This lesson plan introduces 7th grade students to the concepts of the greenhouse effect and global warming. It is one class period long and involves defining key terms, discussing what students already know, a short lecture on how the greenhouse effect works to warm the Earth, modeling the greenhouse effect system, and watching two short videos. The lesson aims to explain the science behind the greenhouse effect and global warming while raising awareness of human-caused climate change and its impacts like threats to polar bears.
This lesson plan introduces 7th grade students to the concepts of the greenhouse effect and global warming. It is one class period long and involves defining key terms, discussing what students already know, a short lecture on how the greenhouse effect works to warm the Earth, modeling the greenhouse effect system, and watching two short videos. The lesson aims to explain the science behind the greenhouse effect and global warming while raising awareness of human-caused climate change and its impacts like threats to polar bears.
This lesson plan introduces 7th grade students to the concepts of the greenhouse effect and global warming. It is one class period long and involves defining key terms, discussing what students already know, a short lecture on how the greenhouse effect works to warm the Earth, modeling the greenhouse effect system, and watching two short videos. The lesson aims to explain the science behind the greenhouse effect and global warming while raising awareness of human-caused climate change and its impacts like threats to polar bears.
This lesson plan introduces 7th grade students to the concepts of the greenhouse effect and global warming. It is one class period long and involves defining key terms, discussing what students already know, a short lecture on how the greenhouse effect works to warm the Earth, modeling the greenhouse effect system, and watching two short videos. The lesson aims to explain the science behind the greenhouse effect and global warming while raising awareness of human-caused climate change and its impacts like threats to polar bears.
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Unit 1 Lesson Plan developed for Grade(s) 7
Title: Introduction to the Green House Effect and Global ar!in"
#uthor: $oah Edelstein #pplies to Lesson(s) %&ur Global 'li!ate ()ste!% from http:**ci!ss+ssec+,isc+edu*cli!atechan"e* &b-ective: Introduce %Global ar!in"% and %The Greenhouse Effect% to students Total Ti!e E.pected: &ne class period//01 to 12 !inutes &vervie,: 7th "rade students have probabl) heard the bu33,ords 4Global ar!in"4 and 4Greenhouse Effect4 so!e,here in their lives+ Ho,ever5 the) are probabl) not clear as to ,hat the) reall) !ean scientificall)+ This lesson ,ill introduce both concepts and provide basic infor!ation about the!+ It ,ill also en"a"e student a,areness of chan"e in the earth ener") s)ste! and provide infor!ation as to ,hat hu!ans are doin" to effect "lobal cli!ate chan"e+ (e6uence: 1+ Pose 7uestions %hat is the Greenhouse Effect8% and %hat is Global ar!in"8% 9+ Guide students to !a:e a T/'hart in their science noteboo:s+ ;ra, a lar"e class T/'hart on the blac:board or overhead pro-ector for all to see+ Place Greenhouse Effect on one side and Global ar!in" on the other side+ <+ #llo, students to ,or: for </0 !inutes to brainstor! and ,rite do,n ,hat the) :no, about these topics+ 0+ #fter a fe, !inutes allo, for sharin" of all ideas+ Have a student volunteer record these ideas on the class T/'hart+ Encoura"e students in the classroo! to cop) do,n all infor!ation into their noteboo:s+ 1+ =e"in short lecture to students+ (a): &uterspace is cold+ h) do ,e sta) ,ar! on Earth8 The Sun =ut5 ,hat is it about Earth that allo,s us to survive here and not an) other planets8 Our Atmosphere >+ (a): The at!osphere on Earth is special+ It allo,s us to breathe and :eeps us ,ar!+ hat is the at!osphere !ade of8 Gases 7+ &n chal:board ,rite #t!osphere: ?ain "ases $itro"en and &.)"en+ =ut also s!aller a!ounts of 'arbon ;io.ide5 ater @apor5 ?ethane5 and !an) others+ Have students ,rite this infor!ation in noteboo:s A+ 'ircle the "reenhouse "ases on the list+ (a): 'arbon ;io.ide5 ater @apor5 and ?ethane are called Greenhouse "ases+ hat is a "reenhouse and ,hat is it used for8 To make a warm place for plants to grow. Bi"ht5 the sun shines into the "reenhouse and ,ar!s it up+ Then a lot of the heat ener") beco!es trapped inside the "reenhouse b) the ,indo,s and the "reenhouse sta)s ,ar!+ The at!osphere of the Earth ,or:s in a ver) si!ilar ,a)+ C+ ;ra, a !odel of the (un5 Earth5 and the ener") transfer s)ste! that details the "reenhouse effect si!ilar to the slide fro! %'li!ate Be"ulators: 'oncepts on the chal:board or overhead+ #llo, for students to s:etch it in their science noteboo:s+ =e sure the) label the (un5 the #t!osphere5 the Earth5 'louds5 Greenhouse "asses carbon dio.ide5 ,ater vapor5 and !ethane5 alon" ,ith clouds+ 12+ (ho, Greenhouse Effect video provided in the activities portion of 'li!ate Be"ulators fro! the online course pa"es+ The video is about <+1 !inutes lon"+ 11+ (a): This "reenhouse effect allo,s the Earth to sta) ,ar! and for hu!ans and all other life to survive on it+ Earth is 0 billion )ears old5 and the "reenhouse effect has been ,or:in" for a lon" ti!e to :eep earth ,ar! in order to sustain life+ =ut5 in the last <22 )ears5 hu!ans have be"un to chan"e the s)ste!+ e are addin" !ore 'arbon ;io.ide to the at!osphere than ever before b) burnin" fossil fuels to !a:e ener")+ This increased 'arbon ;io.ide in the at!osephere is allo,in" less ener") to escape our at!osphere and bac: into space+ This is !a:in" the Earth ,ar!er+ 19+ The survival of Polar =ears is no, in 6uestion because of "lobal ,ar!in"+ The) could beco!e e.tinct+ (ho, video at http:**,,,+)outube+co!*,atch8vDE1c)U!.1ht# that details the pli"ht of polar bears+ It is a short 1+1 !inute video+
(upplies or references re6uired: 1+ (cience noteboo:s 9+ 'hal:board*&verhead pro-ector <+ Laptop 'o!puter connected to a data pro-ector 0+ Internet connection $ational (cience (tandards addressed: #+A+A+ Use the the!es of evolution5 e6uilibriu!5 and ener") to predict future events or chan"es in the natural ,orld ;+A+C E.plain the behaviors of various for!s of ener") b) usin" the !odels of ener") trans!ission5 both in the laborator) and in real/life situations in the outside ,orld Belated UBLs or reco!!ended readin": http:**,,,+)outube+co!*,atch8vDE1c)U!.1ht#