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KnowBrainer Manual

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Installing KnowBrainer 2012 p. 2

Installing Specialty Vocabs p. 4



{{{Before installing Dragon NaturallySpeaking or KnowBrainer}}}
{{{on a Windows 7 or Vista computer, the following is Recommended}}}
In Windows 7/8:
1. Click the Start button (Windows logo)
2. Type UAC and Press {Enter}
3. Move the Slider down to Never notify.
4. Follow the Prompt to Reboot Windows before installing Dragon or KnowBrainer
In Windows Vista:
1. Open the Control Panel
2. Click User Accounts and Family
3. Click User Accounts
4. Click Turn User Account Control on or off
5. Remove check mark from use user account control (UAC)...
6. Follow the Prompt to Reboot Windows before installing Dragon or KnowBrainer

Section A Installing KnowBrainer

Note that KnowBrainer requires the operating system to be installed on drive C.

Insert the KnowBrainer 2012 DVD. The installation should begin automatically but if it doesn't, browse the DVD and double
click KnowBrainerSetup or KnowBrainerMedicalSetup.

1. Double-click KB2012setup or KBMedical2012setup (depending on which version of KnowBrainer you prefer) . If
you would like to install the KnowBrainer 2012 with medical or legal vocabularies, choose
KnowBrainerMedicalSetup. If you do not require the specialty vocabularies or if you purchased Dragon Medical or
Legal, you should install KnowBrainerSetup to enjoy a 30 day evaluation of KB 2012. Note: I f you are installing
KnowBrainerMedical, you can save a step by launching NaturallySpeaking, before insalling KnowBrainerMedica,
because the KnowBrainer installer will offer you the option of importing Medical or Legal vocabularies during the
installation process.

2. Click Next, followed by clicking Next on the following prompt.



3. If you would like to put a shortcut to KnowBrainer in your Windows Startup folder (to launch both KnowBrainer 2012
and Dragon) put a checkmark in Startup folder and click Next followed by Install and then Finish.

Section B Launch NaturallySpeaking

1. Double-click the KnowBrainer icon on your desktop to launch both KnowBrainer and NaturallySpeaking. If
NaturallySpeaking is already running, KnowBrainer will simply launch itself.

2. The first time you launch KnowBrainer 2012 you will see the following 3 prompts. If you have not purchased
KnowBrainer but would like to evaluate it for up to 30 days click Try. If you have a KnowBrainer serial number, click
Register and enter the number. Note that the number is on your receipt but you should also have received an email with
your password (serial #). It is easier to copy and paste the serial number into the Registration box as it is a bit long to
type by hand. The 3
option is to purchase KnowBrainer 2012 instantly by clicking the Buy.

Note: If you are using the NaturallySpeaking Roaming User Profile (available only in the professional versions of
NaturallySpeaking) you will always need to launch NaturallySpeaking first and then launch KB 2012.

Section C Installing KnowBrainer Specialty Vocabularies
If you did not purchase the Specialty Vocabularies (KnowBrainer Medical) skip this step
If you have installed KB Medical 2012 your specialty vocabularies
are already installed but still need to be imported as follows

Note that NaturallySpeaking must be running with a trained user profile before the following steps can be initiated

1. Left-click on the KB 2012 Vocabulary menu or say Import Vocabulary:

2. Double-click the vocabulary you would like to import into your user profile. Note that this process will take several

3. Click Next followed by Finished when promted

Note #1: Your imported vocabulary will not become permanent until you save your user files.
Note #2: You can repeat the previous procedure to import additional vocabularies but we don't recommend
importing more than 2 vocabularies total as this can result in a loss of accuracy.

How Do I (Start) Quick Start Training

Starting & Exiting KnowBrainer & NaturallySpeaking

Double-click the KB 2012 shortcut on your desktop to launch KnowBrainer and NaturallySpeaking. If you choose to launch
NaturallySpeaking first, you will have to launch KnowBrainer separately. If you would like both KnowBrainer and
NaturallySpeaking to launch when you turn on your computer, place a shortcut to KB 2012 in your startup folder.

[Restore KnowBrainer] will bring KB 2012 from a Tray Icon to the Window
[Minimize KnowBrainer] will minimize KB 2012 as a Tray Icon
[Minimize Icon] will minimize KB 2012 as a Hidden Tray Icon & [Restore Icon] will bring up KB 2012
[Close KnowBrainer] will close KB 2012, save your user files and gracefully exit NaturallySpeaking

Microphone Controls

[Sleep Mode], [Mike Off], [Go To Sleep] or [Time Out] - places the microphone in Sleep Mode
[Listen to Me] or [Wake Up] - turns the sleeping microphone back on.
[Microphone Off] - turns the microphone completely off. To turn the microphone back on you will need to press the Plus
Button Key on your extended keyboard or mouse click the microphone icon.

Select-&-Say Correction
(The advantage of Select-&-Say correction is that it is fast and you have the option of re-dictating)

[Select < text >] - allows you to highlight a word or group of words, for editing or correcting.
[Select < text > through < text >] - allows you to highlight a group of words (by only saying the 1
and last word in the phrase
you wish to select) so that you may replace them.
[Correct], [Nope], [Spell That] or [Correct Please] - These commands are used to correct the last word/phrase dictated. They
bring up the Spelling Correction dialog box, providing several possible words/phrases from which you may choose.
[Correct That] - This command is used to correct the last word/phrase dictated. It brings up the Spelling Correction dialog box,
providing several possible words/phrases from which you may choose.
[Choose < 1 - 9 >] allows you to select the correct phrase (from within the Spell dialog box).
[Pick < 1 - 10 >] - allows you to select the correct phrase (from within the Spell dialog box) and additionally places the cursor at
the end of the current paragraph.
[Resume < 1 - 10 >] - allows you to select the correct phrase (from within the Spell dialog box), places the cursor at the end of
the current paragraph and forces the first dictated word to begin with a capital letter.
Note: The Correction Dropdown Box will appear if you use the Select < text > command

Spell Box Correction
(The advantage of Spell That correction is being able to spell out corrections)

[Correct < text >] - allows you to select and correct a phrase.
[Choose < 1 - 9 >] allows you to select the correct phrase and moves the cursor to its previous position.
[Pick < 1 - 9 >] - allows you to select the correct phrase and moves the cursor to the end of the current paragraph.
[Resume < 1 - 10 >] - allows you to select the correct phrase (from within the Spell dialog box), places the cursor at the end of
the current paragraph and forces the first dictated word to begin with a capital letter.
[Train <1-9>] - When Spoken from within the Correction Dialog Box will select the choice number, click the Train button and
click the Go button (so that you can train your selection)
[Resume With < text >] - removes all text from the dictated phrase to the end of the document


[Comma] - inserts a comma , [Period] - inserts a period . [Question Mark] - inserts a question mark ? etc

Color Code
Black = Native DNS Command
Blue = KB 2012 Command
Red = VerbalBasic Command


[Beginning] - will move the cursor to the beginning of a document.
[Bottom] - will move the cursor to the end of a document.
[Continue] - will move the cursor to end of the current paragraph
[Resume] - will move the cursor to end of the current paragraph and force the first letter of the first dictated word to begin with a
capital letter.
[New Line] - presses the Enter Key
[Start Line] - moves the cursor to the end of the line and presses the Enter Key
[New Paragraph] - presses the Enter Key twice
[Start Paragraph] - moves the cursor to the end of the paragraph, presses the Enter Key twice to begin a new paragraph and
automatically capitalizes the first spoken word.
[Add Line to End] or [Add Paragraph to End] - adds a new line or paragraph to the bottom of a document
[Add Line to Beginning] or [Add Paragraph to Beginning] - adds a new line or paragraph to the beginning of a document
[Tab Paragraph] - moves the cursor to the end of the paragraph, pressing the Enter Key twice and indenting 1 Tab to begin a
new paragraph.
[Tab Line] - moves the cursor to the end of the line, pressing the Enter Key once, indenting 1 Tab to begin a new line and
automatically capitalizes the first spoken word.
[Open Quote] or [Begin Quote] - inserts an open quotation mark []
[End Quote] or [Close Quote] - inserts an end quotation mark []
[Left Paren] or [Open Paren] - inserts an open parenthesis mark [(]
[Right Paren] or [Close Paren] - inserts an close parenthesis mark [)]
[Compound Phrase] or [Compound That] - removes spacing between words

Single Word Commands

[Cut], [Copy], [Paste], [Print], [Find], [Spacebar], [Delete], [Backspace], [Example], [Maximize], [Minimize], [Exit],
[Close], [Undo], [Open], [Scratch], [Italicize], [Underline], [Continue], [Resume], [Refresh], and [New]


[Scratch That] or [Strike That] - undoes the most recently dictated words/phrases
[Scratch That < 1 - 10 Times>] or [Strike < 1 - 10 >] - undoes as many as 10 of the most recently dictated words/phrases
[Undo] - undoes the last action
[Undo < 1 - 20 >] - undoes up to 20 of the previous 20 actions (commands or dictations)
Note: Not all programs support multiple undo and [Redo < 1 - 20 >] reverses the action .
[Copy Line] - copies the entire line (from beginning to end) that the cursor is in
[Copy Paragraph] - copies the entire paragraph (from beginning to end) that the cursor is in
[Cut Line] - cuts the entire line (from beginning to end) that the cursor is in
[Cut Paragraph] - cuts the entire paragraph (from beginning to end) that the cursor is in
[Delete Line] - deletes the entire line (from beginning to end) that the cursor is in
[Delete Paragraph] - deletes the entire paragraph (from beginning to end) that the cursor is in
[Delete Statement] - deletes paragraph or line immediately following a colon


[Uppercase] or [All Caps That] - Capitalizes each word in the selected text or (of the most recently dictated phrase).
[Title Case] or [Cap That] - Adds initial caps to each word in the selected text or (of the most recently dictated phrase).
[Lowercase] or [No Caps That] - Removes initial capitalization of each word in the selected text or (of the most recently dictated
[Title Case/Lowercase/Uppercase <Back>] apply formatting to selected text and move the cursor to the end of the paragraph
[BackSpace <1to20> Back] Presses the backspace key 1-20 times and moves the cursor to the end of the paragraph
[Delete <1to20> Back] Presses the delete key 1-20 times and moves the cursor to the end of the paragraph
[All Caps < word >] - Capitalizes each letter in the next dictated word.
[Cap < word >] or [Cap Next < word >] - capitalizes the next dictated word
[Bold], [italicize], [Underline], [UPPERCASE], [lowercase], [Sentence Case], [Title Case] - formats selected text
[Format That < Arial/Times/Courier/Comic/Impact/Garamond/Kaufmann >] - changes font style, in selected text
[Format That Size < 4 - 120 >] - changes font size, in selected text


All Commands

[Copy/Cut All] selects everything and copies or cuts it
[Copy/Cut All to <AppList>] - selects everything, copies or cuts the it and pastes it into the names application or window
[Delete All] - will select all, then delete it
[Title Case/Lowercase/Title Case <All>] apply formatting to entire document
[Set All < Bold/Underline/I talic/Red/Black/Blue/Green/Violet >] - changes the font style in entire document
[Color All < Red/Black/Blue/Green/Violet >] - changes the font color in entire document (not available in all applications)
[< Uppercase/Lowercase/Sentence Case/Title Case > All] - adds formatting to entire document
[Set All < Arial/Times/Courier/Comic/Impact/Garamond/Kaufmann >] - changes the font face in entire document
[Set All < 4 - 120 >] - changes the font size in entire document

Example #1 [Set All Times 12] - changes the font face to Times and font size to 12 throughout the entire document
Example #2 [Copy All to Word] selects and copies an entire document and pastes a copy into a MS Word document


[< Left/Right > < 1 - 20 >] - moves cursor, either left or right, as many as 20 characters
[< Up/Down > < 1 - 20 >] - moves cursor, either up or down, as many as 20 lines
[< Left/Right > < 1 - 20 > < Words >] - moves cursor, either left or right, as many as 20 words
[< Up/Down > < 1 - 20 > < Paragraphs/Lines >] - moves cursor, either up or down, as many as 20 paragraphs or lines
[< Beginning/End > Of < Line/Paragraph/Document >] - moves the cursor, either to the beginning or to the end of the line,
paragraph or document
[< Beginning >] - moves the cursor to the beginning of the document
[< Bottom >] - moves the cursor to the beginning of the document
[Insert < Before/After > < text>] - to move the cursor before or after a word or phrase
[< Continue >] - moves the cursor to the end of the paragraph

Mouse Movement

[< Mouse > < Up/Down/Left/Right > < 1 - 100 >] - moves cursor, left, right, up or down as many as 100 pixels (micro mouse
[Mouse Grid] - brings up a 9 sector MouseGrid control that covers the entire Desktop for specialized mouse placement
[Mouse Window] - brings up a 9 sector MouseGrid control that covers the entire Window for specialized mouse placement

Example: [Mouse Grid 9] - places the cursor into the lower right corner of the window
[< Left/Right/Double >] Click - mouse clicks

Mouse Dragging

[Mouse Mark] - tells NaturallySpeaking to memorize the current mouse position
[Mouse Drag] - tells NaturallySpeaking to drag the previously marked object to the current mouse position

Note: You can also select multiple non-linear cells in Microsoft Excel by utilizing the [Mouse Mark] & [Mouse Drag]

Launching Programs and Opening Folders

[Start/Open/Launch (name of < program/folder >)]

Example 1: [Start Microsoft Word] - opens Microsoft Word or brings it forward
Example 2: [Open Internet Explorer] - opens Microsoft Internet Explorer or brings it forward

Notes on Command/Dictation Enforcement:

To force a command - press the {Ctrl} Key, while speaking the command
To force dictation - press the {Shift} Key, while speaking the command

Opening Files, Folders or Programs

[Start Open/Launch (name of < file/folder/program/shortcut >)] - This command opens desktop (files, folders or programs) from
the desktop only.
[Open Last <AppList> <FileDoc>] - reopens the last application-specific saved file
Example: Say [Open Last WordPerfect File] to open the last document that you saved in WordPerfect.
[Open Last Document] or [Open Last File]- reopens the most recently used files.
[Open File <1 To 4>] - reopens 1 of the 4 most recently used files.
[Open <File>] Opens Open File menu

Window Controls

[< Maximize/Minimize/Restore > Window] or [Maximize[ or [Minimize]
[Clear Desktop] or [Show Desktop] - minimizes all windows
[Close < 1 - 10 >] - closes up to 10 (of the most recently opened) windows.

Window Movement & Resizing

[<Lengthen/Widen/Shorten/Taper/Narrow> Window <1-100>] will resize any selected window (open folder or open file)
[<Larger/Much Larger/Smaller/Much Smaller> Window] will resize any selected window (open folder or open file) 10 or
25 clicks
[Move Window <Left/Right/Up/Down> <1-100>] will move any selected window (open folder or open file) 1 to 100 clicks

Creating Global Text Commands

[New Boilerplate Command] - This command will launch the KnowBrainer Command Wizard to create a boiler plate text
command. Note: This command was designed for the NaturallySpeaking Home Edition.
[New Plain Text Command] - This command will launch the NaturallySpeaking New Text Command Wizard, place a
checkmark in Plain Text (to force the command to take on the formatting attributes of any document the command is
deployed into) and maximize the window.
Another option for creating text commands is to simply select text by voice or by mouse and say [Build A Command]
Example: Select any phrase (of any length), by highlighting the text with the cursor and saying [Build A Command]. This will
copy the text to the clipboard, start a new global text command, paste the text into the "Content" box and prompt you to
name the command. To finish the command simply say [Save].


Intermediate Expanded Basic Training

[Display Global Commands] will display an alphabeticalized list of all KnowBrainer global commands. To view application-
specific commands say [Display Verbal Basic Commands], [Display Word Commands], [Display WordPerfect
Commands], [Display Outlook Commands], [Display Excel Commands], [Display Internet Explorer Commands]
or [Display Windows Accessory Commands]

Email Commands

New Message
[New Message] - global command to create a new Email
[Tab 2] - moves the cursor to the Subject box and capitalizes the first letter of each dictated word
[Respond] - Clicks the Reply button, switches to HTML and replaces your personal signature in Outlook 2010.
[Send Message] or [Send] - delivers your message
[Send and Delete Message] or [Send and Delete] - same as [Send Message] but also deletes original message)
[Send and Delete Up] same as [Send and Delete] but moves up to the next message instead of down

Fast New Message
[Email <name>] - global command will create a new Email message, insert the named addressees first name into the message
box and place the cursor in the subject box. Requires editing the KnowBrainer [Email <name>] command

Reply To Message
[Junk Mail] - blocks the senders email address and deletes the message
[Junk Mail < 1-20 >] - deletes and blocks up to 20 e-mail addresses at a time.
Note: You will not be able to utilize the J unk Mail commands until you enable the Outlook J unk Mail feature which is
outlined in the Outlook help menu.
[Permanently Block] creates a rule (in Outlook 2010) to permanently block and permanently delete all messages from the

Power Commands
The following commands are very powerful but need to be edited (personalized) by the end user for maximum effect:

[Call <Name>] - dials whoever you name via Windows Dialer program. Say [How Do I Write Commands] to open the
VerbalBasic manual for additional information on adding contact phone numbers.
Note: This command only works with an analog phone line

[Add To Address List] - creates a text command that types out an address. Simply dictate someones name on the 1
line and
their address on the following lines. This command can be as many lines as you wish. Then highlight the name and
address and say [Add To Address List]
Note #1: You can format the address in any font style, size, color etc. and NaturallySpeaking will remember your
formatting preferences.
Note #2: This command is also available in Microsoft Outlook. Just say [Add To Address List] from within the
Contacts section or from within an open individual contact.
Example: To create an Address List command, using Bob Jones as an example, simply mouse left-click on Bob Jones
from the Contacts List or double-click to open Bob Jones and say "Add to Address List". To add Bob Jones name and
address to any document or text field say "Bob Jones Address".

[Go To <Website Name>] - Global command that switches to your default browser and opens the website in a new Tab. Say
[How Do I Write Commands] for additional information on editing/customizing this command.

[Email <Email>] - creates a new Email message in OUTLOOK 2007/2010 and addresses it to the person you name.
Say [How Do I Write Commands] for additional information on editing/customizing this command.

[Open <File>] - This command opens any file or folder in or networked to your computer. Say [How Do I Write Commands]

for additional information on editing/customizing this command.

[Move to <File>] - moves any highlighted file to the specified folder. Say [How Do I Write Commands] for additional
information on editing/customizing this command.

[Print <File>] - This command prints any document in or networked to your computer. Say [How Do I Write Commands] for
additional information on editing/customizing this command.

Forms (Bookmarks)

[Insert Fill In] types [ ] and moves the cursor between the 2 brackets. You can dictate anything between the brackets and to
select the first set of viewable brackets within a document, with all included text, by saying [Fill In]
[Bookmark < 1 - 99 >] - This command inserts [01] [99] and is used to create bookmarks in forms and templates.
Example: To insert your third Bookmark say, [Bookmark 3] which will type [03].

[Number < 1 - 99 >] - This command selects [01] [99]. Used in conjunction with the Bookmark <01-99> command, this
command enables you to select to any one of 99 bookmarks.
Example: To select [08] say, [Number 8].

[Cap < 1 - 99 >] - This command selects [01] [99]. Used in conjunction with the Bookmark <01-99> command, this
command enables you to select to any one of 99 bookmarks and automatically capitalizes the first dictated word.
Example: To select to [08] and capitalize the first dictated word say, [Cap 8].

[Name < 1 - 99 >] - This command selects [01] [99]. Used in conjunction with the Bookmark <01-99> command, this
command enables you to select any one of 99 bookmarks and automatically capitalizes the first letter of each word.
Example: To select to [08] and capitalize the first letter of each, word say [Name 8].

[Paragraph < 1 - 99 >] - This command selects [01] [99] and selects and deletes the paragraph to the immediate right of the
number. Used in conjunction with the Bookmark <1-100> command, this command enables you to select to any one
of 99 bookmarks, making it a highly expedient method for filling in forms that employ the use of normal condition
Example: To jump to Bookmark 89 and select the paragraph to the immediate right of the bookmark say [Paragraph 89].

[Find < 1 - 99 >] - This command selects [01] - [99] by using the Find Dialog box. Used in conjunction with the Bookmark
<01-99> command, this command enables you to jump to any one of 99 bookmarks. Note: This command is slower
then the [Number < 1 - 99 >] command but it will work in many programs that dont support Select-&-Say.
[Delete Bookmarks] - Used in conjunction with the global commands Bookmark <1-99>, Paragraph <1-99> and Number <1-
99>, this command deletes all unused bookmarks within a document.
[Except Defaults] (exclusive to DNS Pro on up) Will delete all brackets [ ] while preserving the original text
[Delete All Brackets] same as [Except Defaults] but works in DNS Premium and lower
[Delete Brackets] Will delete the next set of brackets [ ] while preserving the original text

Word Correction (from within Spell That Correction)

[< num> Word] - allows you select one specific word from a group of words in the Correction Dialog Box from 1 to 10 or the
last word.
[< num> Word < num> Letter] - allows you select one specific word and one specific letter from a group of words in the
Correction Dialog Box.
[< num> Word < num> Letter <Alphabet >] - allows you to replace one specific letter in one specific word from a group of
words in the Correction Dialog Box.
[Delete < num> Word] - allows you select and delete one specific word from a group of words in the Correction Dialog Box
from 1 to 10 or the last word.

1. Say Lunas isnt quite right
2. Say Correct or Nope
3. Lunas isnt quite right will be placed in the Spell That Correction Dialog Box
4. Say 1
Word 4
Letter i to change the a to an i resulting in changing Lunas to Lunis

Note: To select individual words say [1
Word]. When selecting the last word always say [Last Word] to highlight it.
When selecting letters say [1

Command & Dictation Mode

[Numbers Mode] - places NaturallySpeaking in Numbers Mode for 3 seconds or until you finish dictating. If you wish to lock
NaturallySpeaking into Numbers Mode, say [switch to Numbers Mode].
[Command Mode] - same as [Numbers Mode] command but switches NaturallySpeaking into Command Mode.
[Dictation Mode] - same as [Numbers Mode] command but switches NaturallySpeaking into Dictation Mode.
[Switch to Normal Mode] re-enables total DNS functionality
[Spell Mode] - same as [Numbers Mode] command but switches NaturallySpeaking into Spell Mode.
[Hidden Mode] (only available in Dragon Medical) - forces all dictation into an invisible Dictation Box which can be pasted
into a document at a later time by clicking into the document and saying [transfer text here]
[Spell Uppercase] (Coming Rev C) same as [Spell Mode] but additionally forces letters to appear in UPPERCASE
Dictating Into Non Select-&-Say Supported Programs
The following Global commands have been created to temporarily enable Select-&-Say
in otherwise non Select-&-Say supported programs:
[Dictation Box] or [show dication box] - will open the NaturallySpeaking Dictation Box. It will also copy highlighted text to the
Dictation Box
Repeating Commands

[< Tab/Shift Tab/Enter/Space/Delete/Backspace> < 1 - 20 >] presses specified key, as many as 20 times. [Page Up], [Page
Down] and [Enter] can be deployed as many as 100 times
Example 1: [Tab 4] - presses the Tab Key 4 times
Example 2: [Enter 89] - presses the Enter Key 89 times.

Combination Commands

[Close Without Saving] - will close a document, without saving it
[Exit Without Saving] - exits without saving the current document
[Save And Close] - saves and closes the current file
[Save And Exit] - saves and exits the current program
[Bold And Italicized] - bolds and italicizes the selected text
[Bold And Underline] - bolds and underlines the selected text
[Bold Italics And Underline] - bolds, italicizes and underlines the selected text
[Print And Close] - prints, saves and closes document
[Print And Exit] - prints, saves document and exits program
[Print Without Saving] prints and closes document without saving changes
[Save And Minimize] - saves the current document and minimizes the program.
[Save And Sleep] - saves the current document and places NaturallySpeaking in Sleep Mode
[Save Close And Minimize] - saves and closes the current document and minimizes the program

Training Words

Training words from within the Spell (correction dialog box) is almost useless. After making a correction that you think needs
training simply place the cursor beside (dont highlight) a problematic word so that you can train the word in the context of the
utterance. When you say [Train] DNS will grab the entire utterance, open Spell Correction, click the Train button and click the
Go button.
Outline Commands

[Double List <1-20>] Moves the cursor to the end of the current paragraph, presses {Enter} twice, types a number from 1 to
20 and inserts a period after the number.
[Triple List <1-20>] Same as [Double List <1-20>] but presses {Enter} 3x. Usefull in MS Word 2010 Auto numbering docs
[Double List <CapAlphabet>] Same as [Double List <1-20>] but substitutes a capital letter.
[Double List Small <LowAlphabet>] - Same as [Double List <CapAlphabet>] but substitutes a small letter.
[Tab Double List <1-20>] Same as [Double List <1-20>] but additionally presses {Tab}



[Edit Field] selects and cuts an entire field or document into NotePad for editing

The Following Commands Work From Within the NotePad:

[Transfer] transfers NotePad text into the previous Window, presses {Tab} and switches back to NotePad
[Transfer Out] same as [Transfer] but doesnt re-open NotePad
[Transfer Next or Previous <1-20>] same as [Transfer] but will {Tab} of {Shift+Tab} 1 to 20 fields

Help With KnowBrainer
Click the KnowBrainer 2012 Help Menu or

[Display Global Commands] will display a list KnowBrainer commands (assuming you installed KnowBrainer in the default
directory). Other Help displays include application-specific lists of commands such as [Display Word Commands],
[Display Word Perfect Commands], [Display Outlook Commands], [Display Excel Commands],
[Display Internet Explorer Commands], and [Display Windows Accessory Commands]
[Open KnowBrainer Manual] will open the KnowBrainer manual in PDF format


[Train] or [train that] will drop the text into the DNS Training Window. Hint: Dont train individual words in your dictation.
Always train in context by putting your cursor to the immediate right of any phrase that contains a word or words you
wish to train and use 1 of the previous 2 commands. Also note that NaturallySpeaking is not well-suited to taking
advantage of training individual words in your document. If you wish to train an individual word, say [show vocabulary
editor], browse to the word you wish to train and click the Train button.

Help With Writing Commands

[How Do I Write Commands] or [Open VerbalBasic Manual] will open the VerbalBasic manual in PDF format.
To write Advanced-Scripting commands in NaturallySpeaking Professional, Medical and Legal (not available in the Home
Edition or Premium) copy the following address
http://www.knowbrainer.com/ShopOnline/index.cfm?fuseaction=Product.display&product_id=189 into your web
browser to purchase the NaturallySpeaking Scripting Guide.

General Help

[Go to KnowBrainer Forum] will take you to the KnowBrainer Public Forum through your browser
[Open Quick Tips] will open the KnowBrainer Knowledge Base
[Search NaturallySpeaking] will copy any highlighted word/s and search the Nuance knowledgebase
[Search KnowBrainer] will copy any highlighted word/s and search the KnowBrainer knowledgebase
[Email KnowBrainer] will create a blank Outlook Email message addressed to KnowBrainer Tech Support
[Call KnowBrainer] uses Windows 7 Dialer to call KnowBrainer Tech Support

Shutting Down and Rebooting

[Shutdown Windows] prompts you to save your user files and safely exits Windows
[Reboot Windows] works like Shutdown Windows but reboots the operating system

Options Menu

[Show Options] opens NaturallySpeaking options menu

[<Correction/View/Hotkeys/Playback/Formatting/Commands/Misc/PowerMic> Options] opens NaturallySpeaking options
menu and clicks the named Tab

Advanced Advanced Training
Vocabulary Builder (Blunt Fast Approach To Improving Accuracy)

Dragon NaturallySpeaking includes 3quick utilities for increasing your vocabulary accuracy and teaching NaturallySpeaking
your writing style. These utilities are Learn from specific documents, Learn from sent e-mails and Open Vocabulary Editor. You
will find these utilities under the DragonBar Vocabulary menu. The X beside Learn from sent e-mails signifies that we DO NOT
recommend using this utility which does an exemplary job of adding contact names to your vocabulary but unfortunately,
processes e-mail messages from your Sent Items folder which typically contains your responses and original e-mail messages
from other people. You would probably not want NaturallySpeaking to adapt your user profile to other people's writing styles;
especially e-mails that contain misspellings and unrecognized abbreviations.

Learn from specific documents (Vocabulary Builder) allows you to feed numerous documents through him NaturallySpeaking
to analyze your writing style and add previously unknown words to your vocabulary. The advantage of this utility is its ability to
quickly process up to several hundred documents with thousands of individual words at a time.

Open Vocabulary Editor (Vocabulary Editor) only permits 1 entry to be added to your vocabulary at a time but it also includes
the ability to apply special rules, phrases and create a separate Spoken Form for the Written Form. The advantage of this utility is
its ability to finely tune your vocabulary, apply rules and add specialty phrases.

1. Say [Vocabulary Builder] or [Add Words from Document] or click Learn from specific documents to launch the Add
Words from Document utility. Note that the KnowBrainer [Vocabulary Builder] jumps ahead to Step #3. Click Next.
You have the option of adding and entire folder of documents or 1 or more files. We will go with the more popular
choice of adding individual documents.


2. Browse to a folder that contains up to 200 pages worth of documents. We dont recommend going over 200 pages. Note
that if you hold down the {Ctrl} Key, you can select multiple documents or press {Ctrl+a} to select all files. Please also
note that the Vocabulary Builder can only process certain types of files such as Plain Text, Rich Text, Microsoft Word
and WordPerfect formatting. The Vocabulary Builder cannot process other types of files such as Excel. After you are
finished selecting your files, click Open

3. Note the 3 previously selected files will appear in the document list box. Also note that Dragon 12 can also process the
latest Microsoft Word format which ends in docx. If you wish to add additional files or another folder, click the Add
Folder or Add Document button. If you are finished adding files, click Next. After NaturallySpeaking finishes the
document analysis, you will see a green checkmark appear before each document. Click Next to continue


4. If NaturallySpeaking runs into unique words, as pictured below, it will show you how frequently those words appear in
your documents and offer you the option to remove them. This is a good way to check for spelling errors. After you
have made your corrections, click Next

5. You will now be offered the option to train unknown words. We typically recommend clicking Check All and then
clicking Next to progress to the next stage. After NaturallySpeaking finishes adapting your vocabulary and writing
style, click Next

6. Click Finish to complete this phase of the operation.


Vocabulary Editor (Fine-Tuning Your Vocabulary)

The previous Vocabulary Builder is a fast blunt approach to increasing your vocabulary accuracy and teaching
NaturallySpeaking your writing style but the Vocabulary Editor is far more powerful. Think of the Vocabulary Editor as fine-
tuning your vocabulary to produce specific phrases and apply specialized rules to specific circumstances.

1. Say [show vocabulary editor] to open the Vocabulary Editor.

2. You can make NaturallySpeaking more accurate by adding commonly used phrases to your vocabulary. This process
can be particularly handy for dictating phrases that you would prefer to appear in Title Case. Rather than having to
dictate Hermitage animal center followed by saying cap that, to produce Hermitage Animal Center, you could
capitalize the phrase, select the phrase and say [Add to Vocabulary], if you're using KnowBrainer. If you're not using
KnowBrainer, you can alternatively, say [make that a phrase] which will copy the phrase to the clipboard, open the
Vocabulary Editor and paste the phrase into Written Form field. You will additionally have to click the Add button and
close the Vocabulary Editor (an effective but much slower process).

3. Another reason to add a phrase to the Written Form of the Vocabulary Editor is to prevent common misrecognitions.
Because most computers include integrated soundcards, there's a good possibility that you are using a USB microphone

or USB soundcard with an analog microphone. We commonly refer to a USB soundcard as a USB Pod.
Unfortunately, NaturallySpeaking doesn't like the word Pod and typically types USB pot which can get you into a
bit of trouble if you dont catch that speak-o. Attempting to train NaturallySpeaking to learn the difference between the
word Pod, pot or hot can be equally frustrating. Fortunately, adding commonly misrecognize words to other
words can prevent this issue entirely. Another example of this technique is the phrase an Andrea Electronics
microphone. Because NaturallySpeaking uses rules of probability (most likely scenario), when you attempt to dictate
an Andrea Electronics microphone, NaturallySpeaking will likely type and Andrea electronics microphone.
NaturallySpeaking cannot tell the difference between and and an. DNS also has no way of knowing that
electronics is part of a company name and should appear in Title Case.

4. Most the time, adding a phrase to the Vocabulary Editor's Written Form will suffice but not always. For example, when
we dictate how do I start we want NaturallySpeaking to type How Do I (Start); including the parentheses. By
adding the specialized phrase we want NaturallySpeaking to type into the Written Form and dictating what we want
DNS to hear into the Spoken Form, we can alter NaturallySpeaking's behavior. The following picture includes a number
of these types of examples:

5. Need more options? The Vocabulary Editor includes even more flexibility. When we dictate the word version we
prefer the traditional form of the word but when we insert a number after the word version we prefer it to appear as
the as Ver. 4. This is accomplished by engaging a rule. Begin by opening the Vocabulary Editor and selecting the
word version as follows:


6. Click the Properties button, add 2 check marks to the appropriate boxes and type the desired Alternative form 1. The
word version to will become Ver. 2. Also note that you can add a 2nd alternative form.

7. Take a look at previous picture and note the additional formatting rules. Let's take a closer look by examining the [next
line] command. You might think of [next line] as a Dictation command because it has no Written Form and performs an
action without the necessity of pausing before and after the saying its name, like other NaturallySpeaking commands.
Note that when you deploy the [show Vocabulary Editor] command, the 1st word to appear in the the list is a.

However, you are not actually at the beginning of the list. When you scroll upwards, you can view the other Dictation
commands. Also note the P surrounded by a square box signifying that we have changed the properties of this
command. Now click the Properties button.

8. The only value we changed was the Format the next word Capitalized. By default, the [new line] and [next line]
commands are identical but we often like to begin the next line of our dictation, even when it doesnt end with a period,
with a capital letter. This is accomplished by changing the properties to suit our needs.

Backing up/Exporting/Importing KnowBrainer Commands

1. Open the C:\Program Files\KnowBrainer2012 folder
2. Double-click KB2012Sync.exe
3. Click the Backup button to create a complete backup copy of your entire command database called kb8_BackUp.
4. You can distribute this file to other licensed KnowBrainer users by copying it into their C:\Program
Files\KnowBrainer2012 folder.
5. After copying the kb8_BackUp to the KnowBrainer directory double-click KB2012Sync.exe
6. After KB2012Sync.exe launches click the Synchronize button to import all commands.

Copying User Files from One Computer to Another

Option #1 (Manufacturer Recommendation):

1. Say or choose Manage Users
2. Click Advanced
3. Click Export to export a copy of your user files
4. Copy the exported folder to a thumb drive and reverse the process (chose Import) on your second computer


Option #2 (Windows Explorer):

1. Copy the following folder on your host computer In Win XP your user folder is at ~ C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking12\Users\(Your User Name)\ folder and in Win Vista/7 it is at ~
C:\ProgramData\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking12\Users\(your username)\ folder onto a flash drive or over a network
2. Create a new user, with the same name, on the new computer.
3. Exit NaturallySpeaking without completing training.
4. Replace computer ~ C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ Nuance
\NaturallySpeaking12\Users\(Your User Name)\ folder with the folder from your flash drive and launch

Note: You will not be able to locate the Application Data folder if your computer is set to the default manufacturer settings
which are to Hide Hidden Files and Folders. I n order to view your hidden files and folders you will need to open any folder
(or Windows Explorer), select Folder Options from the Tools menu, click the View tab, click on "Show hidden files and
folders" and press the OK button.

Roaming a User Profile
(Only available in Dragon Pro, Legal and DMPE)

If you are installing NaturallySpeaking on multiple workstations, you'll wind up with a separate user profile on each workstation.
Combining the changes that you make to each user profile can be a major headache unless you enable Roaming which
seamlessly automates the procedure. If you would like to Roam your user profile, See following:
1. Make sure NaturallySpeaking is docked to the top of the page (default setting). Click Close User Profile

2. Click on Administrative Settings and Put a checkmark in Enable

3. Click the Network Directory Browse button

4. For this Example we are selecting a copy of our user files off from a Thumb (Flash) Drive. If you wish to Share this
user file over a network (to other computers) you will need to Right-Click on the folder, via Windows Explorer, and
enable Sharing and Security

5. Click the hyperlink and place checkmarks in Share this folder on the network and Allow network users to change
my files


Note: I f you are using KnowBrainer, you can only launch
KnowBrainer after opening NaturallySpeaking,
when Roaming.

Deferred Correction
(Only available in Dragon Pro, Legal and DMPE)

In NaturallySpeaking Premium on up, you are limited to playing back a recording of your voice by selecting any recently
dictated text (within the current NaturallySpeaking session) and saying [playback] or pressing {Shift+NumKey-}. The advantage
of Deferred Correction is the ability to embed a recording of your voice within a DragonPad, Microsoft Word or WordPerfect
document to play back at a later date (after closing NaturallySpeaking and rebooting your computer). This feature is limited to
the professional versions of NaturallySpeaking. The following step-by-step will guide you through the Deferred Correction

1. The Dragon default setting is to prompt you to save a recording of your dictation with your document whenever you
save a Microsoft Word, DragonPad or WordPerfect document but let's double check those settings by selecting the
DragonBar and clicking Tools/Options and clicking the Data tab. Depending on your workflow, you will either want to
choose Ask Me or select Always. Note that if you do not need this feature, you can prevent the prompt by optionally
choosing Never.

2. If open the folder, where you saved your document, you will see 2 files with the same name; a Microsoft Word
document and a .dat file.
3. The next time you open the Word file, as long as you have your DNS user profile open, you will be able to randomly
select any text within the file and playback of recording of your original dictation. Also note that you were not limited

to the computer you created the file. If NaturallySpeaking is installed on another computer, along with your user profile
or a Roam version of your user profile, you will be able to enjoy the same playback options.
4. You can regain hard drive space by deleting accompanying .dat file after you have finished correcting your document.

AutoTranscribe Folder Agent (batch transcription)
(Only available in Dragon Pro, Legal and DMPE)

Note: If you are using NaturallySpeaking Premium or higher, you can transcribe .WAV, .MP3,.WMA, .DSS or .DS2 recordings
by mouse dragging and dropping the file into DragonPad or via the DragonBar Tools/Transcribe Recording menu. Although
you can create a dedicated digital recorder user profile (we include those instructions with our digital recorders), many end-
users are able to transcribe distal recordings directly into their standard microphone user profile; especially if they use a
professional digital recorders such as the Olympus DS-7000 (available on the KnowBrainer website). The advantage of this
method is that it is simple and quick but the disadvantages are #1 you are completely locked out of your computer when
transcribing a recording and #2, you are limited to transcribing 1 recording at a time. The professional versions of
NaturallySpeaking include a utility called the AutoTranscribe Folder Agent which will allow you to transcribe multiple
recordings. The 2 advantages to using the AutoTranscribe Folder Agent are #1 you can batch transcribe numerous dictations
without having to deal with any prompts and #2 as long as you don't need to use Dragon for dictation, you can continue using
your computer while the transcription takes place in the background. The following is a step-by-step on setting up batch file

1. Close Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional (or higher) if it is running.

2. Click Windows Start/All Programs/Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.x/Dragon NaturallySpeaking
Tools/AutoTranscribe Folder Agent to launch the application. Click Task then New

3. Type C:\Users\(your computer name)\Documents\DSSPlayer\Message\FolderA into the Input directory. You
can optionally click the little square with 3 dots to browse to FolderA.

4. You will need to create a new folder for your transcibed files. For the purposes of this guide, we will create a
desktop folder and name it Output. Repeat the process as outlined in step #3. Note that if you installed Dragon
into the default directory and havent moved your user files, there is a good chance that DNS will
antomatically pre-populate the User Location, Name, Vocabulary and Dictation source fields with the correct
information but if you dont like the default choices, you can change them as outlined in step #3.

5. After making your selections, click Ok and exit the Dragon AutoTranscribe Folder Agent to minimize it to the

Additional Transcription/Recorder Notes

1. The Dragon AutoTranscribe Folder Agent can ONLY work when it is running and Dragon ISNT open.
2. You might consider dropping a shortcut to the Dragon AutoTranscribe Folder Agent into your Windows Startup folder
which is located at C:\Users\(your computer name)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start
Menu\Programs\Startup in Windows 7.
3. You can also create numerous new tasks in the the Dragon AutoTranscribe Folder Agent to accommodate multiple
users and additional recorder folders. You can even create multiple output folders.
4. The Dragon AutoTranscribe Folder Agent includes an option to generate dra files to embed into your documents for
random playback of your recordings from within the transcribed richtext files. You will find this feature under the
Dragon AutoTranscribe Folder Agent Agent/Options menu.
5. The process of transcribing a recording is typically 8 - 10 times faster than the speed it was recorded at but downloading
the recordings to your computer should be extremely fast. Once all the files are downloaded, you will see a prompt to
disconnect the recorder (unless you need to charge it).
6. Because the DS-7000/DS-3500 takes a while to boot up, we don't recommend turning it on and off via the plastic power
switch which in our opinion, is the Achilles' heel of this recorder. Unless you are planning on not using your recorder
for at least a week or so, we recommend leaving the power switch in the on position. The 21 hour battery pack is
designed to last a very long time when hibernating which occurs automatically after a few seconds of nonuse.
7. You can tell when NaturallySpeaking has finish transcribing your recordings, via the Dragon AutoTranscribe Folder
Agent, because the recordings will automatically be deleted from the Dictation Module folder A and moved to your
Output folder.

KnowBrainer 1996-2012

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