Oracle® Human Resources Management Systems: Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico) Release 12
Oracle® Human Resources Management Systems: Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico) Release 12
Oracle® Human Resources Management Systems: Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico) Release 12
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1 Payrolls
Payrolls Overview..................................................................................................................... 1-1
Payrolls...................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Payroll Definition...................................................................................................................... 1-3
Consolidation Sets............................................................................................................... 1-3
Exchange Rates.................................................................................................................... 1-4
Assignment Sets................................................................................................................... 1-5
Further Payroll Information Window.................................................................................. 1-6
Selecting Exchange Rate Types for a Business Group.......................................................... 1-6
Defining Consolidation Sets................................................................................................. 1-7
Changing Consolidation Sets............................................................................................... 1-7
Defining an Assignment Set Using Formula Criteria........................................................... 1-8
Defining an Assignment Set by Including or Excluding Assignments.............................. 1-11
Defining a Payroll.............................................................................................................. 1-11
Deleting Payrolls................................................................................................................ 1-14
Setting Up Payroll Contact Information.............................................................................1-14
Allocating Payroll Contacts............................................................................................... 1-15
Adjusting a Balance........................................................................................................... 1-15
2 Payroll Payment and Distributions
Payroll Payment and Distributions Overview......................................................................... 2-1
Payroll Payment and Distributions.......................................................................................... 2-1
Payment and Distributions....................................................................................................... 2-4
Payment Methods for Your Enterprise................................................................................ 2-4
Cash Management and Oracle Payroll................................................................................. 2-6
Payslip Region Information................................................................................................. 2-7
Statement of Earnings Region Information........................................................................ 2-14
Defining a Payment Method.............................................................................................. 2-16
Setting up Direct Deposit................................................................................................... 2-19
Setting Up a Global Statement of Earnings (SOE).............................................................. 2-20
Running the Enable or Disable Global SOE Process.......................................................... 2-21
Setting Up Statement of Earnings Information.................................................................. 2-21
Viewing Statement of Earnings.......................................................................................... 2-22
Setting Up Payslip Information and Generating Payslips..................................................2-24
Extracting Information to Appear on the Payslip.............................................................. 2-25
3 Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting Overview.......................................................... 3-1
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting........................................................................... 3-1
State and Federal Taxes............................................................................................................. 3-3
Tax on Income (ISR)............................................................................................................. 3-3
State Taxes........................................................................................................................... 3-4
Viewing and Using Statutory ISR Tables............................................................................. 3-5
Defining CustomISR Tax Tables......................................................................................... 3-7
Chihuahua State Tax Configuration.................................................................................... 3-9
Overriding State Taxes....................................................................................................... 3-10
Integrated Daily Wage............................................................................................................ 3-13
Integrated Daily Wage Overview...................................................................................... 3-13
Setting Up IDW.................................................................................................................. 3-16
Changing Your IDWCalculation Method......................................................................... 3-21
Social Security Contributions................................................................................................. 3-23
Social Security Tax Calculation.......................................................................................... 3-23
Tax Balances............................................................................................................................ 3-25
Tax Balances....................................................................................................................... 3-25
Tax Remittance Reporting....................................................................................................... 3-29
Tax Remittance Reporting.................................................................................................. 3-29
Customizing the Tax Remittance Report for State Details................................................. 3-29
Running the Tax Remittance Report.................................................................................. 3-30
Profit Sharing (PTU)................................................................................................................ 3-31
PTU Calculation................................................................................................................. 3-31
Running the Profit Sharing Process................................................................................... 3-31
Planning Your End of Year Processing................................................................................... 3-35
End of Year Processing...................................................................................................... 3-35
Year End Preprocessing........................................................................................................... 3-39
Year End Archiver............................................................................................................. 3-39
Managing the Year End Archiver...................................................................................... 3-40
Format 37 Report..................................................................................................................... 3-44
Format 37 Report............................................................................................................... 3-44
Format 37 Box Information................................................................................................ 3-46
Excluding Employees fromthe Format 37......................................................................... 3-56
Generating the Format 37 Report....................................................................................... 3-57
Annual Tax Adjustments........................................................................................................ 3-59
Annual Tax Adjustments................................................................................................... 3-59
Excluding Employees fromthe Tax Adjustment Process...................................................3-59
Running the Annual Tax Adjustment Process................................................................... 3-61
Work Risk Incidents Report.................................................................................................... 3-63
Annual Work Risk Incident Report.................................................................................... 3-63
Calculating the WRIP......................................................................................................... 3-63
DIMInterface Reporting......................................................................................................... 3-64
Multiple Informative Declaration (DIM) Interface............................................................. 3-64
Generating the DIMReport............................................................................................... 3-64
Format 2-D Reporting.............................................................................................................. 3-67
Fiscal Year Declaration for Moral Persons, General Regime.............................................. 3-67
Format 2-D Box Information.............................................................................................. 3-67
Generating the Format 2-D Report..................................................................................... 3-68
4 Payroll Processing and Analysis
Payroll Processing and Analysis Overview.............................................................................. 4-1
Payroll Processing and Analysis............................................................................................... 4-3
The Payroll Run......................................................................................................................... 4-6
Process Part of a Payroll....................................................................................................... 4-6
Continuous Calculation....................................................................................................... 4-8
Tax Adjustment Run............................................................................................................ 4-8
Starting a Payroll Run.......................................................................................................... 4-9
Starting a Tax Adjustment Run............................................................................................ 4-9
Setting Up Continuous Calculation................................................................................... 4-10
Running the Continuous Calculation Process.................................................................... 4-11
Running QuickPay............................................................................................................. 4-11
Running the Generate Run Balances Process..................................................................... 4-13
Post Processing for a Payroll................................................................................................... 4-14
Post-Processing for a Payroll..............................................................................................4-14
Data Locks for Payroll Processes....................................................................................... 4-16
Payroll Archiver................................................................................................................. 4-17
Online Payslips.................................................................................................................. 4-17
Running Post-Run Processes for QuickPay........................................................................4-18
Viewing Payroll Process Results ....................................................................................... 4-18
Printing the Payslip............................................................................................................ 4-20
Running the Employee Assignments Without Payroll Report...........................................4-21
Running the Payroll Actions Not Processed Report.......................................................... 4-21
Running the Employee Assignments Not Processed Report............................................. 4-22
Running the Element Register Report................................................................................ 4-22
Managing the Payroll Archiver.......................................................................................... 4-24
Direct Deposit.................................................................................................................... 4-27
Running the PrePayments Process..................................................................................... 4-28
Creating a Cheque Report for the Cheque Writer Process................................................. 4-29
Running the Cheque/Check Writer Process....................................................................... 4-29
Running the Void Cheque/Check Payments Process......................................................... 4-30
Reissuing a Voided Cheque/Check.................................................................................... 4-31
Running the Cheque Listing Report.................................................................................. 4-32
Running the Void Payments Report.................................................................................. 4-32
Running the Payroll Cheque/Check Payment Report........................................................ 4-33
Voiding Magnetic Tape Payments..................................................................................... 4-33
Generating Payroll Receipts............................................................................................... 4-34
Making External/Manual Payments...................................................................................4-34
RetroPay Processing................................................................................................................ 4-38
Overview of RetroPay Processing...................................................................................... 4-38
RetroPay Processes Available in Oracle Payroll.................................................................4-40
When to Run the RetroPay Process.................................................................................... 4-42
Troubleshooting RetroPay................................................................................................. 4-44
Setting Up Retro-Notification and RetroPay...................................................................... 4-48
Setting Up the Retro-Notifications Report......................................................................... 4-50
Setting Up RetroPay by Element........................................................................................ 4-52
Setting Up RetroPay by Run and RetroPay (by Aggregate)............................................... 4-53
Setting Up Enhanced RetroPay with Component Usages and Element Time Spans......... 4-54
Understanding the Sequence of Your RetroPay Activities................................................. 4-57
Viewing RetroPay Status and History............................................................................... 4-62
Running the Retro-Notifications Report............................................................................ 4-64
Running the Retro-Notifications Report (Enhanced and Enhanced PDF)..........................4-66
Running Enhanced RetroPay............................................................................................. 4-67
Running RetroPay by Element........................................................................................... 4-67
Running RetroPay by Run or by Aggregate...................................................................... 4-68
Advance Pay............................................................................................................................ 4-69
Advance Pay Process......................................................................................................... 4-69
Setting Up Advance Pay for Individual Assignments....................................................... 4-70
Setting Up Advance Pay for Batch Assignments............................................................... 4-70
Running the Advance Pay Listing Report.......................................................................... 4-71
Running Advance Pay....................................................................................................... 4-72
Running the Advance Pay Process.....................................................................................4-72
Running Advance Pay by Element.................................................................................... 4-73
Viewing the Results of the Advance Pay Process.............................................................. 4-73
Exception Reporting................................................................................................................ 4-75
Payroll Exception Reporting: Overview............................................................................ 4-75
Examples of Exception Report Setup................................................................................. 4-77
Running the Payroll Message Report................................................................................. 4-78
Reconciling Payments........................................................................................................ 4-79
Setting Up Exception Reports............................................................................................ 4-79
Grouping Exception Reports.............................................................................................. 4-85
Running an Exception Report, or Exception Report Group............................................... 4-86
Retries, Reversals and Rollbacks............................................................................................ 4-87
Correction of Run Results: Rollbacks................................................................................. 4-87
Correction of Run Results: Retries..................................................................................... 4-88
Correction of Run Results: Reversals................................................................................. 4-89
Marking and Retrying Payroll Runs and Other Processes................................................. 4-90
Marking a Group of Employee Assignments for Retry...................................................... 4-90
Correcting Run Results: Reversals..................................................................................... 4-91
Retrying a Payroll Run or Other Payroll Process............................................................... 4-91
Rolling Back Payroll Runs and Other Processes................................................................ 4-91
Rolling Back a Process fromthe Payroll Processes Window.............................................. 4-92
Rolling Back a Process fromthe Submit Requests Window...............................................4-92
Rolling Back a Process fromthe Assignment Processes Window...................................... 4-93
Workforce Intelligence (HRMS) for Payroll Processing and Analysis.................................. 4-94
Costing Detail Workbook...................................................................................................4-94
Costing Summary Workbook............................................................................................ 4-95
Element Detail Workbook.................................................................................................. 4-95
Element Link Detail Workbook......................................................................................... 4-96
Employee Assignments Without Payroll Workbook......................................................... 4-97
Employee Assignments Not Processed Workbook............................................................ 4-98
Employee Payment Methods Workbook........................................................................... 4-99
Organization Payment Methods Workbook...................................................................... 4-99
Payroll Message Workbook............................................................................................. 4-100
5 Payroll Event Rules
Payroll Event Rules Overview.................................................................................................. 5-1
Payroll Event Rules................................................................................................................... 5-2
Triggers, Events and Parameters............................................................................................... 5-3
Database Triggers................................................................................................................ 5-3
Process Parameters.............................................................................................................. 5-4
Defining Dynamic Triggers..................................................................................................5-5
Grouping Dynamic Triggers into Legislative Functional Areas.......................................... 5-7
Making Table Event Updates............................................................................................... 5-8
Maintaining Parameters and Parameter Groups for Payroll Processes................................5-9
HRMS Glossary
Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12 of the Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll
Processing Management Guide (Mexico).
This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of the following:
The principles and customary practices of your business area.
Oracle HRMS.
If you have never used Oracle HRMS, Oracle suggests you attend one or more of
the Oracle HRMS training classes available through Oracle University
Oracle Self-Service Web Applications.
The Oracle Applications graphical user interface.
To learn more about the Oracle Applications graphical user interface, read the
Oracle Applications User's Guide.
See Related Information Sources on page xii for more Oracle Applications product
TTY Access to Oracle Support Services
Oracle provides dedicated Text Telephone (TTY) access to Oracle Support Services
within the United States of America 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For TTY
support, call 800.446.2398.
Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation
accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our
documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive
technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to
facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to
evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology
vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all
of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site
at .
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Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The
conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise
empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text that
consists solely of a bracket or brace.
Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation
This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations
that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes any
representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.
1 Payrolls
2 Payroll Payment and Distributions
3 Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting
4 Payroll Processing and Analysis
5 Payroll Event Rules
HRMS Glossary
Related Information Sources
Oracle HRMS shares business and setup information with other Oracle Applications
products. Therefore, you may want to refer to other user guides when you set up and
use Oracle HRMS.
You can read the guides online by choosing Library from the expandable menu on your
HTML help window, by reading from the Oracle Applications Document Library CD
included in your media pack, or by using a Web browser with a URL that your system
administrator provides.
If you require printed guides, you can purchase them from the Oracle store at
Guides Related to All Products
Oracle Applications User's Guide
This guide explains how to enter data, query data, run reports, and navigate using the
graphical user interface (GUI). This guide also includes information on setting user
profiles, as well as running and reviewing reports and concurrent processes.
You can access this user's guide online by choosing "Getting started with Oracle
Applications" from any Oracle Applications help file.
Guides Related to This Product
Oracle Daily Business Intelligence for HRMS User Guide
This guide describes the dashboards and reports available for HR Line Managers, Chief
HR Officer, Budget Managers, and Benefits Managers using Daily Business Intelligence
for HRMS. It includes information on using parameters, how DBI for HRMS derives
values, and how to troubleshoot dashboards and reports.
Oracle Daily Business Intelligence for HRMS Implementation Guide
This guide provides basic setup procedures for implementing and maintaining
HRMS-related dashboards.
Oracle Daily Business Intelligence Implementation Guide
This guide describes the common concepts for Daily Business Intelligence. It describes
the product architecture and provides information on the common dimensions, security
considerations, and data summarization flow. It includes a consolidated setup checklist
by page and provides detailed information on how to set up, maintain, and
troubleshoot Daily Business Intelligence pages and reports for the following functional
areas: Financials, Interaction Center, iStore, Marketing, Product Lifecycle Management,
Projects, Procurement, Sales, Service, Service Contracts, and Supply Chain.
Oracle Daily Business Intelligence User Guide
This guide describes the common concepts for Daily Business Intelligence. It describes
the product architecture and provides information on the common dimensions, security
considerations, and data summarization flow. It includes a consolidated setup checklist
by page and provides detailed information on how to set up, maintain, and
troubleshoot Daily Business Intelligence pages and reports for the following functional
areas: Financials, Interaction Center, iStore, Marketing, Product Lifecycle Management,
Projects, Procurement, Sales, Service, Service Contracts, and Supply Chain.
Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide
Learn about the capabilities of the OA Framework technologies.
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Enterprise and Workforce
Management Guide
Learn how to use Oracle HRMS to represent your enterprise. This includes setting up
your organization hierarchy, recording details about jobs and positions within your
enterprise, defining person types to represent your workforce, and also how to manage
your budgets and costs.
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and
Talent Management Guide
Learn how to use Oracle HRMS to represent your workforce. This includes recruiting
new workers, developing their careers, managing contingent workers, and reporting on
your workforce.
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide
Learn about wage attachments, taxes and social insurance, the payroll run, and other
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Compensation and Benefits
Management Guide
Learn how to use Oracle HRMS to manage your total compensation package. For
example, read how to administer salaries and benefits, set up automated grade/step
progression, and allocate salary budgets. You can also learn about setting up earnings
and deductions for payroll processing, managing leave and absences, and reporting on
compensation across your enterprise.
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Configuring, Reporting, and System
Administration Guide
Learn about extending and configuring Oracle HRMS, managing security, auditing,
information access, and letter generation.
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Implementation Guide
Learn about the setup procedures you need to carry out in order to implement Oracle
HRMS successfully in your enterprise.
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems FastFormula User Guide
Learn about the different uses of Oracle FastFormula, and understand the rules and
techniques you should employ when defining and amending formulas for use with
Oracle applications.
Oracle Self-Service Human Resources Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide
Set up and use self-service human resources (SSHR) functions for managers, HR
Professionals, and employees.
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Deploy Strategic Reporting (HRMSi)
Implement and administer Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Intelligence
(HRMSi) in your environment.
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Strategic Reporting (HRMSi) User
Learn about the workforce intelligence reports included in the HRMSi product,
including Daily Business Intelligence reports, Discoverer workbooks, and Performance
Management Framework reports.
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Approvals Management
Implementation Guide
Use Oracle Approvals Management (AME) to define the approval rules that determine
the approval processes for Oracle applications.
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Window Navigation and Reports
This guide lists the default navigation paths for all windows and the default reports and
processes as they are supplied in Oracle HRMS.
Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide
Set up and use Oracle iRecruitment to manage all of your enterprise's recruitment
Oracle Learning Management User Guide
Use Oracle Learning Management to accomplish your online and offline learning goals.
Oracle Learning Management Implementation Guide
Implement Oracle Learning Management to accommodate your specific business
Oracle Time and Labor Implementation and User Guide
Learn how to capture work patterns, such as shift hours, so that this information can be
used by other applications, such as General Ledger.
Installation and System Administration
Oracle Applications Concepts
This guide provides an introduction to the concepts, features, technology stack,
architecture, and terminology for Oracle Applications Release 12. It provides a useful
first book to read before an installation of Oracle Applications. This guide also
introduces the concepts behind Applications-wide features such as Business Intelligence
(BIS), languages and character sets, and Self-Service Web Applications.
Oracle Applications Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install
This guide provides instructions for managing the installation of Oracle Applications
products. Oracle Rapid Install minimizes the time to install Oracle Applications and the
Oracle technology stack by automating many of the required steps. This guide contains
instructions for using Oracle Rapid Install and lists the tasks you need to perform to
finish your installation. You should use this guide in conjunction with individual
product user guides and implementation guides.
Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to Release 12
Refer to this guide if you are upgrading your Oracle Applications Release 11i products
to Release 12. This guide describes the upgrade process and lists database and
product-specific upgrade tasks.
Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures and Oracle Applications Maintenance
Use these guides to help you run the various AD utilities (such as AutoUpgrade,
AutoPatch, AD Administration, AD Controller, AD Relink, and License Manager) and
maintain the Oracle applications file system and database.
Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guides
These guides (Configuration, Maintenance, and Security) provide planning and
reference information for the Oracle Applications System Administrator. They describe
how to define security, customize menus and online help, and manage concurrent
Oracle Alert User's Guide
This guide explains how to define periodic and event alerts to monitor the status of
your Oracle Applications data.
Oracle Applications Developer's Guide
This guide contains the coding standards followed by the Oracle Applications
development staff and describes the Oracle Application Object Library components that
are needed to implement the Oracle Applications user interface described in the Oracle
Applications User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products. This manual also provides
information to help you build your custom Oracle Forms Developer forms so that the
forms integrate with Oracle Applications.
Oracle Applications User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products
This guide contains the user interface (UI) standards followed by the Oracle
Applications development staff. It describes the UI for the Oracle Applications products
and how to apply this UI to the design of an application built by using Oracle Forms.
Other Implementation Documentation
Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide
This guide explains how to complete the setup steps necessary for any Oracle
Applications product that includes workflow-enabled processes, as well as how to
monitor the progress of runtime workflow processes.
Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
This guide explains how to define new workflow business processes and customize
existing Oracle Applications-embedded workflow processes. It also describes how to
define and customize business events and event subscriptions.
Oracle Workflow User's Guide
This guide describes how Oracle Applications users can view and respond to workflow
notifications and monitor the progress of their workflow processes.
Oracle Workflow API Reference
This guide describes the APIs provided for developers and administrators to access
Oracle Workflow.
Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide
This guide provides flexfields planning, setup, and reference information for the Oracle
HRMS implementation team, as well as for users responsible for the ongoing
maintenance of Oracle Applications product data. This guide also provides information
on creating custom reports on flexfields data.
Oracle eTechnical Reference Manuals
Each eTechnical Reference Manual (eTRM) contains database diagrams and a detailed
description of database tables, forms, reports, and programs for a specific Oracle
Applications product. This information helps you convert data from your existing
applications, integrate Oracle Applications data with non-Oracle applications, and write
custom reports for Oracle Applications products. Oracle eTRM is available on Oracle
Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service
endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a
complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for
integration with any system, application, or business partner.
The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the E-Business Suite. As your
instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content appropriate
for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.
Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle Applications Data
Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data
Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle Applications data unless
otherwise instructed.
Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and
maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as
SQL*Plus to modify Oracle Applications data, you risk destroying the integrity of your
data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.
Because Oracle Applications tables are interrelated, any change you make using an
Oracle Applications form can update many tables at once. But when you modify Oracle
Applications data using anything other than Oracle Applications, you may change a
row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables. If your tables
get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous information
and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle Applications.
When you use Oracle Applications to modify your data, Oracle Applications
automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle Applications also keeps track
of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using
database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who
has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a
record of changes.
Payrolls 1-1
Payrolls Overview
Using Oracle HRMS, you can set up payrolls to pay all your employees accurately and
at the correct time.
Payrolls in Oracle HRMS
A payroll is a set of employees whose pay you process with a single frequency, for
example, weekly or monthly. You can define as many payrolls as you require to meet
the pay policies of your enterprise. You put an employee on a payroll by making an
assignment to the payroll.
You can also assign employees to other employee groups: for example, groups to
indicate membership of a union or employment based sports club.
Key Concepts
To enable you to set up payrolls correctly, you need to understand these key concepts:
Period types and calendars, page 1-3
Consolidation sets, page 1-3
Assignment sets, page 1-5
Element sets and distribution sets, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits
Management Guide
Reporting on Payrolls
See Reports and Processes in Oracle HRMS, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and
System Administration Guide
1-2 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
You can use Oracle Payroll to define a payroll, or range or payrolls that best suit your
organizational needs.
Can you pay an employee with several assignments a single payment?
Yes, Oracle Payroll enables you to pay a single payment to an employee with several
assignments within your organization. You enable the payment by selecting the
Multiple Assignment check box on the Define Payroll window.
Can you run payroll processes and reports multilingually?
Payroll processes and reports are always submitted and always run in the local
language only. This means that US and UK payroll reports can only be run in English.
Canadian reports can be run in English or Canadian French.
How do you synchronise a payslip with the official payment date?
Use the payslip offset on the Define Payroll window to specify the number of days
between the completion of your payroll processes and the availability of employee
Payrolls 1-3
Payroll Definition
Consolidation Sets
Consolidation sets are the means by which you label payroll runs for further
processing. This enables you to process the results from more than one payroll in a
single action. You need only produce one tape per payment method for several
payrolls, one set of reports and one set of costing for the whole set.
You can follow this procedure when scheduling additional runs. These are the runs you
make in addition to your regular payroll runs; for example, to pay leavers. You can
decide whether to consolidate an additional run with the regular run or switch it to a
special set.
Consolidation sets are also used to label assignment sets when you use these for payroll
processing. The same choices apply to assignment sets as to payrolls. You can accept the
default consolidation set or select a new one when you set the run parameters in the
Submit Requests window. You can also change the consolidation set after the run in the
Update Payroll Run window.
Changes to a Consolidation Set
Consolidation sets facilitate the selective post-run processing of different payrolls. For
example, after processing three payrolls in one consolidation set, you may want to
select just one for immediate post-run processing. To do this, transfer the one you want
to process to a new consolidation set.
You may also want to retry a payroll while continuing with prepayments for other
payrolls whose status is Complete. This too would require a change of consolidation set
for the first payroll.
See Assignment Sets, page 1-5
Period Types and Calendars
Since a payroll has only one pay frequency, you must define at least one payroll for
each pay frequency you use. The following table shows the valid period types for pay
Period types and pay frequency table:
1-4 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Payroll Period Types Periods per Year
Semi-Year 2
Quarter 4
Bi-Month 6
Calendar Month 12
Lunar Month 13
Semi-Month (not available for UK users) 24
Bi-Week 26
Week 52
Note: For Swedish users: Only Bi-Month, Calendar Month, Bi-Week,
and Week payroll period types are available.
For Spanish users: Only Calendar Month payroll period is available.
Exchange Rates
You can maintain daily exchange rates for use in foreign currency conversion, and you
can also specify a date range for a specific rate. You maintain daily rates in Oracle
General Ledger.
See: Entering Daily Rates, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide
You can associate a daily rate with a conversion rate type by using predefined rate
types such as Spot and Corporate. This means that the conversion rate associated with
the rate type is automatically used whenever you perform foreign currency
conversions. Some rate types such as Spot and Corporate are predefined. You can also
use Oracle General Ledger to define additional rate types of your own.
See: Defining Conversion Rate Types, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide
When you create a business group, the Corporate currency type is predefined for
HRMS Intelligence (BIS) and Core HRMS (HRMS Reporting and Payroll Processes).
However, you can modify HRMS User Tables so that the default value of Corporate can
be overridden for each of the following:
Payrolls 1-5
HRMS Reporting
Payroll Processes
See Selecting Exchange Rate Types for a Business Group, page 1-6
Assignment Sets
There are three uses of assignment sets in Oracle HRMS:
You can run a QuickPaint report for a set of assignments, rather than individual
You can process subsets of the employees assigned to a payroll. Normally you
initiate payroll runs and other post-run processes for one or more payrolls at a time.
However, if you need to process smaller groups within a single payroll, you define
an assignment set.
You can use a BEE concurrent process to create an identical batch line for each
assignment in an assignment set.
There are three ways to define the set:
You can enter selection criteria, which the system generates into a formula. When
you use the assignment set, Oracle FastFormula runs the formula to find the
assignments that match the criteria. It checks all the assignments in the business
group or, if you select a payroll when you define the set, all the assignments to that
payroll. When you define the set you can also include or exclude individual
assignments to modify the set created by the formula.
Important: To define an assignment set for a benefits eligibility
profile, you must enter information about the person to be included
or excluded in both the Amendment and Criteria windows.
See: Defining an Assignment Set Using Formula Criteria, Oracle HRMS FastFormula
User Guide
You can select individually all the assignments you want to include in the set.
You can start from a full set of all the employees in the Business Group or all the
employees assigned to a selected payroll. Then you can exclude individual
assignments from the set.
See: Defining an Assignment Set by Including or Excluding Assignments, page 1-
1-6 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Further Payroll Information Window
By default, Oracle Payroll uses the seeded tax tables for ISR calculation. If you created
custom tax tables, specify them in the Further Payroll Information window.
See: Defining Custom ISR Tax Tables, page 3-7 and Defining a Payroll, page 1-11
For standard payroll runs, specify the following tax tables:
ISR Tax Rate
ISR Tax Subsidy
ISR Credit to Salary
For your tax calculation of amends and non-periodic payments (Article 142 payments),
specify the following tax tables:
ISR Tax Month Rate
ISR Tax Month Subsidy
ISR Month Credit to Salary
For your annual tax adjustment payroll run, specify the following tax tables:
ISR Tax Annual Rate
ISR Tax Annual Subsidy
ISR Annual Credit to Salary
Selecting Exchange Rate Types for a Business Group
When you create a Business Group for BIS, HRMS Reporting or Payroll Processes the
exchange rate type is predefined as Corporate. This is effective from the effective date of
the Business Group.
However, you can set a different currency type for each Business Group. For example,
you can select:
A spot rate for Payroll processes to reflect daily exchange rates.
A corporate rate for HR reporting to represent an end-of-month value.
You can define a different exchange rate type in the Table Values window.
Payrolls 1-7
To select an exchange rate type for a Business Group:
1. Query the EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPES table.
2. In the Exact field, select BIS, HRMS, or PAY from the list of values.
3. Enter the new value for the exchange rate type. The value will usually be Corporate
(the default) or Spot, but you may also need to select other predefined GL Exchange
Rate Types.
4. Change the Effective Date for this rate type, or accept the default.
For details of available rate types, see Defining Conversion Rate Types, Oracle
General Ledger User's Guide.
Defining Consolidation Sets
You must always select a consolidation set before starting a payroll run. This is because
the consolidation set provides essential labelling for each payroll run. This applies even
if you are only processing one payroll or one assignment set.
When you have defined a consolidation set, it is then available for selection when you
start a payroll run.
You define consolidation sets in the Consolidation Sets window.
To define a consolidation set:
1. Enter the name of a new consolidation set and save.
To delete a consolidation set:
1. Query the consolidation set.
2. Choose Edit, Delete Record.
You can only delete a consolidation set if it is not the default set for a payroll and if
it is not associated with any payroll processes.
Changing Consolidation Sets
You change consolidation sets for payrolls in the Update Payroll Run window.
Note: Changes you make in this window are for the selected payroll
processes only. Default consolidation set and pay advice information
continue to apply to subsequent runs.
1-8 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
To change the consolidation set for a payroll:
1. Query the payroll whose consolidation set you want to change.
Tip: Optionally, select the period for which you wish to change the
consolidation set by providing a Period From date and a Period To
date. If you do not specify a period then the update action will
apply to all payroll periods for this payroll
Payroll run information for the payroll displays in reverse order from the last
completed run. The Set region displays whether the run was for an element set
and/or assignment set.
Note: You can update consolidation set and pay advice information
in this window regardless of the status displayed for the payroll
2. Enter a new consolidation set.
3. Update pay advice date and message information if required.
The pay advice date and message fields are for information only.
Defining an Assignment Set Using Formula Criteria
Use the Assignment Set window to define your set.
To define an assignment set using criteria for a formula:
1. Enter a unique name for the set.
2. Do one of the following:
If you are defining an assignment set for payroll processing, select a payroll.
You cannot process an assignment set drawn from more than one payroll.
If you are defining an assignment set for other purposes, selecting a payroll is
optional. If you select a payroll, the formula generated from your selection
criteria will select assignments from this payroll only. If you do not select a
payroll, the formula will select assignments from the whole business group.
3. Save the new set and click Criteria.
4. In the Assignment Criteria window, enter one criterion in each row, and join the
criteria with AND or OR in the Condition field.
Payrolls 1-9
Field details are:
Field Description
No. The sequence number of each condition in
your rule. If you use sequence numbers that
are multiples of 10, it will be easier to insert
new conditions later.
Condition Leave the first row blank. Enter AND or OR
for second and subsequent rows.
Database Item Select database items as variables for your
definition. All database items are prefixed
by an ampersand [&].
Operator Select operators to determine relationships
between database items or values. See the
following table for details
Value/Database Item Select database items for the second
variable. Alternatively, you can enter a fixed
value of the same type as the database item.
Operator details are:
Operator Symbols Meaning
Equals = Condition is true if both
expressions have exactly the
same value. For text, the
case of the expression must
be the same.
For example: "Smith" is not
equal to "SMITH".
Not Equal != Condition is true if the
result of the first expression
does NOT have the same
value as the result of the
second expression.
1-10 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Operator Symbols Meaning
Greater Than > Condition is true if the first
expression is alphabetically
after, is numerically greater
than, or is a later date than
the second expression.
Less Than < Condition is true if the first
expression is alphabetically
before, is numerically lesser,
or is an earlier date than the
second expression.
Greater Than or Equal To >= Condition is true if either
the greater than OR the
equal to operator returns a
true result.
Less Than or Equal To <= Condition is true if either
the less than OR the equal to
operator returns a true
For example: The following is a definition for an assignment set of employees with
salaries between 16,000 and 24,000:
No. Condition Database Item Operator Value/
Database Item
>= 16000
<= 24000
5. Save your criteria, and click Generate to generate the formula.
You can view and edit the formula in the Formula window. Its name is the same as
the assignment set name.
Payrolls 1-11
6. If you want to include or exclude individual assignments from the set defined by
your criteria, choose the Amendment button. Select the assignments you want to
include or exclude from the set.
Note: The list of assignments you see in this window is either all
the assignments in the business group or, if you selected a payroll,
all the assignments to that payroll. It does not show the
assignments matching your criteria since these are identified
dynamically each time the formula runs.
7. Save the set.
Defining an Assignment Set by Including or Excluding Assignments
Use the Assignment Set window to define your set.
To define a set by including or excluding assignments:
1. Enter a unique name for the set.
2. If you are defining a set for payroll processing, select a Payroll.
3. Save the new set.
4. Click Amendment.
5. Do one of the following:
If you want to create a small set of assignments, select Include in the Inc/Exc
field and select all the assignments for the set.
If you want to start from the full set of assignments for the payroll or Business
Group, select Exclude in the Inc/Exc field and select assignments to remove
from the set.
Do not create a mixture of Include and Exclude rows if you have not entered criteria
and generated a formula.
6. Save your set.
Defining a Payroll
Use the Payroll window to define a payroll, including its calendar and valid payment
1-12 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
To define a new payroll:
1. Set your effective date to a date early enough to handle any historical information
you want to enter. Your effective date must be on or before the first period start
date of the payroll calendar.
2. Enter the payroll's name and select its period type from the list.
3. Enter the end date of the payroll's first period, and the number of years for which
the system should initially generate the payroll's calendar. You can increase this
number later to generate additional years.
Note: Be aware that some processes require the calendar to extend
into the future. For example, the PTO Carry Over process requires
payroll periods extending to the end of the new accrual term.
When you enter the First Period End Date, make sure that the corresponding start
date of the first period is after the start date of the payroll.
4. In the Date Offset region, you can change the zero default to a negative or positive
number of days before or after the period end date. For example, for a
semi-monthly payroll, the Cut Off date can be 3 days before the period end date
(-3), while the Scheduled Run and Check dates can be 5 and 7 days after this date,
respectively. You can also set the Payslip offset to determine when employees can
view payslip information.
The Check Date, sometimes called Pay Date, is the date of constructive receipt
of pay, on which paychecks become negotiable.
The Scheduled Run Date is the date scheduled for the Regular run of this
payroll each period.
The Cut Off date, included for your reference, is the final date for entering or
changing payroll information before a run.
A payslip offset, reckoned from the completion date for your payroll processes
is always a positive number to enable you to prevent employees from viewing
payslips before the official payment date. For example, if the payroll processes
complete on 15th May, and employees do not receive payment until 20th May,
you can enter an offset of 5 to align the payslip date to the payment date.
These offsets are the defaults for the calendar. You can manually make date changes
in the calendar (such as when an offset date falls on a weekend or holiday, by
choosing Period Dates).
5. Select a default payment method for employees who have no valid personal
payment method. You cannot select a method using magnetic tape because this
Payrolls 1-13
requires information about employees' bank accounts.
6. Select a default consolidation set for this payroll. One consolidation set is created
automatically when you define your Business Group. Oracle Payroll users can
create other consolidation sets for payroll processing.
7. In the Costing region, you can enter information about the ledger and suspense
account holding costing information for this payroll.
The information you enter here depends on the setup of your Cost Allocation key
See: Setup of the Cost Allocation Key Flexfield, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and
Workforce Management Guide
8. Check the Negative Payment Allowed check box if you want the PrePayments
process to include negative payments. If you leave the box unchecked, the
PrePayments process ignores negative payments.
9. Check the Multiple Assignment check box if you want an employee to receive a
single payment, for multiple assignments carried out within your organization.
However, if a PrePayments process, which runs prior to your effective processing
date, already exists you cannot go back and change the Multiple Assignment check
box. This box is only visible if the functionality is enabled for your localization.
Note: If you check the Multiple Assignment check box, make sure it
remains checked throughout your payroll processing. Oracle
Payroll reports in error if some of your payroll processes support
multiple assignment processing and others do not.
10. If you are an Oracle Payroll user, enter the Statutory Information field to open the
Statutory Information window.
Your Oracle localization team may have created fields in this window.
Note: The Statutory Information field is not visible if your HR:User
Type profile option is set to HR User.
11. Save your work.
12. Choose the Period Dates button to view the calendar generated for your payroll. In
the Period Dates window:
You can view the default offset dates for every period, and you can manually
override any of these dates in any record.
You can change the payroll's default Open status in any period to Closed to
1-14 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
prevent further element entries. You can also reopen the period if necessary.
Important: Use this feature with caution. When you perform certain
important tasks in Oracle HRMS, the system may automatically
create or delete element entries. These tasks include hiring and
terminating people, and updating assignments. You cannot change
any element entries that span a closed payroll period, and so you
may be prevented from performing these tasks.
13. Choose the Valid Payment Methods button to add valid payment methods for this
In the Valid Payment Methods window, the default payment method for the
payroll appears automatically. You can add other methods. First set your effective
date to the date you want the method to become valid.
Note: An employee assigned to this payroll can have any number
of personal payment methods chosen from those you enter here for
the payroll.
See: Entering Payment Methods for an Employee Assignment in Oracle HRMS
Workforce, Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide
Deleting Payrolls
You can delete a payroll if there are no active employee assignments or element links to
it. However, if you have run processing for a payroll it is not advisable to delete it. If
necessary, define a new payroll and simply discontinue use of the old payroll.
To delete a payroll:
1. Remove any element links or employee assignments to the payroll.
2. Query the payroll in the Payroll window, choose Delete Record and Save.
Setting Up Payroll Contact Information
1. Use the Information Types Security form to add the Payroll Contact Extra
Information Type (EIT) to your Responsibility.
See: Responsibilities, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration
2. Write a formula to specify your criteria for allocating payroll contacts to employees.
Payrolls 1-15
See: Sample Formula for Payroll Contact, Oracle HRMS FastFormula User Guide
3. Run the Allocate Payroll Contact concurrent program. You supply this program
with date on which the contact becomes effective, and a formula containing the
allocation rules. The program runs as a batch process on all assignments in the
business group.
See Allocating Payroll Contacts, page 1-15
Allocating Payroll Contacts
Use the Allocate Payroll Contact concurrent program to generate payroll contact
information for your employees. Your enterprise can store multiple methods of
allocating a payroll contact. For example, payroll contacts can derive from:
Alphabetical range - where all employees with names from A to E have one named
payroll contact, whereas employees with names from F to J have a different contact.
Organizational criteria - where all employees in the Accounting department have
one named payroll contact whereas employees in the Marketing department have a
different contact.
You store these separate allocation criteria in separate formulas, and then use the
Allocate Payroll Contact concurrent program to select the formula that contains your
preferred criteria.
To allocate payroll contacts:
1. Enter the effective date. The date that you supply determines which assignments
receive a payroll contact. For example, if you enter 18-MAY-2005 the allocation
applies for all assignments with this effective date, provided that they meet the
criteria that your formula specifies..
2. Select the formula that contains your allocation criteria. You can select any formula
of the Payroll Contact type, and these are the only formula types that appear in the
list of values.
3. Click OK.
Alternatively, you can allocate a payroll contact by navigating to the Extra
Assignment Information window, selecting the Payroll Contact information type,
and modifying the payroll contact details in the Details descriptive flexfield.
Adjusting a Balance
Balance adjustments can be made to any user balance and to assignment level
predefined balances. You can make adjustments to balances of any unit type, and when
1-16 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
you adjust a balance there is no requirement for you to carry out further processing
actions. However, Oracle Payroll processes the results of money balance adjustments in
such a way that you can easily pay the value of an adjustment to an employee if you
When you save your adjustment, it processes like a payroll run with just one entry, and
the value you enter becomes a processed run result. When you select a consolidation set
for the adjustment, the system labels the run result for prepayments processing, in the
same way that it labels the results of payroll runs and QuickPay runs.
You adjust balances in the Adjust Balance window.
To adjust a balance:
1. Query the assignment for which you want to adjust the balance.
2. Set the effective date to when you want to adjust the balance.
The window displays your current effective date. If the assignment is to a payroll, it
also displays the corresponding payroll processing period.
3. Select the element whose pay or input values you want to change, and update the
entry values as you require.
4. Select a consolidation set to control further post-run processing.
The default consolidation set displays automatically but you can select another set.
This is a required field even for balance adjustments that do not require further
post-run processing.
5. Check the Costed check box and select the Costing field if you want to cost the
balance adjustment. This enables you to enter costing details by using the Cost
Allocation key flexfield.
6. Save your changes.
Oracle Payroll applies the adjustment by creating a processed run item equivalent
to the adjustment value you entered. The option buttons display the progress of the
adjustment's processing.
Note: If the transaction finally shows Error, check that the units of
measure for the entry values are correct. If they are, consult your
system administrator.
Payroll Payment and Distributions 2-1
Payroll Payment and Distributions
Payroll Payment and Distributions Overview
Using Oracle HRMS you can define payment methods for your enterprise and define
any rules for validating or processing the distribution of pay.
Payroll Payment and Distributions in Oracle HRMS
You provide for payment and distribution by defining payment methods for your
enterprise and then specifying which of these organizational payment methods are
valid for the payrolls that you create. This enables you to set up a flexible pattern of
payment in which you can pay individual employees by a single payment method, or
by a combination of valid payment methods.
Key Concepts
To enable you to set up payment and distributions correctly, you need to understand
these key concepts:
Payment methods for your enterprise, page 2-4
Cash Management and Oracle Payroll, page 2-6
Reporting on Payroll Payment and Distributions
See: Reports and Processes in Oracle HRMS, Configuring, Reporting, and System
Administration Guide
Payroll Payment and Distributions
You can use Oracle Payroll to calculate the payments and distributions for all your
2-2 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Can you verify that payments have been made?
Yes. Oracle Payroll is fully integrated with Oracle Cash Management. This enables you
to use Oracle Cash Management to verify that payments have been cashed.
Reconciliation can be applied to payroll checks/cheques and third party checks/cheques.
You can identify which checks/cheques have been cleared and the date on which they
were cleared. You can also view a reconciliation report which shows if voided
checks/cheques appear to have been cashed.
Can Oracle Payroll handle different pay frequencies?
Yes--you can set up different pay frequencies, for example weekly or monthly, so that
you can pay different sets of employees at different intervals. Each payroll can only
have a single pay frequency and you must set up at least one payroll for each pay
frequency that you define.
Multiple payrolls in a Business Group
Note: Semi-monthly is not a valid frequency for UK payroll users.
Can you group employees according to payroll categories in your organization?
You can assign people to any work structure such as an employment category or a
particular location. You can also define a special grouping for your organization. For
example, you can create a group to indicate membership of a union.
Can you set up a payroll to process multiple assignments for an employee?
Yes. If the Multiple Assignment Prepayments has been enabled for your localization,
Payroll Payment and Distributions 2-3
you will see the Multiple Assignment check box on the Payroll window. The process is
activated by selecting the Multiple Assignment check box.
Do you have flexible control over payment methods?
You can define a payroll to include different types of payment method - for example,
payment by bank transfer, payment by check/cheque, and so on. When you process the
payroll you can then pay the set of employees for that payroll in any of the following
All employees receive payment by a single default payment method for their
Employees receive payment by a combination of the payment methods that you
have defined for their payroll.
Individual employees receive payment that can be distributed between the defined
payment methods in proportions different from those applying to other employees
belonging to the same payroll.
2-4 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Payment and Distributions
Payment Methods for Your Enterprise
You can define as many payment methods as you require for your enterprise. When
you create a payroll, you can select which of these methods are valid for employees
assigned to that payroll. You select one method as the default method for the payroll.
To choose the payment methods for an individual employee, use the Personal Payment
Method window. If you do not enter any personal payment methods, the employee is
paid by the default method for the payroll.
Payment Methods and Payment Types
Any payment method that you define must belong to one of the payment method types
that your enterprise supports. The most common payment method types are:
Direct Deposit
Your particular enterprise may support a different range of types. Additionally, there
can be local variations within each type. For example, the direct deposit type is NACHA
in the U.S., BACS in the U.K., and BECS in Australia.
However, in all enterprises you can define multiple payment methods for the same
payment method type.
You can also define payment methods for third party payments, such as court-ordered
wage attachments. Third party payments are always made by cheque/check, so
methods for these payments must have the type Cheque (Check).
Valid Payment Methods
A valid payment method is a payment method that:
Belongs to one of the payment method types approved in your enterprise
For example, payments by cash are not allowed in some enterprises.
Is an accepted local variation for your enterprise
For example, U.S. direct deposit payments can be made only by NACHA transfer
and not by BACS
Payroll Payment and Distributions 2-5
Payment Method Types: Required Information
When you define a payment method, always include the required information for the
payment method type:
Payment Method Type Required Information
Check/Cheque Source bank account name and number.
The source account is the account from which
your enterprise makes the payment.
The payee account details are only known to
the payee. You do not record them in Oracle
Direct Deposit Source and destination account details.
The destination account is the payee account.
Because payments transfer directly to a named
account, Oracle Payroll can make direct
deposits only if you supply source and
destination account details.
Cash Coinage analysis.
If your enterprise makes cash payments, you
use the coinage analysis to specify the
denominations of notes and coins in which
employees receive payment.
Payment Methods and Employees
Each employee must have at least one valid payment method, but you can also use
multiple payment methods for an individual employee.
Payment Methods and Source Bank Accounts
When you pay employees from separate source accounts, each source account must
have a separate payment method. You cannot share a payment method across several
different source bank accounts. However, you can create multiple payment methods for
the same source bank account.
Payment Methods: Summary
Observe these guidelines when defining your payment methods:
2-6 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Each payroll must have at least one valid payment method.
Each payroll must have a default payment method.
Each employee must have at least one valid payment method.
Each source account must have at least one valid payment method.
Your sequence for defining payment methods and attaching them to a payroll is:
1. Define your organizational payment methods.
See: Defining a Payment Method, page 2-16
2. Link your organizational payment methods to a payroll.
See: Defining a Payroll, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide
Cash Management and Oracle Payroll
Oracle Cash Management manages and controls the enterprise cash cycle. The Cash
Management auto reconciliation matches Oracle Payroll against bank statement lines if
the transaction meets the following criteria:
The Oracle Payroll payment number matches the statement line payment number.
The Oracle Payroll payment amount matches the statement line payment amount.
Cash Management accesses a view of payments generated by Oracle Payroll and
compares it against the information on the bank statement. This process generates error
messages on mismatched transactions.
Each time a new payment method is created, the bank details transfer to Oracle
Accounts Payable. When defining a payment method, you must enter the GL Cash
Account field to work with Cash Management.
Important: Because payment method details are passed to Accounts
Payable from Payroll, it is important to ensure that you are entering
this information correctly. If you inadvertently enter incorrect details,
you could end up with reconciliation issues later.
Cash Management is available only for the Payroll payment methods of
checks/cheques. Cash Management is not available for electronic fund transfers (such as
NACHA in the U.S.).
Oracle Cash Management manages and controls the enterprise cash cycle. The Cash
Management auto reconciliation program matches Oracle Payroll against bank
statement lines if the transaction meets the following criteria:
Payroll Payment and Distributions 2-7
Important: If you want to use Cash Management fully, you must install
Oracle Accounts Payable and Oracle Accounts Receivable due to the
interdependency of the products. All accounting functions take place in
Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable, and Cash Management
provides the engine for reconciliation and forecast.
Payslip Region Information
Oracle Payroll provides to ability to customize the content of your employee payslips to
suit your business needs. Prior to making any changes, however, you should review the
default content to best determine what changes you require.
The following tables depict the various Action Information Categories used on the
AC Earnings
Name Columns
2-8 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
AC Deductions
Name Columns
Employee Accruals
Name Columns
Accrual Type (such as Sick, Vacation) ACTION_INFORMATION4
Employee Details
Name Column
Employee full name ACTION_INFORMATION1
Payroll Payment and Distributions 2-9
Name Column
Collective Agreement ACTION_INFORMATION9
Employee Start Date ACTION_INFORMATION11
Adjusted Service Date ACTION_INFORMATION13
Assignment Number ACTION_INFORMATION14
Working Hours Start ACTION_INFORMATION21
Pay Calculation Method ACTION_INFORMATION23
Employer Phone Number ACTION_INFORMATION25
Hourly Salaried Code ACTION_INFORMATION26
2-10 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Name Column
Pay Annualization Factor ACTION_INFORMATION29
MX Employee Details
Name Column
MX Employer Details
Name Column
Social Security Employer ID ACTION_INFORMATION3
Payroll Payment and Distributions 2-11
MX Summary Current
Name Coumn
MX Summary YTD
Name Column
Employee Other Information
Name Column
Organization ID/Business Group
(Organization or Business Group level at
which the information is specified)
Info Type (Message, Balance, or Element) ACTION_INFORMATION2
2-12 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Name Column
MX Tax Calculation Details
Name Column
Address Details
Name Column
Organization ID/Person ID
(Organization or Person, depending on
whether the Address Type is "Employee
Address" or "Employer Address")
Payroll Payment and Distributions 2-13
Name Column
Address Type (Employee or Employer) ACTION_INFORMATION14
Employee Net Pay Distribution
Name Column
Organization Payment Method ID ACTION_INFORMATION1
Personal Payment Method ID ACTION_INFORMATION2
Cheque/Deposit Number ACTION_INFORMATION4
2-14 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Name Column
Prepayment Assignment Action ACTION_INFORMATION17
Org Payment Method Name ACTION_INFORMATION18
See: Setting Up Payslip Information and Generating Payslips, page 2-24
Statement of Earnings Region Information
Oracle Payroll provides to ability to customize the content of your Statement of
Earnings to suit your business needs. Prior to making any changes, however, you
should review the default content to best determine what changes you require.
The following table depicts the various boxes and fields on the Statement of Earnings
and indicates where Oracle Payroll draws the appropriate balances to complete the
Region Number Region Sub-Region Region Name Archiver
1 Employer
MX Employer
2 Choose a Payslip Employee
Payroll Payment and Distributions 2-15
Region Number Region Sub-Region Region Name Archiver
3 Payslip Details Payslip Details
3 Payslip Details 1 Pay Period and
3 Payslip Details 2 Summary MX Summary
MX Summary
3 Payslip Details 3 Hours and
AC Earnings
3 Payslip Details 4 Taxes MX Tax
3 Payslip Details 5 After Tax
AC Deductions
3 Payslip Details 6 Accruals Employee
3 Payslip Details 7 Net Pay
Employee Net
Pay Distribution
3 Payslip Details 8 Other
Employee Other
See: Setting Up Statement of Earnings Information, page 2-21
2-16 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Defining a Payment Method
Use the Organizational Payment Method window to define payment methods for your
From this window, you:
Supply the name and starting date of your payment method.
Enter the details of the source bank account from which your enterprise makes the
Specify the General Ledger (GL) accounts that hold reconciliation and error details
for the payment method.
Handle costing for the payment method. For example, you can specify whether to
transfer the costs to GL and whether costing applies to cleared payments only,
uncleared payments only, or a combination of cleared and uncleared payments.
Confirm that your source bank account in Oracle Payroll is the same bank account
that Oracle Cash Management uses to clear your payments. This confirmation
assures you that you are operating with a single consistent bank account rather than
with duplicate accounts that introduce accounting errors.
To define a payment method:
Supply a name and start date for your payment method
1. Set your effective date so that it reflects the date when you want to begin using this
payment method.
2. Enter a name for the payment method, and select the payment method type.
For a third-party payment method, always select the type Check/Cheque. The
default currency for your business group appears automatically.
3. If an alternative currency exists for your payment method, select it.
4. If your payment method controls payments to a third party such as a benefits
carrier or garnishment receiver, check the Third Party Payment box.
Enter the source bank details for your payment method
5. Navigate to the Source Bank tab. The Country for your source bank account
appears automatically.
6. Enter the Bank Details field to open the Bank Details window. Enter information
about the account from which your enterprise intends to make payments.
Payroll Payment and Distributions 2-17
If you are using Cash Management, include the following information:
Account Name
Account Number
Bank Name: If this already exists, enter the name exactly as it appears in
Accounts Payable.
Branch: If this already exists, enter the name exactly as it appears in Accounts
Ensure that you enter any additional bank details that are specific to your
enterprise. For example, bank details for U.S. payment methods always require a
transit code. The transit code, or transit routing number is the nine-digit number
that identifies the financial institution. If the transit code is incorrect, the funds will
not be posted to the account.
Warning: Always review the account setup for Oracle Accounts
Payable before you define the account in Oracle Payroll. The details
for your Payroll account must exactly match the account details in
Accounts Payable. Otherwise, Accounts Payable creates an extra
account with marginally different details. This duplicate account
introduces errors when you reconcile payments between Payroll
and Accounts Payable.
Specify what type of payments to cost for this payment method
7. Navigate to the Costing tab. Each check box indicates a particular type of payment.
Check the boxes for each type of payment that you want to cost. When you
subsequently run the Costing of Payment process, it costs each type of payment as
you have indicated. The entries that you make for an individual check box can
imply automatic checking of related boxes. Your choices are:
Cost Payment: Check this box to specify that you want to cost only uncleared
payments for this payment method.
Cost Cleared Payment: Check this box to specify that you want to cost only
cleared payments for this payment method. If you check this box, the Cost
Payment box is also checked by default.
Cost Cleared Voided Payment only: Check this box to specify that you want to
cost any voided payments that have also been cleared by Oracle Cash
Management. If you check this box, the Cost Payment and Cost Cleared
Payment boxes are also checked by default.
2-18 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Exclude External/Manual Payment: Check this box to exclude any
external/manual payments from costing. This exclusion is useful if you are
using this payment method as a dummy payment method to cancel a previous
payment, or if you are making a payment by cash. If you check this box, the
Cost Payment box is also checked by default.
Transfer to GL: Check this box to specify that costed payments should transfer
to General Ledger. If you check this box, the Cost Payment box is also checked
by default.
Specify the GL accounts for this payment method
8. Navigate to the General Ledger tab.
9. Select Ledger to indicate the ledger to use if you intend to reconcile payments using
Oracle Cash Management.
10. Select the GL Control Account.
11. Select GL Cash Account to indicate which cash account to use for the reconciliation
of payments.
The entry for Description appears automatically by default, depending on what you
enter in the GL Cash Account details.
12. Select the Cash Clearing Account.
13. Select the Error Account.
When you first specify the GL accounts for a bank account, these then become the
default GL accounts for any other payment methods that use the same bank
account. The defaults apply for all new payment methods using the bank account.
They also apply retrospectively for any existing payment methods that were
already using the same account. However, you can override these defaults by
entering your preferred GL accounts on the General Ledger tab.
At this point, check that your Payroll setup and Cash Management setup are fully
Confirm that you can reconcile payments in Cash Management
14. Navigate to the Cash Management tab. You cannot change the information on this
tab, but you can confirm that your GL accounts are correct.
15. To confirm that Oracle Cash Management is operating with the same source bank
account that you are using in Oracle Payroll, view the check box. If the box is
checked, then Oracle Cash Management holds the bank account for this payment
method, and you can reconcile payments knowing that you are using an identical
account in Payroll, and in Cash Management.
Payroll Payment and Distributions 2-19
However, if the box is not checked, this indicates that Oracle Cash Management
does not hold the details for your Payroll account. This may indicate that duplicate
accounts exist and you should exercise caution when you reconcile your payments.
Enter further information for the payment method
16. Enter further information to determine how to process this payment method. Click
in the Further Information field to see the range of further information for your
Setting up Direct Deposit
Until CLABE is implemented, each bank in Mexico has its own format for payroll
account management. Oracle Payroll supports the direct deposit formats for the
following banks:
You define direct deposit as a payment method during payroll definition. Follow these
instructions as an addendum to the Defining a Payment Method, page 2-16 procedure.
To set up direct deposit for a Mexican payroll:
1. Follow the instructions provided in Defining a Payment Method, page 2-16.
Select Direct Deposit as the payment type.
2. Select the Bank Details field.
The MX Bank Details window opens.
3. Specify your bank's abbreviation.
Supported abbreviations are:
Bank Abbreviation Code
Citibank-Banamex BANAMEX
BBVA Bancomer BBVA
2-20 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Bank Abbreviation Code
Santander-Serfin SANTANDER
4. Specify the rest of your account information.
5. Click OK, and then save.
Setting Up a Global Statement of Earnings (SOE)
Oracle HRMS enables you to view the online statement of earnings. To enable the
correct display of values on your statement of earnings, you must complete each of
these setup steps.
To set up the global statement of earnings:
1. Create a user category through the lookup SOE_USER_CATEGORY.
See: Creating User Types and Statuses, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and
System Administration Guide
2. Set the value of the user category that you created as the profile value for the profile
PAY: Statement of Earnings User Category.
See: User Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration
3. Add the predefined element sets for your earnings and deductions to the SOE
Information EIT at the business group level.
Swedish users only: Ensure that you have enabled your elements to display a code.
You do this at the business group level by entering Extra Element Details for each
element. When you select the EIT, you can make a further selection of Element
Name, and specify a code for your selected element. This ensures that your SOE
displays the element code in the earnings, deductions, and information regions.
See: Business Group: Entering SOE Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and
Workforce Management Guide
4. Create an element set containing all the elements that you want to see displayed in
the information region of the SOE.
For South Africa only: The Information region has been renamed to Fringe Benefits
and Other Non Payments region. You use the predefined ZA SOE Fringe Benefits
Payroll Payment and Distributions 2-21
and Other Non Payments element set to display information in that region. You
enter this element set in the Elements 3 field when you define your SOE
Information at business group level.
The South African localization does not use balance attribution.
Users should now restart the Apache server as instructed in the final step.
5. Complete the SOE Detail Information EIT by adding the elements in your element
set, and the SOE display balances to the EIT at the business group level.
See: Business Group: Entering SOE Detail Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and
Workforce Management Guide
6. Link the predefined SOE balance attribute to your business group. The attribute
name is likely to have a leading localization code followed by the stem
7. Define the attributes for your SOE balances.
8. Restart the Apache server and then check the SOE to ensure that the SOE displays
the requirements that you selected.
Running the Enable or Disable Global SOE Process
You use this process to determine how your statements of earnings are displayed. You
have a choice of the forms-based SOE, or the global SOE which is framework-based and
readily customizable. You can either:
Enable the global SOE if you want to override the forms-based default
Disable the global SOE if you prefer to continue using the old forms-based format
You run the Enable or Disable Global SOE process from the Submit Request window.
To run the Enable or Disable Global SOE:
1. Select the Enable or Disable Global SOE process in the name field.
2. Enter whether you want to Disable or Enable the Global SOE in the parameters
3. Click OK and choose the Submit button.
Setting Up Statement of Earnings Information
Oracle Payroll enables you to view an employee's statement of earnings (SOE) online.
You are able to view:
2-22 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Employee earnings
Deductions and tax withheld
State employer liabilities
Customization of the SOE is different from payslip configuration. The SOE uses live
data, generated at run-time, while the payslip relies on archived data.
Note: Prior to making any changes, you should review the default
content to best determine what changes you require.
See: Statement of Earnings Region Information, page 2-14
To customize which elements you want to appear within the SOE:
1. Navigate to the Balance window, and query for the name of the element you want
to add or remote to the SOE.
2. Click Attributes.
3. Click on a new row under Attribute, and choose the field you want to display from
the list of values. This represents where on the SOE this new information will
4. Choose a dimension from the list of values.
5. To delete an entry, select the row and click Delete.
6. Save your changes.
Viewing Statement of Earnings
Oracle Payroll enables you to view an employee's statement of earnings (pay advice)
without having to run the Pay Advice report.
You do this using the Statement of Earnings window.
There are various ways to access statement of earnings information. The information
displayed may vary depending on whether you have run the PrePayments process or
just a payroll run.
The information displayed in the Statement of Earnings window may or may not reflect
the information in the printed pay advice, depending on when you last ran the Payroll
Archiver. The Statement of Earnings (SOE) uses live information from the database,
while the Payslip is dependent on archived data. Therefore, the SOE includes
back-dated adjustments but not pay advice.
Payroll Payment and Distributions 2-23
Note: If an employer has issued a termination cheque to an employee,
that employee cannot see the results of the termination cheque.
If you are processing Multiple Assignment Payments, then the PrePayment SOE
displays consolidated earnings and deductions information. The header information
displayed on the SOE is obtained from the primary assignment; however, if this
assignment is not processed, then the header information is taken from the first
assignment processed in the PrePayment process.
To view the online SOE by payroll:
1. Navigate to the Payroll Process Results window.
2. Specify the name, run date, and action type for the payroll you want to query.
3. Click Find.
4. Select the pay period you want to view, and click Assignment Process.
5. Select the name of the employee for whom you want to view the SOE, and click
SOE Report.
To view the online SOE by assignment:
1. Navigate to the Assignment Process Results window.
2. Specify the name and payroll period for the employee you want to query.
3. Click Find.
4. Select the Type, and click SOE.
To view the most recently run QuickPay results:
1. From the Assignment window, choose Others and select QuickPay.
2. Choose View Results, and select Statement of Earnings from the View Results
To view SOE information without running PrePayments:
1. See: Viewing Assignment Process Results for an Assignment or Viewing
Assignment Process Results for a Payroll Assignment.
2-24 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Setting Up Payslip Information and Generating Payslips
You need to identify any additional information you want to appear on your payslips
using payslip balances and elements. Once you've identified the information to archive
and display, run your regular payment and archive processes and generate your
payslip for printing or viewing online.
To set up your payslip:
1. Select the payslip balances and elements to be included in your payslips.
See: Entering Payslip Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce
Management Guide
For UK, Netherlands, and South Africa: Enter the information balances and
elements through the following:
See: Identifying Balances for the Payslip, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce
Management Guide and Identifying Elements for the Payslip, Oracle HRMS Enterprise
and Workforce Management Guide
For Ireland: Enter the balances and elements information in the SOE Balances and
SOE Elements windows.
See: Selecting SOE Balances, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management
Guide (Ireland) and Selecting SOE Elements, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce
Management Guide (Ireland)
2. For online payslips, enter self-service preference information to indicate how you
want to view them. You can specify these settings at the organization, location, and
person levels.
See: Entering Self-Service Preference Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and
Workforce Management Guide, Location Extra Information Types, Oracle HRMS
Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide, and Person Extra Information Types,
Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide
3. Configure your online payslip to view through Oracle Self-Service.
See: Online Payslip, Oracle HRMS Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide
Mexico and UAE only: Oracle Payroll uses an RTF template to produce the online
payslip through XML Publisher. You can use the default template or create your
See: Oracle XML Publisher Users Guide
For Ireland: To include the regular payment date of the payroll period in your
online payslip, set the Visible property of the Regular Payment Date field to Yes.
4. Mexico and UAE only: Oracle Payroll provides the ability to customize the content
Payroll Payment and Distributions 2-25
of your employee payslips to suit your business needs. Prior to making any
changes, however, you should review the default content to best determine what
changes you require. See: Payslip Region Information, page 2-7
To change balances or include additional balances on the payslip:
1. From the Total Compensation menu, select Basic and then Balance.
2. Query for the element whose balance you want to add, and click Attribute.
3. Click on a new row under Attribute, and choose the attribute you want to
display from the list of values. This represents where the current balance will
appear on the payslip.
4. Choose a dimension from the list of values.
5. To delete an entry, select the row and click Delete.
6. Save your changes.
Note: These changes do not take effect on the payslip until you
rerun the Payroll Archiver Process for the affected payroll period.
Generating the Payslip
You must have completed the payroll runs, prepayments, and payment processes prior
to generating the payslip.
5. Run the archive process to gather the latest payroll information.
See: Extracting Information to Appear on the Payslip, page 2-25
6. You can view the payslip online through Self-Service.
7. Print your payslips in the usual way. Users in the Netherlands and China, run the
payslip report to produce a formatted report ready for printing and sending out to
your employees.
See: Printing the Payslip, page 4-20
Extracting Information to Appear on the Payslip
You run the payslip archive process to extract and gather relevant information to
appear on your employees' payslips. The archiver accesses the payslip information for
the dates you select and copies the information across to storage archive tables, where it
is picked up and converted into a format for printing and distributing to employees or
for viewing online through the self service application.
2-26 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Run this process after each payroll period to enable Self-Service. You must complete the
payroll runs, prepayments, and payment processes before you can run the payslip
archive process.
Netherlands, US, and Mexico only: If you are producing paper reports, use this process
to view your current payslip.
Run the payslip archiver from the Submit Request window.
To run the payslip archiver:
1. Select your country's payslip archive process in the Name field.
Canada, China, and Netherlands: Select the Payslip Archiver.
India: Select the Payroll Reports Archive (India).
Ireland: Select the IE Legislative Reports Generator. See: Running the Legislative
Reports Generator, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide (Ireland)
Mexico: Select the Payroll Archiver. See: Managing the Payroll Archiver, page 4-24
South Africa: See: Pay Advice Generation - Self Service (South Africa), Oracle
HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide (South Africa)
UK: See: Payslip Generation Self-Service, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing
Management Guide (UK)
US: See: Managing the Payroll Archive, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management
2. In the Parameters window, select a payroll name and consolidation set. This selects
the employees for whom you want to run the report. When you select a payroll, the
default consolidation set is displayed.
3. Enter the start and end dates for the period of time you want the information
extracted. You typically run this process for the same dates you ran your payroll.
4. Choose Submit.
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-1
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting Overview
Oracle Payroll enables you to calculate an employer's tax liability and deduct the
appropriate sums from employee earnings. You can calculate employer and employee
tax liabilities for all the taxes and statutory deductions that are applicable to your
country. For example, this includes employer liability for state taxes such as State
Unemployment Insurance and employee liability for federal, state and local taxes in the
US, PAYE and NIC in the UK, PAYE and PRSI in Ireland, Social Security,
Unemployment and Complementary Pension in France, Standard and Special tax and
Social Insurance in the Netherlands, and so on.
In each instance, Oracle Payroll enables you to enter details of the tax liability and
process it at regular intervals.
Reporting on Payroll Statutory Deductions
See: Reports and Processes in Oracle HRMS, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and
System Administration Guide
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting
Oracle Payroll allows you to process tax and insurance deductions for employers and
employees, and helps you comply with the legislative requirements applying to your
Is Oracle Payroll flexible enough to calculate different legislative taxes?
Yes. Oracle Payroll supports many country specific models of taxation, including the
local, federal and state tax requirements of organizations operating in the US.
3-2 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Is the entry of tax details flexible enough to meet my organizational needs?
Yes. You can calculate taxes for different types of employer to represent the diversity of
your organization. You can also make retrospective adjustments to allow for
overpayments and underpayments.
Is Oracle Payroll capable of processing the latest taxation updates?
Yes. The details of taxation policy and social security entitlements are constantly
changing, but Oracle Payroll is always promptly updated so that your processing
includes the most recent updates.
Can Oracle Payroll transmit PAYE information electronically? (UK only)
Yes. EDI allows two-way electronic transmission of documents between the Inland
Revenue and employers. Oracle UK Payroll has developed a specified formatted file
that, if used in conjunction with third party software, can be transmitted electronically
to the Inland Revenue.
Can you record P11D details and submit an annual return? (UK Only)
You can use Oracle HR to update your records throughout the year to show all the
Class 1A National Insurance contributions for which your organization is liable. You
can make this information available to employees so that they can their NI liabilities.
You can then generate a report to view the final details and you can submit the
complete and validated records to the Inland Revenue to comply with all reporting
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-3
State and Federal Taxes
Tax on Income (ISR)
Tax on Income (ISR) is the federal income tax. Employers are obligated to withhold the
tax from the employee and must pay this tax liability every month (in the month
following the pay). The calculation of ISR requires many components and sequential
steps in order to determine the proper amount of tax. The system automatically
performs all calculation routines when you run the Payroll Run process or QuickPay.
When setting up your payroll, you must choose between using the delivered ISR Tax
Rates Statutory tables (valid for the current tax reporting year) or defining your own
tables. All tables are available through the User Defined Table Structure.
The ISR Tax Calculation process determines the proper amount of federal income tax to
be withheld from the employee. Oracle Payroll automatically performs all of the
calculation routines in the Payroll Run process.
See: Viewing Statutory Tables, page 3-5 and Defining Custom Tax Tables, page 3-7
Predefined Elements
The Mexico Tax predefined element triggers the ISR calculation. You must associate this
element to each employee assignment by selecting the Standard Link option in the
Elements window.
See: Defining Element Links, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide
The payroll run uses the following elements to support ISR calculation and to maintain
ISR-specific balances:
ISR Calculated
ISR Credit to Salary
ISR Credit to Salary Paid
ISR Creditable Subsidy
ISR Non Creditable Subsidy
ISR Withheld
ISR Amends
Use these balances when performing any tax balance adjustments.
3-4 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
ISR Withholdings
You can view an employee's ISR withholdings on the Statement of Earnings (SOE) and
on the payslip. Additionally, you can further customize both of these documents to
display other balances related to ISR calculation.
See: Setting Up Payslip Information and Generating Payslips, page 2-24 and Setting Up
Statement of Earnings Information, page 2-21
Statutory Tables
Oracle Payroll provides the following statutory tables. These tables store the rates used
during ISR tax calculation.
Credit to Salary Table
ISR Tax Rate
Subsidy Table
Oracle Payroll also provides Monthly statutory tables for the calculation of Amends and
non-periodic payments (Article 142 earnings).
See: Viewing and Using Statutory Tables, page 3-5
User-Defined Tax Tables
Employers have a choice when calculating their ISR taxes. They can use the tax tables
delivered with Oracle Payroll, or they can define and use their own.
See: Defining Custom Tax Tables, page 3-7
State Taxes
Mexico's states calculate their employer's liabilities with one of four methods:
Flat rate
No state tax
Rate based on number of employees
Rate based on subject earnings
Predefined Element
The Employer State Tax predefined element triggers the state tax calculation. Associate
this element to each employee assignment, even if you have employees in states with no
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-5
taxes or with special configuration requirements. To link this element to all
assignments, select the Standard Link option in the Elements window.
See: Defining Element Links, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide
Tax Rate Based on Number of Employees
States that calculate their employer liabilities based on the number of employees may
require you to perform an update of your organization definition before you run your
See: Legal Employer: Employee Head Count, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce
Management Guide
Tax Rate Based on Subject Earnings
The state of Chihuahua bases its tax rates on the total subject earnings for all employees
within the Legal Employer. Because this information is not available until after the
payroll run, Oracle Payroll cannot manage this type of liability.
For instructions on how to manage this tax method, see: Chihuahua State Tax
Configuration, page 3-9
Customizing State Tax Rates and Tables
While Oracle Payroll supports the most current state tax tables, you can override these
values to suit your business needs.
For states with flat taxes, you can change the tax rates. For states with variable tax rates,
you can define and use custom tax tables.
See: Overriding State Taxes, page 3-10
Viewing and Using Statutory ISR Tables
Oracle Payroll provides the following statutory tables. These tables store the rates used
during ISR tax calculation.
MX_ISR_CREDIT_TO_SALARY_TABLES: Contains all values for ISR credit to
MX_ISR_SUBSIDY_TABLES: Contains all values for the ISR tax subsidy.
MX_ISR_TABLES: Contains the values for ISR tax rates.
To view the ISR statutory tables:
1. Navigate to the Table Values window.
3-6 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
2. Execute a query with ISR% in the Table field.
All tables associated with ISR display:
ISR Law Article Frequency Table Name
113 Weekly ISR Rates_Week
Semi-Monthly ISR Rates_SemiMonth
Monthly ISR Rates_Month
114 Weekly ISR Subisdy_Week
Semi-Monthly ISR Subisdy_SemiMonth
Monthly ISR Subisdy_Month
Weekly ISR Credit to Salary_Week
115 Semi-Monthly ISR Credit to
Monthly ISR Credit to Salary_Month
177 Annual ISR Rates_Annual
178 Annual ISR Subsidy_Annual
See: Entering Table Values, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System
Administration Guide
To assign tables to a payroll:
When assigning tables to a payroll, you can use the seeded tables or you can create your
See: Defining Custom ISR Tax Tables, page 3-7
1. Navigate to the Further Information Payroll flex-fields.
2. Assign tables to each of the fields:
ISR Tax Rate
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-7
ISR Tax Subsidy
ISR Credit to Salary
ISR Tax Rate (Annual)
ISR Tax Subsidy (Annual)
ISR Credit to Salary (Annual)
For bi-weekly payrolls, you must convert the weekly tables.
Use the annual tables for the annual Tax Adjustment Run.
Note: These tables use the User Defined Table Structure.
3. To calculate taxes for amends and non-periodic payments (Article 142 earnings),
assign tables to the following fields:
ISR Tax Month Rate
ISR Tax Month Subsidy
ISR Month Credit to Salary
If you leave these fields blank, Oracle Payroll uses the periodic tables you selected
above to calculate the monthly earnings.
4. Click OK, and save your work.
Defining Custom ISR Tax Tables
Mexican employers have a choice when calculating their ISR taxes. They can use the tax
tables delivered with Oracle Payroll, or they can define and use their own.
For details on defining and using custom tax tables, see: User-Defined Tables, Oracle
HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide, Setting Up User Tables, Columns and
Rows, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide, and Entering Table Values,
Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide
To define custom tax tables:
1. Add the table names to the Look Up codes, page 3-8 (used for translation).
2. Define the appropriate table structure, page 3-8, using the name defined in the
Look Up codes (copy the original set up).
3-8 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
3. Define the appropriate table values, page 3-9.
4. Select your new table in the Payroll setup, page 3-9.
To add table names to the Look Up codes:
1. Open the Application Utilities Lookups window.
2. In the Type field, query for MX_ISR_TABLES%.
There are three delivered tables:
ISR Rates_Annual
ISR Rates_Month
ISR Rates_Week
3. Click New to clear these tables.
4. Specify the Code and Meaning for your new tables.
5. Select Enabled for each.
6. Save your work.
To define the table structure:
1. Open the Table Structure window.
2. Query for the ISR Rates_% table.
The seeded tables display.
Selecting Columns for each table displays the following values:
Fixed Rate
Lower Bound
Marginal Rate
Selecting Rows for each table displays the following values:
Lower Bound
Upper Bound
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-9
3. DateTrack to the Effective Date for your new table.
4. Copy this original setup for the new table structure you want to define.
5. Specify a sequence number for each entry in the table.
6. Specify your lower bound and upper bound amounts.
7. Save your work.
To define the table values:
1. Open the Table Values window.
2. Query for the new table name.
3. Specify the lower bound, upper bound, and values.
4. Save your work.
To apply your new tables to a payroll:
1. Navigate to the Payroll Description window.
2. DateTrack to the effective date of your payroll.
3. Define your payroll, or execute a query to retrieve your existing payroll.
4. Click Further Information.
5. Attach the tables you defined.
See: Further Payroll Information Window, page 1-6
Chihuahua State Tax Configuration
The state of Chihuahua calculates its state taxes based on the total subject earnings for
all employees within the legal employer. Therefore, you cannot calculate them until
after the payroll run, and Oracle Payroll cannot automatically deduct this liability as
part of the run. However, you can display Chihuahua state tax deductions in
post-payroll reports (such as the Tax Remittance Report).
For Oracle General Ledger users, Oracle Payroll does not automatically make your GL
entries for Chihuahua employer taxes. You must make these entries manually.
To calculate Chihuahua employer tax liabilities:
1. Run your payroll and calculate your subject wages.
3-10 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
2. Report the liability on the Tax Remittance Report.
3. Multiply the rate to calculate your liability.
4. Make your GL entries for these liabilities.
Use the Tax Remittance Report to assist you.
Overriding State Taxes
Oracle HRMS for Mexico supports all of the current state tax tables. However, you can
override them to suit your business needs.
Overriding Flat Rate State Taxes:
If you have employees working in states with a flat tax rate, and you want to override
that rate:
1. See Legal Employer: State Tax Rules, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce
Management Guide for instructions on how to specify the new rate.
Overriding Variable Rate State Taxes and Defining Custom Tax Tables:
If you have employees working in Chihuahua, Hidalgo, Oaxaca, and/or Zacatecas, you
have a choice when calculating your variable rate state taxes. You can use the tax tables
delivered with Oracle Payroll, or you can define and use your own.
To define custom state tax tables:
1. Add the table names to the Look Up codes, page 3-10 (used for translation)
2. Define the appropriate table structure, page 3-11, using the name defined in the
Look Up codes (copy the original set up)
3. Define the appropriate table values, page 3-12
4. Enable your new table in your organization, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce
Management Guide
To add table names to the lookup codes:
1. Open the Application Utilities Lookups window.
2. In the Type field, query for MX_STATE_TAX_RATE_TABLE.
There are three delivered tables:
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-11
3. Click New to clear these tables.
4. Specify the Code and Meaning for your new tables.
5. Select Enabled for each.
6. Save your work.
To define the table structure:
1. Open the Table Structure window.
2. Query for the STATE_TAX_RATES_% table.
The seeded tables display.
Selecting Columns for each table displays the following values:
Fixed Rate
Lower Bound
Marginal Rate
Selecting Rows for each table displays the following values:
Lower Bound
Upper Bound
3. Set your date to the effective date of your new table.
4. Copy this original setup for the new table structure you want to define.
5. Specify a sequence number for each entry in the table.
6. Specify your lower bound and upper bound amounts.
7. Save your work.
3-12 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
To define the table values:
1. Open the Table Values window.
2. Query for the new table name.
3. Specify the lower bound, upper bound, and values.
4. Save your work.
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-13
Integrated Daily Wage
Integrated Daily Wage Overview
The Integrated Daily Wage (IDW) is a calculation of the fixed and variable earnings of
every working day for an employee during a given period. The Social Security agencies
use IDW to track activity on new hires and salary changes and calculate
employee/employer Social Security contributions.
IDW is required for Social Security Affiliation reporting and calculation of the
INFONAVIT Housing Fund. The IDW value is derived data used in the statutory
reports and must appear in all DISPMAG reports.
Variable Rate Calculation
The variable portion is based on:
You calculate the variable portion by adding all variable earnings paid during the 2
previous months and dividing them by the number of days of wage for the same
months. By default, the days per month is 30, although you can override this setting at
the GRE level. Calculation of variable IDW requires a successful payroll run.
Employees with variable IDW changes are reported to the Social Security Institute at the
end of a bi-monthly reporting period (end of February, April, June, August, October,
and December).
Oracle maintains the variable earnings using the "IDW Variable Basis Eligible Comp"
See: GRE/Legal Entity: Entering Social Security Details, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and
Workforce Management Guide
Fixed Rate Calculation
There are two methods for calculating the fixed portion of the IDW: Earnings method
and Factor Table method.
Earnings Method
This method derives the IDW from the earnings as you have defined them in HRMS:
3-14 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Vacation Premium
Christmas Bonus
In this method, you calculate the fixed portion by adding all fixed earnings for the year
and dividing by either 364 (for weekly/biweekly payrolls) or 360 (for semi-monthly and
monthly payrolls). You can derive this value independent of a payroll run.
When configuring the legal employer, you specify the average days per month/average
days per year for your organization. Oracle Payroll uses this override for IDW
See: Legal Employer: Entering Tax Registration Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise
and Workforce Management Guide
Factor Table Method
This method derives the IDW based on a factor. This factor is calculated based on a user
table that defines an employee's days of Christmas bonus, vacation days, other
earnings, and IDW factor based on their years of seniority. You then calculate the fixed
portion by multiplying the employee's daily salary by the IDW factor.
Employee Seniority
Some benefits depend on Employee Seniority therefore every time the Employee's
benefits change the IDW will change too. There are three start dates in the Person form
that can be used for seniority purposes:
Start Date Description
Original Hire Date Hire date when employee started working for
the company.
Date First Hired An example of when this field is used is when
a company is acquired or merged with
another company. The employee's Hire Date
before the merge took place is entered here.
Adjusted Service Date Used when an employee leaves a company for
a period of time and returns to same
company. If entered, the "Adjust Service Date"
will be used to determine seniority. If no value
is entered then "Date First Hired" will be used.
If the "Date First Hired" field does not contain
a value, then the value from the "Original Hire
Date" field will be used.
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-15
Element Design Wizard
The Element Design Wizard provides required fields in support of IDW. Populating
these fields will satisfy IDW requirements.
The Element Design Wizard is the recommended method for IDW and element setup.
See: Defining Earnings and Deductions Elements, Oracle HRMS Compensation and
Benefits Management Guide
IDW Element
Oracle Payroll uses the Integrated Daily Wage element to calculate IDW in the payroll
run. You should standard link this element to the assignments that need to compute
IDW and Social Security imputations.
The Integrated Daily Wage element creates run results for fixed, variable, and combined
The Element Fast Formula is called: INTEGRATED_DAILY_WAGE.
Eligible compensation for Variable IDW is based on the Secondary Classification
The "IDW Variable Bases Eligible Comp" balance is composed of feeds from the
following Secondary Classifications:
Earnings: Eligible compensation for IDW (Variable basis)
Supplemental Earnings: Eligible compensation for IDW (Variable basis)
Imputed Earnings: Eligible compensation for IDW (Variable basis)
The PQP_CONTRACT_TYPES user defined table is used internally in the IDW
The following columns in the table will be used:
Annual Hours
This is the number of hours worked per year under this contract. It is used to
convert rates to hourly rates.
Days Divisor
This is the number of days worked in a year under this contract. It is used to
3-16 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
convert rates to daily rates.
Weekly Payroll Divisor
Monthly Payroll Divisor
The last two columns are the number of periods per year used to convert a periodic
value into an annual value when you select "Periodic - Payroll Frequency" as the time
dimension in the element definition and the employee has a payroll frequency of
Calendar Month/Week respectively.
The PQP_CONTRACT_TYPES table contains two delivered rows:
WEEKLY PAYROLL: Used for Weekly/Bi-Weekly payroll IDW CALCULATION
MONTHLY PAYROLL: Used for Monthly/Semi-monthly payroll IDW
Oracle HRMS generates a row for each GRE or Legal Employer that has overrides
specified for number of days in year/month. This row is generated, if required, during
IDW derivation. The row is named "IDW CALCULATION (GRE: organization ID)" or
"IDW CALCULATION (LE: organization ID)," where organization id refers to the
organization_id of the GRE or the Legal Employer organization.
The MX_IDW_FACTOR_TABLES Lookup Type has been delivered to support the
"Factor Table Method" to compute the IDW fixed portion.
A new function called GET_IDW is delivered, with various modes of functioning. Each
mode is unique to the IDW calculation needs. Get_IDW is used in DISPMAG reporting
and Social Security Quota calculation. The function is called in the following modes:
REPORT: For New Hire Report/Social Security Quota
BIMONTH_REPORT: For Bimonthly Reporting
CALC: For IDW Calculation in the payroll run
Setting Up IDW
Whenever you create an element through the Element Design Wizard, you are setting
up your installation for IDW calculation and reporting. The Element Design Wizard
includes required parameters that configures those elements for IDW.
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-17
Configure the Integrated Daily Wage element:
The Integrated Daily Wage predefined element calculates the IDW within the payroll
run, and you must associate this element to each employee assignment by selecting the
Standard Link option in the Elements window.
See: Defining Element Links, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide
IDW is the integration of the employee daily earnings; therefore, its value depends on
how you configured the earnings. Some earnings parameters and sub-classifications
directly affect the IDW calculation:
Earnings:Eligible Compensation for Amends (Fixed Basis)
Earnings:Eligible Compensation for Amends (Variable Basis)
Earnings:Eligible Compensation for IDW (Variable Basis)
Fixed Earnings
Imputed Earnings:Eligible Compensation for Amends (Fixed Basis)
Imputed Earnings:Eligible Compensation for Amends (Variable Basis)
Imputed Earnings:Eligible Compensation for IDW (Variable Basis)
Supplemental Earnings:Eligible Compensation for Amends (Fixed Basis)
Supplemental Earnings:Eligible Compensation for Amends (Variable Basis)
Supplemental Earnings:Eligible Compensation for IDW (Variable Basis)
Variable Earnings
Other sub-classifications may be used to configure earnings to apply the Social Security
exemption rules correctly.
See: Survey of the Classifications, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management
Use Fast Formula functionality to compute the IDW exemption rules.
Choose a fixed earnings IDW calculation method:
Fixed earnings IDW has two calculation methods: Earnings and Factor Table.
Perform the following steps to specify which method you are using at the GRE level.
Note: Changing the calculation method for an existing GRE requires
some additional steps.
3-18 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
See: Changing Your IDW Calculation Method, page 3-21
1. In the Organization window, query for the GRE you want to configure.
2. Select GRE/Legal Entity, and click Others.
3. Select Social Security Details, and click OK.
4. Click in the field of the Additional Organization Information window to open the
Social Security Details window.
5. Choose your IDW calculation method.
6. Save your work.
Configure each earning that contributes to the IDW:
1. Edit the appropriate Earnings elements.
2. Assign the appropriate sub-classifications.
3. Set up the Element IDW attributes.
4. Link the IDW element to those assignments with Social Security imputations.
Set up fixed earnings IDW, Factor Table method:
If you have configured one or more GREs to use the Factor Table method, you must
perform the following setup steps:
1. Determine which employees or employee types (based on compensation plans)
require IDW calculation.
2. Create one or more multiple user tables to reflect your different compensation plans
(such as different collective agreements). Use the IDW Factor Table template as a
You can create as many tables as your business needs require.
Note: Do not change the column names from their defaults.
3. Populate these tables with values appropriate to your employee categories and
seniority policies.
Be sure your seniority ranges include all possible seniority values
A multiple user table may look like the following:
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-19
To Wage
n Days
m Days
gs (E)
0.00 1.00 360 15 6 1.50 0 376.50 1.04583
1.01 2.00 360 15 8 2.00 0 377.00 1.04722
2.01 3.00 360 15 10 2.50 0 377.50 1.04861
3.01 8.00 360 15 12 3.00 0 378.00 1.05000
8.01 13 360 15 14 3.50 0 378.50 1.05138
13.01 18 360 15 16 4.00 0 379.00 1.05277
18.01 23 360 1 18 4.50 0 379.50 1.05416
23.01 Onwar
360 15 20 5.00 0 380.00 1.05555
4. Add the table names to the Lookups under the MX_IDW_FACTOR_TABLES
Lookup Type.
5. Assign your IDW Factor Table name to the Integrated Daily Wage element, using
one of the following methods:
At the individual employee level, use the Element Entries window to assign the
Select the Standard Link option in the Elements window to automatically
assign this element to all new employees.
Use a Benefit Plan to assign the element to multiple employees based on
assignment criteria (such as Job, Grade, Position, and People group segments).
3-20 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Use the Batch Element Entry to assign the element to multiple employees.
This triggers an IDW change event, and HRMS will archive the affected employee
records the next time you run the Social Security Archiver.
Note: Oracle HR-only customers must use this element if they want
to use the Factor Table method of calculation.
6. For each employee in the affected GRE, you must specify one or more hire dates.
Oracle HRMS uses these dates to determine length of service for seniority
Adjusted Service Date: Used when the employee worked for the company for a
period of time, left for a while, and then returned. This is the first value HRMS
Date First Hired: If the company acquired or merged with another company,
use this field to reflect the hire date of new employees who have been working
prior to the merge. HRMS uses this value if Adjusted Service Date is empty.
Original Hire Date: Date when current employment has begun. HRMS uses this
value if Date First Hired is empty.
Using the Element window to define elements for IDW calculation:
The Element Design Wizard is the recommended method for creating Earnings and
Deductions elements. However, you can still use the Element window to define your
If you are creating elements through the Elements window, you must specify the
following parameters through the Element Attribution and Rate Types Historic Rates
Historic Rates EIT Parameters
Historic Rate - Element Attribution
Time Dimension
% or Factor
% of Factor Value
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-21
Historic Rates EIT Parameters
Historic Rate - Rate Types
between the
more than
$300,000 a
in writing to
be excluded
Annual Work
Risk Incident
Report, page 3-
February Employer IMSS Used to calculate
the work risk
Can run this
report only once
per calendar
DIM Report,
page 3-64
March Employer SAT All employees.
Format 2, page
March Employer SAT Attachment D
Employee PTU
earnings, page 3-
March 31 - May
Employer Employee Perform the
Profit Sharing
Report to
3-38 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Action Date Due From To Notes
Format 6 +
Format 37
April 30 Employee SAT All workers who
earned more
than $300,000
pesos in the
previous fiscal
year or those
who explicitly
stated that they
will report the
tax by
See Also: Year End Archiver, page 3-39
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-39
Year End Preprocessing
Year End Archiver
The Year End Archiver is the Oracle Payroll utility that archives employee and
employer data for a specific year and legal employer. Once archived, this data is
available for end of year reporting.
You would run the Year End Archiver:
Whenever you terminate an employee. You must archive the employee information
before you can generate the Format 37. Use an assignment set that contains at least
one of the employee's assignments.
Before performing year end reporting. Run the Year End Archiver for all employees
within each legal employer in the business group.
The only time you would need to run the Archiver for an employee more than once is if
you have rehired them.
Who Gets Archived?
In a given Year End Archiver run, it includes an employee if:
The employee belongs to the Legal Employer (as on the Archiver's effective date)
and has at least one employee assignment in the assignment set, if specified.
The employee has had at least one paid action during the period of service.
The Archiver has either never been run for the person during this year or has been
run with an effective date prior to the start date of the person's present period of
Running the Year End Archiver creates a log file that lists the numbers of assignments
that were skipped, in error, or processed successfully.
Viewing Archived Data
Use the View Archive window to view any employee or assignment data archived by
the Year End Archiver. However, you cannot query for employer-level data that you
have archived or stored against the payroll action.
This information is read-only. You cannot modify or update it from this window. For
instructions on how to run, retry, view, and rollback this information, refer to Managing
the Year End Archiver, page 3-40.
3-40 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Adjusting and Retrying Records
If an employee's record has changes after you run the Year End Archiver, you can retry
the Year End Archiver for that employee. It is not necessary to rerun the entire process.
In instances where large numbers of employees' balances are changed after the Year
End Archiver is run, it may be easier to rollback the Year End Archiver and re-run it to
include the balance updates.
You can mark individual assignments for retry in the Employee Assignment Process
window. You can also retry a payroll process for an assignment set but not for a
dynamic assignment set.
You can re-archive employer data by marking the payroll action for retry in the Payroll
Process Results window and then retrying the process by selecting Retry Payroll
Process from the Submit Requests window. If a legal employer does not have any
employees in it, then the Year End Archiver archives the employer data. In this case,
you cannot re-archive employee data through the Retry Payroll Process. You must roll
back the process and then rerun the Year End Archiver.
Managing the Year End Archiver
Year End Pre-Processing involves the following operations:
Running the Year End Archiver, page 3-40
Viewing archived data, page 3-41
Troubleshooting archived data, page 3-41
Retrying the Year End Archiver, page 3-42
Rolling back the Year End Archiver, page 3-43
To Run the Year End Archiver:
Run the this process from the Submit Requests window:
1. In the Request Name field, select Year End Archiver.
2. Click in the Parameters field if the Parameters box does not open automatically.
3. Specify the Year End Archiver that you want to run by selecting the Year and Legal
4. Optionally, restrict the list of employees being archived by specifying an
assignment set.
If you do not specify an assignment set, the Year End Archiver attempts to archive
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-41
all employee assignments.
5. Click OK, then Submit.
6. On completion of the process, check the logfile for counts of successful, skipped,
and assignments in error.
Note: Do not run the Payroll Process and Year End Archiver
concurrently. Running these processes concurrently can result in
table locking and performance issues.
To View the Archived Data:
1. Select Assignment Process Result from the View menu.
2. Select the appropriate assignment.
3. Select "YREND ARCHIVER-XXXXX" (where XXXXX is your legal employer name).
4. Click View Results.
The View Archived Values window opens. This displays data archived for an
employee, including:
Database item name
Value archived against an assignment action
Any associated context (such as GRE name)
This information is read-only.
Note: The check box on this window indicates if the Year End
Archiver was locked by any other Year End report (such as Format
37) and cannot be rolled back or marked for retry.
Troubleshooting Archived Data:
During the archival process, the Year End Archiver reports on the number of
assignments successfully archived, skipped, or in error. To view the archive's error
1. Open the Requests window.
2. Select your request, and click View Log.
This displays the Year End Archiver's logfile, including counts of successful,
3-42 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
skipped, and assignments in error.
3. Open the Payroll Processes window.
4. Query for your Year End Archiver archive:
Specify "%YREND ARCHIVER% as the name.
Specify the year end dates.
Specify "Magnetic Report" as the action type.
5. Click Find.
Oracle Payroll returns a list of all archives matching your search criteria.
To view detailed process status, select your archive and click Process Info.
For error information, select your archive and click Message.
To see a list of all assignments completed, skipped, in error, and so on, select your
archive and click Assignment Process. To view additional error information, select
the assignment in error and click Message.
To Retry the Year End Archiver:
Retrying the Year End Archiver re-archives any employee assignments that you have
marked for retry.
If you have generated any of the following reports, you must first roll them back prior
to retrying the Year End Archiver:
Format 37
Information Declaration Report (DIM)
Mark assignments for retry in the Employee Assignment Process window. You can also
run this process for an assignment set but not for a dynamic assignment set. If there are
no employees in the legal employer, you cannot perform a retry.
1. In the Name field, select Retry Payroll Process.
2. Click in the Parameters field if the parameters window does not automatically
3. In the Process Year field, enter the appropriate year.
4. In the Process Type field, select Magnetic Report.
5. In the Payroll Process field, select the appropriate Year End Archiver.
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-43
6. Click OK, then Submit.
To Roll Back the Year End Archiver:
When you roll back the Year End Archiver, you are removing all archived data on year
end balances from the system.
If you have generated any of the following reports, you must roll them back prior to
rolling back the Year End Archiver:
Format 37
Information Declaration Report (DIM)
You roll back the Year End Archiver from the Submit Requests window.
1. In the Name field, select Rollback.
2. Click in the Parameters field if the Parameters box does not open automatically.
3. In the Process Year field, enter the appropriate year.
4. In the Process Type field, select Magnetic Report.
5. In the Payroll Process field, select the appropriate Year End Archiver roll back.
6. Click OK, then Submit.
3-44 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Format 37 Report
Format 37 Report
The Federal Institution (SAT) requires that employers provide the Certificate of Wages,
Salaries, Travel Expenses, Assimilated Concepts, and Credit to Salary report (Format
37) to employees at the following times:
Within 30 days of an employee's separation from the employer (voluntary or
Annually at end-of-year for all employees
Note: Some employers may opt to provide Format 37 reports to
only those employees that earn 300,000 pesos a year or more.
Employees that earn less than 300,000 pesos a year can obtain a
Format 37 report by submitting a request in writing.
Oracle HRMS provides the ISR Tax Format 37 concurrent process to generate your
Format 37 reports as a PDF file. ISR Tax Format 37 uses the XML Publisher functionality
to convert the data archived by the Year End Archiver into the PDF output; therefore,
you must have completed the archival process before running ISR Tax Format 37.
See: Year End Archiver, page 3-39
Format 37 Sort Options
You can organize your Format 37 reports according to user-defined criteria or sort
options. Oracle Payroll does not require that you use sort options to generate your
Format 37 report, but they are the best way to customize the report to your specific
needs. You can sort reports by any three of the following options:
Employee Name
Note: You can choose to sort by CURP or by Employee Name, but not
both. If you select CURP as a sort option, Employee Name does not
appear in the List of Values for the remaining sort options. If you select
Employee Name as a sort option, CURP does not appear in the List of
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-45
Values for the remaining sort options.
The following is an example of how to use sort options to customize the Format 37
To create a Format 37 report sorted by Organization, Location, and Employee Name:
1. Enter Organization into the Sort Option One field.
2. Enter Location into the Sort Option Two field.
3. Enter Employee Name into the Sort Option Three field.
Using the selected Sort Options, Oracle Payroll generates the report listing the Format
37 box totals for each employee alphabetically by location within each organization for
the selected GRE.
Note: The sort options are nested. If you change Sort Option Two from
Location to Employee Name, Sort Option Three automatically clears.
Format 37 Parameters
The following parameters exist for the Format 37 report:
Parameter Description
Reporting Year (Required) Enter the four digit calendar year.
Legal Employer Archived by Year End Data
Archiver (Required)
Select the Legal Employer.
Only Legal Employers that you have archived
using the Year End Archiver for the specified
Reporting Year appear in the list.
3-46 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Parameter Description
Selection Criterion (Required) Select the selection criteria by which the target
employee(s) are identified. Available criteria
Assignment Set
Employee Name
Sort Options Use the three fields for sort options to support
your report results.
If you do not select any sort options, the
report uses Employee Name as the default.
Folio Number Employer's folio number.
Folio Date Employer's folio date.
Template Name ISR Tax Format 37 template.
Format 37 Box Information
The following tables depict the various boxes and fields on Format 37 and indicate
where Oracle Payroll draws the appropriate balances to complete the report.
Date and Year
Format 37 Box Title Information Source
n/a Start Month January or the employee's
hire month, whichever is
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-47
Format 37 Box Title Information Source
n/a End Month December or employee's
termination month,
whichever is earlier.
n/a Fiscal Year Input from SRS.
Data of the Worker or Assimilated to Salaries
Format 37 Box Title Balance or Other
Information Source
n/a Employee RFC ID Determined by Oracle HR
n/a CURP Determined by Oracle HR
n/a Paternal Last Name Determined by Oracle HR
n/a Maternal Last Name Determined by Oracle HR
n/a Given Name(s) Determined by Oracle HR
n/a Employer did Annual Tax
Determined by the Annual
ISR Tax Adustment process.
n/a Union Worker? Determined by the Union
Worker flag on the Bargaining
Unit tab of the Assignments
n/a Geographical area of
minimum wage
Determined by GRE data
n/a State ID where worker
Jurisdiction as defined by the
employee's assignment
n/a If assimilated, the proper code Not supported
n/a Subsidy proportion according
fiscal year reported
Determined by GRE/Legal
Employer data
3-48 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Format 37 Box Title Balance or Other
Information Source
n/a Subsidy proportion according
to 1991 regulations
Not supported
n/a Fraction I Not Supported
n/a Fraction II Not Supported
n/a Creditable Subsidy Applied "ISR Creditable Subsidy"
This takes into account
earnings from multiple
n/a Other Employer RFCs Determined through Person
Format 37 Box Title Balance or Other
Information Source
A Total earnings caused for
salary, wages, and assimilated
Box O + P + a + i + m + S1
B Local Tax Box "Employee State Tax" balance
C Exempt earnings Box T + c + R1
D Non-cumulative earnings Box W + g
E Cumulative earnings Box A - B - C - D
F Tax as per Annual Rate "ISR Calculated" balance
G Creditable Subsidy "ISR Creditable Subsidy"
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-49
Format 37 Box Title Balance or Other
Information Source
H Non-creditable subsidy "ISR Non Creditable Subsidy"
I Creditable Subsidy as per
Fraction III
"ISR Creditable Subsidy as
per Fraction III" balance
J Creditable Subsidy as per
Fraction IV
"ISR Creditable Subsidy as
per Fraction IV" balance
K Tax on cumulative earnings Box F- G
L Tax on non-cumulative
"Format 37 ISR on Non
Cumulative Earnings" balance
M Tax on income caused in
fiscal year
Box K + L
N Tax withheld X + h + j + n + U1+ V1
Earnings by Separation
Format 37 Box Title Balance or Other
Information Source
O Total amount in one payment "Format 37 Retirement
Earnings in One Payment"
P Total earnings in partial
"Format 37 Retirement
Earnings in Partial Payments"
Q Daily amount earned for
jubilation, pension, or
retirement in one payment
"Format 37 Retirement Daily
Earnings in One Payment"
3-50 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Format 37 Box Title Balance or Other
Information Source
R Amount that should be
earned in period if it did not
have a single payment caused
for jubilation, pension, or
retirement in one payment
"Format 37 Retirement Period
Earnings" balance
S Number of Days "Format 37 Retirement
Earnings Days" balance
T Exempt earnings "Format 37 Retirement
Exempt Earnings" balance
U Taxable income "Format 37 Retirement
Taxable Earnings" balance
V Cumulative earnings "Format 37 Retirement
Cumulative Earnings" balance
W Non-cumulative earnings Box U - V
X Tax withheld "Format 37 ISR Withheld for
Retirement Earnings" balance
a Total amount paid "Amends" balance
b Number of years of service of
Time elapsed in years since
the first hire date
c Exempt earnings Box a - d
d Subject earnings "ISR Subject for Amends"
e Cumulative earnings (last
monthly ordinary salary)
Determined by the
GET_BASE_PAY function
f Tax corresponding to the last
monthly ordinary salary
Determined by the
g Non-cumulative earnings IF d <> e AND d > e THEN g =
d - e ELSE g = 0
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-51
Format 37 Box Title Balance or Other
Information Source
h Tax withheld "ISR Withheld for Amends"
Earnings assimilated to salaries (not included)
Format 37 Box Title Balance or Other
Information Source
i Earnings assimilated to
"Format 37 Assimilated
Earnings" balance
j Tax withheld in fiscal year "Format 37 ISR Withheld for
Assimilated Earnings"
Stock Options Earnings
Format 37 Box Title Balance or Other
Information Source
k Vesting stock option market
"Year End Stock Options
Vesting Market Value"
l Granted Stock Option price "Year End Stock Options
Grant Price" balance
m Cumulative Earning Box k - box l (the value of box
k must be greater than box l)
n Tax withheld "Year End Stock Options ISR
Withheld" balance
3-52 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Earnings paid to workers by the employer (includes 3)
Format 37 Box Title Balance or Other
Information Source
o Wages and Salaries "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Fixed Earnings" balance
p Christmas Bonus "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Christmas Bonus" balance
q Travel Expenses "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Travel Expenses" balance
r Overtime "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Overtime" balance
s Vacation Premium "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Vacation Premium"
t Dominical Premium "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Dominical Premium"
u Profit Sharing "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Profit Sharing" balance
v Healthcare Reimbursement "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Healthcare
Reimbursement" balance
w Savings Fund "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Savings Fund" balance
x Savings Box "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Savings Box" balance
y Pantry Coupons "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Pantry Coupons" balance
z Aid for Death/Funeral
"Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Funeral Aid" balance
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-53
Format 37 Box Title Balance or Other
Information Source
A1 Worker Contributions Paid by
"Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Worker Contributions
paid by ER" balance
B1 Punctuality Incentive "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Punctuality Incentive"
C1 Life Insurance Premium "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Life Insurance Premium"
D1 Major Medical Expenses
"Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Major Medical Expenses
Insurance" balance
E1 Restaurant Coupons "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Restaurant Coupons"
F1 Gasoline Coupons "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Gasoline Coupons"
G1 Uniform Coupons "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Uniform Coupons"
H1 Aid for Rent "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Rental Aid" balance
I1 Aid for School Material "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Educational Aid" balance
J1 Aid for Glasses "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Glasses Aid" balance
K1 Aid for Transportation "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Transportation Aid"
3-54 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Format 37 Box Title Balance or Other
Information Source
L1 Union Quotas Paid by
"Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Union Quota paid by ER"
M1 Disabilities subsidy "Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Disability Subsidy"
N1 Scholarship for children of
"Year End ISR Subject/Exempt
for Scholarship for Children
of Workers" balance
O1 Payments by Other
Employers (only if employer
that makes certification did
annual tax calc)
Determined through Person
P1 Other Income "Format 37 ISR
Subject/Exempt for Other
Income" balance
Tax on Income (ISR) Caused for Wages and Salaries
Format 37 Box Title Balance or Other
Information Source
Q1 Sum of subject earnings
caused for wages and salaries
Sum of Subject Portions from
boxes o to P1
R1 Sum of exempt earnings
caused for wages and salaries
Sum of Exempt Portions from
boxes o to P1
S1 Sum of earnings caused by
salary and wages
Box Q1 + R1
T1 Local Tax amount imputed to
earnings caused by salary and
"Employee State Tax" balance
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-55
Format 37 Box Title Balance or Other
Information Source
U1 Tax withheld in fiscal year "ISR Withheld" balance - box
V1 Tax withheld by other
employers (only for
employers that made the
certification that they did an
annual tax calc)
Determined through Person
W1 Positive balance determined
in fiscal year that the
employer will compensate in
the next fiscal year or it will
request the return
"Format 37 Current Fiscal
Year Arrears" balance
X1 Previous fiscal year positive
balance not compensated in
the fiscal year of this
"Format 37 Previous Fiscal
Year Arrears" balance
Y1 Sum of credit to salary
amounts that worker received
"ISR Credit to Salary" balance
Z1 Credit to salary paid in cash
in fiscal year
"ISR Credit to Salary Paid"
a1 Total income caused for social
foresight benefits
"Format 37 Social Foresight
Earnings" balance
b1 Sum of exempt income
caused for social foresight
"Format 37 ISR Exempt for
Social Foresight Earnings"
Withholder Information (Employer)
Format 37 Box Title Balance or Other
Information Source
n/a Employer RFC Determined by Legal
Employer data
3-56 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Format 37 Box Title Balance or Other
Information Source
n/a Employer Legal Name Determined by Legal
Employer data
n/a CURP Determined by Legal
Employer data
n/a Legal Representative Names Determined by Legal
Employer data
n/a Legal Representative RFC Determined by Legal
Employer data
n/a Legal Representative CURP Determined by Legal
Employer data
Excluding Employees from the Format 37
The Format 37 end-of-year report includes all employees who have earned less than
$300,000 pesos and have worked through the whole fiscal year. However, employees
can opt to report their Format 37 directly to SAT. In those cases, you must exclude them
from your company's Format 37 processing.
To exclude employees from your Format 37 report:
1. For each employee that is opting out, indicate as such in the Mexico Employer Tax
Signup person extra information type.
See: Person Extra Information Types, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment,
and Talent Management Guide
2. Navigate to the Assignment Set window.
3. Specify a name for the assignment set.
4. (Optional) Select a payroll name from the list of values.
If you leave this field blank, you can use the same assignment set across all of your
5. Click Criteria.
6. Specify dummy criteria by selecting any value for the Database Item, Operator, and
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-57
Value/Database Item columns.
You can edit this information later in the Fast Formula generated for the assignment
7. Save your work, and close the Criteria window.
8. In the Assignment Set window, click Generate.
This generates a Fast Formula with the same name as your assignment set.
9. Open the Write Formula window, and edit your Fast Formula.
10. Query for your Fast Formula with the name of the assignment set you created.
11. Ensure that the formula Type is Assignment Set.
12. Click Edit.
13. Remove all existing text, and add your own eligibility criteria.
14. Click Verify.
15. Save your work.
You can the following sample formula to help you define your own assignment set fast
/* * *
* Formula Name: YourAssignmentSetFormula
* Formula Type: Assignmnent Set
* Created: 16-Aug-2006
* Author: QA_MEX
* * Description: Testing setup of assignment set for annual tax
adjustment *
* * */
/*Include the assignment in assignment set*/
Generating the Format 37 Report
Run the ISR Tax Format 37 concurrent process from the Submit Request window.
3-58 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
1. Select ISR Tax Format 37 in the Name field.
2. Click on the parameters field if the Parameters window does not automatically
3. Select the reporting year.
4. Specify the Legal Employer whose data you archived through the Year End
5. Choose your selection criteria:
Assignment Set
Employee Name
6. Based on your selection criteria, use the activated field to identify the assignment(s)
you want to report on.
7. Specify ISR Tax Format 37 as the template name.
8. Click OK and then Submit.
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-59
Annual Tax Adjustments
Annual Tax Adjustments
The Annual Tax Adjustment process facilitates end-of-year processing by computing
the annual ISR liabilities of the eligible employees, comparing them against the
appropriate ISR deductions, and reporting the final ISR withholdings and
reimbursements still due. This process is driven off annual tax tables issued by SAT at
beginning of the year and provides capability to compute tax using the Article177/178
You would normally run this process in the month of February. Though you can run
this process at any time in the year, it is strongly recommended that you run it only
once in the year when you are ready to make the final adjustments required by the
Mexican tax law. The default reporting period begins January 01 and ends December
01, although you can specify alternate reporting dates. See: Entering Tax Registration
Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide
Oracle Payroll keeps a record of the employees for whom this process has been run and
reports the information on Format 37 at the end of the year. To be included in this
report, the employees must:
Earn less than $300,000 as yearly gross earnings
Been continuously working between the reporting dates
Not explicitly excluded by a Human Resources manager
See: Person Extra Information Types, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment,
and Talent Management Guide
Note: The Annual Tax Adjustment process is different from the Tax
Adjustment Run type that you can select while running Quickpays or
Payroll Runs. While you can run the Tax Adjustment run type several
times in the year, you should run the Annual Tax Adjustment process
only once at the end of the year. Oracle Payroll tracks the Annual Tax
Adjustment process for an employee and reports it on the end-of-year
reports like Format 37 and DIM. The results of the Tax Adjustment run
type are not reported on any statutory reports.
Excluding Employees from the Tax Adjustment Process
Oracle Payroll provides multiple methods for defining employee eligibility for the
Annual Tax Adjustment process.
3-60 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
To exclude employee through the Person EIT:
1. For employees who are electing to perform their own Format 37 reporting, you
must mark them as ineligible for the Annual Tax Adjustment process. Open the
Mexico Employee Tax Signup person EIT.
See: Person Extra Information Types, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment,
and Talent Management Guide
2. Set the Annual Tax Adjustment parameter to No.
3. Specify the time period that this employee has elected to be ineligible.
4. Save your changes.
Once you have identified the ineligible employees, you must create an assignment set to
exclude them. See the next section for instructions.
To specify inclusion criteria through an assignment set:
You can use fast formula-based assignment sets to specify the criteria for selecting
employees who are eligible for the annual tax adjustment. Using a fast formula based
assignment set allows the process to determine eligibility at run-time rather than using
a user-maintained list of employees. Oracle Payroll delivers a set of fast formula
functions that you can use to test eligibility criteria within the assignment set.
Perform the following steps to create a fast formula based assignment set:
1. Navigate to the Assignment Set window.
2. Specify a name for the assignment set.
3. (Optional) Select a payroll name from the list of values.
If you leave the payroll blank, you can use the same assignment set across all your
4. Click Criteria.
5. Specify a dummy criteria. Select any value for the Database Item, the Operator, and
the Value/Database Item columns. You can edit this condition later in the fast
formula generated for the assignment set.
6. Save your work and exit the Criteria window.
7. In the Assignment Set window, click Generate.
This generates a fast formula with the same name as your assignment set.
8. Open the Write Formula window, and edit your fast formula.
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-61
9. Query for your fast formula with the name of the assignment set you created in the
previous steps.
10. Ensure that the formula Type is Assignment Set.
11. Click Edit.
12. Remove all existing text, and add your own eligibility criteria.
13. Click Verify.
14. Save your work.
Running the Annual Tax Adjustment Process
Run the Annual Tax Adjustment process from the Submit Request window.
Note: The Annual Tax Adjustment process adjusts the value of the ISR
Withheld balance for affected employees. It does not process any
earnings or deductions for refunding or recovering the amount from
the employee. You must create additional earnings or deductions
elements and process them within subsequent payroll runs in order to
pay the employees any refunds or to deduct any amount for recovering
taxes paid on their behalf.
1. Select Annual Tax Adjustment in the Name field.
2. Click on the parameters field if the Parameters window does not automatically
3. Specify the payroll name.
4. Specify the payroll's consolidation set.
5. Specify the effective date.
Balance adjustment will be effective on this date. For accurate results, it is
recommended that you use December 31st of the fiscal year as the effective date.
6. Specify the assignment set, if any.
Use an assignment set to restrict the employees that are processed. If you do not
specify an assignment set, Oracle Payroll processes all employees who are
associated with the payroll entered in the Payroll Name parameter on the specified
effective date. The assignment set can be static (employee names entered in the
Amendments criteria) or dynamic (employees identified based on criteria specified
in the fast formula associated with the assignment set).
3-62 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
7. Specify the tax article you want to use with this tax adjustment. Valid options are:
Article 141/141A
Article 177/178
Minimum Employee Liability
Select Minimum Employee Liability to automatically select the lowest tax between
the articles.
8. Specify the annual subsidy and annual tax tables.
9. Click OK and then Submit.
You can view the results of the Annual Tax Adjustment process on the View Run
Results window or by running the Employee Run Results report.
Oracle Payroll stores the results of the Annual Tax Adjustment Process as run results
for the Annual Tax Adjustment element. The following is a description of the results:
Description of Annual Tax Adjustment Results
Result Description
Pay Value Amount by which the ISR tax has been
adjusted. A negative value means the
employee needs to be refunded some money.
This input value feeds the ISR Withheld
balance and affects the data reported on End
of Year reports like Format 37 and Format 30.
ISR Tax Annual Rate Table Tax rates table used for the calculation.
ISR Tax Annual Subsidy Table Subsidy rates table used for the calculation.
Calculation Mode Specifies what Articles were used for the
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-63
Work Risk Incidents Report
Annual Work Risk Incident Report
The Annual Work Risk Incident Report is a GRE-level report employers use to calculate
the work risk insurance premium (WRIP). It compiles data annually from the month of
March and includes all properly configured work incidents for the year. A work
incident must be associated with an end-dated absence and disability.
See: Managing Work Incidents, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide
Oracle HRMS identifies any work incident as concluded once you have marked the
subject worker as:
Permanently disabled
You can run this report only once per calendar year, usually in the February time frame,
although you can retry or roll it back.
Calculating the WRIP
Run the Annual Work Risk Incident Report annually every February to calculate your
work risk insurance premium. This report includes all work incidents that have been
resolved with a concluding action.
See: Managing Work Incidents, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide
Run this report from the Submit Request window.
1. Select Annual Work Risk Incident Report in the Name field.
2. Specify the reporting year.
3. Select the GRE you want to report on.
4. Click OK and then Submit.
3-64 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
DIM Interface Reporting
Multiple Informative Declaration (DIM) Interface
The SAT requires that employers submit to them their employees' ISR withholdings on
a yearly basis. The Multiple Informative Declaration (DIM) program is the application
they provide for this purpose. This program accepts flat files with data in a continuous
delimited sequence. Oracle Payroll provides the Information Declaration Report (DIM)
process to generate this file.
Generating the DIM Report
The Information Declaration Report (DIM) process generates files corresponding to
Attachment 1 (ISR Reporting) of SAT's Format 30. These files are for submission
through the DIM application.
Run the Information Declaration Report (DIM) from the Submit Request window.
To run the Information Declaration Report (DIM) process:
1. Select Information Declaration Report (DIM) in the Name field.
2. Click on the parameters field if the Parameters window does not automatically
3. Specify the reporting year.
4. Specify the legal employer you want to report on.
Oracle Payroll validates this legal employer against the list of all legal employers for
whom you have run the Year End Archiver.
5. Click OK and then Submit.
This report creates five output files in the default output directory for your
application's concurrent processing:
File Name File Type Description
Fixed Format Wages, salaries, and tax
information. Upload this file
to DIM.
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-65
File Name File Type Description
Comma Separated Audit report for DIM. This
file contains details of
employee wages, salaries,
and ISR tax and can be
opened using a spreadsheet
tool for review and
verification. Do not upload
this file to DIM.
Comma Separated Exception report for DIM.
This file contains records
that had errors or did not
pass validation rules. The
file can be opened using a
spreadsheet tool. Do not
upload this file to DIM.
PDF Summary report. This report
provides a summary of data
reported on the main report.
XML The XML file containing all
the DIM information. This
file is currently for internal
use only.
These files using the following naming convention:
AAA: First three characters of the Legal Employer name
BBBBB: Organization ID for the Legal Employer
MMDDYY: Date when the Information Declaration Report (DIM) program was
run (MM = Month, DD = Day, YY = Year)
HHMISS: Time when the Information Declaration Report (DIM) program was
run (HH = Hour, MI = Minutes, SS = Seconds)
6. You can view these files from the following windows:
View Payroll Process Results: You can view all the output files by navigating to
the View Payroll Process Results Window. Query up the Information
Declaration Report Process and click Output. You can then select the file that
you wish to view.
3-66 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Have a system administrator copy the files from the application's output
directory to a location accessible by the users.
7. Submit the output file to the SAT through the DIM application.
Rolling back the Information Declaration Report (DIM):
This report applies a lock to the Year End Archiver. Before you can rollback or retry the
archiver, you must first rollback the Information Declaration Report (DIM).
See: Correction of Run Results: Rollbacks, page 4-87
Payroll Statutory Deductions and Reporting 3-67
Format 2-D Reporting
Fiscal Year Declaration for Moral Persons, General Regime
SAT requires that employers withhold ISR from their employees each payroll period
and then report those withholdings through the "Fiscal Year Declaration for Moral
Persons, General Regime" (Format 2). Attachment D of Format 2 relates to employee
earnings paid by the employer.
Attachment D reports the employees' earnings composition, sorted by multiples of the
General Minimum Wage. This report must include all employee earnings earned within
the legal employer during the fiscal year.
Oracle HRMS provides the Format 2-D concurrent process to generate your Format 2-D
reports. The Format 2-D process takes all employees identified by the parameters
specified when you start the process and generates an XML file based on the data
archived by the Year End Archiver; therefore, you must have completed the archival
process before running Format 2-D.
See: Generating the Format 2-D Report, page 3-68
Format 2-D Box Information
The following table depicts the various boxes and fields on Format 2-D and indicates
where Oracle Payroll draws the appropriate balances to complete the report.
Field Archived Value
Employer RFC RFC ID
Wages and Salaries Year End ISR Subject for Fixed Earnings
Overtime Year End ISR Subject for Overtime
Profit Sharing Year End ISR Subject for Profit Sharing
Christmas Bonus Year End ISR Subject for Christmas Bonus
Vacation Premium Year End ISR Subject for Vacation Premium
Savings Fund Year End ISR Subject for Savings Fund
3-68 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Field Archived Value
Aid for Pantry and Food "Format 2D Aid for Pantry and Food"
Note: This value consists of the sum of
Pantry Coupons, Pantry in Cash, Pantry in
Kind, and Restaurant Coupons.
Aid for Transportation Year End ISR Subject for Transportation Aid
Other Earnings Total Subject Earnings - Sum of all above
Totals Sum of all balances
Generating the Format 2-D Report
The Format 2-D process generates the Format 2-D output.
Run the Format 2-D process from the Submit Request window.
To run the Format 2-D process:
1. Select Format 2-D in the Name field.
2. Click on the parameters field if the Parameters window does not automatically
3. Specify the reporting year and legal employer.
4. Click OK and then Submit.
Rolling back the Format 2-D process:
This report applies a lock to the Year End Archiver. Before you can rollback or retry the
archiver, you must first rollback the Format 2-D process.
See: Correction of Run Results: Rollbacks, page 4-87
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-1
Payroll Processing and Analysis
Payroll Processing and Analysis Overview
Using Oracle HRMS you can run a payroll, perform post processing on a successful
payroll, and also make changes and corrections for a payroll that has not completed
Payroll Processing and Analysis in Oracle HRMS
You can run your payroll as:
A batch process if you want to include all employees or a group of employees in the
same run
A QuickPay process if you want to run a payroll for an individual employee
You can perform all the necessary post processing to generate payment for your
employees once you are satisfied that your payroll run results are correct:
The PrePayments Process enables you to allocate employee payments between the
payment methods that you have defined.
The Payments Processes enable you to make automated payments to a bank
account, generate cheques/checks and report on the amounts paid to your
employees. You can also verify that cheques/checks have been cashed.
The External/Manual Payments Process enables you to make cash payments or to
pay employees from external sources.
You can analyze your payroll run results to get early notification of possible
The Payroll Exception report enables you to identify overpayments or
4-2 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
The Void Cheque/Check Payments Process allows you to cancel a cheque/check that
was produced in error.
Employee Run Results give you a list of all results created for this payroll run.
You can use these processes for correcting a payroll run:
Correction of Run Results: Retries. Retries enable you to correct a payroll run before
post-processing has occurred.
Correction of Run Results: Reversals. Reversals enable you to correct a payroll run
when post-processing has already occurred.
Correction of Run Results: Rollbacks. Rollbacks enable you to correct a payroll run
without keeping any record of the original run.
You can run these processes to make accurate provision for current payments
backdated from a previous pay period, or current payments received in advance for a
future pay period:
The RetroPay process enables you to retrospectively distribute current payments to
the period in which they were earned.
For non-North American legislations, the Advance Pay process enables you to pay
employees in advance for an absence recognized by your legislation.
Key Concepts
To enable you to process and analyze payrolls, you need to understand these concepts:
QuickPay, page 4-7
Continuous Calculation, page 4-8
Note: You can use this if it is enabled for your localization.
PrePayments, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management Guide
Retries, page 4-88
Reversals, page 4-89
Rollbacks, page 4-87
RetroPay, page 4-38
For non-North American legislations: Advance Pay, page 4-69
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-3
Reporting on Payroll Processing and Analysis
See Reports and Processes in Oracle HRMS, Oracle HRMS Payroll Processing Management
Payroll Processing and Analysis
The main purpose of the payroll run is to calculate employee pay correctly at regular
intervals. In addition you can perform other payroll processes to ensure accuracy and
provide flexibility for your organization. For example, you can roll back a payroll run
when you want to carry out a test run without keeping any record of it having taken
place. You can also run a RetroPay process when you want to make retrospective
adjustments to allow for backdated pay awards.
Does Oracle Payroll enable you to run part payrolls?
Yes, Oracle Payroll enables you to run part payrolls. This is useful in each of the
following circumstances where you do not want to process a payroll for the entire
Calculating Pay for an Individual Employee or Group of Employees
If an employee leaves the company before the end of a payroll period, you will need to
calculate the individual pay entitlement.
You may also want to calculate individual pay to check the details for an employee
before starting a payroll run for all employees.
Specifying What Details You Can Include in a Payroll Run
You may want to specify that only particular types of earnings or particular categories
of employee should be included in a payroll run.
Can you verify that a payroll run has completed successfully?
On completion of a payroll run you will need to verify that the run completed
successfully. You can display run messages and view latest balances and assignment
level results. You may also need to have relevant information grouped by topic in
report format so that you can review the outcome of processing. Payroll runs can be
monitored through the Payroll Progress Monitor, enabling you to view the name of the
run and the percentage/time of completion.
Can you make adjustments after a payroll run has completed?
Oracle Payroll enables you to make each of the following types of adjustment when a
payroll run has completed.
4-4 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Addition of late entries that were not included in the initial run
Corrections to details that were wrongly entered in the initial run
Retrospective distribution of current payments to the period in which they were
When you have made these corrections and modifications you can then run the payroll
again. However, you do not need to rerun the entire payroll. You need only to perform
a retry, and Oracle Payroll will reprocess only those items that were incorrect in the
initial run.
Can you produce payment and costing information from a completed payroll run?
Oracle Payroll enables you to use the results of a payroll run to allocate payments to
your employees, and to provide costing information.
Ensuring that Employees are Paid by the Correct Payment Method
When a payroll run has completed you need to pay each employee according to the
payment methods that you have specified. You may also need to override the
predefined payment methods where employees are receiving special payments such as
bonuses, which may not be paid by the usual methods of payment. You also have the
ability to pay an employee, who has multiple assignments within your organization, a
regular single payment.
Ensuring that Costing Information Can be Provided
On completion of a payroll run you may need to distribute the associated costs across
particular cost centers. For information on this, see: Cost Analysis Overview, Oracle
HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide
Can Oracle Payroll run payroll processes throughout a payroll period?
Yes, the continuous calculation process enables you to process static employee data
throughout the payroll period, leaving you extra time for validation and correction at
the end of the payroll period.
What if you want to know how much gross pay is required to produce a given net
Where employers have agreed to pay tax on a known fixed net payment, Oracle Payroll
can calculate the gross amount that employees must receive in order to meet all
deductions and still receive the correct net amount. This is referred to as Net-to-Gross
processing, and the calculations that derive the correct gross amounts are referred to as
Grossups, provided that the feature is enabled in your country.
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-5
Can you process external and manual payments
Yes, Oracle Payroll enables you to make external and manual payments.
4-6 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
The Payroll Run
Process Part of a Payroll
Oracle Payroll enables you to run a payroll and conduct post-processing on a payroll
that has completed successfully. You can also enter subsequent changes and corrections
for a payroll that has not completed successfully.
Oracle Payroll makes use of the following concepts when implementing payroll
Assignment Sets
Occasions when you need to use assignment sets for the payroll run include:
You need to process the night shift earlier than the rest of the payroll as they must
receive their pay advices the night before the rest.
You need to process a correction run, as entries were not received in time for the
normal run and the overtime must be paid this period.
You want to process an additional run for a long service award, which the
enterprise is presenting as a cheque/check to each qualifying employee.
To fulfil these requirements, you can select from a range of assignments:
Include all assignments
Include or exclude individually identified assignments
Use a formula to include or exclude certain groups of assignments
Consolidation Sets
A consolidation set is a grouping of payrolls that simplify post-run processing and
reporting. It enables you to produce a single set of reports, costing results, and other
results for all payrolls in a consolidation set. When you run a payroll, make sure that
you have named the consolidation set to which the payroll belongs.
Element and Distribution Sets
With a normal payroll run, you would want to include all elements, but for a long
service award bonus you would want to include only the bonus element and the
statutory elements. You first calculate gross pay for ascertaining the gross amount to
transfer into the payroll account. Then you complete the gross to net calculation.
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-7
You can select element sets as follows:
Include all elements
Include or exclude individually identified elements
Include or exclude classifications of elements.
Canada only: When creating a Run set, you need to explicitly add the Canadian Tax
recurring element to your element set.
US only: When creating a Run set, you need to explicitly add the VERTEX recurring
element to your element set.
The predefined elements for Oracle Payroll are processed for every payroll run in which
they have been included. The deductions are recalculated using the period totals, the
amount already paid in previous runs is deducted, leaving the remainder as the
deduction for the new payroll run.
QuickPay enables you to carry out payroll processing for individual employees. You
can use QuickPay to pay employees who are leaving and who require payment
immediately. If an employee asks what their net pay will be this month, you can run
QuickPay to find the answer, then roll it back to remove all results from the database.
QuickPay: Two Options for PrePayments:
Once the QuickPay run has a status of Complete, you have a choice of two options for
post-run processing:
Include the QuickPay in the batch prepayments processing for the assignment's
Choose this option if, for example, you have a new employee who joins after the
payroll run for the current period has taken place. Instead of rolling back the whole
payroll and resubmitting it with the new employee added, you run QuickPay
instead so that you can include the new employee in the consolidation set for batch
Start the PrePayments process from the QuickPay window, if necessary overriding
the default payment method.
Choose this option if, for example, an employee is leaving and is waiting to be paid
by cash or cheque/check.
Troubleshooting QuickPay: Concurrent Manager
When you start the QuickPay process, the screen freezes, and you cannot delete or
update the QuickPay definition until the process completes.
4-8 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
You may receive one of the following error messages:
The process has not started
This means either that the concurrent manager has not been started, or that there
are other requests of a higher priority. Ask your system administrator to start your
request or change its priority.
The process has started but has not finished
Ask your system administrator to investigate the reason for this.
Continuous Calculation
Continuous Calculation enables you to distribute your payroll processing throughout a
payroll period. You can run processes such as the payroll run, prepayments steps, and
costing, which deal with predominantly static employee data, at the start of the payroll
period, leaving more time for validation and correction of changed data.
Continuous Calculation works by using triggers. You define triggers and events which
inform the system when data has changed. For example, if an employee receives a
bonus, the corresponding event is triggered. When you subsequently run the
Continuous Calculation process, the system identifies these triggers and marks the
corresponding payroll processes (such as the payroll run) to be repeated. The affected
processes are repeated in a batch process which can be run as often as required. You
define the frequency of the batch process when you run the Continuous Calculation
Tax Adjustment Run
Employers must compare the actual tax paid by employees against the calculated tax
from the statutory yearly tax tables. Any differences arising out of this comparison are
withheld from or remitted to the employees. Tax law requires employers perform this
payroll run once a year, but running the tax adjustment every quarter will decrease the
amount of any possible tax shortfall.
The Tax Adjustment run should be used to reconcile and adjust the annual tax liability
for the employee and the employer, taking into account all earnings paid to the
employee during the year.
This type of run uses the Annual Tax Adjustment payroll run.
Note: The Payroll Run Types feature identifies and controls the Tax
Adjustment Runs. Whenever you run the Annual Tax Adjustment
payroll process, the Mexico Tax formula calculates a difference between
the year-to-date value of ISR tax withheld so far and ISR calculated
from year-to-date income subject to tax. For example, you can mark a
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-9
regular run as an Annual Tax Adjustment run when submitting the
payroll run for processing.
Starting a Payroll Run
You start a payroll run in the Submit Requests window.
To run a payroll:
1. In the Name field, select the name of your payroll run process.
2. In the Parameters window, which opens automatically, select the payroll.
3. Select the default consolidation set name for the payroll, then select the current
payroll period display.
4. Select a new consolidation set for the run if required.
Use the consolidation set to control post-run processing of the results.
5. Select the payroll period for the run.
6. Select an element set and assignment set if required.
US only: Make sure that you have included the VERTEX seeded recurring element
in your element set if you are using an element set.
7. Select a run type.
8. If your legislation supports Regular and Supplemental runs, then select R for a
Regular run or S for a Supplemental run.
India only: Select "Bonus" run type for paying bonus.
9. You can optionally enter a message to appear on the statements of earnings for this
run if your SOE is designed to support such a message.
10. Choose Submit.
Starting a Tax Adjustment Run
You start a Tax Adjustment payroll run in the Submit Requests window.
To start a Tax Adjustment payroll run:
1. In the Name field, select Payroll Run.
4-10 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
2. In the Parameters window, select the payroll.
3. Select the default consolidation set name for the payroll, then select the current
payroll period display.
4. Select a new consolidation set for the run if required.
Use the consolidation set to control post-run processing of the results.
5. Select the payroll period for the run.
6. Select an element set and assignment set if required.
7. Specify Tax Adjustment as the run type.
8. Choose Submit.
Setting Up Continuous Calculation
To set up your system for continuous calculation:
1. In the Table Event Update window, check that the events are defined for the tables
you require for continuous calculation.
2. If the table has already been defined, but the required event is missing, create either
an Update, Delete, or Insert event and enter the table column to which the event
refers. Select the change type defined by the event.
3. If the tables you require for continuous calculation have not been defined in the
Table Event Update window, define them now in the Table Event Updates window.
See: Making Table Event Updates, page 5-8
4. In the Functional Area Maintenance window, choose the Incident Register
functional area. Make sure your triggers are included in this functional area. If your
triggers are not included, insert them.
You can also activate the triggers according to legislation or business group.
See: Grouping Dynamic Triggers into Legislative Functional Areas, page 5-7
Note: When you save a single trigger, this has the effect of
regenerating all triggers contained in the same package.
5. Run the Continuous Calculation process from the Submit Reports and Processes
See: Running the Continuous Calculation Process, page 4-11
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-11
Running the Continuous Calculation Process
The Continuous Calculation process enables you to process static employee data
throughout a payroll period.
You run the Continuous Calculation process from the Submit Requests window.
To run continuous calculation:
1. Enter Continuous Calculation in the Name field of the Submit Requests window.
2. Select a payroll.
3. Schedule your process.
You can choose how often you want to run the continuous calculation process. For
example, you can run the process every day, every week, or on specific days.
4. Choose Submit.
Running QuickPay
You navigate to the QuickPay window from an employee assignment.
To define a QuickPay run for an employee assignment:
1. Set your effective date to the day you want to make the QuickPay payment.
The Payroll Period displays for the date selected, and the Date Paid and Date
Earned for this period also display. Date Paid is the regular payment date for your
legislation. You can update the Date Paid field, but only to another period's regular
payment date.
Note: If you select an effective date for which there is no valid
payroll period, all three fields remain blank. You cannot select an
effective date earlier than the start date of the parent record - the
employee assignment.
2. Select a consolidation set.
The default is the consolidation set for the assignment's payroll.
Note: The Number field remains blank and the status field remains
set to Unprocessed until the QuickPay run process is completed.
3. If your legislation makes use of run types, select the run type for this QuickPay.
4-12 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
4. Enter a pay advice date and message if required. These fields are for information
5. Save your QuickPay definition.
Note: All assignment processes for the assignment's payroll must
have a status of Complete for you to save the definition. If not, you
see an assignment interlock failure message. Check the status of the
assignment processes in the Assignment Processes window, and
delete, roll back or rerun any non-Complete processes.
If the QuickPay Run itself displays In Error or Marked for Retry, choose the Retry
Run button to run the process again.
To execute a QuickPay run for an employee assignment:
1. Choose the Element Selection button if you want to check or verify element entries
for the QuickPay run. All the elements for the assignment that exist as of Date
Earned are listed in the Element Selection window. Select or clear the Include in
Run check box for elements you want to include or exclude from the run.
2. You can choose the Entry Values button to view entry values for each element.
Note: You cannot create, update or delete entries or entry values in
the Element Selection and Entry Values windows. You can only
select or clear the Include check box for entries.
3. Choose Start Run to run the QuickPay process.
You run QuickPay from the QuickPay window, not from the Submit Requests
window. You can view the status of the run in the View Requests window. If
necessary, you can then mark it for retry or roll it back either from the QuickPay
window or the Payroll Processes window.
When the run is processed, the Status and Number fields in the QuickPay Run
block display values for the run as follows:
Number: Numbering is consecutive, starting from 1, for each QuickPay run in a
payroll period. There is a separate series for each separate payroll. The
numbering restarts from 1 for each successive period.
Status: Values displayed for processed QuickPay runs are Complete, In Error,
Mark for Retry. You cannot enter or update values directly in this field. Choose
Retry Run to rerun the QuickPay process for runs with the status In Error or
Marked for Retry.
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-13
Running the Generate Run Balances Process
Run this process when you want to recalculate run level balance values that may have
become invalid, such as through changes to historical data.
You run this process in the Submit Requests window.
To run the Generate Run Balances process :
1. In the Name field, select Generate Run Balances.
2. Select the Parameters field to open the Parameters window.
3. In the Parameters window, optionally enter a start date from when you want run
balances recalculated. If you do not enter a date, Oracle Payroll recalculates the
balances for the entire life of the balances.
4. Select a mode to determine which balances to include. There is no specific time
required to run these, such as once a month. All Invalid Balances is likely to be run
most often, with Single Balances and All balances run as required. You can choose
from the following:
A Single Balance
All Invalid Balances
All Balances
If you select Single Balance mode, the Defined Balance field becomes active.
5. Select the option that shows the route for retrieving balance values, even if its status
is Invalid.
The Defined balance field is only enabled if Single Balance mode is selected from
the Mode field.
6. Select a balance level to determine which balances are to be recalculated. The
following is the complete list of balance choices available, depending if enabled for
your localization:
Assignment and Group
7. Choose OK and then Submit.
4-14 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Post Processing for a Payroll
Post-Processing for a Payroll
The following table illustrates the payroll production cycle:
Stage Result
Payroll Run Computes payroll gross-to-net.
See: Starting a Payroll Run, page 4-9
PrePayments Distribution of employee pay and payment
See: Running the PrePayments Process, page
Payroll Archiver Stores earnings, deductions, and other payroll
data. Serves as the data source for the Payslip.
See: Managing the Payroll Archiver, page 4-
Cheque Writer (Mexico) Produces cheques, payslip, and online payslip
See: Running the Cheque/Check Writer
Process, page 4-29
Pay Advice Produces Payroll Receipts for employees,
reporting all earnings received during that
pay period.
See: Generating Pay Advice, page 4-34
Direct Deposit (Mexico) Produces files for electronic submission to
banks for direct deposit payments.
See: Defining a Payment Method, page 2-16
External/Manual Payments Records cash or cheque payments to
employees from external sources or petty
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-15
PrePayments Process
Within Oracle Payroll the PrePayments process enables you to select a payment method
to pay your employees. You can distribute employee pay over more than one method
using either a percentage or monetary split.
You can override the PrePayments process. For example, suppose you have run the
normal payroll run and made payments via one payment method. You then have to run
supplementary payments for some employees and pay them by a different payment
method. The PrePayments process, having distributed the regular payments over the
payment methods entered, allocates the supplementary payments to the override
Payroll Archiver
The Payroll Archiver stores each payroll period's earnings, deductions, tax calculation
details, taxes withheld, and accruals, as well as each employee's name and address,
employer information, and assignment details.
Cheque Writer Process
Run the Cheque Writer process to determine the generation of cheques for a specified
payroll and consolidation set over a specified time period.
You can generate contiguous serial numbers for cheque printing, and you can use this
feature to account for cheque stationery used during the cheque printing process. If you
do this, you also need to take into account the cheques you use to carry out the
alignment of your printer.
Oracle Payroll provides automatic cheque numbering for the Check Writer process. You
can keep track of cheque numbers when you process multiple cheques per day.
Note: Your System Administrator can enable the HR: Default Cheque
Number Method profile which enables you to use the automatic cheque
numbering process.
See: User Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide
Pay Advice Process
The Pay Advice (Mexico) process produces Payroll Receipts for submission to all
employees. These receipts report all earnings an employee has received across the pay
See: Generating Pay Advice, page 4-34
4-16 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Void Cheque Payments Process
Run the Void Cheque Payments process when you want to void cheques you have
issued using Oracle Cheque Writer. You may want to do this if there is a printing error
or if the cheques you print are afterwards lost. The process cancels the cheques issued,
records details of the cancellation, and enables you to give a reason for cancelling.
Direct Deposit
Produces files for electronic submission to banks for direct deposit payments. You can
define multiple payment methods for the same type.
Until CLABE is implemented, each bank in Mexico has its own format for payroll
account management. Oracle supports the direct deposit formats for the following
BBVA Bancomer
You define direct deposit as a payment method during payroll definition.
See: Setting up Direct Deposit, page 2-19
External/Manual Payments Process
Use the External/Manual Payments window to record cash or cheque payments to
employees from external sources or petty cash. The window enables you to record
details of each payment.
Data Locks for Payroll Processes
Data locking is a mechanism that enables you to protect your data from unwanted
updates. For example: If you are running a monthly report at the end of each month, the
data contained in the report has to remain unchanged for as long as the report exists. If
you want to change this data, you must first rollback the report.
Data Locks: Automatic or User Selectable
Some payroll processes automatically lock your data and you do not need to take any
additional action to apply a lock. For example, whenever you run the prepayments
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-17
process, your data is automatically locked against update while the prepayments
process completes.
User Selectable
Some payroll processes do not apply a lock automatically, but do provide you with the
option of selecting a process to apply a lock. Where this is the case, the lock process can
usually be selected from the Submit Requests window for your legislation.
For example, if you are using Oracle Payroll for Ireland you can select the P30 Data
Lock process which specifies a date at which you want to lock the P30 monthly report
before generating the report output. By applying the data lock you also maintains the
lock date as a historical record so that you can be confident that subsequent monthly
reports start from the correct point.
Data Locks: Rollbacks Can Override Them
You should also be aware that some payroll post-processes can override any data locks
that you have established. Oracle Payroll does not provide validation to prevent this,
since it is a legitimate action that you may need to perform. For this reason we
recommend that you should always refer to the individual topics in Oracle Applications
Help before attempting to work with user selectable data locks.
Payroll Archiver
Run the Payroll Archiver after the pre-payments process and before the payments
process (Cheque Writer). It stores each payroll period's earnings, deductions, tax
calculation details, taxes withheld, and accruals, as well as each employee's name and
address, employer information, and assignment details.
After running the Payroll Archiver, you can use the Payroll Actions Not Processed
report to see if any eligible employees (and their corresponding payroll processes) were
not archived.
See: Managing the Payroll Archiver, page 4-24
You can generate the payslip from the employee's assignment after running the Payroll
Archiver and the appropriate payments process has completed
See: Setting Up Payslip Information and Generating Payslips, page 2-24
Online Payslips
Oracle Payroll features payslips viewable by employees, employers, and payroll
professionals online. You generate this payslip from the employee's assignment after
the Payroll Archiver process and the appropriate payments process are completed.
4-18 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Note: If a termination check was issued to an employee, that employee
cannot see the results of the termination check.
A payslip is not available for reversals or voided cheques.
Employees can view their payslips using SSHR. After logging in, they can select the pay
period they want to view.
Payroll managers can view the payslips of all employees.
Running Post-Run Processes for QuickPay
To run PrePayments and other processes from the QuickPay window:
1. Choose the Start PrePayments button. If required, you can override the default
payment method for the assignment. You have a choice of Cash or Cheque/Check
for prepayments run from the QuickPay window.
The status for the completed process displays in the Status field in the QuickPay
PrePayment block.
2. When a status of Complete displays, do one of the following:
Choose the External Payment button to make payment by cash or cheque/check
from the External/Manual Payments window.
Leave the payment to be made by a batch Cash or Cheque/Check Writer
process for the consolidation set.
Note: If you have already included the QuickPay run in the default
consolidation set for the assignment payroll, it can take part in the
batch PrePayment process for the payroll without further action on
your part.
Viewing Payroll Process Results
To view, retry or roll back payroll processes:
1. Select the name, period dates and action type of the payroll you want to view
results for.
If you leave the Period To field blank, the end date in the Period From field
becomes the end date for the query. If you run the query directly without entering
payroll or period details, the window displays all payroll process results for all
payrolls in the Business Group.
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-19
2. Choose Find.
The window displays details of all payroll processes for the payroll and period
selected. See below for further display details.
3. To mark a payroll process for retrial, select the Retry check box for the record. You
can then run the Retry process from the Submit Requests window.
4. To monitor the progress of a payroll run, select the record and choose the Process
Info button. This activates the Payroll Progress Monitor, allowing you to view the
name of the run currently processing and the percentage/time of completion. You
can update these details through the Refresh button or check the Automatic Refresh
box to enable changes to display as they occur.
5. To roll back a payroll process, select the record and choose the Delete Record icon.
This deletes the process from the database and returns all values to their former
Note: Use the Payroll Processes window to roll back small
processes only. It is better to roll back large processes such as
payroll runs from the Submit Requests window. This runs the
process under concurrent manager control, freeing you to carry out
other tasks during processing and handling the process more
quickly. You can also run processes for assignment sets in Submit
6. To see further information about the assignments making up the payroll process,
select the record and choose from the buttons at the bottom of the window.
Information then displays for the records you select.
Assignment Process: Lists details of the assignment processes making up the
payroll process.
Message: Displays any system messages relating to the payroll process.
Process Info: Summarizes processing status information for the assignment
Conc Manager: Enables you to query details of the run to view log file details.
Breakdown: Summarizes costing process information as follows:
Costings that were correctly costed (Normal Number)
Costings posted to the suspense account
4-20 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Note: Costings can be posted to the suspense account if costing
codes are wrong or, for example, values missing for distributed
costing. Such costings still have a status of Complete. For
costing processes to be given a status of Error there must be a
serious breakdown at system or process level.
Output: This button is enabled for 1099R, W2 and W2-C (US) reports only. It
enables you to verify that these magnetic tape processes have completed
successfully with the full set of output files. A greyed output button may
indicate either that:
Your magnetic tape processes are of a type other than 1099R, W2, or W2-C.
You are attempting to view retrospective 1099R, W2, orW2-C information
that predates your installation of the output feature.
Reconciliation Details Allows you to see whether a specific payment has been
cleared by the system. One of the following statuses will be displayed:
In error
You can also see the messages produced by the reconciliation process.
Printing the Payslip
You can generate your payslips to be printed and distributed to your employees using a
report that picks up the payroll information you extracted previously through the
payslip archive process, and converts it into a formatted file ready for printing. The
payslip consists of a header and a body section, with the information you enter in the
Parameters window appearing on the header page and the payslip figures in the main
You run the payslip report from the Submit Request window.
To run the payslip report:
1. Select your country's payslip report in the Name field.
2. In the Parameters window, enter the start and end dates for the period of time you
want the report to cover. You run the report for the same period as the payslip
information extracted by the payslip archiver.
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-21
3. In the Parameters window, select a payroll, consolidation set and assignment set.
This selects the employees for whom you want to run the report. Selecting a payroll
overrides the consolidation set and processes the report only for the selected
payroll. You can opt to select just a consolidation set, but cannot do the same with
the assignment set.
4. The Sort Order fields that appear on the header section of the payslip enable you to
divide the payslips into areas of your choice. For example, the current defaults
divide the payslips into Person Info 1(Employer), Organization and Full Name
areas. You can change the default values that appear by selecting another item from
the list of values, selecting information about Additional Employee Details,
Address Details, Payroll Information and Employee Details.
5. Choose the Submit button.
6. Choose the View Output button to view or print the payslip report file.
Running the Employee Assignments Without Payroll Report
Use the Employee Assignments without Payroll report to identify any employee
assignments that do not have a payroll.
To run the Employee Assignments without Payroll report:
1. Enter the beginning date. This is the date from which you want to begin identifying
assignments without a payroll.
2. Enter the end date. This is the date at which you want your report to conclude.
3. If you are running the PDF version of this report, select a template for your PDF
4. Click OK.
5. Click Submit.
Running the Payroll Actions Not Processed Report
Use the Payroll Actions Not Processed report to identify all payroll actions not yet
You run the Payroll Actions Not Processed report from the Submit Requests window.
To run the Payroll Actions Not Processed Report:
1. Enter a start date for the report to begin from.
4-22 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
2. Enter an end date to indicate the end of the reporting period.
3. Enter further identifying information to make your report as specific as possible.
For example, you can enter payroll name, consolidation set name, and Government
Reporting Entity (GRE).
4. Select the mode, for example, Costing, Payroll Archive and so on.
5. If you are running the PDF version of this report, select a template for your PDF
6. Click OK.
7. Click Submit.
Running the Employee Assignments Not Processed Report
Use the Employee Assignments Not Processed report to produce a list of all
unprocessed employee assignments and decide on sort criteria for the list.
You run the Employee Assignments Not Processed report from the Submit Requests
To run the Employee Assignments Not Processed report:
1. Enter a beginning date for the start of your reporting period.
2. Enter an end date to specify the end of your reporting period.
3. Enter further identifying information to make your report as specific as possible.
For example, you can enter payroll name, default consolidation set name,
Government Reporting Entity (GRE), and location.
4. Enter the sort options for your report.
5. If you are running the PDF version of this report, select a template for your PDF
6. Click OK.
7. Click Submit.
Running the Element Register Report
Use the Element Register report after a payroll or QuickPay run to display a listing of
the elements and pay values for each employee. You can specify selection criteria to
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-23
determine what the report includes. For example, you can select elements by element
set, element classification or by individual element name. You can also specify a report
output type for browser display, or for export to an editable spreadsheet.
You run the Element Register report from the Submit Requests window.
To run the element register report:
1. Enter the Beginning Date Paid and the Ending Date Paid to specify your reporting
2. Select the criterion for determining which elements appear in your report. You can
select one of the following:
Element set - your report includes all elements in an element set
Element classification - your report includes all elements belonging to a
Element Name - your report only includes a single element
When you have selected the criterion, enter a name to identify the particular
element set, element classification or element for reporting. For example, if your
criterion is element set, you enter the name of the particular element set that
you want to report on.
3. Select the Payroll, or Consolidation Set for your report. If you select a payroll, the
consolidation set appears by default. You must select either a payroll, or a
consolidation set.
4. If you want to report on a single GRE, select the GRE name. If you do not make a
selection, your report contains information for all valid GREs.
5. If you want to report on a single organization, select the Organization name. If you
do not make a selection, your report contains information for all valid
6. If you want to report on a single location, select the Location name. If you do not
make a selection, your report contains information for all valid locations.
7. If you want to report on an individual employee select Employee name. If you do
not make a selection, your report contains information for all valid employees.
8. Select an assignment set if you want to report on all assignments in a particular
assignment set. You can only select a static assignment set. Dynamic, or
formula-based assignment sets do not appear in the list of values.
9. Select an Output File Type:
4-24 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
HTML - this file type produces an output file that you can view in your
Comma Delimited - this file type produces a comma delimited file that you can
view in a browser. Additionally, you can save the comma delimited file as csv
or txt so that you can open it for editing in a spreadsheet.
Managing the Payroll Archiver
The Payroll Archiver preserves payroll run information, so you can use it for accurate
payroll reporting or third-party tax filing. This is a mandatory part of payroll
processing if you are using the Online Payslip functionality included with Oracle
Self-Service HRMS. This process logs:
PrePayment process
Balance adjustments
You must run the Payroll Archiver after you have run Payroll and Pre-Payments but
before running the Cheque Writer process. You run the Payroll Archiver from the
submit requests window.
The Payroll Archiver management process involves:
Running the Payroll Archiver, page 4-24
Viewing Archiver Values by payroll, page 4-25
Viewing Archiver Values by assignment, page 4-25
Rolling back or reversing a Pre-Pay Process archive for a specific employee, page 4-
Rolling back or reversing a Pre-Pay Process archive if you don't know the
employee's name, page 4-26
To run the Payroll Archiver:
1. Select Payroll Archiver in the Name field.
2. If the parameters window does not open automatically, click in the Parameters field
to open it.
3. Enter a Start Date and End Date. Oracle Payroll archives information for payroll
runs that occurred in the date range you specify.
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-25
4. Select the Payroll or Consolidation Set that you want to archive data for. If you
select a payroll, the Consolidation Set automatically defaults.
5. Select OK, and then Submit.
6. After running the Payroll Archiver, use the Payroll Actions Not Processed report to
see any employees (and corresponding payroll processes) that were not archived
but fell within the report's parameters.
To view Archiver Values by payroll:
1. Navigate to the Payroll Process Results window (View | Payroll Process Results).
2. Specify the name, pay period, and action type of the payroll you want to query.
3. Click Find.
4. Select the date you want to view, and click Assignment Process.
5. Select the name of the employee you want to view, and click View Results.
The View Archive Values for the assignment appears.
6. Select any of the "Details" to view them.
To view Archiver Values by assignment:
1. Navigate to the Assignment Process Results window (View | Assignment Process
2. Specify the name and pay period for the employee you want to query.
3. Click Find.
4. Select "Magnetic Report" type, and click View Results.
5. In the Line Level Archiver section of the View Archive Values window, you can
select any of the "Details" to view them.
To rollback or reverse a Pre-Pay Process archive for a specific employee:
Perform these steps if you want to rollback or reverse a Pre-Pay Process that has already
been locked and archived by the Payroll Archiver process.
1. Open the Employee Assignment Processes window (View | Assignment Process
2. Specify the employee name.
4-26 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
3. Specify the pay period.
4. Click Find.
5. Locate the desired Payroll Archive.
Its Type will include "Magnetic Report".
6. To retry this archive, click Retry.
To reverse this archive, select the row and click Delete.
7. Save your work.
8. Locate the Pre Pay Process in your query results.
9. To retry this archive, click Retry.
To reverse this archive, select the row and click Delete.
To rollback or reverse a Pre-Pay Process archive if you don't know the
employee's name:
Perform these steps if you want to rollback or reverse a Pre Pay Process that has already
been locked and archived by the Payroll Archiver process.
1. Open the Payroll Processes window (View | Payroll Process Results).
2. Specify the payroll name.
3. Specify the pay period.
4. Specify "Magnetic Report" as the type.
5. Click Find.
6. Locate your Payroll Archiver process from the returned list, and select its row.
7. Click Assignment Process.
The Assignment Processes window opens, listing all actions according to employee
8. Select the desired row.
9. To retry this archive, click Retry.
To reverse this archive, select the row and click Delete.
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-27
Direct Deposit
The Direct Deposit (Mexico) process produces files that you transfer to your financial
institution for direct deposit payments. This process must be run prior to the Deposit
Advice process.
To run the Direct Deposit process:
1. In the Name field, select Direct Deposit (Mexico).
2. Click in the Parameters field if the Parameters window does not open
3. Select the name of the payroll or consolidation set to run the process for.
When you select a payroll name, its default consolidation set displays.
4. Enter the start and end dates of the time span for the processing to cover. For some
financial institutions, this should be within 30 days of the effective date.
5. Select the name of a payment method to use for all the payments resulting from this
process run.
The payment method defaults to Direct Deposit.
6. If required, enter an override deposit date to use for all the payments resulting from
this process run.
7. Choose OK and then Submit.
This process creates a flat file in the PAY_TOP/out directory.
8. From the Submit Requests window, select XML Report Publisher.
9. Click in the Parameters field if the Parameters window does not open
10. Specify the request ID of the Direct Deposit (Mexico) process you ran.
11. Select the appropriate direct deposit template and its locale.
12. Select eText as the output value.
13. Click OK and Submit.
You can view the generated interface file by clicking View Output. Use this file to
transmit payment details to the bank.
4-28 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Running the PrePayments Process
Run this process when you want to do one of the following:
Distribute employee pay over more than one payment method using either a
percentage or monetary split. You define the amount or percentage to be paid by
each method for each employee in the Personal Payment Method window. You can
also indicate that payment methods should take account of run types and run types
at personal level.
Override the default payment methods. For example, you may need to run a
supplemental payroll for which the distribution between payment methods will be
different from that specified for the regular run. When you override the defaults,
the payments for the supplemental run only are distributed according to the
override payment method that you specify.
If Multiple Assignments is enabled for your Payroll, the PrePayments process
creates one regular cheque for all assignments and one cheque for each separate
payment. Assignments must be included on the same payroll in the same payroll
period or they will not be included.
Note: The Net Pay from each assignment is deposited into the payment
method account for the primary assignment unless the primary
assignment is not processed. If it is not processed and the secondary
assignment does not have a personal payment method, the employee
receives a cheque.
You run this process from the Submit Requests window.
To run the PrePayments process:
1. In the Name field, select PrePayments.
2. In the Parameters window, select the name of the payroll or consolidation set to run
the process for. When you select a payroll, the default consolidation set is
3. Enter the start and end dates of the time span for the prepayments processing to
Note: If you specify the end date and not a start date, the process
automatically uses the start date of the period for the end date you
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-29
4. If required, enter an override payment method. The method you select overrides all
other payment methods for this processing.
5. Choose OK.
6. Choose Submit
Creating a Cheque Report for the Cheque Writer Process
You can add your own cheque report to the Cheque Writer (Mexico) process by
generating it and placing it in the $PAY_TOP/srw directory.
Choosing a cheque report:
1. Generate your new cheque report and place it in the $PAY_TOP/srw directory.
2. Add the cheque report's details to the HR_LOOKUPS table.
The supplied sample report includes the following definition in this table:
Column Name Value
3. Select your report in the Cheque Writer (Mexico) prameters window.
Running the Cheque/Check Writer Process
You run the Cheque/Check Writer process from the Submit Requests window.
To run the Cheque/Check Writer process:
1. In the Name field, select the appropriate process.
Irish Payroll: Select IE Cheque Writer
Mexican Payroll: Select Cheque Writer (Mexico).
US Payroll: Select Check Writer.
All others: Select Cheque Writer.
4-30 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
2. In the Parameters window, select the name of a payroll or consolidation set. When
you select a payroll, the default consolidation set is displayed.
3. Enter the start and end dates for the process.
4. Enter your cheques/checks payment method.
5. Enter the sort sequence for the cheques/checks This defaults to Organization, then
to Person.
6. Enter your cheque/check style.
If you enter Default, this selects the PAYRPCHQ sample cheque/check report.
7. Enter the first cheque/check number of your cheque/check sequence in the Start
Cheque/Check field. If required, you can enter the last cheque/check number in the
End Cheque/Check Number field.
Note: If your system administrator has enabled the automatic
cheque/check numbering process, Oracle Payroll automatically
provides the cheque/check number. (US and Canadian payroll
See: User Profiles, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration
8. Choose Submit.
Running the Void Cheque/Check Payments Process
Void Check/Cheque Payments is a payroll process, and for every check/cheque that is
voided, Oracle Payroll creates a corresponding assignment process.
You run the Void Check/Cheque Payments process from the Submit Requests window.
To run the Void Cheque/Check Payments process:
1. In the Name field, select Void Check/Cheque Payments.
South African Payroll: Select Void Cheque Payments (South Africa).
2. In the Parameters window, select the payment run for the Cheque/Check Writer
that you want to void.
3. Enter the date on which you want to void the cheques/checks. The default is your
system date.
4. Enter, optionally, a reason for voiding the cheque/check issue.
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-31
5. Enter start and end numbers of the cheque/check sequence you are voiding. For
single cheques/checks, enter the cheque/check number in both fields.
Reissuing a Voided Cheque/Check
If you void a cheque/check you reissue either with the same amount, or with a different
amount. You can also reissue the cheque/check with a different date from the original
check date.
See:Reissuing Voided Cheques/Checks with a Different Check Date, Oracle HRMS
Payroll Processing Management Guide
To reissue a voided cheque/check with the same amount:
1. To verify that the void has been processed, select the employee in the Employee
Assignment Processes window. For the process that originally produced the
cheque, VOID will appear in the Status Column.
2. Run the Cheque/Check Writer process again. A new cheque/check will be produced
with a new number.
3. If you want to verify the process, select the employee in the Employee Assignment
Processes window. The number of the original prepayment will be in the Applied
Column of the latest process.
4. Run the Void Payments Report any time after the void has been processed. See:
Running the Void Payments Report, page 4-32
To reissue a voided cheque/check with a different amount:
1. Reverse the cheque/check that you have voided in the Reverse Payroll Run
window. See: Correcting Run Results: Reversals, page 4-91
2. Enter the new amounts to be paid in the Salary Administration, or Element Entries
window as appropriate.
3. Run QuickPay for the new amounts that is to be paid to the employee. See: Running
QuickPay, page 4-11
4. Run the PrePayments process. See: Running Post-Run Processes for QuickPay, page
5. You can now do one of the following:
Manually issue the cheque/check. See: Making External/Manual Payments,
page 4-34
4-32 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
Run the Cheque/Check Writer process again.
6. If you want to verify the process, select the employee in the Employee Assignment
Processes window. The number of the original prepayment will be in the Applied
Column of the latest process.
7. Run the Void Payments Report any time after the void has been processed. See:
Running the Void Payments Report, page 4-32
Running the Cheque Listing Report
The Cheque Listing report shows the details of the cheque numbers issued and enables
employees to sign for their cheques.
Run this report from the Submit Requests window.
To run the Cheque Listing report:
1. Select Cheque Listing in the Name field.
Irish Payroll: select IE Cheque Listing
2. Select the payment run for which you want to show cheque details in the
Parameters window.
3. Select the sort order for this report.
4. Choose Submit.
Running the Void Payments Report
Run the Void Payments report when you want to show the details of cancelled
cheque/check payments.
Run this report in the Submit Requests window.
To run the Void Payments report:
1. In the Name field, select Void Payments Report
Irish Payroll: Select IE Void Payments Listing
2. In the Parameters window, enter a start date and an end date for the report.
3. Select a payroll and/or consolidation set if you want to restrict your information by
these parameters.
US Payroll: You can optionally select a GRE.
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-33
If you leave these fields blank, the report returns information on all payrolls for the
period chosen.
4. Click OK and then Submit.
Running the Payroll Cheque/Check Payment Report
Use this report to view void and reversal information for a cheque/check. Select your
parameters in the parameter wizard to determine the period and payment method for
your report.
To run the Payroll Cheque/Check Payment report:
1. Enter the Process Start Date.
2. Enter the Process End Date.
3. Select a Payment Method.
4. Click Finish.
Voiding Magnetic Tape Payments
Run the Void Magnetic Tape Payments process when you want to cancel an EFT
payment (NACHA or Direct Deposit for example) made by magnetic tape. The Void
Magnetic Tape Payments process enters a record of the reversal into Oracle Payroll.
Note, however, that the Void Magnetic Tape Payments process does not create a new
magnetic tape for onward submission to the bank. You must contact the bank to request
a manual reversal of the amount that you have voided. Remember that individual
banks have different procedures for requesting a manual reversal. Before you request a
reversal from your bank, always verify:
The period of notice required for a reversal
The information necessary to support a reversal request (for example, Employee
Name, Social Security Number, Account Number, Routing Number, Amount,
Effective Date, and so on).
The preferred transmission method for the reversal request
You run the Void Magnetic Payments process from the Submit Requests window.
To run the Void Magnetic Payments process:
1. Select the payment run that you want to void.
4-34 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
2. Enter the effective date for the void process.
3. Enter a reason for voiding the payment.
4. Select the employee who received the payment that you want to void.
5. Select the payment that you want to void.
6. Click Submit
Generating Payroll Receipts
The Pay Advice (Mexico) process produces Payroll Receipts for distribution to your
employees. These receipts report all earnings each employee has received across the pay
This process generates XML output, which you can convert into a PDF file using XML
Run the Pay Advice (Mexico) process from the Submit Request window.
To generate Payroll Receipts for your employees:
1. In the Name field, select Pay Advice (Mexico).
2. In the Parameters window, specify the date range for this report.
This process includes all payments earned during the range you choose.
3. Select either a payroll or consolidation set.
If you choose a payroll, Oracle Payroll automatically populates the consolidation
4. Click OK and then Submit.
Making External/Manual Payments
You can use the External/Manual Payments window to:
Make check/cheque payments to employees.
Make cash payments to employees from external sources or petty cash.
Complete the voiding of a payment to ensure that no one can reissue a payment
once you have voided it.
You distinguish between each of these three uses by selecting one of three methods of
handling the external/manual payment. Your selection of the handling method
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-35
determines which type of external/manual payment you can make:
Method Effect of Selecting this Method
Check Payment from Same Bank Account Your check/cheque for the manual payment is
drawn on the same bank account that you
used for the original payment.
Other Form of Payment Your manual payment is not made by a
check/cheque drawn on the same bank
account that you used for the original
Always select this method when you make
manual payments in cash.
Cancel Payment Your payment cannot be reissued.
Always select this method when you want to
identify cancelled payments so that you can
exclude them from reconciliation.
You access the External/Manual Payments window from either the Assignment
window or the QuickPay window. However:
If you enter from the Assignments window, you see the source type and its effective
date. The source type is either PrePayments or QuickPay.
If you enter from the QuickPay window, you see only the QuickPay source types.
The Effective Date does not display because it is the same date as the QuickPay run.
The Type does not display either because it is, by default, QuickPay.
Note: External/manual payments for child assignment actions are not
visible when you first open the QuickPay window. For example, if you
attempt to view existing external/manual payments for a supplemental
run, it initially appears that no external manual payments exist.
However, the external payments are held as a child assignment action.
To view such payments in the QuickPay window, the full sequence is:
1. From the assignment, navigate to the QuickPay window..
2. Select the run date.
3. Navigate to the QuickPay Pre-payments field.
4. In the empty field, click the down arrow.
4-36 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
5. Click External Payments. You can now see any external/manual
payrments for the child assignment action.
To make a cheque/check payment to an employee:
1. Query the Payment Method field to see a list of any unpaid cash or cheque/check
payments for the current assignment.
2. Check the Pay check box for the payment methods you intend to pay manually.
Enter the value of the payment and the cheque/check number.
3. Supply a Reason for requesting manual payment. We recommend that you record
your reason in the field provided rather than appending it to the cheque/check
number details.
4. Select Check Payment from the Same Bank Account as the Method. This selection
ensures that your External/Manual payment is from the same bank account as the
original payment method. Also, if you intend to reconcile this payment in Oracle
Cash Management, you must select Check Payment from the Same Bank Account.
5. Save your entry.
To make a cash payment to an employee:
1. Query the Payment Method to see a list of any unpaid cash, cheque or EFT
payments for the current assignment.
2. Check the Pay check box for the payment methods you intend to pay manually.
Enter the value of the payment, and the cheque/check number for check/payments.
However for all other types of payment, leave the cheque/check number blank.
3. Supply a Reason for requesting manual payment. We recommend that you record
your reason in the field provided rather than appending it to the cheque/check
number details.
4. Select Other Form of Payment as the Method. You must use this method for cash
payments and for cheques/checks that do not originate from the same bank account
as the initial payment method.
5. Save your entry.
To prevent a voided payment from being reissued:
1. Query the Payment Method to see a list of any unpaid cash, cheque or EFT
payments for the current assignment.
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-37
2. Check the Pay check box for the payment methods you intend to pay manually.
Enter the value of the payment.
3. Supply a Reason for requesting manual payment. We recommend that you record
your reason in the field provided rather than appending it to the cheque/check
number details.
4. Select Cancel Payment as the Method. The external payment prevents the payment
from being reissued. You should then reverse the payroll run to complete the
voiding of the payment.
5. Save your entry.
4-38 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
RetroPay Processing
Overview of RetroPay Processing
Purpose of the RetroPay Process
Run the RetroPay process to ensure that your payroll run for the current period reflects
any backdated payments or deductions. Backdated adjustments can occur when:
An employee receives a pay award that is backdated to a previous pay period.
The payroll department makes a retrospective correction for an error that occurred
in a previous pay period
For example, at the start of the current pay period, this employee has a pay award
backdated to pay period 1. The employee has not yet received any payments for this
award. In the current pay period the employee is entitled to payments that represent
the backdated amounts for:
Each of the preceding payroll periods (pay periods 1 to 4)
The current pay period
You run your RetroPay process to ensure that the employee receives correct payment
when you next run the payroll.
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-39
Period Earned is Distinct from Period Paid
When backdated payments occur, the accuracy of your subsequent payroll processing
depends on distinguishing between:
The period in which the payment was earned
The period in which the payment was made
For example, the taxation implications are different for:
A pay award backdated to period 1 and not paid until the current period. You may
want to tax this award in the current period.
4-40 Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide (Mexico)
A correction to an underpayment in period 3 which is paid to the employee in the
current period. You may want to tax this correction in period 3 rather than in the
current period.
The RetroPay Process Does Not Overwrite Your Historical Payment Records
You never overwrite historical payroll data when you run RetroPay. Although you
recalculate all periods that have retroactive changes whenever you run a RetroPay, you
never modify the stored results for these periods. Instead, you create one or more
RetroPay entries to receive the process results.
Think of the RetroPay process as a calculator holding results in memory so that it can
process a final set of results. The RetroPay process uses your historical results to
calculate the changes for the current period. The results for your current period change,
but your historical records remain unchanged.
RetroPay Processes Available in Oracle Payroll
Oracle Payroll provides several versions of RetroPay, for example Enhanced RetroPay,
RetroPay by Element, and so on. However, in most situations, you only have access to a
single version of RetroPay.
How To Identify Your Version of RetroPay
Navigate to the Submit Requests window, and search for RetroPay. Your search returns
the name of the single version of RetroPay enabled for your use, for example, Enhanced
An exception occurs in transitional situations. If you are replacing RetroPay by Element
with Enhanced RetroPay, the Submit Requests window enables you to select each
Payroll Processing and Analysis 4-41
version of RetroPay so that you can complete the transition.
Summary of Available RetroPay Processes
We recommend Enhanced RetroPay as the standard version of RetroPay for new
customers to adopt. Older RetroPay versions do exist, and this table exists as reference
so that you can distinguish between each version. In practice however, your System
Administrator determines which version of RetroPay you can use, and you are unlikely
to see any reference to RetroPay versions that are unavailable to you .
RetroPay Process Distinguishing Features
Enhanced RetroPay Enables you to
action parameters
maintaining, 5-9
overview, 5-1
additional element entries
after payroll run reversals, 4-89
adjusting a balance, 1-15
Advance Pay process
Advance Pay Listing, 4-71
batch assignment setup, 4-70
individual assignment setup, 4-70
overview, 4-69
running, 4-72, 4-72
running by element, 4-73
viewing results, 4-73
Annual Tax Adjustment process, 3-59
excluding employees, 3-59
running, 3-61
annual tax adjustment run, 4-8
Annual Work Risk Incident Report, 3-63
running, 3-63
assignment processes
rolling back, 4-93
assignment sets
as consolidation sets, 1-3
creating, 1-5
uses in payroll runs, 4-6
adjusting, 1-15
for taxes, 3-25
box information
Format 2-D, 3-67
Format 37, 3-46
for payrolls, 1-13
Canadian Process Payroll Run, 4-9
Certificate of Wages, Salaries, Travel Expenses,
Assimilated Concepts, and Credit to Salary
report, 3-44
changing the IDW calculation method, 3-21
Check Writer process
running, 4-29
Cheque Listing report
running, 4-32
Cheque Writer (Mexico) process
creating a cheque report, 4-29
running, 4-29
Cheque Writer process, 4-14, 4-15
cheque listings, 4-32
reissuing voided cheques, 4-31
running, 4-29
voiding cheque payments, 4-30
Chihuahua tax rate, 3-9
consolidation sets
changing, 1-3, 1-7
defining, 1-7
defining by including or excluding
assignments, 1-11
defining using formula criteria, 1-8
deleting, 1-7
overview, 1-3
uses in payroll runs, 4-6
continuous calculation
overview, 4-8
running, 4-11
setting up, 4-10
for payrolls, 1-13
costing detailworkbook, 4-94
costing summary workbook, 4-95
customizing the Tax Remittance Report, 3-29
database triggers, 5-3
data locks, 4-16
define a payroll, 1-11
further payroll information, 1-6
defining a payment method, 2-16
direct deposit, 4-27
DIM Interface, 3-64
direct deposit
setting up, 2-19
Direct Deposit (Mexico) process, 4-27
dynamic triggers
defining, 5-5
grouping into legislative functional areas, 5-7
element details workbook, 4-95
element link details workbook, 4-96
element register report
running, 4-22
element sets
uses in payroll runs, 4-6
employee assignments not processed workbook,
employee assignments without payroll
workbook, 4-97
employee payment methods workbook, 4-99
end of period processing, 3-1
end of year, 3-35
Enhanced RetroPay
setting up, 4-54
events (payroll)
overview, 5-1
exception reports
grouping, 4-85
overriding variance type or variance, 4-86
running, 4-86
setting up, 4-79
exchange rates, 1-4
exchange rate types
selecting for a business group, 1-6
excluding employees from the Format 37, 3-56
Fiscal Year Declaration for Moral Persons,
General Regime, 3-67
Format 2-D, 3-67
box information, 3-67
running, 3-68
Format 37
box information, 3-46
excluding employees, 3-56
Format 37 Report, 3-44
formula criteria
defining assignment sets, 1-8
Generate Run Balances
running, 4-13
generating Payroll Receipts, 4-34
IDW, 3-13
changing the calculation method, 3-21
setting up, 3-16
IE Cheque Writer process
running, 4-29
Information Declaration Report (DIM)
running, 3-64
Information Declaration Report (DIM) process, 3-
Integrated Daily Wage, 3-13
ISR, 3-3, 3-7
statutory tables, 3-3, 3-7
viewing, 3-5
ISR Tax Format 37 process, 3-44
running, 3-57
ISR withheld
viewing, 2-22
manual payments
recording details, 4-16
Mexican Process Payroll Run, 4-9
Tax Adjustment Run, 4-9
Multiple Informative Declaration, 3-64
nonrecurring elements
in payroll run reversals, 4-89
online payslip, 4-17
Oracle Cash Management, 2-6
Oracle Payroll
answering your business requirements, 1-2
reconciling payments with Oracle Cash
Management, 4-79
organizational payment method, 2-16
organization payment methods workbook, 4-99
Pay Advice (Mexico) process, 4-15
running, 4-34
payment methods
deciding enterprise options, 2-4
defining, 2-16
for a payroll, 1-14
pay periods
selecting, 1-12
process part, 4-6
Payroll Archiver, 4-17
Payroll Archiver process, 4-24
payroll calendars
table of frequencies, 1-3
payroll contact
allocating payroll contacts for your
employees, 1-15
setting up, 1-14
payroll exception reporting
examples, 4-77
overview, 4-75
payroll message workbook, 4-100
payroll processes
Advance Pay, 4-69
Cheque/Check Writer, 4-29
Cheque Writer, 4-15
External/Manual Payments, 4-16, 4-34
Pay Advice (Mexico), 4-15
running, 4-34
PrePayments, 4-15, 4-28
RetroPay, 4-38
Void Cheque Payments, 4-16, 4-31
payroll processing, 4-1
payroll process results
viewing, retrying, rolling back, 4-18
Payroll Reciept, 4-15
Payroll Run (France), 4-9
Payroll Run (India), 4-9
Payroll Run IE, 4-9
Payroll Run process, 4-9
Tax Adjustment Run, 4-9
payroll runs
restricting processing with element sets, 4-6
retrying, 4-88, 4-91
reversing, 4-89, 4-91
rolling back, 4-87, 4-91
running the Payroll Archiver, 4-24
starting off, 4-9
payroll runs and processes
direct deposit process, 4-27
Payroll Run UK, 4-9
allocating payroll contacts, 1-15
check date, 1-12
cut off date, 1-12
defining, 1-12
deleting, 1-14
payroll contact, 1-14
payslip offset, 1-12
summary of payroll post-processes, 4-14
scheduled run date, 1-12
online, 4-17
payslip report, 4-17
archive process, 2-25
extracting information for, 2-25
generating, 2-24
printing, 4-20
regions, 2-7
setting up, 2-24
PrePayments process
purpose of, 4-15
Annual Tax Adjustment, 3-59
excluding employees, 3-59
running, 3-61
Canadian Process Payroll Run, 4-9
Check Writer
running, 4-29
Cheque Writer, 4-14, 4-15
running, 4-29
Cheque Writer (Mexico)
creating a cheque report, 4-29
running, 4-29
Direct Deposit (Mexico), 4-27
Generate Run Balances
running, 4-13
IE Cheque Writer
running, 4-29
Information Declaration Report (DIM), 3-64
Information Declaration Report (DIM) process
running, 3-64
ISR Tax Format 37, 3-44
running, 3-57
Mexican Process Payroll Run, 4-9
Pay Advice (Mexico), 4-15
running, 4-34
Payroll Archiver, 4-24
Payroll Run, 4-9
Payroll Run (France), 4-9
Payroll Run (India), 4-9
Payroll Run IE, 4-9
Payroll Run UK, 4-9
Profit Sharing Process, 3-31
running, 3-31
RetroPay, 4-38
running, 4-68
Rollback MX Payroll Processes
running, 4-92
Tax Adjustment Run, 4-9
Void Check/Cheque Payments
running, 4-30
Year End Archiver, 3-39
retrying, 3-40
rolling back, 3-40
running, 3-40
viewing, 3-40
process parameters
maintaining, 5-9
purpose of, 5-4
process part of a payroll, 4-6
profit sharing, 3-31
running the Profit Sharing Process, 3-31
Profit Sharing Process, 3-31
running, 3-31
PTU, 3-31
running the Profit Sharing Report, 3-31
QuickPay, 4-7
concurrent manager messages, 4-7
making manual payments, 4-34
post-run processing, 4-7, 4-18
reversing, 4-91
running, 4-11
regular runs
scheduled date of, 1-12
Annual Work Risk Incident Report, 3-63
running, 3-63
Cheque Listing
running, 4-32
Element Register, 4-22
Format 2-D, 3-67
running, 3-68
Format 37
excluding employees, 3-56
Tax Remittance, 3-29
customizing, 3-29
running, 3-30
Void Payments
running, 4-32
Advance Pay Listing, 4-71
Payroll Cheque/Check Payment, 4-33
Payroll Message, 4-78
Retro-Notification, 4-64
automatic retries, 4-88
marking assignment groups for retry, 4-90
marking individual assignments for retry, 4-90
marking large and small processes for retry, 4-
overview, 4-88
payroll runs and other processes, 4-91
post-run processing rule, 4-88
overview of setup process, 4-48
reporting, 4-64
running, 4-64
setting up, 4-50
by element, 4-52
overview of setup process, 4-48
sequence of activities, 4-57
setting up, 4-52, 4-54
status and history, 4-62
summary of RetroPay versions in Oracle
HRMS, 4-40
troubleshooting, 4-44
viewing status, 4-62
RetroPay (by Aggregate, 4-68
RetroPay (by Aggregate)
setting up, 4-52
RetroPay by Element
setting up, 4-52
RetroPay by run
running, 4-68
RetroPay by Run
setting up, 4-52
reversals, 4-89
payroll runs, 4-91
QuickPay runs, 4-91
Rollback MX Payroll Processes
running, 4-92
rollbacks, 4-91
individual assignments, 4-93
large numbers of assignments, 4-92
small groups of assignments, 4-92
uses of, 4-87
run balances
remove invalid run balances, 4-13
running a payroll
running the Payroll Archiver, 4-24
running the Payroll Archiver, 4-24
running the Profit Sharing Process, 3-31
running the Tax Remittance Report, 3-30
setting up direct deposit, 2-19
setting up Enhanced RetroPay, 4-54
setting up IDW, 3-16
Social Security tax, 3-23
Global, 2-21
setting up, 2-21
viewing, 2-22
pay advice, 2-22
specifying further payroll information, 1-6
statement of earnings
setting up, 2-21
viewing, 2-22
pay advice, 2-22
Statement of Earnings
Global, 2-21
region information, 2-14
state taxes, 3-4
Chihuahua, 3-9
overriding, 3-10
subject earnings, 3-9
statutory information
entering, 1-13
statutory ISR tables
viewing, 3-5
table event updates, 5-8
tax adjustment run, 4-8
tax balances
created in payroll runs, 3-25
annual adjustment, 3-59
balances for, 3-25
Federal, state, and local, 3-25
Tax on Income, 3-3
Tax Remittance Report, 3-29
customizing for state details, 3-29
running, 3-30
troubleshooting RetroPay, 4-44
troubleshooting the Payroll Archiver, 4-24
viewing ISR withheld, 2-22
Void Check/Cheque Payments process
running, 4-30
Void Cheque Payments process
reissuing voided cheques, 4-31
when to run, 4-16
Void Payments Report
running, 4-32
Adjust Balance, 1-15
Assignment Set, 1-5
Consolidation Sets, 1-7, 1-8
Exception Report, 4-85
Exchange Rates, 1-4
External/Manual Payments, 4-16
Organizational Payment Method, 2-4, 2-16
Payroll, 1-12, 1-14
Period Dates, 1-13
QuickPay, 4-11
RetroPay Set, 4-54
RetroPay Status, 4-62
Statement of Earnings, 2-22
Table Event Updates, 5-8
Table Values, 1-6
Update Payroll Run, 1-7
Valid Payment Methods, 1-14
costing detail, 4-94
costing summary, 4-95
element details, 4-95
element link details, 4-96
employee assignments not processed, 4-98
employee assignments without payroll, 4-97
employee payment methods, 4-99
organization payment methods, 4-99
payroll message, 4-100
Work Risk Incidents Report, 3-63
WRIP, 3-63
calculating, 3-63
Year End Archiver
retrying, 3-40
rolling back, 3-40
running, 3-40
viewing, 3-40
Year End Archiver process, 3-39