Stress Assessment Questionnaire

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I am Jeyadurga Devi, doing my MBA in American College, Madurai.

As a part of
fulfillment of my course I am doing a project on A comparative study on the stress
level of the employees in leading consultancies. indly !elp me in t!is, "y filling t!is
$lease fill it and for%ard it to t!e follo%ing id& sjeyadurga '
()*D)+, - . Male - . /emale
D)$A+0M)*0, - . 1+ - . /inance - . Mar2eting
)3$)+I)*C), - . 4ess t!an 5yr - . 5& 6 yrs - . 6&7yrs - . A"ove 7 yrs
0ype 898 in t!e appropriate "o: to select your c!oice from t!e option.
S"No Question Agree Neutral #isagree
My role tends to interfere %it! my family

I am afraid I am not learning enoug! in my
present role for ta2ing up !ig!er

I am not a"le to satisfy t!e conflicting
demands of various people a"ove me.

My role recently "een reduced in

My %or2 load is too !eavy.

>t!er role occupants do not give enoug!
attention and time to my role.

I do not !ave ade#uate 2no%ledge to !andle
t!e responsi"ilities in my role.

I !ave to do t!ings, in my role, t!at are
against my judgments.

I am not clear on t!e scope and
responsi"ilities of my jo".

I do not get t!e information needed to carry
out responsi"ilities assigned to me.

55. I !ave various ot!er interests li2e social,
religious, etc., %!ic! remain neglected
"ecause I do not get time to attend to t!ese.

I am too preoccupied %it! my present jo"
responsi"ility to "e a"le to prepare for
ta2ing up !ig!er responsi"ilities.

I am not a"le to satisfy t!e conflicting
demands of my peers and juniors.

Many functions t!at s!ould "e part of my
role !ave "een assigned to some ot!er role.

0!e amount of %or2 I !ave to do interfere
%it! t!e #uality I %ant to maintain.

0!ere is not enoug! interaction "et%een my
role and ot!er roles.

I %is! I !ad more s2ills to !andle t!e
responsi"ilities of my role.

I am not a"le to use my training and
e:pertise in my role.

I do not 2no% %!at t!e people I %or2 %it!
e:pect of me.

I do not get enoug! resource to "e effective
in my role.

My jo" does not allo% me enoug! time for
my family.

I do not !ave time and opportunities to
prepare myself for t!e future c!allenges of
my jo".

I am not a"le to satisfy t!e demands of t!e
clients and t!e ot!ers, since t!ese are
conflicting %it! eac! ot!er.

I %ould li2e to ta2e on more responsi"ility
t!an I m !andling at present.

I !ave "een given too muc! responsi"ility.

I %is! t!ere %as more consultation "et%een
my role and ot!erCs roles.

I !ave not !ad rig!t training for my jo".

0!e %or2 I do in t!e organiDation is not
related to my interests.

9everal aspects of my role are vague and

I do not !ave enoug! people to %or2 %it!
me in my jo".

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