the for wide is the gate and broad is the
pigs: they might trample on them, road that leads to destruction, and
and even turn on you and tear you to many go that way. 14 How narrow is Acts
pieces. the gate that leads to life, and how

means the transparentness of God in our life; When we look at our own lives, we realize
his justice is a “putting in order” under his at- that those who helped us grow were those
tention of all that we are and all that we do. A who supported and understood us, not those
risk to run for a young person, or a couple: who judged and condemned us.
to begin to think of the future, family and Do not judge. See Romans 2:1; 14:4;
apostolic activity according to the criteria of 1 Corinthians 5:12; James 4:11.
the Gospel, no longer under pressure of
Malthusian fear or the race to maintain their • 6. Do not give what is holy to the dogs,
life-style. or throw your pearls to the pigs. Jesus ad-
dressed this warning to his followers living in a
• 7.1 No doubt when Jesus spoke these hostile world. They should not tell everything
words it was with the same meaning as in to everyone. God has given each of us won-
5:43. Usually those who consider themselves derful gifts: we must not share them with
as good, or belonging to the group of the con- everyone at once, believing that it will bring
verted, judge and criticize those of a different them to faith.
standing. It is a form of pride that spiritual au-
thors call the “fault of beginners.” So strongly • 7. See commentary on Luke 11:9; Mark
inscribed is it in human nature that many 11:24; John 14:13; 15:7; James 1:5.
among the “just” of the Bible have expressed
their disapproval of the “sinner” who did not • 13. Enter through the narrow gate.
observe the law of God. Contrariwise the new Maybe someone was asking Jesus: “Who will
law tells us not to consider ourselves superior be saved?” (Mt 19:25). In no instance did
or be judges of those who take a different road, Jesus say whether those who would share in
or who are led by God to do so. Do not judge. eternal life would be many or few. He did say
We must exercise good judgment in order to many times that very few would be chosen
distinguish between the good and evil around from among the many called. That means
us. Though it is a factor of success never to dis- that among the many people privileged to
please anyone, we must have the courage to meet him, very few would experience the
tell others the wrong that they do. Here “to Gospel’s riches and bring forth fruit in them-
judge” means to condemn. selves and for others. The chosen or approved
MATTHEW 7 1338

rough the road; few there are who of heaven, but the one who does the
find it. will of my heavenly Father. 22 Many Jer 14:14;
will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Mk 9:38
The tree is known by its fruits Lord, did we not speak in your
(Lk 6:43)
2P 2:1;
name? Did we not cast out devils
Lk 6:26; • 15 Beware of false prophets: they and perform many miracles in your Ps 6:9;
Gal 1:8 Mt 10:33;
Lk 6:
come to you in sheep’s clothing, but name?’ 23 Then I will tell them openly, 2Tim
43-44; inside they are wild wolves. 16 You will ‘I have never known you; away from Mt 13:41;
Mt 12:33;
Mk 9:40; recognize them by their fruits. Do me, you evil people!’ 25:41
Lk 9:50;
Mt 10:16;
you ever pick grapes from thorn- 24
“So then, anyone who hears Lk 6:
Jn 10:12; bushes, or figs from thistles? these words of mine, and acts ac- Jas 1:22
Acts 20:29
A good tree always produces cordingly, is like a wise man, who
Sir 27:6;
Jas 3:12 good fruit, a rotten tree produces bad built his house on rock. 25 The rain
fruit. 18 A good tree cannot produce poured, the rivers flooded, and the
bad fruit, and a rotten tree cannot wind blew and struck that house, but
Lk 3:9; bear good fruit. 19 Any tree that does it did not collapse because it was
Jn 15:6 not bear good fruit is cut down and built on rock. 26 But anyone who
12:33 thrown in the fire. 20 So you will know hears these words of mine, and does
them by their fruit. not act accordingly, is like a fool who
built his house on sand. 27 The rain Ezk 13:
Wise and foolish builders poured, the rivers flooded, and the 10-14
(Lk 6:46; 13:26; Mk 1:22)
Lk 6:46;
wind blew and struck that house; it
Rom 2:13; • 21 Not everyone who says to me, collapsed, and what a terrible fall
Jas 1:22;
1Jn 2:17 ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the kingdom that was!”

are those who persevere and strive for perfect Do you ever pick grapes from thorn-
freedom. bushes? Jesus invites us to look at the facts be-
For wide is the gate and broad is the road fore coming to conclusions. We find it hard to
that leads to destruction, and many go that carefully observe the reality in which we live.
way. They stray from leading a life in which We prefer to discuss and debate about ideas
Jesus is everything for them. They waste the rather than to analyze particular situations.
gifts of God entrusted to them and apparently Jesus, accustomed to manual labor, distrusts
become useless for the Kingdom. Yet, even so, ideas and theories.
they are not deprived of God’s mercy.
• 21. Many will say to me on that day.
• 15. Most probably Matthew gives us Matthew probably quotes this sentence point-
these words of Jesus for the benefit of certain ing out to the charismatic prophets who dis-
believers in the early Church who considered turb his communities by not obeying precepts
themselves as charismatic prophets. They may that are addressed to everyone.
well have received gifts of the Spirit but have Whether we teach or work miracles, these
degenerated since then. In a wider sense Jesus’ abilities and ministries given us for the good of
words address all who encourage division, un- the community do not assure us that we are in
truth and violence, even when they pretend to the grace of God. True faith works through
serve a just cause. love (Gal 5:6) and moves us to fulfill all the
Prophets wore a sheepskin by way of a Law: James 2:8.
cloak: a wolf could hide in one. The world has Anyone who hears these words of mine (v.
always had a number of “false prophets,” usu- 24). Jesus means those who listen to his words
ally prophets of easy life, and if the Word of and are converted: they believe themselves al-
God condemns them, many would say that ready saved. If they do not use their initial en-
their words have been misinterpreted. It would thusiasm to build their lives on solid founda-
be well however to ask ourselves why our holy tions, such as scriptural meditation, generosity,
and sacred liberalism tends to sow death in all resistance to evil inclinations, sharing in the
domains and smothers in so many the ability to Christian community—then everything will
believe and hope. tumble down later.
1339 MATTHEW 8

Mk 1: • 28 When Jesus had finished this Just give an order and my boy will
Lk 4: discourse, the crowds were struck by be healed. 9 For I myself, a junior of-
31-32 the way he taught, 29 because he ficer, give orders to my soldiers. And
taught with authority, unlike their if I say to one, ‘Go!’ he goes; and if I
teachers of the Law. say to another, ‘Come!’ he comes;
and if I say to my servant, ‘Do this!’
Cure of a leper he does it.”
(Mk 1:40; Lk 5:12)
When Jesus heard this he was
Mk 1: • 1 When Jesus came down from astonished, and said to those who
Lk 5:
8 the mountain, large crowds fol- were following him, “I tell you, I have
Mk 1:35;
lowed him. not found such faith in Israel. 11 I say Lk 13:
Lk 4:42 2
Then a leper came forward. He to you, many will come from east 28-29;
Mt 25:10;
knelt before him and said, “Sir, if you and west and sit down with Abra- 19:30;
Mk 10:31
want to, you can make me clean.” ham, Isaac and Jacob at the feast in
Jesus stretched out his hand, the kingdom of heaven; 12 but the Lk 13:23
touched him, and said, “I want to, be heirs of the kingdom will be thrown
clean again.” At that very moment out into the darkness; there they will
the man was cleansed from his lep- wail and grind their teeth.”
Lev 14: rosy. 4 Then Jesus said to him, “See
that you do not tell anyone, but go to
Then Jesus said to the captain, 9:29;
Mt 9:30; 15:28
12:16; the priest, have yourself declared “Go home now. As you believed, so
Mk 7:36;
Lk 17:14 clean, and offer the gift that Moses let it be.” And at that moment his
ordered as proof of it.” servant was healed.
Mk 1:
Jesus went to Peter’s house and 29-31;
Lk 4:
The faith of the centurion found Peter’s mother-in-law in bed 38-39
(Lk 7:1; Jn 4:46) with fever. 15 He took her by the hand Mk 9:27;
Acts 3:7
Lk 7:1-10; • 5 When Jesus entered Caper- and the fever left her; she got up and
Jn 4:
46-53 naum, an army captain approached began to wait on him.
him to ask his help, 6 “Sir, my servant 16
Towards evening they brought Mk 1:
lies sick at home. He is paralyzed to Jesus many possessed by evil 32-34;
Lk 4:
and suffers terribly.” 7 Jesus said to spirits, and with a word he drove out 40-41;
Mk 3:10
him, “I will come and heal him.” the spirits. He also healed all who
Lk 5:8
The captain answered, “I am not were sick. 17 In doing this he fulfilled Is 53:4;
Jn 1:29
worthy to have you under my roof. what was said by the prophet Isaiah:

• 28. With this paragraph Matthew closes be excluded from the kingdom of God. That
the first Discourse wherein he gathers words may also be the case of the new heirs of the
of Jesus that might serve as a “call to all peo- Kingdom who are the Christians of the West.
ple of good will.” A new Discourse will begin in
chapter 10. • 5. See commentary on Luke 7:1.
The heirs of the kingdom (v. 12). These
• 8.1 In this new section of his gospel words are intended to express the Jewish term
(8:1–9:35) Matthew has placed a collection of used by Jesus: the sons of the Kingdom, that
miracles. For him, these miracles are not only is: those who belong, or: those who side with,
extraordinary events: they contain lessons on are associated with the Kingdom. Because all
what a disciple of Jesus is. To begin with: the of Jewish life was aimed at inheriting the king-
cure of a leper; on the part of Jesus this is an dom promised to them.
act of courage, and an act that openly violates Among the Jewish people, at that time, re-
the law of purity (see Mk 1:40). ligion was taught by the religious community.
Then, the faith of the centurion, a Roman There was no problem of personal conversion;
officer (v. 5). Jesus speaks of the Jews who will the children of Jewish families became Jewish
MATTHEW 8 1340

He bore our infirmities and took on The demoniacs and the pigs
himself our diseases. (Mk 5:1; Lk 8:26)
Mk 4:35;
When he saw the crowd press 28
When Jesus reached Gadara, Mk 5:
Lk 8:22
around him, Jesus gave orders to on the other side, he was met by two 1-20;
Lk 8:
Lk 9: cross to the other shore. 19 A teacher men, possessed by devils, who came 26-39
of the Law approached him and said, out from the tombs. They were so
“Master, I will follow you wherever fierce that no one dared to pass that
2Cor 8:9 you go.” 20 Jesus said to him, “Foxes way. 29 Suddenly they shouted, “What Lk 4:34;
have holes and birds have nests, but do you want with us, you, Son of Acts
the Son of Man has nowhere to lay God? Have you come to torture us
his head.” before the time?”
1K 19:20
Another disciple said to him, 30
At some distance away there
“Lord, let me go and bury my father
was a large herd of pigs feeding. 31 So
first.” 22 But Jesus answered him,
the demons begged him, “If you
“Follow me, and let the dead bury
drive us out, send us into that herd of
their own dead.”
pigs.” 32 Jesus ordered them, “Go!”
Jesus calms the storm So the demons left and went into the
(Mk 4:35; Lk 8:22) pigs. The whole herd rushed down
Mk 4:
Jesus got into the boat and his the cliff into the lake and drowned.
Lk 8: disciples followed him. 24 Without 33
The men in charge of them ran
23-25 warning a fierce storm hit the lake, off to the town, where they told the
with waves sweeping the boat. But whole story, also what had happened
Jesus was asleep. to the men possessed with the de-
They woke him and cried, “Lord mons. 34 Then the whole town went
6:30; save us! We are lost!” 26 But Jesus an- out to meet Jesus; and when they
swered, “Why are you so afraid, you saw him, they begged him to leave
of little faith?” Then he stood up and their area.
rebuked the wind and sea; and it be-
came completely calm. Jesus cures a paralytic
(Mk 2:1; Lk 5:17)
The disciples were astonished.
They said, “What kind of man is he? • 1 Jesus got back into the boat, Mk 2:
Even the winds and the sea obey 9 crossed the lake again, and 1-12;
Lk 5:
him.” came to his hometown. 2 Here they 17-26

believers. The Jewish teachers did not belittle • 9.1 See commentary on Mark 2:1; Luke
faith, but in fact they always spoke about prac- 5:17.
tices and commitment. They praised God for giving such power
Jesus does not belittle the practices, but it is to human beings (v. 8). This formula is rather
faith that he admires and praises; see Matthew clumsy. The crowd is astonished to see how
9:2; 9:22; 9:28. God’s saving power is manifest among people,
Many will come (v. 11). Likewise for us, and through a man, Jesus. Matthew has no
practices and religious habits will not introduce wish to separate the Church from Christ: every
us to the Kingdom. We must discover the lov- Christian community received the gifts of God
ing presence of the Father while experiencing for healing and reconciliation. It is known that
the power of Jesus’ word and controversial the ministers of the Church have special au-
deeds. thority to pardon, but the grace of God also
They will be thrown out into the darkness flows in many other very different channels. (1
(v. 12). Let us not immediately think of hell: Cor 5:3-5; 2 Cor 2:5-11). When we establish
Jesus is using the style of the prophets. Stay- relations of mercy and trust, and accept fra-
ing with the appearance of a learned religion, ternal correction humbly, when there is mutual
one goes everywhere except where life is. forgiveness between spouses, Christ is the one
1341 MATTHEW 9

8:6; brought a paralyzed man to him, 14

Then the disciples of John came Mk 2:
Acts 9:33; 18-22;
Lk 7:48 lying on a bed. Jesus saw their faith to him with the question, “How is it Lk 5:
and said to the paralytic, “Courage, that we and the Pharisees fast on 33-39;
Mt 11:18;
my son! Your sins are forgiven.” many occasions, but not your disci- Lk 18:12
Jn 10:33
Then some teachers of the Law ples?”
said within themselves, “This man in- 15
Jesus answered them, “How
sults God.” 4 Jesus was aware of what can you expect wedding guests to
they were thinking, and said, “Why mourn as long as the bridegroom is
have you such evil thoughts? 5 Which with them? The time will come, when
is easier to say: ‘Your sins are for- the bridegroom will be taken away
Dn 7:10; given’ or ‘Stand up and walk’? 6 You from them, and then they will fast.
Jn 5:27
must know that the Son of Man has 16
No one patches an old coat with Rom 7:6;
2Cor 5:17
authority on earth to forgive sins.” a piece of unshrunken cloth, for the
He then said to the paralyzed man, patch will shrink and tear an even
“Stand up! Take your stretcher and bigger hole in the coat. 17 In the same
go home.” 7 The man got up, and way, you don’t put new wine in old
went home. wineskins. If you do, the wineskins
When the crowds saw this, they will burst and the wine will be spilt.
were filled with awe, and praised God No, you put new wine in fresh skins;
for giving such power to human be- then both are preserved.”
A woman healed, a child raised to life
Jesus calls Matthew (Mk 5:21; Lk 8:40)
(Mk 2:13; Lk 5:27) • 18 While Jesus was speaking to Mk 5:
Mk 2: • 9 As Jesus moved on from there, them, an official of the synagogue 21-43;
Lk 8:
Lk 5: he saw a man named Matthew at his came up to him, bowed before him 40-56;
Mt 8:3;
Mt 18:12
seat in the custom-house, and he and said, “My daughter has just died, Mk 6:5;
Lk 13:13
said to him, “Follow me!” And Mat- but come and place your hands on
thew got up and followed him. her, and she will live.” 19 Jesus stood
Now it happened, while Jesus was up and followed him with his disci-
at table in Matthew’s house, many ples.
tax collectors and sinners joined 20
Then a woman, who had suffered
11:19; Jesus and his disciples. 11 When the from a severe bleeding for twelve
Lk 7:34;
15:1; Pharisees saw this, they said to his years, came up from behind and
19:7 disciples, “Why is it that your master touched the edge of his cloak; 21 for Lev
eats with sinners and tax collec- she thought, “If I only touch his cloak,
tors?” I will be healed.” 22 Jesus turned, saw Acts
1Tim 1:15
When Jesus heard this, he said, her and said, “Courage, my daughter, 3:16
“Healthy people do not need a doc- your faith has saved you.” And from
12:7; tor, but sick people do. 13 Go and find that moment the woman was cured.
Hos 6:6
out what this means: What I want is 23
When Jesus arrived at the offi- Jn 11:11
mercy, not sacrifice. I did not come cial’s house and saw the flute play-
to call the righteous, but sinners.” ers and the excited crowd, he said,

who forgives and pardons, and what is for- • 18. See commentary on Mark 5:21.
given among us on earth, is forgiven in heav-
en (Mt 18:18). She touched the edge of his cloak (v. 20).
As a good Jew, Jesus had fringes on his cloak
• 9. See commentary on Mark 2:13. (Num 15:38; Mt 23:5).
MATTHEW 9 1342
“Get out of here! The girl is not 32
When they had just left, some 12:22-24;
Lk 11:
dead. She is only sleeping!” And they people brought to Jesus a man who 14-15;
laughed at him. 25 But once the crowd was dumb, because he was pos- 12:10;
had been turned out, Jesus went in sessed by a demon. 33 When the
and took the girl by the hand, and demon was driven out, the dumb Mk 7:
Mk 1:34 she stood up. 26 The news of this man began to speak. The crowds 9:17;
spread through the whole area. were astonished and said, “Nothing 2:12

20:29-34 • 27 As Jesus moved on from there, like this has ever been seen in Is-
two blind men followed him, shout- rael.” 34 But the Pharisees said, “He Mk 3:22

ing, “Son of David, help us!” 28 When drives away demons with the help of
he was about to enter the house, the the prince of demons.”
blind men caught up with him, and • 35 Jesus went around all the Lk 10:1;
Mt 4:23;
Jesus said to them, “Do you believe towns and villages, teaching in their 12:15;
that I am able to do what you want?” synagogues and proclaiming the Lk 4:44;
Mk 6:54;
They answered, “Yes, sir!” good news of the kingdom, and he Lk 6:17
Then Jesus touched their eyes cured every sickness and disease.
5:28 and said, “As you have believed, so 36
When he saw the crowds, he was Mk 6:34;
Mt 14:14;
let it be.” 30 And their eyes were moved with pity, for they were ha- 15:32;
opened. Then Jesus gave them a rassed and helpless like sheep with- 1K 22:17

stern warning, “Be careful that no out a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his Lk 10:2;
Jn 4:
Mk 7:36 one knows about this.” 31 But as soon disciples, “The harvest is abundant, 35-38
as they went away, they spread the but the workers are only few. 38 Ask
news about him through the whole the master of the harvest to send
area. workers to gather his harvest.”

• 27. Two blind men followed him, the devil is responsible for more than individual
shouting. In what manner, if they were blind? maladies.
Stumbling and being carried by others per- People seek after those who can cure their
haps. When you sin, shout to the Lord and illnesses, and so great crowds followed Jesus.
keep on looking for Christ. For him, however, sickness as well as the ex-
ploitation of the human person, hunger and
• 35. With this paragraph that briefly sum- war, are only fruits and signs of a deeper ill-
marizes the ministry of Jesus in Galilee, ness attached to our heart, which is sin. Con-
Matthew intends to show that indeed the king- stant work and the unity of all people of good-
dom of God is there: evil has been given a fatal will are sufficient to remedy some of our
blow. misfortunes, but the only way to eradicate evil
He was moved with pity, because they at its roots is to restore human persons to their
were like sheep without a shepherd. See Num- dignity as children of God. This requires a per-
bers 27:17; Ezekiel 34:5; Zechariah 10:3; sonal transformation that comes from God
John 4:35; Mark 6:34; and Luke 10:2. sending us his Spirit.
Jesus asks each of us to serve humankind
HEALINGS with our own talents. He needs also workers
for the harvest of the Kingdom, that is, to
God himself, in Jesus, had come down to gather into the Church those who receive a call
cure humankind. Because this work would be from God. “Pray,” says Jesus, “and you will
very long and painful, it was necessary to pro- perhaps hear God’s call.”
vide some visible signs to help people believe Of course, each Christian community prays
in this almost imperceptible healing. to God and the Spirit brings forth the charisms
Jesus ought to heal sick persons and, even and ministers and pastors that are needed.
in our days, the Christian community should Here Jesus asks us to pray for workers in the
give signs of what they preach. They must cure mission field: they are and always will be too
today’s world of its sicknesses. The gifts of few, especially those who evangelize and build
healing are not limited to healing bodily ills and the Church among the poor.
1343 MATTHEW 10

The twelve apostles The kingdom of heaven is near.

(Mk 3:13; Lk 6:12) 8
Heal the sick, bring the dead back 4:17;
Lk 10:9
Mk 3: • 1 Then he called his twelve to life, cleanse the lepers, and drive
Lk 6:
10 disciples to him, and gave out demons. You received this as a
12-16; them authority over the unclean spir- gift, so give it as a gift. 9 Do not Is 55:1;
Mk 1:34; Acts 8:20
6:7; its, to drive them out and to heal carry any gold, silver or copper in
Lk 9:1
every disease and sickness. your purses. 10 Do not take a trav- Lk 9:3;
Jn 1:35;
These are the names of the eler’s bag, or an extra shirt, or san- Num
Acts 1:13
twelve apostles: first Simon, called dals, or a staff: workers deserve their 18:31;
1Cor 9:14
Peter, and his brother Andrew; living.
Jn 1:40;
James, the son of Zebedee, and his 11
When you come to a town or a Mk 6:
1:43 10-11;
brother John; Philip and Bartholo- village, look for a worthy person, and Lk 9:4-5;
mew, Thomas and Matthew, the tax stay there until you leave. 10:5-12

collector; James, the son of Alpha- 12

When you enter the house, wish
26:25; eus, and Thaddaeus; 4 Simon, the it peace. 13 If the people in the house
Jn 6:64 Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot, the deserve it, your peace will be on
man who would betray him. them; if they do not deserve it, your
blessing will come back to you.
Jesus sends out the first missionaries 14
And if you are not welcomed, Acts
Mk 6:7; (Lk 9:1; 10:1; Mk 6:7) 13:51;
Lk 9:1;
and your words are not listened to, 18:6
10:1; • 5 Jesus sent these twelve on mis- leave that house or that town, and
Jn 4:9; sion with the instructions: “Do not shake the dust off your feet. 15 I as- 11:24;
Acts 8:5 visit pagan territory and do not enter sure you, it will go easier for the peo- 19:24;
Jer 50:6; a Samaritan town. 6 Go instead to the ple of Sodom and Gomorrah on the 2P 2:6;
Mt 15:24 Jd 1:7
lost sheep of the people of Israel. day of judgment, than it will for the
Go and proclaim this message: people of that town.

• 10.1 Till then, Jesus had spoken only in ness of Christ: one has to be called to this re-
the synagogues around Capernaum. Now he sponsibility.
attracts fame and followers and begins to draw Regarding these twelve, see commentary
multitudes. In that moment he establishes the on Mark 3:16.
group of the Twelve. He needs them to pre-
pare meetings, to spread his doctrine, to mul- • 5. From the paragraph beginning in
tiply the miraculous signs effected among the 9:35, Matthew was preparing this third “Jesus’
sick. discourse” (see Introduction). Jesus has begun
At the same time, Jesus is planning his his mission; he forms and sends out mission-
Church and wants to give it a head: this will be aries.
the group of the apostles. They will be the wit- Apostles means “sent” and “mission” also
nesses of Jesus among people, so he teaches means “being sent.” The Father has sent his
them a way of living a common life that will Son to earth, and the Son, in turn, sends his
serve as a pattern for the Church. apostles. The Father sends messengers of his
These are the names of the twelve. The word, but he also sends his Spirit to touch the
Jewish nation was integrated into twelve tribes. hearts and minds of those who listen. Through
This is why Jesus calls twelve apostles: he the Spirit they recognize the word of God in
wants them to understand that they are the the poor preaching of these messengers who
foundation of the new people God will form have received no great instruction. The Spirit
(Ps 102:19). See Luke 22:30; Revelation will give signs: healings and astounding graces
21:14. supporting the witness of the missionaries.
He called those he wanted (Mk 3:13). The successors of the apostles will be mis-
These, in turn, will call others. In the Church sionaries like them. They will not be primarily
everyone can do “apostolic work,” but no one the administrators of an established Church,
makes himself into an apostle, an official wit- but living poorly among the poor, they will es-
MATTHEW 10 1344
Mk 13:
You will be persecuted may witness to them and the pa-
Lk 21: (Lk 12:11; Mk 13:9; 8:38) gans.
Jn 10:12; • 16 Look, I send you out like • 19 But when you are arrested, do Lk 12:
Acts 11-12
20:29; sheep among wolves. You must be not worry about what you are to say,
16:19 as clever as snakes and as inno- or how you are to say it; when the
24:9 cent as doves. 17 Be on your guard hour comes, you will be given what
with people, for they will hand you you are to say. 20 For it is not you who 4:10;
Jn 15:26;
over to their courts, and they will will speak, but the Spirit of your Fa- Acts 4:8
Jn 16:1; flog you in their synagogues. 18 You ther in you.
will be brought to trial before rulers 21
Brother will hand over brother to Mic 7:6
and kings because of me, so you death, and a father his child; children

tablish new Churches (see 1 Cor 3:10; 12:28). countries such atrocities continue without the
This new chapter will speak of a mission, the media even mentioning it. In many other
major responsibility of a Christian community. cases, persons or Christian groups became
In the first part (vv. 5-16) Jesus addresses the martyrs that had assumed a risky position.
first missionaries of Galilee. In the second part When Stephen was assassinated (Acts 7) the
(vv. 17-42) we find Jesus’ words pronounced apostles were not pursued, and many may
in different circumstances that Matthew adapts have taken Stephen to be a fanatic. When the
for his readers at the very time in which the young Christian women of the Roman Empire
Church begins to be persecuted in the Roman were persecuted for having decided to remain
world. virgins many said: Why do they flout their fam-
See commentary on Mark 6:7 and Luke ily duties? When the Catholics of England,
10:1. France or China refused to form national
Do not visit pagan territory. Let us not for- churches separated from communion with
get that many pagan communities were estab- Rome, were they not rebelling against the laws
lished in Galilee together with the Jewish ones. of their nation?
Jesus follows his Father’s plan of salvation as Maybe we must recognize that martyrdom
described in the Bible. The Savior should first is a grace and is not given to everyone. Many
gather the strayed sheep of Israel, and then would be ready to give their life for Christ, but
bring salvation to all the pagan nations: Isaiah confronted with situations of violence or cor-
49:6; 60:1-10; Zechariah 14:16; Matthew ruption, they do not see the necessity to ex-
15:24. pose a scandal and so submit in order to avoid
Whoever welcomes you (v. 40). To reject the worst. Others, on the contrary, understand
the messengers is to ignore the call of the Fa- that God is asking them to witness (v. 18) to
ther and to lose the greatest opportunity of the Good News that is opposite to what is im-
one’s life. posed. In so doing they face the repression by
which Society defends itself. Revelation affirms
that the murder of witnesses advances Salva-
Matthew here puts advice that Jesus gave to tion History.
his witnesses on how to confront persecution.
Jesus himself spent long weeks hidden away • 19. Brother will hand over brother to
and his first missionaries probably had to take death… (v. 21) you will be hated by all. This
similar precautions. In relating these instruc- is usual in a climate of terror. Without going
tions Matthew has perhaps adapted them a lit- so far, witnesses to Christ may find them-
tle to the situation of Christians of his time; he selves unappreciated by a majority, in their
has not invented them. own Church, while perhaps their persecutors
We have just spoken of witnesses, and mar- are acclaimed (Lk 6:26). In time the Holy
tyr in Greek means: witness. Some of these Spirit will reveal the truth, but the majority of
martyrs were before long glorified, but the ma- those witnesses, the lowly, often those who
jority remain unknown. They have often been suffer most and are the greatest, will remain
disfigured by calumny (5:11; Lk 21:17) iso- unknown until the day when Jesus himself
lated even from the Christian community and will acknowledge them before his Father (v.
later eliminated. In certain cases entire Chris- 32).
tian communities were massacred as in the In reality, Jesus does not only speak of those
time of the Roman empire. Today in certain who are massacred. Far more numerous and
1345 MATTHEW 10

will turn against parents and have you hear in private, proclaim from
24:9, 13 them put to death. 22 Everyone will the housetops.
hate you because of me, but who- • 28 Do not be afraid of those who 1P 3:14;
ever stands firm to the end will be Rev 2:10;
kill the body, but have no power to Jas 4:12
kill the soul. Rather be afraid of him
16:28; • 23 When they persecute you in who can destroy both body and
25:31; one town, flee to the next. I assure soul in hell. 29 For only a few cents
Mk 13:26
you, you will not have gone through you can buy two sparrows, yet not
all the towns of Israel before the Son one sparrow falls to the ground with-
of Man comes. out your Father knowing. 30 As for 1S 14:45;
Lk 6:40;
A student is not above his you, every hair of your head has 27:34
Jn 13:16;
15:20 teacher, nor a slave above his mas- been counted. 31 Do not be afraid: 6:26;
ter. 25 A student should be glad to be- you are no less worthy than many
come like his teacher, and the slave sparrows!
like his master. If the head of the • 32 Whoever acknowledges me Mk 8:38;
family has been called Beelzebul, Lk 12:
before others I will acknowledge be- 8-9;
how much more the members of the
fore my Father in heaven. 33 Whoever 9:26;
family! So, do not be afraid of them. 2Tim 2:12;
rejects me before others I will reject Rev 3:5
Lk 12:
There is nothing covered that
2-7; before my Father in heaven.
Mt 5:15; will not be uncovered, and nothing
Lk 8:17; hidden that will not be made known. • 34 Do not think that I have come Lk 12:
11:33 51-53;
What I am telling you in the dark, to establish peace on earth. I have 2:34;
you must speak in the light. What not come to bring peace, but a 22:36

doubtless nearer to us are those who have had money. Now, dealing with the fear of repres-
to conquer fear (26; 28; 31) of being his wit- sion, he adds, “If you cannot free yourselves
nesses on the streets, in schools and in every from cowardice, consider where the greater
area of this perverted and evil world. (Gal 1:4; threat comes from, from God or people?”
Phil 2:15). This is the only time Jesus refers to “fear of
Do not worry. The witnesses of Jesus do God.” When the Old Testament mentioned
not work on their own, and the more they are fear of God, it generally meant giving due re-
identified with Jesus in persecution and in spect to God. Respect is far from fear. Respect
prison, the more they are assisted by the is an attitude proper to a free person. God
Spirit. By worrying while preparing their legal does not threaten to throw us into hell; rather
case, they would hinder the freedom of the he reminds us that to lose him is to lose our-
Spirit and also lose the peace that the Spirit selves also, and this is hell.
grants the persecuted.
• 32. Whoever acknowledges me. After
• 23. You will not have gone through…. stressing the sovereign power of his Father,
Possibly this sentence would have been better Jesus puts himself on the same level: He will
placed in the first part of the speech, which is decide our eternal fate. Jesus refers not only
about the mission in Galilee. But it may refer to recognizing him in the ultimate sense, that
also to Christians of Jewish origins who were is, by not denying our Christian faith before
persecuted by the Pharisees at the time others; his words also convey a day-by-day de-
Matthew wrote his Gospel. mand. We must not be ashamed to act or talk
Matthew gives this sentence a broader as people of faith, to go public about our
meaning: though people may cast out the fu- Christian convictions when necessary.
ture missionaries, they will never be short of
work until the second coming of Jesus. • 34. Do not think that I have come to
establish peace. The peace of the believer
• 28. We are cowards and Jesus is aware comes from the certainty of being loved by
of this. He has already said, “Do not fear,” God: the angels of Bethlehem said so: Luke
when he invited us not to look for security in 2:14.
MATTHEW 10 1346

Mic 7:6 sword. 35 For I have come to set a Jesus and John the Baptist
man against his father, and a daugh- (Lk 7:18; 16:16; 10:13)
ter against her mother, a daughter- • 1 When Jesus had finished
in-law against her mother-in-law. 11 giving his twelve disciples
Each one will have as enemies these instructions, he went on from
those of one’s own family. there to teach and to proclaim his
Lk 14:
Whoever loves father or mother message in their towns. 2 When John Lk 7:
26-27; 18-28
Mk 8:34; more than me is not worthy of me. the Baptist heard in prison about the
Lk 9:23;
And whoever loves son or daughter activities of Christ, he sent a mes-
Dt 33:9 more than me is not worthy of me. sage by his disciples, 3 asking him,
And whoever does not take up his “Are you the one who is to come, or
Mk 8:
cross and come after me is not wor- should we expect someone else?”
34-35; thy of me. 39 Whoever finds his life 4
Jesus answered them, “Go back
Lk 9:
23-24; will lose it; but whoever loses his life and report to John what you hear
Jn 12:25
for my sake will find it. and see: 5 the blind see, the lame Is 26:19;
Whoever welcomes you wel- walk, the lepers are made clean, the 42:18;
Mk 9:37;
Lk 9:48; comes me, and whoever welcomes deaf hear, the dead are brought back 61:1
Jn 12:
me welcomes him who sent me. to life, and good news is reaching the
44-45; 41
The one who welcomes a prophet poor; 6 and how fortunate is the one 26:31;
13:20; Jn 6:61
Gal 4:14 as a prophet will receive the reward who does not take offense at me!”
1K 17:9; of a prophet; the one who welcomes 7
As the messengers left, Jesus 21:32;
2K 4:8 Mk 9:13;
a just man, because he is a just man, began to speak to the crowds about Lk 16:16
will receive the reward of a just man. John: “When you went out to the
Mk 9:41;
And if anyone gives even a cup of desert, what did you expect to see?
Lk 9:49; cold water to one of these little ones, A reed swept by the wind? 8 What did
11:23 because he is my disciple, I assure you go out to see? A man dressed in
you, he will not go unrewarded.” fine clothes? People who wear fine

Jesus gives no peace to the world, because against every person who becomes con-
the rest of the world is made up of confusion, verted, in order to scare her and make her
half-truths, people who live midway between turn away.
greed and fear of risking. The peace of the He is not worthy… (v. 37). Jesus addresses
world, whether in a family or in society, veils this to others besides missionaries or persons
unjust conditions imposed by the strongest, or with an exceptional mission. Each one must
a shared mediocrity. The Gospel awakens break away from forms of dependency within
everywhere a critical spirit; so that the pres- the family, which do not nurture the human
ence of only one Christian living by the truth is and spiritual growth of the members. One who
enough to worry many persons: John 3:20; loves Christ finds a thousand and one oppor-
15:18. tunities to free himself from activities, enter-
tainments and worries about his own family,
The Gospel moves us to make decisions
which keep both him and the family at a
with greater freedom, disregarding the criti-
mediocre level.
cism of those close to us whenever we are con-
vinced that they cannot understand the Gospel
• 11.1 See commentary on Luke 7:18.
values which motivate us. Take, for example, a
Jesus has sent the first missionaries: for
pregnant girl resisting her parents’ advice to
Matthew it is the time to show how the King-
obtain an abortion. Christians have been per-
dom comes—the coming of which they have
secuted in many countries for teaching that di-
proclaimed. The visit of the disciples of John
vine law is above parental authority, which was
will help us to understand what Jesus brings
considered the supreme authority. Thus it hap-
and what cannot be expected of him.
pened with the ancient Romans and, more re-
The paragraph which follows in 11:25 will
cently, in Korea and China.
show in its way that what is all-important in the
Moreover, the devil stirs up persecutions Kingdom is the person of Jesus himself.
1347 MATTHEW 11

14:5; clothes live in palaces. 9 What did For John came fasting, and
Lk 1:15;
21:26; Mt 3:4;
Lk 1:76; you really go out to see? A prophet? people said, ‘He is possessed.’ 9:14
Dt 18:15;
Jn 1:15;
Yes, indeed, and even more than a 19
Then the Son of Man came, he ate 9:11;
Lk 15:1;
6:14 prophet. 10 He is the man of whom and drank, and people said, ‘Look at Mt 19:17
Mal 3:1; Scripture says: I send my messenger this man! A glutton and drunkard, a
ahead of you to prepare the way be- friend of tax collectors and sinners!’
fore you. Yet the outcome will prove Wisdom
I tell you this: no one greater to be right.”
than John the Baptist has come for- • 20 Then Jesus began to de- Lk 10:
ward from among the sons of wom- nounce the cities, in which he had 13-15;
Mt 13:58;
en, and yet the least in the kingdom performed most of his miracles, be- Jn 15:24;
Lk of heaven is greater than he. 12 From cause the people there did not
Mt 5:18 the days of John the Baptist until change their ways. 21 “Alas for you
Mk 6:6;
Is 23:
now, the kingdom of heaven is some- Chorazin and Bethsaida! If the mira- 1-18;
thing to be conquered, and violent cles worked in you had taken place 26—28;
men seize it. in Tyre and Sidon, the people there
Am 1:9;
Zec 9:2;
Up to the time of John, there would have repented long ago in Est 4:1

Mal 3:23;
was only prophesy: all the prophets sackcloth and ashes. 22 But I assure Jl 3:4
Mk 9:11; and the Law. 14 And if you believe me, you, for Tyre and Sidon it will be
Lk 1:17;
Jn 1:21 John is that Elijah, whose coming more bearable on the day of judg-
Rev 2:7 was predicted. 15 Let anyone with ment than for you. 23 And you, Ca- Is 14:
ears listen! pernaum, will you be lifted up to 13, 15;
Gen 19;
Lk 7:
Now, to what can I compare the heaven? You will be thrown down to 2P 2:6
people of this day? They are like the place of the dead! For if the mir-
children sitting in the marketplace, acles which were performed in you
about whom their companions com- had taken place in Sodom, it would
plain: 17 ‘We played the flute for you, still be there today! 24 But I tell you, it 10:15
but you would not dance. We sang a will be more bearable for Sodom on
funeral song, but you would not cry!’ the day of judgment than for you.”

Good news is reaching the poor… (v. 5). mental experiences occur that will renew the
Jesus’ message includes a preferential love of world and the spiritual life of everyone.
God for the poor and for those who share with Verse 6. See another way of translating this
them in their poverty. The Gospel is not for sentence in Luke 7:23.
them also, but for them first. Verse 11. No one greater than John the
Baptist has come forward. This verse refers
EVANGELIZATION OF THE POOR to a prophet or to a political leader.
AS A PRIORITY Verse 12. This sentence could also be trans-
Good news is reaching the poor (v. 5). This lated: “The kingdom of heaven is advancing
text is to be read together with Luke 1:52; forcefully.” The kingdom of God is the mov-
4:18; 6:20; 10:23. ing force that makes history progress, taking
It would be wrong to interpret this text as advantage of both gentle and violent changes
thinking that God only asks of us to catechize in human life. The believers are called to par-
less instructed people, or those of lower con- ticipate actively in this constant transforma-
dition in life. In the time of Jesus the Pharisees tion. Death and resurrection are at work
already thought their duty was to teach simple among us and all over the world.
and uneducated people; Jesus instead sent his
apostles, poor among the poor, to enable • 20. Chorazin and Bethsaida: these two
them to discover the presence and working of cities were the seats of higher schools of religion
God the Father. The concrete life of the rural but had not received the Gospel. Tyre and
and urban poor is the context in which funda- Sidon: two pagan cities, cursed by the prophets.
MATTHEW 11 1348

Take my yoke upon you Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath

(Lk 10:21) (Mk 2:23; 3:1; Lk 6:1; 14:1)
Lk 10: • On that occasion Jesus said,
25 • 1 It happened that Jesus Mk 2:
Jn 7: “Father, Lord of heaven and earth, I 12 walked through the wheat 23-28;
Lk 6:1-5;
1Cor 1:
praise you, because you have hidden fields on a Sabbath. His disciples Dt 23:26

17-29 these things from the wise and were hungry, and began to pick
learned, and revealed them to sim- some heads of wheat and crush
ple people. 26 Yes, Father, this is what them to eat the grain. 2 When the 20:10;
Dt 5:14
pleased you. Pharisees noticed this, they said to
Everything has been entrusted Jesus, “Look at your disciples! They
Jn 3:35;
13:3; to me by my Father. No one knows are doing what is prohibited on the
Phil 2:9;
the Son except the Father, and no Sabbath!”
Wis 2:13; one knows the Father except the 3
Jesus answered, “Have you not 1S 21:
Jn 1:18; 2-7;
10:15 Son, and those to whom the Son read what David did, when he and his Lev 24:
chooses to reveal him. men were hungry? 4 He went into the 5-9

Sir 24:19
Come to me, all you who work house of God, and they ate the bread
hard and who carry heavy burdens, offered to God, though neither he nor
Jer 31:25; and I will refresh you. 29 Take my his men had the right to eat it, but
Hos 10:11;
Pro 3:17; yoke upon you and learn from me, only the priests. 5 And have you not Num
Jer 6:16 for I am gentle and humble of heart read in the Law, that on the Sabbath
1Jn 5:3; and you will find rest. 30 For my yoke the priests in the Temple break the
Gal 5:1;
Acts is good, and my burden is light.” Sabbath rest, yet they are not guilty?

• 25. Jesus’ prayer impressed the disciples. Jesus plays with the two words yoke and
In this text it is a short prayer, prompted by the load, for the Jews used to call “load” the di-
most recent events; events and daily life are vine teachings imparted to pupils, and yoke
also a source of prayer. the balancing of the teacher’s sentences, which
You have hidden these things. Intelligent should be learned by heart.
people are not excluded from the faith, of Jesus, the patient and humble teacher, en-
course, but it is the glory of God that faith ables us to see the mercy of God in our lives
should not seem to be the privilege of the wise and in our own cross. He shows us the love of
and the intelligent; human wisdom never gives God even in the requirements of the Law.
what is essential and often hides it. There were Only God is Good; and good is the authority of
in Palestine at the time some wise people and Christ.
many others who pretended to be so, but they
were rarely seen among the disciples of Jesus. • 12.1 This chapter records the conflicts
Everything has been entrusted to me. God of Jesus with the Pharisees regarding the Sab-
does what is needed for people to have always bath. Why does the gospel make so much of
and in all places thousands of ways of knowing these conflicts? Perhaps because at the time
him. In this life it is only through Jesus that we of Jesus the heavy load of religious obliga-
have the revelation of the Father. tions was a formidable obstacle for those
Must we translate “learn from me for I searching for God. It may have been also be-
am…” or “learn from me that I am…”? The cause the Christians lost no time making new
humility of Jesus reveals to us the humility of laws to which they gave an exaggerated im-
God who never seeks to put us down or in- portance. If Jesus deliberately violated the
timidate us, but instead always wants to raise most sacred of the laws given by God to
us to him. Such humility does not prevent him Moses, what about our ecclesiastical laws not
from being God, and he may exact everything guaranteed by the Word of God? In the name
from us because he does not use external of man-made laws, adapted to a context that
force: his influence reaches to the depths of is not ours, Christian communities have at
our heart. See Luke 10:21. times been paralyzed and we let millions of
Come to me: I will not relieve you of your people look for churches where they have the
load but by placing my yoke on you, I give you communities and pastors they have been de-
the means of carrying the load. prived of.
1349 MATTHEW 12

I tell you, there is greater than whom I am pleased. I will put my
Lk 11:31
the Temple here. 7 If you really knew Spirit upon him and he will an-
9:13; the meaning of the words: It is mercy nounce my judgment to the nations.
Hos 6:6
I want, not sacrifice, you would not 19
He will not argue or shout, nor
have condemned the innocent. will his voice be heard in the streets.
Jn 5:
Besides, the Son of Man is Lord 20
The bruised reed he will not crush,
of the Sabbath.” nor snuff out the smoldering wick.
Mk 3:1-6;
Jesus then left that place and He will persist until justice is made
Lk 6:6-11
went into one of their synagogues. victorious, 21 and in him all the na-
Lk 14:3
A man was there with a paralyzed tions will put their hope.
hand, and people who wanted to
bring a charge against Jesus asked The unforgivable sin
(Mk 3:22; Lk 11:15)
him, “Is it permitted to heal on the
Sabbath?” • 22 Then some people brought to Lk 11:
But he said to them, “What if him a possessed man, who was blind Mt 9:
one of you has a sheep and it falls and who could not talk. Jesus healed 32-34

into a pit on the Sabbath? Will you the man, who was then able to speak
not take hold of your sheep and lift it and see. 23 All in the crowd were Mk 3:22
6:26; out? 12 Is a human being less worthy amazed and wondered, “Could he be
Lk 12:7; of help than a sheep? It is therefore the Son of David?” 24 When the Phar-
Jn 7:23
permitted to do good on the Sab- isees heard this, they said, “It is by
bath.” 13 Then Jesus said to the man, Beelzebul, prince of the devils, that
Jn 5:9; “Stretch out your arm.” He stretched this man drives out devils.”
it out and it was completely restored, 25
Jesus knew their thinking, so he
as sound as the other one. said to them, “Every kingdom that is
Then the Pharisees went out, and divided by civil war will fall apart,
Mk 11:18;
Jn 5:16 made plans to get rid of Jesus. 15 As and every city or family that is di-
Lk 6:17; Jesus was aware of their plans, he vided cannot last. 26 So if Satan
Mt 14:35
left that place. Many people followed drives out Satan, he is divided: how
him, and he cured all who were sick. then can his reign endure? 27 And if it
Then he gave them strict orders not is by Beelzebul that I drive out devils,
Mk 3:12; to make him known. by whom do your own people drive
In this way Isaiah’s prophecy them out? They themselves will give
was fulfilled: you the answer.
Is 42:1-4
Here is my servant whom I have 28
But if it is by the Spirit of God Acts
chosen, the one I love, and with that I drive out devils, then the king-

• 22. See commentary on Mark 3:22. other application of the sentence read in 7:16.
Your own people (v. 27). Jesus refers here It deals here with the accusation against the
to the Jewish exorcists who cast out demons Pharisees: they slander whatever is good be-
with prayers and formularies, as told in Acts cause they have an evil heart.
19:13. Your own words will declare you either in-
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. This nocent or guilty (v. 37). See Luke 19:22. Not
means attributing to the devil the good actions only the isolated acts of our life are to be
of the Spirit, as we see in Mark 3:30. judged. Throughout the years we have built up
Either in this age or in the age to come a practical philosophy and a vision of exis-
(v. 32). This is a Jewish idiom meaning that tence. Beginning with that we judge all which
this sin cannot be forgiven, by God or people. in other people questions our own choices. It
How can God forgive one who puts himself is that itself, these words with which we justify
out of reach of the forgiving God? ourselves and condemn others, that deserve to
If you have a sound tree (v. 33). This is an- be condemned.
MATTHEW 12 1350

dom of God has already come upon Jesus criticizes his own generation
Is 49:24; you. 29 How can anyone break into (Mk 8:11; Lk 11:16)
Jn 12:31
the strong man’s house and make off • 38 Then some teachers of the Mk 8:
with his belongings, unless he first Law and some Pharisees spoke up, 11-12;
Lk 11:16;
ties him up? Only then can he plun- “Teacher, we want to see a sign from 11:29-32;
Mt 16:
der his house. you.” 39 Jesus answered them, “An 1-4;
1Cor 1:22;
Mk 9:38;
The one who is not with me is evil and unfaithful people want a Lk 12:54;
Lk 9:49;
Mk 9:40; against me, and the one who does sign, but no sign will be given them 12:1

Lk 9:50 not gather with me scatters. except the sign of the prophet Jo-
And so I tell you this: people nah. 40 In the same way that Jonah Jon 2:1

can be forgiven any sin and any evil spent three days and three nights in
thing they say against God, but blas- the belly of the whale, so will the Son
phemy against the Spirit will not be of Man spend three days and three
10:19; forgiven. 32 The one who speaks nights in the depths of the earth.
Mk 8:38;
against the Son of Man, will be for-
At the judgment, the people of Jon 3
Lk 9:26;
21:14; given; but the one who speaks Nineveh will rise with this generation
1:13; against the Holy Spirit will not be for- and condemn it, because they re-
Lk 12:10
given, either in this age or in the age formed their lives at the preaching of
to come. Jonah, and here there is greater than
Jonah. 42 At the judgment, the Queen 1K 10:
If you have a sound tree, its fruit of the South will stand up and con- 1-10
Lk 6:
43-45 will be sound; if you have a rotten demn you. She came from the ends
tree, its fruit will be rotten. You can of the earth to listen to the wisdom of
3:7; know a tree by its fruit. 34 You brood Solomon, and here there is greater
Lk 3:7 of vipers, how can you say anything than Solomon.
good, when you are so evil? For the 43
When an evil spirit goes out of a Lk 11:
mouth speaks of what fills the heart. person, it wanders over arid waste- 24-26

A good person produces good lands looking for a place to rest, but
Mk 7:21
things from his good store, and an it cannot find one. 44 Then it says to
evil person produces evil things from itself: ‘I will go back to my house
his evil store. which I had to leave.’ So it goes back
Jas 3:1
I tell you this: on the day of and finds the house empty, clean,
judgment people will have to give an and in order. 45 Off it goes again to Mk 5:9;
Lk 8:2;
account of any unjustified word they bring back with it, this time, seven Jn 5:14;
have spoken. 37 Your own words will spirits, more evil than itself. They 2P 2:20

declare you either innocent or move in and settle there, so that this
guilty.” person is finally in a worse state than

• 38. Jesus did not perform any miracle sion and for a while changed their way of life.
that day, because the experts in religion were Theirs was not a real experience of God, nei-
demanding an account of him, instead of lis- ther did they discover the inner power that
tening to him. would have enabled them to persevere, and so
An evil and unfaithful people. The text of their blindness remained.
the Gospel says in fact: “evil and adulterous”. The Ninevites: see Jonah 3:5.
This expression in the Bible means the un- The Queen of the South: 1 Kings 10.
faithful believer who, without denying God in The sign of Jonah is the resurrection of
words, keeps other gods to himself. Jesus. The similarity seen in the three days
The story of the unclean spirit, meaning the that Jonah was in the belly of the fish and the
devil, is directed towards the contemporaries time Jesus spent in the tomb is somewhat
of Jesus. They accepted John’s call to conver- forced.
1351 MATTHEW 13

he was at the beginning. This is what Jesus said, “The sower went out

will happen to this evil generation.” to sow and, as he sowed, some

• 46 While Jesus was still talking to seeds fell along the path, and the
Mk 3:
31-35; birds came and ate them up. 5 Other
Lk 8: the people, his mother and his broth-
seeds fell on rocky ground where
19-21; ers wanted to speak to him, and they
Jn 2:12; there was little soil, and the seeds
Acts 1:14 waited outside. 47 So someone said to
sprouted quickly because the soil
him, “Your mother and your brothers
was not deep. 6 But as soon as the
are standing outside; they want to
sun rose, the plants were scorched,
speak with you.”
and they withered because they had
Jesus answered, “Who is my no roots. 7 Again other seeds fell
mother? Who are my brothers?” among thistles, and the thistles grew
Then he pointed to his disciples and choked the plants. 8 Still other 11:15;
and said, “Look! Here are my mother seeds fell on good soil and produced 13:43;
Mk 4:23;
Lk 2: and my brothers. 50 Whoever does a crop: some a hundredfold, others Lk 14:35;
the will of my Father in heaven is for sixty, and others thirty. 9 If you have
Rev 2:7

me brother, sister, or mother.” ears, then hear!”

The parable of the sower • 10 Then his disciples came to Mk 4:
(Mk 4:1; Lk 8:4; 10:23; 13:20) 10-12;
him and said, “Why do you speak to Lk 8:9-10
Mk 4:1-9; • 1 That same day Jesus left them in parables?”
Lk 8:4-8;
13 the house and sat down by 11
Jesus answered, “To you it has 1Cor 4:1;
Eph 3:3;
the lakeside. 2 Many people gathered been given to know the secrets of the 6:19;
around him, so he got in a boat, and kingdom of heaven, but not to these Col 2:2

sat down, while the crowds stood on people. 12 For the one who has, will 25:29;
Lk 19:26
the shore; 3 and he spoke to them in be given more and he will have in
parables about many things. abundance. But the one who does

• 46. His mother and his brothers. If they For those listening to Jesus, the reign of
were true brothers of Jesus, sons of Mary, the God signified first of all a liberation of his op-
Gospel would say: “his mother and the sons of pressed people, and this called for clear expla-
his mother,” for this was the Jewish manner of nation. Jesus, for his part, could only give an
speaking. See commentary on Mark 3:31. answer to those who accompanied him; for
the Kingdom is one of those things that cannot
• 13.1 Here we have the beginning of the be seen as long as one has no belief in it. Jesus
third “discourse of Jesus” in Matthew’s Gospel will only speak of it in images and we will un-
(see Introduction). Jesus had his apostles pro- derstand according to the degree of our expe-
claim the coming of the Kingdom; the first rience of that Kingdom which is developing
signs were seen: healings and victories over throughout the world.
demons but opposition was not wanting and it For this parable of the Sower which gives
would seem that on the whole, people did not the general direction of this chapter, see the
respond. What must we think of this “King- commentary of Mark 4:1 and Luke 8:4.
dom of God” which changes very little of real
life? Matthew replies with the following seven • 10. To you it has been given to know
parables. the secrets of the kingdom. To you who took
Jesus uses comparisons just as simple coun- Christ’s call seriously and decided to follow him.
try folk and working people usually do. Prov- Because you came to be the co-workers of
erbs and parables have always been an effec- Christ, the Father will reveal to you his secrets.
tive way of teaching wisdom. But we must The quotation from Isaiah that follows may
observe that a parable is not just any compar- shock us due to the fact of our not fully under-
ison; its characteristic is to awaken in the lis- standing Hebrew expressions. Does Jesus
teners an awareness of their present situation speak in parables because the audience does
and oblige them to make a decision. not want to understand, or so that they will not
MATTHEW 13 1352

not have will be deprived of even 19

When a person hears the mes-
what he has. 13 That is why I speak to sage of the Kingdom, but does not
them in parables, because they look take it seriously, the devil comes and
and do not see; they hear, but they snatches away what was sown in his
do not listen or understand. heart. This is the seed that fell along
Is 6:9-10;
In them the words of the prophet the footpath.
Jn 12:40;
Acts 28: Isaiah are fulfilled: However much 20
The seed that fell on rocky
26-27 you hear, you do not understand; ground stands for the one who hears
however much you see, you do not the word, and accepts it at once with
perceive. joy. 21 But such a person has no roots,
For the heart of this people has and endures only for a while. No
grown dull. Their ears hardly hear sooner is he harassed or persecuted
and their eyes dare not see. If they because of the word, than he gives up.
were to see with their eyes, hear 22
The seed that fell among the Lk 12:
with their ears and understand with thistles is the one who hears the 16-21;
1Tim 6:9
their heart, they would turn back, word, but then the worries of this life
and I would heal them. and the love of money choke the
Lk 10:
But blessed are your eyes be- word, and it does not bear fruit.
cause they see, and your ears, be- 23
As for the seed that fell on good Jn 15:
cause they hear. soil, it is the one who hears the word 8, 16;
Gal 5:22
Eph 3:5;
For I tell you that many proph- and understands it; this seed bears
1P 1:12
ets and upright people have longed fruit and produces a hundred, or
to see the things you see, but they sixty, or thirty times more.”
did not see them, and to hear the
things you hear, but they did not hear The parable of the weeds
them. • 24 Jesus told them another para-
Mk 4: • Now listen to the parable of the
ble, “The kingdom of heaven can be
Lk 8: sower. compared to a man who sowed good

understand? It could be both at the same time Those along the footpath are those not in-
(compare vv. 13 and 15, and also 35). See the terested in the word they have received, per-
commentary on Mark 4:11. haps because they cannot see further than
For the one who has will be given more. their own interests (they are selfish), or per-
Here has means produce, bear as does the haps they have taken another direction in life.
tree that “has” fruit. It will be given to those Next come those who do not dare to face
who are fruitful. contradiction and are easily discouraged and
The kingdom of heaven. We already said cowed: these are soon burnt. Yet to hope
that “Heaven” was a Jewish expression refer- means to be firm despite any obstacle. If God
ring to God. The kingdom of heaven is the puts us on a road in life, this road will lead
kingdom of God, as the Father of Heaven is somewhere. Hope is courage and endurance.
God the Father. Not realizing this, many have Next are those that fell among the thistles.
mistakenly thought that the Gospel announced They are believers, but the fruits to be har-
only the kingdom of God in Heaven after our vested along the difficult path seem not to sat-
present life. Actually Jesus came to tell us that isfy them. They want to “save their lives,” to
God had come to rule among us. serve God and Money at the same time. They
Kingdom or Reign of God? See commen- are dragged down by their aim of winning ma-
tary on Luke 8:10. terial success, and hope in the kingdom of God
becomes but a flimsy desire for them.
• 18. Who will welcome the Word of God?
This has nothing to do with intelligence or abil- • 24. With the parable of the weeds, Jesus
ity to reflect, or interest in religious things: answers those who are scandalized at seeing
those who are open to hope receive the Word. evil everywhere. Good and bad will be mixed
1353 MATTHEW 13

seed in his field. 25 While everyone The mustard seed and the yeast
was asleep, his enemy came and (Mk 4:30; Lk 13:18)
sowed weeds among the wheat, and • 31 Jesus offered them another Mk 4:
went away. 30-32;
parable: “The kingdom of heaven is Lk 13:
When the plants sprouted and
like a mustard seed, that a man took 18-19
produced grain, the weeds also ap-
and sowed in his field.
peared. 27 Then the servants of the 32
It is smaller than all other seeds, 17:20;
owner came to him and said, ‘Sir, Lk 17:6;
but once it is fully grown, it is bigger Ezk
was it not good seed that you sowed
than any garden plant; like a tree, 17:23;
in your field? Where did the weeds 31:6;
the birds come and rest in its Dn 4:
come from?’ 9, 18
He answered them, ‘This is the 33
He told them another parable, Lk 13:
work of an enemy.’ They asked him, 20-21;
“The kingdom of heaven is like the 1Cor 5:6;
‘Do you want us to go and pull up the
yeast that a woman took, and hid in Gal 5:9
weeds?’ 29 He told them, ‘No, when
three measures of flour, until the
you pull up the weeds, you might up-
whole mass of dough began to rise.”
Jn 15:6 root the wheat with them. 30 Let them
just grow together until harvest; and • 34 Jesus taught all this to the Mk 4:
at harvest time I will say to the work- crowds by means of parables; he did
ers: Pull up the weeds first, tie them not say anything to them without
in bundles and burn them; then using a parable. 35 So what the Ps 78:2
gather the wheat into my barn.’” Prophet had said was fulfilled: I will

till the end of the world. Good and evil will al- – secondly, it must be immersed in human
ways be found together in persons and institu- reality.
tions. Believers are not to separate themselves
God respects people. He knows that temp- from those who do not believe, for they are
tation is often stronger than their good inten- the yeast of the world.
tions and they need time to find and to choose Jesus does not want an “invisible Church,”
steadily what is good. that is an emotional fellowship and spiritual
God is patient. The reconciliation of so communion among all those in the whole
many contradictory groups, forces and cultural world who believe in him. He wants a gigantic
currents active in the world will be attained tree (in another place Jesus says: a city built on
only at the end of time. In the meantime we a hill), so that everyone can recognize that the
are not to label any of them as “the” good seed was good and full of life. We need organ-
ones and “the” bad ones. ized Christian communities, and ties between
Jesus himself commented on this parable: these communities, a hierarchy… Nevertheless
see verse 36. the believers are not to enclose themselves in
their chapels or little communities or to spend
• 31. With the parable of the mustard all their energies working for “their” Church.
seed Jesus shows us that the kingdom of God They must be useful and fruitful in the world
must be a sign; it has to be something very no- together with all people of goodwill.
ticeable in the world. Let them be yeast for the dough, not small
Any spiritual aspiration, cultural innovation separate and finer dough. The yeast trans-
or revolutionary movement must be expressed forms human history, not by bringing all peo-
concretely, through one or several institutions, ple into the Church, but by infusing into
to make it a clearer and more visible entity. human activity the spirit that gives life to hu-
Likewise Jesus projects his Church as the mankind.
bearer (not the owner) of the kingdom of God.
Church means: “Assembly of those called to- • 34. Jesus taught all this to the crowds
gether.” Two of the characteristics of this by means of parables. On reading Matthew
Church are indicated here: 13:12, we might think that Jesus speaks in
– first it must be very visible and fruitful for parables in order to hide his teaching. Here we
the world, like a tree giving shade to birds; find another explanation that corrects and
MATTHEW 13 1354

speak in parables. I will proclaim vest is the end of time, and the work-
things kept secret since the begin- ers are the angels.
ning of the world.
Just as the weeds are pulled up
15:15; • 36 Then he sent the crowds away and burned in the fire, so will it be at 7:19;
Jn 15:6;
Mk 4:10
and went into the house. And his dis- the end of time. 41 The Son of Man Rev
ciples came to him, saying, “Explain will send his angels, and they will
to us the parable of the weeds in the weed out of his kingdom all that is Zep 1:3;
field.” 37 Jesus answered them, “The scandalous and all who do evil. Dn 3:6;
one who sows the good seed is the 42
And these will be thrown in the 21:8;
Mt 8:12;
1Jn 3:10 Son of Man. 38 The field is the world; blazing furnace, where there will be 13:50;
the good seed are the people of the weeping and gnashing of teeth. 22:13;
Kingdom; the weeds are those who 43
Then the just will shine like the sun 25:30
Jn 8:44 follow the evil one. 39 The enemy who in the kingdom of their Father. If you Dn 12:3
sows the weeds is the devil; the har- have ears, then hear.

completes the first. Jesus spoke in parables be- who knows us through and through is one of
cause that was the best method to convey a the bases of the Christian vision of existence.
teaching relevant for all times. This enables us to understand the tragic char-
I will speak in parables. These are the first acter of the decisions we make from day to day
words of Psalm 78, as adapted by the evan- directing us either to the truth or a refusal of
gelist. He means that the secrets of the king- the light.
dom of God revealed by Jesus answer the most This certitude shocks many of our contem-
important questions of humankind. poraries just as in the past it terrified the ma-
From the beginning of civilization, people jority of people. It is for that reason they have
were confronted with problems and challenges often taken refuge in metempsychosis—a se-
they could not solve on their own, and Jesus ries of existences. The faults of the present life
offers the key to these contradictions. Science could be rectified in the one that followed. The
has discovered many elements of human des- importance of our choices is doubted, and the
tiny; we have still to discover who we are. sense of sin is blurred just as is the sense of the
Jesus’ answer is not given as a theory and it presence of God. Before long we could doubt
upsets the “little intellectuals” who are used to the unique value of our life and of the human
the language of books. He gives us something person.
much richer with these images or enigmas While reaffirming the judgment, this short
which require some creativity and to which we parable contains an extremely revolutionary el-
have to return. Each of us will have to ponder ement: the judgment is God’s secret and up to
them as long as we live, and humankind as the end of the world, both good and evil are in
long as history. Only with time shall we dis- each of us, as well as in institutions. When we
cover all that they mean. read the Bible, we are perhaps shocked to see
that not only in the Old Testament but also
• 36. The field is the world. This parable even in the New, the world is constantly di-
does not refer to what happens within each of vided between the good and the wicked. It
us, or only in the Church, as described in the seems to us that it should not be: the inner
net (v. 47). Rather it teaches that the kingdom being of a person is a deep mystery. There
of God exists and grows in the world, in all di- isn’t a group of the good (we, of course, and
mensions of the secular world. Sacred history those who believe in God, and those who ob-
is more than an ancient history in the land of serve the same morality that we observe…)
Jesus; it is the entire human story of which the and then the others. Why then does Jesus di-
risen Christ is Lord. vide humans?
So will it be at the end of time. Jesus Our quick reply is that Jesus has spoken as
speaks to us of a judgment. The expectation the prophets spoke. To speak of the good and
of God’s judgment on the world was an essen- the wicked was a simple way, suitable to the
tial element of prophetic teaching. Let us not mentality of people less developed than our-
only see in it a desire for vengeance on the selves, to show that each one of us, in each of
part of honest people who suffered. To know our acts, takes a step in one of two opposed
for certain that our life will be judged by one directions. For centuries women and men have
1355 MATTHEW 13

The treasure, the pearl and the net full, it is dragged ashore. Then they
Pro 2:4; • 44 The kingdom of heaven is like sit down and gather the good fish in
a treasure hidden in a field. The one buckets, but throw the worthless
who finds it buries it again; and so ones away. 49 That is how it will be at
happy is he, that he goes and sells the end of time; the angels will go out
everything he has, in order to buy to separate the wicked from the just,
that field.
and to throw the wicked into the 13:42
blazing furnace, where they will weep
Again, the kingdom of heaven is
and gnash their teeth.”
like a trader who is looking for fine 51
Jesus asked, “Have you under-
pearls. 46 Once he has found a pearl
stood all these things?” “Yes,” they
of exceptional quality, he goes away,
answered. 52 So he said to them, “You
sells everything he has and buys it.
will see that every teacher of the
• 47 Again, the kingdom of heaven Law, who becomes a disciple of the
is like a big fishing net let down into kingdom of heaven, is like a house-
the sea, in which every kind of fish holder, who can produce from his
has been caught. 48 When the net is store things both new and old.”

felt themselves interpreted by this way of after having shown it to us, for it will be really
speaking: it is still effective and pedagogic for ours when we have worked for it and perse-
us on many occasions. It is very important to vered.
understand that Jesus is not duped by images. Everything must be sold. We have to divest
For the majority of us, the separation is not ourselves of all those habits, pleasures… that
made, even if after a conversion or two, until occupy our hearts without filling them. When
we have taken decisive steps. trials come upon us like a frosty, icy night, we
The servants represent the believers, but es- should not forget the treasure we have once
pecially the “supervisors” of the Church. Their seen, until we recover it. Plato, the great
zeal for repressing those they judge as straying pagan philosopher, said, “It is during the night
in order to preserve what seems good to them that it is beautiful to believe in the light.”
may well be tainted interiorly. They would like “The pearl” is, in a certain sense, Christ
to suppress all the errors. Rather they rely too himself. He alone gives meaning to all the sac-
much on force, or on authority. If the “mas- rifices of a Christian life. These are not really
ters” of the faith were not to give the faithful “sacrifices,” but the search for a love that has
the possibility to think for themselves and make already been proven.
mistakes, the Church would be without life.
God prefers to let matters clarify: he wants
people to learn from experience. Evil is part • 47. The Church has given the Kingdom
of the mystery of the cross; in doing what is to those who entered, but some of them be-
good and living in the light we defeat evil (Rom long to the visible family of the chosen ones,
12:21). without having the spirit of the Kingdom.
By speaking of the net, Jesus reminds us
• 44. The parables of the treasure and the that the first activity of the Church must be
pearl invite us not to let opportunities pass by, mission: “to catch people.” Many of them
when the kingdom of God comes to us. surely will not persevere, but a Church that
Some have been waiting for years for that closes itself would die.
word, or person or sign of hope that would How we would like to have a perfect Church
give new meaning to their lives. One day they made of upright persons, in which each one
found it. Sometimes it was found through sim- would discover the gifts of God! Christ, how-
ple things: a forgiving word, a friendly smile, a ever, did not want a Church like that, nor is
first commitment offered to them and ac- that the way for the Church to save the world.
cepted. Then they understood that this was the
way to gain all they were waiting for, and they HELL
entered the Kingdom happily. They will throw the wicked into the blaz-
The parable says: he hides it again. Ordi- ing furnace. This affirmation which we have
narily it is God who hides the treasure again already seen (v. 30) only confirms what the
MATTHEW 13 1356

• 53 When Jesus had finished these own family.” 58 And he did not per- Jn 4:44
Mk 6: parables, he left that place. 54 He form many miracles there because
Lk 4: went to his hometown and taught the of their lack of faith.
Jn 7:15
people in their synagogue. They
were amazed and said, “Where did John the Baptist beheaded
(Mk 6:14; Lk 9:7)
he get this wisdom and these special Mk 6:
Lk 3:23; powers? 55 Isn’t he the carpenter’s • 1 At that time the news about 14-29;
Jn 6:42
son? Isn’t Mary his mother and aren’t 14 Jesus reached king Herod. Lk 9:7-9

James, Joseph, Simon and Judas 2

And he said to his servants, “This 16:14
his brothers? 56 Aren’t all his sisters man is John the Baptist. John has
living here? How did he get all this?” risen from the dead, and that is why
And so they took offense at him. miraculous powers are at work in
Jesus said to them, “The only him.”
place where prophets are not wel- 3
Herod had, in fact, ordered that Lk 3:
come is their hometown and in their John be arrested, bound in chains

whole Bible says: we shall be judged and the rible crimes: loss or salvation is an option for
plenitude of life offered to those who will be all. We must also recognize that he does not
“in” God will have as counterpart the despair- speak according to our categories of hell and
ing lot of those who have refused life. purgatory: Gehenna (Mt 5:22; 10:28), or fire
The Church has always spoken, according (Mk 9:42) are imprecise terms that can desig-
to the terms of the Bible, of an eternal hell. nate both at the same time. The “fire of hell”
She has also adopted towards the twelfth cen- is said to be “eternal” in several places (Mk
tury the word “purgatory” to designate the 9:47; Mt18:8; Mt 25:41), but this word has
painful purification the saved will experience, not exactly the meaning we give it: it could be
unless they have already known on earth the something that goes beyond our experience of
terrible burning of the pure love of God. time.
The affirmation of purgatory shocks those We can then ask questions, but we must also
who have not experienced divine holiness question ourselves on two matters. Firstly, to
which is never without a burning of everything speak of what God should or should not do is
that belongs to us; have they ever really pon- rather like asking him to be just. But “justice”
dered what “becoming God in God” exacts of is not something that exists in itself: it is only
us? Hell does not hurt less. We know, of an aspect of the mystery of God. What do we
course, that fire is only a figure of speech and know of his mystery? Then let us not teach
we should not interpret it as a vengeance of him justice. We must also reply to this ques-
God: it is the “damned” who are unable to re- tion: if Jesus wanted to say that certain people
nounce the harrowing solitude in which they go to unending suffering, how must he say it in
have enclosed themselves; it is at the same order that we may not doubt it?
time their enjoyment and their torture. How- The mystery remains. If we understood to
ever, we no longer accept the idea of pain that what God invites us—and for an eternity in its
has no end and we readily support this with truest sense, and that life is unique and that
philosophic argument. here below we shall give our response and fi-
Certainly Jesus spoke the language of his nally give birth to our eternity—are there
time, not ours. This division of the world into words too strong for someone who has lost
good and bad was present in all culture. It is everything?
also certain that Jesus had deep and true
knowledge of God and human beings. Had he • 53. Compare with Luke 4:14. See com-
found in this punishment something contrary mentary on Mark 3:31.
to the infinite goodness of God he would have
said so without any concern of scandal. He has • 14.1 For chapters 14 and 15 see com-
spoken as he did because the infinite love of mentaries on Mark 6 and 7.
God does not take away our freedom to es- It would seem that this series of narratives
cape him and defy him. that occupy chapters 14 and 15 and the be-
However it is to be noted that Jesus does ginning of chapter 16 formed a collection dat-
not only speak of condemnation for some hor- ing from the first years of the Church; an iden-
1357 MATTHEW 14

and put in prison, because of Hero- he saw the crowd gathered there and
dias, the wife of his brother Philip. he had compassion on them. And he
For John had said to Herod, “It is not healed their sick.
20:21 right for you to have her as your wife.” 15
Late in the afternoon, his disci-
Herod wanted to kill John but he did ples came to him and said, “We are
not dare, because he feared the peo- in a lonely place and it is now late.
ple, who regarded John as a prophet. You should send these people away,
On Herod’s birthday the daugh- so they can go to the villages and buy
ter of Herodias danced among the something for themselves to eat.”
guests; she so delighted Herod 7 that 16
But Jesus replied, “They do not
he promised under oath to give her need to go away; you give them
anything she asked for. 8 The girl, fol- something to eat.” 17 They answered,
lowing the advice of her mother, “We have nothing here but five
said, “Give me the head of John the loaves and two fishes.” 18 Jesus said
Baptist here on a dish.” to them, “Bring them here to me.”
The king was very displeased, 19
Then he made everyone sit Jn 11:41;
but because he had made this prom- down on the grass. He took the five
ise under oath in the presence of his loaves and the two fishes, raised his
guests, he ordered it to be given to eyes to heaven, pronounced the
her. 10 So he had John beheaded in blessing, broke the loaves, and
prison, 11 and his head brought on a handed them to the disciples to dis-
dish and given to the girl. The girl tribute to the people. 20 And they all 2K 4:43
then took it to her mother. ate, and everyone had enough; then
Then John’s disciples came and the disciples gathered up the left-
took his body and buried it. Then overs, filling twelve baskets. 21 About
they went away to bring the news to five thousand men had eaten there,
Jesus. besides women and children.
First miracle of the loaves Jesus walks on the water
(Mk 6:32; Jn 6) (Mk 6:45; Jn 6:16)
Mk 6: • 13 On hearing this, Jesus set out • 22 Immediately Jesus obliged his Mk 6:
32-44; 45-52;
Jn 6:1-13; by boat for a secluded place, to be disciples to get into the boat and go Jn 6:
Mt 15:
alone. But the people heard of it, and ahead of him to the other side, while 15-21

they followed him on foot from their he sent the crowd away.
9:36 towns. 14 When Jesus went ashore, 23
And having sent the people Lk 6:12;

tical collection is found in Mark and a part in gave the opportunity to complete the teaching
Luke. As in all these texts that have been about the eucharist that was drawn from the
passed on orally over a time, there were gen- two miracles of the loaves.
eral ideas and keywords that helped them to
be linked to each other. Here bread must have • 13. See commentary on Mark 6:35 and
been one of the common themes. John 6.
Do not forget that bread was by far the main
food and to eat bread signified to have a meal • 22. See commentary on Mark 6:45.
(15:2). They were terrified: thinking that it was a
On the other hand there were few needs be- ghost. The apostles shared the same fears and
sides food and clothing, so religion gave much superstitions that their kinsfolk had. Only in
importance to everything related to food and time would they reach mature faith which
cooking. That explains the questions presented drives away these paralyzing beliefs.
in these chapters and the answers given by Command me to come to you (v. 28).
Jesus. Even the bread of the children (15:26) Matthew is not interested in emphasizing
MATTHEW 14 1358

away, he went up the mountain by God’s command and human tradition

himself to pray. At nightfall, he was (Mk 7:1)
there alone. 24 Meanwhile, the boat • 1 Then some Pharisees and Mk 7:
was very far from land, dangerously 15 teachers of the Law who had 1-13

rocked by the waves, for the wind come from Jerusalem gathered
was against it. around Jesus. And they said to him,
At daybreak, Jesus came to 2
“Why don’t your disciples follow the Gal 1:14;
Lk 24:37 them walking on the sea. 26 When tradition of the elders? In fact, they Col 2:8;
Lk 11:38
they saw him walking on the sea, don’t wash their hands before eating.”
they were terrified, thinking that it 3
Jesus answered, “And you, why
was a ghost. And they cried out in do you break God’s command for
fear. 27 But at once Jesus said to the sake of your traditions? 4 For God 20:12;
them, “Courage! Don’t be afraid. It’s commanded: Do your duty to your Dt 5:16;
me!” 28 Peter answered, “Lord, if it is father and your mother, and: Who- Lev 20:9;
Eph 6:2
you, command me to come to you ever curses his father or his mother is
walking on the water.” to be put to death. 5 But you say that
Jn 21:7
Jesus said to him, “Come!” And anyone may say to his father or
Peter got out of the boat, and walked mother, ‘What you could have ex-
on the water to go to Jesus. 30 But pected from me, I have reserved for
seeing the strong wind, he was afraid the Temple.’ 6 In this case, according
and began to sink; and he cried out, to you, a person is freed of his duty
8:25-26 “Lord, save me!” 31 Jesus immedi- to his father and mother. And so, you
ately stretched out his hand and took have nullified the command of God
hold of him, saying, “Man of little for the sake of your traditions.
faith, why did you doubt?” 7
Hypocrites! Isaiah rightly proph-
Mk 4:39
As they got into the boat, the esied of you when he said: 8 This peo- Is 29:13;
16:16; wind dropped. 33 Then those in the ple honors me with their lips, but Ps 78:36
27:54; boat bowed down before Jesus, say- their heart is far from me. 9 The wor-
Mk 14:61;
ing, “Truly, you are the Son of God!” ship they offer me is worthless, for
Lk 22:70;
They came ashore at Gen- they only teach human rules.”
Jn 1:49
nesareth. 35 The local people recog-
nized Jesus and spread the news Washing hands and cleanness of heart
(Mk 7:14; Lk 6:39)
throughout the region. So they
brought all the sick to him, 36 begging • 10 Jesus then called the people Mk 7:
him to let them touch just the hem of near him, and said to them, “Listen
his cloak. All who touched it became and understand: 11 What enters into
perfectly well. the mouth does not make a person

Peter’s doubt, but his faith. Peter alone dared isees uphold something that is excellent and
to attempt something that seemed to be re- which we ourselves practice. Jesus’ vision,
served for Jesus, and after joining his com- however, goes further: all these good customs
panions again in the boat he was, though and religious practices (feasts and meditations
soaked, the happiest of them all. included) easily become a smoke screen, hiding
Man of little faith (v. 31). Once more the essential from us: a constant readiness to
Jesus’ reproaches are addressed to his best dis- listen to God’s call, a simple trust in his mercy
ciples (as in 6:30; 8:26; 16:8; 17:20)—in which alone can save us.
order to convince future disciples, like us, that
much is still lacking in our faith. • 10. See commentary on Mark 7:14.
Using only human criteria, human societies
• 15.1 See commentary on Mark 7:1. are not able to distinguish good from evil.
They don’t wash their hands. The Phar- For the Jewish people, the worship of God
1359 MATTHEW 15

unclean. What defiles a person is 22

Now a Canaanite woman came 9:27;
what comes out of his mouth.” from those borders and began to cry Mk 10:47
After a while the disciples gath- out, “Lord, Son of David, have pity
ered around Jesus and said, “Do you on me! My daughter is tormented by
know that the Pharisees were of- a demon.” 23 But Jesus did not an-
fended by what you said?” 13 Jesus swer her, not even a word. So his dis-
answered, “Every plant which my ciples approached him and said,
heavenly Father has not planted “Send her away! See how she is
23:16; shall be uprooted. 14 Pay no attention shouting after us.”
Lk 6:39;
Rom 2:19 to them! They are blind leading the 24
Then Jesus said to her, “I was
blind. When a blind person leads an- sent only to the lost sheep of the na-
other, the two will fall into a pit.” tion of Israel.”
Peter said to him, “Explain this 25
But the woman was already
sentence to us.” 16 Jesus replied, “So kneeling before Jesus, and said, “Sir,
even you, too, are dull? 17 Do you not help me!” 26 Jesus answered, “It is not
see that whatever enters the mouth right to take the bread from the chil-
goes into the stomach, and then out dren and throw it to the puppy dogs.”
of the body? 18 But what comes out of 27
The woman replied, “That is true, Lk 16:21
the mouth comes from the heart, sir, but even the puppy dogs eat the
and that is what makes a person un- crumbs which fall from their master’s
clean. table.” 28 Then Jesus said, “Woman, 8:10;
1Cor 5:10;
Indeed, it is from the heart that how great is your faith! Let it be as 9:29
Eph 5:3; evil desires come: murder, adultery, you wish.” And her daughter was
Col 3:5;
1Tim 1:9;
immorality, theft, lies, slander. healed at that moment.
2Tim 3:2; 20
These are the things that make a
Rev 21:8;
person unclean; but eating without Second miracle of the loaves
(Mk 7:31)
washing the hands does not make a
person unclean.” • 29 From there Jesus went to the Mk 7:31
shore of Lake Galilee, and then went
The faith of the Canaanite woman up into the hills, where he sat down.
(Mk 7: 24) 30
Great crowds came to him, bring- 5:1
Mk 7: Leaving that place, Jesus with-
ing the dumb, the blind, the lame,
drew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. the crippled, and many with other in-

was everything and they felt very much con- • 29. On two occasions Jesus multiplied
cerned about exactly who and what things bread. It is one of his miracles that most im-
were worthy of being part of this worship. presses us.
Thus they made a distinction between the The word “miracle” is often devalued. The
clean and the unclean. Jesus shows that true Bible uses different words to denote what
purity is that of the heart. clearly appears as an act of God: sign, won-
It could be that the code for correct behav- der, work of power. Miracle in its full meaning
ior in our society and its numerous goodwill in- is all that at the same time: a sign by which
stitutions be just a modern way of distinguish- God makes us discover his will or the invisible
ing the pure and the impure. In the Church order of the world, a wonder that disconcerts
itself, in past centuries, there has been a ten- our limited vision, a work which God alone is
dency to attribute to sacred ministers a “purity” capable of doing.
that reserved to them the handling of sacred The multiplication of loaves is the kind of
things. It is one of the reasons why in the Mid- miracle which most shocks our contempo-
dle Ages Communion was not given in the raries and their absolute faith in the “laws of
hand, as had been the custom for over ten cen- nature” that God himself would not have the
turies. power to surpass, or which he could not ignore
MATTHEW 15 1360

firmities. The people carried them to seven wicker baskets. 38 Four thou-
the feet of Jesus, and he healed sand men had eaten, besides women
them. 31 All were astonished when and children. 39 Then Jesus sent
they saw the dumb speaking, the away the crowd, got into the boat
lame walking, the crippled healed, and went to Magdala.
and the blind able to see; and they
glorified the God of Israel. The Pharisees ask for a sign
Mk 8:
(Mk 8:11; Lk 11:16; 12:54) 11-13;
Mk 8:
Jesus called his disciples and Lk 11:
said to them, “I am filled with com- • 1 The Pharisees and Saddu- 16, 29;
Mt 14:
passion for these people; they have 16 cees appeared. They wanted Mt 12:
already followed me for three days to put Jesus to the test and asked Lk 11:16;
Jn 6:30;
and now have nothing to eat. I do not him for some heavenly sign. 1Cor 1:22

want to send them away fasting, or

Jesus answered, “(When eve- Lk 12:
they may faint on the way.” 33 His dis- ning comes, you say, ‘It will be a
ciples said to him, “And where shall good day, for the sky is red.’ 3 And in
we find enough bread in this wilder- the morning you say, ‘Stormy
ness to feed such a crowd?” 34 Jesus weather today, for the sky in the east
said to them, “How many loaves do is red.’ If you know how to interpret
you have?” They answered, “Seven, the appearance of the sky, why can’t
and a few small fish.” you interpret the signs of the times?)
So Jesus ordered the people to
An evil and unbelieving people want
sit on the ground. 36 Then he took the a sign, but no sign will be given them
seven loaves and the small fish and except the sign of Jonah.”
gave thanks to God. He broke them And Jesus left them and went
and gave them to his disciples, who away.
distributed them to the people. • 5 When the disciples went to the Mk 8:
They all ate and were satisfied, other side, they forgot to take bread. Lk 12:1
and the leftover broken pieces filled 6
It was then that Jesus said to them,

without contradicting himself. Many do not • 16.1 They asked for some heavenly
openly deny the testimony of the apostles, but sign. They want a miracle that will undoubt-
they avoid taking any stand and say for exam- edly be the work of God.
ple: “The miracle is still more beautiful if we No sign will be given them. Jesus refuses
imagine that Jesus merely invited the people to prove his authority by multiplying miracles.
to share their individual snacks, so that finally People who love truth and seek what is right
there was enough for everyone: a miracle of will recognize the seal of God in the deeds of
solidarity!” Jesus—and of his followers—no matter how
Here the Gospel is not praising solidarity: it many speak ill of them.
wishes rather to celebrate the absolute free- The sign of Jonah is the resurrection of
dom of God and of Christ: nature itself must be Jesus (see 12:40). Yet this resurrection that is
silent, because here the dead are raised to life. the most decisive sign, will be understandable
For a Christian, creation is not a huge machine only to the believers. Thus people who de-
that God has passed on to people as he abdi- mand miracles before they will believe, receive
cated; it is a reflection of God where the no answer.
laws—shadows of the wisdom, the order and Verses 2-4: the sentences we put in paren-
the justice that are in God—never exclude his thesis are lacking in the oldest manuscripts.
Throughout all Christian history the Lord • 5. The Gospel has kept very little of all
has multiplied and continues to multiply bread, that would have been exchanged between
items of food and even canned food for those Jesus and his apostles over the long months of
who have given everything or risked all for their life together. How fortunate that at least
him: many are able to witness to this. they recorded here one of the many stupid
1361 MATTHEW 16

“Beware, and do not trust the yeast Pharisees and Sadducees?” 12 Then
of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” they understood that he was not talk-
But the disciples said to one an- ing of yeast for bread, but of the
other, “He means the bread we did teaching of the Pharisees and Sad-
not bring.” ducees.
Jesus was aware of this, so he
said to them, “You of little faith! Why Peter’s faith; Jesus’ promises
(Mk 8:27; Lk 9:18; Jn 6:69)
do you speak about the bread you
don’t have? 9 Do you still not under- • 13 After that, Jesus came to Cae- Mk 8:
stand? Do you not remember the five sarea Philippi. He asked his disci- Lk 9:
loaves for the five thousand and how ples, “Who do people say the Son of 18-21

many baskets you gathered? 10 Or Man is?” 14 They said, “For some of
the seven loaves for the four thou- them you are John the Baptist, for
sand and how many wicker baskets others Elijah, or Jeremiah, or one of
you took up? the prophets.”
How can you fail to understand 15
Jesus asked them, “But you,
that I was not talking of bread when who do you say I am?” 16 Peter an-
I told you: Beware of the yeast of the swered, “You are the Messiah, the

things uttered in his presence! If they misun- opinion, or a sentimental attachment. It does
derstood his warning, it was that they were not come from flesh and blood, an expression
very much worried about those “necessary” that for the Jews meant what is purely human,
things that it would be better to leave in the what a human being does and understands by
hands of God. his own capacity. The words with which Jesus
Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and greets Peter, it is well for you Simon Barjona,
Sadducees. See commentary on Mark 8:11. are true for all the believers. For it is the Fa-
Very often the Gospel associates these two ther who has chosen us and has brought us to
names. We have already seen that the Sad- Christ: see John 6:37; 6:44.
ducees were the party of the chief priests. Next the primacy of Peter is emphasized.
They were by family right, responsible for the His name was Simon, but Jesus gave him this
national and religious life of the people of God. surname of Rock, foreseeing that he would be
The Pharisees for their part were a party de- for his Church a foundation rock (Jn 1:40).
voted to defending the law of God. They were This change of his name attests that a mission
enemies of the Sadducees. Let us not say: is given to him as happened to Abraham and
“They were perverse people.” Opposition to Jacob (Gen 17:5 and 32:19). Other texts at-
Jesus came quite naturally from the civil and test to the leadership and faith of Peter:
religious authorities of his people. How could Matthew 10:2; 14:28; 17:25; Luke 5:8-10;
God visit his people and be welcomed by the 22:32; John 6:68; 21:15-19.
majority of its leaders, if they feel and act as Is what Jesus tells Peter true also of his suc-
owners of their titles, of their authority, of their cessors? No one can deny that even in the Old
own merits? Testament God wanted his people to have a
visible head. Jerusalem and the nation had as
• 13. One parable of the kingdom of God their center the Temple and the kings, sons of
already foretold the Church (Mt 13:31-33). David. When God chose David, the first king
This present text openly refers to the Church: of Israel, he promised him that his sons would
– it tells us what its foundation is: faith in rule the Kingdom of God forever: this promise
Jesus, the Christ and Son of God; was fulfilled in Christ. Now Jesus chooses
– it focuses on the primacy of Peter among Peter to be forever the visible foundation of the
all the apostles; building. In the future his successors will be for
– it suggests that the Church will always the Church, what Peter was in the early Church.
need a visible head. This is the successor of For the Jews, to bind and to unbind (v. 19)
Peter, the pope. meant to state what is forbidden and what is
Faith in the Son of God, which Peter, allowed. So Peter and his successors will have
among the apostles is the first to proclaim, re- the last word about what is, or is not, the faith
ally comes from God. This faith is not a human of the Church. The history of the primitive
MATTHEW 16 1362

Son of the living God.” 17 Jesus re- must go to Jerusalem; that he would
plied, “It is well for you, Simon Bar- suffer many things from the Jewish
jona, for it is not flesh or blood that authorities, the chief priests and the
has revealed this to you, but my Fa- teachers of the Law; and that he
ther in heaven. would be killed and be raised on the
And now I say to you: You are third day.
Peter, and on this rock I will build my 22
Then Peter took him aside and
Church; and never will the powers of began to reproach him, “Never, Lord!
death overcome it. No, this must never happen to you!”
I will give you the keys of the 23
But Jesus turned to him and said,
Rev 3:7
kingdom of heaven: whatever you “Get behind me, Satan! You are an
bind on earth shall be bound in obstacle in my path. You are think-
heaven, and whatever you unbind on ing not as God does, but as people
earth shall be unbound in heaven.” do.” Mk 8:
Then he ordered his disciples 24
Then Jesus said to his disciples, 34—9:1;
Mk 9:9 Lk 9:
not to tell anyone that he was the “If you want to follow me, deny your- 23-27
Christ. self, take up your cross and follow 10:38;
me. 25 For whoever chooses to save Mk 8:35;
Jesus predicts his death his life will lose it, but the one who Lk 14:25;
(Mk 8:31; Lk 9:22; 12:9; 14:27)
loses his life for my sake will find it. Jn 12:25

Mk 8: • 21 From that day Jesus began to 26

What will one gain by winning the 4:8
Lk 9:22; make it clear to his disciples that he whole world if he destroys his soul?
Mt 17:12;
Lk 2:38
Church shows that already in the first centuries “Power”; as for Hades, it designates the
the local churches were conscious of the netherworld, the world of the dead and de-
supreme authority of the bishop of Rome, suc- monic powers. Even if deathly strength tried
cessor of Peter. His role could not but develop to crush the Church, or sow there the seed of
in the course of history, which was all the more corruption it would not be prevented from ac-
necessary because of the growing tensions be- complishing its mission of salvation. A part of
tween Christians, and diverse continents and Revelation (Rev 12–17) depicts such a con-
cultures endlessly divided in their religious ex- frontation.
pressions. In spite of the fact that as humans The fact that Peter is the foundation of the
Peter’s successors can commit mistakes, Christ Church does not contradict other verses that say
does not ignore what they ultimately decide that its basis is the Twelve Apostles (Eph 2:20
on: whatever you bind on earth shall be and Rev 21:14). They also receive the power
bound in heaven. to bind or loose in John 20:21, but in this case
The recognition of this mission of Peter’s it refers clearly to the forgiveness of sins.
successor, however, does not mean that his Upon reading the narratives in Mark 8:27
word drowns all other voices in a silent and Luke 9:18, some questions regarding Peter’s
Church, or that his authority justifies a struc- faith arise: see commentary on Luke 9:18.
ture that might crush life. Jesus, Rock and Foundation: Mark 12:10;
This text does not contradict other state- 1 Corinthians 3:11; 1 Peter 2:6.
ments of the Gospel that are equally impor-
tant, where the basis of the Church is a “col- • 21. See commentary on Mark 8:31.
lege” of apostles, where nothing is done Get behind me, Satan… (v. 23). When
without dialogue. Peter is the “door keeper” Peter stands in front of Jesus to block the way
(Mk 13:34) but he is neither “master” nor “Fa- to the cross, Jesus recognizes in his words the
ther” (Mt 23:9). same spirit that tempted him in the desert.
His authority is only genuine in a Church Jesus calls him Satan, meaning tempter. Let
where all have the right to express themselves, Peter get behind Jesus and follow him as is
where the leaders are not only imposed, but proper for a disciple.
also accepted. Whoever chooses to save his life will lose
The powers of death (v. 18). The text says it. Jesus draws attention to the great option of
“the gates of Hades.” “Gates” here signifies every human life: we cannot discover God; we
1363 MATTHEW 17

There is nothing you can give to get until the Son of Man be raised from
back your soul. the dead.
Know that the Son of Man will 10
The disciples then asked him, 16:14;
2Thes Mal 3:23;
1:7; come in the glory of his Father with “Why do the teachers of the Law say Sir 48:10
Ps 28:4;
the holy angels, and he will reward that Elijah must come first?” 11 And
Rev 22:12 each one according to his deeds. Jesus answered, “So it is: first comes
Truly, I tell you, there are some Elijah to set everything as it has to
20:21 here who will not die, before they see be. 12 But I tell you, Elijah has already 16:21;
the Son of Man coming as king.” come, but they did not recognize
him, and treated him as they
The transfiguration of Jesus pleased. And they will also make the
(Mk 9:2; Lk 9:28)
Mk 9:2-8;
Son of Man suffer.”
Lk 9: • 1 Six days later, Jesus took 13
Then the disciples understood 11:14;
2P 1:
17 with him Peter and James and that Jesus was referring to John the Lk 1:17

Mt 4:8;
his brother John, and led them up a Baptist.
28:16 high mountain, where they were
28:3 alone. 2 Jesus’ appearance was Jesus heals an epileptic boy
(Mk 9:14; Lk 9:37)
changed before them: his face shone
like the sun, and his clothes became • 14 When they came to the crowd, Mk 9:
bright as light. 3 Just then Moses and a man approached Jesus, knelt be- Lk 9:
Elijah appeared to them, talking with fore him and said, 15 “Sir, have pity 37-43

Jesus. on my son, who is an epileptic and

Peter spoke and said to Jesus, suffers terribly. He has often fallen
“Master, it is good that we are here. If into the fire, and at other times into
you wish, I will make three tents: one the water. 16 I brought him to your dis-
for you, one for Moses, and one for ciples but they could not heal him.”
Elijah.” 17
Jesus replied, “You faithless and Dt 32:5
Peter was still speaking, when a disoriented people! How long must I
Mt 24:30;
Dt 18:15; bright cloud covered them with its be with you? How long must I put up
Is 42:1;
Mt 12:18;
shadow, and a voice from the cloud with you? Bring him here to me.”
Mk 1:11 said, “This is my Son, the Beloved, 18
And Jesus commanded the evil
my Chosen One. Listen to him.” spirit to leave the boy, and the boy
On hearing the voice, the disci- was immediately healed.
ples fell to the ground, full of fear. 19
The disciples then gathered
But Jesus came, touched them and around Jesus and asked him pri-
said, “Stand up, do not be afraid.” vately, “Why couldn’t we drive out
When they raised their eyes, they the spirit?” 20 Jesus said to them, Mk 11:
no longer saw anyone except Jesus. “Because you have little faith. I say Lk 17:6;
Mk 9:9-13
And as they came down the moun- to you: if only you had faith the size Mt 21:21;
1Cor 13:2
tain, Jesus commanded them not to of a mustard seed, you could tell that
tell anyone what they had just seen, mountain to move from here to

cannot make a success of life without sacrific- God which invites us to listen to his Son and
ing it. All the rest is idle talk. The option terri- follow him down the road and paths that he
fies us in the same measure that life for us traveled.
seems promising. It is also the reason why
• 17.1 See commentaries on Mark 9:2
marriage and family frighten many.
and Luke 9:28.
Christian freedom and happiness are found
only in the joyous acceptance of the will of • 14. See commentary on Mark 9:14.
MATTHEW 17 1364

there, and the mountain would obey. these people, go to the sea, throw in
Nothing would be impossible to you. a hook, and open the mouth of the
(Only prayer and fasting can drive first fish you catch. You will find a
out this kind of spirit.”) coin in it. Take the coin and let it pay
for you and for me.”
Mk 9: • 22 While Jesus was in Galilee
Lk 9: with the Twelve, he said to them, Who is the greatest? Scandals
44-45 “The Son of Man will be delivered • 1 At that time the disciples Mk 9:
into the hands of men, 23 and they will 18 came to Jesus and asked 30-32;
Lk 9:
20:17-19 kill him. But he will rise on the third him, “Who is the greatest in the king- 46-47;
day.” The Twelve were deeply dom of heaven?”

grieved. 2
Then Jesus called a little child,
set the child in the midst of the disci-
The Temple tax 19:13-14;
ples, 3 and said, “I assure you that, 20:26;
30:13 • When they returned to Caper-
unless you change and become like Mk 10:15;
Lk 18:17;
naum, the Temple tax collectors little children, you cannot enter the Jn 3:5
came to Peter and asked him, “Does kingdom of heaven. 4 Whoever be- 20:26
your master pay the Temple tax?” comes lowly like this child is the
He answered, “Certainly.” greatest in the kingdom of heaven, 10:40;
Peter then entered the house, and 5
and whoever receives such a child Mk 9:37;
Lk 9:48;
immediately Jesus asked him, “What in my name receives me. 10:16;
do you think, Simon? Who pay taxes 6
If any of you should cause one of Jn 13:20

or tribute to the kings of the earth: these little ones, who believe in me, Mk 9:42;
Lk 17:
their sons or the other people?” to stumble and fall, it would be better 1-2;
Peter replied, “The other people.” for you to be thrown into the depths Mt 5:29

And Jesus told him, “The sons, then, of the sea with a great millstone
are tax-free. 27 But so as not to offend around your neck.

Verse 21 is lacking in many old texts: com- Temple tax. Matthew may have had a special
pare with Mark 8:28-29. interest for this story because at the time he
wrote Christians of Jewish origins were won-
• 22. Several times Jesus announced his dering whether they should be still paying this
death: see 16:21; 20:17. Never did he present tax.
it as a misfortune that might counteract his
mission. John will say that Jesus looked for it • 18.1 Here we have the beginning of the
as the means for giving glory to his Father and fourth Discourse of Matthew’s Gospel, not
reconciling humankind (Jn 17). Jesus speaks very consonant but centered on the life of the
of himself in the third person: the Son of community. Those who say “Our Father” are
Man, because he looks at his destiny as an out- not isolated. In place of the nation of Israel,
sider. This is the will of his Father, and he is Jesus offers them his Church, which is first of
not concerned about himself. all community of communities.
6-11: concern for the little ones;
• 24. All the Jews paid a tax for the main- 12-14: care for those who have strayed;
tenance of the Temple. 15-20: a fraternal community in the pres-
The collectors approach Peter as owner of ence of Christ;
the house where Jesus also lives. 21-35: a community of pardon.
Jesus observes the Law, but takes this op- For the commentary on verses 1–5 see
portunity to give a hint as to who he is: the col- Mark 9:33.
lectors do not realize they are addressing “the
Son.” Notice how the Lord has control over all THE LITTLE ONES
creatures even fish, and see also his intimate With verse 5 we pass from the children to
solidarity with Peter. the little ones, that is, simple people (such a
The coin mentioned in 27 was worth the child refers perhaps to the lowly one). They
1365 MATTHEW 18
Woe to the world because of so • 12 What do you think of this? If Lk 15:
many scandals! Scandals necessar- someone has a hundred sheep and Ezk 34:1
ily come, but woe to the one who one of them strays, won’t he leave
causes a scandal. the ninety-nine on the hillside, and
If your hand or foot drags you go to look for the stray one? 13 And I
Mk 9:
43-47 into sin, cut it off and throw it away. tell you: when he finally finds it, he is
It is better for you to enter life without more pleased about it than about the
a hand or a foot, than to be thrown ninety-nine, that did not get lost. 14 It
into eternal fire with your two hands is the same with your Father in heav-
and two feet. 9 And if your eye drags en: your Father in heaven doesn’t
you into sin, tear it out and throw it want even one of these little ones to
away. It is better for you to enter life be lost.
with one eye, than to be thrown into
the fire of hell with your two eyes. Living together in the Church
(Lk 17:3)
See that you do not despise any
Heb 1:14 of these little ones, for I tell you: their • 15 If your brother has sinned Lk 17:3
angels in heaven continually see the against you, go and point out the
face of my heavenly Father. fault, when the two of you are in pri-
Lk 19:10
(The Son of Man has come to vate, and if he listens to you, you
save the lost). have won your brother. 16 If he doesn’t Lev

are little, because they do not count for much Scandals necessarily come. Jesus lived in a
in society. world of violence, but apparently he did not
Woe to the one who causes a scandal. Must complain about the situation. He did not en-
we recall the real meaning of the word “scan- courage us to dream of paradise on earth.
dal”? “Scandalon” in Greek is the little pebble While some Christian communities aspire to
that when unnoticed causes a fall: scandal is be a flock of sheep meekly surrounding their
not something that makes noise or causes a stir shepherd, Jesus has a different vision of Chris-
in society but which leads consciences astray tian life.
and causes those who seemed honest to fall. The real world, the one God is saving, was
Jesus then speaks (v. 7) of the harm caused not created to be an oasis of happiness, but a
by social pressures. Many times the little ones place where free persons grow through their
strive to raise their standard of living and be- struggles. Scandals are part and parcel of this
come more self-reliant, better educated and world, but the power of evil does not diminish
able to earn more. Often enough, society puts in any way the glory that God will receive in
obstacles in the way of anyone who does not the end. Through suffering and hunger for jus-
want to play dirty and who refuses to imitate tice God will awaken love and make it grow.
the lifestyle of selfish persons. Because of this, Verse 10: See commentary on Daniel 12:6.
the little ones will have to give up, to accept
failure, to lose an eye before losing the most • 12. The parable of the one hundred
important thing, which is to live in the sight of sheep is also found in the Gospel of Luke
God. (15:1). It teaches us several things: Jesus’ spe-
It is better for you to enter life without a cial concern for sinners and those who stray
hand or a foot. Jesus stresses the incompara- and, therefore, the missionary dimension of his
ble value of eternal life. At times, to gain the apostolate. In fact, Jesus came “to seek and
Kingdom we will have to sacrifice even our job, save the lost” (Lk 19:10), “I did not come to
our security and our life. call the righteous, but sinners” (Mt 9:13). This
Woe to the one who causes a scandal attitude should impel our parishes and Chris-
(v. 7). Sometimes it is an individual who leads tian communities to constantly reach out to the
others to sin; at other times it is society itself un-churched and marginalized, instead of just
with its corruption, violence and unjust social working with those who already are in touch
structures. Jesus invites us to be aware of sin, with the Church.
personal and social: the bad structures will be
destroyed, no matter how, by tears and blood • 15. If your brother has sinned… Jesus
(Lk 23:28). had told Peter before: Whatever you tie on
MATTHEW 18 1366

Dt 19:15; listen to you, take with you one or offenses of my brother or sister?
Jn 8:17;
2Cor 13:1; two others, so that the case may be Seven times?” 22 Jesus answered,
decided by the evidence of two or “No, not seven times, but seventy-
three witnesses. 17 And if he refuses seven times.
1Cor to listen to them, tell it to the assem-
5:11; The unmerciful servant
Tit 3:10 bled Church. But if he does not listen
to the Church, then regard such a • 23 This story throws light on the 25:19
one as a pagan, or a publican. kingdom of Heaven: A king decided
I say to you: whatever you bind to settle the accounts of his servants.
on earth, heaven will keep bound; 24
Among the first was one who owed
and whatever you unbind on earth, him ten thousand pieces of gold.
heaven will keep unbound. 25
As the man could not repay the
In like manner, I say to you: if, debt, the king commanded that he
Mk 11:24; on earth, two of you are united in be sold as a slave with his wife, his
Jn 15:7 asking for anything, it will be granted children and all his goods, as repay-
28:20; to you by my heavenly Father; 20 for ment.
Jn 14:23
where two or three are gathered in 26
The servant threw himself at the
my Name, I am there among them.” feet of the king and said, ‘Give me
Lk 17:4; • 21 Then Peter asked him, “Lord, time, and I will pay you back every-
Mt 6:12
how many times must I forgive the thing.’ 27 The king took pity on him, Lk 7:42

earth will be tied in Heaven. He declares it now in truth. The Church, therefore, is that sacred
for the whole Church. The believers must at- place where we find God, and to express this
tempt to settle their suits among themselves, reality we say that the Church is “the sacra-
knowing that Christ is among them, as signi- ment of God.”
fied in his name Emmanuel: God-with-us. We also speak of several “sacraments”: bap-
The text of 18:15 is doubtful. Perhaps it tism, eucharist… Some people want to receive
was written if your brother or sister has the sacraments without having any commit-
sinned, go … in which case it would refer to ment to the Church; they forget that religious
the effort of the Christian community to cor- rites confer the grace of God because they are
rect one who has gone astray. gestures of the Church, which is “the” sacra-
Gathered in the name of Jesus (v. 20). The ment of God. God is not contained inside
prayer of the community, of the apostolic things, but rather reveals himself through the
group, of the Christian couple. family of Christ, where he wants us to find
Have we noticed that this chapter on the him: Whatever you tie on earth… Our faith-
Church is so short? Yet Matthew is the one fulness within the Christian community, even if
who is most concerned about the Church of we have to dissent from it, is a sign that we are
Jesus, whether in the parables of the kingdom in the grace of God.
or in Peter’s profession of faith.
Jesus does not seem to have said anything • 21. Seventy-seven times. Compare with
whatsoever to his apostles about structures that Genesis 4:24. Forgiveness must replace the
would emerge (or even disappear): nothing but thirst for revenge.
a community spirit. Welcome for the poor and This is about the forgiveness of one who re-
lowly, never-ending forgiveness and accept- turns repentant: see Luke 17:1.
ance of others, prayer of a community that has
apostolic ambitions and cries to God to give • 23. THE PARDON
what is asked of him; there we have the sum The offenses we suffer from our compan-
total of the wisdom and means the Church has ions are nothing compared with our offenses
in order to confront all that challenges its evan- against God. While God forgives all, we do
gelization. not even give others enough breathing space.
While we participate in the common activi- God does not demand his rights, but we, in de-
ties, overcoming unavoidable conflicts, and manding them, behave like wicked servants
persevering in apostolic work, we grow as chil- (see Mt 5:43).
dren of God in truth, thus knowing the Father This parable goes beyond personal prob-
1367 MATTHEW 19

and not only set him free, but even Jesus speaks about divorce
canceled his debt. (Mk 10:2; Mt 5:31; Lk 16:18)
When this servant left the king’s • 1 When Jesus had finished Mk 10:
presence, he met one of his com- 19 this teaching, he left Galilee 1-12

panions, who owed him a hundred and arrived at the border of Judea,
pieces of silver. He grabbed him by on the other side of the Jordan River.
the neck and almost choked him, 2
A great crowd was with him and
shouting, ‘Pay me what you owe!’ there, too, he healed their sick.
His companion threw himself at his 3
Some Pharisees approached 16:1;
Lk 11:54;
feet and begged him, ‘Give me time, him. They wanted to test him and Jn 8:6
and I will pay everything.’ 30 The asked, “Is a man allowed to divorce
other did not agree, but sent him to his wife for any reason he wants?”
prison until he had paid all his debt. 4
Jesus replied, “Have you not Gen 1:27
Now his fellow servants saw read that in the beginning the Cre-
what had happened. They were ex- ator made them male and female,
tremely upset, and so they went and 5
and he said: Man has now to leave Gen 2:24;
Eph 5:31;
reported everything to their lord. father and mother, and be joined to 1Cor 6:16
Then the lord summoned his ser- his wife, and the two shall become
vant and said, ‘Wicked servant, I for- one body? 6 So they are no longer
gave you all that you owed when you two, but one body. Let no one sepa-
begged me to do so. 33 Weren’t you rate what God has joined.”
bound to have pity on your compan- 7
They asked him, “Then why did Dt 24:1
5:25; ion, as I had pity on you?’ 34 The lord Moses command us to write a bill of
Lk 12:58
was now angry, so he handed his dismissal in order to divorce?”
servant over to be punished, until he 8
Jesus replied, “Moses knew the
had paid his whole debt.” hardness of your hearts, so he al-
Jesus added, “So will my heav- lowed you to divorce your wives; but
11:25; enly Father do with you, unless you it was not so in the beginning.
Eph 4:32;
Col 3:13
sincerely forgive your brothers and 9
Therefore I say to you: whoever di- 5:32;
Lk 16:18;
sisters.” vorces his wife, unless it be for pros- 1Cor 7:10

lems. The world needs, above everything else, • 19.1 See commentary on Mark 10:2;
the forgiveness of God, and those who want a Matthew 5:31.
more just society will not achieve it through ac- Every human society has had its laws on
cusations and hatred. marriage, and it was the same for Israel. There
The parable helps us understand much bet- was then a law on divorce, in harmony with
ter another verse in the Bible: Revenge is the difference of status accorded by society to
mine, says the Lord; I will pay each one ac- man and woman; it was in Scripture (Dt 24:1).
cording to his own conduct. God will not de- Jesus does not want to be involved in the dis-
mand an account regarding his own rights, cussions of teachers and interpreters of the
(what we owe him), but regarding the rights of Law: he opposes this law with another word
the little ones who, unable to pay, were de- of Scripture which presents God’s point of
prived of them. He will also demand an ac- view regarding human attitudes which he tol-
counting regarding those who were sorry for erates.
their sins but were not forgiven by others. In doing this Jesus shows how he brings the
The fourth Discourse of Matthew’s Gospel Law to “perfection” (5:17), but clearly this
ends with this parable on the duty to forgive. “law of God” can only be heard by those who
The Church has not always been as holy as she have received the Spirit from Jesus, a fact that
should have been. Yet nobody can deny that, is emphasized in the reaction of the disciples
at all times, in the Church the mercy of God (v. 10).
has been preached and people have learned Better not to marry (v. 10). Jesus does not
to forgive. apologize for these demanding words. He only
MATTHEW 19 1368

titution, and marries another, com- The rich young man

mits adultery.” (Mk 10:17-22; Lk 18:18-23)
Mk 10:
The disciples said, “If that is the • 16 It was then that a young man 17-22;
Lk 18:
condition of a married man, it is bet- approached him and asked, “Master, 18-23;
ter not to marry.” 11 Jesus said to what good work must I do to receive 10:25

them, “Not everybody can accept eternal life?” 17 Jesus answered, Lev 18:5;
Lk 10:28
what you have just said, but only “Why do you ask me about what is
those who have received this gift. good? One only is good. If you want
1Cor 7:1,
There are eunuchs born so from to enter eternal life, keep the com-
7:32-34 their mother’s womb. Some have mandments.” 18 The young man said, 20:12-16;
Dt 5:
been made that way by others. But “Which commandments?” Jesus re- 16-20;
there are some who have given up plied, “Do not kill, do not commit Rom 13:9

the possibility of marriage for the adultery, do not steal, do not bear
sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let false witness, 19 honor your father Lev
the one who can accept it, accept it.” and mother, and love your neighbor
as yourself.”
Jesus and the children 20
The young man said to him, “I
(Mk 10:13; Lk 18:15)
have kept all these commandments.
Mk 10:
Then little children were brought What is still lacking?” 21 Jesus an- 6:20;
13-16; 19:29;
Lk 18: to Jesus that he might lay his hands swered, “If you wish to be perfect, go Ps 62:11;
15-17 on them and pray. But the disciples and sell all that you possess and give Mk 14:5;
Lk 12:33;
scolded those who brought them. the money to the poor, and you will Jn 12:5;
Acts 2:45;
Lk 9:47;
Jesus then said, “Let them be! Do become the owner of a treasure in 4:34
1P 2:1-2
not stop the children from coming to heaven. Then come back and follow
me, for the kingdom of heaven be- me.”
longs to people such as these chil- 22
On hearing this answer, the
dren.” 15 So Jesus laid his hands on young man went away sad, for he
them and went his way. was a man of great wealth.

proposes something more difficult to under- mandments, we do not “merit” eternal life: sal-
stand. He praises those to whom have been vation is always a gift of God.
given to choose celibacy as a way of life for Finally there is the question that bothers us
love of the Kingdom. most for all that touches money affects us
deeply, and it is there that the Gospel shocks
• 16. See commentary on Mark 10:17. us: it is easier for a camel…
Jesus faces a question. He discloses three The call of the rich young man has always
aspects and gives three answers: been considered the model of the religious,
One only is good (v. 17). This man has apostolic vocation. Without effective, voluntary
been captivated by the personality of Jesus, poverty a person will never attain union with
and Jesus, as always, directs him to the Father. God that is the goal of the true religious. Be-
There is, in fact, a distortion to Christian faith, sides, as long as the apostles share the life of
dangerous as it is subtle: to speak only of Jesus: comfortable people, they will be able to be
“Jesus sees you…” “Jesus loves you…” “Jesus their friends but they will never have deep con-
is love…” as if we were not living for God. versions nor will they during this time reach the
Love of the Father means wanting to be per- immense world of the poor.
fect as the Father is and working for his King- The problem of poverty is also at the heart
dom. First of all it needs to be free, and the rich of the family in today’s world: for the greater
can only be free through voluntary poverty. number, believers or non-believers, the joys
This man also wanted to know how to re- and blessings that God showers on a large
ceive eternal life (the text says in Hebrew style family will only be given to those who have
“to have in heritage”) and Jesus will clearly ceased to evaluate everything according to the
state at the end, that even if we obey the com- criteria of money and security.
1369 MATTHEW 20

Mk 10:
Then Jesus said to his disciples, The workers in the vineyard
Lk 18: “Truly I say to you: it will be hard for • 1 This story throws light on
24-27 one who is rich to enter the kingdom 20 the kingdom of Heaven: A
of heaven. 24 Yes, believe me: it is landowner went out early in the
easier for a camel to go through the morning to hire workers for his vine-
eye of a needle than for the one who yard. 2 He agreed to pay each worker 21:28
is rich to enter the kingdom of the usual daily wage, and sent them
heaven.” to his vineyard.
Lk 13:23
On hearing this the disciples 3
He went out again at about nine
were astonished and said, “Who, in the morning, and seeing others
Job 42:2; then, can be saved?” 26 Jesus looked idle in the town square, 4 he said to
18:14; steadily at them and answered, “For them, ‘You also, go to my vineyard,
Lk 1:37 human beings it is impossible, but and I will pay you what is just.’ 5 So
for God all things are possible.” they went.
Mk 10:
Then Peter spoke up and said, The owner went out at midday,
Lk 18: “You see we have given up every- and again at three in the afternoon,
28-30 thing to follow you. What will be our and he did the same. 6 Finally he
lot?” went out at the last working hour—
Lk 22:30;
Jesus answered, “You who have the eleventh hour—and he saw oth-
Wis 3:8;
Dn 7:9; followed me, listen to my words: on ers standing there. So he said to
Mt 20:21;
1Cor 6:2;
the Day of Renewal, when the Son of them, ‘Why do you stay idle the
Rev 3:21 Man sits on his throne in glory, you whole day?’ 7 They answered, ‘Be-
also will sit on twelve thrones to cause no one has hired us.’ The
judge the twelve tribes of Israel. 29 As master said, ‘Go and work in my
for those who have left houses, vineyard.’
brothers, sisters, father, mother, chil- 8
When evening came, the owner Lev
dren or property for my Name’s of the vineyard said to his manager, 19:13;
Dt 24:
sake, they will receive a hundredfold, ‘Call the workers and pay them their 14-15
7:13; and be given eternal life. 30 Many who wage, beginning with the last and
25:10-12; are now first will be last, and many ending with the first.’ 9 Those who
Lk 13:30;
Mt 20:16
who are now last will be first. had come to work at the eleventh

• 20.1 THE MASTERS joined his group in order to leave Egypt and
Many are surprised at this parable. They that has continued throughout history. The eld-
find it unfair to give the same reward to every- ers never cease to claim their right to receive
one, without taking into account the labor and better treatment than the others. Actually the
sacrifices of everyone. vineyard has not been confided to them exclu-
Without doubt Jesus wanted to shock us and sively.
shatter the idea we obstinately cling to: that we Then, with the coming of Christ, the Gospel
have merits that God must recognize. How- was brought to other nations that were until
ever we should pay closer attention to the then pagan. They came into the Church and
story: Jesus makes a comparison, not of sev- shaped Christianity. They also claimed to be
eral laborers, but of several groups of laborers. owners of the kingdom of God and the Church.
Each group represents a nation or a social To this day, there are also social groups that
class, and while some of them have long ago are amazed when the Church criticizes their de-
received the word of God, others have just be- mand for privileges and does not assign them
come believers. the first benches in the temple for they had al-
All throughout history, God has been calling ways believed that the Church was theirs.
different people to work in his vineyard. He In this parable, all are treated on equal terms
called Abraham first and placed his descen- and receive one silver coin each. Let them be
dants in charge of his work in the world. Later happy for having been invited to work, as they
on, during the time of Moses many others were unemployed.
MATTHEW 20 1370

hour turned up, and were each given may sit, one at your right hand and
a silver coin. 10 When it was the turn one at your left, when you are in your
of the first, they thought they would kingdom.”
receive more. 11 But they, too, each 22
Jesus said to the brothers, “You 26:39;
received a silver coin. So, on receiv- do not know what you are asking. Jn 18:11

ing it, they began to grumble against Can you drink the cup that I am
the landowner. about to drink?” They answered, “We
They said, ‘These last hardly can.” 23 Jesus replied, “You will in-
worked an hour, yet you have treated deed drink my cup, but to sit at my
them the same as us, who have en- right or at my left is not for me to
dured the heavy work of the day and grant. That will be for those, for
the heat.’ 13 The owner said to one of whom my Father has prepared it.”
them, ‘Friend, I have not been unjust 24
The other ten heard all this, and Mk 10:
to you. Did we not agree on one sil- were angry with the two brothers. 41-45;
Lk 22:
ver coin per day? 14 So take what is 25
Then Jesus called them to him and 25-27
yours and go. I want to give to the said, “You know that the rulers of the
last the same as I give to you. 15 Don’t nations act as tyrants over them,
I have the right to do as I please with and the powerful oppress them. 26 It
what is mine? Why are you envious shall not be so among you: whoever 18:1-4;
when I am kind?’ wants to be more important in your 23:11;
Mk 9:35;
So will it be: the last will be first, community shall make himself your Lk 9:46;
the first will be last.” servant. 27 And if you want to be the

Third prophecy of the passion first of all, make yourself the servant
(Mk 10:32; Lk 18:31) of all. 28 Be like the Son of Man who 26:28;
Phil 2:7-8;
has come, not to be served but to 1Tim 2:6;
Mk 10:
When Jesus was going to Jeru- serve, and to give his life to redeem Rom 5:6
Lk 18: salem, he took the twelve disciples many.”
31-33 aside and said to them, 18 “See, we Mk 10:
are going to Jerusalem. There the
As they left Jericho, a great 46-52;
Lk 18:
Son of Man will be betrayed to the crowd followed them on the way. 35-43

chief priests and the teachers of the

Two blind men were sitting by the 9:27;
Law, who will condemn him to death. roadside, and when they heard that
They will hand him over to the for- Jesus was passing by, they began to
eigners, who will mock him, scourge call out, “Son of David, have mercy
Lk 9:22;
24:7; him and crucify him. But he will be on us!” 31 The people told them to
1Cor 15:4
raised to life on the third day.” keep quiet. But they shouted even
louder, “Lord, Son of David, have
The mother of James and John mercy on us!” 32 Jesus stopped,
asks for the first seats called out to them and asked,
(Mk 10:35) “What do you want me to do for
Mk 10: • 20 Then the mother of James and you?” 33 They said, “Lord, open our
John came to Jesus with her sons, eyes.”
and she knelt down, to ask a favor. 34
Jesus was moved with compas-
Lk 22:30
Jesus said to her, “What do you sion and touched their eyes. Imme-
want?” And she answered, “Here you diately they recovered their sight,
have my two sons. Grant that they and they began to follow Jesus.

• 20. See commentary on Mark 10:35. Compare Matthew 20:23 and Mark 10:46.
1371 MATTHEW 21

Jesus enters Jerusalem spread them on the road. 9 The peo- Ps 118:
(Mk 11:1; Lk 19:28; Jn 12:12) 25-26;
ple who walked ahead of Jesus, and Mt 23:39
Mk 11: • 1 When they drew near Jeru- those who followed him, began to
Lk 19:
21 salem and arrived at Beth- shout, “Hosanna to the Son of David!
Jn 12:
phage, on the mount of Olives, Jesus Blessed is he who comes in the name
12-16 sent two of his disciples, 2 saying, of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”
“Go to the village in front of you, and 10
When Jesus entered Jerusalem,
there you will find a donkey tied up, the whole city was disturbed. The
with its colt by her. Untie them and people asked, “Who is this man?”
bring them to me. 3 If anyone says 11
And the crowd answered, “This is
something to you, say that the Lord the Prophet Jesus from Nazareth of
needs them, and that he will send Galilee.”
them back immediately.”
This happened in fulfillment of Jesus expels the dealers
(Mk 11:11; Lk 13:35; Jn 2:14)
Is 62:11; what the prophet said: 5 Say to the
Zec 9:9;
Gen daughter of Zion: See, your king • 12 Jesus went into the Temple, Mk 11:
Mt 11:29
comes to you in all simplicity, riding and drove out all who were buying Lk 19:
on a donkey, a beast of burden, with and selling in the temple area. He 45-46;
Jn 2:
its colt. overturned the tables of the money- 14-16
The disciples went, as Jesus had changers, and the stools of those
1K 1: instructed them, 7 and they brought who sold pigeons. 13 And he said to Is 56:7;
33-34 Jer 7:11
the donkey with its colt. Then they them, “It is written: My house shall
threw their cloaks on its back, and be called a house of prayer. But you
Jesus sat on them. have turned it into a den of thieves.”
2K 9:13
Many people also spread their 14
The blind and the lame came to 2S 5:8
cloaks on the road, while others cut him in the Temple, and Jesus healed
leafy branches from the trees and them.

• 21.1 See commentary on Mark 11. tents of branches and leaves were erected for
Matthew, Mark and Luke place the incident the feast.
about those selling in the Temple at the time of See, in this respect, Zechariah 14 that refers
Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem. John, on the to this feastday (14:16) and foretells the purifi-
other hand, situates this event at the beginning cation of the Temple.
of Jesus’ mission. Once more we see how Very possibly, the evangelists placed the en-
each of the evangelists disposes of events fol- trance of Jesus into Jerusalem on the eve of
lowing the plan he has chosen to develop the the Passover for the simple reason that they
mystery of Salvation. Their aim is not to draw only related one trip of Jesus to Jerusalem.
up a life of Jesus where events would be placed They arrived at Bethphage. The small vil-
in the exact order in which they occurred. lage of Bethphage was the entrance to the dis-
Besides, there are several details in this tri- trict of Jerusalem towards the east. According
umphant entrance of Jesus that remind us to the Law, the Passover should be celebrated
more of the Feast of the Tabernacles (which in Jerusalem, but the city was not big enough
was celebrated in September), than of the days to accommodate more than a hundred and
before the Passover: fifty thousand pilgrims for the festival. So it was
– The joyous spirit of the people is more necessary to enlarge the juridical limits of
appropriate to that feastday, which was the Jerusalem, embracing therefore some small vil-
most popular of all. lages like Bethphage. During those days, Jesus
– The branches and palms, as in the pro- also used to lodge in Bethany (21:17).
cession of the feastday, on the way to the foun-
tain of Siloe, while singing Psalm 118: “Blessed • 12. See commentary on Mark 11:15.
be he who comes in the name of the Lord!” Jesus cleanses the Temple, fulfilling the
and shouts of “Hosannah!” (that is: Save us!). prophecy of Zechariah 14:21. Malachi 3 also
– Mention of the Mountain of Olives, where foretold this event: The Lord would come to
MATTHEW 21 1372

Jn 12:19
The chief priests and the teach- you ask for in prayer, full of faith, you 7:7-11;
ers of the Law saw the wonderful will receive.” Jn 14:13
things Jesus had just done, and the
children shouting in the temple area, Jesus’ response to the authorities
(Mk 11:27; Lk 20:1)
“Hosanna to the Son of David!”
Ps 8:3
They became angry and said to • 23 Jesus had entered the Temple Mk 11:
Jesus, “Do you hear what they say?” and was teaching, when the chief Lk 20:
Jesus answered them, “Yes. But priests, the teachers of the Law and 1-8;
Jn 2:18
have you never read this text: From the Jewish authorities came to him,
the mouths of children and infants and asked, “What authority have you
you have got perfect praise?” to act like this? Who gave you au-
Lk 21:37
So leaving them, he went out of thority to do all this?”
the city and came to Bethany, where 24
Jesus answered them, “I will
he spent the night. also ask you a question, only one.
And if you give me an answer, then I
Jesus curses the fig tree will tell you by what authority I do
(Mk 11:12; Lk 13:6)
these things. When John began to
Mk 11: • 18 While returning to the city baptize, was it a work of God, or was
Lk 13: early in the morning, Jesus felt hun- it merely something human?”
6-9 gry. 19 He noticed a fig tree by the 25
They reasoned out among Jn 1:6;
road, went up to it and found nothing themselves, “If we reply that it was a
on it but leaves. Then he said to the work of God, he will say, ‘Then why
tree, “Never again bear fruit!” And did you not believe him?’ 26 And if we 21:32;
Lk 3:12;
immediately, the fig tree withered. say, ‘The baptism of John was mere- 7:29-30
When the disciples saw this, ly something human’, we’ve got to
they were astonished and said, “How beware of the people, for all hold
did the fig tree suddenly dry up?” John as a prophet.” 27 So they an-
Jesus told them, “Truly, I say to swered Jesus, “We do not know.”
Lk 17:
5-6; you: if you had faith and did not And Jesus said to them, “Neither
doubt, not only could you do what I will I tell you by what right I do these
Jas 1:6 have done with the fig tree, but you things.”
could even say to that mountain,
‘Go, and throw yourself into the sea!’ The parable of the two sons
and it would be done. 22 Whatever • 28 Jesus went on to say, “What Is 5:1-7

purify his people and his temple. Jesus comes the apostles, through a teaching method used
as a prophet to demand respect for God. Also, by the prophets. The fig tree is a figure of the
as God, he inaugurates the new era of religion Jewish people, who did not produce the fruits
in spirit and in truth. That is how John also un- expected by God.
derstood this event in John 2:21, where he
speaks of the new Temple, Christ. • 23. Jesus is what we would call today a
You have got perfect praise (v. 16). These simple layman. He respects the priests of the
words of Psalm 8 were addressed to God, but people of God and their high priest. He shows
Jesus applies them to himself, as he did with however that if they want others to be ac-
some other Scriptural texts. countable, for their part they must be ready to
take a stand on the things of God when the
• 18. This incident helps us understand the people need this. They had been and were un-
strange behavior of Jesus in looking for figs out willing to give such a response in the case of
of season and then cursing the tree as if it John the Baptist.
were responsible. Jesus behaved this way for a
purpose: to call something to the attention of • 28. This parable refers to the refusal of
1373 MATTHEW 22

do you think of this? A man had two 37

Finally, he sent his son, think- Jn 3:16
sons. He went to the first and said to ing, ‘They will respect my son.’ 38 But
him, ‘Son, go and work today in my when the tenants saw the son, they Gal 3:16;
vineyard.’ 29 And the son answered, ‘I thought, ‘This is the one who is to in- Heb 1:2;
don’t want to.’ But later he thought herit the vineyard. Let us kill him, 13:12

better of it and went. 30 Then the father and his inheritance will be ours.’ 39 So
went to his other son and gave him they seized him, threw him out of the
the same command. This son replied, vineyard and killed him.
‘I will go, sir,’ but he did not go. 40
Now, what will the owner of the
Which of the two did what the vineyard do with the tenants when he
father wanted?” They answered, comes?” 41 They said to him, “He will
“The first.” And Jesus said to them, bring those evil men to an evil end,
“Truly, I say to you: the publicans and lease the vineyard to others, who
and the prostitutes are ahead of you will pay him in due time.”
on the way to the kingdom of 42
And Jesus replied, “Have you Ps 118:
11:7; heaven. 32 For John came to show never read what the Scriptures say? Is 28:16;
Lk 16:16
you the way of goodness, and you The stone which the builders re- Acts
did not believe him; but the publi- jected has become the cornerstone. 1P 2:4-7
cans and the prostitutes did. You This was the Lord’s doing, and we
were witnesses of this, but you nei- marvel at it. 43 Therefore I say to you: Acts 13:5;
ther repented nor believed him. the kingdom of heaven will be taken 11:11
from you, and given to a people who
The parable of the tenants will yield a harvest.
(Mk 12:1; Lk 20:9) 44
(Whoever falls on this stone, he
Mk 12:
Listen to another example: will be broken to pieces; on whom-
Lk 20: There was a landowner who planted ever this stone falls, he will be
9-19 a vineyard. He put a fence around it, ground to dust.)”
dug a hole for the winepress, built a 45
When the chief priests and the
watchtower, leased the vineyard to Pharisees heard these parables, they
tenants, and then went to a distant realized that Jesus was referring to
country. 34 When harvest time came, them. 46 They would have arrested 14:5;
the landowner sent his servants to him, but they were afraid of the 16:14;
the tenants to collect his share of the crowd, who regarded him as a 21:26;
Lk 7:16;
harvest. 35 But the tenants seized his prophet. Jn 4:19
servants, beat one, killed another,
and stoned a third. The wedding feast
(Lk 14:15)
Again the owner sent more ser-
vants, but they were treated in the • 1 Jesus went on speaking to Lk 14:
same way. 22 them in parables: 15-24;
Pro 9:

the chief priests to recognize John the Baptist sire nor the need to change.
as a messenger of God. Every parish that carries out a mission ex-
A good number of sinners were converted periences the same thing: many uncommitted
by John’s preaching and confessed their sins. Christians will neither work as missionaries,
Such people were well disposed to receive the nor receive them, believing they do not need
message of Jesus that opened for them the conversion.
kingdom of God and showed them the true
face of God the Father. Because of that, they • 22.1 THE BANQUET
were ahead of the priests, who were indiffer- This parable contains two parts.
ent to John’s call, for they felt neither the de- In the first part, God invites us to a banquet
MATTHEW 22 1374
“This story throws light on the quet is prepared, but the invited
kingdom of heaven: A king cele- guests were not worthy. 9 Go instead Rev 19:7
21:34 brated the wedding of his son. 3 He to the crossroads, and invite every-
sent his servants to call the invited one you find to the wedding feast.’
guests to the wedding feast, but the 10
The servants went out at once 13:47
guests refused to come. into the streets and gathered every-
Again he sent other servants, or- one they found, good and bad alike,
dering them to say to the invited so that the hall was filled with
guests, ‘I have prepared a banquet, guests.
slaughtered my fattened calves and
The king came in to see those
other animals, and now everything is who were at table, and he noticed a
ready. Come to the wedding!’ 5 But man not wearing the festal garment.
they paid no attention and went
So he said to him, ‘Friend, how did Rev 19:8

away, some to their fields, and some you get in without the wedding gar-
to their work. 6 Others seized the ser- ment?’ But the man remained silent.
vants of the king, insulted them and
So the king said to his servants, 8:12;
killed them. ‘Bind his hands and feet and throw Lk 13:28
The king became angry. He sent him into the dark, where there is
his troops to destroy those murder- weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
ers and burn their city. 8 Then he said • 14 Know that many are called, Mk 12:
to his servants, ‘The wedding ban- but few are chosen.” Lk 20:

where there is a place for everyone. All fortable Christians, and others will be called to
through history he has been sending his take charge of the work of God: invite to the
prophets to preach justice, the mercy of God wedding.
and trust in him. The Jewish nation, however, The second part of the parable points this
did not heed God’s call through these prophets out: You, Christians, who are already inside
and now will pay even less heed to Jesus. the Church, do you wear the new garment—
God’s plan will not fail. He will send his apos- a life of justice, honesty and trustworthiness?
tles to preach the Gospel in foreign nations (go Let us not believe that the surprised guest
to the crossroads) so that non-Jews, too, may who was not properly dressed for the occasion
enter the Church. Some Jews, however, the was some kind of poor person. No, for it was
selected few among so many called, will be customary during those times to supply all
the first members of the Church. guests with the robe they should wear at the
The king celebrates the wedding of his banquet. This one could have put on the robe
son, Christ, who deserves to be called “the but did not, so he had nothing to answer.
bridegroom” of humankind (Mk 2:19), because
he has become one body with it. All through- • 14. Many are called (v. 14). Some are
out history the Risen Christ gathers together disturbed upon reading this: does it mean that
mortal and divided human beings. The Spirit only a few persons will be saved?
of God will transform and raise them from the If we associate this sentence with the first
dead, so that they may sit at the table of the part of the parable, it means that, of those first
living, according to the parable. invited, few will enter the banquet. These
The only table of Christ that Christians usu- guests were the Jews and very few, indeed, en-
ally know is the Eucharist. While taking part in tered the Church of Jesus. Interpreted in con-
it, we must not forget what has been said nection with the second part of the parable, it
above. Our meeting in the Mass should remind would mean that few of those entering the
us that God calls us to prepare, in our daily Church have the necessary dispositions, so the
lives, for the banquet reserved by him for all majority would be condemned at the time of
humankind. Ours is the task of uniting and rec- judgment. This contradicts what was related in
onciling all people. the parable, because only one of the guests
What if we do not answer? Then, little by lit- was thrown out.
tle, the life of the holy and universal Church It is better not to associate this saying too
will be withdrawn from our assemblies of com- much with the parable of the banquet, because
1375 MATTHEW 22

Paying taxes to Caesar ried a woman, but he died; since he

(Mk 12:13; Lk 20:20) had no children, he left his wife to his
•15 The Pharisees went out and brother. 26 The same thing happened
considered how they could trap to the second brother, and to the
Jesus by his own words. 16 They then third, until the seventh. 27 Then, last
sent out their disciples, with mem- of all, the woman also died. 28 Now, in
bers of Herod’s party, for this pur- the resurrection of the dead, to which
pose. of the seven will she be wife, for they
They said to Jesus, “Master, we all had her as a wife?”
know that you are an honest man 29
Jesus answered, “You are totally
and truly teach God’s way. You are wrong, because you understand nei-
not influenced by others nor are you ther the Scriptures nor the power of
afraid of anyone. 17 So tell us what God. 30 First of all, in the resurrection
you think: is it against the Law to pay of the dead, neither men nor women
taxes to Caesar or not?” will marry, but they will be like the
But Jesus understood their bad angels in heaven. 31 As for the resur-
intentions, and said to them, “Hyp- rection of the dead, have you never
ocrites, why are you testing me? reflected on what God said to you: 32 I
Show me the coin with which you am the God of Abraham, the God of 3:6
pay the taxes.” Isaac, and the God of Jacob? He is
They showed him a silver coin, God, not of the dead but of the liv-
and Jesus said to them, “Whose ing.”
head is this, and whose name?” 33
The people who heard him were 7:28;
They answered, “Caesar’s.” Then astonished at his teaching.
Jesus replied, “So give to Caesar 34
When the Pharisees heard how Mk 12:
what is Caesar’s, and give to God Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, Lk 10:
what is God’s.” they came together. 35 One of them, a 25-28
Astonished by his answer, they teacher of the Law, tried to test him
left him and went away. with this question, 36 “Teacher, which
is the most important command-
The resurrection of the dead ment in the Law?”
(Mk 12:18; Lk 20:27) 37
Jesus answered, “You shall love Dt 6:5
Mk 12: • 23 That same day, some of the the Lord your God with all your
Lk 20: Sadducees came to Jesus. Since heart, with all your soul, and with all
Acts 23:8
they claim that there is no resurrec- your mind. 38 This is the first and the
tion, they questioned him in this way: most important of the command- Lev 19:18;
Dt 25:
“Master, Moses said that if a man ments. 39 But after this there is an- Mt 5:43;
5-6; Rom
Gen 38:8 dies without any children, his brother other one very similar to it: You shall 13:10;
must take the wife and have a child, love your neighbor as yourself. 40 The Gal 5:14

who will be considered the child of whole Law and the Prophets are 7:12
the deceased man. 25 Now, there founded on these two command-
were seven brothers. The first mar- ments.”

we find it also in other places in the Gospel. • 15. See the commentary in Mark 12:13.
Here Jesus advises us (as in 7:13) that only a
few discover through the Gospel true freedom • 23. See the commentary in Mark 12:18.
and new life. Then, are they saved? Yes and In verse 24 the text reads: “take as a wife
no—because salvation, for Jesus, does not the sister-in-law and raise a descendant to his
mean to escape from the punishment of hell, brother.”
but to reach perfection.
MATTHEW 22 1376

The Messiah, Son of God chair of Moses. 3 So you shall do and

(Mk 12:35; Lk 20:41) observe all they say, but do not do as
Mk 12:
As the Pharisees were gathered they do, 4 for they do not do what 11:30;
Lk 11:46
Lk 20: there, Jesus asked them, 42 “What they say. They tie up heavy burdens
41-44; do you think of the Messiah? Whose and load them on the shoulders of
2S 7:16
son is he?” They answered, “Da- the people, but they do not even
vid’s.” raise a finger to move them. 5 They 6:1;
Jesus then asked, “Why did do everything in order to be seen by 15:38

David, inspired by God, call the Mes- people: they wear very wide bands of
siah Lord? For he says in a psalm: the Law around their foreheads, and
Ps 110:1;
The Lord said to my Lord: Sit at my robes with large tassels. 6 They enjoy Lk 14:7
Acts 2:34;
right hand until I put your enemies the first places at feasts and reserved
15:25; under your feet. 45 If David calls him seats in the synagogues, 7 and they
Heb 1:13
Lord, how can he be his son?” like being greeted in the market-
place, and being called ‘Master’ by
No one could answer him, not the people.
even a word. From that day on, no 8
But you, do not let yourselves be
one dared question him anymore.
called Master, because you have
Do not imitate the teachers only one Master, and all of you are
Mk 12: of the Law brothers and sisters. 9 Neither should
38-39; you call anyone on earth Father, be-
Lk 20: (Lk 20:45; Mk 12:38)
45-47; cause you have only one Father, he
11:39 • 1 Then Jesus said to the
who is in heaven. 10 Nor should you
23 crowds and to his disciples, be called Leader, because Christ is
Rom • 2 “The teachers of the Law and the only Leader for you. 11 Let the 20:26;
2:17 Lk 22:26
the Pharisees have sat down on the greatest among you be the servant

• 23.1 The fifth Discourse of Matthew’s ple and saw how the leaders of God’s people
Gospel begins here. Only a few days separate and the organized religious elite acted.
us from Jesus’ departure from this world and it Obviously Matthew wants the words of
is here that Matthew places the words and Jesus to fall on the ears of important person-
parables of Jesus that enlighten the disciples ages in the communities. Jesus judges in ad-
on the attitude to adopt in face of the times to vance the authorities of the Church and more
come. Scarcely born, the Church will have to especially any group that sees itself the better,
face the formidable opposition of Jewish the more aware and the more efficacious. The
power, especially that of the Pharisees. She Pharisees pretended to be just that, and in a
will therefore follow her own way and separate sense they were.
herself from the Jewish communities. This is The teachers of the Law and the Phar-
the main theme of chapter 23. Chapter 24 de- isees have sat down on the chair of Moses.
clares that God will confirm this separation The Gospel says it with more precision: they
through the ruin of the Jewish nation. The have seated themselves in the chair of
Church, then, should turn towards the future Moses. This rather ironic formula suggests that
and await the return of Christ. Let her not the ambitious appropriate to themselves the
waste time in waiting for the end of the world authority over the people of God and that to a
but be always ready in active vigilance: this is certain point God tolerates it. Matthew, in
chapter 25. recording these words of Jesus, wants to pre-
serve in the Church fundamental equality. It is
• 2. RELIGIOUS AUTHORITIES the whole Church that enjoys the Holy Spirit,
Jesus was not from the tribe of Levi, to and the heads or doctors will have no author-
which the priests and those in charge of reli- ity unless they are deeply rooted in the com-
gious activities belonged. He did not, likewise, munity’s life.
belong to any religious association, as the Paul will speak of Christ and the Church
Pharisees did. He was on the side of the peo- using the comparison of the head and the body
1377 MATTHEW 23

Lk 1:52; of all. 12 For whoever makes himself demnation. 15 Woe to you, teachers of
22:29; great shall be humbled, and whoever the Law and Pharisees, you hyp-
humbles himself shall be made ocrites! You travel by sea and land to
Ezk great. win a single convert, yet once he is
Lk 14:11 converted, you make him twice as fit
Seven woes for the Pharisees for hell as yourselves.
(Lk 11:39) 16
Woe to you, blind guides! You 5:33;
Lk 11: • 13 Therefore, woe to you, teach- say: To swear by the Temple is not 15:14;
Rom 2:19
ers of the Law and Pharisees, you binding, but to swear by the treasure
hypocrites! You shut the door to the of the Temple is binding. 17 Blind
kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. fools! Which is of more worth: the
You yourselves do not enter, nor do gold in the Temple, or the Temple
you allow others to do so. which makes the gold a sacred
Woe to you, scribes and Phar- treasure? You say: 18 To swear by the
isees, you hypocrites! You devour altar is not binding, but to swear by
widows’ houses, even while for a pre- the offering on the altar is binding.
tense you make long prayers; there- 19
How blind you are! Which is of
fore you shall receive greater con- more value: the offering on the altar,

(Eph 5:25). Likewise in the Church the au- smallest village, the Jews had teachers of the
thority of the bishop goes hand in hand with fi- Law but in fact, crowds came to Jesus to ask
delity to the Church that he governs. He has for what those priests and teachers did not give
accepted the Church as it is and does not seek them. How can we forget that even in the
to impose his own projects. Church religious education is often limited to
Do all they say. The bad example of the au- moral compartment and keeping within reli-
thorities does not discredit the word of God. gious norms? Hearing and constantly meditat-
Nor does it lessen the principle of authority. ing on the Word of God would have favored
Their bad attitude discredits only their pretense the awakening of great ambitions: the search
at being superior to others. They cannot re- for God and apostolic creativity.
nounce their authority on the pretext of hum- You say: To swear by the treasure of the
ble service and then carry out what the major- Temple (vv. 16-22). Jesus refers to the com-
ity has decided. mon practices in his time. Some teachers
Jesus speaks of the form of authority. Do found ways to get around certain oaths. In that
not be called master or father. Do not be manner, clever people could swear falsely and
called “master,” the one “who knows” and be- deceive their opponents by swearing firmly
fore whom one is silent; neither must you be without promising much.
called “father,” the one who is venerated and
imitated, forgetting to look directly at the One THE DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH
who alone is good. No one in the Church How could Jesus call such men hypocrites
should eclipse the only “Father.” when they were so versed in the knowledge of
Doubtless everyone will say that the word the Bible?
“Father” is simply the expression of respectful In the language of Jesus, the word “hyp-
affection but Jesus affirms that the word has ocrite” equally denotes what is superficial as
perverse effects. well as the one who makes light of what is of
The purity of faith, which submits to God God. Obviously not all the Pharisees were
alone, always suffers because of the cult of per- hypocrites; but Jesus denounces a frequent
sonality. The Church should be a community deformation in the religious elite. He calls us
of free persons able to speak frankly. to be wary of those institutions born of pos-
sessors of wealth and culture who aspire to di-
• 13. You shut the door to the kingdom rect others—and the Church—without having
of heaven (v. 13). Do not forget that “the learned from the poor or practiced true hu-
kingdom of heaven” means the kingdom of mility.
God. Many teachers of the people of God are The mystery of God is so deep that no one
obstacles on the path leading to the true can present himself as his lieutenant. The
knowledge of God the Father. Even in the Pharisees trained, taught and gained many fol-
MATTHEW 23 1378

or the altar which makes the offering Purify the inside first, then the out-
29:37 sacred? 20 Whoever swears by the side too will be purified.
altar, is swearing by the altar and by 27
Woe to you, teachers of the Law Acts 23:3
everything on it. 21 Whoever swears and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You
by the Temple is swearing by the are like whitewashed tombs, beauti-
Temple and by God who dwells in ful in appearance, but inside there
5:33 the Temple. 22 Whoever swears by are only dead bones and unclean-
heaven is swearing by the throne of ness. 28 In the same way, you appear Lk 16:15
God, and by him who is seated on it. religious to others, but you are full of
Woe to you, teachers of the Law hypocrisy and wickedness within.
Mic 6:8; and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You • 29 Woe to you, teachers of the
Am 5:21 do not forget the mint, anise and Law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!
cumin seeds when you demand the You build tombs for the prophets,
tenth of everything, but then you for- and decorate the monuments of the
get what is most fundamental in the righteous. 30 You say: Had we lived in
Law: justice, mercy and faith. These the time of our ancestors, we would
you must practice, intead of neglect- not have joined them in shedding the
ing them. 24 Blind guides! You strain blood of the prophets. 31 So, you
out a mosquito, but swallow a yourselves confess to be the descen-
camel. dants of those who murdered the
Mk 7:4
Woe to you, teachers of the Law prophets. 32 And now, finish off what Acts 7:52
and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You your ancestors began!
fill the plate and the cup with theft 33
Serpents, race of vipers! How Lk 3:7
and violence, and then pronounce a can you escape condemnation to
blessing over them. 26 Blind Pharisee! hell? 34 Therefore, indeed, I send 1Thes

lowers in the faith but their fasts and alms were eration suddenly finds itself facing, in all areas,
already rewarded. Pride and love of money crises and threats for which it was not pre-
were given their place. pared; all our certitudes are questioned, and
because of this we see emerging in all religions
THE PROPHETS fundamentalist groups offering an appearance
• 29. We have on one side “the prophets” of safety by enclosing themselves in structures
and on the other those who “kill the proph- and systems of thought—or no thought—in-
ets.” The Bible shows us that the prophets herited from the past.)
meet with much opposition among the people The defenders of the Jewish community
of God and especially among its leaders. were not ready to listen to their prophet. It was
There is a people of God and this people one thing to honor the prophets of the past
has necessarily its institutions which help it to and keep the sacred books, another to accept
be faithful to its mission. In fact this people fol- the criticism addressed to them by God, not in
lows their reflexes and social prejudices, and the sacred books, but from the lips of Jesus,
the whole institution, even if born of the Spirit, the carpenter.
becomes heavy and hardens with time. Proph-
ets are readily condemned when they chal- Thus it was that the prominent Jews let the
lenge peace and unity in mediocrity or even moment when God visited them slip by—fol-
unfaithfulness to the word of God. lowing the path that would lead their nation to
The Jewish people, harassed by foreigners, ruin.
closed ranks around the Temple, religious The example of the Jewish nation must
practice and the Pharisee group. Moved by serve as a warning to us. Are our Christian
fear, the Jews did what any society would do communities, confronted today by a major cri-
when threatened: they became fanatically con- sis, able to build a poorer and more demand-
servative and felt secure in the institutions God ing Church? Will they be less preoccupied with
had given them in the past. (We are at present their personal survival rather than giving the
experiencing the same phenomenon. Our gen- Gospel to the world?
1379 MATTHEW 24

prophets, wise men and teachers to The ruin of Jerusalem and

you; but some you will murder and the end of the world
crucify, some you will flog in your (Mk 13; Lk 21; 17:23; 12:36)
synagogues, some you will drive • 1 Jesus left the Temple, and Mk 13:
from one city to the next. 24 as he was walking away, his 1-23;
Lk 21:
Because of this, you will be ac- disciples came to him and pointed 5-24
Rev 16:6; countable for all the innocent blood out to him the imposing Temple
Gen 4:8;
Heb 11:4;
that has been shed on the earth, buildings. 2 But he said, “You see all Lk 19:44
24:20-22 from the blood of upright Abel to the this? Truly I say to you: not one stone
blood of Zechariah, son of Bara- will be left upon another here. All will
chiah, whom you murdered between be thrown down.”
the altar and the sanctuary. 36 Truly I 3
Later when Jesus was sitting on 13:39
say to you: the present generation the Mount of Olives, the disciples ap-
will pay for all this. proached him privately and asked,
Lk 13:34; • 37 Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You “Tell us when this will take place.
Jer 7:14;
1K 9:7; murder the prophets and stone those What sign will be given us before
Tb 14:4;
sent to you by God. How often would your coming and the end of the
11:23 I have gathered your children to- world?”
gether, just as a hen gathers her 4
Jesus answered, “Be on your
chicks under her wings, but you re- guard and let no one mislead you.
fused! 38 Now you will be left with an 5
Many will come, claiming my title Jn 5:43
Ps empty Temple. 39 I tell you that you and saying: ‘I am the Messiah,’ and
Mk 11:10 will no longer see me until you say: they will mislead many people. 6 You
Blessed is he who comes in the name will hear about war and threats of
of the Lord! war, but do not be troubled, for these

• 37. How harshly Jesus speaks! Jerusalem stances. Jesus refuses speculation and reminds
was destroyed in the year 587 B.C. If we read us that Christian history is one of persecution;
the prophets, we find that Jerusalem’s de- he encourages us to be faithful.
struction was a punishment for its crimes. In paragraph 24:4-28 Jesus speaks of the
Now, Jesus announces another destruction of days of trial (vv. 21 and 29) that will conclude
wider historical consequences: the blood of with the destruction of Jerusalem that Jesus’
the prophets, the blood of Christ, the blood listeners will witness. It will be possible to run
of the first Christians killed by the Jews. away before the disaster occurs (vv. 15-20).
You will be left with an empty Temple. The idol of the invader. The Gospel re-
The presence of God in his Temple would peats an expression of Daniel (9:27) to indi-
leave them once more and be established cate on this occasion, the taking over of the
among the converted pagans, as in Ezekiel 8. Temple by the Roman troops (see commen-
There will be no further intervention by God tary on Mk 13:14).
to establish his Kingdom in Israel among the It will be a time for evangelization, a time for
Jewish people until the day they welcome the persecutions and for Christians’ testimony be-
Christ. fore the Jewish and pagan worlds (vv. 9-14).
The Jewish people, who did not recognize
• 24.1 With reference to this great dis- Jesus as their Savior, will let other saviors, or
course see commentary on Mark 13. messiahs, stir them up against the Romans.
In this discourse the Gospel uses the style of In paragraph 26-28, Jesus shows that this
apocalyptic books (see the Introduction to Rev- general confusion about the true savior is very
elation). In this kind of literature signs an- far removed from what will happen when he
nounced great events. Hence the question of returns at the end of time.
those closest to Jesus: “What will be the sign of In paragraph 29-31 Jesus talks about his
your coming at the end of time?” glorious coming. Then Jesus again asserts two
The discourse that follows comprises words things: the events and signs that refer to the
pronounced by Jesus in very diverse circum- end of Jerusalem will take place in the present
MATTHEW 24 1380

things must happen; but it is not yet breast! 20 Pray that it may not be in
the end. 7 Nations will fight one an- winter, or on a sabbath, that you flee;
other, and kingdom oppose king- 21
for there will be great tribulation, Dn 12:1;
Jl 2:2;
Jn 16:21;
dom. In some places there will be such as was never known from the Rev 7:14
Rom famines and earthquakes, 8 but all beginning of the world until now, and
1Thes 5:3; this is only the beginning, the first is never to be known again. 22 And if
Rev 12:2 pains of childbirth. that time were not to be shortened,
Then they will arrest you, and no one would survive. But God will
Jn 16:2
they will torture and kill you. All na- shorten it for the sake of his chosen
tions will hate you, for you bear my ones. 23 Then, if anyone says to you, Mk 13:21;
Lk 17:22
name. 10 In those days, many will ‘Look! The Messiah is here! He is
stumble and fall. They will betray there!’, do not believe it. 24 For false 1Jn 2:18;
Dt 13:2;
one another and become enemies. Messiahs and false prophets will ap- 2Thes
Lk 18:8;
False prophets will appear and pear, and perform signs and wonders 2:9;
2Thes Rev
2:3 mislead many, 12 and because of so great, that they would deceive 13:13
such great wickedness, love in many even God’s chosen people, if that
people will grow cold. 13 But the one were possible. 25 See, I have told you
who holds out to the end will be everything ahead of time.
28:19; saved. 14 The Good News of the King- 26
So, if anyone tells you, ‘He is in
Rom dom will be proclaimed throughout the desert,’ do not go. If they say, ‘He
10:18 the world for all the nations to know; is in such a secluded place,’ do not
then the end will come. believe it. 27 For the coming of the
Dn 9:27;
When you see what the prophet Son of Man will be like lightning,
1:54; Daniel spoke about, the idol of the in- which flashes from the east even to
6:7 vader set up in the Temple (let the the west. 28 Wherever the body is, the Lk 17:37
reader understand!), 16 then let those vultures will gather.
in Judea flee to the mountains.
Lk 17:31
If you are on the housetop, do The coming of the Son of Man
(Mk 13:28; Lk 17:20)
not come down to take anything with Mk 13:
you. 18 If you are in the field, do not And later, after that distress, the
Lk 21:
turn back to fetch your coat. 19 How sun will grow dark, the moon will Am 8:9;
hard it will be for pregnant women, not give its light, the stars will fall Is 13:10;
Ezk 32:8;
and for mothers with babies at the from the skies, and the whole uni- Jl 3:4

generation (vv. 32-35). The day of Jesus (vv. ment. God taught the people of Israel and nur-
36 and 42) will come much later. tured their development in order that their his-
The comparison of the two men (or tory and experiences be enlightening for other
women) working together means that, upon peoples. At the end of this period, Jesus came
the coming of Jesus, the Judgment will take during a national crisis to give them the full
place, and there might be a separation within knowledge of their mission as a people of God.
the same social or family group: some headed A minority believed, but the nation did not
towards the Lord, others to be condemned (vv. convert and crashed.
37 and 41). The message is then presented to other na-
Why is it that the Gospel draws a parallel tions, and thus began the time of the New Tes-
with the destruction of Jerusalem and the end tament. The Church teaches all peoples who
of time? Simple, because Matthew addresses must mature as nations and Christians. The
Christians who have just experienced the first Bible implies that New Testament times are
event and are awaiting the second. It is the mo- leading up to a universal crisis where the
ment when there emerges the Christian vision Gospel will more than ever be a reality: “Be-
of the history of these two great stages. lieve or you will die.” It is then that both the
First, we have the time of the Old Testa- New Testament and history will end.
1381 MATTHEW 25

1Thes verse will be shaken. 30 Then the sign Be on the alert 25:13;
3:13; Lk 12:
2Thes 2:1; of the Son of Man will appear in 42
Stay awake then, for you do not 39-40;
2P 3:4;
Rev 6:12;
heaven. As all the nations of the know on what day your Lord will Mk 13:33

Zec 12: earth beat their breasts, they will see come. 43 Obviously, if the owner of Lk
Dn 7: the Son of Man coming in the clouds the house knew at what time the thief 12:22;
Rev 1:7
of heaven with divine power and the was coming, he would certainly stay 5:2;
2P 3:10;
fullness of glory. 31 He will send his up and not allow his house to be bro- Rev 3:3
Is 27:13;
1Cor angels to sound the trumpet, and to ken into. 44 So be alert, for the Son of
gather the chosen ones from the four Man will come at the hour you least
4:16 winds, from one end of the earth to expect.
the other. 45
Imagine a capable servant, Lk 12:
Learn a lesson from the fig tree: whom his master has put in charge 42-46

when its branches grow tender and of his household, to give them food
its leaves begin to sprout, you know at the proper time. 46 Fortunate in-
that summer is near. 33 In the same deed is that servant, whom his mas-
way, when you see all that I have told ter will find at work when he comes.
you, know that the time is near, even 47
Truly I say to you, his lord will en- 19:28;
10:23; at the door. 34 Truly I say to you, this trust that one with everything he has. 25:21
generation will not pass away until all 48
Not so with the bad servant,
5:17; these things have happened. 35 Heav- who thinks, ‘My master is delayed.’
Lk 16:17
en and earth will pass away, but my 49
And he begins to ill-treat his fellow
words will not pass away. servants, while eating and drinking
Acts 1:7;
But as for that Day and that with drunkards. 50 But his master will
1Th 5:3
Hour, no one knows when it will come on the day he does not know,
come, not even the angels of God, and at the hour he least expects.
nor the Son, but only the Father. 51
He will dismiss that servant, and 8:12;
Lk 17:
At the coming of the Son of Man, deal with him as with the hypocrites.
Mt 24:27; it will be just as it was in the time of There will be weeping and gnashing
Mk 13:33;
Gen 7
Noah. 38 In those days before the of teeth.
Flood, people were eating and drink-
ing, and marrying, until that day The ten bridesmaids
(Mk 13:35; Lk 13:25)
Jas 5:7; when Noah went into the ark. 39 Yet
2P 3:4;
they did not know what would hap- • 1 This story throws light on Lk 12:
1Jn 2:28
pen, until the flood came and swept 25 what will happen in the king- 35-38

them away. So will it be at the com- dom of heaven: Ten bridesmaids

Lk 17: ing of the Son of Man: 40 of two men went out with their lamps to meet the
in the field, one will be taken and the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were care-
other left; 41 of two women grinding less, and the others were sensible.
wheat together at the mill, one will be 3
The careless bridesmaids took
taken and the other left. their lamps as they were, and did not

• 25.1 FAITHFULNESS something that should astonish no one. The

The three parables that follow tell us how to bride is not mentioned: perhaps they will dis-
await the return of Christ, being alert and ac- cover at the end that there was no other than
tive. The first, “the ten bridesmaids” is the themselves.
most beautiful parable on fidelity. The ten girls They fell asleep. Once the sun has set, all
followed the custom of waiting through the is dark and nothing more can be done (Jn 9:4).
night for the bridegroom who will be accom- No further work except fidelity of heart (Dt
panied to his house. The bridegroom is late, 5:2): oil will be needed to keep the flame alive.
MATTHEW 25 1382

bring extra oil. 4 But those who were 11

Later the other bridesmaids ar-
sensible, brought with their lamps rived and called out, ‘Lord, Lord,
flasks of oil. 5 As the bridegroom de- open to us!’ 12 But he answered, ‘Truly Lk 13:25
layed, they all grew drowsy and fell I do not know you.’
asleep. 13
So stay awake, for you do not Mk
But at midnight, a cry rang out, know the day nor the hour.
‘The bridegroom is here, come out
and meet him!’ 7 All the maidens The parable of the talents
(Lk 19:12; Mk 4:25; 13:34)
woke up at once, and trimmed their
lamps. 8 Then the careless ones said • 14 Imagine someone who, before Lk 19:
to the sensible ones, ‘Give us some going abroad, summoned his ser-
oil, for our lamps are going out.’ vants to entrust his property to them.
The sensible ones answered, ‘There 15
He gave five talents of silver to one
may not be enough for us and for servant, two talents to another ser-
you. You had better go to those who vant, and one talent to a third, to
sell, and buy some for yourselves.’ each according to his ability; and he
They were out buying oil when went away.
Lk 13:24; the bridegroom came, and those 16
He who received five talents went
Rev 19:7 who were ready went with him to the at once to do business with the mon-
wedding feast, and the doors were ey, and gained another five. 17 The
shut. one who received two talents did the

Here as in other places, the Gospel shows Good and faithful servant (v. 21). Faithful:
us that more than conversion and enthusiasm it would be better translated: “reliable.” We do
is needed: it is necessary to last (7-24). Being not find any word of religious vocabulary in this
sure of having a reserve of oil is to take the parable.
means that enable us to persevere in our vo- God sees the way one has used his talents,
cation. and the sin is to have kept for self what one
Some will say that Matthew has placed this has received. What condemnation of a society
parable here for the benefit of the first Chris- where it is usual to enjoy and consume what
tians, for after having awaited the return of has been received: a better human formation
Christ, they saw that nothing happened. Error! and knowledge inherited from the homeland
Jesus speaks to the believers of all times. For which should be transmitted to one’s descen-
them one day or another fidelity becomes bur- dants, the blessings and benefits of a family
densome: “I did not know to what I was com- where the parents knew how to sacrifice them-
mitting myself.” There lies the grandeur of fi- selves for their children, and perhaps the Word
delity. It cannot be known in advance; giving of God to be carried out in order to realize
one’s hand to God is a jump into the unknown. God’s great plan for the world.
Only through this perseverance can we be I will entrust you with much more. What
saved (Mt 24:13), in other words, find our- we achieve on earth is not definitive but only
selves. the scaffolding: quite other will be the riches
The Lord demands faithfulness and perse- that God will distribute to those who will live
verance from those he has chosen: this is in him.
how we save a world that seeks truth every- You know that I reap where I have not
where and does not know to which Lord to sown (v. 26). As in Luke 18:1, Jesus is aware
surrender. of our unavowed defiance towards God and
takes us at our word. If we do not aspire to the
• 14. TO WORK—TO TRUST ONESELF place that the husband reserves for a wife
During the time of Jesus, a talent was an (25:1), let us try at least not to be useless ser-
amount, thirty kilograms of precious metal, but vants.
in this parable when Jesus spoke of talents he There are many opportunities for us to take
referred to the abilities given by God to each of initiatives, but we often are afraid to put our-
us. Since then, people came to understand the selves forward: “I am not the most qualified.”
word “talent” in this sense. What if those who are qualified have not
1383 MATTHEW 25

same, and gained another two.18 But ‘Wicked and worthless servant, you
the one who received one talent dug know that I reap where I have not
a hole, and hid his master’s money. sown, and gather where I have not
After a long time, the master of scattered; 27 so you should have de-
those servants returned and asked posited my money in the bank, and
18:23 for a reckoning. 20 The one who had on my return you would have given it
received five talents came with an- back to me with interest.
other five talents, saying, ‘Lord, you 28
Therefore, take the talent from
entrusted me with five talents, but him, and give it to the one who has
19:28; see, I have gained five more.’ 21 The ten. 29 For to all those who have, 13:12;
24:47; Mk 4:25;
Lk 16:10; master answered, ‘Very well, good more will be given, and they will Lk 8:18;
Jn 15:10 and faithful servant, since you have have an abundance; but from those 19:26

been faithful in a few things, I will en- who are unproductive, even what
trust you with much more. Come they have will be taken from them.
and share the joy of your master.’ 30
As for that useless servant, throw
Then the one who had received him out into the dark, where there
two talents came and said, ‘Lord, will be weeping and gnashing of
you entrusted me with two talents; teeth.’
with them I have gained two more.’
The master said, ‘Well, good and The last judgment
(Lk 9:26)
faithful servant, since you have been Zec 14:5;
faithful in little things, I will entrust • 31 When the Son of Man comes Rev 3:21;
you with much more. Come and in his glory with all his angels, he will
share the joy of your master.’ sit on the throne of his glory. 32 All the Ezk
Jn 4:
Finally, the one who had re- nations will be brought before him, 34:17;
37-38 Lk 12:32
ceived one talent came and said, and as a shepherd separates the
‘Master, I know that you are a hard sheep from the goats, 33 so will he do
man. You reap what you have not with them, placing the sheep on his
sown, and gather what you have not right hand and the goats on his left.
scattered. 25 I was afraid, so I hid your 34
The King will say to those on his Lk 22:30;
money in the ground. Here, take what right, ‘Come, blessed of my Father! 8:17;
is yours!’ 26 But his master replied, Take possession of the kingdom pre- Eph 1:4

budged? Then, take the talent from him and common destiny of humankind, will be judged
give it to someone else. by him. In fact, he never abandoned them, but
placed at their side “those little ones who are
• 31. THE UNIVERSAL JUDGEMENT his brothers and sisters,” as his representatives.
We know that Christians are a minority in See, Christ reveals the innumerable human
the world. As we do now, the Jews wondered deeds that have built what is best in our civi-
about the majority of nations in the world, who lization, and people brought before him look
were not among the Chosen People and did with amazement at the God whom they loved
not know about God or his promises. The or despised in the person of their neighbor. Al-
Jews envisioned a huge multitude, ready to though the majority of them never thought of
“devour them,” a restless world where God the afterlife, the kingdom of God is presented
should one day impose his Law. They used to to them with its only law: Love.
call them: the nations. There is no neutral place. The fire means
Jesus goes beyond these narrow perspec- the torment of those who condemned them-
tives and shows us how he will judge everyone, selves by closing and freezing their hearts so
making no distinctions based on origins when that they became incapable of love: now the
he comes as King of all nations. All those who, splendor of God, who is love, burns and pains
without knowing Christ, have shared in the them.
MATTHEW 25 1384

pared for you from the beginning of 41

Then he will say to those on his 7:23;
Mk 9:48;
Is 58:7 the world. 35 For I was hungry, and left, ‘Go, cursed people, out of my Rev
you fed me. I was thirsty, and you sight into the eternal fire, which has 20:10

gave me something to drink. 36 I was been prepared for the devil and his
a stranger, and you welcomed me angels! 42 For I was hungry, and you
into your house. I was naked, and did not give me anything to eat; I was
you clothed me. I was sick, and you thirsty, and you gave me nothing to
visited me. I was in prison, and you drink; 43 I was a stranger, and you did
came to see me.’ not welcome me into your house; I
Then the good people will ask was naked, and you did not clothe
him, ‘Lord, when did we see you me; I was sick, and in prison, and
hungry, and give you food; thirsty, you did not visit me.’
and give you something to drink; 38 or 44
They, too, will ask, ‘Lord, when
a stranger, and welcome you; or did we see you hungry, thirsty,
naked, and clothe you? 39 When did naked or a stranger, sick or in
we see you sick, or in prison, and go prison, and did not help you?’ 45 The
Pro to see you?’ 40 The King will answer, King will answer them, ‘Truly I say to
Mk 9:41; ‘Truly I say to you: whenever you did you: whatever you did not do for one
Lk 10:16;
Acts 9:5
this to these little ones who are my of these little ones, you did not do it
brothers and sisters, you did it to for me.’ Dn 12:2;
me.’ 46
And these will go into eternal Jn 5:29

Whenever you did this to these little ones language of the prophets, schematizing op-
who are my brothers and sisters (v. 40). Jesus tions. In fact Jesus denounces, not heinous
speaks of looking after our neighbor, be he crimes but selfishness in daily life as is found in
friend or foe, not of serving the community, or each of us, and he depicts, like a father to his
a class, or a nation in general, because using children the end towards which we are head-
these words, we often exclude a group of our ing. It is to be hoped that the great majority
brothers and sisters, who do not belong to our will not reject the truth; certain persons con-
nation or to our class. On the other hand, one sciously choose their own ruin and unfortu-
who really loves acknowledges his sisters and nately are capable of continuing in their choice
brothers without giving too much importance to the bitter end.
to any labels: it is the person who exists and To say that God is so good that he will save
lives for God. them at the last moment is to affirm something
And these will go into eternal punishment that Jesus never intended to say. It would
(v. 46). There is something that shocks us mean that all that a person lived through was
today in the division of the good and the of slight importance and that our freedom was
wicked, and it seems to us to be an outdated no more than a game.
view (see commentary on Mt 13:36). In one What Jesus says about judging non-Christ-
sense it is true. Up to the recent times people ian people likewise applies to us. But we would
were mainly “of one idea.” It did not take long be mistaken if we repeatedly presented this
for youth to see what were the options in life, parable as expressing the totality of Christian
rarely did a person find more than one religion duties. What the world needs above all is not
in the local milieu and she would choose either bread and water and clothing, but the truth and
the “right” road or the “wrong” road. Some the hope that God entrusted to his chosen
conversions for better or worse would follow people. Christians would be unfaithful to their
(Ezk 8), but humanity seemed to be divided be- mission if they confined themselves to merely
tween the good and the evil. Today it is quite talking about assistance, housing and the like
different: the choices we make are extremely and forgot what is really life for humankind—
complex and it takes time to discern clearly. first, the knowledge and love of their Lord. He
All of life or much of it today may be lived by will always be first and we need him to be so
a person who has within the self a good and an for us. He takes as done to himself all that we
evil being at the same time. do for our sisters and brothers but does not
Let us understand then that Jesus spoke the want to be confused with them.
1385 MATTHEW 26

punishment, but the just to eternal then on, he kept looking for the best
life.” way to hand Jesus over to them.

Mk 14:
When Jesus had finished all The last supper
Lk 22:
26 he wanted to say, he told his (Mk 14:12; Lk 22:7; Jn 13:1)
disciples, 2 “You know that in two 17
On the first day of the Festival Mk 14:
days’ time it will be the Passover, and of Unleavened Bread, the disciples Lk 22:
the Son of Man will be handed over came to Jesus and said to him, 7-13;
to be crucified.” “Where do you want us to prepare
Jn 11:47;
Then the chief priests and the the Passover meal for you?” 18 Jesus Jn 2:4
Acts 4:
25-27 Jewish authorities gathered together answered, “Go into the city, to the
at the palace of the High Priest, house of a certain man, and tell him,
whose name was Caiaphas, 4 and ‘The Master says: My hour is near,
they agreed to arrest Jesus and kill and I will celebrate the Passover with
him. 5 But they said, “Not during the my disciples in your house.’”
feast, lest there be an uprising 19
The disciples did as Jesus had
among the people.” ordered, and prepared the Passover
The anointing at Bethany 20
When it was evening, Jesus sat Mk 14:
(Jn 12; Mk 14:9) 17-21;
at table with the Twelve. 21 While they Lk 22:
Mk 14:
While Jesus was in Bethany, in were eating, Jesus said, “Truly I say 14, 21-23;
3-9; Jn 13:
Jn 12: the house of Simon the leper, 7 a to you: one of you will betray me.” 21-30
Lk 7:
woman came up to him, carrying an 22
They were deeply distressed, and
36-50 alabaster jar of expensive perfume. they asked him, one after the other,
She poured it on Jesus’ head as he “You do not mean me, do you, Lord?”
was at table. 8 Seeing this, the disci- 23
He answered, “The one who Ps 41:10;
ples became indignant and said, dips his bread with me will betray Jn 13:18

“What a useless waste! 9 The per- me. 24 The Son of Man is going as the Ps 22;
fume could have been sold for a Scriptures say he will. But alas for Is 53:9;
Jn 17:12
large sum, and the money given to that one who betrays the Son of Man:
the poor.” better for him not to have been
But Jesus was aware of this, born.” 25 Judas, who was betraying
and said to them, “Why are you trou- him, also asked, “You do not mean
bling this woman? What she has just me, Master, do you?” Jesus replied,
done for me is indeed a good work. “You have said it.” Mk 14:
Dt 15:11
You always have the poor with you, 26
While they were eating, Jesus Lk 22:
but you will not have me forever. took bread, said a blessing and 19-20;
1Cor 11:
She was preparing for my funeral, broke it, and gave it to his disciples 23-25;
Mt 14:19;
when she anointed my body with this saying, “Take and eat: this is my 15:36
perfume. 13 Truly I say to you: wher- body.” 27 Then he took a cup, and 1Cor
ever the Gospel is proclaimed, all gave thanks, and passed it to them,
over the world, what she has done saying, “Drink this, all of you, 28 for 24:8;
Is 53:12;
will be told in praise of her.” this is my blood, the blood of the Jer
Jn 11:57
Then one of the Twelve, who Covenant, which is poured out for 31:31;
Zec 9:11;
was called Judas Iscariot, went to the many for the forgiveness of sins. Heb 9:20
Zec chief priests and said, 15 “How much 29
Yes, I say to you: From now on I Jn 12:23;
11:12; 13:1;
Gen will you give me if I hand him over to will not taste the fruit of the vine, 17:1
Mt 27:3
you?” They promised to give him until that day when I drink new wine
thirty pieces of silver, 16 and from with you in my Father’s kingdom.”
MATTHEW 26 1386
Mk 14: 30
After singing psalms of praise, 42
He again went away, and 20:22
Lk 22: they went out to the Mount of Olives. prayed, “Father, if this cup cannot be
39, 31-34;
Jn 13:
Then Jesus said to them, “You will taken away from me without my
falter tonight because of me, and all drinking it, let your will be done.”
Zec 13:7 will fall. For the Scripture says: I will 43
When he came back to his disci-
strike the shepherd and the sheep ples, he again found them asleep, for
will be scattered. 32 But after my res- they could not keep their eyes open.
urrection, I will go ahead of you to 44
He left them again, and went to 2Cor
Galilee.” pray the third time, saying the same
Peter responded, “Even though words.
all doubt you and fall, I will never 45
Then he came back to his disci-
fall.” 34 Jesus replied, “Truly I say to ples and said to them, “You can
you: this very night before the cock sleep on now and take your rest! The
crows, you will deny me three times.” hour has come, and the Son of Man
Jn 11:16
Peter said, “Though I have to die will be handed over to sinners. 46 Get Jn 14:
with you, I will never deny you.” And up, let us go. Look: the betrayer is
all the disciples said the same. here!”
Gethsemane Jesus arrested
Mk 14:
32-42; (Mk 14:32; Lk 22:39) • 47 Jesus was still speaking when Mk 14:
Lk 22: 43-52;
Jesus came with them to a Judas, one of the Twelve, arrived. Lk 22:
Jn 12:
27-30; place called Gethsemane, and he With him was a crowd armed with 47-53;
Jn 18:
Heb 5:
said to his disciples, “Sit here while I swords and clubs, who had been sent 2-11
7-10 go over there to pray.” by the chief priests and the Jewish
He took Peter and the two sons authorities. 48 The traitor had ar-
Mk 5:37
of Zebedee with him, and he began ranged a signal for them: “The one I
to be filled with anguish and distress. kiss, he is the man; arrest him.”
And he said to them, “My soul is 49
Judas went directly to Jesus and
full of sorrow, even to death. Remain said, “Good evening, Master”; and he
here and stay awake with me.” gave him a kiss. 50 But Jesus said to
Jn 4:34;
He went a little farther and fell to him, “Friend, do what you came for.”
Rom the ground, with his face touching the Then they laid hands on Jesus, and
Phil 2:8
earth, and prayed, “Father, if it is arrested him.
possible, take this cup away from 51
One of those who were with
me. Yet not what I want, but what you Jesus drew his sword, and struck at
want.” 40 He went back to his disciples the servant of the High Priest, cutting
and found them asleep, and he said off his ear. 52 So Jesus said to him, Gen 9:6;
to Peter, “Could you not stay awake “Put your sword back into its place, 13:10
6:13 with me for even an hour? 41 Stay for he who uses the sword will perish
awake and pray, so that you may not by the sword. 53 Do you not know that Jn 18:36
slip into temptation. The spirit indeed I could call on my Father, and he
is eager, but the body is weak.” would at once send me more than

• 26.47 See commentary on Mark 14:43. He who uses the sword. This sentence does
The kiss of Judas: this was the usual way a not condemn soldiers and policemen in a
disciple greeted his master. world of violence, but Jesus asserts that weap-
He drew his sword (v. 51). Peter, like other ons do not establish the kingdom of God, nor
apostles who took part in resistance move- do they lead to life. Force leads to death (in one
ments against Roman oppression, brought way or another) for those (and for the institu-
swords (Lk 22:49). tions) who use it, even where it is necessary.
1387 MATTHEW 26

twelve legions of angels. 54 If Scrip- “This man said, ‘I am able to destroy Acts
ture says that this has to be, should it the temple of God and rebuild it in
not be fulfilled?” three days.’”
Lk 19:47;
At that moment, Jesus said to 62
The High Priest then stood up
Jn 18:20 the crowd, “Why do you come to ar- and asked Jesus, “Have you no an-
rest me with swords and clubs, as if I swer at all? What is this evidence
were a robber? Day after day I was against you?” 63 But Jesus kept silent. Is 53:7
seated among you teaching in the So the High Priest said to him, “In
Temple, yet you did not arrest me. the name of the living God, I com-
Zec 13:7;
But all this has come about in ful- mand you to tell us: Are you the
Jn 16:32
fillment of what the Prophets said.” Messiah, the Son of God?” 64 Jesus 24:30;
Then all his disciples deserted him answered, “It is just as you say. I tell 110:1;
and fled. you more: from now on, you will see Dn 7:13

Jesus before the Sanhedrin

the Son of Man, seated at the right
(Mk 14:53; Lk 22:54) hand of God most powerful, and
coming on the clouds of heaven.”
Mk 14: • 57 Those who had arrested Jesus Num
Then the High Priest tore his 14:6;
Lk 22: brought him to the house of the High clothes, saying, “He has blas- Ezr 9:3;
Jer 36:24;
Jn 18:
Priest Caiaphas, where the teachers phemed. What more evidence do we Acts
15…24 of the Law and the elders were as- need? You have just heard these
sembled. blasphemous words. 66 What is your Lev
Peter followed Jesus at a dis- decision?” They answered, “He must 24:16;
Jn 19:7
tance, as far as the courtyard of the die!” 67 Then they began to spit on
High Priest; he entered and sat with Jesus and slap him, while others hit
the guards, waiting to see the end. him with their fists, 68 saying, “Mes-
The chief priests and the whole siah, prophesy! Who hit you?”
Supreme Council needed some false
evidence against Jesus, so that they Peter disowns Jesus
(Mk 14:66; Lk 22:56)
might put him to death. 60 But they Mk 14:
were unable to find any, even though • 69 Meanwhile, as Peter sat out- Lk 22:
false witnesses came forward. 61 At side in the courtyard, a young ser- Jn 18:
27:40; last, two men came up and declared, vant-girl of the house said to him, 17…27
Jn 2:19;

• 57. We find two accusations against Jesus kept silent (v. 63). Not out of con-
Jesus. The first: I am able to destroy (v. 61) is tempt for those men, who were the religious
false in one sense, but it refers to the words authorities, but because he saw it was useless
Jesus had spoken about replacing the Temple to argue with them. He remained silent and
of Jerusalem with another religion centered in felt confident, as do those who put their cause
his own person (Jn 2:19) and that was indeed in the hands of God.
subversive. Nothing was more sacred to the It is just as you say (v. 64). Perhaps this an-
Jews than the Temple of Jerusalem, and to at- swer of Jesus should be translated: “You are
tack the Temple was, at the same time, to the one saying it,” which is to say that Jesus
threaten the position of the priests whose did not agree with the terms used by Caiaphas.
power was based on the fact that they alone The expression “Son of God” signified the
could perform sacrificial rites in the Temple. kings and saviors of Israel, and Jesus is the Son
They also amassed wealth from offerings and of God in a very different sense. Jesus identi-
taxes that the people paid to the temple. In de- fies himself with the prophecy of Daniel 7:13,
fending the holy things, they were also pro- announcing a Savior, a Son of Man, who
tecting their own interests. comes directly from God from all eternity.
For the second accusation, which is the
most important, see commentary on Mark • 69. This denial by Peter is most amazing.
14:53. His friend John is well known in the house of
MATTHEW 26 1388

“You also were with Jesus of Gali- ized that Jesus had been con-
lee.” 70 But he denied it before every- demned, he was filled with remorse,
one, saying, “I do not know what you and returned the thirty pieces of sil-
are talking about.” ver to the chief priests and the eld-
And as Peter was going out to ers, 4 saying, “I have sinned by be- 27:24
the gateway, another servant-girl saw traying an innocent man to death.”
him and told the bystanders, “This They answered, “What does it mat-
man was with Jesus of Nazareth.” ter to us? That is your concern.” 5 So
Peter denied it again with an oath, throwing down the money in the Acts
swearing, “I do not know that man.” Temple, he went away and hanged
After a little while, those who himself.
were standing there approached 6
The priests picked up the money
Peter and said to him, “Of course you and said, “This money cannot be put
are one of the Galileans: your accent into the Temple treasury, for this is
gives you away.” 74 Peter began justi- the price of blood.” 7 So they met to-
fying himself with curses and oaths, gether, and decided to buy the Pot-
protesting that he did not know ter’s Field with the money, and to
Jesus. Just then a cock crowed. make it a cemetery for foreigners.
And Peter remembered the 8
That is why, to this day, that place
words of Jesus, “Before the cock has been called Field of Blood.
crows, you will deny me three times.” 9
So what the prophet Jeremiah Zec 11:
And he went away weeping bitterly. said was fulfilled: They took the
thirty pieces of silver, the price which
Mk 15:1; • 1 Early in the morning, all the the Sons of Israel set on him, 10 and
Lk 22:66;
27 chief priests and the elders of they gave them for the Potter’s Field,
Mt 12:14 the people met together to look for as the Lord commanded me.
ways of putting Jesus to death.
They had him bound, and led him Jesus before Pilate
(Mk 15:1; Lk 23:2; Jn 18:29)
away to be handed over to Pilate, the
governor. 11
Jesus stood before the gover- Mk 15:
nor, who asked him, “Are you the Lk 23:
The death of Judas King of the Jews?” Jesus answered, 2-5;
• 3 When Judas, the traitor, real- “You say so.” Mt 2:2

the high priest and Peter was introduced as his It would seem that during the night Jesus
friend (Jn 18:16). The young girl knows very was presented to Annas, ex-high priest, (suc-
well who John is and does not say anything be- ceeded by five sons and son-in-law Caiaphas).
yond an ironic word to Peter. Nobody is threat- He retained real authority among the great
ening him, least of all the men; instead they priestly families. The Sanhedrin was not com-
mock him for his provincial Galilean accent, plete: the seventy-one members could not be
the same as Jesus’ accent! It was enough to accommodated in the house of Caiaphas. Be-
make Peter lose his composure. sides, the Council could not legally hold a ses-
In placing this episode just after the witness sion during the night; so it met in the morn-
of Jesus in the presence of the High Priest, the ing.
Gospel intends to contrast Peter’s attitude with For the enemies of Jesus this private inter-
that of his Master. rogation was the most important, and that is
why Matthew and Mark place there all that
• 27.1 Why this second appearance of they know of the trial of Jesus (Mt 26:57-64).
Jesus before the Supreme Council or San-
hedrin? It is difficult to find agreement on this • 3. Judas, as soon as he betrays Jesus, dis-
point in the Gospels. appears from the scene and dies. We do not
1389 MATTHEW 27
The chief priests and the elders me to set free?” they answered,
of the people accused him, but he “Barabbas!” 22 Pilate said to them,
made no answer. 13 Pilate said to him, “And what shall I do with Jesus
“Do you hear all the charges they called the Messiah?” All answered,
Jn 19:9 bring against you?” 14 But he did not “Crucify him!” 23 Pilate insisted, Acts
answer even a single question, so “What evil has he done?” But they
that the governor wondered greatly. shouted louder, “Crucify him!”
• 15 At Passover, it was customary • 24 Pilate realized that he was get-
for the governor to release any pris- ting nowhere, and that there could be
oner the people asked for. 16 Now there a riot. He then asked for water, and
was a well-known prisoner called washed his hands before the people,
Barabbas. 17 When the people had saying, “I am not responsible for his
gathered, Pilate asked them, “Whom blood. It is your doing.” 25 And all the Dn 13:46;
do you want me to set free: Barab- people answered, “Let his blood be 18:6;
bas, or Jesus called the Messiah?” upon us and upon our children.” 20:26
for he realized that Jesus had been 26
Then Pilate set Barabbas free,
handed over to him out of envy. but had Jesus scourged, and handed
As Pilate was sitting in court, his him over to be crucified.
wife sent him this message, “Have
nothing to do with that holy man. Be- The way of the cross
(Mk 15:16; Lk 23:11)
cause of him, I had a dream last
night that disturbed me greatly.” • 27 The Roman soldiers took Jesus Mk 15:
But the chief priests and the eld- into the palace of the governor and Jn 19:
ers of the people stirred up the the whole troop gathered around 1-3

crowds, to ask for the release of him. 28 They stripped him and
Barabbas and the death of Jesus. dressed him in a purple military
When the governor asked them cloak. 29 Then, twisting a crown of
again, “Which of the two do you want thorns, they forced it onto his head,

even know what happened with the thirty The soldiers enjoy the game of the fallen
coins: see Acts 1:18. king. In many cultures the king was a divine
character and, at the same time, often became
• 15. According to very old texts of the the victim responsible for all evils. Therefore,
Gospel of Matthew the name of the trouble- the game of the king was known in many
maker was Jesus, his nickname being Barab- places. One engraved tile that was a soldiers’
bas. Pilate proposes to the people a choice be- game has been found in Jerusalem. On it is
tween Jesus called Barabbas and Jesus called seen the journey of the king through many tri-
the Messiah. als ending with his assassination.
The soldiers made this game a reality, with-
• 24. Pilate asked for water… (v. 24). The out realizing how true it actually was. A tri-
Jews understood this gesture as a clear ex- umphal Procession with Palms led to the ar-
pression of his refusal to become the judge or rest of Jesus, but the humiliation of Jesus
accuser of Jesus (see Dt 21:6; Ps 26:6). prepared him to be the king, the Savior of all,
as told in the story of Joseph (Gen 37–44), or
• 27. In the inner yard called the Preto- more vividly described by the Prophet Isaiah
rium, the soldiers make fun of Jesus in full view (52:13).
of Pilate and all the people employed in the Jesus is Savior, because he is the victim. He
palace. broke the mechanism of violence, because he
Twisting a crown of thorns, they forced it suffered the greatest violence without becom-
onto his head (v. 29). In all probability, local ing violent himself. In his humiliation, Jesus
reed was woven in the form of a cap and en- shows the greatness and the power of God.
twined with long thorns. He took upon himself all the humiliations of
MATTHEW 27 1390

and placed a reed in his right hand. 39

People passing by shook their Ps 22:8
They knelt before Jesus and mocked heads and insulted him, 40 saying,
him, saying, “Long life to the King of “Aha! You who destroy the Temple 26:61;
Jn 2:19
Is 50:6 the Jews!” 30 They spat on him, took and in three days rebuild it, save
the reed from his hand and struck yourself—if you are God’s Son—and
him on the head with it. come down from the cross!”
When they had finished mock- 41
In the same way the chief
ing him, they pulled off the purple priests, the elders and the teachers
cloak and dressed him in his own of the Law mocked him. 42 They said,
clothes again, and led him out to be “The man who saved others cannot
crucified. save himself. Let the King of Israel
Mk 15:
On the way they met a man now come down from his cross and
Lk 23: from Cyrene called Simon, and we will believe in him. 43 He trusted in Ps 22:9;
Wis 2:
26-34, 38;
Jn 19:
forced him to carry the cross of God; let God rescue him if God wants 18-20;
17-24 Jesus. 33 When they reached the to, for he himself said, ‘I am the Son Jn 5:18;
place called Golgotha, which means of God.’” 19:7
Ps 69:22 the Skull, 34 they offered him wine 44
Even the robbers who were cru-
mixed with gall. Jesus tasted it but cified with him insulted him. Mk 15:
would not drink it. 45
From midday, darkness fell over 33-41;
Lk 23:
Ps 22:19
There they crucified him, and di- the whole land until mid-afternoon. 44-49
vided his clothes among themselves, 46
At about three o’clock, Jesus cried
casting lots to decide what each one out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, Ps 22:2
Ps 22:18 should take. 36 Then they sat down to lamma sabbacthani?” which means:
guard him. 37 The statement of his of- My God, my God, why have you for-
fense was displayed above his head, saken me? 47 As soon as they heard
and it read, “This is Jesus, the King this, some of the bystanders said,
Lk 22:37; of the Jews.” 38 They also crucified “He is calling for Elijah.” 48 And one Lk 23:36;
Is 53: Jn 19:29;
9, 12 two bandits with him, one on his right of them ran, took a sponge and Ps 69:22
hand and one on his left. soaked it in vinegar and, putting it on

the defenseless, the dejected, the victims on They also crucified two bandits with him
whom were heaped the mindless violence of (v. 38). Perhaps they were, like Barabbas, na-
peoples and their leaders. Jesus bears the sin tionalist terrorists opposed to the Romans.
of the world, as announced by Isaiah. In the fu- They could have been the companions of
ture, no one will be able to look at him without Barabbas, and their execution enhanced the
discovering their own wickedness, and mourn- favor done to Barabbas. If so, they would have
ing for him who was their victim (Zec 12:12). to die along with Jesus instead of Barabbas.
From this encounter with God, hated and They could also have belonged to a group of
killed, (and so different from the God wor- bandits who assaulted and robbed pilgrims in
shiped in heaven) will gush waters of pardon the hills of Palestine.
and purification (Zec 13:1). This is Jesus, the king of the Jews (v. 37).
They offered him wine mixed with gall (v. For Pilate and the people in general, this ex-
34). According to Mark, they gave him bitter- pression signified a nationalist leader in the
sweet wine, a drink of the soldiers, mixed with movement for liberation from the Roman
myrrh, to dull the pain. This drink had proba- yoke.
bly been prepared according to custom by the The Jews are the people of God and the Fa-
charitable women of Jerusalem, perhaps the ther arranged that they would be associated,
same mentioned by Luke in 23:28. Matthew in a very special way, with the salvation Christ
speaks of wine with bile (a detestable drink) to brings. In fact, they were later subjected to
give us an inkling of all the bitterness that Jesus many trials and persecutions. Many Jews have
had to swallow, and also to recall Psalm suffered like Jesus without believing in him,
69:22. but confident in the promises of God and in
1391 MATTHEW 28

a reed, gave him to drink. 49 Others Jesus, and the governor ordered that
said, “Leave him alone, let us see the body be given to him. 59 So
whether Elijah comes to his rescue.” Joseph took the body of Jesus,
Then Jesus cried out again in a wrapped it in a clean linen sheet,
loud voice and gave up his spirit. 60
and laid it in his own new tomb, Acts
After the death of Jesus
which had been cut out of the rock.
Then he rolled a huge stone across
26:33 • 51 Just then the curtain of the the entrance to the tomb and left.
Temple sanctuary was torn in two 61
Mary Magdalene and the other Jn 19:25
from top to bottom, the earth Mary remained sitting there in front
quaked, rocks were split, 52 tombs of the tomb.
were opened, and many holy people
who had died were raised to life. The guards at the tomb
1P 3:19
They came out of the tombs after 62
On the following day, the day
the resurrection of Jesus, entered the after the Preparation for the Sabbath
Holy City, and appeared to many. observance, the chief priests and the
The captain and the soldiers Pharisees went to Pilate 63 and said to
who guarded Jesus were greatly ter- him, “Sir, we remember that when
rified, when they saw the earthquake that impostor was still alive, he said,
and all that had happened, and said, ‘I will rise after three days.’ 64 There- 12:40;
“Truly, this was God’s Son.” fore, have his tomb secured until the
There were also some women third day, lest his disciples come and
there, who watched from a distance; steal the body, and say to the people:
they had followed Jesus from Galilee He is risen from the dead. This would
Lk 8:2; and had seen to his needs. 56 Among be a worse lie than the first.” 65 Pilate
Mt 13:55;
20:20 them were Mary Magdalene, Mary answered them, “You have soldiers,
the mother of James and Joseph, go and take all the necessary pre-
and the mother of Zebedee’s sons. cautions.” 66 So they went to the
The burial
tomb and secured it, sealing the
(Mk 15:42; Lk 23:50; Jn 19:38) stone, and placed it under guard.
Mk 15:
It was now evening, and there Jesus appears to the women
Lk 23: (Mk 16:1; Lk 24:1; Jn 20:1)
50-55; came a wealthy man from Ari-
Jn 19: mathea, named Joseph, who was • 1 After the Sabbath, at dawn Mk 16:
also a disciple of Jesus. 58 He went to 28 on the first day of the week, 1-8;
Lk 24:
Dt 21: Pilate and asked for the body of Mary Magdalene and the other Mary 1-10;
Jn 20:1

the kingdom of Justice. Jesus is really their • 28.1 THE RISEN CHURCH
king. On the apparitions of the risen Jesus, see
In Latin, the letters I.N.R.I. (that we read on the commentary on Luke 24:1.
crucifixes) are the initial letters of Jesus of This first paragraph is still in apocalyptic
Nazareth, King of the Jews. style, with its resplendent angel and another
earthquake. The Gospel refuses to describe a
• 51. This paragraph declares in apocalyp- triumphal departure of Jesus, as his readers
tic style that the death of Jesus marked the would have preferred. The risen Jesus is only
completion of definitive salvation. Some ap- seen by those who believe: the women who
paritions of dead persons were interpreted as look for him will see him, the soldiers and
a sign of fulfillment of the prophecies of Daniel rulers who do not seek him will not under-
(12:2) referring to the Day of Salvation. The stand.
open tombs signify that the Risen Christ con- The evangelist mentions the names of Mary
quers the kingdom of the dead. of Magdala and the other Mary, the mother of
MATTHEW 28 1392

went to visit the tomb. 2 Suddenly 9

Suddenly, Jesus met them on the
there was a violent earthquake: an way and said, “Rejoice!” The women
angel of the Lord descending from approached him, embraced his feet
heaven, came to the stone, rolled it and worshiped him. 10 But Jesus said
from the entrance of the tomb, and to them, “Do not be afraid! Go and
17:2; sat on it. 3 His appearance was like tell my brothers to set out for Galilee;
1:10 lightning and his garment white as there they will see me.”
snow. 4 The guards trembled in fear 11
While the women were on their
and became like dead men when way, the guards returned to the city,
they saw the angel. and some of them reported to the
The angel said to the women, chief priests all that had happened.
“Do not be afraid, for I know that you 12
The chief priests met with the eld-
are looking for Jesus, who was cru- ers, and decided to give the soldiers
cified. 6 He is not here, for he is risen a large sum of money, 13 with this in-
as he said. Come, see the place struction, “Say that his disciples
26:32; where they laid him; 7 then go at once came by night while you were
14:28; and tell his disciples that he is risen asleep, and stole the body of Jesus.
Jn 21:1 from the dead, and is going ahead of 14
If Pilate comes to know of this, we
you to Galilee. You will see him will explain the situation and keep
there. This is my message for you.” you out of trouble.” 15 The soldiers
They left the tomb at once in accepted the money and did as they
fear, yet with great joy, and they ran were told. This story has circulated
to tell the news to his disciples. among the Jews until this day.

James and of Joseph (Mt 27:55), two of the Church, not everything will come from the au-
“brothers of Jesus” (Mt 13:55), his closest thorities. God communicates with whomever
cousins. (She is a relative of Mary, the mother he wishes, giving prophetic messages to sim-
of Jesus, Jn 19:25). ple people and to women.
Suddenly, Jesus met them on the way (v. The resurrection of Christ is the pivotal
9). It is obvious that Matthew is combining two point of the Gospel; yet Matthew reports it
different events; one, the discovery of the briefly. Why? Because when Matthew wrote
empty tomb, and the other, which happened his Gospel, the Resurrection was considered
later on, the apparition of Jesus to Mary Mag- too great an event to put into writing: rather, it
dalene alone as related in John 20:11-18. should be proclaimed and witnessed to by the
Set out for Galilee (v. 10). Why did Jesus Spirit at work in the Christian communities.
say this date if he was going to appear later Are we in a different situation? The Church
that same day in Jerusalem? (Lk 24:13-42). It that talks of the Risen Christ should never be
is not clear. Probably the evangelists combined a powerful Church but a Risen Church. If the
several apparitions to simplify their narration. Church finds itself in a situation where there is
Anyway, time was needed for the apostles to no apparent hope of salvation, yet it is revived
believe in the Resurrection and understand by the power of God; if in each generation the
something about it. After the two apparitions Church seems doomed to die because of its an-
in Jerusalem, in which Jesus tried to convince cient structures, its worldly ways or the perse-
them that he was not a phantom or a spirit, cution it undergoes, yet it is nevertheless given
they would have to return to their provinces new energies and new apostles by the Lord,
and environments, far away from the city that then the Church is a witness that the Lord has
had caused them such trauma, in order to pon- risen and has given her the power to rise.
der what they had experienced. In Galilee,
Jesus will manifest himself differently, making • 16. EVANGELIZATION—THE TRINITY
them understand that he is already glorified, Jesus sent his apostles to evangelize the
that his existence is earthly no more. world.
A woman, Mary Magdalene, conveys the The last apparition is related in a very sim-
message, in order to indicate that, in the ple way: no sudden appearance, no fear—no
1393 MATTHEW 28

Jesus ‘sends the apostles thority in heaven and on earth. 19 Go, Acts 1:8
• 16 As for the eleven disciples, therefore, and make disciples from
they went to Galilee, to the mountain all nations. Baptize them in the
where Jesus had told them to go. Name of the Father and of the Son
When they saw Jesus, they bowed and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teach 3:12;
Jos 1:5;
before him, although some doubted. them to observe all that I have com- Jn 14:
Jn 3:35;
Then Jesus approached them manded you. I am with you always, 18-21;
Mt 13:40;
17:2; and said, “I have been given all au- even to the end of this world.” 24:3
Eph 1:20

physical demonstration of the reality of Jesus. See Acts 19:5 regarding baptism in the
What is important are the words of Jesus Mas- Name of the Lord Jesus.
ter. Teach them to observe all that I have com-
Although some doubted (v. 17). With this, manded you (v. 20). These instructions of
Matthew sums up the last apparitions of Jesus. Jesus have first place in Matthew’s Gospel;
Not all the disciples of Jesus (the Eleven and they are in the five discourses and we are to
the rest) believed so quickly in the resurrection do the will of the Father just as Jesus has re-
of Jesus. vealed it.
Make disciples from all nations (v. 19). I am with you always. Here we find again
Jesus, following the example of Jewish teach- the certitude which the name Emmanuel al-
ers of his time, gathered around him a group ready expressed in 1:23: Jesus is God-with-us
of disciples who lived with him. The teacher until the end of time. The first generation
knew his disciples and the disciples knew the Christians thought that Christ would not delay
teacher by sharing everyday life. The same in returning but at the time the Gospel was
holds true today: evangelization implies inter- written, they already understood that history
personal sharing. would continue; the nation of Israel rejected
To evangelize means to help someone pon- the salvation offered to her and only a minor-
der his former experiences until he can recog- ity believed. Jesus was now committing him-
nize in the person of Christ, in his death and self to his apostles and to his Church and now
resurrection, the truth that lights up his own began to build the Church of his apostles.
life. The Catholic Church is different from Prot-
Those who believe will be baptized in the estant or Evangelical churches, because it was
one Name of the Father and of the Son and founded by the apostles of Jesus. Only she
of the Holy Spirit, the Three Persons Christ feels obliged to remain united around the suc-
taught us about. Of course, he named them cessors of the apostles, the bishops; this unity
separately because the Father is not the Son and continuity are at times hard to maintain,
and the Son is not the Holy Spirit; in spite of especially in situations where it would seem
that, the Three are the same God. Upon en- easier to form a new reformed community
tering the Church, the baptized will enter into alongside her. Obedience to the will of the Fa-
communion with the Father, with the Son and ther is the means by which he purifies and
with the Holy Spirit. The Church is, before strengthens our faith. Jesus is and remains
anything else, communion. “Lord” regarding the destiny of “his” Church.

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