GPR Processing
GPR Processing
GPR Processing
= (2)
where v is the soil propagation speed assumed constant and the amplitude factor due to the
propagation spreading has been neglected. Accordingly to the considerations said above
(see eq. (1)), the backscattered signal in the
x t data space appears as a diffraction
hyperbola whose apex is in ( , 2 / ) x z v which can be translated in the x z image space by
exploiting that
x x = and / 2 z vt = (see Fig. 1).
The hyperbolic nature of the B-scan is due to the finite directivity of the antennas: migration
aims at compensating for such a spreading by re-focalizing each segment of the hyperbola to
its apex. To do this it is observed that the travel-time cannot be directly translated into depth
because equal travel-times imply equal distances but the direction of arrival is not specified.
Ground Penetrating Radar Subsurface Imaging of Buried Objects
Hence, for each trace (i.e., A scan), the scatterer position should lie on a semicircle centred
on the source-receiver position and whose radius is equal to the distance obtained by
multiplying the travel-time by half the wave-speed in the soil. Accordingly, each
x t data
point is equally distributed over a semicircle in the image space (Hogendoorn, 1954;
Bleinstein & Gray, 2001) so that all the semicircle intersect at
r .
This graphical method is known as Wave Interference Migration (Gazdag & Sguazzero, 1984)
sometimes also addressed in the literature as A-scan-driven approach (Marklein et al., 2002).
In order to estimate the travel-time, such a method requires that the hyperbolic curve be
well discernable from other data features; this entails that a good Signal to Noise Ratio
(SNR) is needed and that the scattering scenario is not much complex. In any case, an
extended scatterer is considered as an ensemble of point scatterers which makes it clear that
linearity of the scattering model is implicitly assumed.
A counterpart of Wave Interference Migration is the so-called Diffraction Summation (Gazdag
& Sguazzero, 1984) also knew as pixel-driven approach (Marklein et al., 2002).
In this method the object space is divided in pixels and for each of them a diffraction
hyperbola is constructed in the data (image) space. The reconstruction at each pixel is then
obtained by summing all the traces (A-scans) that the synthetic hyperbola intersects in the
data space.
This procedure can be implemented automatically and requires the evaluation of the
following summation integral for each pixel ( , ) x z
2 2
( , ) ( , ) ( ( ) )
R x z s x t t x x z dx dt
= +
where and T are the measurement aperture and the interval of time during data are
collected, respectively, and ( , ) R x z is the corresponding migrated data.
If we denote as ( , )
S x the Fourier transform of ( , )
s x t (by considering the temporal
Fourier kernel exp( ) j t ), then previous equation can be recast as
2 2
( , ) ( , )exp( ( ) )
R x z S x j x x z dx d
= +
with being the adopted frequency bandwidth. Now, by putting k
= =
G is the complex conjugated Greens function. Migration scheme reported in eq. (11)
is known as the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld holography which is a particular case (when data are
collected over an infinite line) of the so-called Generalized Holography (Langenberg, 1987)
which in turn is founded on the Porter-Bojarski integral equation.
The connection with the Generalized Holography is important because it establishes, in
rigorous way, the relationship between the migrated field and the secondary sources, that is
the ones arising from the interaction incident field-scatterers, and hence between the
migrated field and the scatterers. This is especially true under scattering linear models
(Langenberg, 1987). Note that in all the previous migration schemes the relationship
between the migrated field and the scatterers has been implicitly assumed as an ansatz.
This question will be further addressed in the next section.
Finally, we observe that the time domain version of eq. (11) is nothing else that the well
known Kirchhoff Migration (Berkhout, 1986). In fact, by Fourier transforming eq. (11) with
respect to we roughly obtain
2 2
( , ) cos( , ) ( , ) ( ( ) )
Oc R O O O
R x z z r s x t t x x z dx dt
t v
Radar Technology
where cos( , )
z r takes into account the angle between the unit normal vector at the
measurement line and the vector
2 2
( ) )
Oc O
r x x z = + .
5. Scattering equations and the Born approximation
In the previous section we described different migration algorithms and we showed that
they are all very similar since one can pass from the different migration implementations by
Fourier (spatial and/or temporal) transform operators.
However, the link between the migrated field and the scatterers to be reconstructed has not
been clearly shown and remained only supported by intuitive arguments.
To cope with this question the equations describing accurately the scattering phenomenon
are needed. Therefore, in this section, we just introduce the equations governing the
scattering phenomena. Furthermore, we also shown as they simplify under the Born
approximation for the case of penetrable scatterers (Chew, 1995).
Accordingly, the subsurface imaging problem is cast as an inverse scattering problem where
one attempts to infer the electromagnetic properties of the scatterer from the scattered field
measured outside the scatterer.
The statement of the problem is then the following: given an incident field, E
, that is the
electromagnetic field existing in the whole space (the background medium) in absence of the
scattering object and generated by a known sources, by the interaction with the object the
scattered field E
arises; from the knowledge of the scattered field some properties about the
scatterer, either geometrical and/or structural, have to be retrieved.
Hence, it is mandatory to introduce the mathematical equations subtending the scattering
phenomena to solve the above stated problem. To this end, we refer to a two-dimensional
and scalar geometry as done in the previous section.
We consider a cylindrical dielectric object (that is invariant along the axis out-coming from
the sheet) enclosed within the domain D illuminated by an incident field linearly polarized
along the axis of invariance. The scattered field is observed over the domain (not
rectilinear necessarily). Moreover, we denote by ( ) r e by ( )
r the equivalent dielectric
permittivity function of the unknown object and that of the background medium,
respectively. In particular, the latter must not be necessarily constant (i.e., non-
homogeneous background medium is allowed) but has to be known. The magnetic
permeability is assumed equal the one of the free space
everywhere. The geometry of the
problem is detailed in Fig. 2.
The problem, thus, amounts to retrieving the dielectric permittivity profile ( ) r of the
unknown object by the knowledge of the scattered field E
It can be proven that the frequency domain mathematical relationship between the data and
the unknown is furnished by the following scalar Helmoltz equation (Chew, 1995)
2 2 2
( )
b b
E k E k r E + = (13)
inc S
E E E = + is the total field,
k is the subsurface (background) wave-number and
( ) ( ) / 1
r r = is the dimensionless contrast function. By adopting the Greens function
method, eq. (13) leads to the pair of scalar integral equations (Colton & Kress, 1992)
Ground Penetrating Radar Subsurface Imaging of Buried Objects
( , ; ) ( , ; ) ( , '; ) ( ', ; ) ( ') '
( , ; ) ( , ; ) ( , ; ) ( )
S S S b inc b b b b
O S O S O S b b b b
E r r k E r r k k G r r k E r r k r dr r D
E r r k k G r r k E r r k r dr r
= +
where G is the pertinent Greens function,
r is the observation point and
r is the
sources position.
In accordance to the volumetric equivalence theorem (Harrington, 1961), the above integral
formulation permits to interpret the scattered field as being radiated by secondary sources
(the polarization currents) which are just located within the scatterers spatial region.
The reconstruction problem thus consists of inverting the system of equations (14) for the
contrast function. However, since (from the first equation) the field inside the scatterers
depends upon the unknown contrast function, the relationship between the contrast
function and the scattered field is nonlinear. The problem can be cast as a linear one if the
first line equation is arrested at the first term of its Neumann expansion (Krasnov et al.,
1976). In this way,
E E is assumed within the scatterer region and the so-called Born
linear model is obtained (Chew, 1995). Accordingly, the scattering model now becomes
( , ; ) ( , ; ) ( , ; ) ( )
O S O S O S b b b inc b
E r r k k G r r k E r r k r dr r =
We just remark that, within the linear approximation, the internal field does not depend on
the dielectric profile which is the same as to say that mutual interactions between different
parts of the object and between different objects are neglected. In other words, this means to
consider each part of the object as elementary scatterer independent on the presence of the
other scatterers. It is worth noting that this is the same assumption as we made a priori
while discussing about the migration algorithms.
Now, by considering a homogeneous background medium and a monostatic data collection
r r = ), as done in the previous section, and by resorting to asymptotic arguments as far
as the Greens function is concerned, eq. (15) can be rewritten as
exp( 2 | |)
( ; ) ( )
| |
O b
O O S b b
jk r r
E r k k r dr r
r r
where a two-dimensional filamentary current with current ( ) 1/ I has assumed as
source of the incident field and a scalar factor has been omitted. If is meant as in the
previous section
2 2
2 2
exp[ 2 ( ) ]
( ; ) ( , )
( )
b O
S O b b
jk x x z
E x k k x z dxdz
x x z
Then by Fourier transforming the scattered field with respect to
x and by exploiting the
plane-wave spectrum of the Greens function we obtain
( , ) ( , )
S x b x z
E k k k k
= (18)
Radar Technology
2 2
z b x
k k k = is defined as in the previous section. Accordingly, when the spatial
Fourier transformed data are rearranged in the
x z
k k spectral plane, the contrast function
can be obtained as
2 2
( , ) ( , ) exp( ) exp( )
k k
x z
S x z x z x z
x z
x z E k k jk x jk z dk dk
k k
# (19)
It is important to note that eq. (19) coincides just to the F-K Migration when integration in
is replaced by the integration in
k . Therefore, within the framework of the linear Born
approximation we have established a clear connection between the migrated field and
scatterers in terms of their contrast functions.
Similar results can be obtained for different kind of scatterers where other linear
approximations can be adopted (Pierri et al., 2006; Solimene et al., 2008).
6. Inverse filtering imaging algorithms
As stated in the previous section, under the Born approximation and for a two-dimensional
and scalar geometry, the scattering phenomenon may be modelled through a linear scalar
A X E (20)
where and
E are the contrast function (the unknown of the problem) and the scattered
field (the data of the problem), respectively.
Moreover, X and represent the functional sets within we search for the contrast function
and the one we assume the scattered field data belong to, respectively. In particular, we
assume them as Hilbert spaces of square integrable functions, the first one of complex
valued functions defined on the investigation domain D , whereas the second one of such
functions supported over = . However, in general the data space depends on the
adopted configuration, that is on the choice of the measurement domain and the strategy of
illumination and observation.
It is worth remarking that the choice of X and as Hilbert spaces of square integrable
functions accommodates the fact that no a priori information are available on the unknown
except that one on the finiteness of its energy as dictated by physical consideration. On
the other side, it assures that is broad enough to include the effect of uncertainties and
noise on data.
Thus, the problem amounts to inverting equation (20) to determine the contrast function.
Since the kernel of the operator in (20) is a continuous function on X , then the linear
operator is compact (Taylor and Lay, 1980). As stated above this means that the inverse
problem is an-illposed problem (Bertero, 1989). For compact and non-symmetric operator
(as the one at hand) the singular value decomposition is a powerful tool to analyze and to
solve the problem.
Therefore, we denote as
{ , , }
n n n n
u v
the singular system of operator A . In particular,
{ }
n n
is the sequence of the singular values ordered in non-increasing way,
{ }
n n
{ }
n n
are orthonormal set of functions solution of the following shifted eigenvalue
Ground Penetrating Radar Subsurface Imaging of Buried Objects
n n n
n n n
Au v
A v u
where A
is the adjoint operator of A [Taylor & Lay, 1980], which span the orthogonal
complement of the kernel of A , ( ) N A
, and the closure of the range of A , ( ) R A ,
A formal solution of equation (21) has the following representation (Bertero, 1989)
S n
E v
where ,
denotes the scalar product in the data space .
By virtue of the compactness of A , ( ) R A is not a closed set (Krasnov et al., 1987). This
implies that the Picards conditions is not fulfilled for any data functions (i.e., the ones
having non null component orthogonal to ( ) R A ) ; thus the solution may not exist and does
not depend continuously on data (Bertero, 1989). This is just a mathematical re-statement of
ill-posedness . From another point of view, we have to take into account that the actual data
of the problem are corrupted by uncertainties and noise n , hence
0 0
, ,
S n n
n n
n n
n n
E v n v
u u
= =
= +
# (23)
Now, because of the compactness, the singular values tend to zero as their index increases.
This implies that, the second series term (noise-related) in (23) in general does not converge.
This leads to an unstable solution since even small error on data are amplified by the
singular values close to zero.
The lack of existence and stability of solution can be remedied by regularizing the addressed
ill-posed inverse problem (De Mol, 1992). For example, this can be achieved by discarding,
in the inversion procedure, the projections of data on the singular functions
corresponding to the less significant singular values, that is by filtering out the singular
functions corresponding to the singular values which are below to a prescribed noise
dependent threshold. This regularizating scheme is known as Numerical Filtering or
Truncated Singular Value Decomposition (TSVD) and is the simplest one within the large class
of windowing based regularizating algorithms (Bertero, 1989).
Accordingly, the finite-dimensional approximate stable solution is then given by
S n
E n v
# (24)
More in general, the basic idea of regularization theory is to replace an ill-posed problem by
a parameter dependent family of well-posed neighbouring problems
with being the so-called regularization parameter (in the TSVD this corresponds to the
truncation index
N in eq. (24)) and n the noise level, so that to establish a compromise
Radar Technology
between accuracy and stability (Groetsch, 1993). In particular, as 0 n also 0 and the
regularized reconstruction must tends to the generalized inverse whose outcome is just
shown in eq. (22).
The Tikhonov regularization scheme is a widespread regularization scheme which takes
advantages from exploiting a priori information about the unknown (Tikhonov, 1977). In
this case the inversion problem is cast as a constrained optimization problem
2 2
min{ }
A E E = + # (26)
Here the constraint arises from the available a priori information and in general can be
different from the energy constraint reported in the equation above.
The Landweber regularization scheme recasts the first kind integral equation to be inverted
as an integral equation of second kind so that a well-posed problem is obtained (Groetsch,
1993). Accordingly, eq. (26) is recast as
( )
+ +
= +
and a solution is then obtained by an iterative procedure. In this case the regularization
parameter is the number of iterations exploited in the iterative minimization
N .
These regularization scheme can be compared if all are analyzed in terms of the operator
properties. This can be done by expressing the different regularized reconstruction in terms
of the singular system. By doing so, one obtains
S n n
E v u
# (28)
for the Tikhonov regularization, and
1 (1 )
S n n
E v u
# (29)
for the Landweber method.
As can be seen, all this regularization methods result (but in a different) filtering of the
unknown spectral expansion.
It is clear that, a part the computational convenience which can dictate the regularization
algorithm to adopt, the key question is the choice of the regularization parameter. As
remarked, this choice has to be done by accounting for the noise level, the mathematical
features of the operator to be inverted and the available a priori information about the
unknown. Different methods exist to select the regularization parameter. Such methods can
explicitly exploit the knowledge of the noise level, (such as the Morozov discrepancy
principle) or not (such as the generalized cross validation) (Hansen at al., 2008).
In inverse scattering problem, the scattered field has finite number of degrees of freedom
(Solimene & Pierri, 2007) which in turn depends on the parameter of the configuration.
Therefore, such an information can be exploited to select the regularization parameter.
The singular system formalism can be also employed to compare migration and inverse
filtering. By looking at the scattering eq. (17), it is seen that the Diffraction Summation
Ground Penetrating Radar Subsurface Imaging of Buried Objects
migrated field reconstruction, substantially, corresponds to achieve inversion by means of
the adjoint operator, that is
= # (30)
whose expression in terms of the singular system is
n S n n
E v u
# (31)
It is readily noted that migration allows to obtain a stable reconstruction because the
singular values now appear at the numerator. However, it is not a regularization scheme in
the sense of Tikhonov (Tikhonov & Arsenin, 1977) because even in absence of noise the
actual unknown is not retrieved. From a practical point of view, this entails an intrinsic limit
on the resolution achievable in the reconstructions regardless of the noise level. To explain
this we observe that and its reconstructed version # are linked by the following integral
( , ) ( , ; ' ') ( ', ') ' '
x z K x z x z x z dx dz =
# (32)
( , ; ' ') K x z x z being the so-called model resolution kernel (Dudley et al., 2000). Now, except for
those measurement configuration that do not fulfill the so-called golden-rule (Langenberg,
1987), it can be shown that the scattering operator to be inverted is injective (this is
rigorously true until data are collected continuously over . Practical measurement set up
requires data sampling).
This entails that, for each of the inverse filtering procedure described above, the model
resolution kernel tends to a Dirac delta, that is, ( , ; ' ') ( ', ') K x z x z x x z z , when noise is
absent and 0 (Dudley et al., 2000). This is not true for migration algorithms. Therefore,
this means that, depending on the noise level, inverse filtering can achieve better resolution
in the reconstructions.
This is shown in Fig. 3 where TSVD and F-K migration performances are compared.
Fig. 3. Comparison between the reconstruction performances of TSVD and F-K migration for
a point-target
Radar Technology
However, as long as lossless medium is considered, as migration algorithms can be easily
recast in the spatial Fourier domain they generally have a lower computational cost than
inverse filtering. Indeed, in lossy scenarios, losses should be considered in the inversion
procedure and this impairs the possibility of adopting only FFT based imaging algorithms
(Meincke, 2001).
7. Reconstruction results
In order to give an idea of how subsurface reconstructions look like, in this Section we
report a brief survey of reconstruction performances against synthetic data. The scatterd
field data have been computed thanks to the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD)
GPRMAX code (Giannopoulos, 2005) in time domain; these time-domain data are then
Fourier transformed to pass to the frequency domain.
The TSVD inverse filtering approach based on the Born model is adopted to achieve the
reconstructions; in particular, to emphasize the usefulness of linear reconstruction schemes
test cases concerning applicative cases where the objects have electromagnetic properties
very different from the ones of the soil (test cases outside of the Born regime) are
The inversion algorithm assumes an investigation domain D whose extent ranges from 0.1m
to 1.5m in depth and with the semi-horizontal extent a=0.75m. The soil has a relative
dielectric permittivity equal to 9 and an electrical conductivity equal to 0.01 S/m. The
measurement domain is located at the air/soil interface and has extent 1.5m. Over such a
domain, 51 data are taken at a spatial step of 3cm. The working frequency Band ranges
from 300 to 900 MHz.
Different cases of a single object have been considered; in particular, we have considered the
same geometry of the object, i.e., a circular cylindrical object of radius of 0.1 m and whose
center is located at the depth of 0.6m. Three different values of the relative dielectric
permittivity filling the object have been considered, i.e., 9.1 (low Born model error), 4 and 16.
The reconstruction results are given in terms of the modulus of the retrieved contrast
function normalised with respect to its maximum in the investigation domain. The regions
where the normalised modulus of the contrast function is significantly different from zero
give information about the support of the targets.
Figure 4 depicts the reconstruction for the case of the target with relative dielectric
permittivity equal to 9.1; the reconstruction permits to localize and reconstruct well the
shape of the upper and lower sides of the circle. The features of the reconstruction agree
with the theoretical expectations reported in (Persico et al. 2005) where the filtering effect of
the regularized inversion algorithm consists in a low-pass filtering along the antenna
movement direction (x-axis) and a band-pass filtering along the depth (z-axis). In this case,
when we exploit the TSVD scheme for the inversion we retained in the summation (24) the
singular values larger than 0.1 the maximum one, that is the TSVD threshold is equal to 0.1.
The second case is concerned with the circular target having a relative dielectric permittivity
equal to 4 so that the Born model error is significant. Figures 5 and 6 depict the
corresponding reconstructions when the TSVD threshold is equal to 0.1 and 0.01,
As can be seen, both the results permit to point out in a correct way the location and the
shape of the upper side of the target. Moreover, by adopting a smaller value of the TSVD
threshold (more singular values in the TSVD summation (24)), the achievable resolution
Ground Penetrating Radar Subsurface Imaging of Buried Objects
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Fig. 4. TSVD reconstruction in the case of the target with dielectric permittivity equal to 9.1
(low model error) and TSVD threshold equal to 0.1
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Fig. 5. TSVD reconstruction in the case of the target with dielectric permittivity equal to 4
(high model error) and TSVD threshold equal to 0.1
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Fig. 6. TSVD reconstruction in the case of the target with dielectric permittivity equal to 4
(high model error) and TSVD threshold equal to 0.01
Radar Technology
improves and both the upper and the lower sides of the scatterers are discernable in the
reconstruction. In particular, for the lower side of the target, we observe that the
reconstruction approach is able to detect it but does not provide to its actual position. This
can be explained by noting that the velocity of the electromagnetic wave in the target is
equal to v=15 cm/ns and different from the one assumed in the model equal to v=10 cm/ns.
Therefore, the inversion model assumes a velocity smaller than the actual one inside the
target and this leads to a reconstruction of the lower side at a depth smaller than the actual
Finally, we consider the case with the circular target having a relative dielectric permittivity
equal to 16 (high Born model error). Figures 7 and 8 depict the tomographic reconstruction
results when the TSVD threshold is equal to 0.1 and 0.01, respectively.
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Fig. 7. TSVD reconstruction in the case of the target with dielectric permittivity equal to 16
(high model error) and TSVD threshold equal to 0.1
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Fig. 8. TSVD reconstruction in the case of the target with dielectric permittivity equal to 16
(high model error) and TSVD threshold equal to 0.01
We can observe that both the results permit to point out in a correct way the location and
the shape of the upper side of the target; also, by adopting a smaller value of the TSVD
Ground Penetrating Radar Subsurface Imaging of Buried Objects
threshold (more singular values in the TSVD summation (24)), the reconstruction is slightly
For the lower side of the target, we observe that the reconstruction approach is able to detect
it but the reconstruction does not correspond to the actual targets shape. Similarly to the
explanation given above, we note that the velocity of the electromagnetic wave in the target
is now equal to v=7.5 cm/ns and different from the one assumed in the model equal to v=10
cm/ns. Therefore, the inversion model assumes a velocity larger than the actual one inside
the target and this arises in a reconstruction more deeply located. Also, it is worth noting
that for the smaller TSVD threshold, the reconstruction of the lower side has a shape more
similar to the one of the target.
Finally, we present the case (see fig. 9) of a wrong choice of the TSVD threshold equal to
0.0001, in this case the necessity to improve the reconstruction (by lowering the TSVD
threshold) is made it not possible by the effect of the uncertainties on data (in this particular
case related only to numerical errors) that produce a reconstruction very difficult to be
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Fig. 9. TSVD reconstruction in the case of the target with dielectric permittivity equal to 16
(high model error) and TSVD threshold equal to 0.0001
8. Conclusions
This chapter has dealt with the imaging of the buried targets thanks to Ground Penetrating
Radar. After a brief description of the operating principles of GPR we have focussed the
attention on the data processing that is one of the main questions in order to achieve
interpretable images of the subsurface.
In particular, we have described the main versions of the migration technique, usually
exploited in data processing, and a relation between them has been pointed out. Then, we
have presented a more recent data processing approach based on microwave tomography.
Such a tomographic approach faces the inverse scattering problem and the adoption of a
physics-based model allows us not only to obtain more interpretable reconstruction but also
to analyse the performances of the reconstruction approach.
In particular, the performances of a microwave tomography based approach exploiting a
simplified model of the electromagnetic scattering was investigated in detailed way. Such a
linear inverse approach has revealed suitable in realistic applications where the aim is the
Radar Technology
geometry of the targets. Finally, the feasibility and limitations of this linear approach have
been outlined by an analysis against synthetic data.
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Radar Technology
Edited by Guy Kouemou
ISBN 978-953-307-029-2
Hard cover, 410 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 01, January, 2010
Published in print edition January, 2010
InTech Europe
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Phone: +86-21-62489820
Fax: +86-21-62489821
In this book Radar Technology, the chapters are divided into four main topic areas: Topic area 1: Radar
Systems consists of chapters which treat whole radar systems, environment and target functional chain. Topic
area 2: Radar Applications shows various applications of radar systems, including meteorological radars,
ground penetrating radars and glaciology. Topic area 3: Radar Functional Chain and Signal Processing
describes several aspects of the radar signal processing. From parameter extraction, target detection over
tracking and classification technologies. Topic area 4: Radar Subsystems and Components consists of
design technology of radar subsystem components like antenna design or waveform design.
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Francesco Soldovieri and Raffaele Solimene (2010). Ground Penetrating Radar Subsurface Imaging of Buried
Objects, Radar Technology, Guy Kouemou (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-029-2, InTech, Available from: