The Moorish Science Temple of America-De Jure Business Authority-CHACHAM RAM BEY Marshal General - ANNOUNCEMENT

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North-West Amexem-North Gate [Aboriginal Indigenous Native American National-Moor'; Supreme Law of the Land" !

!elegation of Authorit" #rder Num$er% [&'()*))+,++-S

Moroccan Empire Federal Republic Government,
Maurianos N!t"#, .$ocietas Republicae Ea Al Maurianos
%he Moorish &ol' %emple o( $cience o( the World
Moorish $cience %emple o( America-)ivine National Movement
Moslem Theocratic Islamism Temple

Governing *rdinance+
)epartment o( Ali
%his instrument is an a((idavit o(
appointment (or the o((ice o(%
Marshal /eneral

)re, Ali -----
In Full )ei(ic .i(e

File Number% 0000000000000000000

)ate issued% 0000000000000000000

Moorish American 1lag Mauri2anos N3t45 1lag

issued from the office of the%
Moroccan Empire Executive Fiduciar' /oard

)e 0ure $ole Authorit'
6*7 &eligious "8a9 1ree" [Lawful Non-#$ligator" 8a9 Status Sole :orporation ss No; <*<*6+*6

Noble Drew Ali Trust of 1928
Moorish American =9ecutive Shei2ess>Shei2 ?ural 1orum
=l[s and 'e"[s All -naliena$le &ights &eserved

@n :onAunction with the "Moors Bua Moors"% =9ecutive :harter Carrant and !ispensation
1olitical $tatus% :lassified 8ruth A-< 1reehold $" @nheritance Num$er% AA222343

8he true and de Aure Al Moroccans > Americans
A$original @ndigenous Native American National-MoorD

natural peoples o(%
North-Cest Ame9em [North-Cest America and the surrounding @slands


%he bearer o( this de 5ure sole business authorit'% 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
6hacham Ram of the famil" /e', is here$" authoriEed to conduct $usiness upon the soil of North-Cest and South-Cest Ame9emF
2nown toda" as NorthF :entralF South America and the AdAoining @slands; 8he "Moors Bua Moors"% Moorish American =9ecutive
Shei2ess>Shei2 1iduciar" 'oardF derives its power and authorit" from% the /reat Goran of Mohammad to propagate the faith and
e9tend the learning and the truth of the /reat Hrophet of AliF in America;
8he "Moors Bua Moors"% Moorish American =9ecutive Shei2ess>Shei2 1iduciar" 'oardF $" an Act-of-State !octrine is here$"
recogniEed as the "onl" Lawful 1orum" authoriEed to issueF dispenseF suspendF revo2e and>or rescind all !e ?ure Sole 'usiness
Authorit"[ies if in the Audgment of said 'oard that the said $usiness has violated an" &egulations and>or Iol" and !ivine Laws;

approved b'%

Minister o( Foreign A((airs, 6hairman% 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
8 ? Al of the famil" Mali2 =l a Moorish American =9ecutive /rand Shei2 1iduciar" 'oard Mem$er [Moors Bua Moors

o((icial ,itness[es%

&ead o( $tate-Michigan, Minister 1lenipotentiar'% 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Amar Amani of the famil" 'e" a Moorish American =9ecutive Shei2 1iduciar" 'oard Mem$er [Moors Bua Moors

1ostmaster General, Minister 1lenipotentiar'% 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
: L of the famil" Mali2 'e" a Moorish American =9ecutive Shei2 1iduciar" 'oard Mem$er [Moors Bua Moors


?ul" <
F (*<)

Use of this format does not subject creator[s] to any foreign jurisdiction! Void where prohibited by Law.
%his document is o,ned b'% Moroccan =mpireF Mauri2anos N3t45F .Societas &epu$licae =a Al Mauri2anos; Moorish Science 8emple of America-!ivine National Movement-Moslem Theocratic slamism Temple

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