SRM Procure To Pay

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The document outlines the procure to pay process and discusses master data configuration and transaction processing.

The document covers managing master data, processing transactions, and fiscal year-end close activities for accounts payable and materials management.

The envisioned process calculates vendor balances carried forward automatically to the new year when posting to previous years.

Los Angeles Unified School District

Legacy Replacement Program:

SAP Finance and Procurement
Business Blueprint
III 2 Procure to Pay
Version: 1.1 !"or#ing $nitial Draft%
Business Blueprint
&a'le of (ontents
Table of Contents...............................................................................................................1
1. Document History...........................................................................................................3
2. Review and Approval.....................................................................................................3
2.1 Reviewers.......................................................................................................3
2.2 Approvers.......................................................................................................3
nte!rated "usiness Process...............................................................................................#
2. Procure to Pay ................................................................................................................#
2.1 $ana!e $aster Data......................................................................................%
2.1.1 $ana!e &r!ani'ational (tructure.......................................................................%
2.1.2 $ana!e $aterials.............................................................................................11
2.1.3 $ana!e Addresses............................................................................................21
2.1.# $ana!e (uppliers.............................................................................................2%
2.1.% $ana!e )endors...............................................................................................33
Assi!n *umber Ran!es to )endor Account +roups,...............................................#2
Define (ensitive -ields for Dual Control .)endors/................................................#3
2.1.0 $ana!e Contract 1lements...............................................................................%%
2.2 Process Transactions....................................................................................0#
2.2.1 Process (2oppin! Carts....................................................................................0#
2/ 3ill4call, Re5uisitioner will pic6 up !oods and t2ere is no cut4off or s2ippin!
3/ &verni!2t, T2ere is a cut4off of 12,88 pm for t2e s2oppin! cart to be approved or else
will be deliver t2e followin! day and t2ere is a 9: s2ippin! c2ar!e for every ;8 pounds of
material bein! ordered.......................................................................................................7#
#/ (ame4day, T2ere is a cut4off of :,88 am for t2e s2oppin! cart to be approved or else
will be s2ipped t2e followin! day. T2ere is a 913 s2ippin! c2ar!e for every ;8 pounds of
material bein! ordered.......................................................................................................7#
%/ -uture dated delivery, 32en users select t2is option t2e ordered will be delivered on
t2e date specified on t2e s2oppin! cart or % days after approval w2ic2ever is !reater......7#
2.2.2 Determine (ourcin!..........................................................................................:8
2.2.3 $ana!e Contracts.............................................................................................:;
2.2.# Process Purc2ase &rders.................................................................................113
2.2.% Receive or Return +oods or (ervices.............................................................123
&ffices will only be allowed to enter a $+& transaction only for t2eir cost center. T2e
only e<ception will be for t2e (2oppin! Cart (upport Center t2at will need to enter
$+& transactions on be2alf of all sc2ools t2at 2ave not roll4out to (AP. ..................12;
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1
Business Blueprint
T2e receipt of services is t2e same as t2e !oods receipt. T2e 6ey difference is t2at t2is
transaction will be tri!!ered w2en receivin! for services and w2en a >?imit P&@ is bein!
T2e return to vendor will be tri!!er w2en a material is defectiveA dama!eA an overa!e is
bein! sentA andBor t2e wron! material was sent. T2is transaction will trac6 t2e 2istory
and reports can be run a!ainst it to c2ec6 2ow many times a vendorsC delivery 2as been
reDected. t will served as a fla! to trac6 vendor performance........................................12;
2.2.1 Process Purc2ase &rder4Related nvoices......................................................12;
2.2.2 Process Direct4Pay nvoices...........................................................................13:
2.2.3 Process Payments...........................................................................................1#:
2.2.# Process 3arrants............................................................................................108
2.3 $ana!e nformation..................................................................................10:
2.3.1 $ana!e )endor Accounts..............................................................................10:
2.3.2 $ana!e (R$ (ystem ssues..........................................................................173
2.3.3 $ana!e (ervice 1ntry (2eets.........................................................................17:
2.# Process Reports..........................................................................................1;1
2.#.1 Process Reports for Procurement...................................................................1;1
2.#.2 Process Reports for Accounts Payable...........................................................1;#
2.#.3 Process Reports for $aterials $ana!ement...................................................1;;
2.% Perform Period41nd Closin!......................................................................1:8
2.1.8 $ana!e Period41nd Closin! Activities..........................................................1:8
2.%.2 $ana!e Daily Closin! Activities...................................................................1:2
2.%.3 $ana!e $ont241nd Closin! Activities..........................................................1:7
2.%.# $ana!e Euarter41nd Closin! Activities........................................................281
2.%.% $ana!e Calendar Fear41nd Closin! Activities.............................................281
2.%.0 $ana!e -iscal Fear41nd Closin! Activities..................................................28;
= 2 = Procure to Pay 2
Business Blueprint
1. Document )istory
(i!nificant c2an!es made to t2is document are as follow,
Version Date Author Description of (hange
1.8 #B:B2812 Goe T2ompson Created initial wor6in! draft.
1.1 %B17B2812 Goe T2ompson Hpdated and reviewed >as is@ sections.
1.2 %B31B2812 Goe T2ompson nitial review and edit.
. Re*ie+ and Appro*al
.1 Re*ie+ers
T2is document was reviewed by t2e followin!,
Re*ie+er Pro,ect Role Date
. Appro*ers
T2is document was approved by t2e followin!,
Appro*er Pro,ect Role Date
= 2 = Procure to Pay 3
Business Blueprint
$ntegrated Business Process
. Procure to Pay
T2e (AP for Public (ector Procure to Pay business process is desi!ned to support
inte!rated mana!ement of procurement activities for ?AH(D. T2is includes t2e sub4
processes involved wit2 mana!in! information related to ?AH(DCs suppliers and
vendorsI identifyin! and inte!ratin! relevant products and services utili'ed by ?AH(D
operationsI inte!ration of t2e ?AH(D or!ani'ational structure for procurement4related
activitiesI submission and approval of re5uests by employees to procure products or
servicesI ac5uirin! products or services usin! different met2ods ali!ned wit2 ?AH(D
le!alA mana!erial and operational re5uirements includin! formal and information bidsA
le!al contracts and purc2ase ordersI and t2e analysis and reportin! of procurement4
related activities and results.
(upported Re5uirements
T2e followin! Procure to Pay re5uirements are determined to be in scope for t2e ?RP
(AP -inance and Procurement mplementation. T2ese re5uirements 2ave been mapped
to t2e correspondin! sub4processA activity andBor sub4activity supportin! eac2
<to be completed>
Re-. $D &racea'ility $D R$(./" $D Description (omments
Hnsupported Re5uirements
T2e followin! Procure to Pay re5uirements are determined to be out of scope for t2e ?RP
(AP -inance and Procurement mplementation.
<to be completed>
Re-. $D Description (omments
(upported nternal Controls
ndividual roles will be created to facilitate t2e separation of duties for staff responsible
for maintainin! vendor master records and t2ose responsible for processin! vendor
= 2 = Procure to Pay #
Business Blueprint
Jinternal controls supported wit2 t2e envisioned >To "e@ business processK
.1 0anage 0aster Data
<to be completed>
.1.1 0anage 1rgani2ational Structure
Definin! t2e DistrictCs or!ani'ational structure is re5uired to support t2e (upplier
Relations2ip $ana!ement .(R$/ business scenarios. T2is or!ani'ational
structure forms t2e framewor6 under w2ic2 all business transactions are processed
and controlledA includin! establis2in! employee access to t2e appropriate
transactions and catalo!s as well as electronic routin! of transactions for
&r!ani'ational unitsA positionsA employeesA (AP users and (R$4specific
attributes form t2e foundation for t2e DistrictCs (R$ or!ani'ational plan. T2e
e<istin! ?AH(D 1CC or!ani'ational structureA maintained by t2e nformation
Tec2nolo!y Division .TD/A will be sync2roni'ed wit2 (R$ usin! Application
?in6 1nablin! .A?1/A wit2 t2e (R$4specific attributes maintained directly in
n additionA ?AH(D will utili'e (AP (upplier (elf4(ervices .(H(/ for various
vendor B supplier functions. T2e or!ani'ational structures necessary to facilitate
(H( functions will be created and mana!ed directly in (R$ and (H(.
Ley &wners
T2e 6ey owner for t2e $ana!e &r!ani'ational (tructure activity is as follows,
1RP DirectorA nformation Tec2nolo!y DivisionA "usiness Applications
(upportin! 1ducation M"A(1N .$arvin Cru'/ .Teri ?yons/
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
Access to t2e nte!rated -inancial (ystem .-(/ is currently mana!ed manuallyA
wit2 employees submittin! a paper4based form wit2 t2e proper approvals to TD.
TD will establis2 t2e appropriate end4user profile for t2e employeeA includin!
re5uired manual c2ec6s and validationsA and send t2e employee a confirmation
t2at 2is or 2er user D 2as been establis2edA as well as t2e initial steps necessary
to lo! in to -(. T2ere is currently no e<istin! inte!ration between -( and t2e
or!ani'ational structure maintained in (AP.
1<istin! Pain Points
= 2 = Procure to Pay %
Business Blueprint
T2ere are many user profiles in -(A some of w2ic2 are very similar w2ic2
causes difficulty determinin! t2e differences between t2e profiles.
1mployees no lon!er re5uirin! a particular role are responsible for
submittin! a form to eit2er modify or deactivate t2eir -( access. T2is is
not always done andA because t2ere is no e<istin! inte!ration between -(
and t2e or!ani'ational structure maintained in (AP to validate employee
accessA t2ere is an opportunity for an employee to process transactions in
-( wit2in an area for w2ic2 t2ey no lon!er 2ave responsibility.
Accuracy of -( users and profiles are 2eavily reliant on manual processes
and eac2 ?AH(D departmentCs e<itin! process for employees.
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
TD will continue to maintain t2e DistrictCs or!ani'ational structure.
?AH(D 2as decided to implement (R$ and (H(A w2ic2 re5uire replication and
sync2roni'ation of t2e or!ani'ational structure from 1CC to (R$. Roles will be
assi!ned to positions w2ic2 are assi!ned to t2e ?AH(D cost centers defined
wit2in t2e DistrictCs or!ani'ational 2ierarc2y. &ne position wit2in eac2 cost
center will be identified as t2e >Head of &r!ani'ation.@ All purc2asin! processes
will be assi!ned to t2e appropriate roles and all transactions performed by
employees assi!ned to t2e relevant positions and roles will be restricted to t2eir
appropriate areas of responsibilityA wit2 any electronic routin! for approval
directed to t2e proper Head of &r!ani'ation based on t2e or!ani'ational 2ierarc2y.
)arious attributes supplementin! t2e or!ani'ational structure will be maintained
directly in (R$. T2ese attributes enable t2e procurement processes to be ali!ned
wit2 additional elements suc2 as t2e appropriate purc2asin! !roups re5uired for
electronic routin! for approval to t2e responsible ?AH(D staff responsible for
centrali'ed procurement activities. Centrali'ed procurement support functions
will be enabled by assi!nin! t2e appropriate staff to t2e purc2asin! !roups
.buyers/ usin! t2e Purc2asin! Root or!ani'ational structure maintained in (R$.
A )endor Root or!ani'ational structure will also be maintained in (H( and (R$
to support collaboration wit2 t2e DistrictCs suppliers and vendors.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 0
Business Blueprint
= 2 = Procure to Pay 7
Business Blueprint
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
a. Create Distribution $odel
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
$+ (AP *et3eaverApplication (erverDoc
nterface B Application ?in6 1nablin! .A?1/
$odellin! and mplementin! "usiness
Processes$aintain Distribution $odel and Distribute
T2e A?1 distribution model describes t2e messa!e flow
between lo!ical systems. T2e distribution model defines
w2ic2 messa!es are e<c2an!ed between systems. HR
distribution model will be created wit2 messa!e
HR$DOA"A to replicate t2e or!ani'ation structure into
b. $aintain Purc2asin! &r!ani'ation
Transaction code (PR&APP&CAO""PA PP&$AO""P
$+ menu
$+ (AP (upplier Relations2ip $ana!ement
(R$ (erverCross4Application "asic
(ettin!s&r!ani'ational $ana!ement Create
= 2 = Procure to Pay ;
Business Blueprint
&r!ani'ational PlanBDisplay &r!ani'ational
PlanBC2an!e &r!ani'ational Plan
n t2is activityA root or!ani'ational unit will be created.
T2is is t2e startin! point for t2e or!ani'ational plan.
HereA t2e followin! information on t2e root
or!ani'ational unit is displayed,
*ame and validity period
Address data
c. (et up nte!ration wit2 &r!ani'ational $ana!ement
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(upplier Relations2ip $ana!ement (R$ (erver
Cross4application "asic (ettin!s &r!ani'ational
$ana!ement nte!ration "usiness Partner4
&r!ani'ational $ana!ement (et Hp nte!ration wit2
&r!ani'ational $ana!ement
T2e purpose of t2is activity is to setup inte!ration
between HR and (R$ or!ani'ational structure obDects.
= 2 = Procure to Pay :
Business Blueprint
+aps and Resolution
Certain procurement processes may not be fully supported usin! t2e standard
Head of &r!ani'ation structure for electronic approvals. As a resultA a 2ybrid
approac2 will be used to address unsupported wor6flow re5uirements. T2is
approac2 will include use of t2e or!ani'ational structureA as well as responsibility4
basedA 2ard codedA table4based and aut2ori'ation4based met2ods. Certain
re5uirementsA suc2 as (ervice ?evel A!reement .(?A/ approvalsA may also be
addressed usin! or!ani'ational structure attributes maintained in (R$.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
?AH(D will be usin! or!ani'ational structures tied to employee data to
dictate end usersC ability to purc2ase !oods and services..
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
1lectronic wor6flow and t2e 1CC or!ani'ational structure will be used to
determine an end4userCs ability to purc2ase !oods and services. T2is will
re5uire updatin! of relevant information wit2in t2e 1CC or!ani'ational
structureA replication to (R$ and maintenance of additional attributes in
People C2an!es
TD staff will be responsible for additional attribute maintenance .in addition
to w2at is currently maintained in 1CC/ to support (R$.
Policy C2an!es
*one identified.
Trainin! mpacts
All users will re5uire trainin! on t2e transactions relevant to t2eir roles and
responsibilities. T2is includes an understandin! of electronic routin! for
approvalsA t2e impact of t2e or!ani'ational structure on electronic wor6flow
and t2e importance of t2e roles and electronic wor6flow in enablin! critical
controls wit2in t2e procurement processes.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 18
Business Blueprint
Additional Considerations
T2e information re5uired to support t2e (R$ or!ani'ational structure must be
available wit2in t2e e<istin! 1CC or!ani'ational structure prior to replication
.e.!.A site addresses/. 0aintain 1rgani2ational Structure
&nce t2e appropriate roots and or!ani'ational structures 2ave been replicated to
(R$ usin! t2e P-A? transaction B tas6A various attributes and e<tended
attributes will be maintained in (R$ usin! t2e PP&$AO""P transaction B tas6
in order to support purc2asin! activities.
Certain attributes will be set at t2e ?AH(D or!ani'ational levelA wit2 t2e
attributes used by t2e lower or!ani'ational levels. &t2er attributes will be
maintained at t2e cost center or!ani'ational levels due to differences from one
cost center to anot2er .e.!.A plants and stora!e locations/.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
P-A? P-A?
Replicate &r!ani'ational
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
(R$ Administrator
C2an!e (R$
&r!ani'ational (tructure
(R$ Administrator
1.1.1. Display 1rgani2ational Structure
T2e (R$ or!ani'ational structure and attributes will be available for display
usin! transaction B tas6 PP&(AO""P. T2e 1CC or!ani'ational structure will be
displayed usin! transaction PP&(1.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
)iew (R$
&r!ani'ational (tructure
Restricted Procurement
PP&(1 PP&(1
Display &r!ani'ation and
Restricted Procurement
.1. 0anage 0aterials
T2e material master record is t2e main source of material specific data. t is used
by all areas of lo!istics. T2e inte!ration of all material data in a sin!le database
obDect eliminates t2e problem of data redundancy. All areasA suc2 as purc2asin!A
= 2 = Procure to Pay 11
Business Blueprint
inventory mana!ementA materials plannin!A and invoice verificationA can Dointly
use t2e data stored.
T2e data stored in t2e material master record is re5uired for many purposes. T2ese
Purc2asin! data for orderin! purposes
nventory mana!ement data is needed to post !oods movements and carry
out p2ysical inventories
Accountin! data is re5uired for material valuation
$aterials plannin! data is needed for material re5uirements plannin!.
(ince different departments wor6 wit2 a materialA and eac2 user department enters
different information relatin! to itA t2e data in a material master record is
subdivided accordin! to area of use. 1ac2 department 2as its own view of a
material master record and is responsible for maintainin! t2e data covered by t2is
T2e data screens used to process material master records can be subdivided into
t2e followin! types,
$ain data = T2ese are t2e screens for t2e individual user departmentsA
suc2 as basic dataA materials plannin!A etc.
Additional data = t2ese are t2e screens on w2ic2 you find additional
information suc2 as alternative units of measureA material s2ort
descriptionsA and consumption values.
T2e data maintained wit2in a view may be valid for different or!ani'ational
levels. (ome data is valid for all or!ani'ational levelsA w2ile some is valid for
certain levels only. (o t2at t2e material data can be administered centrallyA
wit2out unnecessary load on t2e database due to redundant informationA t2e
material master is or!ani'ed in suc2 a way t2at it reflects t2e structure of an
Data at client level, +eneral material data t2at is valid for t2e w2ole
enterprise is stored at client level. 1<amples include material numberA
material s2ort te<tA material !roupA base and alternative units of measure.
Data at plant level, All data t2at is valid wit2in a plant and for all stora!e
locations belon!in! to it is stored at plant level. 1<amples include
purc2asin! dataA $RP data and forecastin! data.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 12
Business Blueprint
Data at stora!e location level, All data t2at is valid for a particular stora!e
location is stored at stora!e location level. 1<amples include stora!e bin
description and pic6in! area.
$aterial $aster and $aterial +roups in (AP will be modeled on *+P .*ational
nstitute of +overnmental Purc2asin!/ Codes. 1<ternal numberin! s2all be used
to ali!n wit2 t2e *+P Codes. A custom inventory type P?C and a custom material
typeA PQ?(DCA s2all be establis2ed for ?AH(D.
Ley &wners
$ar6 HovatterA Procurement 1<ecutive
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
?AH(D uses *ational nstitute for +overnmental Purc2asin! .*+P/ commodity
codes for !roupin! !oods and services. T2e District procures !oods and services
of over a broad spectrumA e.!.A 2and tools to law enforcement uniforms. Definin!
commodity and service !roupin!s in a broad enou!2 manner allows t2e DistrictRs
central procurement or!ani'ation to more easily trac6 procurement activity as
well as factors t2at affect procurement performance suc2 as number of suppliers
for a !iven commodity and service !roupin!. 1<amples of commodity and
service !roupin!s are -acilities $ana!ement and Related (ervicesA buildin!
materials and power toolsA te<tboo6s and proDect mana!ement services. -or -leet
$aintenanceA t2e District also uses American Truc6in! Association commodity
Re5uests for new commodity codes or c2an!es to t2e description are submitted to
Procurement for updatin! t2e commodity tablesA C&C? .commodity class/A
C(CC .commodity classBsubclass/A and C&$$ .commodity/. T2e (pecification
Assistant is responsible for additionsA c2an!es and deletions to t2ese tables.
1<istin! Pain Points
*one were identified at t2is point in time.
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
$aterial $aster and $aterial +roups in (AP will be modeled on *+P .*ational
nstitute of +overnmental Purc2asin!/ Codes. 1<ternal numberin! s2all be used
to ali!n wit2 t2e *+P Codes. A custom inventory type P?C and a custom material
typeA PQ?(DCA s2all be establis2ed for ?AH(D.
T2e data stored in t2e material master record include,
= 2 = Procure to Pay 13
Business Blueprint
Purc2asin! data for orderin! purposes
nventory mana!ement data is needed to post !oods movements and carry
out p2ysical inventories
Accountin! data is re5uired for material valuation
$aterials plannin! data is needed for material re5uirements plannin!.
(ince different departments wor6 wit2 a materialA and eac2 user department enters
different information relatin! to itA t2e data in a material master record is
subdivided accordin! to area of use. 1ac2 department 2as its own view of a
material master record and is responsible for maintainin! t2e data covered by t2is
T2e data screens used to process material master records can be subdivided into
t2e followin! types,
$ain data = T2ese are t2e screens for t2e individual user departmentsA
suc2 as basic dataA materials plannin!A etc.
Additional data = t2ese are t2e screens on w2ic2 you find additional
information suc2 as alternative units of measureA material s2ort
descriptionsA and consumption values.
T2e data maintained wit2in a view may be valid for different or!ani'ational
levels. (ome data is valid for all or!ani'ational levelsA w2ile some is valid for
certain levels only. (o t2at t2e material data can be administered centrallyA
wit2out unnecessary load on t2e database due to redundant informationA t2e
material master is or!ani'ed in suc2 a way t2at it reflects t2e structure of an
Data at client level, +eneral material data t2at is valid for t2e w2ole
enterprise is stored at client level. 1<amples include material numberA
material s2ort te<tA material !roupA base and alternative units of measure.
Data at plant level, All data t2at is valid wit2in a plant and for all stora!e
locations belon!in! to it is stored at plant level. 1<amples include
purc2asin! dataA $RP data and forecastin! data.
Data at stora!e location level, All data t2at is valid for a particular stora!e
location is stored at stora!e location level. 1<amples include stora!e bin
description and pic6in! area.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1#
Business Blueprint
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
a. Create $iddleware sites for Customi'in!
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1%
Business Blueprint
Transaction code ($&1AC
$+ menu *BA
$iddleware sites re5uired for t2e "asis and
Customi'in! data download will be created
b. (et $iddleware parameters
Transaction code ($38
$+ menu *BA
$iddleware parameters needs to be maintained in t2e
followin! tables, CR$C&*(H$A CR$(H"TA"A
c. (et material filters
Transaction code R3AC1
$+ menu *BA
$aterial t2at are relevant for t2e (R$ can be filtered in
t2is activity
= 2 = Procure to Pay 10
Business Blueprint
d. Define catalo!
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(AP mplementation +uide(AP (upplier
Relations2ip $ana!ement (R$ (erver $aster
Data Content $ana!ement Define 1<ternal 3eb
T2e purpose of t2is activity is to define nternal4$D$
and 1<ternal punc2 out catalo!s.e.!. Distribution Center
catalo!A Arey Gones /
+aps and Resolution
<to be completed>
R$(./" $D &ype Description
Q$$&HT1880 nterface nterface of material master information from (AP to C$(.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 17
Business Blueprint
R$(./" $D &ype Description
Q$$C*)1882 Conversion Conversion of materials.
Q(R1*H1887 1n2ancement $appin! of material !roups for Punc2&ut catalo!s.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
*one 2ave been identified.
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
$aterials created in 1CC will 2ave to be replicated in (R$.
People C2an!es
*one 2ave been identified.
Policy C2an!es
*one 2ave been identified
Trainin! mpacts
*one 2ave been identified.
Additional Considerations
Jitems to be considered w2ile implementin! t2e envisioned >To "e@ activityK
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1;
Business Blueprint
1..1.1 0aintain 0aterial 5roups
To create a material you first establis2 t2e views you want to process. *e<tA you
specify t2e relevant or!ani'ation levels. After t2isA t2e data screens appears. T2e
order in w2ic2 screens appear may also be establis2ed.
32en creatin! a new material master recordA you must c2oose a material type
and an industry sector to w2ic2 t2e material will be assi!ned. $aterials wit2 t2e
same properties are assi!ned to t2e same material type.
$aterial type controls,
T2e type of number assi!nment
Permissible number ran!e intervals
32ic2 screens appear and in w2ic2 order
32ic2 user department specific data is su!!ested for entry
32ic2 procurement type is allowed for a material
&nce a material 2as been createdA t2e material master record e<ists in t2e
database. f someone from anot2er department later wis2es to enter dataA 2e or
s2e does not 2ave to create t2e material master record from scratc2A but only 2as
to e<tend t2e e<istin! record by addin! t2e information from 2is or 2er
department. A material master is also e<tended w2en data pertainin! to t2e
material is stored for furt2er or!ani'ational levels.
*+P (tandards will be used at t2e $aterial +roup level .at least five di!its/.
T2e material !roups will be replicated in (R$.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
&$(- Create $aterial +roup (R$ Administrator
&$(- C2an!e $aterial +roup (R$ Administrator
R3A( R3A( Hpdate $aterial +roup (R$ Administrator
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1:
Business Blueprint
1..1. 0aintain 0aterials
32en creatin! a material master t2e data needed is materialA industry sectorA
material typeA plantA base unit of measureA material !roupA purc2asin! !roupA
valuation classA price controlA and movin! avera!e price. $aterials may be
c2an!ed one at a time or as a mass c2an!e. &nce a material master record is
created c2an!es can be made to t2e data for e<istin! views only. A material
master record cannot be c2an!ed to add a new view. &nce t2e material field.s/
2ave been c2an!edA t2e material is saved.
f it is decided t2at t2e material will never be used in t2e system a!ain it can be
fla!!ed for deletion. T2e transaction $$80 does not delete t2e materialA but
fla!s t2e material master for deletion. T2ere are options to delete t2e material at
different levels. t could be system wideA at t2e plant or ware2ouse level. Any
c2an!es are lo!!ed in a c2an!e document to allow for tracin! and verifyin! t2e
c2an!e 2istory at any time.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
$$81 $$81
Create $aterial mmediately
Central $aster Data
$$82 $$82 C2an!e $aterial mmediately
Central $aster Data
$$17 $$17 C2an!e $aterials .mass/
Central $aster Data
$$A$ $$A$ C2an!e $aterial Type .mass/
Central $aster Data
$$80 $$80
-la! $aterial for Deletion
Central $aster Data
1..1.6 Display 0aterials
Hsed to display products and services available for selection by sc2ools and
offices. A material master record can be displayed as it currently is or as it will
be at a 6ey date. T2ere are certain data t2at will always display as it currently is,
All types of lon! te<t
Document data
Avera!e plant stoc6
E$ inspection data
Consumption values and forecast values
Classification data
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
$$83 $$83 Display $aterial .current/ +eneral Display
= 2 = Procure to Pay 28
Business Blueprint
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
$$1: $$1: Display $aterial .at 6ey date/ +eneral Display
$$8# $$8#
Display $aterial C2an!es
+eneral Display
.1.6 0anage Addresses
T2e ?AH(D Procurement (ervices Division will be responsible for information
wit2in t2e vendor master includin! addressesA wit2 maintenance of certain
vendors s2ared wit2 ot2er District or!ani'ations. n additionA maintenance of
sc2ool and office internal B delivery addresses will be performed by t2e
Procurement (ervices Division to support various (AP processes.
Ley &wners
T2e 6ey owners for t2e $ana!e Addresses activity are as follow,
Director of Procurement (ervices .$ar6 Hovatter/
o .Gudit2 ReeceA Ant2ony +ome'/
-acilities (ervices -inancial (pecialist .C2ris AleDo/
Controller . ?uis "uendia/
o .$ar6 Harris/
$ar6 Hovatter is t2e owner of t2e )endor $aster and Procurement will be
maintainin! vendor master records for all vendors wit2 t2e e<ception of two
Account +roups. T2ere is an already e<istin! Account +roup specific to
+arnis2ment vendors maintained by Payroll. T2ere will also be one Account
+roup maintained by -acilities Pro!ram (upport (ervicesA -acilities Procurement
Payment (ervices specifically for -acilities mprest vendors.
?uis "uendiaA ControllerA will continue t2e practice of Payroll maintainin! t2e
vendor master records specific to t2e Account +roup for !arnis2ments.
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
Address information is entered by Procurement end4users wit2 t2e appropriate
profile to access t2e vendor table .)1*2/ and is re5uired for completin! a vendor
master record in -(. (ee (ection 2.1.% = $ana!e )endors for additional
information on maintainin! vendors in -(. Delivery or >(2ip To@ addresses are
maintained in t2e (2ippin! Address Table .(HP/ in -( and maintained by
Procurement buyin! staff.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 21
Business Blueprint
1<istin! Pain Points
-( 2as field len!t2 limitations t2at result in non4standard abbreviations to
be used for lon!er addressesA ma6in! locatin! of vendors difficult and w2ic2
may result in duplicate vendor records.
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
Address information must be provided for a vendor to e<ist in 1CCB(R$B(H(.
(ections 2.1.# 4 $ana!e (uppliers and 2.1.% 4 $ana!e )endorsA contain
additional information relatin! to up6eep of supplier information and up6eep of
t2e )endor $aster.
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
)endor account !roups will be confi!ured in (AP to restrict access for
maintenance of vendor address to t2e responsible end4users. (ee (ection 2.1.% =
$ana!e )endors for additional information wit2 respect to t2e vendor account
!roups to be confi!ured.
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(PR& (AP Reference $+ (AP 3eb Application
(erver Application (erver "asis (ervices
Address $ana!ement $aintain Address and Person
*umber Ran!e
n t2is activity *umber ran!es for t2e address are
= 2 = Procure to Pay 22
Business Blueprint
+aps and Resolution
*one identified.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
T2e responsibility for maintenance of vendor addresses will be s2ared
amon!st t2e Procurement (ervices DivisionA Payroll Administration and
-acilities (ervices Division .-acilities Pro!ram (upport (ervicesA -acilities
Procurement Payment (ervices/.
Procurement (ervices Division maintains complete control of vendor address
maintenance in -(. n (APA 2oweverA t2e Procurement (ervices Division
will be responsible for maintainin! vendor addresses for all vendors wit2 t2e
e<ception of +arnis2ment vendors and -acilities mprest vendors.
Payroll Administration currently maintains !arnis2ment4related vendor
addresses in (AP and will continue to do so.
T2e -acilities (ervices Division .-acilities Pro!ram (upport (ervicesA
-acilities Procurement Payment (ervices/ will maintain addresses for
-acilities mprest vendors.
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
= 2 = Procure to Pay 23
Business Blueprint
T2e (AP systemA w2ic2 uses a different tec2nolo!y t2an bot2 -( and t2e
Euic6"oo6s software used to support t2e -acilities imprest accountsA will now
be used to maintain vendor address information.
People C2an!es
Appropriate staff will 2ave to be identified as Central )endor $aster Data
Administrators wit2in Procurement and -acilities. .Payroll is already
operatin! in Production wit2 t2e appropriate role to support maintenance of
t2e +arnis2ment Account +roup./ T2ese staff members will be tas6ed wit2
vendor master maintenance for t2e desi!nated Account +roups.
Policy C2an!es
)endor (ervices functions will no lon!er reside only wit2in Procurement.
ProcurementA PayrollA and -acilities will s2are in t2e tas6 of maintainin!
vendor master records.
Trainin! mpacts
Procurement and -acilities staff will need to be trained on 2ow to createA
c2an!eA bloc6Bunbloc6A set for deletionA confirm sensitive field c2an!esA and
display vendor master records. Accounts Payable staff will need to be trained
in 2ow to display vendor master records.
Additional Considerations
*one identified. 0aintain Addresses
Addresses for trade vendors will be establis2ed in (H( B (R$ and sync2roni'ed
wit2 1CC usin! t2e process described in (ection 2.1.% = $aintain )endors.
C2an!es to addresses for trade vendorsA as well as maintenance of sc2ool and
office addressesA will be performed usin! t2e business partner application in
After t2e initial vendor master record creation as defined in (ection 2.1.% =
$aintain )endorsA non4trade vendor address information will be maintained in
1CC usin! transaction SL82.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
"usiness Partner
"usiness Partner
all but display
$aintain Company
"usiness Partner
SL82 4 Address SL82
$aintain (upplier
)endor Addresses
"usiness Partner
= 2 = Procure to Pay 2#
Business Blueprint
1.6.1. Display Addresses
Addresses for trade vendorsA as well as maintenance of sc2ool and office
addressesA will be displayed usin! t2e business partner application in (R$.
Accounts PayableA ProcurementA Payroll and -acilities staff will view vendor
address information in 1CC usin! transaction SL83.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
"usiness Partner
"usiness Partner
)iew Company
+eneral Display
SL83 4 Address SL83
Display )endor
Restricted Procurement
.1.7 0anage Suppliers
?AH(D will be usin! (H( in addition to (R$ in order to support supplierA
vendor and buyin! functions. Replication and sync2roni'ation of information
between (H(A (R$ and 1CC will be re5uired to facilitate order collaboration
wit2 suppliers and allow suppliers t2e ability to maintain certain profile
information w2en desi!nated as portal vendors.
Ley &wners
T2e 6ey owner for t2e $ana!e (uppliers activity is as follows,
Director of Procurement (ervices .$ar6 Hovatter/
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
?AH(DCs current vendor re!istration systems are standalone systems used for
allowin! bidders to view upcomin! procurements and access current procurement
opportunities. 32ile vendors B bidders 2ave t2e ability to maintain t2eir own
profiles to e<press areas of interest for procurement opportunitiesA current systems
do not accommodate on4line collaborative submittals of bidsA proposalsA or
1<istin! Pain Points
1<istin! vendor re!istration systems are not inte!rated and do not
accommodate on4line and collaborative submittals of bidsA proposals or
= 2 = Procure to Pay 2%
Business Blueprint
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
Potential (uppliers will 2ave t2e opportunity to access ?AH(DCs portal site and
self re!ister. &nce successfully re!isteredA t2e (upplier will receive an e4mail
wit2 a lin6 to ?AH(DCs (upplier (elf (ervice .(H(/. T2e (upplier will t2en be
able to create t2eir Hser D and passwordA set ot2er permissionsA and update
limited informationA suc2 as address and contact informationA on an as4needed
basis. T2is process also establis2es t2e relations2ip between (H( and (R$
ma6in! online collaborative biddin! possibleA as well as low value purc2ases
performed by ?AH(D sc2ools and offices.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 20
Business Blueprint

= 2 = Procure to Pay 27
Business Blueprint
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
a. Activate (upplier Re!istration
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(PR& (AP mplementation +uide(AP (upplier
Relations2ip $ana!ement(upplier
Collaboration(upplier (elf4
Re!istrationActivateBDeactivate (upplier (elf4
n t2is activity *umber ran!es for t2e address are
b. Create reduced messa!e type
Transaction code "D%3
$+ menu
(AP Customi'in! mplementation +uide (AP
*et3eaverApplication (erverDoc nterface
BApplication ?in6 1nablin! .A?1/T $odelin! and
mplementin! "usiness Processes $aster Data
Distribution(cope of Data for Distribution
$essa!e Reduction Create Reduced $essa!e Type
"ased on reference messa!e type CR1$A(A reduced
messa!e type QOCR1$A(O(H($$ will be created
= 2 = Procure to Pay 2;
Business Blueprint
c. $a6in! (ettin!s for "usiness Partners
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(upplier Relations2ip $ana!ement (upplier (elf4
(ervices $aster Data $a6e (ettin!s for "usiness
(ettin!s to use Hser $ana!ement to replicate business
partners and create users are defined
d. Create a (ervice Hser for re!istration
Transaction code (H81
$+ menu *BA
Create a (ervice Hser wit2 roles
= 2 = Procure to Pay 2:
Business Blueprint
e. Assi!n t2e user t2e (upplier Re!istration service
Transaction code (C-
$+ menu *BA
Assi!n t2e user to service 3DAO1O(HC&O(R1+
f. nclude t2e .1<ternal/ (upplier Directory in (upplier Preselection
= 2 = Procure to Pay 38
Business Blueprint
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(AP (upplier Relations2ip $ana!ement(R$
(erver$aster DataContent $ana!ementDefine
1<ternal 3eb (ervices
(upplier directories t2at t2at are to be available in t2e
e<tended searc2 in supplier preselection are maintained

+aps and Resolution
Potential (uppliers will self re!ister and provide all necessary information needed
to create a complete vendor record. Potential (uppliers will become (uppliers
able to update t2eir supplier profile. &nly limited information can be updated
t2rou!2 (upplier (elf (ervice. $ore complicated c2an!es suc2 as name c2an!es
or Ta<payer ndentification *umber c2an!es will re5uire a paper4based submittal
process alon! wit2 support documentation.
RC1-3 D Type Description
Q(C1*H1881 1n2ancement 1n2anced vendor password mana!ement for (upplier (elf4(ervices.
Q(C1*H1882 1n2ancement 1n2anced vendor account creation wit2in t2e *et3eaver Portal.
Q(R1*H1821 1n2ancement Custom fields to support ?AH(D vendor re!istration.
Q(R1*H1823 1n2ancement
Automatic creation and updatin! of t2e (R$ supplier list from vendor
re!istration to facilitate t2e R-< retrieval based on t2e correspondin!
product cate!ories.
Q(H1*H1882 1n2ancement Assi!nment of role for e<ternal access to (upplier (elf4(ervices.
Q(H1*H1883 1n2ancement 1n2anced vendor re!istration pa!e for (upplier (elf4(ervices.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 31
Business Blueprint
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
Potential (uppliers and (uppliers will need to enter t2rou!2 ?AH(DCs
(upplier (elf (ervice .(H(/ portal to self re!ister and t2en maintain t2eir
profile. ?AH(D (c2ools and &ffices will direct potential suppliers to (H( to
self re!ister.
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
(uppliers will use t2e (H( portal as t2eir point of entry into ?AH(DCs
People C2an!es
(uppliers will be mana!ed by t2e Procurement (taff maintainin! t2e )endor
Policy C2an!es
Potential (uppliers must complete t2e self re!istration process to be
automatically accepted into ?AH(DCs financial system of record to e<pedite
t2e ability to compete on procurement solicitations and e<pedite t2e
availability of a vendor record for a (c2oolCsB&fficeCs use.
Trainin! mpacts
Potential (uppliersA (uppliersB)endorsA and ?AH(D end users will need to be
educated t2at t2e point of entry for suppliers is t2rou!2 t2e (upplier (elf
(ervice portal.
Additional Considerations
?AH(D is sensitive toA on an e<ception basisA potential suppliers w2o may not
2ave access to complete t2eir self4re!istration process. A paper4based submittal
process will still be in place to accommodate t2is situation. ?AH(D Procurement
staff will perform t2e re!istration steps on t2e supplierCs be2alf. Register Suppliers
Prospective biddersBsuppliersBvendors wit2in t2e trade vendor account !roup will
be invited to and be re5uired to re!ister usin! t2e (AP (R$ re!istration of
suppliers .R&(/ application.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
R&(4nvite R&(
nvite (upplier
Central Procurement
R&(4(elf R&(
(elf4Re!istration of
Potential (upplier
= 2 = Procure to Pay 32
Business Blueprint
1.7.1. Select Suppliers
T2e Procurement (ervices Division will use R&( to accept and pre4select
suppliers w2ic2 will allow t2e pre4selected suppliers to create a user and
maintain profile information usin! R&(.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
R&(4Accept R&(
(upplier Directory
"usiness Partner
R&(4Pre4(elect R&( (upplier Pre4(election
"usiness Partner
(u(4Re!ister (u(
Re!ister wit2 (u(
1mail *umber and
Create Hser
Potential (upplier
(u(4$aintain (u( $aintain (upplier Hser (upplier
.1.8 0anage Vendors
T2e ?AH(D Procurement (ervices Division will be responsible for information
wit2in t2e vendor masterA wit2 maintenance of certain vendors s2ared wit2 ot2er
District or!ani'ations.
T2e vendor master provides for centrali'ed vendor information and settin!s t2at
are s2ared across all ?AH(D or!ani'ationsA impactin! procurement and
accountin! processes and transactions relevant to eac2 vendor. )endor master
records contain t2e information necessary to conduct business wit2 vendors
includin! t2e followin!,
Contact information
Ta< dentification *umber
Terms of payment
$et2od of payment
"an6 details
Purc2asin!4specific information
= 2 = Procure to Pay 33
Business Blueprint
n additionA t2e vendor master determines w2ic2 !eneral led!er account
.>reconciliation account@/ is used for recordin! t2e amounts payable to t2e
Ley &wners
T2e 6ey owners for t2e $ana!e )endors activity are as follow,
Director of Procurement (ervices .$ar6 Hovatter/
o .Gudit2 ReeceA Ant2ony +ome'/
Controller .?uis "uendia/
o .$ar6 Harris/
-acilities (ervices -inancial (pecialist .C2ris AleDo/
$ar6 Hovatter is t2e owner of t2e )endor $aster and Procurement will be
maintainin! vendor master records for all vendors wit2 t2e e<ception of two
Account +roups. T2ere is an already e<istin! Account +roup specific to
+arnis2ment vendors maintained by Payroll. T2ere will also be one Account
+roup maintained by -acilities Pro!ram (upport (ervicesA -acilities Procurement
Payment (ervices specifically for -acilities mprest vendors.
?uis "uendiaA ControllerA will continue t2e practice of Payroll maintainin! t2e
vendor master records specific to t2e Account +roup for !arnis2ments.
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
T2e Procurement (ervices Division )endor (ervices area supports t2e creation
and maintenance of vendor codes and information wit2in -(A w2ic2 is depicted
in t2e dia!ram below.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 3#
Business Blueprint
T2e process to re5uest a vendor code is a manualA paper4based process re5uirin!
identification of a District sponsor in order to confirm t2at t2e re5uested vendor
2as been awarded a contract andBor a purc2ase order. After )endor (ervices 2as
processed a new re5uestA an e4mail is sent to t2e re5uestin! sc2ool or office
containin! t2e vendor code and relevant vendor information to allow t2e sc2ool or
office to process transactions for t2at vendor. A vendor code is re5uired to
process payments in -( for !oods or services receivedA as well as for various
types of reimbursements.
C2an!es to e<istin! vendor records are performed in t2e -( )1*2 table and may
include routine c2an!es to addressA p2oneA fa< or contact information. &t2er
= 2 = Procure to Pay 3%
Business Blueprint
c2an!esA suc2 as name and Ta<payer dentification *umber .T*/ w2ic2 may be
t2e result of a buyout B ac5uisitionBmer!erA are more sensitive and re5uire
additional follow4up by responsible staff as well as supportin! documentation
from t2e vendor.
T2e -( )1*2 table is also used for additional vendor maintenance functions
includin! updatin! t2e People(oft system used by t2e ?os An!eles County &ffice
of 1ducation .?AC&1/ and R( 18:: reportin!. T2e -( )1*3 table is used to
mana!e wit22oldin! re5uired by t2e -ranc2ise Ta< "oard Resident and
*onresident 3it22oldin! +uidelines for out4of4state vendors.
-( also provides for two types of 2olds t2at may be placed on a vendor record.
A >F@ 2old does not allow any transactions to occur. A >P@ 2old will allow
payments to be processed by t2e Accounts Payable "ranc2A but only by an end4
user w2o 2as t2e proper user profile wit2 >P@ 2old override capabilities.
T2e -( )TST table is used for documentation purposesA allowin! notes to be
created for a vendor.
*ewly created vendorsA c2an!es to e<istin! vendor recordsA 2olds and vendor
notes are updated immediately after t2e entries are successfully saved in -(.
1<istin! Pain Points
?imited information is collected and maintained in -(.
-( 2as field len!t2 limitations t2at result in non4standard abbreviations to
be used for lon!er names or addressesA w2ic2 causes duplicate vendor
-( does not support document attac2ments. All vendor4related formsA
applicationsA supportin! documentation and certifications Me.!.A nternal
Revenue (ervice .R(/ -orm 34:A -ranc2ise Ta< "oard .-T"/ -orm %:8A
Automated Clearin! House .ACH/ or 1lectronic -unds Transfer .1-T/
paperwor6N are maintained in a separate manual file.
T2e -( vendor master record does not capture detailed (mall "usiness
1nterprise .("1/ or 18:: reportin! information. 18:: reportin! re5uires
support from t2e Procurement (ervices DivisionA t2e Accounts Payable
"ranc2 and TD.
-( fields are often misused to capture additional information suc2 as fa<
numberA e4mail addressA sellerCs permit or resale number and s2orter notes.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 30
Business Blueprint
An additional vendor record is re5uired to pay an alternate payee in -(A
even if t2e alternate payee is already an -( vendor. -( re5uires an
additional vendor code for t2e alternate payee to be created and lin6ed usin!
t2e same base vendor number .e.!.A vendor A"C 2as vendor number 123#%0
and vendor SFQ 2as vendor number 788888I 2oweverA in order to pay
)endor SFQ instead of vendor A"CA anot2er vendor record must be created
for SFQ and issued vendor code 123#%0A/.
1mployees are reimbursed for travelA dama!e and tuition t2rou!2 -( rat2er
t2an t2rou!2 payroll and t2ere is no automated process to create vendors in
-( nor to ensure t2at employee4related vendor information is current. T2is
results in c2ec6s or warrants bein! sent to an incorrect address.
1mployee vendors must be created in -( for processin! of replacement
payroll warrants.
(AP employee information must be manually verified to validate t2at a
trade vendor is not created for former or current District employees if t2ere
is a conflict of interestA if an employee 2as an e<istin! assi!nment wit2 t2e
District or if t2e employee 2as violated t2e DistrictCs et2ics policy wit2
respect to >coolin! periods@.
-( 2as limited vendor record c2an!e 2istoryA includin! allowin! an end4
user to determine if dates are recorded for creation of .or c2an!es to/ vendor
notes as well as documentin! w2at was actually c2an!ed in t2e )TST table.
Arc2ivin! is not done routinelyA resultin! in more t2an 12:A888 e<istin! -(
vendor master records.
T2ere are a limited number of standard -( vendor master4related reports.
T2ere are Control4D reports t2at s2ow minimal 6ey fields for creation and
edit of vendor recordsI 2oweverA t2e 2istory of vendor creations and c2an!es
prior to t2e past t2ree mont2s are no lon!er available if t2ese reports are not
downloaded and saved.
-( does not provide for vendor !roupin! to mana!e different types of
vendors. nsteadA certain number ran!es and formats are used to identify
vendors used for specific purposes li6e recoupmentA !arnis2ment and
employee reimbursement.
)endor maintenance re5uires duplicate processin! of t2e same information
.e.!.A a new employee4related vendor re5uires t2e Human Resources
Division to perform master data address maintenanceA t2e Accounts Payable
"ranc2 to type and submit t2e re5uest for a vendor number and )endor
(ervices to input t2e information into -(/.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 37
Business Blueprint
-( does not maintain separate vendor ban6in! information for ACH or 1-T
payments. &nly notations t2at ACH or 1-T payments are to be made are
reflected a!ainst t2e vendor recordA wit2 additional information documented
wit2in t2e notes wit2in t2e )TST table.
)endors in t2e ?AC&1 People(oft system must be manually updated by t2e
followin! t2ree ?AH(D or!ani'ations to enable ACH or 1-T paymentsA in
accordance wit2 ?AC&1 policy re5uirin! se!re!ation of duties,
o T2e Treasury "ranc2 is re5uired to update ban6in! information usin!
t2e ACH81 role
o T2e Procurement (ervices Division connects t2e ban6in! information
to t2e appropriate vendor usin! t2e ACH82 role
o T2e Accounts Payable "ranc2 tests t2e electronic remittance process
usin! t2e ACH83 role
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
Account !roups will be used in (AP to classify and restrict access to vendor
master recordsA allowin! ?AH(D or!ani'ations ot2er t2an t2e Procurement
(ervices Division )endor (ervices area to create and c2an!e vendors for w2ic2
t2ey are responsible. T2e followin! account !roups and responsible
or!ani'ations 2ave been identified for mana!in! vendors,
Account 5roup Description Proposed 0aintainer
Trade )endors
ncludes companiesBindividualsBsole proprietors .P.&.
vendors/A settlements .non4employee/A real estateA escrowA
developer feesA assi!nments .ri!2ts and dutiesA
p.o.Bcontract monies/A ban6 service Procurement
Payment Remittance Payment remittance addresses for Trade )endors Procurement
ncludes reimbursement for (pecial 1ducation ParentsA
parent travelA private sc2ools .incl. Title and Title /A
and tuitionA financial aidA and sc2olars2ip stipends for
?AH(D students Procurement
(c2ools and &ffices
ncludes mprestA (tudent "odyA C2arter (c2ools .fiscally
dependent and fiscally independent/A and Public (c2ool of
C2oice Procurement
-acilities mprest
-acilities 2as >(uper mprest@ accounts to accommodate
e<pedited payments related to relocationA D(AA and
utilities .temporary durin! construction and utilities
installations/. T2is will replace an out4of4t2e4bo< productA
Euic6 "oo6sA currently bein! used for trac6in!.
-acilities = Pro!ram
(upport (ervicesA -acilities
Procurement Payment
$iscellaneous ntended for non4P& based payments suc2 as Htilities. Procurement
= 2 = Procure to Pay 3;
Business Blueprint
$ove settlements and developer fees 2ereU
+arnis2ment .PAF1/
Already assi!ned a vendor number t2rou!2 (AP
be!innin! wit2 R:8R in Account +roup PAF1. Payroll
"enefits and Payroll
Deductions .PAF2/
Already assi!ned a vendor number t2rou!2 (AP
be!innin! wit2 V:%V in Account +roup PAF2A possibly
t2rou!2 a 3
party processA coverin! retirementA union
duesA credit unionsA etc. Procurement
Trade vendors provide !oodsA !eneral servicesA professional services and
construction services to t2e District and will be selected and mana!ed t2rou!2 a
procurement process. Trade vendors will be re5uired to re!ister t2rou!2 (H( and
provide information t2at will be sync2roni'ed wit2 (R$ and 1CC to allow
follow4on procurement activities includin! selection durin! creation of s2oppin!
cartsA invitations for bid B re5uests for proposal .R-</A contract awards and
purc2ase orders. T2ese vendors will also be available to process payments in
Certain information will not be submitted by trade vendors t2rou!2 (H( and
would need to be submitted outside of (AP includin! t2e followin! forms,
R( -orm 34: .Re5uest for Ta<payer dentification *umber and
-T" -orm %:8 .3it22oldin! 1<emption Certificate/ for out4of4state
vendorsA as re5uired
*on4trade vendor account !roups will not be mana!ed t2rou!2 (H( and re5uests
for creation and maintenance of t2ese types of vendors will be processed outside
of (AP.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 3:
Business Blueprint
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
= 2 = Procure to Pay #8
Business Blueprint
T2ere are a variety of confi!uration tas6s t2at need to ta6e place before t2e
)endor $aster is available for use. T2e confi!uration tas6s include definin!
Account +roupsA creatin! number ran!esA assi!nin! number ran!esA and definin!
sensitive fields. -ollowin! are brief descriptions and snaps2ots of t2ese
confi!uration activities,
Define Account +roups wit2 (creen ?ayout .)endors/,
32en creatin! a vendor accountA an Account +roup must be specified. T2e
Account +roup is a lo!ical way of classifyin! vendors and w2ic2 control t2e
number ran!e and fields used on a )endor $aster Record.
)ia t2e account !roup you determine,
T2e interval for t2e account numbers
32et2er t2e number is assi!ned internally by t2e system or e<ternally by t2e
user .type of number assi!nment/
32et2er it is a one4time account
32ic2 fields are ready for input or must be filled w2en creatin! and c2an!in!
master records .field status/
Create *umber Ran!es for )endor Accounts
= 2 = Procure to Pay #1
Business Blueprint
&nce account !roups 2ave been establis2edA number ran!es for t2ose account
!roups must be created. T2e followin! must be specified w2en creatin! t2e
number ran!es,
A number interval from w2ic2 t2e account number for t2e vendor accounts is
to be selected
T2e type of number assi!nment .internal or e<ternal number assi!nment/
Assi!n t2e number ran!es to t2e account !roups for vendors.
Assi!n *umber Ran!es to )endor Account +roups,
*umber ran!es for vendors are separately defined and assi!ned to t2e individual
Account +roups. *umber Ran!es can be eit2er internally or e<ternally defined.
= 2 = Procure to Pay #2
Business Blueprint
T2e followin! Account +roups and number ran!es 2ave been created for
)endor Account
Description *umber Ran!e Reconciliation
Q881 Trade )endors 1888888888 to 1::::::::: :%8881
Q882 Payment Remittance 2888888888 to 2::::::::: :%8881
Q883 *on 1mployee 3888888888 to 3::::::::: :%8881
Q88# (c2oolsB&ffices #888888888 to #::::::::: :%8881
Q88% -acilities mprest %888888888 to %::::::::: :%8882
Q880 $iscellaneous 0888888888 to 0::::::::: :%8881
PAF1 +arnis2ment Already e<ist .be!ins wit2
PAF2 "enefits and Payroll
Already e<ist .be!ins wit2
Define (ensitive -ields for Dual Control .)endors/
Definin! sensitive fields allows for dual control in t2e customerBvendor master
records. A field t2at is defined as VsensitiveV re5uires t2at a second person wit2
t2e proper aut2ori'ation reviews t2e c2an!e made and eit2er confirms or reDects it.
= 2 = Procure to Pay #3
Business Blueprint
a. nformation on Automatic Download from $ar6etplace
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(PR& (AP Reference $+ (AP (upplier
Relations2ip $ana!ement (R$ (erver Tec2nical "asic
(ettin!s (ettin!s for (upplier (ync2roni'ation
nformation on Automatic Download from $ar6etplace
n t2is Customi'in! activityA you enter information t2at
enables you to automatically download supplier information
from an e<ternal applicationA for e<ampleA supplier self4
services .(H(. )alues entered will used as a default value in
t2e transactions Transfer (upplier $aster .""P+1T)D/
and Hpdate (upplier $aster Record .""PHPD)D/
= 2 = Procure to Pay ##
Business Blueprint
b. (ettin!s for (upplier (ync2roni'ation
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(PR& (AP Reference $+ (AP (upplier
Relations2ip $ana!ement (R$ (erver Tec2nical "asic
(ettin!s (ettin!s for (upplier (ync2roni'ation Define
+lobal (ettin!s
Automatic supplier sync2roni'ation function can be enabled
wit2 t2e activity
= 2 = Procure to Pay #%
Business Blueprint
c. Define Account +roups wit2 (creen ?ayout .)endors/,
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
-inancial Accountin! Account Receivable and Accounts
Payable )endor Accounts $aster Records
Preparations for creatin! vendor master records Define
account !roups wit2 screen layout .)endors/
32en creatin! a vendor accountA an account !roup must be
specified. T2e account !roup determine
T2e interval for t2e account numbers
32et2er t2e number is assi!ned internally by t2e
system or e<ternally by t2e user .type of number
32et2er it is a one4time account
32ic2 fields are ready for input or must be filled
w2en creatin! and c2an!in! master records .field
T2e fields are !rouped as +eneral DataA Company Code
= 2 = Procure to Pay #0
Business Blueprint
Data and Purc2asin! Data.
d. Create *umber Ran!es for )endor Accounts
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
-inancial Accountin! Account Receivable and Accounts
Payable )endor Accounts $aster Records
Preparations for creatin! vendor master records Create
*umber Ran!es for )endor Accounts
*umber Ran!es for )endor Accounts are created
e. Assi!nin! *umber Ran!es to )endor Account +roups
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
-inancial Accountin! Account Receivable and Accounts
= 2 = Procure to Pay #7
Business Blueprint
Payable )endor Accounts $aster Records
Preparations for creatin! vendor master records
Assi!n number ran!es to vendor account !roups
*umber ran!es are assi!ned to t2e account !roups
f. Definin! (ensitive -ields for Dual Control .)endors/
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
-inancial Accountin! Accounts Payable Accounts
Receivable )endor accounts $aster Data
Preparations for Creatin! )endor $aster Data Define
(ensitive -ields for Dual Control .)endors/
Define t2e fields for dual control in t2e vendor master
f you define a field in t2e vendor master record as
VsensitiveVA t2e correspondin! vendor account is bloc6ed for
payment if t2e entry is c2an!ed. T2e bloc6 is removed w2en
a second person wit2 aut2ori'ation c2ec6s t2e c2an!e and
confirms or reDects it.
= 2 = Procure to Pay #;
Business Blueprint
J6ey (AP solution confi!uration c2an!es related to t2e envisioned >To "e@
+aps and Resolution
-ields for sensitive information 2ave yet to be defined as t2is impacts all Account
+roupsA includin! t2ose already in production. Defined fields re5uire review
from anot2er user wit2 t2e appropriate Central )endor $aster Data Administrator
role for creation of a vendor record and c2an!es to a vendor record. f no
sensitive fields are identifiedA t2en transactions -L8; and -L8: relatin! to
>Confirm (ensitive -ield C2an!es@ will be removed from t2e blueprint.
?os An!eles County &ffice of 1ducation .?AC&1/ and ?AH(D 2ave an
interface in place for vendor master creations and c2an!es in -( to be transmitted
to ?AC&1Cs People(oft system. T2ere are discussions to ta6e place wit2
?AC&1 relatin! to c2an!es in ?AH(DCs vendor numbers. Dependin! on
decisions madeA t2ere could be additional cost to update ?AH(DCs vendor
information in ?AC&1Cs system.
R$(./" $D &ype Description
QAP&HT181% nterface
nterface of (AP vendor information to t2e ?os An!eles County &ffice of
Q+?&HT188% nterface nterface of (AP vendor information to ot2er non4(AP systems.
Q$$C*)1881 Conversion Conversion of vendors.
QAP1*H188# 1n2ancement Custom fields to support ?AH(D vendor creation and mana!ement.
Q(R1*H1822 1n2ancement
1n2anced vendor replication to support custom fields used for vendor
Q(H1H*1880 1n2ancement
1n2ancement to allow suppliers to revise vendor master information
submitted t2rou!2 (H(.
= 2 = Procure to Pay #:
Business Blueprint
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
T2e responsibility of t2e vendor master will be s2ared amon!st t2e
Procurement (ervices DivisionA Payroll Administration and -acilities (ervices
Division .-acilities Pro!ram (upport (ervicesA -acilities Procurement
Payment (ervices/.
Procurement will be maintainin! vendor master records for all vendors wit2
t2e e<ception of two Account +roups. T2ere is an already e<istin! Account
+roup specific to +arnis2ment vendors maintained by Payroll. T2ere will
also be one Account +roup maintained by -acilities Pro!ram (upport
(ervicesA -acilities Procurement Payment (ervices specifically for -acilities
mprest vendors.
?uis "uendiaA ControllerA will continue t2e practice of Payroll maintainin! t2e
vendor master records specific to t2e Account +roup for !arnis2ments.
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
T2e vendor master will be cate!ori'ed by Account +roups in (AP. -acilities
will maintain vendor records in (AP in place of t2e stand alone software
currently bein! used to trac6 t2eir mprest account.s/. T2e interface t2at
sends vendor master information to ?AC&1Cs People(oft system will c2an!e.
People C2an!es
T2e responsibility of t2e vendor master will be s2ared amon!st ProcurementA
PayrollA and -acilities staff.
Policy C2an!es
T2e responsibility of t2e vendor master will be s2ared amon!st ProcurementA
PayrollA and -acilities staff.
Trainin! mpacts
Procurement and -acilities staff will need to be trained on vendor master
transactions. Payroll staffA already performin! vendor master functions in
production for !arnis2mentsA will be impacted minimally by t2e >sensitive
field c2an!es@ controls put in place.
Related nternal Controls
To retain a clear separation of duties from t2e payment processA t2e )endor
$aster will be owned and maintained by Procurement .wit2 t2e e<ception of t2e
+arnis2ment Account +roup and t2e -acilities mprest Account +roup/.
= 2 = Procure to Pay %8
Business Blueprint
Accounts Payable will only 2ave t2e ability to view vendor recordsA but cannot
create or edit any vendor master records.
Additional Considerations
A determination will need to be made wit2 respect to w2ic2 vendors ?AH(D will
be convertin! from -( to (AP and t2e appropriate account !roup to be used for
Replacement of payroll warrants due to stale dated or fraudulent activity will
continue to re5uire a vendor master record for employees. Payroll views t2is
process as replacin! a c2ec6 and not payin! t2e employee a!ain. T2is process
also avoids impacts to 342s issued to employees.
T2e District s2ould consider printin! 18::s usin! (AP rat2er t2an usin! a t2ird4
party printin! solution suc2 as Apperson. .sta'lish Vendors
Trade vendors will be establis2ed in (H( B (R$ and sync2roni'ed wit2 1CC
usin! t2e business partner c2an!e monitor.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
"usiness Partner
C2an!e $onitor4
"usiness Partner
C2an!e $onitor
Replicate $aster Data
in "usiness Partner
C2an!e $onitor
"usiness Partner
= 2 = Procure to Pay %1
Business Blueprint
1.8.1. 0aintain Vendors
*on4trade vendors will be created in 1CC usin! transaction SL81. )endor
information not sync2roni'ed between (R$ and (H( will be c2an!ed in 1CC
usin! transaction SL82.
"loc6in! and unbloc6in! of vendors for payment purposes will be performed in
1CC usin! transaction SL8%.
(ettin! t2e vendor deletion indicator to prevent processin! of all transactions will
be performed in 1CC usin! transaction SL80.
nterfaces of vendor information to e<ternal systemsA includin! to t2e ?AC&1
People(oft systemA will be sc2eduled to process automaticallyI 2oweverA
transactions will be available to be e<ecuted by aut2ori'ed end4users if t2ese
interfaces fail and t2ey must be run immediately.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
SL81 SL81
Procurement is to 2ave
t2e ability to create
records in all Account
Create )endor
Central )endor $aster Data
SL81 SL81
-acilities is to 2ave t2e
ability to create
records only in t2eir
specific Account
+roupA -acilities
Create )endor =
-acilities mprest &nly
Central )endor $aster Data
Administrator = -acilities
mprest &nly
SL81 SL81
Payroll is to continue
to 2ave t2e ability to
create records only in
t2eir specific Account
+roupA +arnis2ment
Create )endor =
+arnis2ment &nly
Central )endor $aster Data
Administrator = +arnis2ment
SL82 SL82
Procurement is to 2ave
t2e ability to c2an!e
records in all Account
C2an!e )endor
Central )endor $aster Data
SL82 SL82
-acilities is to 2ave t2e
ability to c2an!e
records only in t2eir
specific Account
+roupA -acilities
C2an!e )endor =
-acilities mprest &nly
Central )endor $aster Data
Administrator = -acilities
mprest &nly
SL82 SL82
Payroll is to 2ave t2e
ability to c2an!e
records only in t2eir
specific Account
+roupA +arnis2ment
C2an!e )endor =
+arnis2ment &nly
Central )endor $aster Data
Administrator = +arnis2ment
SL8% SL8%
Procurement is to 2ave
t2e ability to bloc6 B
unbloc6 vendor
records in all Account
"loc6BHnbloc6 )endor
Central )endor $aster Data
= 2 = Procure to Pay %2
Business Blueprint
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
SL8% SL8%
-acilities is to 2ave t2e
ability to bloc6B
unbloc6 vendor
records only in t2eir
specific Account
+roupA -acilities
"loc6BHnbloc6 )endor
-acilities mprest &nly
Central )endor $aster Data
Administrator = -acilities
mprest &nly
SL8% SL8%
Payroll is to 2ave t2e
ability to bloc6 B
unbloc6 vendor
records only in t2eir
specific Account
+roupA +arnis2ment
"loc6BHnbloc6 )endor
+arnis2ment &nly
Central )endor $aster Data
Administrator = +arnis2ment
SL80 SL80
Procurement is to 2ave
t2e ability to set t2e
vendor deletion
indicator for all
Account +roups
(et )endor Deletion
Central )endor $aster Data
SL80 SL80
-acilities is to 2ave t2e
ability to set t2e
vendor deletion
indicator only for t2eir
specific Account
+roupA -acilities
(et )endor Deletion
ndicator =
-acilities mprest &nly
Central )endor $aster Data
Administrator = -acilities
mprest &nly
SL80 SL80
Payroll is to 2ave t2e
ability to set t2e
vendor deletion
indicator only for t2eir
specific Account
+roupA +arnis2ment
(et )endor Deletion
ndicator =
+arnis2ment &nly
Central )endor $aster Data
Administrator = +arnis2ment
nterface )endors to
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
Central )endor $aster Data
nterface )endors to
&t2er 1<ternal (ystems
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
Central )endor $aster Data
Administrator (onfirm Sensiti*e /ield (hanges
Certain types of critical 1CC vendor c2an!esA suc2 as name and T*A will be
reviewed and confirmed by aut2ori'ed staff prior to updatin! usin! transaction
-L8; for processin! c2an!es to one critical field and -L8: for c2an!es to
multiple critical fields.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-L8; -L8;
Procurement is to
2ave t2e ability to
confirm sensitive
field c2an!es in all
Account +roups
Confirm (in!le )endor
(ensitive -ield C2an!e
Central )endor $aster
Data Administrator
= 2 = Procure to Pay %3
Business Blueprint
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-L8; -L8;
-acilities is to 2ave
t2e ability to confirm
sensitive field
c2an!es only for t2eir
specific Account
+roupA -acilities
Confirm (in!le )endor
(ensitive -ield C2an!e
-acilities mprest &nly
Central )endor $aster
Data Administrator =
-acilities mprest &nly
-L8; -L8;
Payroll is to 2ave t2e
ability to confirm
sensitive field
c2an!es only for t2eir
specific Account
+roupA +arnis2ment
Confirm (in!le )endor
(ensitive -ield C2an!e
+arnis2ment &nly
Central )endor $aster
Data Administrator =
+arnis2ment &nly
-L8: -L8:
Procurement is to
2ave t2e ability to
confirm sensitive
field c2an!es in all
Account +roups
Confirm $ultiple
)endor (ensitive -ield
Central )endor $aster
Data Administrator
-L8: -L8:
-acilities is to 2ave
t2e ability to confirm
sensitive field
c2an!es only for t2eir
specific Account
+roupA -acilities
Confirm $ultiple
)endor (ensitive -ield
C2an!es =
-acilities mprest &nly
Central )endor $aster
Data Administrator =
-acilities mprest &nly
-L8: -L8:
Payroll is to 2ave t2e
ability to confirm
sensitive field
c2an!es only for t2eir
specific Account
+roupA +arnis2ment
Confirm $ultiple
)endor (ensitive -ield
C2an!es =
+arnis2ment &nly
Central )endor $aster
Data Administrator =
+arnis2ment &nly Display Vendors
Accounts PayableA ProcurementA Payroll and -acilities staff will view vendor
master record information in 1CC usin! transaction SL83 and complete c2an!e
2istory for all vendor master record c2an!es usin! transaction SL8#.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
SL83 SL83
Procurement is to
2ave t2e ability to
display records in all
Account +roups
Display )endor
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
SL83 SL83
Accounts Payable
ent are to 2ave t2e
ability to display
records in all
Account +roups
Display )endor
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
SL83 SL83
Accounts Payable
Payers are to 2ave t2e
ability to display
records in all
Account +roups
Display )endor 4
Ta<payer dentification
*umber .1*B((*/ and
"an6in! nformation to
'e mas#ed.
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display =
mas6ed data
= 2 = Procure to Pay %#
Business Blueprint
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
SL83 SL83
-acilities (taff are to
only display t2eir
specific Account
+roupA -acilities
Display )endor =
&nly for Account
+roup -acilities
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display =
-acilities mprest &nly
SL83 SL83
Payroll (taff are to
only display t2eir
specific Account
+roupA +arnis2ment
Display )endor =
&nly for Account
+roup +arnis2ment
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display =
+arnis2ment &nly
SL8# SL8#
Procurement is to
2ave t2e ability to
display c2an!es in all
Account +roups
Display )endor
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
SL8# SL8#
Accounts Payable
mana!ersA and payers
are to 2ave t2e ability
to display c2an!es in
all Account +roups
Display )endor
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
SL8# SL8#
-acilities (taff are to
only display c2an!es
for t2eir specific
Account +roupA
-acilities mprest
Display )endor
C2an!es =
&nly for Account
+roup -acilities
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display =
-acilities mprest &nly
SL8# SL8#
Payroll (taff are to
only display c2an!es
for t2eir specific
Account +roupA
Display )endor
C2an!es =
&nly for Account
+roup +arnis2ment
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display =
+arnis2ment &nly
.1.9 0anage (ontract .lements
Contract data .>(ystem Contracts@/ and R-< information .>(ystem R-<Cs@/ will
be input and maintained in t2e Records $ana!ement feature of Procurement for
Public (ector .>PP(@/ wit2 visibility in (R$. (R$Cs Document "uilder will
2ouse t2e rulesA clausesA templates and ot2er variables t2at will ma6e up t2e actual
contract or amendment document t2at contains t2e applicable terms and
conditions and can be printed and si!ned by t2e parties .t2e >?e!al Contract@/.
(imilarlyA Document "uilder will contain t2e actual R-< solicitation document
and related documents and forms .t2e >R-< Pac6a!e@/.
Document "uilder will contain t2ree components of information, variablesA
elements and rules. )ariables determine w2en certain rules apply. T2e rules set
document parameters .e.!.A monetary limits and access restrictions/. 1lements
refer to t2e sections of t2e ?e!al Contract and R-< Pac6a!e.
Ley &wners
T2e 6ey owners will be,
= 2 = Procure to Pay %%
Business Blueprint
1. Director of Procurement .$ar6 Hovatter/
a. DirectorA Procurement Administration .Gudit2 Reece/
b. DirectorA Contract Administration .Hu!2 Tuc6er/
c. DirectorA Procurement (upport .Tybouy Tan!43on!/
d. DirectorA ComplianceA +rants and (trate!ic Contractin!
Coordination .Duane Go2nson/
2. T2e &ffice of t2e +eneral CounselA
3. T2e Division of Ris6 $ana!ement and nsurance (ervicesA and
#. T2e 1t2ics &ffice.
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
1ac2 of t2e teams t2at are responsible for separate contractin! areas .w2at were
formerly -acilities Construction Contracts MconstructionNA -acilities Contracts
Mconstruction professional servicesNA Procurement (ervices Mnon4-acilities
professional servicesN and Purc2asin! Mstoc6Bnon4stoc6N/ maintain t2eir own
contract and solicitation document formsA w2ic2 vary from one !roup to t2e ne<t.
Templates are !enerally maintained on a s2ared server wit2 editin! access limited
to desi!nated individuals. "uyin! staff are to download t2e latest template and
modify it as needed for t2eir specific transaction.
1<istin! Pain Points
-orms are inconsistent due to forms means t2at t2ere is not oneA co2erentt2e
fact t2at t2e District does not 2ave or present one policy presented to t2e
biddin! Bproposin! public and vendor communityA in !eneralI
3it2 eac2 team wor6in! from different forms and processesA t2e District does
not !et t2e benefit of eac2 teamCs lessons learned of best practicesI
Despite official policyA t2e e<istin! forms are not maintained in a secure way
so as to prevent individual modifications w2ic2 I as a results in A t2e
documents variations may vary from buyer to buyer wit2in t2e same sub4
1veryone in a team may not 6nowCommunication aboutof a!reed4upon or
directed modifications to forms is not consistent and effectiveA resultin! and
mayin t2e use of an aout4of4date form t2at is out4of4dateI
T2e current nvitation for "id .-"/ form isA divided into sections wit2
duplicate A repeats some of t2e same information in more t2an one sectionA
= 2 = Procure to Pay %0
Business Blueprint
andA since t2e wit2 separate pa!es numberin! of in eac2 sections are
numbered separatelyA resultin! it is veryin difficulties usin! t2e form to
T2e current Re5uest for Proposal .R-P/ form contains inconsistenciesI
t is difficult to access t2e followin! critical information in $ostmost of
Districtour contract forms re5uire t2e user to flip t2rou!2 several pa!es to !et
6ey informationA suc2 as,
o 32et2er t2e cContract 2as been si!nedsi!natureA
o Relevant 32at !!oods or services t2e contract coversA
o C T2e contract value and
o C T2e contract term.
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
*ew contracts and R-< solicitation documents will be >created@ in PP( t2rou!2
data4entry. T2e document templatesA alon! wit2 rules of use will be maintained in
(R$Cs Document "uilder.
>(uper users@ will develop t2e PP( (ystem Contract and (ystem R-< dialo!
5uestions t2at will determine w2at of t2e applicable document elements will be
incorporated into t2e ?e!al Contract or R-< Pac6a!e. Typical dialo! 5uestions
re5uire confi!urationA but are not development obDects.
n Document "uilderA t2e "uyer will t2en compile and edit t2e ?e!al Contract or
R-< Pac6a!eA uploadin! scanned attac2ments and ot2er documents t2at are
uni5ue to a particular transaction. T2e "uyer can t2en release t2e ?e!al Contract
or R-< Pac6a!e in Document "uilder for use in t2e ne<t step of t2e contract or
procurement process.
Document "uilder elements for bot2 t2e ?e!al Contract and t2e R-< Pac6a!e will
eac2 be comprised of several specified components. -or bot2 types of
documentationA Document "uilder will contain,
1. :Standard forms; t2at will be t2e same and applicable to all contracts or
solicitation documentsA as t2e case may beI
2. >(onfigura'le forms; t2at may be filled in and modified in accordance
wit2 t2e applicable a!reement or solicitation documentA and
3. References to additional documentation t2at must be developed anew and
incorporated for eac2 transaction alon! wit2 t2e minimum information
t2at must be included. Reference documents will be maintained offline.
= 2 = Procure to Pay %7
Business Blueprint
-or ?e!al ContractsA >standard forms@ of contract components will include,
a. T2e ContractorCs Code of Conduct
b. +eneral District Terms and Conditions .one for !oods and anot2er for
services/ and
c. nsurance Re5uirements .modifiableA 2oweverA if need be/.
Amon! >confi!urable forms@ of ?e!al Contract components will beI
a. T2e contract cover pa!eXa form to be completed wit2 t2e relevant
informationA and
b. T2e Rate (c2edule in contracts for !oods
?e!al Contract components t2at will need to be developed .offline/ for eac2 new
contract include,
b. T2e (tatement of 3or6 .services/A
c. T2e -ee and Payment (c2edule .services/ and
d. (pecial terms and conditionsA w2ic2 will result from,
a. T2e uni5ue nature of t2e !oods or servicesA or
b. *e!otiation.
(imilarlyA every solicitation document will include t2e followin! components
re!ardless of w2et2er it is to ac5uire !oods or services,
A. Procurement (ummary nformation
1. Cover .wit2 procurement summary information/A
2. Table of Contents
3. "idderBProposer nformation (2eet
#. Ley 1vents (c2edule
%. Procurement &verview
0. $inimum Eualification Re5uirements
7. 1valuation Criteria .services/
;. (tatement of 3or6 .services/BTec2nical (pecifications .!oods/
:. "idBProposal Pac6a!e Re5uirements
". -orms to Complete Y (ubmit
1. Pricin! (2eet .services/BRate (c2edule .!oods/
= 2 = Procure to Pay %;
Business Blueprint
2. 1t2ics Cert.
3. ("1 Htili'ation -orm
C. Reference Documents
1. nstructions to ProposerB"idder
2. nsurance Re5uirements
3. Contractor Code of Conduct
#. Travel Y 1<pense +uidance .if applicable/
%. Contract Terms .sample contract or >standard@ termsI different for
!oods t2an for services/
0. ?obbyist Re!istration nformation
n t2is caseA t2e Reference Documents will be >standard.@ T2e Rate (c2eduleA
1t2ics Cert.A ("1 Htili'ation form and all of t2e Procurement (ummary
nformation e<cept t2e Procurement &verviewA $inimum Eual. Re5uirementsA
1valuation Criteria and (tatement of 3or6 will be confi!urable forms. T2e
Pricin! (2eetA Procurement &verviewA $in. Eualification Re5uirements and
Pricin! s2eet are amon! t2e components t2at will need to be developed anew for
eac2 transaction.
nstead of 2avin! to print and si!n t2eir R-< Pac6a!eA vendors will be able to
clic6 a bo< certifyin! as to t2eir aut2ority to submit t2e bid or proposal and to t2e
trut2 of t2e representations contained in t2eir bid or proposal. T2e clic6ed
certification will be tied to t2e vendorCs uni5ue vendor or re!istration number as a
means of verifyin! t2e >clic6erCs@ identity.
= 2 = Procure to Pay %:
Business Blueprint
= 2 = Procure to Pay 08
Business Blueprint
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
a. Document "uilder, Activate Document "uilder inte!ration
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(PR& (AP Reference $+ (AP (upplier
Relations2ip $ana!ement (R$ (erver Cross4ndustry
-unctions Activate Document "uilder nte!ration
n t2is $+ activity set up t2e inte!ration of (AP Document
"uilder wit2 (R$ documents is ac2ieved by definin! t2e
correspondin! Hniform Resource ?ocators .HR?s/.
Rf< and Contract business documents will be confi!ured to
inte!rate wit2 (AP Document "uilder
b. Document "uilder, Define Reference Data
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(PR& (AP Reference $+ (AP (upplier
Relations2ip $ana!ement (R$ (erver Cross4
ndustry -unctionsDefine Reference Data
Define Document "uilder Reference Data
= 2 = Procure to Pay 01
Business Blueprint
c. Document "uilder,$ap fields
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(PR& (AP Reference $+ (AP (upplier
Relations2ip $ana!ement (R$ (erver Cross4
ndustry -unctions$ap -ields
$ap Document "uilder -ields and 1lements
= 2 = Procure to Pay 02
Business Blueprint
+aps and Resolution
*one noted ot2er t2an t2e conversion issue indicated below.
R$(./" $D &ype Description
Q(RC*)1881 Conversion Conversion of contract elements.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
(uper usersA "uyersA assi!ned (R$ Administrators and assi!ned "A((
Administrators will need to be identified.
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
(uper usersA "uyers and administrators will need (AP licenses
"uyers will need access to scanners
"uyers and administrators will need access to computers capable of
2andlin! t2e installation and runnin! of t2e DistrictCs application of
(AP for procurement
People C2an!es
>(uper users@ will need to be identified and trained in t2e development
of appropriate dialo! 5uestions
= 2 = Procure to Pay 03
Business Blueprint
"uyers will need to be trained in answerin! t2e dialo! 5uestions and
t2e development of contractsA amendments and R-<Cs
)endors will need to be trained on completin! t2e R-< documents.
Policy C2an!es
$any contractA amendment and R-< templates will be standardi'ed
ContractA amendment and R-< templates will be located in one place
Clic6edA online certification replaces vendor si!nature on R-<
Trainin! mpacts
(ee >People C2an!es@ above.
Additional Considerations
*one not already outlined elsew2ere 0aintain Legal (ontract .lements
At re!ular intervals .e.!.A every si< mont2s to a year/ and in response to c2an!es
in District policy and in t2e lawA t2e (R$ document dialo! 5uestions and t2e
document templatesA rules and variables in Document "uilder will need to be
reviewed and updated. T2e review process s2ould probably be!in wit2 "uyersA
District le!al staff and t2e (uper users w2ose recommendations would be
implemented by t2e (R$ and "A(( administrators.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
$aintain Document
"uilder $+
(R$ Administrator
Transport Document
"uilder $+ C2an!es
"A(( Administrator
. Process &ransactions
<to be completed>
..1 Process Shopping (arts
T2e ?os An!eles Hnified (c2ool District .?AH(D/ procurement or!ani'ation
must ad2ere to re5uirements as establis2ed by statute and "oard rules .e.!.
purc2ases of various dollar levels or types tri!!er different procurement ve2icles4
small purc2aseA informal or formal bid/. 1ac2 procurement met2od involves
= 2 = Procure to Pay 0#
Business Blueprint
si!nificantly different steps and policies t2at support eac2 procurement. n
additionA some statutes and "oard rules may define certain commodities or
services t2at are e<empt from t2e procurement biddin! procedures. Procurement
policies translate t2e statutory and re!ulatory re5uirement into a format t2at
allows procurement officials and re5uisitioners wit2in t2e enterpriseA as well as
vendorsBsuppliers to understand and operate wit2in t2e appropriate !uidelines.
T2e s2oppin! cart process describes t2e purc2ase of !oods and services in support
of all district activities for all sc2ools and most offices wit2 t2e e<ception of some
departments t2at 2ave power users t2at may bypass t2e s2oppin! cart process and
!o directly to t2e creation of purc2ase orders. T2e s2oppin! cart process includes
t2e establis2ment and maintenance of a procurement strate!yA re5uisition of
materials and servicesA procurement of !eneral suppliesA instructional materialsA
t2e monitorin! of vendor purc2ase ordersA t2e receipt of materials and services.
(c2ools and offices will be in one4wor6 environment w2ic2 is (R$ 7.8 wit2
Procurement for Public (ector .PP(/ to perform all of t2eir procurement related
responsibilities. T2e (2oppin! Cart in (R$ will be t2e one and only procurement
transaction w2ic2 will be confi!ured to support purc2ases from our District
ware2ouseA low value purc2asesA e<ternal catalo! purc2asesA contract purc2asesA
te<tboo6 purc2asesA instructional materialsA and open4mar6et procurement
re5uests. T2is may be subDect to electronic biddin! t2rou!2 t2e (AP system
includin! (R$ wit2 Procurement for Public (ector.
T2e s2oppin! cart process will be a mar6ed improvement of t2e current District
re5uisitionin! process. T2e s2oppin! cart functionality will allow attac2ments of
documents to assist in t2e procurement process. 1ac2 s2oppin! cart will !o
t2rou!2 a system approval process to ensure t2at t2e proposed transaction is
funded properly and is review by t2e appropriate District leaders2ip. T2e
wor6flow 2as t2e potential of eliminatin! many district forms use to capture
approvals. Re5uesters will no lon!er 2ave to fa< and follow up wit2 emails or
p2one calls to c2ec6 on t2e status of t2eir approvals as t2ey can view t2e s2oppin!
cart for t2e different aut2orities t2at will need to approve t2eir s2oppin! carts.
T2ey will be able to view follow on documents li6e bidA purc2ase orderA receiverA
and invoice wit2in t2e (2oppin! Cart functionality wit2out 2avin! to !o to
multiple screens to retrieve t2is information.
T2e District 2as several au<iliary systems t2at initiate t2e purc2ase of !oods and
services li6e $a<imoA $C$(A and C$(. T2ese systems will be able to interface
t2eir approved re5uests electronically into t2e s2oppin! cart. T2e s2oppin! cart
will 2old t2e account assi!nment and c2ec6 t2e funds availability at eac2 step of
= 2 = Procure to Pay 0%
Business Blueprint
t2e approval process and ultimate will pre4encumber t2e funds at t2e final
s2oppin! cart approval. T2e interface between t2e (AP and Cafeteria
$ana!ement (ystem .C$(/ willA alsoA interface wit2 bot2 t2e +eneral (tores
Distribution and -ood Distribution Centers directly into 1CC and create (T&Cs
.(toc6 Transport &rders/.
Ley &wners
$ar6 HovatterA Procurement 1<ecutive
$arc $onforteA Director of $ateriel $ana!ement
Hu!2 Tuc6erA Director of Contract Administration
Gudit2 ReeceA Director of Procurement Administration
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
T2e ?AH(D 2as a 2ybrid purc2ase or!ani'ation t2at is bot2 centrali'ed and
decentrali'ed. T2e District allows sc2ools and offices to create t2eir own
purc2ase orders for te<tboo6s and instructional materials and for low4value
purc2ases of 92%A888 or less for !oodsA suppliesA !eneral servicesA and
professional services. T2ere are some or!ani'ations li6e -acilities and TD t2at
!o directly to purc2ase orders. T2e sc2ool and office administrators currently
si!n and transmit t2e purc2ase orders to vendors and ma6e t2e necessary
modification to t2ese orders.
T2e centrali'ed process centers under t2e followin! processes, *on4stoc6A stoc6A
professional servicesA maintenance servicesA and public wor6s construction
&he follo+ing centrali2ed procurement processes are initiated through the
use of re-uisitions:
<on4Stoc#: Purc2ase of suppliesA !oodsA e5uipmentA and !eneral services
T2e non4stoc6 process is driven by t2e Public Contract Code 28111. T2e process
be!ins wit2 identification of a product need and entry into -( as a re5uisition
.RS transaction/. f t2e product can only be fulfilled by a sin!le vendor
.sin!leBsole source/A t2en a sin!le source Dustification must be submitted by t2e
re5uestor to identify t2e vendor and to e<plain w2y only t2at vendor s2ould be
used to fulfill t2e product need. n eit2er case t2e RS transaction must be
>sc2eduled@ .i.e. approved/ by t2e site administrator.
T2e followin! are some of t2e re5uisitionin! process t2at re5uires special 2andlin!.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 00
Business Blueprint
T2e payment of conference re!istration fees re5uires a >re5uest for
conference form *o. 1812 to be submitted.
Re5uest for Rental of -acilities re5uires a facilities re5uest form to be
-ield Trips re5uire t2e students approved field trip form.
TransportationA if not an approved c2arter busA re5uires proof of liability
insurance from t2e carrier.
Re5uest t2at are over t2e bid limit .currently 9;1A888/ re5uires t2e submittal
of a Re5uest for Procurement Action .R-PA form/
Play!round 15uipment re5uires approvals from $aintenance and
&perations as well as t2e &ffice of 1nvironmental Healt2 and (afety.
C2emical re5uires $(D( s2eets as well as approval from t2e &ffice of
1nvironmental Healt2 and (afety.
Stoc#: Purc2ase of !oodsA foodA e5uipmentA and supplies to replenis2 t2e
Distribution Centers
T2e stoc6 process is similar to t2e non4stoc6 process and for t2e most part is
driven by t2e Public Contract Code 28111. T2e pro!ress be!ins wit2 nventory
Replenis2ment Report .R1P/. T2e nventory Analysts reviews t2e demand and
dependin! on w2at t2ey 2ave on 2and will enter a re5uisition to re5uest t2e !oods.
T2is is area is 2i!2ly speciali'ed as t2e analyst needs to ma6e sure t2ey 2ave
enou!2 stoc6 available at all times to satisfy t2e sc2ools and offices demands.
Professional Ser*ices !<on4/acilities%:
T2e process of professional services is !overn by District Adopted board rules
and as t2ere is no le!al re5uirements to bid t2ese services out. T2e current
process re5uires all re5uestors to submit a R-PA form alon! wit2 t2e re5uisition.
*ormallyA sc2ools will enter t2e re5uisition andA t2enA fa< t2e R-PA to t2e
Procurement Division. T2e R-PA form re5uires different approvals dependin!
on t2e dollar t2res2olds. Re5uisitions between 92%A888 and bid limit .currently
9;1A888/ re5uire t2e re5uestor to submit documentation on t2e selection of
= 2 = Procure to Pay 07
Business Blueprint
proposed vendor to Procurement. f t2e professional service is between bid limit
and 92%8A888 t2e re5uestor needs to submit t2e scope of wor6A evaluation criteriaA
and proposal pricin!I Procurement may conduct eit2er an informal or formal
competition and will select t2e vendor. All services over 92%8A888 are formally
n all t2e processes a re5uisition is entered by an administrative staff
member and an administrator approves t2e re5uisition in -(. T2enA
a ni!2tly TD print run produces t2e sc2oolBoffice >accepted@
re5uisitions and delivers t2em to Procurement. Accepted re5uisitions
are distributed to t2e appropriate buyer in Procurement for furt2er
processin!. All sc2ools and offices enter t2e prefer vendor
information and t2e buyer will supplement by biddin! t2e order out
and findin! t2e best price. Any discrepancies are resolved wit2 t2e
Procurement (ervices in order to minimi'e t2e in5uiry of t2e
re5uisition statusesA maintains an online website w2ere individuals can
searc2 by t2eir specific re5uisition to view t2e status. T2e individual
may searc2 eit2er by number or location code. T2e status relies on
buyers updatin! t2e status of t2e re5uisition manually.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 0;
Business Blueprint
Re-uisition Process /lo+ Diagram
-( Re5uisition (tatus Z
(c2ools Y
Central &ffices
Re5uisition online
T[ n addition to system validationsA administrator
reviews re5uisitions for
appropriate use of &bDect CodesA use of funds
for intended purposes and purc2asin! of
personal items
Procurement receives
approved re5uisitions
and R-PA -orms .if
Re5uisitions distributed
to appropriate "uyer
1<istin! Pain Points
= 2 = Procure to Pay 0:
Non Stock
Requisition (RX)
entered into IFS by
(Stock RX process
begin at
!endor (Sole
appro#ed by
$cceptance by
appro#ed by
(Stock RX Starts
&es )ertification For%
* +ustify sole
School/Office %akes
appropriate corrections
on Requisition *
$d+ust%ents can be directly
%ade to Rejected/Held RX
transactions, 'hile ne'
requisitions are required to
be entered once Deleted in
RF$ If applicable
!ia nightly I-. print run
.irect fro% School/Office
Business Blueprint
T2ere is confusion amon! sc2ools and offices to 6now w2ic2 transactions
t2ey s2ould be usin!I i.e. PD ?)A PD "P&A RSA RS C(A P4CardA mprestA
and etc.
(c2ools and &ffice normally do not select t2e appreciate commodity codes
.material !roup/ w2ic2 may lead to selectin! t2e wron! ta<es on t2e order.
(c2ool and &ffices normally do not select t2e appropriate obDect of
e<penditure code .commitment item/
(c2ools do not 2ave up to date information on t2e status of t2eir
(c2ools and &ffices do not submit t2eir receivers on a timely manner.
(c2ool and &ffices do not enter enou!2 information t2at identifies t2e
item bein! purc2ase.
T2e use of >see attac2ed@ ma6es it impossible to analy'e w2at is bein!
T2ere is no preventive c2ec6 to ma6e sure funds are used for w2at t2ey
were intended.
(c2ool and &ffices are in two separate systemsI sc2ools use +HA w2ic2 is
a front end to -(A and offices are in -(.
(c2ools 2old on to enterin! receivers because t2ey 2ave no visibility to t2e
invoice since t2e invoices are sent directly to Accounts Payables.
T2ere is 2i!2 turnover at sc2ools and re5uires constant retrainin!.
Re5uisitioners do not 6now t2e purc2asin! procedures.
T2ere is no process to capture assets.
(c2ools and &ffices do 6now w2at re5uisitions and purc2ase orders t2ey
2ave open. T2e re5uisitions and purc2ase orders many times 6eep on
rollin! over from year to yearA encumberin! funds t2at could 2ave been
use for ot2er purposes.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 78
Business Blueprint
(c2ools and &ffices end up losin! on funds t2at do not carry over as t2ey
wait to end of t2e fiscal year to try to spend itA creatin! pressure on t2e
procurement department to rus2 all orders.
T2ere is no identification on t2e system t2at denotes t2e funds e<piration
datesA specifically for all district !rantsA for buyers to prioriti'e.
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
(c2ools and offices will be in one4wor6 environment w2ic2 is (R$ 7.8 wit2
Procurement wit2 Public (ector .PP(/ to perform all of t2eir procurement related
responsibilities. T2e (2oppin! Cart in (R$ will be t2e one and only procurement
transaction w2ic2 will be confi!ured to support purc2ases from our District
ware2ouseA low value purc2asesA e<ternal catalo! purc2asesA contract purc2asesA
te<tboo6 purc2asesA instructional materialsA and open4mar6et procurement
re5uests w2ic2 may be subDect to electronic biddin! t2rou!2 (R$ wit2
Procurement for Public (ector. T2e s2oppin! cart will tri!!er Availability
Control .A)C/A (tandard Accountin! Code (tructure .(AC(/ validationsA and
pre4encumbrances. T2e s2oppin! cart will maintained t2e necessary DistrictCs
se!re!ation of duty and spendin! controls by 2avin! t2e cost center administrator
always approve t2e re5uest. T2ere will be various levels of approvals dependin!
on t2e !oods or services and dollar t2res2olds. T2ere will be an en2ancement to
automatically create an Asset (2ell for s2oppin! carts for items t2at are over 9%88
and for a particular material !roup. T2e $aterial +roup will be 6ey piece of
master data for t2e Procurement &ffice as it will tri!!er wor6flowA +? defaultA
asset creationA and produce reportin! for spendin! analytics. &ne final 6ey
feature of t2e s2oppin! cart is t2at you can enter notes and attac2 documents.
1rdering State &e=t'oo#s:
T2e purc2ase of (tate Adopted and District Approved te<tboo6s be!ins in t2e
(R$ 7.8 environment w2ere sc2ools perform all t2eir procurement related
activities. A listin! of all (tate Adopted and District Approved te<tboo6s will be
available t2rou!2 $D$ Catalo!s.
T2e procurement process is initiated by sc2ool personnel w2o create a s2oppin!
cart by accessin! t2e $D$ Catalo!s. tems are selected and transferred into t2e
s2oppin! cart. Applicable free items are added to t2e s2oppin! cart. -ree items
are determined by a relations2ip table. (c2ool personnel t2en enter t2e
accountin!Bfundin! information and perform any c2an!esBupdates to t2e data in
t2e s2oppin! cart. T2e system t2en c2ec6s for t2e appropriate use of (tate "oo6
= 2 = Procure to Pay 71
Business Blueprint
-undin!. f t2e fundin! is inappropriate t2e system provides an error messa!e and
sc2ool personnel must fi< t2e error in order to continue t2e procurement process.
T2e s2oppin! cart order is t2en placed by sc2ool personnel and routed to t2e
Principal for approval. T2e Principal will t2en approve or reDect t2e s2oppin! cart.
(2ould t2e Principal reDect t2e s2oppin! cart will be routed bac6 to t2e s2oppin!
cart initiator .sc2ool personnel/. (c2ool personnel will t2en 2ave t2e opportunity
to eit2er cancel t2e s2oppin! cart or resubmit for approval.
After Principal approval t2e s2oppin! cart is routed to t2e ?ocal 1ducation
(ervice Center .1(C/ desi!nee for approval. Prior to approval t2e ?ocal 1(C
desi!nee will searc2 t2e DistrictCs Destiny te<tboo6 inventory system for surplus
boo6s. f surplus items are found t2en t2e ?ocal 1(C desi!nee will submit a
re5uest to t2e nte!rated ?ibrary and Te<tboo6 (upport (ervices .?T((/ unit to
transfer t2e items to t2e sc2ool site. T2e ?ocal 1(C desi!nee will t2en reDect t2e
sc2oolCs s2oppin! cart and provide comments in t2e system as to t2e reason w2y
t2e s2oppin! cart was reDected. T2e s2oppin! cart is t2en routed bac6 to sc2ool
f t2e ?ocal 1(C desi!nee performs t2e surplus searc2 in Destiny and does not
find any available surplus items t2en after reviewin! t2e order and fundin!
information t2e ?ocal 1(C desi!nee approves t2e s2oppin! cart and it is t2en
routed to ?T(( for approval. ?T(( will review t2e orderA fundin! informationA
and approve. &nce t2e s2oppin! cart is approved by ?T(( a P& is !enerated and
sent to t2e vendor. (2ould ?T(( reDect t2e s2oppin! cartI ?T(( will provide
comments in t2e system and t2e s2oppin! cart it will be routed bac6 to sc2ool
1rdering Supplmental3$nstructional 0aterial
T2e procurement process is initiated by sc2ool personnel w2o create a s2oppin!
cart by accessin! t2e $D$ Catalo!s or enterin! t2e items free te<t. tems are
selected and transferred into t2e s2oppin! cart. Applicable free items are added to
t2e s2oppin! cart. (c2ool personnel t2en enter t2e accountin!Bfundin!
information and perform any c2an!esBupdates to t2e data in t2e s2oppin! cart.
T2e system t2en c2ec6s for fundin!A material !roupA etc. f t2ere is an error t2e
system provides an error messa!e and sc2ool personnel must fi< t2e error in order
to continue t2e procurement process. T2e s2oppin! cart order is t2en placed by
sc2ool personnel and routed to t2e Principal for approval. T2e Principal will t2en
approve or reDect t2e s2oppin! cart. (2ould t2e Principal reDect t2e s2oppin! cart
will be routed bac6 to t2e s2oppin! cart initiator .sc2ool personnel/. (c2ool
= 2 = Procure to Pay 72
Business Blueprint
personnel will t2en 2ave t2e opportunity to eit2er cancel t2e s2oppin! cart or
resubmit for approval.
After Principal approvalA if t2e s2oppin! cart is under 9;1A888 t2e s2oppin! cart is
converted into a Purc2ase &rder and sent to t2e vendor. f t2e s2oppin! cart is
over 9;1A888 .current state competitive bid limit/ it is routed to t2e ?ocal
1ducation (ervice Center .1(C/ desi!nee for approval. After ?ocal 1(C
approval and if t2e s2oppin! cart is under 9188A888 t2e s2oppin! cart is converted
into a Purc2ase &rder and sent to t2e vendor. f t2e s2oppin! cart is over
9188A888 it is routed to t2e Deputy (uperintendent of nstruction for approval.
After Deputy (uperintendent of nstruction approval and if t2e s2oppin! cart is
under 92%8A888 it is converted into a Purc2ase &rder and sent to t2e vendor. f t2e
s2oppin! cart is over 92%8A888 .Procurement dele!ated aut2ority limit/ it is routed
to Procurement for approval. Procurement will t2en ma6e a decision of w2et2er to
source .bid/ t2e s2oppin! cart items. f no sourcin! .biddin!/ is re5uired t2e
s2oppin! cart is approved and t2e Purc2ase &rder is issued and sent to t2e vendor.
(2ould Procurement decide to source .bid/ t2e s2oppin! cart items t2en t2e buyer
will remove t2e prefer vendor from t2e s2oppin! cart causin! t2e s2oppin! cart to
be routed to t2e sourcin! coc6pit.
1rdering from the Stores and /oods Distri'ution (enter through the
Shopping (art:
(c2ools and &ffices w2en orderin! from t2e (tores and -oods Distribution Center
will 2ave to select t2e correspondin! internal catalo!. T2e pricin! on t2e catalo!
will include all appropriate s2ippin!A ta<esA and over2ead recovery mar6up. T2e
(2oppin! Cart will be en2anced to accommodate t2e delivery priority for t2e
Distribution Center. T2e followin! are t2e different delivery prioritiesI
1/ Re!ular order, All re!ular orders will be delivered wit2in 3 days and t2ere are
no s2ippin! c2ar!es to t2ese orders. All re!ular orders will be s2ipped wit2in 3
days if t2e stoc6 is available.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 73
Business Blueprint
2/ 3ill4call, Re5uisitioner will pic6 up !oods and t2ere is no cut4off or s2ippin!
3/ &verni!2t, T2ere is a cut4off of 12,88 pm for t2e s2oppin! cart to be approved
or else will be deliver t2e followin! day and t2ere is a 9: s2ippin! c2ar!e for
every ;8 pounds of material bein! ordered.
#/ (ame4day, T2ere is a cut4off of :,88 am for t2e s2oppin! cart to be approved or
else will be s2ipped t2e followin! day. T2ere is a 913 s2ippin! c2ar!e for every
;8 pounds of material bein! ordered.
%/ -uture dated delivery, 32en users select t2is option t2e ordered will be
delivered on t2e date specified on t2e s2oppin! cart or % days after approval
w2ic2ever is !reater.
T2e (2oppin! Cart will not allow items to be entered in a sin!le s2oppin! cart wit2
different delivery prioritiesI it will provide t2e user wit2 an error messa!e t2at t2e
delivery priorities are different and need to be t2e same. t willA alsoA re5uire t2e order to
be for one Distribution Center and it will !ive users and error w2en t2e order is mi<ed
wit2 ot2er orders.
32en orderin! t2rou!2 t2e Distribution CentersA t2e stora!e location will automatically
be defaulted into t2e s2oppin! cart. T2e stora!e location attribute will be maintain in t2e
&r!ani'ation (tructure as well as ot2er stora!e locations in w2ic2 a cost center needs
access to. T2ere are special cost centers t2at will 2ave access to a specific stora!e
location t2at will tri!!er special 2andlin! for t2e Distribution Center. 1<ample, "eyond
t2e "ell 2as an a!reement wit2 t2e (tores Distribution Center to store materials bein!
ac5uired from t2e (tores Distribution CenterI t2ere will be a stora!e fee of 3\ for t2ese
types of orders. T2ere will be a table maintain for special stora!e locations listin! t2e
stora!e fee as it may c2an!e. T2ese cost centers will 2ave access on t2eir s2oppin! cart
to t2is type of stora!e location and 2ave mutual a!reement wit2 t2e (tores Distribution
Center on t2e cost for 2andlin!. CurrentlyA t2ere are no re5uirements in place for t2e
-oods Distribution Center.
Dependin! on t2e delivery priority selectedA t2e s2oppin! cart will !ive user.s/ errors if
t2e available stoc6 in not sufficient to satisfy t2e re5uirement. T2ese errors will be !iven
bot2 at t2e time of s2oppin! cart creation an approval. n re!ards to approvalA t2ere will
be only one levelI t2e cost center administrator .Head of &r!ani'ation/. 1rrors will be
!iven for t2e followin! delivery prioritiesI (ame DayA &verni!2tA and 3ill4CallA t2e rest
will allow t2e item.s/ to !o in bac6 order. T2e s2oppin! will automatically determine t2e
s2ippin! c2ar!e based on wei!2t and delivery priority selected. &nce all t2e edits and t2e
s2oppin! cart 2ave been approvedA it will create an (T& in 1CC. T2e (T& is an
en2ancement and re5uires t2e Distribution Centers to be created as a vendor in order for
= 2 = Procure to Pay 7#
Business Blueprint
t2e process to function. T2e funds are encumbered as soon as t2e s2oppin! cart is
approved. T2e >Receive to Distribute@ process will 2andle 2ow t2e orders are fulfill and
delivered to t2e sc2ools and offices. (c2ools and &ffices do not need to enter a !oods
receipt for (T&Cs as t2e !oods receipt will be automatically be !enerated.
Shopping (art for Lo+ Value and <on4(ontract 5oods and Ser*ices:
(c2ools and offices 2ave several ways t2at t2ey can initiate a s2oppin! cart. &ne of t2e
ways is initiatin! t2e re5uest from a catalo!. T2e District will maintain several catalo!s
in w2ic2 users can select t2e items and automatically 2ave t2ose items come into t2e
s2oppin! cart. T2e s2oppin! cart initiated from a catalo! will create a purc2ase order
automatically. Anot2er way is for re5uisitioners to searc2 for material numbers and
select t2em to come into t2e s2oppin! cart. T2ere is an en2ancement in t2e catalo! to
!ive an error to users for material numbers t2at are for t2e (tores or -oods Distribution
Centers. Re5uisitioners are not allowed to select t2ese items because t2ey would end up
in t2e (ourcin! Coc6pit instead of creatin! an (T&I t2e ot2er reason for t2is
en2ancement is because t2e correct pricin! is only carried in t2e catalo!. T2e t2ird
met2od is enterin! t2e item information manually.
T2e approval process for ?ow )alue purc2ase order is only t2e Administrator of t2e cost
center. T2e dollar t2res2old for ?ow )alue purc2ase order is for s2oppin! carts totalin!
less t2an 92%A888. T2ere is an en2ancement t2at will convert t2ese s2oppin! carts into
auto purc2ase order.s/ wit2out procurement officialCs intervention. T2e re5uisitioners
will be able to modify t2ese orders but in no instance t2ese orders will be modified to
past t2e 92%A888 low value t2res2old.
T2e initiation of non4contract !oods and services is t2e same as t2e low value s2oppin!
carts. T2e only difference is t2e approval re5uirements. T2ere are different dollar
t2res2olds for t2ese s2oppin! carts. 1<cept for te<tboo6s and instructional materialsA t2e
first level of approval is always t2e administrator. f t2e order is !reater t2an 9%88A888 it
will re5uired t2e approval of t2e Procurement &ffice before a s2oppin! cart is
encumberedI t2ese approval e<tends to re5uests initiated from a catalo!.
Shopping (art Against a (ontract or Sole Source:
Re5uisitioners are not e<pected to 6now w2at contracts are in place. T2e District will
facilitate purc2ases by creatin! eit2er punc24out or internal catalo!s for t2ese items. T2e
ot2er option t2at will be used to streamline t2e procurement process is source lists. T2e
creation of source list needs to be 6ept in mind as it will affect t2e automatic selection of
t2e correct vendor contract relations2ip. n order for t2e s2oppin! cart to select t2e
correct sourceA t2ere needs to be a one to one relation wit2 t2e material bein! purc2ase.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 7%
Business Blueprint
T2e source list s2ould only be created for material numbers and not material !roups. T2e
material !roup may 2ave more t2an one contract at a !iven time and t2is will cause t2e
re5uisitioner to 2ave more t2an one optionI t2ere may be an increase on users selectin!
t2e wron! contract vendor combination wit2 t2is option. n all t2ese casesA t2e
procurement official does not 2ave to see t2ese re5uests as it will !enerate automatic
purc2ase order.s/. T2is will enable procurement officials to move from transactional to a
more strate!ic procurement.
T2ere will be a c2ec6 bo< on t2e s2oppin! cart indicatin! t2at t2e order is a sole source
and it will carry on to t2e followin! documents. T2is will indicate to t2e buyer t2at t2e
order does not need to be sourced.
Shopping (art $nterfaces:
T2ere will be several interfaces to t2e (2oppin! Cart and ot2ers will be directly to 1CC.
(afeteria 0anagement System:
T2e Cafeteria $ana!ement (ystems .C$(/ will 2ave bot2 an interface to t2e (2oppin!
Cart and t2e ot2er to 1CC. T2e interface to t2e s2oppin! cart will be for e<ternal
purc2ases to vendorsI t2ese will include t2e $il6 and "read orders t2at are currently
2andled t2rou!2 direct payments. T2e interface desi!n is to transmit t2e !oods receipt
from C$( to (AP as t2e C$( users are currently receivin! in t2eir perspective system.
T2e interface to 1CC will be for t2e -oods and (tores Distribution Center. T2e interface
to t2e -oods DC will be a two way flowA w2ere C$( will send t2e orders and (AP will
send t2e error listin! as well as t2e (T& numbers created in (AP. C$( will not send any
modifications or rus2 orders t2rou!2 t2e interfaceA t2ese orders will be entered manually
by t2e -oods DC staff and (AP will send t2e (T& numberCs bac6 to C$(I for C$( to
reconcile in t2eir system. T2e orders t2at do not 2ave a correspondin! C$( reference are
referred to 2ot s2ot orders as t2ey did not come t2rou!2 t2e C$( interface. T2e interface
to t2e -oods DC is dependent on 6eepin! master data in syncI t2e flow below !ives a
2i!2 level view of t2e information e<c2an!e.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 70
Business Blueprint

/acilities 0a=imo and &ransportation 0(0S3V0S $nterface:
T2e $a<imo and $C$(B)$( desi!n is only for t2e purc2ase to e<ternal
vendors. T2e orders t2at are !oin! to be sent via t2ese interfaces are for purc2ase
below t2e current bid t2res2old .currently at 9;1A888/ and for items t2at are under
contract. T2e (AP system will reco!ni'ed orders t2at 2ave a vendor identified
and no contract as bein! below t2e bid limit and will create an automatic purc2ase
order. T2e orders t2at 2ave a contract and vendor 2ave no special consideration
as t2is is treated as a s2oppin! cart a!ainst a source listI an automatic purc2ase
order is !enerated. T2e interface will allow for t2e !oods receipt to be sent
t2rou!2 t2e interface as well. T2e systems will be desi!n to be able to send
purc2ase order modification as well. "ot2 systems will provide a reference
number t2at will flow into t2e s2oppin! cartCs reference field and t2is is 2ow t2e
orders will be 6ept in sync. (AP will send bac6 t2e correct purc2ase order and
error report referencin! t2e uni5ue reference order. $a<imo currently does not
send orders t2at re5uire informal or formal biddin!I t2ey wait for t2e contract to
be in place before placin! t2ose orders. *onet2elessA t2e interface is set up to
2andle order t2at re5uire to !o t2rou!2 t2e biddin! processA $a<imoB$C$(
would 2ave to send t2e order wit2out t2e vendor identified.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 77
Business Blueprint
0RP Shopping (art:
T2e $RP process will !enerate plan orders w2at will be converted to purc2ase
re5uisitions and t2ese purc2ase re5uisition will become s2oppin! carts in (R$.
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
a. Define R-C destinations
Transaction code ($%:
$+ menu *BA
R-C destination for (R$A (H(A 1CC are created
b. Define (ystem ?andscape
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(AP mplementation +uide (AP (upplier Relations2ip
$ana!ement(R$ (erverTec2nical "asic
(ettin!sDefine (ystem ?andscape
"ac6end systems t2at (R$ is connected are defined.
"ac6end systems include (R$ as localA 1CCA (H(A $D$
c. Define "ac6end (ystem for Product Cate!ory
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(AP mplementation +uide(AP (upplier Relations2ip
$ana!ement(R$ (erverTec2nical "asic
= 2 = Procure to Pay 7;
Business Blueprint
(ettin!sDefine "ac6end (ystem for Product Cate!ory
"ac6end system for Product Cate!ories are defined
d. Define *umber Ran!es for (2oppin! Carts and -ollow4on Documents
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(AP mplementation +uide(AP (upplier Relations2ip
$ana!ement(R$ (erverCross4Application "asic
(ettin!s*umber Ran!es(R$ (erver *umber
Ran!esDefine *umber Ran!es for (2oppin! Carts and
-ollow4on Documents
*umber ran!e for (2oppin! Cart and follow on document is
e. Define transaction types
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(AP mplementation +uide(AP (upplier Relations2ip
$ana!ement(R$ (erverCross4Application "asic
(ettin!sDefine Transaction Types
Transaction type for t2e document is maintained.
Documents included (2oppin! CartsA Purc2ase &rdersA
ContractsA R-<A R-< Response and (upplier ?ist
= 2 = Procure to Pay 7:
Business Blueprint
f. Activate 1<tended Classic (cenario
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(AP mplementation +uide(AP (upplier Relations2ip
$ana!ement(R$ (erverCross4Application "asic
(ettin!sActivate 1<tended Classic (cenario
1<tended Classic (cenario is activated
= 2 = Procure to Pay ;8
Business Blueprint
!. Define +B? Account for Product Cate!ory and Account Assi!nment Cate!ory
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(AP mplementation +uide(AP (upplier Relations2ip
$ana!ement(R$ (erverCross4Application "asic
(ettin!sAccount Assi!nmentDefine +B? Account for
Product Cate!ory and Account Assi!nment Cate!ory
Product cate!ory to +B? Account mappin! is maintained
2. Define Process ?evels
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(AP mplementation +uide(AP (upplier Relations2ip
$ana!ement(R$ (erverCross4Application "asic
(ettin!s "usiness 3or6flowProcess4Controlled
3or6flow"usiness Process Confi!uration Define
Process ?evels
n t2is Customi'in! activityA completion and approval
processes for (AP (upplier Relations2ip $ana!ement .(AP
= 2 = Procure to Pay ;1
Business Blueprint
(R$/ business obDectsA for e<ampleA s2oppin! cartA
purc2ase orderA contractA R-< responseA or R-< are modeled

+aps and Resolution
T2e (2oppin! Cart does not 2ave conditions type to 2andle s2ippin! c2ar!es.
Re5uisitioners will need to enter t2e s2ippin! c2ar!es as a line item.
Resolutions ,
T2e s2oppin! cart transaction will consolidate many of t2e DistrictCs
various transactions and as suc2 2as many en2ancements t2at are uni5ue
to t2e many ways t2e District 2andled purc2ases.
T2e s2oppin! cart interfaces will remedy t2e issue of contracts not
capturin! t2e purc2ase order releases as t2e new re5uirement will be for
e<ternal subsidiary systems to identify t2e contract t2rou!2 t2e interface.
T2e interface will alleviate t2e duplication of manual entry into two
different systems.
Re5uisitioners and approvers will be able to trace t2e status of t2e
s2oppin! carts t2rou!2 t2e system. Hsers can simply open t2e s2oppin!
cart and see w2ere in t2e approval process it isA w2o needs to approve itA
w2at follow on documents were createdI e.!. bidA purc2ase orderA !ood
receiptA invoiceA and so on.
T2e ta<es will be defaulted to t2e s2oppin! cart. T2e ta<es will be based
on t2e material !roupBmaterial number and Durisdiction. T2e Durisdiction
= 2 = Procure to Pay ;2
Business Blueprint
will resolved t2e issue of 2avin! to capture t2e correct ta<es for some of
t2e DistrictsC sc2ools t2at fall wit2in ot2er cities li6e "ell and (out2 +ate
w2ere t2e ta< rate is different.
T2e District will be able to systematically capture assets.
T2e s2oppin! cart will allow for sc2ools to purc2ase t2rou!2 catalo!s bot2
for e<ternal suppliers and t2e (tores and -oods Distribution Centers.
T2e en2ancement for t2e s2oppin! cart to automatically determine
s2ippin! c2ar!es for (tores and -oods DC is an improvement t2at will
alleviate many user errors w2en it comes to calculatin! t2e correct
T2e District 2as provided t2e ability for sc2ool and offices to create t2eir
own purc2ase orders. T2ey will no lon!er 2ave to create purc2ase ordersA
but t2ere are en2ancements t2at will !enerate automatic purc2ase orders to
satisfy t2is re5uirement.
T2e s2oppin! cart wor6flow will also eliminate many manual processes
t2at re5uired off4line approvals.
T2e system will automatically default +? accounts for purc2ases t2at can
be c2an!e.
R$(./" $D &ype Description
Q(R*"1813 nterface
nterface from t2e Cafeteria $ana!ement (ystem to create s2oppin! carts
for processin! in (R$.
Q(R*"181# nterface nterface of s2oppin! cart information from $a<imo and $C$(.
QC&1*H1882 1n2ancement
1n2anced (tandardi'ed Account Code (tructure validation for asset
master data s2ell creation.
Q-A1*H1883 1n2ancement 1n2anced derivation of account assi!nments for asset master data.
QP(1*H1883 1n2ancement
Determination of asset s2ell creation based on material !roup and 9%88
capitali'ation t2res2old.
Q(R1*H188% 1n2ancement
Determination of ta< code Q8 for ware2ouse materials re5uested in
s2oppin! carts.
Q(R1*H188; 1n2ancement 1n2anced fields for (upplier Relations2ip $ana!ement documents.
Q(R1*H188: 1n2ancement
Determination of stoc6 availability wit2in t2e Distribution Center
Q(R1*H1818 1n2ancement
)alidation of (tandardi'ed Account Code (tructure durin! processin! of
procurement transactions.
Q(R1*H1811 1n2ancement
Hse t2e vendor selected for a s2oppin! cart as t2e default vendor wit2in
t2e s2oppin! cart line items.
Q(R1*H1820 1n2ancement
Hpdate distribution center s2oppin! cartsA addin! a line item for delivery
Q(R3L-1810 3or6flow 1lectronic submissionA review and approvals for s2oppin! carts.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
= 2 = Procure to Pay ;3
Business Blueprint
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
T2e District will only 6now one transaction t2at will initiate all procurement
re5uests and t2at is t2e s2oppin! cart. T2ere will be no need for users to
fi!ure out if t2is is a PDA P+A RSA (RA &CA etc. (c2ool and &ffices will be
able to s2op from catalo!s and 2ave t2e information flow directly into t2eir
s2oppin! cartsA eliminatin! data entry. T2e District needs to accommodate t2e
dynamic wor6flow in w2ic2 a s2oppin! cart can be sent for ad 2oc approval to
an individual t2at was not part of t2e ori!inal wor6flow.
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
T2e s2oppin! cart will be able to be routed t2rou!2 wor6flow and approvers
may reDect it at any sta!e in t2e process or submit for ad 2oc approval. T2e
use of catalo!s is a new tec2nolo!y t2at will facilitate t2e procurement of
!oods and services. T2e s2oppin! cart allows for attac2mentsI t2is may
facilitate t2e capturin! of forms re5uired for certain procurements. T2ere is
communication t2at is bein! done from (R$ to 1CC and s2oppin! carts may
fail in betweenI system administrators will need to 6eep a loo6 out for
s2oppin! carts t2at fail. T2ere is no batc2 processA w2ere users can !o and see
w2en a record fails. T2ere will be on place w2ere users will need to access to
view wor6 items and t2at is t2e Hniversal 3or6 ?ist .H3?/.
People C2an!es
Approvers are not used to receivin! approval re5uests t2rou!2 t2e system and
will lo! into t2e H3? to access all wor6flow transactions. ndividuals need to
be careful on to w2om t2ey sent t2e ad 2oc approvals as t2e individual may
not 2ave t2e role to approve. T2e individuals t2at will re5uire roles to
approve need to be identified early on to ma6e sure t2at s2oppin! carts do not
stay in limbo. Hsers no lon!er 2ave to run reports or loo6 at different tables to
6now w2at is 2appenin! wit2 t2eir re5uestsA t2ey can view t2e s2oppin! cart
to determine w2ere in t2e process t2e re5uest is.
Policy C2an!es
T2e District needs a policy on 2ow t2e ad 2oc approvals need to be 2andle to
ma6e sure t2e recipient of t2e wor6flow 2as t2e necessary aut2ority.
Trainin! mpacts
T2e trainin! effort in t2e creation of t2e s2oppin! cart is t2e most critical and
bi!!est effort. All t2e district sc2ools and offices need to be trained in t2e
s2oppin! cart functionality. T2ere are many en2ancements t2at will cause t2e
s2oppin! cart to be2ave differently and users need to be trained.
Trainers need to trained users on 2ow to be self4sufficient as t2ere may not be
a customer support center available for wal6in! t2em t2rou!2 t2e transactions.
= 2 = Procure to Pay ;#
Business Blueprint
T2e Procurement (ervices +roup needs to 2ave staff available to assist users
wit2 t2is new functionality and t2ey need to be trained as well. T2e trainin!
will be p2ase over an ; to 11 mont2 period. T2ere will be a need for re4
trainin! and t2ere s2ould be courses for new and e<istin! users. T2e position
t2at usually is involved in t2e creation of s2oppin! carts is t2e &ffice
Assistants and (r. &ffice Assistants w2ic2 2ave a 2i!2 turn4over in t2e
District. T2e trainin! pro!rams and materials need to address t2e 2i!2
turnover of t2ese positions.
Additional Considerations
T2e District s2ould consider creatin! a new classification for t2e staff t2at will be
responsible for creatin! s2oppin! carts to minimi'e t2e turnover of t2ese
positions. T2e District s2ould consider settin! up a customer support center t2at
will assist wit2 common production support re5uests. T2e Procurement (ervices
Customer support may not be e5uipped to 2andle t2e volume of calls.
.1.1.1 (reate and Appro*e Shopping (art
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
Create (2oppin!
Create (2oppin!
Re5uest Assets Re5uisitioner
Create (2oppin!
Create (2oppin!
Re5uest Products Re5uisitioner
Create (2oppin!
Create (2oppin!
Re5uest (ervices Re5uisitioner
$odify (2oppin!
(2oppin! Cart
$odify (2oppin! Cart Re5uisitioner
(2oppin! Cart4
Approve or ReDect
(2oppin! cart in
Re5uisition Approver
(2oppin! Cart4
Approve or ReDect
(2oppin! cart in
Hniversal 3or6 ?ist
Re5uisition Approver
nterface (2oppin!
Carts from $a<imo B
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
(R$ Administrator
nterface (2oppin!
Carts from C$(
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
(R$ Administrator
= 2 = Procure to Pay ;%
Business Blueprint
.1.1. Display Shopping (art
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
Display (2oppin!
(2oppin! Cart
Display (2oppin! Cart +eneral Display
Display (2oppin!
(2oppin! Cart
Display (2oppin! Cart
Display (2oppin!
(2oppin! Cart
Display (2oppin! Cart
= 2 = Procure to Pay ;0
Business Blueprint
.1.1.6 (reate and Appro*e Professional Shopping (art
All t2e s2oppin! carts in t2e District will be professional s2oppin! carts. As
e<plained in t2e >To "e@ processA t2ere are many ways t2at t2e creation of a
s2oppin! cart may be initiated. T2ere is certain 6ey data t2at are re5uired in
order to create t2e s2oppin! cart. T2e role needed to initiate t2e creation of t2e
s2oppin! cart is t2e >Re5uisitioner@ role. T2e re5uired information in t2e
s2oppin! cart is as follows,
$aterial +roup
(tora!e ?ocation
Description of item
Accountin! strin!
(2ip to address
Delivery Priority .if orderin! from Districts Distribution Center/
Delivery Date
Purc2asin! +roup
Hnit of $easure
n order to maintained internal controlsA t2e s2oppin! cart will be approved by
t2e cost center administrator. T2e approvin! officials will not 2ave t2e ability to
create t2eir own s2oppin! carts. T2e reason for not allowin! administrators to
create t2eir own s2oppin! carts is because t2ey would end up in t2eir bosses
wor6 listI t2e district want to minimi'ed t2e confusion on w2at is bein!
approved. T2e approval of s2oppin! cart may ran!e from level and up to an
indefinite number of approvals dependin! on t2e type of purc2ase.
T2e (2oppin! Cart (upport Center t2at will be creatin! s2oppin! carts on be2alf
of all sc2ools. T2e (2oppin! Cart (upport Center will receive email re5uests of
t2ese orders and t2ese re5uests will be entered into (R$. T2ese s2oppin! carts
do not re5uire approval as t2e re5uest 2as been approved off4line.
= 2 = Procure to Pay ;7
Business Blueprint
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
(2oppin! Cart4
(2oppin! Cart
Re5uest Assets
Central Procurement Analyst
(2oppin! Cart4
(2oppin! Cart
Re5uest Products
Central Procurement Analyst
(2oppin! Cart4
(2oppin! Cart
Re5uest (ervices
Central Procurement Analyst
(2oppin! Cart
(2oppin! Cart
$odify (2oppin! Cart
Central Procurement Analyst
(2oppin! Cart4
Approve or ReDect
Professional (2oppin!
Cart in &utloo6
Professional Approver
(2oppin! Cart4
Approve or ReDect
Professional (2oppin!
Cart in Hniversal 3or6
Professional Approver
.1.1.7 Display Professional Shopping (art
Re5uisitioners will be able to display all t2e s2oppin! carts created by t2em.
Approvers will 2ave t2e same ability for all s2oppin! carts approved by t2em.
T2ere will be a +eneral Display role !iven to users t2at need to see s2oppin! cart
information. Purc2asin! A!ents will 2ave t2is role as t2ey need to see t2e
information in t2e s2oppin! cart. T2ere will be ot2er users t2at may 2ave t2e
need to display t2e s2oppin! cart in on order to provide after t2e fact compliance
wit2 procurement or accountin! policies.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
(2oppin! Cart
(2oppin! Cart
Display (2oppin! Cart
+eneral Display
(2oppin! Cart4
(2oppin! Cart
Display (2oppin! Cart
(tatus .professional/
Central Procurement Analyst
(2oppin! Cart4
(2oppin! Cart
Display (2oppin! Cart
Central Procurement Analyst
= 2 = Procure to Pay ;;
Business Blueprint
.1.1.8 (reate and Appro*e &eam Shopping (art
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
Create Team
(2oppin! Cart
Create Team
(2oppin! Cart
Create Team (2oppin!
Create Team
(2oppin! Cart4
(earc2 and &rder
Create Team
(2oppin! Cart
(earc2 for and &rder
Team (2oppin! Cart
$odify Team
(2oppin! Cart
$odify Team
(2oppin! Cart
$odify Team (2oppin!
Approve Team
(2oppin! Cart4
Approve or ReDect
Team (2oppin! Cart in
Re5uisition Approver
Approve Team
(2oppin! Cart4
Approve or ReDect
Team (2oppin! Cart in
Hniversal 3or6 ?ist
Re5uisition Approver
.1.1.9 Display &eam Shopping (art
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
Display Team
(2oppin! Cart
Display Team
(2oppin! Cart
Display Team (2oppin!
+eneral Display
Display Team
(2oppin! Cart4
Display Team
(2oppin! Cart
Display Team (2oppin!
Cart (tatus
Display Team
(2oppin! Cart4
Display Team
(2oppin! Cart
Display Team (2oppin!
Cart Approvals
.1.1.> (reate and Appro*e Professional &eam Shopping (art
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
Professional Team
(2oppin! Cart4
Team (2oppin!
Create Team (2oppin!
Cart .professional/
Central Procurement Analyst
= 2 = Procure to Pay ;:
Business Blueprint
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
Professional Team
(2oppin! Cart4
(earc2 and &rder
Create Team
(2oppin! Cart
(earc2 for and &rder
Team (2oppin! Cart
Central Procurement Analyst
Professional Team
(2oppin! Cart
Team (2oppin!
$odify Team (2oppin!
Cart .professional/
Central Procurement Analyst
Professional Team
(2oppin! Cart4
Approve or ReDect
Professional Team
(2oppin! Cart in
Professional Approver
Professional Team
(2oppin! Cart4
Approve or ReDect
Professional Team
(2oppin! Cart in
Hniversal 3or6 ?ist
Professional Approver
.1.1.? Display Professional &eam Shopping (art
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
Professional Team
(2oppin! Cart
Team (2oppin!
Display Team (2oppin!
Cart .professional/
+eneral Display
Professional Team
(2oppin! Cart4
Team (2oppin!
Display Team (2oppin!
Cart (tatus
Central Procurement Analyst
Professional Team
(2oppin! Cart4
Team (2oppin!
Display Team (2oppin!
Cart Approvals
Central Procurement Analyst
.. Determine Sourcing
(ourcin! is t2e process by w2ic2 a new .not already contracted/ supplier of a
District4needed !ood or service is selected and contractually4committed to
provide at2e !ood or service re5uired by t2e District for w2ic2 t2ere is no e<istin!
contract. T2e sourcin! process will varybe different for !oodsA !eneral services
and professional servicesA as well as based dependin! on .i/ t2e value of t2e
!oods or services in 5uestion and .ii/ w2et2er w2at is bein! ac5uired is a !ood or
a !eneral service on t2e one 2andA or a professional service on t2e ot2er. .
T2e value of
= 2 = Procure to Pay :8
Business Blueprint
+!oods and !eneral servicesA .w2ic2 includein! construction services not
considered professional servicesA/ in amounts in e<cesst2at e<ceed of t2e
DistrictCs t2res2old for >low4value@ procurements .918A888 to 92%A888A dependin!
on t2e type of !ood or service/ A are !enerally ac5uired t2rou!2 nvitations for
"ids .-"/. n t2eDurin! t2e DistrictCs nvitation for "ids-" processA t2e
contractor 4selection is made based on t2e lowest >responsive@ bid from a bidder
deemed sufficiently >responsible.@
Professional s(ervices overabove t2e low4value t2res2old are usually procured
t2rou!2 ne!otiated procurementsA usin! Re5uests for Proposals .R-P/ by w2ic2
t2e selection is made based on a more subDective assessment a!ainst specified
evaluation criteria.
T2e sourcin! process for bot2 -" and ne!otiated .R-PR-P/ and low4bid4based
.-"/ procurements can be viewed t2rou!2 include t2e followin! five 6ey steps,
dentification of t2e needA w2ere t2e sc2ool or office submits a re5uest for
t2e !ood or service or t2e procurement professional .>"uyer@/ reco!ni'es
a need eit2er becauseas follows,,
o T2e "uyer is alertedA or t2rou!2 t2e "uyerCs dili!ent analysisA
reco!ni'esA t2att2e followin!, t2e,
A c Contract is e<pirin!A
A c Contract is nearin! its capacityy or
o A >re5uestin!@ or!ani'ation as6sma6es t2e followin! in5uiries,
T2at t2e contract term be e<tended beyond its permissible
T2at t2e contract value be increased over t2e ceilin! specified
by law or set in accordance wit2 District policyA
-or some ot2er unallowable c2an!e in t2e a!reement or
-or !oods or services t2at would re5uire an impermissible
term4e<tensionA increase in contract value or ot2er
Development and issuance of solicitation documentA w2ere t2e "uyer
performs t2e followin!A in consultationA .as appropriate/A wit2 t2e
re5uestin! or!ani'ation,
= 2 = Procure to Pay :1
Business Blueprint
o Develops Puts t2e solicitation document to!et2erA
o Advertises t2e solicitationit .in newspapers andBor on websites/A
o Releases t2e solicitationit to prospective biddersBproposersA
o Respondsin! to biddersCBproposersC 5uestionsA
o Conductsin! pre4bidBpre4proposal B .or pre4submittal/ conferences A
o ssuesin! modifyin! addenda.
Receipt and evaluation of bidsBproposals A referrin! to t2e process
ofincludin! t2e followin!,
o Receivin! and ac6nowled!in! t2e receipt of .t2rou!2 receiptsA
receipt stamps and confirmin! e4mails/A bids and proposalsI
o Analy'in! bids or subDectin! proposals to evaluation by a (ource
(election CommitteeI
o Receivin! and evaluatin! product4samplesA w2ere appropriateI
o nterviewin! proposersA w2ere appropriateI
o nspectin! manufacturin! and production facilitiesI
o Havin! proposersBbidders demonstrate t2eir products or servicesI
o Re5uestin!A receivin! and evaluatin! revised proposals .best and
final offers/I and
o *e!otiatin! termsA as appropriate.
Award and approvalA w2ic2 would include t2e includin! t2e followin!I,
o ssuance of a *otice of ntent to Award
o Respondin! to protestsAA if anyA and as re5uired
o (ubmittin! t2e recommended award to t2e DistrictCs "oard of
1ducation for approvalA as re5uiredlA as appropriateI and
Contract or purc2ase order commitment .contract or purc2ase order/A
meanin!includin! t2e followin!,
o -inali'in! t2e contract document or issuin! t2e purc2ase order and
o (eein! t2e contract si!ned andBor t2e purc2ase order released to t2e
Ley &wners
= 2 = Procure to Pay :2
Business Blueprint
T2e 6ey owners will befor t2e Determine (ourcin! activity are as follow,
Director of ProcurementDirector of Procurement (ervices .$ar6 Hovatter/
o a. DirectorA Procurement Administration .Gudit2 Reece/
o b. DirectorA Contract Administration .Hu!2 Tuc6er/
o DirectorA Procurement (upport .Tybouy Tan!43on!/
o DirectorA ComplianceA +rants and (trate!ic Contractin! CoordinationA
.Duane Go2nson/
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
T2e DistrictCs >as is@ sourcin! process varies due to le!al andBor District policy
re5uirementsA as well as by type of !ood or service. T2ese variations are
described below. dependin! on w2ic2 of t2e followin! !ood or service type is
bein! ac5uiredA eac2 of w2ic2 isA by law or District policyA subDected to a different
sourcin! process,
Construction servicesA w2ic2 re5uire a = low4bid processA lar!ely mostly
dictated by lawI
(toc6Bnon4stoc6 .!oods and !eneral servicesA w2ic2 re5uire a / = low4bid
processA but not t2e same as t2at for t2at is different t2an t2e construction
services processI
-acilities professional services .A includin! t2e services of t2ose retained to
wor6 on construction proDectsA suc2 as arc2itectsA en!ineers and construction
mana!ersA as well asand ot2ers suc2 as real estate a!ents and property
mana!ers/A w2ic2 re5uire a = ne!otiated procurement processsI and
*on4-acilities professional servicesA coverin! t2e procurement of all ot2er
consultants 2ired by t2e DistrictA w2ic2 = re5uire a ne!otiated procurement
process t2at is different t2an t2esA but not t2e same process as t2at followed
in t2e ac5uisition of providers of -acilities4related professional services
1<istin! Pain Points
(c2ools and offices must re!ularly monitor t2e status of t2eir re5uisitions
because t2ere is currently no way to automatically notify t2e >re5uester@
t2at a re5uisition 2as been reDected or its status .>HoldBReDectA@ >Cancel@ or
>Accept@/ 2as been c2an!ed.
Re5uesters and "uyers do not 6now w2en a contract is nearin! or 2as
reac2ed its monetary capacity.
= 2 = Procure to Pay :3
Business Blueprint
T2e District is unable to monitor "uyersA tooA would li6e some notice of
w2en a contract not4to4e<ceed amount may be e<ceeded.
>MTN2ere s2ould be a field w2ere t2e t2e awarded brandBproduct codes can
be entered.@
"uyers are unable to monitor "uyin! staff would li6e >a report s2owin! t2e
P& delivery date and actual delivery date from t2e vendor to measureor
measure vendor delivery performance based on timely delivery.@
Contracts are not inte!rated and it ta6es >T2e system ta6es 2# 42ours to
interface daily w2en any activitiesA w2ic2 is ta6en place on t2e same day
.i.e.impacts t2e transfer of funds anddBor creation ofin! new PC numberA as
well as/. T2is process 2inderin!s all G&C emer!ency proDects t2at normally
re5uire same day issuance.@
A >Re5uest for Procurement Action form is not always si!ned by t2e correct
aut2ori'in! person. T2e new system s2ould consolidate t2e Re5uest for
Procurement Action and t2e pre4encumbranceA and s2ould not allow a
contract or P& re5uest to escape form t2e sponsor wit2out already 2avin!
received t2e re5uired aut2ori'ations.@

>After t2e f-act contract re5uests are received wit2do not always include
insufficient e<planation. T2e new system s2ould provide for emer!ency
actionsA to be approved at a 2i!2er levelA and coverin! t2e Dustification for
t2e action and preventive measures to avoid future occurrence.@

>(in!le and B(ole (ource Dustifications are received unsi!nedare not always
si!ned. T2e new system s2ould provide t2e Dustification as a pre4aut2ori'ed
electronic messa!e in t2e contract re5uest.@
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
Jsummary descriptionA scope and process flow for t2e envisioned >To "e@
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
a. Determine sourcin! for product cate!ory
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(AP mplementation +uide(AP (upplier Relations2ip
$ana!ement(R$ (erver(ourcin!Define (ourcin!
= 2 = Procure to Pay :#
Business Blueprint
for Product Cate!ories
(ourcin! criteria is defined for eac2 product cate!ory.
32et2er t2e system s2ould transfer approved re5uirement
items to t2e purc2aserRs sourcin! application
b. Define number ran!es for R-<
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(PR& (AP Reference $+ (upplier Relations2ip
$ana!ement (R$ (R$ (erver Cross4Application
"asic (ettin!s *umber ran!es (R$ (erver *umber
Ran!es Define number ran!es for ?ocal Rf<
Define number ran!es for ?ocal Rf<
c. Define transaction types for R-<
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(PR& (AP Reference $+ (upplier Relations2ip
$ana!ement (R$ (R$ (erver Cross4Application
"asic (ettin!s Define Transaction Types
Define document types in (R$
= 2 = Procure to Pay :%
Business Blueprint

+aps and Resolution
<to be completed>
R$(./" $D &ype Description
Q(R1*H188# 1n2ancement Automatic creation of stoc6 transport orders.
Q(R-R$1813 -orm *otice of intent to award and non4award.
Q(R3L-181% 3or6flow 1mail notification for bid invitations.
Q(R3L-1817 3or6flow 1lectronic submissionA review and approvals for bid invitations.
Q(R3L-1828 3or6flow 1lectronic submissionA review and approvals for bid awards.
Q(R3L-182% 3or6flow 1lectronic submissionA review and approvals for R-<.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
<to be completed>
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
<to be completed>
People C2an!es
<to be completed>
Policy C2an!es
<to be completed>
Trainin! mpacts
<to be completed>
Additional Considerations
Jitems to be considered w2ile implementin! t2e envisioned >To "e@ activityK
= 2 = Procure to Pay :0
Business Blueprint
..1.1 Assign Source of Supply
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
(ource to Contract Central Procurement Analyst
(ource to Purc2ase
&rder wit2 +roupin!
Central Procurement Analyst
(ource to Purc2ase
&rder Referencin!
(ource ?ist
Central Procurement Analyst
Application4P& Y
(ource to Purc2ase
&rder Referencin!
Central Procurement Analyst
(ource to Purc2ase
Central Procurement Analyst
(ource to R-< Central Procurement Analyst
..1. Process $nformal Bid $n*itation !R/=%
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
R-< Application4
R-< Application $aintain R-< Central Procurement Analyst
R-< Application4
R-< Application Cancel R-< Central Procurement Analyst
R-< Application4
R-< Application C2an!e R-< Central Procurement Analyst
Approve R-<4
H3? Approve R-< R-< Approver
R-< Application4
R-< Application Display R-< +eneral Display
"iddin! 1n!ine4
"iddin! 1n!ine Respond to R-< "idder
R-< Application4
R-< Application
Respond to R-<
Central Procurement Analyst
R-< Application4
R-< Application
1valuate and Award
Central Procurement Analyst
R-< Application4
R-< Application
1valuate and Award
R-< .multiple/
Central Procurement Analyst
..1.6 Process /ormal Bid $n*itation !R/=%
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
= 2 = Procure to Pay :7
Business Blueprint
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
R-< Application4
R-< Application $aintain R-< .formal/ Central Procurement Analyst
R-< Application4
R-< Application Cancel R-< .formal/ Central Procurement Analyst
R-< Application4
R-< Application C2an!e R-< .formal/ Central Procurement Analyst
Approve R-<4
H3? Approve R-< .formal/ R-< Approver
R-< Application4
R-< Application Display R-< .formal/ +eneral Display
"iddin! 1n!ine4
"iddin! 1n!ine
Respond to R-<
R-< Application4
R-< Application
Respond to R-<
Central Procurement Analyst
R-< Application4
R-< Application
nitial Tec2nical R-<
&penin! .formal/
Tec2nical R-< &pener
R-< Application4
R-< Application
1valuate Tec2nical R-<
Tec2nical R-< 1valuator
R-< Application4
R-< Application
Accept or ReDect per
Tec2nical Panel
Central Procurement Analyst
R-< Application4
R-< Application
nitial Price R-<
&penin! .formal/
Price R-< &pener
R-< Application4
R-< Application
1valuate Price R-<
Price R-< 1valuator
R-< Application4
R-< Application
1valuate and Award
R-< .formal/
Central Procurement Analyst
R-< Application4
R-< Application
1valuate and Award
R-< .formal4multiple/
Central Procurement Analyst
R-< Application4
R-< Application
$a6e R-< Award
Central Procurement Analyst
..1.7 Appro*e R/=
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
&utloo64R-< &utloo6
Approve R-< 3or64
tem in &utloo6
R-< Approver
H3?4R-< H3?
Approve R-< 3or64
tem in H3?
R-< Approver
..6 0anage (ontracts
= 2 = Procure to Pay :;
Business Blueprint
T2e contract4mana!ement$ana!e Contracts process activity addresses t2e means
by w2ic2 contracts are created inA or as a result ofA a contractor4selection process
or independent of any particular selection process. T2e contract4mana!ement
process also refers to t2e means by w2ic2 contracts are modified. Alt2ou!2
purc2ase orders can be said to be contractsA t2e process for t2eir issuance and
mana!ement is discussed elsew2ere 2erein.
Purc2asin! contracts are created in t2e (R$ PP(. (R$ PP(A as t2e central
purc2asin! systemA saves t2e contract data and uses it for purc2ase order4creation.
Purc2asin! contracts can be distributed in t2e $D$ catalo! and made available
for end users to use. Purc2ase contracts are used for sourcin! and pricin! in
t2e Process (2oppin! Cart and Process Purc2ase &rders applications.
Purc2asin! contracts created in (R$ PP( are comprised of t2e followin!
(tatus .w2et2er a contract is currently createdA 2eldA releasedA or deleted/
)alid fromBto dates
Responsible Purc2asin! +roup
Delivery Time
Terms of payment
Created on and C2an!ed on
Tar!et )alueA Release )alue
o A list s2ows t2e release orders for t2e item wit2in a certain
timeframe. T2e list can contain release orders from purc2ase
ordersA confirmationsA or invoices.
= 2 = Procure to Pay ::
Business Blueprint
o ?ocations t2at are aut2ori'ed to receive product deliveries or
locations t2at do not 2ave t2is aut2ori'ation
T2e (AP Document "uilder le!al document aut2orin! applicationA allows t2e
incorporation of clauses re5uired by ?AH(D into t2e le!al contract. T2e le!al
contract document can be constructed in Document builder. 3it2 t2e dynamically
!enerated dialo! 5uestions necessary to construct t2e documentA t2e system
determines w2ic2 clauses are to be included in t2e document based on t2e
responses to t2e 5uestions. T2e responses may be pre4populated wit2 data from a
template and from Header and line item data in (R$ PP( w2en t2e contract is
created in t2e system.
Ley &wners
T2e 6ey owners for t2e $ana!e Contracts activity are as follow,
Ley ?AH(D &wners are t2e,
Director of ProcurementDirector of Procurement (ervices .$ar6 Hovatter/
o DirectorA Procurement Administration .Gudit2 Reece/ responsible for
t2e followin!,A w2o oversees
Construction contractin! and
Procurements and contracts for stoc6 and non4stoc6 !oods and
!eneral servicesI
o DirectorA Contract Administration .Hu!2 Tuc6er/ responsible for t2e
followin!A w2o is over,
-acilities professional services a!reements and
*on4-acilities professional services contractsI
o DirectorA Procurement (upport .Tybouy Tan!43on!/
o DirectorA ComplianceA +rants and (trate!ic Contractin!
CoordinationA .Duane Go2nson/
Division of Ris6 $ana!ement and nsurance (ervicesA w2en t2ere are
insurance issuesI
&ffice of t2e +eneral CounselA for le!al issuesA includin! new or special
termsI and
T2e re5uestin! officeA w2en t2ere is one.
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
CurrentlyA contracts are created,
= 2 = Procure to Pay 188
Business Blueprint
A. As t2e solicitation document itself w2en t2e contractor4selection process is a
sealed bid process .t2rou!2 an nvitation for "ids/A
". As part of t2e solicitation document w2en t2e contractor4selection process is a
ne!otiated bid process .t2rou!2 a Re5uest for Proposals/A later modified by
C. After t2e contractor4selection process 2as been completed w2en t2at process is
an informal procurement of !oods or
D. Hpon ProcurementCs acceptance of a re5uest to obtain a professional service
1. T2e item involved is a service and t2e e<pected e<penditure does not
e<ceed t2e bid t2res2old orA
2. T2e ac5uisition is to be made wit2out a competitive procurement
process .i.e.A as a sole4 or sin!le4sourced contract/.
T2e le!al commitments t2at accompany t2e DistrictCs purc2ase of !oods or
!eneral services for less t2an t2e bid t2res2old are embodied in a purc2ase order
onlyA wit2out anot2er contract or a!reement.
A contract may be amended as t2e result of,
1. A sponsorCs submission of a Re5uest for Procurement Action formA
2. A "uyerCs determinationA wor6in! wit2 t2e re5uestin! or!ani'ationA w2en
t2ere is oneA t2at t2e District s2ould e<ercise a renewal option or increase t2e
contract amount .for !oods/ by t2e allowed 18\A
3. A re5uest from t2e contractor .usually t2rou!2 a District office/ to modify t2e
scopeA or
#. *otice from a contractor of a name4c2an!eA c2an!e in le!al entityA or c2an!e
in owners2ip .sale or mer!er/.
T2e process of documentin! t2e modification varies from one Procurement
or!ani'ation to anot2er.
n eac2 of t2e above instances of contract4creation e<cept in t2e case of -"s for
construction servicesA t2e >contract@ .or -"/ template is maintained on a
common4access server. &nly t2ose aut2ori'ed to modify t2e template 2ave
editin! accessI all ot2ers 2ave >read only@ access. "uyers are to download and
modify t2e stored template as needed.
1<istin! Pain Points
"uyers and sponsors are not notified would li6e some notice t2atfor t2e
= 2 = Procure to Pay 181
Business Blueprint
followin! eventsA w2ic2 ma6es contracts difficult to mana!e,
o A contract is nearin! its e<piration date and
o A contract is nearin! its monetary capacity.
Re5uests are sometimes submitted to amend contracts t2at 2ave e<piredA
w2ic2 is a!ainst District policy.
$odification is made by c2an!e orderA but not documented in t2e contract
(ome ?AH(D pProcurement or!ani'ations create bilateral amendment
documents for ri!2ts t2at t2e District can e<ercise unilaterally .suc2 as
e<ercise a ri!2tA e<pressly identified in t2e contract as t2e DistrictCsA to
e<tend t2e term of t2e a!reement/.
Different ?AH(D pProcurement or!ani'ations responsible for t2e same type
of procurements .e.!.A of professional servicesA for e<ample/ 2ave different
contractin! and amendment processes.
ProcurementCs contract4related forms and its contract4mana!ement system
are all focused on t2ose arran!ements w2ere t2e District is purc2asin! !oods
or services and cannot easily accommodate t2e instances w2ere t2e District
is sellin! a !ood or service.
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
n t2e world >to beA@ t2e process of mana!in! contracts and amendments can be
viewed t2rou!2 four 6ey steps, .i/ t2e initiation of t2e contract or amendment
process .ii/ t2e development of t2e actual documentA .iii/ e<ecution of t2e
contractBamendment documentA w2ic2 step will also consider fund4availability
.w2ere t2e contractBamendment need does not arise by way of s2oppin! cart/ and
t2e appropriate approvals and .iv/ t2e final distribution of t2e e<ecuted documentA
ma6in! t2e document in effect and available for use.
Alt2ou!2A as noted aboveA purc2ase orders may also be considered contractual
commitmentsA t2e discussion of 2ow purc2ase orders will be issued is addressed
elsew2ere in t2is document. Reference will be madeA 2oweverA to t2e association
between contracts and purc2ase orders and to t2e fact t2at in t2e >to be@ stateA a
purc2ase order may be a!ainst a contract or t2e sole >contract.@

1. (ontract3Amendment4initiation
= 2 = Procure to Pay 182
Business Blueprint
A buyer will learn of t2e need eit2er to create and enter into an
a!reement or effect an amendment via t2e same t2ree 6ey sources,
.i/ a s2oppin! cartA .ii/ t2e buyerCs own monitorin! of t2e status of
certain a!reements and .iii/ re5uests madeA ot2er t2an by way of
s2oppin! cart for sin!le4 or sole4sourced contract or amendment.
All of t2e above4described routes to a contract or amendment
assume t2e estimated value of t2e need will not be less t2an t2e
establis2ed t2res2old for re5uirin! a centrali'ed process for issuin!
a contractA wit2 92%A888A bein! t2e li6ely suc2 t2res2old for t2e
ac5uisition of most !oods and services. "elow t2at t2res2oldA t2e
terms of t2e purc2ase will be reflected in a purc2ase order wit2out
t2e benefit of a separate contract.
a. By Shopping Cart. (AP will send to a buyerCs >coc6pit@ to
address s2oppin! carts t2at re5uest !oods or services not
already .i/ available from t2e DistrictCs distribution center
.ii/ identified as bein! available for purc2ase from a vendor
catalo! or .iii/ under contract wit2 t2e District. n t2ose
instancesA t2e buyer will underta6e to source .as
appropriate/ and enter into a new a!reement.
(AP will also alert t2e appropriate buyer w2en a s2oppin!
cart re5uests !oods or services valued in e<cess of t2e
selected contractCs remainin! >tar!et value@ .comparable to
a not4to4e<ceed amount/ or w2ere t2e time needed for t2e
selected vendor to perform in accordance wit2 t2e re5uest
will e<ceed t2e effective term of t2e a!reement. n t2ose
casesA t2e buyer will underta6e to effect t2e appropriate
b. Through Buyer-initiative. A buyer may also become aware
of t2e need to enter into a newA or modify an e<istin!A
a!reement t2rou!2 t2e buyerCs own efforts, .i/ to monitor
t2e status of .A/ a!reements for stoc6 purc2ases of !oods
maintained in t2e DistrictCs distribution centerA ."/ ot2er
master and benc2 contracts entered into for t2e benefit of
more t2an one purc2asin! !roup and .ii/ in response to a
re5uest for a sole4 or sin!le4sourced contract.
n addition to evaluatin! and e<ecutin! certain s2oppin!
cart re5uests for !oods and servicesA buyers will be
= 2 = Procure to Pay 183
Business Blueprint
responsible for continually monitorin! t2e status of stoc6
purc2ase a!reementsA master contracts wit2 more t2an one
.or no/ sponsors and benc2 contracts put in place by one
purc2asin! !roup for t2e benefit of more t2an one District
or!ani'ation or for t2e District on t2e w2ole. n monitorin!
t2e described sponsor4less contractsA t2e buyer will be
aware of t2e amount of time prior to an a!reementCs
e<pirationA w2et2er t2e a!reement provides for e<tensionsA
t2e e<tent to w2ic2 an a!reementCs e<tended term may be
constrained by lawA t2e a!reementCs remainin! tar!et valueA
and t2e rate at w2ic2 t2e tar!et value is bein! consumedA
amon! ot2er matters. Accordin!lyA t2e buyer will initiate
t2e process eit2er to enter into a new contract .w2ere
appropriate/ or modify an a!reement already in place to
accommodate t2e identified need.
To aid t2e buyer in t2e buyerCs monitorin! responsibilitiesA
(AP will send an >alert@ messa!e to t2e assi!ned buyer
w2en t2e contract is nearin! is e<piration date and w2en t2e
e<pended tar!et value e5uals a specified percenta!e .sayA
7%\/ of its total tar!et value.
c. Sole- or Single-source Request. A s2oppin! cart may
include a re5uest t2at a particular !ood or service neit2er
already under contract wit2 t2e District nor available from
a catalo!. HoweverA suc2 a re5uest may also come to t2e
buyer as a >stand4alone@ re5uestA wit2out benefit of a
s2oppin! cart.
. (ontract3Amendment4de*elopment
&nce an assi!ned buyer reco!ni'es t2e need for a contract or
amendmentA and determines t2at satisfyin! t2at need would not
violate District policy or applicable lawA t2e buyer will create t2e
appropriate effectin! document .contract or amendment/ by
respondin! to dialo! 5uestions in (R$ PP(. T2e buyerCs
responses will dictate t2e appropriate document componentsA
w2ic2 t2e buyer will t2en compile and edit in Document "uilder.
T2e buyer will also upload into Document "uilder contract
elements t2at are uni5ue to t2e particular contract action and
similarly distinct attac2ments.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 18#
Business Blueprint
6. (ontract3Amendment4e=ecution
n t2e contract4 or amendment4e<ecution stepA t2e buyer will, .i/ if
t2e need was not identified t2rou!2 a pre4funded s2oppin! cartA
offlineA ensure t2at appropriate funds 2ave been pre4encumbered or
t2at t2ere is ot2erwise sufficient evidence t2at t2e re5uisite funds
will be available to pay for t2e !oods or services to be ac5uired .ii/
t2rou!2 (APA forward t2e proposed a!reementBamendment to t2e
appropriate approvin! District staffA .iii/ offlineA send t2e >le!al@
.as opposed to >system@/ contract or amendment to t2e vendor to
si!nA and .iv/ w2ere District policy re5uires t2at "oard4approval be
obtained in advance of a contract or amendmentCs e<ecution for t2e
DistrictA obtain t2at approvalA in an offline process.
7. (ontract3Amendment Distri'ution@ A*aila'le for Use
After all appropriate District approvals .includin! t2at of t2e
DistrictCs "oard of 1ducation/ 2ave been obtainedA t2e buyer mayA
offlineA submit t2e contract document .contract or amendment/A
previously e<ecuted by t2e vendorA to t2e District staff person wit2
t2e appropriate dele!ation of aut2ority to si!n for t2e District.
After t2e a!reement or amendment 2as been si!nedA t2e buyer willA
also offlineA send one fully4e<ecuted ori!inal to t2e vendorA upload
t2e si!ned document to t2e (AP contract file for t2at contract or
amendment and >release@ t2e e<ecuted document in (AP.
>Releasin!@ t2e a!reement will ma6e it available for use.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 18%
Business Blueprint
= 2 = Procure to Pay 180
Business Blueprint
= 2 = Procure to Pay 187
Business Blueprint
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
a. Define number ran!es for contracts,
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(PR& (AP Reference $+ (upplier Relations2ip
$ana!ement (R$ (R$ (erver Cross4Application
"asic (ettin!s *umber ran!es (R$ (erver *umber
Ran!es Define number ran!es for Purc2ase Contracts
Define number ran!es for Purc2ase Contracts
b. Define transaction types for contracts
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(PR& (AP Reference $+ (upplier Relations2ip
$ana!ement (R$ (R$ (erver Cross4Application
"asic (ettin!s Define Transaction Types
Define document types in (R$
= 2 = Procure to Pay 18;
Business Blueprint
c. 1nter Alert T2res2old Data for Contracts
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(AP mplementation +uide(AP (upplier Relations2ip
$ana!ement(R$ (erverCross4Application "asic
(ettin!s1nter Alert T2res2old Data for Contracts
(pecify t2e default alert t2res2olds for contract e<piry datesA
release 5uantitiesA and release values. 32en a contract is
createdA t2ese default t2res2olds are t2en copied to t2e
contract. Hsers are ableA 2oweverA to override t2e default
+aps and Resolution
= 2 = Procure to Pay 18:
Business Blueprint
Accommodation of 7%\ rule in contact4amendment processI
Restrictin! t2e use of a contract re5uested by one sponsor or!ani'ation to
t2at or!ani'ationI
ncorporatin! due dili!ence investi!ation w2en contract is not t2e result of
an R-<
R$(./" $D &ype Description
Q(R1*H188; 1n2ancement 1n2anced fields for (upplier Relations2ip $ana!ement documents.
Q(R1*H182# 1n2ancement
1n2anced notification of contract e<piry to t2e re5uester of t2e contract in
addition to t2e standard alert to t2e responsible buyer B contract creator.
Q(R3L-181; 3or6flow 1lectronic submissionA review and approvals for contracts.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
Contract documents to be developed electronicallyA and to some
e<tentA automatically
3or6flow automated
Contract documents standardi'ed
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
"uyers and approvin! mana!ement will need (AP licenses and access to
(AP4installed computers.
People C2an!es
Contract4mana!ement responsibilities will need to be defined for "uyers and
Policy C2an!es
Development of contract and amendment components
Development of approval process and desi!nation of approvin!
Trainin! mpacts
"uyers will need to be trained in t2e development and issuance of
contracts and contract documents
*on4buyer mana!ers will need to be trained on t2e wor6flow
Additional Considerations
*one not noted elsew2ere.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 118
Business Blueprint
.6.1.1 0aintain Legal (ontract Document
(AP Document "uilder can be used to create and mana!e comple< procurement
documents t2at are fre5uently used in public sector or!ani'ations to meet le!al
re5uirements. (AP Document "uilder is a content4drivenA cross4application
solution powered by (AP *et 3eaver. Comple< documents can be created in
Document "uilderA utili'in! business content from t2e procurement applicationA
te<t clauses based on le!al re!ulationsA and definable rules. 3it2in PP(A
contractsA R-< documentsA and purc2ase orders can be created wit2 (AP
Document "uilder.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
Create ?e!al Contract
and 1<2ibits
Central Procurement Analyst
Amend ?e!al Contract
and 1<2ibits
Central Procurement Analyst
Display Contract
1<2ibitsA Responses
Report and )iewer
Central Procurement Analyst
.6.1. (reate and Appro*e (ontract
A contract wit2 a supplier can be ne!otiated on t2e basis of an R-E or reverse
auctionA for e<ample. &nce terms and conditions 2ave been a!reed uponA t2e
"uyer can create a central contract in (AP 1nterprise "uyer. T2e contract will
t2en enter an approval wor6flow. &nce t2e "uyerRs mana!er 2as approved t2e
contractA it can be released for t2e entire business unit.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
Create Contract Central Contract Analyst
Create Contract
Confidential Contract
&utloo64Contract &utloo6
Approve Contract
3or64tem in &utloo6
Contract Approver
H3?4Contract H3?
Approve Contract
3or64tem in H3?
Contract Approver
H3?4Contract H3?
Approve or ReDect
Central Contract $ana!er
H3?4Contract H3?
based on assi!ned
Approve or ReDect
Central "ud!et Analyst
H3?4Contract H3?
Approve or ReDect
Contract Approver
H3?4Contract H3?
Approve or ReDect
Contract Approver .c2ief
= 2 = Procure to Pay 111
Business Blueprint
.6.1.6 Display (ontract
Contract data entered in PP( can be displayed in (R$ or Document "uilder.
T2e fully4e<ecuted le!al contract document can be uploaded intoA and displayed
in Document "uilder.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
Display Contract +eneral Display
Display Contract
Restricted Contract Display
.6.1.7 Amend (ontract
Contract c2an!es will follow t2e same process flow as t2e ori!inal a!reement.
T2e c2an!e will be made to t2e (ystem Contract in (R$ and t2en reflected in
t2e appropriate amendment produced t2rou!2 Document "uilder.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
$odify Contract Central Contract Analyst
.6.1.8 Renegotiate (ontract
1ntry of t2e initial ne!otiation data in t2e system contract in (R$ will result in
t2e creation of an R-<. Post4e<ecution ne!otiation t2at result in c2an!es to t2e
system contract data will be reflected in an amendment.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
nitiate Contract
Central Contract Analyst
"iddin! 1n!ine4
"iddin! 1n!ine
Respond to Contract
Respond to Contract
Central Contract Analyst
Hpdate Terms and
Conditions .release/
Central Contract Analyst
= 2 = Procure to Pay 112
Business Blueprint
.6.1.9 (omplete (ontract
T2e system contract entered into PP( is completed by t2e "uyer .Central
Contract Analyst below/ in Document "uilder and t2en released for use from
Document "uilder.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
Complete Contract Central Contract Analyst
Delete Contract Central Contract Analyst
..7 Process Purchase 1rders
T2e purc2asin! process be!ins wit2 t2e creation of a purc2ase order .P&/. A P&
is t2e document used to re5uest items or services from a vendor and contains t2e
followin! information,
)endor Contact Person
)endor Reference *umber
P& *umber
tem nformation .descriptionA manufacturerA etc./
Pricin! nformation .unit costA ta<A s2ippin!A discountA etc./
Delivery Date
Delivery Address
T2e District issues bot2 centrali'ed and decentrali'ed P&s.
Ley &wners
T2e 6ey owner for t2e Process Purc2ase &rders activity is as follows,
Director of Procurement (ervices .$ar6 Hovatter/
$ar6 Hovatter is responsible for
$ar6 HovatterA Procurement 1<ecutiveA is t2e owner of t2e DistrictCs
Procurement Process and establis2es policies and procedures for procurin!
supplies and e5uipmentA as well as !eneral and professional services.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 113
Business Blueprint
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
?AH(D issues P&s t2rou!2 bot2 centrali'ed and decentrali'ed processes. T2e
t2ree basic types of P&s currently issued for t2e procurement of !oods and
services are described below.
PC Purc2ase &rder
T2is is a centrali'ed P& issued by Procurement staff for items not available
t2rou!2 District $aster Contracts. Awards are made to t2e lowest
responsiveBresponsible bidder based on bids received.
P+ Purc2ase &rder
T2is is a centrali'ed P& issued by Procurement staff for !oods and services
available t2rou!2 District master contracts. T2ese P&s reference re5uirements
contracts w2ic2 2ave been approved by t2e DistrictCs "oard of 1ducation and
provide t2e >best value@ to District sc2ools and offices as t2ey levera!e
economies of scale discounts obtained from t2e vendor t2rou!2 a competitive
biddin! process.
T2e followin! -( tables provide controls for t2e issuance of P+ P&s,
T2e Purc2asin! Aut2ority Dele!atin! Table .PADH/ mana!es ceilin!
amounts based on area and commodity class combinations.
T2e Price A!reement (ummary Table .PA($/ mana!es t2e start and
end dates of a contractA as well as aut2ori'ed contract limitsA vendor
termsA ta< codesA etc.
T2e Price A!reement )endorBCommodity Table .PA)C/ contains t2e
types of commoditiesA unit pricin! and ta< codes for eac2 contract.
T2e Price A!reement (ecurity Table .PA(C/ mana!es t2e areas t2at can
issue P&s a!ainst a specific contract and any ceilin! and floor amounts
for eac2 P&.
T2e Price A!reement Te<t Table .PATS/ contains notes and
information on price a!reementsA includin! board approval dateA
amendmentsA etc.
PD Purc2ase &rder
T2is is a decentrali'ed P& used to procure various supplies and e5uipmentA as
well as !eneral and professional services not available from +eneral (tores
Distribution or e<istin! master contracts B a!reements. PD P&s are issued by
sc2ools and offices.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 11#
Business Blueprint
T2e various types of PD P&s are described below.
PD ?)
T2is is a low value P& .under 92%A888/ issued by sc2ools and offices for
t2e procurement of suppliesA e5uipment and !eneral services not available
on master contracts Ba!reements. T2e issuer of eac2 PD ?) P& is
responsible for all related activities includin! printin!A distributin!A
acceptance of productsA modificationsA and cancellation. PD ?) P&
issuers are encoura!ed to follow a similar selection process described in
PD C( below in order to select t2e vendor t2at offers t2e most competitive
T2is is a low value P& .under 92%A888/ issued by sc2ools and offices for
t2e procurement of professional services not available on master
contractsBa!reements. T2e issuer of eac2 PD C( P& is responsible for all
related activities includin! printin!A distributin!A acceptance of servicesA
modificationsA and cancellation.
32en selectin! a vendorA it is recommended t2at t2e issuer obtains at least
t2ree written 5uotes for t2e desired services. T2ey are to document t2e
5uotes obtained usin! t2e -( *ote Pad table .*&T1/ or on a separate
p2ysical document. Euote documentation s2ould include t2e vendor nameA
contact personA p2one numberA description of services and total dollar
value. T2ey are to notify out of state vendors t2at t2ey are subDect to a 7\
wit22oldin! unless t2e vendor is e<empt. t is recommended t2at t2e
issuer print t2e *&T1 screen and retain on file at t2eir site so t2at t2e
documentation is available in case of an audit.
PD "oo6 Purc2ase &rder ."P&/
T2is is issued by sc2ools and offices to ma6e direct purc2ases of District4
approved te<tboo6s. T2ere is no dollar limit on a sin!le order and t2e
purc2ases are e<empt from t2e formal competitive biddin! process.
T2e District4approved te<tboo6 orderin! process be!ins at t2e sc2ool site.
T2e sc2ool completes an inventory of te<tboo6s to determine anticipated
needs. T2e sc2ool will t2en create an order usin! t2e publis2erCs order
forms found on t2e nte!rated ?ibrary and Te<tboo6 (upport (ervices
.?T((/ website .2ttp,BBwww.iltss.or!B/. T2e sc2ool t2en submits t2e order
to t2eir DirectorBPrincipal for approval and si!nature. T2e approved order
form is submitted to t2e -iscal (ervices $ana!erA w2o verifies si!natureA
totals and 5uantities wit2 e<cessive 5uantities as compared to t2e sc2oolCs
= 2 = Procure to Pay 11%
Business Blueprint
enrollment proDection .14Cast/ validated wit2 sc2oolCs DirectorBPrincipal/.
T2ere are various tas6s completed by t2e -iscal Hnit durin! t2is process
includin! lo!!in! of ordersI completin! a re5uest for fundin! spreads2eet
and submittin! to ?T(( for approvalI obtainin! fundin! and creatin! and
approvin! t2e "P&I printin! and obtainin! si!nature on t2e "P& mailin!
t2e "P&I and retainin! a copy for t2e files. 1ac2 sc2ool verifies t2e receipt
of te<tboo6s ordered and completes a receiver in -(.
(c2ools usin! t2e ?T(( centrali'ed inte!rated library and te<tboo6
inventory system .Destiny/ will perform t2e transfer process to record t2e
new te<tboo6sA w2ic2 include vendor barcodesA into t2e system. (c2ools
t2at are not usin! Destiny must barcode t2e boo6s and enter t2em into t2e
(c2ool Administration (tudent nformation .(A(/ te<tboo6 inventory
control system.
PDs issued by -acilities
A and " ?etters are P&s issued for repairs and maintenance .e<cept for
paintin!/ w2ic2 fall below t2e state competitive bid limit. A ?etter
P&s are issued for time and material a!reements w2ile " ?etter P&s
are issued for fi<ed price a!reements.
?e!al settlements are P&s issued to encumber funds for le!al
settlements related to construction services.
PD )$(
T2e $C$( system is used by t2e DistrictCs Transportation "ranc2 for
procurement of spare parts. $C$( interfaces wit2 -(A creatin! P&s
w2ic2 2ave t2e prefi< >PD )$(@.
1<istin! Pain Points
?isted below are t2e pain points related to t2e e<istin! purc2ase order process.
32ile t2ere are many pain points relevant to all P&sA t2ere are also some w2ic2
are specific to te<tboo6 orderin!.
All Purchases
ncorrect account assi!nmentsA commodity codes or obDect codes are
assi!ned to P&s.
(ome vendors 2ave multiple vendor numbers and t2e P& issuer may not
6now w2ic2 vendor number to use.
Due to t2e DistrictCs 2i!2 employee turnover rateA t2e resources available
at District sites responsible for creatin!A modifyin! and cancellin! P&s are
= 2 = Procure to Pay 110
Business Blueprint
limited and new staff may need to be trained.
)endor payment is a critical issueA wit2 Accounts Payable unable to
process numerous invoices because t2e receivers 2ave not been entered
into -(.
Tetboo! Purchases
Te<tboo6 orderin! is still a very manual process. (c2ools complete e<cel
spreads2eets to submit t2eir orders for processin!.
T2ere is duplication of wor6 as t2e orderin! information on t2e e<cel
spreads2eet needs to be entered into t2e -( system.
Currently t2ere are two te<tboo6 inventory systems ma6in! it difficult to
maintain accurate accountability for te<tboo6s. $ultiple te<tboo6
inventory systems will be used until Destiny is fully implementedA w2ic2
is not e<pected until t2e year 281%.
T2e te<tboo6 orderin! season is typically from mid -ebruary to t2e end of
April. (c2ools submit te<tboo6 orders for t2e subse5uent sc2ool year
wit2in t2e current fiscal yearI 2oweverA t2ese te<tboo6s must be e<pended
a!ainst t2e fundin! for t2e subse5uent fiscal year. T2is is problematic as
items are p2ysically received prior to t2e effective date of t2e "P&A w2ic2
is issued wit2 a future date a!ainst future fundin!.
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
Jsummary descriptionA scope and process flow for t2e envisioned >To "e@
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
a. Determine system for Ta< calculation
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(upplier Relations2ip $ana!ement
(R$ (erver Cross4Application "asic (ettin!s Ta<
Calculation Determine system for Ta< calculation
(ystem for ta< determination is confi!ured
= 2 = Procure to Pay 117
Business Blueprint
b. Define ta< code
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(upplier Relations2ip $ana!ement
(R$ (erver Cross4Application "asic (ettin!s Ta<
Calculation 1nter Ta< code
Ta< codes are defined
c. Define number ran!e for Purc2ase orders, (R$
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(PR& (AP Reference $+ (upplier Relations2ip
$ana!ement (R$ (R$ (erver Cross4Application
"asic (ettin!s *umber ran!es (R$ (erver *umber
Ran!es Define number ran!es for ?ocal Purc2ase &rders
Define number ran!e for purc2ase orders
= 2 = Procure to Pay 11;
Business Blueprint
d. Define number ran!e for Purc2ase orders, 1CC
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
$aterials $ana!ement Purc2asin! Purc2ase &rder
Define *umber ran!es
*umber ran!e for Purc2ase &rders
e. Define document types, (R$
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(PR& (AP Reference $+ (upplier Relations2ip
$ana!ement (R$ (R$ (erver Cross4Application
= 2 = Procure to Pay 11:
Business Blueprint
"asic (ettin!s Define Transaction Types
Define document types in (R$
f. Define document types, 1CC
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
$+$aterials $ana!ement Purc2asin! Purc2ase
&rder Define Document Types
Document types for Purc2ase &rders are defined in 1CC

+aps and Resolution
<to be completed>
R$(./" $D &ype Description
Q(R&HT1838 nterface nterface to $a<imo for relevant purc2ase orders processed in (R$.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 128
Business Blueprint
R$(./" $D &ype Description
Q(RC*)1882 Conversion Conversion of purc2ase orders outstandin! effective as of Gune 38A 2813.
Q(R1*H1880 1n2ancement
Create purc2ase order from incomplete s2oppin! cart wit2out usin! t2e
(ourcin! Coc6pit.
Q(R1*H188; 1n2ancement 1n2anced fields for (upplier Relations2ip $ana!ement documents.
Q(R1*H1827 1n2ancement
1n2anced aut2ori'ation to allow sc2ools and offices to edit low value and
te<t boo6 purc2ase orders.
Q(R3L-181: 3or6flow 1lectronic submissionA review and approvals for purc2ase orders.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
<to be completed>
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
<to be completed>
People C2an!es
<to be completed>
Policy C2an!es
<to be completed>
Trainin! mpacts
<to be completed>
Additional Considerations
Jitems to be considered w2ile implementin! t2e envisioned >To "e@ activityK
.7.1.1 (reate and Appro*e Purchase 1rder
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
Purc2ase &rder
Purc2ase &rder
Create Purc2ase &rder
.reference contract/
Central Procurement Analyst
(ourcin! Coc6pit4
Create Purc2ase
Create Purc2ase &rder
.usin! sourcin! coc6pit/
Central Procurement Analyst
Purc2ase &rder
Products and
Purc2ase &rder
Create Purc2ase &rder
.products and services/
Central Procurement Analyst
Purc2ase &rder
Purc2ase &rder
Create Purc2ase &rder
Central Procurement Analyst
= 2 = Procure to Pay 121
Business Blueprint
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
Purc2ase &rder
Purc2ase &rder
Create Purc2ase &rder
.split account
Central Procurement Analyst
Purc2ase &rder
Purc2ase &rder
Create Purc2ase &rder
.wit2 down payment/
Central Procurement Analyst
Purc2ase &rder
Purc2ase &rder
Create Purc2ase &rder
.wit2 retention/
Central Procurement Analyst
Approve Purc2ase
&rder in &utloo6
Purc2ase &rder Approver
Approve Purc2ase
&rder in H3?
Purc2ase &rder Approver
nterface Purc2ase
&rders to $a<imo
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
(R$ Administrator
.7.1. Display Purchase 1rder
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
Purc2ase &rder
Purc2ase &rder
Display Purc2ase &rder +eneral Display
$123* $123*
Display Purc2ase &rder
+eneral Display
Purc2ase &rder
Display History
Purc2ase &rder
Display 1<tended
Purc2ase &rder History
+eneral Display
.7.1.6 &ransmit Purchase 1rder to Vendor
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
Purc2ase &rder
Purc2ase &rder
Transmit Purc2ase
&rder .e$ail/
Central Procurement Analyst
Purc2ase &rder
Purc2ase &rder
Transmit Purc2ase
&rder .-a</
Central Procurement Analyst
Purc2ase &rder
Purc2ase &rder
Transmit Purc2ase
&rder .Print/
Central Procurement Analyst
.7.1.7 Process Purchase 1rder in SuS
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
= 2 = Procure to Pay 122
Business Blueprint
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
(upplier (elf4
Purc2ase &rder
(upplier (elf4
Receive P& and Create
Response in (u(
Purc2ase &rder
Purc2ase &rder
Accept P& Response Central Procurement Analyst
Purc2ase &rder
Purc2ase &rder
ReDect P& Response Central Procurement Analyst
.7.1.8 0odify Purchase 1rder
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
Purc2ase &rder
Purc2ase &rder
$odify Purc2ase &rder
.re4output to vendor/
Central Procurement Analyst
.7.1.9 (omplete Purchase 1rder
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
Purc2ase &rder
Purc2ase &rder
Cancel Purc2ase &rder Central Procurement Analyst
Purc2ase &rder
Purc2ase &rder
Complete Purc2ase
Central Procurement Analyst
..8 Recei*e or Return 5oods or Ser*ices
= 2 = Procure to Pay 123
Business Blueprint
T2e activity for sc2ools and offices enterin! !ood receipts and !oods returns will
be 2andled directly in 1CC and it will be transparent to t2e user as t2e transaction
will reside in t2e 1nterprise Portal. T2e (R$ Confirmation was not activated for
t2e District due to t2e fact t2at t2e District invested in t2e Procurement for Public
(ector .PP(/ functionality. (AP nc.A t2e software vendorA deactivated t2e (R$
Confirmation w2en use in conDunction wit2 Procurement for Public (ector. T2e
District c2ose not to pursue t2e en2ancement to activate t2e confirmation
functionality as (AP (afe!uardin! recommended not to do so.
Ley &wners
$ar6 HovatterA Procurement 1<ecutive
Gudit2 ReeceA Director of Procurement Admistration
Hu!2 Tuc6erA Director of Contract Administration
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
T2e District current process is to do a t2ree way matc2 or a two way matc2 .P&
and nvoice/. (c2ools and &ffices currently enter !oods receipts into t2e
nte!rated -inancial (ystem .-(/ usin! t2e RC transactionA and referencin! a
valid open purc2ase order suc2 as a P+A PCA or PD type. T2e !oods receipt does
not create a financial transaction postin! and provides for t2e ability for users to
enter !oods receipt for future periods. (c2ools and &ffices use t2e same
transaction to receive !oods as well as services.
T2e -( RC transactions allows for users to receive all line items by selectin!
clear all at t2e 2eader level. tA alsoA allows for t2e user to enter at t2e line level.
At t2e line level users can enter partial !oods receipt by enterin! PPC for partial or
P-C for final if t2ey want to receive t2e line in full. T2e system allows users to
receive s2orta!es or overa!es. T2ere are several conditions types t2at may be
used in t2e RC transaction and t2ey are as follows,
R% F &)1R(HP$1*TB+&&D( &L
R0 F H*D1R(HP$1*TB+&&D( &L
R7 "&S DA$A+1DA C&*DT&* H*L*&3*
R; F ?*1 C&*(D1R1D C&$P?1T1
To view information pertainin! to an e<istin! +RA users can loo6 at tables
= 2 = Procure to Pay 12#
Business Blueprint
&RCHB&RC? for 2eader and line item detail on t2e +R respectivelyA or can also
loo6 at P& related tables &PPCB&PPH for purc2ase order line item or 2eader
details as affected by any correspondin! RC transactions. C2an!es to RC may be
done as lon! as t2e P& is not closed.
1<istin! Pain Points
(c2ools and &ffices do not enter !oods receipts in a timely manner.
Hsers need to loo6 at t2e &PPC table to view t2e purc2ase order
information to see 2ow muc2 is left to receive on t2e purc2ase order.
(c2ools and &ffices for convenience do t2e clear allA causin! t2e system to
receive in full w2en in fact t2ey 2ave not receive all !oods and services.
T2is causes problems for Account Payables as invoices do not matc2 w2at
was received and Accounts Payables at t2e end of t2e year end up
accruin! more t2an t2ey s2ould.
(c2ools and &ffices 2ave a 2ard4time modifyin! receivers because t2e RC
transaction is not user friendly.
Accounts Payable cannot ta6e advanta!e of discounts because of missin!
!oods receipts.
T2e system allows for a two or t2ree way matc2 dependin! on t2e material
!roup or material number bein! used.
T2e Account Payables preference is to 2ave a t2ree way matc2.
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
T2e DistrictCs >To "e@ direction is to do a t2ree way matc2 for !oods receipt and
service entry dependin! on t2e type of purc2ase order. T2e sc2ools and offices
will enter t2rou!2 t2e enterprise portal and e<ecute t2e !ood receipt or service
entry in 1CC. T2e !oods receipt transaction tri!!ers a financial postin! doin! t2e
automatic accrual entry.
T2e sc2ools and offices will first validate t2e delivered material or service and
enter t2e !oods receipt. T2ey will need to select t2e correct purc2ase order andA
t2enA receive t2e materials. 32en tri!!erin! t2e !oods receiptA t2e transaction
displays t2e P& information and t2e 5uantity t2at needs to be received a!ainst.
&nce t2e !oods receipt 2as been entered it will s2ow 2ow muc2 is left to receive.
f t2e user wants to reDect t2e !oods receiptA t2ey can select from a drop down t2at
t2e item.s/ is bein! return to t2e vendor. (c2ools and &ffices normally do not
= 2 = Procure to Pay 12%
Business Blueprint
place materials into Euality nspection li6e t2e -oods and (tores Distribution
Center. T2e return to vendor will be used w2en t2e vendor 2as sent defective
materialA wron! materialA and dama!e materials. *ormallyA sc2ools would not do
a return to vendor for services as t2ese issues s2ould be resolved prior to t2e
vendor invoicin!. T2e !oods receipt and service entry are dependent on t2e
$aterial $ana!ement .$$/ periods bein! open in order to allow for t2e
transaction to post. (AP only allows for two $$ periods to be open at a time.
5ood Receipt for Stoc# &ransport 1rders !S&1%:
(c2ools and &ffices will not need to enter !oods receipt for (T&Cs. T2ere is an
en2ancement t2at will create t2e !oods receipt automatically once t2e items are
issued to t2e re5uestin! cost centers.
+oods Receipt tolerances
T2ere will be a tolerance on t2e !oods receipt as t2ere are several interfaces t2at
will be sendin! !oods receipt via t2e interface. $a<imo 2as a tolerance of %\ or
9288 w2ic2ever is less on t2e !oods receipt and in order for t2ose orders not to
reDectA t2ere will be a tolerance in (AP. T2e (AP +R tolerance functionality can
only be set as a percenta!e.
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
J6ey (AP solution confi!uration c2an!es related to t2e envisioned >To "e@
+aps and Resolution
T2e only !ap is t2e issue of enterin! a !oods receipt a!ainst a purc2ase order t2at
is for a future period. .T2is is bein! listed as a !ap only because t2e current
system allows it/
T2e District is solvin! t2e issue of a two way matc2 for certain purc2ase orders by
creatin! all materials on a t2ree way matc2. t 2as also found a resolution to
subsidiary interfaces by 2avin! t2ese systems interface t2eir orders and related
!oods receipts.
R$(./" $D &ype Description
Q$$*"1818 nterface $a<imo interface to 1CC for !oods receipts.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
= 2 = Procure to Pay 120
Business Blueprint
T2e or!ani'ational c2an!e is t2at all sc2ools and offices will be enterin! a
t2ree way matc2I t2is includes interfaces. T2ere is a new transaction for t2e
or!ani'ation to learn and t2at is service entry w2ic2 is Dust a !oods receipt for
a service.
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
T2e $a<imoA C$(A and )$(B$C$( interfaces are bein! desi!n to
entered t2e !oods receipt in t2eir system and interface t2em to (AP.
T2e +oods ReceiptB(ervice 1ntry creates a financial postin!.
n (AP you can 2ave a !oods receipt wit2out a purc2ase orderA but t2is
will only be done for t2e (tore Distribution Center.
People C2an!es
District employeeCs responsible for t2e entry of !oods receipt and service
entry need to be responsible for only enterin! t2e itemsBservices t2at t2ey 2ave
received. (c2ools and offices s2all not use t2e >clear4all@ tab for convenience.
T2is is a trainin! issue.
Policy C2an!es
T2e only policy c2an!e is t2e t2ree way matc2 re5uirements for t2e District"
Trainin! mpacts
T2ere is a new receivin! transaction called t2e service entry and users need to
become familiar wit2 t2is functionality. AlsoA t2e !oods receipt transaction
2as more functionality t2an t2e -( RC transaction as you can use t2ese
transactions to return !oods to vendor and trac6 it on t2e system.
Additional Considerations
T2e proDect will re5uire an e4mail reminder to re5uisitioners associated wit2 a
purc2ase order and its delivery date. T2e lo!ic includes analy'in! a P&Cs delivery
date to todayCs date. f t2e P& delivery date is 18 days over and t2ere is no +oods
Receipt enteredA t2en t2e (AP system s2all send an email remainder to t2e
Re5uisitioner wit2 a HR? lin6 to t2e +R in t2e system. After % more days 2ave
elapsedA t2en a 2
reminder is sent to t2e s2oppin! cart approver .2ead of
or!ani'ation/A a!ain wit2 a HR? ?ine to t2e +R.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 127
Business Blueprint
.8.1.1 Recei*e 5oods
&ffices will only be allowed to enter a $+& transaction only for t2eir cost
center. T2e only e<ception will be for t2e (2oppin! Cart (upport Center t2at will
need to enter $+& transactions on be2alf of all sc2ools t2at 2ave not roll4out to
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
$+&4+oods $+& Receive +oods in 1RP Central Receiver
Process nterface from
$a<imo for +oods
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
(R$ Administrator
.1.1.1 Recei*e Ser*ices
T2e receipt of services is t2e same as t2e !oods receipt. T2e 6ey difference is t2at
t2is transaction will be tri!!ered w2en receivin! for services and w2en a >?imit
P&@ is bein! used.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
$+&4(ervices $+&
Receive (ervices in
Contract (pecialist
$?;1* $?;1*
$aintain (ervice 1ntry
Contract (pecialist
$?;% $?;%
Release (ervice 1ntry
(2eets .mass/
Central Receiver
.1.1.1 Process Returns to Vendors
T2e return to vendor will be tri!!er w2en a material is defectiveA dama!eA an
overa!e is bein! sentA andBor t2e wron! material was sent. T2is transaction will
trac6 t2e 2istory and reports can be run a!ainst it to c2ec6 2ow many times a
vendorsC delivery 2as been reDected. t will served as a fla! to trac6 vendor
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
$+&4Returns $+& Return +oods in 1RP Central Receiver
..1 Process Purchase 1rder4Related $n*oices
T2e followin! two types of vendor invoices are processed in (AP,
invoices wit2 reference to a P& w2ere t2e e<pense is pre4encumbered
direct payment .non4P&/ invoices w2ere t2e e<pense 2as not been pre4
= 2 = Procure to Pay 12;
Business Blueprint
encumbered t2rou!2 a P&
Processin! of invoices wit2 reference to a P& is performed t2rou!2 (AP
$aterials $ana!ement ?o!istics nvoice )erification capabilities w2ic2 includes
t2e followin! features,
Completes t2e t2ree way matc2 processA w2ic2 starts wit2 t2e P& and
includes a confirmation of !oods or services received
Allows processin! of related invoices not initially encumbered t2rou!2 t2e
procurement process .e.!.A related services suc2 as installationA ot2er
e<penses suc2 as transportation costsA etc./
Allows processin! of related credit memos for incorrect invoices or returned
T2e direct payment invoice process is described in (ection 2.2.7.
Ley &wners
T2e 6ey owners for t2e Process Purc2ase &rders activity are as follow,
nterim Deputy Controller .$ar6 Harris/
o Accounts Payable "ranc2 Director .vacant/
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
)endor invoice processin! is an e<tremely resource4intensive activity for t2e
Accounts Payable "ranc2. T2is 2as resulted in t2e implementation and use of a
customi'ed -ile*et solution to assist wit2 simplifyin! and streamlinin! t2e
routin!A mana!in!A monitorin! and arc2ivin! of invoices.
$ost P&4related invoices are submitted directly to t2e Accounts Payable "ranc2A
wit2 t2e e<ception of invoices related to constructionA real estate lease contracts
and transportation w2ic2 are received by t2e recipient of t2e products or services.
1ac2 of t2ese or!ani'ations will review and confirm invoice details.
T2e Accounts PayableA -acilities and Transportation "ranc2es will scan t2e
invoices into -ile*etA w2ic2 will wor6flow t2e scanned invoices to t2e wor6
5ueue of t2e appropriate Accounts Payable >Payer@ based on a pre4defined
al!orit2m. A Payer will review eac2 invoice assi!ned to t2eir -ile*et 5ueueA
comparin! t2e invoice to t2e correspondin! P& to determine t2e re5uired
matc2in! process for validation of t2e invoice in accordance wit2 t2e followin!
-( t2ree4way matc2 .T3$/ cate!ories,
A = represents a t2ree4way matc2 t2at re5uires a receiver to be in -( before
an invoice can be processed
= 2 = Procure to Pay 12:
Business Blueprint
) = represents a two4way matc2 w2ere no on4line receiver re5uiredI insteadA
a validation of approval or aut2ori'ation to pay t2e invoice is performed
* = represents a two4way matc2 w2ere no on4line receiver is re5uiredI
insteadA a validation of approval or aut2ori'ation to pay t2e invoice is
f a t2ree4way matc2 is indicated .T3$ cate!ory is A/A t2en an online receiver is
entered in -(. T2e Payer will matc2 t2e 5uantity and amount of t2e invoice
a!ainst t2e receiver. T2e Payer will t2en create a ) document referencin! t2e
P&A wit2 t2e e<ception of (tores or -oods ware2ouse purc2ases w2ic2 reference
t2e receiver for inventory costin! purposes. f t2ere are any inconsistenciesA t2e
= 2 = Procure to Pay 138
Business Blueprint
Payer will contact t2e relevant sc2ool or locationA t2e Procurement (ervices
"ranc2 andBor t2e vendorA as re5uiredA to resolve eac2 discrepancy.
f a two4way matc2 is indicated and t2e T3$ cate!ory is )A t2e Payer will create
a ) document referencin! t2e P& w2en t2e re5uired approval is received. f
t2ere are any inconsistenciesA t2e Payer will contact t2e relevant sc2ool or
locationA t2e Procurement (ervices "ranc2 andBor t2e vendorA as re5uiredA to
resolve eac2 discrepancy.
f a two4way matc2 is indicated and t2e T3$ cate!ory is *A t2e Payer will create
a manual vouc2er document .P1 or P)/ referencin! t2e P& w2en t2e re5uired
approval is received. f t2ere are any inconsistenciesA t2e Payer will contact t2e
relevant sc2ool or locationA t2e Procurement (ervices "ranc2 andBor t2e vendorA
as re5uiredA to resolve eac2 discrepancy.
After an invoice is processed for paymentA t2e Payer will t2en access t2e invoice
in -ile*et and select t2e >PAD@ status for t2e responses field.
1<istin! Pain Points
T2e followin! pain points are a result of t2e e<istin! -( P&4related invoice
Re5uired receivers are not entered by locations or sc2ools at t2e time t2e
!oods or services are delivered or receivedA delayin! payment to vendors.
T2is may be due to insufficient -( navi!ation s6illsA 6nowled!e andBor
trainin! of responsible staff.
ssues wit2 payment of invoices wit2 t2e closin! of t2e fiscal year due to t2e
encumbrance not bein! carried over into t2e new yearA t2e encumbrance not
bein! carried over wit2 sufficient bud!et aut2ority or !rant fundin! for t2e
relevant encumbrance 2as e<pired.
)endor addresses on t2e P& may be different from t2e invoiceA w2ic2
re5uires t2e Payer to eit2er re5uest a modification to t2e vendor master or
creation of an alternative mailin! address for t2e warrant.
(ales ta< determination is difficult and may be incorrect due to comple<ity
of t2e sales and use ta< rules and lac6 of 6nowled!e by t2e Payer.
Credit memos are not easily identifiableA nor are t2ey trac6ed effectively in
-( resultin! in overpayments to vendors.
18::4reportable purc2ases are currently determined usin! vendor and obDect
code combinations and t2ere is no ability to adDust at t2e invoice level. T2is
results in a si!nificant effort to manually review and adDust 18::
information for submission to t2e R(.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 131
Business Blueprint
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
-ile*et will continue to be t2e DistrictCs document mana!ement system w2ere t2e
ima!es of t2e ori!inal invoices and any ot2er supportin! documents will be stored
and lin6ed to (AP documents for easy retrieval by end4users.
All invoices received by t2e District related to P&Cs will be scanned into -ile*et
for processin!. -ile*et will receive a periodic interface containin! t2e updated
Purc2ase &rder and )endor information. T2is information will be used by
-ile*et in conDunction wit2 its &CR capabilities to sort invoices based on )endor
names into batc2es t2at will be eventually routed to individual payers via t2e (AP
(tore Document folders. -ile*et will send t2e invoices to (AP t2rou!2out t2e
day. All invoices t2at cannot be sent to (AP will be sent to t2e -ile*et Data
1valuation 5ueue. Hsin! t2is process t2ere will distinction in 6eepin!
problematic invoices in -ile*etA w2ile (AP will only 2ave invoices t2at 2ave
been reviewed and potentially ready to post. All invoices sent to (AP will be
fla!!ed in -ile*et as >(ent to (AP@.
T2e AP cler6 will !o to t2eir assi!ned folder in t2e (AP Document (tore and
select invoices to be e<tracted to t2eir inbo<es. -rom t2e inbo<A t2e (AP
transaction can be used to enter invoices wit2 t2e ima!e from -ile*et attac2ed to
it for review. f t2e invoice pass critical c2ec6s it will be posted.
nvoices may 2ave postin! problems related to many issues. 1<amples of t2ese
issuesA but are not limited toA are,
*o +R in t2e system.
Euantity received is smaller t2an w2at is bein! invoiced.
Hnit Cost on t2e invoice is 2i!2er t2an t2e P& unit cost.
ndirect C2ar!es are not included on t2e P& .-rei!2tA Ta<esA etc/
nvoices wit2out deliveries or invoices w2ic2 fail price and 5uantity tolerances
will be placed on payment bloc6. f t2e invoice 2as issues t2at stop it from bein!
posted financially it will be par6ed and will be dealt wit2 accordin!ly. nvoices
t2at cannot be par6ed or if t2e par6ed document issue is so severe t2at t2e invoice
will never be postedA t2e cler6 will reassi!n t2e status of t2e invoice ima!e in
-ile*et to >unprocessed@ and pus2 t2e invoice to t2e Data 1valuation 5ueue for
furt2er researc2.
Receipt of .lectronic $n*oices. 1lectronic invoices will not be processed via t2e
(tandard process w2ere ima!es are scanned and trac6ed usin! t2e -ile*et system.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 132
Business Blueprint
1D invoices will be interfaced or uploaded directly cto (AP as Posted
Documents. )alidation will be made in (AP by Central ABP Cler6 to verify
accuracy of t2e documents and deal wit2 any problem items via t2e interface lo!s.
&hreshold !$n*oice Amount *s P1 .ncum'rance Amount%. T2e t2res2old
amount is %\ or 9188 over t2e P& line amount w2ic2ever is lower. f t2e
discrepancy falls wit2in t2e t2res2oldA Central AP Cler6 s2ould be able to Post t2e
invoice document. f overa!e is beyond t2e t2res2old amountA invoice document
will be Par6ed. AP Cler6 will contact ori!inatin! location and re5uest to resolve
discrepancies. .]Pendin! confirmation from "usiness &wners ]]]]]]]
Retention and "ithholds Process. Accounts Payable will sometimes 2old bac6
portion of an invoice. T2ere are two separate business procedures t2at will
account for t2is. T2ese are,
Contract "ased Retentions
nvoice "ased 3it22oldin!s
(ontract 'ased retentions are commonly applied to construction proDects.
(ettin! up retention to a vendor starts in (AP (R$ w2en P& is created. Purc2aser
will enter t2e type and percenta!e of retention. T2is information is automatically
transferred to ?o!istics nvoice )erification.
T2e !ross amount of t2e invoice will be posted as a separate document wit2in t2e
(AP sub4led!er. T2e retention amount will be !enerated automatically as a
second financial transaction. T2e retention entry will result in a credit memo and
a second invoice bein! posted to t2e sub4led!er. T2e new invoice representin!
t2e Retention amount will be posted wit2 a (pecial +B? indicator >H@. T2is
indicator will allow t2e Accounts Payable Cler6 to easily report t2e Retention.
T2e (pecial +B? indicator will also !enerate a difference reconcilin! +B? account
so t2at t2e Retention can be reported separately from t2e Trade Payables on t2e
"alance (2eet.
1<ample of a %\ contract retention,
DR +RBR Account 9188 888
CR )endor 9188 888
DR )endor 9% 888
= 2 = Procure to Pay 133
Business Blueprint
CR )endor .Retention/ 9% 888
32en enterin! invoice in $R&A (AP will display a messa!e t2at t2ere is
retention for t2e referenced P&. T2e Accounts Payable Cler6 s2ould use
12B31B:::: as due date for retention to prevent t2e automatic release of t2e
retention. f set4up correctly in t2e Purc2ase &rder creationA t2e calculation of
retention amount on an invoice is done automatically by t2e system. f neededA t2e
Accounts Payable Cler6 can also c2an!e t2e percenta!e proposed by t2e system
and t2e retention amount.
To verify t2e - entries and t2e )endor transaction details for t2e retentionA user
can !o to t2e )endor ?ine reportA -"?1*A in (AP. T2e amount t2at s2ould be
paid to t2e vendor is net of t2e nvoice less retention amount. T2e retention
amount will stay in t2e (pecial +? account until instructed to release by t2e
responsible department.
To release retention due to vendorA t2e Accounts Payable Cler6 will use tcode
-"82 and c2an!e t2e due date of t2e Retention so t2at it is payable immediately.
To partially pay t2e retentionA t2e t4code -4%1 .Post wit2 Clearin!/ will be used to
adDust t2e outstandin! amount
$n*oice Based "ithholdings are amounts not remitted to t2e vendor t2at is
establis2ed on an invoice by invoice basis. Commonly t2ey relate to sin!le events
t2at must be applied to a particular invoice. An e<ample would be a ?abor
compliance penalty t2at t2e District is re5uired to process on some
ConstructionB-acilities invoices. As t2ese amounts are not contractual based t2ey
cannot be identified on t2e purc2ase order and automatically appliedA as wit2 a
3it22olds will be processed usin! t2e +? tab entry screen on t2e (AP P& nvoice
)erification .$R&/ transaction. A credit postin! will be entered on t2is tab to
t2e Contractual 3it22oldin! Payable account. T2e te<t field will be used to
record t2e purc2ase order relatin! to t2e 3it22old on t2e account. T2e +?
account for Contractual 3it22oldin! Payables will be an &pen tem mana!ed
account and t2e clearin! will be based on t2e te<t field so t2at t2e account is
reconciled by t2e 3it22oldin! amounts by Contract. A custom report will be
used to support t2is process.
1<ample of %\ contract retention,
+oods Receipt,
= 2 = Procure to Pay 13#
Business Blueprint
DR 1<pense 9188 888
CR +RBR ?iability 9188 888
DR +RBR ?iability 9188 888
CR )endor 9:% 888
CR Contractual 3it22oldin! Payable 9% 888
32en payin! amounts to releaseA a direct pay invoice will be !enerated to t2e
vendor wit2 t2e correspondin! Debit reducin! t2e outstandin! wit22oldin! in t2e
Contractual 3it22oldin! Payable account.
f t2ere is a re5uest to pay t2e retention amount to PayeeA t2e alternative vendor
s2ould be set4up as permitted payee in t2e )endor $aster before processin!
payment. .Amounts paid to alternative payees s2ould be identified separately as
t2ey can apply to any invoice./ ABP Cler6 can c2oose t2is alternative payee w2en
enterin! retention information in -4%1.
Do+n Payment !Ad*ance Payment% Process. T2ere are instances w2en
)endors would re5uire downpayments before t2ey start fulfillin! t2eir
obli!ations. To accommodate t2isA t2e downpayment re5uest functionality will be
T2e down payment re5uest will !enerate a payable item .t2at can be paid
manually or t2rou!2 t2e payment run procedure/. T2ese payments will be
recorded as a special +? indicator >1@ and will si!nify a receivable in t2e balance
s2eets. T2ese downpayments will be cleared as an automatic deduction to t2e
vendor liability once t2e payable is due.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 13%
Business Blueprint
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
J6ey (AP solution confi!uration c2an!es related to t2e envisioned >To "e@
+aps and Resolution
<to be completed>
R$(./" $D &ype Description
QAP1*H1883 1n2ancement 1n2anced c2ec6 for duplicate vendors invoices.
QAP*"1818 nterface
Hpload of purc2ase order4related invoice information usin! an 1<cel
QAP*"1810 nterface 1D interface from lar!e4volume vendors.
QAP3L-181; 3or6flow 3or6flow for P&4related invoices over a certain amount
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
= 2 = Procure to Pay 130
Business Blueprint
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
*o c2an!e impact.
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
*o c2an!e impact
People C2an!es
*o c2an!e impact
Policy C2an!es
nvoice processin! t2res2olds need to be revised to accommodate (APCs
tolerance control per line item.
Trainin! mpacts
*o c2an!e impact
Additional Considerations
/ile<et connecti*ity +ith SAP. t is assumed t2at -ile*et will be able to pre4
sort ima!es based upon -ile*et DataCap Connector to (AP. T2ese pre4sorted
ima!es will be sent to t2e (AP (tore Document 5ueues. T2is would be
accomplis2ed by usin! t2e -ile*et to (AP adapter alon! wit2 some consultin! set
up provided by "$ to enable t2e routin! to t2e different folders. T2is adapter
and consultin! 2as not yet been procured and implemented by t2e district. ssues
wit2 t2e -ile*et connection to (AP may re5uire readdressin! aspect of t2e to4be
-ile*et will need additional reason code >(ent to (AP@. 32en c2an!es are done
to t2e reason codesA older invoices cannot use t2e new reason code unless t2e
invoices is terminated and re4launc2ed.
1ld $n*oices in /ile<et. After t2e !o live dateA nvoices still in -ile*et will still
2ave t2e old P& number associated to it. T2ese invoices will need to be moved to
anot2er 5ueue to not disrupt t2e new invoice processes comin! from (AP. T2e
AP cler6 will be !iven a spreads2eet wit2 a crosswal6 t2at will include t2e P&
number from -( and t2e converted number from (AP. 32en t2e cler6 2as
resolved t2e issue wit2 t2e invoiceA t2e P& number in t2e metadata will be
manually c2an!ed to t2e converted (AP P& number. T2e invoice will be moved
to t2e payer 5ueue to be pus2ed to (AP. To minimi'e t2e effect of tryin! to pay
invoices wit2 t2e old P&A AP s2ould try to pay as many of t2e invoices as possible
= 2 = Procure to Pay 137
Business Blueprint
usin! 2i!2er override aut2ority and t2e ability to use t2e sc2oolBlocation supplies
fund before !o4live.
.1.1.1 .nter $n*oice or (redit 0emo
Hse t2ese transaction codes for all P& related invoices and credit memos
received by Accounts Payable.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
$R&4nvoice $R&
1nter nvoice for a
Purc2ase &rder
Central Accounts Payable
1nter Credit $emo for
a Purc2ase &rder
Central Accounts Payable
$R7 $R7
Par6 or 1dit nvoice or
Credit $emo for a
Purc2ase &rder
Central Accounts Payable
Create )endor nvoice
for a Purc2ase &rder
from 1<cel
Central Accounts Payable
Process 1D nterface
Central Accounts Payable
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!er
&A3D &A3D (tore Documents
Central Accounts Payable
.1.1. .nter Su'se-uent $n*oice or (redit 0emo
T2e $R& transaction is also used to process subse5uent c2an!es to a posted
P&4related invoiceA as re5uired.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
1nter (ubse5uent
nvoice for a Purc2ase
Central Accounts Payable
1nter (ubse5uent
Credit $emo for a
Purc2ase &rder
Central Accounts Payable
.1.1.6 Process Do+n Payment
T2ese transaction codes will !enerate a payable account t2at can be used to pay
t2e vendor in advance.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
$RR? $RR?
1valuated Receipt
Central Accounts Payable
-4#; -4#;
$anually pay Down
Payment Re5uest
Central Accounts Payable
-4%# -4%# Clear Down Payment
Central Accounts Payable
= 2 = Procure to Pay 13;
Business Blueprint
.1.1.7 Display $n*oice or (redit 0emo
Hse t2ese transaction codes w2en t2ere is an in5uiry t2at re5uires t2e Accounts
Payable Department to review posted P& related invoices.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
$R# $R#
Display nvoice or
Credit $emo for a
Purc2ase &rder
+eneral Display
-"83 -"83
Display Accountin!
Document related to t2e
nvoice or Credit $emo
for a Purc2ase &rder
+eneral Display
$R0 $R0
&verview of nvoice or
Credit $emo for a
Purc2ase &rder
+eneral Display
$R% $R%
Display ?ist of nvoices
or Credit $emos for
Purc2ase &rders
+eneral Display
.. Process Direct4Pay $n*oices
T2e Process Direct4Pay nvoices activity allows aut2ori'ed end4users to enter
vendor invoices and credit memos related to t2e ac5uisition of !oods and services
wit2out a correspondin! P& issuedA wit2 t2e information entered directly recorded
a!ainst t2e appropriate +? and sub4led!er accounts. Terms and met2od of
payment are defaulted from t2ose recorded in t2e vendor master record.
Ley &wners
T2e 6ey owners for t2e Process Direct4Pay nvoices activity are as follow,
Controller . ?uis "uendia /
o nterim Deputy Controller . $ar6 Harris /
o Director of Accounts Payable .vacant/
.*o ncumbent/A Director of Accounts Payable
$ar6 (. Harris$ar6 HarrisA nterim Deputy Controller
?uis "uendiaA nterim ControllerController
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
T2e Accounts Payable "ranc2 processes various payment re5uests for !oods and
services t2at are ac5uired wit2out issuin! a P& from vendors as well as claim
reimbursement re5uests from sc2ools and offices .re5uestin! location/. T2ese
= 2 = Procure to Pay 13:
Business Blueprint
payment re5uests re5uire approval from t2e administrator of t2e re5uestin!
location prior to payment processin! by Accounts Payable.
*on4P& invoices are submitted to Accounts Payable eit2er as a p2ysical invoice
or upload files in eit2er spreads2eet or te<t formats. A p2ysical approval
document must also be included for payment to be processed by Accounts
Payable. nvoices t2at contain multiple lines or c2ar!ed to multiple accounts are
usually submitted as an upload file. T2e followin! types of payments are
processed by t2e District,
Payment &ype /re-uency Processing
Air!as $ont2ly $anual
American 1<press bill $ont2ly $anual
Armored truc6 $ont2ly Hpload
Attorney fees Daily $anual
"an6 fees $ont2ly $anual
"&1 fuel ta< payments $ont2ly $anual
C2aritable campai!n contributions $ont2ly $anual
C2arter (c2ools mont2ly revenue $ont2ly Hpload
C&P( invoice series $ont2ly $anual
Credit memo $ont2ly $anual
Credit unions 3ee6ly $anual
Dama!e reimbursement 3ee6ly $anual
Developer fees $ont2ly $anual
Due process Daily $anual
1mployee union dues biwee6ly $anual
-le<ible spendin! .dependentA medical and ?ocal
$ont2ly $anual
-ood (ervices .+old (tar and Driftwood/ 3ee6ly Hpload
Healt2 providers mont2ly $anual
mprest claims Daily $anual
?e!al miscellaneous Daily $anual
?e!al settlements Daily $anual
?inens $ont2ly Hpload
$iscellaneous bills Daily $anual
$iscellaneous payments .ACH or 1-T/ 3ee6ly $anual
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1#8
Business Blueprint
Payment &ype /re-uency Processing
*P( Daily Hpload
Payroll deductions .!arnis2ments/ $ont2ly Hpload
P4cards and travel cards $ont2ly $anual
Ris6 $ana!ement .self4insuranceA liabilities and
3or6ersC Compensation/
$ont2ly $anual
Rubbis2 disposal $ont2ly $anual
(pecial 1ducation parent reimbursements and
3ee6ly $anual
Telecommunications .ATYTA )eri'onA etc./ $ont2ly $anual
Transportation $ont2ly $anual
Travel reimbursement .sc2oolsA local districts
and central offices/
Daily $anual
Tuition reimbursements from t2e Personnel
3ee6ly $anual
Htilities bills .D3PA (out2ern California +as
and 1dison/ not included in t2e mont2ly
summary bill
$ont2ly $anual
Htilities summary bills .D3PA (out2ern
California +as and 1dison/
$ont2ly Hpload
1<cept for !arnis2mentsA Accounts Payable reviews uploaded invoices a!ainst
approved re5uests and supportin! documents before processin! t2e vendor
payment in -( by c2an!in! t2e status of t2e invoice to >ACCPT@.
nvoices for !arnis2ments are based on t2e payroll >3PR@ adDusted reports and are
pro!rammed to default to t2e >ACCPT@ status w2en uploaded to -(A not
re5uirin! initial review by Accounts Payable. -( will reDect !arnis2ment invoice
uploads if t2ere are errors in t2e transaction suc2 as insufficient fundin!A invalid
accountin! linesA duplicate invoicesA etc. Accounts Payable contacts t2e
re5uestin! location to resolve any errors.
P2ysical invoices are manually entered by Accounts Payable in t2e -( Payment
)ouc2er nput -orm screen and any errors are resolved by Accounts Payable
before t2e invoice can be c2an!ed to t2e >ACCPT@ status w2ic2 !enerates a
payment vouc2er.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1#1
Business Blueprint
T2e followin! prefi<es are used in t2e -( document reference number in order to
distin!uis2 t2e different types of payment,
Prefi= Description
(1 (pecial 1ducation payments
$ mprest payment
TR Travel reimbursement
$(-F $iscellaneous bill payment
TP Tuition reimbursement
$ Property dama!e reimbursement
D- Developer fee payment
C$ Credit memo
-D "alian ce Cream payment
1*T4D 1nterprise Rent4A4Car
1D (out2ern California 1dison
+A( T2e +as Company
+(3 +olden (tate 3ater Company
D3P Department of 3ater and Power
C(+ City of (out2 +ate
C3( California 3ater (ervice Company
$(C )arious small utility companies
APS Ape< and "$a66 .rubbis2 companies/
(* (inor .rubbis2 company/
CHR C2arter (c2ool payments
-DD3 Driftwood
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1#2
Business Blueprint
Prefi= Description
-D +old (tar
After t2e status of t2e invoice is c2an!ed to >ACCPT@A -( will produce a
payment vouc2er t2at will be processed durin! t2e ne<t ni!2tly payment cycleA
included in t2e outbound payment vouc2er file and transmitted to ?AC&1 t2e
followin! business day.
1<cept for travel and imprest paymentsA t2e supportin! documents for direct
payments are scanned after t2e invoice is paid and t2e warrant re!ister is received.
Documentation for travel and imprest reimbursement claims is scanned prior to
1<istin! Pain Points
-unds availability c2ec6in! is e<ecuted only at t2e point w2en t2e invoice is
bein! processed for payment and insufficient fundin! prevents postin! of
t2e document. T2e Payer must t2en researc2 and correct t2e error prior to
ndividual errors durin! t2e uploadin! of files will prevent t2e entire file
from bein! processed. T2is re5uires researc2 and correction of eac2 error in
order to complete t2e upload.
Complete and independent documentation is not available to support upload
files w2ic2 prevents Accounts Payable from performin! proper validation of
relevant invoices. T2e review of t2ese types of invoices by Accounts
Payable review is limited to comparin! t2e si!ned invoice summary wit2 t2e
total amounts uploadedA w2ic2 is a comparison to t2e same source of
nvoices not included in t2e normal payment cycle re5uire additional
manual processin! and duplicate efforts by Accounts Payable.
All travel4related e<penditures are recorded a!ainst t2e same obDect code
.%282/ and a detail list of e<penditures by type is not available.
At si!nificant number of travel4related claim forms .7%\ or more/ are
incompleteA wit2 missin! approvalsA supportin! documentation not included
.e.!.A receipts/ andBor incorrect vendor information. T2is may be due to
insufficient 6nowled!e of t2e DistrictCs travel reimbursement process.
Travelers re!ularly c2ar!e e<penses to t2eir personal credit card and t2eir
credit card statements are not available until t2e end of eac2 cardCs billin!
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1#3
Business Blueprint
cycle. T2is delays t2e travelerCs ability to provide supportin! documents
wit2in t2e DistrictCs 384days e<pense submission rule.
$ost payment re5uests and invoices are not scanned until t2ey are paidA
w2ic2 causes difficulties in trac6in! and a!in! of pendin! invoices wit2in
t2e -ile*et 5ueues.
Payments related to p4cards are temporarily c2ar!ed to a liability account
w2ic2 is cleared after t2e individual card 2older reconciles 2is or 2er
account. T2is results in e<penses not bein! posted on a timely basis due to
delay or non4action by t2e card 2olders in performin! t2e account
reconciliation .
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1##
Business Blueprint
nvoices t2at are not able to be completed due to lac6 of timeA incomplete
information or postin! errors will be par6ed to allow t2e Payer to researc2 and
resolve ot2er issues. Par6ed invoices are assi!ned an (AP document numberI
2oweverA no actual financial documents are created nor accountin! entries posted
for par6ed documents. T2e Payer may access t2e par6ed document usin!
transactions -")2 or -)"# in order to update information and complete t2e
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1#%
Business Blueprint
document. Completed documents may be posted usin! transaction -")8A eit2er
individually or by usin! a selection list t2at allows several par6ed documents to
be posted simultaneously wit2 a detailed list of successfully4posted documents.
nvoices wit2 errors t2at cannot be resolved by t2e Payer may be returned to t2e
Re5uestor t2rou!2 wor6flow. 1rror free invoices will be evaluated by t2e system
and may be wor6 flowed to an approver dependin! on t2e payment type or
amount t2res2old to be establis2ed. .T2e t2res2old Brule is yet to be definedA
pendin! mana!ement response/. T2e Approver may reDect or accept t2e invoice.
ReDected invoices will wor6flow bac6 t2e Re5uestor. T2e Approver may notify
t2e Re5uestor of t2e reason for reDection via (AP or &utloo6. T2e notification
process is not automated.
Upload $n*oices Using .=cel. A standard 1<cel format and data layout will be
used to upload invoice information. T2e 1<cel file will be prepared and uploaded
usin! t2e custom (AP upload transaction by t2e department w2o is billed for t2e
service or merc2andise. Any error encountered durin! t2e upload will be t2e
responsibility of t2e ori!inatin! department to resolve before attemptin! to upload
a corrected file.
nvoices t2at are successfully uploaded will be created as par6ed documents in
(AP and automatically routed for approval or automatic postin! based on
wor6flow rules.
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
J6ey (AP solution confi!uration c2an!es related to t2e envisioned >To "e@
+aps and Resolution
Certain District re5uirements were not able to be met usin! standard (AP
features. T2ese re5uirements will be met t2rou!2 t2e followin! custom
An en2ancement will be developed to c2ec6 for duplicate vendor invoices.
T2is en2ancement will allow (AP to automatically c2ec6 for duplicate
vendor invoices based on invoice numberA invoice amountA and vendor
number. ncluded wit2in t2is en2ancement is a custom table t2at will
contain t2ree years of t2e paid vendor invoice information necessary to
perform t2e duplicate vendor invoice c2ec6.
n lieu of an Adobe interactive formA w2ic2 is not included wit2in t2e scope
of t2e ?RP proDectA a spreads2eet4based invoice interface usin! a standard
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1#0
Business Blueprint
1<cel template will be developed to allow direct pay invoices to be
uploaded into (AP. &nly central offices will be provided access to perform
vendor invoice uploads. (c2ools will be able to submit claims
reimbursement files usin! t2e 1<cel template and aut2ori'ed Accounts
Payable "ranc2 staff will upload t2e file after validation.
Custom wor6flow will be developed to route invoices uploaded by central
offices for approval by eac2 or!ani'ationCs desi!nated approver. T2ese
invoices will be posted w2en approved wit2out involvement by t2e
Accounts Payable "ranc2.
R$(./" $D &ype Description
QAP1*H1883 1n2ancement 1n2anced c2ec6 for duplicate vendors invoices.
QAP*"188: nterface Hpload of direct pay invoice information usin! an 1<cel template.
QAP3L-1813 3or6flow 1lectronic submissionA review and approvals for direct pay invoices.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
*o C2an!e mpact
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
*o C2an!e mpact
People C2an!es
*o C2an!e mpact
Policy C2an!es
*o C2an!e mpact
Trainin! mpacts
*o C2an!e mpact
Additional Considerations
..1.1 .nter $n*oice or (redit 0emo
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
Hser can use t2is function to create all invoices or credit memos. Hser can par6
incomplete invoices and may return later to c2an!e or update par6ed invoices to
complete t2e entry. Par6in! an incomplete invoice will !enerate a document
numberA but not update accountin! entry until t2e user post t2e invoice. (ome
invoices will be wor6flow and an Approver can accept or reDect t2e invoices.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1#7
Business Blueprint
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-"08 -"08
Create )endor nvoice
.direct pay/
Central Accounts Payable
-"0% -"0%
Create )endor Credit
$emo .direct pay/
Central Accounts Payable
-)08 -)08
by document typeA
e<clude post
Par6 or 1dit nvoice
Central Accounts Payable
-)0% -)0%
by document typeA
e<clude post
Par6 or 1dit Credit
Central Accounts Payable
-")2 -")2
by document typeA
e<clude post
C2an!e Par6ed
Central Accounts Payable
-")# -")#
by document typeA
e<clude post
C2an!e Par6ed
Document Header
Central Accounts Payable
-")0 -")0 by document type
ReDect Par6ed
Departmental Accounts
Payable ApproverA Central
Accounts Payable (pecialist
-")8 -")8 by document type
Post or Delete Par6ed
Central Accounts Payable
Create )endor nvoice
.direct pay/ from 1<cel
Central Accounts Payable
..1. Display $n*oice or (redit 0emo
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
Hser can par6 document to store incomplete invoice or credit memo entry. *o
accountin! entry is made w2en a document is par6ed. Hser can reopenA completeA
and post t2e incomplete invoice or credit memo at a later time.
Hser can display par6ed or posted documentA usin! a list or line item display
function. n additionA user can display a 2istorical view of c2an!es made to
par6ed documents before postin!.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-")3 -")3
Display Par6ed
+eneral Display
-")% -")%
Display C2an!es to
Par6ed Document
+eneral Display
-"83 -"83
Display Posted
+eneral Display
-"8# -"8#
Display C2an!es to
Posted Document
+eneral Display
..1.6 Process Ad*ance Do+n Payment
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
Hser re5uestin! for advance payment .not relatin! to a purc2ase order/ can enter
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1#;
Business Blueprint
t2e re5uest in t2e Down Payment Re5uest .-4#7/ form.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-4#7 -4#7 Re5uest Down Payment
Central Accounts Payable
-4#; -4#; Process Down Payment
Central Accounts Payable
-4%# -4%# Clear Down Payment
Central Accounts Payable
..1.7 Process Recurring $n*oice
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
*ot Applicable
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-"D1 -"D1 by document type
Create Recurrin!
Central Accounts Payable
-"D2 -"D2 by document type
C2an!e Recurrin!
Central Accounts Payable
-.%0 -.%0 by document type
Delete Recurrin!
Central Accounts Payable
..1.8 Display Recurring $n*oice
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
*ot Applicable
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-.1% -.1%
?ist Recurrin!
+eneral Display
-"D3 -"D3
Display Recurrin!
+eneral Display
-"D# -"D#
Display Recurrin!
Document C2an!es
+eneral Display
..6 Process Payments
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1#:
Business Blueprint
Process payments in (AP and 2ave "43arrants issued by ?AC&1 t2rou!2
interfaces. T2e payment file created in (AP will be uploaded to ?AC&1 via t2e
Report Access and Distribution .RAD/ website. A return document wit2 payment
information will be uploaded into (AP via RAD. T2is process s2ould be
performed daily to complete t2e payment cycle.
A payment file will be e<tracted in (AP and uploaded to People(oft via
?AC&1Cs Report Access and Distribution .RAD/ website w2ic2 will tri!!er t2e
processin! of t2e payment warrants .c2ec6s/ or ACH credits in People(oft.
People(oft automatically a!!re!ates all invoices for t2e same vendor in one
warrant unless t2e invoice is fla!!ed as sin!le c2ec6 in t2e (AP and pic6ed up in
t2e interface file. T2e vouc2ers will s2ow up in People(oft t2e day after t2e
interface as vouc2ers waitin! for approval. ABP Director or desi!nee t2en lo!s in
to People(oft and approve t2e vouc2ers. Durin! t2e overni!2t cycle at ?AC&1A
t2e correspondin! warrants are printed and released to ?AH(D t2e followin!
business day. T2e ACH file is sent to t2e *ational Automated Clearin! House
Association .*ACHA/ at t2e same time t2e warrants are released and t2e funds
becomes available in t2e vendorCs ban6 account t2e ne<t business day. t ta6es
about #4% days for t2e warrants to be available for mailin! plus an e<tra day for
t2e ACH credit to be in t2e vendorCs ban6 account.
Ley &wners
?uis "uendiaA Controller
$ar6 HarrisA nterim Deputy Controller
DirectorA .)acant/ Accounts Payable "ranc2
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
T2e AP Payer 2as four types of payments t2ey can processI a P1A P)A )A and
$anual 3arrant payment.
Payment to vendors is t2rou!2 a " 3arrant or t2rou!2 Automated Clearin! House
Current payment processin! involves 3 independent systemsA -ile*etA -(A and
People(oft. T2e t2ree processes include -ile*etA -(A and ?AC&1.
Standard B "arrants
Day 1
AP Payer pays invoice in -(.
Day 2
-( creates an Automated Disbursement .AD/ document for eac2 invoice.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1%8
Business Blueprint
-ile from -( is uploaded to ?AC&1 website via RAD.
Day 3
Payment s2ows up in People(oft.
AP approves payment.
Day #
3arrant is printed by ?AC&1.
3arrant is pic6ed up from ?AC&1 and delivered to Gob Cost.
C2ec6 Re!ister .2ard copy/ and warrantCs file and ACH advice are delivered
to AP warrants unit.
-ile Copy of warrants are scanned to -ile*et
T2e c2ec6 re!ister .?AAP82:(/ is downloaded by 3arrant unit (upervisor
for cas2 reconciliation purpose.
3arrants Hnit fla!s warrant number wit2 enclosures and pic6up slips on t2e
c2ec6 re!ister and attac2 t2e enclosures to t2e re!ister before submittin! to
Gob Cost.
T2e c2ec6 re!ister file is downloaded from ?AC&1Cs website and uploaded
into -( in t2e ni!2tly Cycle
Day %
A copy C2ec6 re!ister is delivered to Gob Cost and 3 copies to ABPCs 3arrants
All enclosures and pic6up slips are forwarded to Gob Cost by ABPCs 3arrants
C2ec6s are mailed out to )endors by Gob Cost.
A() Payment
(ame Process as *ormal " 3arrants e<cept t2e vendor receives an ACH Advice
instead of a warrant. -unds are electronically deposited to t2e vendorCs ban6
account. 1nclosures are attac2ed to t2e ACH Advice and mailed to t2e vendor.
0anual "arrant
Day 1
AP Payer pays invoice in -(.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1%1
Business Blueprint
AP Payer places payment on 2old in -( to prevent t2e system from
!eneratin! t2e AD .Automatic Disbursement document w2ic2 is interfaced to
AP 3arrants Cler6 manually enters invoice details directly to People(oft
AP $ana!ement approves t2e invoice in People(oft
Day 2
3arrant is printed in ?AC&1.
3arrant is delivered to Gob Cost.
C2ec6 Re!ister is delivered to AP warrants unit and Gob Cost.
Gob Cost mails t2e c2ec6s out to )endor.
1<istin! Pain Points
Reconcilin! -( Cas2 to People(oft "alance ta6es time and several reports
are used to conduct it.
?AC&1 2olds warrants for vouc2ers t2at are selected for audit. Paper wor6
.+olden Rod/ is prepared and submitted to ?AC&1 to remove t2e 2old on
suspended payments.
Payments mi!2t 2ave incorrect (AC( strin! and new (AC( strin! needs to be
re5uested from +eneral Accountin! and t2e accountin! strin! adDusted in
People(oft before payment is released.
T2e fund used mi!2t not 2ave t2e sufficient balance in People(oft and a
replacement fund account needs to be entered in People(oft to release t2e
32en a sin!le c2ec6 amount is over two millionA electronic copies of all
supportin! documentation are re5uired to be sent to ?AC&1 for evaluation to
decide w2et2er to release t2e warrant or not.
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1%2
Business Blueprint
All District ?AH(DC( payments will be recorded in (AP. )endor invoices and
adDustmentsA mana!ement feesA and normal vendor payments to be paid directly
by ?AC&1 will be selectedA reviewedA and claim sc2edules !enerated usin! t2e
standard (AP payment pro!ram.
"arrants Processing. T2e (AP payment pro!ram will !enerate a Proposal runA
w2ere t2e system evaluates t2e open items of vendors identified in t2e parameters
of t2e payment pro!ram and !enerates a proposal list of items initially selected for
payment. ncluded wit2 t2e Proposal listA t2e system will !enerate an e<ception
list containin! t2e open items w2ic2 are due for paymentA but cannot be paid
because of system status suc2 as invoices w2ic2 are >"loc6ed for Payment@.
Any payments e5ual or e<ceedin! 92A888.888 will be reviewed and noted so t2e
payer can prepare t2e re5uired ?AC&1 documentation as t2ese items will !o on
After evaluatin! t2e proposalA if any c2an!es are re5uiredA t2e payer can ma6e
c2an!es directly in t2e payment proposal. T2is proposal list can be amended to
bloc6 or unbloc6 items for payment.
T2e proposal is now ready to 2ave t2e items converted into >3arrants in Process.
> A customi'ed pro!ram will be e<ecuted w2ere vendor invoices sc2eduled for
?AC&1 processin! will be transferred to t2e appropriate special +eneral ?ed!er
indicator to reflect t2e >3arrants in Process. > T2e entry will be,
Dr. Accounts Payable = )endor
Cr. 3arrants n Process = )endor .(pl. +?/
T2e ori!inal items on t2e vendor subled!er account will be fla!!ed as cleared.
T2e custom pro!ram will use t2e payment proposal as t2e basis for selectin! t2e
vendor items to be submitted to ?AC&1 and create t2e outbound interface file
T2is customi'ed process will also complete t2e Payment proposal by deletin! it
from t2e (AP system.
Special Use of the Payment 0ethod Supplement. T2e payment met2od
supplement .P$(/ mar6ed on t2e invoice will be used to identify warrants for
furt2er special 2andlin!. &ne payment met2od t2at needs to be considered in t2e
t2is process is t2e (in!le Payment ndicator = t2is means t2at t2e warrant wit2 t2is
indicator will not be combined wit2 t2e ot2er invoices of t2e vendor.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1%3
Business Blueprint
nvoices fla!!ed wit2 P$( >$anual@ will not be included in t2e ?AC&1
outbound interface file. T2is indicator will be used to inform t2e payer t2at t2e
item is manually updated into t2e ?AC&1 People(oft system

Super $mprest (hec#ing Procedure. T2e -acilities !roup will be !iven t2e
ability to print t2eir own c2ec6s. T2e !roup will 2ave four special ban6 accounts
t2at will be confi!ured to produce c2ec6s.
To support t2is processA a special Payment $et2od >@ will be establis2ed for
t2eir needs. T2is will 2elp differentiate t2eir procedures w2en e<ecutin! t2e
payment proposal and run. All payment transactions for t2e (uper mprest
accounts will also !o to a different document type. $oreoverA a special Positive
Pay interface to "an6 of America will also be establis2ed to prevent fraudulent
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1%#
Business Blueprint
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1%%
Business Blueprint
A met2od t2at specifies 2ow payment is to be made, c2ec6A bill of e<c2an!eA or
ban6 transfer. ?AH(D will re5uire payment met2ods to (upport 3arrants and
-acilities mprest
tems wit2 different payment met2od supplements are settled individually. 32en
enterin! invoicesA t2e payment met2od supplement can be entered into t2e invoice
to indicate t2e special payment instructions
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1%0
Business Blueprint
Define accounts w2ic2 s2ow t2e postin! of a correspondin! special +B?
transaction to t2e !eneral led!er. T2e postin!s are made to t2ese accounts instead
of to t2e normal reconciliation account. ?AH(D will re5uire (pecial +B?
ndicators to identify >3arrants in Process@
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1%7
Business Blueprint
+aps and Resolution
<to be completed>
R$(./" $D &ype Description
QAP&HT1887 nterface
nterface of (AP vendor invoice information as a claim toA and for
payment byA t2e ?os An!eles County &ffice of 1ducation.
QAP&HT181: nterface
nterface to "an6 of America of imprest c2ec6s processed t2rou!2 (AP
used to validate encas2ment by t2e ban6.
QAP-R$188% -orm mprest c2ec6.
QAP-R$1880 -orm Payment advice delivered t2rou!2 email.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
*o c2an!e impact.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1%;
Business Blueprint
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
*o c2an!e impact.
People C2an!es
*o c2an!e impact.
Policy C2an!es
*o c2an!e impact.
Trainin! mpacts
*o c2an!e impact.
Additional Considerations
*one identified.
.6.1.1 Process 1utgoing Vendor Payments
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-$PP -$PP
Partial Payment by
+eneral ?ed!er
Account Assi!nments
Central Accounts Payable
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!er
-118 -118
by vendor account
(elect nvoices for
Central Accounts Payable
-118( -118(
(elect nvoices for
Payment .periodic
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!er
-4%3 -4%3 Post $anual Payment
Central Accounts Payable
-"Q% -"Q% Print Payment -orms
)endor Payment Processin!
.6.1. Process 1utgoing Vendor Payments !LA(1.%
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-$PP -$PP
Partial Payment by
+eneral ?ed!er
Account Assi!nments
Central Accounts Payable
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!er
-118 -118
by vendor account
(elect nvoices for
Central Accounts Payable
-118( -118(
(elect nvoices for
Payment .periodic
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!er
Create and Transmit
Claim (c2edule to
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
Central Accounts Payable
.6.1.6 Process 1utgoing Vendor Payments !/acilities%
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1%:
Business Blueprint
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-118 = mprest -118
(elect nvoices for
mprest -und
$ana!erPayable Cler6
.security by document type
and payment met2od/
-4%; -4%; Print $anual C2ec6 mprest Payable Cler6
(ubmit Positive Pay
nformation to "an6
mprest -und
$ana!erPayable Cler6A Gob
(c2edulin! $ana!er
.6.1.7 Process 1utgoing Payments !Schools and (entral 1ffices%
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
mprest -und $ana!er
..7 Process "arrants
T2is process will cover mana!in! warrants in (AP. (ince ?AH(D does not print
its own warrantsA payment documents need to be interfaced to ?AC&1 for
processin!. T2ese payment documents are eit2er automatically created by (APA or
manually by user. Process 3arrants can be accessed from t2e Accounts Payable
menu by c2oosin! Accounting>#inancial Accounting>Accounts
Payable>$nvironment>Chec! %n&ormation"
Ley &wners
$ar6 HarrisA nterim Deputy Controller
J)acantKA Accounts Payable "ranc2 Director
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
n -(A Automated Disbursement .AD/ or $anual 3arrant .$3/ records cas2
disbursement. And at t2e same timeA t2is entry also automatically reverses t2e
liability .)ouc2ers Payable/ t2at was created w2en ABP payer processed t2e
Accountin! .+?/ 1ntry,
32en vouc2er is created by P1 or P) transactions4
Dr $pense
Cr Spec 'ouchers Payable
32en disbursement is created .AD or $3 transactions/ =
= 2 = Procure to Pay 108
Business Blueprint
Dr Spec 'ouchers Payable
Cr Cash %n County
Current -( process on disbursement4
AD .Automated Disbursement/ is system !enerated transaction created
durin! an overni!2t cycle. Accumulated ADs are downloaded to a file and
transmitted to ?AC&1 for upload to People(oft to !enerate t2e
warrantBACH. -( 3R1C screen displays t2e vendor nameA ?AC&1
warrant number Y issue dateA warrant status .)Z)oidA CZC2ec6A &Z&penA
DZDeductionA RZReplacement/ after t2e inbound file from ?AC&1 is
uploaded to -(.
$3 .$anual 3arrant/ is t2e manual creation of disbursement. T2is
2appens w2en t2ere is a need to issue an ur!ent warrant or ACH. 32en
t2e invoice is processedA t2e vouc2er is put on 2old in -( to prevent it
from automatic !eneration of t2e AD and t2us e<clude t2e invoice from
t2e interface file to Peoplesoft. T2e payer enters manually t2e payment
detail directly to People(oft to !enerate t2e warrant or ACH t2e followin!
day. To associate t2e manual warrant to t2e invoice in -(A AP Processor
enters a 3R transaction .
CS .Cancellation/ are t2e cancellation of AD and $3 transactions. An
AD or $3 is cancelled w2en a warrant is voidedA payment is cancelledA
or error on data entry .$3/. T2ese are not transmitted to ?AC&1. T2ese
are created in (H(- usin! CS transaction code. T2e followin! are t2e
different CS type =
o14 Cancel ADB$3 and resc2edule vouc2er for payment
o24 Cancel ADB$3 and leave vouc2er unsc2eduled
o34 Cancel ADB$3 and use special vouc2ers payable accounts
.normally used for (tale 3arrants/
o#4 Cancel ADB$3 and cancel vouc2er
1<istin! Pain Points
Cas2 in County reconciliation cannot be done on time since reports from
different sources .RADA -RD"/ are not available until after a wee6 of t2e
new mont2.
Cancellation of vouc2ers is separate from cancellation of payments in -(.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 101
Business Blueprint
$eanin!A if an invoice needs to be cancelledA ABP staff will 2ave to !o t2ru
multiple processes . Cancelled vouc2ers are not interfaced to ?AC&1.
)oidin! of warrants in -( is manually done. f a warrant 2as 188 ADA
ABP will need to create 188 CS to cancel all t2e payments.
f a ?AC&1 warrant is re5uested by t2e vendorA several steps are ta6en by
ABP and Gob Cost to process t2is re5uest suc2 as,
o A paper re5uest form completed by t2e vendor and submitted to
o ABP stamps t2e warrant number line on t2e 3arrant Re!ister
listin! and attac2 t2e si!ned Pic6 Hp Re5uest form w2ic2 are
submitted to Gob Cost.
o Gob Cost lo!s t2e re5uest in t2eir manual lo! and individually call
t2e vendor to let t2em 6now w2en t2e c2ec6 is ready for pic6 up.
T2e same lo! is used for t2e vendor to si!n evidencin! receipt of
t2e warrant.
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
?AC&1 warrant information will be used to update (AP c2ec6 information for
eac2 payment. T2e vendor invoices and adDustments sc2eduled for ?AC&1
processin! will be cleared a!ainst t2e warrant or ACH to reflect t2at warrants or
ACH 2ave been issued by ?AC&1.
?AC&1 warrant ne!otiated information will be used to update (AP c2ec6
encas2ment information for eac2 payment. T2e warrant will be cleared a!ainst
?AH(DC( cas2 position wit2 ?AC&1 to reflect t2at warrants 2ave been
ne!otiated by t2e vendor.
T2e desi!n for ?AC&14related sub4processes will incorporate t2e information
and level of inte!ration t2at is determined to be available from ?AC&1 based on
final discussions between t2e ?RP proDect team and ?AC&1.
T2e notification t2at a warrant was !enerated will be t2e indication t2at financial
item posted for t2e 3arrant s2ould be cleared and t2e cas2 balance s2ould be
T2e 3arrant and ACH re!isters e<tracted from RAD will be interfaced to (AP
t2ru "atc2 (c2eduler. T2ese interfaced files from ?AC&1 will 2ave t2e
= 2 = Procure to Pay 102
Business Blueprint
)endor *ame
(AP nvoice Document *umber
warrant and ACH numbers
status of t2e warrant and ACH
f t2e status of a warrant or an ACH in t2e re!ister does not indicate t2at it is
)oidA (AP "atc2 (c2eduler will perform t2e tcode -4%3 on all related vendor
open items. -or manually created warrantsA AP )endor Processin! (pecialist will
update (AP usin! tcode -CH% to create a lin6 between t2e ?AC&1 warrant
number and t2e payment document. Hsin! t2ese transactionsA vendor open items
will be cleared by reversin! t2e 3arrant in Process accounts and creditin! t2e
3arrants Clearin!. T2e followin! are e<ample of accountin! entry w2en t2is
activity is performed,
DR 1<pense 91A888
CR )endor 91A888
Payment Re5uest nterfaced to ?AC&1,
DR )endor 91A888
Cr 3arrant in Process 91A888
3arrant or ACH issued by ?AC&1,
DR 3arrant in Process 91A888
CR 3arrants Clearin! 91A888
f t2e status of t2e warrant or ACH in t2e re!ister is )oidA (AP "atc2 (c2eduler
will perform t2e tcode -CH: to automatically void t2e previously issued warrant
or ACH in (AP. T2is transaction will also re4open t2e >3arrant in Process@
= 2 = Procure to Pay 103
Business Blueprint
account but will not re4issue payment to vendor. T2e Accounts Payable cler6 will
need to identify w2et2er t2e invoice needs to be reprocess or cancelled.
n addition to 3arrant and ACH re!istersA ?AC&1 will also provide ?AH(D a
report of all warrants t2at 2ave been cleared or cas2ed. 32en t2e report of
warrant encas2ment is receivedA it will be interfaced to (AP usin! QAP*"1811
or manually update usin! -CHR. T2is will automatically enter t2e date w2en t2e
warrants were cas2ed.
T2e encas2ment of warrants will create an accountin! entry to finali'e t2e
payment process and ultimately creditin! t2e Cas2 in County account,
1ncas2ment of 3arrant,
DR 3arrants Clearin! 91A888
CR Cas2 in County 91A888
= 2 = Procure to Pay 10#
Business Blueprint

Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
J6ey (AP solution confi!uration c2an!es related to t2e envisioned >To "e@
+aps and Resolution
= 2 = Procure to Pay 10%
Business Blueprint
<to be completed>
R$(./" $D &ype Description
QAP*"1811 nterface
nterface of warrant ne!otiation information from t2e ?os An!eles County
&ffice of 1ducation for clearin! of warrants.
QAP*"181# nterface
nterface of warrant information from t2e ?os An!eles County &ffice of
1ducation for payments of claims.
QAPC*)1881 Conversion Conversion of warrants outstandin! effective as of Gune 38A 2813.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
<to be completed>
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
<to be completed>
People C2an!es
<to be completed>
Policy C2an!es
<to be completed>
Trainin! mpacts
<to be completed>
Additional Considerations
A 6ey open issue e<ists. T2e desired ?RP desi!n re5uires an interface file from
RADA a reportin! tool of ?AC&1Cs PeoplesoftA wit2 a list of w2at payments were
actually !enerated. T2is e<tracted file would be used to automatically !enerate
t2e payment documents in (APA and !enerate t2e (AP c2ec6 number to represent
t2e warrant in (AP. Currently t2is information from RAD is only available in
report format.
.7.1.1 (reate "arrants
Hse t2is process w2en it is necessary to record a manually issued warrant or
ACH.Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-CH% -CH% 1nter a $anual 3arrant
)endor Payment Processin!
nterface 3arrants
ssued by ?AC&1
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
)endor Payment Processin!
= 2 = Procure to Pay 100
Business Blueprint
.7.1. Display "arrants
Hse t2is transaction codes w2en t2ere is a need to review t2e warrant or ACH
re!ister in order to resolve a discrepancy or issue.
C2ec6 Re!ister .-CH*/
T2e pro!ram !enerates a list of all c2ec6 re!isters belon!in! to one payin!
company codeA .pre4numbered c2ec6s/A if t2ey fulfill t2e !iven selection criteria.
T2e list is sorted by payment met2od and c2ec64numbers wit2 manually voided
c2ec6s at t2e start and manually issued c2ec6s at t2e end. T2is order of output is
t2e defaultA but can be altered by t2e user.
Fou can create various lists. -or e<ample,
1. Complete ?ist of a Company Code
Fou only enter t2e company code. -urt2er selection conditions could include t2e
specification of a ban6 account or t2e creation period.
2. Complete ?ist wit2 ?ine tem nformation
n addition to 1A you 2ave to select t2e parameter t2at controls t2e output of t2e
paid items.
3. ?ist of &utstandin! C2ec6s
fA in addition to 1A you select V?ist of &utstandin! C2ec6sV t2ose c2ec6s t2at are
not yet cas2ed are listed.
#. Payment (ummary for a Payment Run
T2e run date of t2e payin! company codeA andA .if t2e run is not clearly indicated
by t2e date/A run D of t2e payment run 2ave to be entered. f t2e c2ec6 re!ister
wit2 t2e print run of t2e payment pro!ram is sc2eduledA a variant must first be
created in order t2at t2e payin! company code be specified. T2e remainin!
parameters .date and identifier/ are entered by t2e payment pro!ram if pro!ram
R-CHL*88 is entered wit2 t2is variant before t2e start of t2e print pro!rams
under V?istsV.
%. Payment (ummary for an 1<tract Run
fA for t2e purposes of an e<ternal data transferA a data e<tract is created wit2 a
database updateA a list can t2en be called up s2owin! all c2ec6s for w2ic2
information is contained in t2e e<tract. n addition to t2e payin! company codeA
t2e e<tract date must be enteredA andA .in t2e event t2at several e<tracts were
created on one day/A t2e time w2en t2e e<tract was created.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 107
Business Blueprint
0. ?ist of all +enuine C2ec6s
Here you enter t2e initial value of t2e void reason code in t2e selection options
.sin!le value (PAC1 or 88/.
7. ?ist of all )oided C2ec6s
(imilarlyA you 2ave to 6eep t2e initial value out of t2e selection option for t2e
void reason code.
;. ?ist of Payroll C2ec6s
f pre4numbered c2ec6s are used in t2e Human Resources departmentA it is
possible to !enerate a list t2at is separate from -inancial Accountin!. Fou can
also c2oose between list types suc2 as complete listsA lists of outstandin! c2ec6sA
lists per payment run or e<tract.
:. n additionA you can select accordin! to issuin! amount or issuerA .also in
conDunction wit2 t2e aforementioned variants/.
18. T2e user can display line items for c2ec6s for all listed possible entries.
CurrentlyA t2e District is usin! t2e C2ec6 Re!ister .-CH*/ for t2e list of Payroll
C2ec6s .A43arrants/.
T2e vision is to create a separate view of t2e C2ec6 Re!ister between A43arrants
and "43arrants. Accounts Payable will 2ave a restricted view of only "4
3arrants. Payroll (ervices will 2ave a restricted view of only A43arrants.
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-CH1 -CH1
Display 3arrant
nformation, 3arrant
+eneral Display
-CH2 -CH2
Display 3arrant
nformation, Payment
+eneral Display
-CH* -CH* 3arrant Re!ister +eneral Display
.7.1.6 (hange "arrant
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityKHse t2is transaction code w2en w2en
t2ere is a re5uirement to c2an!e t2e warrant or ACH information.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-CH0 -CH0
C2an!e 3arrant
)endor Payment Processin!
= 2 = Procure to Pay 10;
Business Blueprint
.7.1.7 Void "arrant
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityKHse t2is transaction codes if t2e
warrant or ACH issued by ?AC&1 is voided.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-CH; -CH; Cancel Payment
Central Accounts Payable
-CH: -CH: )oid 3arrant
)endor Payment Processin!
.7.1.8 &ransmit "arrant $nformation
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
1<tract 3arrant
)endor Payment Processin!
.7.1.9 Update "arrant <egotiation $nformation
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityKHse t2is transaction codes to update
warrants encas2ment status.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
1nter 3arrant
Cas2 Reconciliation
(OA?RO;781211: (OA?RO;781211:
Hpload 3arrant
Cas2 Reconciliation
nterface 3arrant
nformation from
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
Cas2 Reconciliation
.6 0anage $nformation
<to be completed>
.6.1 0anage Vendor Accounts
&wners2ip of t2e )endors resides wit2 Procurement but mana!in! t2e )endor
Accounts will reside wit2 Accounts Payable .AP/. )endor Accounts will be
mana!ed in (AP via (AP transaction CodesA (AP reportsA and (AP AD Hoc
= 2 = Procure to Pay 10:
Business Blueprint
Ley &wners
$ar6 HovatterA Procurement DirectorDirector of Procurement (ervices
$ar6 Harris nterim Deputy Controller
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
Currently )endor accounts are not mana!ed in -(. -( does not 2ave sub
led!ers for t2e vendors. To !at2er data on t2e )endor tablesA )endors balancesA
)endor transactionsA reports are pulled from different sources .-(A E$-A Control
DA -ile*et/. 32en information is re5uested on vendor activityA reports are used
to !at2er t2e data and present t2e information re5uested.
1<istin! Pain Points
-( is very 2ard to navi!ate w2en it comes to !at2erin! data. T2e
interface is not intuitive. Hsers need to !o to t2rou!2 several screens to !et
t2e latest information.
)endor information can be in several different tables and a full 6nowled!e
of t2e tables is re5uired to !at2er t2e appropriate or re5uired information.
Due to limitations of t2e systemA many reports are run on t2e ni!2tly
-( does not allow for invoice mana!ement. -ile*et is used for t2is
+ood receipt screen does not !ive complete information on t2e receipt
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
Jsummary descriptionA scope and process flow for t2e envisioned >To "e@
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
J6ey (AP solution confi!uration c2an!es related to t2e envisioned >To "e@
+aps and Resolution
*one identified.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
= 2 = Procure to Pay 178
Business Blueprint
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
<to be completed>
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
<to be completed>
People C2an!es
<to be completed>
Policy C2an!es
<to be completed>
Trainin! mpacts
<to be completed>
Additional Considerations
Jitems to be considered w2ile implementin! t2e envisioned >To "e@ activityK Display Vendor Balances
Display t2e vendorCs account and t2e mont2ly balances. Hser can drill down to
t2e line items t2at ma6e up t2e balances and searc2 for t2e document posted
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-L18* -L18*
Display )endor
Account "alances
+eneral Display .for certain
vendor account !roups/A
Restricted Accounts Payable
6.1.1. Display Vendor Line $tems
T2is pro!ram lists vendor line items. Fou can display t2e items from more t2an
one vendor account cross4company code in a list. Fou can also c2an!e individual
documents and carry out mass c2an!es to posted line items from t2e list.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-"?1* -"?1* display only
Display )endor ?ine
+eneral Display .for certain
vendor account !roups/A
Restricted Accounts Payable
$R11(H&3 $R11(H&3 display only
Display +RBR
+eneral Display .for certain
vendor account !roups/A
Restricted Accounts Payable
= 2 = Procure to Pay 171
Business Blueprint 0aintain Vendor Line $tems
-or eac2 vendor accountA t2e system notes w2ic2 line items 2ave been posted to
t2e account. Fou can specify t2e sort se5uence of t2e line items by enterin! a 6ey
in t2e Sort !ey field wit2in t2e account master record. T2is 6ey specifies 2ow t2e
Allocation field is to be filled in t2e line items posted to t2e vendor account.
32en you call up t2e line item displayA t2e system sorts t2e line items accordin!
to t2e contents of t2e field. Fou can c2an!e t2e sort se5uence in t2e line item
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-"?1* -"?1* C2an!e )endor ?ine tems
Central Accounts Payable
$R"R $R"R
Release "loc6ed nvoice
or Credit $emo for a
Purc2ase &rder
Central Accounts Payable
$R;$ $R;$
Cancel nvoice or Credit
$emo for a Purc2ase
Central Accounts Payable
-4## -4##
$anually Clear )endor
&pen tems
Central Accounts Payable
-4%# -4%# Clear Down Payment
Central Accounts Payable
$R11 $R11 $aintain +RBR Account
Central Accounts Payable
-"RA -"RA Reset Cleared tems
Central Accounts Payable
-"82 -"82 C2an!e Posted Document
Central Accounts Payable
-"8: -"8:
C2an!e Posted Document
?ine tems
Central Accounts Payable
-"8; -"8; Reverse Document
Central +eneral ?ed!er
$R11(H&3 $R11(H&3
Cancel +RBR Account
$aintenance Document
Central Accounts Payable
-.;8 -.;8
Reverse Documents
Central +eneral ?ed!er
$ana!er Process Vendor (orrespondence
Correspondence for bot2 customers and vendors includes,
Account statements and open items lists in letter form
ndividual letters and standard letters
"alance confirmations
Document e<tracts
= 2 = Procure to Pay 172
Business Blueprint
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-"12 -"12
Re5uest )endor
Central Accounts Payable
-.0# -.0#
$aintain )endor
Central Accounts Payable
-.03 -.03
Delete )endor
Central Accounts Payable
.6. 0anage SR0 System $ssues
Hsers will be creatin! s2oppin! carts in (R$ for t2e different types of
procurements. Approved s2oppin! carts will create P&s t2at need to be in 1CC
alon! wit2 t2e !oods receipt and invoices t2at Accounts Payable need to process
T2e appropriate lin6s to t2e bac6end systemA once establis2edA need to be
maintained to ensure data is in sync2. -or e<ampleA master data t2at is replicated
from 1CC to (R$ include units of measureA purc2asin! or!ani'ationA purc2asin!
!roupA plantA company codeA document typeA number ran!eA material masterA
master and product cate!ories.
ssues may arise related to t2e s2oppin! cartA catalo!A or wor6flows t2at users are
unable to address. Application monitors in (R$ ensure t2at any errors t2at occur
in (R$ are displayed and can be analy'ed.
Ley &wners
$ar6 HovatterA Procurement 1<ecutive
Gudit2 ReeceA Director
$arc $onforteA Director
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
(ystem issues may arise durin! t2e runnin! of t2e ni!2tly batc2 processes. TD
&perations staff monitors t2e Dobs and notifies pro!rammin! staff if a Dob runs for
an e<tended period of time t2at mi!2t impact t2e successful completion of t2e
ni!2tly cycle. Dependin! upon pro!rammerCs analysis of t2e situationA t2e Dob
may be cancelled or allowed to continue.
Durin! t2e day t2ere may be system issues w2ere t2ere are too many users
attemptin! to process transactions at t2e same time and t2e system Pcloc6sC. 32en
t2is occursA transaction processin! time is ne!atively impacted or sometimes t2e
system may abend.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 173
Business Blueprint
-rom t2e userCs perspectiveA if master data is not correctly set up in -(A t2e
transaction will reDect and an error messa!e will display. 1<amples include
insufficient fundin! at t2e e<pense bud!et line or at t2e appropriation levelA user
2as c2an!ed wor6 location and needs to be able to process transactions for t2e
new locationA printer table set up needs to be c2an!edA fundin! lines or locations
may 2ave been deactivated.
1<istin! Pain Points
f t2e ni!2tly batc2 processin! cycle runs lon!er t2an normalA t2e online system
mi!2t not come up at itCs re!ularly sc2eduled time t2e followin! mornin!. Hsers
2ave to wait until t2e -( online comes bac6 up to process new transactions or
review t2ose transactions t2at were processed t2e previous day to see if t2ey are
now in accepted status. T2is usually occurs durin! t2e fiscal year end processes
since t2ere are numerous mont24endA 5uarter4endA and year4end processes t2at
need to be run at t2e same time. T2e wor6around for t2is situation is to brin! t2e
-( online system down earlier.
Durin! pea6 volume transaction processin! timesA users 2ave to wait lon!er t2an
usual to edit and sc2edule t2eir transactions in -(.
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
T2e (R$ Administrator will be responsible for monitorin! wor6flow and
s2oppin! cart related issues t2at users are unable to correct at t2e front4end.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 17#
Business Blueprint
= 2 = Procure to Pay 17%
Business Blueprint
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
a. (tart application monitors
Transaction code (PR&
$+ menu
(upplier Relations2ip $ana!ement
(R$ (erver Cross4Application "asic (ettin!s (tart
Application $onitors
Application monitor is started
+aps and Resolution
*one identified.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
*one 2ave been identified.
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
*one 2ave been identified.
People C2an!es
*one 2ave been identified.
Policy C2an!es
*one 2ave been identified.
Trainin! mpacts
*one 2ave been identified.
Additional Considerations
= 2 = Procure to Pay 170
Business Blueprint
*one identified.
6..1.1 Resol*e SR0 System .rrors
T2ere are various tools to assist wit2 troubles2ootin! errors t2at occur in (R$.
T2e Application ?o! provides an infrastructure for collectin! messa!es and
e<ceptions in a lo!A savin!A readin! and deletin! lo!s in t2e database and
displayin! t2em. Application lo!!in! records t2e pro!ress of t2e e<ecution of an
application. 32ereas t2e system lo! records system eventsA you can use t2e
application lo! to record application4specific events. T2e Application ?o! is
desi!ned to temporarily store messa!es. ?o!s s2ould be deleted in intervals .e.!.
wee6ly batc2 Dob for deletin! lo!s/ to avoid too 2i!2 database load. Transaction
(?+1 is used to analy'e t2e application lo!.
Transaction (T22 is used to perform error analysis w2en t2e system 2as an
une<plained cancellation or error occurred in t2e A"AP pro!ram. T2is tool is
used for monitorin! to view t2e errorA w2ic2 line it occurredA and w2at caused t2e
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
(?+1 (?+1
Application ?o!
(R$ Administrator
(T22 (T22
(ystem 1rror
(R$ Administrator
= 2 = Procure to Pay 177
Business Blueprint
6..1. Resol*e SR0 "or#flo+ .rrors
(ystem based wor6flow maintains an audit trail and transaction 2istory t2at 2elps
or!ani'ations conduct procurement transactions in a transparent manner wit2out
losin! efficiency. 3or6flow consists of several components,
An event tri!!er t2at starts wor6flow
T2e tas6s or steps t2at need to occur. T2ese may be transactions andBor
bac6!round items.
dentifyin! t2e a!ent resolution .w2o performs t2e tas6sU/
T2ere are many tools t2at can be used to monitor t2e system and address
wor6flow errors occurrin! in (R$
Transaction RQ28 is an alert monitor t2at is used for creatin! rule4based or
predefined monitors. T2is allows t2e (R$ administrator to access t2e errors and
analy'e t2em.
(31 displays t2e wor6 item list. f a wor6flow 2as been correctly tri!!ered and
started at least one wor6 item s2ould be created. T2e information displayed
includes t2e wor6 item numberA status of t2e wor6 item and t2e wor6flow tas6
t2at created t2e wor6 item. T2e wor6 item details s2ow t2e selectedA possibleA
e<cluded a!ents.
(32ODA+ is used to dia!nose t2e wor6 item created in t2e business
wor6place and to see t2e error in t2e wor6 item.
(32O-R1E = 3or6 tems Per Tas6. T2is transaction allows for viewin!
wor6flows durin! a specific time frame and by wor6 item type. T2e selection
filter may be by date and time or tas6. Fou can drill down to t2e wor6 items per
tas6A t2e a!ent involvedA to !et to t2e cause of t2e error.
(30 =(AP 3or6flows for &bDect. T2is transaction is used to view t2e
wor6flow details related to a purc2asin! document. All wor6flow steps can be
seen and furt2er drilldown wit2in eac2 step is possibleA down to t2e tec2nical
details w2ic2 include wor6flow stepA step 2istoryA deadlinesA tas6 descriptionA
container .t2is 2as all t2e data involved in processin! a wor6flow step/ and
(3A = 1<ecute 3or6 tem as Administrator. T2is transaction is similar to
(31 and (30 but is more powerful. T2is transaction allows e<ecutin! wor6
items for w2ic2 you are not t2e a!ent. t also allows for pullin! wor6 items from
inbo<es to researc2.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 17;
Business Blueprint
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
RQ28 RQ28
3or6flow 1rrors
3or6flow Administrator
RQ38 RQ38
3or6flow 1rrors
3or6flow Administrator
(31 (31
Trouble4(2oot 3or6
tem .(31/
3or6flow Administrator
(32ODA+ (32ODA+
Trouble4(2oot 3or6
tem .(32ODA+/
3or6flow Administrator
(32O-R1E (32O-R1E
Trouble4(2oot 3or6
tem .(32O-R1E/
3or6flow Administrator
(30 (30
Trouble4(2oot 3or6
tem .(30/
3or6flow Administrator
(3A (3A
Trouble4(2oot 3or6
tem .(3A/
3or6flow Administrator
6..1.6 Resol*e SR0 Document .rrors
3or6flow processes in (R$ are !rouped by t2e procurement document.
""POPD transaction is used to !et a basic overview of t2e wor6flow steps
involved for a particular purc2asin! document. nformation suc2 as wor6flow
a!entsBapproversA usersA stateA created atA finis2ed at are displayed.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
(R$ Administrator
(R$ Application
Purc2ase &rder
Purc2ase &rder
(R$ Administrator
(R$ Application
Trouble4(2oot R-<
(R$ Administrator
(R$ Application
(2oppin! Cart
(2oppin! Cart 1rrors
(R$ Administrator
(R$ Application
Trouble4(2oot S$?
$essa!e 1rrors
(R$ Administrator
.6.6 0anage Ser*ice .ntry Sheets
Jsummary description of t2e activityK
Ley &wners
J6ey ?AH(D owners of t2e activityK
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
= 2 = Procure to Pay 17:
Business Blueprint
Jsummary description of t2e >As s@ activityK
1<istin! Pain Points
Jsummary of e<istin! pain points e<perienced wit2 t2e >As s@ activityK
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
Jsummary descriptionA scope and process flow for t2e envisioned >To "e@
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
J6ey (AP solution confi!uration c2an!es related to t2e envisioned >To "e@
+aps and Resolution
*one identified.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
<to be completed>
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
<to be completed>
People C2an!es
<to be completed>
Policy C2an!es
<to be completed>
Trainin! mpacts
<to be completed>
Additional Considerations
Jitems to be considered w2ile implementin! t2e envisioned >To "e@ activityK 0anage 0essages
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
$*13 $*13
Create $essa!es for
(ervice 1ntry (2eets
Central Procurement Analyst
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1;8
Business Blueprint
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
$*1# $*1#
C2an!e $essa!es for
(ervice 1ntry (2eets
Central Procurement Analyst
$*1% $*1%
Display $essa!es
for (ervice 1ntry
+eneral Display
$?;3 $?;3
Process $essa!es for
(ervice 1ntry (2eets
Central Procurement Analyst
.7 Process Reports
<to be completed>
.7.1 Process Reports for Procurement
Jsummary description of t2e activityK
Ley &wners
J6ey ?AH(D owners of t2e activityK
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
Jsummary description of t2e >As s@ activityK
1<istin! Pain Points
Jsummary of e<istin! pain points e<perienced wit2 t2e >As s@ activityK
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
Jsummary descriptionA scope and process flow for t2e envisioned >To "e@
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
J6ey (AP solution confi!uration c2an!es related to t2e envisioned >To "e@
+aps and Resolution
*one identified.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1;1
Business Blueprint
<to be completed>
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
<to be completed>
People C2an!es
<to be completed>
Policy C2an!es
<to be completed>
Trainin! mpacts
<to be completed>
Additional Considerations
Jitems to be considered w2ile implementin! t2e envisioned >To "e@ activityK 0onitor (ontracts
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
3or6 Center
3or6 Center
Analy'e Contract
Reportin! .embedded
analytics for purc2asers/
Central Procurement
Report Tab4
Report Tab
Analy'e Contract
+eneral Display
Procurement )alues per
+eneral Display
nvoices per Contract +eneral Display
Contract Details +eneral Display
Contracts per Product and
+eneral Display
(2oppin! Carts per
+eneral Display
(avin!s Potential for
+eneral Display
Contract Htili'ation +eneral Display
Contract Htili'ation in
+eneral Display
1<pirin! Contracts +eneral Display
7.1.1. Perform Spend Analyses
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
A"C Analysis +eneral Display
(2oppin! Carts per
+eneral Display
(2oppin! Carts per Cost
+eneral Display
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1;2
Business Blueprint
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
(2oppin! Carts per
nternal &rder
+eneral Display
(2oppin! Carts per 3"(
+eneral Display
(2oppin! Carts per
+eneral Display
(2oppin! Carts per
(2oppin! Cart *umber
wit2 tems
+eneral Display
&verview of (2oppin!
Carts per Approver
+eneral Display
Purc2ase &rder Euantities +eneral Display
Purc2ase &rder )alues +eneral Display
(toc6 &verview 4
+eneral Display
$aterial Consumption +eneral Display
(R$ $ana!er 4 &verview
of Approvals
Central Procurement
Procurement )alues per
Cost Center
+eneral Display
(R$ $ana!er 4 Cost
Center &verview
Central Procurement
Purc2ase &rders per
Product B Product
+eneral Display
Document -low, (2oppin!
Cart to Purc2ase &rder
+eneral Display
Euantities, Purc2ase
&rderA Delivery and
+eneral Display
)alues, Purc2ase &rderA
Delivery and nvoice
+eneral Display
3are2ouse (toc6
Analytics, &bsolete (toc6
and )ariances
+eneral Display
)aluated (toc6 Receipts
vs. ssues
+eneral Display
nventory Turnover +eneral Display
$averic6 "uyin! Analysis +eneral Display
Pareto Analysis of
Purc2ase &rder )olume
+eneral Display
Avera!e Delivery Time by
+eneral Display
Avera!e Delivery Time by
+eneral Display
Purc2asin! +roup
+eneral Display
3are2ouse (toc6
Analytics, nventory
+eneral Display
$aterial Ran!e of
+eneral Display
Price Comparison ?ist +eneral Display
(crap +eneral Display
Top 18 )endors by
Product Cate!ory
+eneral Display
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1;3
Business Blueprint
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
)endor 1valuation Data
(2owin! )ariances
+eneral Display
nvoice )ariances +eneral Display
*on4Contract &rders +eneral Display 0onitor Sourcing
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
"id Comparison wit2
&t2er "id nvitations
+eneral Display
"idders by Product
+eneral Display
"id nvitation Analysis by
Product Cate!ory
+eneral Display
3eb Template, "id
Comparison of Attributes
+eneral Display
&rderin! Activities +eneral Display
.7. Process Reports for Accounts Paya'le
T2is activity involves runnin! t2e reports to support t2e accounts payable
operations for offices and sc2ools.
Ley &wners
$ar6 Harris = nterim Deputy Controller
J)acant = Director of Accounts Payable
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
"elow is a listin! of current reports used by AP
<ame /re-uency Description Purpose
Daily T2e report captures all
invoices in -ile*et. t
includes invoices wit2
problemsA ready to payA
2ave been paid.
T2e purpose of t2e report
is to view t2e A!in! of
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1;#
Business Blueprint
("SAA Daily T2e report captures all
payments processed in
-( t2e previous
business day. t includes
t2e -undA DistrictA
)endor *umberA
)endor *ameA nvoice
*umber 3arrant
*umberA Accountin!
PeriodA and Dollar
T2e purpose of t2e report
is to find out w2at items
2ave been paid by ?AC&1
and w2at items are
.(0V$BAA Daily T2e report captures )
2eader information
created from invoices
scanned in -ile*et.
T2e purpose was to 2ave a
listin! of all t2e invoices
t2at would 2ave a )
2eader in -(. T2e Dob in
-( to upload t2e )
2eader was paused because
t2e Dob was overburdenin!
all ot2er -( Dobs.
.B67A(AA Daily T2e report captures
invoices wit2 no
payment vouc2ers.
Report is used to fi!ure out
w2at payments 2ad
e<ceptions in t2e overni!2t
cycle. 1<ceptionsA could
occur due to !rant closedA
no funds availableA etc..
08?>AA $ont2ly T2is report captures all
)endor information.
Report used to update
)endor information on
Access databases.
1pen P1Cs Daily T2is report captures all
t2e open Purc2ase
&rders in -(.
Report is used to find out
w2at P&Rs are open and if
t2ere are any available
receivers. t also informs
AP w2at mi!2t possibly be
D87A?AA Daily T2is report captures P&
data by &r!ani'ation.
Report !ives t2e user t2e
ability to see all P&Rs by
&r!ani'ation. n -( it is
time consumin! to loo6 for
"i 3ee6ly Report !ives production
totals by payer.
Report assists in
evaluatin! staff
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1;%
Business Blueprint
R( Report Daily T2is report combines
t2e A!in! Report to t2e
&pen P&Rs Report.
Report informs t2e payer
w2at invoices are ready to
pay. Receiver is e5ual or
more to t2e invoice
R(SU0AA Daily T2is report captures all
receivers entered into
-( from t2e previous
T2is report was used to
!at2er w2at P&Rs 2ad
Ledger Daily (everal led!ers are 6ept
to trac6 payments to
various vendorsA
especially all direct
Payment le!al vendors.
Leep an updated view of
payments processed to a
1<istin! Pain Points
T2ere are no AP reports for sc2ools. (c2ools often re5uest AP related reports
from Accounts Payable "ranc2 w2ic2 re5uires staff to produce t2e report
manually by runnin! multiple 5ueries in -( and Doinin! t2e data.
)endors balancesA )endor transactionsA reports are pulled from different sources
.-(A E$-A Control DA -ile*et/.
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
(c2ools and offices will 2ave access to reports wit2 procure4to4pay information.
JProvide sample types of reportsK
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
J6ey (AP solution confi!uration c2an!es related to t2e envisioned >To "e@
+aps and Resolution
<to be completed>
R$(./" $D &ype Description
QAPRPT1812 Report Reportin! of accounts payable invoice a!in!.
QAPRPT1817 Report Retentions payable report.
Q(H1*H1881 1n2ancement
1n2ancement to provide access to payment information by vendors
t2rou!2 (upplier (elf4(ervices.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1;0
Business Blueprint
<to be completed>
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
<to be completed>
People C2an!es
<to be completed>
Policy C2an!es
<to be completed>
Trainin! mpacts
<to be completed>
Additional Considerations
Jitems to be considered w2ile implementin! t2e envisioned >To "e@ activityK
7..1.1 Run 0aster Data Reports
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
(OA?RO;78128;0 (OA?RO;78128;0 )endor ?ist
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
(OA?RO;78128;7 (OA?RO;78128;7 Address ?ist
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
(OA?RO;78128;: (OA?RO;78128;:
Display C2an!es to
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
(OA?RO;78128:8 (OA?RO;78128:8 display only
Display Critical )endor
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
7..1. Run Vendor Balance Reports
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
(OA?RO;7812877 (OA?RO;7812877
)endor nformation
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
(OA?RO;781287: (OA?RO;781287:
Transaction -i!ures,
Account "alance
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
(OA?RO;78128;8 (OA?RO;78128;8
Transaction -i!ures,
(pecial (ales
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
(OA?RO;78128;1 (OA?RO;78128;1
Transaction -i!ures,
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
(OA?RO;78128;2 (OA?RO;78128;2 )endor "alances
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
(OA?RO;78128:3 (OA?RO;78128:3
)endor (ummary
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
Retentions Payable
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1;7
Business Blueprint
7..1.6 Run Vendor Line $tem Reports
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
(OA?RO;781287; (OA?RO;781287;
Due Date Analysis for
&pen tems
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
Accounts Payable
A!in! Report
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
(OA?RO;78128;3 (OA?RO;78128;3
?ist of )endor &pen
tems for Printin!
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
(OA?RO;78128;# (OA?RO;78128;#
&pen tems = )endor
Due Date -orecast
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
(OA?RO;78128;% (OA?RO;78128;%
)endor Payment
History wit2 &pen tem
(orted ?ist
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
(OA?RO;7812183 (OA?RO;7812183
?ist of )endor ?ine
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
(OA?RO;781218# (OA?RO;781218#
?ist of Cleared )endor
tems for Printin!
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
Accounts Payable
A!in! Report
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
7..1.7 Run Vendor Payment Reports
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
(OA?RO;781218% (OA?RO;781218%
?ist of Down Payments
&pen on Ley Date for
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
(OP::O#1888181 (OP::O#1888181 3arrant Re!ister
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
(OP::O#1888182 (OP::O#1888182
*umber Ran!es for
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
.7.6 Process Reports for 0aterials 0anagement
Jsummary description of t2e activityK
Ley &wners
J6ey ?AH(D owners of t2e activityK
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
Jsummary description of t2e >As s@ activityK
1<istin! Pain Points
Jsummary of e<istin! pain points e<perienced wit2 t2e >As s@ activityK
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1;;
Business Blueprint
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
Jsummary descriptionA scope and process flow for t2e envisioned >To "e@
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
J6ey (AP solution confi!uration c2an!es related to t2e envisioned >To "e@
+aps and Resolution
*one identified.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
<to be completed>
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
<to be completed>
People C2an!es
<to be completed>
Policy C2an!es
<to be completed>
Trainin! mpacts
<to be completed>
Additional Considerations
Jitems to be considered w2ile implementin! t2e envisioned >To "e@ activityK Run 0aster Data Reports
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
$$08 $$08 $aterial ?ist +eneral Display
7.6.1. Run Vendor Ser*ices Reports
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
$12( $12(
)endor Purc2ase
&rders wit2 (ervices
+eneral Display
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1;:
Business Blueprint
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
$(R)0 $(R)0 (ervices Received +eneral Display
$?;# $?;#
?ist (ervice 1ntry
+eneral Display
.8 Perform Period4.nd (losing
<to be completed>
.1.A0anage Period4.nd (losing Acti*ities
T2e process of reviewin! transactions for accuracy .account reconciliation and
adDustmentsA p2ysical inventoryA etc./A reviewin! financial reports and verifyin!
ta< line trac6in! are all part of t2e complete process of closin! t2e boo6s. T2ey
are critical for verifyin! data accuracyA preparin! financial reports for
mana!ement and preparation for filin! ta<es.
All entities are re5uired by law to prepare a set of accurate -inancial (tatements
as of a specified date based on eit2er t2e cas2 basis or t2e modified accrual basis
of accountin!. T2is allows a business to !et an accurate valuation of all Assets
and ?iabilities on t2e "alance (2eet as of t2e Fear 1nd date and to ensure all
Revenues and 1<penditures are recorded in t2e correct period on t2e ncome
Accounts Payable reflects e<penses incurred but not paid for by t2e end of t2e
fiscal year. 1<penses 2ave been incurred if t2e !oods or services were received
completely or substantially in full by t2e end of t2e fiscal year. Any e<penses not
in Accounts Payable s2ould be listed on an Accrual wor6s2eet at year end.
T2e transactions codin! process is a 6ey Accounts Payable function. 1<penditures
are to be recorded in a consistent manner across departments to ensure t2at
account codin! accurately reflects t2e nature of t2e transactions.
Ley &wners
)acantA Accounts Payable Director
$ar6 HarrisA nterim Deputy Controller
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
Period end closin! activities are mana!ed by +eneral Accountin! "ranc2.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1:8
Business Blueprint
Accounts Payable is involved only in t2e -iscal Fear end closin! activities and
does not participate in dailyA mont2ly or 5uarter end closin!.
1<istin! Pain Points
&ne aspect of t2e closin! activities t2at need to be improved is t2e
coordination of various closin! efforts. T2ere needs to be a way for t2e district
to approac2 period closin! in an orderly manner.
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
T2ere s2ould be a well laid plan t2at t2e district can follow to close t2e periods in
an orderly manner. T2e !oal is to effectively use (c2edule $ana!er to facilitate
t2e definitionA sc2edulin!A e<ecutionA and review of tas6s t2at are e<ecuted on a
re!ular basis.
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
J6ey (AP solution confi!uration c2an!es related to t2e envisioned >To "e@
+aps and Resolution
*one identified.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
*o impact.
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
*o impact.
People C2an!es
*o impact.
Policy C2an!es
*o impact.
Trainin! mpacts
*o impact.
Additional Considerations
*one identified.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1:1
Business Blueprint 0aintain Period4.nd (losing Schedules
(APCs Schedule (anager allows users to !roup to!et2erA sc2eduleA and e<ecute
re!ularly recurrin! tas6s and to monitor t2e results of t2e activities. At period4end
closin! t2e (c2edule $ana!er can be used to control t2e necessary activities
efficiently from a central location.
T2e (c2edule $ana!er also lets users define comple< se5uences of activities and
to e<ecute t2em automatically and allows users to monitor and analy'e t2e way
t2ese se5uences are performed
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
(C$A (C$A (c2edule $ana!er
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
Period41nd Closin!
8.1.1. 0anage Batch Eo's
n (APA Dobs can be eit2er sc2eduled as immediate or periodic.. Gobs can be
defined to start at a !iven conditionA to repeat or be periodic. T2is process can
sc2edule a Dob to be run in t2e bac6!round at a certain date and time.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
($30 ($30 (c2edule "atc2 Gobs
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
Period41nd Closin!
($37 ($37 Display All "atc2 Gobs Restricted Display
($S ($S Display &wn "atc2 Gobs Restricted Display
(P81 (P81 Display (pool Re5uests .all Dobs/ Restricted Display
(P82 (P82
Display (pool Re5uests .own
Restricted Display
.8. 0anage Daily (losing Acti*ities
Day4end closin! includes all activities re5uired at t2e end of t2e day to c2ec6 t2at
business transactions posted 2ave been correctly processed. An e<ample of a daily
closin! activity is t2e clearin! of bloc6ed invoices w2en all of t2e bloc6in!
reasons no lon!er apply to allow t2e system to proceed wit2 t2e payment of t2ese
invoices. *o additional postin!s are re5uired for day4end closin!.
Ley &wners
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1:2
Business Blueprint
)acantA Accounts Payable Director
$ar6 (. HarrisA nterim Deputy Controller
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
CurrentlyA Accounts Payable does not carry out daily closin! activities
1<istin! Pain Points
*ot applicable since t2ere is no >As is@ day end closin!.
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1:3
Business Blueprint
nvoices are bloc6ed due to 5uantityA priceA or sc2edule variances or absence of
+oods receipts. At end of dayA tcode $R"R will be run to manually or
automatically release t2ose invoices w2ere t2e bloc6in! reasons no lon!er apply.
T2e system will automatically matc2 t2e invoices .R/ wit2 t2e +oods Receipt
.+R/ and release t2ose t2at matc2 t2e +R.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1:#
Business Blueprint
T2e clearin! of t2e vendor open balances alon! wit2 t2e +RBR account will be
done t2rou!2 -.13. T2is will ensure t2at t2ese open item mana!ed accounts will
s2ow as cleared .and not 2an!in! in t2e open item list 2avin! a debit and a credit
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
n automatic clearin!A you enter t2e criteria for !roupin! an accountRs open items
for automatic clearin!. T2e clearin! pro!ram clears t2e open items t2at are
!rouped to!et2er if t2eir total balance e5uals 'ero .
+aps and Resolution
<to be completed>
R$(./" $D &ype Description
QT)*"1882 nterface nterface of travel credit card items from relevant financial institutions.
QT)*"1883 nterface nterface of travel p4card items from relevant financial institutions.
Q+?*"1812 nterface
nterface of procurement p4card and b4cart items from relevant financial
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1:%
Business Blueprint
*o impact to or!ani'ation
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
*o impact to or!ani'ation
People C2an!es
*o impact to or!ani'ation
Policy C2an!es
*o impact to or!ani'ation
Trainin! mpacts
*o impact to or!ani'ation
Additional Considerations
*o additional consideration.
8..1.1 Perform Daily (lose for Accounts Paya'le
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
Day4end closin! includes all activities re5uired at t2e end of t2e day to c2ec6 t2at
business transactions posted 2ave been correctly processed. *o additional
postin!s are re5uired for day4end closin!.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-.1# -.1#
1<ecute Recurrin! Document
Central Accounts Payable
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!er
-.13 -.13
Automatically Clear )endor
&pen tems
Central Accounts Payable
$ana!erCentral Accounts
Payable (pecialistA
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!er
-.01 -.01
Print )endor Correspondence
per Re5uests
Central Accounts Payable
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!er
-1%8 -1%8 Process )endor Dunnin!
Central Accounts Payable
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!er
nterface Travel Credit Card
Central Accounts Payable
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!er
nterface Travel P4Card tems
Central Accounts Payable
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!er
nterface Procurement P4Card
and "4Card tems
Central Accounts Payable
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!er
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1:0
Business Blueprint
8..1. Perform Daily (lose for 0aterials 0anagement
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
$R"R $R"R
Release "loc6ed nvoice or
Credit $emo for a Purc2ase
Central Accounts Payable
mport (ervice 1ntry
nformation from Cross
Application Times2eet
Central Procurement
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!er
$?;7 $?;7
mport (ervice 1ntry
nformation from &t2er (ources
Central Procurement
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!er
$?;0 $?;0
1<port (ervice 1ntry
Central Procurement
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!er
.8.6 0anage 0onth4.nd (losing Acti*ities
$ont24end closin! closes Accounts Payable sub4systems to prevent postin! to
prior period and starts a new accountin! period. T2is activity e<ecutes t2e
followin! tas6s,
Create a list of missin! document numbers and document numbers assi!ned more
t2an once is created = s2ows !aps in document number assi!nments or if
duplicate invoices e<ist.
Post recurrin! entries. T2e system c2ec6s if t2e recurrin! postin!s e<ists
wit2 a post4date wit2in t2e period bein! posted. A batc2 input session is
created wit2 postin!s for recurrin! documents t2at can be processed to
post t2e re5uired financial activity.
Carry out +RBR clearin! transactions. T2e +RBR is cleared t2rou!2
matc2in! of debits and credits to t2e account.
Clearin! of any suspense items
Clear par6ed documents
Post adDustin! entries to ma6e sure t2at t2e financial records represent
business activities durin! t2e period
Post ta< payable
Display t2e document Dournal listin! t2e posted documents in t2e period
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1:7
Business Blueprint
Ley &wners
)acantA Accounts Payable Director
$ar6 HarrisA nterim Deputy Controller
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
CurrentlyA Accounts Payable does not e<ecuteBcarry out any mont2 end closin!
1<istin! Pain Points
*ot applicable since t2ere is no Accounts Payable mont2 end close activity.
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1:;
Business Blueprint
At mont2 endA +RBR account maintenance will be performed. T2e +RBR
account represents t2e accrued liabilities for t2e value of !oods and services
received but not yet billed. &pen items on t2is account s2ould eventually be
cleared as t2e delivery and invoicin! process are completed. A!ed items in t2is
account represent potential issuesA eit2er wit2 delivery or wit2 invoicin!. Any
items t2at 2ave e<ceeded a reasonable timeframe to be reconciled automatically
will 2ave to be investi!ated and resolved. T2is investi!ation could result in t2e
write off of incorrect deliveries or in re5uests to department to correct missin!
deliveries. t could also reveal a lac6 of invoicin! from our vendors and result in
follow wit2 t2ese e<ternal parties to resolve any issues.
Differences of immaterial amountsA defined as bein! under 91 will be
automatically written off from t2e +RBR account.
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
Fou define t2e +RBR account w2ere you enter t2e system settin!s for nventory
$ana!ement and nvoice )erification transactions for automatic postin!s to +B?
+aps and Resolution
*one identified.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 1::
Business Blueprint
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
*o impact to or!ani'ation
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
*o impact to or!ani'ation
People C2an!es
*o impact to or!ani'ation
Policy C2an!es
*o impact to or!ani'ation
Trainin! mpacts
T2e use of t2e +RBR account is a new concept in processin! accounts
payable. T2e wor6 of maintainin! t2is account needs
Additional Considerations
Jitems to be considered w2ile implementin! t2e envisioned >To "e@ activityK Perform 0onth4.nd (lose for Accounts Paya'le
T2e system performs a comparative analysis for t2e documents in t2e !eneral
led!er view wit2 t2e sin!le document comparison. AdditionallyA you receive an
error messa!e at t2e sin!le document level ifA for e<ampleA an amount in t2e
!eneral led!er view does not matc2 t2e correspondin! amount in t2e entry view.
T2is report compares t2e transaction fi!ures wit2 t2e total of t2e sin!le documents
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-A+?-83 -A+?-83
Reconcile Accounts
Restricted Accounts
Payable Display
8.6.1. Perform 0onth4.nd (lose for 0aterials 0anagement
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
$$P) $$P)
&pen and Close Postin!
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
Central +eneral ?ed!er
Period41nd Closin! $ana!er
$$R) $$R)
Allow Postin! to
Previous Period
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
Central +eneral ?ed!er
Period41nd Closin! $ana!er
= 2 = Procure to Pay 288
Business Blueprint
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
$R11 $R11 $aintain +RBR
Central Accounts Payable
$R11(H&3 $R11(H&3
Display +RBR
$aintenance Display
Central Accounts Payable
.8.7 0anage Duarter4.nd (losing Acti*ities
T2ere were no 5uarter4end closin! activities identified for t2e Procure to Pay
business process.
.8.8 0anage (alendar Fear4.nd (losing Acti*ities
Calendar year differs from fiscal year w2ere PY? accounts are closed to t2e +?.
Calendar year end is closed same way as a mont2 end e<cept for activities t2at are
in support of ta< re5uirement. 1<amples of t2is is 18:: reportin! and ot2er
wit22oldin! ta< re5uirements. -or 18:: processin!A (AP 2as a procedure t2at is
performed to !enerate an electronic file of 18::4$isc information for reportin! to
R( for t2e precedin! calendar year and 18::4$isc forms for recipients.
Ley &wner
)acantA Accounts Payable Director
$ar6 (. HarrisA nterim Deputy Director
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
T2e activities performed to !enerate t2e 18:: annual reports are as follows,
1. Durin! t2e last wee6 of *ovemberA AP re5uests TD to run a preliminary
18:: report.
2. Accounts Payable downloads from -( all non4supply .obDects %888 and
0888/ payments made durin! t2e calendar year by vendor.
3. Accounts Payable randomly selects 18\ of t2e vendors from t2e
download and compares eac2 selected vendorCs totals wit2 TD 18::
preliminary report.
#. f t2ere is any discrepancy between t2e 18\ audit vendor sample and t2e
TD reportA Accounts Payable does t2e followin!,
= 2 = Procure to Pay 281
Business Blueprint
Discrepancy ABP Action
)endor not in TD 18::
Re5uests Procurement .)endor Hnit/ to
fla! vendor as 18:: in t2e vendor master.
T2e vendor will be included in t2e ne<t
TD run of t2e 18::
Amount JK Amount in
18:: report
C2ec6s cause of discrepancy. f
discrepancy is due to wron! obDect codeA
re5uests Procurement Hnit to remove t2e
18:: fla! in t2e master data. T2e vendor
will be e<cluded in t2e ne<t run of t2e
18::A ABP will earmar6 t2is vendor and
ma6e a manual adDustment by submittin!
t2e prescribed adDustment form to R( later
t2en switc2 bac6 to 18:: after t2e final
report is submitted.
%. (econd 18:: run is performed by TD durin! first wee6 of Ganuary. T2e
18:: report is reviewed a!ain by Accounts Payable usin! anot2er set of
sample vendors. Discrepancies discovered are corrected usin! t2e action in
t2e above table.
0. Durin! t2e 3
wee6 of GanuaryA an output file is -TPed to a 3
printer w2o prints and mails t2e 18:: forms to t2e vendors.
7. T2e e<ternal printer sends a PD- version of t2e printed document to
Accounts Payable for review of t2e format before actual printin! and
mailin!. Accounts Payable Dust c2ec6s t2e format and not t2e content.
Hpon ABPCs o6A t2e e<ternal printer prints and mails t2e 18:: report to
individual vendor.
;. f t2ere are errors reported by vendors after t2ey receive t2eir 18:: formA
Accounts Payable 2andles suc2 errors as follows,
:. Accounts Payable !at2ers all t2e adDusted forms prepared and mails t2em
to R(. )endors t2at were temporary un4fla!!ed as non418:: to manually
correct t2e amount report are switc2ed bac6 to 18:: status.
18. Accounts Payable continues to receive re5uests from vendors for
adDustments to t2eir 18:: Report even after t2e R( submission deadline.
n t2is situationA Accounts Payable issues an new 18:: and submits a copy
of t2e revised 18:: to!et2er wit2 form 18:0 to R(.
1<istin! Pain Points
= 2 = Procure to Pay 282
Business Blueprint
Review and reconciliation of t2e 18:: report are done numerous times.
)arious manual adDustments are performed to 2ave a near accurate report
submitted to R(.
f error in amount is due to use of wron! obDect codeA t2e -( postin! cannot
be adDusted 2ence t2e electronic report will not be adDusted. nstead a
supplementary manual report is submitted to R( as adDustment to t2e
electronic report.
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview

= 2 = Procure to Pay 283
Business Blueprint
= 2 = Procure to Pay 28#
Business Blueprint
A summary of (APCs 18:: process is as follows,
f a vendor is subDect to wit22oldin! ta<esA t2is is identified on t2e vendor master.
1ac2 type of wit22oldin! ta<es is identified as a wit22oldin! ta< type. A vendor
can be subDect to multiple types of 3it22oldin! ta<es simultaneously. ?AH(D
will 2ave t2e followin! 3it22oldin! Ta< Types,
-1, -ederal 18::
CC, California Corporation (tatus
"H, R( "ac64Hp 3it22oldin!
&nce fla!!ed as 2avin! 3it22oldin! ta<es on t2e vendor masterA by default eac2
vendor invoice will be subDect to 3it22oldin!. T2e amounts can be overridden on
an invoice basis in cases w2ere e<ceptions occur. As only payments are subDect
to wit22oldin!A t2e amounts paid to t2e vendor are adDusted durin! payment and
t2ey will only s2ow up in t2e applicable reports after t2e vendor 2as been paid.
Amounts can be reported based on payments usin! t2e standard (AP 3it22oldin!
Ta< report. T2is report also allows t2e district to !enerate a file t2at can be
uploaded directly to t2e R( usin! t2eir -R1 .-ilin! nformation Returns
1lectronically/ system. (AP will be used to print and !enerate 18:: forms to be
sent to our vendors for ta< reportin! purposes. *on4California Corporation
3it22oldin! and R( "ac6up wit22oldin! will be reported to aut2orities manually
usin! t2e standard (AP wit22oldin! ta< report to provide t2e appropriate
information to fill out any re5uired documentation.
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
Confi!uration will need to be updated to define t2e wit22oldin! ta< type for
postin! at t2e time of payin!. T2is will define t2e separate types of 3it22oldin!A
suc2 as California Corporation or 18::.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 28%
Business Blueprint

Confi!uration will need to be updated to define t2e 3it22oldin! ta< codes. T2ese
codes are responsible for determinein! t2e ta< rates applied for wit22oldin! and
represents t2e different reportin! cate!ories wit2in a 3it22oldin! Ta< Type.
n t2is confi!uration stepA t2e company code is activated and assi!ned to t2e
company code.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 280
Business Blueprint
+aps and Resolution
<to be completed>
R$(./" $D &ype Description
QAPC*)1882 Conversion
Conversion of 18::4reportable payments not processed t2rou!2 (AP from
Ganuary 1A 2813 t2rou!2 Gune 38A 2813.
Q+?RPT181% Report Hse ta< information to assist wit2 re5uired ta< reportin!.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
*o c2an!e impact.
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
*o c2an!e impact.
People C2an!es
*o c2an!e impact.
Policy C2an!es
*o c2an!e impact.
Trainin! mpacts
*o c2an!e impact.
Additional Considerations
*ot applicable.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 287
Business Blueprint Perform (alendar Fear4.nd (lose for Accounts Paya'le
3it22oldin! ta< is calculated and posted to t2e appropriate wit22oldin! accounts
automatically in (AP. At calendar year end closeA a (AP transaction is e<ecuted
to !enerate an electronic file of 18::4$isc information for reportin! to R( for
t2e precedin! calendar year and 18::4$isc forms for recipients.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
(OP88O8788813# (OP88O8788813#
3it22oldin! Ta<
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
Central Ta< (pecialistA
Period41nd Closin!
(A3; .R-3T8818/ (A3; .R-3T8818/
AdDustment of
3it22oldin! Ta<
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
Central Ta< (pecialistA
Period41nd Closin!
(A3; .R-3T8828/ (A3; .R-3T8828/
Recreate and
3it22oldin! Ta<
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
Central Ta< (pecialistA
Period41nd Closin!
.8.9 0anage /iscal Fear4.nd (losing Acti*ities
T2e closin! operations component prepares and carries out t2e activities re5uired
for fiscal year end. T2e system provides a series of standard reports t2at can be
used to !enerate evaluations and analyses for Accounts Payable
Ley &wners
)acantA Accounts Payable Director
$ar6 HarrisA nterim Deputy Controller
1<istin! >As s@ &verview
= 2 = Procure to Pay 28;
Business Blueprint
Accounts Payable performs various pre4year end activities to clear outstandin! itemsA
!at2er information for accrualsA close P&s wit2 remainin! residual balancesA and resolve
items sittin! in (H(- .suspense table/ in preparation for year4 end closin!
Around mid4$ayA Accounts Payable initiates t2e followin!,
ABP re5uests t2e C2ief -inancial &fficer for an aut2ori'ation to increase
t2e tolerance t2res2old from 9288 to 91A888 to pay invoices over t2e P&
encumbrances for a limited timeA usually from Gune to Guly.
ABP re5uests TD to !enerate various reports for evaluation and analysis of
balances suc2 as,
o &utstandin! Professional (ervice Purc2ase &rders for distribution
to ori!inatin! locations to review t2eir outstandin! balances to plan
for t2eir accrual re5uests.
o &utstandin! materials Purc2ase &rders for distribution to
ori!inatin! locations to t2eir review and action .follow up t2eir
vendors for deliveryA enter !oods receipt or re5uest cancel t2eir
o &utstandin! P&s wit2 remainin! balance of less t2an 9188 andBor
wit2 5uantity received fla!!ed as final. ABP reviews t2is report to
determine w2ic2 items can be lapsed t2en t2e adDusted file is
returned to TD for upload to -(.
n late GuneA ABP re5uests TD to suspend transmittal of outbound payment
interface file to ?AC&1 for about a wee6 to be resumed 2 wor6in! days
before Guly 1. T2is is to accommodate ?AC&1Cs year4end closin! activities.
(c2edulin! of t2is tas6 is sync2roni'ed wit2 ?AC&1Cs publis2ed year4end
closin! calendar. ABP continues to process payment durin! t2e suspension
period and t2ese daily transactions are accumulated and transmitted as one
outbound interface file at t2e end of t2e suspension to ?AC&1.
n mid4GulyA ABP re5uests TD to run followin! reports for accrual review and
= 2 = Procure to Pay 28:
Business Blueprint
a. $aterial P&s t2at are 34way matc2 and accrued pro!rammatically if
t2e receiver is accepted in t2e system as of 0B38.
b. Copier maintenance andBor lease P&s are manually accrued based on
t2e remainin! payments in t2e current fiscal year.
c. ContractB(ervices P&s are accrued manually based on submitted
written re5uest by t2e ori!inatin! locations
d. (pecial services not covered by P&s suc2 as le!alA *P(A and (pecial
1d are accrued as lump sum based on submitted estimated by
responsible locations. T2ese are posted as G)s and remains in t2e
accrual liability account until invoices are paid or accrual is reversed.
e. Anticipated e<penditures for employee benefits and utilities are
boo6ed as e<pense in t2e current year and immediately reversed t2e
followin! fiscal year to t2e ori!inal e<pense line. T2e subse5uent
payment of invoices in t2e new year is offset by t2e credit balance in
t2e e<pense line arisin! from t2e reversal of e<pense boo6ed in t2e
prior year as accrual.
2. &pen accruals are reversed 0 mont2s after t2e end of t2e fiscal year .by end of
December/. Around *ovemberA ABP notifies locations of t2e comin! accrual
closin! to allow t2em to follow up t2eir vendors to submit invoices for t2eir
outstandin! accruals to !et paid.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 218
Business Blueprint
= 2 = Procure to Pay 211
Business Blueprint
= 2 = Procure to Pay 212
Business Blueprint
1<istin! Pain Points
Accounts Payable spends a considerable amount of time reviewin! several
t2ousands of outstandin! P&s and !oods receipt to validate if t2ey s2ould be
Accruals postin! is manually done re5uirin! ABP staff to individually
postBaccept eac2 P& in -(. T2is is an onerous tas6 because t2e number of
transactions runs into several t2ousands.
ContractsBProfessional service accrual re5uests submitted by sc2oolsBoffices
need to be reconciled wit2 t2e actual remainin! balance in -( before t2e
accrual can be processed to ma6e sure t2at t2e accrual does not e<ceed t2e
encumbrance since sc2oolsBoffices based for t2eir accrual re5uest on a report
wit2 balances as of $ay and not real time balances. Reconcilin! t2e accrual
liability account is too burdensome for Accounts Payable. Transactions
a!ainst t2e account need to be researc2ed one by one to identify t2e
transactionsA t2e associated P& and owner.
T2ere is no report capability in -(. ABP 2as to ma6e a special re5uests to TD
to !enerate reports.
1nvisioned >To "e@ &verview
T2e system calculates t2e balance carried forward for vendors. T2e balances of
t2e previous year are carried forward to t2e new year. 32en postin! into a
previous yearA t2e system carries forward t2e balance automatically. T2is is
independent of w2et2er t2e pro!ram 2as already run or not. VPostin! to a previous
yearV means t2at t2e postin! date of t2e document 2as an earlier year t2an t2e
entry date. T2is automatic carryin! forward also occurs accumulatively over
several years.
= 2 = Procure to Pay 213
Business Blueprint
Ley Confi!uration C2an!es
*o confi!uration c2an!es re5uired.
+aps and Resolution
= 2 = Procure to Pay 21#
Business Blueprint
*one identified.
&r!ani'ational C2an!e mpacts
T2e followin! or!ani'ational c2an!e impacts 2ave been identified for t2is
&r!ani'ational C2an!es
<to be completed>
Tec2nolo!y C2an!es
<to be completed>
People C2an!es
<to be completed>
Policy C2an!es
<to be completed>
Trainin! mpacts
<to be completed>
Additional Considerations
Jitems to be considered w2ile implementin! t2e envisioned >To "e@ activityK Perform /iscal Fear4.nd (lose for Accounts Paya'le
T2is system calculates t2e balance carried forward for vendors. T2e balances of
t2e previous year are carried forward to t2e new year. 32en postin! into a
previous yearA t2e system carries forward t2e balance automatically. T2is is
independent of w2et2er t2e pro!ram 2as already run or not. VPostin! to a previous
yearV means t2at t2e postin! date of t2e document 2as an earlier year t2an t2e
entry date. T2is automatic carryin! forward also occurs accumulatively over
several years.
T2e system can !enerate letters to vendors for t2e purpose of c2ec6in! payables
as well as t2e necessary reply slips. T2e pro!ram can also !enerate reminders for
overdue balance confirmations and balance re5uests.
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
-.87 -.87
)endor "alance
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
Central +eneral ?ed!er
Period41nd Closin! $ana!er
-.1; -.1;
Print )endor
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
Central +eneral ?ed!er
Period41nd Closin! $ana!er
= 2 = Procure to Pay 21%
Business Blueprint
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
(OA?RO;78128:; (OA?RO;78128:;
"y vendor account
!roups for +eneral
&pen tem
Account "alance
Audit Trail from
Document -ile
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
+eneral DisplayA
Period41nd Closin! $ana!erA
Restricted Accounts Payable
8.9.1. Perform /iscal Fear4.nd (lose for 0aterials 0anagement
Jsummary description of t2e sub4activityK
&ransaction 3
Authori2ations Description .nd4User Role
$$P) $$P)
&pen and Close
Postin! Periods
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
Central +eneral ?ed!er
Period41nd Closin! $ana!er
$$R) $$R)
Allow Postin! to
Previous Period
Gob (c2edulin! $ana!erA
Central +eneral ?ed!er
Period41nd Closin! $ana!er
= 2 = Procure to Pay 210

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