Greenhouse Effect&Global Warming Intro Grade 7

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Unit 1 Lesson Plan developed for Grade(s) 7

Title: Introduction to the Green House Effect and Global ar!in"

#uthor: $oah Edelstein
#pplies to Lesson(s) %&ur Global 'li!ate ()ste!% from
&b-ective: Introduce %Global ar!in"% and %The Greenhouse Effect% to
Total Ti!e E.pected: &ne class period//01 to 12 !inutes
7th "rade students have probabl) heard the bu33,ords 4Global ar!in"4
and 4Greenhouse Effect4 so!e,here in their lives+ Ho,ever5
the) are probabl) not clear as to ,hat the) reall) !ean scientificall)+ This
lesson ,ill introduce both concepts and provide basic infor!ation
about the!+ It ,ill also en"a"e student a,areness of chan"e in the earth
ener") s)ste! and provide infor!ation as to ,hat hu!ans are doin" to
effect "lobal cli!ate chan"e+
1+ Pose 7uestions %hat is the Greenhouse Effect8% and %hat is Global
9+ Guide students to !a:e a T/'hart in their science noteboo:s+ ;ra, a
lar"e class T/'hart on the blac:board or overhead pro-ector
for all to see+ Place Greenhouse Effect on one side and Global ar!in"
on the other side+
<+ #llo, students to ,or: for </0 !inutes to brainstor! and ,rite do,n
,hat the) :no, about these topics+
0+ #fter a fe, !inutes allo, for sharin" of all ideas+ Have a student
volunteer record these ideas on the class T/'hart+
Encoura"e students in the classroo! to cop) do,n all infor!ation into
their noteboo:s+
1+ =e"in short lecture to students+ (a): &uterspace is cold+ h) do ,e
sta) ,ar! on Earth8 The Sun
=ut5 ,hat is it about Earth that allo,s
us to survive here and not an) other planets8 Our Atmosphere
>+ (a): The at!osphere on Earth is special+ It allo,s us to breathe and
:eeps us ,ar!+ hat is the at!osphere !ade of8 Gases
7+ &n chal:board ,rite #t!osphere: ?ain "ases $itro"en and &.)"en+
=ut also s!aller a!ounts of 'arbon ;io.ide5 ater @apor5 ?ethane5 and
!an) others+
Have students ,rite this infor!ation in noteboo:s
A+ 'ircle the "reenhouse "ases on the list+ (a): 'arbon ;io.ide5 ater
@apor5 and ?ethane are called Greenhouse "ases+
hat is a "reenhouse and ,hat is it used for8 To make a warm place
for plants to grow. Bi"ht5 the sun shines into the "reenhouse and ,ar!s it
Then a lot of the heat ener") beco!es trapped inside the "reenhouse
b) the ,indo,s and the "reenhouse sta)s ,ar!+ The at!osphere of the
Earth ,or:s in a ver)
si!ilar ,a)+
C+ ;ra, a !odel of the (un5 Earth5 and the ener") transfer s)ste! that
details the "reenhouse effect si!ilar to the slide fro! %'li!ate Be"ulators:
'oncepts on the chal:board or overhead+ #llo, for students to s:etch it
in their science noteboo:s+ =e sure the) label the (un5 the #t!osphere5
the Earth5 'louds5 Greenhouse "asses
carbon dio.ide5 ,ater vapor5 and !ethane5 alon" ,ith clouds+
12+ (ho, Greenhouse Effect video provided in the activities portion of
'li!ate Be"ulators fro! the online course pa"es+ The video is about <+1
!inutes lon"+
11+ (a): This "reenhouse effect allo,s the Earth to sta) ,ar! and for
hu!ans and all other life to survive on it+ Earth is 0 billion )ears old5 and
the "reenhouse effect has been ,or:in" for a lon" ti!e to :eep earth
,ar! in order to sustain life+ =ut5 in the last <22 )ears5 hu!ans have
be"un to chan"e the s)ste!+ e are addin" !ore 'arbon ;io.ide to the
at!osphere than ever before b) burnin" fossil fuels to !a:e ener")+ This
increased 'arbon ;io.ide in the at!osephere is allo,in" less ener") to
escape our at!osphere and bac: into space+ This is !a:in" the Earth
19+ The survival of Polar =ears is no, in 6uestion because of "lobal
,ar!in"+ The) could beco!e e.tinct+ (ho, video at
that details the pli"ht of polar bears+ It is a short 1+1 !inute video+

(upplies or references re6uired:
1+ (cience noteboo:s
9+ 'hal:board*&verhead pro-ector
<+ Laptop 'o!puter connected to a data pro-ector
0+ Internet connection
$ational (cience (tandards addressed:
#+A+A+ Use the the!es of evolution5 e6uilibriu!5 and ener") to predict
future events or chan"es in the natural ,orld
;+A+C E.plain the behaviors of various for!s of ener") b) usin" the
!odels of ener") trans!ission5 both in the laborator) and in real/life
situations in the outside ,orld
Belated UBLs or reco!!ended readin":

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