Crutzen, Paul. 2002. Geology of Mankind PDF
Crutzen, Paul. 2002. Geology of Mankind PDF
Crutzen, Paul. 2002. Geology of Mankind PDF
or the past three centuries, the effects
of humans on the global environment
have escalated. Because of these anthro-
pogenic emissions of carbon dioxide, global
climate may depart significantly from
natural behaviour for many millennia to
come. It seems appropriate to assign the
term Anthropocene to the present, in many
ways human-dominated, geological epoch,
supplementing the Holocene the warm
period of the past 1012 millennia. The
Anthropocene could be said to have started
in the latter part of the eighteenth century,
when analyses of air trapped in polar ice
showed the beginning of growing global
concentrations of carbon dioxide and
methane. This date also happens to coincide
with James Watts design of the steam engine
in 1784.
Mankinds growing influence on the
environment was recognized as long ago as
1873, when the Italian geologist Antonio
Stoppani spoke about a new telluric force
which in power and universality may be
compared to the greater forces of earth,
referring to the anthropozoic era. And
in 1926, V. I. Vernadsky acknowledged
the increasing impact of mankind: The
direction in which the processes of evolution
must proceed, namely towards increasing
consciousness and thought, and forms
having greater and greater influence on their
surroundings. Teilhard de Chardin and
Vernadsky used the term nosphere the
world of thought to mark the growing
role of human brain-power in shaping its
own future and environment.
The rapid expansion of mankind in
numbers and per capita exploitation of
Earths resources has continued apace.
During the past three centuries, the human
population has increased tenfold to more
than 6 billion and is expected to reach 10 bil-
lion in this century. The methane-produc-
ing cattle population has risen to 1.4 billion.
About 3050% of the planets land surface
is exploited by humans. Tropical rainforests
disappear at a fast pace, releasing carbon
dioxide and strongly increasing species
extinction. Dam building and river diver-
sion have become commonplace. More than
half of all accessible fresh water is used by
mankind. Fisheries remove more than 25%
of the primary production in upwelling
ocean regions and 35% in the temperate
continental shelf. Energy use has grown
16-fold during the twentieth century,
causing 160 million tonnes of atmospheric
sulphur dioxide emissions per year, more
than twice the sum of its natural emissions.
More nitrogen fertilizer is applied in
agriculture than is fixed naturally in all
terrestrial ecosystems; nitric oxide prod-
uction by the burning of fossil fuel and
biomass also overrides natural emissions.
Fossil-fuel burning and agriculture have
caused substantial increases in the concen-
trations of greenhouse gases carbon
dioxide by 30% and methane by more than
100% reaching their highest levels over
the past 400 millennia, with more to follow.
So far, these effects have largely been
caused by only 25% of the world popula-
tion. The consequences are, among others,
acid precipitation, photochemical smog
and climate warming. Hence, according to
the latest estimates by the Intergovernmen-
tal Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the
Earth will warm by 1.45.8 C during this
Many toxic substances are released into
the environment, even some that are not
toxic at all but nevertheless have severely
damaging effects, for example the chloro-
fluorocarbons that caused the Antarctic
ozone hole (and which are now regulated).
Things could have become much worse: the
ozone-destroying properties of the halo-
gens have been studied since the mid-1970s.
If it had turned out that chlorine behaved
chemically like bromine, the ozone hole
would by then have been a global, year-
round phenomenon, not just an event
of the Antarctic spring. More by luck than
by wisdom, this catastrophic situation did
not develop.
Unless there is a global catastrophe a
meteorite impact, a world war or a pan-
demic mankind will remain a major
environmental force for many millennia. A
daunting task lies ahead for scientists and
engineers to guide society towards environ-
mentally sustainable management during
the era of the Anthropocene. This will
require appropriate human behaviour at all
scales, and may well involve internationally
accepted, large-scale geo-engineering pro-
jects, for instance to optimize climate. At
this stage, however, we are still largely
treading on terra incognita. I
Paul J. Crutzen isat theMax Planck Institutefor
Chemistry, PO Box 3060, D-55020 Mainz,
Germany, and theScrippsInstitution of
Oceanography, University of California,
San Diego, 9500 Gillman Drive, La Jolla,
California 92093-7452, USA.
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McNei l l , J. R. Somet hi ng New Under t he Sun: An
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Geology of mankind
NATURE| VOL 415| 3 JANUARY 2002| 23
The Anthropocene
The Anthropocene could be said to
have started in the late eighteenth
century, when analyses of air trapped
in polar ice showed the beginning of
growing global concentrations of
carbon dioxide and methane.
2002 Macmillan Magazines Ltd