Corrosion Resistant Coatings
Corrosion Resistant Coatings
Corrosion Resistant Coatings
A08 / A21
Corrosion Resistant Coatings
In the past 30 years, there have been three major types of
coatings utilized to protect industrial gas turbine compressor
airfoils from corrosion and/or erosion: Metallic-Ceramic, Low
Temperature Pack Aluminide and Diffused Nickel Cadmium
coatings. By far, the one coating used most predominantly today
is the Metallic-Ceramic coating, due to its corrosion protection
capabilities, versatility of use on large components, ability to
restore surface fnish and cost of application.
In compressor section airfoils (blades and vanes), a combination
of heat, microscopic abrasives and a gradually increasing
concentration of corrosive elements can ravage an initially
smooth airfoil surface fnish. Original Equipment Manufacturers
(OEMs) specify the airfoils to have an initially smooth surface
to obtain the maximum mass airfow through the turbine and to
operate at the maximum compressor effciency (typically 88-
90% theoretical effciency).
It has been shown that the surface fnish of the airfoils can be
satisfactorily restored by using suitable compressor coatings.
Recent developments in such coatings have been made to
improve upon the corrosion/erosion resistance and to protect/
restore the surface fnish of the airfoils. The current generation
of these coatings can withstand the more corrosive operating
environments found in industrial gas turbines. An example of such
a coating (designated A21 by Sulzer Turbo Services) is shown in
these pictures. This is an aluminum-flled metallic coating made
conductive via mechanical abrasive fnishing. Conductivity of the
coating results in sacrifciality, which is defned as the preferential
corrosion of an active coating layer and the corresponding
protection of a less active metal (See fgure 1). The thickness
of these coatings is typically between 25 - 75 microns (1-3 mils).
A08 and A21 are sealed using an inorganic sealer to enhance the
corrosion resistance.
Typical Coating Thickness
A08 A21
Average Thickness 25 - 75 microns (1 - 3 mils) 50 - 100 microns (2 - 4 mils)
Surface Roughness < 40 Ra < 40 Ra
Max. Operating Temperature 870C (1600F) 870C (1600F)
Coating Adhesion (ATSM D2247) Excellent - no pick off Excellent - no pick off
Thermal Shock, Impact Survival, Solvent Resistance Excellent Excellent
Sulzer Turbo Services
11518 Old La Porte Road
La Porte, TX 77571
Phone +1 713 567 2700
Fax +1 713 567 2830 STSH-HICoat-A08/A21-2011
Figure 1. Cathodic Protection. The diagram and reactions illustrate the elec-
trochemistry of Cathodic Protection (sacrifcial anode) of an aluminum coating
on a steel part.
The principle of cathodic protection was illustrated by Sir Humphry
Davy and Michael Faraday almost two centuries ago.
When two metals are electrically connected to each other in a
electrolyte e.g. seawater, electrons will fow from the more active
metal to the other, due to the difference in the electrical potential.
When the most active metal (anode) supplies current, it will grad-
ually dissolve into ions in the electrolyte, and at the same time
produce electrons, which the least active (cathode) will receive
through the metallic connection with the anode. The result is that
the cathode will be negatively polarized and hence be protected
against corrosion.
HICoat A08 and A21 are useful in most situations which require corrosion/erosion resistance and a fne surface fnish. Stationary
and rotating compressor blading, diaphragms, guide vanes, and shrouds are some components which would beneft from this coating
system. Although most alloys can be coated with HICoat A08 or A21, the material works especially well on ferrous alloys.
Average coating thickness of A08 is 25-75 microns (1-3 mils) and for A21 is 50-100 microns (2-4 mils). Roughness typically ranges
between 10 to 30 Ra (in) at 0.01 in. cutoff. This system provides signifcant improvements in aerodynamic effciency over bare mar-
tensitic stainless steels throughout the life of the blade.
Technical inquires: Joe Drury Travis Cockrell
[email protected] [email protected]