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Standard Operating Procedure
XX Company : XX Hotel Management Limited
Reference No. FO-CON-18
epartment: Front Office epartmentConcierge
ate !"1" 11 8
#itle: Re$ta%rant Re$er&ation
'age 1 1 'age 1 Of 1 Why is this task important for you and our guests? !"# Answers $ %: 1. (e m%$t recommend nice re$ta%rant$ to o%r g%e$t$. & ' () * + , !. (e can increa$e g%e$t $ati$faction. & -./ 01, ). emon$trate my profe$$ionali$m. 23& 4, *. + %nder$tand t,e importance of t,i$ $er&ice for o%r g%e$t$. &-5 !"6, #a$- . Re$ta%rant Re$er&ation 'age 1 of / logo logo WHAT / STEPS 78 HOW/ STA!A"!S 9 /7 Training #uestion$ How we ta%k . : 10 Hotel Re$ta%rant re$er&ation ; <= >, ?5@"A, Recommend Hotel Re$ta%rant$ to t,e g%e$t fir$t. ) , B CD E Hotel Re$ta%rant men%$ 1ill 2e a&aila2le and %pon re3%e$t4 re$er&ation$ 1ill 2e made. FG"AHI.J K L9 ;. 5$ing a Re$ta%rant 6oo-ing 7,eet4 o2tain t,e g%e$t8$ name4 n%m2er of people in t,e party4 time of re$er&ation and re$ta%rant name. M@ ; N O P 4 Q: R4 @4 ; 4 . Note all $pecial re3%e$t$. S "A. QT"AUV WB U X YZ[\U]^_UO - ` # Y Y ab c@B # b d# e"fgh i #Y Y B CD EUM& BjkU.Jl*m K,Y U (,ic, re$ta%rant $,o%ld 2e recommended fir$t9 n^) 9
(,ere can + find t,e Re$ta%rant 2oo-ing $,eet9 & o HI ` ; 9 (,at information do + need to ta-e9 & e" pqr9 Y ca]^_Ust u/ c #a$- . Re$ta%rant Re$er&ation 'age ! of / logo logo WHAT / STEPS 78 HOW/ STA!A"!S 9 /7 Training #uestion$ How we ta%k . : WvUwB 7X x q ry , U (X hZ@x fg , Y !0 O%t$ide re$ta%rant re$er&ation z ; +f t,e g%e$t re3%ire$ recommendation$ a2o%t o%t$ide re$ta%rant4 ma-e $%gge$tion$ according to t,e g%e$t$ preference4 $%c, a$ location4 c%i$ine and $tar rating. QTe"& ) z 4 FG {\) 4 Q: |}4 K~ 4 .
Ho1 do + -no1 t,e g%e$t preference9 & {\ 9 Y ab c@B # b d# e"fgh i #Y )0 Recommendation ) #,e Concierge $,o%ld log onto t,e $y$tem to $earc, t,e information. 7 O qr . 7elect a re$ta%rant and ad&i$e t,e g%e$t a2o%t t,e re$ta%rant$8 feat%re$4 di$tance from t,e ,otel and 2%$ine$$ ,o%r$. h 4 S4 I . +n order to 2etter %nder$tand t,e g%e$t8$ need$4 a$- 3%e$tion$ regarding nat%re of t,e meal4 type of c%i$ine de$ired and t,e location de$ired. Confirm t,e re$ta%rant 1it, t,e g%e$t. ?\|5eA4 @O (,ere can yo% $earc, for t,e information9 & o HI ` qr 9 (,at -ind of information do 1e need to get from g%e$t9 & e" pqr 9 Y&( ) \B U mK ,y o )"" , c U@ \, a *U ,,,Y Y\ ,u : }U e #a$- . Re$ta%rant Re$er&ation 'age ) of / logo logo WHAT / STEPS 78 HOW/ STA!A"!S 9 /7 Training #uestion$ How we ta%k . : S 4 { K I |}4 B . " i #Y *0 Ma-e 2oo-ing 9 ; Call t,e re$ta%rant and 2oo- a ta2le according to g%e$t8$ re3%e$t. FG"A9 ;. Note confirmation n%m2er or Order #a-er8$ name on t,e Re$ta%rant Card or a Hotel #a;i Card and note t,i$ on t,e re$er&ation card. ; Ro ; . Confirm 1it, t,e g%e$t a2o%t t,e Re$ta%rant 6oo-ing and $end t,e Re$ta%rant card to t,e g%e$t$8 room or ,and it directly to t,e g%e$t. ; 4 ; ` . (rite clearly and legi2ly on t,e Re$ta%rant card and pro&ide all detail$ and completed addre$$. o ; |-OO qr ! |. (,y do 1e need to note t,e confirmation n%m2er or t,e order ta-er8$ name9 & e" \ 9 Y \U a U& " t u @,Y Y/ cUu: },e"h i , Y \Ui y a!""" , Y Y]^_Ui y a!""" , e" 4 #Y Y \U 4U 1 #1<:)U 4)"= , $# a,,, Y R# Y a,,,, Y]^_U \?, a #a$- . Re$ta%rant Re$er&ation 'age * of / logo logo WHAT / STEPS 78 HOW/ STA!A"!S 9 /7 Training #uestion$ How we ta%k . : , (,y i$ it important to note t,e e;act addre$$ all nece$$ary detail$ on t,e card9 o ; |-OO ! qr |!" 9 *0 >;tra $er&ice .J z Offer tran$portation a$$i$tance. ) (,at tran$portation co%ld t,at 2e9 ha 9 Y]^_e" # i ! dU& HI fgB, @ha*"" , #a$- . Re$ta%rant Re$er&ation 'age < of / logo logo Summary &uestions : 1. (,ic, re$ta%rant $,o%ld 2e recommended fir$t9 n^) 9 !. Ho1 do 1e -no1 1,ic, e;ternal re$ta%rant$ $,o%ld 2e recommended9 & ) h 9 ). (,at -ind of information do 1e need to get from g%e$t in order to ma-e a 2oo-ing9 & e" pqr\9 9 *. (,y do 1e need t,e confirmation n%m2er or order ta-er8$ name9 & e" \ 9 ow ask the Trainee to practice the who%e task from start to end to test competency' o _ ` 7I #a$- . Re$ta%rant Re$er&ation 'age / of /