How To Create The Approval Transaction Type For AME

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How to Create the Approval Transaction Type for AME.B or higher ?

Instructions for AME.B or higher
1) Setting up an AME Admin
2) Create a Transaction Type with Approa! "roup
#) Create a Transaction Type with Superisor
$) Create a Transaction Type with %o& 'osition
'art 1 is the re(uired part for part 2) #) and $.
1) Setup an AME Admin *ser
a) +ogin as sysadmin to the ,rac!e App!ication -ome 'age
&) Se!ect *ser Management . *sers from the /aigator
c) Search for a user from the *ser Maintenance page that you wi!! want to ma0e it the
AME Admin.
d) C!ic0 on the *pdate Icon
e) C!ic0 on the Assign 1o!es &utton
f) Search and assign Approa!s Management Administrator 1o!e
g) "o &ac0 -ome to the /aigator
h) Se!ect 2unctiona! Administrator 1esponsi&i!ity
i) 2rom the "rants page) press on the Create "rant &utton
3) Create a grant with the fo!!owing information4
5 /ame
5 "rantee Type 6 Specific *ser
5 "rantee 6 7The user which you 3ust created.
5 ,&3ect 6 AME Transaction Types
5 8ata Conte9t Type 6 A!! 1ows
5 Set 6 AME Ca!!ing App!ications
2) Create a Transaction Type with Approa! "roup Transaction Type
a) +ogin as that AME Admin and go to the /aigator to se!ect Approa!s
Management Administrator
&) 'ress the Create Transaction Type &utton
c) Enter the fo!!owing information in Step 1 to create a transaction type4
5 App!ication
5 Transaction Type :ey
5 Transaction Type /ame
d) %ust 'ress /e9t to s0ip Step 2 and #
e) 'ress 2inish to create the transaction type "roup
f) "o &ac0 -ome to the /aigator.
g) Se!ect Approa!s Management Business Ana!yst
h) Se!ect the transaction type that you 3ust created
i) C!ic0 on the Approer "roups !in0 and press the Create &utton
3) Create a "roup &y entering the fo!!owing information4
5 /ame
5 8escription
5 ,rder /um&er 6 1
5 ;oting 1egime 6 seria!
5 *sage Type 6 static
5 <uery 6 7&!an0.
0) 'ress the Add Another 1ow to create an approer
!) Search an approer from the +,; and press the App!y &utton Action Type
m) ,nce the "roup is created) c!ic0 on the Action Types su&=ta&
n) C!ic0 on the *se E9isting Action Type &utton
o) Se!ect the action named approa!=group chain of authority and press on
the Continue &utton then the
2inish &utton
p) C!ic0 on the 1u!es ta&
() 'ress the Create &utton
r) Create a ru!e with the fo!!owing information4
5 /ame
5 1u!e Type 6 +ist Creation
5 Start 8ate 6 7today date.
5 End 8ate 6 12>#1>$?12
s) 'ress /e9t to s0ip step 2
t) Search for the action which you created. It shou!d &e something !i0e 1e(uire
approa! from 7group
u) 'ress the 2inish &utton.
#) Create Transaction type with Superisor +ee! Transaction Type
a) 1epeat steps 2a @ 2h
&) C!ic0 on Attri&utes !in0 and press the *se E9isting Attri&ute &utton
c) *se an e9isting attri&ute named S*'E1;IS,1AB/,/B8E2A*+TBST
A1TI/"B',I/TB'E1S,/BI8 &y se!ect it and press the Continue &utton
d) Se!ect Static for *sage Type and do not enter anything in the ;a!ue fie!d
e) 'ress the 2inish &utton
f) 1epeat #c @ #e for T,'BS*'E1;IS,1B'E1S,/BI8
g) 1epeat #c for T1A/SACTI,/B1E<*EST,1B'E1S,/BI8
h) Se!ect 8ynamic for *sage Type and insert the fo!!owing (uery into the ;a!ue fie!d4
se!ect emp!oyeeBid
from fndBuser
where userBid 6 um9Bpu&.getBattri&uteBa!ueC4transactionId)
i) 'ress the 2inish &utton
Action Type
3) C!ic0 on the Action Types su&=ta&
0) 'ress the *ser E9isting Action Type &utton
!) Se!ect the superisory !ee! action type and press the Continue then 2inish &utton
m) C!ic0 on the 1u!es ta&
n) 'ress on the Create &utton
o) Create a ru!e &y entering the fo!!owing information and c!ic0 on the /e9t &utton4
5 /ame
5 1u!e Type 6 +ist Creation
5 Start 8ate 6 7today date.
5 End 8ate 6 12>#1>$?12
p) 'ress the /e9t &utton to s0ip the Add Conditions
() Search the Action for the Action Type of superisory !ee!. The Action shou!d &e
something !i0e
1e(uire approa!s up to the first superior.
r) 'ress the /e9t then 2inish &utton
$) Create Transaction Type with %o& 'osition Transaction Type
a) 1epeat steps 2a @ 2h
&) C!ic0 on the Configuration ;aria&!es !in0 in the <uic0 +in0s section of Business
Ana!yst 8ash&oard
c) Se!ect transaction=type administration and 'ress the Continue &utton
d) Enter the transaction type which you created in step a in the Transaction Type
input fie!d and press
"o &utton
e) Set Aes for a!!owA!!ApproerTypes of the Transaction Type and press the App!y
f) Se!ect the transaction type in the Approa! 'rocess Setup section
g) C!ic0 on Attri&utes !in0 and press the *se E9isting Attri&ute &utton
h) *se an e9isting attri&ute named T,'B',SITI,/BI8 &y search) se!ect) and press
the *se Se!ected
/ame &utton
i) Se!ect Static for *sage Type and do not enter anything in the ;a!ue fie!d
3) 'ress the 2inish &utton
0) 1epeat $g @ $3 for /,/B8E2A*+TBSTA1TI/"B',I/TB',SITI,/BI8
!) 1un the fo!!owing (uery4
se!ect ps.positionBstructureBid)
curBuser.userBname as ECur *sernameE) as ECur 'os I8E) as ECur 'os /ameE)
ne9tBuser.userBname as E/e9t *sernameE)
str.parentBpositionBid as E/e9t 'os I8E) as E/e9t 'os /ameE
from fndBuser curBuser)
perBposBstructureBe!ements str)
perBposBstructureBersions ps)
perBa!!Bpositions pos)
perBa!!Bpositions ne9tBpos)
perBassignmentsB9 curBassign)
fndBuser ne9tBuser)
perBassignmentsB9 ne9tBassign
where str.posBstructureBersionBid 6 ps.posBstructureBersionBid
and truncCsysdate) &etween ps.dateBfrom
and n!C ps.dateBto ) sysdate)
and pos.positionBid 6
and ne9tBpos.positionBid 6 str.parentBpositionBid
and curBassign.positionBid 6 pos.positionBid
and curBassign.personBid 6 curBuser.emp!oyeeBid
and ne9tBassign.positionBid 6 ne9tBpos.positionBid
and ne9tBassign.personBid 6 ne9tBuser.emp!oyeeBid
order &y ne9tBuser.userBnameF
m) 1epeat steps $g @ $h for /,/B8E2A*+TB',SITI,/BST1*CT*1EBI8
n) Enter the a!ue of positionBstructureBid from the (uery resu!t into the ;a!ue fie!d
as a Static attri&ute
o) 1epeat steps $0 @ $! for T1A/SACTI,/B1E<*EST,1B',SITI,/BI8 and with
a!ue of Cur
'os I8 from the (uery resu!t
Action Type
p) C!ic0 on the Action Types su&=ta& and press the *se E9isting Action Type
() Se!ect hr position !ee! action type and press the Continue then 2inish &utton
r) C!ic0 on the 1u!es ta& and press Create &utton
s) Create a ru!e &y entering the fo!!owing information and c!ic0 on the /e9t &utton4
5 /ame
5 1u!e Type 6 +ist Creation
5 Start 8ate 6 7Today 8ate.
5 End 8ate 6 12>#1>$?12
t) S0ip the Add Conditions &y pressing the /e9t &utton
u) Search the Action for the Action Type of hr position !ee!. The Action shou!d &e
something !i0e
1e(uire approa! up to first position up
) 'ress the /e9t then 2inish &utton
After a!! these steps are comp!ete) the approa! transaction type wi!! &e created and it
has to &e se!ected from the !ist of a!ues in *MG4
/aigation path4
1. *ser management responsi&i!ity
2. *sers. 1egistration 'rocess ta&
#. Enter Code 6 *MGBEGTBI/8I;I8*A+
$. C!ic0 on "o
H. C+ic0 on *pdate icon Cpenci!)
I. C!ic0 on C,ntinue
?. The ne9t page wi!! show the Eapproa! transaction typeE fie!d.

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