Funda - Pretest 2

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1. Nursing is a unique profession, Concerned with all the variables affecting

an individual’s response to stressors, which are intra, inter and extra
personal in nature.


2. Caring is the essence and central unifying, a dominant domain that

distinguishes nursing from other health disciplines. Care is an essential
human need.

A. Benner
B. Watson
C. Leininger
D. Swanson

3. For her, Nursing is a theoretical system of knowledge that prescribes a

process of analysis and action related to care of the ill person


4. Caring is healing, it is communicated through the consciousness of the

nurse to the individual being cared for. It allows access to higher human

A. Benner
B. Watson
C. Leininger
D. Swanson
5. The four major concepts in nursing theory are the

A. Person, Environment, Nurse, Health

B. Nurse, Person, Environment, Cure
C. Promotive, Preventive, Curative, Rehabilitative
D. Person, Environment, Nursing, Health

6. Caring involves 5 processes, KNOWING, BEING WITH, DOING FOR,


A. Benner
B. Watson
C. Leininger
D. Swanson

7. The nurse questions a doctors order of Morphine sulfate 50 mg, IM for a

client with pancreatitis. Which role best fit that statement?

A. Change agent
B. Client advocate
C. Case manager
D. Collaborator

8. What type of patient care model is the most common for student nurses
and private duty nurses?

A. Total patient care

B. Team nursing
C. Primary Nursing
D. Case management
9. . These are nursing intervention that requires knowledge, skills and
expertise of multiple health professionals.

A. Dependent
B. Independent
C. Interdependent
D. Intradependent

10. . RN assumes 24 hour responsibility for the client to maintain continuity of

care across shifts, days or visits.

A. Functional nursing
B. Team nursing
C. Primary nursing
D. Total patient care

11. This is the best patient care model when there are many nurses but few

A. Functional nursing
B. Team nursing
C. Primary nursing
D. Total patient care

12. Conceptualized the BEHAVIORAL SYSTEM MODEL

A. Orem
B. Johnson
C. Henderson
D. Parse

A. Travelbee
B. Swanson
C. Zderad
D. Peplau

14. Freud postulated that child adopts parental standards and traits through

A. Imitation
B. Introjection
C. Identification
D. Regression

15. Anastacia Giron-Tupas was the first Filipino nurse to occupy the position
of chief nurse in this hospital.

A. St. Paul Hospital

B. Iloilo Mission Hospital
C. Philippine General Hospital
D. St. Luke’s Hospital

16. In what period of nursing does people believe in TREPHINING to drive evil
forces away?

A. Dark period
B. Intuitive period
C. Contemporary period
D. Educative period

17. Period of nursing where religious Christian orders emerged to take care of
the sick
A. Apprentice period
B. Dark period
C. Contemporary period
D. Educative period

18. Thisperiod marked the religious upheaval of Luther, Who questions the
Christian faith.

A. Apprentice period
B. Dark period
C. Contemporary period
D. Educative period

19. He proposed the theory of morality that is based on MUTUAL TRUST

A. Freud
B. Erikson
C. Kohlberg
D. Peters

20. Whopostulated the WHOLISTIC concept that the totality is greater than
sum of its parts?

A. Roy
B. Rogers
C. Henderson
D. Johnson

21. Which of the following is not true about the human needs?

A. Certain needs are common to all people

B. Needs should be followed exactly in accordance with their
C. Needs are stimulated by internal factors
D. Needs are stimulated by external factors
22. According to Maslow, which of the following is NOT TRUE about a self
actualized person?

A. Understands poetry, music, philosophy, science etc.

B. Desires privacy, autonomous
C. Follows the decision of the majority, uphold justice and truth
D. Problem centered

23. Which of the following is recognized for developing the concept of HIGH

A. Erikson
B. Madaw
C. Peplau
D. Dunn

24. Founder of the PNA

A. Julita Sotejo
B. Anastacia Giron Tupas
C. Eufemia Octaviano
D. Anesia Dionisio

25. .Which of the following best describes the action of a nurse who
documents her nursing diagnosis?

A. She documents it and charts it whenever necessary

B. She can be accused of malpractice
C. She does it regularly as an important responsibility
D. She charts it only when the patient is acutely ill

26. A nurse who is maintaining a private clinic in the community renders

service on maternal and child health among the neighborhood for a fee is:

A. Primary care nurse

B. Independent nurse practitioner
C. Nurse-Midwife
D. Nurse specialist

27. Postulatedthat health is a state and process of being and becoming an

integrated and whole person.

A. Cannon
B. Bernard
C. Dunn
D. Roy

28. Defined health as a dynamic state in the life cycle, and Illness as
interference in the life cycle.

A. Roy
B. Henderson
C. Rogers
D. King

29. According to her, Wellness is a condition in which all parts and subparts of
an individual are in harmony with the whole system.

A. Orem
B. Henderson
C. Neuman
D. Johnson

30. What regulates HOMEOSTASIS according to the theory of Walter Cannon?

A. Positive feedback
B. Negative feedback
C. Buffer system
D. Various mechanisms

31. He describes the WELLNESS-ILLNESS Continuum as interaction of the

environment with well being and illness.

A. Cannon
B. Bernard
C. Dunn
D. Clark

32. Knowledge about the disease and prior contact with it is what type of
VARIABLE according to the health belief model?

A. Demographic
B. Sociopsychologic
C. Structural
D. Cues to action

33. Age, Sex, Race etc. is included in what variable of HBM?

A. Demographic
B. Sociopsychologic
C. Structural
D. Cues to action

34. .Is a multi dimensional model developed by PENDER that describes the
nature of persons as they interact within the environment to pursue

A. Ecologic Model
B. Health Belief Model
C. Health Promotion Model
D. Health Prevention Model

35. Defined by Pender as all activities directed toward increasing the level of
well being and self actualization.

A. Health prevention
B. Health promotion
C. Health teaching
D. Self actualization

36. Inhealth belief model, Individual perception matters. Which of the

following is highly UNLIKELY to influence preventive behavior?

A. Perceived susceptibility to an illness

B. Perceived seriousness of an illness
C. Perceived threat of an illness
D. Perceived curability of an illness

37. According to DUNN, Overcrowding is what type of illness precursor?

A. Heredity
B. Social
C. Behavioral
D. Environmental

38. Shetheorized that man is composed of sub and supra systems.

Subsystems are cells, tissues, organs and systems while the
suprasystems are family, society and community.

A. Roy
B. Rogers
C. Henderson
D. Johnson

39. She described the four conservation principle.

A. Levin
B. Leininger
C. Orlando
D. Parse
40. This patient care model works best when there are plenty of patient but
few nurses

A. Functional nursing
B. Team nursing
C. Primary nursing
D. Total patient care

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